i -" "v-W'r 3p"- L JWtf 'w'--.)tf ra "." i LANCASTER tfAtL lmiGEKCElL MOftDA DECEMBER 6, 1880. i hj -"" "4-sstSiisprt- BuiBmcd. The large bam en the farm of Mrs. B. P. Jehnsen, at ML Vernen, en the Octor Octer aro, just ever the Lancaster county line, was burned en' Friday afternoon, between the hours of four and five o'clock, and the fire is supposed te have been the work of tramps. DacK Sheeting. Andrew Mehaffy and Geerge Sheff, of West WUlOW, SHOT Z4 WUU uukm . v Eddy en the Susquehanna river en Satur day. A New Business Departure. Mr. P. Aug. Metzgcr, who for the past twenty-sue years has been associated with the dry goods houses of R. E. Fabnesteck, has dissolved his relation therewith and proposes te shortly enter business for him self, in which Messrs B. F. Bard and Chas F. Haughmann, themselves for upwards of a dozen years connected with Mr. Fahne stock will be associated with him, the firm name being Metzger,Bard & Haughmann. They have leased the fine larcre store room Xes. 88 and 40 West King street, lately occupied as a jewelry store by Messrs H. Z. Rhoads & Bre., and mere recently by Philip Sebum, Sen & Ce., which they will shortly stock with a full line of the latest novelties and substantial in the dry goods trade, and open in time for the holidays. The long experience of all the members of the firm amply qualifies them te fully ap preciate and meet the wants of their frind3 and the public. A " CHAMPION " TEST. Farrell A Herring's Sate Subject te Eleven Days' Heat. Taken Out of the GrelT Warehouse Fire, with Content Uninjured. On Friday, in the progress of the remev al of the debris, from the recently burned warehouse of II. B. Greff & Ce., at the corner of the railroad and West Lemen street, the safe used in their business was taken out. Mr. Geerge L. Reming ton, general agent for Parrell & Herring, superintended the examination of its contents. The safe was in the most exposed pau of the buildiug. The fire raged under it und all about it and the great mass of burning grain, and timber crashed down upon it. Fer eleven days it lay iu the ruins and for a full week a glowing mass of red het coals were lying in its vicinity. When opened, though the hinges had melted in the intense hcat,net a paper nor the leaf of a single one of the books in il was in jured. Wc have seen some of the papers taken out and they are as white as that en which this paper is printed. The carpet laid en the iloer of the safe is net even singed nor in the slightest degree injured. Messrs. 'Greff & Ce., could very readily give Mr. Remington the following letter ter his firm : Lancaster, P., Dee. 3, 1880 Mews. Farrell & Ce., 031 Chestnut street. Philadetyliia : Gentlemen : This certifies tbat en tlie night of November 23, 1880, our four story brick elevator building was burned, together with its entire contents. Wc had in our office one of your Herring's Cham Cham peon fire-proof safes. The whole front of our building was filled with graiu which fell upon the safe and burned for seven days before being extinguish ed. Te-day our workmen remov ed the burned grain and debris, from off the safe where it had brcu buried and baking for the last 10 days, and upon opening it net a scrap of paper was scorched nor injnred and the entire contents arc in a perfect state of preservation, notwith standing they had passed through such a fiery ordeal. We most heartily recommend your safes as being truly the Champien safes of the world. Will ship our safee you for repairs believing it -te be lire-proof still. Respectfully venrs. II. B. GiiOFr A: Ce. AimiAcniciHb. . Charlette Thevipsr.n. On Tluusduy evening the noted actress, Mis Charlette Thompson, Will appear at Fulton opera house, in the il.-ama et "The Planter's Wile," concerning Which se competent an authority as the Albany Pett said en November 19: "Chatlotte Thompson opened at Twcddle opera house last evening. Splendid actress, excellent piece and a very talented company. The Planter' Wife' Is a capital play, it Is a well construct cd comedy, with a few serious scenes tesupply the necessary action te keep the drama in motion. The plot is well arranged. Each scene Is the proper outgrowth of the one that preced ed It." Masquerade Soiree Te-morrow evening n masquerade soiree will he given In Roberts' Hall by the Lancaster clnb. Tayler's lull or chestra will furnish the music, which et itself sufliclent te assure a plcaant evening. Novelties Ter the Holiday. The large establishment et Astrich llre.'s, Ne. 1.1 East King street, Is new constantly crowded with shoppers, neta small proportion of whom are purchasing articles and novelties suitable ler Christinas presents, of which there ur many specimens in each of their depart ments. On Wednesday and Thursday next they will open with another stock of holiday goods, when their store will no doubt be She centre et attraction for ladies and children. Fer these distressing diseases peculiar te women Day' Kidev Fad is Invaluable. df-MW&F Nutiltieu Improved, strcugtn restated and disease arrested by Malt Bitters. Cleopatra! Her power was retained by tercc of personal charms. She led the old "boys" captive whenever she talked " pretty" te them and showed her teeth. History plieuld tell us that she used SOZODONT, bnt It don't. The pre paration she used might have had another name then. . dfi lwdced&w The only medicinal soap adapted shaving Cutlcura Shaving Seap. te e.isv SPECIAL NOTICES. Ge te II. B. Cochran, druggist 137 and 139 North Queen street ler Mrs. Freeman' Xeiv National Dyes. Fer brightness and durability of color are uncqnalcd. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Price, IS cents. Hurrah! for our Side. Many people have lest their lntcrcbt in poli tics and in amusements because thayarcse out of sorts and run down that they cannot enjoy anything. If such persons would only he w'ise enough te try that celebrated remedy Kidney Wert and experience its tonic and ren ovating effects they would seen be hurrahing with the loudest. In either dry or liquid form itis a perfect remedy ler torpid liver, kidney or bowels. Exchn nge. Clipped. One trial bottle of Spring Blessem can he procured from your druggist for 10 cents. Te these troubled with Indigestion and Dyspep sia we recommend an immediate trial. Price, 30 cents, trial bottles 10 cent. Fer sale by H. II. Cocran, drucgist, 137 and 13) North Queen street. Lancaster, Pa. The t.hieace Times savs: Wamcr's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure Is highly endorsed by ministers, iudsres. nhvsicians. surercena. liv men et literary and scholarly distinction, and by individuals In all the walks et life. 2 DEAHIS. rOKkZ "- Stahl. In this city, December 4, ISSO.Abram Stahl, in the 80th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the lamily arc lespecttully invited te attend the funeral from the residence of his son-In-law,Edward Milley, Ne, 517 North Mulberry Street, en Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, te proceed te Mount Bethel graveyard, Washington borough, far bnrial. 2td Celnmbi i papers please copy . BitCDEn. In this city, en the 4th inst., Jehn Jlreder, in lhc nth, year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from the residence of his parents, 402 East King street, en te-morrow afternoon at 2i o'clock. Interment at St. Antheny's cemetery. it XXW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lancaster Bazaar -.: ASTBIC1 BBft'S 13 EA8T KING STREET,- LANCASTER, PA. ex- WEDNESDAY AND- THURSDAY NEXT,- DECEMBER 8th and 9th, Everybody within 25 miles ei Lancaster city should coiue and sen our OF- MLIDAYGOODS We shall devote most of our store te the dis play of HOLIDAY GOODS, and we hope te make our exhibition se Surpassingly Attrac tive and se overwhelming brilliant that visi tors .will feel themselves transported te the verv realms of King Santa Claus. All the resources of money, work, taste and imagination have been freely lavished te make this ever witnessed. Our windows will be en riched with highly artisticnud entirely original HOLIDAY SHOW GOODS, w liich we feibear te describe, reserving them STARTLING SURPRISE for our opening guests. We shall exhibit a most handsome DOLLS HEAD IX LIFE SIZE. Every purchaser of fS WORTH OF GOODS will receive one chance en this BEAUTIFUL HEAD, the same te be rallied en Friday, Veramlwr 31, at 2 P. M. We call the attention oteur customers te the 1 irge und handsome display ei DOLLS. DOLLS. DOLL-. DOLLS. DOLLS. DOLL. Frem the smallest BA11Y DOLL up te the most elegant and large FRENCH DOLLS, at prices which iiely com iipctilien. Among the lolloping arti- ethers we call attention te cle, suitable ler HOLIDAY PRESENTS Fancy Shell Bexes in various st vies. Werk Bexes from 33c. up te $3. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Kine Writing Paper and Envelopes pn np in.Elegant Fancy Bexes. HANDKERCHIEF BOXES. PEHFUMERY. JAPANESE HANDKERCHIEF AND GI.OV E BOXES. JAPANESE JEWELRY CASES. HANDKERCHIEFS IN BOXES. FANCY WIRE STANDS. VELVET PICTURE FRAMES. CIGAR STANDS. CIGAR CASES. POCKET BOOKS. Beslds all these we ener an elegant varlatv of flne plated Jewelry, consisting of novel ties In EAR-RINGS, BREASTPINS, BRACELETS. NECKLACES. RINGS. LOCKETS, All of geed quality, and excellent styles. CELLULOID BRACELETS. We keep an immense large assortment et SfLK HANDKERCHIEFS from lCc. up toy!. Elegant Brocaded all Silk Hundkei chiefs... Mc Wc have new en hand and offer ter sale 100 DOZ. PINE HANDKERCHIEFS, w itli Large Initials, ter 12c. apiece. Fine Linen Handkerchiefs with Handsome Embroidered Initials, ler Ladies and Gents. Ladles' Cellars anil Cuffs in sets. FIXE LACE TIES, FINE LACE FICHUS, FINE LACE HANDKERCHIEF.-, FINE LACE COLLARS, FINE LACE TIES, FINE SILK BOWS, Besides many ether nice and uelul articles, which are tee numerous te mention. Wc invite everybody te call nnd leek at our GRAND DISPLAY. ASTRICH BRO.'S, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Mil nrai: Holiday Display SEW ADVEEHSEMEXT8. In addition -the many fine and expensive articles always feunt1 in enr stock win" be found the following articles at one dell: euar: Lace Pins.'at one" dollar Ear Engs at one dollar. Sleeve Buttens at one dollar. Sets of Studs at one dellarr' Teeth Picks at one dollar. .