Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 17, 1880, Image 2

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Hancastct intelligencer.
The Electoral College.
It is true, as has been observed, that
the defeat of the Democratic elector
Terry in California, which might have
precipitated an angry electoral contro
versy and changed the presidential re
sult against the wishes of the people, is
an illustration of Democratic stupidity
in risking such results by putting a man
of his unpopularity en the electoral
ticket. But it illustrates in a far higher
degree the stupidity of our preseut elec
toral system which, as new handled,
makes the electors, intended te be an ac
tive body of representative men, work
ing with profound consideration, mere
automata, with no power te change a de
cree written ferthern. The electoral col
lege scheme is a purely republican insti
tutien and it was intended te make the
presidential selection net by the
people, nor by parties, caucuses
nor conventions, but by a body of repre
sentatives chosen for this special pur
jHjse. Electors arenet legally bound by
the nominees or their parties. It would
be altogether possible for the electors
just chosen te make Grant president or
anybody else they saw fit; and the won
der is, in these days of political rascality,
tainting every grade of popular repre
sentatives, that there have net been fre
quent cases of such betrayal.
Sonic years age the suggestion was
made that it would be better for the
respective parties in eacli state te leek te
the fitness of their electors and run then
best moil for this office, leaving te them
the final selection of president. There
could be no valid objection te this, that
the party at large ought te have a chance
te name its candidate, since after all, the
party new delegates the selection of a
candidate te two-thirds of its national
convention. A canvass without a can
didate or with a dozen, would be novel
indeed, but the experience of the past
teaches us that the Democracy could net
have elected fewer electors than they
did, and possibly a great many mere,
if they had lieeil running Hendricks in
Indiana, Thurman in Ohie, Hancock in
Pennsylvania, Seymour in New Yerk
and Kateu in Connecticut ; or if they
had been running such men as electors
with the ultimate privilege of them
selecting the president.
Heur present system is te be contin
ued it should at least be modified se that
representative, electors lie chosen by rep
resentative districts and senatorial elec
tors only by the state at large. In this
way the autonomy of the stales
could be preserved, without endowing
the slender majorities of great slates
with their present overwhelming influ
enee. ISul whether the entire system had net
better be abandoned in the present condi
tion of our politics is a question that
merits grave allentien andeught te have
it from L'engrc:ss,lhc press and people dur
ing the next four years. It is te be hoped
there will be a cessation of president
making for at least three te afford such
quesliensa ehancc te be heard. Since
1870 both parties have been almost con
tinuously busy in selecting candidates,
the Republicans disturbed by the Grant
and anti-Grant quarrel and the Demo
crats witli the Tilden and anti-Tilden
contention. Give us a rest new and go
at this oilier question of primary im
portance. .Nonsense.
Grant left ellice an uu-
r.ver since
!sv desire i
manifested te de some
thing extraordinary for "ex-presidents."
1 1 is friends in the licpublican parly
waul him te be president again, but like
the fellow who went for a mis
sion and came down te an old pair of
pants, they are .satisfied meanwhile te
get anything else for him they can. His
opponents and rivals seem te be quite
willing that the country should provide
for him in any way that will net pro
mote his or hinder their presidential
prospects. The New Yerk Timrs's prep
ositien te raise a $.".00,000 fund for his
support net meeting with very ready re
spouse, the Republican state committee
of Mr. Conkling's state have resolved
that "steps should be taken by our
representatives in Congress te se amend
the constitution of the United States as
te provide that the presidents and vice
presidents en their retirement from of
fice shall be admitted te life membership
of the,Senate."
1 he whole discussion is arrant non
sense. Ne man is lit te be president who
cannot live the balance of his days upon
the honors and profits of the office. If
die incumbent of it shall, at its close,
net have wen the esteem and respect of
his fellow citizens he deserves te sink
out of sight and out of consideration as
rapidly as possible. If he shall have
borne himself worthily he will need no
bolstering up. This talk about pension
ing ex-presidents or making life senators
out of them has its start with that ele
ment which is forever agitating n mere
splendid scheme of government than
that of the fathers. Sensible people
should unite te give it a quietus.
Tjik Xcic Era declares that the In
TELLHSENCKit published a " lie" in
stating that the Xck Era's editor had
advised Mayer Stauffer te bring his libel
suit against us.
Whereupon we republished from the
Express of February 2, 1875, its state
ment that our charge against Stauffer
was a libel, and its hope that Mayer
Stauffer would "promptly make his own
justification with our 'gushing' neigh
bors iu the only manner such a case ad
mits of, by yiviny than an ojipertunity te
make tjoeil their allegations before a'tri
banal where the reckless assertions of
newspaper boys will net pass for facts
and matter of record."
Which proved that the editor of the
JVac Era had wrongly located his " lie."
He is silent.
That settles it.
The editor of the Examiner, whose
" back room, up stairs." was devoted a
few years age te the manufacture of
bogus tax receipts en election day. ex
presses the lively hope that the Jntklli- j
ej'VJCJi uiay be proceeded against for
"malicious libel" against Garfield be
cause it refused te believe the denial of
this man whom his Republican associates
had branded as a perjurer.
The Intelligencer sympathizes
with the Examiner's interest in the cause
of public morals and its candidate for
president : and we see no reason at all
why it should net start the proceeding it
desires te see inaueurated. "We should
greatly enjoy a suit for " malicious libel "
against Garfield, with the Examines' as
prosecutor, Tem Davis the attorney for
the commonwealth's infringed peace and
dignity, and Judge Patterson sitting as
committing magistrate. Let the band
The Canadian weather prophet, Venner,
is again troubling the public car with his
prognostications of squally weather. He
predicts a snow storm en the 22d of De
cember which will continue for seventeen
hours and cover the ground te the depth
of 11J feet.
