Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 22, 1880, Image 3

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Keud Viewer and Reports Opinions
UTered Court or Common Pleas.
-This morning the first week of common
p'eas court began with Judge Patterson
presiding :
There are thirty-four cases down en the
list and most of them are for trial.
Iu the case of A.N. Basch. for the use
of Jehn R. Diileuhacb, vs. Charles Mor Mer Mor
eon. Moses Maxwell, Rebert Able and
Jehnsen "Wesley, committee or trustees of
St. Stephen's tabernacle Ne. 3 of the In
dependent Order of Brethers and Sisters of
Leve and Charity of Lancaster city, judg
ment was entered in favor of the plaintiff
for $1,286.93.
Opinions Delivered.
Judge Patterson delivered opinions in
following ca&es :
Jehn P. Huber, executer of MarU-Wit-mcr,
deceased, vs. Jacob Seudcrs and Mary
Seuders, lii.s wife, with notice te Jacob
Seudcr.s, tcrie terrant Rule te show
cauus-why the judgment entered' en the
act. fa. sur. mortgage should "net be o'peh e'peh
ed. Rule made absolute.
Commonwealth vs. Chambers, el. al.,
conspiracy. Demurrer te indictment sus
tained Davis sewing machine "cemapany vs.
Jehn Shillew. Rule te show cause why
judgment should net be entered for want
of a .sufficient affidavit of defense. Rule
Jehn W. Greff vs. Elizabeth .Grefl.
Rule te chew cause why the amendment
allowed te the jurat te Iibcllants petition
should net be stricken off. Rule dis
charged. Jacob Mcishey's assigned estate; Ex
ception te auditor's report. Exceptions
dismissed and lepert confirmed.
Jehn II. Bear vs. Jacob Grid. Case
slated. Judgment entered in favor of de
fendant. Current Business.
A chattel was granted te the M. E.
lunch of Caernarvon. .
Peter Robinson, who was convicted in
luarler sessions court en Friday of break
ing into tli; almshouse aud stealing several
, articles, was .sentenced te one year and
three mouths' imprisonment.
Jehn Mull, a little son of Jehn Mull, of
Salisbury township, who plead guilty te
stealing a watch of Reland Dillcr, and who
is beyond the control of his parents, was
sent te the house of refuge.
Jeseph Smitii,ef Strasburg,was diveiced
from his wife Margaret Smith, en the
gieuuds of desertion.
Itead VieiTH.
In the court of quarter sessions last
week the following report of read viewers,
made te previous sessions, were confirmed
absolutely :
In favor of a read, beginning en the
old Philadelphia read at a point about 9
yards east of a line leading te the farm of
Levi Zeek aud ending at a point about
1S7 yaids west of the read leading from
UunsccKcr' te the village of New Hol Hel
land, in Lea cock township, and vacating
that pait of the old Philadelphia read
l ing alen the land of Andrew M. Cald
well. In favor of a read in Sadsbury township,
beginning at a point in the read leadiug te
the Christiana hotel at the Masonic hall in
the village of Clnistiana aud ending at the
point in another public read known as the
Foundry read al or near the Christiana
In favor el a read beginning at a stone
corner of land of B. Ezra Hcrr and ethers
in the read leadiug from Willow street te
the Big Spring and Beaver Valley turn
pike read te a stake en the north bank of
the Pequea creek, in a read leading from
the Big Spring and Beaver Valley turnpike
vacating a pait of the old read.
Adverse report for lead in Celcrain
township, beginning at a point in the
read from Bartvillc te Kirkwood. at or
ucar the point where the read running
c ist from the Neble read intersects said
BirtviHu and Kirkwood read, te a point
in the read leading fiem Bartvillu te Ox
ford, about a half mile seulh of the inter
section of the last two reads.
Iu favor of a read in Salisbury township
fiem the read running from II. Brisbiu
Skiles's te Limcville, te another read lead
ing from Limcville te the Philadelphia
and Lancaster turnpike.
Agaiust proposed read in Raphe and
Pcnn townships, from a point en the Mt.
Jey and Mt. Hepe read, near Jehn
Becker's nuith shop, te a point iu the
Mauheim and Lebanon read te the point
where the White Oak and Sahm's store
read intersects the Manheim and Lcuonen
Iu favor of a read iu West Denegal
township, beginning en the read leading
from Fridy's smith shop te the Lancaster
turnpike and ending at the Maytown
Iu favor of ;t lead iu Drumore township,
commencing en the read leading from
Fishing Creek station te the Leng Green
read and intersecting a read leading from
the Leng Green read te Chestnut Level.
Establishing the line between Paradise
and Salisbury townships, as reported by
In favor of a read iu Raphe aud Pcnn
townships, iu lieu of a part of a read lead
ing from the Mt. Jey and Manheim read
te the read between Sporting Hill and
Colebrook, part of which is new vacated.
Vacating a pait of proposed read iu
Raphe township, commencing en the
Manheim and Colebrook read and ending
en the Manheim and Lebanon read, se far
as it passes ever the Mt. Jey and Mt.
Hepe read, as already affirmed by the
Viewers Appointed.
Te review a public read in Maner town
ship, from the Charlcstewn read begining j
near JacobStaulfcr'sshep and ending en the
public read leading te C. B. Herr's mill.
Viewers : Henry Mayer, Jehn B. Stehman
and Jehn M. Gridcr.
Te vciw and lay out a public read in
Martic township, from near the bridge
ever the Tucquan creek, through lands of
Mahlen Erb, te the public read leading
from Rawliiisvillc te McCall's Ferry.
Viewers : Jehn M. Sheuk, F. W. nclm
and Ames Hcrr.
