Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 08, 1880, Image 1
asvwjyrwfj"- f- je Imxtei Telume XTII-Ne. 81 LANCASTER PA., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 8, 188(1 Price Twe Cents. . i-wiv -- - (Eh .TOItS tFAXAXAKEWS STOKE. THE- HOLIDAYS AT JOHN WANAMAKER'S, CHESTNUT, THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS, AND CITY HALL SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. rpHE HOLIDAYS. X There Is nowhere in Philadel pliia se varied a collection el rich goods as here such as lath ers, mothers, brothers, hlsteis levers, leek for a little later. There is an end even of Gills. Our collection Is large enough and 1 Sell enough, one would suppose, even fcr a lens frugal city than Philadelphia. These reeds nie uie new at the height of their glory. Thechoicestefthem are here ; ethers will come of course ; hut the choicest are going. What is equally te the purpose, buyers are new about as many as can be comlertably served, un I the throng will be denser evcry fair day till Christmas. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. flKllLET FUKNISHIN'G. J. Sachets, tidies, lamp-shades, pin-cushions, boxes, in -:i1ln and plush, embroidered and painted. JOHN WAXAMAKKlt. First circle, southwest from the centre. W ACES. JLi Duchesse vest with Point medallions, $.10 ; the same may be seen elsewhere at $70. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Nine ceunlcis, southwest from the centre. LOCK! $1.35 te 91S0.CO, all guaranteed. JOUX WAXAMAKEU. C'il y-hall square entrance. riMYS. JL Xew room, new teya. JOIKn waxamakeu. Outer circle, wct of the Chestnut sttcet en trance. TJOOKS. J) A catalogue et book-, may be had at the book counter. Wc want ever reader te have It. The list of children's holiday books is es pecially complete, JOHN WAXAMAKEU. fcecend counter, northeast from the ccntic. LADIES' L'LSTEUS. There arc two general stvles, one closed at the bacU, the ether open : the latteris known as coachman's .style. In detail et trimming there is great variety though thcic is also marked simplicity. Great variety In cloths tee. $0.."i0 Cloaks, feiclgn and home-made. Our collec tion is unprecedented, whether you legard va riety, quantity or value. A lady who buys a cloak et any s,ort in Philadelphia without looking these ever misses the best a'-werliiicnl, perhaps, in the whole country. $fi.30 te $-230. .lOlIX WAXAMAKEU. . Southeast corner of the building. MISSES' COAT.S. Mises' coats in mere than sliapes and decoration beyond 70 Clelll, counting. Sizes 2 te ic years. Ulsterettes in 5 cloth, ulsters in 8 cloths and havelecks in cloths. Sizes 0 te 1G. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Southwest corner et the building. UNDERWEAR AXD HOSIEUV. Wc have the best goods the weild affeids, and the next best, and the next, and se en. There U no place anywhere, where you can flee se large a collection et the different grades et goods, all passing for what they are, air.l nothing ler what it is net, cotton ter cotton, mixed for mixed, wool for wool, silk for bilk. JOUX WAXAMAKEU. Outer circle. Chestnut hticet, cut ranee te Thirteenth street entrance. 17MlfROIDERIES. J2i Xew EuibreiderhM-arcalicady in. Our Hteek is new in the condition -ylu expect le find it in at Xew Year's, i, . the .spi ing novel tics nri" here. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Third circle, seuthncit from the centie. CARPETS. The choicest luxurious carpets; the inM substantial carpets; the lowest prices; punc tual service. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Market street front, upstair. SILKS. Evening silks in the Arcade, east side. 'Jhe sanie untl many ether patterns arc within. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Next outer circle, w.itheast fiein the cent re 171MRROIDERIES. It Our next .spiiug's novelties in embroi deries are jn-t new received; tbey usually come at Xew Year's. JOHX WAXA3IAKEU. Next outer circle, southwest from thecentre. LACES. Laces change daily. Our slice are large. our variety always large, and but little et :.ny one sort. Compare prices. A quarter below the market is net uncommon. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Nine ceunter'', -euthw est fiem thecentre. WRAPS, Ac. Such a stock et foreign cloaks as Phila delphia has net before seen, $10 te $230: sdiaw Is near bv ; dresses up stairs. -' JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Southeast corner et the building. X Furs efallHOits use going fast. They went fast last year and advanced in price as the sea son advanced. They ure going up again. We jiluill net raise prices till we have te buy. Ex uect te find here whatever you want, tiein :i Lit of trimming up. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Thirteenth street entrance. nOATS AXD ULSTERS FOR CHILDREN. Net se irreat variety as for ladies; but much larger than anywhere el-m here. Coats. 2 te G years: in thirty different mate-j 1als, drab, blue and brown cords with fleecy i mock : cellar and enff et plush ; also in ten camel's hair cloth, lrluimcd w ith seal cloth. Coats, 4 te IC years : in thirty cloth, trim med with plain stitching. pluh, seal cloth, chinchilla fur and velvet, $2 te $ic. Ulsterettes, C te 1G years ; in live cloths, v ith seal cloth cellar and cuff-'. Ulsters, C te IC years; in eight cloths, tiim jned with pliihh stitching, h'.ed and plush. Ilnvelecks. 