S12H1-ANNUAX SESSION. The Grand Ledxe et Odd Fellow' Meeting, la tbc session of the gi-aud ledge, in Philadelphia, yesterday, it was reported by tbc Giaud Master tbat tbe total member ship of tbe order at tbe last session was 80,118 ; initiated during tbe ycai-,.4,319 ; admitted by card, 505 ; reinstated, 792 a total of 83,738. Frem this is te be deduct ed tbe following : Members deceased, 802 ; withdrawn by card, 084 ; suspended, 7,774 ; expelled, 70 leaving tbe pres ent membership at 70,309. During tbc year tbe number of brothers relieved was 10,011 ; widowed families relieved, .04; paid for lelief of members, 204,430.70 ; for lelief of widowed families, 01,244.19 ; for the education of orphans, 0e3.78 ; for burving the dead 600,525.12. Totalameunt paid for lelief, $343,853.79. Present num. her of working ledges, 905 ; total amount of assets reported by the working ledges, $2,307,73S.48. The representative te the Sovereign Ledge icpertcd that there we at present 50 grand ledges and 7,007 subordinate ledges in the elder, an increase of 92 ledges ; there were 39 grand encampments, with 1,842 Mibeidiuute encampments, a decrease of VA ; the number of ledge members in itiated during tbe year numbered 34,831, an increase of 974 ever the previous year, making the total ledge membership 440, 783, a decrease of 1,580 in the membership. -The membership in the encampment i cached 79.511, a decieasc of 2,897. Dur ing the year there had been expended for lelief, 81,714,103.02. Fer the vcar ending December 31, 1879, the statistics shewejd the follewing: jjrand ledges, 50 ; subordinate ledges, 7,007, an increase of 92 ; grand encamp ment, 3'.); subordinate encampment, 1,842, a decrease of 21. Ledirc members iuiti- atcd. 31.831. an increase of 974: tetai lodire mcmbeiri. 410.783. a decrease of I.5S0; uiieampment members, 79,511. a decrease of 2,397. The amount expended for relief was 1.714,105.02, a decrease of about 25,000. The revenue of the ledges was ever .? 1,000,000. In the various for eign countries where the order is estab lished it is in a geed condition. Sale et Itc;il Fslatc. Ilemy Shuberl, auctioneer, sold at public sale last evening at the Leepard hotel a two :-.tery frame dwelling belong ing te Mr:-. Haiiman, situated en the south west cei ner of 1 leaver and Hazel streets, Me 002, te Andrew Shank, for $1,250. .las. Cellins, auctioneer, has sold a farm iie!on;iugte the estate of Lewis Haines te ;. W. Campbell of Ciiestcr county. It feiitains 137 aevs. situate near the iron bridge in Little lJritain township. The nricu was 50 per acre. Tlie line farm of Jacob liusheng (!e (tased). containing 150 aeres, has been Mjld te .Mr. llheads of Millersville, for S8 per acre, it is e:ic of the finest farms in ihe lower end and is situated in lMen !-iiisiii en the valley rflad. Installation 1 a Paster. Yestetday the presbytery of Westmin ster met in the Presbyterian church at Paradise, this county, for the purpose of iiistalliiigthc pastor-elect, llcv. David Gay Gay leid. Ucv. "VV.L. Lcdwith, moderator, pre sided, jncauied the sermon and proposed the constitutional questions te the pastor paster elcel and the congregation. Rev. Dr. Mitchell, of this city, delivered the charge I it the pastor, and I lev. Dr. Stewart, of ()lcrain, the charge te the people. The benediction was pronounced by the new pastor, Mr. Gaylerd, who enters upon his new licld of labor with abundant premise of success. He comes from Kent county. Deiawaic, where during an eight years' ministry he built up two prosperous con ; regal ions. In Dcstitiie cirpiiinstaaccx. Mrs. IVtcrman. residing at :W1 Concord alley, is in destitute circumstances and in deep distrex. A. few months age she lest her husband and since then has lest three children by death fine three months ae one last 1 hursday, and one is new lymj dead. The family have nothing te cat ex cept that which is centaibulcd by r.cijrh r.cijrh bers, and many of them fear te visit the house as the children arc said te have died if diphtheria. Contributions will reach Mrs. I'etcrman if they be left at Brimmer's, livery office, North Queen street, or at f'eiinly Treasurer Greffs store above the. Keystone house, or they may be handed te Constable Flick or Officer Titus. Anether Empire Serenade. Last evening J. Hareld Wickersham. a member of the Empire hook and ladder iMinpanv. who was recently married, was s denuded by his fellow firemen. About forty ineinb!rs of the company gathered at the truck home at 9 o'clock. They marched te Mr. Wickcrsham's residence en North Duke .street, above James, where C!cmmci:ss baud, which was with them, played a number of lively pieces. The company hauled their truek with them, it was trimmed with Hags and lighted Chinese lanterns. After the serenade 3Ir. Wickersham took the boys te Jehn A. Snyder's saloon, and gave them a fine sct; out in the basement. All enjoyed them selves heartily. Presbyterian Memerial Mission Chapel. On te-morrow evening at 7$ o'clock the Kev. James C. Hume, who has been in charge of the Presbyterian memorial