Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 15, 1880, Image 3

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Regular November Term.
This morning the regular "November
terra of quarter sessions court began, with
Judge Livingston en the bench.
Frank "Musslcman. or Strasburg town
ship, was chosen foreman of the grand
jury. After he and the members were
sworn Judge Livingston instructed them
in regard te their dnties while in their
rooms. He then spoke ;as fellows in re
gard te their visit te the public institu
tions :
After having passed upon all the bjl.s
presented te you by the district attorney
and performed all the duties required of
you in the grand .jury room, it wiJl be your
duty in your official capacity te visit tins
peer and house of employment, the hos
pital, home for friendless children and the
Lancaster county prison, of which yen aie
lie legal visitors.
"While visiting the peer and house of
employment it will be well for you te ex
amine the new barn just completed, and in
view of the number of buildings in close
proximity thereto, as well as the fact that
the barn en the premises has been seven:!
times, within the last few years, destroyed
by die, it will be proper for you te in
quire whether or net some arrangements
should be made for an increased supply of
water, se as te afford increased security te
the buildings, and te make Mich sugges
tions as you deem advisable with rcfcience
While visiting the Lancaster county
prison, it will be well for yen te inquiic
why it jk that while ether prisons rcpeit
considerable neil earnings in their manufac
turing departments, such as carper, weav
ing, shoe and cigar departments, ours
usually reports a deficit.
Hew Mieuld this convict labor be man
aged and utilized '.'
Should we continue te puichase raw
material and lese annually from $1,000 te
$2,000, or even mere, under the present
system in ils manufacture. Or would it
be better te have arrangements made se as
te let out by contract, and let the contrac
tor supply his euji raw material, such as
leather, carpet, L.oeni and basket material
tobacco '.'
!.y rtf ye:
e ciccm
inquiry and censidera-
Anether qucsuuzi with lefciciiee te ihn
institution, demands strict investigation mi
your pail. 1 refer te the cseape and fre
quent attempts ei the part of prisoners te
escape. Hew de they escape'.' and who
furnishes te them m many implements
for that purpose. "Where and hew He
they get implements te enable them te eat
through iron-clad cells'.' and where are the
eilicials while the cutting is being done '.'
Who furnished the prisoner who cut
through the iron-clad cell a short time
:-ince with the bar of s.ap containing a
hammer, the leaf of bread in which a file
wa"s conceded, anil the ca e knife ground
down k a point leunii un-ier tue
ininir of
his hat '.' Where did lie get them,
.sentenced te separate and selita:
lie was
ii'.cnt at lab ir for a long term.
The law lcquire'j the keeper, in presence
f any -f the inspjjters who may be pres
ent, and "the uuder!Ccpen, who can con
veniently attend, when a convict is re
ceived at the pris n, te strip 7ii,n of nil
money, fffcrti, anil clothes en his person
and then bathe, c'ran and clothe him in the
wtifen.i of the prison, and conduct him
te the cell assigned him. Xe convict
shall be allowed (unless under the
."peciul direction of .Hie attending
nhv.sieian"i or iiermittjd te leeeivi:
anv thin" but the nrisen all-nance. !
and any person who shall .supnlv, or at- :
tempt te Mipplv. a convict with any article
forbidden bv the law "everniii'' the prison,
shall en conviction be lined net kss than
20, nor mere thai'. ":10(J. and if an officer.
Me dismissed. II t;ns i,:w v
complies! j
with, he '.': l:s:nl took none of i
plcmcuis i:s iIk- cel! withiiitnat
he iirst cnlficd it. I
lu your investigation it ni::y K: well for ,
you 1e iuquiie whether i-r :iet he obtained
them from visitors, and what is the piv.c- '
tice of the prison v.ith refcrrtnee te the '
visitation efj'crsi.ns sentenced te separate j
aud solitary cenliuemcnt.
While our prison was nothing mere than I
an ordinary county jail, it did net make se
great a differenc, bee.iu.-e all enr worst j
grade of prisoners Wi're then sent te the ;
Eastern penitentiary. Hut when an act of j
Assembly was passed prohibiting us, ex- j
eept in two or three cases which raielv e:- I
cur iu this county, from hcnlcncing te the
Eastern penitentiary, our jiriren beciuu
as te all. except in these two or three
classes, a penitentiary, and the ni'x' and
regulations with leleren'-j te visiting that
class of prisoner.- bheuid be as .strict :is
therc el" the psniteiitia: ics in which they
are usually confined. We fear, however,
that upeu examination you will find thar
the inspectors and elliecry continue te con
duct our prison en the old county jail plan
and permit any one who desires te visit
prisoners, whether convicts or net, when
and se often as tlicy sec proper, without
anv regard te the law governing the prison.
This law they hate constantly before
their eyes ; it may be found in their own
printed pamphlet en page 10. Article
VII, title Visitors. After (helming who
shall be efhcial visitors m this insti
tution, it provider, tlsnt l'J'e person uiie
t'g net an ejUci-l visitor, or iche has
net a written permission, according
te suc.i rules as the inspector.? may
adept (as aforesaid), shall be allowed
te visit the prison, except atlerneys-a1--law
who shall be permitted te visit their
clients confined fur trial. Xenc lut official
visitor shall hare any coraumnua'.ien with
the convicts, nor shall any visitor
ichattrcr be permitted te deliver te or
receive from any convict or person cvi
finctl any letter or message whatever, ; te
supply them with any articles of ar.y
kind, excepting such letters or messages te
or from persons confined for trial, as shall
first be submitted or communicated te the
keeper, or one of the inspectors, and by
either approved of, under the penalty of one
hundred dollars.'
