- "' LANCASTER DAILY 1KTELL1GETWER SATURDAY NOVEMBER 27,1880. w II I'. COLUMBIA NEWS. OUK ICKGUL.AU CORRESPONDENCE (It is the almost general opinion about heie that winter Las set in in earnest and that the canal tcasen, by reason of both rivet ami canal being ice-bound, is effect ually closed, the exceptions te this opinion being persons who hope against hope fera thaw and a consequent leguniptien of ac tivity in cauul circles for a few weeks te CMne or time enough te get the ice-bound beats where they are wauled. Just new tlms-e beats, leaded and unleaded, aie iirinlv held in different pl.tces in the canal between its termini and there they are likely te icmain until the spring weather of 1881 releases them from the predica ment in which they liud themselves. It is net an unusual occurrence for beats te be caught midway between stations, buL the liumbei tlii.-. year is much larger than usual, as the earliuess of the winter v.vather oveileok and surprised many captain who were probably en their last trip for the season and who did net antici pate se early a step te navigation. Where precautions are taken te prevent the in conveniences ariiing fiem this state of affaiisit seems tee bad te have the trap, sprung en one without warning, but as this is one of the things ever which we have no control it will have te be borne as best it may. It is new time te let the water out of the canal and it probably will be in a very few days. One cause of .sutb--factien in all this inconvenience is that operations, next season, will necessarily commence early, as the beats, or a huge number of them, aie near here and a sup pty oi'ceai im shipment this year will be kept in the chutes and sent efflirst thinir next season. With this all hands will have te be .satisfied. The J'cnur-ylvanki railroad company have a corps of men at weik in cleaning the pavements and platfeims about the depot. Melhi'le anil M:tii!fairs mill wagon cainc te a sudden step at Second and 'Wal nut sheets just new cause unknown te us. The ker.su hat; bteu taken from the via-icn. Te-morrow being the Jiist Sunday in Advent, communion services will be held in St. Kml's J'letesUut Episcopal church at 10::J0 a. in. The employees of theStiseuehanna loll iug mill were paid this morning-for t weeks" work. Mis.-, Liliic Eatts has ic turned fiem Dailiuglen's .seminary, at West Chester, te her home, where she will remain per manently. The bad weather of last evening waked against the festival of the K. E. Lutheran chinch in the armory. This, the last even ing, is looked ferw.ud te with high expec tation. The church people are deiugall in their power te plea.se their visiteis and they really deserve a large attendance. The Presbytciian Sunday school is first in the field in making preparations for the Chi islmas festivities. Snow fell for a couple of hours yesterday p. !!1. A spa: low wh'ch had roosted last niglu en a water spout at Fester's store was found this morning fie;:cu fast by its feet. In its etfeits te free itself it had biekcn both legs. A boisterous, drunken '.Jcrnian became rather demonstrative in the 1 H. li. depot at neon te-day and after being once ousted v.as finally pacified by an officer. ITirlliiliiy 1'attj. Vcsteiday was the birthday of Willia" liclim. proprietor of the Maner hotel en West Ivinij sheet, and his wifedclcrmincd te ive him a .snrpiise party. Jn tiiecven ir.g a larjje nuiiibcr et the frieud.s of ilr. "Relun's lamily piiiietedat. his house. Mr. Itchm knew nnthimr whatever eftlicaJlair aa.l he was jjrcatly fcurpiised. During the cvcnii: .Mrs. Kehin presented her bus-1 land with a beautiful large picture of the j familj. The whele party sat down te an excellent supper, alter which there was initsiu by tins L'iii.en.-. band and dancing. ' All piesenf enjoyed themselves heartily j and united in wishing Mr. Hehm many ; meie biithdays. I .Ml Vi:itlUCT. l.'iil : tbe Iiuiiicli Case. The jury in the c:vc of II. E. Mimiicli. of Laudihville, this county, charged with robbing the I'uited States mail in IS'iS, t-aine into the tnilcd Slates district com' .it Philadelphia this ineruiug at 10 o'clock. alter hiving neeu out all yesterday alter- neon and all night, and stated that it was i impossible for them te agree, whereupon Judge But ?cr discharged them. It is un un leistied that the jury was nearly equally divided for acquittal and conviction. The .'pcech for the dcfeiiM' made by S. II. licynelii.