Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 01, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster intelligence:.
OHr TreHble with the ChM-chee.
Seemingly it would be very agreeable
sometimes for tbe preachers, if their
churches could be located where there
are no newspapers ; though en ether oc
casions it is quite otherwise. It is per
haps liecause of the irrepressible con
flict between things spiritual and tempo
ral, that the newspapers and preachers
cannot always pull evenly together in
that which should l)e the mission of both
and of all men te make the world bet
ter for their labor. Acknowledging the
deepest desire te fellow the truest
path of journalistic endeavor, and
feeling sure that this path should run
parallel with that pursued by our rever
end cotemperaries, it does nevertheless
most frequently happen that it don't.
Whereupon, covering ourselves with
ashes and burying ourselves in medita
tion, we conclude that it is all the fault
of our unregenerate spirit and feeble in
telligence, and we repent: and deit
again. Fer we don't knew any better.
The arguments addressed te us te show
our fault, don't reach down into our un
derstanding. Taking them en faith,
each new occasion has a new argument
and a fresh humiliation. We still live
in hope that some day we will get up te
a prepr-r comprehension, and knew when
and what it is fitting te speak of the
preachers and the churches. Te think
that we should be involved in a differ
ence with two big church pastors at
one time, as we seem te be at present, is
truly discouraging ; and that, when we
thought we were doing what was just
Our very dear friend, Dr. Mitchell,
was the last one from whom we thought
we would hear a reproach that we re
ported the proceedings of his cengrega.
tienal meeting ; for the doctor is an in
telligent man, who appreciates the news
papers and has an especial friendliness
for editors. Xe doubt it is true that we
ought net te have reported that council,
since the doctor says se ; but who would
ever have thought that, of all church
meetings, this was net just the
one that the churelf people would
like te hear about, since it was
intended te be a meeting of the
whole congregation, te which unfortu
nately eidy a very few could get. Se the
IxTi-:r.i.ieKXf'Ei: came te the relief of
the absent and undertook te tell them
what had been said and done. Maybe
we did net get it down exactly right ; but
our reporter vows that he was as near te
the true tale as the doctor himself get
when he undertook te recount the pro pre
ccciings te the people assembled to
gether at the adjourned meeting. Seme
little excuse must be made for the amia
ble reporter who, undertook te.take down
the sentiments of the brethren, Patter
son, Wiley and ethers nvhe expressed
their opinienson the first occasion, owing
te the somewhat excited character of
their words and gesticulations ; for our
reporter is a very gentle creature,
ami he had never attended a Presby
terian church before and wasn't ex
actly used te the methods and man
ners of the sanhedrim. Hut he seemed
te enjoy the occasion very much
and begged us te let him report the pro
ceedings of the adjourned meeting ;
which, having faith in him, we rashly
premised te de ; net knowing then that
it would net be agreeable te Dr. Mitchell
and that this was a private meeting of
the church : hut only thinking of our
duty te our readers in the church and
out of it : who like te hear the news and
reproach us if we de net give it te them.
Se that we" hope Dr. Mitchell will for
give us yet this one time for
our report of the adjourned ceun
cil. We knew he would net have
us hivak our premise and tell a lie ; and
really we could net disappoint the young
man te whom we had passed our word.
And we did net like te think, either,
that our paper would disappoint, this
evening, all these Presbyterians who
were net at the meeting last night, but
who would be alhrist te knew what
had been done and who would be relying
en theIxTi:i.Lu;Exri:i:, which hitherto
has kept them posted. Yeu sec there
were only about a hundred at the meet
ing; which, of course, is' a very small
portion of the membership of se big a
church as the Presbyterian. On the
whole we hope we will be forgiven,
and we venture te record what was
said by our beloved Judge Patterson,
and dear Docter Peacock and our lively
friend Wiley, and the accomplished pas
tor, and all the rest. Why ! te think
that the judge, should resign the elder
ship which he has adorned se many years
and the world net knew exactly hew he
did it ! Such a thing can never be in
this town while we publish a newspaper
in it.
It was a very pleasant meeting tee.
There was nethingdiscreditable happen
ed. Nobody shook his fist at anybody, and
no one called upon the music te step its
graceless tunes. Maybe there was no
organ playing, the fleer music being
sufficiently entertaining, with its low,
soft, sweet melody, in which no harsh
and sibilant sound was heard,
afar off. There was nothing in it te
shock anybody, unless it was in the dec
laratien of Dr. Peacock that he wouldn't
have been in favor of the rotary system
if there were uuy spoils te the office, and
therefore anything le tight about at the
elections. Dr. Peacock is se very truth
ful a man that lie could net refrain from
thus intimating his belief that even
Presbyterian aspirants te the eldership
could net be trusted te engage prayerfully
and peaceably and honestly in an elec
tion contest, if there was a salary te the
efiicc. Having this tear it was right te
express it ; for it is right te ba very frank
in a congregational council and among
brethren. But it is a little shocking
nevertheless; a very little. We would
hardly have thought it, would you?
Hew weak, indeed, is the flesh ! aud hew
little cm we expect from Republicans
as politicians any better conduct under
temptation than we get from them as
church c-Mera. And we don't expect it ;
and are never disappointed, Blessed j
then are we, if net they.
The electoral college of Pennsylvania
meets in Harrisburg te-day and the oc
casion has been made one for the assem
bling at the state capital of a great
many of the Republican politicians of
the state. There has been a geed deal
of discussion among them about the
United States senatership. The under
currents of sentiment from all parts of
the state were carefully gauged. Enough
was developed te satisfy the opponents of
Mr. Grew that the field is stronger than
he is and that he cannot be nominated.