- Pencils at one dollar. Amongst the articles at Five Dollars Watches at Ave dollars. Diamond Kings at nvc dollars. Bronzes at live dollars. Geld Thimbles at five dollars. Ladies' Watch Chains at five dollars. Articles between One and Five Dollars Casters, TeUct Bettles, Syrap Pitchers, Speen Helders. American Clocks, Geld Pens and Helders, Spoons and Ferks, Cake Baskets, The public are cordially invited te examine our stock of HOLIDAY GOODS. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., 4 WEST KING STREET, EDW J. Manufacturing Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, - Lancaster, Pa. Things in our stock that make Beautiful and Durable Christmas Gifts. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, . JEWELRY, GOLD BRONZES, GOLD HEAD OANBS, GOLD THIMBLES, SILVER HEAD CANES, SILVER THIMBLES, OPERA GLASSES. GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES, OOLD BRONZE SMOKING- SETS, FINE CIGAR SETS, BACOARET VASES. ALT, THESE AXD MANY MOKE AT ZAHM'S CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. XHir AliVJiHTISlZaiEXTS- 2,500 VOVSiDS 15AKINO IIVTTER. XEW CROP ORLEANS MOLASSES, SHE M." 1SARK KERNELSSOc. l'EKl'OUNI. WAL NUT KERNELS 23c. PER POUND. Shell barks. Walnuts and Chestnuts, Seedless Cherries und Raisins, Currants, Citren, h irs, Sweet I)rU;d Apple? and Pears. New Dried Apples 5c. per quart. New Prunes. Lima lleans and Heminy, ut .1. E. WEAVER'S, dO-Std 55 W. King Street, Lancaster, Pa. ESTATE OF JACOB HAIR, DECEASED, late of Lancaster city. Pa. Letters testa mentary en said estate having been granted te tue undersigned, au persons inuuuiuu iu said decedentare requested te make Immedi ate settlemcntand these having claims or de mands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te her without delay. CAROLINE A. 15A1R. Executrix, decC-Ctdeaw Lancaster. Pa. UULTOX Ol'JSBA 11UD.SE. KMiAUKMENT EXTRAOUDl.N'AlJ'. ! OXE XIG1IT ONLY! Thursday Evening, December J, 18si. AMERICA'S FAVORITE ARTISTE, MISS CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, Supported by an unusually strong Dramatic Company ef well-known artists, in the great success of her llfe.theXew American Comedy Drama, by .1. A. Tillotson, entitled THE PLANTER'S WIFE. ADMISSION, - -RESERVED SEATS. IJ5, SO und ?5cts. 73ets. Fer sale at the Opera Heuse Ofilce. !G-4td Positive Closing Out Sale -OK THE- H. L. ZAITM & CO. Jewelry Stere. Everv picfe et oeds will be sold AT AND 1SELOW COST. $10,000 WORTH WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WrARE. THE STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE THE STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE AND AND THE STORE ROOM FOR REX THE STORE ROOM FOR RENT FROM FROM APRIL 1, lbSO. APRIL 1. 18eU WM. MILLAR, PROPRIETOR. di'CiMmd Very Important. Fer you le kuew where te buy goeil goods cheap, ami if you are liable te forget this cut this piece out ami keep it. When you can buy a" heavy all wool Fur Beaver Overcoat for men for $12.00 worth 813, or when you can buy an all wool Elysian Fur Beaver Overcoat for $10.80 worth $13.00, yen must knew they are cheap. Se few people that buy clothing can teli the difference of 50c. or $1.00 en suit or overcoat. Seme are sewed with silk and ethers net. And often--times a great difference in trimmings. Se it is very important for ' j'eu that you buy of these that arc reliable. And after you have the goods home and they de net fully meet your idcis, or if you think they are net worth the price paid, you may return them and the money will be refunded. WILLIAMSON & POSTER, 30 EAST KING STREET. VERY IMieRTANT, Alse, that you should knew hew we sell some of our Hats and Furnishing Goods. A nice dress Hat for a boy or youth for 50cts. Geed Caps for boys for 25cts. A fine fur Hat for a man for' $1.2.1. A special let of fine Silk Handkerchief for 83cts, worth $1.00. A heavy full regular made British Hese for 19cts. all sizes, and in Vte future we will call your atten tion te ether goods that we are sell ing far below market value. . : WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 36 EAST KING STREET, , MW&F Silver Fruit Knives at one dollar. Sugar Spoons at one dollar. Cream Spoons at one dollar. Childrens Rings at one dollar. Gentlemen's Scarf Pins, atone dollar. And a great variety et ether articles. each will be feund: Gentlemens Watch Chains at five dollars. Fancy Articles in Gerham Plate at five dollars. Gentlemens' Geld Lockets at five dollars. Ladies Goldt Lace Pins at live dollars. Fruit, Dinner and Tea Knives, Nut Picks, . Shaving Cups, Berry and Fruit Spoons, Childrens' and Misses' Necklaces. Bracelets, Napkin Rings, Ac., Ac, Ac. LANCASTER, PA. ZAJHNL, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E STRAY UAME TO THE PREMISES OF the undersigned, a large hog. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. JOHN GILL, 2td G17 Marletta avenue, Lancaster. N REASONABLE OVFER REFUSED. Organs and Pianos. NEW AND SECOND- HAND. at iircatH' reduced nriccs ' w ...r.. ..H,.-......nv JUSTUS aiuuAGaauu Fulton Opera Heuse, Lancaster. dccll-.adR -yrOTICE IS HEBEUT GIVEN, Til AT TOE 1 balance of the stock et BOOTS AND SHOES, AT TUB PARLOR SHOE STORE, NO. 20 EAST KING ST., must be closed nil by .Tan. what acriflce. 1. 1881.ne matter at decl-lwdR HOUGHTON'S LADIES! JHS;H2l9Si Tl,c cheapest and best place HOUGHTON S n r ety te buy HOUGHTON'S MILMXERY GOODS, llUUbiiTUAB MILLINERY GOODS. HOUGHTON"; MILLINERY GOODS, IS AT CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEA P CHEAP CHEAP M. A. HOUGHTON'S, J NORTH QUEEN STREET. FINE HATS, FINE HATS, 1IONNETS, BONNETS. LARGEOSTRICHFJSATIIERS OSTRICH TIPS. PLUSH ALL SHADES. SILK VELVETS, SILKS. SATINS, FRINGES, LACES KID GLOVES. STORE. STORE. STORE. STORE. STORE. STORE. FINEST FINEST FINEST FINEST FINEST FINEST ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT ASSORTMENT CRAPES. CRAPE VEILS, CORSETS, CUFFS, COLLARS, NECKTIES. The Fin-t, Cheapest nnd t! i eatest Variety of Millinery Goods ' SSORTMEXT ASSORTMENT MILLINERY IN THE CITY. M. A. HOUGHTON, 25 North Queen St. MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. ENTE11TAIX31EXTS. Tj'Ul.TOX OPERA IlOUSE. POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY ! FRIDAY EVENING. DEC. JO. The Musical Event of the Season ! GRAND COMBINATION CONCERT Uy-tlie tallewing Celebrated Artists: . Constantin Sternberg, ! The Great Rnsslan Fi.uiUt. ; Letitia Louise Fritch, ! The Charming Prima Denna Seprano The world-renowned Violin Virtuoso. MA VOftlUCil, - - - - Musical Director. POPULAL PRICES. ADMISSION, E073c. RESERVED SEATS, - - - 75cSl. Sale of Seals en Tuesday Morning, 7th inst. The celebrated Weber Piane? used at these Concert. dcc4-6td. ROOTS AXD SHOES. I? A Q"V 1IOOXS. SHOES AND LAST ZlA O X made en a new principle, lnsur ing comfort for the feet. T"M"vriie Lasts made te order. XJJll5 MILLER, iebM-tfd 133 East King street MISCELLANEOUS. MISS M. E. GILL, TEACHEB Of DBATY ing in the Girls' High Scheel, wishes te obtain pupils in the various styles of drawing ana painting, uestuence ae. west urange street Furs altered and repaired at the same place. OCESUIMI TAKE NOTIUK THAT AIX THIS OUT standing and unpaid city tax ler the year IsSO, no v in the hands of the collectors of the several "wards, mast be paid en or betere WEDNESDAY. THE 29TBT DAY OF DECBM I1ER; A. D., 1SS0, as immediately after that date the same will be placed In the hands et the city solicitor ter collection. dect-ttd Ant M TILED EDITION. MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 6, 1880. THE MESSAGE. Last Annual Deliverance of Hayes. Mr. R. B. A FULL ABSTRACT OF A LONG STATE DOCUMENT. "Southern Frauds" and "Negro Oppres sion " Condemned The Mormea Ques tion Important Treaties with China A Leng Chapter ea Civil Ser vice lMfbrm Refunding at a Lew Bate of Interest Urged The Depart ment Keperts Beriewed. In his last annual message sent te Con Cen grers te-day, Mr. Hayes covers mero paper than in any of his preceding documents of r .- r .T . ... tne same character. It starts out with a review of the pres ent condition of the country, and dwells at length upon the rapid growth of the coun try, our national prosperity, our bountiful crops and sound financial system and pre dicts still greater prosperity for the future. Mr. Hayes incidentally alludes te the growth of education throughout the coun try and te the necessity of festering it by proper legislation ; and in reviewing the report of the commissioner en education gives some details of a plan approved by him for the further development of educa tional facilities. The Southern question is treated at con siderable length. The writer expresses satisfaction with the outlook of afiairs iu the Southern states. He believes that the Seuth is steadily advancing in the direc tien of political freedom and toleration, and that before long the ballet in that sec tion will be as free as in the North. He also expresses the belief tbat the era of bloodshed en account of political differ ences has passed, and points te the fact that there is new less intimidation and violence in the Seuth than was practised a few years age. The bloodshed era has been succeeded by an era of fraud and misrepresentation through tissue ballets and ether devices of misrepresenting the real strength and disposition of the colored man, but while he is cheated in this way his physical rights arc begining te be almost universally respected. The next stage in Southern development will seen come. This will arrive through divisions in the white ruling element, and when these divisions come the negre will be an object of protection and interest te all po litical parties. Through this division something like an honest ballet will be secured and the