The Milwaukee Senlint I prints the names
and address of 5.030 male persons which,
it claims, were net returned by the cen
sus enumerators. Most of them are be
lieved te be voters, and it is claimed that,
according te the usual ratio, it would bring
the population of Milwaukee up te 150,000.
Exit Mahone. He asserted his ability
and purpose te elect his Hancock electoral
ticket, but the regular or debt-paying
nauceck ticket received 90,040 ; the Gar
field ticket received 83,758, and the Ma
hone Hancock ticket received only 31,218,
or about one-sixth of the vote of Virginia.
Gknekai, Siii:iiman, in his annual re
port te the secretary of war, lefers te the
race prejudice at West Point, holding that
the practice of equality there is in advance
of the rest of the country. He believes
that General Sceiield is " abundantly able
te manage the institution," and tiiat the
authorities generally live up te the rule of
impartiality in governing the academy.
In a letter recently published in the Her
ald there was a curious conversation be
tween Li Hung Chang, the viceroy of the
Chinese empire, and its correspondent in
reference te American affairs. The vice
roy expressed a deep interest in the presi
dential election. He was anxious te have
General Grant elected, anil when he was
told that there was net much probability
of that event taking place, especially as
General Grant was net in nomination, he
offered te send orders ever te A inerica for
cverv Chinaman te vote for Grant.
"Feil President in 1831 General Win
licld S. Hancock" is the ensign the Hol Hel
lidaysburg Standard has nailed te its mast
head. " The Democratic party," it says,
" never went into battle under a better
leader than Gen. Hancock. Pure in charac
ter anil life, a soldier without reproach, a
citizen without .stain, his defeat in the
campaign just closed was a national calam
ity which will become mere and mere ap
parent as the administration of Garlicld
develops itself. Believing new that we
voice the sentiment of the mass of the De
mocracy of this county as well as of the
country, we move from the field which was
lest by treachery, and under the banner
of Hancock begin the conflict for geed
government which we believe will end
with the election of Hancock in 18SI."
Is his open letter te Garli eld, warning
him net te play into the hands of Grant's
friends Den Piatt uses the following rc
mailcablc language :
" It was your committee that investi
gated that national shame called ' Black
Friday,' wherein Fisk, Gould and Grant
sought through the use of the national treas
ury te enrich themselves al the expense of
thousands of honest men. It is net my
purpose te recall the details of that infamy.
The chief criminal was tracked te the
threshold of the executive mansion, and
your committee passed a resolution calling
upon the president te appear before the
committee and defend himself from the
damning proof that made him the chief
conspirator. The night of the day that
the resolution was passed you called with
it upon the president. It was after mid
night before you left the White Heuse,
amazed and sick at heart, and at your sug
gestion that very day the resolution was
revoked. I need net say that you and I
knew why that resolution was se suddenly
abandoned. The fact that under the cir
cumstances it was revoked tells the whole
story. The very Democrats or the com
mittee shrunk from the threatened ex
posure." PERSONAL.
A letter endorsing General B. F. Fisu
Kit, of Philadelphia, for appointment as
chief signal officer, signed by many law
yers of Philadelphia, has been sent te
Washington. He was eminent iu that ser
vice during the war.
At the opera matinee the ether day, a
lovely and partridgc-likc young woman
was overheard te say te another young
woman whose plumpness suggested most
bewitching dimples, "I went last night te
see the Beknhakdt. When she came en
the stage she did net leek wider than the
stick of my fan, and when she sat down en
the divan she did net make any mere show
than a cord and tassel."
The Georgia election for United States
senator resulted as fellows : JesEi'ii E.
Brown, Mfi ; A. R. Lawten, G4. Ex Ex
Governer Brown was appointed by Gover Gover
eor Colquitt, en May 19, last, te fill the
scat in the Senate made vacant by the re
signation of General Jehn B. Gorden. A
great uproar was created by the appoint
ment, but Senater Brown made a fight be
fore the people and secured a clear mnjor mnjer
ty of the Legislature.
The series of letters from Europe which
recently appeared in the Press, written by
Mr, W. W. Kevin, are te be collected in
book form and published under the title of
"Vignettes of Travel ; Seme Comparative
Sketches in England and Italy." The let
ters are entirely recast, and the book will
contain fresh matter en ether subjects.
The general bearing of ihii work is in the
direction of comparative study iu the so
ciety and politics of England and Italy as
contrasted with our own. A popular fea
ture of the volume of immediate interest
will be the personal sketches of Glad
stone, Garibaldi, Cardinal Manning, Sara
Bernhardt, Canen Farrar, Henry Irving,
Dean Stanley, Mr. II. R. Hawcls and ethers
of present European prominence.
A woman tramp, aged 50
years was
j henied te death near Meadvillc. Hercleth-
,-,,., caught
husband ha
irem a fire which she and her
had kindled themselves.
Awful C Ire at St. Peter', Minn Kail Kail
read Wreck and Less of. Life.
About two-thirds of the town of New
port, Ark., has been destroyed by tire.
About two hundred families are tendered
homeless. Less, 200,000.
Anether Town Destroyed.
A Bedie, Cal., dispatch says : Reports
have iust been received that Mammoth
City was destroyed by lire Sunday night.
Ne particulars.
Chemical Works Destroyed.
