Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 12, 1880, Image 3

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re-cl ninety-nine times in' a hundred. Prof.
Heiges then branched off at some length
in (letcrHiing certain fertilizers and pre
scribing them for certain soils and certain
Dr. S!ratnal:cr lectured en tiic "Educa
tion of the Masses." After giving some
direction for the treatment of bad boys
who write or mark vulgar or obscene words
or objects en books or school property, he
gave 'his views en teaching reading and
writin". He favored a union of the alpha
betic and .weid methods, lie laid down
the preposition that written lauguagc is
essential te civilization ; and that wher
ever bai barons or uncivilized tribes or peo
ple have been raised te civilization it has
been accomplished net by themselves, but
by agencies from without.
Music "Guide me, eh Theu great
Tin: Institute Photographed.
Before adjournment Supcrintendcn
Slmub announced that Mr. Sayler, the
photographer, wished te take the photo
graphs of the teachers as taey parsed out of
the com t house, and requested that as
many as would be pleased te de se te tarry
for a moment outside te enable the artist
te take the picture.
Readings ami Recitation.
The pregramme of readings for te-night
premise.; well. Prof. Bradford, the elocu
tionist, visits Lancaster for the first time.
1 lis leadings of .Shakspeare, Dickens and
ethers of Jess fame are said excellent.
The general admission is twenty-five cents
and the house will no doubt be crowded
vrjlh an appreciative audience.
A V.tii'.'r.iy.l
Occasion and lMsUiiguIshed
The wedding of Miss Jane Findlay
Sliunk and Lieutenant itebert K. Evans,
U. S. A., was solemnized in Washington
last, evening at half-past six, and before
that time St. Jehn's church was well
filled with a goodly company. There
were a large number of distinguished army
and navy ellieeis. most of whom were
their uniforms. These nud the numerous
handsome evening toilets worn by the
ladies presented a w?l beautiful scene.
The old families of the city who knew
Judge Black wLi-.i in the cabinet were
well icpre-.euted. The church was deco
rated simply bin tastefully. A wreath
of white blossoms, set. in green, cov
ered the chancel rail. On the com
munion table were a bouquet and a
cre-.s of white bads, while tropical plants
adorned the chancel rail. The ushers,
who ware leady te receive and scat the
guests as.s en as the dejrs of the church
.veie open, were Messrs. Withcrspoe.i and
Ven Hc!i:eader, United Slates army (the
latter is Mis. Hitter Clymer's brother),
and Messrs. SImfeidt and Lemly, United
Slates navy. The groom and these of the"in the army and n.ivy were full
urcf.; uaii' Following the ushers
came the two bridesmaids together, Miss
enead and Mi.;.- Thompson, of New Yerk,
a iiil next the gioemsmen, Lieutenant But
t!tr, United Slates army, and Mr. B. "Wct "Wct "Wct
moie. of 2ew Yerk, Tiic bride followed
with her sie'd'ai-her, Mr. llernsby, and was
met at the chancel lail by the groom, who
entered wit li his best man, the son of Gen-
iiral O. O. il.j'.vard. 'i he organ was playcu
while tl; gue.sts were assembling and gave
forth the wedding march as the precession
culcicd. Tlu rec'.er of the church, the
Kevciend ?Ir. Norten,-read the Episcopal
.service and Mr. llernsby gave the bride- .
Tlie ceremony ever, the bride and groom
led the. way out of church, followed by I
their attendants and Judge and Mrs. !
B'aek, Mr. irnd Mrs llernsby. Mrs. Evans, j
the gne:n"s m ilher, and Mrs. Clayten,
Jttdu'.' Black's daughter. All seen were j
ready Se ieeeive the guests at 3Ir. audi
3Iv." llern-iby's residence, which presented '
r. eharming aj.p-ar.iuebeing uncommon !
in arrangtiaeni and furniture, and which
was lighted with side lights and candela
bra. 'Flew, r.-s were tastefully arranged en
mantels-and tables and a fringe of smilax
trimmed the doorways and mirrors.