mis sion chapel of this city since last spring, will be ordained an evangelist of the Pres byterian church. The services will be very interest iiiir. Kev. Jehn McCej-, of Colum bia, will 'preach the sermon ; Dr. C. W. Stewart, of Union, will deliver the charge te Mr. Hume, and Dr. Mitchell, of the parent church of this city, the charge te the people. The ordination will be held in the chapel en Seuth. Queen street and the public are invited te attend. Kunawny Accident. Last evening about 3 o'clock, as one of Houghten's two horse conches was stand ing en Chestnut street in front of the rail road depot, the horses took fright at an ap proaching train, and ran te the opposite side of the street, where one of them fell en t lie pavement of tiie Cadwcll house, and almost into the cellar through an open deer. The horses were secured before they had an opportunity of doing much damage. L'nmailnble Letters. Leiteis addressed as fellows are held at tbc Lancaster postefiicc for pestage: "Shaw ant Ce. Augusta, Main." "Mr. Henry Shcnebergcr, Oregon, Lan caster Ce., Pa.' A letter addressed te " Miss Ida Bchn, care of Samuel Bchn, Dauphin County, Pa.," is held for better direction. Around the World. Mrs. Belie Chandler, of New Yerk, who accompanied her husband in a veyage around the world in search of health, will, at this cycuing's service of the Duke street M. E. church, speak from a Christian standpoint of her observations in heathen countries Mrs. Chandler is an attractive speaker and her "observations" are full of interest and instruction. . m Allaudsome Set-out. Last evening Select Councilman Adam It. Barr of the Third ward entertained his fellow-ceuncilmcn with a very fine set-out at Geerge H. Miller's restaurant. All-the members of the select council were present except Mr. Ebcrly, who was out of tewu. The occasion was a very pleasant one, re flecting credit en the liberality of 3Ir. Barr and the skill of Mr. Miller as a caterer. Fair te be Held. The Humane fire company will held a fair in the new hese beuse l.ln.nMwItAPK 1.rfc,f.A tlAflfimfr hflH. We" a - COLUMBIA NEWS. l.L'IS ISF.UCLAB COIlESFONDKNCK ROur enterprising citizen, Frederick liucher, will build, next spring, six brick houses en the vacant let en the southwest corner of Sixth and "Walnut streets. Mr. Bucher is probably the owner of mere properties than auy man in town. He has already about thirty houses with real es tate in all parts of town. The crossing en Locust street opposite Shuler's hall is being lowered. W. B. Giveu, esq., appeared before tbe beard of pardons yesterday and argued the case of the Columbia fishermen, con victed under an act of Assembly of fishing within one-quarter of a mile of the Colum bia dam. What result the argument will have is net yet determined. James Dully, chairman of the state fish commission, urges the pardon of the con victed Columbia iishcrmcu. Had we had the enterprise of a contem porary we might have said yesterday that Geerge M. Allisen and Ella S. Gable were united in marriage at the residence of the bride, by Rev. J. McCoy, of the Presby terian church ; but as our letter te the In TEi.i.iGiiNCKit had te leave here at one o'clock, and the ceremony did net take place until three o'clock, we preferred te wait until te day, believing that the local would " keep." The parties were mar ried. We extend our congratulations and knew that tbe path of the newly wedded pair through life will be smooth. Prof. T. J. McGuirc, of Lancaster, gave his first lessen last evening, te one of his classes in dancing recently formed. There were twenty-one couples present. The oilier class, formed a few days age, will be uiven its first lessen iu the armory en Thursday evening. Last night's class met in Shuler's hall. . Rev. C. S. Gerhard, pastor of the Re formed church, handed the reporters the following this morning : The Workers' society of the Ilclermed church will held an entertainment ami church sociable en te-morrow (Thursday,) evening, in the lecture room of the church. There will be music and literary exercises ; also refreshments. A geed time is antici pated. Mr. Vernen Ellis gave his class iu book keeping their first instructions last even ing. Flerida went .Democratic '. An oyster supper, eaten last evening by a party of men, was the result. Alexander E. MeManus, a Columbian and a Pennsylvania railroad freight brake man, was thrown from a ear at Philadel phia yesterday, and severely cut above the right eye, the cut extending almost te the temple. McManus was brought home after his injuries had been dressed. The mishap was purely accidental. Union line freight east ever the I'cmisyl- : vania railroad was very heavy yesterday, there being about a dozen trains, most el which were leaded with live stock. Per ishable produce was also heavy. S. C. Swartz has get about half of his new ice house under reef. The work was commenced yesterday." The river is slowly falling. Most of our I?.ak Walten disciples have concluded te let the bass alone until next summer. It is thought the new market ordinance will be adopted at the next meeting of councils. The merchants arc getting tired of the present style of doing things, and council is 'cttinsi tired el being petitioned, . - . se between all these undesirable happen ,-!., 1 i inp; there may be something done. Ducks are net as plentiful as they were a few weeks age. It is reported that a valuable driving horse belonging te Edwin Themas, of the Shawnee furnace, died this morning. Mr. Themas has recovered from his recent ill ness. Jeseph W. Miller, assignee of Jacob Stamaii and wife, sold the 19 acre farm and residence in Washington borough yesterday te Mary E. Staman for 7,000 : the lumber yard and mill property was ' I withdrawn ; three lets te Mary E. Ktainau ler .