The movement in behalf of electing
Grant from Pennsylvania is stronger
than was expected and the Cameren
people may attempt te make it success
The National Republican of Washington
urges Secretary Evarts as United States
senator from New Yerk.
At a special election in the Nineteenth
Ohie district Judge E. B. Tayler, elected
in October te be Garfield's successor as
representative, was elected te fill the va
cancy in the present Congress.
Mr. Murat Halstead is iu favor of
electing a president evey two years. As
an Ohie man he likes te see the fun go en,
but he must be informed that the way the
thing is running the rest of the country
isn't enjoying it se much.
The congressional committee, beard of
state commissioners of Virginia, and York Yerk
town centennnial association, of which
Jehn Welsh is chairman, will meet in
Washington en December 10, te arrange
for tiie Yorktown celebration. Reiieut
C. WisTHROP, of Massachusetts, is pro
posed for orator en the occasion.
Rev. Dr. Jenx P, Newmax is greatly
beloved by the Grant family, and visits
them almost every day at the Fifth Ave
nue hotel. Seme one is assured that he
frequently plays seven-up with the general,
and the only clerical aspect of his side of
the table, te distinguish it from the ether,
is the absence of a glass of whisky and
General Grant was asked the ether day
by Henry Ward Beecher whether in the
course of the rebellion he had ever received
auy aid from Washington in the way of
information as te the enemy's movements.
"Only once," said Grant, "aud who de you
think gave it ?" Of course no etic could
tell. "Well," said Grant: faintly smiling,
" it was A. Dana, lie sent me
a dispatch once which contained most im
portant information, and which saved the
lives of many men. That was one geed
thing Mr. Dana did."
W. T. Beane, a prominent lawyer of
Greenwood, Mississippi, died in Vicks
burg last evening from an overdose of
Peter Blakely, au aged farmer, was at
tacked en the highwaynear Five Mile run,
N. J., by a mad deg and had his arm and
leg fearfully lacerated.
uovcrner iililler, el Arkansas, lias pre
claimed the result et the presidential elec
tion iu that state as fellows ; Hancock
electors, 00,481 ; Garfield electors, 41,001 ;
Weaver electors, 4,101.
The executive committee of the National
Guard association of the United States, in
New Yerk, has directed that the third
convention of the association shall meet
in Philadelphia en the 2d day of January
At Dever, N. H., an luiknewn wood weed
chopper fell from the Eastern railroad
bridge upon the frozen river, a distance of
sixty feet. His hands, feet and neck were
broken and he died instantly. He was
about 55 years old.
Cornelius Lynch, aged 43 years, was
killed by a train while walking en the rail rail
readtrack at Springfield, Massachusetts,
en Monday evening. Themas Feley, aged
40, was killed while walking en a railroad
track at Bosten the same evening.
The official returns from Colerado give
the Garfield electors au average majority
of 3,000. Pitkin, Rep., for governor, has
a little ever 5,000 majority, leading the
rest of the state ticket by about, 2,300.
The total vote was about ."4,000, an increase
of 20,000 ever 18T8.
The corner in November corn, which
has been in process of settlement in St.
Leuis this past week, was finally closed
yesterday. About 2,000,000 bushels were
involved in a deal which was managed by
the house of Mansen, Barthalow is Ce.,
aud the profits accruing are said te be
about 8125,000.
The vote of California has beea officially
declared, aud shows that Wallace, Brown,
Short, Henley and Del Vells, Democrats,
aud Edgcrteu, Republican, have been
chosen as electors. The total vote for
Hancock electors was 80,332 ; for Garfield
electors, 80,257, and for the Weaver clec
ters, 3,381.
Jacob C. Peters, track foreman for the
Delaware fc Hudsen canal company at
Archbald, was run ever by a train of
gravel cars yesterday. He was fearfully
mangled. In his attempt te get out of the
way of the train he stepped in front of
another. It is thought he cannot live.
Peters has a large family. He has been au
employee of this company many years.
Tir rm ti , , ,
iiirs. uicrcsa iwiiucuscuuciuer, anas
Auerbacli, alias Grau, alias Temple, a pie
possessing woman, 25 years old, was ar
rested last night in Brooklyn, charged
wtth bigamy and grand larceny. It is
said she has married fourteen Germans in
Newark, N. J., and elsewhere for the
simple purpose of robbing them. She will
be taken te Newark for trial.
In Danville, Ya., Lorenze Ivy. the col
ored teacher of a colored free school, was
attacked by two of his boy pupils
brothers, aged 15 and 18 respectively and
was repeatedly stabbed with knives. His
injuries are probably mortal. He had
punished the younger of the two brothers
for playing with the girls, and iu revenge
was attacked by the two brothers?
A telegram confirms the murder of the
commander and six of the crew of her
majesty's schooner Sandfly at the Solo Selo Sole
mon islands, in the Seuth Pacific. The
party were attacked while seme of them
were bathing. A party from the schooner
and a subdieutenaut landed, recovered
the bodies and destroyed the village, los
ing one seaman killed and one wounded.
The commodore en the Seuth Pacific sta- i
sien will dispatch another man-of-war te
the islands. '
Tbe County Committee Appoints its Itep
resentatlve en the Peace Commission
The chairniau of the Philadelphia Dem
ocratic county committee yesterday ap
pointed the special committee of ten te
represent that body in the peace cemmis-1
sien, wmcu is te prepare rules ler the .
guidance et tne party in rniladelphia.
