I'"7 le Dwtfate Vl AA- Volume XY1J Ne. I LANCASTER PA., SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1880. ;Price Twe CenKS Branldtag JMtF GOODS. lanarter Dim, at Han SHAL WE SELL THEM ? There is iu Phiphia a clothing house which has no double in all the world. The world isef clothing houses ; and it is a geed deal te say that one is unlike all the i First in its g 5 and it is surprising that one house should differ much from another, ing clothing is se simple a matter, that it is likely, one would suppose, idoue in very much the same way in Philadelphia, New Yerk and Lei But Philadelphia is ahead ; and, curiously enough, euc house in Phtlatk- is ahead of all the rest. Te be ahead r-Hng is te deal en a higher plane, in a meie liberal way, te "ive the buore well founded confidence without less of the mer chants safety. TlMladelpliia clothing house says te a stranger : ' We want te deal wittct justice. We want what belongs te us, viz., a fair profit ; and we wan te have what belongs te you, viz., a liberal money's worth. Our way r-ve a- this result is te mark a price en everything we sell, which price is'ute ; and te let you buy what you like, go away and think the bargain audcome and trade back, if you want te. We find by experience that tMrality is harmless te us. Of course, you like it. And it makes quick anJy dealing. We don't waut you te bring back what you buy it weulc us money every time ; but vj would rather you would bring back than kwhat you don't like. Se, we try te sec that you get at first what you kc the better the mere you knew of it. This is really the whole pliilose'1" our dealings." Is it any wonder that no ether clothing house in this citew Yerk, or Londen, deals in the same way ? Second, inoeds the amount and variety of them. There are ether houses where e:11- clothing is kept, and a great deal of it ; but there is none, anywhere, keeps se much. The dealing related above has wen the largest trade thd has yet seen. Te supply such a trade great quantity and variety of cl4 'M0 required ; and these in turn increase the trade, be cause everybody te cheese out of many things, rather than out of few. This is tbutry of ready-made clothing. Great Britain makes the most of auy Eu'i country ; but there is net in all Londen any clothing business a quat large as that of Oak Hall. New YeYk has several large clothing businc but no one nearly equal te that of Oak Hall ; Bosten likewise. Loek baenty years ! Have wc deue you geed service, or net? But that is net whjhad in mind ; we were thinking of the clothes you are go ing te buy te- Shall we sell them? WANAMAKER & BROWN. Oak Hall, Smd Market. PmirniA. SCIAL INVITATION. CLV1UXKG. FALL Iflllll H. GrERHABTS Tailoring l, atpMi HI MONDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1880. A Complete Stock of Cleths, Suitings AND OVERCOATINGS, which for elegance cannot be surpassed. The Largest Assortment of ENGLISH AND SCOTCH SUITINGS in this eity. Prices as low as the lowest at H. GERHART'S Ne. 51 North Queen Street. Hancaster Intelligencer. SATDBDAY EVENING, NOV. 12, 1880, POT-POURRI. ODDS AND ENDS FOR SATURDAY NIGHT KEADINU. Seme Interesting Facts Concerning Great Literary Productions aud the Age of Tbeir Authers. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! We have new ready ler sain an Immense Stock et H Clothing WA; SHAND & COMPANY Invite ladies tfliuc large purchases of Clearing Lets at less than Auction Prices. COIRED DRESS SILKS, Beautiful Shades, really worth $1, only 65c. Iil.AOK jjitLRS. Popular brand, 87c, $1, 1.23, 1.50, 1.75. POWDEU C SUITINGS. 