Te vacate a part of the old Peters' read
from a corner of Levi Grabill's land te a
divisieu line between the lands of Jehn
Martin and Jacob Mnsscr, en said read,
and lay out another in lieu thereof. View
ers : Barten B. Weaver, W. II. II. Kin
zcrs, II. B. Becker.
Te view and lay out a private read in
Salisbury township, te lead from the West
Chester read te the house of H. M. Swci
gart, iu said township. Viewers : Nathan
iel Ellmaker, Harry Worst and A. B. Ay
crs. Te view, ascertain and fix the boundary
line between Leacock, Earl and Upper
Lcaceck township. Viewers, Jehn M.
Bahill, A. V. Ilyus and Christian L. Hun
Te view the site proposed for abridge
ever the Cocalico creek at or near Buchcr's
mill en the read from Reamstown station
te Reamstown. Viewers, B. B. Flickingcr,
Ezra Bucher and Jehn A. Steber.
In our court proceedings of Saturday
wc mentioned that a true bill had been
found agaiust "Henry" Ransing. It
should have been Jehn Ransing.
K. or P. Parade.
Thursday will be the first anniversary of
the institution of Inland City Division Ne.
7 Uniform Rank K. of P. The knights
will give a parade en Thursday afternoon
next at 3 o'clock. Before marching they
will receive in Centre Square a new silk
Hag. from the house of Herstmaun Bres. &
Co.,efPhiladcIphia, which cost $130. Clem
ens' s City band "wii! furnish the music for
the parade. The flag arrived en Saturday
and gives entire satisfaction te the sir
knights. It can he seen for the present at
the office of Rife & Kaufman, insurance
agents, East King street.
St Us KUza Hubley Uie Victim Miss Grace
nebley'a Fatal Burning.
3Iiss Eliza Hubley, of tburcity, who
made her home with Mrs. Louisa Carpen
ter, East King street, this city, met'a het
rible death in Pittsburgh en Fridav after
neon at the residence of 3Ir. B. Wolf, jr.,.
Craig street, Last .bud, where she had
been visitingfer Seme 'months past! The
particular, as furnished by the family,
arc that she went te Pittsburgh a few
months age en a visit te her brothers
Jacob B. and Geerge W. Hubley. Since
that time she has made her-home with her
ceusinilrs. Wejfj iu-whese parlor she liie't I
hotdeath.O.Thilieuse is. heated with hetvl
air, and Miss Hubley's clothing was iguit
ed while she was standingever the register.
Owing te the extreme cold a het lire had
beep built iri the furnaces, which were
brought into general use for the first time
this season. The lady was, aroused from
her reverie by a sudden rush of het ail-
about ner person, and en looking down
disco vci
led that her clothing "was'Si fire. irtP P.rcac.ued -bis Piiug sermon yes
s for a niement4aralyzed withfcar $ eniin;L te a large congregation.
,.WninBliHM1arnw1tlmntliPr &- LstcrllllO also Occupied lllS pulpit 111
She was
and her piercing shrieks alarmed the ether
inmates of the house, who fennd her
wrapped inflanres ami -wriflimjcieu the!
fleer of a hall room near the parlor. A
servant wrapped thc. suffering woman
in carpet, but the blaze was net
extinguished until her clothing
had been entirely burned, and her
body almost wasted.- Dr. Le -Moyne ar
rived at the house soeu after the accident,
and was quickly followed by ether physi
cians who had been summoned. Though
life was net extinct, the physicians inform
ed the sufferer aud her many friends that
death would seen reljevc her from her suf
ferings, te alleviate which all known
remedies were applied. An examina
tion of the victim showed that both legs
were frightfully burned, as was also her
entire body. Strange te relate 3Iis3 Hub
ley did net inhale the flame, nor was her
face disfigured or a hair of her head singed.
Miss Hubley lingered in great suffering
until 10 o'clock Fiiday night, when
death came te her relief. Her" last
weids were, "I would like te be home."
In accordance with this last wish her
remains were brought te this city, reach
ing heic at G o'clock last evening. They
were taken te the residence of Cel. Emlcn
Franklin, 2G North Lime street, from
whence the funeral will take place to
morrow at 11 o'clock. Her two brothers,
two sisters, and Mr. Wolf, accompanied
the remains te this city. The accident
was caused by a small piece of paper ig
niting in the heating pipe, which was
forced out of the register ever which the
lady was standing and which bet fire te her
clothing. t
Miss Hubley was the daughter of Sam'l
Hubley, who was a brother of the father
of our well-known fellow citizen Jehn W.
Hubley. Her father, originally from Lan
caster, removed te Pittsburgh long age
aud before the days of railroads was dep
uty sheriff of Allegheny county, aud used
often te pass through Lancaster with pris
oners for the Eastern ptnitcntiary. He
brought them all the way en horseback,
lodging them at night iu the several comi
ty jails through which he passed.
Miss Eliza Hubley came te Lancaster
when quite young, after the death of her
parents aud was raised by the late Jeseph
Ehrcnfricd. She was also an intimate
friend aud for a long time an inmate of
the famiiy of the late Michael Withers,
aud aft?r his death in the families of his
daughters. Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Franklin
aud Mrs. Wagner. She was a lifelong
member and for years a deaconess of
Trinity church and an active worker both
iu the church aud Sunday-school. She
was also a member of the Dorcas society,
and was active in schemes of benevolence
and charity. She was at the time of her
tci riblc death about 03 years of age.
ratal Burning of Mls Grace Hubley.
The terrible death of Miss Eliza Hubley
recalls the circumstances of the death of
her unfortunate kinswoman, Miss Grace
Hubley, of this city, who was burned te
death under circumstances very similar te
these above narrated, in the year 1857 at her
rcsidcuce en North Duke street corner of
Marien alley. She was standing in the
parlor en a cold day in front of an open
grate in which a bright fire was blazing.
