LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER SATURDAY UOTEMBER 13, 1880 1yPref. Frank Brad lord, of New Yerk city. The opera house was crowded. Prof. Brad feid is a fair elocutionist, of geed stage presence, a voice ever which he has thorough command, and with graceful gesture and easy maimer. His selections ranged " from grave te gay, from lively te severe," among the most effective of his performances heing his rendition of a thrilling descriptive poem entitled " Kit Carsen's Ride." He read also a selection from Bret Harte's writings in capital style, and a hnmoreus poem he read, entitled " The Fuzzed Dutchman,7' created an im mense amount of fun. Mr. Bradford's essay in Shakspearcan reading was less successful. lie is net a great elocutionist, but he is a conscientious student, and afforded a pleasant evening's enter tainment. During the evening there were several vocal Selections by a quaitet composed of 3Iiss Alice Troyer, soprano, Jliss Mary Sener, contralto. Prof. Wm. B. Hall, tenor, and Mr. S. D. Bausman, bass. The rendition of a song entitled " The Old Man Dreams," by these voices, was excel lent. Prof. Hall sang a ballad entitled "'Tlie Old Time," in his customary charm ing style, and for an encore sang "Wild ijciis. musses ireyer ; net eeiiersdiiga duet entitled ''The Fisherman " and were rapturously cncei cd. Before the audience was dismissed Dr. J. II. Shumakcr sang a selection, COVItT. Opinions Delivered by tlie Judjjcs. TJiis morning court met at 10 o'clock. Opinions in the following cases were de li voted : 11 j- Judge Livingston. The boaidef prison inspectors of Lan caster county vs. Levi Weilcr, G. W. Stycr, Alexander Gait, C. Showalter, ct. id. Rule te show cause why the record in above cause should net be amended se as te read : " The beard of inspectors of the Lancaster county pi isen vs. Levi Sensenig and Christian Musser, partners, trading as SciiMjnig & Mu-ser," ami all the names of the ether defendants with the weids 'part ners trading as the New Helland company store' stricken off the record. Rule made absolute. Mary Ann Kieidcr by her next friend David Cramer vs. Ames Ki cider. Rule te show cause who fi. fa. should net be set aside. Rule discharged. The city of Lancaster vs. the Pennsylva nia railroad. Rule te show cause why the above cases should net be consolidated into one at the plaintiffs costs,and that the cases be dismissed for want of jurisdiction by the alderman, By the opinion of the court, tins exception te the jurisdiction of the alderman is dismissed and the cases .icmain en the record. The court declined te consolidate the said suits, at the cost of the plaintiff, in all the suits, according te the terms of the rule, but order and direct that of the said suits, from Xe. 28 te Xe. 98, both inclusive, shall be consolidated and tried atoue and the same time, as one action, and that from Ne. 00 te Xe. 17G, both inclusive, shall be consolidated aud tried at one aud the same time as one action. David Kaiiffman vs. The Reading & Columbia railroad company, exceptions te taxation of cost by the prothenotury. Plaintiffs bill was corrected by striking therefrem the sum paid te the eiiginal or first viewers and the prothenotary's taxa tion of the remaining portion of plaintiffs bill of cost was confirmed, sustaining the exception with reference te the item thus stricken out and dismissing the remaining exceptions. East Earl township, appeal, excep tions te auditor's report, exceptions overruled and report confirmed. Aleses Ober, vs. William ivescr, rule te show cause why the appeal should net be stricken oil". Rule discharged. Jehn Dracc, deceased, exceptions te auditor's repot t. The part of the report finding the fact of the death of Fanny Myers and that payment should be made te Fanny Mishlcr was confirmed and excep tions te that part were dismissed. The remainder of the report relative te inter est is rejected as surplusage. Lewis llepting, deceased's estate, excep tions te auditei's report overruled and to te to pert confirmed. Martin Gress, deceased's estate. Ex Ex tiens te auditor's report. Overruled and repot t confirmed. Isaac G. Smoker, deceased's estate. Ex ceptions te auditor's report. Dismissed and r?peit confirmed. Commonwealth vs. Wm. A. McPhorfen, embezzlement, demurrer te indictment. Demurrer sustained and indictment quashed. By Judge Patterson. O. P. Biubakcr, for the use of the Iloncy Ilency Iloncy breok First National bank vs. Perry Bru baker. Rule te show cause why an issue should net be granted. Rule discharged. Samuel W. Kurtz vs. David S. Miller and Samuel II. " Re.ver. Rule for a new tiial discharged. Henry M. Watts, Elizabeth "Watts aud William M. Watts vs. the Pennsylvania railroad company. Rule te show cause why judgment of neli suit should net be stricken off. Rule discharged. Christian Geed, deceased's estate. Ex ceptions te auditor's report. Dismissed and tepert continued. Samuel Barr, deceased's