10 inches wide.all wool; importer's priec SOc; 111. AUK CA KES. Excellent Value, 37, 50, 55. C 75, 87c, $1, 1.25. i-rii .nit v. it IEUES. Deuble width : new shades 17c : new scld!at 25c. ours G2'iCc. PMVVKI. NGS. Desirable Celers. :.0c te $1.20. PLAID DUODS a,ul NOVELTIES. Largest Assortment and Lewest Prises. LADIES' Gs- -00 dozen Heavy Lisle Gloves 25c ; worth 50c. CKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKTNGS, AT POPULAR PRICES. NE YORK STORE. vLOTnixa. GATIELD VS. HANCOCK. ALL CAMPAIGN OP 1880 New ept1"1 the battle has commenced and rages fiercely, and while there may be somedeu.it in'ndsei many persons as te who will be the next President et the Utiitcd Shite- there c' doubt in the mind of any person in waut of CLOTHING as te where can be beii"heaPest and the bast, either iu Beady-made or SI ado te Order. " MYERS & RATHFON, Cculli Xe 12 East Kkig Street, the Great Clothing Emporium. The secrr'roem i3 packed brim full with the greatest variety of UEADY MADE CLOTHING EX, YOUTHS, HOYS AND CHILDREN, a'l our own manufacture. They arc well mail trimmed, and the goods are a'l bpenged beiore they are uiadu up in gar ments. S ALL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our ll'ds fill the first lloer te its utmost capacity, and is nicely arranged, se as te give the pui t,,c advantage et seeing the whole stock in a very short space et time. We arc prepare,ak5 nP te order at the shortest possible notice and at the most reasonable price. Our iaa been bought for cash and will be sold at a very small advance. Iluy your Clothing at 1IaU aml save one profit. Call and examine our giant stock and save money. JiTERS & RATHFON, Se. 1T KIKB STREET, LANCASTER, PEM'A. "fjaizLixjunr NEST ASSORTMENT! BEST DISPLAY OP MILLINERY GOODS IN LANCASTER CITY NOW READY AT MA. HOUGHTON'S CHEAP STORE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET. WISES AXli Liyoeits. S. CLAY MILLER 5PECTF LILLY calls the attention of his friends as well as he public in general te his Superior Stock of Old Whiskies; en's, Dougherty's, Gughenheimer, Hannissville, Overhelt Gaffs Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, which he has ntly bought from first hands for Cash, and will sell from the inal package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Penn Square. Fall and Winter, which arc Cut and Trimmed in the .Latest Style. We can give you a GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS I0W AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In great variety, made te order at short notice at the lowest price. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUAHE, G-lyd LANCASTER. PA. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATINGS ! Te-day we display a full line of the Latest Novelties iu Overceatings far the Fall Season, in nil the New Coloring, with Silk Facings te match; also a superior line et Heavy Weights in New Designs. - Fur Beaver, Seal Skin. Elysian Mentanak, Ratina and Chinchilla Beaver. Deuble and Treble Milled, all the New Mix tures. Taylors English Wiiitrys, in Plain and F.mcy Hacks, Combination Col-ei-s.aU made up and trimmed in the highest Style of Art. SMALI NG'S THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STREET, HOOKS ASi UTATlOlfJlUY. OCHUOL ISOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES for Lancaster City and County, at L. M. FLYNN'S Ne. 'l WKST KING STREET. SCHOOL BOOKS FOR THE Schools of Lancaster City, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. At the LOWEST PRICES, at the Boek Stere of JOM BAER'S SONS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA.. TDAINTING. I All kinds oi-'Heuse Paintins and Graining I done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. We have reduced enr prices te $1.75 per day. Shep en Charlette street. ecus-tunu nitunn uuijusui a sexis. A SOUTHERN ROMANCE. The History of a Georgia Physician, His Os tracism aud Self-Exile. Art anil Intellect. "The richer a nation," says Carlyle, " the harder and slower its development." Twe boys were once of a class in the Edinburgh grammar school ; Jehn, ever trim, precise and dux ; Walter, ever slo venly, confused aud dolt. In due time Jehu became Baillie Jehn of Hunter square, and Walter became Sir Walter Scott of the universe. The quickest and completestef all vegetables is the cabbage. Thus slowly developed " Sir Walter Scott of the universe" was 554 when he made his first draft of "Waverley" and 43 when he re-wrete and published it. Nearly every one of these tales which conferred immortality upon him was composed after he had reached the age of 4C. He wrote the "Heart of Mid-Lethian" at 47 the "Bride of Lammcrnioer,"' a "Legend of Montrese" and "Ivanhoe" at 48; the Pirate" and "Pcvcril of the Peak" at 50 ; the "Talcs of the Crusaders " at 54, and the " Chronicles of the Caneugatc " at 