LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24,1880. ) a tnliscfiucnt meeting of the church racfa bcr. Brether Jehnsen's motion prevailed nnd . with the benediction the meeting "as ad journed until next Taesdayevcniujj. DESTRUCTIVE FIBB. SUE 1TOKST WE'VE HAD TOK YEARS' COLUMBIA NBWS. OVii RKf.Vl.AU CORRESPONDENCE I.ecs from $10,000 te IS5O.00O. Iratii ami lebjcca Warehouse Curiietl Iiis:tktruuH Deed if it Dastardly Incendiary. IIje Tb.3 alarm of fiie early this inemiiig, te vrbich no doubt moatefour citizens turned an indifferent ear as they nestled Bnngly in bed, iras the signal for the relief of the fiie department te avert or at least check the most destructive work of the. incendiary which has been visited upon our city for many yearn. The dwellers in and visitors te the northwestern part of Lancaster are familiar with the fine large brick waie waie heusc located at the southwest corner of the Pennsylvania railroad and West Lemen street, eii.the site of what was formed v Gorrecht's coal yard. This building, used as a storing piV.ce, and for trade in grain, tobacco, &c, and owned by II. B. Grefl", was entirely destroyed by fire, together with its contents. The lire was discovered about ha!f-past four o'clock by Benjamin i rest, who is employed by Lohe & V iley. coal dealers. He first saw it in the first fleer of the western paitef the building, which was occupied by Lederman &"Uie., tobacco dealeis. The iiie spread rapidly, and in the space of three or four hours all the weed-work of the building was burned. The eastern end of the warehouse was occupied by II. 1!. Greff & Ce., tTTc firm censistim; of II. B. Greff and Wm. West heflfer. They arc dealers in grain, Heur, feed, iV.c, and at the time of the fire they had a large stock en hand which is entire ly destroyed. The stock in their waicheuse consisted of about 12 car-leads of corn, eats antldiffeienl kinds of feed, 100 barrels of Heur, a car-lead of potatoes and a car load of apples. In this part of the build ing there were ntanding a car-lead of flour in ban els and a car-lead of lumber for tobacco cases, both of which were de stroyed. The flour belonged te Jcsse Ranch. It was leaded en the car vester- day and was te have been shipped te Phil adelphia. The lumber which was en the car belonged te Jehn C. Ticmeyer & Ce., and it arrived yesterday. Three 'large grain elev.iteis we:e also destroyed. The middle of the building was occu pied by Jehn C. Tiemeyer & Ce., tobacco dealeis, of t-t. Leuis, who arc rcpicscntcd heie by C. II. White. They had about 250 cases of tobacco, beside a let of presses, tobacco boxes, etc. They were all consumed. Lederman & Bie., also tobacco packer?, occupied the western end of the building. They had no-tobacco en hand but lest all their pi esses and a let of cases. The warehouse was 130x44 feet and was three .stories high. The eastern hair or the building was eiectcd year bcrore last ami the western half last 'car the whole costing between $15,000 and $20,000. Mr. Greff had the building and ma chinery insured as fellows, in companies represented by Bailsman & Burns: Wil liamsburgh City insurance company, $3,000 en warehouse building ; North British in surance company, $4,.00 en warehouse and -machinciy; North American com pany (II. S. Gara agent), 82,000 en build ing. ( The stock was owned by II. B. Grolf& Ce., and it was insured as fellows, in com panies repiesL-nted by Bausman & Burns : Londen Assurance company, $2,000 ; Brit ish America assurance company, $3,000. Bausm,m& Burns had Jehn C. TicracVL: fir A: O.u inaiivil nc fi-dlrhtt'c AfaiwOiii.t-Ti insurance company, of Newark, $3,500 ; Londen assurance corporation, $3,000 ; Williamsburgh City insurance company, $1,500 ; French assurance corporation, $1,500 ; Trans-Atlantic company. $2,000 ; Commercial Union company, $3,500. Tt is net known whetlnr Lederman vt Bre. had any insurance, but their less will be small even if they had net. Mr. Ranch's car-lead of flour and Ticmeyer & Ce.'s tobacco case hunter were net insured. Mr. Grefi" is unable at present te estimate his less, but the insurance en the building will net cover it. The less of II. B. Greff A: Ce. will be mere than the insurance, also. Bausman &, Burns had the leasing of tfic two warehouses. But a short time age Tiemeyer & Ce. lenewed their lease for the coining year, and the warehouse occu pied by Lederman & Ce. was leased, te Jehn Moere, of Philadelphia, for the year 1831. It is net known hew the lire originated, but it is believed te have been the work of an incendiary, as no fire is used in the part of the building where it was first seen. Notwithstanding the very cold weather the firemen responded promptly te the alarm and several engines were seen en hand. The men worked very hard and many of them were covered with ice, caused by the water which was thrown upon them. At 10 o'clock this morning the fire was stil burning and the firemen kept at work during the wholeof the fore noon. During the progress of the lire, the lum ber in the yard of Cehe & AViley and the frame houses in the neighborhood were kept from burning by the firemen, who kept streams playing upon them. Several hoi fees iu a stable near the burning build ing were taken te a safer place. All day te-day people have been visiting the burnt building ; the high walls arc aU that is left. v The Water Supply. The firemen experienced a great deal of trouble iu getting water. Several plugs they say were frozen and