estate. Excep tions te auditor's report. Auditor's fee reduced te $35; the ether exceptions dis missed. Jacob F. Reller, deceased's estate. Ruse te show cause why sheriffs amended return of service of rule en heirs, should net be further amended. Alse, excep tions te confirmation of sale of real estate. Rule discharged and exceptions te con firmation of sale sustained and sale set aside. issues Granted. An issue was granted between the Heme for Friendless Children for the City and County of Lancaster vs. the City of Lan caster and County of Lancaster, te ascer tain the amount of damages, if any, sus tained by the Heme by reason of the opening of Seuth Marshall street from East King te Juniata street. An issue was also awatded between Cath arine Kelly and the County of Lancaster te ascertain the amount of damages sus tained by Mrs. Kelly in the opening of Juniata f-trect through her lauds. A Nevel Election Set. Mr. Al. Price, of Thornbury, is the own er of a fleck of sheep, among which is an old buck, noted for its propensity te butt any and every living thing that comes in its way. This propensity of the old buck will be brought into requisition en Satur day afternoon for the purpose of paying an election Iwt. It appears that Stephen Tay Tay eor, a Democrat, and his brother, Ames Tayler, a staunch Republican, both of Wcsttewn, made an agreement before the election that if their favorite candidates were defeated the one losing should stand and take a butting from Price's " old ram." As Garfield was elected. Stephen, of course, lest, aud says he will live up te his agree ment. The time fixed for the operation is Saturday afternoon, when it. will be done in the presence of a large number of friends of both political parties. We imagine that Stephen will be entirely satisfied with the first butt, and that while the old ram is gathering for the second attack, Stephen, if he is able te de se, will gently skip out of the cnclesuie where the butting is te take place. Wat Chester Lecal Neics. Musical aud Literary. A musical and literary entertainment will be given en Monday evening in the Moravian church under the auspiecs of the Yeung Ladies' Guild of that church. The pregramme will embrace an address by Rev. C. Elvin Houpt, essays by the mem bers, aud sonic fiae musical selections. COLUMBIA NEWS. (ICE REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE D. F. Shuro, of the Susquehanna canal, was in town yesterday. Jeseph H. McFaddcn, of Philadelphia, dropped en his Columbia friends yesterday. Of course he went te the hop. The Frederick accommodation train west came in yestcreay afternoon twenty -five minutes late. The first of the season's snow is new fall ing and is coming down with a vengeance tee. It commenced dropping a little after 0 o'clock and is still going ahead, appar ently with no let up. Well, it is drawing near the time. The Pennsylvania railroad pay car paid us its regular monthly visit yesterday af ternoon. It is always welcome. The class of book-keeping, of which we spoke a few days age, will take lessens, beginning next week, in the room of S. S. Detwilcr's building, opposite A. I). Reese's billiard hall. The teachers of the Columbia public schools have concluded that they have seen enough institutes for one week, in the week rrlnsinr' with tiwlav. mid bv virtnn of this decision te-day's district institute was net held. A meeting will take place en next Saturday. " A public sale of real estate at the Fiauklin house te-night. We are inclined te believe the picsciit snow will turn into rain before the day is ever. " A fail -sized audience assembled in the opera house, last evening, te witness the dramatie exhibition, for the benefit of St. Peter's Catholic church, as rendered by the pupils and young ladies of the church congregation ; which rendition is com mended, the participants in the exercises complimented, and the entertainment pro nounced a success. The Citizens' band disceuiscd some airs. Metsrs. C. C. Hogentogler, W. II. Hcrr, I. C. GUt and Orrick Richards, the special committce under whose auspices last even ing's hop in company IPs armory was given, aie congratulating themselves this morning en the success of their enterprise, and the happy termination of their labor in navigating, se unswervingly, from its cmbryetic state, the first dance of the season. The music as furnished by Tay Tay eor's orchestra was " superb" and the boys and girls present had a delightful time. lioreujfli Councils. At the meeting of councils last evening all the members were present except .Mr. Filbert. The finance committee reported receipts since last meeting, $1,492.02, ex penditures, $3,187,150, balance en hand, $1,760.18. The insurance of city property has been replaced at 3 per' cent, rate for three years. The work of extending the opera house stere room was estimated at $1,000, and the tenants .will each pay $100 additional rout per annum ; net agreed te. J. C. Stener