ri -,v-- " i- -, Lt'LUJri ffl)i Ifenfafi V I lAvX LANCASTER PA., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1880. Telime XVII-Ke. 78 Price Twe Cents. .TOIIS fTAXAMAKEJt'S STOJtE. THE HOLIDAYS AT JOHN WANAMAKER'S, CHESTNUT, THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS, AND CITY HALL SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. 1MIE HOLIDAYS. . There Is nowhere in Philadelphia m vailed :i collection et rich goods as here such as lath ers, mothers, brothers, sisters levciv, leek for a little later. There Is an end even of (Jills. Our collection Is large enough and rich enough, one would suppose, even rcr u le-s frugal eitj- tli.in Philadelphia. These goedn aie are new at the hclgntoftheirglery. The choicest or them are here; ethers will come of course; but the choicest are going. What Is equally te the pnrpe-e, buyers aic new about as many as can be cointeitnbly served, and the throng will he denser every fair ilay till Christmas. JOHN WANAMAKi:!. rlLET FUKNISHIXG. Sachets, tidies, lamp-shades, pin-cushions, boxes. In satin aud plush, embroidered and Palnt0,, JOIIXWAXAMAKKU. First circle, southwest from the centre. LACES. Dnchessc vest with Point medallion-, .0; the same mav be seen elsewhere at 7. JOHN iVAXAMAIiLlf. Xlneceuiiters, southwest from the cent ie. c LOCKS l.:r te $I30.rn, .ill (iuarantceii. JOIIX WAXAMAKF.i'. City-hall. square cntl.wiee. rpevs. X Xew room, lie v 1 . JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Outer circle, .t eitU; CI e-tniti -tieet en trance. OOKS. A catalogue et books may be had at the book cemiU'l. We w ant every ivader li have it. The list of children's holiday lx ok-, is " pcclally complete, JOHN WANAMAM'.K. fcceend counter, northeast I rem the centre. LADIES' ULSTEItS. There arc two general st vies, one closed at the back, the ether eiien : the latter i known as coachman's style. In detail et trimming there is great varietv though there is aNe marked simpllcltv. Great variety in cloths loe. $0.3'' te $25. Cloaks, foreign and home-made. Our collec tion Is unprecedented, whet her yen legard va riety, quantity or value. A lady who buys a cloak of any sort In Philadelphia without looking these ever misses the be-1 a'-serlineiit, perhaps. In the whole country. i!..r te $.."Jt. 1 ' JOIIX WAXAMAKKU. Southeast corner of the building. MISSES' COAT. , , Misses' coats in mere limn 70 cloths, shapes ami decoration beyond counting. Sizes 2 te 111 years. Ulsterettes in 5 cloths, ul-tcrs In cloths anil havelecks In cloths. Sizes te IK. JOHN WAXAJIAKEIL Southwest corner et the building. UNDERWKAU AXD IIOSIEIfi. Wc have the best gends the weild allerds, and the next best, and the next, and seen. There is no place anywhere, wheie jeu can sec se large a cel Section et thcdluVtcut grades et goeils, all passing ler what they sir.-, and nothing ler what It is net. cotton ler cotton, j mixed ler mixed, wool for wool, ilk ler silk. JOIIX WAN.iMAKEi:. Outer circle. Chestnut sticet, entrance te j Tliirteentli street entrance. MimOIDEUIES. ! Xew Embroideries are all cady in. Our stock is new in the condition you expect te llnd it In at Xew Year's, i, r. the spring novel- , tiesareherc. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. ! Third circle, southwest Irein the centic. Alt.pETS. The choicest luxurious carpets; the me-t Dubstantlal carpets; tlie Kw;-s,t pi-Ices: pane- tual service. JOHN WANAMAhhU. . Market trcct f i out, up stairs. S Evening silks In ll.e Ai-cade, east i.Idc. ' The same anil many ether pat terns are w iilim. JOHN WANAMAhLI. Xext outer circle, southeast fiem thecentre. 1JMKUOIEIUES. ! 5i Our next spring's novelties in embroi deries are just new received: tbey nsually corneal Xew Y.-.jeix w AXAM AKKl. Xcxt outer circle, southwest Irer.i theccntie. LACES. Laces change daily. Our sales arc l.n go. our -variety always lai-ge, and but little et i.uy one sort. "Compare prices. A quarter below ihc market is net uncommon. ' JOHN WAXAMAKEK. Sine counters, southwest liem liie centre. Such a stock el foreign cloaks as Plulu- ' dclphia has net before seen, sfie te rfiiU: shaw Is nearby; dresses up stair j,.,., Southeast corner el the building. j UltS. Fun of all sorts arc going last. Uheywcnt Slat last year and advanced in price tw t lie si'a- . en advanced. They are going up again. H e slill net mtse prices t ill wc have te buy. 1.x liect te find heic whatever you want, liem a liitei trimming up. ,, I fa JOIIX WAXAMAKEi:. Thirteenth street entrance. i sjiiTS AVI) CI.STEKS FOU CHILD KEN. O Net se sreat variety as ter ladies: 1i.il much larger than anywhere else here. Coats. 2 te fi years: in thirty different mate rials, drab, blue and brown cords v.Itli il'cty black ; cellar and cuff et plush : also in ten nimi-i's lmir cloth, trimmed with seal cloth. r. Coats. 4 te lfi vcars : In thirty cloths, trim :eats, 4 te lfi vcars : in tinny eiein, inm sd with pla'in stitcliimr. pluh, seal cloth, Inchllla fur anil velvet, $J te $H-,. Jlstercttes, 0 te 1C y-ars ; in (ive clel lis, v,-i! .1 men chlrn Ulsterettes. anal nlnfli nnllnrHiul culls. Uhvtcrs, t! te lfi years: in eight clothe, lr-m-ined with plush stitching, lmed and plush. Havelecks, 4 telCvcirs: two styles. JOIIX WAXAMAKEU. BOYS' CLOTHING. Onrtradeisjnsf.vliat it ought te be I ilie lacilitlesand advantages we enjoy. JOHN WAXAMAKEU East et central aisle, near Market street. CHINA AXD GLASSWAUE. Tackloeng prcclain. plate; only, ler din ner or dessert, live patterns, $i". Im-iMper dozen. Haviland dinner t?cts : CnnUlc pattern, $110 ; elscwhere. $Jt. Tressed, i!40 : elsewhere. $200. Tressed with Moresque border and decoration of grasses and buiteillies. .i3 : clsewsierc. $27S. The latter is in the Arcade. Che-tiuit street entrance, te-day. Table glasswaie, English, -trawbeny dia dia dia tnoed cut : every article required ler the table USGfal0r0rnamCn,a,JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Xertliu-cst corner et the building. PLUSH HAND-BAGS. Anda great variety of ether kinds. Aln pocket books, embroidered leather card cises, cigar cases, and everything in leather goods. JOIIX WAXAMAKEU. Third circle northwest fiem centre. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Maikct streets. tm City Hall square. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, And City Hall Square, Philadelphia. MJLKJIIm, irQJtnti. WM. P. FBAILEY'S MONUMENTAL MA3BLB "WGRICS 788 Nertn yneen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AXD FOOT STONES, GAUDEN STATU AUY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, &c. All work guaranteed and satisfaction g en In every particular. N. It. Uemembcr, works al the extreme end Ol North Queen street. inSO "IIFTS. J Te b-.iv Helidav Gilts early is geed ad vice: Tlie best traile is early ; and the bc-.-t i tiade can ics elf the best things. I JOHN WAXAMAKHIi. 4 Ii:i:i) WniGIIT-SPEIIFUMHS. A HIS Man- .Stuart is probably the most lasting elall the agreeable perfumes; noneel the lereign ones approach it. It is very rich, strong and lull et lile; it isagiecable te mere person-., prnbablv, than any ether perfume. Wild Olive is next in pepnl elty ; this also is biiigularly powerful and lasting. White Ife-c Is delicate and hwting. We keep the preferred odors of all the llrst class perliiiiiei-s, such as Lubiu. Ifntlny, Atkin son anil Condi ay ; but of Alfred Whieht'swc keep all. liring an unperfuined handkerchief; and veu shall h ive a sample of any odor veu wish. JOHN '.VAXAMAKEK. First circle, northwest from the center. t ( tOI.OKKI) DUESS GOODS. ! j The lollewing. jn-t rcceivcil. are away i down in puces : French Camel's hair. 17 inch, ' $.73 and. k: Ftench cheviot suiting, silk and I'woel, 43 Inch. -.i."; Ftench feule, all wool, iM i Inch. .).CS. l'.y looking out for Mich opportunities, a lady may elten s;te hiilt. JOHN WANAMAKEH. ' Nine counters, Tiiiiteenlh.strcet entttince. BLACK GOODS. A lady wanting any of the lollewing will i be obliged' for the mention et them ;: silk and wool .satin de Lven, S3 cents: silk laced veleurs. $i ; memie cloth, 73 cents: dama-sc dr.ip d' etc, $ 1 flu ; damask ca-hmere, $1.23. All the piicct except the first arc probably below the co-it ! mnuuf.icliite, and even the lir-t may be. JOHN WAXAMAK EK. e.t outer circle, southwent lremthccenter. 'IMMMMIXG FOil DKLSSIIS AXD CLOAKS. JL Our trade reiiuircs thclargestand freshest stock of these goods, tringcs.pnisemciiterie or nament, girdles, tus;eN, spikes, rings, halls, buttons. Ve have novelties net te be found anywhere e!-e. JOIIX WAXAMAKEK. Xexletiterencle, northwestfrem the center. VJIIAWLS, A.C. O A few shawls are shown in the Arcade; gentlemen's dre-sing gowns and smoking jacUeis in thes.iine ca.se. Mere are within. JOHN WAXA.MAKEK. ! asl eflhc chcstr.ui street enti-.ince. I ,m:i:s Our work-reo.n is lnll fit preparation, se lull thai we cannot crowd it taster. He nave icaily, also, a large stock of finished garment, I'ura'nd turlined. We have saei ues and dolmans In sealskin dyed in Londen we l:ave none but London Lendon Londen dyed seal. We have tiiem In great numbers, and, ol'ceur-e. iuallsizc-t including extremes. 11 lies, lreui $123 te $J3i. Londen controls the seal market of the v.erld Theie have been two advances in pi ice since our lnr weie bought. We shall net advance till we have te buy again: we have net advanced at all, as yet. V. i! have, at iHS, seal sacques such as you Mill leek In vain ter elsewhere at the price. tin- lined circulars and dolmans in very gieal varie.y. We use mostly Satin de Lyen. gres--graiii. armmvanil breiyidc silk and Mcil-ici-.ne : ler nieuinii!, Henrietta and Drap il'I.ie. 'I he latter a le made te order only. Wc have everything worth having in sets, tiiii'.nungs, reiic-i, gloves, caps and the thou-sanii-aml-eiie little tilings that are kept in the cempletest lists. . JOHN WAX A M AK KIL Thiitecnth ". icile itrauce. OKIUTc. iri r;;t. all cniersaml vaiicty of styles, .vjc te !?I'J3: llaiiiicl, black, blue, gray, brown and scailcl, JJ3i te $3.73: satin, black. $1.73 te S10..-.0 : satin, blue, scarlet, brown and black, $I2.S0ies2!); Italian cloth, black, $1.23 te $5. The vai let v is very great. JOIIX WAXAMAKE1L .veut invest corner of the building. I JOYS' OVEUCOAT-s. J Netice the-e two si- pics: iiliie chinchilla sack, velvet cellar and de tachable cape, lined with Farmer's fiatin. horn buttons. $i'..30. Is there another such coat ter 5)i.30? Wc have sold hundreds ut them. llrown-red-auil-eld-gold diagonal ulsterette sel: wool lining, sleeves lined with n durable, silk-strapisl fabric, horn buttons, $8.3J. The.-e are but but, specimens et man-. It Ihevscem inviting, ethers may b.- mere se. See'thein. JOIIX WANAMAKEH. Ceutmlaisic, next te the outer circle, Mar l.ei. street side. t i ifi'exs a"xdmIllixeuy. li I'ibhens and Millinery, you- knew, we have much inerc of than any ether house. JOIIX WANAMAKEH. North of Thirteenth street entrance. JINENb. j A v ry great variety et tiie tlnest linens, a wry great varlely et staple linens, and the lowest iiric; in l'hil.idclphia. JOIIX WAXAMAKEU. Oilier circle. City Hall Square entrance. lXEXHANDKEUCIIIEFS. jij Xew goe.ls .lust received treni alnead. We have, without doubt, the richest and fullest stock en this side et the Atlantic. We buy fiein makers, dliect. knew the quality of our linen beyond question, aud keep below the market besides. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Second circle, southwest from the centre. .ii .- ii (.vtiifi'i'diti'l's vj The very llnest English and l'rench hand kerchiefs and Mu fliers; handkerchiefs 51.23 te $2.30; miilllers, i.r:i te $1.50. Elsewhere they are :-eni ler a i;-:u ier mine, ic lcasi. JOIIX WAXAMAKEU. Second circle, southwest from the centre. 