LANCASTER DAILY jK'fLLiGN( EU. MONDAY NOVEMBER 22,1880. Lancaster intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 22, 1880 New Stories ef Jrfge Black. Miss Grundy in Philadelphia Times. Judge and Sirs. Black returned te their resideucn at Yerk, Pa,, the first of this week. An incident which I iave lately heai-d in Judge Black's early history inter ests me much. When a very young man, jusc old enough te be eligible, his party (the Democratic, of course, for he was dyed in the wool) proposed htm as their candidate for Congress and felt sure of electing him, for, although the district was Whig by an overwhelming majority (two or three thousand, I think,) the gen tleman who was certain te be nominated by the Whigs happened te be very unpop ular. Mr. Black's father' was a Whig a strong Whig in every sense and se were most of his numerous relatives, and this, as well as some ether causes, made that party willing te see him take a step up ward in political life. But certain leading members of the Whig party, unwilling te lese the district te a Democrat, held a conference aud took counsel among them selves hew they might save it. It was necessary te kill off both their own un popular candidate and the dangerous one whom the Democrats had brought into the field. This they did effectually by putting en their ticket the elder Mr. Black, the father of the Democratic candidate, who retired net only with grace but apparently with pleasure, insomuch that he was for awhile out of favor with the Democracy for supposed complicity with the manoeu maneeu vre. His father was elected without op position. Here is another incident which dates later in his life, but long before he came te Washington in the public service. The Ilarrisburg guards changed their name te the " Cameren guards," and Simen Cam Cam eeon gave them five hundred dollars. Jack Ogle, a brilliant young fellow, afterwards an M. C, a friend and relative of Judge Black, was captain of the Somerset guards, a gay volunteer company at Judge Black's home. Hearing of Cameren's donation the captain called en Judge Black aud insisted upon a similar gift te his company, te which the Judge as sented without hesitation upon the same condition as te change of name. "Cer tainly," said the captain, "we expect nothing elsa." "Then it is settled," said the judge, f 'but Jack think hew the new name will sound. May it net be possible that some of your men will dislike te be called 'the Black Guard.' " The captain saw it in an instant and said he would net bear such a name for any money. Indigestion. The main cause et nervousness Is indiges tion, and that is caused by 'weakness et the stomach. Ne one can liuve sound nerves and geed health without using Hep Bitters te strengthen the stomach, purify.the bleed, and keep the liver and kidneys active, te carry eS all the poisonous and waste matter et the sys tem. Sec ether column. nl5-2wd&w Shabspeare Revived. Te Acub en Net te Ache that's the question. This cheeriul conundrum, ye rheumatic suff erers, is by no means as difficult as a propo prepo sition in Euclid. Try Dr. Themas' Eclectric OH and you will And it just as easy net te ache as te ache. Fer salt) by It. B. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 43 The Friend or Delicate ladies. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is the remedy that will cure the many diseases pe culiar te women. Headaches, neuralgia, dis ordered nerves, weakness, mental shocks, and kindred ailments arc effectually removed by its use. 77e Mether's Magazine. 