proposes that if the borough will vacate Stricklcr's lane from Grubb's read te where Maner street ex-, tended would strike the borough line and open Maner street te Twelfth, he would release all damages from the opening, ex tend Maner street te the borough line, putting it is passable condition and con tinue Grubb's lane te Maner street. Several business men -were heard in favor of later market hours during the winter months, and there will be a conference en the sub ject en Monday evening at an adjourned council meeting. The Thanksgiving mar ket will be held en fednesday, the 23d inst., at 3 p. m. Permission te erect tele phone poles in the streets and alleys was granted. The finance committee was au thorized te borrow $1,500 temporarily. Sundry bills were eidcred te be paid. Alt. Day -Microscepical Kxlilbltlen. The exhibition of the Lancaster Micro Micre Micro fecepical society yesterday in the orphans' court room attracted hundreds of people, including teachers, directors, clergymen, lawyers and citizens generally in the vicin ity of the cemt house, who had read of the compound microscope but had never be fore tested its revealing power. Seme of these arc already thinking of buying in struments and nearly all will have a new and fertile subject Of conversion, in de scribing tlie wonderful and beautiful ob jects exhibited under the lenses of the va rious instruments. The value of micro scopes en exhibition yesterday was about two thousand dollars ; the value of these exhibited en Tuesday night en the stage at Fulton hall was perhaps three thousand dollars. The Microscepical society puts money into its work, aud its members seem te regard the work worth mere than the money it costs te de it. Serenaded. A short time age Mr. Ferd. C. Dcmuth, a member of the Empire hook and ladder company, was married. Last evening the company gave him a serenade at his rcsi dencc en East King street. About nine o'clock the members assembled at their truck house. Headed by Clemmcns's City band they marched te Mr. Demuth's house, hauling the truck, which was decorated with flags and Chinese lan terns, with them. Arriving at the house the band played hcvcral tunes and the line of march te the truck heuse was then taken up. The truck was placed away and Mr. Derautli then took the company te the saloon of Eugene Bauer, en East King street, where he cntcrtaiucd them handsomely. Funeral. The funeral of Henry Gundakcr took place this afternoon and was very largely attended by relatives and friends. Ledge 43, F. and A. M., attended in a "body, The friends of the deceased assembled at his late residence North Queen street and viewed tlie remains, which lay in an el egant coffin. The funeral precession then formed aud moved te St. James church. The coffin was placed in front of the altar and the impressive funeral service of the Protestant Episcopal church was lead by the rector, Rev. C. F. Knight, the music being rendered by the surpliccd choir un der lead of Prof. C. Matz. The remains, at the end of the service, were replaced upon the hearse, the precession re-formed and moved te Lancaster cemetery where the interment took place. Drowned. Corener Mishlcr has received informa tion that a child, between 2 and 3 years of age,of Lemen Frankheuscr, who resides near Fry's mill, en Muddy creek near Hin Hin kletewn, was found drowned in the mill race a day or two age. Ne particulars of the affair are given further than that the funeral took place yesterday.. S.ilc of Real Estate. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold last night, at public sale, at the Cooper house, for J. W. Yocum, executer of A. F. Hcrr, deceased, a let of ground situated en the west side of College avenue, 100 feet front and 150 feet deep, te M. S. Har nish, for $930. St. Antheny's Fair. The fair of St. Antheny's church, in Grant hall is being well attended. The voting is lively, Condition of Yeupg King. William King-, who was thrown from a carriage yesterday, has returned te con sciousness and is doing a great deal better te-day. 3The cause for the happiness et that man across the way is that he .went te WILLIAM SOX & FOSTER, 55 East King street, Lancas ter, the ether day, and purchased one of their ne Reversible Overcoats, which they are sell ing at prices ranging from $13 te $20. He gives you geed advice when he tells you te go and see them. nOYlMftl KID GLOVES! BARGAINS IN KID GLOVES. Te close eat these lets we offer our 98c. Kid Gleve at 50c. We offer ear $1.20 Kid Gleve at 75c. New Kid Gloves received almost daily. We offer without doubt the best three-button $1 Kid Gleve iu the city, all shades. Twe-button Undressed Kid Gloves at 50c. Black Kid Gloves in superior quality, iu 2, 3 and button; GREAT BARGAINS IN HHHST TOWELS. A few Jeb Lets just opened. We invite special examination of our stock of UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY. Ladies gentlemen will find our assortment te be the largest in