The brides dre-'s vr.u c::tremely simple,
but very elegant bath in fabric and style,
and making". It was soft, thick, white
corded si!!:, trimmed witli white plush. t
The 1 lain was net very long. The waist
wa.s liigh and the sleeves long. The ;
sleeves and nrck weic finished with point ,
lace. The only 11 e wcrs worn were orange I
blossoms, which fastened the long veil of t
tube t the head. The bride is a very ,
piquant-looking bright-eyed biunette, and
her bridal dress was highly becoming. j
The bridesmaids' dresses were white ,
muslin, trimmed with lace. Mrs. Black
were a rich silk, with fichu and coiffure of
superb point lace. Sirs. Evans were an
elegf.ut black velvet, with point de Venice
lace .eilfare and cellar. Mrs. llernsby,
who grows handsomer as years pass ever ,
her head, were an elegant dress of the j
pompadour color blue silk combined
with" rose and blue brocade trimmed
with white Valenciennes lace.
A very handsome collation was enjoyed
and the usual form of cutting the wedding
cake was observed. The bride withdrew
and pat en her traveling dress and by 9 ',
o'clock was ready te go te Baltimore, j
whence she gees te 2ew Yerk te start for
her husband's pe?t l'reseett, Arizona. ;
Many gifts from Iriends and relatives were
cent the bride, including:', vaiiety of silver j
of the finest manufacture. Mrs. Harriet i
Lane dehu't ui, e::-Pre.sident Buchanan's'
niece, who lias always been a warm Iricuu
of the bride's mother, was unable te attend
the wedding owing te her husband's ill
ness, but sent an elegant silver waiter as a ,
souvenir. The picscnts were net dis-1
plsycd. j
.. . . --. .: i
j:UO Ol: v.:ili:iOiO Jim ireyunj.
The Wheatland Mills property, belong
ing te Jehn MuMehnan. situated in West
Lampeter township, has been sold at pri
vate sale through the r.a! estate agency of
Herr & Staufler, te William L. Myers, of
Frankfe-.d. Philadelphia, for $27,500. The
properly consists of a large stone grist and
merchant mill, saw mill, mansion house,
posteflice, &c.. and about Hi acres of land.
Sir. Myei and son are practical millers
and will take possession of the property en
April first next, and continue the business
heieiofere carried en by Mr. Mussclman.
D. 1. Synaeffer, esq., a graduate of
Franklin and Marshall college, of the
class of '75, and at present a rising young
member of the Beading bar, was manied
in that city yesterday te Miss Kate A.
Grim, daughter of Jonathan K. Gaim, a
leading merchant of that city. Mr. Sehacf Sehacf
ferisasen of Mr. David Sehaeffer, of
Maxatawney township, Berks county, an
extensive farmer and large land owner,
lle'isabiether of Prof. X. C. Schaeffer,
formerly of the; faculty of Franklinand
?.Iarshal!. and new of the Kutz Kutz
lewn .state normal school.
'jIierifT's Sale.
Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold at
public sa'e yesterday at llambright's hotel
Columbia p:I;e, for J. S. Stiine, sheriff of
Lancaster county. Pa., a fawn containing
182 acres and 119 pcrchases with improve
ments, situated in Maner township, about
live miles from thecilyef Lancaster, seized
and taken in execution as the property of
Jacob L. Landis, and sold te 13. Weaver,
for $24.7."0, subject te a mortgage of $1-V
00. making the farm bring $29,030 in the
Supper Lust Night.
PiO'.:::i J. Evans, esq., before the elee elee
lien said that if Garfield was elected he
would treat his friends. Last night he
iuiii: .1 that premise by giving an cxcel upper te about twenty gentlemen
friend., at his residence en Vine street
All present had a fine time and there was
lets of fun.
Meeting or the Scheel Beard Painful Burn
ing Accident Brief Borough Budget.