She had her back te the grate and was
reading a newspaper when her clothing
took lire. She screamed for help, aud a
servant girl was the first te answer. See
ing her iu flames the girl ran screaming
into the street. Newton Lightucr, esq.,
who was passing, ran into the house and
found Miss tlublcy in the hall way com
pletely enveloped in flames. He
pulled off his overcoat and threw
it around her and urged her te lie down.
which she did. Dr. J. A. Elder, who lived
next deer, also hastened iu, and throwing
water ever her, assisted in putting out the
fire. Miss Hubley, though almost every
stitch of clothing was burned from her
body, survived for a day or two.
fiVirMif- (i vmi f nrrrt nil Ivr
She was
au Episcopalian.
fisn iv Kt.a.. ...
and Iter remains
lie in the Episcopal
Streams l'rezen ice Cutting Navigation
Interfered IVHIi.
The cold suap of the past few days has
closed up the Conestegaand all the smaller
streams in this vicinity. The Susquehan
na, at Columbia, contains a great deal of
ice, but is net yet closed up. Ine canal,
however, is entirely closed, and the Read
ing railroad company talk of breaking it
open with steam ice-beats, as they have
ever seven hundred car leads of coal en
route for Baltimore, some of which is in
beats iu the canal, some in the coal chutes,
and some en cars between Reading and
"The mercury iu this city at daybreak
this morning ranged at from 8 te 12 above
zero, according te the greater or less ex
posed position of thermometers. Many
hydrants aud water pipes are frozen or
burst, and the winter campaign of the fes
tive plumber has fairly opened and he is en
the warpath conquering and te conquer.
The ice en the- Concstega, near Levaiv s
mill this morning, was about two inchet:
thick, and Jeseph Reycr, confectioner, was
busily engaged cutting it. He is the first
in the field, but the ethers will seen fellow
should the thermometer keep down and
the barometer up.
L.ancaiter Teachers Abroad.
The Delaware county teacheis' institute
closed successfully en Friday. Among
these present at the finish were Prof. Wm.
B. Hall, of this city, who conducted the
musical exercises, and Prof. Moutgemory.
efkthe Millersville normal school, who con
cluded his lectures en drawing by offering
a valuable geld medal for the pupil of any
public school of Pennsylvania, who would
produce during the present school year
the best specimen of drawing under the
classes : 1st, drawing from copy. 2d,
drawing map of oeuiity from memory.
:jd, dictation exercise. 4th, original com
position. A committee from each county
shall examine the work aud scud te Millers
ville the best specimen for final judgment.
. Sale of Real Kttate.
Henry Shubcrt, auctioneer, sold at pub
lic sale last Saturday at the public house
of Edward Sturgis, in the village of Lititz,
for G. L. Doersh, administrator of Catha
rine H. Allen, cice'd., a tw.Q-stery frame
dwelling situated en the north side of
Main street, in the village of Lititz, te F.
W. Christ for $1,412.
TlianknslTlng Hoppers.
A turkey supper will be served at Odd
Fellow's hall en Thursday evening under
the auspices of Lancaster ledge Ne. 07 I.
O. of O. P.
An oyster suppar for the benefit of the
organ fund of the L'nien Bethel, corner of
Orange and Prince streets, will be given en
Thanksgiving evening.
The executers of Anna M. Strine, de
ceased, sold at public sale at the Franklin
house en Saturday evening, the property
Ne. 420 Locust street, te Samuel Graver,
for $1,400.
- - A meeting of the Columbia auxiliary of
the Wemau's foreign mission society was
held yesterday morning in .the M. E.
church. Addresses were made by Rev.
and Mrs. Henry. Wheeler, and the latter
read letters fiem Misses Mi E. Lay ten and
Yannie J.-Sparks, -the-import of which was
mission work and the land slide at Nynee
Tal, India, where the writers are new
stationed. Very favorable reports from
the officers, including the report of the
secretary and treasurer, were read, when
after singing by the choir several new
members were elected..
Rev. J. H. Esterlinc, the new pastor of
the Church of Ged at Seventh and Walnut
pied his pulpit in
the evening.
This day one year age the river abeve
the darn, was closed with ice which had
formed the night before. Te;day the
river is closed for the first time this winter
above the 'bridge, but net between the
bridge aud the dam. A great amount of
sjush ice was running this morning aud te
it we can possibly trace the clesiug of the
river above the bridge, as had this ice been
formed and solidified early te day, slush
ice could net have passed it and none
would have passe&ever the dam. It was
the. jamming at the piers of the bridge of
slush ice aud that alone whi'.'h closed the
river at that point.
Diphtheria is yet prevalent.. Twe fatal
cases arc reported in one house, and one
case iu the house adjacent.
The menTbers of company II. will as
semble in full uniform for parade this even
ing. After the parade the members will
de justice te au oyster supper.
The mite society of the E. E. Lutheran
.church wiU'nie'ct this evening iu the church
lecture room te complete arrangements for
the festival te be given hi the armory en
Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings
next. The members of the society with the
church congregation arc working hard for
their festival and we have no doubt it will
gj a complete ucccss.
The teach'" s institute met en Saturday.
The cm; leyees of the Shawnee rolling
mill were ; . ! for two weeks work en Sat
urday. The pavements en Saturday night weie
iu a very slippery condition, and the walk
ing was tiny thing hutgoed. The weather
during the past couple days has been cold
aud windy.
Lecal freight east en the Pennsylvania
railroad was agaiu heavy tiiis morning.
The Shawnee fire company have the cash
te buy ground en which te remove their
engine house, but they have net yet been
able te find a desirable situation. It is
new reported they have a piece in view.
The strain saw mill of A. Brunei &
Bre., en Seuth Frent street, is again
running full. It .started up with its com
plement of men this morning.