57. Carlyle was 42 when he published the "French Revolution," the lirst work of his te which lis formally put his name. The publication of this work was, it is true, de'aycd, owing te the burning of the manuscript of one volume through the carelessness of Mrs. Tayler, te whom it had been leaned by Jehn Stuart Mill ; but, if that mishap had net occurred Car lyle would have been ever forty before his work could have appeared. His " Crom well " was published when he was 50 ; the lirst two volumes of his "Frederick the Great" when he was G3, another two when he was G7, and the last two when he was 69. Swift was 59 when he published "Gulliver's Travels," and cartainly did no work en it before he was 57. Tcnny Tcnny nysen had reached 40 when his first idyls, "Enid," "Elaine," "Vivien" and "Guinevere," were published, and was about G2 when he completed the series with "Gareth and Lynettc." Macaulay was 48 when he issued the first and sec ond volumes of his "History of England," and the third and fourth did net appear till he was 55. Geed as are the essays of his early manhood, they pale when com pared with this work of his matuie years. Jehn Stuart Mill was 53 wheu his essay " On Liberty " was published, aad 56 when he gave up that en "Utilitarianism." Milten was certainly mere than 54 when he began te compose his " Paradise Lest." He was 59 when he sold it te Simons, the bookseller. Geerge Eliet composed " Middlcmarch" between the ages of 4'J and 51, and since then "Daniel Derenda." Bacen was 59 before he published his Great work, the "Novum Orgauum." Cowper was ever 50 when he wrote "Jehn Giipin" and the "Task;" and Defee 58 when he published .' Robinson Crusoe. Darwin published his "Origin of Species" when 50, and his " Descent of Man " when 62. Grete wrote the largest part of his "History of Greece " between the ages of 52 and 62, and Hallam occupied nearly the same period of life with his " Intro duction te the Literature of Europe." The two works by which Themas Heed has survived the grave, "The Bridge of Sighs" and "The Seng of the Shirt," were composed when he was 46, aud en a sick-bed from which he never rose. Longfellow gave us " Hiawatha" when 48, " Tales of a Wayside Inu " when 56, and since then has been as prolific as he has been excellent. We need only men tion his translation of Dante's " Divina Cemcdia," and his exquisite poem, "Mor "Mer ituri Salutamus." "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table " was published when Helmes was 48, and " Songs in Many Keys" when 55. Washington Irviiig com pleted " Talcs of .the Alhambra" at 49, published ' Mahomet " at 67, and the "Life of Geerge Washington " after that age. Prescott wrote, we believe, the "Conquest of Mexico" between the ages of 41 aud 47, and the " Conquest of Peru" between 47 and 51. Motley completed the " History of the United Netherlands " at 53, and after that began the history of "Jehn Barncvcld," which he published wheu he was 60. Frenchmen have produced very remark able books long after the noonday of life. Laplace did an extraordinary amount of mathematical work after three-score and ten, and Victer Huge scarcely "get under way" before he was 50. lie published " Napeleon the Little " at 50 ; "Lcs C'hat iments " at 51 ; " Lcs Miserables " at 57 ; the "Toilers of the Sea" at 64 ; "The Man Who Laughs" at 67, and "The Annals of a Terrible Year" at 70. The great physicist and mathematician, Ampere, did net begin te devote his attention te the phenomena of electro magnetism till he was 45, aud it was was from 51 te 53 that he published his "Observations," a work characterized, as has been said, by " profound thought aud extraordinary philosophical sagacity." Racine was 50 when b,3 wrote his drama of "Esther," and 52 that of "Athalia," the finest production of h s genius, and a mas terpiece .of dramatic eloquence. Thiers was 65 when he completed his "Consul ate and Empire," and Chateaubriand 63 when he published his "Etudes," Cervantes had passed his 58th year be fore he published the first part of "Den Quixote," aud was 68 when he issued the that arc left go from place te place in turn te say mass in the neighboring churches. The inhabitants of the villages that are