-sol 1 ; let e. Me te Heet. v.. W citz for 8'-20j ; let Ne. 14G te Mary E. ataman for 105 ; let Ne. 117 te Jehn A. Brush for $121 ; house and let en Water street te B. Frank Schulzt for 6500 ; let en Mill street te Jehn S. Mann for 8275 ; let en Pcnn street te Jehn A. Brush for $200. Almest ;t Fire. The extensive stabling connected with the Keystone house, North Queen street, narrowly escaped destruction by tire this afternoon. The esticr in going into one of tbe stal's discovered the straw in it te be en tire and blazing up several feet in hciiriit. Bv the speedy use of water and by stamping down tbc burning straw, he succeeded in putting out the lire before anv dainasrc was done. Had the the reached the hay and straw in tbe mews i aoevo the staDic, wnicu it weuiti nave done in Icm; than two minutes bad net the estler discovered it, a disastrous conflagra tion would probably have resulted. It is net known positively hew the fire orig inated, but it is believed some one either thoughtlessly or intentionally thrcv into the stable a lighted match or cigar. Violating the Revenue. Deputy United States Marshal Spiecher this morning arrested in Wrightsville. Yerk county, en a United States bench warrant, Geerge Blessing and Frederick Stein for violating the United States rev enue the former in manufacturing and selling and the latter in purchasing cigars without hiivintr tnem properly c? . stamped. I Stein entered bail for his appcaraucc be fore Judge Butler in Philadelphia te-morrow. Iu default of bail Blessing was locked up and will be Liken te Philadelphia te morrow by Capr. Sprccbcr. Lutheran Conference. The hixlb annual convention of the Fourth district conference of the Ev.Luth cran miuisteriuin of Pennsylvania has been in session in Lebanon. Sunday school topics were discussed and decided, and a feature of the meeting was an earnest and eloquent address by Kev. F. P. Mayscr, in which he showed hew the true prosperity of the nation springs from the obedience of law, from love te Ged. ami fiem relig ious principles. Application for Parden Hel'used. A dispatch te-day says that the pardon beard has refused te recommend Mrs. Coeulcy's pardon. Found. The person who leit a butler kettle contain ing butter and cheese at the market stand of II. JJ. Light this morning, can have the same by cailingat Zecher & Kcndlg's store. 552 West King street. Don't hesitate, il your Kidneys trouble you. for Day's Kipset Fad will surely cure. 1115M.W&F&W Dancing Academy. ilr. and Airs. Shank, of Philadelphia, te-day open their dancing academy in Itebcrts's hull, Prince street, opposite the opera house. They arc accomplished professors and teachers el the tcrpsiehercan art, and as will be seen by their card elsewhere published nave establish ed classes for children, ler ladies, and ler ladies and gentlemen, it being optional with tbe pupil te select instruction in private or in classes. They advertise the Introduction of a number of new dances of prevailing popu larity. S-Tuk cause ler the happiness et that man across the way is that he went te WILLI AM SOX & FOSTER, 3G East King street, Lancas ter, the ether day, and purchased one of their neltcveraible Overcoats, which they are sell ing at prices ranging from $15 te $20. He gives you geed advice when he tells yen te go and sec them. nevlO-tfd I Teachers, authors and ethers of sedentary 1 habits highly prize Malt Bitters. LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER WEDNESDAY NOTEMBER 17, 1880 WE ARE NOW OFFERING MANY CHOICE THINGS IN NEW STYLES OF DRESS GOODS. Dress Plaids in all the New Colorings, Black Silks and Velvets, Colored Silks and Velvets, Black Cashmeres, Meraie Cleths, Henrietta Cleths, all in Fnll Assortment. LADIES' COATS AND DOLMANS in Superior Styles and Qualities. Shawls, Skirts, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Slerine Underwear in Scarlet and White, for Ladies and Children. White Blankets, Gray Blankets, Comforts, Quilts, &c. We invite examination of our immense stock in every department. GIVLEE, BOWERS & HURST, 28 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. AiiiiiHCIlieutb. Fanny Davenport Te-night. The distin guished actress, Miss Fanny Davenport, ap pears at Tutten opera house tliis evening in MHs Anna Dickinsen's new play " An Ameri can Gill." During tlie