they were com pelled te thaw them cut with het water. It was almost a half hour before they could be thawed, but after that tjie water was abundant. The pipes were full of water ' at that point and the frozen plugs were the only cause of the delay. Had the fire men been able te obtain water earlier they would have been able te de mere effective service, and possibly te save much of the property destroyed. Water Supt. Kitch savs that no plugs in the city have been frozen and that all the difficulty experienced in getting water was due te the large number of engines in sendee and the small calibre of the water main. Origin of the lire. It was reported this morning that the fire originated from a steve which was iu one of the cais in the warehouse. This seems te be improbable, however, as there were only two cars in the warehouse and neither had fire in. Beth these cars were in the eastern end of the warehouse while the fire was discovered at the extreme western end. One of tle burned cars waB the pro perty of Mr. Kanck and the ether be bo be lenged te the Pennsylvania railroad company. C. h KaTifFnsan is in -Philadelphia to day. Skating is geed and free from danger at the outlet. t. Several, springs in Yerk county arc te te pertcd -frozen ever. Remarkable. Sam. Campbell, liveryman, had a suffei iug mule shot yesterday te end its mis ery. Sam. C. Swartz has finished his new ice house and is ready for the crop. Mr. F. A. Bennett is again able te be out and was at his store this morning. Several parties will spend to-raeriow in gunning a peculiar way of giving thanks. Miss Hariiet Watsen, of Lancaster, is visiting the Misses Bpice. A large donation surprise party of mem bers of the Church of Ged, of this place, called, last evening, upon Rev. J. H. Es terlicc, the new pastor of the church, at his lesidence ou Sixth street between Lo cust and Walnut, and made him the recip ient of many handsemeand.valuable gifts. The evening was very pleasantly spent aud while it progressed the congregation aud pastor came te an excellent understanding. The untimely freeze bring things te tee sudden a stand-still at the R. & C, coal chutts. The steamboat " Wrightsville " again forced its way through the ice this morn ing by dint of hard work, however. The PhiladelphiauB who attended the funeral of Miss Ellen Housten wcre sent te Dillervillc en a special .train yesterday afternoon and there made connection with the Johnstown express cast for Philadel phia. II. II. Houateu, who had left the Colonel Scott party at Chicago, was of the number. The two military organizations will give street parades te-morrow. The Columbia Rillcs, headed by the Citizens' band, will parade at 8:30 a. m., and Company H at If. The latter organization has net yet se cured its music. Captain Case has just received from the adjutant atllur risburg, fifty-five new overcoats for com pany II, aud they will be worn iu the par ade They are of light blue kersey, lined with dark blue Hairnets, cut very long and double-breasted. The capes arc lined with the same material as the coat, aud are se cured in position by a bingle row of but tens. The overcoats are very pretty and no doubt serviceable Thanksgiving Day will be observed gen erally as a legal holiday. The public schools and banks will be closed and the postefllco open only at holiday hours. Market is held at three o'clock this after noon. The stores, or the greater portion of them, will be closed. The day's services of the Engish Protestant churches, except the Episcopal, will te union aud will be held in the Metho dist Episcopal church at 10:30 o'clock a. m. An appropriate sermon will be preached by Rev. C. S. Gerhard, of the Reformed church. Services will be held in St. Paul's Episcopal church at 10:30 o'clock aud will be of an impressive na ture The church is being elaborately dec orated aud the decorations, of which sev eral species of fruit form a portion, will be distributed te the peer wheu taken down. The German churches, Protestant and Catholic, the English Catholic and A. M. E. churches will held services of their own. DRY VQODS. HOLIDAY GOODS! AN IMMENSE STOCK NOW OPENING AT GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST'S, Ne.. 25 EAST KING STREET. LADIES By takiDg a glance through our immense stock you will see many handsome goods, suitable and useful for Heli" ;y Gifts. What mere elegant gift can be given or mere appreciated than an elegant . DRESS SHAWL OR CLOAK. We havehundieds of ether articles all equally useful that will make an elcgaut gift. Our assortment of F.tncy Goods can not be surpassed either iu quantity, quality or price. We will be adding daily te our stock many handseme novelties. New is the time te be looking for Holiday Goods, as it is only about four weeks until Christmas. We weuhlask everybody te call and leek through our stock, whether wishing te pur chase at the time or net. TILED EDITIOff. WEDNESDAY KVEM.NOV.-24, I860. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Nev. 2-1. Fer the 31iddle Atlantic States, lower barometer, higher temperature, with northerly veer ing te easterly winds, increasing cleudi ness and snow. pi: iei ierx iei sis' ?' ini' rat? 38; sua mi .... Htij Jin uririaE. V : THTTT Xn-D TDTTT-riVDC! C TTTTUCIT! UTJ V .U-OjXV, JDJ VV XUX!0 06 HUHD1, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. LITTLE LOCALS. Amusements. ".VViM"' Tuniyht. 