M i (Elje Ifetfa; Volume XYIJ-Ke. 76. LANCASTER PA., MONDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1880 Price Tw Ceats. i ItXT THB HOLIDAYS AT . JOHN WAN AMAKER'S, CHESTNUT, THIRTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS, AND CITY HALL SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. q'HE HOLIDAYS. . There is nowhere in 1'hiladcl nhia se vai lcil a collection et ricn koeus a neic .wen as min er", mother.-!, brother.-", sisters levers, leek for u little Inter. There is an eiulevenef (Jillh. Our collection is large enough and rich enough, one would r-uppese, vvttii for a less frugal city than Philadelphia. Tlicse goeIs arc are new at the heightel their glory. Theclioicestefthcni are here; ethers will come of ceur&c ; hut the choicest aic going. What is equally te the purpose, buyers are new about as many as can lie comfortably served, and the throng will be denser every fuirduvtltl Chihlinus. JOHN WA.NAJlAhl.li. 1XJ1LET FUHNISIIING. . Sachets, I ldic, lamp-shade., pln-cu.shiens, boxes, in -:iiin ami pludi, emljieidercd and painted. JOHN WANAMAKEK. First cik le. southwest trein the centre. IacepT U Duchesne vest with I'eint uieilallieiis, $59 ; t he frame m.i v be seen else where at $70. JOHN WANAMAKER. Nine counter-, southwest from the centre. CILOUKfr. ,' $!.:ri te fiaj.WJ, all guaiuuteed. JOHN WANAMAKER. City-hall &) uai-e en trance. rpeYS. X New loom, new toys. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Outer elide, vest l the Ocstnut street en trance. OOKS. MJ A catalogue et books may be had at the book counter. We want cvry reader te have it. Theli-lel children's holiday books is es pecially complete, JOHN WAXAMAKEU. iccend counter, northeast from" the centre. LADIES' ULSTERS. There arc two gener.tl ulylce. one cle-ed ut lhebaek,the ether epen: the latter! known :i5 coachman's style. In detail et trimming there is great variety though there is also marked simplicity. Great variety in cloths tee. W.-V) te fi'i. Cloaks leieign and home-made. Our collec tion is unprecedented, whether you regard va liety. iiautity or value. A huly who buys a cloak of any .sort in Philadelphia without looking these ever misses tiie best assortment, perhaps, in the whole country. $fl.JKt te $ie. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Southeast corner el the building. A flSS Ks'CO ATS. ItJL Misses' co:its in mere than 70 cloth-, shapes ami decoration beyond counting. Sizes '2 te IB year. Ulstcrcttes in 5 cloths, ulsters in S cloths and havclei'ks in cloths. Sir.es 6 te lit. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Seulhu est corner et the building. UNDERWEAR AND HOSIER. Wc have the best goods the weild alleids, and the neAt best, and the next, and se en. There is no place anywhere, where you can see t-e large a collection el thedifieicnl grades el geed-, all passing ler what they are, and nothing ler what it i- net, cotton ler cotton, mixed ler mixed, wool for wool, hilk ler silk. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Outer eiiele. Chestnut &tU''t,cntiance te Thirteenth street entrance. E M!ji:eiiu:i:ii:s. New Embriiidetics aic already in. Our ftetk is imiv in the comlitien ou expect te find it in at New l ear s, i, r. mu spring novel ties are heie. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Third circle, southwest Irein the centre. CAUI'ETS. The choicest luxuiintis carpels; the most substantial eat pets; the lowest prices; punc tual service. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Market stict fient, upstairs. CJILKS. O Evening silks in the A i cade, cast side. The same and iiianv ether patterns are within. " JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Next outer circle, southeast fiein tlicccntrc. 12MHROIDERII. !i Our next spring's novelties in cmbiei-dcric- are just new icccivcd: tbey usitnlly conical New Year'.-. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Next outer -ii cle. southwest tiein tlicccntrc. LACES. Laces change daily. Our. sales are large, our variety always large, and but little of any one sort. Compare prices. A quarter below tiie market is net uncommon. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Nine counter-, southwest from the centre. WUAPS, Ac. Such a stock of foreign cloaks as Phila delphia lias net before seen, $10 te $230: shawls near by : dresses up stairs. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Southeast corner el the building. Furs. Furs et till Mirlsnre going last. They went fast last year and advanced in price as the sea sea neil advanced. They are going up again. We shall net hum: prices till wc have te buy. Ex pect te tlntl lieu; whatever you want, lrem a bit of trimming up. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Thirteenth street entrance. (-WATS AND ULSTERS FOR CHILDREN. j Xet se great variety as ler ladies: but nuich larger than anywhere else here. Coats. 2 tefi years : in thirty ditrerent mate rials, drab, blue and brown cords with fleecy black : cellar and cuir el plush : also in ten camel's hair eletli, trimmed with seal-cloth. Coats, i te 10 vcjirs ; in thirty cloths, trim med with plain stitching, plush, seal cloth, chinchilla lur and velvet, $2 te $IC. I'lstcrettes, fi te 1G years ; in live cloths, with peal cloth cellar and culls. Ulsters,!! ten; years; in eight cloths, trim med with plush stitching, heed and plush. Huvelecks, 1 te l(i vears : two styles. JOHN WANAMAKER. BOYS' CLOTHING. Ourtradcisjust what it ought te bu ler the hicilitiesand advantages wc enjoy. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. East el central aisle, near Market street. i"UIIXA AXD GLASSWARE. j Tackloeng prcelaln, plates only, for din ner or dessert, live patterns, $25 te $M per dozen. Haviland dinner sets : Camillc pattern, $110 ; Hecwhcre. $200. Tressed, $110 : elsewhere, $200. Tressed with Moresque bonier and decoration of grasses and butterflies, $225 : elsewhere. $275. The latter is iu the Arcade, Chestnut street entrance, te-day. Tabic glassware, English, Strawberry-diamond cut ; every article required for the tabic useful or ernanicnial. JOHX WANAMAKER. Northwest corner et the building. FLUSH HAND-BAGS. And a great variety of ether kinds. Alse pocket books, embroidered leather card cases, cigar cases, and every tiling in leather goods. JOHX WANAMAKER. Third circle northwest from centre. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets, and City Hall square. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market - Streets, And City Hall Square, Philadelphia. 3IAJWZ. lrQRKS. WM. P. PRAILBY'S MONUMENTAL. MABBLE WORKS ?u3 Nerm itucen Street, Lancaster, Pa, MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, ' CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction g en i n every particular. N. B. Remember, we; fes at the f-.-ztraine bin! el Neith Queen street. mSy UOODH. Gil ITS. T Te buy Holiday Uilta eaily is geed ad- vlf-n- Tlif lirst trncl is narlv? anil t lie lr-sf ! ttudc carries oft the liest things. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. 4 LFUED WRIGHT'S PEUFUM KS. 1 HIS Mary Stuart is probably the meet lasting el all the agreeable perfumes; none of the lercign ones approach it. It Is very rich, strong and lull of lire; It isagrecblc te mere persons, probably, thau any ether perfume. Wild Olive is next in popularity ; this also is singularly powerful and lasting. White Ke-c Is delicate and lasting. We keep the prelcrred odors et all the tlrst class perluincrs, such as Lubin. Bailey, Atkin son and Coudray ; but of Alfiwu Wiueht'8 we keep all. firing an uuncrlumcd handkerchief; and veu shall hive a sample of anv odor veu wish. JOHN VP-YNAMAKER. First ciiclc, northwest Irein the center. (COLORED DUESS GOODS. j The following, just received, are awav lewn in prices : French Camel's hair, 47 inch, W.7.". and.8J; French cheviot suiting, silk ami wool, 13 Inch, $0.73; French futile, all wool, 2$ Inch. $0.28. By looking out ler such opportunities a lady may ettcn save halt. JOHN WANAMAKER. Nine counters, Thirteenth street entrance. BLACK GOODS. A lady wanting any et the following will be obliged for the mention of them; Silk and wool. Satin de Lyen, S3 cents; silk laced veleurs, $1: memie cloth, 73 cents ; damassc draii d' etc, $1.50 ; daniasse cashmere, $1.25. All the prices except the llrst arc probably below the cot et nianulacture, and even the first may be. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Next outer elide, southwest lrem the center. rPUIMMlXO FOR DRESSES ANDCLOAKs". JL Our trade requires the largest and trcshcsl stock of these goods, tringcs.passementcrie or naments, girdles, tassels, spikes, rings, balls, buttons. We have novelties net te be found anywhere else. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Xcxteuterciiclc, northwestfrem the center. OHAWLS,&c. k5 A few shawls are shown in the Arcade : gentlemen's dressing gowns and smoking jacket" in t lie same case. Mere are within. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. East et the Chestnut street entrance. uus. Our work-room is lull el preparation, se mil uiai wc cannot ciewu it lasier. we nave ready, also, a large stock of finished garments, fur and fur lined. We have sacqucs and dolmans in sealskin dyed in Londen we have, none but London Lendon Londen dyed seal. We have them iu great numbers, ami, of ceiir.-c, in all sizes including extremes. Prices, from $125 te $250. Londen controls the seal market et the world There have been two advances !n price since our furs were bought. We shall net advance till wc have te buy again: we have net advanced at all, as yet. We have, at $165, seal sacqucs such as you will leek in vain ler elsewhere at the price. Kur lined circulars Jind dolmans in very great variety. We use mostly Satin dc Lyen, gre-grain, armure and brocade silk and Slcil leime ; ler mourning, Henrietta and Drap d'Ete. The latter are made te order only. We have everything worth having in sets trimmings, rebe-, gloves, caps and the thou sand mid-one little tilings that arc Kept iu the cemplclcst lists. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Thiiteenth street entrance. SKIRTS. Felt, all colersinid variety of styles, .10c te $ISi; llanncl, black, blue, gray, brew n and scarlet, $2..V te $5.75; satin, black, $1.75 te $10.50 ; batiu, blue, scarlet, brown and black. $12.50 te $20 ; Italian-Cleth, black, $1.23 te $3. The variety is very great. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Southwest corner of the building. IJOYb' OVERCOATS. Jl Xetiec these two sa" pies : lilue chinchilla stick, velvet cellar and de tachable eape, lined with Fanner's satin, horn buttons, $j.50. Is there another such coat for $ij.50 V We have sold hundreds el them. lirown-rcd-and-eld-gold diagonal ulsterettc soft wool lining, sleeves lined with a durable, silk-straped lahrlc, horn buttons, $8.3 J. These are but but specimens of man. II they seem inviting, ethers niav be mere fce. See them. JOHX WANAMAKER. Central ai-le, next te the outer circle, Mar ket street side. iIlfnbxSAXD MILLINERY. --- V Ribbons anil Millinery, you knew, wc have much mere of than any ether house. JOHX WANAMAKER. North of Thirteenth street entrance. LIXEXfc. A very great variety el the finest linens, a very great variety et staple linens, and the lowest prices in Philadelphia. JOHN WAXAMAKEU. Outer circle. City Hall Square entrance. J1XEX HANDKERCHIEFS. J Xe w ceeds .1 ust received from abroad. Wc have, without doubt, the richest and fullest stock en this side of the Atlantic. We buy from makers, direct, knew the quality of our linen beyond question, and keep below the market besides. JOHN WANAMAKER. Second circle, southwest from the centre. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. The very finest English and French hand kerchiefs and Mufflers; handkerchiefs $1.25 te $50; nui tilers, $1.50 te $1.50. Elsewhere they are sold ler a qvarlcr mere, at least. JOHX U AXAMAKER. Second circle, southwest from the centre. LXDERWEAR. Every individual article et Merine or Silk Underwear that wc buy we examine te sec whether the buttons are sewed en securely and whether the scams are right and properly lasteucd. If anything is wrong, back the gar inent gees te the iraker, or we right it at his1 expense. Such has been our practice for a year and a half. Is there another merchant in' Philadel phia who docs the nunc, or who watches the interests el his customers in any similar way;' Defects may escape u, neverthlcss. Yeu de us a favor, if you bring back the least impcr impcr icclieit te be made geed. JOHX WANAMAKER, Outer circle. Thirteenth street entrance. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Our assortment of all muslin undergar ments is as full as at any time of the year : and when the demand for such is net generally sti eng wc arc often able te buy at unusual ad vantage. Wc have very nearly the same goods 1 he year 'round ; but prices vary mere or less. Xew, for example, probably, there Is net te be found in this city or in Xcw Yerk muslin un dergarments equal te our regular stock except at higher prices. Wc knew et no exception whatever. JOHN WANAMAKER. Southwest corner of the building. UP.BER OVEUGAUMEXTS. De yen knew, many are net of Rubbcr,at all, and arc net waterproof? Wc sell as many as all Philadelphia besides ; real articles only; ami guarantee them. JOHX WAXAMAKEU. Central aisle, near Market street entrance. TggP TLNWASE, &C- OTOVES. STOVES. Brick-Set and Portable HEATERS and RANGES at: Shrrtzer, HumplireTille&KiefTers 40 EAST KING STREET. KIDNEY PAHS. DATS KHEY PAD! A NEW DISCOVERY. That acts directly en the Kidneys. 'Bladder and Urinary Organs, by absorbing all humors, every trace of disease, anil forcing into the system powerful and healthful vegetable Tonics, giving It wonderful power te cure PAIN IX TIIE BACK. Side and Leins, In flam niatien and Bright's Disease el the Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Diabetes. Stene in the Blad der, Inability te Retain or Expel the Urine, High Colored, Scanty or Painful Urinating, Deposits, Shreds or Casts in the Urine, NEKVOt'S AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY, and in laet anv disease of these zrreat ercans. It avoids entire! v the troubles and dangers et taking nauseous and poisonous medicines. It is com tort able, safe, pleasant and reliable in Its effects, yet pcwcrtul iu in action. It can be worn at all seasons, in auv climate, and is equally geed for MAN, WOMAN B CHILD. Aak your druggist for It and accept no imi tation or substitute, or send te us and receive it by return mail. Regular Pad, $2; Special Pad, for Chronic, deep-seated, or cases of long standing, $; Children's Pad, prevention and cure et sum mer complaint, weak kidnevi and bed Net ting, $1.50. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. EASTERN AGENCY, CHAliLES N. CKITTENTON, 115 Fulton St., New Yerk. $500 REWARD ! OVER A MILLION' OF PROF. CUILMETTE'S Have already been sold in this country anil iu France : every one of which has given perlcct satisfaction, and lias performed cures every time when used according te directions. Wc new say te the afilicted an I doubting ones that we wil pay the above rew aid ler a single cascet LAME BACK ;nat the Pad tails te cute. Thi.- Gicat Remedy will Positively anil Permanently cure Lum bago, Lame Rack. Sciatica, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy, Bright's Di -e:ise et the Kidneys, In continence and Retention et the L'tine. In flammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh et the Bladder, High Colored Urine. Pain in the Back, Side or Leins, Nervous Weakness, and in fact all disorders el the Bladder and Urinary Oigans whether contracted by private disease or'etherwise. LAUIKS, If you are ,-uffcring from Female Weakness. LcucerrhaM. or any dNea-e el the. Kidneys, Bladder, or Uiinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CUBED 1 Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply wearing PROP. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD! WHICH CURES BY ABSORPTION. Ask veurdruggist for PROF. GUILM ETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD. and take no ether. II he has net get it, send $1 and you will re ceive the Pad by return mail. Fer sale by JAMES A. MEYERS, Odd Fellow' Hall, Columbia, Pa. Sold enlv by GEO. W. HULL, Druggist, IS W. King St.. Lancaster, Pa. augll-UmdeedM.W&r Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Will positively cure Fccr and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake. Billiens Fever, Jaundice. Dy-pepsia and all diseases of the Liver. Stomach and Bleed. Price $1.50 by mail. .Send ter Pret. Guilmette's Treaties en the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie: auglMhndccdM.WXF CO.-1X. B. MART IN, Wholesale and Retail Dealei in all kinds el LUMBER AND COAL. B3Y:ud: Ne. 420 North Water an 1 Pi nice streets abec Letneii, Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Coalet I lie Best Quality put hpexprcsly ter family use. and at the low est market pi ices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. tGr YARD IfiO SOUTH WATER ST. ne.-0-ljil PHILIP SCHUM,SOX A CO. COHO & WILEY. 3SO XOliTII WATER ST., Zancartcr, S'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Offlec : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. fcblS-!:! COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kind of COAL go te RTJ3SEL.& SKULMYER'S. (futility and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFKIOE: 32 Hast King Street. YARD: 018 North Prince Street. augll-taprlSK no te REILLY & KELLER FOR GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Farmers and ethers in want et Superior Manure will find it te their advantage te call. Yard. Harrisbunr Pike. ) Olllee. 20JS East Chestnut street, s agl7-ltd aiteuKitu:s. w DOLESAI.C AND UKTAII.. "LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd TTOW KEAIlY. HOLIDAY GROCERIES ! FOREIGN FRUITS, viz.: Raisins, Prunes, Currants, Citren, Prunellcs, Dates, Fig", Oranges, Lemens, White Grapes, &v. DOMESTIC FRUITS Evaporated Peaches and Apples, Cranberries, &c. NUTS New Princess Paper Shell Almonds. Brazil Nuts, English Walnuts, Filberts, Pecan Nuts, New shell-barks, &c. PURE SPICES We guarantee our spices Btrictly purcaud fresh ground. FLAVORING EXTRACTS Burnett's, Kel Kel legg's and Royal Flavoring Extracts, Rese and Orange Waters. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES new in stock. TABLE SY'RUP A great bargain in Table fcyrup ; only 12Jc a quart. COXFECTIOMS We are adding te our stock . a large supply of Pure Cundies, line mix tures ; the celebrated Chicago Caramels at 30c a pound : try them. SPECIAL BARGAINS new offering. Don't fall te cill and see. KURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STKKKT. nev26-lyd GRAIN SPECULATION In large or small amounts. $25 or $20,000 Wrlte W. 1 SOULE & CO., Commission Mer chants, ISO La Salle street, Chicago, IB., for cir. Ulars. in2S-rya Frendi Kiiney Pais Eamastrr intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 20, 1880. THOMAS GARLYLR THE GREAT THINKER AND THE lMEK. ICAN BEPUBLIC. An Imaginary Interview With the rlilloie- plier and Sage What His Vision Can Oettct in Current Events. ANOTHER VIEW OF IT. One Who Dees Xet Despair Uuuceck's Uc feat Beg.irded by u Republican Supporter in New Yerk. i'jV t THE GOVERNORS PROCLAMATION. tlur lteicicmt I.eealCntlc Sharply Criticised. Themas :ii)yle('.') " the American Republic Xew Yeik Sun. "Ami th:it yit'.it republic of yours! What .shall wc prophesy of it? Dominat Deminat inir a world, all its own, the two oceans poured leuml its wide ceulincs, and fresh .streams of bleed peurinjj into the heter ogeneous mass of its people, making it .still mere heterogeneous. Miracle of the agefc wonderful government, double, com plex, dclieate.built upon the virtue and in telligence of the people, ami standing still, some faint image el" its original self, after I he lapac of one whole century. Gospel of .lean J acqucs lieusscau watered by Themas Jell'ethen, in actual, visible practice iicara hundred years ; and only one or two million tin eats cut in that small war el the seces sion. Great is Jacques, great Jeffersen. The philosopher's dream bodied forth", en velopes America, and men walk in it, and believe it real. One son of this new time said it was government of the people- bythc pople, apd for the people. Se, in less apt phrase. said French revolu tionary philosophy and American consti tution' makers at the beginning of it. IJttt when the people of a third section full third section, remember of this mar velous republic said, 'Since government may only exist by consent of governed, we will withdraw mir consent and make a, new government, same institutions, same principles, same gospel of Jacques and Jeffersen, only we will manage it alone, without aid of ether two-thirds ' then swords leaped, legions marched, and the great