The gentlemen named are Themas
May Peirce, chairman : Gee. M. Dallar,
atterncy-at-Iaw ; Gen. Isaac J. Wistar, i
president canal companies of Pennsylvania t
railroad : Gillie; Dallett,
president Pcun
rmfinnfif Ivanlr -Tne "R dnmn nffnMim. '
at-law ; Wm. Ayres, merchant ; Henry
Donahue, liquor dealer ; Gee. Harrison
Fisher, attorney-at-law ; Hugh P. Kenne- I
dy, plumber, and Frederick Gerker, rail-1
read manager.
Singular lettuces la 'Which Men Have
tfeea Unable te Met.
Having frequently seen it stated in pop
ular works and natural history, as well as
in some books of travel (chiefly Austra
lian) that certain snakes possessed tbe.
power of se fascinating with their gaze
birds and ether creatures as te be able te
seize upon and devour them without any
difficulty,' I am induced te inquire if such
a power is peculiar te the serpent tribe or
net, and incidentally te ask it any instances
of its influence or extension can be
traced apen the scale of creation te man
himself. Being of opinion that such is the
case, while it has occurred te me that
many of the fatal accidents that occur in
the streets of great cities, such as Londen,
etc., might be ascribed te some such
agency or sensation, I am- induced te call
attention te tbe circumstances in these
pages, and te submit the following as my
own personal contributions toward the in
quiry : Describing certain incidents of the
siege of Gibraltar, Drinkwatcr says
(History, page 75) that en the 9th Lieu
tenant Lewe lest his leg by a shot,
en the slope of the hill, under the castle.
He saw the shot before the fatal
effect, but was fascinated te the spot. This
sudden arrest of the faculties was net un
common. Several instances occurred te
my own observation where men totally
free have had their senses se engaged by a
shell in its descent that though sensible of
their danger, even se far as te cry for as
sistance, they have been immovably fixed
te the place. But what is mere remark
able, these men have e instantaneously
recovered themselves en its fall te the
ground as te remove te a place of safety
before tlie shell bursts."
Alluding te the first casualty that oc
curred at Cawnpere during the siege of
the intrenchment there, Mowbray Thomp
son says (The Storyef Cawnpere, page 00)
that "several of us saw the ball bouncing
toward us and that he (McGnire) evident
ly saw it, but like many ethers whom I
saw fall at different times, he seemed fas
cinated te the spot," and au old deceased
departmental friend who went through
the whole Crimean campaign assured me
that he was dhce transfixed ( fascinated,
he called it), after this fashion, in the
presence of a shell that he once saw issu
ing from Scbastapel, and whose gyrations
in the air he could count. Other military
friends have discussed the point with me
in the same wise, and I think there is
some allusion te it in one or the ether of
Larry, Guthrie, Ballingall or ethers of that
like. Natien.
Mrs. Cera Hulrymple'x Desperule Attempts
at Suicide.
A desperate .attempt at suicide, which
will prove successful, was made last Wed
nesday by Mrs. Cera Dalrymple, of Mar
shall township, Allegheny county. The
ladv. who is only twenty-three years of
age, was married in Allegheny, where her
friends reside, three years age. She has
always been considered as a remarkably
bright, attractive and intellectual yeimg
At the time mentioned above she pro
cured her husband's revolver from a bu
reau drawer, and placing the muzzle just
ever heart, fired. The ball missed the
heart and passed through the body, frac
turing one of the ribs. She then obtained
a two-ounce vial filled with laudanum,
which was in the house at the time, and
swallowed the whole of it. Until Sunday
it was thought she would recover, but
since then her case is considered hopeless
and she will die. There are various rumors
afidat concerning the melancholy affair
but the lady's friends assert that the only
reason known le them for se rash a deed
was the less by death of her two little
Sheriff Berlin, of Westmoreland county,
has made an assignment. His liabilities
arc $00,000, of which $20,000 represent
official obligations. His assets are un
known. Ashley Beughmau, aged 18 Years, was
riding a vicious horse at Pawling's bridge
near Pottstown, the ether day, when the
horse reared and fell backwards en Bongh Bengh
nian, crushing him se badly that he died en
Pittsburgh is a nice town te live in. A
member of the city councils has just called
the attention of that body te the fact that
the town is full of gambling houses, there
being no less than half a dozen in Diamond
alley alone. One of them is next deer te
the central police headquarters.
The body of a man believed te be that of
J. G. Adams, or Chester county, was leund
floating iu the North river, New Yerk,
yesterday. The body was that of a man
00 year old. An empty laudanum bottle
found in his pocket leads te the belief that
he cemmilcd suicide.
President Gewcn, of the Reading rail
road, will net sail for Europe en Thursday,
as he has se much business en hand that
he cannot possibly leave before Saturday,
if he gees then. The guarautcc deposit
for the deferred bends has net yet been
made, but the $2,040,000 is ridy and will
be forthcoming whenever it is desired.
Washington News.
Speaker Randall, who arrived in Wash
ington ycsterday.decs net see any necessity
for an extra session of Congress.
The Senate will sit te confirm Mr. Gar
field's appointments.
A Democratic caucus will be held in
Washington en Saturday night.
All but seven of the 31,205 census
enumerators have reported and the work
is new substantially completed.
Mutual Compliments.
i Mrs. Langtry, the "Jersey Lily,"' is
i coming te America. She will meet hand
semer women before she has walked
three squares en Broadway. Cincinnati
But let her wait till she gets te Cincin
nati. The handsomest women iu this
world are there. N. Y. Sun.
Microscepical Society.