rights of all respected. He thinks that education in the Seuth will ultimately restore the harmony be tween the two sections and raise the negre te a plane of development where he wilfbc able te protect himself. Upen the Mermen question Hayes uses plain language, and urges Congress te adept such measures as will secure the speedy abolition of that evil. He says the fact that se large a community has been permitted te live in open defiance of the laws of the United States and of morality is a national disgrace, and ene that should be remedied without delay. Congress is called upon te give early and earnest at tention te this subject, that the people of Utah may be required te conform te the same laws and regulations that govern the rest of the country. He suggests te Con gress tbat if there is no way of reaching polygamists tinder the present organiza tion of the territory, its entire system of local government should be reorganized with a -view of providing a swift aud speedy method of presecutiug and properly pun ishing all who persist in practicing poly gamy. The next subject discussed is civil ser vice reform, and furnishes one of the longest chapters in the message. The financial chapter is.the only ether one that approaches it in length. Mr. Hayes be lieves in appointing geed men and con tinuing them in office during geed beha vior. He bclieves also in separating gov ernment services from politics, elaborates his views upon this subject, and points in illustration te the improvement made in the administration of the New Yerk custom-house and in the New l erk post pest office. He then takes up the subject of our for eign relations as presented by the state department, and reviews the condition of afiairs existing between this government aud leading foreign governments. There are three subjects that are outside of the routine report of pleasant relations with ether countries. The part relating te England gives the current history of the North American fisheries question, and repeats the views in a special message that lie sent te Congress last spring, which, in effect, recommended the restoration of the duty en Canadian itsh and hsh oil. the recommendation of the secretary of state in regard te improving our commercial relations by the co-operation of the entire consular service, as agents iu promoting the interests of American commerce, arc earnestly commended te the attention of Congress. The full reports of the investi gations of our consuls and the better chan ncls indicated by them for a profitable commerce, are used te recommend legisla tion for the development of our merchant marine. Hayes does net believe in sub sidies, but he does approve of giving lib eral mail contracts te pioneer merchant marine enterprises, as ene means of en couraging an industry which he thinks through an unwise policy is needlessly languishing. The next subject of special interest in our foreign relations consists of a recital of the appointment of the Chinese commis sion and its work. lie premises te send a special message upon this subject when the text of the treatise is received at the state department. The point of these treaties is given, se far as is proper te divulge them at the present time. He says that the first treaty is a modification of the Bur Bur liugame treaty and selves satisfactorily the Chinese .question in politics in this country. The Chinese government is net at all anxfbustehave its subjects emigrate and was willing te meet our commission mere than halfway in all restrictions upon Chinese immigration te this country sug gestedbythe commission. The point of the second treaty relates entirely te com merce, but as the state department has net get the text of the document, the message briefly summarizes the facts as gaining te the country increased commercial facilities with the hope that gradually commercial relations will be unrestricted in all parts of that empire. Following this comes Mr. Hayes's finan cial chapter. He takes up the history of the treasury department during his ad ministration, and embodies in his message Secretary Sherman's review of the history of specie resumption. He devotes con siderable attention te the subject of re funding,, but in this he merely fellows Secretary Sherman. He calls upon Con gress te take steps te refund the $700,000, 000 of bends that fall due next year, and dwells upon the fact that a better time for refunding could net be found than new. The country is prosperous, business throughout the country is en a sound basis, while there is a great excess of capital in business centres that would gladly seek a government lean in a much lower bend than any of these new out standing. He does net mention the rate of interest that be would advise in a bend for refunding. There is no referrence te a 3. 