A false alarm of tire called out the fire
depaitmeut en Saturday afternoon. A
bread- day light alarm without cause is
something new.
Oliver Ivtiipe, of Norristown, Pa., was
visiting his home iu town yesterday.
Rev. F. W. Staley preached a sermon te
young men in the E. E. Lutheran church
last evening.
AVm. B Giveifs law office is being wain wain
seettcd. It is looking much improved.
Mis. Jeseph Brown died yesterday from
a complication of diseases, aged- about 60
The Philadelphia & Beading pay car
put iu an appearance this morning and the
employees at this piace were paid ferthcir
work for October.
A water pipe break occurred this morn
ing en Locust street above Second.
Sonic or tlji5"" r.ncfcj I'eenlc.
The scene at St. Authony's Catholic
fair Saturday night was an animated one,
Grant hall being crowded during the en
tire evening, the voting spirited and the
chancing unusually active. The contest
for the gentleman's geld watch was an
nounced and Mr. Themas McCIarcn re
ceiving a large majority of the votes was
declared the fortunate owner of the
beautiful time-piece. The guitar which
was contested by Misses Annie Sullivan
and Maze Derwart, was wen by the former
young lady ; and the bride dell for which
Maggie Kemplc and Mary Gardner com-
pcted, was wen by the former. Maggie
Houpt was voted the work-box.
Among the lucky winners of a num
ber of articles disposed of by chance,
were Maggie Fink and Mrs. Heuscr, each
of whom wen a table-cloth : Father Kaul
a piece of muslin : Mrs. Heidig, a quarter
of beef ; Mr. McLaughlin, a fancy pound
cake ; Father Feiu, a geld teeth-pick ;
Mrs. L. Bachler, a ten of coal.
The fair will terminate te-night. There
yet remain a number of articles for sale
and te be chanced off, and the result of
the remiiuing voting contests will be de
clared. The I'.ipliKt Fair.
The fair for the benefit of the Baptist
church continues te ba well patronized.
The atttndauce en Saturday evening was
very large, the voting spirited and the
sales remunerative. The fair will continue
all week.
tirund Donatien Surprise.
On Thursday afternoon, November 18,
the members and adherents of Octoraro U.
P. church, te the number of eighty, form
ed iu precession en the church grounds,
and proceeded te the residence of their
pastor, Rev. David Andersen, at Smyrna,
as a donation surprise part-, which proved
an entire success, he being entirely ignorant
of their coming. His larder was supplied
for the coming winter te an extent unex
pected te all participants, and funds were
collected te the amount of eighteen dollars
te purchase a robe for his comfort in travel
ing te and from his callings. Rev. Ander Ander
eon thanked the donors very heartily for
their kindness, and after refreshments
were served and prayer offered by Rev.
W. G. Cams, a short address was delivered
by one of the eldest members of the con
gregation, Mr. Themas Cellins.
iicnry Drachbar'i Funeral.
The funeral of Henry Drachbar, sr.,
which took place yesterday afternoon, was
very largely attended. St. Peter's bene
ficial society turned out in a body num
bering about 175 men; St. Antheny's
beneficial society also turned out, numbei
iug about 75 men. They inarched te the
late residence of deceased, 522 West Chest
nut street, where were assmblcd a large
concourse of relatives aud friends. A
f uncial precession was formed and moved
te St. Jeseph's Catholic church, where the
funeral services wcre conducted and au
able sermon preached by Rev. Father
Gredcmyer. The remains were then es
corted te St. Antheny's cemetery where
the interment took place.
Water Alain Burst.
The water main iu West Orange street
west of Charlette, sprang a leak last night
aud this morning a stream of water almost
as thick as a man's arm ran from the broken
pipe. The managers of Peters & Shirk's
cotton mill declined te fire tip this morn
ing lest the water should be cut off from
the mill, but they resumed operations
about G o'clock en being assured of a full
supply of water. Repairs are new being
A service pipe in Seuth Queen street
near Hazel that had been leaking since Sat
urday evening is being repaired today.
WE INVITE the attention of the public te the following schedule
of prices of goods that will be found in outfsteci :
Ladies' Breast Pins ...
Ear Rings (Geld wires) -
Geld Finger Ring's ...
Thimbles ------
Silver Plated Spoons (per $ dez.)
Stem Winding Watches (warranted)
Diamond Rings - ' -
Sleeve Buttens -
Watch Chains
Neck Chains ....
Silver-plated Casters - - - -
' Pickle Jars -
' Water Pitchers
' Cake Baskets
Bracelets -
Charms aud Lockets ...
Opera Glasses -
All goods will be recommended and
Dry Goods, Carpets, Wall Papers.
' In our WALL l'Al'EU DEPARTMENT We ate
l'attcrns. Eles-ant Designs at VEKT LOW TKICES.
Walnut. Ebony anil Gilt Cornices, Jreni 3 te 18 inches wide. Walnut ami Ebony Exton Exten Exton
sien Cornices, lit any window. 3 inch Walnut Cornice! only O) cents. Walnut, Ebony ami A.h
Curtain Pele-. Windows measured and Cornices put up at short noticel Elejrant Line of
in all Celers. Stere Shades ami Fixtures, nil widths. We ieap(.cttnlly solicit it -j ill.
Cerner West King and Prince Streets Lancaster, Pa.
A Sick Clergyman.
After leaving the Bapth'; fair en Satur
day evening Rev. Wm. Morrison, pastor of
the First Baptist church, was taken quite
ill and became se much worse en Sunday
morning as te be unable te appear before
the congregation that had assembled te
hear him preach. An announcement of
his illness was made by one of the officers
of the church and also that there would be
no services, morning or evening.