The chemical copper works, employing
sixty men, were destroyed. in Phceuixville,
en Monday night, by a fire which origi
nated in the cupola from the explosion of
metal. Less, 620,000 ; partially insured.
Went Through a Bridge.
The construction train en the Dallas and
Wichita railroad went through a temporary
bridge four miles north of Galveston.
Nineteen laborers were wounded and three
have since died and ethers will die.
Snow and Wind.
A terrific stornref snow and wind has
been raging throughout the Black Hills
for the past two days. The cold is intense
and the thermometer has been down te
four degrees below zero.
The Lehigh Valley Accident.
The local train wrecked at Mill Creek en
the Lehigh Valley railroad yesterday runs
between Wilkesbarrc aud Pittston. It
left the latter place at 10 a. m. with two
coaches containing about twenty passen
gers in all. The regular crew, save the
conductor, were detailed for duty ea a
special excursion run te New Yerk, their
places being filled by substitute. It take
about twenty-two minutes te run from
Pittston te Wilkesbarrc.
When the train crossed Mill Creek, the
engine suddenly left the track and plunged
down a steep embankment forty feet below.
The tender and the two coaches followed.
A number of men working iu the vicinity
rushed te the sccne of the disaster and
aided the struggling passengers te escape
from the first coach, which has caught lire
and was wrapped in flames. The steam
hissed around the engine and mingled with
the smoke of the burning car. Several of
these en haud te render assistance went te
the locomotive te leek out for the engineer
and fireman.
The following list of casualties are re
ported : Themas M. McMahon, brakcnian,
killed outright ; Jehn Sweeny, fireman,
fatally scalded ; Henry Murphy, engineer,
terribly scalded and shoulder broken ;
Patrick McManamau, brakcnian, badly if
net latally scalded ; Mrs. Margaret Tigue,
of Pittston, haud smashed. Several of the
passengers were slightly bruised, but en
caped serious injuries.
The cause of the accident is attributed
either te a misplaced switch or an imper
fect switch rail. The injured were all
conveyed te the Wilkesbarrc hospital.
The Minnesota .State Asylum.
In the binning of the state insane as-
sylum at St. Peter, Minn., only one wing
of the building was burned. The struct urc
occupied ten years iu building, and was
completed three year. age at a cost or
The less by the lire will be from $100,
000 te $100,000, en which there is no insur
ance. The cause of the lire is unknown.
It originated in the basement of the north
wing, which was destroyed. Dillcrent re
ports state the less of life at
from thirty te fifty, but no
bodies have been found aud no one
is .surely known te be missing. When the
danger became imminent the superintend
ent ordered the release of all the patients,
aud it is probable that some were over
looked iu the confusion aud burned, es
pecially as some rooms quickly filled with
smoke and could net be entered by the res
cuers. There were 050 patients in the hos
pital last year. The libratcd ones were
cared for by the citizens. Probably some
leek advantage of the opportunity te run
away and ethers wandered oil" aimlessly.
The scene at the burning of the peer in
mates iu the hospital was heartrending iu
the extreme. Se appalling a sight has
rarely been witnessed. The patients iu
the annex wing were males. Many of
them refused te leave the building at all.
They ran up and down the halls scream
ing and crying, aud these who could net
be coaxed nor forced out of the building
became unhappy victims of the flames, or
were suffocated. Seme were saved by lad
ders and ethers by leaping from the win
dows. Seme were nearly nude, sumo of
them were shoeless and hatless, and all
were exposed te the exceeding cold of the
night. Many of the demented and crazed
inmates fled as if for their lives and could
net be overtaken or captured. Their suf
ferings iu this frightful condition can bet
ter be imagined tlian described. The whole
catastrophe heartrending one. These
who had escaped the flames were at
large half clothed and were te be seen
in all directions Hying in wild fright from
these who attempted te save them. The
air was bitter cold and the peer wretches
with half naked bodies and bleeding feet
were Hying about, hiding in alleys ami
dark corners for some time. The capacity
of the building has been tried te its ut
most. There were ever COO patients and
every inch of space was utilized. What
will be dene with these peer creatures,
turned out iu the cold ami their malady
increased by the excitement of the occa
sion, is a serious question. 1 here arc two
ether buildings situated in the town which
arc used, but they are already crowded.
The asylum at Rochester is full and will
doubtless be unable te provide accommo
dations for any of the inmates of St.
Peter. The number of lives lest by burn
ing and freezing is estimated at from
twenty te fifty.
Dragging Out the Initiate!.
Anether special says : While the Haines
were slowly progressing the matron of the
female department made all haste te get
the inmates out and many of them ran
shrieking into the snowdrifts in their night
.clothes, even burying themselves in the
snow, and had te be dragged into the
barns and sheds, while these nearby wrap
ped blankets and shawls around them.
Hence intense suffering could net be avoid
ed, as they had te be taken about fifteen
or twenty reds through the snow te the
nearest shelter, which was en a hill imme
diately te the rear of the south wing.
The actual number burned cannot be get
at in any way at the present time,
as many are known te have wandered
away in the intense excitement that pre
vailed. Several ladies were taken out of
some of the rooms and halls, and several
persons were get out into the halls, when
they seemed determined te return te the
flame?. One room, occupied by two men
was broken into, and while one of the oc
cupants had te be dragged out the ether
was determined te remain in his warm bed
and when dragged out he iusistcd en wait
ing te be dressed. An old man brought
from Minneapolis, named Adams, was
taken out dead. The principal cause of
the delay in getting a stream of water
en the lire from the hospital hose
arese from the fact that it had net
been in use for se long that it
required te be wet from end te cud en
the outside with het water. Meantime
the flames spread very rapidly from the
basement, filling the halls completely with
smeke and making it impossible te de
anything at saving the inmates of the
north wing except by putting up ladders
and prying off fire screens from doers, tak
ing the occupants out and actually cari-v-
ing them down without clothing in many
cases. At seme of the windows there
were three or four begging te be saved
from death, while the flames wcre burst
ing from the adjoining windows. One
peer fellow was dragged through a half
open screen and badly mangled.
