lmtfafe (Era , if i, i' . i VM.'J i' Volume XYII-Ne. 77. LANCASTER PA., TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 80, 188(1. Price Tw Carts. .JOItX tfAJfAXAKEB'S STORE. THE HOLIDAYS AT JOHN WANAMAKER'S, CHESTNUT, THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS, - AND CITY HALL SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. THE HOLIDAYS. There la newhe rein Philadelphia se varlcil a collection et rich Reeds as here such ns lath ers, mothers, brothers, slaters, levers, leek for allttie later. There la an end even of Gills. Our collection Is large enough and rich enough, one would suppose, even for a less frugal city than Philadelphia. These goods are are new at the fceightoftbeixglery. The choicest of them are here; ethers will come of course ; hut the choicest are going. What is equally te the purpose, buyers are new about as many us can be com tort ably served, and the throng will Ikj denser every fair day Mil Christmas. ....,, JOHN" WAXAMAKKR. f TOILET FURNISMNU. X Sachets, tidies, lamp-shades, pin-cushions, boxes, in satin and plush, embroidered and ,,aInt0, JOHNWANAMAKKU First circle, southwest irem the centre. LACES. Duchesne vest with Point medallions, $30 ; the wuiie may be seen elsewhere at$70. JOHN rt'ANAMAKER. Nine cennlcrs, southwest from the centre. CLOCKS. $1.33 te $150.00, all ;iiiiirantced. jijIlNWANAMAKER. City-hull square eiiliuucc. rvs. New room, new teyj. JOHN WAXAMAKKR. Outer circle, wed eftix Cfcrstiiiit street en trance. BOOKS. A catalogue et books may lie had at the book counter. We want every reader te have it. The list or children's holiday books is es pecially complete, JOHN WANAMAKER. Second counter, northeast from the centre. A1UES' ULSTEKS. I There arc two general styles, one closed at thcliack, the ether open : the latter is known as coachman's st vie. In dutailet trimming there is great variety though there is also marked simplicity. Great variety In cloths tee. $G.30 te $25. Cloaks, foreign and home-made. Our collec tion Is unprecedented, whether you lcgard va riety, quantity or value. A lady who buys a cloak of any sort in Philadelphia without looking these ever misses the bet assortment, perhaps. In the whole country. $WH) te $i"iii. v JOHN WANAMAKER. Southeast comer of the building. MISSES' COATS. Misecs' coats in mere than 70 cloths, shapes and decoration beyond counting. Sizes 2 te 10 years. Ulstercltes In 5 cloths, ulsters In 3 cloths and havelecks In cloths. Sizes G te Hi. JOHN WAKAMAKEK. Southwest corner et the building. UNDERWEAR AXD HOSIER1 . We have the best goods the wei Id affords, and the next best, nnd the next, and seen. There is no place unywhere, where you can see se large a collection et the different grades et goods, all passing for what they are, and nothing for what It Is net, cotton :or cotton, mixed for mixed, wool for wool, silk ler silk. JOHN WAXAMAKEB. Outer circle. Chestnut street, entrance te Thirteenth street entrance. "I71II1BOIDEBIES. JCi New Embroideries arc already in. Our stock Is new in the condition you expect te nnd it in at New Year's, i", c. the spring novel ties arc here. ., . JOHN WAXAM AK EH. Third circle, southwest from the centie. AKPETS. The choicest luxurious carpets; the wen substantial carpets; the lowest prices: punc tual service. JOHN WAXAMAKEB. Market street lrent, up stairs. SILKS. Evening silks In the Arcade, east side. The same and many ether patterns are Ithin. JOHN WAXAMAKEB. Next outer circle, southeast from the centre. MBUOIDEBIES. . , Our next spring's novelties In embroi deries nre Just new received; tbey usually come at New Year's. .. JOHN WAXAMAKEB. Next outer circle, southwest from the centre. ACES. Laces change dally. Our sales are large. our variety always large, and but little of any one sort. Compare prices. A quarter below the market is net uncommon. JOIIX WAXAMAKEB. Nine counters, southwest from the centre. -m-KAFS, &c. Knrti a. stock of foreign cloaks as Phila delphia has net lieferc seen, $10 te $230: shawls near by : dresses up stairs. ' ' JOIIX WAXAMAKEB. Southeast corner el the building. FURS. .,.., J Furserall sorts are going fa-d. They went last last year ami advanced lu price jus t lie pea- j son advanced. They arc going up again. e i shaU net rnlsc prices till wc have te buy. ts-1 pect te find here whatever yen want, lrem a J bit el trimming up. " I JOIIX WAXAMAKEB. i Thirteenth street entrance. SWATS AND ULSTERS FOB CHILDREN. j Net se great variety as ler ladies; but much larger than anywhere else here. Coats. 