4 te IS years ; two styles. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. BOY6' CLOTHING. m , Onr trade isjust what it ought te be for the facilities and advantages we enjoy. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. East el central aisle, near Market street. I i-lHINA AND GLASSWARE. 1 Tackloeng prcclaln, plates only, for din- ner or dcswit, five patterns, 52j ie siw per dozen. Haviland dinner sets ; Camilla pattern, $140 : elsewhere, $200. Tressed, $140; elsewhere. $200. Tressed with Moresque border and decoiatien of grasses and bntterflles, $225 ; elsewhere, $275. The latter is in the Arcade, Chestnut street entrance, te-day. Table glassware, English, Strawberry-diamond cut ; every article required for the table useful or ernamen lal. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Xerthwest corner et the building. PLUSH HAND-BAGS. , it , And a great variety of ether kinds. Alse pocket books, embroidered leather card cases, cigar cases, and everything in leather goods. :jOHN WAXAMAKEU. Third circle northwest fiem centre. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Maiket streets, and City Hall square. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, And City Hall Square, Philadelphia. MASBLmm wqrks. WM. P. PRAILBY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 7S8 Nerta ymeen Street, Lancaster, l'n . MONUMENTS, HEAD AXD FOOT STONES. GAEDEN STATUAIIY, CEMETEBY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. AU work guaranteed and satisfaction g en in every particular. X. B. Bcmember, werka al the extreme end Qt North Queen street. us30 r IFTS. Te buy Holiday CilLs early is geed ad vice: The beat trade is cany; aim me ucbi trade carries off the best things. JOHN" vPaXAMAKER. ALFKEI) WHIGHT'.S PERFUMES. HIS Man' Stuart Is probably the most lasting of all the agreeable perfumes; none et the lerelgn ones approach it. It is very lich, strong and full of life; it isagieeable te mere Pji sons, prebablv, than any ether pcrlumc, Wihl Olive is next in popularity ; this also Is singularly powerful and lasting. White Ite-c is delicate and lasting. We keep the prelcrrcd odors of all the llrst class perfumers, such as Lubln, liailcy, Atkin son and Coudray ; but of Alfred Wright's wc keep all. liring an unrerf timed handkerchief; and veu shall have a sample of any odor veu wish. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. First circle, northwest from the center. inOI.OUED DRESS GOODS. "O The lollewing. just received, are away down in prices : French Camel's hair, 47 inch. $-.7." and .85 : French cheviot suiting, Mlk and wool, 43 Inch, $0.73; French feule, all wool, 23 Inch, $0.28. Hy looking out for such opportunities a lady may often save halt. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. .Nine counters, Thirteenth street entrance. "ILACK GOODS. JL Al l:nlv u-fiiilliiff unv of I he following will be obliged for the mention of them; MIk and woelrsatln dc Lven. K cents: silk faced veleurs, $1; memie cloth. 75 cents; dama3e drap d' ete, $1.50 ; damasse cashmere, $1.43. All the prices except the first are probably below the cost of manufacture, and even the fir-it may be. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Xext outer circle, southwest-lremthecenter. ri'RIMMlXG FOR DRESSES AXD CLOAKS. J. Our I radc requires the largcstand freshest stock el these goods, frlngcs.passemcntcrie or naments, girdles, tasseN, spikes, ring, balls, buttons. We have novelties net te be found anywhere else. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Xexteuterciicle, northwest from the center. SHAWLS, ic. A few shawls arc shown in the Arcade ; gentlemen's die-sing gowns and smoking Jackets in the same cm. Mere arc within. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. East el the Chcitntil street entrance. -IMJUP. X Our work-room U lull of picpar.ilien, he lull that wc cannot crowd It luster. We have leady, also, u large f.teck of Unfilled garments, luraud fur lined. We have sacques and dolmans In sealskin dyed hi Londen .we have none but London Lendon Londen dyed seal. We have 1 hem in great numbers, and, of course, in all sizes including extremes. Prices, Hern $123 te $230. Londen controls the eal market et the world There have been two advances in price since our furs were bought. Wc shall net ad vance till wc have te buy again; we have net advanced at all, as yet. We have, at Sl'i3, seal sacques such as you w ill leek in vain ter elsewhere at the price. fur lined circulars and dolmans in very gieat variery. We use mostly Satin dc Lyen, gres-grain, armiirc and brocade silk and Slcil icnue ; ler. mourning, Henrietta and Di-.ip d'Ete. '1 he latter are made loonier only. We have everything worth luving in sels, tiinnnings, robe, gloves, caps ami the thou-sauil-aud-ene little tiling- that are kept in the completes! lists. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Thii teen l!i -.trcel eutiance. QKIUTS. O Kelt, all oeloi and vaiiety el styles, Sjc te $1.23: llannel, black, blue. 'gray, brown ami' scarlet, $2.r te $3.73; t-atiu, black, $1.73 te $10.30; sat III, blue, scarlet, brown and black, 2.30te$20; Italian cloth, black, $1.23 te $3. The vai iet v is cry great. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Southwest corner el the building. JOYS' OVERCOATS). Netice these two samples: IJluc chinchilla Hack, velvet cellar and de tachable cape, lined with Farmer's satin, horn buttons. $i;.50. Is there another such coat ter $(;..")) We have sold hundreds of them. llrown-red-and-eld-gold diagonal ulslerelte sett wool lining, sleeves lined with a durable, silk-it raped f.ibiic, horn buttons, $$.3 J. These are but font specimens of many. If thevseeni inviting, ethers mav be mere se. See them. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Central uiele, next te the outer circle, Mar ket street side. R IIUSOXS AXD MILLINERY. have much mere of than any ether house. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. North of Thirteenth street entrance. IIXEXS. j A very gieat vailely el the lineal linens. I a very great variety et taple Iinen, and the lowest prices in riiiiaiicipiua. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Outer circle. City Hall Square entrance. JIXEX HANDKERCHIEFS. J New goods just received lrem abroad. We have, without doubt, the richest and fullest stock en this Mile of the Atlantic. We buy fiem makers, direct, knew the quality of our linen beyond question, and keep below the besides. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Second circle, southwest lrem the centre. OILK HANDKERCHIEFS. ; e Tii 'lie very finest English and French hand kerchiefs and Mufflers; handkci chiefs $1.23 te $2.30; mufflers, $1.30 te $1.50. Elsewhere they are sold ter a qrartcr mere, at least. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. .voend circle, southwest from the, centre. rTXDERWEAR. U Every individual ntiele of Meilne or Silk Underwear th:J wc buy we examine te tee w hcther the buttons are sewed en sccuicly and whether the scams sue right and properly Listened. If anything is wrong, back the gar ment gees te the maker, or we right it at his expense. Such litis been our practice for a year and a half. Is there another merchant inl Philadel phia who docs the rame, or who watches the interests et his customers In any similar way V Delects may escape n, neverthless. Yeu de us a favor, if you bring back the least imper fection te be made geed. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Outer circle. Thirteenth street entrance. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Our assortment or all muslin undergar ments Is a full as at any time of the year ; and when the demand for such Is net generally stieng we arc often able te buy at unusual ad vantage. We have very nearly the same goods the year 'round : but prices vary mere or less. New, for example, probably, there is net te be found in this city or In New Yerk muslin un dergarments equal te our regular stock except at lughcr prices. Wc knew pt no exception whatever. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Southwest corner or the building. T URP.EU OVEUGARMEX1S. J , De you knew, many are net of all, anil are net waterpioel? We sell as many as all Philadelphia beetles ; real ai tides only; anil guarantee them. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Central aisle, near Market street entrance. TtSWAItE, &C (JTOVUS. STOVES. Brick-Set and Portable HEATERS and RANGES Shertzer, Humphrcville &Kicffer's 48 EAST KING STBEET. MEDICAID DATS KBIT PAD! A DISCOVER! BY ACCIDENT, wnich supplies a want men of eminent ability have devoted year:, of study and experiment te find a Specific ler Diseases et the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Organs and Xerveus System and lrern the timeef its discovery has rapidly increased in favor, gaining the approval and confidence of medical men and tliec who have used it; it lias become a f.iveritc with all classes, and wherever introduced has super seded all ether treatments. In short, such is its intrinsic merit ami superiority, that It new the only recognized reliable remedy. Is Strongly Endorsed. We have the most unequivocal testimony le its curative powers from many pcisens of high charactcr.intelligonce and iepeniuliity. Our book "Hew a Lite wa3 Saved," giving the history of this new discovery, and a large record et most remarkable cuic, sent lrce. Write for it. X Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. flATTTTflN Owing te tus manv worthless unullui'Kidney Pads new scakmga sale en our reputation, we deem it due the afflicted te warn U icm. Asi ler MAY'S KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether EASTERN AGENCY, CHARLES N. CRITTEXT0N, 115 Fulton St., Xew Yerk. $500 REWARD ! OVER A MILLION OF PROF. GUILMETTE'S I Have already been sold in this country and in France : every one of which has given perfect satisfaction, and has performed cures every time when used acceiding te directions. Wc new fray te the afflicted and doubling ones that we wilp-iy the above lewaid tern single caseet LAME BACK 'Hat Hi.- Pad tails te cure. This Great Remedy will Positively and Permanently cure Lum bago, I.ame llaclc. Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Diepsy, llright'H Dicasu et the Kidneys, In continence and Retention et the Urine, In flammation of the Kidneys, Catarih el the Bladder, High Colored Unne, Pain in the Rack, Side or Leins, Nervous Weakness, and In tact all disorders et thelSladderand Urinary Olgans whether centr.iclcd by private disease or'elhcrwlse. LADIES, it 3'eti are suffering from Female Weakness. Lcucorrheja, or any disease et the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CURED I Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply wearing PBOP. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY FAD WHICH CURES BY ABSORPTION.- Ask your drnegist for PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether. If he has net get it, wnd 2 and you will re ceive the Pad by return mall. Fer sale by JAMES A. ME VERS, Odd F.-llews' Hall, Columbia, Pa. Sold only bv GEO. W. HULL, Druggist, 13 W. King St., Lancaster, Pa. augll-GuidcedM.W&r Prof. Guilmeite's Freuch Liver Pad. Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Billiens Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia and all diseases et the Liver, Stomach and Bleed. Pricj $1.30 by mail. Scud Ter I'ret. Guilinettc's Treaties en ihe Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Add res? FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. augll-GmdeedM.W'aF Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OP LYNN, MASS., Her Vegetable Compound ihe Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepo and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fop All Female Complaints. This preparation, as iti name signifies, con sists et Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial tliemci itsefthis compound will be lecegnized, ax relief Is immediate; unci when its use Is con tinued, in ninety-nine c.ies in a huudied, a permanent cure is cflcctcd, as thousands will testify. n account of its pi even is te-day recommended and prescribed by the beat physicians in the country. It. w ill cure entirely the w erbt form et tailing et the uterus, Lcucen heea, irregularand pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In flammation and Ulceration, Flooding, all Dis placements anil the consequent spinal weak ness, and Is especially adapted te the C'linge or Lite. In tact it lias proved te be the greatest and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and eives new lite and vigor, it remove's laintncs, llatulcncy, destroys all craving ler stimulants, and relieves weakness et the stomach. It cures Bleating. Headaches, Xerveus Pios Pies Pios tr.ilien, Geneial Debility, sleeplessness. De pression and Indigestion. That lecllnget heal ing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney cemptaints of cither cx this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is prepared at 133 and C3"i Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles ter $V. Sent hy mail In the lerai et pills, aNe in the feim of lozenge?, en receipt et price, $1 per box, ler cither. Mrs. PIX KIIAM freely answers all let ters of tmiuiry- Send ler pamphlet. Addles as above. Mention this paper. Xe family, should he without j.ijjia K. PlXKHAil S LIVKU PILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness and Terpldi.y of the Liver. 25 cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway.& Ce., General Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale by C. A. Lechcr, 9 East King street and Gee. W. Hull, 15 West King street. y2D-lvdced&w MORS. C. L.ILLEE, LADIES' IlAIUDltKSSKtt Manufacturer and Dealer in Hair Werk, Ladies and Gents' Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made np. Alse. Kid Gloves and Feathers cleaned and dyed, at Nes. 225 and 227 North Queen street fourdeors above P. B. 11. Depot. el-Smd TAINTIXG. .L All kinds et llouse Painting and Grainin done at the shortest notice and in the best ne: siblc style. We have reduced our prices te sl. j per nay. snep en uuarieiic street. ectI2-3md ALLEN GUT1IU1E & SOS. Freuch ney Pads mm Eawaster I-ntcIHgenm;. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 8, 1880. Mrs. Hepkins. Receives a Call Frem the Recter of Saint Jonathan's. .. D. 1833. Se as Hi says 'Opkins gees hetf te the Church of the 'Oly Presence a leaving me that dumfounded as niver was. Haftcr me a talking hup se cool like te Mr. Day as four 'erses couldn't get 'Opkins te 'is church, for 'Opkins te go there of 'is own will, as nobody couldn't a made me be lieve it of 'im no the' they was the hangel Gabriel as blows a trumpet gives mc a turn which doesn't heftens 'appen thre' me net beau one of they as is h easily put habeut. Hi was that flustered as Hi couldn't thitik of nethink helse all the time Hi was at Saint Jonathan's that morning, but,laws, Hi gets te saying te myself, 'Op kins will get heneugh of they this morn ing as will last Mm hall Ms life, as Hi'm sure won't be long thre' Ms breath coming that 'aid as is painful te listen te and 'is mother that way hafere Mm. 