5llss Annie Pixiey is alwuys surcet a warm welcome from lier many admirers In this city, ami an ever-flowing house te night, when she appears in her great character of Jl'lU s, would net he surprising te people who knew her talents and attractions. The piny is one that never tails te please, nnd Miss I'lxley's support cempilscs McUoneuh A Fulterd's excellent company, with Mr, Mc Mc Mc Doueuh in his famous rele of Yvba Hill. "Z)r. Civile." Sidney Resenfcld's cornet- et til's name: is a composition sparkling with the most delicious humor, u peeple who witness ed its production here lat winter will readlly bear witness. The tun pure and wholesome and always " catches " an audience. There is no unpleasant theme mixed up iu its unfold ins, but the mirth is as devoid of the flr.-t sus picion of bitter flavoring as it is continuous and convulsing. Mr. J no. F. Ward's imper sonation of the character e( Jllijgins Is a study, and no one who has ever witnessed his oddi ties or listened te his st:aii(;' misapplication et medical p'irases In his own peculiar and In iiiiitiiblc tone of voice Is likely te quickly ter tor get it. The company announce n Thanksgiving matinee ler te-morrow afternoon with low prices for chil'livi!, and appear again in the uvcnlnu, Th" H-.-'ter ought te have a crowded house. The Mcir vei iii(cl-X one nhelias ever heard i .-. marvelous music of this cele brated organization can fergetthe ieclings of exquisite delight occasioned by their pcrlorm pcrlerm nnce. Xe mere thorough company et must clanc has vi'ited Lancaster in mauy years. The instruments handled by them comprise the violin, clarinet, llute, viole and violon vielon violen ceilo, and ti'.cirniu-ie U alike high in quality and perfect In execution. They are accom panied byMKs Mniiu Xclllni, who i3 spoken of as a gifted vecalM. " Uncle Tem's Cabin." Uial and Draper's "Uncle Tem's Cabin," with the trained bleed- j hounds, is the alt tactien underlined at the j opera house for Saturday night when matinee ; and evening perieimanecs will be given. j Majer Tet. The little mini continued te held ; SEir AvrEicTWEiucxm. WE INVITE the attention of the public te the following schedule of prices of goods that will be found in our stock : Ladies' Breast Pius ... Ear Kings (Geld whes) - Geld Finger Rings ... Thimbles Silver Plated Spoons (per J dez.) Clocks ------ Stem Winding Watches (wariantcd) Diamond Rings - Sleeve Buttens -Watch Chains -Neck Chains - Silver-plated Casters - " Pickle Jars - Water Pitchers " Cake Baskets Bracelets ..... Charms and Lockets ... Opera Glasses .... All goods will be recommended and warranted acceidiug te quality. H. Z. RELOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. 25 cts and upward: 75 " " 75 " 10 " 81 $1 85 $5 " 50 cts. ' 25 " SI S2.50 " 81.50 $G " $3.56 81 75 cts ' 82.50 J. B.- MARTIN & CO. We will open for the llelidaj the suitable ter Largest Line of FAJfCY AXD'USEFUL AUTICLfS the fort in Centre squ'ire, where thismldgct of humanity is niade the object ei eager curl-. iisiiy unu v.umici en mc p.ui ui an nuwve him. The lime lias been when diseases et the Kid neys were considered serious affections, but fortunately all fear et any fatal results lieni these treubles are new dispelled by the cer tainty with which Dat'b KiittET Tad always acts. 1122-lwMWAF HOLIDAY PEESENTS. AVE WILL SHOW AX ELEGANT LINE OF RUGS, MATS, CRUMB CLOTHS CHINA, GLASS, MAJOLICA ANII GRANITE WAKE. Telesrapltl wt of the Afternoon. The premier of the Cape colony says the resources of the colony are equal te the requirements for suppressing the rebellion and that-the colonial government has no intention of calling for troops. A cat was found alive iu the cage pit at the scene of the recent mine disaster iu Neva Scotia, which causes the belief that there cannot be much after-damp there. Charles Stcelinan and William Casper- son, of Bridgeport, and Mr. Rogers, of Camdeu. N. J., were drowned by the cap sixing of the sleep Matnoes in Chesapeake bay. The New Yerk police have been notified te leek out for Huge Reush, a missing in ventor of New Orlcaus, who it is feaied has been murdered. The trial of Agent 3Ioacham,ef the Ute commission, Has been postponed until April 22. He and Berry will te-day be admitted te bail and will join their col leagues in the completion of the business of the commission. . The Hudsen river is closed by ice from Albany te Hudsen, and navigation may be considered at an end for the season unless au unexpected thaw sets in. Dervish Pasha has entered Dulcigue, after a slight engagement with ilie Alban mns. Twe vessels have been lest iu a gale eiF the coast of Labiader. Mrs. Es telle Anna Lewis authoress of " Sappho " and ether poems, under tLe nom dc plume of "Stella, "died suddenly last night of heart disease at Ne. 8 Bed ford place, Londen. Manhattan Elevated union raciflc.. .. Kansas St Texas.... .4 Xew Yerk Central Attains Exuri'ss Illinois Central H4'i Cleveland Pitt H$ Chicago & Kecfc I ' Pittsburgh ft Ft. W. 1-a American V. TeL Ce FlIILADKLraiA. Stocks stead)-. Pennsylvania It. U.... fi?. PhlTa. Beading..... l'; Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation... CC:4 Northern Pacitic Cem " ' P'tl . Pitts., Titusv'eJt B...". ".".".". ertiiern central.. Phil'a Eric 11. It. Northern Penn'a.. Un.U.UserX. J Ilcstonvllle Pass... Central Trans. Ce.. Wi fi3JC C2K 19 5Ti 3i I4l lU,S 17,4 1'Ji 41 1 13 .... 34 ... I?- 17'; 41).'