2 te years: In thirty different mate rials, drab, blue and brown cords wlthibccy black ; cellar and cuffs et plush ; also in ten camel's hair cloth, trimmed with seal-cloth. Coats, 4 te 1C vears : in thirty cloths, trim med with plain stitching, plush, seal cloth, chinchilla fur nnd velvet, $2 te $20. Ulsterettes, C te 16 years ; In live cloth, with seal cloth cellar and cuffs. Ulsters, C ten; years; in eight cloths, trim med with plush stitching, heed and plush. Havelecks. 4 te 1 years : two styles. JOIIX WAXAMAKEB. BOY'S' CLOTHIXG. Onrtradeisjustwhatit ought te be for the facilities and advantages we enjoy. JOIIX WAXAMAKEB. East of central al.de, near Market street. STHINA AND GLASSWARE. 1 Tackloeng prcclain, plates only, for din ner or dessert, Ave patterns, $23 te $30 per dozen, Havlland dinner sets ; Camlllcpattcrn, $140 : elsewhere. $200. Tressed, $140 ; elsewhere, $200. Tressed with Moresque bonier nnd decoration or grasses and butterflies. $225; elsewhere. $275. The latter Is in the Arcade, Chestnut street entrance, te-day. Table glassware, English, fctrawberry-dla-raend cut ; every article required ler the table ttseful or ernamenial. eav WAyAMAKE,.. Northwest comer et the building. PLUSH HAND-BAGS. And a great variety of ether kinds. Alse pocket books, embroidered leather card cases, cigar cases, and everything in leather goods. JOHN WAXAMAKEB. Third circle northwest f rem centre. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets, and City Hall square. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market Streets, And City Hall Square, Philadelphia. MAXBJU- WQttkM. WM. P. FBAILEx"S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 768 Nertn y seen Street, Lancaster, l'a. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STOXES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, te. All work guaranteed and satisfaction g en In every particular. N.B. Remember, works at the extreme end Ot North Queen street. m) GIFTS. . , Te buy Holiday GilU early Is geed ad vice: The best trade is early; and the beat trnde carries en" the best things. JenX WANAMAKER. ALFUED WEIGHT'S PEBFUMES. HIS Marv Stuart Is probably the est lasting of all the agreeable perfumes; none of the lerclgn ones approach It. It Is very rich, strong and full of life ; It Isagieeable te mere persons, probably, than any ether perfume. Wild Olive is next In popularity ; this also is singularly powerful and lasting. White Unse Is delicate and lasting. Wc keep the preferred odors of all the nrst class perl inn ers, such as Lnbln. Bailey, Atkin son and Coudray ; but of Alvhed AV mom's wc keep all. Bring un nncerfumed handkerchief; and yen shall have a sample of any odor you wish. JOHN WANAMAKER. First circle, northwest from the center. C10LORKD DRESS GOODS. ; The following. Just received, are away down In prices : French Camel's hair, 47 Inch, $9.73 and .a".; French cheviot suiting, silk nnd wool, 45 inch, $0.73; French fenle, all wool, 23 inch $0.23. By'loeking out for such opportunities a lady may often save halt. JOHN WAXAMAKEB. Nine counters, Thirteenth street entrance. BLACK GOODS. A lady wanting anv or the following will Ik; obliged for the mention of them; Silk and wool ibatin dc Lyen, 83 cents ; silk laced veleurs, $1; memle cloth, 73 cents; damasse drap d' etc, $1.30 ; damasse cashmere, $1.2i. All the prices except the first are probably below the cost of manufacture, and even the first may be. JOHN WAXAMAKEB. Xcxt outer circle, southwest from the center. rpilIMMlXG FOB DBESSES AXD CLOAKS. L Our trade requires the largest and freshest stock or these goods, f rlnges.passementcrle or naments, girdles, tassels, spikes, rings, balls, buttons. We have novelties net te be found anywhere else. JOIIX WAXAMAKEB. Xexteulcr circle, northwest from the center. SHAWLS, &c. A few shawls arc shown In the Arcade ; gentlemen's dressing gowns and smoking jackets In the same case. Mere are within. JOIIX WAXAMAKEB. East of the Chestnut street entrance. F UBS. Our work-room Is full of preparation, se urn mat we cannot crown it inner, we nave ready, also, a large stock of finished garments, fur anil fur lined. Wc have sacqucs and dolmans in sealskin dyed lu Londen we have none but London Lendon Londen dyed seal. We have them In great numbers, and, of ceur-c, in all sizes including extremes. Prices, from $123 10 $230. Londen controls the seal market et the world Thcre have been two advances in price since our furs were bought. We shall net advance till we have te buy again ; we have net advanced at all, as yet. We have, at $13, seal sacqucs such as you will leek in vain ter clsewhere at the price. Fur lined circulars and dolmans in very great vnrierv. We use mostly Satin dc Lyen. gres-grain,armnrc and brocade silk and Slcil ieune ; ter mourning. Henrietta and Drap d'Ete. The latter are made te order only. We have everything worth having In sets, tiiminings, robes gloves, caps and the thou-sauit-and-eue little things that are kept in the completes! lists. JOIIX WAXAMAKEB. Thirteenth street c.itranee. OKI UTS. O Felt, all colors and variety of style.