05, a 3, or a 3 per cent bend. He he- lieves that the rate of interest is a natter for Congress te arrange, and Secretary Sherman has made suggestions npen the subject of the rate of interest. There is no recommendation te Congress for the with drawal of the legal-tender character of greenbacks, nor is there any recommenda tion for the stoppage or coinage of the sil ver dollar. The only recommendation npen this subject also comes from Secre tary, Sherman, and relates te the recoin recein age of the silver dollar se that it will con tain enough silver te make it equal in vaiue te tne present market value or the geld dollar. The cost of receinage would be covered by the profits of the govern, ment already made in the coinage of silver bullion. These are the only financial re commendations in the message, and as they were all supplied bv Secretary Sher man they in reality embody all that is de sirable in Secretary Sherman's report ;-for. aside from the financial chapter, his re port is nothing mere than a review .of the reports of his subordinates, all of which have been published. Under the head of the war department, wureu comes next, iie eniv makes one - - strenS recommendation and that is a most eamest approval et uen. Wright's late re- ... in. !. run nejincD.rir .. uai. ..... our coast defenses. At the present time all of the great commercial ports of the United States are absolutely in defense. less condition, and in the event of a for eign trouble incalculable damage could be done te our commercial interests befere the first step of a ready defense could be made. He calls upon Congress te take this subject into consideration, and te pro pre tide for a system of liberal appropriation te rcgiedy this great weakness. The navy department gets only a short chapter, and this for the reason that Se- rciary iiiompseu asKea ler iiuie te ee in serted iu the message. Ha speaks in very eulogistic terms of Secretary Thompson's management, and approves of the secre tary's plan for the encouragement of our merchant marine, already alluded te under the head of state department. The same suggestion by the postmaster-general is also approved. He does net approve all of Mr. Maynard's suggestions, lie recom mends only the adoption of the postal sav ings bank scheme, but says nothing about the postal telegraph. Under the head of the department of justice Mr. Hayes speaks of the attorney- generu's recommendation tbat a suthcicut sum be appointed by Congress for the pay ment of deputy marshals. He also recom mends that Congress pass some bill au thorizing the establishment of an interme diary court, between the United States circuit court and the supreme court, for the purpose of relieving the extraordinary pressure of business under which the lat ter is struggling. The most pronounced feature of Attorney-General Devens's re port Hayes, docs net even discuss, and docs net mention it in the message. Attorney-General Devcns.in an elaborate man ner, urges en Congress the propriety of national supervision of the ballet in all national elections, and recommends that Congress take the position that in national election state lines are net te be considered, and that national authority be directed te prekei the ballet-box from fraud aud in timidation in all sections of the country. While agreeing with the ideas of Gen. Dcvens en this subject, nayes did net think it best te incorporate this recommen dation in his message. The interior department is given quite a long chapter. The message reviews Secre tary Schurz's policy toward the Indians with great approval and thinks that his plan for educating the Indian se that he can take care of himself the only true so lution of the Indian question. ' lie call upon Congress te give aid, in the way of appropriations, te the encouragement of the plan, which leeks te the establishment of the Indian upon land of his own, the breaking up of all tribal relations, and the gradual withdrawal of financial support upon the part of the government. Following this'rcview of the department reports, Mr. Hayes has an especially geed word te say for the work of the commis sioner of agriculture, and speaks of the success of Mr. LeDuc in his experiments for the growth of tea in this country and the manufacture of sugar from corn stalks. The message next alludes te the report of the commissioner of education. The chief point of this paragraph of the mes sage i.s the recommendation that the re mainder of the public lands of the country he set aside for the education of the illit erate of all sections. This would result in giving most of it te the Seuth, where the greatest illiteracy prevails. The edu cation of this class, both white and black, would have a tendency te place the two sections upon a closer intellectual level, and consequently in a closer bend of union. Then fellows the closing chapter of Mr. Hayes's last annual message. This relates entirely te the affairs of the District of Columbia. The improvement of the Po tomac river fiats is recommended as a ne cessity te the health and beauty of the national capital. He calls upon Congress te appreriate in one sum money enough te de the entire