greater portion of her engagement at the Fifth Avenue theatre, Nevr Yerk, this season. Miss Davenport played te standing room only." anil the cemments et this press arc uniformly commendatory. The pepers and the people divide their ecstasy be tween Miss Fanny's waidrele and her acting, and nroneunce both superb. " The Electric J.f ." Te-morrow and Fri day evenings V. J. Thompson's variety com pany, the "Electric Lights," appear at tnc opera house. A recent notice of a performance by this troupe, in the Uestnn llfrald. speaka very highly et the daring and graceful gym nastics of the Suydam brethers: T. M Hcng lei's serenades, songs and dunces ; Miss Carrie Lewis in character -vecalising : Karl and Agustus Onlay, the wonderful Hungarian Juggler, and ether features of the olio, which is followed by an exciting three-act sensa tional drama, entitled "Fer a Life." lesp tir net. iv Although y Although yt-' Yeu can s.1' !"ier man nor maid, si mouth has suffered ill. -tli arc halt decayed. .cthcm.it you will. XT be mi re A little SO IVill make .! ! limy, blight and pure. nl.l-lwdced&w White, r. ill and velvety hands fellow the use el Cutietir.i Medicinal soap. 21 .Numbers or Serlbner's ler $5. Tiie richly illustrated November number et ScribiW "Monthly, the Decennial Issue, ap pears in a new cover, and begins the twenty first volume. The increasing popularity et the magazine U strongly evidenced by recent sale. A year age the monthly circulation was about MyiOO copies; . during the past nine month, it has averaged 115,000, while the lirst edition of the November Issue is 125,000. "The lirst Fart of the new famous serial by Kugcne Schuyler, "The Life of Peter the (ii-eat," was finished in October. Willi No vember begins Far. II., "Peter the Great a Uuler and Kcfernier," which will be an ad vance, in pniuter popular interest and wealth of illustration, upon the part already pub lished. Te enable l eaders te secure Part I. the publishers make the following. special offers te new subscribers after October 20, who begin with the November number. (1.) New subscribers may obtain, for $.", Scribncr's Monthly ler the coming year, and IIMI 1111 I1-1IIIIU IIIIIH 11111IIII.-I.-.- I'lll U.LI 1 ... J V.- . , ' ., .. ,, ,,.,,,,....., . .. i.trr the j Great," Mrs. Kuriiclt's " Louisiana," etc. In ' accepting thi.-s offer, twenty-one numbers w ill l)e had for $5. (2.) They may obtain the previous twelve ' numbers e! AVW&.ier'.s, elegantly bound In ."'V., -, ........ ... - olive green cloth (two volumes), containing Part J. of Peter the Great, all of Cable's novel. "The Oranilissimcs,'' with the numbers named above, and a year's subscription, for $7.50. (Kegular price, 10.ni). AH booksellers or newadcalcrs will take sub scriptions and supply the numbers and vol umes mentioned in the above special offers, without extra charge ter postage or express ; or the publishers, Scribner & Ce., 745 Broad Bread wav. New Yerk, may be addressed direct. The regular price of Scribntr's is $t.P0 a year cents a number. 35 Ml'EVIAL A'UrjVJSS. SA.MFI.K MOTIVE. i It ia impossible ler a woman after a faithiui ! course et treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's ! Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer ) with a weakness el (he uterus Enclose u '. stamp t' Mr. Lydia IC. Plnkhani, K Western ' avenue. Lyim, Macs., for pamphlets. , I .iy29-lydeed&w The remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar te women is Warner's SalcJvidney auid Liver Cure. Mether's Magazine. "Tf you have screlulu, don't fail te use " lr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher. Sold by all drug gists. Mothers! "lethcrs;: r.?etlicr:!l Are you disturbed at night and broken el veur rest fly a sick child suffering and crying 'with the OAcrueiatin: pain et cutting teeth? II se. go :d once and get a bottle of MRS. WIXS LOW'SSH)TlTlX' SYKUF. It will relieve the peer little sufferer uunieditttely depend upon u : tlwre is no mi.-take about it. There is neta mother en em th who has evenifed it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the I bowels, and pive i'!.st te the mother, and relief 1 and health te '.lie child, operating like magic. i It is eerrei-tly rtite te i.-.e in all case, and pleas- aut te tii" t:t-te, and :s the prescripiien el ene j el tli" b!'.,s audi c-i R'inilc physicians and nur-cs in the I'nited Miu-s. Sold everywhere il c-nl? : S'-itt!-. filT-lvd&wM.W&S J. F. Davis, et Portsmouth, Ohie, sold in one year fourteen theusmd boxes el -Sellers iilVCl 1 1I1S. J) iikiii. evcr, no fever. An exchange savs Ulysses S.Urant will never be emperor, but will always stand high in the hearts of his countrymen, occupying the posi tion tbat Spring illossem holds, in curing sick Headache, Biliousness, Indigestion, etc. Prices: 5t)c , trial bottles 10c. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 133 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. Thc "scientinc combination of the purest drugs renders Dr. Browning's medicines el the llnest flavor, and are readily taken by old or young. Children especially arc net easily induced te take any kind of medicine, but Dr. Browning'. C. & C. Cordial, for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc.. is se palatable that they arc eager ler the time te come when they may have mere. Sold by all druggists at 50 cents per bottle. W. Champien Browning, M. D.. Proprietor, 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia. nll-lwd&w .Malarial Fever. Malarial Fevers, constipation, torpidity of the liver and kidneys, general debility, nerv ousness and neuralgic ailments yield readily te this great disease conqueror. Hep Bittcre. It repairs the ravaged el disease by convert ing the feed into rich bleed, and it gives ncV lite and vigor te the aged and infirm always. See "Proverbs'' in ether column. nl5 2wd&w Spear's Fert Grape Wine. Tliis article of American Wine is highly esteemed by the best physicians In this coun try. The following is a testimonial we saw lrem the Xcw Yerk Hospital. We publish it for the information el our readers: Xkw Yerk, Xev. H. I mil using Specr's Pert tirape Wincand find It te be an excellent tonic and gentle stimu lant, and as such I believe it prctcrable te the commercial Pert, and all ether wines, as it pos sesses their tonic properties without the dele terious cilcct caused by their impurities. It is also very palatable, and this is a recommenda tion te many, especially lcmales. S. S. Uakius, M. D., X. Y. Hospital. This is an excellent article ter family use, and for females, and Is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and for sale by II. E. Slaymakcr. nl5-2wd&T A Modern I'ect. What is modern poets fate, te write his thoughts upon a slate, The critic spits en what is done, fives it a wipe and all is gene, Like Rheumatism from our bodies fly, 'When Themas1 Eclectric Oil we try. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and v3 North Quecu street, Lrncaster.Ta. 3j VST OOODS. XJSW AOVERTISJOMESTS. We are receiving some very beautiful New Goods for our CHRIST MAS STOCK. We have just opened the handsomest let or Bronze ami Marble Clocks and Mantle Sets ever seen in this city. They arc fitted with Fine French Movements, run two weeks, and strike hours and half-hours eti fine-toned Cathedral Bells. The prices of these Clocks will be from fifteen dollars up wards. We receive at the same time a large invoice of Lemaire's Opeia Glasses and Field Glasses. These are in great variety of styles, including some entirely new styles just out- Our Christmas Stock will be the largest and fiuest ever brought te this city, and we hope te Jbe able te fill any want for goods iu our line from the Cheapest te the Finest. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, jvEir AitmnnsEMEST.'i. vruTice. 1 Jly wire, Catharine Scheenberger, having left my bed and beard without just cause, this if te give notice that I will pay no debts con tracted by her. JOHN SCHOEXBEROKR. RANFAIK AND FESTIVAL AT THE First Baptist Church. East Chestnut Mtrcet. commencing THURSDAY, XOVE.M BER IS. and open every night until the :27th inst. Admission 10 cents. Season Tickets' 25 cents. n!7-4td Tii kijKgaxtlixk of NEW STYLE FRAMES, NEW STYLE EASELS, NEW PANEL PICTURES, AT L M. FLYNN'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Ke. 4S WEST KING STKEET. QKIjKCT DANCING ACADEMY. ME. AND MBS. SHANK'S ACADEMY, MR. ROBERTS' ROOMS, LANCASTER, PA., Fer Strictly Private Instruction. CLASS ARRAXGEMEXTS-CHILDREX. Saturday. Matinee.. .Lessens, ler Step3, &c. , 2 te 3 r. si. .3 te 5 r. M. LADIES' CLASS. Satu rday At tcrnoen . . .12 te 2 r. M. Ladies and Gentlemen from S te 10 p. m. Music by Prof. Tayler and Orchestra. Ti;UMS-5 Fer .'S Lessens. Mr. Shank can be seen "t Voedtvard's Music Stere. nl7-ltd HIGHEST CASH MUCK WILL. BE PAID FOR EXTRA NICE CABPET RAGS. i!rnctsmade te order ohert notice mil f-atistactien guaranteed. Rare chances in Carpets le reduce stock el AT AND BELOW COST. Call and satisfy yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpctsin almost endlessvnricty .at H. S. SHTBK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KINO STBEET, LANCASTER PA. WASTED. WANTED .EVERYBODY TO ADVEK tisc, free of charge, in the Imtbixigmc CKR. wne wains aeiuuiinnu iuuw. w ANTED. A SITUATION I A DKY Goods or Grocery store. Anpiyve JOHN C. REECE, Lampeter, Lancaster county. Fa. ltd WANTED A SITUATION BY A YOUNG man te de any kind of work at which lie can make hinibclf useful. Apply at 18 Col umbia Avenue. VQXFECTIOXH. HKAI1QUAUTERS FOB FUKE CONFEC TIONS FOR TIIE HOLIDAYS AT JOSEPH R. ROYER'S, 50 AXD 52 WEST KING ST. 1 can new offer te the trade and public a large stock et Pure Confections of every description, at the very lowest market rates. FRUITS, NUTS, ftc. and a LARGE STOCK OK TOYS of the FEWEST DESIGNS. Large and small Cakes baked daily. Ice Cream nt all times. WEDDINGS AXD PARTIES SERVED AT SHORT NOTICE. MAIL ORDERS promptly attended te at the same rate as if the pprsen ordering were present in person. Call and see my stock. fla-Rcnicmber the place 59 AXD 52 WEST