If this plain law is complied with, it is
uiuicii.i. u conceive new priueacis ouiaei
implements, such as we have referred t,
te enable them te escape. The
officers can tell you, anil it. is
your duly te inquire, whether this
law is observed and obeyed or net. It is
the duty of the inspectors, net only te
sec that proper rules and regulations an:
made and established, but implicitly ob
served. Aral whenever and wherever the
officers appointed by them fail, neglect or
refuse te obey and carry out the rules,
regulations and laws made and in force for
the government of the prison with prompt
ness and dispatch they should be immedi
ately discharged, raid they arc highly cul
pable if they fail te de .e. Se lengas this
indiscriminate and constant visiting is per
mitted in violation of law it will be found
that prisoners will be supplied with in
struments and cut through their ironclad
cells; and it will be found, we believe,
that the remedy will consist in obedience
te the law in relcience te the matter of
visitation, and net in the felly of pulling
a double coat of iron en the cells se as te
cause a greater quantity of tools te be
furnished, and the convict a greater
amount of trouble te cut through
it, as well as the taxpayers of
the county a greater amount of expense
in furnishing it. A thorough reform in the
prison in this respect is certainly necessary.
If the cause docs net lie where wc have
indieaicd it is for you le give the matter a
thorough investigation and make an honest
effort en your part te ascertain the truth
in this icgard. Perhaps theeliicers and in
spectors may be able te explain ; if they
can, yen will give them an opportunity.
Investigate the whole of these institutions ;
iuqi'.i'.e into their management fully, se
that you may be able te present such a re
port as will net only be satisfactory te the
court, but will give te the taxpayers of the
county, who maintain and support them,
such information as they have a right te
expect at your hands.
After you have performed all these
duties you will make and present te the
court a lull and complete report of your
whole proceedings.
Regular Seilness.
The first cases attached were these of
commonwealth vs. Abraham Harris and
Henry Green, colored. Beth were charged
with riet.and Green was charged also with
carrying concealed deadly weapons. The
evidence showed that en the 30th of July
last, the defendants and a colored woman
went te the hotel of Jacob D. "Warfel, in
the village of Intercourse They took
several drinks and became very abusive
and noisy. "Warfel asked them te keep
quiet while a funeral was passing the
hotel ; they did keep quiet for a time,
but seen began te get noisy again.
They asked for mere liquor, which
"Warfel refused te give them, after some
words Green struck "Warfel en the head
with his fist, while the latter was behind
the bar. "Warfel then struck Green with
a cane knocking him down ; after Green
regained his feet he drew a revolver and
threatened te sheet "Warfel who shut the
deer ; Green kicked the panel of the deer
in and then "Warfel came out and the
fight was renewed ; the pistol fell out of
Green's hand, whereupon Careline Green
picked it up and flourished it around
Warfcl's head : the fight drew quite a
crowd together and Harris and Green
were finally arrested by the constable.
The defense was that Harris had com
mitted no offense whatever ; that "Warfel
began the fichts. and that all Green did
was done in self defense. Oh trial.
The grand jury returned the following
bills :
True Bills: Ilcubcn Zcch, embezzle
ment; Jehn B. Pickel, Jacob S. Krick,
Jehn Ovcrheltzcr, and Jeseph Engles,
fornication aiid bastardy.
Ignered: Gertrude Buprccht, violating
liquor law.
Jeseph Jenes, of this city, plead guilty
of fornication and bastardy with Alice A.
"Warner. He received the usual sentence,
In the case of cera'th vs. Milten Mishler,
charged with violating election laws, a
demurrer was filed te the indictment, and
it will be argued in December.
Tipstaff Appointed.
Jehn Kucczcl was appointed a tipstaff
for the corridor in place of Henry "Warner,
who has been transferred te the court
Squire Evans is at Lancaster te-day.
Election is ever shows will come thick
and fast.
"Wc arc one of nine te help eat an oyster
supper te-morrow night en a wager en the
state of Flerida.
The circle around the moon brought the
The remains of Mrs. Frederick Brink
were interred, yesterday afternoon, in
Mount Bethel cemetery. The funeral cor
tege was very large.
Saturday last was pay day at the Sus
quehanna rolling mill and the employees
were paid for two weeks work.
Harry Tregear. late chief engineer of
the Shawnee furnaces, but at present a
resident of Philadelphia, spent yesterday
visiting Columbia friends.
Freight is at present se very heavy n
the Pennsylvania railroad that en the ar-
rival here, en Saturday
fternoen, of the
engines of local freight,
which should
have remained here ever Sunday and start
cd out early this
inerninir, it was leuiul
necessary, by reason of the trcat demand
for power, te turn them immediately and
send them cast with .leaded trains. They
returned acre last nigui ana were sent east
again at four o'clock this morning. The
motive power of the company is new work
ing te its utmost capacity.
Miss Annie J. Evars, who had been
visiting Miss Emily J. Hroeiucl for the
past week, left here this morning en her
return te her home at Parkcsburg, Pa.
Walter White, of Yerk, Pa., spent yes
terday in Columbia.
The Majer Tet paraphernalia with a di
minutive pony arrived here from the West
at nine o'clock this morning.
Snow is falling very lively at this writ
ing and it leeks new as if it may continue
for some time te come. ThcMlakes arc
The Columbia public schools were re
opened this morning after being closed
during last week. There is no ehanjje in
' attendance or anything else connected with
I the schools.
! Council will held an adjourned meeting
this evening. The proceedings will be
: short.
; While the Heading & Columbia rai!
j read .shifting engine was working at the
coal chutes this morning,a couple of leaded
i coal cais, which were" being backed up
the steep grade te the bins, te be emptied,
jumped the track and cut up te a consid
erable extent the x!atlenu en which the
tracks arc laid just this side of the chutes.
It is net positively knewu whether a frog
or the spreading of a iruard-rail caused the
! accident. About half an hour was con
sumed in replacing the cars en the track,
when work continued as usual.
The pastoral letter of the Heuse of
IJisheps of the Protestant Episcopal church
of the United States, issued trieunially te
the clcrcy and laity, was read list even
iigby Eev. Richard C. Searing, te tie
congregation of St. Paul's Episcopal church
of this place.
