LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 17 1880. Lancaster intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOV. 17, 1880. The Way r the World. Fruit meanings from the Heme una For eign Crep of Humer. It is a peer speller who does net bare an i te business. Te step en a man's corn gees against bis grain. Aa exchange .speaks of a man being "gored by an angry bull," as if a geed-natured bull would de such a thing. It is about as bud te a girl whose mar riage is announced in the newspaper who isn't" beautiful and accomplished," as it is te find a man who has just died who wasn't "honored and respected by all who lenew him." Millers make peer party men. They are generally belters. Terente Grip. This seems te be a bran-new joke. Bosten Transcript. Shorts stories, boys, shorts stories, Yatcceb Strauss. That's a mel ancholy subject aud the puns are only middling. Recerd. Wc arc willing our contemporaries shall have a grinding mo nopoly of such puns aud will scoop them in by the barrel full without making a rye face ever the feed ; nor shall we attempt te threw another grain of wit into the general hopper. PulUtillc Chronicle. A r.ALLAll. i. "Say. Sue. see liew I sue ami aigli Aud en the lea lay low for I upon tlii.s day tle Hu It you, O Sue, say se!" u. Ne telltale i-igii does she shy Mieiv While lie Ills inul pleas piles The teardrops that de dewnwaid Hew Ooze :ts ease Irem liU eyes. in. "All, wee upon the way we war war De you net, Sue, se say?" He lingered en Ills kneu nigh, nor Fer answer knew no nay. Kuyeue ' hi- lOMIltAM'K IS 111.188. Rain fulls; sun shines; winds lice; Jiroekm-uii; yet lew knew hew. De net thou tee deeply scaich Why thou lev'st jiic new ! Perhaps hy some command Sent enrthwurd from almve. Thy heart wan deemed te lean en mine Mine, te enjoy thy love. '.Thy ask, when joy doth smile. Frem what bright heaven it loll? .Meu mar the beautv of their dreams Who trace their source tee well. Harry Cemicall. Fire! Fire! Fire! The man who tried te build a lire with wet weed, acts in a damp fuel-ish manner, and i :ts bad as a man refusing te take Spring Blos Bles eom when his lace is covered witli pimples and lie's suffering from Indigestion. Biliousness and Dyspepsia, Prices : 50c, trial bottles 10c. Fer sale bv II. 15. Cochran, druggist. 137 and ISO North ijiiecu street, Lancaster, Pa. 31 Indigestion. The main cause el nervousness is indiges tion, and that is caused by weakness et the stomach. Ne one can have sound nerves and geed health without using Hep Hitters te strengthen the stomach, purify the bleed, and keep the liver and kidneys active, te carry oil all the poisonous ami waste matter el the sys tvin. bee ether column. iil.V2wd&w II. F. McCarthy, Wholesale and Retail Drug gist, Ottawa, Ontario, write: I wasafllictetl with Chronic Bronchitis for seme years, but have been completely cured by the use of Dr. Themas' Kclectric e'il. in doses of 5 drops en sugar. I have also pleasure In recommending it as an embrocatien ler external use." Fer sale by II. I!. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 130 Nortireueen street, Lancaster, l'a. 32 A 1'aster Made Happy. I have been greatly troubled with my did ucys and liver for ever twenty years, ami dur ing that ent ire time I was never free trem pain. My medical bills were enormous, uml 1 visited both the Het and White. Springs, noted for the curative qualities et the water. I am happy te H.iy I am new a well man.aud cured entirely as thc'rcsiill el Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. With such gloiieus results, 1 am only tee glad te testify regarding the remedy which has made me se liappv. REV. P. F. HARK LICK. Veal Hun Crensiny, Arkumas. 