&)t ?Dartfa$te3 illifntcHieicncci; .. Volume XYII-Jie. 71. LANCASTER PA., ZICXDAY. N0VM3ER 22, 188(1 Price Twe teats. XMCr GOODS. Wanamaker & Brews, SHALL WE There is iu Philadelphia a clothing house which has no double iu all the world. The world is full of clothing houses ; and it is a geed deal te say that one is unlike all the rest. First, iu its dealing ; and it is surprising that one house should differ aauch from another. Selling clothing is se simple a matter, that it is likely, one would suppose, te be done in very much the same way in Philadelphia, New Yerk and Londen. But Philadelphia is ahead ; and, curiously enough, one house iu Philadelphia is ahead of all the rest. Te be ahead in dealing is te deal ou a, higher plane, in a meic liberal w:ty, te give the buyer mere well founded confidence, without less of the mer--:i:int . safety. This Philadelphia clothing house says te a stranger : "We wu te deal with exact justice. We want what belongs te us, viz. fair profit ; and we want you te have what belongs te you, viz., a liberal money's worth. Our way te arrive at this result is temark a price en everything we '!,'. vrhieh price is absolute ; and te letfyeu buy what you like, go away and t'aiDl: the baigain ever, audceme and trade back, if you want te. We find by experience that this liberality is harmless te us. Of course, you like it. And it makes quick and ready dealing. We don't want you te bring back what j en buy it would cost us money every time ; but we would rather you would biiag back than keep, what you don't like. Se, we try te see that you get at first what you will like the better the mere you knew of it. This is really the whole philosophy of our dealings." Is it any wonder that no ether clothing Junise in this city, or New Yerk, or Louden, deals in the same way ? cceuQ, iu its goods the amount and variety of them. There are ether lieusds where excellent clothing is kept, and a great deal of it ; but there is ueiie, anywhere, that keeps se much. The dealing related above has wen the l.iTge&t trade thft world fcas yet seen. Te supply such a trade great quantity and variety of clothing are required ; and these in turn increase the trade, be cause everybody liks te cheese out of many things, rather than out of few. This is the country of ready-made clothing. Great Britain makes the most of any European country ; but there is net in all Londen any clothing business a quarter as large as that of Oak Hall. New Yerk has several large clothing businesses ; but no one nearly equal te that of Oak Hall ; Bosten likewise. Loek back twenty years ! Have we done you geed service, or net? But that is net what wc had in mind ; we were thinking of the clothes you arc go ing te buy te-day. Shall wc sell them ? WANAMAKER & BROWN. e ik Hall, Sixth and Market, PniLADELl'lUA. SPECIAL INVITATION. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY Invite ladies te examine laijjc purchases el Clearing Lets at less than Auction Prices. OOLOEED DEESS SILKS, Beautiful Shades, really wertlill, only 65c. BLACK DRESS SILKS. Popular brand. 87c, $1, 1.25, L50, 1.751 POWDER CLOTH SUITINGS. IS inches wide, all wool; importer's price 80c; ours 62Kc. 1 : L AC K C AMI M E RES. Excellent Value, 37K. . 55. 62W, 73, 87c, SL L5&. COLORED CASHMEKES. Deuble width; new shades 17c ; new scldTat 25c. KL ANNEL SUITINGS. Desirable Celers, SOc te JL20. PLAID DRESS GOODS and NOVELTIES. Largest Assortment and Lewest Prices. LADIES' GLOVES. 300 dozen Heavy Lisle Gloves 23c; worth 50e. CLOAKS, SHAWLS, OLOAKTNGS, AT POPULAR PRICES. NEW YORK STORE. WATCIUSS, JJCttEUtT, C EDW. J. JEWELER, t? SAHLTS CORNER, Wi- de-ire te remind our friends that we have a completely equipped Jewelry Factory in ..miiiectien with our regular business and arc ready and able te make up any special piece of Jewelry.. Persons desiring Christmas Gifts made te their own order will oblige us by leaving i heir orders with us at aa early a date as possible. Estimates given for Masonic Marks, Se cicty Pius Badges, &c. DIAMONDS. Wc Jiaicbecuicd the agency et one of the largest importing