work in one year and he es timates that $3,000,000 will be ample te de this work. He calls upon Congress te also make the necessary appropriations te continue the work en the Washington monument. He then dwells upon the ne cessity aud advantage of taking up the two railroad depots of the city and remov ing them from the gevernmant reserva tions that they new occupy, and then con solidating them into a union depot out side of all proximity te the reservations or public parks. by wim; Telegraphic Jfcwa ei tbe Alternoen. The Kurds having attacked the last three caravans of pilgrims from Mecca and killed and wounded five hundred pil grims, several thousand pilgrims arc de tained in fear at Bagdad. Gen. Wm. IJ. Hazcnhas been appointed chief signal officer, vice Myer, deceased, better known as " Old Prebs." Augustus D. Leighten, of New Yerk, who killed his mulatto mistrcsss, has been sentenced te hang en Jan 23. Fer conspiracy te cheat the government out of his bail, Dr. Jehn Buchanan was te-day sentenced te ten months' imprison ment, 300 fine and costs ; N. V. Chap man, his accomplice, te one year and ten months' imprisonment, 300 fine and costs. Fer the fiscal year ending June 30, 1830 the governmental receipts "exceeded the expenditures by 03,883,033.20, which was applied te the sinking fund. The revenue receipts increased last year $02,000,000. The chief recommendation of the secretary of the treasury's report arc given editorially, and some of the lead ing featttr cs of his annual statement will be published in detail by the Intellioen Intellieen crn hereafter. Congress met for the winter session to day. The galleries were well filled. In the Senate only about two-thirds of the chairs were occupied. A committee with Senater Bayard as chairman notified 3Ir. Hayes of the readiness of the Senate te hear from him. The Heuse reported a like readiness and after some delay and two recesses the mes mes sage was received at 1:30 p. m. and read in both houses. A full abstract of it appears elsewhere. The Heuse met at neon, and nurd introduced a resolution against a protective tariff as inadequate, discrimi- nating, unjust te workmen and detrimen tal te our commerce. WEATHER INDICATION?. Washington, Dec. 6. Fer the 31iddle Atlantic states, higher barometer, cooler northwest winds, partly cloudy weather, possibly occasional rain or snow. MARKETS. Jtew xerk atarket. Nl Tebk. TKTntwf a dnn.. c.-... JT5"1??? i?iU K? U bnyeiV favor ; expert de mand Iighyobblngtrademalnlyfersniall nar cels ; Superfnc, state 3404 10; extra doise &L.belc' : fancy de it 3&!,: roundheopOnlo U Ki 50: choiceMe Ja6 85; snpertlne western $34031 10; 2?nrl- gxJe?t de W 5035 00; choice S&S016?' cho,ce wh" wheat de S10 Pjoe; Southern dull ; common te fair extra tri;i-!avK..lew.er:aml veT Moderate reb.1$lSj? ' s?l - ue ?'?Tb?tc,1?yrerillnU: Mlxeil western spet,57C0e; de fntareJUSGOWc. i5i?.U,10.,UdccIlJli!f change ; Ne. 2 JDcc, UeWijC; de Jan., 4SJ$c ; State 43951c ; West- Cattle Market. PunvADKtraiA, December 6. Cattle market slew: receipt 3.400 head. Prime 5Kffl(Je : geed 5JiS5ic ; medium A'i3c ; common S etc. aheep market dull: receipts, 7,509 head. medium 4(9 rirMntQ 3.U1. niHma rv w Y"" vwvwc, uwiiuiu ogiegc; com mon fjG0. 1Tm . wftAil L'laMf. . ... . t. ... . r" e ntladelpbta Market. PHiLaamLTOia, December 6. Fleur dull but 7.e2&2rK superfine at K1233 75; extra at fSd4 50; Ohie and Indiana fumlly 5 SO S 0; Penu'a tatully $3 12Q5 f.; St. Leuu family 600ftG50; Minnesota faintly 35253C 00; destralshttf00J8!50: Winter patent 7 :o :e 7 43 ; Spring de 7 WQ3 23. Rye flour at f3 23. Wheat dull and lewer: Ne. 2 Western 133)1 l'J; Amber Red 41 19; i 19. Penn'e. Red $1 Cern dull and easier ; new, 56c ; old C gOlc ; old. eec. steamer, 5.1c; yellow, mixed, new, 5&S5IJc; . u flrnw en spot with Reed inquiry: Ne. 1 White 4Jc ; Ne. 2 de 4717J.Jc ; Ne. 3 de 1 4c; Ne. S Mixed 45c bye quiet; Western 93e; Pcnn'a OSe. Previsions light Jobbing demand; mess perk old. $13503)11; new, $13315 50: beet hams I3 61830; Indian in.ss perk 118 00 ; Bacon Bacen smoked sbjreldcr 5-Qtks ; salt de, old. 5e ; new, 54c : smoked hams OMtflOWe; pickled hanw 7S7iJc. Lard scarce ami qniet; city kettle ntO'ic: iir-.T uuicimm e;ii5it. prime steam iw. Butter active and tirm In choice sr.uhM; Creamery extra 3l:i5c ; de geed te choice r.Ijif 33c; B. C. and N. V. extra 2S30c : Western reserve extra 23 21c; de poed te choice 17022c t Holh Arm ler choice; Pcnn'a Kxtrn Unfile Western Unserve extra 2l-i. Kbss dull and easier ; Peim'a 31c ; Western 2U30c. Chccse market dull ami prices weak; New Yerk lull cream atl3l3fc; Western full cream at 12K-c: de fair te Keed at liai2c; de hair 3kim- aud Pcnn'a. skims at 10iflluje. Pctreicnm Armer ; rcflncd at W,ic. Whisky ut$l 10. Seeds Geed te prime, clever dull Jit $7 00 &750; Timethy nothing doing; Phrc-ieuddiill at (1 30. Stock Alarxet. Nw Yewc S reciica. Stocks Inactive. December K. A.X. a. m. v. m. r. m. r. v. 10:-3 11" lr.M ix.e KrlelC.lt Z43ri 45 41U Michigan S. L. S....120 119 118M Micbigun Cent. It. IL.113-.tf 111 1I0K Chicago AN.W. 119 HSJs 11S' Chicago, M St. P...107; lOsJJi UBS I Han. A St. J. Cem 42 41K 4Hi " P'Id.... V$i 91 912 Teledo A Wikbash 42 42 41-K Ohie A Mississippi VAC 3b St. Leuis, I. M. A S. it.. 48 47k 47K Ontario nnd Western. 