Dying Frem Expemre.
A list of these killed and hurt is net
new obtainable. The superintendent of
the asylum says there were net mere than
twelve lives lest and probably as many
mere persons were hurt and are suffering
from the bitter cold of the night. Mere
people are believed te be injured and
dying from exposure te the weather than
from burns. Other people say that as
many as twenty either .perished in the
flames or died en the hills during the
night. Governer f tllseury neaas a nana
of workers who are doing everything pos
sible for the comfort of the distressed. He
says he can make arrangements for the
accommodation oft most of the insane of
St. Peter, in the hospital houses. Mr.
Carsen, of Minneapolis, has found the dead
body of his father-in-law, Mr. Abrams.
The rooms are being overhauled as fast as
possible in the search for the dead.and the
officers of the institution are making
every effort te discover the whereabouts
of the missing patients.
Henry Merrell, a wealthy Califeruian,
seventy years of age, was found dead in
bed at the St. Cloud hotel, Philadelphia.
He retired in his usual health. A list of
registered bends, footing up ever 8100,000,
and ether valuable papers were found en
his person.
Bishop O'Hara, of Sorauten, who has
arrived home from his pilgrimage te
Reme, was given a brilliant reception en
Monday. Bishop Shanahan, of Harris
burg, who was en beard the same vessel,
will be similarly honored by the Catholic
congregations of Harrisburg te-day.
It has been decided te held the fire
man's convention at Reading en Decem
ber 10. Delegates will be present from
Bethlehem, Carlisle. Catasauqua, Oxford,
Chambersburg, Hazlcten, Huntingdon,
Lancaster, Norristown, Pottstown, Scrau Scrau
ten, Shippensburg, Yerk, and ether
In the breach of premise suit of Mary
Simmers against James Wagensellcr, en
trial in West Chester, the jury rendered a
verdict giving her $3,000 damages. The
plaintiff is a young woman engaged as a
domestic in the upper end of Chester coun
ty, and the defendant, a rich farmer, had
been very attentive te her for nearly two
years, when he broke off the engagement.
William Lumas, aged 15, employed as a
telegraph operator at Mount Union,
alighted from a freight train at Alteena,
and in the darkness net seeing an approach
ing shifting engine, was struck, the wheels
passed ever him aud the entire back por
tion of his head, including the forehead
almost te the eyes, was cut off and scatter
ed about ever the rails. His right arm
was also cut almost cntercly off.
Superintendent Wiekcrsham has decided
a matter which has caused much excite
ment in Allegheny City. A local beard in
that city claimed the power te decide
whether colored children should be admit
ted in the white schools or sent te sepa
rate schools. The superintendent decides
that the ward beard has no such power as
against the beard of city controllers, who
lie maintains can establish colored schools,
provided they afford them the same cduca cduca cduca
tionel and ether facilities enjoyed by white
All the conductors en the Indianapolis
and JcHeiKenvillc railroad have been dis
charged for stealing.
A Kamas railroad train ran at full speed
into a herd of cattle, tossing them right
and left and killing thirteen.
Three inches of snow fell in the northern
parts of Vermont, New Hampshire and
.Maine en Monday, the first snow of the
At Burlington, Iowa, Miss Jennie Spen
cer, aged 23, a well-known, bright and fas
cinating young lady, hanged herself in her
father's cellar, using a slender piece of
rope from a bale of hay.
Willie Marshall, a twelve-year-old son of
Gregery Marshall, of New Bridge, N. J.,
was .suffocated yesterday morning by coal
gas. The servant girl filled the stove with
coal and shut off the damper. The room
was seen filled with gas, causing the lad's
Full official returns of California show
that Henry Edgerton, Republican, re
ceives 507 mere votes for elector than docs
.Judge Terry, the lowest en the Demo
cratic ticket, and is elected. The ether
Democratic electors have majorities rang
ing from 87 te 143.
The town of Colchester, Vt., is without
justices, as the legislative committee has
thrown out the vote of the town because
a high barricade was placed in front of the
ballet-box, se that voters could net see the
box. The right te challenge was defeated
and the boxes were taken away and the
votes net counted the next day and no dec dec
claratien was made at the meeting.
ICeptiUUuiin Charges of Election frauds
At;itint Kenubllcan.
Iu Cincinnati, Charles S. Fisher, a young
Republican lawyer, was before United
States Commissioner Heeper, en a charge
of attempting fraud upon the ballet-box
in the Third ward, at the October elec
tion. He was arrested at the instigation of
District Attorney Richards and an affida
vit was made at Richards's request by the
two Republican judges en duty at the
polls, and J. G. Stewe, one of the Repub
lican judges, testified that he found stamp
ed ballets, such as had been put in the
ballet box en the fleer, which Fisher
suggested te him had been dropped from
the box.
On counting the ballets there were
found te be fourteen mere votes than there
were names en the pelljist. It was also
found that the stamp mark en some of
the ballets was net the same as that affixed
by the ballet box. The testimony is net
yet finished.
A Traiii Wrecked by a Mule.