deprived of their priests attend, en these occasions, iu overflowing crowds. The cure gives out where mass will be said en the following Sunday. Yeu might imagine yourself, carried back te" the French revo lution and 1793. Mere than half of the churches and priests' houses are shut up. The seminaries no longer train young Levites who are considered admissible; and inasmuch, moreover, as many semina ries are closed, the moment is net very far off, if the Kulturkampf geps en, whenj every village will find itself deprived of ecclesiastics. What is curious is that while the populatieu remains faithful te the church they also remain entirely sub missive te the authority of the govern ment. They lespect alike the Pepe and the emperor. The truth is that military service has prodigiously developed the sentiment of passive obedience. But Prince Bismarck, who believes that re ligion is one of the priucipal bases of the social order, hesitates at the notion of pro ducing a state of things in which all re ligious services have disappeared from the Catholic provinces. Hence his endeavors te come te an understanding with the Vatican." watch when these annual epochs come round, and be ready te enjoy the sight, if anything unusual occurs. A Mysterious Birth. in Death of a Fermer Citizen of Georgia San IVancisce and His strange Will. Oglethorpe (Ga.) Eche, The following mysterious paragraph, a few months since, was found in the New Yerk Tribune : " Dr. Oliver Huff, of San Francisce, who died recently, directed in his will that a monument, net te exceed $1,000 in cost, should be placed ever his grave, and for bade auy society of which he was a mem ber, or any friends, te pass resolutions of condolence ever his decease, or te commu nicate the fact te his friends in the East." It is only in Oglethorpe county, Ga., wheie the history and antecedents of Dr. Huff are known, that the motives which prompted this singular document, can be explained. Dr. Oliver Ilutt" was tbe illegitimate son of Cel. Richard Hull, once a wealthy land and slave owner in Geese Pend district, who created quite a sensation before the war by liberating 100 slaves aud establish ing them in Liberia. In this band or col onists was a mulatto' woman, who claimed te be the mother of Dr. Hull'. But be tween her and the alleged son no friend ship had existed for years. He always ap peared te avoid the mulatto mistress of his father, and was encouraged in this by his sire. Yeung Huff grew up into a bright, handsome lad, and was sent by Cel Huff te the first schools in the New England states. During vacations he visited home but here his society was marked. The whites looked upon him as tainted with negre bleed, while from his bearing he scorned the suspicion. Hurt graduated with distinction, and having expressed a desire te study medi cine, his father sent him te France, from which country he returned with the highest diploma. He located en the plan tation of his father, but his old troubles began again. The whites in the neighbor hood had net forgotten the suspicious cir cumstances surrounding the young doctor's birth, aud he was placed under the ban of society. Dr. Hull' was proud and ambi tious, aud seen seemed te avoid associa tion. At length the whites began te dis cover that thcre was net the faintest resem blance te the negre race in Dr. Huff, and the report get iu circulation that his mother was a Caucasian, and that the mulatto woman had beeu paid te claim aud icar the infant as her seu. After this the barrier of society began te give way. A few whites recognized Dr. Huff aud employed them in their families, but in a condescending way that chafed his proud spirit. Others spoke of him as the " nigger doctor." He was ence engaged te euc of the first young ladies in Seuth Carolina, but the report of his birth reaching her family's cars the match was broken off. The beginning of the late warfeund Cel. Huff dead, who left his illegtiniatc son a fine property, te rcvei t te him at the death of the lawful heirs. About this time Dr. Huff quitted the county, letting no one knew his destina tion. But some of the soldiers from this county saw him during the war as surgeon in a Connecticut regiment. His