1 -XDEKWEAK. i Every iudividti'il article of Merine or 'ilk rnderwe.tr that we buy we examine te see whetlier the button'- are sewed en secuiely and whether Hit; sramsaie right and properly lasteiic'l." II" anything is wrong, back thegnr lr.ent gees te the irakcr, or we right it ::t his expense. Sucl; h.i, been our praclice for a year and a half. Is tiiereanellicii merchant In! Philadel phia who d'-es the nne. or who watches the interests et his ctr.temcr.s in any similar way V Detects may escape us, nevcrthltss. Yen de us a laver, it" you bring back the least imper fection te l-e made geed. JOIIX WAXAMAKEU. Outer circle. Thirteenth street entrance. " jrsLIX I'XDLUWEAU. J.DX Oura-sertment efall miisllu undergar ments is as Jttll a-at any time of the year: and when the demand ler such is net generally sli eng we are often able te buy at unusual ad vantage. Wc have very nearly the same goods the year letind: but pi ices vniy moieerless. New, for example, probably, there is net te be leundin thi-icity or in Xew Yerk muslin un dergarments equal te our regular stock except at higher pi ice. We knew et no exception whatever." JOIIX WAXAMAKEU. Southwest corner of the bulidlng. 1 '. V HP.HK OV LUGAKMEXTS. j t, De you knew, many are net of Uubber.at all, and are net watcrpioef? Wc sell as inany :ts all Philadelphia besides : real articles only; and guar mtee them. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Central aisle, near Market street entrance. ruvir-iKJ?, cc- OTOVES. STOES. Ibick-Sct and Portable HEATERS and RANGES -5 at : Slierfcer, Hninplirevillc & Kieffer's 40 EAST KING STUEET. RXDXEY PADS. DAY'S Wm FAD! A NEW DISCOVERY. That acts directly en the Kidneys. (Bladder and Urinary Organs, by absorbing all humors, every trace of disease, and forcing Inte the system powerful and healthful vegetable Tonics, giving it wonderful power te cure PAIN IX THE HACK. Side and Leins, Inllam matien and liright's Disease el the Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Diabetes. Stene in the Blad der, Inability te Uetain or Expel the Urine, High Colored, Scanty or Painful Urinating, Deposits, Shreds or Casts In the Urine, NERVOUS AND PUYS1CAL. DEBILITY. and in tact any disease of thee great organs. It avelds.entircly thetreubles anil dangers et taking nauseous and poisonous medicines. It is comlertiible. safe, pleasant and reliable in its effects, yetpcwertal in it action. It can be worn at all seasons, in any climate, and is equally geed for MAX, WOMAN UK CHILD. Ask veurifrmrzlst for it and accent no imi tatien or substitute, or send te us and receive it by return mail. Ileiruiar Pad. S2: Special Pad. for Chronic. deep-seated, or cases of long standing, $J; Children's Pad, prevention and cure et sum mer complaint, weuK Kiiinevs aim neu wel ting, $l.r''. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. E A S T E II X A G E X C Y, CHARLES N. CKITTENT0X, 115 Fntteii St., New Yerk. $50(TrEWARI)! OVEIi A MILLION' OF PROF. GUILMETTE'S Have already been sold in this country and in France : every ene of which has given perfect satisfaction, and has performed cures every time when used according te directions. We new say te the alllicted and doubting ones that we wil pay the above reward ler a single case et LAME BACK Shit the Pad fails te cure. This Great Uetnedy will Positively and Permanently cure Lum bago, Lame hack. Sciatica. Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy, Briglifs Disease et the Kidneys, In continence and Retention et the Urine, In In llauiuiatien of the Kidneys, Catarrh or the Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain In the Back, Side or Leins. Xervens Weakness, and in tact nil disordersef the Bladder and Urinary Oigans wucther cemiactid by piivaie disease or'etherwlse. LADIES, if you arc suffering from Female Weakness. Leuc'eri hes.i, or any disease et the Kidney, Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOTJ CAN BE CURED I Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply wearing PSOP. GUIIiMBTTE3 FRENCH KIDNEY PAD i WHICH CUBES BY ABSOUPTIOX. AskyeurdruggNt ferPUOF. GUILMETTE'S FUENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether. If he has net get it, send ii and you will re ceive the Pad by retnrn mail. Fer sale by JAMES A. MEYKU-3, Odd Fellows" Hall, Columbia, Pn. Sold only by G EO. W. HULL. Druggist. !." W. King SI., Lancaster, P.i. augll-CindeedM.Wil" Prof; Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Will positively euro Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Billiens Fever, .Jaundice. Dvspepsta and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Bleixl. Price $LMI by mail. Send for Prof. Guilmette's Treaties en .t lie Kidneys and Liver, Ireeby mail. Ad.drc.ss FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. augll-C'iideedM.WftF COAL. 13. D. MAKT1N. Wholesale and itetall Dealer in all ilndi of LUMUEll AXD COAL. Aif Yard : Xe. 420 North Wa'er and Prince at reels, above Lemen. Lancie-tcr. n:-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of tne Kest Quality put up expressly for family ne. and ut the low est market prices. TiiY A SAMPLE TOK. iT YAIID 1.-.C SOUTH WATISK -IT. nrtl lyd PHILIP SCHCJM, SOX & CO. CO HO & WILEY," :t.-M NOllTH WAT1UI ST., .iiKf.T, l'a., Wholesale and KeUiil Dealer.-, in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange, iii-.ineh Oaice : Xe.SXOE.TII DUKE ST. COAL ! CO ALT Fer geed, clean Family ami all ether kind of COAL go te BUSSBL&SHTJLMYEB'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders ic specttully solicited. OFFICE: 22 East King Street. YAKD: CIS North J 'nn ci- Street. augll-taprlSU i M Tl REILLY & KELLER GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers in want et supciler Manure will find it te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrisbitrg Pike. Olllec. 