republic did knit itself together with ireu-and bleed cement, like any monarchy net yet effete. And what old world' work se wild and terrible as this of the young republic, when its conquest is done, and etie-tliiid lies pinned te the ether two thirds with bayonets? Slaves turned loose ; Cuifcc translated from the corn row te the Legislature, and made states man f, his master put under his bread feet. They take the hoe from his hand anil give him instead him prepertyless, him signing with his mark the power of taxation, and tell him te go en ; Jacques and Jeli'ersen for the nonce being of no moment, and the viilue and intelligence of the people, consent of governed, school house and such like republican ittbbish. quite forget until the republic shall vindicate itself. Te Cuffee in the Legislature, in chair of slate, and en bench of justice comes the earpyt-bagger and doth de his writing for him, and doth teach him te tax, until all property lies dead and profitless, and universal bank ruptcy puts m end te the process. Mean while Cuii'cc and the carpet-bagger de swagger forth together, surrounded by the bayonets of the gteat republic, and de oc casionally amuse themselves with elec tions, whereat bayonets are crossed ever the ballet boxes, and disfranchised native whites they who acted en that strange theory of government by the people leek en at' respectful distance. But great is bankruptcy. Levelling up and levelling down, bankruptcy put a liual end te spoli ation, and Cuitcc retired te boetblacki'ng, while bis friend, the carpet-bagger, took himself oil te the place trem whence he came. And se closed that remarkable chapter in the history of Jacques self government there. And yet net quite, for there remains the linal leaf te write. "They have every four years in that coun try a grand national riot which they call n canvass, and which ends in a proceeding called election, whereby cheice is said te be made of president. It proceeds upon ene of the most beautiful theories ever spun from .the head of a Rousseau or a Jeffersen, namely, that every adult male, whether lie hath aught else in this world or net, hath at least a most enlightened judgment concerning the conduct of pub lic affairs, and will go about most wisely te select a president for himself and some forty million ethers. They open boxes, and the citizens walk up and place therein their ballets ballets ler the most part unread, contents unknown, citizen most frequently without change of shirt or ether goods te speak of. The sum of the ballets is the collective wisdom of the na tion, Vex 1'epitli, Vex Dei. New this in teresting process had been executed duly in the year of our Lord 1870, when le ! Vex repuli, Vex Dei, was found extremely dis agreeable te some who held pewcr,and se it was smothered forthwith, never get fur ther than the box, but died there unheed ed. Forged papers came forward and get counted for votes by the representatives of free America iu Congress assembled, with shetted guns turned upon the eapitel and camps of blue-coaled soldiers visible from every window. Then a man in a minority of a million of white voters and a quarter of a million of all colors, takes oath of office le prcsen c, protect and de fend the constitution,' which makes spec ial prevision for this business of the ballet box, and the forger?, perjurers and thieves seize and held all offices. This, then, it seems te me, is the Anal leaf of the final chapter, and the book, at least se far as regards that election pretence aud ballet box farce, may new be closed forever. "Great AVasbingten, Father of this cu rious country, sagely remarked, for the benefit of posterity : Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.' Great Washington did speak soberly aud truly in that obser vation, which even at this distance of time doth seem te have no great originality in it ; and it is because vigilance is necessary te the preservation of liberties that free institutions have never been kept, except under the guardianship of classes having time and means te enable them te be vigi lant in the care of public matters. But hew shall a vast population, toiling and moiling, each individual human being struggling for that merely which will keep peer body and soul together, exercise the wary, constant, intense watchfulness which this father of a country warned them was necessary te preserve the complex system which hopeful patriotism bad devised for them ? l'ewcr is ever stealing from the mauy te the lew, aud it steals that way in America, as in all ether coun tries, only with greater rapidity than wc have seen elsewhere iu our time. The few there are net nobles by royal or ether legal patent, charged with certain weighty rcspesibilfties in connection with "their high privileges, but they arc the rich, the mere rich, whose power is in the weight of their cash. They owning great volumes of capital, associated in a thousand ways, driving by its use all industries, welding se-called separate states together by iron bands, holding national and state debts, and controlling all fresh manipulation of them, refundings and such like operations, require voters te de their vill in this business of the ballet box, and would faiu have