The Columbia school beard met last
evening in the Shech library room of the
Cherry street public school building.
With the exception of Mr. Seurbeer the
members were all present. The finance
tepeit showed the receipts since last
report te have been $1,800.98, expenditures,
$1,552.28 ; balance in treasury, $885.56.
The committee en rents reported the pay
ment of all rents and the secretary of the
beard reported the salaries of tlie teachers
and attaches paid for the month of October.
The library committee reported that vol
umes 12 and 1G of Appleton's cyclopedia,
the last of the scries, had been received.
Bills te the amount of $53.11, reported
correct by the committee, were ordered te
be paid. The balance of the annual ap
propriation, due te the Shech library fund,
amounting te $23.75, was ordered te be
paid. Applications of Mary C. and James
J. King, children of Edward A. King, de
ceased, for admission te the Mount Jey
soldiers' orphans' school, were read before
the beard, and, en motion, the approval of
the beard was granted and the president
and secretary authorized te sign the certifi
cates. Adjourned.
While Dr. G. W. Bcrntheizel was put
ting off fireworks, in front of his residence,
en the evening of the Republican parade,
a spark of lire, from a roman candle,
dropped into a can of highly inflammable
material which Mrs. Bcrntheizel was hold held
in her hand. In an instant of time a
stream of fire shot forth and enveloped
Mrs. Berrttheizel, severely burning one of
her hands and completely ruining her
dress. Knewing that her husband was in
uniform and desired te join the precession,
Mrs. B. with a fortitude somewhat like
that of Lady Beacensiield.kept the accident
from the doctor, notwithstanding the pain
was intense, and he only knew of it when
en the dismissal of the parade, he returned
te his home. The injury still affords Mrs.
Bcrntheizel much pain.
A performing bear was in town yester
day. The children can tell us all about
The pregramme for the dramatic exhi exhi
tien te be given by the pupils and young
ladies of the congregation of St. Peter's
Catholic church, in the opera house, this
evening, has been given te the public.
We have examined it and say with all can
dor that we believe the entertainment will
be one well worth seeing. The sarvices of
the Citizens' baud, volunteered for the oc
casion, have been accepted.
Te-night comes off the autumn hop te
be given in company IPs armory by a
special committee. Tayler's orchestra has
been engaged.
At a meeting in Black's hotel last even
ing of the recently formed class for in
structions in dancing, it was decided te
employ Prof. T. J. McGuirc, of Lancaster,
te give lessens. The armory is the room
te be taken and one lessen a week will be
given, commencing en next Thursday
evening. D. Geed was elected master of
ceremonies, J. D. Slade iloer manager,
and C. C. llaldeman, assistant fleer man
ager. The P. R. It. pay car is expected here
te-day or te-morrow.
W. B. Given, esq., left here en a visit te
Philadelphia te-day.
The river is still rising and the water is
yet in a very muddy state.
The regular monthly meeting of council
will be held this evening. The question of
giving permission te the telephone ex
change, te erect poles in the borough, will
come up and be acted upon.
River pilots continue going west for
rafts. The high winds new blowing make
the business anything but a pleasure. It
is all work.
The new dancing class will give a ball en
or about the 23th. They commence
Most of the pavements en the south side
of Locust strict below Fifth are being
raised te tlie adopted level. The gutters
and curbs also come in for repair.
A large tree which steed en Locust
street above Fourth for many years, was
cut down a day or two age.
The employees of the Susquehanna roll
ing mill will "be paid for two weeks te-morrow
Te-morrow will be the meeting day of
the district teachers' institute. Will net
the Lancaster institute surfeit the teach
ers ?
There will be a public saic of real estate
at the Franklin house te-morrow night.
Only one or two rafts this morning.
Twe windy for successful duck sheeting.
Canal season is drawing near its close.
Theft of fa Valuable Gun.