3i East Chestnut street. nglT-ltil HOOKS AA'J) UTATIONEIIX. A N ELEGANT L1NL OF NEW STYLE THAMES, NEW STYLE EASELS, NEW PANEL PICTURES, AT L, M. FLYNN:S ' P.UOIi AXD STATIONERY STOUE, .Vi. -IS YEST KING HtllVAVt. c "IllKISTMAS CARDS ! ClIUIaTMASCAUDS Nevel au'il in Great Yariety. Nevel and In Great ariety. Satin Ohrome Lithographs ! for Art Xcedlc-Werk. fbr Art Needle-Werk. XOW HEADY, NOW BEADY, At the Boek Stere of . JOM BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QDEEN STREET, LANCASTER. l'A.. (1 UA1 "fliUUI.ATlOa T In large or small amounts. $23 or $20,000 Write W.T. SOU LK& CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 I-a Salle street, Chicago, III., for cir ulars, mSH-unl FreM fiber Pais Eancastcr Intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 1, 1880. WHO WILL GET THIS MONEr? NEAKLY 820,000 FOUND UN THE DEAD BODY OF AN OUTCAST. Several Alleged Widows and Swarms of Con Cen bins Scraps of Ms History A Venture in the Direction et Matrimony Selling Sermons te Preachers All or Ills Wealth that One Wife Ever Touched Litigation Ahea-'. X. Y. Sun. Oil last election day a tall, spare, loug leug faced, gi ay-bearded, ragged and ditty man bc;"cd for breakfast at a house in Burnt Hills, Saratoga county. The woman re fused him because he was se squalid. But she gave him ten cents and a neighbor told him hew te reach the Shaker settlement in Watervlict, Albany county. The three counties of Albany, Saratoga and Schenec tady join within a few miles of these two places aud near Kiskayuna, in the latter county. On the evening of that day this tall, gray tramp entered the village of Nis kayuna, applied for admission te a house or two, was refused and then he disap peared. The next morning Mrs. Winnie went te the carriage house after coal. When she opened the deer she saw the old man lying en his back, partially prop prep ped tip against the coal bin. She spoke te hi in but he did net answer. Mrs.- Winnie hurried back te the house with the news that there was a dead man in the carriage heue. Help was proem ed and the old man was examined. He was net dead, but barely alive. His condition was such Unit the Winnies refused te have him with in their doers. A kind-hearted neighbor had him carried into his house, built a reaung lire, gave him brandy and killed a chicken te make broth for the old man. The tianip. without speaking, died at five o'clock. Corener Onderkirk, of Schenec tady, va:; notified and that night at nine o'clock he arrived at the house where the dead man lay. Tiie man who had played the part of a Geed Samaritan was sorry that he had done se, and he said te the coroner : '"The best thing you can de is te put that man and his rags in a box and bury them all together. I don't want him here another minute." The coroner objected te this method of disposing of a human being, and said that he would try te prepare the body for buiinl. "It w.is the ver&t easel ever handled' said the coroner, who is an undertaker. " He had two or three coats, vests and shuts, all in rags, aud two pairs of trou sers. I cut the clothes off. When I came te the trousers I felt a bunch in the waist band. I examined and found a little bag sewed up, and then sewed te the waist bands of" both pairs of trousers. It con tained a 8100 government- bend. I struck another bag fixed like the first. It con tained still another bag, and that held a geld liiinting-cascw.itcli and chain worth $150, Then I found another bag that had a let of silver in it. Se I went en. In his clothing I found mere bends, mere silver, a bag el buttons, six silver spoons, wiapped up in brown paper, a layer, et paper between each spoon, and the whole wrapped up with five or si:: yards of cord. When I had finished I took an account of stock. I had $750 in government bends, $2159.72 in cash, the watch and chain, live old silver spoons marked ' J. H. G.,' and one elder and smaller, marked, as wc afterward found out, 'M. TV The silver and pennies weighed ever four pounds. Then a man handed mc something that he said he had picked up where the old mau lay. It was a sort of a tin case done up in rags. 1 pulled tnem en and opened tiie case. There wns something l oiled up in side. I pulled it out and found that it contained nineteen new 1,000 United States registered bends. The old man had died, apparently of starvation, with $19, 98G.72 about him only $10.28 less than $20,000. I wonder if he had set his mark at the latter figure. '. Well,' continued the coroner, "this put a new aspect en the case ; $20,000 meant heirs. 1 luuml, besides, en the old mau papers snowing that he was Jehn Edward Giles, and probably a minister, for there were two sermons in one of his pockets. Wc had a pest-mortem exami nation. It showed that he had died of congestion of the brain. I had the face photographed, put the body in a receiving vault, and the money in the hank, and be gan investigations. Our local papers pub lished something about it, and the result was that wc seen found that the man was known around Rhinebcck and through Dutchess county. But before this there appeared a claimant te the property right here. The Fir.st Claimant. Slopping the coroner in his narrative, it is best te go back thirty or forty years. In the c'.afcs of 1838 in Union college was Jehn Gilc. In the village of Schenectady lived Helen Maria Chute. These young persons were married in 1S30, and in 1843 Jehn Gile, he having meantime completed his theological studies, settled in Sctauket, Leng Island, as the pastor of the Presby terian church there. Twe children were born te them, one of them, Maggie, lived, and in 1849 was three years old. One September day in 1819 the Ilev. Jehn Gile left his home, went ever te Steny Broek, and taking a small sailboat set out te sail around Ctanc Neck and Old Field point in the sound, a distance of six or eight miles. He was net an experienced boatman, and he was never seen again. Seme days