done with it altogether. When te the voter is presented alternative of bread or liberty, he docs most generally and greatly prefer bread, aud defer liberty te a mere convenient season. Four years since, this class, standing apart with mere or less distinctness, smothered Vex Pepuh in the box there, or at least induced and paid for the smothering thereof. But the people have voted again, aud this time there is no need te smother the voice of them, for the previous smothering is con doned, applauded, rcwaided. Plain new that power is stealing, yea, has stelcu, from the many te the few. The hands of time sweep the face of the dial tewatd the fatal hour when the stroke of- deem shall fall. " There is in America one man, looming high above all ether men. Great com mander, great killer, he, one who weic out an enemy by attrition of numbers hurled en him as Attila niL'lit have Hung his human cattle upon immovable pikes, without science, conduct, or twinge of liv ing conscience, reddening the green earth with the bleed of useless hecatombs from Washington te Richmond. Loek iu that stolid face. Mark the cold eye, the hard jaw, the calm, cruel lip ; no light of genius, no premise of sweet humor any where in that coarse visage, lie is petted of the few rich men, they who are weary of government by ballet. They feast and pamper him ; they give him houses, lands, purses. lie shall be sent forth te travel round the earth. He shall see kings; he shall study strong government; he shall prepare him for the task that is before him. Shall net the few defend their privileges? Have they net made alliance with government ? Are net their monopolies fixed in the laws of the great republic ? in that monstrous war tariff', for instance, whereby the rich grew ever richer aud the peer ever poorer ? There shall be no diveiec between ' busi ness' aud government ; the marriage is closer, the union mere intimate, than ever was that of church aud state. When this man with the cold eye attd the iirm jaw, ascends the steps of the eapitel a third time it will be te lay the foundation of empire upon the corner stone el money, ami the fast fading similitude' of a repub lic will vanish into blank time aud be no mere phantasm wrecked, exploded, blown into thin air by combustibles stored within itself !" A Calm Review of the New tten. Yerk 15krc- Ernni a New Yeilc Itepiiblican who voted ler" Hancock. I de net see any lead caue sufficient te account for the less of this state aud of the victory. It is easy enough te say, '' If INcw Yerk city had giveu'liO.OOO er.l55,OOi), as was expected, we should have wen the day."' But this is only another form of saying : "If the city of NewA'erk had net felt the intlucuees that elsewhere dimin ished the Democratic vole, Hancock would have been elected !" It was obvious from ihe outset of the canvass that the best hope of the Repub licans would be found in the confidence felt by capital and trade in their financial and tariffpelicy. notinthcdistrusteftho.se great and respectable interests towards a change in the administration of the Feder al government. But se it turned out ; for after trying all the old aspitauts and ap peals, the Republican leaders found thcae ineffective and then they changed front and with signal ability put us en the de fensive before the business men of the North. We did the same thing in 18eti, and thus elected Buchanan ; I'ierce was electee ever Scott in 18."i2 by similar tactics ; Harrison beat Van Huren iu 1810 by the same means. It is absurd, I think, te put the defeat en the head of Jehn Kelly. The Demo cratic less in majorities in this city was relatively Jess than in Brooklyn where Kelly is powerless and Tildcn is potential. In the adjoining county of West Chester we lest 2000 out of a usual majority of 2500. Ge te the ether end of the state. In Central and Western and Northern Xcw Yerk there was a large increase of the Republican majority m nearly all the counties. Everywhere, in the towns aud cities especially, the tendencies of opinion helped the Republican. Why then could it be expected that this city the centre of capital and the scat of commerce and of enormous and increasing manufacturing industry should have been untouched by influences that alarmed the same interests elsewhcre? Although we saved New Jersey, the Democratic losses in that state were se great that a similar less in New Yerk would have given her vote te Gar field by 50,000 majority. It is true that there wcic certain causes at work in this state that impaired our strength ; if the battle could have been fought under mere friendly auspices as re spects organization, local leadership, pa tronage, money, aud a mere perfect union of our forces badly demoralized byhe divisions of 1870 and the defeat of Tildcn in 1880 for the nomination it is quite certain wc would have saved the state, in spite of the great difficulty always met iu an attempt te put out a party that is in power in prosperous times. The truth is the Democratic party of Xcw Yerk never was in a worse comlitien te make a suc cessful canvass, aud it never had a mere difficult canvass te conduct than in 1880. Under all the circumstances I think Hancock made a magnificent fight. AVhcn you consider