-. Ciij., gentlemen who uiiislerlv elfeit. (II llll.S Cilj. iie.lld it. le . f ..: is saui ey haie been a llcatlt el nil Old Tiusuiitli. ijeorge II. Davis, one of the eldest tin smiths of this city, died at his residence, 'Ml Seuth Queen :trcct, cm Thursday last, lie learned his trade in (Jcorgctewn, this county, worked for many years for Mrs. Gelz, while she carried en the tinning trade, and afterwaids for seventeen years for Steiumnn A: Ce. lie leaves a wife, two sons aud a daughter. His funeral will take place te morrev; o'clock, lulcitncni. tcrv. afternoon at thiec at Lancaster ceinc- Water l"iics JlreUen. The bi caking of two mere water pipes was ii-pertcd at the mayor's efiicc te day one of them being the supply pipe te u property en Seuth Queen .street nearly opposite Woeward Hill cemetery, and iK ether a supply pipe in North street. The cold weather i.s given as the cause of the breakage. Drunk en Daly. Letter Carrier Dean, we arc reliably in formed, was drunk en duty te-day aud in utterly unlit condition te discharge his office, lie scattered his mail matter in wrong places and had te be taken home. and the contents of his mail pouch sent back te the posteftico for orderly distribu tion. What is te be done about if.' Te lie l-Inisncd Mendny. Wlieti court met this afternoon it was found that it would be impossible te liuish the case of Ifenser vs. Swartz. The jury was therefore discharged until 3Ienday, when the case will again be taken up. ."Intlnee. Kial tc Draper's " Uncle Tem " company are yiviujr a matinee this afternoon te a geed sized audience . They appear again this cvcnitij.'. The time has been when diseases et the Kid neys weic considered serious affections, but fortunately all fear et any fatal results lrem thchc troubles are new dispelled by the cer tainty with which Day's Kuixev Taii always acts. ii2Mw.MW&F If you are troubled with fever and ague, dumb :uuc, bilious fever, jaundice, dyspepsia, or any discas? et the liver, bleed or stomach, and wish le get well, try the new remedy, I'ref. Giiilnictte's French Liver Pad. Ask your druggist for it, and take no ether, and if he has net get it, send $1.39 in a letter te the French Pad Ce.. Teledo, O., and roeeivc-onc by return mail. C Ounrtcrl.v Electing ut latercei.rbe. tjuartcriymcclini; Sunday, November "S, at Al. K. church, Intercourse. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Leve fcat at 9:30, and --ae-r-ment alter morning sermon. rubiic Sale. Te-niiit, a;eniiiicncing at 7 o'clock, at Cooji Ceoji Coeji cr"5 hotel, j:ansnian & Jturn, real estate nsenls, will offer for sale the very de-irable dwelling te Mr. Witmer Hess, and situate Xe. 112 Seuth Prince street. AmuMnnents. ' Uncle Tem's Cabin" ie-m'ffi. Rial and Diaper's " Uncle Tem's Cabin " treupcappcar in this well-known play at Fulton opera house this cv cuing. With all tliencccsseries of a pop ular ami realistic production of the story, in el uiling a troupe of Jubilee shivers and a pair of traincil bloodhounds, the management :tn n Mi nee an effective performance, anil as will be seen by their advertisement low prices pre vail. " Weman's Faith." On Tnes'Iay evening Mlsa Allies Leenard, a new candidate for dra matic honors, will appear at Fulton opera house in thu play of Weman's I'aith," espe cially v.-iilten for her, and dcscilbcd a.pe. St.iugniuny efthi pictm-eviue features that have given te " M'iis." "The Dxuitcs " and similar compositions their popularity. Miss Leenard (who is really Miss Singer, the daugh ter el the rowing machine man) made her debut in Albany, X. Y.. the present season, and the Aryus of that city says : "Judging lrem the perleruiance eflast even mg.it can be tiuthlully said that Miss Leenard will be a great acties, and pese3sing an at tractive t,tcc and well proportioned llgiire, hei emotional powers arc brilliant. She is consci entious and pain-taking, and. altogether, met w Ith a very taverable reception, bcingpicsent-c-'l, at the cle-c of the .second act, with two ele gant lleral tribute. Frank I'. Chapman's com pany i a geed one. The pb.ee I admirably placed e-i the stage, the scenes showing the Canten lead by moonlight, and the Willamette liver by daylight, being among tlm hind-" seincst ever seen in the city." CifTiincauii ler tne iiappines? or tint man aerejj the v.ay i-. that lie went te WILLIAM SONS KOnTKU, :jr Kust King ft reel. Lancas ter, the ether day, and purchased one of their ne Reversible Overcoats, which they arc sell ing at price- l.inging liein f IS te $.'). lie give you geed ndvb-e when In: tell" you te go and -. them. iievlO-tfd Ne -windier hhall !iave its except ii b- Luticuia Siia ing Seajt. ith A IVmiy S.ned ii Twepence J.aruciS. A little SOZODOM", iir-cd light along very d.tj-, ,(- but little trouble and is pleasant al-w.ij-. It s-ive-. yur-i of Miffeiiiig li-em di e.iicd ;,mir and teeth in later day-:. Ii-, ue i-s eeoiieinioa'i of limv :iinl coinlert. Ua hO) UON'T. ii-JMwdoeilAw Nm.