Last evening Jehn C. Leenard, watch
man at Ne. 2 cotton mill for many years
past, was stricken with vertigo while en
duty. He was carried te his residence,
West German street, near the mill, where
he is rapidly improving aud expects te be
about again in a few days.
"Matrimeny'' Te-nijht. tli'-vcn-it tha
will te-niglit produce Hartley Campbell's
great ceineily-rtram;i
nt the opera house
pepulur names : Mr.
.1. X. GottheliI, Miss
of ' Matrimony
arc tlie following
E. P. Therne, Mr.
Emily linker, Mrs.
Therne, and ethers equally well known,
being altogether one of the strongest stock
companies en the rud. If the highly compli
mentary notices of the Philadelphia nml New
1 erk papers are te be credited. Of Mr. Camp
bell's work it is unnecessary te speak : all who
havcfcccn itpniiselt.and "Matrimony" is one
of liis most completely successful productions,
overflowing with humor, and yet possessing
depth and genuine intrinsic merit.
Annie Pixlty. Till charming liltle lady
and accomplished actress is booked for Wed
nesday night at the opera house. She is sup
ported by Jehn E. McDonough's excellent
company, and will play her famous role of
JirW in Brctllarte's picturcsque drama et
that name. Miss Pixley lias "been here be-t
lere" en several occasions aud each successive
appearance lias increased her popularity. The i
mere announcement et her coming is enough
te insure her a crowded house. j
"Dr. Clyde.''' Tlie sparkling comedy of tills
name will be produced at the opera heuse. en
Thursday evening. Thanksgiving. Tne piece
bubbles ever with fun from beginning te end,
and will be given by the same line company
and the geme Jliggins that visited us bclere.
The company also advertise a matinee ler
Thanksgiving afternoon.
The lime has been when diseases or the lil l
ncys were considered serious affections, but
fortunately all fear et any fatal results lrem
these troubles arc new dispelled by the cer
tainty with which Hat's Kidskt Pad always
acts. n22-lvMW&F
3-TnE cause ler the happiness et that man
across the way is that he went te WILLIAM
SOX & FOSTER, 30 East King street, Lancas
ter, the ether day, and purchased one or their
ncRevcrslble Overcoats, which they are sell
ing at prices ranging from $13 te $20. ,IIe gives
you geed advice when he tells you te go and
pee them. novie-tfd
Mrennercher Concert aud sociable.
On Wednesday night, Thanksgiving eve, the
Lancaster Mamnercher will give one of their
concerts and seciables in their ball. These
gatherings are always of n enjoyable charac
ter, the attendance being restricted te the
members and their iumilies and a lew Invited
guests. The flrst portion of the pregramme
will cuiniuisu u vuu.ii uuuuisi i uiiui im." mu
floors will be cleared for the dance.
The queen el medicinal soaps, tlie matchless
Cuticura. Salcn, 1S79, 0,000 cakes.
A Fenny Saved Is Twepence Knrned.
A little SOZODOXT, used right along every
day, costs but little trouble and is pleasant al
ways. It saves years of suffering from dis
eased gums and tcctli in later days. Its use is
economical of time and comfort. Use SOZO
DOXT. n22-lwdeed&w
Emaciation, dropsy, niental and physical
wemknefcs arrested by Mell Bitters.
It is Impossible -ler a woman after a faithful
course or treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer
with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a
stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western
avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets.
Malarial Fever.
Malarial Fevers, constipation, torpidity or
the liver and kidneys, general debility, nerv
ousness and neuralgic ailments yield readily
te this great disease conqueror. Hep Bitters.
It repairs the ravages el disease by convert
ing the feed into rich bleed, and it gives new
life and vigor te the aged and inllrm always.
See "Proverbs" in ether column.
Met Hers! Mothers-! Mothers. t!
Are you 'disturbed at night and broken el
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teethT
It se, go at once and gctabettle of MRS. WIXS
LOW'S SGOTIIIXG SYRUP. Itwill relieve the
peer little sufferer immediately depend upon
it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a
mother en earth who has ever used It, who will
net tell you at once that it will regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relict
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one
et the eldest and best female physicians and
nurses iu the United States. Sold everywhere
25 cents a bottle. ni7-lyd.fcwM.WAS
ae remeuy ter Kiuney uiseuses uereioiere i
(liseevered can lm held for one moment in com-
parisqn with Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver f
Cure. C. A. Hervey, D. ., Washington, D. C. j
25 cts aud upwards.
75 "
75 "
10 "
50 cts. '
75 cts '
warranted according te quality.
&BRO., Jewelers,- .:. '
Ne. 4 West King Street.
showing tlie Largest Line and Latest
v w-
Eclectrie UI1I Amongst tlie ISasc I'ulistH.
Jeseph Durrinbcrgcr, Broadway, says lie had
the misfortune te severely ppniiu his ankle
confining him te ills room and causing ex
treme hutrerlng, his brother "Lessee of the L.
Side I!. 11. Grounds" who always uses it in
sucli case.-, induced him te try it. and he says
that the application et the Eclectrie Oil half a
dozen times cnubled him te walk round and
before he had used 3 of the bottle he was
quite recovered. Fer' sale by 11. IS. Cochran,
druggist, 137 and 13 Xertli Queen street, Lan
caster, Pa. 47
Speer's l'ert Grape AVine.
This article of American Wine is highly
esteemed by the best physicians in this coun
try. The following is a testimonial we saw
from the New Yerk Hospital. Wa publish it
for the information et our readers:
Xew Yerk, Xev. II.
I am using Speer's Pert Grape Wineaud And
it te be an excellent tonic and gentle stimu
lant, and as sticli I believe it prelcrublu te the
commercial Pert, antl allethcrwiucs, asit pos
sesses their tonic properties without the dele
terious cilect caused by their impurities. It is
nUe very palatable, and this is a recommenda
tion temany, especially lemales.