men were devoted te him and our Leys did uet ex pose his history. Aftci the war Dr. Huff was lest sight of, but about five years age a rumor reached this county that he was seen in San Fran Fran cice, Cal., was doing a fine practice and had accumulated quite a fortune. Our people respected the motives that occa sioned his exile, and no effort was made te communicate with or t?xpose him. The next we hear from him is the news of his death, circulated through this strange will. The very clause that was aimed te preserve his history caused curiosity te be aroused and an expose made. Dr. Huff had never married. While he was recognized as a white man in the Gelden state, he always had the air of a hunted man. His life has been au unen viable one, and he doubtless hesitated te entail the curse of suspicion that had fol lowed him upon innocent heirs. His de mise was mourned upon the Pacific slope. A geed man was gene. But the antecedents of this man have at last been cleared. It is said that his mother is a white woman and belonged te one of the first families in Virginia. She was a near relative te Cel. Hurt', and while en a visit te him in this comity an unnatural in timacy existed between them, which re sulted in the birth of a son, this same Dr. Oliver Huff. Te hide the shame of the girl a mulatto woman was hired te cliim it as her offspring. There is ever 1.000 acres of the land in this county, the titles te which are vested in the here of this sketch. As there arc doubts about his mother, and his leaving no heirs, it is claimed that this property will revert te the state. Way of tbe World. Te the coal dealer : Learn e labor and te weigh it. The mayor of New Orleans is named Shakespeare. In the Apennines, during the chestnut season, the schools have a vacation. A St. Leuis journal speaks of a man who get into a political row and was freckled with buckshot. These English names ! Lyou Playfair is pronounced " Lyen Pluffer." Anyhow, hew de you pronounce Smith ? "I wish I was a pudding, mamma." " Why ?" " 'Cause I should have a let of sugar put into me." Professer : " Mr. M., what is the an swer te the second question ?" Mr. M., (after waiting in vain te be prompted) " Nobody seems te knew, professor." A stranger iu Galveston asked an old resident hew malarial fever could be distinguished from yellow fever. " As a general thing," was the reply, " you can't tell until you have tried it. If you ain't. alive, then it is most likely yellow fever." "My wife," remarked a prominent man ufacturer, "never attends auctions. She went once, just before we were married. and seeing a friend at the oppesito side of the room nodded politely, whereupon the auctioneer knocked down a patent cradle and asked her whether she wished it deliv ered." A " young naturalist" writes up te learn " hew he can catch a live wasp, for scien tific purposes, without injuring it." Right by the tail, son ; right by the tip end of the tail. Squeeze hard, the wasp won't mind it a particle, and if it seems te be injured auy that you can see, send us the bill and we'll pay for a new wasp. Ilaukeye. "Well, what are you snfliing about, new, Bub." asked Jimmy Tuli'bey of the boy en the right of the line. "'Causa ma is for free trade at the grocery and pa is for protection against creditors, and and they wouldn't anybody tumble te it. and we didn't have any breakfast at all boe-oo !" Feminine tenderness sometimes crop out in queer places. The widow of a French chemist, famous for his researches in tox icology, was en trial for poisoning her hus band. It was proved that arsenic was the medium employed. " Why did you use that poison ?" asked the presiding magis trate. " ilecause," sobbed the fair cul prit, " IL was the one he liked best." A story is told of Sheridan, himself an Irishman, that one day, coming back from sheeting, he did net like te go home com pletely empty, and seeing a number of ducks in a pond, and a man leaning en a rail watching them, Sheridan said, "What will you take for a shot at the ducks?" "Well," he said, "I will take half a sov sev erign." "Dene !" said Sheridan, and he fired into the middle of the fleck, killing a dozen. " I am afraid you made a bad bar gain !" "Well, I