3IK 311? 31U 3H O. C. A I. C. K. It. Wi l!i5 New Jersey Central.. 78 77 184 75 Del. A Hudsen Canal. MSJ W & uei.,uicK.tT uesierniui iw4 jiiu Western Union Tel... 89 . 8SJC Paclllc Mall 8. 8. Ce.. 4V4 41 VSZ Union Pacific ieiJ loe bw Kansas A Texas 3 394 39 New Yerk Central 14I.tf Auams express , Illinois Central , Cleveland A Pitts Chicago A Heck I Pittsburgh A Ft. W American U.Tel. Ce. .... PinXADKcreM. 3tecks steady and dull. 117 ink 119 125 121 Pcnnsylvanlall.lt.... ( I'liira. x Heading... Lehigh Valley 22 1 Ki 1K 4.;'i mi i.iy. 23 ! 34?i 32 !:' Lehigh Navigation... ' Northern Paciiic Cem XtAi " P'd . ftt PKt9.,Titnsv'cAll.... VM Northern Central 43'4 Pliil'K A Erie It. K Northern Pcnn'a 5 2'S 20 55 51 Un. R. It's or N. J 1S2 Hestonvllle Pass w. 20 Central Trans. Ce..... .... .... .... EOR SALE. J?OR KENT. . The I) well inKiid store-room, Nes. 12 and 41 Seuth tjueen street. Apply te W. P. DltlNTO.V, ucc4-Std Ne. 33 Seuth Queen Street. FOK SALE. A two-sterv P.KICK HOUSE, with two story Ilrick Back Building attached, hitnate at Ne. 820 East Onyige street, with gas in every room, and just i.ewly papered. Will be sold at private sale en cheap und easy terms. Applyte JOHN III KM EN., nevlJ-trd Ne. 23 North Oueen street. I1UIH.IC .SALE AT THE KhVSWSK ON MONDAY. DECEMBER . J Heuse, 1880. era geed Twe-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with lias throughout, and Hydrant In yard, situate at Z Kant Lemen street, Lancas ter city. Sale te begin at 7 o'clock, p. iu. DAVID II. WEIDLER. B. F. Kowk, Attct. dl-2td rpilfc UNIM.KS1UNED OFFERS ATPKI 1 ,VATEaIethuttwo-stery BRICK DWELL ING HOUSE with two-story Brick Back Build ing, situate at Ne. 42 Seuth Lima street. The house fronts 19 feet, and let extends in depth 193,feet te Zion Lutheran church. The hensu lias been recently papered throughout;, there are seven large rooms with gus In every room in the heuie, aud water in t!ie. kitchen. Iu the let arc choice varieties of lruit trees and a tine grape vine. On the south aide of the house, is an alleyway ler the exclusive use of this property. Possession given April 1, 1881. If net sold nt private sale the above property will be offered at public sale, at the Leepard hotel, en Saturdav evening. December 18. 1880, ut "o'clock. ' PHILIP DOERSOM. dccMUtd TUmLIC SALE. J. e )n SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER II, ISSO, wdl be sold at the Fountain Inn hotel, that valuable two-story Briek Dwelling, with two-story Brick Back Building, Ne. 315 Seuth Prince street, containing entry, open stairs. unrler, dining-room ami Kitcuen en nrst uoer. "The second-story has lour rooms nnd pantry. with three closets and summer kitchen, 10x12 leet, n ith flre-phice und bukc-even. Geed cis tern and well et water, grape vines and yard uicclv llxed ; gas pipe in live apartments. Let 20x117 feet te a C-tect common alley. Persons wishing te sea the property can de te by calling en the premije-t en the under signed. Sale te commence nt 7 o'clock p. m. of said day when terms or sale will lie made known bv GEORGE YEISLEY. II. SutrBxcr, Auct. 14-7td TWIILIC SALE OF VAl.UAllLE CITY 1 Prenertv. On MONDAY. DEC. 20. 1880. will be sold at public sale, at the Cooper house. Lancaster ciiy, a., me lonewing real esuiie, te wit : Ne. 1, A let of ground fronting 20 lect 10 inches en East King streets, between Lime ami shippen streets, und extending in depth 12.5 l inches te Church street en West line, and en East line 105 feet, making n front en Church streetef 28 feet, en which is erected an elegant three-story White Marble front house, -with a two-story brick back building. Ne. 212. The house has all the modern improvements, both in style and finish, and Is well worthy tlie at tention of persons wanting a convenient and pleasant home. Ne. 2 consists of a thrcc-stery Brick Heuse, fronting 14 feet nnd 4 Inches en East King street, and extending in depth 52 reet 2 Inches, Ne. 3 East King street. Lancaster, Pa. This is a first-class business stand, new occupied as a Shee Stere, by Mr. Levy. The above proper ties can be seen previous te -the day et side by calling en the occupants. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. m., of said day, when attendance will be given und con ditions efsalc made known by JOHN K.METZGER, dminbtrater c. t. a. d. b. n., and Agent foi fei Ahelrs et Jehn Metzgcr. deceased. Saxcel ness& Sen. Auct. dl-W,SAJIASd WANTED. WANTED KXPEIUENCKU SALESMEN In a Dry Goods 'tore In this city. Ad dress "Baslncsa," thlsefllce. ltd TfTANTED A GOOD GIRL TO DO i EN VY cral housework. Geed reference re-qulred- Apply at Ne. 38 Seuth Queen street. d3-3td w ANTED-A BOY IN A STOKE AS CASH Bey. Apply nt J ' THIS OFFICE, itu Jr' I .11 7 t