The monthly conference meeting of the
Microscepical society was held last even
ing. "The Spectroscope what it is its
uses," was the subject treated by the Rev.
C. E. Henpt in a very interesting way.
The speaker explained what it was, the
use te which it is put, and hew it has been
improved, until the prism by which New
ton dissolved light into its primary colors
has grown into an instrument with which
we arc able te tell what the sun, stars and
ether heavenly bodies arc composed of.
After the essay had been read a number of
objects were shown through the micro
scope, among winch we inciuien the fel-
(; Lechcr
Reeil, weevil ; C.
chrysis iguita ; J. F.
A. Lechcr, scales of
Heapt, part of small
McCaskey, sting and
moth ; Rev. C. K
minnow ; E. W.
poison bag of bee ; Miss Annie Burrowes,
mesquite bnces ; E. Albrighr, section of
human teeth ; C. Wall, sections of rock ;
Walter King, scales of diamond beetle and
lobelia seeds ; J. E.Snyder, spores of fern :
J. Davidsen, saw of saw-fly, and section
el lung of turkey
J. P. McCaskey, pollen
of abutilen, parts of flowers, etc ; J. C.
Burrowes, potato cell.
After the audience had examined these
t'jcy departed, and thus ended one of
largest and most interesting meetings
An old Veter."
Simen Greff, of Strasburg a farmer,
aged 94 ears, has voted at eighteen con-
secutive presidcntal elections, commencing
with Madisen in 1808.
Easily Tied and Easily Loosed.
Wbem Dr. Green wald Joined Together and
Judge Livingston Put Asunder.
In the court of common pleas this morn
ing B. F. Davis, esq., read the depositions
taken in the matter of the application of
Catherine Themas for divorce from Abra
ham L. Themas, and after hearing them
his honor Judge Livingston decreed that
the divorce be granted and due preclama
tien made thereof.
The following narrative of the affair is
substantially as it is related in the testi
mony. Themas, the husband, though he
had due notice of the proceeding, made
no objection te it and offered no resistance
te the divorce. It is understood, however,
that he insists that it was a fair marriage,
without compulsion. He says he has, how
ever, encountered the serious and persist
ent opposition of his wife's family and he
consents te the divorce rather than con
tinue in a relation which they make se
unpleasant for him.
According te the testimony of the girl
and her mother, and from ether informa
tion, it appears that the Joneses and the
Themases and the Knights were acquaint
ed at a time when all had lived in this
city. Themas S. Jenes is a workman in
the employ of the steel works at Steelton,
Dauphin county. Abraham L. Themas
is an Englishman, a widower with five
children, and an employee of the Penn
rolling mill, this city. Geerge Knight was
coachman for Air. Frank Shreder.
After Mr Jenes's removal te Steelton,
Themas visited his house once, being iu
search of work there, took dinner with
him, remained a short time and may have
seen, but certainly had net even au inter
view with his comely daughter Katy, aged
On Saturday, August 30,1879, Mary Ann,
wife of Gee. Knight, went up te Steelton
te pay a visit te her friend Mrs. Jenes, and
stayed until Wednesday, September 3.
The two women went te the depot te
gether, Mrs. Jenes te take the up train,
which arrived first, for Harrisburg, Mrs.
Knight te take the down train te Lancas
ter. Mrs. Jenes went; Mrs. Knight came,
and with her came Katy Jenes. The girt
says that after the Harrisburg train left
.Sirs.- K. came back te tlieir Heuse ane
coaxed her te come along te Lancaster
county and help her sew. Her father was
awav from home and the girl hearkened
unto the solicitation. Mrs. Knight bought
her ticket and they set out for Quarry
ville. On the way te Lancaster net a word
was said about marriage, J? rem the if.
R. R. denet in this city, after their arrival,
thev went te the Quarry ville depot te wait
for tlie early train, en which Mrs. Knight
said thev would go te her home in the
country. She left Katy sit there for two
hours while, she said, she went off te sec
her husband and then came back just as tlie
train was moving off, te say that they
would net go te Qnarryville, but that
Katy must get married that night. . Katy
declined. Mrs. Kuight insisted. Presently
Mr. Abraham L. Themas entered and in
sisted en their going out te his house for
supper. Thev went. Mrs. Knight and
Themas ceunselled together en the way
out. They walked aud talked together,
Mrs. cvnightenly leaving him once te come
back and tell Katy sue must get married
that night, the girl still refusing.
After supper at Themas's the party
came down street and en the way the
girl says she was told she must go te Dr.
Grccnwald's and get married. "I was
frightened,'" her deposition says, "by this
time, became quite nervous and said I
would net live with him, and my parents
would net let me live with him. Un my
way down they (Mrs. Knight and Themas')
walked together aud were talking. I did
net hear what they said. I was very
much excited. At Schroder's place we
met Mrs. Knight's husband, who was
Schroder's coachman. Then he walked
along with me. Nothing was said te him
by me about getting married. When we
arrived at Mr. Greenwald's Mr. Themas
rang the bell, I think then we all weut
in." Themas explained their wants, told
Dr. G. the girl was of age and her parents
knew of the marriage. She did net say a
word all the time she was there, scarcely
knew what she was doing. While Dr. G.
was upstaiis making out the certificate
Themas handed Mrs. K. a ring, which she
put upon her finger. When they went
out Knight told his wife that Mrs. Jenes
would give her "the devil" for this.
Themas and Mrs. Knight laughed at the
latter's suggestion that this would net
have been done but for her.