afterward the bow of a beat was found in the vicinity, aud the blacksmith in Steny Broek identified' a chain attached te it as one that he had made for the beat in which the He v. Jehn Gile had set sail. The clergyman's wife mourned his less, aud in the cemetery at Sctauket was erected a tombstone bearing the inscrip inscrip teon: " Te the memory of the Rev. Jehn Gile, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Sctauket. Bern at Littleton, N. H., Jan. 2, 1810. Died Sept. 28, 1849." Mrs. Gile afterward married David F. Lyen, and took up her home again in Schenectady. Seme years age Mr. Lyen died. leaving her for the second time a widow. Maggie grew te womanhood and became Mrs. Banta. The mother and daughter new live in Schenectady. When it appeared in the newspaper that the tramp who had died with $20,000 about him was the Rev. Jehn E. Giles, there were several friends of the widow of the Rev. Jehn E. Giles who jumped at the conclusion that the dead man was her long missing husband. Mrs. Lyens herself was net without doubts en the subject. There were these five spoons marked " J. H. G." This, as spoons were marked long age, would stand for Jehn and He len Gilc. Mrs. Lyens knew that spoons were marked that way, but she did net knew that her husband took any spoons with him when he set sail from Steny Broek en that September aftemenn. The fact that the dead man was a preacher was in her favor. That he had changed his name by inserting a middle E. and adding an s was nauial enough it lie had deserted her. She went te see the dead man, aud said that the upper part of the face looked something like her husbannd's. He was a smooth shaven man. This man had a thin scraggy beard and moustache. She told the coroner that her husband had a mole en his body. "The dead man had no such mole. "Then Mrs. Lyens," the coroner, says, "brought some of her husband's sermons, and we compared them with the two found en Giles. The writing was unlike. Her husband's sermons were mere skeletons ; Giles s were wntten out in full, bull wc were all hoping that it could be proved that the Widow Lyens was the rightful heir te that meuey; but the mere we looked into it the mere unlikely it seemed. She said her husband had four false teeth. This man's teeth were all in his headj Still her friends insisted that lie was the man, and some thought it strange that I had any doubts en the subject. I give these persons credit. for meaning well: but you ought te have seen the swindlers. A man appeared in Niskayuna the day after Giles's death was published, said he was his son, and ordered me te turn every thing ever te him. Anether man sent for mc te come te Trey, and told mc a ceck-aud-bull story concocted from. what he had read, with some imagination thrown in. I began an investigation." A Lawyer Interested. Anether man began investigating. This was Lawyer Alexander J. Thompson, of Schenectady. The result of what he, Cor Cor oner Onderkirk, and a Sun reporter have ascertained brings the story nearer te com pletion. - There lived in Rhiuebeck near the beginning of this century a mason named Samuel II. Giles. He was an Eng lishman by birth, but a warm American at heart, and was a captain in the war of 1812 In the records of the Lutheran church is the certificate of marriage of this man with Mary Thompson en April 8, 1810. A son was born, and he was named Jehn Edward Giles. lie grew te manhood in Rliinebcck and learned his father's trade. He was a shrewd young fellow, and after a term or se in the Rhincbeck academy was deemed worthy te teach school. lie taught the district school in Red Heek in the winter and worked at his trade in summer. He developed the faculty of talking in meet ins aud making long prayers. Through the influence of the Lutheran minister in Red Heek he was licensed for one year te preach. There is nothing te show that ha ever had mere authority than this te 1)3 called "Reverend." He was a thrifty young fellow and saved money, which he gave te s merchant in Rhincbeck for safe keeping. When Jehn was a little ever 23 years old he proposed marriage te Miss Emma bitzer, and she accepted htm. i he day was set for the wedding, the guests as sembled, and after a little delay Jehn ap peared with the friend who was te be his groomsmen. As they entered the room Jehn stepped short, looked at the bride elect, turned te his best man and said; "Ed, she's uglier and elder than I thought. I won't marry her." Then he turned en his heel and walked away. That night he dis appeared, having first collected $0.10 from the merchant who took care of his money. The following is an extract from a letter that he wrote en the 18th of January, 1841, when he was hiding in Clinten, eight miles from Rhincbeck : " Honored Sin : After being at Rhinc beck one week, and after it became noised about considerably that I was there, I lefr, aud am new in the tewu of Clinten, eight miles from the village. I have net carried out the original intention which you ex pected when I left you. Yeu thought, I suppose, that I nndoubtedly would marry the girl ; but I have net yet married her, nor de I think I shall, for I don't like bel aud there is no use marrying a girl you don't like. My friends, however, have ex erted thamsclves te their utmost in order te settle the affair by mutual agreement of the parties if possible, and I de sincere ly believe that they will be able te, for, after trying some time, they have at last get them down te $130, which my friends say is entirely tee much, aud that, though they ought te have something, $50 is plen ty, and they shall net have any mere if they can help it. I have been there only once, and for mc te pay $130 for being in the house about thirty minutes, is, they say, entirely out of the question, and I shall net pay it unless I am compelled te. She certainly has broken the contract, for she