Rev. F. W. Staley pi cached another ser
mon te young men last evening, in the E.
E. Lutheran church.
At yesterday's session of the M.T". Sun
day school a committee was appointed
te make arraagcinf nti for the Christmas
festivities. In the evening, in the church,
Kev. Henry Wheeler preached te young
Albeit M. Slade has temporary posses
sion et D. F. Kramer's jewelry store dur
ing the absence from town of the pro
prietor. The tobacco crop of 1SS0, as we said in
a letter te the Ixtelligencek a couple of
months age, is, in this neighborhood, above
the average, both in yield aud quality.
Since the weed has been cut the growers
of it have been giving their time te curing
it, in which, from all reports at hand, they
have been as successful as when working
it while still in the field. The result is that
armest every farmer about here lias his to
bacco house well filled and is justified
in expecting a geed price for it. It will
net new be a great while before we com
mence reporting sales and indeed we will
be greatly mistaken if these sales de net
fellow one another in quick succession un
til the whole crop changes bauds. On Sat
urday two tobacco buyers called en Henry
Wislcr, residing but a short distance be
yond the borough limits, and examined
the excellent tobacco grown en his 'farm,
but wc have net heard what will result.
These arc the first purchases we have
heard of being made here, but knew that
ethers will fellow, and that tee very seen.
Inquests and Funerals.
Deputy Corener Jehn G. Brenner, of
Millcrsville, held the inquests en the
bodies of the men who were killed at Safe
Harber. The verdicts were returned this
morning. The jury found that the men
came te their deaths from being struck by
a piece of the cannon.
Yeung Aument was buried at'Highvillc
en Saturday, and Tayler was buried at
Safe Harber yesterday. Beth funerals
were - cry largely attended.
Ite-argument Beiused.
The supreme court of the state recently
decided net te permit counsel for Mr. Jno.
A. Mullen te re-argue the Lant-Mullcn
will case.
Almest Suffocated.
The family of Michael Eberiy, residing
at Ne 543 "West Lemen street, made a nar
row escape from suffocation en Saturday
afternoon. It appears that a fire had been
made in the furnace in the cellar for the
fiist time during the present season ; and
the smoke flue became se clogged at the
bottom with soot and dust that had sifted
down it, that neither the smoke nor gas
from the furnace could pass. The conse
quence was that the upper rooms of the
house were seen se charged with the pois
onous gas that Mrs. Eberiy, her daughter
Mrs. "Weidncr and Mrs. Weidner's little
child became deathly sick from inhaling it
and the services of a physician were re
quired te relieve them. Mr. Wcidner was
also affected but net se seriously. As seen
as Mr. Eberiy get home he drew the fire
from the furnace, ascertained the cause of
the trouble, and seen had things put te
Leg Crashed.
On Saturday afternoon a ten-year-old
son of Jehn Havcrstick, of "Wabank,
met with a very serious accident.
It appears that he was hanging
en behind a wagon belonging te
Mr. Burkheldcr, and accidentally get
his leg between the spokes of the wheel,
and before he could remove it the bones of
the leg below the knee were broken and
protruded through the flesh. The boy was
taken home and Drs. B. F. Herr, of
Millcrsville, and "Winters of New Danville
attended him. Today he lies in a very
critical condition.
A Large Turnip.
"Win. Kunkel, of Quarryvillc has left
with us a turnip, the seed which was sewn
during the second week of August, that
weighs nearly six pounds aud measures
two feet in circumference. This is ene of
about a hundred bushels, many of which
arc of the same sort. It is net often that
such large turnips are grown from seed
sewn se late.
Annual Love Feast.
The Duukers are at present engaged in
holding their annual " leve feast " at Eph
rata. A number of miuistcrs from a dis
tance arc pn ' i for the purpese of as
sisting the h .!; speakers. All the Dun
hers this ye:n .ire making a special effort
te i-ejuveui! liicir old customs, both in
religious ' .ns and ceremonies and in
their habi' of dress.
Oeerge Albright's Successor.
Jeseph C. Snyder was this afternoon ap
pointed crier aud interpreter for the sever
al courts of Lancaster county, te fill the
vacancy caused bv the death of Geerge
Cene te Delaware County.
Prof. Wm. 13. Hall left Lancaster this
morning for Media and will conduct the
music for the Delaware county teachers'
institute which is in session this week.
Don't hesitate. It your Kidneys trouble you,
for Day's Kidxev Pad will surely cure.
It is every year becomingmere and mere the
fashion te wear diamonds. Diamonds are net
new worn only by the very wealthy but by
thousands of person-, of moderate means.
There Is no ornament that can be purer or In
better taste. A diamond, if properly selected,
always has value, and Is therefore net merely
an ornament but also an investment. Bailey,
Banks & Biddle, 12th anil Chestnut streets,
Philadelphia, have been for se many years in
the business of importing diamonds that their
judgment can be relied en' by the3C of our
readers who wish te invest in these most de
sirable of all gems. Manj-will be astonished
te knew hew low diamonds arc. These who
are buying the larger and mere costly stones
will also And their desires met with an im
mense and well chosen assortment. ltd&w
"Deacon Crani.cfl" Te-night. -The play of
" Deacon Crankett," by the well known author
of "Helen's Babies," is the attraction under
lined for Fulton opera house te-night, aud
premises te :uTerd an entertainment et genu
ine merit. The Philadelphia papers agree in
pronouncing it ji coinpe-ition far above the
ordinary and the company hr.s been selected
with care and artistic judgment. Tnopieee
will be produced under Mr. Jehn I. MIshlcr's
management, and Mr. Ben Maginley plays the
title role in a manner that has evoked the
united commendation of competent critics.