5 medical. INVESTIGATION ! DR. GREKNK has successfully treated ever l,0U0nf the most dillicult chronic (se called) in curable cases during a nine month's practice. The most et them hail been the rounds of the leading physicians of Lancaster county. UK. GREENE is ready at any time te meet'a committee et the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Heuse or elsewhere te dis cihs the merits et Oinuipathy and prove its superiority ever all ether patliics in vogue. The people are greatly interested and de mand the fullest investigation. Invalids are every week dying in this county whose lives could be saved. Is there any subject about which the masses are mere concerned than restoration te health, and the prolonging of their lives? Dr. G. originated and is new the owner of 20 Medical Pads. He especially warns the public against the numerous counterfeits new ellered the people. Dr. Greene doe-, an exclusive elliee business. Patients who cannot call at his elllces must send full description et uulictiens. Hundreds of deaths have occurred here in nine mouths ; only two iu his practice. Consultations five. Catarrh cured for lit) cents. Cure quick for Catarrh sent te anv ad dress for 50 cents. Send ler 12 page pamphlet. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. 230 NORTH "UKEX STREET, 30-t!dMVF&S Lancaster, Pa. TTEKVINE, OK TONIC Sl'RUlFICA. -L A BOON TO KOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A KIVAL for all diseases arising lrem Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent ami chronic forms of the lollewing diseases have been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, General Debility, lnipeteney, Premature Decay, &c It lias been in use for ever forty years, and is te-day flic most popular remedy for Hie dis eases above mentioned in the WOULD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, and better than all, it is a sure, sate and certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since lSJi; this remedy has always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold ; but owing te the act that the time for the payment et au enormous royally upon its manufacture has expired, it id ettered te the sullcring of both sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be. within the reach of all; at which price it will be Bent te any address free el further charge. Address DR. -WILLIAM YOUNG, 4G Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mail. irJMiudSiv house l'uitsjsnisti goods. "VTOTICE. FLIM & BRBNEMAi. Would advise all who contemplate putting in HEATERS or making any alterations in theii heating arrangements te de se at once before the rush el Fall Trade begins. THE -MOST RELIABLE lu the Market at the LOWEST PRICES. Flip & Breneman's GREAT STOVE ST0EE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. TINWARE, AC- OTOYKS. STOVES. JJrick'Sct and Portable HTCATERS and RANGES $hertzer, Humphreville&KieiTer'fi 40 EAST KING STREET. R FOB B ALU. PRIVATE SALE. Until NOVEMBER 17. the two-tery Brick Heuse, with kitchen attached. Ne. 113 East Vinestreet, let extends te Church street. Ap ples, Peaches, and Grape Vine en let, water. Ac. Inquire at Ne. 1215 Charlette street,. Lan cister. l'a. oct7-eed&novl7 ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1880. et a valuable Chester county farm of 240 ACRES Convenient te railroads, Geed buildings. Sale positive. Fer particulars address. r S. E. AX XA , Administrator c. t. a. ectiO-Iuul Landenberg, Pa. FOR SALE. A two-sterv BRICK HOUSE, with two story Brick Back Building attached, situate at Ne. 520 East Orange street, with gas in every room, and just newly papered. Will he sold at private sale en cheap and easy terms. Apply te JOHN HIEMENZ, nevl3-tfd Ne. 23 North Queen street. -frAtUABLE CITY FROFKRTY FOR V SALE. On SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1880, at the Leepard Hetel, the heirs of Jehn Shertz, deceased, will sell the following : A one-story Sand Stene Heuse, Ne. 407 Seuth (Juccu street, with a contiguous let, together fronting 42 left 11 inches, and in depth l!45 feet te an alley, with a pump in the yard, choice fruit trees, grupc vines and ether improve ments. Sale te commence at Vi o'clock p. m. nl3-7td HENKY SHUBERT, And. TjlOB SALE. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-roomed, two-story and Mansard roel, Green Stene Frent Dwellings, Nes. 42) and 133 Wet Orange Street. With all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, neluding.lenniug's improved Louden water closets, marble-top washstand, improved wall-ed-in range, cellar heater, pcrleel drainage and sewerage, deep, dry cellar, white marble base ami steps, &c, &c. Let 22 by 215 feet te a 14-feet wide alley, front yard 2') feet in depth, inclesed witli ornamental iron tence. Fer terms, &e., apply te JOHN 11. METZLEK, aiigi!l-W&Slfd Ne.'l Seuth Duke St. 1)U1ILI SAL.E OF VALUABLE I'ROP EKTV. On TUESDAY, NOVEMIJEK 