As a north-bound passenger train en the
Alabama & Southern railroad was
passing Elyton, tup engine struck a mule
standing en the read, and was thrown
down an embankment twenty feet high,
and wrecked. James B. McFcrren, son
of Rev. Dr. J. B. McFcrren, agent of the
Souther Methodist publishing house at
Nashville, who was in the baggage car,
wishing te escape, aud expecting the bag
gage car te fellow the course of the en
gine, jumped iu the oppesito direction.
The baggage car fell upon him, crushing
his body into the earth and killing him in
stantly. A large number of passengers
were en the train. Seme were slightly
Four Cennie Eloping Together Ereui One
Elopements seem te have beceme con
tagious in Vincent, N. C. Four couples,
all of whom had been forbidden te marry,
met there by appointment yesterday and
rede twenty miles away te auether village,
and there steed up in a row before a min
ister and wcre married. The brides were
the daughters of well-to-de farmers in the
adjoining county. Their ages ranged from
15 te 22. The grooms were all well-to-de
and respectable young men. The oppesi
tien of the parents te the matches in all
except one case is said te have been en ac
count of the extreme youth of the candi
dates for the altar.
SrUUadt Reception and Anniversary
iiacoe a. isippe ana nue.
The Reading Eagle gives the following
account of the wedding anniversary of
former Laacasteriaus new resident iu
Reading :
The beautiful mansion en the corner of
Fourth and Pine streets, this city, was
filled with a brilliant gathering Monday
night, it being the silver wedding an
niversary of the host and hostess, Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob A. Leippe. Mr. Leippe
is the proprietor of the Ancher bend
ing works, at the feet of Fianklin
street. In addition te the stiver wedding
celebration, there was a reception te Mr.
and Mrs. J. Harry Leippe, who were mar
ried in r lttsburgn en the 11th instant,
and the bride and groom were no small
party of attraction in the spacious parlor
of the mansion. The bride is a perfect
blonde, of medium size and prepossessing
appearence. The gas-jets in the hand hand hand
seme chandeliers made the rooms and hall
ways one blaze of light that shed a mellow
radiance en the wealth of fine costumes
displayed. The groom is the eldest son in
the family aud at present book-keeper in
his father's extensive works. The manage
ment of the reception and wedding anniver
sary was iu the hands of Jehn Kilne, Fifth
and Laurel streets. The tables were most
beautifully arranged, containing among
ether things two pyramidal cakes of 35
pounds each the one a reception and the
ether a wedding cake both of rare aud
skillful design ; four immense fruit cakes,
weighing 15 pounds each, geld cake, pound
cake, white mountain, chocolate, cocoanut
and lady cakes, besides a great variety of
fine mixed cakes, choice candies etc. Twe
large fruit pyramids occupied suitable
positions en the table, which were
beautifully embellished with flowers. At
11 o'clock refreshments were served ami
as the entire party were surrounding the
tables Rev. W. A. Leepold, pastor of
Chestnut street Evangelical church, deliv
ered a brief and appropriate anniversary
address, pronounced a blessing, and the
waiters served the party. Toasts, con
gratulations and well wishes were exchang
ed while James Hantscb, Miss Gussie Van
Hern, Miss Mary Bachmau and ethers
discoursed merry and cheerful music from
a new and handsome piano. Beth parties
received many beautiful and valuable pres
ents of silverware, linen and ether goods.
Messrs. Harry E. Eiscnbcrg and W. Scott
Miller officiated as ushers. Among the
guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry
and daughter, of Lancaster.
Alter Being Hidden T'ittcen Years.
About fifteen years age the residence of
Rev. Dr. J. W. Ncvin, Caernarvon Place,
was entered by thieves, who blew open the
safe J- with gunpowder, and robbed it of all
the silver and silver-plated ware. Rev. R.
J. Ncvin, D. D.t new preaching iu Reme,
ou the night of the robbery, occupied a
room above that iu which the thieves
were operating, and heard the explosion
of the safe, but supposing it te have been
the blowing up of a powder house, miles
away, he did net raise an alarm, aud the
thieves were enabled te get away with their
booty, and nothing mere was heard of the
stolen goods by the owners until a few
days age, when they learned that some of
the stolen goods had been buried iu a
small barn en property recently pur
chased bv Jehn Kamm, at the head of
North Prince street. The thieves had no
doubt carried their plunder te this barn,
and there examined and asserted it, car
rying away with them the solid silver and
burying the plated ware. The thieves
had tested the genuineness of the metal
by breaking the spoons, forks and ether
tabic ware.
It is said the first discevety of the buried
plunder was made last spring by some
children whose curiosity led them te un
cover a mound of earth which attracted
their attention in the ground fleer of the
shed or stable. Discovering some pieces
of broken forks or spoons they were in
duced te rcbury them "for luck." News
of the finding recently incidentally
reached the victims of the Ncvin robbery
aud the marking of the ware lixed its
identity. The thieves were no doubt har
bored iu what was then the notorious
Facglcysville, and buried the evidences of
their guilt which they could net melt nor
negotiate. Nothing of much value was
A Uoed Supper and JWiisiu l.nst Kvenliig.