firms iu the United i fates, aud are prepared te furnish our patrons with Diamonds in Kings, Studs, Ear Kings, Lace Pin?, i c. as low or lower than any New 1 erk or Philadelphia Arm. . WELOjXG Oli HOLIDAY GIFTS. V. c extend a cordial invitation te all te call and examine our extensive sleck of articles suitable for these occasions, in Stirling feilrer. Fine fcilver Plated Ware, French Clocks, Bronzes, &c. WAT HKS our sleck of Watches embrace'' the Lancaster and ether leading American Watches. Everv Watch sold is accompanied with a written guar antee. B EPA HUNG. In addition te our former lacilitics we have added some ei the latest tin inevci 1 nwchinery. nnl arc ready te de all classes of tine watch or ether repairing in our buw ijCbS. Wc invite all te call, assuring them polite attention, fair dealing anil low prices. EDW J. ZAHM, Manufacturing Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, CZOXHIKO. GAEFIELD VS. HATsTCOQK. FALL CAMPAIGN OF 1880 New opened and the battle has commenced and rages fiercely, and while there may b some doubt In the minds et many persons as te who will be the next President of the United States, there can be no doubt in the mind of any person In want of CLOTHING as te where can be bought the cheapest and the best, either in Ready-made or Made te Order. MYEHS & RATHFON, Ceatre Hall, Ne. 12 East Kiag Street, tke Great Clethlag Emperiam. The second story room lspacked brim full with the greatest variety of READY MADE OLOTniNG FOR MKN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, all our own manufacture. They are well made, well trimmed, and the goods arc a'l sponged before they are made up in gar inents. MEN'S AT.iL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our Piece Goods fill the first fleer te Its utmost capacity, and is nicely arrange), a- le give the purchaser the advantage et seeing the whole stock in a verv lieri spa re et t i nie. W arc picparcd te make up te order at the shortest possible notice niid nt 11m ;mt-t lonnunble uric. Our btOPk ha been bought for cash and will be sold at a very small ml y.imV. Jluv yenr Clothing ut Centre Hall and save ene preflt. Call and cxnnilne itr ginnt stett jind vavenionev. MYERS & RATHFON, Ne. 12 FiST KING STREET, Oak Hall SELL THEM ? ZAHM, LANCASTER, PA. WATI HKNTT ! .Lancaster, Pa. F4WA8TER, FENN', KLDNEY PADS. DAY'S KIDHEY FAD! A NEW DISCOVERY. That acts directly en the Kidneys. Bladder and Urinary Organs, by absorbing all humors, every trace of disease, and forcing into the system pewerfal ana tealr.f.:l vegetable Tonics, giving It wonderful -nrwer te cure PAIN 1ST THK BACK. Side and Leins, Inflam matien and Blight's Disease et the Sidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Diabetes, fcteae in t'ae Blad der, Inability te lietaiu or Expel the Urine, High Colored, S&aty e- Pitiful Urinating, Deposits, Shreds or C.sts in the Urine, NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY, and in tact any disease of these great organs. mx uvuius enurety ice uoueies anuuangeis ei taking nauseous and poisonous medicines. It is comfortable, safe, pleasant and reliable iu its effects, yctpcwe.'xul in it- action. It can be worn ai nil reasons, iu any climate, and is equally geed for MAX. WOMAN UK CHILD. Ask your druggist for it and accept no imi tation or pubstitute, or send te us aud receive it by return mail. Regular Pad, t2; Special Ped, for Chronic, deep-seated, or c ses of long standing, 93; mer complaint, weak kidneys aud bed wet. I ting, 41. jj ' n iviiuurfn's rue. rcevenueu ami cure ei sum Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. iASTEEN AGENCY, CHABLES X. CR1TTENT0N, 115 Fulton St., New Yerk. $500 REWARD ! OVEE A .MILLION OP PROF. GUILMETTE'S French Kidney Pais Have already been sold in this country end in Prance: every one ex which has given perfect satisfaction, and has neriormeu cures every i time when used according te directions. We new say te the ntaictel anr! doubling ones that we wil pay the above rcvraia rera single case of LAME BACK :nat the Pad fails te cure. Tliis Gra.t Itaaiedy will