the city and the best goods for the money. We invite comparison. Ladies' Coats and Delmans, a New Let Just Opened. GIVLEE, BO WEES & HUEST, 25 East King Street, . Lancaster, Pa. Thousands have been cured et dumb ague, .bilious disorders, jaundice, dyspepsia and all diseases et the liver, Meed and stomach, when all ether remedies have failed, by using Prof. Guilmette's Frencli Liver Pad, which is a quick and permanent euro for these disorders. Ask your druggist for the great remedy, and take no ether, and It he decH net keep It send $1.50 in u letter te the French Pud Ce., and re ceive one by mail pert-paid. I Est. Hexrt Anns says: "1 earnestly believe uat Day's Kidney Pud i the only infallible remedy in tha world ler Unit prevalent and distressing complaint Back Ache.' " nS-wdMW&F&w Amusements. IZinehuri's Benefit Te-night. This eveuing the winter sc.iseu at the opera house epeus with u conipllmentaiy benellt te Mr. I. B. Rineliart, the efficient t ige carpenter. The perierm.iuce will be of the minstrel and va riety order, in which souie of our best home talent will engage. Bert has a host et friends who will doubtless turn out in force te-night and crowd the house te the doers. "Deacon Cranhetl. "People who enjfty a goon entertainment will go te seu Mr. Jehn llabbciten's latest production, "Deacon Crankett," which will be given at Fulton opera heuse en Monday evening, with Mr. Ben Maginley in the title rele. Mr. Habberton m:ide his name familiar as a household word by his authorship of "Helen's Babies " and this latest production et his gifted pen has re re celved the unanimous approval of the press and public et Philadelphia, where it has been running during the present week ith Iho sumu cast that will produce it in this city Mon day night. Shaving is a rascally business, shaving Cuticura Shaving Seap alene excepted. with t Am Crazed Willi To.etliaclie and scre you light for having neglected te use SOZODONT. Had you done se your mouth would have been healthy and your teeth sound. (Jet the "bnns" pulled out and com luence at ence using SOZODOXT, thereby preserving the balance ei your teeth. nS-lwdeedAw 430,003 e.ikcs sold t lie first year attest the pop ularity et Cuticura Medicinal Seap. special nutimss. SAMPLE ISOTICK. It is impossible ler a woman after a falthiitl l course of treatment with Lydia K. rinkham's ; Vegetable Compound te continue te sulfer ! with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. rinkham, 233 Western , avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jy2!Mydeed&w ' Don't you forget it. " Sellers' Liver Pills" were the first pills se-called in the United States, and never fail te de their work. Coughs. 'Jtrexcn's lirenchial lYcches'' are used with advuuluge te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer thirty years thct-e Troches have been in use, with unnuully increasing favor. They arc net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an cntire generation, they have attained well-merited rank umeng the few staple remedies of the age. The Tlireat. "J.reii'tt's Bronchial Troches'' act directly en the organs of the voice. Tl.ey have an ex I raerdlnary effect in all disorders of tlie Threat aud Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, either lrem cold or ever-exertion of the voice, -and produce a clcarand distinct enunci ation. Sptakcrs a7itt Singers flxu the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrli ei Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect often times results in geme incurable Lung Disease. Bretvn-'s Bronchial Troches " will almost In variably give relief. Imitations arc offered for sale, many ei which lire injurious. The genu ine "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are sold only in boxes. lanlS-lydiwTu.ThAS Every ene will And a general tonic in "Lind sey's Improved Bleed Searcher." All drug gists sell it. The scientific combination of the purest drugs renders Dr. itiewnlng's medleincs et the finest flavor, and are readily taken by old or yenng. Children especially are net easily Induced te take any kind of medicine, but Dr. Browning's C. & C. Cordial, for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc.. Is se palatable that they are eager ler the time te ceme when they may have mere. Sold by ail druggists at 50 eents per bottle. W. champion Browning. M. P.. Propiieter, 1117 Arch Stroef. Philadelphia. nll-lwd&w XKW ADVEllllSElXXISXS. " BAND LUNCH. SauerKiantund Babbits this (SATUR DAY evening at Michael Snyder's Saleen en Maner street. Lunch every Saturday even ing. lt XTOT1CK. IU Tl lie Metamora Tribe Xe. ii Imp. O. R. M., arc requested te meet at their igwam en WEDNESDAY EVEXING, the 17th Inst., at 1 o'clock, sharp, te take action en by-laws. By order et the Tribe, ltd J. M. KAMPF, C.OtK. JUST KECEIVKD 2,00 BUSHEL" Po tatoes, 500 Barrels of Apples, 1,000 Bushels et White Oats. Alse the Celebrated Magde burg Saner Kraut, te be delivered te any