KING STREET. lS3nid JOS. R. ROYER. LEGAL XOTICE8. J7STATE Or MARY MULVANY, I,ATK OF ll the city of Lancaster, deceased. The undersigned auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands el Jehn A. Ceyle, esq., administrator, te and among these fegaUy entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. va., in the library room of the court house, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons Interested in said distribu tion may attend. W. D. WEAVER, oct26-4tdeaw Auditor. ESTATE OF JANE JSW1NG, 1.ATE OF Lancaster city, deceased. Letters or ad ministration en said estate havingbeen grant ed te the nndersigned.'all persons indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands ngntnst the same, will present them vitneut delay for settlement te the undersigned, re siding in IncasteErLFa.ABETH ELMOTT JOSEPH W1LFOXG, Administrators. J. L. Steismbtz, Att'y. e28 Gtdeaw INSTATE OFUENRYGUNDAKEB, LATE 2i of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters et ad ministration en salcl estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thcrte arc requested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay ter settlement te the undersigned, resid ing In Lancaster city. .T.WW SARAH E. GUNDAKER, DR. GEO. R. WELCHAXS. Wst. II. Wilsen, Administrators. A. C. REIKOMfc, . Attorneys. novlj-Btdeaw Gaps Ne. 4 West King Street. jBWXZXY. JOUIS WEUKtC, j WATCHMAKER. Ne. 159 XORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. It. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantaseepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, nprl-lyd SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES Receive most careful attention. DESIGNS AXD ESTIMATES SUBMITTED WITHOUT CHARGE. B. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. FA. LARGEST ASSORTMENT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, JEWELER, Se. 20 East Kins Street, Lancaster, l'a. We me m'.v taking special orders ter HOLIDAY GOODS. J.E.CALDWELL&CO. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA- IMPORTERS OF DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, PnrchaBers who desire te pro cure gems of unexceptienarte quality and real value at lowest importer's prices, will consult their best interests by calling en us. Special attention is directed te the magnificent assortment im ported for this season's sales. eep!. IvdcedM, W&F MIS CELLAXEO VS. G1 O TO BINGWALT'S FeK MONONGAHELA PURE RYE. en nAKDALE PURE RYE WHISKY. 10 rmt. Alcohol, and the InvigoratingTenic Hair Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, All at Xe. 205 WEST KING STREET. MIRS. C. LILLEB, LADIES' HAIKDKESSEK Manufacturer and Dealer in Hair Werk, Ladies and Gents' Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds mndc up. Alse. Kid Gloves and Feathers cleaned and dyed, at Xes. 225 and 227 North Q,ucen street, four doers above P. It. R. Depot. el-3md AIXOJUfETS-AT-ZA W HEN15Y A. KILET Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Rew. Xcw Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United Slates, and a general legal business transacted Rrr bv permission te Stc'nmnn A Hcnsce THIRD EDITION WEDNESDAY EVEN'O, NOV. 17, 1880. 'WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Xev. 17. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, higher barometer, cooler northerly winds, partly cloudy weather and occasional light snow. THE EMMA MINE. Frespect of Extended Litigation. Salt Lake City, Utah. Nev. 17. On the ground that the present workings of the Emma mine company in Little Cotton Cotton eeod are, as alleged, outside of its pateut lines and within the patent miuing claims known as the Cincinnati group, application was te-day made for an order of court restraining them from centinuiug said work. A hearing will be had en the appli cation November 26. It is claimed that the course of the ledge is nearly at right angles with the ceurse of the Emma patent, aud that the same point was raised in the case of Terbert against "Wagstaft", decided by the United States supreme court in October, 1879. The court held that where a patent cresses a vein ihe side lines of the patent become its end line. THE ASYLUM DISASTER. Fatalities Flacetl Between Ten and Fifteen. Chicago, Nev. 17. A dispatch from St. Paul, Minn., says Congressman Strait, president of the beard of trustees of the St. Peter asylcm, telegraphed te the Pioneer l'rcss at midnight, that the num ber of the dead will net exceed ten. Anether correspondent estimates the number at from ten te fifteen. The in mates arc being returned te their homes and checked off. Ne names are given ; a full list is premised te-day. STATE AND FEDERAL. Trial el a Deputy Marshal Transferred te the V. S. Court. "Wilminc.tex, Del., Ne 17. United States Marshal McMiillin, bailee of Deputy Marshal Wingatc, charged with incitiug te riot en election day, was ordered te pre- duce Wingate in the United States court this afternoon. This virtually annuls the action of the state courts aud transfers the case te the United States