the lead English was te carry, hewunsuitcd Barnum war. te manage a canvass for anybody else than Tildcn a consummate politician controlling his or ganization and never guided by it, as Han cock was forced te be, se unused himself te this sort of thing ; when you consider that we undertook one of the impossibili ties of politics, te change partics'in geed times, and all this tee in presence of the fact, that the battle ground was te be Xcw Yerk, a state in the enemy's possession where our forces were disorganized aud the friends of our ablest leader dissatis fied, I think it felly for the Democratic party te feel discouraged about the future. It bus new the best record it has made since the war. It has shown that it holds a majority of the people in its organization notwithstanding the enormous disadvant ages it has contended against in this ex ceptionally difficult canvass; and we see that a change of 14,000 votes would have given it control of the government. Se far as the state of Xew Yerk is con cerned I held it te be te-day a Democratic state in its popular vote, whenever our or ganizatien and resources arc even half as effective as these of the Republicans. (Loek at our gains in members of Censrcss and members of the Assembly.) What nonsense it is for the Southern press and politicians te talk of surrender ing te Grant or Conkling for 1881. Dees this mean that the Sonth has net recovered from the demoralization that led th the re bellion, and has se often shown itself since the war? Still CriticIziBg ti0Yerar Hejt's Tkaaks giving Preclamatita. Keuding Times and Dispatch, Rep. Among the most remarkable sermons delivered en Thanksgiving day at least iu the sense that it has invited the most attention was that preached by the Rev. Dr. E. Grecnwald, pastor of the. Trinity Lutheran church, of Lancaster. The rev erend gentleman, iu the course of his re marks was very severe upon Gov. Heyt for changing the words of his Thanksgiving proclamation iu designating the state of Pennsylvania as a "Christian common wealth, "te read " a commonwealth of free men," en account of animadversions made against the former phrase by some Israel ites. The venerable divine, the eldest inLan caster, after saying that he had felt se ag grieved at the insult given by expunging the word " Christian " from the procla mation that he felt like disregarding the comment te open his chnrch and postpone thanksgiving until Christmas day, then te give thauks te Ged for Christ and Christi anity, as well as for bread and maat, ex plained that he honored the day because it had been set apart by the president of the United States, the governor of the com monwealth only seconding it. The speaker argued that it was no mere an act of iu; fringeiueut of freedom of censcience for the governor te designate the state a Ciiiistian commonwealth " thau it was for him te put- at the bottom of his proclama tion the words "iu the year of our Lord," at which Jews and infidels might take equal offense. Frem the whole tenor of the sermon it is greatly te be feared that the reverend gcutlcman's zeal far outran his discretion. Even assuming that all the people living iu the state of Pennsylvania are professing Christians, the application of such a term te the commonwealth might be seriously disputed from the fact of the abounding extent of every form of vice aud crime among the people. The assumption that Hebrews arc net te be called upon by the executive authorities of the state te give thauks unto the Great Creater of the universe equally with these who have an abiding faith in the truths of the revelations of the Xcw Testament is le say the least, a narrow-minded and illiberal view that borders closely upon the pharisacal. This country is supposed te be the home for all men, whatever may be their opinions in regard te the worship of the Deity, and their belief about the mysteries of the great hereafter. While it is fully within the scope of Chris tian minsters te use all laudable means te convert the world te a belief in the truth of our holy religion, it is as certain as anything can be that when the least op pression aud persecution is brought te bear against these who differ from us iu religious convictions we antagonize them and stir up a spirit that will net cenduce te the advancement of freedom aud liberty or the cause of Christianity. ricasunt te the taste and surprisingly quick in relieving Coughs and Colds, it is net at all bt range mat ur. isnirs ueugti syrup lias Mis ip li few. placed se many ether Cough reined Viva Garabaldl. . When liaralmldi censed his high command. And ulu-uthcd his Merd that sword a bright and keen one ' Neught iu his pocket put he but his hand, A mighty baud, aud nobler still a clean one. When sick with bleed impure, boils and pim ples de infest. Spi ing BI0.10111 11-e at once, the cheapest cure anil best. Prices: .lOeents: tiial bottles 10 cents. Ker sale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IK) North (jiieeu street, Lancaster, l'a. 13 Indigestion. The main cause et nervousness it indiges tion, and that is caused by weakness et the siiimaeh. Ne one can have sound nerves and geed health without using Hep Bitters te H eiigtheu the stomach, purify the