-, 33c te $1.23 : nanuel, black, blue, gray, brown and scarlet, $2.51 te $1.75; satin, black, $1.75 te $10.50 ; satin, blue, scarlel, brown and black, $12.50 te $20; Italian cloth, black, $1.23 te $3. The vaiiety is very great. JOIIX WAXAMAKEB. Southwest corner of the building. B OYS' OVERCOATS. Netice these two 6u.:.iue: Blue chinchilla sack, velvet cellar and de tachable cape, lined with Farmer's satin, horn buttons, $6.50, Is there another such coat for $t;.50 ? We have sold hundreds et them. lirown-red-and-eld-gold diagonal ulsterctte sort wool lining, sleeves lined with a durable silk-straped fabric, horn buttons, $8.5 . These are but but specimens of many. It the' .seem inviting, ethers mav be mere se. See them. J OHX WAXAMAKKR. Central aisle, next te the outer circle, Mar ket street side. R":UOS AXD MILLINERY. - Bibbens and Millinery, you knew, wc have much mere or than any ether heuse. JOIIX WAXAMAKEB. North of Thirteenth street entrance. LINENS. Avery great variety el the finest linens, u very great variety et staple linens, and the lowest prices in Philadelphia. JOIIX WAXAMAKEB. Outer circle. City Hall Square entrance. JIXEX HANDKERCHIEFS. j New goods Just received from abroad. We have, without doubt, the richest and fullest stock en this side of the Atlantic. Wc buy from makers, direct, knew the quality or our linen beyond question, and keep below the market besides. JOnX WAXAMAKEB. Second circle, southwest from the centre. CULK HANDKERCHIEFS. O The very finest English and French hand kerchiefs and Mnfllers; handkerchiefs $1.25 te $2.50; milliters, $1.50 te $1.50. Elsewhere they are sold for a qrartcr mere, at least. JOIIX UAXAMAKEK. Second circle, southwest from the centre. tTNDERWEAB. ) Every individual article el Merine or Silk Underwear that wc buy we examine te sec whether the buttons are sewed en securely and whether the scams arc right and properly lastcncd. If anything is wrong, back Hie gar ment gees te the maker, or we right It at his expense. Such has been our practice for a year and a half. Is there another merchant in) Philadel phia who docs the rame, or who watches the interests et his customers In any similar way 7 Detects may escape us, neverthless. Yen de na a favor. It" yen bring back the least imper fection te be made geed. JOHN WAXAMAKER. Outer circle. Thirteenth street entrnnec. MUSL1X UXDERWEAR. Our assortment or all muslin undergar ments is ns rail as at any time of the year : and when the demand ter such Is net generally strong wc arc often able te buy at unusual ad vantage. Wc have very nearly the same goods the year "round : but prices vary mere or less. Xew, ter example, probably, there is net te be found in this city or in New Yerk muslin un dergarments equal te our regular stock except at higher prices. We knew et no exception whatever. JOHN WAXAMAKEB. Southwest corner of the building. RUBBER OVERGARMENTS. De yen knew, many are net of Bubber.at all, and arc net watcrproel? We sell as many as all Philadelphia besides ; real articles only; and guarantee them. JOIIX WAXAMAKEB. Central aisle, near Marketstrcet entrance. StSWAME, JtC- QTOVES. STOVES. Brick-Set and Portable HEATERS and RANGES Sherlzer, Humphreville & Kieffer's 40 EAST KIXG STREET. CLV1HIXQ. FALL OPENING AT H. G-ERHART'S Tailering: MalsMiit, MONDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1880. A Complete Stock et Cleths, Suitings isiw OVERCOATINGS. which for elegance cannot be surpassed. The Largest Assortment et ENGLISH AND SCOTCH SUITINGS in this city. Prices as low as the lowest at H. GERHART'S Ne. 51 North Queen Street. CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! We have new toady ter sale an Immense Stock et FOR Fall and Winter, which are Cut and Trimmed in the Latest Style. Wc can give yen a GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS I0W 'AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In great variety, made te order at shni t notice at the lowest prices. D. B. Hosteller & Sen. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, ;-iyd LANCASTER. PA. COAL. B. V. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kind- et LUMBER AXD COAL. Or Yard: Xe. 420 Xerth Water and Prince atieets above. Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of 1 ne Best Quality put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. tr YARD 150 SOUTH WATER ST. neSMyd PHILIP SCIIUM, SOX & CO. CO HOT WILEY . XOllTll WATEJt HT., Lancaster, l'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. branch Otllee : Ne. 3 XORTH DUKE ST. fcb2S-lyd doALTbeAlT" Fer Reed, clean Family and all ether kind of COAL go te RUSSEL & SHTJLMYER'S. Quality anil Weight guaranteed. Orders ic ic spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 22 East King Street. YARD: 618 North Prune Street. auslt-taprlSK (Wy& ksller yen GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers in want et Superior Manure will lind it te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrisburg Pike. Otllee. 20)4 East Chestnut street, s ajjl7-itd VAINER liAXOlXan, Ac. -lTjs HAVE A LOT Of" LIGHT COLOR WINDOW SHADES, Geed Patterns, that will be closed out at the low price et fifty cents. These are a decided bargain, as some have been reduced from one dollar te fifty cents apiece. PLAIN WIXDOW SHADING by the yard, Blue, Garnet, Brown, Old Geld, Lavender, Stene, 4 c. Cardinal, llrewn. Ecru, Green and White SCOTCH HOLLANDS. PAPER CURTAINS, Spring Fixtures, Fringes. Leeps, Tassels, Ace. Opening almost dally Xew Designs el" WALL PAPER. Our stock Is Large and Attractive, or the newest tasinens. ne, The Best, Simplest and Cheapest made. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. PAINTING. All Idmls et Heuse Painting and Graining done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. Wc have reduced our prices te $1.75 per day. Shep en Charlette street. ectl2-3ffid ALLEN GUTHRIE & SONS. Ready-Mane tii Hancasicr Intelligencer. TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 30, 1880. Mrs. Hepklas Receives it Call from the Recter of Church of the Hely Presence. A. D. 1835. the Hafter that day Hi comes 'emc from the Church of the ?OIy Presence that flustered thre1 seeing se many things in church as Hi niver saw hafore as Hi'ra suits my art was halmest in my month, as you may say. Hi didn't say no mere te 'Opkins habeut the matter, as Hi was thankful he didn't hask thre' seeing Hi wasn't just heasy in my mind hen the subject. He didn't niv er use te "avc much curiosity, didn't 'Op kins, and he's that slew habeut speaking sejnetimes as H'm sure is lit te make you crazy. W'y Hi remembers like as if it might be yesterday the hevenings he'd come te see mohafere jare was married,, as Hi nivcr thought we would be thre' 'is bean se long a making up 'is mind te hask me te marry 'im, as there niver was nethink like it ; and sit he would a looking at me, like a3 if Hi was a "Wenus or semethink of the kind,for hours at a time, and niver say ing nethink but yes or no w'en Hi speaks te'im. Sometimes Hi thinks Hi would 'urry 'ni up a bit by telliug 'im habeut the different weddings Hi 'ears was 'appening, but laws, Hi might as well 'ave talked of funerals for all the hitnpressien Hi makes en 'im. He is a man as will halways take 'is own time, is 'Opkins, and he's that 'ard te move w'en he's once made up 'is mind as the North Pele isn't nethink te 'im for firmness. But, as Hi was saying, Hi 'adu't said no mere te 'im habeut the 'OJy Presence church thre' feeling sero en the matter myself, and the next Sunday Hi gees with 'im te Saint Jonathan's, as wasn't as 'igh church as me and 'Opkins was used te, but was worry well, all the, same. Hevery new and then Miss Carter comes te see us as"didn't seem te 'avc no ill feelings towards me thre my 'aving said as Hi was glad Hi wasn't like the Hangle Catholics, and she says tome w'ore was Hi ceing te church new, and Hi answers te Saint Jonathan's w'en Hi gees at all, witch was net as hof hef tens as in Hiuglaud thre' it net being se 'igh as what Hi was used te. " Come go with me te the Church of the 'Oly Presence, hagin, Mrs. 'Opkins," says she then, worry sweet like. " Ne, and thanks te you, Miss Carter," Hi says. " Hi couldn't niver get used te they, mcauiug the Hangle Catholics," says Hi te 'cr then. She leeks sad like w'en Hi hanswers that way, but she comes te see me nil the same as H'm sure Hi was glad te 'avc 'er, for she was a gcntle-speken young woman as was worry like a sister of mine as died haferc Hi was married te 'Opkius. " Maybe you will think different some day, Mrs. 