Positively and Permanently cure Lum bago, Lame Back, Sciutipa, Grave, Diabetes, Dropsy, Bright's Disease et the Kidneys, In continence and Retention el the Urine, In flammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh of fte Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain iu tje Back, Side or Leins. Nervous Weakness, and in fact all disorders of the Bladder and Urinary Organs whether contracted by private disease or:etherwlse. LADIES, if teu are suffering from Female Weakness. Leucerrliau, or anv disease el tiie moneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organ-, YOU CAN BE CUBED ! Without swallOTrtng nauseous medicines, by simply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, : THICH CURE BY ABSOKPIION. I AvkyourdruggistferPKOF. GUILMETTE'S 1 FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take :ie ether. I If he lias net get it, send $i and jeu will rc I eelve the Pad by return mall. Fer sal by JAMLS A. 5TE1L23 Odd reJJOTTs1 Hall, Columbia, Pa. .' Sold only by GEO. W.HULL. ' Druggist, 13 W. Kiug St., Lancaster, Pa. t &!igll-OnideedBt.WAF Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake. Billiens iever, .Jaundice, Dvsnensia and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Bleed. Price $L50 by mall. Send ! for Pret. Guilmette's Treaties en the Kidneys and Liver, free ey man. Auaress FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. ausll-6mdcedM.WAF JPaJWEB MAK01XGS, Xc. w , HAVE A LOT O LIGHT COLOB WINDOW SHADES, Geed Patterns, that will be closed out at the low price et fifty cents. These are a decided bargain, as some have been reduced from one dollar te fifty cents apiece. PLAIX WINDOW SHADING by the yard. Blue, Garnet, Brown, Old Geld, Lavender, Stene, Ac. Cardinal, Brown. Ecru, Green aud White SCOTCH HOLLANDS. PAPEB CURTAINS, Spring Fixtures, Fringes, Leeps, Tassels, Ac. Opening almost daily New Dcsigns'ef WALL PAPER. Our stock is Large and Attractive, of the Newest Fashions. The Best, Simplest and Cheapest made. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. BOOKS K1 8TA.TI0XEMT. N ELEGANT LINK OF NEW STYLE PBAMES, NEW STYLE EASELS, NEW PANEL PICTURES, l; m. flynn's BOOK AND BTATlOyUBY STORC, Ne. 48 WKST KING STREET. SCHOOL BOOKS V9E 1HE Schools of Laucasler City, NEW AITD SECOND-HAND. Ai Mie LOWEST PliTiti vi thf Henk tOlu Of JOM BAER'S SOB, 15 and 17 S08TH QOEKN STREET, LA.VCASTEK. PA.. JIOOXS AXI nei:.s. EASY hoots, sneKs ani lasts made en a new princlpl, intir lug coDiien jer me icei. Ti'"VYI,C l.ast niR'lc le enler. MjJJXiJ MILLEB, - teWlf-tn 13J!5stKingirreet llancastcr iiI-tgniccr. MONDAY EVENING, tf OV. 22, 1880. Mrs. Hepkins Attends the Cbarcb of Uie Hei j Presence. a. D. 1885. Fer the ixiEixiexvcxB. It's six months since me and 'Opkins, as is my 'usbaud, come toDercaster from Hingland, and what Hi was gein te speak about 'appencd net long after me and -'Op-kins was settled in ear 'euse en Seuth Quince street, as Hi'm sere, what with the red carpet and curtains, would de your 'art geed te see, but if it was six years Hi couldn't forget it, that Hi couldn't, thre nivcr 'aving seen nethin' like it hafere and Hi 'epes Hi may niver hagin. As it 'appees, Hi was reading te 'Op kins one hevenin? iu the Mies Bringer which we 'are took reglar since bean in Dercaster, thre wanting te see the Hin glish news, as is werry convenient en the hinside, w'en all at once Hi reads as Saint Judes church was going te be called the church of the 'Oly Presence. Says 'Opkins w'en Hi reads 'ira this : " Wetiver is that for, Maiy," he says. Hi couldn't rightly hezplaiu, but Hi made as if Hi knewed about it and Hi says: "Most like its te please some e' them werry 'igh church people as is hollers in 'et water," Hi says. "Heur parson at Saint Hann's iu Louden was 'igh chureb, 'Opkins, but there's another kind of 'igh church Hi've 'eard as is no mere like the kind we 'olds with nor tummits is like cabbages, witch you knew they isn't, 'Op kins." . "He that is it?" says 'Opkins, puzzled like, for he takes things slew, does 'Op kins ; "go hen with the next." Se then Hi