23, 1SS0, the un dersigned will eiler at public sale, the valu able property. Ne. 235 East Orange street. Lan caster, belonging te the heirs et Jacob Stauf fer, deceased, consisting et a let of ground, fronting 27 feet, ; inches en Orangestrcet, and extending in deptli 215 feet te Marien street, a 14 feet public alley, en which is erected a two story brick dwelling house en Orange street, with wide hall, parlor, (lining room, kitchen and sleeping apartments, with gas and water. On Marien street are erected two new two story brick tenant houses, witli slate roel, and also a two-story stone tenant house en the let, always eligible for geed tenants. Possession and title April 1, 1881. Persons wishing te view the property can de se en the day of sale by calling en the premises. Sale at Leepard hotel. East King street, at 7 p. m., when conditions of sale will be made known bv HEIKS OF JACOB STAUFFEK, dee'.l. HkmitSuuiieist, And. nevl5,tt;,22,23 FOR SALE. A beautiful residence at public sale. On TIIURSDAY,NOVEMBER25, 1SS0, will be sold at public sale at the Leepard hotel, Easl King street, in thecity el Lancaster, the following valuable property, te wit : A let. et ground situated en the north side of East Orange street, in the city .f Lancaster Pa., containing in front en said street 51 leet mere or less, and extending nerthwardly 245 feet te Marien street : bounded en the north by .Marien street, aforesaid, en the south by said East Orange street.en the east by a public alley, and en the west by ground of IS. F. Cox, en which a double two-story BKICK DWELL ING HOUSE (Gothic Style), Ne. "ID, with Back ISuilding and ether imprevemenls,are erected. This is really a desirable property. The house is nearly new, well built, et geed material, has all the modern improvements, and the leca tien is one of the pleasantcst in the suburbs of tne city. Geed title and posses-den en April 1. 1SS1. Ten percent, of purchase money en day of sale. $1,500 en April 1. 1SSI, balance can remain, en the property en first mortgage at six per cent, interest. Sale te commence at "o'clock p.m.. of said lay, when attendance will be given and terms made known by . KOUEKT L. AKMSTKONG. II. Siiunuirr, And. nevl5-10td PUBLIC SALE. On SATURDAY, NOVKMP.EK 27, 1SS0, will be sold at public sale en the premises. Ne. :V0 Seuth uceii street. Imeaster city, the lol lel lol eowing described real estate and personal properly, late et Jane F.wing, dee'd, te wit : A one-story Brick Dwelling Heuse and Let or Piece of Ground thereunto belonging, situ ated Ne. 3U, en the west side el" Seuth Queen street, Lancaster city. The house is in excel lent order and the location desirable for a pri vate sresideiice or business. Then: is also a back building and summer house. The let fronts en Seuth Queen street 32 feet 2)4 inches, and is 120 feet deep. Tin's property will positively be sold. Pos session given immediately. Purchase money payable April 1, 1881, provided that purchaser give approved security. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in. ELIZABETH ELLIOTT, JIAli. 15. WLU, ELIZABETH SHOOK, SUSAN WILFONG, HETTIE ANN SAYLOK, Heirs of Jane Ewing, deceased. IIeniiy SllL'liEIlT, Auct. nS-cedts KNAIT'S VILLA FARM. FOR SALE. The subscriber eilers at private sale until November 2:5, all that Hue SUBURBAN RESIDENCE and farm known as Knaptvs Villa, situate within half a mile of the city limits, in Lancaster township, fronting en the Philadelphia turnpike, containing about 2S ACIJES, with line residence, never-failing springs et watcr,;a large variety of choice fruit trees and grape vines, all in the highest state et cultivation, making one of the most desir desir ablecenntry residences iu the vicinity. Alse the well known TELL'S HAIX PICNIC GROUNDS adjoining above and Irenling en the Conestoga. containing about '.1)4 ACHES. If net sold before November 23 the same will be ellered at public sale en tiie premises at which time about 12 head et cattle, heilers and cows will also be sold. Alse the well known MECHANICS HOTEL PKOPEKTY, corner el" Plum and Chestnut streets, near the Lancaster Munulacturing Company's Works. This property, if net sold before November 21, will be ellered at the Leepard Hetel en the evening et said day. Fer lurtlier particulars enquire el" LAWRENCE KNAPP. 