Prof Win. B. Hall, of this city, who is
net less skilled as a gunmaker than as a
musician, has sustained a very severe less
in the theft of a valuable rifle of his own
workmanship, and one of the handsomest
and complete pieces of the gunmaker's art
that has ever been exhibited here or else
where. Prof. Hall, who was justly proud
or this beautiful trophy, of which a full de
scription has previously appeared in our
columns, and whose pecuniary value is
net less than $300, some time since leaned
the gun te his lncnd, Mr. A. V. Canfiefu,
jr., of the firm of A. V. Canfield, jr.,
& Ce., and a noted rifleman, for exhi
bition in the hitter's gun store, in Balti
more, Md. On Monday night last the store
of Messrs. Canfield & Ce. was entered by
burglars, ami the thieves, with the nice
discrimination of experienced professionals,
possessed themselves of Prof. Hall's riile
with a number of ether valuable articles.
Detectives have the case in hand, and it is
hoped they may succeed in recovering the
stolen property.
The Gospel Meeting.
The gospel meeting held in the public
school house, corner Lemen and Lime
streets, last eveuing, by the " All Work
ers'" (formerly Rockland) Sunday school,
was largely attended, many persons being
unable te obtain scats.
The exercises consisted of singing, read
ing of scriptures, prayer, recitations by the
children, and addresses by two lady mis
sionaries lately returned from heathen
dom. A number of articles of heathen
worship were exhibited, and the uses of
them explained.
The .service was concluded by the reci
tation of the Lord's Prayer in uuisen, fol
lowed by the singing of the doxology.
Quite a number of children were pres
ent from the outskirts of the city, having
been brought there and again returned te
their homes by Brimmer's 'buses.
St. Antheny's Fair.
A fair for the benefit of St. Antheny's
church opened in Grant hall last evening
under very encouraging circumstances.
The room is very handsomely decorated
with Hags, evergreens, &c. There arc
seven tables in the room, two of which are
in charge of Fathers Kaul and Christ.
Table Ne. 3 is the Sodality table, Ne 4
the old ladies table, Ne. 5 confectionery
table, Ne. 0 luuch table, and Ne. 7 chil
drcus' table.
Among the valuable articles te be
chanced and voted off arc the follewing:
Geld watch, two silver casters, and silver
tea set.
The attendance was very geed last
night and the fair will continue for eleven
Doing Well.
Elias Funk, the man who had his leg
taken oil" by the Safe Harber accident, is
living and will likely recover. The two
women are doing well.
Mayer's Court.
Ibis morning the mayor discharged one
vag aud three drunks, and sent one
drunk te jail for 5 days.
Yeung Slan Injured.
This morning between 9 and 10 o'clock
Wm. P. King, aged 21 years, son of David
King and employed in Binkley's grocery
store, started te the stable en Mifflin
street, in the rear of Harry Myers's resi
dence, te hitch his pony te the wagon
which is used -it the store for the delivery
of goods. Sometime afterwards he was
found lying unconscious in the yard of
Frederick Weehrle's stable, through
which he had te drive te get into Mifflin
street. He was picked up and carried
into the home of his brother, Dr.
Geerge A. King, where, at last ac
counts, he was still lying unconscious.
The doctor made an examination and
found that he was suffering from con
cussion of the brain. One of his arms was
badly bruised, but he received no
cuts. Hew the young man receiv
ed the injuries is net exactly known,
but it is supposed he was thrown from the
wagon by the sudden starting of the mare,
who is always anxious te get off, before he
was seated. The marks en the fence indi
cate that the wagon was run against it. It
is believed that Mr. King was thrown out
upon his head. The pony was caught en
Mifflin street, near Lime before the wagon
was broken.
Badly Burned.