'Opkins isn't a man as is heasy took by new things, isn't 'Opkins.and the ways of they Hanglo-Cathelics will net please Mm the' he teas bound as he'd see what they was at Mmself, as Hi feels possible was haleng of Ms bean a bit put out with me which he 'adn't never no cause, but meu is that strange sometimes as a hangel from 'eaven would find it 'aid work te please 'em. Wen 'Opkins gets 'eme, as wasn't for some time haftcr mc. Hi basks Mm no questions, and he was that hebstinate as he wouldn't say nethiuk till Hi did, thre' knowing as it would hcxasperate me, and me as was dyini: like te knew 'ew he liked the iiatigio-uatheltcs. e w en Hi sees Ms game I makes as if what he thought wasn't no himpertaucc te mc and gees te talking habeut Saint Jonathan's and Mr. Bightcr's sermon quite free and heasy like, but it makes no hitnprcssien en 'Opkins as might a bean a stone himage for all he lets hen habeut the Church of the 'Oly "Picxencc. Hi was that vexed as Hi 'ad a mind te shake Mm, and he a looking at me in a way as was most aggrawating te be bo 'e!d. Hewivcr, Sunday gees by and with the rest of the week haftcr it that rapid thre' my beau as busy as niver was with pre serving, as Hi wish Hi may niver 'have it rte de hagin,fer what with a gellte 'clp me asceuldu't be left te "ersclf one minute, thre' niver knowing what 'arm she'd de nest, and mc hup te my heyes in 'et water and sugar as was a himpositien te be sold. Hi was that worried as it was Sun day once mere hafere Hi fairly knewed whcie Hi was. Says 'Opkins, that meiming as was at breakfast witch we 'ad cofTee aud rolls, thre' Mm thinking as he ceuld't nivcr de without "cm en Sundays, and Mm that bil ious as heftens Hi says te Mm was Iho ceft'ee and nethink helsc, "Come haleng with me, Mary lass, le the Church of the 'Oly I'icsenec, this morning," he says. . Fer 'all' a minute Hi leeks at Mm in 'errer. ""Opkins. you're niver going te the Hanglo-Cathelics hagin ?" Hi says then. "That Hi am," he says, and Hi sees he was then determined as it wasn't nivcr no use te hargue. "Hi likes their ways and Hi'm going te be a Hanglo-Cathelic. Hi'm tired of bean a 'alf way church man," he keeps hen, slew like, as it might be he was a saying it out of book, " and Hi'm going te be one of they as knows where they stand." "You'll knew nethiuk, 'Opkius," Hi sajs quite md'nrnful, "if you joins them Hanglo-Cathelics :is IK wishes Hi 'adn't niver 'card of nor yen either, as IK niver thought you was that weak te be took in by boys in red and purple dresses as their hewii mothers wouldn't a known 'cm." " Hi knows what hi likes,' he growls, a drinking 'is cefiee that quick as chokes 'im, thre' bean 'et as Hi wouldn't say ITi was sorry for "im. "Well,' Hi says, quite sharp, "go sharp, " where you likes for all of me, and Hi 'epes you'll he 'appy a leaving your hewii wife at 'umc, as isn't se much te you as them Hanglo-Cnthelics for hall she's lived with you twenty years come next month."' " Ge there with me, then," lie says. " That Hi won't, as tiethiiik couldn't persuade me," Hi answers, and at lafet he gees helT alone, and me a feeling as bad as nivcr was, thre' there nivcr 'adn't bean nethiuk se serious come between us ha ha ferc, and setiicthink besides as keeps a saying as Hi 'adn't mich the last of a bad business. lie come 'eme at hejh in mighty geed spirits as Hi'tn &ure he wasn't, aud my 'cart that 'cavy, as he might a seen Hi 'ad bean a crying if he 'adn't bean like the rest of the men, se took hup with them selves as 'as no heyes for hanybedy helsc. The next morning as it might a beau 10 o'clock, as Hi was a wishing me and 'Op kins 'adn't nivcr left Hingland, Hi 'cars the gcll as was scrubbing the steps a say ing, " Yes sir, she's at'einc in the parlor," and in walks Parson Bighter as was at Saint Jonathan's, and me with the tears as wasn't dry en my cheeks. "What is the matter, my dear Mis. 'Opkins," he says, that sympathizing as was heneugk te go straight te your 'art, "jeu seemte be in trouble this morning. ;'He, Mr. Bighter," Hi says, "as maybe you'll net believe it,but my 'art is broken, and its hall haleng of they as Hi wishes they was in the Red Sea before Hi 'cars of 'cm." " Yeu seem excited, Mrs. 'Opkins," he hanswers, "pray be calm and tell me wot wet ivcr is it you mean, and remember as it is a hunchristian spirit as wishes harm te hanyene," he keeps hen very seething. "It's them Hanglo-Cathelies," Hi ex claims, "as 'Opkins is se took hup with as nobody couldn't a make me belicve, and him a saying as he will belong te they, and couldn't you keep "im from it, Mr. Bighter, as he will net listen te inc, the' Hi gees hen my knees te 'im as Hi 'ave nivcr done yet te no-man aud Hi 'epes Hi nivcr may." "Hi "ardly likes te hinterfere in such a matter," he says, cautious like, as if he didn't rightly knew Ms own mind, " Mr. 'Opkins happen rs te me like a man as 'as decided views." " 'Opkins is that firm as he'd let you cut Mm te hinch bits, like a crazy woman ni once reads of as 'ad a spite haginst 'cr cousin thre' 'er bean 'andsemer than she and kills 'er in the night, hafere yen could move Mm," Hi puts in. "Werry true," he says, "werry true aud such bean the case, Hi couldn't 'epe te de no geed a speaking te Mm, as Hi am sorry ne aen t uagree with you ana wishes you both belonged te Saint Jonathans.' "'Opkins may go te the 'Oly Presence if he likes," says Hi, "bntw'en Hi gees it ull be te your church, Mr. Bighter, as isn't se Mgh as IK 'ave bean haccustemed te," Hi hadds, for Hi thinks he. alight as well sec Hi wasn t just a hignerant per son as didn't knew what was right and proper, "but none of your OIy Prescnce for me," Hi finishes. "Hi 'ave a Mgh respect for Mr. Day as is at the 'Oly Presence," he says, net hap pening te justly take in what Hi 'ad said, "and Hi would net 'ave Mm think ni was meddling in Ms parish, as Hi should be if ni tells your 'usband as he 'ad best come te my church w'en he prefers Mr. Day's, the' Hi can't 'clp