143 East King Street. ni;-tsd Lancaster, Pa. PUltLIC SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PKOPEKTY. Will be sold at the Frank lin Heuse. North Queen street, en WEDNES DAY, NOVEMBER 24, 18S0, the following prop prep erty: Ne. 1. That elegant Green Stene Frent DWELLING HOUSF:, two-steiv, with Man sard Koef, both back anil front buildings, sit uated en the northeast corner of Duke and James streets. Ne. 501. This property has all the modern improvements, both in style ami finish, containing vestibule, hall and 13 rooms bath room, water closet, wash stand and heater in the cellar, range in the kitchen, het and cold waler up and down stairs. Let 32 feel, mere or less, lrenting en Duke street and in deptli along James street,121l feel, mere or less. Ne. 2. A Twe story Brick DWELLING HOUSE, situ tied ou the west side el" North Queen street, between Walnut and Lemen streets, Ne. 334, containing ftjJiC feet, mere or less,en North Queen street, am I'm depth west ward 215 feet te Market street, containing hall and'.) rooms, het aud cold water, bath room and water eleset, range and heaters in parlor and dining rooms, hydrant iu the yard and kitchen. ah house, smokehouse and brick -stable en reared" let, cistern and a variety e ....:, ........;.. 41... .......1 rfi.n , . ..-..!... 11 mi. uuw in nit; 3.111. J.JIU uusi. Ul ir.MIKIC connected with the city sewer. Ne. 3. A Twostery Brick DWELLING HOUSE with a Twe-story Brick Back Build, ing. situated en the cast side et North Queen street, between Clay and New streets. Ne. 711, containing hall aud 7 rooms, hydrant in the yard and kitchen. Let fronts I7J4 feet en North Queen street, niorcerlc-ss, extending eastward I3'J, mere or less, te a 10 feet wide alley, grape vines and fruit trees in the let, and line shade trees iu front. Ne.4. Adjoining Ne. ."en the nerth: house the same description as Ne. 2. Ne. 5. A three-story .'BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, witli two-story Brick Back Building situated en the north side of East James street, between Duke and Lime streets, Ne. 121, containing hall and eight rooms, hydrant iu the yard urn! kitchen, fronts 011 James street 17J feci, mere or less, and iu depth 01 leet, uieie or less. Ne. C. A two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with Mansard Reet aud two-story Brick Back Building, ami one-story Brick Kitchen, containing hall and nine looms, range, with het and eeld water up and down stairs, with bath and water closets; also gas all through the house, with portico in front, bay window in the rear. This property is fin ished in the latest style. Let 19 feet front, and in depth 120 feet, mere or less, te a 12 feet wide sdley. Ne. 7. The same as Ne. 0, containing the same. These, properties can be seen by calling en the undersigned or en the premises. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. 111.. of said day, when conditions of sale will be made known by JOHN A. BORING, Hexky Siiur.EHT, Auct. nev8M, W&S,nevl213td T,f 1SS M. E. VILL, TEACHER OF DRAW- ItJL ing in the Girls' High Scheel, wishes te obtain pupils in the various styles of drawing ami painting. Residence Ne. 35 West Orange street. Furs altered and repaired at the same place pctfflMfd BBY GOODS. BLACK CASHMERES, In Large Lets, from a NEW YORK SALE, All te be sold at less than regvlar prices, at 'FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Black and Colored Silks, Satins and Velvets all at our usual low prices. Shawls and Coats, In quantities te which we invite special atten tion. UNDERWEAR for Ladies .Gents. Beys and Girls. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, OLOAKINGS. HAGER & BROTHER have new open the latest novelties in Flench, English and American DRESS GOODS. FRENCH PLAIDS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUITINGS, SIDE BANDS, CASHMEKE FOULE, MOMIE CLOTHS, FLAN NEL SUITINGS, &c, Ac. SILKS, SAT11S VELVETS. Cloaks! Cloaks! received from New Yerk Import ers a line of Cloaks, Delmans and Jackets in the Latest Style Ter Ladies and Misses. CLOAKING CLOTHS, Black and Celers, Plain and Fancy, lu Large Assortment. 