4 Ne Mere Nauseous Drugs. Fer nauseous drugs, no use there seen will be. Fer Salts, Magnesia. Senna no pretence, Dispensing Chemists, all men will agree. Te view, sis tilings with which they may dis pense. But when Dyspepsia assails, then is the time te try. Spring Blessem's virtue as a remedy. Prices: fee, trial bottles 10c. Fer sale by II. B. Cocran, drutrgist, 137 and 129 North Queen street. Lancaster, Fa. 44 MEDICAL. INVESTIGATION ! DK. GKEENE lias successfully treated ever 1,000 of the most difficult chronic (se called) in curable cases during a nine mouth's practice. The most et them hud been the rounds of the leading physicians of Lancaster county. Dlt. GREENE is ready at any time te meet a committee et the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Heuse or elsewhere te dis cuss the merits et Omnipathyand prove its superiority ever all ether pathies in vogue. The people are greatly interested and de mand the fullest investigation. Invalids are every week dying in this county whose lives could be saved. Is there any subject about which the masses arc mere concerned than restoration te health, and the prolonging of their lives? Dr. G. originated and is new the owner of 29 Medical Pads. He especially warns the public against the numerous counterfeits new offered the people. Dr. Greene docs an exclusive office business. Patients who cannot call at his offices must send full description et afflictions. Hundreds of deaths have occurred here in nlne months ; only two lhis practice. Consultations free. Catarrh cured for 50 cents. Care quick for Catarrh sent te any ad dress for JO cents. Send ler 12 page pamphlet. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. 230 NORTH QUEEN STREET, SC-tldMWF&S Lancaster, Pa. NERVINE, OR TONIC SPKVIFICA. A BOON TO BOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for all diseases arising from Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence et Vicious Habits, as well as from the Prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic forms of the tolle wing diseases have been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, exnal Exhaustion. Sncrmaterrheaa. General Debility, Impetcucy, Premature Decay, &c. It has been in use for ever tertv vears. and is te-day thc most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WORLD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, and better than all, it is a sure, safe and certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since 1836 this remedy lias always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold ; but owing te the act that the time ler the payment et an enormous royalty upon its manufacture has expired, it is ellcred te the suffering of both sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be within the reach of all; ui which price it will be sent te any address tree et further charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 46 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mall. iv2C-6md&w M. SAJFOBD'S LIVEE INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. . S ANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer 6ale by all Druggists. olls-lyeodAalteow MABBL. WQBKS. " WE P. FRAILEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nertn yaeen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES GARDEN 8TATUARY, ""' CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED. 4a All work guaranteed and satisfaction si en jrmber.werkBaltbe extreme end et North Queen street. mse .JEWXLMT. LOUIS WEBJEB, WATCHMAKER. Ne. 130 NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. B. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver ana Nickefcaaed Watches, Chains Clocks, Ac. Agent for the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprt-lyd SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES Receive me3t careful attention. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES SUBMITTED WITHOUT CHARGE. B. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF LANCASTER WATCHES, AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, JEWELER, Ne. 20 East Klag Street, Lancaster, Fa, We are new taking special orders for helidaiy g:oe:ds. J. E. CALDWELL & CO., 903 Cbeatnut Street, Philadelphia. Importers of Ceramics: WORCESTER, COPELANDS, HAVILANDS, MINTONS. The productions of all the Celebrated Potteries. CLOCKS: MANTEL SETS, CABINET SETS, CHIMING CLOCKS, CARRIAGE CLOCKS, Artistlc;Bronzcs,Greupc8,Statue tics. LEATHER GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, FANS. One price, always the low est, marked in plain figures. Orders and inquiries by mail re ceive prompt attention. sep2-!v,lwdueaM, WAF DRUGS, &C. rpRUSSbS! TRUSSESI! TRUSSES!:! Suttcrcrs from Rupture will find the safest, easiest and.cheapcst Trusses in the world en exhibition and for sale by ANDREW G. PREY, Cor. N. Queen and Orange Sts., Lane. Pa. Alse the only sure curator PILES. Prey's Universal Pile Suppositeiy never tailed. Price 50 and 75 cents a box. LOOKER'S Epizootic Gere ana PewQers, A POSITIVE CD RE FOR EPIZOO TIC AND DISTEMPER IN HORSES. PREPARED AND SOLD BY CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO. O EAST KING STREET. elG-tfd COUGH NO MORE ! USB AKERIGAN COUGH SYRDP. lA Certain Cure Fer COUGHS, GOLDS, SORE THROAT, ' And all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief of Consumptives in all stages of the Disease. Prepared and sold only at HULL'S DEUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, aug28-lydj LANCASTER, PA. ROBES, BLANKETS, JtC. s IGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES 1 ROBES 1! BLANKETS! BLANKETS I nave new en hand the Labexst.Bxbtaxd Cheapest Assebtmxbt of Lined and Unlined BUFFALO ROBES In the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satehels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &e. 9"Bepalring neatly and promptly done.-et A. MILEY,. 108 forth Queen St., Laneuater. 25-lydMWAS PAINTING. All kinds el Heuse Painting and Graining done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. We have reduced our prices te 1.75 per day. Shep en Charlette street, ectliwmd ALLEN GUTHRIE A SONS. J)BY GOODS, NOTIONS, JtC. l 8TR1CH BROS.' ADVERTISEMENT. THE LADIES' VOTE If it were cast for the merchants who have especially wen their favor and patronage, would, judging by the daily overflow crowds of customers, be given in overwhelming ma jority te the popular house of ASTRICH BR0.S' 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. We desire te call particular attention te the following special bargains offered new : HATS AND AND MILLINEEY. In the various divisions of our Hats and Mil linery department we arc displaying all the novelties of the season, in every possible vari ation et style, et qualities te satisfy the most fastidious, and at prices which absolutely compel purchase. Just opened, 100 dozen et FINE TRIMMED DERBIES. FINE TRIMMED DERBIES, FINE TRIMMED DERBIES. FIFTY CENTS, FIFTY CENTS, FIFTY CENTS, Satin Trimmed Derby, fully trimmed with satin, $1.00. Seft Felt Derbies at 50c. Ladies' Felt Shapes, 25c. Moscow Beaver Hats, 3yc. Cigarette Hats, 65c FINE PLUSH BEAVER HATS, in black, brown, garnet, navy blue, myrtle green and all shades of drab ; all el the finest quality, for THREE DOLLARS, TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS in great variety at reasonable prices. FEATHERS. FEATHERS. FEATHERS. OSTRICH PLUMES, in black white and colored, OSTRICH TIPS, in every possible shacie. BIRDS' WINGS, BREASTS, FEATHER BANDS and FANCY FEATHERS in various styles. TRIMMING SILKS and SATINS. A SPECIAL RARGAIN IN HEAVY DRESS BLACK SILK. at $1.50 per yard. We sell excellent BLACK TRIMMING SATIN for $1.00 per yard. GOOD BLACK SILK VELVET, at $1.00 per yard. AN EXCELLENT BLACK SILK VELVET at $1.25 per yard. GOOD BLACK VELVETEEX at 50c. per yard. EMBOSSED VELVETEENS in black, brown, navy, garnet, myi tic, at (5c per yard. COLORED VELVETEENS alCOc. PLUSHES in all the new simile. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. BLACK SILK FRINGES from 23c. upward. Wc sell an elegant Jet and Chenille Fringe for 75e. a yard : sold elsewhere for $1. Our Black Silk Fringes, sold at $1 yer yard, are the greatest bargains ever offered. Wc liave en hand the most elegant line el Fine Jet and Chenille Fringes from $1 upward and offer a special induccmcut in a Fringe which we sell at $1.80 per yard ; worth $2.50. Our line of PASSAMENTERIES PASSAMENTERIES . . PASSAMENTERIES cannot be competed with by any house in the city, cither In variety of style nor in choice et patterns, We exhibit the most elaborate designs