part et the city free of charge. JOILN OCUS, nl3 3ttl 3i6 Seuth Queen Street. J? OK SALE. ? A two-store BRICK HOUSE, with two twe two hterv Brick Back Building attuched, situate at Xe.iBOEust Orange htreet, with ttas in every room, aud lust newly papeied. Will be sold at private sale en cheap and easy terms Apply te JOHX HIEMEXE, nevlS-ttd Xe. 23 North Queen street. SAUEK KKAUT LUNCH THIS EVENING at the Washington Heuse. :w2Xerth Queen titrcct. Best Lager Beer en tup. ltd CAPT. J. A. SCHUH. I7LECT10N NOTICE. Cj Xe:l Ice ii herebv irlven te the members et tlie tanners' .Mutual insurance Vempnuy uiiti an election ler a Beard of Directors and Beard et Appraisers for the year 1581. wHl be held at the Fountain Inn, at Lancabter, en SATUR DAY, DECEMBER IS, 18S0, between the hours of 2 and 4 p.m. A. O. XEWPHER, nlJ-ltdiitw Secretary. PUBLIC SALE. On MOXDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1830, at Xe. 1 North Queen street, or tables, chairs, car pets, and many ether ai tides. Sale te com mence at 1 o'clock p. m ltd JACOB GUXDAKER, Anct. HEADQUARTERS FOB PUKE CONFEC TIONS FOR THE HOLIDAY AT JOSEPH B. ROYER'S, 50 AXD 52 WEST KING ST. I can new offer te the trade and public a large stock et Pure Confections et every description, at the very lowest market rates. FRUITS, XUTs, 4c. and a LARGE STOCK OF TOYS of the XE WEST DESIGNS. Large and small Cakes baked daily. Ice Cream at all times. WEDDINGS AXD PARTIES SERVED AT SHORT NOTICE. MAIL ORDERS promptly attended te at the same rate as if the person ordering were present in person. Call and see my stock. O-Kemeniber the place ISO AND 52 WEST KING STREET. slS-lya JOS. B. B6YEB, . zuzr aoevs. Alt FEKTISESli-XXlS. TO TEACHERS! Yeu are respectfully invited te call and see our store and elegant stock of goods. We are receiving frequent importations of new and beautiful goods from France, Italy and Switzerland, which arc put en exhibition as seen as rcceiyed. Wc have an extensive stock of Diamonds, including some rare iems of large sire. Wc have an attractive exhibition of Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes with various attachments, Geld and Silver Watches for ladies or gentlemen at very low prices. Keyless Clocks suitable for school room, Teachers' Bells, Ink Stands, Geld Pens and ITolders, Paper Knives, Ther mometers, &c. We have everything in the regular Jewelry Line, and many articles net usually found in the jeweler's stock. Teachers are cordially iuvitcd te employ some of their leisure time in a visit te our store. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. WE ARE SHOWING SOME SPECIAL PATTERNS IN Ladies' and Children's Hosiery. Balbriggan nose in Solid Celers, Flccec-I.ined, Bleached and Uabloaehed, Silk Clocked, Solid Celers. Reman Stripes and Fancy Ribbed. WOOLEN HOSE. Extra Heavy Woolen Hese ier Ladles' and Gents' Wear. FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR, Fer Ladle., Cents and COATS and DOLMANS. Children, all sites, from 18 te 5a inches. Dress Goods. Silks, Cashmeres. Our BLACK CASHMEEES are uncxeclled. call. Take a leek at them before purchasing elsewhere. We respectfully solicit a J. B. MARTIN & CO. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOOK OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C. In the eity. Is te be seen at the Works et MORBECK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. 4B-COX & CO.'S The Stock ineludcs all the LATEST STYLES SPRNGS, such as the Brewster, Whitney, Salidee Triple, Empire 'Cress Spring, Dexter Cjncen. Duplex and Elliptic, ami they will also make te order any style a purchaser may desire. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended te. All work guaranteed for one year. "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR "WORD." XE1V ADVJSKTISJSMJiSTtt. I70B SALE CHEAP. A flrst-claw 1' -horse power Engine and 15-horse Tubular Beiler. Applv at once at BAUSMAK BURXS'S OFFICE, nll-ltd R 10 West Orange St reet. SAUEK KKAUT AND KABIIJT LUNCH this evening, at the Maner Tletel. West King street. WM.KEHM. ltd PUULIC SALE OF IIOKSES. On MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1880. at J. D. DENLINGER'S Merrlnnc Heuse, 115 North Prince street, will be sold IS Head of Ohie Horses. Among them arc eme heavy-boned feeders anfl'flne drivers. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. A credit el 60 days will be given, ltd DANIEL LOGAN. FARM, ABOUT 100 ACKK8, AlJOINING West Nottingham Church and Academy, Cecil county, lid., within a mile el Baltimore Central R. R.. for nubile ale. at Maryland Heuse, Rising Sun, en SATURDAY, NOVEM- JiCK A), 153U, III 2 O'ClOCK p. in. Descriptive circular, with terms, &c, fur nished upon application. CHRISTOPHER LITTLE, ltd Pettsvllle. Pa. X7-ALUABLE CITT PKOPiRTY FOB V SALE. On SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1680, at the Leepard Hetel, the heirs of Jehn Sherts, deceased, wUl sell the following : A one-story Sand Stene Heuse, Ne. 407 Seuth Queen street, with a contiguous let, together irenung i leet it incnes, ana in iiepin z lect te an alley, witn a pump in ine yaru, cuoice Irult trees, grape vines and ether improve- inents. Sale te cemmen cc at 7J o'clock p. m. nl3-7td HENRY SHUBERT, Auet. "I LASS W ABE I GLASSWAKK ! ! A New Pattern el GLASSWARE, CHINA HALL. FRUIT BOWLS, MALVEBS, CELERY GLASSES. PITCHERS. WATER SETS, CHEESE DISHES, TOY SETSBREAD PLATES, Ac. Call and examine and learn prices before purchasing. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES Reeeive most careful attention. BKSICXS AND ESTIMATES SUBMITTED WITHOWT CHARCE. B. F.BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. and ""' Special Value in LADIES' OLD STAXD.-ffiB A'iTir AD VEBTISEXXSTS. MUSICAL AND L1TEKAKY. A Mu-dcal and Literary Entertainment will be given in the Moravian church, en MONDAY EVENING, the ISth inst.. n 8 o'clock, under the auspice of the YOUNG LDIfcS' GUILD, of the Moravian church. There will be a lecture by Rev. C. Elvin Houpt, and nther addresses and mu.-ical selec tions. Adults, 10 cents : Children, Scents. ltd PUBLIC SALE or VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. .Will be held at the Frank lin Heuse, North Queen street, en WEDNES DAY, NOVEMBER 21, ISSU, the fallowing prop prep erty: Xe. 1. That elejrant Green Stene Frent DWELLING HOUSE, two-steiy, with Man sard Reef, both back uud front buildings, sit uated en the northeast corner of Duke and Jamesstreets, Ne. 501. This property has all the modern improvements, both iu style and finish, containing vestibule, hail and 13 rooms batli room, water closet, wash stand and heater in the cellar, range in the kitchen, het and cold water up and down stairs. Let 32 feet, mere or less, lrenting en Duke street and in depth along James street, 12) feet, mere or less. Ne. 2. A Twe story Brick DWEI.L1.nG HOUSE, sitn ted en the west side of North Queen street, between Walnut uud Lemen streets, Ne. 334, containing 13. fect.meiu or less,en North Queen street, and in depth west ward 215 leet te Market street, containing hull and!) rooms, het and old water, bath room and wuter closet, range and heaters in parlor and dining rooms, hydrant in the yard und kitchen, vush heuse, smoke house and brick stable en rear et let, cistern and a variety e fruit trees in tne yard. The best of drainage connected with the city sewer. Ne. 3. A Twe story Brick DWELLING HOUSE with a Twe-story Brick Back Build ing, situated en the east side et North Queen street, between Clay and Xcw streets. Ne. 711, containing hall and 7 rooms, hydrant in the yanl and kitchen. Let fronts 17 feet en North Queen street, mere or less, extending eastward 130, mere or less, te a 10 feet wide alley, grape vines and trult trees in the let, anilVne shade trees in front. Ne. 4. Adieining Ne. 3 en the north ; house the same description as Ne. 2. Ne. 5. A three-story ;ii RICK DWELLING HOUSE, with two-story Brick Back Building situated en the north side et East James street, between Duke and Lime streets. Ne. 121, containing hall and eight rooms, hydrant in the yard and kitcucn, lrenta en James street L feet, mere or less, and iu depth 64 feet, meie or less. Ne. 6. A two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with Mansard Reet and two-story Brick Back Building, and one-story Brick Kitchen, containing hall and nine zooms, range, with het and cold water up and down stairs, with bath and water closets; also gas all through the house, with portico in front, bay window in the rear. This property Is fin ished m the latest style. Let 10 feet front, and in depth 120 feet, mere or less, te a 12 feet wide alley. Xe. 7. The same as Ne. 6, containing the same. These properties can be seen by calling en the undersigned or en the premises Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m'.. of said daj, when conditions of sale will be made known by JOHN A. BORING, llETOT DUCBERT, AuCt. nevSM, W&S,nevl213td COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kin d of COAL go te RTJSSETj & SHUIjMYBR'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders rc spectfuUy solicited. OFFICE: 28 East King Street. YARD: 618 North Prince Street. augU-taprlSK TELRD EDITION SATURDAY EVENING, NOV. 13, 1880 WEATHER INDICATIONS. "Waihtsgten, Nev. 13. Fer the Middle states, cloudy and threatening weather, possibly followed by occasional snow or rain, northwest te northeast winds, gen erally lower temperature, stationary or higher barometer. THE MIME EXPLOSION. Circumstances Attending tbe Disaster at FoerdPit. Stellarton, N. S., Nev. 13. The first indication of the accident en the surface was the hlewing off of the top of the fan pit, followed by great gush of wind, but no report was heard. Tbe utmost precau tions have been taken by the man aement and the explorers arc all picked men under the guidance of cool clear-headed meu. Anether exploring party went down at 9:30 p. m., but has net yet