told mc she was 27 years old, and she actually is upward of thirty.' The result of this breach of premise is net fully known, but the deserted maiden afterward married a shoemaker, and N new living in Rliinebcck in great poverty. In 1843 Jehn E. Giles married the widow Hannah Knapp, who had a small daughter at time. The courtship was peculiar. Mrs. Knapp was doing house work for a Rliinebcck man. One evening Giles called and asked te sec her at the deer. She went out, and was gene some little time. She smiled and looked a trific puzzled when she came in. A few days later she asked her employer what sort of a man Mr. Giles was. The employer didn't knew much for or against him. "Why?" he asked. "Oh, he asked me te marry him, when he called the ether night." She married him because he said he'd give her a geed home. He built a little oue-stery frame house that is standing in Rliinebcck yet. He then abused her, se say all the old inhabitants, locking her in the cellar, beating her, and making her life se miserable that she left him. Seme say that he deserted her. She died in Xew Yerk in 1833, and is buried in Evergreens cemetery. Her daughter lives there new. Giles en His Travel After leaving his wife Giles became a colporteur and agent for religious news papers. Then began the tramping that ended only at his death. In these days he dressed well, had a ready tongue, and im posed upon ministers of all denominations. He called himself the "Rev." Jehn E. Giles, and lived entirely upon the charity of the men en whom he imposed. His' face, form and voice became well known throughout the state. He took many sub scriptions for different religious news papers, sent in the orders and pocketed the money. He preached whenever the opportunity offered, and traveled up and down the state, seldom going mil of it, returning te Rhincbeck once a year or thereabouts, always begging, never spend ing money, and always trading en Ins pre tended piety. JMe one knew much about him or his family relations. When ques tioned he said that the subject was a pain ful one. As years passed he became, care less in his dress, and the persons who thought it a duty te entertain " Jirethcra.vrhcrc was he buried? I wish te have Giles," the colporteur, new began te hcsi-1! tate before givinga heel te hira. He be came very cccentnc. "I came home ene day," said Mr. Thompson te the reporter, "and my wife met me at the deer, saying, " Come in and 03 who's in the kitchen. I guess I'm en tertaining an angel unawares. But he don't leek like one, and he didn't like what I gave him te cat, and ordered me te get something better." I went in rather angry, and saw a dirty old man at the table. ' Hew are you, sir?' I said, rather sharply. Hew are you, sir?' he answered in a very dignified manner. , Who arc you ?' I asked. 'I'm a mau of Ged,' he answered. Frem what church de you get your communion ?' ' I take my orders from no church,' he said, very solemnly. ' I take them from Ged Almighty Him self.' ' Well,' said I, you take yourself out of my house.' He hesitated, and I started for him. Then he went. On the piazza he stepped and began te shake bis clothes. 'I shake the dust he be gan. 'Yeu get out in the street and shake yourself, I shouted. ' Don't de it en ray piazza.' ' I didn't knew who it was. liutwhen l saw .Mr. Giles lying dead I recognized him." Many stories are told of his eccentrici ties, as they were then styled. His sole aim seemed te be te save money. When turned away from a house he would beg money te pay his lodging, and would often get it. Then he would go and sleep in a barn. Only a few days before his death he was in Galway, Saratoga county, and two clergymen there gave him $1 en plea that he was anxious te get home in order te vote for Garfield. He had $19,000 with him at the time. There are these who were surprised after the Rev. J." E. Giles had slept in the house te find their bureau rilled of stockings, pillow cases, and tow els. Neatly folded pillow cases and two napkins were found en him after he was dead. " When I saw that money," said Law ycr Thompson, " I made up my mind that somebody was heir te it, and that I might as well help find who it was as any one. I am net icady te tell yen what I have found, by any means. The Widow Lyens has no claim ; that's plain. Giles's first wife is dead ; that's settled. Did he ever marry again ? that's the question. I am prepared te say that there are three women, te my knowledge, who claim te be his wives. I have the certificates of two. He had no brothers or sisters ; no relatives that are known except oil his mother's side. I have found and represented a let of cousins. There arc se many that if their claim is proved the shares will range from $1,300 te $173, and that is providing they divide the whole of tile $20,000. I shxn't tell you anymore. There's going te be some interesting litigation."' The Corener's Investigation. Mr. Thompson is a shrewd lawyer. -Corener Onderkirk seems te be a plain and candid man. He does net agree with Mr. Thompson that that gentleman is the man te make the search. " The money is in my hands,"' he said. "I made up my mind that it was my duty as an officer te find the lawful heirs, and I went te work. On the old man was the address of the Rev. J. R. Sylvester, of Chatham Centre, near Rliinebcck. I went ever and found Mr. Sylvester. He preaches, keeps a grocery, sells cigars; ha3 a little printing office, where he prints sermons, aud when I saw him was making a pair of red flan uel drawers en a sewing machine. He knew irveh about Giles; had sold him many sei mens, which Giles sold te ether minister'-. Hew de I knew it ? I feand the receipts in Giles's papers. Sylvester told me te go and sec W. L. Pultz, an old friend of Giles's, who lives near Rhine beck. I went, and fennd an old black satchel full of papers. Pultz told me much about