Fanny Davenport. On Wednesday evening
Miss 1'anny Davenport, thecmincnt emotional
actress, will make her second appearance in
this city. Mias Davenport's original perform
ance here occurred last winter, when her im
personation of Mabel Iienfrciv, in Augustln
Daly's drama et "Pique," gave our people a
slight idea of her extended capabilities. Her
present role of Kate Vivian, in Anna Dickin Dickin
eon's new play "An American Girl," for which
she is underlined Wednesday evening, h:
lidded new laurels te her reputation. The pre fl
reports of her acting in this piece indicate a
repetition of former triumphs, and the popular
favor with which it lias been received it at
once marked and lasting. A feature of the
performance that will especially interest the
ladies is Miss Davrnpert's wardrobe, which is
said te be unrivaled by that of any Ameri
can actress.
ST. NICHOLAS fOli 1881.
S.000 Fer England, 100,000 ler America.
il. Nicholas, the charming magazine for boys
and girls, edited by Mrs. Mary Mapes Dedgo,
has increased se muc'.t in size and number of
pages during the year pa.-t that the publishers
have been obliged te Issue the yearly volume
in two parts, instead et one as heretofore. As
te its circulation, they report a gain of 10,000 In
the average monthly editions of 1S?0 ever 1879.
The announcements for the coming year in
clude a capital serial story ler boys, full of ex
citing advcnture,"In Xature's Wonderland, or
Adventures in the American Tropics" ; Stories
of Art and Artists, by Mrs. Clara Ersklne
Clement, a faithful outline of the history of
European Art. with many Ulnstiatiens;
"Phaeton ltegers," a delightful and humorous
serial by Hessiter Jehnsen; "Mystery in a
Mansion," a six months' serial : The Treasure
15ex of Literature, directing and encouraging
3eung people in the best reading ; The Agassir
Association, fully explained in the Xovembcr
number; '-Twe English Queens," by Mrs.
Oliphant; "The Land of Xed,"a children's
operetta, wilh music, full of charming tab
leaux and enects ; A scries of beautifully illus
trated l.allads ler Yeung Pelks, beginning"
with the Christmas number ; A Special Budget
et Fairy Stories by Prank It. Stockton the
lirst of which is in the Xevcmber nnmber; An
Indian Story by "Bright Eyes," the Penca
Indian maiden; a splendid holiday story, "A
Chistmas with the Man in the Moen," by Wash
ington Gladden. Open-air Papers, steriC3 et
sports and games, will be continued, with all
the popular departments.
Subscriptions beginning with the Xevcmber
issue will include "the wonderful Christmas
number," of which the edition will be 5,000 in
England and 100,000 in America. The price of
this number, te be issued about Xevcmber SO,
will be 30 cents.
Regular price $1 a year; 25 cents a number.
Fer sale, tint subscriptions rctcived, by all
dealers, or the publishers. Seribner & Ce., 713
Broadway, Xew Yerk.
Yeung ladies who delight In fair, lrcsh faces
use Cuticura Medicinal Seap.
Despair net, neither man nor maid,
Although yenr mouth has suffered ill,
Although your teeth are halt deeayed,
Yeu can still save them, it you will.
A little SOZODONT be sure
Will make all balmy, bright and pure.
Fickle in appetite, Irresolute in mind, and
subject te melancholy, try Halt Bitters.
It is impossible for a woman after a faithful
course of treatment with Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer
with a weakness et the uterus. Enclesu a
stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. PInkham', 233 Western
avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets.
" Since taking Dr. Ltndscy'a Bleed Search
er' that old sero et mine Is entirely cured'
Sold by all druggists.
"We are receiving some very beautiful New Goods for our CHRIST
"We have just opened the handsomest let of Bronze and Marble Clocks
and Mantle Sets ever seen in this city. They are fitted with Fine French
Movements, run two weeks, and strike hours and half-hours en fine-toned
Cathedral Bells. The prices of these Clocks will be from fifteen dollars up
wards. "We receive at the same time a large invoice of Lcmaire's Opera
Glasses and Field Glasses. These are in great variety of styles, including some
entirely new styles just eat.
Oar Christmas Stock will be the largest and finest ever brought te this
city, and we hope te be able te fill any want for goods in our line from the
Cheapest te the Finest.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
Protect the Little Onc, Onc,
Pr.eTrcr tiie Little Oxes from the often fatAl
consequences of croup, with Dr. Themas' Ec
luctric Oil. It is the king of all cough medicine
as well as a peerless remedy for rheumatism,
lame back, sprains, bruises, cuts, piles, kidney
troubles, etc. Take it inwardly and apply out eut
wardly. Fer sale by II. 18. Cochran, drugelst,
137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. 'SO
Wines ter Medicine.
Seme time since wc stepped at Passaic, X. J.,
and were really surprised te sec the amount of
Mr. Speer's stock el Pert Grape Wine en band
it is almost fabulous. Four store houses are
Ailed, and tiers upon tiers of c:isks. up and
down stiars, and in some cases huge casks oc
cupy every available spot, leaving only Utile
alleyways tlueugli which te walk. It is an
illimitable quantity of wine. Xone Is sold
unless it has acquired the age of four years,
and the buildings 1, S, 3 and 4, arc of the first,
second, third and fourth years' vintage. Our
druggists have sonic of the eldest otthe above
wine direct from Mr. Specr. Patttrsen Guar
dian. This wine i3 new In demand ;ier ceniinu
nien purposes. It is excellent for weakly per
sons befere retiring.
This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlce and
Davis, and sold by II. K. Slaymaker.
Tens of thousands of dollars are squandered
yearly upon tniveliug Qaacke, who go from
town te town professing te cure all the Ills
that our peer humanity is heir te, why will net
the public learn common sense, and if they arc
suffering from Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint,
Invest a dollar in Spring Blessem, sold by all
druggists and endorsed by the faculty. Prices,
50c., trial bottles. 10c. Fer sale Jby II. 1J. Coch
ran, druggist, 137 and 139 Xeith ucen street,
i.ancasiur, i'a.
Sellers' Liver Pills' cured me of liver com
plaint of eight years standing." Win. Evans,
.Toilet, HI. Give them a trial.