'Opkins," she would say te me sometimes, as Hi tells 'er she might be right, but Hi didn't think as Hi ivcr should if Hi knows myself and Hi 'epes Hi may niver be of 'er mind. Se she comes and gees and the time slips by quite rapid like, w'en one morning as Hi was standing at the deer looking up Seuth Quince street and thinking as it was time the postman was crc, a gentleman as was coming haleng the sidewalk steps te speak te me. "Is this Mrs. Opkins ?" he says worry pleasant like, and Hi sees then as it was Mr. Day, as Hi 'ad seen at the 'Oly Pres ence long haferc. Hi hanswers as it was and basks 'im in- te my parlor as Hi' in sure nobody need feel ashamed te sit down in, the' Hi says it as sheuld'nr, and 'aving a heasy chair as was that comfortable as you'd niver want te get out of it, and lace curtains as Hi 'ad washed and ironed that week myself, as was 'aid work, and 'Opkins a saying wot wet iver de you de it for and gclls that stupid as ruins hevcrything they lays their 'ands te. " Well, he sits down, and I sees w'en he he throws back 'is coat as he 'ad a big geld cress as was 'nng te a chain round 'is ncek as Hi didn't like the leeks of. " Miss Carter tells me you are from Hinglaud," he says, wcrry haffable. " Yes," Hi says, " me and 'Opkins 'as only bean in Dencastcr .a few months." " Yeu are a church woman, she tells me," he gees en. Most certainly," Hi hanswers. "Wen we was in Londen me and 'Opkins went reg'lar te Saint Hann's as maybe you've 'card of thre' Mr. 'Ampton bean pastor of it," Hi says. " Yes, Hi 'ave," he says. " Hi 'ave met 'im. A most hexcellcnt man, but a little hastray en a few points." " Hi don't know'ew that may be," han swers Hi, puzzled a bit te knew what he means "but at St. Hann's he is thought heverythink of," lit says. "Wcrry proper," says he, "a wcrry proper state of mind for a parish. Hi am Mr. Day, as is the rector of the church of the 'Oly Presence." he says after a little, "and Hi 'epes te see you and your 'usband frequently at the 'Oly Presence." "It is werry kind of you." Hi says, "but Hi 'ave been there once, as Hi don't think ni justly cares te g j hagm."1 "Wy net, Mrs. 'Opkins?" he hask s, drawing 'is hoyebrews hinte a straight line and speaking a bit stern as Hi fancies. "Well," Hi explains, "the' meaning no helTense te you, sir, Hi was brought up haccerding te prayer book as don't seem te me the way with the Hangle Catholics as Hi am told your sort is called, and Hi don't feel at 'eme like with they, thre' bean used te 'aving things different' at Saint Hann's." "Yeu are quite mistaken, Mrs. 'Op kins," lie says te me, then, " quite mis taken ; we fellows the rubric as you knew is in the prayer book, and wetever cere meny isn't forbidden there is perfectly right for us te use. Hevery day we are getting nearer and nearer te the customs of the primitive church. And he wet a joyful day," he exclaims, "w'en the church will be restored te its primitive purity and beauty." Hall this was weiry bewildering like te me, but Hi waits till he finishes and then Hi says- " MaTbe a., von a, rfi,t. Mr. Dav. bnt Hi'm sure the church of the present day is quite geed enough for me. Frem hall Hi've 'eard," Hi says, " Hi don't belieTC as they knewed heverythink in them times as you was a speaking of." Most like he sees then as he wasn't mak ing great 'cadway with me, the' he was that haffable and social like, as Hi couldn't 'elp but like 'im and a wishing as he rf r -- J 1 wasn't a Hangle Catholic, and se pretty seen he gets up te go. "Tell your 'usband," he says then, "as we 'epes te see 'im seen at the Church of the 'Oly Presence, and you, tee, Mrs. 'Opkins, for hall you think us such law ful people," he gees en laughing quite 'arty as did oue geed te 'car'im. "Yeu arc most kind," Hi says, "but 'Op kins and me leeks both halikc, and Hi'm that sure as you couldn't drag 'Opkins te no Hangle Catholic church, no, net if you was four 'erscs a pulling Mm with ropes, as Hi see once in a picture of a man as H'im sure must 'ave bean 'urt most hawful, as Hi was never mere positive of anythink." W'en 'Opkins came 'emc te dinner, as said he 'ad been riding te Lampeter en business, as he wouldn't tell me what it was. Hi says te 'im as Mr. Day had called that morning. "Whoever is he, Mary?" he hasks. Se then He tells 'im as he was the par son at the Church of the 'Oly Prescnce,and hafter wards Hi says te Mm what Hi saw w'en Hi went there with Miss Carter as Hi 'adn't niver said much of haferc as Hi says at first. "Mr. Day says as he 'epes you will go te 'is church, but Hi says as you wouldn't niver de nethink of the kind," Hi finishes as Hi puts the sugar into 'is coffee as he niycr thinks he can de it 'imself. " Wetlver was in you te tell 'im