3Vc invite examination. ItltUOH, AC. VTOTICE TO LADIES. Treleusse Gleve Cleaner, ler cleaning Kid Gloves and rcinevinii Grease and Stains from Woolen or Silks; the most convenient inven tion of the kind ever before the people. Try it: it is very simple, eleansagleve 111 a minuie Price 25 cents. Sold by. ANDREW G.FKEY, Only, at City Pharmacy. North Queen Street, Cor. Orange, , Lancaster, Pa. LbCHElTS A POSITIVE CURE FOR EPIZOO TIC AND DISTEMPER IN HORSES. PREPARED AND SOLD P. CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO. S) KAST KING STKEET. elO-tld COUGH NO MORE ! JA Certain Cure Fer COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, And all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. FerAlic relief of Consumptives in all stages of the Disease. Prepared, and sold only at HULL'S DRUG STORE - Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, aug23-lyd LANCASTER, PA. 1'Al'Elt JIAX01SG8, tc. fK HAVE A LOT Ot? LIGHT COLOR WINDOW SHADES, Geed Patterns, that will be closed out at the low price et llfty cents. These are a decided bargain, as some have been reduced from one dollar te llfty cents apiece. PLAIN WINDOW SHADING by tiie yard, Blue, Garnet, Brown, Old Geld, Lavender, Stene, &c. Cardinal, Brown, Ecru, Green and White SCOTCH HOLLANDS. PAPER CURTAINS, Spring Fixtures, Fringes. Loens, Tassels, &c. Opening almost dally New Designs of WALL PAPER. Our stock is Large ami Attractive, of the Newest Fashions. m The Bcst,Siinplest and Cheapest made. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. Eflizoenc Cm DBF GOODS, SOTIOX8, AC. STR1CU BROS.' ADVERTISEMENT. THE LADIES' VOTE If it were cast for the merchants who have especially wen their favor and patronage, would, judging by the dally overflow crowds of customers, be given in overwhelming ma jority te the popular house of ASTRICH BRO.S' i:J EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STKEET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. We desire te call particular attention te the following special bargains offered new: HATS AND AND MILLINERY. In the various divisions of our Hats and Mil linery department we are displaying all the novelties of ttic season, in every possible vari ation et style, el qualities te satisfy the most fastidious, and at priecs which absolutely compel purchase. Just opened, 100 dozen of FINE TRIMMED DERBIES. FINE TRIMMED DERBIES, FINE TRIMMED DERBIES, FIFTY CENTS, FIFTY CENTS, FIFTY CENTS, Satin Trimmed Derby, fully trimmed with satin, $1.00. Seft Felt Derbies at 50c. Ladies' Felt Shapes, 25c. Moscow Beaver Hats, 'K. Cigarette Hats, 65c. FINE PLUSH BEAVER HATS, in black, brown, garnet, navy blue, myrtle green and all shades of drab; nil el the finest quality, for THREE DOLLARS, TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS in great variety at reasonable prices. FEATHERS. FEATHERS. FEATHERS. OSTRICH PLUMES. iu black white and colored, OSTRICH TIPS, in every possible shade. BIRDS' WINGS, "BREASTS, FEATHER BANDS and FANCY FEATHERS in various styles. TRIMMING SILKS und SATINS. A SPECIAL RARGAIN IN HEAVY DRESS BLACK SILK, at $1.50 per yard. We sell excellent BLACK TRIMMING SATIN for $1.00 per yard. GOOD BLACK SILK VELVET, at $1.00 per yard. AN EXCELLENT BLACK SILK VELVET at $1.'J5 per yard. GOOD BLACK VELVETEEN at 50c. per yard. EMBOSSED VELVETEENS in black, brown, navy, garnet, myrtle, at i!5c. per yard. COLORED VELVETEENS at 00c. PLUSHES iu all the new shades. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. ' DRESS TRIMMINGS. BLACK SILK FRINGES from 25c. upward. We sell an elegant Jet anil Chenille Fringe ler 75c. a yard : sold elsewhere for $1. Our Black Silk Fringes, sold at $1 ycr yard, arc the greatest bargains ever offered. We have 0:1 hand the most elegant line of Fine Jet and Chenille Fringes from $r upward and offer a spcciil inducement in a Fringe which wc sell at $1.80 per yard ; worth $2.50. Our line of passamenteries passamf:ntekies passamenteries competed with by any house in the city, either in variety of style nor in choice of patterns, AVe exhibit the most elaborate designs of PASSAMENTERIES at our well known low prices. ' NOVELTIES IN CHENILLE AND JET TASSELS. BEADED HUNGARIAN SPIKES, BEADED BALLS. BEADED PEAKS the latest novelty. BEADED TRIMMING CORD, COLORED SILK TASSELS AND GIRDLES, in all the new shades. ORNAMENTS, LOOPS. JET DROPS and BON TONS, in endless variety. Our assortment In DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS is the most complete, and we are new able te suit every single purchaser. WE CALL ATTENTION TO OUR KID GLOVES. A Threr Butten Geed Kid Gleve, in black aud while, all new fall shades, aud ' most ele gant opera and evening shades, for NINETY-EIGHT CENTS. The best GIove ever offered ter the price. SWe offer te take back every pair that tears or rips when put en, and furnish a new pair instead. Six Butten, of the same quality, for $1.69. 