. vri civ. 7J ; 5tj IV t:: l.2" 20 XEr ADrt:uTis:.vt:xrs. N OT1CE. The members of the Conestesa Circle Ne. 110 are respectfully requested te meet at their hall en THURSDAY JIOKXIXU at g'.Jo'eleck-, te attend the funeral et Brether ,. Celin. Lancaster Circle Is respectfully invited te par ticipate. Cap, funeral batlzn ami white gloves, ltd .XOUN SACHS, C. W. IaU'OUTKD tSEKMAM CANAKIES IX fu'.l sons. Small Geld Fish 1 & 2 inches in length, the right size te live in glebes and aquariums: Alse Bras Cugcs, Seeds, young Mocking I'.lrds in song, and ttesh let of JIocU JIecU ing Ulrd Feed. Twe voting Uray Parrots nt 'VOXDElteMITIIS. (Hewell's Building.) lt; liU North Qtiecu Street. SELECT DANCING ACADEMY. MB. AND MKS. SHANK, Toachera. Fer Ctrletly l'rlvute Instruction. CiiiLnaux Saturday., ferSteps,Ac.. 2 Xe 3 p. m. Matinee. 3 te ." p. ill. Ladies' Class. Saturday .fternoen, 12 tti p. in. Ladles and llcutleiui'it from S te 10 p. in. Will chunue te Wednesday eve ilnu if pupil wish. 5-lVnii.-., &.C. at Sir. Wntiilvaid'- Mi:-de Stere. nilA-iM 1 70 K SAUK. MAltKIJTS. Here and There and Evcryirlierc. Sunday hours from 9 te 10 a. in. and 0 te 7 p. 111. at the postefficc tomorrow ; and no local papers. The Lancaster County Peace society will held its next meeting at Pcnn Hill Friends' meeting-house en Seventh-day the 27th i'nst. at 10 a. m. The horse of Sam'l L. Hartmau fright ened at the cars as he was riding up North ljuccn street te-day. His rider was thrown, but net hurt. A Penny Saved Is Twepence Earned. A little SOSCODONT, used right along every day, ceMb but little trouble and is pleasant al ways. It saves years or suffering from din eased gums and teeth iu later days. Its use is economical of time and comfort. Use SOZO DONT. n22-lvrdeed&v.- Kl'KCiAI. XVTICtSS. SAMPLE -MITICE. It i impossible ler a woman after a ftdthtul j einiM! of treatment with T.ydia E. Pinkhain'e Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus Enclose a Tea Set, Oat Meal Sets Dinner SeU, Ice Cieaui Sets, and Saucers. Fivneh China Cetlcu and Tea Cups NOVELTIES IN MAJOLICA WAKE. Ulcerated Granite nnd Porcelain Toilet Sets, Fine Lamps, &e. 3-Vc respectiuily solicit a call. Faiiey lioeds efidl kinds. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cemer West King and Prince Streets Lancaster, Pa. 1 ne mayor nau ten customers tins morn- stamp te Mr. Lydla E. Pinkham, -JS3 Western iiifr, nevcii of whom were discharged, aud mi'iiur. Lvnn. M:i... r.- namnhlcts. ..... ..- - .r '. ---- - , three committed te jail for 5. 15 and 20 days respectively. There is line skating en the Concstega creek, and a great many girls and boys are enjoying themselves te-day. There is fun iu prospect for Thanksgiving. . ;; The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Star thinks the suggestion of HeiT Smith for speaker of the Heuse a joke. " He is a faithful member and an honest man but he has net about him the liist element of fitness for the sneaker's chair. He is just atrille old, and is what a woman would call pokey." A Yerk paper has heard that the bleeds from Lancaster who had a disagreement at a ball have arranged te settle it by a prize light, te take place in Lancaster or Yerk county this week. Ope is backed by a business man and the ether by a pro fessional man. David K. Beilcr of Lcaceck. failed te get te Alderman McConemy's iu time this morning for the hearing of Charles and Frank Smith, charged with stealing his butter en market and the Luis were let go. Wheu Beilcr cot there he was much nut out about it, as he claimed te have a sure case against the Smiths. He had some angry words witK the alderman and then went te Alderman Barr's, where there is an open complaint against the accused, and where they will no doubt be arraiged for a hearing. 1 he break iu the water main in West Orange street, near Charlette, proved te be a very diflicult one te repair and the workmen did net get the job finished un til 10 o'clock last night." The water main was broken off directly under the track of the street railway and a great deal of ex cavation was necessary before it could be reached. JySMydcedSw In the Dark. When iu the dark her hand I prened, what rupture I endured. But when the candle entered, all was cured. Fer he face was covered with blotches and pimples. I made her a present of a bottle et Sprinir Blessem, and new she's cured. Wed ding nest week no card-, enlv testimonials. Prices : Me., trial bottle.-. 10c. Fer ale by II. B. Cochran, drugi.-t. 137 and l.'Rl North Queen street. J,aneaster,l'a. 4 New Xerk Alurket. New Yerk. November 21. Fleur Stale and Western quiet, without decided change : Mi perllne, state3J04 SO: extra de at tJTO .'; choice, de 5S(?5 CO: fancy de at $." 53i0 ; roundheopUiiio J."30." 50: ehoice'de at $5 GOQ'ii CO ; siiperllnc wentern ..t !)0 j;) I .7.1; common te geed extra de ft 90725 ti" choice de 5 353G 75 ; choice white wheat de l." Q5 50; Southern iuiut, unchanged; common te fair extra (5 -i5g3 70 ; geed te choice de 5 75 tt'lOU. Wheat about J-'c lower and moderately ac tive : Ne. 1 Wllite, cash,12t: December, $1 241 24T ; de Jan., $1 27 ; Ne. 2 Red Dee., $1 27('l 27k; ; de Jan., $1 2yl 30J.i ; de Feb., $1 3Hfl :.; Cera without decided change : Mixed wesiem spot, 583G17(Jc: de future, GlJ.qfi:;-. Oats a shade easier ; Stat 4.'fi52c ; western iifiel". ; Ne. 2 Dec, 14;c ; de Jan., USc. A'JEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GKAND VOCA1. AND! INSTItUAIKNTAL CONCERT at Christ Erangelieal Luther an church.West King strcct,THANKSGlVIXG EVENING, at 1 o'clock. ltd TOBACCO BUYERS' BOOKS TOBACCO BUYERS' BOOKS TOBACCO