reads him about a 'errid murder as was in Paradise, and 'ew a farmer cut.heff 'is wife's head and 'ides it in a barrel, the' Hi don't see 'ew he 'ad the 'art te de it, thre' 'aving a quarrel hover witch 'ad topped the most tobacco that day : as the wife says she 'ad, as Hi 'avc no doubt was se, peer thing! "Say that hagin," he says te 'er terrible like, and w'en she says it he 'its 'er en the :cad as kills 'er heutright, as held Jim Flite, as was iu hour room then, de say was quite right, as she 'ad no business te contradict er 'tuband, witch is werry hun- christian, tajs IU. Haftcr tiiar Hi didn't think no mere about the ulrurch of the 'Oly Presence, thre "aving se many things as was mere him poi taut, till one day, as might be a week later, a young woman as said she lived en West Apple street, come te see me, and she says te me, " Mrs. 'Opkins, be you a a church woman?" "That Hi am,' Hi says, " and se is all ray fam ily, the Hi can't say as much for 'Opkins as 'ad one sister a Methody and another as married down iu Kent as was a Ranter. " Be you Igh says she then. ' Parseu was at Saint Hann's, in Len- j deu, where wc used te go reglar, least ways w'en we 'adn't bean drove of a Sat urday,1' Hlhanswers. " Hi don't believe that was the kind," says she." "Hi should 'ave said, "was you a Haugle-Cathelic ? Hi gees," she keeps hen, net giving me a chance te han swer, " te the church of the 'Oly Presence as Mr. Day is rector of. "Won't you come te 'ear 'm of a Sunday, Mrs. 'Opkins ?" she 6ays. Hi said as Hi would, right willingly for she was a werry pleasant spoken young woman, as looked werry hinuecent, and Hi 'adn't beau te church then in Dercaster, thre' net rightly knowing where te go, and she said as 'ew she would step for me come next Sunday. Hi says te 'Opkins as wasn't in the room then, as Hi was going te a Hanglo-Cath-elic church come next Sunday. "Ne," says 'Opkins' " no wife of mine shall go te a Catholic church," and he stamps 'is feet. " Kew 'Opkins," Hi says, " don't be a feel. Hi said Tan'o-Cathelic. witch is quite a different thing as Hi'm sure you ought te knew," Hi keeps en werry dig nified. " Well, says 'Opkins," 'ave your hewh way Mary ; Hi shall go te Saint Jona than's with Jim Flite," and he didn't say no mere the' Hi could see with alf an heye as he didn't like it of me. Well w'en Sunday come, as was agreed by me and the young woman as calls her self Miss Carter, we gees te the church of the 'Oly Presence. W'en when we gets into the perch Hi was that beat thre' it bean a long walk from Seuth Quince te North Luke street, that I stept te take breath before Hi gees te sit down. Just then the young woman she points te a lit tle stand, forgetting Hi wasn't 'er sort as she said afterwards, as 'ad some water into a queer shaped basin and Hi thinking she wished me te take some, thre' the day bean 'et for the season and 'avin 'ad a long walk, hepens my mouth wide like, for the bowl 'ad a hedd shape as Hi said before and takes quite a swaller w'en she ketches 'old of my harm and says she quite 'errified : '"Mrs. "Opkins you've -drinked the 'ely water !" "Laws ! 'ave Hi ?'"saysHi, wishing my self eme and thinking 'ew lucky as no one helseas in the perch, "Hi niver 'eard as they 'ad that hentside them Popish church es. Hi 'ope no 'arm will'appen te me, thre' drinking of it," Hi says. "Owiver, the young woman she didn't say much but leads the way into the church. There was a geed many cresses stuck abeni, ni notices, but Hi knewed their was no 'arm in tbcm thre' there bean one at Saint Tlann's, the' Hi didn't rightly sec the geed -of 'aving se many, and Hi was just going te say se w'en the young woman .sue arep- ou ucr Knees suu dent like and 'eps up hagin hafore Hi fairly knewed what she was at, aud then Hi sees we was right iu front f what she all.