Grant hall was crowded during last
evening, the special attraction of St. An An
teony's church fair which is there in pro
gress being a bountiful turkey supper,
which was served at the astonishingly low
price of twenty-five cents. The table was
continually besciged by hungry guests,
there was an abundauce of fowls, baked
te a turn, sweet and tothseme, while the
side dishes were net forgotten, aud nicely
cooked aud just as nicely served, were set
before the visitor in tempting ar
ray. The Eutcrpcan band was pres
ent aud added pleasure and excite
ment te the occasion by the rendi
tion of a number of choice airs, and later
in the evening a merry party surrounded
the handseme cabinet organ, possession of
which is being contested by Misses Lettie
Frcgrcsscr and Lizzie Hinkcl, and kept up
the lun by their lusty singing of a number
of songs ; Miss Lizzie Strobel presiding
ever the keys in her customary graceful
style. A number of articles of miner value
were chanced off, the lucky people being :
Lizzie Ursprung, Katie Dechert, Mrs.
Bachlcr, F. B. Hciscr, 3Iary Marien, Car
olina Muntz, Emma Smith, Charles Mc
Clarcn and Lizzie Demmel.
The mere impertaut articles te he
chanced off, including the handsome wax
cress, the portraits of Fathers Kattl and
Christ, the silver caster, etc., are retained
until tewaitl the close of the fair, which
will be open every evening until Monday
next and also te morrow and Saturday af
ternoons. The enterprise is progressing
finely, as it deserves te, and thus far the
receipts have been satisfactory aud encour
aging. The Census et Non-Cembatnntn.
Arrangements have been concluded te
take the census of all the organizations
which include as a part of their faith aud
practice, the principle of non-cembatancy
aud non-litigation. This will include a
count of the Quakers, Dunkards, Menno Menne
nitcs and the many miner organizations in
the country holding te peace views. The
supervision of the work will be in the
hands of Dr. Henry Randall Waite, of
New Jersey, and the practical part of the
work will be dene by Heward Miller, of
Prof. Miller was supervisor of census of
the Eighth Pennsylvania district, and upon
the completion of the difficult and import
ant task he has undertaken the numerical
strength and geographical distribution of
this excellent class of people will he
known. Aside from its being a matter of
great public interest it may prove of great
benefit te the members of these fraterni
ties iu possible emergencies.
The census has a peculiar local interest,
as Lancaster county will furnish a large
proportion or the class te be numbered.
Butter Stelen.
This morning a basket containing five
or six pounds of butter was stolen from
the market wagon of David K. Beilcr, of
Upper Leacock, which was at the time
standing en Duke street oppesito the court
house. While an accomplice engaged Mr.
Beilcr's attention at one end of the wagon,
under pretense of buying a pair of
chickens, the thief stele the basket from
the oppeBito end and ran oil with it. A
warrant has been issued for the arrest of
a man suspected of the theft.
A Senior Oration at F. A-H. College,
E. Bacher, or Sanbery, Pa.
by F.
Te change, te develop new forms and
situations, is a tendency in man by nature.
He desires, pursues, obtains and is sati
ated. He desires -something else and be
gins a new pursuit. The prevalence and
supremacy of this spirit was an essential
condition te the discovery of America and
its subsequent settlement. Through its
power were found and rendered profitable
the wild and uninhabited isles of the sea.
In the gratification of his desires, iu ac
cemplishing his pursuits, he sacrifices
honor and right, the laws of nations he
disregards, the appeals te his sense of jus
tice find no entrance te his dulled con
science. Stimulated by this power, no
difficulty seems tee great for his natural
strength, nor is any barrier deemed .insur
mountable. With a concentration of his
energies he madly rushes en, guided only
by the hand of fate.
lite result may be happy, even a it oe,
the means employed are net always free
from blame or reproach. Thus has it been
especially with the discoverers and set
tlers of America. Prompted by this desire
they acted and, at first, did nobly and
just. An inclination te a rapid growth
seen seized them, and they forgetting that
all noble growths are slew, exerted their
utmost efforts in extending their domains
and encreachinsr upon the rights of the
Iudian. The woodman's axe rang through
the forest, in the site of which seen
waved fields of golden grain. Ner has its
advance been checked', but along these
shores, en which the timid deer was went
te graze, arc new the scene of the lever's
moonlight walk. In these happy regions,
w here new the bustle aud confusion, the
restraints and stiffness of civilized life,
exert their rigid power, then reigned a
savage solitude. What ence marked the
abode of a happy tribe is transplanted te
the West, and scarcely a vestige new re
mains of the glory and power of the aborig
inal inhabitants of the East.
We beheld this change and we regard it
a happy change. We recollect the means
and manuer by which it was occasioned,
it causes us a feeling of shame. Our bleed
chills at the memory of past atrocities " at
which communities grown gray in cor
ruption would blush." AVc recall with
horror the sufferings, the needless ills,
which wcre inflicted upon the former in
habitants, the rightful possessors of the
East. Ner have the abuses, the shameful
actions toward these people ceased.
Their sufferings aud trials are coolly
viewed by the Christian world. The dis
appearance of this unfortunate race is
witnessed without concern by our enlight
ened nation. They make no efforts in
their behalf, but are ever eager te accept
the idea that it is their destiny. These still
less skeptical as te this, de net hesitate te
refer te the same in compensation for the
violalatien of mutual treaties and the
ttsurptien of their rights.
Their destiny! Dismiss this evil
thought. Te suffer, te vanish from the
land, may be their let, but for us there is
no need of crime. There is no fate te
justify the actions of a nation in the
wrong any mere than te justify robbers
and gamblers in plunder. We speak of
accomplishing our destiny. Se aid the late
conqueror of Europe, and destiny consign
ed him te a lene rock in the sea, a prey te
ambition, which destroyed no peace but
his own.
Destiny ! Intoxicated with this idea it
matters net hew we accumplish our fate.