BUYERS' BOOKS RELIGIOUS. A THANKSGIVING UIJSPKL, SEHVIC'E will be held in the public school building, corner of Lemen and Lime streets, te morrow I evening, commencing at 7J4 o'clock. Every I body welcome te attend. RECEIPT BOOKS RECEIPT BOOKS RECEIPT BOOKS SAPI.E TAGS SAMPLE TAGS SAMPLE TAGS P hour B ESIt VIE HI A N THANKSGIVING Malarial fever. Malarial Fever, constipation, torpidity of the liver and kidneys, general debility, nerv ousness and neuralgic ailments yield readily te this great disease eoiujucrer. Hep Bitters. It repairs the ravages et disease by convert ing the feed into llch bleed, and it gives new Hie and vigor te the aged nnd in II nil always. See "Proverbs" in ether column. nl.VJwdiw Slightly Exhilarated. "Re-lel-de Riddle! Hflw well I loci !'' Chirped au elderly bachelor t'ether morning. "That Themas' Eclectric Oil seems te have cured my lumbago completely. I feel as it I were young again and belice 111 ask the widow te have me." He diil r-e, was accepted and is new the happy parent et aline lev. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist. Ne. l.'STaml IS!) North Queen sircei. j-nncusicr. 111. .1 PRINTED IN THE BEST STYLE PRINTED IN THE BEST STYLE PRINTED IN THE BEST STYLE AT SHORT NOTICE PRICES REASONABLE AT SHORT NOTICE PRICES REASONABLE AT SHORT NOTICE TRICES REASONABLE AT THE AT THB AT THK INTELLIGENCER OFFICE INTELLIGENCER OFFICE INTELLIGENCER OFFICE n2l-tfd RKVIVAI. SERVICES ON TUANKSGIV ing Eve, in thsSacend Evangelical church, North Mulberry street, at 7:3) p. m. Rev. J. A. Fcger, pastor. ST. STEPHEN'S 1EEFORHKD CHURCH Thankfglving service in the ehapcl or Franklin nnd Marshall college, te-morrow at 10:3i)a. m. Sermon by Rev. Themas G. Apple, D.I). T "HANKSGIV1NG SERVICES. Hun Ocr by a Hese Carriage. This morning while David Hardy, a member of the Humane fire company, was running te the fire,having held of the rope of the Humane hose carriage, he slipped aud fell, and the carragc passed ever him. Instinctively he threw his arms above his head when he fell, and thus in some meas ure saved his- head aud face ever wliich the wheels of the carriage passed, causing the bleed te tun from Hardy's cars and nosh ils. His injuries consist of a severe scalp wound, a lacerated ear, a badly bruised arm aud a sprained wrist. Dr. Boyd rendered him the neccBsary suricil aid. His injuries are net considered dangerous. Court of Common Plean. The case of Heise aud Kuulfinan, sci.fn. sur mechanics lieu, was compromised yes teiday afternoon aud a verdict was taken in favor of the plaintiffs for $77.67. Juries were empaneled in the cases of Henry C. Hauser vs. David G. Swartz aud Jacob Markley vs. Menree J.Burkhol J.Burkhel dcr, David Kcath, Reilly Simpler and Jehn Leng. Witnesses being absent in Phila delphia who were subpoenaed in both cases, they were continued, after the juries were sworn, until Friday morning at 9 o'clock As these were the only cases ready for trial the juries net empaneled in them were discharged for the week. The ethers will be in court en Friday morning te te which time court adjourned. .Mether: .llfttlierru: -Wutliers::! Ale you distni bed at night anil broken el your rc-.t by a sick child sul!ering and crying with the CAcrueLitiug pain et cutting tcethT It se. se at once andgelabottleefMRS. WINS-LOVT'SSG-OrlllXG SYRUP. It will lelievethe peer little f-ullerer immediately depend upon it ; then: U m mistake about it. T here is net a mother en earth who has overused it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bnwelK, and give te the melhur, and relict and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly Kite te i.e iu all cases, and pleas ant ie the taste, sunt is the prescription et one et Use eldcit and bi-.-tfeni'tle physicians and nur?es in the Unlfed States, bold everywhere 2S cent:, u betl!'.-. li 17-lvd&wM.V&S Jno. Bacen. Lapertc. Ind., writes: "Hurrah ler Spring Biossein " it'- all you cracked it up te be. My Dyspepsia has all vanished, why don't you udvertisc it, what allowance will you make it I take a dozen bottles, se that 1 could oblige my friends occasionally. Prices: 50c, trial bottles 10c. Fer sale by if. B. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and 13") North Queen street. Lancaster, ra. ; HEADQUARTERS FOB PUKE CONFEC TIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS AT JOSEPH R. ROYER'S, 50 AND .-.2 WEST KING ST. I can new offer te the trade aud public a large stock et Pure Confections et every description, at the very lowest market rates. FRUITS, NUTS, &c. and a LARGE STOCK OF TOTS of the NEWEST DESIGNS. Large and small Cakes baked daily. Ice Cream at ail times. WEDDINGS AND PARTIES SERVED AT SHORT NOTICE. MAIL OKDERS promptly attended te at the same rate as if the person ordering were present in person. Call and sev my stock. SKcmember the place 30 AND 32 WEST KING STREET. ::13-3ind JOS. R. ROYER. grcgatiens will held union services in St. Paul's church te-morrow morning at 10::;n. Sermon by Rev. .1. A. Peters. Philadelphia market. 1'uiLADKLFUlA, Nev. 24. Fleur Unit witli fair trade ; su peril no. Ti ;04 00: extra $1 004 75; Ohie anil Indiana family $5 50 G 37; Penn'a Umily 37gi 00 : St. Louts family JC OOtft; 75 : Minnesota family ." z;nr, 00: Str.iighf. ?U 25JJ6 75: Winter patent $7007 75: Spring de $7 238 37. Rye flour at j 30537. Wheat market unsettled ; Ne. 2 Wcatern R"d124; Penn'a. Rett $1 211 2U ; Amber 1 2i123. Cern firm with light supply ; sleiuner at 57c ; yellow, at 5S3Kc; mixe.i. atSSc. Oats Hull but steady : Ne. 1 White 4ikj : Ne. 2 de 45c: Ne. 3 de He; Ne. 2 Mixed 42c. Rye llrni nt 93c. Previsions iu steadv demand ; mess perk, old, $14 50; new, 13 7.'i14 00; beet hams 9i" 50: Indian m,'ss beet at 5Cc ; Bacen 3iueked shoulders 5,JGc ; salt de .':e : smoked hams aj10xc; pickled nam:, SgeJic for old and new. Lard hrm ; city kettle IHg'.