thinking,' he keeps hen, "as Mr. Day is very far wrong in some of his ccremeuics, witch IK 'epe nil nivcr be laid hup haginst Mm.' IK sees by this time as Mr. Bighter didn't want te get hinte no disturbance with the Hanglo-Cathelics, as Hi can't say Hi blames Mm, thre' knowing of two clergymen in Hingland as was at daggers' points, as Hi'm sure was dreadful te think of, haleng of one man as the first parson said belonged te Ms parish and the bother as wouldn't hallow of nethink of the kind, and Hi knows in my 'art as 'Opkins wouldn't listen te Mm. " Well, IK says withasighaslliceuldn't 'clp w'en Hi thinks of 'Opkins aud me a going te different chufchesas IK wouldn't a dreamed could 'ave 'appeucd thre' us coming te Deucaster and him as was se hoppescd te my going te the 'Oly Presence with Miss Carter as Hi wishes IK 'adn't nivcr gene with 'er the wishes arn't no geed w'en tlie 'arm is done, "you couldn't de no geed with 'Opkins it's mere than like, but te think of Mm a Hanglo-Cathelic a worshiping little boys in red and purple dresses makes me 'art-sick, Mr. Bighter," " The 'Oly Presence people deii't worship the little boys,'" "IK 'epe you don't think," he says a smiling a bit, as IK didn't' think was necessary." "IK don't rightly mean that," Hi han swers feeling as if the world was coining te au end with 'Opkins a HangloCathelic, "but Hi don't think much of they, that IK don't." He says he must go pretty seen haftcr that, aud IK fellers Mm te te the deer thre' wishing te sec as the gel I 'hadn't left the soap hen the steps as is that wasteful as you weuldu't nivcr think it, witch she '.id,' as Mr. Bighter bteps hen hunawarcs like as might 'ave broke Ms neck as IK epc will be a lessen. Hi watches Mm fill he turns the corner of the street and then Hi turns hareund heuly te :,ee Mr. Day as was arm-in-arm with 'Opkins a the hnther way and 'Opkins a hinte "is face that licarncst as Hi there was no 'epc3 of 'im. coming looking knewed The Reading Railroad. President Geiven's Plan for Financial Keer. giifalzatien Condition of the Company. At a full meeting of the American com mittee of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad company, held in Philadelphia en Monday, every member being present, a plan for the relief of the company from its iinancial difficulties was presented by Mr. Gewen, the president of the company, and after examination was unanimously appievcdnnd lecemmcndcd by the com mittee for adoption by the company. The beard of managers of the company ap proved, and Mr. Gewen will be fully em powered te act under it. The plan in volves the payment of the Ueating debt by the issue pre rata te shaicheldcrs of de ferred income bends at SO per cent., which arc entitled te dividends up te ft per cent, out of the earnings only after the common shares have had fl per cent., and for further dividends te rank jtari passu with common shares. This reduces the fixed charges $000,000 per annum ; but, te insure a further re duction, Mr. Gewcn's plans involve t'ie issue of a new long-time or perpetual 5 per cent, funding mortgage issue of 150, 000,000, divided into two classes, A aud 1J, $73,000,000 each, class A having prior ity of lien and interest charge ever class B. Willi this issue it is prepascd by purchase or exchange te retire all present indebted ness and te acquire by purchase the secu rities of the companies owning the leased lines. It is estimated that $140,000,000 of the new issues will provide for all of this, the total interest en which would be $7, 000,000, as against fixed charges for in terest, sinking funds, aud rentals of $10, G.7T, 110.88, making an annual saving of $!!, G37,11C.88. Mr. Gewen does net ex pect te secure se large an annual reduction, owing te the impossibility of purchasing the higher securities, and te the appreciations of marked value of the lower eucs upon its being known that a fund is provided for the purchase, but he expects within the next year te accomplish a saving of at least 1 J per cent, en $100,000,000, making $1,500,000, and te save still further $000, 000 by the deferred issue, and $000,000 en the sinking funds, making au annual re duction of fixed charges of $2,700,000. An elaborate report upon the condition of the company was issued Monday by Mr. Gewen, embracing the above plan, and containing the statement that all the capital necessary te carry out the plan is offered him, and that he is about te visit Europe for the purpose of negotiat ing the issue. Mr. Gewcn's statement contained a condensed balance sheet of the railroad and coal and iron company, show ing assests of $50,000,000 in excess of lia bilities, and $16,000,000 in excess of debt and share capital. Thcse valuations, with the exception of the coal lands, estimated at $750 per acre, and the leased lines, val ued at $7,500,000, are stated te be from competent and careful valuators, and Mr. Gewen claims the estimates for coal lands and leased lines arc far below their real values. The net results of the preseut year's business show for both companies a cash surplus of $364,797.12, allowing for relief by the previous payment of $1,551, 441 in scrip. The report.centains an elab orate review of the values of coil land property and its importance te the railroad company, and concludes with a defense of the transportation department from the charge of extravagant management, show ing by a long table that with the excep tion of three ether companies, for the dif ference in which special reasons are given, the Reading railroad is the most econo mically worked read in the United States. The correspondence between 3Ir. Powell and the company and the report upon the coal lands by Mr. Harris are annexed te Mr. Gewcn's statement as an appendix. An exchahge say: There are mere puns made en Dr.BuH'a Cough Syrup free of charge, than are paid for by the owners. A geed thing iicji'ttra me nuuccui i no press. m In Ke General Public. 