Tlie bride declared she would never live
with Themas, but they all went back te
his house ; the Knights shortly left and
the girl says she slept with Themas's
daughter that night, though at his request
nothing was said te any of his family about
the wedding. Next morning Mrs. Knight
was en hand te breakfast with them and
after breakfast she had a private confer
ence with Themas.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Jenes, returning from
Harrisburg and finding her daughter
gene, ascertained that Mrs. Knight had
bought her a ticket for Lancaster ; and
bright and early next morning she dis
patched her son hither te search Ter his
sister Katy, first at Themas's and then at
Visiting Themas's, his sister heard his
voice and ran out te greet him. Upbraid
ings of Themas and Mrs. Knight followed.
He took his sister home, without even a
geed bye te her friends, where she has
abided ever since never having been away
even for a night and without any inter
course with her husband, except the re
ceipt of two letters from him addressed as
"Katy Jenes," neither of which she an
swered and iu one of which he said that he
had never told anyone of the marriage.
Tne mother and daughter agree in testi
fying that no previous correspondence,
conference or negotiation of any kind
touching marriage was had by Themas
prier te the events above narrated, and the
girl insists that she was impelled into
consenting te the ceremony by influences
which she could net resist ; that the mar
riage was never consummated. Ueucc
her petition te have it annulled.
And the court hath se decreed.
SuH and Siusli.
Last night aud early this morning there
was a fall of about two inches of snow, fol
lowed by a drizzling rain which put the
streets, and especially the sidewalks and
crossings, in extremely bad condition, and
many persons have allowed them te re
main iu this condition all day. te the great
inconvenience of pedestrians. A city or
dinance requires the snow te be removed
within five hours after it ceases falling,
and in default subjects the owner or. occu
pant te fine. Here is a chance for the po
lice officers te turn an honest penny.
A SIcIc Actress.
Miss Agnce Leenard, the actress who
appeared here last night, was taken quite
sick at the Stevens house this morning.
The company left for Reading en the 8
o'clock train this morning, but Miss Leon Leen
ard was net able te leave until 3:33 this
.Mayer' Court.
The mayor had an even half-dezeu of
customers this morning. Four vagrants
were discharged and two diserderlies were
committed for 10 aud 20 days respectively.
Interesting- -Congregational Meeting Elec
tion of Klders Tne Botary System
An adjourned congregational meeting
of the Presbyterian church was held in the
lecture room of tbe church last evening,
about one hundred members being pre
sent. After singing the hymn commencing
"My Seul be en Thy Guard" and an
earnest prayer for Divine guidance, by
Rev. J. Y. Mitchell, D. D.. pastor, that
gentleman stated that the present was a
geed time te give, thanks for the many
mercies of Providence, and as all could
net audibly unite in prayer he proposed
that all should unite in singing praise te
Ged in the long metre doxology.
"Praise Ged from whom all blessings
flew " was then sung with much spirit by
the congregation, the fine voice of the
pastor ringing out richly and clearly above
tne ethers, but blending diarmomeusiy
with them.
Dr. Mitchell then quoted the beautiful
lines of the inspirsd writer, commencing,
"Hew geed and hew pleasant it is for
brethren te dwdl in unity," and calling
Judge Patterson te the front remarked
that the meeting was a special one they
had assembled for the transaction of spe
cial and important business ; it was a fam
ily gathering, net iutended for the public
at large, but exclusively for members of
the church; a meeting of tuesemly who are
communicant members or who contribute
te the support of the church, and none
ethers should participate in it. Being a
family gathering every member should
feel as much at home aud speak as unre
servedly as he or she would de at home.
Congregational meetings are important as
they tend te bring brethren into closer
communion, te excite each ether's sympa
thies, te secure the blessings of each ether's
prayers and the benefits of each ether's
wisdom and experience. Being of a
strictly private aud family character, the
public were net invited te them, and had
nothing te de with them. Their proceed
ings should net be reported ; the local
press should take no account of them,
though he would sanction and court the
widest publicity for the proceedings of all
public meetings of the congregation. A
week age there appeared in one of the
local papers a report or pretended report
of the proceedings of our congregational
meeting. The report contained many
errors and misrepresentations. The meet
ing being private, the public are net in
vited here and have no interest in nor
business with the proceedings. The rever
end gentlemau then gave an outline of the
government of the Presbyterian church,
with its four ceuits the Session, the
Presbytery, the Synod, and the General
Assembly the powers and fnnctieus of
each of which he explained at some length.
He then gave a resume of the proceedings
of last weeks congregational meeting,
which were in brief that the meeting had
been called te elect five elders, that after
peine introductory remarks Brether Gara
moved te proceed te an election, but the
motion was net seconded. Brether Wiley
then asked hew long the elders were te be
elected for, and Dr. Mitchell answered
"for life, if the present rules remain in
feres, "and read that part of the constitution
which gives authority te any congregation
of the Presbyterian faith te elect clders
for a limited term under certain conditions;
that Brether Moere then inquircd"whethcr
I a brother, new an elder, would continue te
be an elder if he should net be re-elected :
and that Dr. Mitchell had answered that
he would continue te be an elder, but' net
an acting elder he would be retired from
official duty ; but having been once or
dained he was ordained for life. Finally,
after Brether Wiley had made a motion,
which was net seconded, te elect elders
under the rotary system, the meeting had
adjourned te reassemble Tuesday evening,
the 30th, te consider the rotary system of
electing elders. Dr. Mitchell gave a brief
history of the incorporation of this system
into the constitution of the church, and
stated that of about 150 congregations 100
had adopted the rotary system, 30 had re
jected it, and a few were divided. It is
new for this meeting te discuss the merits
of the system and decide whether te adept
it or net. In conclusion he added that at
a meeting of the session it had been unan
imously agreed that in case the rotary sys
tem was adopted, it would be proper for
the elders te resign, and that they might,
if they chose, be candidates for rc-clcc-tien.