courts. UNITED .STATES SIXES. All Offers te Sell te be Rejected. Washington, Nev. 17. The secretary of the treasury te-day instructed Assistant United States Treasurer Hillheusc te re ject all the offers te sell United States (5 per cent, bends due December 31, 1880, te the sinking fund, as the prices asked wen- tee high. Nearly 300,000 in bends were elfcred. The secretary says he can not pay in excess of S1.02J for these bends BELOW ZERO. Celd Weather in the Went. New Yerk, Nev. 17. Very cold weather is reported in the West. The thermometer gives the subjoined indica tions at the places named : Cheyenne, 1G degrees below zero ; Denver, G degrees be low ; North Platte, 3 degrees below ; St. Leuis, 14 degrees above ; Chicago, 13 degrees above. DULCIGNO. The City Completely Surrounded. Londen, Nev. 17. A despatch from Constantinople says Dervish Pasha tclc graplis that the cordon around Dulcigue is complete. Forty thousand Kcidfs have been called out te be employed, partly in the great provinces of Turkey, partly in Albania and partly en the boundary of eastern Reumclia. THE LAVIDIA. Condition of the Czar's Yacht. Londen, Nev. 17. A dispatch lrem Madrid says the leakage in the Czar's yacht Livadia is entirely confined te two water-tight compartments, and docs net affect the safety of the vessel. The Livadia remains at Ferrel for the winter, the deck, which is being constructed at Scbastopel, net being ready. ItRADLEY-CAMEKOX Notable Nuptial in Harrisbarg. IIakkisbukg, Nev. 17. The marriage of Senater Cameren's daughter Elizabeth teWm. II.Bradlcy, son of Justice Bradley, of the United States supreme court, was solemnized here te-day by Dr. Cattell, of Lafayette college, Easten. Many distin guished persons were present. DLSCIl'LhS OF ST. CRISPIN. Organization of a Heet and Shoemakers Association. Piuladelpaia, Nev. 17, At the con vention of beet and shoe manufacturers this morning, a constitution and by-laws were reported declaring that the associa tion shall be known as the Beet and Shoe Manufacturers' Association of the United States, and that its object shall be te pro mote the interest of the general trade THE MOKEY LETTER. Tlia Uraml Jury Considering It. New Yerk, Nev. 17. The grand jury arc in session te-day considering the Mercy letter case. S. Mercy, Daniel T. Ames and Cel. Rockwell, all of whom were witnesses in the preliminary exami nation of Kcnward Philp, were in atten dance and gave their testimony. SHAKSrEARE'S TOMB Miemontee from the Master" Resting Place. New Yerk, Nev. 17. Mayer Cooper te-day transmitted te the park com missioners a tin box enclosing mulberry cuttings from a tree ever the grave of Shakspeare, at Stratford-on-Anen. The cuttings were a gift te the mayor from Charles Keadc, the novelist. The American Huuiane Association. Philadelphia, Nev. 17. The feuith annual meeting of the American Humane association was opened in thi3 city te-day. It was called te order by the President, Edwin L. Brown, of Chicago, who de livered the opening address. WITH ALL ON BOARD. Anether Dreadtul Disaster at Sea Reported. Londen, Nev. 17. A telegram from Milferd states that a large unknown steamer has been lest, with all hands, off St. Gewen's head, southeast of Wales. . Destructive Floods la England" Londen, Nev. 17. Floods arc causing much damage in the counties of Derby shire, Warwickshire, Nottinghamshire and Worcestershire. The waters of the Thames are rapidly rising. NEW VOKKl'ITV'sVOTK. Hancock's Plurality 41,3'!. New Yerk, Nev. 17. The vote of the city at the recent election according te the official count declared by the canvasers to day was as fellows : Fer president Han cock 123,015, Garfield St.CSG, Weaver 610. Twenty-six votes were east for the Pro Pre Pro hibitienist ticket. THE VATICAN. Anticipated Changes In Its Policy. Londen, Nev. 17. A dispatch from Heme says the Pepe lias signed the brief appointing CardiualJacebiui pontifical sec retary and that accordingly great changes are expected in the policy of the Vatican. It is expected the Pepe will shortly publicly announce his approval of the views of the Irish bishops, as stated iu the memorial , explaining their conduct in regard te the agitation in Ireland. M2UtTnET. New Yerk MarKct. Nkw Yerk. Nev. 17. Fleur State and West ern quiet, and generallv without decided change : Superllne, at S )? I "." : extra de 4&5 00; choice, de. f5 KHft.VJO: fancy de 5 256; mundhoepOIiio $5103550: i-hnk-ftln ntf5C05(5; .superllne western $,-:t0$l 35; common te geed extra de ISUs?.1 ID; choice de 15 l.lfJG 50 ; eholee white wheat de W "5 ft 1 03; Southern steady and quiet: common te fair extra $5 10j5 05 ; geed te ctieice de $5 70 700. Wheat u shade stronger, moderate specula tire business ; Ne. 1 White. Nev., $1 19; Ne. 2 ISed. November, $1 2'"-, 1 21" : 'le December. $122J1 22.M : de.lauuiiry. SI 2l7gi 21J. Cern a shadeeasler : Mtite-I western spot, 5V.. dftSJiei de future. S'SMUJvfe. i lats about steady ; State 123500 : Western llfi!50e 1'hllailelptiia Market. I'HiL&UELruiA. November 17. Fleur steady quiet, unchanged ; superllim :: oef?:;.1!: ex tniflOOnl 50; Ohie and Indiana family &150$i 6 25; Fenn'a Limilv 2"n" 51 : St. Louts lainilv t5 75(!.'i: Slliu'eseta f:tiiilly5i."75; Sirdglu $; oefii; 50 : Winter patent fiirrijJJlRO; Spring de $7 003S 25. itye Heur unchanged at i 57. Wheat firmly active and higher: Ne. 2 West ern Red 1 1";; Fenn'a. Ked SI 11Q1 IS ; Amber Si 1701 IU'- " Cern firm ; vellew at 5:kc : mixed :S?i!ie. Oats flrmer'fair trade: Ne. I. White S2s$l2& : Ne. 2 de 4lti;.: Xe. ;; ! ;bi;.j 10c ; e. - aiixeti :.;$ac. Kye Arm at !Rc. Previsions quiet old. S15 m : beet but steady; mi perk hams .