the old man, and said, among ether things, that he had once said that he had a wife in Madisen county, bnt that he didn't live with her, because he couldn't stand the smell of hops. Yeu knew Madi Madi eon is a great hop county. I looked ever the papers. Here is one of them, the certificate of the second marriage of Giles's father, in Binghatnten." Mr. Onderkirk showed a yellow paper, written ever with large, awkward charac ters, of which the following is a copy : "" This certifies that I married Samu'l H. Giles te Sarah Ephcck en the 4th of Au gust, 1829, and that said Oilcs wa3 at the time dressed in military uniform, and that he intenupted mc while passing through the mariiagc ceremony by embracing his bride in liis arms aud kissing her most af fectionately, ami after pausing a while and requesting him te desist, I was abks te complete the ceremony "Solen Stocking, Minister of the Gospel." " Then I found the receipts I spoke of from Sylvester, and many letters and notes, evidently recommendations from one minister te another of the bearer, the Rev. J. E. Giles. One letter asked the receiver te take care of Brether Giles for the night. Th 2 writer would have done it, but his hired girl was afraid of the brother and said that she would net stay if he did. There was a memorandum book showing that he had done business with Vcrmilye & Ce., the New Yerk bankers, and a letter from a banker te them saying that the bearer desired te exchange some bends for ones of a larger denomination and regis tered, and a postscript said : ' This man has earned this by years of hard labor.' I found some letters from a woman calling herself his wife. The date and town were caiefully obliterated. I will show you them later. Then, at last, I found three or four old newspapers carefully rolled up I unrolled one after the ether, and in the centic found this. '"It was a marriage certificate showing that en Oct. 13, 1801, in Broekfleld, Madi Madi eon county, X. Y., the Rev. Julius M. Tedd had married the Rev. Jehn Edward Giles and Miss Jane E. Giles. "That helped te narrow the thing down considerably," continued the coroner. "I started for Btoeklicld. The first man I met was one of the old residents. Hew long have you lived here ?' I asked. " Six ty years,' he said. ' De you knew that ?' and I pulled out the photograph of Giles. He put en his glasses and said : ' Why, yes ; it's old Giles, the preacher.' I then found the Rev. Mr. Tedd aud without telling him my errand showed him the same pkolegrap'i and asked him the same question, lie recognized it at once, said he had married him" te JancE. Giles, who, by the way, was no relation te him, and took me te the church, 'where I saw the record of the marriage. Mr. Tedd said thst when Giles came there he was pretty well dicsscd : that the woman was a geed Christian, whom he shortly after deserted. She had gene te Michigan, and he gave me her address. I fixed Giles's identity beyond a doubt, and left for home. Then I wietc te Mrs. Giles in Michigan, telling her that such a man had died, and asking her if .c.he knew his wife. I said nothing about the money. Herc'3 the first letter." It was evidently the work of one net ac customed te heldinga pen ; but the spell ing was geed and the words well chosen. She said she had married the Rev. J. L Giles, told when and where, aud asked par-. tlcula rly whether he was conscious when he died, and what were his last words "I want no much te knew," she wrote. Did he have a decent burial, and a itene te mark his resting place." In answer te a second letter from the coroner, the following was received, the place when it was written being with held : " Nev. 17, 1880. "Mr. D. D. C.ONDEnsiRK SVr : I have just received your letter, and hasten te reply. I thank you from a full heart for. the care you have taken of my peer hus band's body, and also for the inteiest yen manifest in my behalf. With reference te the disposal of his remains, it is my wishes that they have a decent burial in your county, as I am net permanently located, I am living with a married sister and they contemplate removal. I have no children, and Mr. Giles told mc that ours was his first marriage. It was eight years l'i 0111 the time wc first met, before our marriage. lie came te me highly recem- mended. His papers bore the names of judges, ministers, and the then governor of the state of Xew Yerk, all speaking in the highest terms of him. The only relative he ever spoke of te me was his mother's sister, then living in Oswfge with her two sons. The old lady is, perhaps dead. Of my sufferings I will net speaic mucn. They are known te Ued. But be used te speak of it himself. He said te me one day, 'Jennie, my conduct is killing you. Yeu leek se pale.' If yen knew your conduct is killing me, why won't you de better? 'Well,' said he, iii a light way. if you die before I de I'll sec you buried.' I never had a penny of his money while I lived with him. He was fed and clothed at my expense, and lived at my father's house, lie had at that time nearly $4,000, counting them ever every night and morning. At one time he wished me te write te him at a place he mentioned, and gave me a stamp te pay the postage, but changing his mind, he came home, and the first inquiry was for the stamp. He took it and put it in his pocket-book. That is all the money of his that I ever handled. Oh, what geed did his money de him ? When alive his treas ure was en earth, and new hew peer he must be, peer man ! I r.m glad you had his .photograph taken. It leeks mere natural than I would have thought it could. I have a tin type likeness taken before we were married. Jaxe F. Giles." The coroner has several letters written te Mrs. Giles by Jehn E. Giles, and found in his papers. The writing was the sam They are remarkable, as showing a spirit of love and devotion and piety that cer t duly