Te spread, te supplant ethers, this scents
te be our ambition. Ne matter what in
fluence we spread with us. Had we from
the landing of Columbus then risen te a
noble conception of our destiny ; had we
felt that it was our work te carry freedom,
rcligieu, science aud a nobler form of
human nature ever this continent ; had we
remembered that te diffuse these blessings
we must first cherish them in our own
borders, and whatever deeply and perma
nently corrupts will make our spreading
influence a curse and net a blessing, we
should then have avoided the innocent
deaths, the many depredations in which
our history is se fertile. On the ether
hand, renouncing and defying Ged's moral
and eternal law we deny ourselves that
greatness which otherwise would be our
Our idea of our destiny as related te the
Indian has indeed wreusht evil. Through
its blinding influence we disregarding all
obstacles pushed forward. On our part
the rightfully privileges of the red man
were wauteuly violated. Net a moment
of reflection was bestowed te consider if
the steps which we wcre taking were these
of right. As a consequence the Indian
who opposed aud did net assimilate him
self at once with our nature and life, with
our aims and desires, was trampled down
or compelled te recede. All his prayers
te our conscience, his appeals te our sense
of justice, his demands te our sense duty,
were contemned. Thus has been the rela
tion between the "red man" and "pale
face " from the first settlement of Ameri
ca until new.
What vestiges still remain receive net
even pity from the larger mass of men.
Even yet what they possess is coveted.
What is given them is begrudged. Their
reservations arc ever infested by the avar
icious and their claims arc used as a means
te sate the cupidity of the spceiUating
agent. If one of this unfortunate race is
wronged he must bear it calmly. If his
possessions are usurped he must peaceably
give them up. If it is the will of the gov
ernment he must release his claim te his
former possession and wander whither it
may direct. Who can view this condition
and pass it idly by; iu whom it docs net
stir a chord of sympathy ; he is wanting
that religious feeling, te him is wanting
that seiine of honor and duty becoming a
man, his better nature is totally lest and
he is a wreck of low ambition. Oh,
wretched, degraded eue that will net meve
at such an act, who will coldly leek upon
a fellow-being se basely treated, in whom
is lacking that delicate chord of human
affection, which responds te the appeals
of suffering man.
This is severe, and it is mere severe iu
that the most advanced of present nations
has been the asrgrcsser. Were it of a bar
barous or uncivilized people that thus we
speak we mights well denominate it a
fault, for in it that character is net already
developed of which our nation should be
proud. Fer us it is mere than a fault,
aye, much mere, a vice of the lewest type.
As a nation from' our very origin en ac
count of treatment of the Indian aud our
relation te him, we have been branded
with deeds most dastardly, with crimes
most infamous.
What shall wc say of the Indians' con
duct toward nS ? It will net furnish an
excuse for our actions toward him, for his
ill-treatment. His depredations and out
rages, the massacres, of which he was the
perpetrator, can in every instance be
traced te causes which hover around the
threshold of the white, who was the first
te offend. The Iudian did net forget his
cruel treatment. Ever did he held vividly
in mind the kidnappers aud pillagers of
whose crimes the whole Atlantic coast was
the scene. Nay, his barbarous soul was
reused that tender sympathy in his breast
which in the white was blunted by his
avarice was the principle and worthy meter
of his deeds. His acts were te avenge,
these of the white were excited by gain.
In avenging he resorted te that most na
tural te one of his condition. Did wc com
pare the motives of the Indian, iu all his
conduct, with these of white, hew sad
would be the contrast ! We should then
admit our own condemnation.
Can these wrongs and injuries be ap
peased ? " This is net possible. Wc cannot
recompense atrocities of years age. We
can seek te divert the evil for which ear
ancestors were te blame. Let us think of
the Indian aud treat him as a man, en
dewed with rights common te all. Let ns
net regard him as low, degraded and in
human, for the majority are net. When
we discuss or treat of him we must take
into account the better classes only, as we
would have them de with us. If a peo
ple were rated according te its worst, the
nation jtself would uet be in advauce of
the people, it deems its wauls. Regard,
then, only the better classes and we will
be justified iu creating new relations be
tween the red-man"' and the ''pale
faces." Though new he is a ward (only
iu name aud net in fact)- let our privileges
be his privileges, our freedom his. Give
him the protection of the law ; compel an
observance of his rights ; tear away that
almost insurmountable barrier which lias
for almost four centuries separated him
from the healthful and ameliorating influ
ence of civilization aud his advancement
willbcgiu. Retain him asaward, continue
in net observing his appeals te justice, and
te disregard our mutual treaties, we de
servedly incur the reproach of the whole
civtuzcu world. Continue tins and our
memory will cause te posterity a feeling of
shame. Reform, treat the Indian se that
he will net feel like a hated monster. Ex
tend te hint the hand of fellowship ftcely
and cheerfully as we de it O the negre, the
following generation will rejoice iu the fact
that their ancestors threw oil the yokes of
avarice and selfishness, under which their
fathers labored, and allowed benevolence
aud hnmauit) te influence and direct their
acts. They shall see the peer wanderer of
the forest, net persecuted and defamed be
cause of his ignorance, but enjoying with
us equal rights and privileges, the com
mon gifts te all men fient their Creater.
Tuesday Afternoon. The grand jury re
turned the following bills :
True 'Bills : C. C. Schnadcr, selling
liquor te miners ; Allen Ceble, larceny (-1
cases), entering outhouse te commit a
felony (2 cases): Adam Gembe, fornica
tion and bastardy; II. U. Ceble. larceny
aud accessory after the fact te larceny (4
cases); William II. Wright, assaulting and
resisting an officer.