-jc : loose butchers' tc; prime steam $9 le. Butter llrm ; Creamery extra nt SSQZte ; de geed te choice 30g'32c; It. C. and N. . ex tra 27030c; Western reserve extra 22f24c: dogeotlto choice I'tfzSOc: Rolls linn : choice scarce: Penn'a Fstra 2023c ; Western Reserve extra 2024. Eggs scarce and firm: Penn'a Extra 31c ; Western Extra 31c. Cheese Hrm iiud in fair deinaiul, but piircs unchanged ; New Yerk lull creum at I3jc; Western full cream nt 1213c: de fuir'te ceed at llfSlie; de half ski'ms and Pcnn'n. skims lilfjllc. Petroleum dull ; rctinetl at 10c. Whisky at$l 13. Seeds Geed te prime clever steady ill 7 0 fti7 7.": Tinietliy uuiuinul ; Flaxsec quiet nt $1 IV). beautiful rc'.ideni'i' at nuhiic -a!". On I'illTlrll V VIIVI.'Mltl'l!-''! !! ,,-il! i, .r.l at public Mile it the Leepard hotel, East King , street, iu ihecity et Lancaster, the tallewing valuable property, te wit : A let et ground situated en the north side of East Orange street, in the city if Lancaster Pa., containing in trout en said' street 51 leet mere or less, und extending nerthwardly 215 feet te Marien stivet: bounded en tin: north by Marien street, aforesaid, en llii-Mvatlt iiy sititl East Orangi strtet,en tl:ee:tst by a tuiblfc alley, ami en the west ly ground of is. F. Cot. en which a double tu-e-4t.)-y BUICIv DWELL ING IIOUM: (Gothic -tyle). Ne. 7IP. with i:.tck Building and et her iiupevei:ients,ariereeteil. This is rcTilly a ilesimlile preierty. Tiei Iieiimi is nrur.y new, well built, et geed material, ha.s all the modern Improvements, ami Ihe Iol-.i-tlen is one of the p!i.':iKaute.-t in the snlnii-b- of the city. Geed lit It and posses-ion en April 1. 1SSI Ten percent, of purchase, money en day of pule. $1,51)0 en April 1. ISSl, balance can remain, en the property en lirst mortgage ut six per cent, interest. Sale te comineiice at 7 o'clock p.m., et Mtiil day. when attendance wilt be given aud terms initie known hv "IIORERT L. AllMsTRONG. H. Siicr.RT. Auct. nevI.'-Klltl WAXTED. Yl 7"ANTEfl. EVERYBODY' TO ADVEK- use, irett or cuargf, in li:e iktulliiikn who wants seinethini: loi'e. WANTED A SITUATION fOlt. SKN cral housework or dining loom. ISest city reference for dining room. Apply 'it Ne. 220 East Martin alley. Ittl AMUSEMENTS. pUlTON OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. WEDNESDAY, SOVfiMBEK 21, 1880. J. E. McDOXOUGH ami ROBERT FULFORD. Managers ami Proprietor.'. TTNION THANKSGIVING J the First M at 10'i a. m. unite. Preaching by Rev. S. H. C. Smith, pus ter of First church. T SEKVICES AT E. church.Nerth Duke sticet. St. Paul's ami First church will EOR SALE. ljOK KENT. JC A two-story Dwelling Heuse iu East Orange street, next deer te fct. Paul's Reform, oil Church. II. G. LONG, n:3-;iti TJOK SALE. JL A two-sterv BRICK HOUSE, with two story Brick Back Building attached, situate ut Ne. 520 East Orange street, with gas in every room, and just newly papered. Will be sold at private sale en cheap and easy terms. Apply te JOHN HIEMENZ, nevli-tfd Xe. 23 North Queen street. The Reute. The Uniformed Rank Knights of Pythias who will have a street parade te-morrow will meet at their armory promptly at U o'clock, and proceed ever the following route, the line will move promptly at 2 o'clock : "West King street, te Centre square, te Seuth Queen, te Church, te Duke, te East King, te Ann, and counter march te Lime, te Orange, te Duke, te Lemen, te North Queen, te Chestnut, te Mary, te West King, te armory, and dismiss. Left. Yesterday Dr. Jereme Kelly, of George town. Bart township, 'took his wife te Zach Alexander's, near Strasburg, te as sist at the butchering, premising te call for her at 3 p.m. He did net come, and she went home te find that he had packed up his medical instalments and best clothes and had left. He had resided iu Georgetown several jeais, aud his wife was the late "widow Hchney.'" She was 30 and he about CO. Fer baby ami whlldicn what mere Gollcate and whole-euie than Cutlcnra Senn, Speer'u Pert Grape Wine. This article of American WIum is highly esteemed by the bent physicians iu this coun try. The following is u testimonial we saw from the New Yerk Hospital. We publinh it for the Information et our readers: New Yerk, Nev. 14. I am using Spccr's Pert Grape Wine and find it te be an excellent tonic and gentle stimu lant, and us such 1 believe it preferable te the commercial Pert, and idl etiier wince, as it pos sesses their tonic properties without the dele terious effect caused by their impurities. It is nlse very palatable, and this is a recommenda tion te many, especially females. S. S. Harris, M. D., N. Y.. Hospital. This is an excellent article ler family use, and for females, and is endorsed by Drs. Atlee nnd Davis, antl for sale by II. E. Slaymaki-r. ul5-2wdT EST DEATHS. Kamm. Nev. 23, 180. le this city. Jehn Kamui, in the 5Gth year et his age, The relatives and friends of the family arc respectfully invited te attend the funeral from Ills late residence. Ne. TStXerth Prince street, ou Friday altcrnoen at 2 o'clock. 