that, Mary?" he asks me, cress like, as the best of 'usbands is sometimes hapt te ba, as Hi'm sure 'Opkins isn't,the' quite geed in -'is way, as Hi doubt if there's many as is much better hafter hall. "Can't a man speak for 'imself," he gees en grumbling, as it might be his dinner was a disagreeing with 'im. " Ili've alf a mind te see 'ew the Hangle Catholics manages things for myself," he says. W'en Hi 'ears 'Opkins say this Hi was that beat as you might 'avc knocked me down with a feather. "Laws," lit licxcianns, "just ear 'im talk !" "Well," he says warm like, "you may listen and you'll 'ear 'im say as he's going te the Hangle Catholic church, come next Sunday;" and then he shuts 'is mouth as nethink couldn't iver make 'im hepen it hexcept'isdinner witch he couldn't resist thre bean fend of healing as he wouldn't be 'OpkinsMf lie wasn't. Hi thinks te myself as all this was be cause he was a bit put heut haleng of me but Hi sees next day as he was firm as anythink. "Yeu are a feel," Hi says te "im w'en Sunday comes and he still a saying he would go te the Church of the 'Oly Prcs Prcs eticc, "you arc a feel te go hafter hall you've 'card of their doings from me as wouldn't say a false word if Hi was te be 'nng for it." "Well, Mary, lass," he says quick like for 'im, '' if Hi am a feel te go Hi am net the first feel as 'as gene there from this werry 'eusc," says he. Hi couldn't say nethink te that and off he gees and me a wondering what 'ad come hover 'im. Democratic Doctrine. The Jeffersen Association of Yerk te the Jeffersen Association of Shrewsbury. At a full regular meeting of the Jeficr son Democratic association of Yerk, No vember 22, 1890, the following was or er dered: Te the Jcffeeten Democratic Asiociatien of Shrewsbury, l'a.: Fellow-Citizens : We hail with great pleasure the advent of your organization as the eldest sister of our own. Your twenty prepositions of Jcffcrsenian doc dec tiine have been read in our hearing. They are sound, safe and indispensable. Upen the body of principles, of which they arc the most essential, rests the whelu super structure of American institutions the union of supreme but limited powers, the independence of the states, and the per sonal liberties of the citizen. Strike these stones from the foundation, and the whole edifice must crumble into dust. We call ourselves after the great apostle of American liberty, the author of the Declaration of Independence, and the founder of the Democratic party. Wc propose te return te the principles upon which he led our forefathers te the due settlement of the blessed republican insti tutions we have enjoyed through the bet ter part of the century. Wc shall cherish them as the sheet aucher of peace, of order, and of security, and we here declare our solemn purpose te avoid all political association which subordinates these es sential principles te any ether dectrine or purpose whatever, and te repudiute 'all leadership which tends te sacrilice them te local or temporary success. Te this end, we shall employ, te the best of our ability, the press and the rostrum, and apply our personal exertions, in the dissemination of the pure, life-giving principles of govern ment "of the people, by the people and for the people." And te this end we shall as an organized body take no part in struggles at primary or delegate elections, or suffer any person, under any circum stances, te make his membership a step ping stone te public office. Our mission is te bring together men of like mind, that they may knew each ether when occasion requires te take counsels together for the preservation of constitutional liberty, te give warning of impending danger, and te arouse the jealous watchfulness of the people against the encroachments of cen tralized power. It will be observed that our method of organization is that of Jeffersen, himself, and his compatriots of the Revolution. It is that of popular association the popular committee of vigilance, the liberty club, which began thestruggle against the Brit ish crown and is new again invoked for the preservation te the people of the sa cred righte which were then wen. Never, since the adoption of the constitution, have the Jcffcrsenian theory of govern ment by the people and the Hamiltenian theory of strong government by power be yond the reach of the people, been brought into sharper collision than at this time. We see se-called "business interests" in close alliance with the party in power a I union far mere odious and mere daagereu j than a union of church and state; Wesie Ue P?w of corporations and ormeafepo: lies both enjoying enormous undue privi leges, under laws enacted in corrupt and troubled times exerted te pervert the will of the people at the pelkv and even' te change the results of the voting' after they have been ascertained and declared. Elec tions have by these means become hideous ly corrupt ; electors' are assailed with bribes or confronted with open intimidation! It is expressly said that a change must be made ; that capital must, be given a larger and a mere exclusive control, as aaaiast the suffrages of the plain people ; and that 'the gevernmens bequeathed te us by our Democratic ancestors must be made stronger, mere expensive, and mere splen did, aad be administered by the privileged' class, whose qualifications shall be meas ured by the volume of their cash. It is even proposed te disregard the example of the immortal Washington, of Jeffersen, of Madisen and of Jacksen, and elect te the presidency, for a third time, a successful soldier, whose accession under these cir cumstances, would be universally under stood as the beginning of that dire change which has been, and is still, se freely threatened. Under these circumstances we feel that the time has arrived for the friends of the people te associate, for Jeffersonlan.Demo Jeffersenlan.Demo Jeffersonlan.Deme crats te erganize in Jcffcrsenian clubs, for patriotic men te mount guard ! Wc invite from you a permanent and cordial correspondence, that the results of our deliberations may be freely "com municated te each ether, and be made mutually helpful. C. F. Black, President. II. L. Williams, Secretary. Iiigcrsell and Beecher. "Iugersell and Beecher," says Henry Wat tersen in the Louisville Courier Jour nal, "arc indisputably the most successful popular speakers of the time. Te say this is te say that they are the two best actors of the time. Of the two, Beecher is mere of an orator aud Ingcrsell mere of an actor. Their methods are of the stage stagy. They are nothing if net theatric. Each has a style of his own ; but the dif ference in their style is of the sort which distinguishes the playing of Beeth and the playing of McCulIeugh. Each is a dramatis persona in himself appearing in a melodrama of one part and oue act of two hours, full of light and shade, the one succeeding the ether in artis. tic order nnd contrast ; the comic, the pa thetic, the declamatory, all admirably ar ranged te produce their appropriate effects These e. v-ts are rarely missed, for neither Ingcrsell nor Beecher is wanting in the Thespian's command of all the simulative powers, nor deficient in what professional actors call "stage business." That the two as artists should appear in public te gether is net anomalous. That they should admire each ether's playing is natural. But when we are asked te appeal te them as genereus adversaries who have for the sake of one cause agreed for the moment te sink their differ ences as te another, we nuistsay that puts tee great a strain upon the blanket. Either the whole affair is a sham, a farce, or else Mr. Beecher and Mr. Ingcrsell are substantially of one mind and heart. There is and there can be no compromise between Mr. Bcechcr's creed, and the creed of Mr. Ingcrsell, which is the abolition of all creeds. The real mean ing of their meeting was that they both put their partisan passions above their religion. Fer this they are extolled by the Republican party, which, bo be ing a party of infidels and hypocrites, has no real convictions en any real question, but only emotions. The present genera tion is being brought up te this sort of thing ; this loose fitting morality ; this slipshod mode of thinking; this canting humanitarianism and spurious culture. It is preparing a nation of imbeciles for the hand of a master. The simple forms and sturdy virtues of a pure race are te be ob literated by the easy virtue and vapid no tions of an age of claptrap. Aud he who pretests is denounced as a provincial, a feel and a traitor ! Philosophers say that affairs should always he conducted with a view te the greatest geed of the sreatcst number. Dr. Bnll's Conch Syrup has demonstrated itself te be et the jrreatest geed te the greatest number of suf ferers'. Thousands have been cured et dumb ague, bilious disorders, Jaundice, dyspepsia aud all diseases of the liver, bleed and stomach, when all ether remedies have failed, by using PreL Guilmcttc's French Liver Pad, which Is a jiil tic and permanent cure ler these diserdcts. Ask your druggist ler the great remedy and take no ether, and if he docs net keep It send $1.50 in n letter te the French Pad Ce., and re ceive one by mail pet-pald. D HOOKS AND STATJD&EltY. N ELEGANT LINK OF NEW STYLE FRAMES, NEW STYLE EASELS, AND NEW PANEL PICTURES, AT L. M. FLYNN'S HOOK AND STATIONERY STORE,. Ne. 42 WKST KINO STKEET. 