S. S. Harris, M. I)., X. Y. Hospital.
This is an excellent article ler luiuiiy usr,
and for females, and is endorsed by Drs. Atlee
and Davis, and for sale by II. E. Sliiyiuakcr.
A Jest.
A w itty man can make a jest, a wise man can
take one. It does net take cither te And out
the virtues of Spring Blessem in curing dis
orders arising lrem impurities of the bleed.
Constipation, Indigestion, &c. Prices: .7)
cents, trial bottles, 1 cents. Per s-ale by II. B.
Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 Xerth t'ueen
street, Lancaster. Pa. AS
Xalc On the 20th innt., of spasmodic croup,
Mamie Emilic. in the 8th year of her age.
danghtcr of Phebe A. Xale, and adopted
daughter of J. W. and E. A. Park.
llcrswe'st fair lerm lias laded new.
Her cheeks have lest their roses :
Her guileless heart se free from sin
In heaven new reposes.
Wc etoed beside her bed of death.
Bowed down were we by sorrow ;
We knew she would be lest te us
Upen the coming morrow.
Nene knew her bnt te levctici .
The relatives aud friends of the family are
respectfully invited te attend the funeral from
the residence of her patents, Xe. 130 Xerth
Mulberry street, en Tuesday, 23d lust., at 2
o'clock.. ltd;
HcntKT. Xev. 19. 1SH), iu Pittsbugh. MTss
Eliza Hubley, of this city.
Funeral from the residence of Euilcn Fiank
lin, esq., Xe. 20 Xerth Lime street, te-morrow
(Tuesday) morning, at 11 o'clock.
xj:tr AitrjsjtTxsujiEsrs.
:t let of Fine Turkeys atlhc Millnert Hetel.
en tin: btrasburg pike, three miles ea-t el Lan
caster' en Tuesday altcrnoen and evening. .All
sportsmen are invited te attend.
ltd jxe. v. echtekxacht;
U Inte of Upper Lc.jcoc!c,tewns)iip, Lancas
ter county, deceased. The undersigned Audi
tor, appointed te pass upon the exceptions
tiled and te distribute the balance remaining
in the hands et Henry Barr, administrator et
the estate of said deceased, te and among these
legally entitled te the same, will sit for that
purpose en TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1S80
at Id o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the
Court Heuse, iu the city of Lancaster, where
all persons interested in said distribution may
uttend. J: W. F. SWIFT,
ii22 ltd&'itw Auditor.
"TTVjr-T zr
tlse, free of charge, in the Inteixieki
ckk. who wants something te de.
child's nurse ordininirreom girl. Annlv
atXe. 16 Seuth Duke street. 2td
learn the Barber and Hair Dressing
Business, Apply te J. G. BOEHRIXGER. un
der the Cadwcll Heuse. ltd
iievsjc vuxiriHuixa ueOds.
FLlii & BRENBKAlf.
Would advise all who contemplate putting in
HEATERS or making any alterations iu thcii
heating arrangements te de se at ence befeic
the rush of Fall Trade begins.
In the Market at the
Flii & Breuemau's
152 North Queen Street,
ill Ing in the Girls' High Scheel, wishes te
obtain pupils in the variens styles of drawing
ana painting. Residence Xe. 35 West Orange
street. Furs altered and repaired at the same
place. ect20-Ud .
Iaise UAnuAiib i-uiir. nir. vt uisivi, y.per
. nt. Alcohol, nnd the invi?omtinrTeiiie Iliifr
i Iti,i ,,,,,1 tiu.
''l,,lu "-
Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c,
NOV. '22,
Six Ster j Building in Flames.
The Spread of the Celd Wave.
'.Sew Yebk, Nev; 22:-r-A.' fire broke'eut
siidrtly before 1$' o'clock te-day in a six
story building at Hester street and Bow Bew
cry, occupied by the Londen ami Liver
pool clothing company. Before the fire
engines arrived three upper stories were
wrapped, in; flames. The Haines, which
were blown ' across the" elevated
read track in the Bowery, compelled
the suspension of all traffic. The cntire
bulWiek' will be destroyed, and. the fcheq
stpieiuidjlirge' furniture inanUnwtpry of
C. & E. Yegel adjoining it arc in danger.
Of the owners of the establishment noth
ing is kuewnr, save thathev, are agents of
several ofethin firms. The lessjgcstimated
at between $50,000 aud -JGO,000.
' l&fiar'Adrlcas. '
The Haines were confined te the building
'occupied by the. Londen and Liverpool
clothing company, which was entirely de
stroyed. A portion of the wall en the
southern side fclleutward,and alighting ou
the reef of Ne. 8C Bowery, a tteuble two
story building occupied by Jicrruvau &
Walsh as a shoe store, and also by the
proprietor of a shirt manufactory, who;e
name could net be learned, broke it '. li rough
and the contentsef these stores aie totally
destroyed by fire and water.
The Lesses.
The less en the stock aud buildings
could net be definitely learned, but will be
considerable. The owners of the Londen
aud Liverpool clothing company arc sup
posed te be Max Stadlcr & Company, who
carried it en under the former name. The
trains were stepped en the Third avenue
elevated .railroad.
It was " thought that the falling wall
would break down the structure en the
west side, but at olio o'clock it was still
standing, theugjl threatened, by tlie high
front wall which was momentarily expect
ed te topple ever into the street.
At 12:45, p. in. the fire' hail burned it
self out and nothing was left of the build
ing lnt a mere shell.
ses or the Afternoon CendeiiMrd.
The joint special committee of Philadel
phia councils appointed under a resolution
te investigate the affairs of the gas trust
held its first meeting this afternoon.