Hen. Themas P. Fenlon, of Leaven
worth, Kansas, who visited this city last
spring and became well-known here as
counsel for the sister of James H. Rhey,
deceased, in the settlement of his estate,
was very seriously burned en Wednesday
morning of last week. He has been in the
habit of lying in bed and reading by a light
from a coal oil lamp, for some time before
going te sleep. He had gene te bed about
2 o'clock, and about 4 o'clock he woke
up te find the mesquite netting about him
en fire. He jumped out of bed te the burn
ing carpet, where his feet were severely
burned. Finding the bed clothes en fire
and fearing that the building would take
fire, he hurriedly gathered the burning
quilts together ami pitched them out of
the window te the side walk en Fourth
street, where they were found by Officer
Titel and the flames extinguished. Mr.
Fenlon thinks the lamp was either upset
by him durin" his sleep or that it ex
ploded. Oi S ady Bun Over.
Last evci 1 g Mrs. Elizabeth Strieker,
aged CO yea s, who resides with Captain
Philip Sprc ':er, her son in-law, was cross
ing the Sh.ppen street railroad bridge
when she was knocked down by a pair of
horses hitched te a two-seated phaeton
and driven by a colored man. Twe of the
wheels passed ever her legs, which
were very badly bruised. One arm was
also severely injured. She was taken te
Mr. Sprecher's house, where Dr. Wclchans,
attended her. The team is said te have
belonged te Judge Livingston. There was
a train passing under the bridge at the
time and they probably frightened the
Yesterday a man with a string of small
red and blue balloons was standing en
North Queen street. A gentleman bought
about a dozen of the balloons and started
them off. They all ascended rapidly and
the small boy was much pleased with the
display as he thought, for a long time,
that the balloons had broken away from
the dealer. He was very sorry te learn
afterward that they had been paid for.
Steers Killed.
Yesterday a car lead of steers belonging
te Levi Scnesnig were unleaded at the
stock yard. Twe of them strayed en te
the railroad track and walked te point
west of- the Big Conestoga bridge where
they met freight engine Ne. 14 by which
they were both struck and killed.
Waived a Hearing.
Frank Witnicr lias waived a hearing be
fore Alderman Barr and has given bail te
auswer at court, the charges of assault and
battery and malicious mischief preferred
against him by Mrs. Buckius of Mulberry
I Assault and Mattery.
Alderman McConemy has held F. F.
Carruther, of Paradise, in bail, te answer
tic charge of assault and battery preferred
' m cnincf. him lltr AlnllTrtT ( ?mlvnn-linm
PasRCd Through.
The Pennsylvania pay car passed west
through this city this afternoon.
Te the Late W. H. Iteycr.
At a recent meeting of the Zcta Chapter et
the Phi Kappa Sigma frntcrnity, F. & M. col
lege, the announcement of Brether W. II.
Beyer's death having been made.the following
minute was entered upon the records of this
chapter and communicated te the dillcrcnt
chapters of our fraternity :
"Themembers of Zeta Chapter having heard
with profound sorrow the announcement of
the death of Brether W. II. Beycr, and being
desirous et expressing the deep sense et their
less, that has befallen them, de direct the fol
lowing record te be entered upon the minutes
of the chapter :
"That the Zeta Chapter lias, in the death et
Brether Beycr, been called upon te mourn the
less et one, who. during his connection with
the fraternity as an active member, was most
eager ler Us welfare and carne-t in his devo
tion te Its cause.
"That we esteem him most highly as ene
who as a companion was warm and affectionate
and whose friendship was an iiftlcxible trust.
"That the badge of the fraternity he placed
in mourning for thirty days eat of respect ler
our late brother; and that a copy of tnls min
ute be sent te the family of our departed mem
ber with an assurance of eursincere sympathy
in their bereavement"
Heme Minstrel. Te-morrow evening the
flrst show et the winter season will be given
in the opera house for the benefit of Bert Bine
hart, stage carpenter attheoperahense. It will
be a minstrel performance, in which all the
well known amateurs et this city will take
part. The pi-Ices et admission are low enough
te enable all te attend. The audience will be
a large one.