Specr'a Pert Grape tVlne.
This article of American Wine is highly
esteemed by the bast physicians In this coun
try. The following fa a testimonial wc saw
lrem the Xew Yerk Hospital. We publUh it
for the information et our readers:
Xbw Yerk, Xev. 14.
I am using Speer's Pert Grape Winenndflnd
It te be an excellent tonic and gontle stimu
lant, and as such I bellsv it preferable te the
commercial Pert, and all ether wine j, as it pos
sesses their tonic properties without the dele
terious efiect caused by their impurities. Itls
also very palatable, and this is a recommenda
tion te many, especially females.
S. S. IUmus, M. D., X. Y. Hospital.
Tills is an excellent article le family use,
and for fcmalca, and fa endorsed by Drs. Atles
and Davis, aud for sale by II. K. Slaymaker.
Arousing Its lieadcrs.
An alarm of fire at midnight Is a startling
thing, but net half se startling te many who
hear 'it as would be the sudden knowledge et
their own dangerous physical condition.
Thousands of thousands are hurrying te their
graves because they are carelessly indifferent
te the insidious inroads et disease and the
means et enre. It is the mission of II. II.
Warner & Ce., with their Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure, te arouse men te a sense et their
danger an d then euro them. iltmphi s Appeal.
Methers: JK ethers!! Mothers:::
Are yen "disturbed at night and broken el
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth?
It se, go tit once and getabottlcef MUS. WIXS
LOW'S SOOTHING SYKUP. It will relieve th
peer lifik) sufferer immediately depend upon
It ; theiv i. no mistake about it. There is net a
mother en earth who has ever used It, who will
net tell you at er.ce that it will regulate the
bowels, and give re3t te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te nse in all eases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is tha prescription of ena
of the eldest and best female physicians and
mire us in the United States. Sold everywhere
JS cents a bottle. ni:-lvdXwM.WJlS
A flr-d-class 1! -horse power Engine and
15-horse Tubular Beiler. Apply at once at
lill-Stdlt 10 West Orange Street.
A Grand Turkey Sumicr will be ulvcn nt
the Fair te-morrow (Tuesday) evening, nt 8:30
o'clock. Tickets for supper only ? cents. The
Fair will be open every evening and Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday afternoons. ltd
NOVEMBER 27. at the Banking Heuse of
D. P. Lecher A Sen, ler 0 Registered Bends of
$."'00 each or any part thereof, te be issued by
the Lancaster City Scheel Beard, bearing 5 per
cent, interest, payable semi-annually. The
Bends will be dated December 1, 1830, and pay
able at the pleasure of said beard after one
year. . ROBERT A. EVANS,
Chairman Finance Cemmitttc Scheel Beard.
ERTY. On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 18S0, the un
dersigned will offer nf public sale, thevalu
able property. Ne. 233 East Orange street. Lan
caster, belonging te thejicirs et Jacob Stauf
fer, deceased, consisting et a let of ground,
fronting 27 feet, C inches en Orange street, and
extending in depth 215 feet te Marien strcet, a
11 feet public alley, en which is erected a two
story brick dwelling house en Orange street,
with wide hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen
and sleeping apartments, with gas and water.
On Marlen street are erected two new two
story brick tenant houses, with slate reef, and
nlse n two-story stone tenant house en the let,
always eligible for geed tenants.
Possession and title April, 1881.
Persons wishing te view the property can
de se en the day et sale by calling en the
Sale atLcepard hotel. East King street, at 7
p. m., when conditions of sale will be made
known bv
Heshv Shubekt, Auct. nevl5,lC,22,23
Geed Patterns, that will be closed out at the
low price et fifty cents. These arc a decided
bargain, as some have been reduced from one
dollar te fifty cents apiece.
Rluc, Garnet, Brown, Old Geld, Lavender,
Stene, &c.
Cardinal, Brown, Ecru, Green aud Whtte 1 1
Spring Fixtures, Fringes. Leeps, Ta?sels, &c.
Opening almost dally Xcw Designs of
Our stock Is Large and
Newest Fashions.
Attractive, of the
i wiiew uernice,
The Best, Simplest and Chcapcat made.
Bird Stere, at Xe. 115 EAST KIKG
STKEET. A line let of choice birds, such as
Canaries, Mocking Birds. Goldfinches, Lin
nets. Geld Fish, &c. Alse cages and seeds of
all kinds. ltd
The members of the
will please meet at SCniLLER HALL. North
Oueeu street, en TUESDAY EVEXIXG. NO
VEMBER 1C, at 8 o'clock, te receive a full re
port, et the Committee and te lerm a per
manent organization or the Democracy of this
ni5 2td. Marshal.
of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters et ad
ministration en said estate having been grant
ed te the undersigned, all "persons indebted
therte are requested te make immediate pay
ment, and these having claims or demands
against the same, will present them without
delay ler settlement te the undersigned, resid
ing In Lancaster city.
M. It. w ilsejt, Administrators.
A. C. Kcixecur,,
Attorneys. nevlS Ctdeaw
A beautiful residence at public sale. On
TnUKSDAYfXOVEMIJElt35, 18S0. will be sold
at public sale at the Leepard hotel, East King
street, in thccltyet Lancaster, the following
valuable property, te wit :
A let et ground situated en the north side
of East Orange the city of Lancaster
Pa., containing in front en said street fll feet
mere or less, anil extending nerthwardly 215
feet te Marien street; bounded en the north
by Marien street, aforesaid, en the south bv
saia cast orange street.en the east by a public
alley, and en the west by ground erB. F. Cox,
en which a double two-story BUICK DWELL
ING HOUSE (Gothic frtyle), Xe. 719, with Back
Building and ether impi evements, are erected.
This is really a desirable property. The house
is nearly new. well built, et iroeii inntv)..i i.e
all the modern improvements, and the loca
tion is one of the pleasantest in the suburbs of
me ciiy.