A young child is said te have been de
voured by wolves -near Bccanceur in the
province of Quebec, Canada.
The temperature in many places in On
tario fell te zero last night. Iu the North
west it ranged from zero te ten degices
The trial of "Dr." Jehn Buchanan,
Martin V. Chapman and Themas Van
dubcr for conspiracy te defraud the United
States out of the amount of Buchanan's
bail was commenced in Philadelphia this
morning and is still in progress.
A beer wagon ran into a street car in
New Yerk te-day and wrecked it. Several
passengers were injured and the driver of
the beer wagon was arrested.
The trial of Elijah Alligcr charged with
trying te steal stolen bends of the Burling
ton, Cedar Kapids and Northern railroad,
was begun in New Yerk te-day.
In a collision between the schoaner For Fer
est Oak and an unknown vessel, about
three miles cast of SavilleOut bar, en tin
Jersey coast, the former was sunk and is a
total less, but the crew were saved.
The British steamer Brantford City,
Captain Allen, at West Ilartlepoel, Nev.
15, from Bosten, lest 476 head of cattle en
the passage.
Between twenty-fiveand thirty cenir oi ei oi
it'ers; en .the Heading EajU .left their cases
this morning, because the proprietor had
employed sevcralwerucn te learn the bus
iness. Ilawlcy says he will stand firm.
Yesterday's galb was the severest ever
experienced en Lake Ontario. Scvcial
disasters are reported.
The imbcr of deaths in Philadelphia
last week was 309, being an.incicasc of 22
eyer the number of prccecding week, and
a decrease of 55 from these of the cerre-
pending period of last year.
Washington, Nev. 22. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, higher barometer, station
ary or lower temperature, northwest veer
ing te north or cast winds, clear or partly
cloudy weather.
4..-.-i; k
Mr Orp liiiry
Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IX
STUUMEXTS in the Market. Warerooms 320
Xerth Queen street, Manufactory In the rear.
ISranch Office, 15 East King Street.
Alex. McKillipe, Proprietor.
Alse Agent ter Lancaster County for
A Pull Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small
Instruments, Violins, Banjos, Band Instru
ments, &c.,alwava en band. 113-1 j-dSJtlyw
r Pirst Baptist Church, Eust Chestnut
street, commencing TIIUKSDAY, NOVEM
BER 18, and open every night until the 27th
inst. Admission 10 cents. Season Ticket' 25
cents. nI7-4trt
Sew lurkJiarKVt.
Nkw Yerk. November 21. Fiem State and
Western lt25c better and fairly mcUvc; Su
perfine, itatu!W)8t : extra de at 14 'JO
t?5 05: choice, de 5 llj?3 25 : fancy de at
$5 30t!50 ; round hoepOhio jjl.'.jpj 30: choice de
at$56ea.50; superfine western t'J03l 4:
common te geed extra de $4 90 33 25 choice
de fS 30tt 25 ; choice white wheat de .' 13
Q5 30 ; Southern unlet and nrmer: common
te rair extra f j 233:3 TO ; geed te eiioice de $5 73
Wheat active, excited, ruverish ami 2ffl3c
higher; Xe. 1 White Dec. $1 22K21 --' de
Jan., 91 27K : XO. 2 Kf d spot SI Of. : de Xev
$l28Vf;dei)ec.. $1 S31 SO; de Jan.. $130
01 elfi ; de Feb., $1 5ii.
Cern active, excited and 232'e ' better ;
Mixed western spot, S332.Uc; de luture, W5
Oats Jif?-c better ; Xe. 2 Xev., 4:1c : de
Dec, 43Ji45tJc ; de Jaa , 47c : State 13330c ;
Western 42330-r.
i'lillauelptua Market.
1'aiLADKLritiA, November 22. Fleur mar
ket strong ; supernue $1 S0g ft): extra
tt 003 5; Ohie und Indiana utraily 5 73
25; Penn'a Umily 3 37J?3 73 : St. Leuis
family tiOtt-&(): rdmneseta lamilv5233t;'J0:
Strfli"tlir. Sti23Ut;73- Wiuter lutein Si7jfi:7 75:
(Springde$7w)as 25. "
uuiir iiiiuuuiiKeu :n 9.) 4,.
Wheat excited aud higher ; Ni. 2 Westyrn
.Uwi126; reuu'a. Ked l 2"3t 2fi; Amber
$1 251 28.
Cern scarce and higher : Mcuncr nt r.igszc :
yellow, t 65c; mixed, at ty46'c.
Oats active und higher; Xe. 1 White 43"
46c;Ne. 2de44S45c: Ne. 3 de 43llc;Ne. i
Mixed ll42u.
Rye Urui ut QSc3$l.
Previsions fairly ntcadv ; nuss perk,
old and new $14 .V)1C 23- beei hams $ Vi 50J)1! 00:
Indian mess heel nt 1S OJ : B icon -tinek-ed
shoulder 5'Qe ; salt de 5'4c; smoked
lia!U9'Jj',0c; pickled ham? 8E!k.
Lard llrm : cltv kettle PiQ'M: : loe"i
but chore' t-fJSc: prime s':::;in $3 7.i3" SO.
Butter tirm, b-t grade iu the market
fairly active ; Creamery extra at . Sic :
de geed te choice 30j?32c; IS C and X. V. ex
tra.27ft.t0c; Western reserve extra 232lc :
de geed te cheiim uij2Dv; Kellsflriii ter best;
l'enn'a Fxtra 20322c: Wtsteru Ke-iTve i:tr.i
Eggs scarce nml tlrni: run':i Kxtr.i 2g
liSOc; Wi-atom Extra &&2c.