bleed, and keep the liver and kidneys active, te carry oil ail the poisonous and waste matter et the sys t"in. bee ether column. nl5 2wd&w Mrs. W. N. Palmer. II!) Morgan street. Bul Bul lale, N. Y , writes : My child was taken Feb. I with Croup in its severest form and Dr. Them-a-' Keleetric Oil being the only remedy at hand. I begun giving it according todircctiens and found it gave immediate relict, 1 gave three (S) de-cs and the child rested well the re mainder of the night. I have used it in my family ler some time with complete success. Fer sale by II. 15. Cochran, Druggist-, 137 and 13!) North (Jaecn street, Lancaster, la. II ISUOKS ASH STATIONERY. A: N KLKGANT LINK OF NEW STYLE FRAMES, NEW STYLE EASELS, NEW PANEL PICTURES, AT L, ML FLYNN'S BOOK AND bTATIOXKRY STORK, Ne. i:J AYKST KING STREET. c 1IIK1STMAS CARDS! CHRISTMAS CARDS- Nevel and in tSrcat Variety. Nevel and in Great Variety. Satin Ckrome Lithographs I ler Art Needle-Werk, for Art Needle-Werk. READY, READT, NOW NOW At the Boek Stere of JOM BIER'S SONS, IS and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA.. CENTS' GOODS. "VTOVELTIES IN SCARF PINS. THE "BERNHARDT" GREYHOUND PIN UMERS11IRTS AND DIMMERS, B. J. ERISMAITS, THE SHIRTMAKKR, 66 NORTH O.CK1SN STKKKT. ' HOBEB, BLANKETS, JtC. QION OP THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS I have new en buncl the Lakgkst. Hut axd Cheapest Absebtxxht of Lined ml Unlincd l'.UFFALO ROUES in the city. Alse LAP AND HOUSE RLANKET3 of every descrip tion. A full line of, Trunks and Satchels, Harnees, Whips, Cellars, &c. -Repairing neatly and prempUy !enc."S A. MILEY, IOH North UMrei St., JjmncmtUr. 25-lyaMW&S HOP BITTEJtS. TRUTHS. Hep Bitter are th rarest and Best Bitters ever made. They are compounded lrem liens, Uucliu, Mandrake and Dandelion, the eldest, best, and most valuable medicines in the world and contain all the beat and most curative properties of all ether Bitters, being the great est Bleed Fnrifier, Liver Regulator, and Life and Health Restoring Agent en earth. Ne dis ease or iu ueaiiu can pos.-ieiy long exist wirere these Bitters are used, se varied and perfect am their operations. They give new lite and vigor te the aged and Infirm. ToalLwheso employments cause ir regularity et the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Appntizer, Tonic and nitld. Stimulant, these Bitters are Invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, with out intoxicating. Ne matter what your feelings or symptoms arc, what the disease or ailment is, use Hep Bitters. Don't wait until you are stele, but it you only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters nt once. It may save your lite. Hundreds have been aved by se doing. 3"300-S will be paid for a case they will net cure or help. De net su Her yeurtscl forlctyeur friends su I tcr. but use and urge them te ue Hep Bitters. Remember, Hep Bitters is no vile drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever made: the "Invalid's Friend anil Hepe," and no person erfainilv should be without them. Try the Bitters te-day. Hep Bitters HaHBKictnriHg (Company, Rochester. New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. nevtf-lvdJPVrjtw EWELKY. T OUJS WKBKK. Xj watchmaker. Ne. 159 NORTH OUKEN .STKKKT. neil .near l R. R. Dcnet. Lancaster, l'a. tield. Silver und Nickel cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated l'antasceplc Specta cles and Kye-GIesses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-b'd LARGEST ASSORTMENT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, JEWELER, Ne. 20 East Kin? Street, Laueaster, l'a. We are new l:iklng special orders ler HOLIDAY UOtXDS. A Full Line or A Full Line el A Fill! Line et All tirade el All tirades el All tirades et WATCIII, CLOCK!?, WATCHES, CLOCKS, CI IAIN J?. LOCKETS'. CHAINS, LOCKETS, tiUAKIl, SPECTACLES, tilTAlCDS, M'ECTACLES, THMCMOM E't'ERS, Ac, TIIERMOMKTEUS, Ac, at Lew I'riw-. Wholes-lie AVateh Repairing. E. F. BOWMAN, E. F. BOWMAN, tin I L'ehiil. IWFlne East King SI. East King St. le; J.E.CAIDWELL&CO. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS OF DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, Purchasers who desire te pro cure gems of unexceptionable quality and real value at lowest importer's prices, will consult their best interests by calling en us. Special attention is directed te the magnificent assortment im ported for this season's sales. XURNITUKE. 1 Ll IN WANT OF A CHRISTMAS PRESENT I would respectfully say that new ii the time in order te avoid hcing disuppeintcd te have your presents selected und put aside, ami then when the rush comes a little later you will he sure of having your present just when you de sire. I cordially invite a call te 1 ce uiy assort ment of HOL.IBAY GOODS, Furniture and Picture Fram&s. WALTER A. H0NITSH, 13Kat Kins Mtrcet. VAJWETS. H IGHKHT CASH PRICE- WILL UK . l'AID FOR EXTRA NICE CAKPET RAGS. Carpets made te order at short notice aud satisfaction guaranteed. Rare chances In Carpets te reduce stock et 6,000 Yards Brassels Carpels, AT AND BELOW COST. Call and satisfy yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpetslnalmestcndless variety .at H. S. SHIRE'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER I' A.