Judge Patterson then read the call for
the meeting.
Brether Peacock moved that tlie rotary
system et electing elders be adopted, aud
Brether Thes. C. Wiley seconded the mo
tion. Judge Patterson said that since the last
meeting he had given the matter serious
consideration ; he had thought ever it,
prayed ever it. and get ever it. He may
have appeared te be mad at last meeting
but be was net ; he was sad ; the proposed
innovation came upon like a thunder stroke;
it was against all his teachings and against
all the traditions of old Denegal : but en
investigating the matter he sees that the
congregation has a perfect right te adept
it, and if they de adept it he shall feel no
personal grievance. Under the old system
he was elected an elder by a vote of 07 out
of 09 votes cast; but he felt quite willing te
give way te younger and abler brothers,
who had mere ability and mere lime te
devote te the duties of the office than he
had ; but he looked upon the proposed
system of election as au innovation en
Presjbytcriaism and feared it would lead
te contention. Twelve yea is age wc were
regarded as a fighting church, but new all
is harmony. He believed that the fewer
congregational meetiugs were held the
better. Frequent election aud contending
candidates are sure te produce dimities',
heart-burnings and alienatiens. He was
sorry that the pastor had net expressed an
opinion en the merits of the system ; had
he done se, he (Judge Patterson) would
feel like following his lead, or at least
offering no opposition te it.
Dr. Mitchell said that he had decided
views upon the question, and was net all
afraid te express them, but that being
moderator of the meeting it would be im
proper for him te de se.
Brether Peacock said that if there were
any emoluments pertaining te the office of
elder, he would oppose the adoption oft lie i
rotary system lest there might be contests
for the spoils, but as there arc none, he
would vote for the system.Under the rotary
system, if a brother elected an cider is in
efficient or falls from grace he can he gent
ly dropped while under the old system he
remains as a clog or stumbling-block for
life. Besides, if the proposed system docs
net work, well it .can be rescinded by the
same power that adopted it, but he believed
it would work well ; it put the power iu
the bauds of the people, and he always had
faith in the people.
Brether Wiley said he held in his hand
a letter from Rev. Matthew Newkirk,
known te all present, and in the letter he
stated that his congregation had adopted
the rotary system, that it worked wcll,and
they had no thought of changing it.
Brether J. W. Jehnsen said that a week
age he had formed no opinion en the sub
ject ; new he has a -very decided one. The
proposed system is against the traditions
of the Presbyterian church. This geed old
church has grown strong under the old
system. If ciders arc elected for life the
greatest care will be taken te select the
wisest and best ; but if they are elected
for two or three years only, the same care
will net he exercised ; unlit men will be
taken en trial, rather than give offense by
rejecting them ; and if at the end of their
term they are net re-elected they will feel
insulted.- Frequent elections either m
church or state will create party feelings,
and cliques aud factions will be formed.
Where there are three or four candidates
only two of whom can be elected, there
will be intriguing and strife among their
friends, and these who are almost but net
quite successful will feel that they have
been badly us5d, perhaps cheated ; a sym
pathy will be created for them, and envy
or hostility against their successful rivals,
; J
and they will be urged as strong candi
dates next time.
Brether Peacock, in reply, would
merely refer te the elections for trustees
of this church ; there the rotary system
is in practice and there are none of the en
mities, jealousies or ether evils depicted
and predicted by the last speaker.
The question en the adoption of the re
tary system was called for and put by the
moderator, the ayes and nees appearing
te be very evenly divided. A division was
called for, when a rising vote was had,
which en being counted by the moderator,
was announced yeas 58, nays 45.
Judge Patterson thought the moderator
had net counted all the nays. The moder
ator was positive that he had counted fair
ly, but that all might be satisfied the vote
would be taken again, and Brethers A. H.
Peacock aud A. W. Russel were appoint
ed tellers. A second count was made, hut
Brether Russcl being net quite sure that
he had counted correctly, the vote was net
announced.- A third count was then made
and the tellers reported yeas 57, nays 39.
Brether Jehnsen thought there were a
few nays en his side of the house that had
net been recorded, but the moderator
overruled him and announced the adop
tion of the rotary system by the vote above
The ruling eiders, Dr. Jehn McCalla,
Hen. D. W. Patterson aud Abraham Mc
Kim, tendered their resignations, as had
been previously agreed upon.
Dr. Mitchell proposed that the meeting
at once proceed te elect eight ruling elders,
aud suggested that they be ttken from
both the elder and younger members of
the congregation.
Brether J. W. Jehnsen stated that the
elders would have te be elected for terms of
one, two and three years, respectively. Ifc
therefore proposed that the three years
men should be first elected.
Brether Beyer moved that the entire
eight be elected at once, and that the eiders-elect
draw lets for tiie long and short
This preposition was unanimously agreed
te and the meeting proceeded te make
Brether Wiley nominated Hen. IX W.
Judge Patterson positively declined.
The new system was obnoxious te him ;
he had net time te devote te the duties en
joined by the efiice, and he did net want a
stigma placed upon him by a possible de
feat, at any time in the future, after a
three years service for a mere peccadillo.
The following gentlemen were then
placed in nomination : Dr. Jehn McCalla,
Wm. G. Tindal, Jes. Hear, D. R. Thomp
son, D. W. Bartholemew, Jehn Tresh,
Abraham McKira, Prof. A. R. Byerly.