seemed genuine. The writer of these letters will seen be 111 Scbcuectady, and will apply for letters of administra tion en her husband's estate. Then the trouble will begin. Mr. Thompson inti- . mates that there are ether wives prier te her, and that it will be hard te prove her right te the property. The cousins, tee, will make fight for their share. It the gentlemen whose lip i;v-we.l llie lailv'M snowy brew unit thus eauu'it i-.Hevere cold had but used Dr. Hull's Censh Syrup, nn doctor's bill would liave.buen neeeary. Ge te II. K. Cochran, druggist 137 and ISO North Queen street ler Mrs. Freeman's Xew Jituiennl Myes. rw nrlgiitnessiinil iliiraniiuy et color are unerjnaicii. pounds. Trice, 15 cent. Celer from 2 te r Iletr Ilupplness Is Secured. Happiness Is the absence et pain or annoy atice, mid wherever there Is pain there is ills ease. A pain in the lower portion of the body indicatesadisordcret geme kind. If there Is any odor or color or deposit In the urine it means disease and requires attention at once. We have heard many et oiirfrieniNspcakef the re markable power or Warner's safe Kidney and Liver Cure and are convinced there is nothing se certain and valuable ler all disorders oftlie urinary system both male and female. G Hew's the Ilaby. 'Hew's the Haby?" "His croup I better this morning, thank you, we gave him some Themas Eclectrlc Oil ns you a.lvKcd, doctor, and shall give him tome mere in an hour or se." Next day the doctor pronounced the youngster cured. Fer sale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 1) North Queen stieet. Lan caster. I'a. MHIHVAJ CUTICURA Itching Humors, Scaly Humors, Bleed Humors, speedily, permanently and economically cured when physicians aud all ether methods fail. What are Skin and Scalp Diseases lint ll.e evidence cf internal Humer ten times 111010 difficult te reach and cure, which floats in the bleed and ether fluids, destroying tin: delicate machinery of lire, and tilling the body will: foul corruptions, which burst ihrniigh the skin in loathsome eruptions? Cviicura ItESOLVEnT, the new JII001I l'nrilier. Internally. Ccticcra. 11 Medicinal Jelly, assist ed by the CUticura M edicixal and Toilet Seav, externally, have performed the most miracu lous cures et Itching, Scaly and Scroliileus Humors ever recorded in medical anual. Eczema Rodent Kczkma RenEXT. I". II. brake, esq., agi-nt for Harper ,t Ilretlurs. Detroit, Mich., gives an astonishing account of his case (Kczcma In dent), which had been treated by a consulta tion of physicians without benefit, and which speedily yielded te the Cutleitra Itciucdic. Salt Rhcnni. Salt Uhbl-m. Will McDonald, rll Dearborn street, Chicago, gratefully acknowledges a cure of Salt Khctim en head, neck, face, arms and legs, for pcvcntceu years ; net able te walk ex cept en hands and knees ler one year; net able te help himself for eight years; tried hun dreds of remedies: dot-tort pronounced his cae heiMiless; permanently cured by Hie Crt ticura Kcincdics. Ringworm. Kisnweiui. Cee. W. Itrewn, is Marshall street. Trevldenre, It. I cured by Ciitictiri Kcincdics of 11 Ulugwerin Humer, get at the barberV, which spread all ever the ears, ncc!c ami face and for six years resisted ail Kindn of treatment. Skin Disease. S. A. Steele, en,., Chicago. III., says : I will say that before 1 used the Cuticcka Kemedikh I was in a fearful tati and had given up all hope of ever having any relief. They have per formed a wenderlul cure ter nn-. and of my own free will and accord. 1 leeemmeiid them." Cbticuka UEMBnicsurc prepared by VKIMS A 1'OTTKIt, Chcmi.stsnr.d Druggist. W) Wash ington street, lio.-ilen, and arc for Mile by all Druggists, l'rice ter Cuticuka, ii Medicinal -felly, small boxes, 50 cents; linage boxes. SI. Cutictka KkselveJiT, the new llloed l'nrilier. Si per bottle. CirricuitA Meuici.xal Toilet Soai', 'i" cents. Cctici'ka Medicinal Shavimj Seap, 1.1 cents; in bars for Harder ami large consumers, .V) cents. ua,li mailed free en receipt of price. SANFOBD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH. Sa.-vkerdVi Kadical Cure, Catarrhal Sol vent, and Improved Imialek, wrapped In 0:11: package, with fnll direetieiiH. and Held by alt druggists for one dollar. Ask for Saskeki"s Radical Ci're. Frem a simple cold or influenza te flu: rot ret ting, sloughing and death of the eeii-jcs of Smell, TaHc and Hearing, this great remedy is supreme. Poisonous mucous accumulation-, are removed, the entire membrane cleansed, disinfected, seethed and healed, constitutional ravages checked.thc bleed purified of catarrhal fioisen, deepened In color, and strengthened n life-giving properties. Tims, externally and internally, In accordance with reason and common sense, docs this great, economical remedv work, inht-intlvreltavlni? and ncriii:i- I ncntly curing the most aggravated and dan gi gereus forms et lii'inan sintering. uencret Agty., ncKiis a reixi.i;, uosien. Cellins' Voltaic Electric Flusters. Mere continuous nnd powerful electrical action Is obtained from Cellins' Voltaic Klee tric Plasters than any S-2 battery made. They are a speedy and certain cure for I'aiu and Weakness et the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Ithcnmatlsm. Neuralgia, Hysteria. Female Weakness, Nervous l'ains , and Weaknesses, Malaria, and Fever and Ague. Price 41 ctsj. Sold everywhere. . MRS. C. JLILLEE, UUMES' IIAIKDKESSEK Manuraetnrcrand Dealer In Hair Werk, I-adles and Gents' Wigs. Combings straightened itml made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse. Kid Glevcsund Feathers cleaned ami dyed, at Xe. 2.3 and 2i7 North ueen street, fourdeors alie ve 1'. It. 11. Depot. eI-."in.l PAINTING. A. All kinds et Ileusa Painting am! Graining done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. We liave reduced our pi ices te $1.73 per ilnv. Shep en Charlette -.tn-ei. ecti-J-Suid ALLEN GUTIHUL" aO.iS.