$11; -."MH' 50 ; Indian m.ve beet at-41S.fil'JM ; bai-en smek ed shoulders .'rQiH: ; salt de .Vc; smoked hums lOftllc; pickled liuie- SSO.I. Lanl linn ; city kettle ST:'.)e: !oe-. liutcl! ers'SQsye; prime sleam '.,tJs1"- llutter Choice llrm, ether grades sell ing at concessions ; Creamery extra at :."2J7.Jc : de geed te choice 'JUgSie; IS C. and N. . ex tra 2ti2Uc : Western reserve extra 22i2li:; de geed te choice ICQ Site: KelU choice llrm; Fenn'a Fxtra 20!Sc; Western Ke-crve extra 2ea2tc. Kggs llrm, li'ht effering: Fenn'a Lxtra 2Se 29c; WfSJOtn Extra 2j'&27c. Cheese quiet but late makes steady; New Yerk lull cream l.lJieiNc; Western full cream 12htt$13u: de fair togeo.l at llfBI2c;de huirikiiii-ufdiec. Fetrelunm tluil : refined I2e. Whisky scarce at $1 II. Seeds Geed te prime clever at $700?.7 5O: Timethy nothing doing; Flax.iee I dull t SI 33. Lecal stocks anil ISemls. Far Luk! va!. sale LaucCity U per el. Lean, due 1nse...II'0 100.25 " " 1SS2... IIM 105 " !?S5... 100 111 ' " iyje... ice iis.75 " " IHfi... 100 120 " 5 per ct. ill I or 30 ears.. ICO lift Lane. aud (uarryv' 1.. IS. bend.... UKi 105 : ; " " " stock 50 3.25 Lancaster and Ephrata turnpike... 25 47.'.'5 Lane, Eiizabetht'n and Middlet'n.. ion .11 Lancaster and Fruitville turnpike. 50 51 IjineasterandLltitz turnpike 25 5; Lancaster and .Maner turnpike 50 VI Lancaster and Manlieim turnpil:e. - 30.40 Lancaster and Marietta, turnpike.. 25 2 Lane, and New Helland turnpike.. Ice K5 Lane, and Strasburg turnpike 2a 20 Ume. andSiisquehanna turnpike.. r,!0 275.25 Lane, and Willow Street turnpike. 25 40.1.. Farmers' Nat. Hank et Ijuicaster... 50 100 First Nut. Hank of Lancaster loe I.V1 Lancaster County Nut. Hank 50 Hiil Inquirer Frinting Ce 5 27 Laiic.tjin Light and Fuel Ce. steelr. 25 " bend:. Mil stecl: itlarKet. Nkw Yebk .Stocks. Stocks strong am; higher. November 17. A. M. A. 5f. r. M. 1 M. 1 M 10:25 11:35 l-55, 2:15 3:t , ffP t . .... -I2 K. K MYz --- ?....1I2K 113 113; 111 .... i:..ii7 iesi. 11 m lDSi;: .... ....112K 113 1I3. 113'i Meney... Erie IS. K Micliigan . A L. S Michiguu Cent. I:. fUiieaue ft S. XV.. . Chicago, M St. F. Han. at. .1. Cem " " F'id. . Teledo & Wabash... Ohie A Missis-ippi. .. St. Leuis, I. M. A S. IS. Ontario and Western 1! 1!. ft I. C. IS. Il vnii, iny. 103 i!i .... !!! .Iltl" At1- A'iV? SJ. SU'i Ml J 81 IP. tiyH 4iX 42-K ::t'. av. :vf:i rr.H. ''H "H t''H 'y-i . -I7;i 4S'4 4X Wk V'iU it-Xt 211 iy. r.'i. wy. 21 !i US't jr.? New .lersev Ccnlral.. i'A Del. ft Iliidnen Canal. S7'X Del.. i.ack.& Western '.)7i ltf..fl..f.i ir,ilri Tf! l.l 7VA My. !,& IB'h !ft 40!i FacitlcMail S. S. Ce. Manhattan Elevateil Union I'acilie Kansas ft Texas i& :r rjy. ay, wa 137J? H'J 117 121 120V. 121 New if irk Central Adams Express Illinois Cent ml Cleveland A Fitts Chicago ft Ueek 1 Pittsburgh ft Ft. W... American 17. Tel. Ce. FlIILADRLrlHA. Stocks unsettled. Pennsylvania It. IS.... I'hll'a. ft Heading..... Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation... Northern Faeitic Cem " F'd . Pitts., Titu9v'efti;.... Northern Central Fliil'aft Erie IS. IS.... Northern Fenn'a Un. IS. It's of N.J Ilestenville Pass Central Trans. Ce my, my, my, y. 6Y-A 30 Wi ::t Vfx 21 m Vh. viy. 35 31 :r.y, '--'A 31 'A 17 15 !! 17 iiy ln'ijV 21W 21 AM.VHVMESTX. e i-Kia net'si:. WEDSESDAT, NOVEXBEK 171ft- Latestand greatest New Yerk success. lira, matic lilt of the season. Xew Yerk Herald. MIS. JOHN D. MI3IILEIS has the honor te 1 resent FANNY DAVENPORT, AX AMERICAN GIRL, . w.irti-iif.il lieiiart for sir weeks at the ifth Avenue Theatre. New ierk. ACareruIly Selected Company ami .iifi Superb Costumes. F1SICES, 30, 7.-.C t Si. Diagram at Yeckcr's Oflicc. nI2-5t TWL-l ULTON Fi:itA IIUL'SK. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. NOVEMBER 18tb and 19th. W. .1. THOMPSON'S Galaxy of Dramatic and Novelty Talent. ELECTRIC LIU FITS. A Colossal Aggregation of Attractions. Sec bills for list of people. ADMISSION, 25, 35 & fiO Cts. ISESEISVED SEATS CO Cts Diagram open November 15. n 10-ltd HU1.TON OPKBA HOUSE. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1880. MR. JOHN D. M1SHLEIS lias the honor t presenting the distingniahcU artiste MAUDE GRANGER, in her great New Yerk Success, and through out the country, t"Is season, "Twe Mghts in Reme," by A. C. GUNTEB. It will be produced wi.Ii every attention te detail by a very Streng Company. PJtICES: Gallery 33c., Admission SOe., Parquet 75c, IScscrvctl Scats Sl.OO. ut icckcr's. nevlMW 12,