Brethers C. M. Hewell, W. C. Buchanan,
A. W. Russel, D. B. Laudis. J. W. John John Jehn
eon, G. II. Everts, II. S. Gara, and perhaps
ene or two ethers, were also placed in nemi
nation, but declined.
There upon the eight first above named
were unanimously elected, II. S. Gara
casting the vote of the meeting.
The moderator auneunccd that the el
ders-elect would meet iu the lecture room
this ( Wednesday) evening for the purpose
of drawing lets for the length of their
terms and te make arrangements for thcir
The ' hymn " Blest be the tie that
binds" was sung, Dr. Mitchell offered a
short prayer and dismissed the congrega
tion with a benediction.
Special Kelisieiift Servlres.
Services will be held in the Presbyter
ian church this evening, also Thursday
and Friday evenings, preparatory te the
communion en next Sabbath morning.
S.tlc of Heal Estate.
Yesterday B. F. Rewc, auctioneer, sold
at public sale for the executers of the es
tate of Daniel Lefcver, dee'd, of Dnunerc
township, the following real estate :
Ne. 1 a farm containing 100 acres mera
or less near the village of Quarry ville, with the widow of deceased,
Mrs. Susan Elizabeth Lefcver. for $100
per acre.
Ne. 2, a tract of land containing 39
acres with improvements, known as the
"Ark" property, iu the village of Qnarry
ville, te same for $143 per aero.
Ne. 3, a tract of land iu Drumore town
ship containing 201 acres with improve
ments, te Henry II. Lefcver and Jacob
Keen for $33.30 per acre.
On Saturday Daniel D. Hess, esq., of
Qnarryville, sold te Samuel Witmcr of
West Lampeter, 223 acres of the property
known as the Scotchman farm, in Cele-
rain township, near Wesley M. E. church.
This tract is improved land and has a
large frame house and barn, all new. Mr.
Hess having put them up within the last
four years. The price paid is $30 par
Last evening Michael F. Steigcrwalt
sold at private sale te Philip Doersom the
property Nes. 120 and 128 East King
street, new occupied by Mr. Doersom as a
carriage factory, for $11,300. The prep
erty has a front en East King street of
about 38 feet and extends in depth 243 feet.
I te Mifflin street, ea which are erected en
the jast King street front a two story
dwelling and en Mifllin street a large car
riage factory.
Mr. Doersom eflcrs for sale his private
residence, Ne. 42 Sonth Lime street, as
will be seen by advertisement in another
At Mentcry yesterday J. M. Kling auc
tieneer, sold at public sale for Benjamin
Kreider, of Upper Leacock, his farm of 72
acres en the banks of Mill creek, iii said
township, te Jacob Heir, of Leacock, for
$219,37 per acre. The farm is one of the
best in the township in geed repair, con
taining a large barn and ether necessary
The properties of Jehn A. Bering ad
vertised for r-alc at public sale a few days
age were all withdrawn, but are still ia
the market and may be had at private
-Uiss Agnes Leenard at tbe Opera IIuukc.
Last evening Miss Agnes Leenard, a
new aspirant for histrionic fame, made her
bow before an audience of somewhat
meagre numbers assembled in the opera
house whither they had been attracted by
a liberal display of highly colored post pest
ers and lithographs advertising the pro
duction of the " romantic drama of
Weman't; Faith," Miss Leenard may
have some dramatic talent, quite probably
she has, and it is hi deference te that pre
sumption that extended notice of last
night's performance is emitted ; for the
play is one fearfully and wonderfully
.made, without plot, devoid of the
fust element of dramatic construction,
a wild unnatural collection of wild un
natural incidents, iu whose arrangement
the work of a 'prentice hand is quite as
manifest as in its rendition, for with per
haps a single exception the entire cast of
the troupe arc illy-trained amatures. Miss
Leenard will knew that it is kindly meant
when we advise her te drop "Weman's
Faith " and te drop it quickly. The most
dazzling talent would be impotent te see
its way through the impenetrable mass of
stupidity which makes up this alleged
drama with which our young
seeker after fame and fortune
in tee profession has entered upon
her career of conquest. If Miss Leenard
shall have the geed sense te promptly
dismiss from her catalogue this piece
and adept a play which will allow
a reasonable opportunity for ordinary dra
matic effect she will stand a better chance
of meeting with a just judgment as te her
abilities. People who like the red shirt,
spring-bottom pants, bowie knife and six
shooter business of itscli, will be delighted
with "Weman's Faith" as last night pre
sented. OKITCAKV.
Or. Geerse Kess, of Lebanon.
Dr. Geerge Ress, a prominent citizen of
Lebanon, aud for the past fifteen years a
contributor te the ergau of the Church of
Ged, the ChureJi Adcecate, aud who was
well-known and highly esteemed by many
citizens of Lancaster, died in that borough
en Tuesday, after a short illness, in the
sixtieth year of his age. He was born in
Elizabcthtewn, Lancaster count', in 1820.
After having received a liberal education,
he was sent te Harrisburg te learn the
drug business. In 1S43 he began the regu
lar study of medicine with Dr. W. Wilsen,
of Denegal township, Lancaster county,
and after the usual term as a student, went
te Jeffersen medical cellece. Philadelphia.
where he was graduated with high honors
in 1848. After graduating Dr. Ress re
turned te Elizabcthtewn. where he prac
ticed medicine for .about five years, and
where he married Miss Robinson, of Cole Cele
brook Furnace, a member of one of the
eldest Presbyterian families of that Scotch
Irish settlement. By this marriage there
were four children, two sous and two
daughters, the latter of whom died, there
new surviving the widow and two sons.