Geed title and possession en April 1, 1SS1
j. en percent, or purchase money en day of
saie. 5i,aue en April J. issi, balance can remain,
en the property en llrst mortgage at six per
cent, interest.
Sale te commence nt 7 o'elock p. m., or said
day, when attendance will bs given and terms
made knewu by
II. SHCccr.T, Auct. nevl5-10td
A tWO-stf
story Brick Back Building attached, situate at
-u. aatusi unmgc street, wmi gas m every
room, and just newly papered. Will be sold at
private salt en cheap and c:isy terms.
nevl3-t fd Xe. 23 Xerth Queen street.
VEMBER, 10, 1SS0, in pursuance et an order
of the Court or Common Pleas of Lancaster
County, Pa., the undersigned- assignees
of Jacob Stamnn and wife will expose at pub
lic sale In the Borough of Washington, Lan
caster comity. Pa., the following described
Ne. 1. A1 tract et FARM LAND, situate in
the Borough of Washington, aforesaid, con
taining 19 ACRES, mere or less, en which are
erected a two-story Brick Heuse, Frame Bank
Barn. Tobacco Sheds and ether necessary out
buildings, adjoining properties et the M.E.
church, Jehn Brush, Frank Yeung, ct al.
This laud is in the highest state of cultivation
nnd especially adapted te the raising eJ tobac
co and market truck. It has a line stream et
water flowing through Hand a never-failing
spring which lurnislies running water for
house anil barn, 'ibis tract has a frontage of
uujcei en uier sircci wiucu can uc readily
divided Inte building lets.
Xe. 2. Consists et LUMBER YARD and mill
property en Water street, in said borough,
containing 4 ACRES, en which is erected a
new STEAM SAW MILL, 30x120 let, contain
ing a GO-hersc power cngine.twe Muhley eaws,
circular saws, Ac. The machinery is In Jlrst
class running order. Adjoining saw mill is a
large PL AXING MILL, furnished with all the
improved machinery. This property is en the
line of the Columbia & Pert Deposit Railroad
and has a siding from said read. It has a front
age of 800 leet en the Susquehanna river and a
well-situated Leg Pend. The mill and yard
new have a large patronage and arc occupied
by L. G. Scefieid. Tracts Xes. 1 and 2 will be
sold separately or together.
Ne. 3. A Let of Ground situate en Elbow
street in said borough. Bounded en the north
by let Xe. 4, en the east by a public read, and
en the south and west by Elbow street Cen-
leinmg u.m- AuurJ.
Xe. 4. A Let et Ground, adjoining Xe. 3 ;
bounded en the north Uy let Ne. 5, en the east
by a public read, en the senth by let Ne. 3,and
en the west by Elbow street. Containing ONE
Ne. 5. A Let of Ground, adjoining Xe. 4 :
bounded en the north by tract Ne. 1, en tin:
cast by public read, and the south bv let Xe. 4,
and en the west by Eibew'fctreet. Containing
Lets Xes. 3, 4 and 5 will be sold separately e:
as a whole.
Ne. C. A Let el Ground, sltuateen Elizabeth
street, and known in the plan of said borough
as Xe. 145. Upen which is erected a one-story
Frame Heuse. Tlds let has a frontage et ue
feet and a depth of 1C5 feet.
Xe. 7. A Building Let. adjoining let Xe. C,
and known in the plan of said borough as Xe.
lib. x reniing w ieei en i.nzauetli street and
extending in depth li" feet.
Ne. 8. A Building Let, adjoining let Xe. 7,
and known in the plan of said borough as Ne.
147. Fronting (JO feet en Elizabeth street and
extending in depth 1U5 feet.
Xe. 9. A Let of Ground, situate en Water
street, in said borough, en which is erected a
one and a half story FRAME DWELLING and
ether outbuildings. This let has a width of 38
feet en Water street, nnd extends In depth 150
feet te an alley and adjoins property of Bar
bara Kane nnd tract Ne. 3.
Ne. 10. A Let or Piece et Ground, situate en
Mill street in said borough, being U9 leet in
width and 221 leet in depth ; adjoining proper
ties of J. W. Miller and Benjamin Sible.
Xe. 11. A Let of Ground, situate en Penn
(formerly Market) street, in said borough;
containing OXE-liALF ACRE and bounded
by properties of Samuel Myers, Levi Haver
stick and Jehn Hoeven.
Any person desirous et examining the loca
tion of the abeve tracts can call at the law
office or Wm. B. Given, esq., Columbia, Pa.,
where a full map of the premises may be seen,
or upon the undersigned In Washington Bor
ough. The sale will be held en the mill property at
1 o'clock, sharp, where attendance will be
given and terms made known by
Assignee of Jacob Stamanand Wife.
Aeiuuax Dbllincer Auct. oct2G-4tdeawM
tisc, free of charge, in the Istkllieew
ckr, who wants something te de.
de the cooking and esssist in the gener
al housework in a small family. Wages, $10
te $15 per mouth. Inquircatthis office.
TT glrl te de general housework. Apply at
1 16 East Lemen street. ltd
tatoes, 500 Barrels of Apples, 1,000 Bushels
of White Oats. Alse the Celebrated l agile
burg Sauer Kraut, te be delivered te any pais
of the city free of charge. JOHN OC1IS,
nl3-3td tx Seuth Queen Street.
will open for the reception et pupils WED
NESDAY, XOV. 17, at 4 p. m. for children, 8 p.
m. ler ladies and gentlemen. All the new
dances taught in one term Racquet, Alsatian,
Knickerbocker Racquet and the beautiful
'Pole-' Quadrille. Fer terms. &c, apply at
East King street.
Musiehy W. Tayler and orchestra.
The Day's Uelcgs by "wire and Cable.
An Easy Victory for the Little Canadian
Te-day's Beat Kaceen the Thames.
Londen, Nev. 15. Hanlantoek the lead
at Hammersmith Bridge, holding it easily
te the finish. The weather was favorable.