-thc hallar, as 'ad two big wax can dles a burning en it the' it was bread day and net necdert for ltcht. with bother tiling- a looked quftp jrnvgrpeiiR. TIipji we sits down the' Hi felt as if Hi didn't justly knew where Hi was, thre' drinking the 'ely water, and the "naltar and the hether things as Hi never saw in a church hafere. " Aven'fc yea mistook the place ?" Hi w'ispers, but she shakes 'er 'ead with a 'errified hexpressien. Just then the ergin strikes up and right through the middle cf the chnreh comes first two little boys in red dresses and short surplices as wasn't se becoming te 'em as their hewn jackets and trouser would a bean te my thinking, swinging a sort of dish in front of 'cm as 'ad smoke coming of it that thick Hi almost choked. Everybody gets up at this and in comes mere boys in red and purple dresses, and then some men with surplices a carrying a banner witch 'ad a woman hen it as the young woman says was the Blessed "Wir- gin. juentna -em an comes ?.ir. Day, as 'ad abig yellow cress en 'is back s. reach ing most te 'is 'eels as was most gorgeous te bc'eld. They was all singing quite beau tiful te listen te as Hi'ra sure Hi niver ! 'eard anvthink sa sweet, baud w'enever they comes te a cres3 for they gees round and round thechiueb, as Ei should 'are said before witch was quite heftens, down they peps hen tlisir knees, does hevery mother's son of 'etc, and then gets up and gees te singing aud marching hagin. W'ile Hi was wondering 'ew long this was te be they comes te a 'alt in the chancel, but what they does hafter that Hi couldn't tell if Hi was te be 'ungto-mer-rer, for they gets up and down aud bows te each .ether like, till Hi says te the young woman as Hi was getting dizzy. Hi tries 'ard te de like 'or, but w'en they gets te Belief, as they sings it there, Hi was that beat Hi sits right down and Hi quite for gets te put my money en the plate when they comes te " Let your light se shine." Bimeby a bell heu the halter begins te tell, and the young woman says, w'en Hi basks 'er wetiver that was for, as it was for the helevatien of the Blessed Sacra ment. Then there 'as mere bowing and the little boys in red dresses walks round werry free a swinging their brass dish with the smoke as just poured from it, and then all get into line aud gees out singing most beautiful, like when they come in. Hafter that we gees flout and Hi notices as we gees thre' the perch, as heverybedy gees te the 'ely water bowl wich the sexton must 'ave filled it, since Hi drinked the most of it before, and dips their fingers into it, cautious like, as if it might be 'et, and makes a sigh as the young woman says was a hact of faith, as Hi'm sure Hi niver saw nethink like it, and Hi didn't like te hask 'er wetiver was the geed e' that. As me and Miss Carter walks 'orae te Seuth Quince Hi says te 'er : " Yeu 'ave been werry kind, 3Iiss Car ter," says I, "but Hi don't think as Hi can go with you te the Church of the 'Oly Presence no mere. Hi 'olds te prayer book, as does 'Opkins, and Hi don't think the 'Oly Presence people de."' ! " He yes, we de," she hanswer3, , warmlike, w'en Hi says this, " we 'olds j te prayer book, tee, but we are Hanglo Hangle , Catholics as wishes te de like the primi I tive church, Sirs. 'Opkins." " Well," Hi says, " H'm gla 1 Hi was'nt ' brought up like they, the' meaning no hofi'ence te you, as Hi'm sura Hi likes from the first. Hi nivcr 'Iteard nethink of the primitive church hafcre, and no mere 'as 'Opkins and me, and 'Opkins thinks as 'ew what we 'have bca?. brought up te is geed enough for us." Wen Hi gets 'orae Hi sits down en the first chair as comes te, aud the' it was that 'ard thre' 'aving no cushions, as Hi'm sure Phare's art wasn't nethink beside it, as 'appy te be where Hi needn't 'ave te be getting up and down no mere as niver was. Says 'Opkins, as said he 'ad just come from Saint- Jonathans, as ?as Mr. Bighter for parson, " 'Ave you had enough of your new Hanglo-Cathelic religion ?' he says. " Yes, 'Opkins," Hi hanswer-s, lawful solemn like, for Hi feels just then he 'as the best of me, " Hi have ; it's worse nor bean a Methody or a Ranter, like your sis ters, as many is the lime Hi 'ave said te you as Hi didn't niver want te 'car of nethink worse." A Geed Man Gene. Old Bice Jeans Williams Dead. In Indianapolis Gov. Williatrs died at 12:30 o'clock en