10 cents versus Indigestion and Dyspepsia Why linger in the miseries et Indigestion and Dyspepsia when there is an almost Infallible cure te be found in Spring Blessem. Trial a' 7a; 10 cents; regular size SO cents. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, Xes. 1.17 and 139 Neith Queen street. Lancaster, Fa. " Thanks. aiies. iiewaru, iiraaterd. Fa., writes: I en close money ter Spring Blessem, as I said I would it it cured me. My Dyspepsia has van ished with all its symptoms. Slany thanks. I shall never be without it in the house. I'rices : 50c.. trial bottles lfic. Fer sale bv II. B. Coch ran, druggist, 1.17 and 13-J North Queen street. Lancaster, Ta. ,Jt:iVI.HT. I OILS AVKHKU, 1.4 WATCHMAKER. X.1.V) NORTH QUEKN STREET, near 1 R. It. Depot, Lancaster, 1'a. Geld, Silver and Xichcl-ciised Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ter the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd A Full Line or A Full Line et A Full' Line et AH Grade-, of All Grades of All Grades el WATCHES, CLOCKS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, LOCKETS. CHAINS, LOCKETS, GUARDS. GUARDS, SPECTACLES, M'ECTACLES, THERMO METERS, Ac, THERMOMETERS, &(.:, at Lew Price-i, Wholesale Watch Repairing. K. F. I'.OWMAN, U. V. KOWMAN, ind Retail. as-Fine im; KM Krt-t King Sf. East King St. F OK TDK HOLIDAYS. An ciitiivchan; llu-dne-!. ;e lrem theOhl Way of Doing ON' AND A.-TIKIl DECEMBER 7th, 1880, All of my goods will he MARKED DOWN AXD IN PLAIN FIGURES. Fen CHRISTMAS GOODS CALL AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, JEWELER, Xe. 'JO East Kins Street, Lancaster, l'a. J1CMMLUC0. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. DIAMOND BHA1S, JEWELERS, SILVERSMITHS, AND IM POUTERS OF EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, BRONZES, CLOCKS AND PORCELAINS, ask particular attention te their su perb stock of goods, especially adapted for HOLIDAY GIFTS! The assortment in every Depart ment is unocjualed, and the prices (always the lowest) will be found most acceptable. CSTOrders and inquiries by mail will receive prompt attention. MWAF J'AfJJJC JIASOIXOS, f. w HAVE A LOT Ol' I.IOIIT C'OI.OU WINDOW SHADES, Ooetl I':ittenis. tliiit will IjccIesciI out at the low price el lllty cents. These are :i decided li.irguin, ns some have been reduced from one dellur te fifty ccnt-4 apiece. I'l.AIX WINDOW SHADING by the yard, lllue, Oarnet, ilrewn, Old tleld, Lavender, Monc. Ac. Ordinal, Uiewn, Kent, Oreen and White SCOTCH HOLLANDS. PAPER CURTAINS, Spring Fixtures, FrinRCs, Leeps, Tassel.i, Ac. Opening almost daily New Designs of WALL PAPER. Our stock U Large anil Newest Fashions. Attractive, of the The Uet, Si in pits t and Cheapest made. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. GBA1N !1'KCULAT10J In large or small amounts. 925 or 920,000 Write W.T. SOULE CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 Li Salle street, Chicago, 11L. ler cir uUrs. in28-iyd MBJtIVAX. KIDNEY WORT. THE ONLY MEDICINE IN EITIIEU LIQUID OK DRV FORM Tnat Acts at the Same Time en The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. These great organs are the natural cleansers of the system. If they work well, health will be perfect, if they become clogged dread, tul diseases anrsnre ie fellow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. R ilieusness, Jleatlache, flyspepsut. JaumlUv, Constipation, J'tlrs, JCiilnetf Complaint. Gravel, Diabetes, Rheumatic Pain or Achet, arc developed bccniKe the bleed U poisoned with the humors that should 1h expelled nat urally. KIDNEY WORT Will Restore the healthy action and all the-ie dotrevlng evils will be banished ; neglect them and'yeii will live but te sutler. Thousands have been cured. Trv it and you will add one mere te the number. "Take itunil health will once mere gladden your heart. way sutler longer lrem the torment et an aching back? Why bear such dNtress from CentIiutiiii and l'iles t KtiXEV-WeRT will cure you. Trv it atone. and be hatislieil. Your druggist lms it. Price 91.0O. 3 It is put up in Dry Vegetable Turin, in 3tin cans, one package of wliieh makes -.iy S" quarts of medicine. 