-iing mother- and delicate tciiiah'gain -trength lrem Malt Bitlei '. Sl'KVMI .VOJ7CAA. SAraiLi: .msxiuk. It i iuisiessible ler a woman alter a l:iihtal lomsi'et tieatiiicnt with Lydia E. Pinkhain f Vegetable Compound le oentinuo te -nllci with .i e.iUiK---, -t tlii litem- E:icIe-c a stamp ( Mr-. Lydia E. I'inkhain, "i Wc-tein a-. inn'. Lynn, li.i'-., tir jiamphleti-. jvi!Hydeed&w ' liU". ai:u or I'lcKrecunrs." a -Ign which we elU'ii sec i:i public places Is the gieatc-t help which Iho-e light lingertul gently have, ler i the unwaiy generally clap their hands upmi Ihe ie-!;et t-eiitaiiiiug valuables te nsme them-eles et their halety, and thereby tell the thief exailly whcie te leek ti.r pltindei. Cut bow much moiete be dreaded th-iu the thief who .-imply .-teals one's ptnc are t!i'i-e iu-idieus cough- and cold- that steal our i health and eomleit, yst urcseitiiieklyaud .cv- ; t.tiniy -cured by Dr.Urewniiig'it C.t C. Ceidi.il. AH diUKgit.M'ii it. Dr. Krewnniir. 1'ieprie ter. l!17 Arch Micci, riuia-leipma. 1'a. n'.'l-lwruV.w The Chicago 'lima say-: Warner's hate. Kidney and Liver Cure 1-"highly endorsed by mini-let-:, judge-, physieian-," surgeon-;, by men el iiti'rary and scholarly distinction, ami by iii'ln idual.s in all the walks et lile. .'! Sjie;-r's I'erl Grapu Wine. This aitiele of American Wine is highly cMeemed bv I lie b t phv.-ieians in this eeun- tiy. Tin! lolloping i- a te-tiuieuial we -aw lrniii the New Yerk lle-pita!. W'v jiabli-h it fei llu' liit-ii in itien el our readers- j Xi:w 1 eiik, Nev. II. ! I .mi i:-iiig 'iieei'.s 1'eri Giape Wiiicandiiuii ! iliel'can excellent tonic ami gentle -tiniu j iaut. and us such Ibeliexeit prelerable lethe i commercial Pert, and all ether nines, a-iit pe"- I si .i their tonic properties wi'heut I lie dele tci ions cited eau-cd by their impurilie-. It is al-ii very palatable, ami this is a recommend, i- ! ti u te iiiiim , especially tcmale- S. . Hai-ius. :.I. D.. N. . ii--iital. ; 't'li's i, an .eclicnt article ler tamily ue, I anil ler li ni.i! -s and is cmleised by lr-. Alice ami Mavis and ler side bj II. E. -Iayiiiakcr. iii.ViwdA-'i JMalaiial l-evci-. I Malaiial I'ever-, constipation, torpidity et the liver aud kidneys, geneml dcbilily, uci eiisnc.-'saiid neuialgie ailment'; ie hi ivadilv i te thii "ivat dieae conqucier. Hep Rittnis. j II lepaiis the iava;,c- el disease by couvcit ceuvcit I .ug the loeil into lleh bleed, and it gives new lite .nil l vigor le lltc;igetl and liilirm ntwnye. -co ' 1'reverbs'' in ether celiinin. 1 u!5 2'.id,tii CengiiB. lii'O'r n'li llrtinehUtl Troches"1 aie uped with I .iii:i:i!:ere le alleviate Ceinrlii. Mire Threat. Ilerix-'ici-- aii'l Ilreiiehial AtlcclieiiK. lr t'liiij yens tiuv.0 Trochee ha'.e been in use, ith ai-'inally iiurea'-iiig Juver. Thcj arc iet lew am! untried, but, ha', ing been te!-"d by v, ide and constant i; ler n-arly an entile gcueiiilieti. they have ;ttaiued wcll-mcnf:::! ii.nlf among the lev staple remediesef tlc'-tge. Ttie Tnreat. " J'rett '.v flreiicliial 2Vec;r.v"' :vl directly en the organs el the voice. They Vive an e. I inerdinary ellect iacll disei de: - of theXhreat and Larynx, rcsleiing a ha!thy tone ulien re laxed. i-Itliir from ce'd or oer-eeil:en et t!ie voice, and pieduceu clear and distinct eMinci eMinci atien. Sjiciintrs "nil Sttiffcn liud the Troches iielul. A Cough, Celd, Cutarrl: ei -e:.- ThiiMl rc qi.ircr iiiiine'Iiateatleutien, a- neglect ollen ellen lluii's iv-ulS- in Mime incurable Lung ilKea'c. " Jireivn's JS.'Oiidti'U Troches" iiill:iIme:t in varianiy givu icliel'. Imitations are ellered ler -ale, many el Mhich are injaiieu"-. T!ie genu iiie " JSreir,:''. Ilrenrhinl Troches" aie Mild only fn birrei. lanl.Vlyd.VwTii.ThiS li EAT US. "Mi:tM! In this eity. en the i"ith Francis J'. Meugcr. ac't 31 jcais. llisi. IIi lelativesand friends arc respect 'ally in vited le attend the luucral, lieai l!u Ca I well 1 0.isc to-iimrrew alternoen, at 2 o'clock. D.vvn. Tn this city, en the 2"th int., Uteijjc J I. Davis, in thcii.'d.vear of hisajje. The ielaticaand Irluuds el the lamily are respect lully invited le attend the liiner.il, lrem his lale-iesldciuv, Xe. oil Seuth Queen street, en Sunday alternoen at 3 o'clock. In terment at Lancaster cemetery. lUP Xi. II" AJiVEltVlSE3!EXT.-. XTOT1C5 11 Tin ie member.? ei Ee-shalVke nee Tribe. -e.-. are rcmesicl te mcetal iiicir igwani te-morrow altei-iioen al 1 o'clock, ler the pur pose l attending the luneral of I heir late 1. .S., 1". 1". Metier. All ether tribes aiu invited te attend. 