8tev. In this city, en the 21th inst.. Barbara Stoy, in the 79th year of her age. Her relatives and friends arc respectfully in vited te attend the funeral from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Barbara Deitrich, Ne. 352 West Orange street, Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Gekn In this city, Nev. 21, 1680, Andrew Gehn, aged 70 years, 1 month, 20 days. His relatives and friends, nlse Conestoga Circle, Ne. 110. B. U. (II. F.) Pa., are respect iuily invited le r.ttend the funeral from his late residence, Ne. C30 High street, en Thurs Thurs eny morning at 8:43 o'clock, te proceed te Col umbia, wher services will be held In the Lutheran church. Interment at Mount Bethel I flsraetery.colrenbla. ita PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY". Will be sold at the Frank lin Heuse. North Queen street, en WEDNES DAY', NOVEMBER 24, 1SS0, the fallowing prop prep erty: Ne. 1. That elegant Green Stene Frent DWELLING HOUSE, two-steiy, with Man sard Reef, both back and front buildings, sit uated en the northeast corner of Duke antl James streets, Ne. SOL This property has all the modern improvements, both in style antl finish, containing vestibule, ball and 13 rooms bath room, water closet, wash stand antl heater in the cellur, range in the kitchen, het and cold water up and down stairs. Let 32 feet, mere or less, lrenting en Duke street and In depth along James street, 129 feet, mere OF lCSS Ne. 2. A Twosterv Brick DWELLING HOUSE, situ ited en the west elite of North iuccn street, eetwecn tvamui ami PUK1.IC SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY.-On MONDAY, NOVEM BER 29, 1880, at Cooper's Hetel, a desirable res idence. Ne. 517 Wc3t Orange street, :t let 10 leet irent ami no leet tleep, le a 10 loot allev. en which is erected a two-story BRICK DWELL ING HOUSE, with a two-story Brick Back Building attached, containing eight rooms antl plastered garret, a Frame Summer Kitchen ; gas in the whole house : also a Frame Slinn nt. font ftf lnt lAva- livflnitit tr. hnti.A and vaitl. iroed 4k of water anil cheit-u fruit I ami irranes. I Apple Butter bale te commence at 7 o'clock p.m. of said day, when terms will be made known bv JACOB C. KAPPLEK. H. SliruKirr, Auct. n20.24,29 LANCASTER UOUSEtlOLU MARKET. HAIRY. Butter fl ft Cup cheese, 2 cups Cottage cheese. 2 pieei s , Dutch cheese $1 lumn vi:urrs. Apples ?! X Pk Kanunuscuch ) Cherries, dried, 5 it Currants, dried, 1 0. Cianberrics lt Dried Apples $1 ijt " Peaches fl tit Fex Grapes $7 tit Grapes 7 IS Lemens 3f) tlez Oranges ?l tlez Persimmons t1 'l1 VEOETABLES fleets ?! bunch, 5c 5c ..S71"C !0!J15c 2j5c I-'C I''c IOC ....58ft: ..II2c ...2S3e .liffi'iV' 12r2liC 50" !Oc MISS ANNIE PIXLEY, The Charming Sengstress ami Actrcs.', who hasjust cloeotl a most brilliant engagement at the Bosten Theatre, crowding the vast audi torium v very night. 22,00 1 persons iu 11 per formances, and new crowning the Walnut Street Theatre. Philathlphla. with delighted audiences te witness her rendition of "M'LISS," CHILD OF THB SIERRAS In which bhe will introduce her varied i.clec i.clec i.clec tiouset Songs, Dai.ccsand Medley .. She will be Mippei ted by .1. E. MiDeuiu.(h. In his famous roll of YUBA :;iiL,u!id a com pany ut absolute met it. ADMISSION RESERVED SEAT; Fer sale at Opera IIeuu Otllee. .t.f, r0 ? CI. ... 7' Cts. n:e-liil Ol ERA 1IOC.-K Cabbage head. Carrots f) bunch. Cern tlez Celery 1 bunch... Lima beans 11 ut.. Lettuce, head and Onions 7 pk... 1'1 llUllkll .. Potatoes ?pk (Sweet) '$ I Radishes ? bunch.... soup IJeans ?? qt MUSI IV iM UUIICII.. platu. ipeck. MJBL.IC MALE. streets, Ne. 334, containing 22 feet, mere or icss.en .erin imecn street, ami in tiepiu west wartl 215 lect te Market street, containing hall and 9 rooms, het and cold water, bath room and water closet range and heaters in parlor nnd dining rooms, hydrant in the yard nnd kitchen, -ush house, smoke hoiibe and brick stable en rear of let, cistern and n variety e trnit trees in the yard. The best of druiuage connected with the city sewer. Ne. 3. A Twe-story Brick DWELLING HOUSE with a Twe-story Brick Back Build ing, hltuated en the cast side et North Queen street, between Clay and New streets. Ne. 711, containing ball and 7 rooms, hydrant in the yard and kitchen. Let fronts 17 feet en North Queen street, mere or less, extending eastward 130,' mere or less, te a 10 feet wide alley, grape vines and Iruit trees in the let, antl fine shade trees in front. Ne. 4. Adjoining Ne. 3 en the north ; house the same description as Ne. 2. Ne. 5. A three-story .BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with two-story Brick Back Building situated en the north side et East James street, between Duke and Lime streets. Ne. 121, containing hall antl eight rooms, hydrant in the yard und kitchen, lrents en James street 17 feet, mere or less, and in depth 01 leet, meic or less. Ne. 6. A two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with Mansard Reet and two-story Brick Back Building, and one-story Brick Kitchen, containing hall and nine rooms, range, with het and cold water up and down stairs, with bath and water closets; also gas all through the house, with portico In front, bay window in the rear. This property is fin ished in the latest style. Let 19 feet front, and In depth 120 feet, mere or less, te a 12 feet wide alley. Ne. 7. The same as Ne. 0, containing the same. These properties ran be seen by calling ou the undersigned or en the premises. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m.. of said day, when conditions of sale will be made known by JOHN A. BORING, nXJOlY SHTBERT, AllCt. nevSM, W'4S,nevl2l3ta P will be sold at public sale en the nremiscs. .L,enien .ao.wjuseuiuimeeii street, Lancaster city, th On SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27. Ib80. following described renl estate ami nerscimil property, lute of Jane Ewlng, deceased, te wit: A one-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE nnd let or piece of ground thereunto belong ing, situated Ne. 3C0, en the west side et Seuth Queen street, Lancaster city. The house is in exevllcnt order and the location desirable for a private resilience or business. There is also a back building and summer house. The let fronts en Seuth Queen treet Z2 leet and 2Ji inches, und is 120 feet deep. This property will positively be sold. Pos session given immediately. Purchase money payable April 1, 1851, provided that purchaser give approved security. Sale te commence atl o'clock p. in. ELIZABETH ELLIOTT, MARTIN B, EWING, EL1ZBETH SHOOK, SUSAN WILFONG. HETTIE ANN SAYLOR, Heirs et Jane Ewing. deceased. Hknry SnuBBirr, Auct. nS-cedts rt'HE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO J inform the public that he luw taken pos session of tha Blacksmith Shep. en West vine street, formerly occupied by James McElli- Sett. where he is prepared te de all kinds of orscSheeingand ether blacksmithing. Herso Shoeing a xpecialty. Give me a trial. n23-2td B. S. BRENEMAN. pi O TO RINGWALT'S FuB M0N0NGAHELA PURE RYE. Xlse OAKDALE PURE RYE WHISKY, 93 'ent. Alcohol, and the invigorating Tonic I iijultl, mm tnc Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, AU at Ne. 203 WEST KING STREET. per lair Tomatoes l pk Turnips T i peck recxTKY. Chickens ? pair (live) " " (cleaned)..... Ducks 1 pair ....: Geese Is" piece Turkeys "0 piece (live) ft Hi (cieancii). ........ MISCELLANEOUS. X Iltltl ! .ggs f uez Heney ft ft Aeap f? Iu. ............. ........... Sinter kraut 1 'it Rabbits ft pair Cleverseetl $1 bus. Hay ! ten Cern fl bus Oats ?! bus Rye $ bus Timethy Seeed W Wheat?? bus Bass f) ft Cat lb h ft ft Eels ft ft Perch oil II Suckers White Fish ft ft... Blne " " ... Halibut $1 ft ei-.ain. bus VISM. fi10f ...... ...t.";C le12e 10c K)l2c .Vy;-C , 2(K$ric ."."."iegi.'ic lOfelfc ... ....... .sc 1c 1015.) ic .vigaic 00c$l Wteftfl "."K-ftfl Vxriiti i?isc .. a .....H Mlt)C iOiilC ."liiKC 8ai2c Me ..t7.50iiS.00 $J)g2T kC SifiMc sViaut: ..f:i.23&.1..7 1.0J I2C 1'IKt I'l Mc .......12lc Uh: Thankssrivinjf Afternoon and Even insj, Nevember 25. ;iiiiid Ladies' ami Children's M.itinct ThaiiKsivingatleruoeii. Deers open at 1 p. m. Performance cmuinc ncrs at 2 p. in. MATINEE Pi.lCEs-C.hi.dicn :J.-5c. Adults SOr. Gallcrv S."f. EVENING PRICED, ::.1, 3!l .V 7.ji-. Power's Paragon Comedy Company. Reproduction of that very tunny Coined' . DIt. CLYDE, With the same Mmin, JOHN !'. WARD.ult'-r a run et 2t'0 niglits in New Yerk. Supeib Co, Ce, t umes and A) peiiitnicn:-. W. II. POWER Ua.xr.ut. Reserved Seals mi .i.iii . t FiRn Opera Heuse Office. ii-M ltd Mu,, .r ham., Mis:i! ::i;v ijlii.di.m;, MKATS. Beef Steak, f) ft 1020c " Reat (rib) f) ft lil'Ic " " (chuck) ft ft 1012e " Corned, ft ft 1013c " Dried, ft ft 252: Bologna dried -. 23c Ham ft ft.. ... .........13lSc Lamb ft ft ..122Cc Lard ft ft... . ...... .....Orjlec Mutten ft ft 10lUc Mince Meat ft ft 12c i eric ft ft....... . ...ilOc Chestnuts ft qt '.....'. 12c Shelbarks ft qt loc Stock narxet. Nkw Yerk Stocks. Stocks strong and higher. November 21. a. x. A. 31. a. m. r. si. r. Ml 10:20 10-.50 11:30 1:10 3:t0 Meney.... .... .... 34 .... .... EricR. R 45 4MJ 46Ji 4CJi .... Slichigan S. A L. S....120i 121J4 122k 1224 Michigan Cent. R. ll.H3) 1M 115 111 .... Chicago & N. W. 11CJ 117 1204 121 .... jiucage, m x si. i-...jiujfc iw vityif vu-Vx uan. s st. J. com i-fti vzx, sya riii.... viii. vat 'iy. .,... ,., i.' .,5" ...-.7 ...,y loicue Ok uuusii.... ti; -?, ) VSL Ohie & Mississippi. .. :? ;5 St. Leuis, I. H. AS. It.. .'l Sl r?l. v.ry. svs, ;., Ontario and Western. C. C. & I. C. R. R.. New Jersey Central.. 7U Del. ft Hudsen CannJ- ss A. nnS TJli 20?i 81 2' Centre S'iuare, ceiumeucii.g MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1330. Will be en r.xhibitieu ltra fuw day.-. :!ilj MAJOR TI19 Marvelous Widget of Mankind, aged l." j cars, weight only W. pounds, will held levees daily fiein 2 te .' and'7 te ! p. 111. TOT, Admission only Children U)vlefl2jcur-... ....nets. ....10 " N. R. Come te tin: ji'.ice of exhibition and bcesoinuet hie clothes and lite fl.(.e)iiiiu!utui: coach. iil'J-lv.-il Hette "PULTON OPERA HOUSE. FRIIUV EVEX!.y, NOV. '2, 1SS0. x 1.! WlUWl OF BOSTON. This Renowned Club, vhe: record of mere than Thirty Yems of Successive Triumiihs Is known te levers of iiinsictiirougheiittliehind IjIDOI: i-CHNITZLER. Violin; ERNST THIELE. Violin; THOMAS RYAN, Clari nett unil Viela; WILLIAM SC1IADE. Fliitu and Viela; FREDERICK GIEiE, Violoncello;' Assisted by the distinguished vocalist, MISS MARIE NfiLLINf. ADMISSION 3.,'.":e ii 75 Cts. RESERVED SEATS 75 Cts. Fer sale at Opera Heuso office. u2;-:;t 1 TJUI.TON OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27. MATINEE AT 2 P. M. RIAL fc DRAPER'S MAMMOTH , fir OOlIj INTRODUCING Genuine Bleed Hounds, Trick Donkey (Jerry), And Jubilee Singers. PRICKS: 25 AND 35 CENTS. Ner extra charge for Reserved Seats sacsivd at Opera Heuse Rex Ofllce. MATINEE PRICKS. ADLLTS.. .. ...... ....-... .. 5 Cts. CHILDREN : 15 Cts. JOSEFJI CHEXET. AaEjrr. rr.K-3td