In 1833 Dr. Ress left Elizabethtewnand
went te Lebanon, where he established a
drug store, and where his active life of
usefulness and practical business iutluence
began at an early age. He connected him
sclf with the Church of Ged, his uncle, the
late Jeseph Ress, of Middlctewn, having
been one of the early founders of that
church in connection with the late Jehn
Winebrenner. In 1839 he was olecled a
member of the publication beard of the
General Eldership, in which he continued
when he died, having been re-elected
every three years, lie was also treas
urer of the General Eldership for
six years, and for seventeen years he was
treasurer of the East Pennsylvania cldor clder
ship, having been elected in 1S79, when he
was forced by the multiplicity of his busi
ness engagements te resign that place. Fer
fifteen years he acted as the book agent of
the General Eldership, in which he was
serving when he died. He was a member
of the hymn book committee of the gen
eral eldership in 1S37 with Jehn S. Gable,
of Lancaster, and Jeseph Ress, of Mid Mid
dlceown, the book which they reported
having been iu use unchanged for twenty
two years. Fer thirty-live years he has
been one of the ablest of the con
tributors te the Church Adcecate, his arti
cles for the past fifteen years having been
printed mainly as the editorial in that
journal. One of his latent contributions
was a sketch of .the late Jehn Winebren
ner, a production iu every way worthy of
the head and the heart of its gifted, gen
erous author. He was for years the pub
lisher and owner of a reference testament,
several small hymn books and ether miner
publications. He was at one time a di
rector of the First national bank, Leba
non ; one of the founders of the Lebanon
paper mill, and at the time of his death
president of the Dime savings bank of
Lebanon. He was also au active member
of the Lebanon Mutual lire association,
and one of the active ni-jii in the gas works
Dr. Ress at the time of his death was a
prominent member of the American phar
maceutical association. He was en the
committee appointed by the association te
revise the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, iu which
capacity he performed an unusual amount
of labor in collecting the funds, etc.
He took au active part iu all public en
terprises devised for geed or the develop
ment of the business prosperity of the lo
cality in which he lived. Iu the church
the many important positions which he
held evinced the high regard entertained
for him, and iu all these trusts, involving
the care of large financial interests, the
exercise of judgment and the display of
ability as a thinker, a writer, and a
talker, he met and discharged every duty
devolved upon him with fidelity and satis
faction. His life was a busy one iu the
church and out of it. The bent of his
mind was practical ; what he did was done
for a iurpesc, in which ethers could share
the benefits as well as himself, se that his
record may safely be left te the judg
ment of the community where he lived and
The illness which ended in his death was
short. He complained en Saturday of
slight pains in the heed and of a chill, but
paid no attention te it. On Sun
day he continued te complain of being un
well, and that evening left the supper
table te go te bed, saying that rest per
haps would be of benefit. Monday he
did net seem te be in any danger nor was
he thought te be se during the night, but
Tuesday morning he grew worse and died
about 9 o'clock under circumstances se
sudden as te be a severe she;k te his fam
ily and the community iu which he lived
ami was se highly respected. .
llefore .luilu l.lvlu;sl':n.
Iii the case of Isaac Reland & Ce. vs.
A. Bales Grubb, the jurv found iu favor
of the plaintiffs, for $17821.
Hanover Junction is Susquchann rail
road company vs. Michael and Jehn Moere.
This is an action brought by the plaintiffs
te recover the amount of twenty-five
shares of stock, which is alleged te have
been subscribed by the defendants te the
plaintiff railroad company. After the
case was attached and the opening was
made the jury were taken te view the pro
perty of the defendants, through which
the railroad passes. The case will be
taken up in the morning again.
JSefore !inlc l'attersen.
In the case of Henry G. Hauser vs.
David G. Swartz, tins jury rendered a ver
dict in favor of the plaintiff, for $317.30.
Henry Weiss vs Philip Bernard, action
en a promissory note. This note was given
by Philip Bernard te Chariet Dell, a su
pcrintcudant in the employ of the plaintiff,
who is a cigar manufacturer redlining in
Quakertown, Bucks county. It was en
dersedbythe plaintiff and Charles Dell.
It was for $300 and three months and it
was given en May 10, 1873. The note was
paid by plaintiff when it became due.
The defend is that Dell anil Weiss
were partners in the cigar trade although
they claimed that Dell was merely a su
perintendent. 3Ir. Bcruaid was then
doing business in New Yerk and bought
cigars of them. On the 10th of May he was
at their manufactory ; Wcks wa away
from home aud Dell asked Bernard te give
him his note for $'!09, in order te raise
some money te pay for something connect
ed with the business, a lie could net get
any iu his own name. Dell then drew up
another note for the same amount and
fgave it te Jen:ar.l. He dated it May
13th aud said he would give him that
as a set-off for "the ether one. This
note was never paid when it became due.
Mr. Bernard never received anything for
the note en which this suit was brought.
It war. iiet te pay for anything bought by
him. It was merely given te accommo
date Dell. On trial.
Catharine Themas war. divorced from
Ahram L. Thorns, ea the grounds of dur
ess in procuring the m irriage p irticnlars
reported elsewhere.
Jumped the Track.
This morning about a quarter after seven
o'clock a car attached te the fourth local
freight cast jumped the track just cast of
the crossing of the switches at Rehres-j
town, completely blocking the south track
and detaining the Yerk accommodation
train about three hours the train being
blockaded by ether trains behind it and
the wrecked train iu front. The accident
was caused by a loose wheel. Ne one was