Ignered: II. U. Ceble, accessory te I.n
ccny after the fact (2 cases).
Cem'th vs. Amanda Tayler, colored, as
sault and battery. The presecutrix was
Mary Ann Picssbury, who testified that
en the 20th of August last, while she was
in a small alley near the Sumner house,
which is ou Middle street, this city, the
defendant struck her ou the mouth. The
defense was that Mary Ann began the
tight. The defendant did net recollect
striking her. Jealousy seemed te have
been the cause of the light. The jury
rendered :i verdict of net guilty, with
costs te 'i equally divided between the
B. A. Ki:i, convicted of attempting te
ravish, was sentenced te IS months' im
prisonment. Iu the case of .lehn M. Ebcrselc, charged
with resisting an officer, a demuirerwa:;
filed t the indictment.
Allen Ceble, of Elizabethtown, plead
guilty te five charges of larceny as fol fel
lows : horse blanket and net, the prop
erty of D. D. Courtney; a set of harness from
Ahram llcisey ; a herse blanket and whip
from .Jehn Hcrtzler; G pistols,!" knives
and a sum of money from Jacob Dyer, and
a blanket, a quantity of cigars and two dol
lars in money front B. K. Blaugh, all of
the neighborhood of Elizabcthtuwn. Sen
tence was deferred.
Auether indictment was preferred against
the same defendant for stealing a set of
harness from Jeseph Buminy, but iu this
a verdict of net guilty was taken for want
of sufficient evidence te convict.
Cem'th vs. Adam Gembe, fornication
and bastardy. Mary Miller was the pros pres
ecutrix ; she testified that her child, of
which itcfciidant is the father, was born en
September 11 ; it was begotten in January,
18S0, in Yerk county.
Fer the defense Gembe was called aud
he testified that he was net the father of
the child ; he knew nothing of the affair
until he w:i arrested. Anether wituess
was called te prove that the presecutrix
said di-fnisila!!? was net the father of her
William II. Wright, the colored boot
black who is better known as "Tobe,"
plead guilty te assaulting and resisting
Officer Leamau, of the city police force.
He was sentenced te an imprisonment or
four months.
" Wednesday Morning. The grand jury
returned the following bills :
True Hills: Henry II. Geed, fornication
aud bastardy ; Eitea Wassen and Richard
Cummings, libel ; Urias Kendig, larceny;
Jeseph and Mary Goedcndorf, receiving
stolen goods; Peter Beas, W. F. H. Am
wakc, Ellswerth Willard, alias Pcyter,
Philip Dickel, Uriah Willburn, Jehn 31c 31c
Cermick and William Phillips, lareeny.
The jury iu the case of Adam Gembe,
charged with fornication and bastardy,
rendered a verdict of guilty. Sentence as
Henry 11. Geed, residing near Mount
Jey, plead guilty te a charge of fornication
and bastardy and he received the usual
Cem'th v. Eliza Wassen, libel, two cases.
It was charged that en the !)th of last June
the defendant wrote two letters defaming
the character of Mastha Andersen and
Isaac Andersen, her father, of Salisbury
township. It was shown that two libelous
letters had been received, ene by Martha
Andersen and another by Squire Slay
maker. The commonwealth wcre unable
l-te coni'ietf, the defendant with the letters,
however, .'.nil tuts jury, under the instruc instruc instruc
tionef the t'etiit, rendered a verdict of net
guilty with county for costs.
Cem'th vs Richard Cummings, libel,
This case ;;iew cut of the same transaction
as the one preceding it. It resulted in
the same way and tin- same verdict was
Cem'th vs. Ellswerth Willard alias
Pcyter, larceny. Seme time in April last
two 80 pound pigs of leatl were stolen from
a shanty en the grounds of the city reser
voir. The lead was afterwards recovered
at the house of II. K. Furlow en North
Quecn street, Mr. Furlow's boys having
found it in an alley. The commonwealth
wcre unable te connect the defendant with
the theft and a verdict of net guilty was
Cem'th vs. Jeseph Goedcndorf and
Mary Goedcndorf. The defendants re
side in this city and they are charged with
receiving stolen goods. On the night of
July 22, 1880, the store or Geerge W.
Sleinmetz, in Ciay township, was entered
by thieves. About WOO worth of cloth
ing, calicos, delaines, shoes, jewelry, &c,
were stolen. Seme time afterwards the
house of the defendants was searched. A
let of goods consisting of ready-made
clothing, jewelry, shoes, &c., were found.
Mr. Steinmctz identified same calico, de
laine, j-welrv and ether property as being
his goods. When the house was searched
by Constable McDcvitt and Bewman
Mary Goedcndorf was alone at home. She
first denied having any stolen goods;
afterwards she told Officer McDcitt that
the goods wcre brought te her house by
Abe Buzzard ; she also said she had bought
some of the goods; Goedcndorf afterward-.
t.'Id the officer that sonic goed3
were In ought te his house when he was
away, ft was shown that Abe Buzzard
has "been convicted at different times of
larceny and that Goedcndorf was ac
quainted with him. On trial.
Judgments by consent were entered i:x
favor of the plaintiffs for $3,641.30, in the
several suits ef Smith, Shaub & Kitch vs.
the city of Lancaster, with stay of execu
tion intil August 1, 1881.
In the suit of Davis Kitch, jr., for the
use of David Miller vs. the city of Lan
caster, judgment by cflnscnt was entered,
in favor of the plaintiff for $293.54, with
stay of proceedings until August 1, 1881.