1!v order et the Sachem. ltd rsMn: juen: X " ree)le' OMHLV JMKKTJXti OI' TUU Ituildin-' Lean and Dcneit cemuuiiy, win he held tins (satukday) evening at ihe usual place at i o'clock. Meney leaned at 0 o'clock. ltd II. W. VILLEL. Secretary. Si:m.imj OFB! SELU.NO Ol'll fcelliii oil at Great Reduction te close out my entire stock of Furniture, Upholstering, llcdding and Heuse Fiirnibhing Goods Alse, 1 I--'g Sle c, 1 Small Parler Steve and Pipe, a few l!i-t-cla-s Oig.ir.s, all cheap ler cash, at A. K.IIOFFMEILR'S, lt.l Ne. 20 Kat King Sticet. -VTOTIti:. FLlii & BRESEMM. Would advi'je all who cenlemplale putting in HEATURS or makiiiK any alterations in theii licating arrangements te de ee al once belere the ruh of Fall Tnule begins. TIIK ilObT RELIARLIO n 1 la the Maiket at the LOWEST PRICES. REAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER: PA, I iii k Breneman's OIVLER, ROWERS A HURST. GIVLER, ROWERS A HURST. GIVI.EK, P.OWKKS & HUK5T. SPECIAL NOTICE. Meichunl Tailoring Departtnent. Merchant Tailoring Department. Merchant Tailoring Department. OVERCOATS Fei the Holiday--, at GIVLER, ROWERS A HURST. GIVLEK. ROWERS & HURST. lltisine. S-iiU Made te Older Fei the Heliujy-i. at GIVLER. ROWERS & HUKST's. GIVLLR. ROWERS . HURST'?. xe tr .iih'jjj:iisemi:xts. flvl! lUiKlV Ki;TTt,: FOR SALE 1 Cheap. One a nine b'lircl and the ether a t'vebaiK'i lmttle. Apply te SAMUEL DILLER. Mi Seuth Queen Street. ltd'' 'I'lli: KKIiULAK JID.VTIILY .MEETING 1 el the Auiciican Mechanic-' Rtiildintrand Lean A-..oelatien will be held this (oATUic (eATUic DAY) evening, at 73 o'clock, in Ceyle's build ing. Ne. :;- Ea-t King .-trcet. ltd WM. T. JEFFER1ES, Sec'y. IuuLiu s-li: at t.ik northeast i corner el Marv and Orange streets, en TLESDAY. NOVEMBER ;!0. or Household and Kitchen Furniluiv, een-dsting et Beils and Redding, Carpet. 'loves Chairs, Lounges. Settee-', and evervthingappei tabling te house keeping. MRS. MARGARETTA KEMP. .1. Woedsiiii;, Auct. n'J7-ltdt It will be te your advantage te buy your llat-i. C.ip-. Uivder and OverMiirN. Dmwer.s, eveialN. Knit Jackets, Gloves. Mit, Neck we.ir. Suspenders, Cellars, &c. P. S Alse Fancy Bexes with Handkcichiefs iei Pic-ent", a BEOHTOLD'S, v. :2Xeith (juccn Street, ltd' Lancaster, Pa. COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Tamily and all ether kind ofCOALgeto RU3SKL.& SHULMYBR'S. IJualit valid Weight giiaiantoed. ,'iders lt spjcitulij' solicited. HS'KICl:: U tast Kiiig .SI reel. YARD: UtS North f'riiici: Street. augU-taprlSU H EAUOUAIITEItS FOR PUKE CUNFKU- 'llONs FOR THE HOLIDAYS AT JOSEPH R. ROYER'S, ."a AMI :1 WEST KING ST. I can new offer te the tradu audpublicn large -lock et Pure Contentions et every le-erintlen. at the wrv lowest m.iiket rates. FRl'ITS. NUT.-, &; v ami a LARGE STOCK j Ul- 101.-(M!lll'.l.rt Ml I1CS1UAO. lHIgO and -mall Cak"s baked daily, len Cream at all time--. WEDDING- XD PARTIES S-ERVED AT SHORT NOTICE. M AIL OK PICKS promptly attended te at the ame rate as it the p"r-en ordering were present in person. Call and t-e I t-ce my stock. iy-5'Kemciiiber the plaee .m AND :.' WE VI' KING STREET. "1 Ji.nl .UK ! linVl'l! A Full Line et V Full Line el A Full Line el All iliade.-, el All Unities et Ml tirade el WATCH KS, Ci.OCKP. WATCII1, CLOCKS' CHAIN'.-. LOCKKTS. CHAIN'S LOCKETS li! ARI1-, "l'RCTVCLK-J. l.TARHS, : FKi'TACLEP, '1'IlhRMOMKTKRS, Ac. TIILKJIOMETERS, &c, fit 1 rut I't i n iii'nc: il.t and Retail. 3r-FIne alcliReiwiiiiig F. ROW MAN, 1". RllW.M N. I".'. Ka.il King .St. !tv: East King M. (AS rilTSStAM) VLIUIBINO. ' JOHN P. SOHAUM, ,:V. 'i: SOL Til tJUEKN STREET, I.ANl A'iWill, I'A., PLU31BER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. A Laige sMrlmeiit el GAS FIXTURES CeuMantly en h.inil. JyltMJuideuwS tWHI'ST-ilAS CARDS! Clii:IfcT.MACAII ' Xee! ami in tiiiat Varietv. Nevil and in Creat Variety. Satin Ohrome Lithographs ! ler Art Needle-Weik. ler Ail Xec lie-Werk. -NOW RLAIlY. SOW KKADY, At the Reek MeitMit JOM BAES'S SOWS, 15 and S7 NORTH QDEBK STREET, la:c.sti:r. ia.. puw en eij:i:a iiihise. TTTE3DAV NOVEMBER 30, 1880. The Talented and Beautiful Yeung Knglisb Actress, AGXES IxEOX AUB, Mippertcd by FRANK M. CHAPMAN'S nuper nuper ler Di-amatic Company. ifi I;ie Grand Original Romantic Drama, in leuruet?, by Walter li. lithenry, entitled WOMAN'S FAITH ; Or, OHEGOmS LIFE I. ?55. SYNOPSIS: ACT I The Ferncllfie Home stead. The Plot and Counter Plot. ACT II The Canen Read. TlicMnrderiindDeathLeap. ACT 1 1 1 The Canen Read bv Moonlight. The Defenseless. ' Weman's Faith. ACT IV Tab leau 1. The Willamette River by Daylight. Judge Lynch vs. Civil Justice. Tableau i. The Willamette River by Moonlight. Admis-Ien, 7.", .TO and '25 cts. Reserved Seats, 73 tts ; at Opeia Heuse Oilice. n27-Std BLANKETS, QUILTS AND COMFORTABLES, In Qn uitilics at LOW PRICKS. FAHMESTOCK'S, Next Uner t-.i the Court Heuse. WOOL FLANNEL, Cotten Flannels. Linseys, &c, &c. All goods suitable ler cold weather at" VERY LOW PRICED. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. VMY- GOOD. BOYS' CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER BOYS'CLOTHINU MADE TO ORDER Fer the Holidays, at GIVLKR. BOWERS & HURST'S. An Elegant assortment of all the Latest Novelties In Woolens new open for the Holidays. at GIVLER. BOWERS A HURST'i. GIVLER, BOWERS A HURST'S. We uim te please all who favor us with a. call. Our prices will be leund te be veiy low for the quality of goods offered, at GIVLER, BOWERS & nURST'S. GIVLER, BOWERS A HURST'S. GEXTLEMEX, GENTLEMEN, GEXTLEMEX, We wish te Impress upon your minds that we offer the Finest stock et UNDERWEAR UXDERWEAR la the City ler the Meney. GIVLER. BOWERS & HURST. GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST. SEW AHVERTISEMEXTS. GOODS FOE THE HOLIDAYS! WATCHES. Ladies' Geld Chatelaine Watches. Ladies' Geld Stem-Winding Monogram Watches, Gentlemen's Geld Watches in plain, fancy or box-jeint'eases. Ladies' Nickel Chate laine Watches, Ladies' Silver Chatelaine Yatchcs, Gentlemen's Silver Watches, Gen men's Watches, with lumiueus dials. CLOCKS. ' French Clocks in marble, bronze, emerald or jjiit eases, with silver bell ev cathe dral strike. Toilet Clocks, Office Clocks, Nickel Clocks, Weeden Clocks in great variety. JEWELRY. Diamond Sets, Pearl Sets, Cameo Sets, Reman Geld Sets, Enameled Sets, En graved Sets ; Diamond. Sapphire, Emerald, Pearl, Opal, Cameo, Onyx, Amethyst, Topaz, Garnet Rings, Plain Rings, Engraved Rings and Children's Rings ; Lace Pins, Scarf Pins, Bracelets and Bangles, Necklaces, Lockets and Charms, Ladies and Gen tlemen's long aud short Chains, SIceve Iluttone and Links, Studs, etc., etc. SILVERWARE. Tea Sets, Tctc-a-Tete Sets, Dessert Sets, Epcrgues, Fruit Dishes, Casters, Cake Baskets, Pitchers, Toilet Sets, Jewel Cases, Card Stands, Ink Stands, Decanters! Cigar Bexes, Tobacco Bexes, Match Bexes, -Napkin Rings, Knives, Ferks, Spoeni. Ladles, etc.. etc., etc. vcC &C. &C. Bronze Statuettes, Bronze Mantel Ornaments, Vases, &e.. Musical Bexes, Oil Paint iugs, Opera Glasses, Geld Pens, Pencils and Picks. Geld and Silver Head Canes, fcc. All the above enumerated articles aud in great variety from the lowest priced te H. Z. RHOADS & J. B. MARTIN & CO. SEASONABLE GOODS. Wc aie showing a complete stock et SCARLET, WHITE and COLORE IJ UNDERWEAR, ler Ladle, Gents and Children, in nil sizes, from sixteen le lilty inchc?. Our 50 Cent Shirts and Vests are the best in the Market. Ladies', licnts" and Children's Hosiery. An Klcgaul Line el LADIES' COATS AND DOLMANS, eWc respectfully solicit a call. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cerner West King and Prince Streets Lancaster, Pa. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK' OP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, In the city, is te be NORBECK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. S-CO.X & CO.'S The Stock includes all the LATEST STYLES SPRNGS, such as the Rrcweter, Whitney, Salidce Triple, Kinplre Cress SpritiK, Uexter (juccn. Duplet and Elliptic, and they will also make te order any style a purchasei may desire. R-p.iii!m; et nil kinds promptly attended te. All work guaranteed for -ne year. "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD." XEW ADVERTISEMEXTS. 188 1 . 7 HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. 'Studying the subject objectively, and from ' the educational point el view seeking te pro vide that which taken altogether, will be el the me9t service te the largest number I long age concluded that. If I could have but one work for a public library. I would snlectn complete set of Harper' Monthly." Charles frauds Adams, Jr. Its contents are contributed by the most em inent uuthers and artistsef Europe and Amer ica, while the. long experience or its pumwn crs has made them thoroughly conversant with the desires of the public, which they Will . p re no efforts te gratify. i HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year $IW1. HARPER'S WEEKLY, One Year 4 00. HARPER'S BAZAR, One Year 4 00. The THREE above publication", One Any TWO above named, One Year 7 W. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year.. 1 30. Postage free te all finbscribers in the United Slates and Canada. The volumes of the Magazine begins with the numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specified it will be understood that the subscriber wishes te begin with the current number. A complete set et Harper's Ma.jazine, com prising 61 volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of pur chaser, en receipt of $5.25 per volume. Single volumes, by mail, postpaid, $3.00. Cleth cases, for binding. 33 cents, by mail, postpaid. Remittances should be made by postefllce Meney Order or Draft, te avoid chance of less. Xcwspapcrs arc net te copy this advertise ment without the express order eJlARrER& Rretber. Address, HARPER & .BROTHERS, New ler'. nPOBACCO PACKERS ATTK?IOX ! TOBACCO SHOOKS in any quantity, at C0H0 & WILEY'S Lumber Yard, Xe. Lancaster, Pa, 339 North Wnter Street, nev2S-ltd Please call ami Examine our (Qualities and Prices. GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST. - GIVLER. BOWERS & HURST. Elegant Llue of Hosiery. Elegant Line of Hosiery. Elegant Line of Hosiery GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST. GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST. GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST. Fancy Neckwear, Suspenders, &c, New open ter the Holiday Trade. GIVLER, BOWERS A HURST, - GIVLER, BOWERS A HURST. GIVLER, BOWERS A HURST. NO. 23 EAST KING, XO. 23 EAST KING. NO. i5 EAST KING. LANCASTER. LANCASTER LANCASTER. many ethers will be leund in our stock the finest. BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. &C. seen at H.e i !