Saturday. He was ill en the day of the presidential election, but his illness was net considered dangerous until within the past three or four days. His disease was inflammation of the bladder, with which he has been afflicted for about fifteen years. His funeral will take place at bis farm near Wheatland, in Knox county, where he has resided for forty years. The time for the funeral has net been definitely fixed, but it will probably take place en Wednesday. His remains lie in state te-day. Gov. Williams's wife died only a few months age at his farm home in Knox county. James Douglass Williams was born in Pickaway county, Ohie, January 10, 1808. He was the eldest of six children, who came te Indiana shortly after it was ad mitted te the Union. In 1831 he married and has lived en the farm he then occu pied ever s'nej. He was a successful far mer, acquiring possession of ever two thousand acres of some of the finest land in the state. In 1843 he was first elected te the state Legislature. He served raven yeais in the Heuse and twelve in the Sen atea length of legislative experience never equalled by any citizen of Indiana. In 1835 he was elected a member of the state beird of apiculture, which, with Jeseph A. Wright, he helped organize. He served upon it 16 years four as presi dent. He was elected te Congress from the Second district in 1874, receiving the unprecedented majority of 8,000. He made himself a reputation in the Heuse as a strict economist. While serving his term in the Heuso he was nominated for governor. In the famous campaign of 1S7U, he defeated ucn Harrison by 5,000 vetcn. He was candidate for United States senator against Morteu in 1872.- He was a man of marked appearance. His tall, ungainly figure was well known everywhere, and will be regretfully missed from private life and from the councils of state by men of all parties, who respected the rugged honesty and 'simple virtues of the man. He was one of the pioneers of the state who broke ground' ard "felled weeds for ilip advance of a civilization that did net forget te honor him. and which he repaid by fathful and unselfish service. Gov. Williams will be succeeded by Isaac P. Gray, lieutenant-governor. Gray was a Republican until 1873, when he became Liberal, and then joined the Democracy. He was unanimously nominated for the office in 1878 and 1830. He will serve less then two months when Gov. Perter will take his seat. His accession te the gov ernor's chair complicates the organization of the Senate. It is a tie politically, ' and Gray's rote was expected te settle the matter. v itheut him a dead lock is prob able, which would delay the inaugura tion of the newly, elected officers. A Just Trlbutt te Htm. Philadelphia Times. Governer James D. Williams, was the man known te the country as "Blue Jeans" Williams. His real character and ability were little understood outside the state where he lived and attained honors. He was really one of the remarkable char asters of his time. Bern in Ohie seventy- two years age, he went te Indiana when he was ten years old, and settled in Knox county, in the southwestern part of the state, where he continued te have his home te the time of his death. He grew up in the wilds, get his education in the leg school houses, where merely the simplest things were incompletely taught, and early fell into the life of a farmer ; this humble pursuit was always his beast. In 1874 he was 'nominated for Congress iu the Second district aud elected by a majority of nearly eight thousand, the largest ever given for a caudidate in the district. The Democrats had control of the Heuse in which he served, and Speaker Kerr, who knew his Indiana neigh bor as no one about Washington knew Dim, put Mr. Williams at the head of the com mittee en accounts. His services in this capacity at once attracted the notice of the country, and he drew the sarcastic atten tion of some of the newspapers by the dili gence with which he watched the great and small extravagances and the .thoroughness with which he applied his homely remedies. His was net a character te