don't knew," said the man. "they weren't mine." The bridegroom of a Waukcgan wed ding was a Baptist and the bride a Meth edist. They had agreed that immediately after the ceremony, they would decide by chance which should embracq the ether's religion. The officiating clergyman de clined te toss up a cent, partly because he would net countenance such a proceeding, and partly because, being a Methodist, he might be accused of fraud if the bride wen. The bride herself finally threw the coin, and lest. When she went te join the Baptists, however, they rejected her be cause she did net believe in close commu nion. That displeased the husband, and he went went ever with her te the Metho dists. A real mule was one of the attractions recently in the play of "The Forty Thieves" as produced in Nevada City. Thft result is described as fellows : "Ne sooner had Ali come out of the cave with his bags of wealth and attempted te put them en the back of the beast than he began his part of the performance. He let fly with his heels, kicked the shavings (the supposed riches) out of the bags, kicked down the cavern, kicked down the whole forest, kicked down the wings, kicked the end of the bass viol (leaning against the stage) te pieces, smashed the footlights and finally doubled up Ali by putting both feet in the pit of his stomach. A rope was fastened around him, and he was dragged off by the united strength of the company." The ether day, says a Western paper, about one o'clock, a boy of about twelve years of age went up a street at such a pace that every one was satisfied he was running for a doctor. A man with a kindly expression of countenance caught the flying boy by the arm and asked him, " Senny, is there anybody "right sick at your house?" "Ne. but there will be if j you don't turn me loose." "Who is it. bubby?" "Will you let me go if I tell you?" "I will, my boy." "Well, then, it's my brother Beb. He will be a re mains before night if I don't get home right off. Yeu see, we have cucumbers, green corn, clabber, watermelon and cabbage for dinner, and if I ain't there te get my share he will founder himself and die. Please let me go. se I can save my little brother's life." 31EDICXL, 1'Al'JCll JIAXG1XOS, . ixr AKK OFkNINU DAILY NEW PATTERNS OF PAPER HANGINGS. the same day. Cicere composed most of his philosophi cal treatises between the ages of 58 and 62 Galilee published his "Dialogue en the Twe Principal Systems of the World" at 68 ; the "Dialogue en Lecal Motion" at 74, the age at which he disceverd the moon's diurnal libratien. Meteors -May Be Looked Fer. Providence Journal. The earth is about te cress the track of the November meteors, that gigantic second part. He and bhakspcare died en eHipge of meteoric matterVhese perihelion A People Without Priests. Pall Mall Gazette. "Te understand the consequences of the Kulturkampf in Germany," writes a coriemendent, "you ought te visit the country districts of the Blaine provinces. It was thus that, spending a few days at Canzem. en the shores of the Saar, near Treves, I found in the environs mere than half of the villages without priests. When, a cure dies his place is net filled, because the bishop will net submit te the Falk laws, and particularly because he pretests against signifying the appointment of a new cure te the government. The cures cresses the earth's orbit, and whose aphe lien extends beyond the planet Uranu?. Frem the 10th te the 14th the earth is plowing through the meteor zone, and mere meteors than usual, radiating from the constellation Perseus, may be leek for. The probability is that net many will be seen, but there is a delightful uncertainty about the working of celestial machinery that makes it net impossible that obser vers will be rewarded with mere than the ordinary shower. The November meteor zone is made up of a swarm of particles following in the train of Temple's comet. The swarm of mcteoreids is net equally scatteied areuud the orbit, but is concen trated in one portion, which the earth cresses once in about 34 years. Then we have a shower that is something te remem ber for a life-time. Such a shower is net te be expected until 1899. In the intarval, unless something