of PASSAMENTERIES at our well known low prices. NOVELTIES IN CHENILLE AND JET TASSELS, t BEADED HUNGARIAN SPIKES, BEADED BALLS, BEADED PEARS the latest novelty. BEADED TRIMMING CORD. COLORED SILK TASSELS AND GIRDLES, in all the new shades. ORNAMENTS, LOOPS. JET DROPS and BON TONS, in endless variety. Our assortment in DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS Is the most complete, and we nre new able te suit every single purchaser. WE CALL ATTENTION TO OUR KID GLOVES. A Threr Butten Geed Kid Gleve, in black and white, all new fall shades, and most ele gant opera and evening shades, ter NINETY-EIGHT .CENTS. The best Gleve ever offered ler the price. W"We offer te take back every pair that tears or rips when put en, and furnish a new pair instead. Six Butten, of the same quality, fer$l.C9. 43-GREAT BARGAINS THIS WEE1C.-S 100 dez. six-button Kid Gloves for 69c. 50 dez. eight-buten Kid Gloves, line quality, $1.09 a pair. We will sell THIS WEEK 200 dez. LADIES' FINE MERINO GLOVES. In all the new fall shades, with ribbed tops, extra long, at the astonishing price of TWENT1-F1VE CENTS a pair. 1.1113 is tue Diggcst uargain we ever offered. READ THIS! 50 dez. Ladles' Fine All-Linen Hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS at 12Kc. apiece. ANOTHER GREAT BARGAIN! 100 dez. Ladies' Solid Colored MERINO HOSE, finished, fine quality goods, ler 18c. a pair. (These Stockings would be cheap at 30c.) An extra geed, full regular made. Fine Cot Cet Cot eon Hese, ter Ladies, in cardinal, navy, brown, gendarme, garnet, at 32c. a pair. These arc extra long French goods, and cost 50c. a pair any ether time. Anether let of lull regular made Balbriggans fiti 25c & Dftir 25 dez. Ladies' Heavy Fleece Lined Hesc.full regular made, double heels and tees, for 25c. a pair. Full regular made Ribbed Merine Hese, In white and colored, for 25c. a pair. A real Knitted Stocking, all wool, ladies' size, in dark cardinal, at 45c. a pair. Child's size from 28c. up. IN MERINO UNDERWEAR. we offer this week the following : A heavy Ladies' Merine Undcrvest, 35c. An extra fine Merine Undervest, silk stitch ed, regular cutis and shoulders, 48c. apiece . Child's Cndervests andTants, in all sizes and qualities. UNION SUITS, UNION SUITS, UNION SUITS. GENTS' MERINO UNDERWEAR. NOTE OUR PRICES : An excellent 50c. Shirt ler 40c. Drawers te match. Seventy-five cent Shirt and Drawers at 50c. each. Finest goods at 75c. each. Scarlet Medicated All Weel Shirt and Drawers at $1.25 each. -as Come and leek at them. -3 THREE XJREAT BARGAINS IN GENTS' SOCKS. Heavy Bibbed Leng woeisocks 18c. 11 pair Regular Made Fine Merine Socks 25c. a pair Real British Socks 19c. a pair Just received, a let of fifty dozen extra large size. HEAVY GERMAN LINEN TOWELS, fine quality Damask, with knotted faingc. ler ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. A rare chance, which ought net te be missed. THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS IS THE LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER! PA. SPECIAL NOTICE ! MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Overcoats Made te Order. Dress Suits Made te Order. Business Suits Made te Order. Beys; Clothing Made te Order. An elegant assortment of all the LATEST NOVELTIES DJ" WOOLENS new open. We aim te please ail who favor us with a call. Our prices will be found te be very low for the quality of goods offered GENTLEMEN, we wish te impress upon your minds that wc offer the finest stock of Underwear in the city for the menev Please call and examine our qualities and prices. '' Elegant lines of HOSIERY, FANCY NECKWEAR, SUSPENDDRS, &c G-IVLES, BO WEES & HUEST, 25 East King Street, NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT GrUNDAKERS. . LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringed, Satin, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GTJNDAKBR'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard,Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuflfe, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GTJlSrDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. DBT GOODS. BLACK CASHMERES, In Large Lets, from a NEW YORK SALE, All te Ih) sold at less than regular prices, at FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the I'uiut Heuse. Black and Colored Silks, Satins and el vets all at our usual low prices. Shawls and Coats, In Quantities te which we invite special atten tion. UNDERWEAR for Ladies .Gents. Beys and Girls. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. DEBSS GOODS, CLOAKS, CLOAKINGS. HAGER & BROTHER have new open the latest novelties in French, English and American DRESS GOODS. FRENCH PLAIDS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUITINGS, SIDE BANDS, CASHMERE FOULE, MOMIE CLOTHS, FLAN NEL SUITINGS, fte., c. SILKS, SATDTS AXD VELVETS. Cloaks! Cloaks! Have just, received from New Yerk Impert ers a line of Cloaks, Delmans and Jackets in the Latest Style for Ladies and Misses. CLOAKING CLOTHS, Black and Celers, Plain and Fancy, In Large Assortment. -09-Wc invite examination. jfVBlflTUKE. IA. IN WANT OF A CHRISTMAS PRESENT I would respectfully say that new is the time In order te avoid being disappointed te have your presents selected anil put aside, and then when the rush comes a little later you will be sure of having your present just when you de sire. I cordially invite a call te see my assort ment of HOLIDAY GOODg, Furniture and Picture Frames. walter i mm 18 East King Street. LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF JANE KWIXG, LATE OF Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement -te tbe undersigned, re siding in jnncaster, i-a. ELIZABETH ELLIOTT, JOSEPH WILFONG, 'Administrators. J. L. Steixmetz, Att'y. e23 ctdeaw ESTATE OF HENRY GONDAKEB. LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thcrte nre requested te make immediate pay ment, nnd these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned, resid ing in Lancaster city. SARAH E. GUNDAKEB, DR. GEO. R. WELCHANS, Wu. R. Wilseic, Administrators. A. C. Reikeehl, Attorneys. novKWStdeaw GKA1N SPECULATION In large or small mneunts. $25 or $20,000 Write W. T. SOULE & CO.. Commission Her chants, 130 La Salic street, Chicago, IB., ler cir nlarsr mSB-tyd DBT GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, &C. NEW LOOK! LOOK! 00K! FOR -WHAT! J. C. HOUGHTON'S 10c. GOACI AND BAGGAGE WAGOIT. Leave orders at HOUGHTON'S STORE, 23 North Queen street : LIVERY STABLE 11-' beulh Queen street. Leave orders ler the 10c. Coach Line te go visiting, or te the trains o e any part of the city. PASSENGERS, 10c; BAGGAGE AND TRUNKS, 15c. Alse, geed, Safe Horses, Carriages and Buggies te hire. All kinds of hauling at the me3t reasonable rates and 'Buses and Coaches te birclby the hour or day. J. C. HOUGHTON, 112 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. MEDICAL. BROWIOTG'S C. & C. COMLAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BUONCHTHS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNES of tbe THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTH3IATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. and its unparalleled efficacy. The expense in its manufacture Is at least five times as ereat n that of any ether medicine upon the market, nudyctlt fa sold at the exceedingly low lirlcp et 50c. sSample bottles (for a short time only) 2Sc. u.UtJiy iuw price 01 W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. (U-lydeew&w 4S-FOR SALE BY MEDICAL, Brandy as a Medicine. The' following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. H. E. Slaymakcr, Agent for Beigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. -BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of the destructive diseases which 8 weep away their annual thousands of victims. Wit ha purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these afflicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with leeble appetite and mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Be It, however j aincuy unuerstoeuinatwoprescriDe ana use but one article, and that is ItEIGAItrS OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, H E SLAYMAKEK. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as far as enr experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Brandies, nematter with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would suflice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case or cases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases el Dyspepsia, we can summon nnm bers of witncH-s one case in particular we cite: A liard-werking larmer bad been afflicted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number et years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; be had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite In fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGrann's Beet Beer. Ue Is a Methodist, aud then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te try Reigart'a Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing et its wonderful effects In the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily: tbe first bottle giving him an appetite, and Before the second was taken he was a sound man.wlth a stomach capable of digesting anything which hejehese te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Practisihe Phtsiciaw. U. E. SLAYJLAKER, AORrrreK Mgart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 1785, UCrOKTEB ASS DXALZR IX FIXE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1813, 18-27 and 1S23.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERT BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Se. 30 EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER. PA MORS. C. LILLER, LADIES HAIKDKESSEK Mann factu rev and Dealer in Hair Werk, Ladies and Gents Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made np. Alse, Kid Gloves and Feathers cleaned and dyed, at Nes. 223 and 227 North Qnccn street, foHrdeon above P. B.R. Depot. oMred I Lancaster, Pa. CITTZUfE. THE PROPKIETOtt AND ALL DBUGGISTS. GROCEBIMS. TTTHOLESALE AMD BETAIL. LEVANTS FLOUR Ne. 237 NORTH PRINCE STREET. (U7-lyd JUST BECEIVED COFFEE! COFFEE!! COFFEE!!! Choice Bie, Old Government Java, Laguayra and Mecha. The- best 23 cent Roasted Rie Coflee in the city. We buy our Coffees nnreasted and liave thein roasted here, thus we always liave them FRESH BOASTED. If you want te enjoy a geed cup et geed Coffee buy at BTJRSK'S, 17 East Banff Street. FOR NEW FRUITS, FOR SELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT. FOR FRESH AKBOX OAT MEAL. FOR FAHNESTOCK'S FAHIXA FLOUR. FOR PURE SPICES, OOTO D. S. BUKSK'S, 17 Eaat Kin? Street, Lancaster. VAXPETS. H IGHKST CASH PRICE WILL . PAID FOR EXTRA NICE DK CATSPET RAGS. Carpets made te order at short notice and satislactien guaranteed. - Rare chances in Carpets te reduce stock et 6,000 Yams Birals Carpets, AT AXD BELOW COST. Call and natfeiy yeuracir. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpetsinalmestcudlessvarlety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KING 8TREET, LANCASTER PA. CM1NA AND GLAHSWABE. LASSWAKE! GLASSWARE!! A New Pattern el GLASSWARE, CHINAHALL. FRUIT BOWLS. SALVERS. CELERY GLASSES. PITCHERS. WATER SETS, CHEESE DISHES, TOY SETS, BREAD PLATES, AC. Call aud examine aud leant prices brfer purchasing. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. TINWARE, JtO OXOVES. STOVES. Brick-Set and Portable HEATERS and RANGES -'.at: ShertzL'r, Hnniphrcvillft & Kieifer's 40 FAST KING STREET. TMA VXLMMV GUIDE LANCASim AND 9UIXEKSVIXXZ B.B Cars ran :w fellows.: Leave Luncatser (P. R. Depot), at 7, 9. an.t 11-30 a. m., and 2, 4, u and &3u p.m., except en Saturday, when the last ear leaves at 330 p. re. Leave Mulersrule (lewnr mC; at 5, S, and a. II., and 1.3. Sand 7 p.m. Can run dally en above time except en Sun day. (COLUMBIA AJTD FOKT DEPOSIT K. K j Trains bow rna regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: tatie Neetb- Express. Express. Accnn. WAim. A.X. f. x. -p.m. Pert Deposit. & SS oe Pcachbottem.... 7:12 4- :::is Safe Harber. 7:53 5:11 5rl Columbia-. S:3 5:40 630 ST&Tiem Sebtb- Express. Express.