make fun of, however, and in the important contest of 1876, when the Democrats fully under stood the importance of carrying Indiana, Mr. Williams was nominated for governor. The canvass was one of the hottest known in the history of the state, and Williams was elected m October by a majority near ly as large as that given a month later for Tilden and Hendricks. He was serving the term for which he was then elected when he died. It was during that campaign that he became known abroad as "Blue Jeans" a nick-name civen him en account of the kind of clothes he sometimes were. With out the greatness of Lincoln, Governer Williams's character was strikingly like that of Lincoln. He was scrupulously hon est and sincere in all that he undertook and unaffectedly homely and simple in ev erything. All in all, Indiana had no bet ter citizen. i Over tbe Hills te the Bene Yard. Straiebt te tub Bene Yard people go who neglect tee long the danger signal of approach ing consumption, a hacking cough, itut with Dr. Tlemas' Kclcctric Oil for a safegunrd the peril is averted. It is superlatively line rem edy also for rheumatism, piles, soreness, hurts Ac Fer sifle by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. I'a. 45 Jacob Smith, Clinten St.. Buffalo, say, he has used Spring Blessem in his family as a general medicine for cases of Indigestion, Bil iousness, Bewel and Kidney Complaints, and disorders arising from impuritiescf the bleed, he speaks highly or its efficacy. Prices : SO cents, trial bottles in cents. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, :druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. tt JIJSDICAX. Irs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., m Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Re stored by the uso'ef LYDIA K PINKHAIVrS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cur Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, con sfats et Vegetable i'repevtiea that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial th: merits of this compound will be recognized, n3 1 t'lir.t is immediate ; and when its use is con tinued, in ninety-nine cases in ahur- .ed. a permanent cure Is effected, as tJ'e.iupc vvi'l testify. OuBceountents i.tiven u e.'.i i te-day recommended aut. prescnueu iy me best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of tailing of the uteius, Lcneorrkem, irregular and 'i.iin iul MeninUK.iei all Ovarii'n T.'eub e , In flammation f. v. Ulceration, Floedings. v.ii iis phiccments and the consequent bpinn1 weak negq, and U especially adapted te the Change or Lite. In tact it has proved te be the greatest and best remetlv idi has ever been discovered. It permeates "everv portion of the system, and aives new 11 ''c and vigor. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys ail craving or stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bleating, Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness, lie lie Jiressien and Indigestion, i'hflt feeling of ocar ecar ng down, causing pain, weight and backache, in always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under tH circumstances, act in harmony with the lr w that governs the female system. Fer Kidney cemptainta of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E.Pirkham's Vegetable Compound isj prepared r 233 and 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Masi. Prices!. 8Ixbo.!csiei5. Sent by meil.u ihe ..0-.n et nll'e. also in the form of lozenges, ei . .". v6i r.:cc, $1 r,erbex. for either. Mis. P.'. .4iAMlreelyanwoi-lllet-tcrsefincnl.y. oc.'t.xe. rmpiilet. Address as above. " JZeaiieii ."; pzjer. Ne ramilv b.f th. ..-! "i.her.t LYDIA K. VVSKUA.V. c -f 'RViLL1-. j.Vvcme Con stipation. J3.I cusi"s and Terpk Ly of the Hver. 25 cents per box. Johnsten, HoJleway & Ce., Geaeral Agents, PUIadelpkla. . Fer sale by C. A. Lecher, 9 East King street and Gee. W. Hull, 15 West King street. y29-lvdeedftw CONFECTIONS. TTKADQUAKTERS FOB PURE COXFEC- JtL TIONS FOE TIIE HOLIDAYS AT JOSEPR R. ROYER'S, 50 AND 52 WEST KISG ST. I can new offer te the trade and public a T description, at the very lowest market rates, FRUITS, NUTS, Ac. and a LAItGE STOCK OF TOYS of the NEWEST DESIGNS. Large and small Cakes baked dally. Ice Cream at all times. WEDDINGS AND PARTIES 8EP.YKD AT SHOUT NOTICE. MAIL ORDERS promptly attended te at the same rate as if the person ordering were present In person. Cull and sec my stock. SReineinbcr the place m AND .