extraordinary takes place, the observer will see few meteors te reward his gaze, but it is well te be en the The Designs and Colorings are heautiiul, and wc have a large stock te select from, in the lowest grade te the most expensive. DADO AND FANCY . WINDOW SHADES in new colors. Plain material bj the yard, in all shades anil widths. Cardinal, Green, White and Bun HOLLANDS, Fixtures, Fringes. Tapes, &c. We have a let of light color Curtains, beauti ful styles, that will be closed out at the low price of 50 cents. These areadecided bargain, as some were sold at $1,50 a pair. We have opened a fresh inveice of Extension Cornices, among which arc two new patterns. Ebony Walnut and Ash Pele", Kings, Ends, Ac. Orders taken ter Fine Mirrors. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. ATIOSyrS-AT-LA.W HENRY A. RILKY Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Itow. New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United States, and a general legal business transacted tteferaby permission te Stelnman A Hensee CUTICURA Astonishing Cures of Itching, Scaly aiid Scrofalens Humors of the Skis, Scalp and Bleed of Children and Infants. CimcrRA Remedies are sitaply clegunt te use. They appeal te mothers and parent with great force. Frem infancy te old age they are equally successful, sale and reliable. Ccti cura, a Medicinal Jelly, arrests disease, eats away dead skin and flesh, allays inflamma tion, itching and irritation. !oetlies and heals Skin Diseases, anil Scalp Affections witli Less of Hair. It reproduces anil beautifies the hair. CuricuitA Keselveht. the great Bleed Pnritier, cleanses, purities, and eradicates all chronic ami hereditary humors. Cvticuka Medici: al Toilet SeAr.prepared trem CuTicuitA.cIeanse-', seethes and heals diseased surfaces, wliltens, freshens and beautifies the skin beyond all praise. It is an elegantly perfumed Toilet, Ilath and Nursery sanative. Children aud Infants. Cha. Kayre IHukle, Jerey City .Height-, X J., writes: "My son. a lad of twelve years wa completely cured et a terrible case nf Eczema bv the Cuticura Uciiu'dit-s. Frem the top et his head te tlicsoltsefliN teet wa- one mass et scabs. Every ether remedy and physi cians luiit been trieiliu vain." Fred. Itehrer. eq.. U.ishler MeeR J rowers National ISank, Pueblo, Colerado. wtiU-.s: ';I urn se well pleased with its effects en my baby that I cannot afford te be without it m my house. It is a wonderful cure, ami it is bound te become very popular as seen as its virtues are known te the mas-.es." SJ.J. S. Weeks, esq .Town Treasurer, St. Albans. Vt., says, in a letter dated May ?: ' It works te a eharui en my baby's taeeund head. Cured the head entirely, .mil lias nearly cleaned the laee et sores, l'liave recommended it te sev eral, and Dr. Plant ha- ordered it for them." Cuticura llEJiEDiusare prepared by WEEKS POTTEU. Chemists anil llrugglst.s.Stti Wash ington street. Ket-m. and arc ler sale ly all Druggists. Price et Cirricui:., a .Medicinal Jelly, small boxes, 50 cents; large boxes, ft. Cuticuka ilEaOLVKvr. the ii'W llloed Puriiier. $1 per bottle. .Cuiicuka Medicinal. Toilet Seap, i't cent-. LimcuitA Medicinal. Siiavine Seap, 15 cuts; in liars ler Ikirber. and huge consumers, M cents. 83 'ill mailed j ree en receipt of price. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH. Rapid, Radical, Permanent. Complete Treatment. for $1.00. Uegin at the beginning. Cleanse the na.al passaues. Ucmcve the morbid coats of retting and dead ti-sue. Werk upon thesu surlaees until the living, wholesome membrane is readied, cleansed, tlisinleeted, seethed and healed. Then you have attacked and lemeved the cause. Meanw Idle, by internal adminis tration, drive fieni the bleed the nei en it de liver-i with every pulsation of the heart. When all this is taitlit'ullydeiie,Catarrh is conquered, veu are cured. Saxveud'h Kaimcal CTke consists or one bot tle Ot tllC It UlICAL Ct'Ki:. Olie be et'CATAKIUIAL Solvent, and one Improved Inhaler, all wrap ped in one paekhge, with Treatise and Direc tions, and sold by alliliuggists lerI. Ask ler Sanfekd's Uamcal Cube, the most complete, instantaneous, ami economical treatment in medicine. Ueneia! Auts.. WEHIiS & POTTEU. llosten. Collius Voltaic Electric Piasters. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Weak and Sore Lungs. Coughs and Colds. Weak Uack.steuuicli and Bowels, Dyspepsia, .sheeting Pains threngh the Leins and Hack. Spasms or Fits, and Nervous, Muscular, and Spinal Affections, relieved and cared when every ether plaster, liniment, lotion, anil electrical appliance tails. Ask for Cellins' Velataii Elccii:iu I'lasteus. Only il cents. Nr'.ltVOUS IJEISIL1TX. Te Nervous Sullerers The Ureal Euro pean Itciuedy Dr. J. IS. Simpsen's Specific Medicine. It is a positive euro ler Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weafcnis.Iiiipetcney,aiid all dNcascs resulting from Sclt-Abiise, as -Mental Anxiety. Less of Memery, Pains in Hack or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insauitv and au early grave. The Specific Medicine !" being used with wonderful. success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write ler them and get tuli particulars. Price, Spccitic, .fl per package, or si packages for f.". J. IS. SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY. Niw. ltd ami KB Main Street, ISull'.iIe. N. V. Address ali eiders te II. IS. COt.IIICAN. Druggist, M)li: Agent, I'STaiiil l.r Verth tjuceti itreet, Lancaster. mn-lydced&wj INVESTIGATION ! DIC. ;s:r:KK has successfully treated ever I.GMDef the most dillicult chronic (se called; in curable cases during a nin? month's practice. The most (d them had been the rounds of the leading physicians el Lancaster county. Dlt. tiUEEN'E is ready at an time te meet a committee et the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Heuse or elsewhere te dis cuss the merits et Omniat!iy and prove its superiority overall ether pnthic.s iu vogue. The people are greatly interested and de mand the tidiest investigation. Invalids are every week dying in this county whose lives could be saved. Is there any subject about which the masses aie meie eeieeined than restoration te health, and the prolonging et their lives? Dr. U. eiigina'cd ami is new tin owner et 23 Medical I'.ids. ile especially warns the public against thcuumcrousceuutcrtcits new eilcrcd the people. Dr. tirevne ilees an exclusive etllcis business. Patients who cannot call at his elllecs tuiist semi full !c script ion of alllietieiis. Hundreds of deaths have inclined here in nine months ; only two in his piactice. Consultations free Catarrh cured-ter M cents. Cine quick ter Catarrh scut te any ad dress for 00 cents. Send ler VZ page pamphlet. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. 23IJ NOIIT1I QUECN STKKKT, . 30-tIdMWFAS LancaMcr, Pa. "VTKKVINK. OK TONIC SI'Kl.II-ICA. ll A BOON TO BOTH MIXES. A BEMEDY WITIIOI'T A UIVAL ter all di-eusc.il arising trem Nervous I)ebility.exuul Disorders, ever Indulgence et Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration of old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic forms of the following diseases have been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache, Dizziness. Sexual Exhaustion, Spermaturiluci, Oenerul Debility, Impotency, Piemutun Decay, &c. It has been in Use for ever forty years, and is te-day Mie most popular leinedy for the dis eases above mentioned iu the WOULD. It can be used without regard te diet, i- pleasant in taste, and better than all, it is a sure, sale aud certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate, hince ls;; this remedy has always been sold for a much larger price tlian that for which it is new sold ; but owing te the act that the time ler the payment et an enormous royalty upon its manufacture has expired, ills etleleil te the suffering of both sexes ut one dollar per package, se as lobe within the reach of all; at which price it will be sent te any address tree et further charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 40 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mail. iv2tu;iuii&w VAMJfKta. I AKGAIN TOK EVERYBODY. RARE CHANCE IN CARPETS, Positive sale te Bcduce Stock et 6,000 YarQs Brussels Carpets, AT AND BELOW COST. Call and satisfy ycnrsclf. Alse, Ingrain, Ifcig and ChainCarpetsinalmestendless variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTEK. PA. .- A 'J$ itj