leturned . te the surface. The equipments of the mines were excel, lent, probably as geed as any en the con tincnt. About $40,000 had recently been expended in new machinery and it was considered a very safe pit, as the workmen could walk out of it. An exploring party went down Poerd pit agaiu this morning, but could net get any further than en the first attempt, owing te the damp. They saw evidence that the pit was ou tire, se the pumps have been slopped te "allow the water te rise and diewn the fire. Only two bodies have been recovered. There is little hope that the rest will be secured. The ether mines are idle, though the deinaud for coal is great. THEMOKEY LETTLK. Fillip Held for Libel Judge Davis is Severe. New Yerk, Nev. 13. Judge Davis this morning rendered a decision in the case of Kcnward Philp, holding the dependent te answer before a jury the charge of libel. The decision is very severe en Mr. Hewitt, upon whom it says must rest the larger share of the responsibility for the publica tion. Judge Davis says the Merey letter is clearly a forgery, and the evidence indi cates a grave conspiracy te accomplish a national crime, and points te conspirateis of far higher positions of whom Fhilp may have been merely a tool. A Naughty Hey. Providence, R. I., Nev. 13. Willie Sprague, the son of Ex-Governer Sprague, is being examined at Wakefield te-day, en two complaints, . oue for assault with a dangerous weapon, the ether for assault with intent te kill Rebert Thompson, his mothers trustee. MY WIRE. News of the Afternoon Condensed. The artisans at Portadeun, Ireland, have initiated a movement for estracising the members of the Land League by refusing te deal with or weik for any member of that organization. A woman who had sold feed te one of the Orangemen at Leugh market, Ireland, was " carded" last night. Nicholas Gcdalia, a broker and the aen of a Danish count, committed suicide in New Yerk this morning by sheeting him self. The Little Chief mine at Leadville, en Thursday night, disregarded the injunc tien el the court te suspend operations iu order te clese its level against the ap preach of fire, which started in the Chrys Chrys olite mine two months age. Eight hun dred pounds of giant powder was ex ploded this afternoon en the line between the Little Chief and the Chryselite te break down the slopes, and another charge of 1,000 will be fired te-night. A number of desperate criminals who escaped fiem jail at Les Vegas, were pur sued by a posse. In an encounter that ensued two of the murderers were killed and another wounded. Warren Shepperd, colored, was hanged at Montgomery, Alabama, yesterday. On the gallows he said he was ready but net willing te die. Fire early this morning in the cotteu shed of the Mutual storage company. Memphis, Tenn., entirely destroyed about a handled hales of cotton. Less, 12,000. Half the town of Agram, iu Seuth Aus tria, has been destroyed by earthquake, which continued all day yesteiday. Many poepic ate homeless and panic pievails. MAUKETS. Hew terh M arise;. Nkw Yerk, Nev. 13. Fleur State and Wesi; em quiet, scarcely se Arm in prices bupertine, at t 8UJ1 30: extra de at 4 7.a-r 00; choice, de. J5 U5fi5 20 : fancy de :5 2?ai;zV: round hoepOhio r510550: choice de at540(2; Riipertine western ::M3; : common te geed extra de 14 753510; ehel'-e de ?5 756 M ; choice whll- wlicntde tl 71 $4 05; Southern unchanged dull: common te fair extra 5 10i3 C5; Reed te choice de 5 70Q 700. Wheat shade easier, moderately active ; Ne. Ued. c.isli. $1 l!;de November, 1 i9l 18K: :e December, $1 181 iOJjJ ; de January, $1 -la 1- Cern iiWAc 1 lwer. fairly active : Mixed west era spot, Sja-WKc; de future. S7&Gk. Oats a shu'le firmer; Ne. 2 Jan,, 43Vc ; Staie 41650c ; Western 40350c lMillnrtelilil Market. 1'hil.idbi.phia, November 13. Flenrsteady, but quiet, unchanged ; supernne f'S5):i 50: ca irn i4 00j,4 50; Ohie and lndluna fauiilv $: um C &-; Penn'ii family $5 25g5 50: St. I.out I.eut family $5 750660: Minnesota family $5 2,"e5 75; Straight f;oe50: Winter paten: frj507 5O; bpring de?7(JOS i3. iie flour dull at 15 37Q5 50. V heat firmer, with fair Inquiry : Ne. 2 West ern Red si 16; Penn'a. Ren (1 15USJ; Am ber $1 151 17. Cern firm but dull for local use ; yellow at 5Mc; mixed 5SK59c. Uats steady with fair demand ; Ne. 1, White 42c ; Ne. 2 de 41c ; Ne. 2 de JCiJ$40c ; Ne. 2 Mixed .'.7e. Rye firm at 93c. Previsions steady ; mess perk old, $15 253 1550; de new, $16251650; beet hams $18 50 1900; Indian m.'ss heel at 418 50; bacon smok ed shoulders 5Cc ; salt de 5c; 'smoked ham lO01"e; pieuied hams Sg9e. Lard steady ; city kettle 8J9c : loesb bnleliers' ShJ4c; prime steam 48 75. Butter," flrni, with fair demand for Choice grades ; Creamery extra at 32c ; de geed te choice 2931c; 11 C. and N. Y. ex ex tra2G329e; Western reserve extra 22324c; de geed te choice IfjQSOe: Rolls choice firm; Penn'a Fxtra 20325c; Western Reserve extra 20824c. Eggs firm and wanted : Penn'a Extra 27c ; Weslerii Extra 2526c. Cheese Choice in better demand ; New Yerk mil creum 13ei3Jc; Western full cream 12)13c: de fair togeod at HQ12c;Ue half skim.