The race was a mcre precession from
start te the finish. Ilanlan rowed in splen
did form. He stepped several times, al
lowing Trickett te come up. Tremendous
crowds of people witnessed the race.
The river was perfectly still.
Passing under Hammersmith Bridw.
Hanlau was leading by a clear length,
going well within himself. The weather
was dull and mistv. and the air ehilh-
ine 6tart occurred at 12:14 e clock, at
which time the tide was nearly full and
the water was slack and smooth
throughout. Hanlan ha'd the Sur
rey side of the river. A very
even start was effected, Hanlan strik
ing the water at the rate of 33 strokes
te the minute, and Trickett at the rate of
41. Hanlan moved easily and in perfect
style, showing hia superiority from the
first stroke. The Crahtree was passed in
six minutes and fear seconds from the
starting point. Here Trickett be
gan te labor and leek ill, and
by the time the soap works were
reached the race was absolutely ever.
Occasionally Hanlan stepped rowing until
Trickett came up, when a few powerful
strokes would send him ahead again. Be
tween HammersmithBridge and Chiswick
Hanlan lay down twice. He slopped en
tirely once aud again paddled along first
with ene acul! and then with the ether. He
lcanadevcr te wash his face and chatted
with Elliett who was rowing alengside
and (iially wen by three lengths, which
he could have made a half mile kail lie se
chosen. The time of the race was 29 min-
utee and 19 seconds. Tirckctt's form cre
ated great appointment ; he was much dis
tressed at the finish; while Hanlan was
perfectly fresh.
The Sews at Heme.
Toiiento, Nev. 15 Cel. Shaw telegraphs
that Hanlan wen by three lengths and had
something te spare.
Efferts te Subdue the Flames.
Stellarton, N. S., Nev. 13. Since last
report there has been little change. The
entrances of the mines have been closed by
putting down bundles of pressed hay and
brusli and throwing en earth. Twe steam
fire engines are at work pumping water
into the fan shaft.
Daniel Treuttnan, aged 70, Killed iu Bed.
IIarrisbure, Pa., Nev. 15. Daniel
Troutman, a farmer, 70 years old residing
near Uniontown, Dauphin county, was
awakened last night by two burglars at his
bedside. He fired at them and one of the
men returned the fire. The return shot
struck Troutman en the breast and he fell
dead at his wife's feet, saying that his mur
derer was Henry Remhergcr. Rembcrgcr,
who is known as a had character, has been
arrested, but no trace has been found of
the ether burglar. Troutman leaves a
wife and fourteen children.
A Regular Blizzard at Chicago."
CniCAce. Nev. 15. After two or three
days of very hard freezing a regular bliz
zard set in this morning. It is snowing
and drifting, but the snow is net heavy
enough yet te de much damage.
Snow In the Seuth.
Wilmington, N. C, Nev. 15. 5l(to 5l(te
an almost continuous rain for twcnty-feii
hours a snow storm set in this morning
and stil! continues.
Sherman and the Silver Dellar.
Washington, Nev. 15. Secretary Sher
man in his report will recommend that the
coinage of the silver dollar be discontinue 1,
or if it is continued that the weight be in
creased se as te make it equal in value te a
geld delIar,aud that the amount te be coin
ed monthly be left te the discretion of the
secretary of the treasury.
Washington, Nev. 15. Fer the Middle
states, cloudy or partly cloudy weather,
possibly occasional rain, winds mostly
from northwest te southeast, stationary or
higher temperature, lower barometer.
Rebel Victory In Seuth Africa.
Londen, Nev. 15. A dispatch from
Cape Town, dated the 13th, says the rebels
attacked a small force of Cape troops oc
cupying a Basuta village and the troops
were forced te evacuate it.
A missionary Official.
Londen, Nev. 15. A dispatch from St.
Petersburg says the governor general of
Kasen will be superseded and tried shortly
for forcibly attempting te convert seven
hundred thousand Tartars te the orthodox
I can new offer te the trade and public a
large stock et Pure Confections of every
description, at the very lowest market rates.
and small Cake baked dally. Ice Cream at
all times.
MAIL ORDERS promptly attended te at the
same rate as if the person ordering were
present in person, Call and sse my stock.
jtWUemembcr the place
r.tMyd JOS. R. ROYER.
ew lOTkOarkei.
1KJrKlJ:X"; T-Fleur-s,at nnd West
fl?i,with Jcrate expert and home trade
S?i7,j,bul)?r?nc'. at w a4 ' extra de
vK: """"wogpMe 151035 50: choice de
2,! J?; 9UPernne western SSsegi ;
i S .??,? ; cht2,ce wWle wheat de 7S
fR&l&iES&SF1 "", flrm; common te
farr extra 15 legs a ; geed te cnelct. de 5 70
JhernTPr"c a 9&ade"ngcr: Mixed west
ern spot. 53&59C : de future, STgSOlic
Oats about He better : Xe. a December. 41c :
de January, 4ie ; State 41ffl50c; Westurn 89aJ
Philadelphia Market.
PHiLADxtraiA, November 13. Fleur dull
tnj $40034 SO; Ohie and Indiana family 5S0
$L.rti eei-.!mlly 235 50 : st LeuS
5i.uJ oupernne j wiCJ 30: ex-
iamilV JO JeHGMr Minneanta r...ll..a-: ijt t.
Straight 6 0050:
Spring de 7 O0Q8 25.
Straight SeeOSfiSO: Winter nitnnt 'ecnnAT KnZ
7dOf700IS25. -.,
JJye flour dull at 3 37.
Wheat firmer: Ne. t Western RM fl 17V':
Pcnn'a. Red l 133117; Amber i:i7Ql I7J.
Cern firm with fair local trade ; yellow at SOiiJ
59Jic ; mixed 5SX50c.