Chcc?e llrm and in hotter demand, but price
nnehanged ; Xew Yerk lull cream lMJtsiSc :
Western full crean at i2-I3!: de talr te
geed at lltd!22:deh;d!'kii!i 10lle.
Petroleum .iiuieL; rcllued at 10'ic.
Whisky atl IS.
Seed Heed te prime clewr dull at 7 0
(2,7 75; Timethy nominal ; FiuxAced dull and
weak at Si SO.
Cattle Market.
I'iulAiielmiia, Xevtnnlw 22. Ca!ilmarke.
active : bales 3.700 bend. I'riiuc VKHH$e ;
geed mC; medium .r)Q5e ; common .I'fle.
Sheep "market treag"; fruit SV-SiO head.
Prime .V."Je; geed .Vf.-,k'c: 'medium 4,,'jJiS
IJiJe; common ijla ; culls 3S:i,ic.
Hogs Market active; sale, 7.J00; prime 0
7c; medlnm O'iSUsC ; common i2(''!c
Stectc iUuruer.
Naw Yetuc (Stocks.
Stocks Mreng.
Xevt'tiibci 22.
A. M. .. M. 1. m. r. s. r. K.
10:10 11:30 1:33 2:30 3:10
4.'r'H 4.V, i:i
ll!t. llD-;il2u'
Ui2 113 1135
lit;2 117 H7;h
ioeiM 107'; itw'i
4V 4f' 44'i
Meney ,
Erie K. i;
Mlchlgun . & L. ...
Michigan Cent. U. U.
Chicago &X. W
Chicago, M X St. I.'..
Hun. X .St.. I. Cem
" P'ld....
Teledo ,t W-iIkuIi....
Ohie A Mi"iVdd. ..
St. Leuis, I. .M. A . It..
Ontario and Western.
C C. & I. C 1C. L. ....
1MU- JI!i
2i; ',
New Jcrscv Central
Del. & Ilml.-en Canal. '.MJi
Del.. J.uck. Si Westerillel
Western Union Tcl...HB' 10.5J;
facillc Mail S. S. Ce.. 43
Manhattan Elevated
Union Paeillc '.',
Kansas & Texas 4I
Xew Yerk Central
Adams Expre-iri
Illinois Central
Cleveland & Pitt.-i
Chicago & Keek I
I'ittHburgh ft Ft. W
American U. Tel. Ce
Stock steady.
Pennsylvania K.U.... i;i",
lMiil'a. & Reading..... 21'h
Lehigh Valley M)i
Lehigh Navigation... :!.
Northern Pacific Cem ".V;.
" " P'd . fill;
Pitts., TittisvV&B.... 17K
Northern 'Jentiul 3!i.J
Phil'ai & Erie K. B.... I;,,
Northern Penu'a
Un. U. It's of N.J
ilestonville Pass
Central Trans. Ce.
- '
- 14SJU
. 110
. inn
. l.'l
ijj .
Fer Strictly Private Instruction.
Saturday Lcsseutt, ler Steps, H:e.. 2 l r. '
Matinee 3 te." r. .11.
Satardny Aitcrnoeu 12 te 2 r. m.
-Ladies and ('futlcmcn from 8 te 10 p. 111.
Mimic by Prof. Tayler anil Orehu-stia.
TiatMS . Fer I.'! Lcsmeiis.'
Mr. Shank can ba see:! at Woodward's Music
Stere. iil7-ltd
IDfiKT IIAI.I-, M1SI11. Klt'S llUII.DIXf',
C"uSie iiuart commencing
Will be en exhibition fur a few days only
The Marvelous Midget of Mankind,
nged 15 year, wright only 10' pound?, will
held levees dally from 2 te 5 and'7 te ! p. in.
Admission only
Children ur.derl2year.
.15 Cts.
N. B. Come te tlie place of exhibition and
see heiii el hi eletiif and hi- t!.1i" miniature
coach. lil't-lwd
MR.JOI1X D. MISIILI'i: lliBt lliBt
cless entertainment in the production 'f Hart
ley Campbell's highly MU-ce.-stuI and brilliant
ly humorous Comedy iu i acts,
ACT I. On the Beach al Leng Brunch.
ACT II. Drawing Beem ut CoI.Plavferd's.
ACT III. Ilrcaktust. Koemat Dick fceabriglifs.
ACT IV. At Cel. IMayferd'H.
PBICES 33, i
Diagram at Yecker's Office.
ill Si ? Ch.
J. E. Mcdonough and Rebert fulferm.
Managers and Proprietery.
The Charming Sengstress and Actress, who
lias just closed u most brilliant engagement at
the Bo-den Theatre, crowding the vast audi
torium every night. 22,n per-ieiis in 14 per
formances, and new crowding tlie Walnut
Street Theatre, Philadelphia, with delighted
audiences te witness her rendition of
lu which sue writ! introduce her varied selec
tions el Songs Dai.ces and Medleys.
She wBl be supported by. I. E. McDoiieugh.
In his tumousrell of YUItA BlLL.u-id a com
pany et absolute met it.
ADMISSION, 35, 50 & 7.1 CIs.
Fer sale at Opera Heuse Office. n20-ltd
Thanksgiving Afternoon and Even
ing, November 25.
Grand 'Ladies' and Children's Matinee
Thanksgiving afternoon. Deers open at 1 p.
m. Performance commences .it 2 p. m.
MATIXEE PRICES Children .!5c. Adults
SOc. Gallerv 2c.
EVENING PRICES, 33, 50&75c.
Power's Paragon Comedy Company.
Reproduction of that very funny Comedy,
With the same lligglns, JOHN P. WARD, alter
a Tim of 209 nights in New Yerk. Superb Coh Ceh
tumennd Appointments.
W.IL POWER, JIaxaeek.
Reserved Seats en dale at Fulton Opera
Heuse Office. ii20-4td