1HK1STMA.S CARDS! CHRISTMAS CARDS Nevel and in Great Variety. Nevel and In Great Variety. Satin Chrome Lithographs ! for Art Needle-Werk, for Art Needle-Werk: NOW READT, NOW READY, f At the Koelc Stere or JOM BAEBS SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA.. VAJWETS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE WILL BE PAID FOR EXTRA NICE CARPET RAGS. Carpets made te order at ahert notice and satUtactlen gnnrantced. Rare chances in Carpets te reduce stock et 6,000 Yards Brussels Camels, AT AND BELOW C03T. Call and satisty yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpetalnalmestcnuiesavarlety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WE8T KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA. JKWXtttT. TOUISWnKK, -Li - r WATCHKAKKK. Ne.isejf NORTH QUEEN STREET, near F. K. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, "Silver aad Xlckelcaaait Watches, ChalM, Clocks, Ac. Agent ter the celebrated Pantascepic Specta cles aad Kye-Glaaaes. Repairing a specialty. aprMyd LARGEST ASSORTMENT LANCASTER WITCHES, AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, JEWELER, Na. SO East King Street, Lancaster, P. Wc are new taking special orders for HOLIDAY GOODkS. A Full Line or A Full Line et A Full Line et All tirades of All tirades et All tirade et WATCHES, CLOCKS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, LOCKETS. CHAINS, LOCKETS. GUAUDS, SPECTACLES, tiUAUDS, fcPECTACLES, THERMOMETERS, Ac.. THEKMOMETEKS, Ac, at Lew Prices, Wholesale and lietail. S-Fiec Watch Repairing. E. F. BOWMAN, E.F.UOWMAN, KX1 East King St. KM Eaat King St. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. DIAMONDS. A large stock et splendid Seli talre Ear-Rings with Lace Pins te match. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WATCIIES. The great leatnre of thU season is the Introduction of the standard Watch. Greatest valne for Its price. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. PORCELAINS. Elegant assortment of varied and novel styles. Vases. Cups, Saucers, Plates, Cabinet Decorations, Ac. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. An Immense variety or articles of original design and faultless taste. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ' JEWELRY. A great stock of all varieties el Jewelry for ladles and gentlemen. Lace Pins, Sleeve Buttens, ISracelete, Scarf Pins, Ring, Ear-Rings. Every article is marked at which will net be changed. its lowest price. BAILEY, BAMS & BIDDLE, 12TH AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. sepSKhndT T&S UltOCEKIES. 1TTIIOLCSALK AND KKTAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PUINCE STREET. dl7-lyd piO TO RING WALT'S FOK M0N0NGAHELA PURE 11YE. Alse OAKD ALE PURE RYE WHISKY, 9S per cent. Alcohol, and the Invigorating Teiilc Ilrtlr Liquid, nnd the Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, All at Ne. 205 WEST KING STREET. "JOW REAUY. HOLIDAY GROCERIES ! FOREIGN FRUITS, viz.: Raisins, Prune. Currants, Citren, Pruncllcs, Dates, Figs". Oranges, Lemens, White Grapes, Ac. DOMESTIC FRUITS Evaporated Peaches and Apples, Cranberries, Ac. NUTS New Princess Paper Hiell Almonds. Brazil Nuts. English Walnuts. Filberts, Pecan Nuts, New shell-barks, Ac. PURE SPICES We guarantee our plces strictly pure aud fresh ground. FLAVORING EXTRACTS Burnett's, Kcl Kcl Iegg's and Royal Flavoring Extracts, Roue and Orange Waters. NEW ORLEANS 3IOLA&SES new In stock. TABLE SYRUP A great bargain in Tabic fcyrup ; only 12c a qnart. CONFECTIONS We are adding te enr stock a large supply of Pure Candles, line mix tures; the celebrated Chicago Caiaaiels at X)c a pound ; try them. SPECIAL BARGAINS new offering. Don't fall te call nnd see. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STBELT. nev2C-lyd jtVMXITUXE. k Vis IN WANT OF A CHRISTMAS PRESENT 1 would respectfully say that new Is the time In order te avoid being disappointed te have yenr presents selected and pnt aside, and then when the rush conies a little later you will be. sure of having your present jnst when you de sire. 1 cordially invite a call te see my assort ment of HOLIDAY GOODS, FendtuTe and Picture Frames. WALTER 1 HEOHTSH, ISXKMt Klag Street. CI BAIN MUSCULATION JT In large or small amounts. f2S or ftSD.OOO. Wrlte W. T. SOULE CO.. Commission Mer chants, 13n La Halle street. Chimin. III., ler clr ulars. ui.yd