-.2 WE"T KING 8TBF.ET. nlSJmd JOS. R. UOYEK. HOrJBITTZXS. TJUJTHS. Hep Bitten ar tM Phtm mad Best Bitten ever made. Tney are compounded trem Depa, Bucliu. Mandrake and Dandelion. the elt.cn. best; Rnd most valuable medicines in ten werl.l and contain all tte best and mre; curative properties of all ether Bitters, be 2r t-e ?reat-e-t Bleed Purifier, Liver RcraUu)., ril Lire and Health Restoring Agent en earth. Xe dis ease or ill health can -.xwaiblvlens exist where these Bitters are used, se varied aud perfect are their operations. They give new lite and viar te the aged and infirm. Te all whose employments cause ir regularity of the bowel or urinary ergunm, or who require en AppAtizev, Tonic and mild Stimulant, these Bitters r-e invaluable, being ldghly curative, tonie and stimulating, with out intoxicating. Ne matter what your feelings or sj-:nptrti are, what the disease or ailment is, me Hep Bitters. Don't wcit until you nic sick, but it you only feci bad e.- mkerabte. afe t'ae Bitters at once. It may save your li'e. Hundred hr.Te been saved by se dein;. J-S500-e3i wi'I be paid for a case thm- will uet cure or help. De net ufler yourself or let your friends sut ler, but use ant' urge them te use Hep llitteis. iiememeer. nep uiiterH wne viie urtiggeu. drunken nestw.ui. bat the I'urust and ttest' Medicine ever m:ue: the " Invalid' Friend and Hepe," and r.e person erfamily should be without them. Try tbe Bitters te-duy. Hep Bitters Manufacturing Company, Rochester, Xew Yerk, and Terente, Ontario nev6-lydMVFJfcw CZ.V1HXXO. CLOTHING! CaJOTHLTSTG! We have Stock et new ready for sale an liuineuic ren Fall and Winter, which Style. arc Cut and Trimmed We can give you a in the iutcst GOOD STYUSH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS Iu great variety, made to.erdcr ; at tne lowest prices. :t short netic D. B. Hestaner & Sen. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Wyd LANCASTEB. 1M FALL lira I til. AT H. GBRHAETS n Mint, MONDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 188(1. A Complete Stock ei Cleths, Suitings AXU OVERCOATINGS, which for elegance cannot be surpassed. The Largest Assortment of ENGLISH AND SCOTCH SUITING in this city. Prices as low as the lowest at H. GERHART'S Se. 51 North Queen Street. COAZ. B. B. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ?M l:ini'u of LUMBER AND COAL. 49Yard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prlncn streets above Lemen. Lancaster. nWyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of tne Beat Quality put up expressly for family ue, and at tbe low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. - YARD ICO SOUTH WATER ST. nc'-iMyd PHILIP SCHU3I. SON '& CO. pOAl.! COAL! COAL!!! We have constantly en hand all the uit grades of COAL tiiat ure In market, which u are selling p "ew as any yard In the city. Cell and gel "ir prices before buying else where. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, s27-lyd 2M NORTH WATER STEE LT. C0H0 & WILEY. HBO NORTB WATJSU ST., Lanetutrr, I'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection Witb the Telephonic Exchange. Branch fAce : Ne. 3 NOBTH DUKE ST. febas-ird COAL! OOALT" Fer geed, dean Family and all ether kind of COAL go te RTJSSEL & SHULMYEB'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully seUdted. OFFICE: S3 Eat Kiag Street. YARD: 618 North Prince Street. aaglMaprlSl. SiO TO REILLY & KELLER GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, aud all ether kinds et Ceal. IMannre by the car lead at Philadelphia stock yaid prices. Farmers and ethers in v.ant et SUPERIOR MANURE win And It te their advantage te mil. nv'. narrisxnrg rw. ( !Uf( -"$ Kast Chcftiinrrct. s nglV Ready-Mane Cleli i-