3 Alse In Liquid Fei i:i, ery Concentrated 49 for the convenience et thee who cannot J- readily prepare it. it tut with eiptal Uf efficiency in cither fui;.i. WELLS, RICIIAKDSUX a CO., Trop's, llurlingtuu, Vr. . ( W ill jend the dry pest-p lid.) lcc a lydftwl CUTICURA Itching Humors, Scaly Humors, Meed Humors, speedily, permanently and economically cured when plivsteiuus ana all ether methods Fail. What ure hkln and Sealp Disease but I he evidence of internal Humer ten times nunc difficult te reach and cure, which floats In the bleed and oilier fluids, destroying t he delicate machinery of lite, and tilling the body with foul corruptions, which hurit ihreugh thu skin in loathsome eruptions? C'tiricur.A. Reselvent, the new llloed 1'iiriller, internally, Cuticura, u Medicinal Jelly, agist ed by the Cdticura Mkdici.val and Toilet Seav, externally, have performed the most miracu lous cures et Itching, Scaly ami Sciofuleus Humors ever recorded in medicut annals. Eczema Rodent. Eczema Kedest. F. II. Drake. eq., agent for Harper A .brothers, Detroit, Mich., gives an astonishing account of his cise (Kczrma Uo Ue dnt), which had been treated by a consulta tion of physicians without benefit, and which speedily yielded te the C'uticur.i Uemedlcs. Salt Bhenm. bALT Uueum. Will McDonald, Z'tll Dearborn street, Chicago, gratefully acknowledges a euro of Salt Khcum en head, neck, face, arms and legs, for seventeen years ; net able te walk ex cept en hands and knees for one year; net able te lielplitnisclt for eight years; tried hun dreds of remedies; doctors pronounced his case hopeless; permanently cured by the Cn tlcur.i Kc medics. Ringworm. Uinoweum. Oeo. W. Ilrewn, IS Marsh ill street, l'revidenee, It. I., cured by Cujictirt Ucmedles et u Itiugwerm Humer, get at Hie barber's, which spreud all ever the ears, neck and face and for six years resisted all kinds el treatment. Skin Disease. S. A. Steele, esq., Chicago. 111., s.iys : ' 1 will say that before 1 used the C'ctictra Uemkiiieu I was in a fearful state, and hud civen mi all lope of ever having any relief. They have per- ienncu a wencicnui cure for mn, amtei mv own tree will and accord. 1 reemmend tlicni.' CtrricuRA Kemkuies are prepared bv WKKKS A l'OTTKR, Chemists and Drugglsts.SGO Wash ington street, llobten, and are by all Druggists. Price ler Ccticura, a Medicinal Jelly, small boxes, 50 cents; large boxes. SI. CUTicfltA KK30LVEST, tlie new llloed l'urilier. $1 per bottle. Ccticura Medicinal Toilet SOAr, 25 cents. Ccticura Medicinal Shavinu Seap. 15 cents; in burs ler Harbers and large consumers, 50 cents. fta-vff wailed free en receipt of price. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH. bA.Nt'ORi's Radical Cure, Catarrhal S-il-ve.nt, and Improved Imiali.ii, wrapped in one package, with full directions, ami held by all druggists for one dollar. Ask l'orSA:.-Kei:i.s Radical Cuuk. Frem a simple cold or inlluenz.i le the rot ret ting, sloughing and death of the senses et Smell, Taste anil Hearing, this great 'cinedy i- supreme. Poisonous mucous accumulation', are removed, tliuentire meuibiaiic cleansed. disinfected, seethed ami healed. constitutional ravages ciiocKeii,iiiciieodpiiriiiefioiea:arruai poison, deepened in roler, and strengthened in Hle-uivin" Drencrtb-s. Thus, external!) ami internally, in uct-erdanea with rc.i.seu and common sense, nees mis great, economical remedy work, instantly relieving and perm.i ncntly curing the most aggravated ami dan gerous let-ins et human Miltcring. General Agts.. WI'KKS A l01Ti:i:, Bosten. Cellins' Voltaic Klectric Plasters. Mere continuous ami powerful electrical action is obtained lrem Cellins Voltaic Ulec tric Plasters than any i battery made. They arc a speedy anil certain cure for fain ami Weakness et the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs. KhenmutNni. Neuralgia, Hysteria, Female Weakness, Nerveu I'uins and Weaknesses, Malaria, and Fever am I Ague. Price 25 cts. Sold everywhere. IiOGHEfrS BlOWNi COUH SYRUP! A Pleasant, Safe, Speedy and Sure Itemed;' for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma. Influ enza, Soreness et the Threat and Chest, llrencliltls. Whooping Cough, Spit ting of llloed. Inflammation of the Lungs, am all Diseases of theChestuuil Air Passages. This valuable preparation rentMncs all the medicinal virtues of thecurlic'i'! which long experience has proved te pej.set.s the most wife and efficient qualities for the cure of all kinds of Lung Di-eascs. Price i't cent j. Pre pared only and sold by CHAS. A. L0CHER, Wholesale and retail druggist NO. 9 KAST KIMO STitkKr. eM-tfd INVESTIGATION ! DK. GKELM IS has successfully treated ever 1,000 of the most difllcalt chronic (se called) in curable cases during n nine month's practice. The most et them had been the rounds of tlie leading physicians of Lancaster county. DK.GICEKNK Is ready at any time te meet n committee et the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Heuse or elsewhere te dis cuss the merits et Omnlpathy and prove its superiority ever ull ether pathles in vogue. The people are greatly Interested and de mand the fullest Investigation. Invalids are every week dying in this county whose lives could be saved. Is there any subject about which the mxscs arc mere concerned than restoration te health, anil the prolonging or their lives T Dr. G. originated, and is new the owner of 23 Medical Pads. He especially warns the public against the numerous counterfeits new offered the people. . , , . Dr. Greene docs nn exclusive efllce bnsIne--. Patients who cannot call at his efllcesmiist send fall description et nlilictiens. Hundreds of deaths have occurred here in nine months ; only.twe in his practice. Consultations free. CuLarrh cured for 50 cents. Cure quick for Catirrh sent te nny ad dress for SO cents. Send ler 12 page pamphlet . DR. O. A. GREENE, Ne. 238 NORTH QUEEN STBEET, 30-tfdMWFA3 Lancaster, l'a.