- el OLD STAXD.-5-0 EXTEHTAIXMEXTS. SELECT DANCING ACADEMY. MR. AND MRS. SHANK, Teachers. j Fer Strictly Private Instruction. i CniLwtEX Saturday. Lessens, ler Steps. &e., ; 1 te 3 p. m. Matinee. 3 te 5 p. m. j Ladies' Class. Saturday Alternoen, 12 te 2 t p. in. Ladies and Gentlemen from S te 10 n. m j .Will change te Wednesday evening if pupils """; AS-Tcrms. &c. at, Mr. Woedm rd's Music n'-'i&'.Wd store. picireN eieka hoc.-,::. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27. MATINEE AT 2 P. M. RIAL & DIIAPEK'S MAMMOTH Uncle Tem's Gal Gmmf, INTRODUCING Genuine Bleed Hounds, Trick Donkey (Jerry), And Jubilee Singers. PKICKH: 25 AND 35 CENTS. Ner extra charge for Reserved Scats secured at Opera Heuse Bex Office. MATINEE PRICES : CHILDREN JOSEPH CHENET. ...S5Cts. ...15Cts. ACtST u-3td ff'AXTEJJ. WANTED... .EVKRYBODY TO ADYnR. tlse, free of charge, In the Iwtblliees exit, who wants something te de. WANTED TWO OR THREE TINSMITHS Will give tliein steady work this winter te make Tobacco Steamers. Apply immediate ly at JACOB FOOSE'S. nev25-2td Ne. 13i East King Street. W 'ANTED TWO OR THREE AGENTS te canvass for Oil Painted Picture nn Glass. Nene need apply but ene who can come wen rccemmenueu. can make from $3 te $3 psr day: Apply at Xe. ::i North Mulberry street, Lancaster. Pa. liHT-ltd MISS Al. E. OILL, TEACHER OF DIVW ing in the Girls' High Scheel, wishes te obtain pupils in the various styles of drawing and painting. Residence Ne. 35 West Orange street. iPurs altered and renal red at the same place. . octse-rfd TILED EDITIOff. SATTJBDAY EVENING, NOV. 27, 1880. HOME AND ABROAD. NEWS BY WISE AND CABLE- REVOLUTION IN ALBANIA. THE WAR AGAINST THE JEWS. A BEER DRINKER'S CH ALLEGE. BURIED UNDEK A SSOW SLID.. Acctileut en the II. & O. B. K. H.inlan find r.ayceck te Ken. NOT TRUE. TheSandrlDgliHin Net te be Repaired. New Yerk, Nev. 27. A special from Norfolk, Va., says : The Virginian of this city published the following te-day : "The report that the secretary of the navy had consented te the necessary repairs en the steamship Sandringbam at the navy yard, is unfounded. The British Censul, Myers, has received a telegram from Secretary Thompson, referring the matter te Commedore Hughes who had ordered the steamer out of the deck. She leaves this evening for Baltimore, where she will go into deck en Monday. Ne little surprise is ex pressed by the British consul at the action. He considers that even had the insult been given, which ;is denied by the captain, when an apology and explanation was made in person and writing, the repairs should have been permitted." SIIOOT1NOA riUSONER. Fatal Struggle with n Resisting UurcUr. Jersey City, Nev. 27. Peter Murray, acil W years, residing in Jersey City, was arrested at 2 o'clock this mernini; as lie was leaving tlic lieuse or Mr. Dufiield Ne. 527 Moueutli street, whera had com -mittcd a burglary and while in the custody of officer Mark Lawrence he made several attempts te escape and fought with such desperation that the officer was compelled te draw his revolver and in self defense shot Murray, the ball taking ellect in ids stomach. The wound is probably fatal, as the physicians at St Francis's hospital where he was taken say he w:il net live many hours. Officer Law rence has been placedun THE LAND OF STEADY U A HITS. "Jtirderuus Affray In a Connecticut Town. New Yerk, Nev. 27. A Norwich, Conn special despatch says : Considerable ex citement prevails hare te-day ever an af fray which ecenrred in this place last night and which may result in the deatii of two persons. While 3Ir. and Mrs. Kelly, who had been front home during the evening, were returning, they were met by .las. Goeile, who com menced quarreling. Mrs. Kelly, thinking her hiibband in danger, stepped between the two men and received a serious knife wound in the left side. She was carried home and her wound was dressed. Later m the evening Goede was stabbed in the abdomen. The surgeon says he cannot re cover. OVER AN EMBANKMENT. Fatal Accident en tne Italtimere and Ohie Railroad , PiTTauuRuu, Pa, Nev. 27. Intelligence has just been received here of an accident en the Baltimore & Ohie railroad at Bow Bew man's station last night about twelve o'clock te the Baltimore express He. H, which left this city at 8:05 p. m. Upen ncaiiug Bewmaus station, which is 30 miles west of Cumberland, the train encountered a broken