3-GKEAT BARGAINS THIS WEEK.-aa 100 dez. six-button K11 Gloves for 6Jc. 50 dez. cighl-buteii Kid Gloves, line quality. $1.09 a pair. We will sell THIS WEEK200 dez. LADIES' FINE MERINO GLOVES, in all the new fall shades, with ribbed tens, extra long, at the astonishing price or TWENTY-FIVE CENTS a pair. This is the biggest bargain we ever ellered. READ THIS! 50 dez. Ladies' Fine All-Linen Hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS at 12Wc. apiece. ANOTHER GREAT BARGAIN! 100 dez. Ladles' Solid Colored MERINO HOSE, finished, tine quality goods, ler 18c. a pair. (These Stockings would be cheap at 30c.) An extra geed, full regular made. Fine Cot Cet Cot eon Hese, ler Ladies, in cardinal, navy, brown, gendarme, garnet, at 32c. a pair. These are extra long French goods, and cost 50c. a pair anv ether time. Anether let of lull regular made Balbriggans at 25c. a pair. 25 dez. Ladies' Heavy Fleece Lined Hese.full regular made, double heels and tees, for 25c. a pair. Full regular made Ribbed Merine Hese, in white and colored, for 25c. a pair. A real Knitted Stocking, all wool, ladies' size, in dark cardinal, at 45c. a pair. Child's size from 28c. up. IN MERINO UNDERWEAR. we offer this week the following : A heavy Ladies' Merine Undervcst, 35c. An extra line Merine Undervcst, silk stitch ed, regular cutis und shoulders, ISc. apiece. Child's Undcrvcsts and Pants, in all sizes and qualities. IJ.HIO.S iSUXTS, UNION SUITS, UNION SUITS. GENTS' MERINO UNDERWEAR. NOTE OUR PRICES : Aii excellent 50c. Shirt ter 40c. Drawers te match. Scvcnty-five cent Shirt and Drawers at 50c. each. Finest goods at 75c. each. Scarlet Medicated All Weel Shirt and Drawers at $1.25 each. 4ST Come and leek at them. -5 THREE GREAT BARGAINS IN GENTS' SOCKS. Heavy Ribbed Leng wool socks 18c. a pair Regular Made Fine Merine Socks.. ..25c. a pair Ileal British Socks 19c. a pair Just received, a let of fifty dozen extra large size. HEAVY GERMAN LINEN TOAVELS. line quality Damask, with knotted fafntrc ler ONLY 1WENTY-FIVE CENTS. A rare chance, which ought net te be missed. THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS IS THE LANCASTER BAZAAB. LANCASTER BAZAAR, LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STEEET, LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET! LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STKEET, LANCASIJEB, PA. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT QUNDAKBR'S: TiADTFiS, for New, Desirable ami CLeap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Rachings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and CetTs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GrUlNTDICER', 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. CLV1HIXG. FALL OFEIflM AT H. GEBH AT&T'S Talrii Establishment, MONDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1880. A Complete Stock et Cleths, Suitings AMU OVERCOATINGS. which for elegance cannot be surpassetl. Largest Assortment of The ENGLISH AMD SCOTCH SUITINGS in tliis city. Trices a? low as the lowest at H. GERHART'S Ne. 51 North Queen Street. FALL km WINTER OVERCOATINGS ! Te-ilay we display a full line of the Latest Novelties in Overceatings far the .Fall Season, in all the Xew Colorings, with Silk Facings te match: also a superior line et Heavy Weights in New Designs. Fur Beaver, Seal Skin. Elysian, Mentanak, Ratina and Ohinchilla Beaver. BARB'S ENGLISH HELTONS, Deuble nnd Treble Milled, all the New 3Iix tnres. Taylors English Wintiys, in Plain ami J-'aney Backs, Combination Col Cel Col ers.allniadeupand trimmed in the highest Style of Art. SM AUNG'S THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STREET, CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! We have new ready for j-ale an Immense Stock el FOR Fall and "Winter, which are Cut and Trimmed in the Latest Style. We can give you a GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS I0W AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In great variety, made te order at short notice at the lowest prices. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, G-xyil LANCASTER. PA. ICOBES, BLAJOCETS, AC. OIGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS I have new en hand the Larukst. Bkst akd Cheapest Assortment of Lined anil Unlined BUFFALO KOBKS In the city. Alse LAP AND HOUSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full Hue of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. F"ltepalring neatly and promptly denc.-ct A. MILEY, 10S Xbrth Queen St., Lancaster. 'JS-lydMW&S BOOTS AND SHOES. T? A CTT BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS JjAO X made en a new priuciplc, insur ing comiert ier me ieci. TvrYTC Lasts made te enler. DVLXO MILLEtt, xebM-tfd 133;East King street lOfr LAD1KS AND GENTS It you want a 105 GOOD PITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Bea&y-madc or made te order, call at F. HLEMENZTS, Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. je26Swua ReaAy-Hafle CletiM MMBMOtDEJLLES, AC. VLOTHIXa. GAEFIELD VS. HANCOCK FALL CAMPAIGX OF 1880 New opened and the battle has commenced and rases fiercely, nnd while there may lie some doubt in the minds et many iiersens as te who will be the next President et the United States, there can be no doubt in the mind of any person in want of CLOTHING-us te where can be bought the cheapest and the. best, cither in ICeady-made or Made te Order. MYERS & 11ATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 East King Street, the tireat Clothing EMperima. The second Sterv room is Hacked brim full with the ii-eatet vurietv nf READY ! AUK iLujiiueiunaiLa. our own are well made, well trimmed, and the goods menis. MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our Piece Goods All the first fleer te its utmost capacity, and is nicely arranged, se as te give the purchaser the advantage et seeing the whole stock In a very short space et time. We arc prepared te make up te order ut the shortest possible notice and at tin: most reasonable price. Our stock has been bought for cash and will lie sold at a very small advance. Buy your Clothing at Centre IUB1 and save one profit. Call and examine our giant stock and save money. . MYERS & R'ATHFON, Ne. 12 EAST KIKO STREET, MILZINJCltV FINEST ASSORTMENT! BEST DISPLAY OP MILLINEEY GOODS IN LANCASTER CITY NOW READY AT M. A. HOUGHTON'S CHEAP STOKE, ' Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET. COAL. B. II. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 3Yard: Ne. 4'20 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of the Best Quality put up expressly for family nse, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. tar YARD 150 SOUTH WATER ST. nciO-lyd PHILIP SCHUM.SON & CO. i10AI.t COAL! COAL!!! Wc have constantly en hand all the best grades of COAL that are in market, which we are selling as low as any yard in the city. Call and get our prices before buying else where. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, sJ7-lyd 2H NORTH WATER STREET. COHO & WILEY," S'M NORTH WATEK ST., Lancaster, fa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. febss-lyd COAL!" COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kind of COAL go te RUSSEL& SHULMx'ER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: S3 East King Street. YARD: G18 North Prince Street. augU-taprlSR i-TO TO REILLY & KEIxLER FOB GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, and all ether kinds of Ceal. plan nre by the car lead at Philadelphia stock yard prices. Farmers aud ethers in want et SUPERIOR 3IANURE will find it te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrisburg Pike. Office, 20J East Chestnut street. ( aglT-ltd jftrxiriTuJtk,' HELNTTSH, FINE FURNITURE AMD Cabinet Manufacturer. All in want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk would de well te call and examine specimens et our work. OFFICE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. HEINITSH, 15 Kant King Street. CHINA AND GLASSWAXI:. S1LASSWARE! GLASSWARE!! A New Pattern of GLASSWARE, CHINA HALL. FRUIT BOWLS, SALVERS, CELERY GLASSES. PITCHERS. WATER SETS. CHEESE DISHES, TOY SETS, BREAD PLATES, Ac. Call and examine and learn prices before purchasing. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. T ANCASTEB BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrresiTK tab LoceMoxnrK Works. The subscriber continue te manufacture BOILERS AND tSTEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes Furnace Twlers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-Iren Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. 49 Jobbing picmptly attended te. augl8-lydj JOHN BEST. l manufacture. Tliev are all sponged before they are made up in gar- LANCASTER, FEJLVJU 77:. 1 VJCLKKS' OVIDJs LANCASTER AMI) 5UI.I.KKSVIM.K IC. ' Cars run as fellows : Leave haneatser (P. It. Depot), at 7, 'J, uii.l 11:30 a.m., and 2, 4. 6 and 8 JO p. in., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves ut !l:3" p. in. Leave Millersville (lower end) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1, :', 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. COLIMUUA AND PORT. DEPOSIT It. R j Trains new run regularly en the Columbia nnd Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Stations Neirrri- Express. Express. Accem WABt. A. M. 1 M. P. Sf. Pert Deposit fi:35 3:55 'm Pcachbottem 7:12 4:28 .1:18 Safe Harber. 7:55 5:11 6:21 Columbia 8:25 5:40 C:20 Stations Secrn-IExprcss. Express. Accem . wjiu. a.m. r. M. A.M. Columbia I 11:45 6:20 7:45 ! r. m. 6:19 ArihOR Safe Harber. 12:14 r.M. Lc9-.40 PeachlHittem i 12:57 7:32 H.nj I Sf Pert Deposit 1:30 8:05 lias" TJKADIM; A- COLUMBIA R. R. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. OCTOBER 25tu, 1SS0. NORTHWARD. LEAVK. (Juarryville Lancaster, King St. Lancaster Columbia. ARK1VB. Reading A.M. 0:30 9:40 SOUTHWARD. LEAVE. Reading ARRIVE. Columbia a.m. r.M. P.M. 0:15 .... 2:30 7:55 .... 3:40 8:115 1:05 3:50 7:55 1:10 3:10 10:05 3:20 5.50 r.M. Lancaster. 10:07 2:10 8:f0 5:00 Lancaster, King St 10:18 8:20 5:10 tinarryville 11:20 0:25 fi:40 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Al Al lentewn and Xew Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. -At Columbia with tniius te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY NOVEM I!ER 8th. 1880, trains ou the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arriveand Icive the Lan cartel and Philadelphia depots aslollews: Eastward. A.M. A.M. r.M. 8:05 ;iioe fcie r.3f. 10:15 2:10 8:20 10:07 2:10 8:10 10:18 .... 8:20 11:20 23 Arrive Philad'a 4:15 a.m 7:W 10:10 " 12:01 r.M. 3.45"" 5:00 " 5:30 " :I5 " J'M " Philadelphia Express t tXSXi -ljillt Yerk Accem. Arrives; Harrisbuig Express, Dillcrvllle A com. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Acorn. Arrives, Pacific Expire. Sunday Mail Johnstown Express!, Day Kx !:.-' llurribiug Aeenmmedat'n, Leave I Arrive Wbhtwabd. UMiilad'u Lanc'ter Wuv Pnsneiuwr. 12:30 j 7:30 .:" 8:00 12.21 .WOa.m 10:20 " I0.2"i " 11:05 " 10:50 " 2:3ft r.M 2:41 " 2:50 " 5:45 7-a: " 7:30 " 8:50 " Mail Train Ne. 1, via Mt..ley, Mail Train Ne. 2. via cenua. Niagara & Chicago Express Minuay .ii an, Fast Line Frederick Accommodation, LMllervnici.ocai.via.ui.-Jey Harrisburg Aecommedat'ii. Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Pittsbuig Express Cincinnati Express Pacific Express, , 2SW P. 4:00 " 5:30 " C:25 " 9:10 " 11.30 " 11:55 ' 2.WA.M Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, when flag Sed. will step at Mlddletewn, Elizabethtown It. Jev. Laiidisvlllc, Bird-ln-Hand, Lenntn Place, "Gap, Christiana, Parkcsburg. Coates villc, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downlngtewn.Coatcsville, Parkcs burg, Alt. Jey, Elizabethtown and Mlddletewn. Hanovcraccemmodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:00 n. in., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, csenneetj it t Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:35 p. m.. and will run lb. rough te Frederick. CAMPAIGN GOODS. T-1LAGS! FLAGS! SASHES FOR PARADES, TRI3IMINGS FOR SASHES, SADDLE CLOTHS, SHOUL DER STRAPS, BELTS, Ac. Neckties, Entirely New Styles. NEW STYLE COLORS. UNDERWEAR, GLOVES &c, &c. E. J. ERISMAN'S, 86 NORTH OUEKN STKERT. PAINTING. All kinds of Heuse Painting and Graining done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. We have reduced our prices te $1.75 per day. Shep en Charlette street. ecU2-3md ALLEN GUTHRIE & SONS. Leave Lanc'ter 2:10 a.m. 5:20 " 8:05 " 8:05 " 8:45 ' 9:10 " 1-35 " 1:10 P.M. 2:00 " 3:05 " 4:35 " C:25 "