Oats quiet ; Ne. 1. White 42c ; Xe. 2 de 41c
Xe. it de 39840c ; Xe. 2 Mixed 37i33c.
Kye firm at OSe.
Previsions steady ; mess perk old, I5 23
1550; de new, JIG 2510 50; beet hams $1S50
19 00; Indian uiess bee! at 13 50 ; bacon smok
ed shoulders 5it5e; salt de 5.ic: smoked
hamsleaic; pickled hams '$"io8?.e.
Lard steady; city kcttle SJiQ'Jc: loeao
butchers' SSc; prime steam S 73.
Butter steady with Choice in very
Soed demand ; Creamery extra at 32c ;
e geed te choice 29:331c; B. C. and N. Y. ex
tra 2029c; Western reserve extra 22$j24c;
de geed te choice lS20c: Rolls choice tirm;
Penn'a Extra 20323c; Western Ke?erv. extra
Eggs lirm and wanted; Penn'a Extra 27c;
Western Extra 252Cc.
Cheese Clieice in better demand ; New
Tork lull cream 13lZi,c i Western full
cream 12"13c: de fair togeod at lISl-e: de
hn!fskim10ai0!.fc w '
Petroleum dull ; refined lie.
Whisky scurce at 81 II.
Seeds Geed te prime clever dull at$700Q
750; Timethy nominal at $2702280: Fhmeert
quiet at $133.
Cattle Market.
Puiladblfuu, November 15. Cattle market
active: sales 2.80O head, l'riinu ta6Ue
goedSJSSSJe; medium 4"i5;ic ; common 3ji
Sheep market active ; sales 10,000 head.
Prime 55?c; geed 4S5c: medium 4J
Q4c; common 43Jc ; culls .Jfjl3"fc.
Hogs Market fair; sales, 6.S0O: prime &1
7c ; medium OJiCJic ; common t;;e.
Htectt .Market.
Nkw Yeiuc Stccxs.
Stocks weak.
November 15.
a. tz. r. m. r. m. r. st.
V0J.0 12:00 1:U3 2:20
Meney 3Qlt ....
Erie It. R 42,'S 42J.J WA ....
Michigan S. L. S....lli;; ll: 113';; ....
Michigan Cent. IC.! 10S! Vl
Chicago A N.JW 1I3X M'A li: ....
Chicago. M A St. P.. 103" 102;;. 103"- ....
1. M
Han. A St. .. Cem 40'4 40' 0Vt
J."KI.... Kfti
Teledo & Wabash.... 42
OhleA Mississippi. .. .'MU
St. Leuis. I. M. & S. R 4S1I
Ontario and Western. 20
C. C. A I. C. R. R 2IJ
New Jersey Central.. 7-s
Liui. s iiuiisen iUiiui. cag
Del.. Lack. A Western 'JSi
Western Union Tel... 'J7&
Pacific Mall S. S. Ce.. 47
Manhattan Elevated
Union Pacific
Kansas A Texas
New Yerk Central
Adams Express
Illinois Central
Cleveland A Pitts
Chicago & Reck I
Pittsburgh A Ft. W
American U.Tel. Ce
Stocks steady.
12 1
Pennsylvania R.R.... C0i
Phil'a. A Reading.
Lehiirh Valley
Lehigh Navigation... K5
Northcrnracinccem ?i
I'M .
Pitts.,Titnsv'cA B....
Northern Central
Phil'a A Erie R. R....
Northern Penn'a
Un.R. R's of N.J
Hestonville Past
Central Trans. Ce.....
.... 1SIM 181K
20.; 21 2lrf
Call special attention te the production
Opera Heuse,
MONDAY, X0TEX11EK 15, 1880,
& Nw England Idyl, by Jehn Habberton,
author of llvlcn's Babies.
will be supported bv a select Company of New
1 erk Artists, and Mr. Mishler guarantees one
of the most' satisfactory performances ever
given in Lancaster.
55, SO A 75 Cent.
Reserved Seats at Yecker's Office.
Latest and greatest New Yerk success. Dra
matic hit efthe season. Xew Yerk Herald.
MR. JOHN D. MISHLER has the liener te
played te crowded houses for six weeks at tliu
Fifth Avenue Theatre, New i erk.
A Carefully Selected Company find Most
Superb Costumes.
PRICES, SO, 78 & SI.
Diagram at Yecksr's Oflice. n!2-5t
CHINA AMI tti.A.t i . i ,
A New Puttem el
Call and examine nnd learn prlceg berera
Lancaster Qrpn Manufactory
Without a doubt furnish tire FINEST IN
STRUMENTS In the Market. Warerooms 320
North Queen street. Manufactory in tha rear.
Branch Office, 15 East King Street.
Ale's. McKillips, Proprietor.
Alse Agent ler Lancaster County for .
CU1CKERING & SON'S Celebrated
A Full Line of Sheet and ether Music, Small
Instruments, Violins. Banjos, Rand Instru
ments, Ac.alwavH en hand. f IS-lydS&lyw
In the matter of the redemption or ex
change of the stock of the State Nermal Scheel
for the Second District of Pennsylvania, locat
ed at Millcrsville, Lancaster county. Pa.
Public notice is hereby given te the lollow lellow lollew
ing persons', their heirs, executers, adminis
trators or assigns, that the persons named, te
wit : Jehn lirubakcr, II. L. Dctweiler, Jehn
Eshlcman, A. C. Merris, Isaac Puscy and Ann
C.Witmer were original subscribers te said
Nermal Scheel stock, which subscriptions
were made la the years 1837 anil 1S53, and that
the authorities et said institution have net
been able te ascertain the whereabouts of said
Thosaidsteckisicdecmablcatpar ($25 per
share) In cash and It exchangeable for contri
bution shares, share for share, at the option
of the holder- ,.,,,,
The persons named, their heirs, executers,
administrators or assigns will please ulve im
mediate attention te the matter by cemmuni
cating with
Lancaster City, Pa.,
Secretary of the Heard of Trustees.