rail, and the engine with the entire train went ever an embankment and landed upon its aide. Fireman Keuth was instantly killed and the engineer, whose name could net be learned, was badly scalded. The passengers escaped without injury, though they were badly shaken up. UNDER THE SNOW. Riilrend Laborers Overwhelmed liyau Ava lanche. Denver, Cel., Nev. 2. The Lcadvillc Chronicle says sixty laborers were buried in a snow slide yesterday near Chalk creek, en the Kokema extension of the Denver fc Kie Grande read. About 11 a. m. they noticed the pine trees trembling and in an instant a slide came with a loud rear, tearing up the track for a distance of a quarter of a mile, and burying sixty men. .Tne Dens was killed, 1!) men were badly injured and 11 ethers slightly. The slide can Scd the track ever the heads of the men and most of the wounds were probably caused by the iron striking them. WAR ON THE JEWS. Continuing the Agltntien in Ocrmnjy. Londen, Nev. 27. A dispatch from Berlin says a great attempt is being made te excite the indignation of students against the Jews by thp Steeckcr party. This is already begining te have an effect at Leipsic, where stormy meetings arc bsing held. ALBANIANS IN ARMS, ticncral UprUIng Against the Turks. Londen, Nev. 27. A dispatch te Reuter's telegram company from Ragusa states that news from all parts of the coun try tends te confirm the reports of a gen eral revolt in Albania against the Turks. A Lucky Escape. New Yeuk, Nev. 27. During a lire at a bearding house in Grand street, this morning, Mary Hawkcs threw her nine-year-old child out of a second-story win dow and jumped after it. Beth escaped. After the fire James II. Dcwitt was found unconscious in bed, overcome by smoke, and died seen afterwards. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Nev. 27. Fer the Middle Atlantic States, rising followed by stationary or falling barometer, higher temperature, northerly shifting te west erly winds, partly cloudy weather aud oc casional light rain or snow. The Great Eastern Dragging It.- Ancher , Londen, Nev. 27. A telegram te Lloyd's from Milferd says the steamer Great Eastern appears te have dragged her anchor during the gale last eight. MAJtKETX. Xfew xerk Market. Nwrieti. November 27. Floup-State and Western slightly In buyers laver ami in very moderate expert and home trade demand ; Su perfine, statu tt 0004,50: extra de. at 3i0 85 S3; choice, de $53005 50: fancy de at $5 350650 ; roundheopUhio ?r.30S3 73: cholce!de at5SOfJ6 50; aupcrline western 00gl 50: common te geed extra de 5i0a5 33: choice de 5 35IA6 75; choice white wheat tle HVt 05 50 ; Southern quiet : common te mir extra f535$583: geed tnclieiee de ,"V'0lGi3. Wheat ulieut Ulc lower atiiUuedcralelv active: Ne. I White, December. $1 21)i; de Jan., $1 24 : Ne. 2 Red. Iec. 1 2!ij?l 'Ziyi ; de Jan.. l S6l 27J ; de Vb $l ssgiasft. " Cern Xc lower and quiet; Mixed western 8POU57&i61c:.de future. tO&GSc. Oata without decided change : Ne. 2 1cc. 45c : deJau., IfyiilViXc : Stite 4ii3-,e ; West em 433510. fhlladelpht market. fHit.AOXLvaui.Nev.27. Fleur buyers hold ing off; snperOne at J.1 501 OJ; extra at S4 0OJJ4 50; Ohie and Indiana family 5 75g 6 25; Penn'ir family $" 305 75 : St. Louts family t600u'C75; Slmneseta raiuiIy.'25(;eiU Straighr t aifJB .) : Winter puteui S70O3775: Spring de $7 253 37. Kye flour at. 3i5 37. Wheat lower and unsettled ; Ne. 2 Western Red121; renn'x lted $1 Ul 21 : Amber 91 191 21. Cern new plenty and old scarce : market quiet; steamer. 52c; yellow. 5Se ; old, illJXe : mixed, new, 57858c ; eM, CS-jjeie. Oats eulet but stcadv : Se.'l White Hltr tfie ; Ne. 2 de tfgi5c; Ne. Ii de I;i.llc; Se. 2 Mixed 43e. Kyc Arm at ?e. Provtsleus linn, jobbing tiir; miss- rk. old. 914 00 14 50; new, 15 75 : beet bains$:.59; Indian m.'s iM-et at A-StSsC : 15-icon ineketi xheulders 5;4b"c ; salt de .V(t?5Jc: mektil hams 9)10e; pickled lutui-S'J! tr lorelil and new. Lard steady ; city kettle at '.' ,c ; Uhwc bntehers' e; prtmc Mteiim i'J K. Butter fairly active, tirui : Creamery e v. :;ic : de geed te choice 30g3."e: 15 t. und'N. .ex tra2SS0c; Western reserve extra 22i$2le ; dogeollo choice ii;02i)e: Rolls II nil : choice scarce: renn'a Fxtrr. 20023c; Western Reierve extra. 22ff 21. Kgga firm, ith geed demand and light sup ply; i'lmn'it KxtRi3b:;s-Mlett Kxtra ff'c. CticceC market quiet but prices lirmlv in-ld ; New Yerk' full cream at l.'.'-e; Western full cream at 12Jj13e : de fair te geed at llfillc; de half Hiain? and lN-na'a. kiiusnt H)Uc. Petroleum dull ; tclinc! at lilt. WJilsky at$l 14. Seed? IIecmI te m line clever stead v at 7 ii I i775; Timetliy nominal ; Flax-eoe quiet at ?i i. Hleuk "liirKt-t. Nkw Yerk Srecus Stocks weak N e vein be a. M. a. m. r. m. r. 11:15 ll.-AI -2MJ . 