- Ac-coin . wars. A.X. j x.x. Colombia. I 11:15 630 7: r.M. 6: Ar9:06 Safe Harber 12-14 r.x. Le9-.W Peachbottem....! 12-37 7:22 11.07 I r. x. Pert Deposit 1 1:30 S:tt lg-S TREADING A COLUMBIA K. B. ARRANGEMENT Of"pAS3ENGER TRAINS. octeber"2tu, isw. NORTHWARD. LKAVK. Qearryville Lancaster, King St.. Lancaster Columbia AKSXVK. Reading A. 3!. 7--M Sr.iO SOUTHWARD. LXAV. Reading ABRIVK. Columbia "... Lancaster. Lancaster. King St... Quarry villc .t. r.M.i 6:15 .... '2-J30 7:55 .... 5:40 S:05 1:05 3:50 755 1:10 3:t0 10:05 2-m 3..--U r.u. sail 5:1(1 6:40 rTMtia u-innxn n UnniMmw ivttll t fttvltl r 1T1I from Philadelphia, PettsviiTe, Itevrisbunr. Al r lcntemi and New Yerk, via. Count! tJmeIr iwaw. At-CelumbUi v.'ith train? lesncl ftei.i i-r'r. Hanover, Kcttysbuiv, Frwlcrieis nml JJait: mere. A. 31. WIL50X. Ssunt. ! -OENNSYLYAKIA KA ' X SCHEDULE On and .iixiseAJ. xt:v; lifter M XJ 0VEMB1:K 8th. 13W. trains en fie ivms- - vania Railroad will arrivemiii Ii?:i". f Mip Lan caster aud PhllnriPiphia depots a fH'iv: Kaste-arp. Laiu-'le: I'Mlff 1:15 .. - Philadelphia Express Fast Lint- .. YorkAccem. Arriic: j Harrisburg Express ; DlllcrvllleAcceixi. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation. Frederick Accem. Arrives,! Pacific Express, Sunday MaiL i Johnstown Express, Day Express................. Harris !r.i.- Acoeiuuiol:a'n, 2:10 r-:-:n 8:05 S:05 6:4.i fl:10 ::: 1:40 2:00 3:15 (irr '..:i. .itM'J IiailV.ii 6:C0 I 0:3:) " t ::"! 13I. WXBTWABD. I Leu Arrivr 'Phllaera i Lnne'te: VTe.v Pfmfip.nuvT 12:30 1 1 fi:f A.v ittiM - !1:0j 10..-AI ! 2:35 V 'A Mail Train Ne.l.via Mt.Jey.l jnau Train n.'.vvia uore:a, Niagara ft Chicago Express Sunday Mail............ Fast Line, Frederick Accommodation, D01ervllIcLocaI.viaMt.Jey Harrisburg Arcommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburir Exnress S:0 liiJ 2.1'J 4-30 ' 4:ui 5:20 9:10 11-m !& t Pittsburg Express i Cincinnati Express 8:50 ' I1.W " racine .uxpres", Pacific Exnress. cast, en Sundav. when Hu I ged, will step at Middletown, Elizabcthtuv. J 1 Mt. Jey, Landisville, Blrd-iu-Ur.nd. Lemtu Place, Gap, Cliristiana, Parkesburr.', ceate villc, Oakland and Glen Lceb. ! Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when J!ajrguL . j will step at fowninKtOT7ii,Cct.tet.vilI,-.lik'.' ! burg, Mt. Jey, Eiizabethtevn amlMIdilivtew ! Hanover accommodation west, conueftiu;,' r , Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Kx-pres j at 11:00 a. in., v. ill run through te Hanover. " ' ' EOB BALE. T70R SALE. A. A tw two-steru- BRICK HOLSE. With two Urv Brick Bach Bnildins attached, situate at Xe. 520 East Orange street, with gas in evcry room, and just newly papered. Will be sold at private sale en cheap and easy terms. -ftppiyie JU1JJN IIlK.MKiS;, nevlS-tfd Xe. 23 North Queen street. FOB SALE. A bt-jiil Jful rCHidence ut nuliln; s.iti' On THUK.iDj! Y.NOVEMBER25. IBM), will be seli! at public sal'1 at the Leepard hotel. East King street, in thecity et Lancaster, the following valuable property, te wit : A let et ground situated en the north side of East Orange street, in the city r Lancastcr Pa.. containing in front en said street 54 leel mere or less, and extending nerthwardly ii: feet te Marien street : bounded en the north by Marien street, aforesaid, en the south bv said East Orange street,en tbe east by a public alley, and en the west by grounO-er h. i. Cox, en which a double two-story BRICK DWELL ING HOUSE (Gothic fctvle). Ne. 71!). with Back Building and ether improvements, are erected, j Thi is really a desirable property. Thu house . - ..w. .j Ma-. , v. MM.., . glfut. JtMl.l MU UNO all the modern improvements, and the loca tion is one of the pleasantest in the suburbs et the city. Geed title and possession en April 1. ItWl. Ten percent, of purchase money en dayet sale. S1.5Q0 en Anril 1. 1881. balance can remain. en the property en first mortgage at ix per cent, interest. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., of said day, when attendance will be given and term.? made known by ROBERT L. ARMSTRONG. H. Shubert. Atict. nevlS-lUtd KXAPPS VILLA FARM FOB SALE. The subscriber offers at private sale until November ', all that fine SUBURBAN RESIDENCE and farm known as Knapn-n Villa, situate within half u uilte of tlie city limits. In Lancaster tewnbhln, limiting entl.L Philadelphia turnpilrv, containing aueut 'iif ACRES, with tine residence, never-failing springs el water.'a large varil y of choice fruit trees ami grape vines, all in the highest state et cultivation, making ene of the most Ucsir Ucsir ablnceuntry residences in the vicinity. Alse Hie well known TELL'3 IIAIN PICNIC GROUNDS adjoining above and fronting en the Concfetega. containing about' 'Ji ACRES. If net sold before November 2:5 the same will be offered at public sale en the premise at which time about 12 head et cattle. heiier and cows will also be sold. Alse th well known MECHANICS HOTEL PnnPKIfT mnvr nf Plttvi i.i.l r .m I streets, i.'.ii- tlie Lancaster -Ia:::" rri.Jt. Company's Works. This prep'-rtv, .T'ic ! hefore 2kOvimber 21, will he e-frry s ..' I Leepard Heel en the evening el :Si 'lay I I or farther particulars euualrt; t ; LAWKSXtE iXAPP 1I.T Ll-.J. Kir. - ll'J-tS'l f. t.'K ,t'r,Vr i'w TJl'KMC .l.l. OP VAX.i-Ar.LI. f,Vl X PKOVLRTY. WI!l'OiOl.l;iM" lr. .... lin Heuhe. Xert:ninrfii -tivf, e.i i7I.O: DAY, NOVEMBERS, 1W, Uiefo!lewiu;iiroi erty: Xe. 1. Tiwt c;ig;ir.t reit Sznv.c lien! DWELLING MOUsE, two-story, witi; ilau sard RcK)f. both back and front building:-, sit nated en the northeast corner of Dnke ami Jamesslicetfi, This property has all the modern improvements, both in htyle ami finish, containing vestibule, hill and :; room bath room, water closet. va-!i .stand u:ni heater in tht; cellar, range in the kitchen, het and cold water up and down stiiir-. Let... feet, mere or less, Ireuting- en Duku itrcei and in iW pth along .lames strret, 12) feet, me: " or less. Xe. a. A TiMery IJiielc UULM.lM. HOUSE, lm tel en till w-)t Mf el Xertd Qneen Mtrrt. Ijetwecn Walnut and Lciik. streets e. XU. containing 22J i-t.inore o e o Iess,en North Queen street, nndln depth ve ward25 feet te Market street, neiitninlns ha.'i and 9 rooms, het and cold watr,uatu roeii. and water clesett range and heaters la purlei and dining rooms, hydrant in the yard :n! kitchen, -ash house, smokehouse and lirif. stable en n-aref let. cItTJi find a varlctv fruit ues In the yard. Tlie beil of tlraiik-?-cenncctcl ith the city st:Wf w Se. 3. A Twe-story Brick DWELLING nOL'SE wiU a Two-aterj" Brick Back Bnilu Ing, .situuteU en the cast sldf; ut North )aeeii itreet. between Clay and Xw fctrcete. Xe. .1: containing liall ana Tvoem.3, hydrant in 111: yard and kitchen. Let fronts 17H f"-t ,,rj North Qneen street, mere or leas extendtim eastward V-'fi, mere oriels, te a 10 feet ltWi alley, grope vines and irnit trees in tnc let. and liny fhi'de tiues iu front. Xe.f. AiiVdiilng Xo.Sen the nrth: lieu.' i cc eui ;-' uptien ss e. ;. i Xe.. A thiisc-stirv BRICK DWELLIiC ; HOI.'SE. vithtwu-leir Brick Back Bnildinp MtnnUa en tin- unh Hide 4t K.T-t .tiinc :trct. Ictwtfii Jmk" and Lime street". Xe. i 121, cn!:hiiiiu-. hall and eight rooms, hydrant ' In llm jvni :-nd kitrtif.i, fronts n .nuife , slrrptl.' f-i:i,m(nnt or Ii-.", and In depth tit I A two-stei-v BRICK DWELLING A.M. JL.TI. r.M. 8:05 22:00 6:10 10:13 10 8:30 10:07 2:10 8:10 10:18 .... SsJO 11:20 .... 9:25 HOUSE, Willi Mnnard Reef mid two-sterv Brick Back ISulldlni?, and oiie-flery Brlrk .Ki:;Iicn. centHiiiing li-ill !"mI nine looms, range, with het and cold water up aud down staiiv, with tnitb and crater cle'.cts; alsegas all llr.-en:li ttie heue, with portico in front, liay viudetv in ihe rear. Tins property is fin ished in tin latest style. Let 10 feet frentand In depth VM feet, mere or less, te a 12 feet wide alley. Xe. 7. The snine as Xe. it, containing the same. Tin-.. (.repcrtlc, win lx: seii by vailing en tlmnmli'rulgncii or en the premises. SHlelJ'co'iinicnceatTo'cioc!. p. m.. ef""aM day, when ijintien of pal will Iks made known by JOtlX A. BORIVG, Hrar.T SKtsi.r.7, A net. nov8M,W4S,nevJ4iat(l i