- lOalOc. Petroleum dull ; refined 12c. Whisky scarce at $1 11. - Seed Geed te prime clever dull at $7 005 750; Timethy nominal at $2705291: t'laxaec quiet at $133. Stock. n arKer, Nxw Yerk Stocks. Stocks active. November 13. A. It. T. U. r. U. r. 31. F. 51 11:35 1:45 2:00 2:20 3:.0 . .... eQ .... .... . 42 4'1 us;? 114 jitie R. R....... ..... Michigan . A L. fe... Michigun Cent. R. R. Chicago & N. W Chicago, M ft St. P.. lili 1024 Han. ft St. J. Cem, f v?v $9 - i: :::: 'sH .... I2l .... Ttlri - S7& .... OS 97K .... -tfVS .... ay New Adams Express.... !SAi li'J Illinois Central I17K Cleveland St. Pitts 121 Chicago & Reck I Pittsburgh & Ft. W... American U. Tel. Ce. Pmt.Ansi.rmA. Stocks steady. 110 .... 123 Pennsylvania R, II.... C0J i-iiua. x uemiiug..... Lehigh Valley Lehigh Xaviiriitinn... .".45-J .ennerui.iLuuc i;mi ar,. ?0 54'i 1CK ' ' Pd . jyv Pitts., Titusv'eft B...'. lCj .eruiern ceiiiiai.... Phil'aA Erie R. R.. Northern lVnu'a . . . H9i Vn. R. It's of X. J Hestenville Pass 20 Central Trans. Ce. 4$$ " WASTED. vi;" anted. evs:ky!mhy TO AIVEK- t Use, free et charge, in the Istsluusx CKK. who wants nm'thlng te de. r ANTED A WOMAN COMPETENT TO yy de the coekingand assist in the gener al housework in a -mall tauitly. Wages, $te te $r per month. lna.ulreat this office. nevlO-tfd Ji:n emit. Ieuis wuiin;. i WATCHMAKER. Ne. 1WJ NORTH QUEEN "TUKl.T.rrar P. If. it. Depot. l4(iieii-t'r, 1.. unld, MUi-r and SIcUcf-e.ised Watches. Chains, C'leeU-. c. gent ler the celebrated I'.-intu-iepic Specta cles and Eye-GiiifMa. Repairing a specialty. upri-Iyd LARGEST ASSORTMENT .F LANCASTER -WA1GBHL AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, JEWELER, Ne. SO Kast King Street, Lancaster, Fa. We are new taking s-paclal orders for HOLIDAY GiOODS. AMVSEJIj:XTS. A TK. JOHN l. MI-ilLER OKSIRKS TO 1M Ca .'all sneclal attention te the production efTIIEUEEATXEW iORIvSUCCE-jS at the Opera Heuse, MONDAY, XOVL'XUEtf 15, 1380, DEACON CR ANKETT, a Nw England Idyl, by Jehn Habberton, aotl'er of Helen's Babies. MR. BEN MAGLNLEY will be supported bv a wlect Company of New 1 erk Artists, and Mr. MIshler guaninleea one of the most satisfactory performances ever given in Lancaster. NO ADVANCE IX PRICES". S.", SO & 75 Cents. Recrvd Ssats at Yecker's Ofilce. nll-4td e VERA llOUaiE. WEDNESDAY, .NOVEMBER 17tM. Iii-it nnl jre:it-t Xcw Yerk micciM. Dra-m-itic hit of t lie season. Ainu? Yerk Herald. Mi:. JOHN D. MiIILKU lut the honor te present FANNY DAVENPORT, AX AMERICAN GIRL, ?lnyed te crowded houses fernix week at the 'if ill Avenue Theatre. New erk. A Carefully Selected Company and Most Superb Costumes. PRICKS, 60, 7Ge& 81. Diagram at Tucker's Oftlcp. nl2-3t - HOttSlTVItE. HBINITSH, FINE FTJT2N1TUSE . Awn Cabinet Manufacturer. All in want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk would de well te cull and examine specimen?) et our work. OFFICE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. HEINITSH, 1SE.iI Kins Slrrt. uevse rvisstsiitsfi atten.i. IOTICE. FLIi,N k BREXEMAK. Would advise nil who contemplate putting in HEATERS or making any ultenitleim in t licit heating armmreiii'iit te de te at once before the ru.fli e: Fall Trade begins. THE MOST RELIABLE Stores, Mm id Mps, In the Market at the LOWEST PRICES. Flii & Mmm GREAT STOVE STOKE, 152 North Queen Street, l.'r AHTKR. I'A. SEE ORPHAN'S CuURT BALE. On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1880, et a valuable Chester county farm of 240 AC R 1.3 Convenient te railroads. Geed buildings, hale positive. Fer particiiUta address. S. E. NIVIN, Admini3tiatr c. t. a. ec 120-1 md Lundcnbcrg, Pa. s ELECT DANCING SCilOOI. ! ROBERTS' HALL. MB. AND MRS. SHANK will open for the reception el pupils WED NfcSDAY, NOV. 17, at 4 p. m. for children, 8 p. in. for ladies and gentlemen. All the new dances taught in one term Racquet, Alsatian. Knickerbocker Racquet and the beautiful "Pole" Quadrille. Fer terms. Ac, apply at WOODWARD'S MUSIC STORE. East King fatrett. Muicby W. Tayler and orchestra. nevlMtd f1 0 TO RINOWALT'8 Tell M0N0XGAHELA PUBE RYE. Alse OAKDALE PURE RYE WHISKY. 95 per cent. Alcohol, and the lnvigerating.Tenlc lluir Liquid, and the Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, All at Xe. 205 WEST KINU STREET. MIRS. C. LILLEK, LADIES' HAIRDRESSER ManufactnrerandDealerin Hair Werk, Ladies anil Cents' Wigs Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made np. Alse. Kid Glevesand Feathers cleaned and dyed, at Nes. 225 and 227 North Queen street, tour doers above P.B.B. Depot. el-3md " " P'id.... S-J Teledo A Wabash.... 4i Ohie A. Misis-ippi. .. 35 St. Leuis. I. M. A S. K 47-K Ontiirle iiuI extern. 25's C C.AI.C.11. R 2U 70; Del. A S:-ii Pel.. i.ack. A Western 'J71J Western Union Tel... 9Vi Pacific Mail f. S. Ce.. 4s Manhattan Elevated Union Pacific Wi