'Q 47 II Mi is: .Ill 115 I2HfKI; KliV-illO l. I-. M :le ;:.n Meney Erie It. R Michigan S. A I.. S... Michigan Cent. R. R Chicago A W. ... Chicago, M & St. P. nan. a bt. .i. com i.;; " P'id.... '.; Teledo A Wabash.... 41)4 Oliie.t Mlviijslppi.. :w, St. Leuis, J. M.&S.R.. 50 Ontario iukI Western. 3d C. C. A I. C. R. R 1 New Jersey Central.. SOJf 15 'H'.i ii P.i W., :i' "r" iei. n iiiinsen canal. :rj Del.. Uick..t WcturnliEi 10IJ, Western Union Tel .. -ji. l'acillc Mall S. S. Ce. nn let lS liiii'i Manhattan Elevated Union Pacific.. .. Kansas A Texas... .una New l erk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland A Pitts Chicago & Reck I Pittsburgh A Ft. W... American U. Tel. Ce. I'HlLADRLrnlA. Stocks feverit-b . 111,'. us in i-.-.' i'.i; 121 Pennsylvania. R. R.. r,i i-iiira. itcaiiiug..... Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation... Northern l'acillc com rr.l ' 'J5 U Mi .-i e:J- " P'd . :; PItt9.1Titusv'c.t It.... n;.7rt Northern Central.... ft PhU'aAKrie R. R... !.).'. Northern Peim'a Un. R. It's or N.J Hcstonville Pass Central Trans. Ce. t'Oll SALE. T r;eit rent. I A tw-sterv Dwelling llen-e in Last Orange etrect, next deer leM cd Church. '.mi's Uelorm Uelerm . G. LONG, iisj-r.id T7 :OR SALE. I? A two-sterv CRICK IIOIK-K, with two story Ilrick Rack Rttihling attached, situ-iteat. Ne. "520 East Orange street, with iras in every room, and Just newly paneled. Will be seli I at private sale en cheap mid eunv terms. Apply te JOHN HIKMKNZ. nevla-tfd Ne. SI North tjnceii street. Pl'HLIfl SALE OK CANADA IIOKSKS. OnilONDAi. OVEMIIKR 2, 1b-.. will be sold at public sale, at J. D. Denlinger's Mcr riniac Heuse, 115 North Queen street, I.aucas tercity. Pa , the following Livesteck: Sixteen head et Heavy Draft and Dnvhig HORSES, lrem i tee your. old, must all be a represented by the tindcrhigned or no hale. A credit of fiO days will be given. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. et .-aid lay, when attendance will be. given bv GEORGi: GRO.-SMAN. SAM't. Hess A Sex, Auet. n2i 2td PUBLIC KALE OF Vl.tJA Itl.i: KEAI. ESTATE. On TUESDAV. DECKMRKR It, 1KW, will be sold at public vendue at llm Urapc hotel (laic Michael's), en North Queen street. Lancaster, Pa., the following valuable real estate, which the undersigned eilers for sale en account el having entered Inte busi ness In the western part et the state, viz: Ne. 1. AH that let ofgrem.d, fronting en the north side et West Orange street 22 Icet, and extending 215 feet in the tear te a lt-leet wide alley. The improvements are a very hand some ten-roomed two-story and niau.sard re-i Green Stone Frent DWKLINO IIOI'SK (being Ne. 31 Wct,t Orange strcel), with all the bcsl modern impreveuients. iuclmliug .Jeiining'.s inipreved Londen water clOM-t, marl-ie top wash stand, improved walled-in range, ecll.ir heater, perlect draiirigc and sewerage, deep, dry cellcr. white marble base and steps. There is n well with pnmiMind :ir. rain cistern and ump. Frent en premises is a yard 2J feet in deiitli. enclosed with ornamental iron t-nce. Ne. 2. Let of ground in rear of Nes. Sand 1 1 East King struct, Lancaster, lieutimr en an alley fi-l feet and exiendiug r-eiithv.iirilly 'Ml'. leel. en which n two-sterv RRICK WARE HOUSE is erected 32x jifeet. new ucd as a Tobacco Warehouse. Ne. 3. A let of gieuud, Iieiitiug :rr f:ct en College avenue and 112 feet en Columbia avenue. A very eligible location tf.t building suburban residences. Will be bold ;:?. a whole or in parts te suit purchasers. Possession and geed titleseu April 1, 1SS1. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., of .said day, when due attendance will i:- given and terms of saleinadu known bv "ISAAC ST1RK. H. Snumsp.-r, Auct. Il2!-W tCSthd misvellaxee vs. tjemevalT- - - li MRS. M.A.EDWARD? ha removed her Millinery Stere te Se. SV) West King street. whereshe will "be pleased te sec alihernld customers. Ileuiiets, Huts, Ribbon?. Sratins. Velvets, Feather", Flowers, ftc. will ceield chenper than ever befere. Call a nil see. nev2Mind TAISSOLUTION Of PARTNKRllIIP. The partnership herctoleret xistiug between II. C. t-hlrk A I5r., dealers in Rags and Metal, has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent. II. C. Shirk will continue, tlic husiucs nt the corner of Arch and Marien idlev. J. P. SHIRK, iiev2tt-3td3 II. C. SHIRK. SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! AT EDGEIiLEY & CO.'S, Practical Caniugc Untlricr?, Market Street, Rear of Central Market Heiiaej, Lancaster, Pa. We have en hand u Large Assortment et PORTLAND, ALBANY, AND DOUBLE SEAT SLEIGHS, Which wc offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Alse u fuU line of BUOU1ES and CAR RIAGES all of our own well known unike Give us a call. J-Repairing promptly attended te. niil-tfd&w TIXirARE, C- OTOVES. STOVES. Brick-Set and Portable HEATERS and RANGES -'.at:- Shcrtzcr, HnmphreTille &KiefFcr"s EAST KING STREET.