"Deacon Cranlcctt.'" The chart for the sale
of reserved scats for this performance which
t.tkes place Monday evening, opened this
morning. The play is by Jehn Habhcrten,
beat known te fame through his celebrated
" Helen's Babies," and his Deacon is said te be
a Jelly old soul, who reminds one of Uncle
Dan-l'imd Jeshua TWiitcemb, yet distinct from
cither of these popular personages. The
Deacon ought te have a geed house, as he
doubtless will.
Bev. IIbxrt Arms says : " 1 earnestly believe
that Day's Kidney Pad is the only lnfallible
remedy in the world ler that prevalent and
distressing complaint 'Back Ache.'"
ii8-wdM'.V.S FA w
J83"Tns cause for the happiness et that man
across the way is that he went te WILLIAM
SON A FOSTEU, 3'J East King street, Lancas
ter, the ether day, and purchased one of their
fincBcversible Overcoats, which they arc sell
ing at prices ranging from $15 te $20. lie gives
you geed advice when he tells you te go and
see them. nevlO-tfd
Kich in muscle-producing material beyond
all ether feeds and medicines are Malt Bitters.
i Am Crazed With Toothache
and serves you right for having neglected te
use SOZODONT. Had you done se your mouth
would have been healthy and your teeth
sound. Get tlie "snag" pulled out and com
mence at once using SuZODONT, thereby
preserving the balance et your teeth.
30,003 cakes sold the first year attest the pop
ularity et Cuticura Medicinal Seap. '
Ymu- Liver is out of order and yqu knew it ;
se take "Sellers' Liver Pills." Sold by all
Yeu are respectfully invited te call and sec our store and elegant stock
of goods. We are rcceiviug frequent importations of new and beautiful
goods from France, Italy and Switzerland, which are put en exhibition as
seen as received.
We have an extensive stock of Diamonds, including some rare gems
of large size. We have an attractive exhibition of Oil Paintings, Musical
Bexes with various attachments, Geld and Silver Watches for ladies or
gentlemen at very low prices. Keyless Clocks suitable for school room,
Teachers' Bells, Ink Stands, Geld Pens and Helders, Paper Knives, Ther
mometers, &c. We have everything in the regular Jewelry Line, and
many articles net usually found in the jeweler's stock.
Teachers are cordially invited te employ some of their leisure time in
a visit te eur store.
H. Z. BHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
It Is impossible ter a woman after a falthlul
course of treatment with Lydia E. l'int:liam:s
Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer
with a weakness et tlie uterus. Enclose a
stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western
avenue, Lynn, Mass.," for pamphlets.
The Pleasures et Hepe.
When-the body is bowed with pain an intense
longing for relief brings hope. This may
brighten the suffering but it does net cure. At
a time like this hew welcome is such a friend
a Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure,
bringing hope, health and happiness and the
Jeys of a renewed lite. 1
The Tidy Housewife.
Tlie careful, tidy housewife, when she is giv
ing her house its spring cleaning, should bear
in mind that the dear inmates et her house are
mere precious than houses, and that their sys
tems need cleansing by purifying the bleed,
regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent
and cure the diseases arising from spring ma
laria and miasma, and she should knew that
there is nothing that will de it se perfectly and
surely as Hep llittcis the purest and best et
all medisines. See ether column.
- Samuel A. Hewitt. Monteray, Mich., writes
that l)r. Themas' Eclectric Oil cannot be beat
by any medicine for coughs and colds and for
llieuiinitisin, it works like a charm. It has
been thoroughly tried in this place anil is great
deiniiiid. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist,
137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. .24
Mothers! .Rletlicrs!! Mothers:!!
A te you .disturbed at night and broken el
your rest by a sick child suffering anil crying
with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth?
It he, go atoneeanagctabottleofMKS. WINS
LOW'S SOOTIIINU SYKUr. It will relieve the
peer little sufferer immediately depend upon
it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a
mother en earth who has ever used it, who-will
net tell you at once that it will regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te tlie child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleua
ant te the tattc, and is the prescription et one
et the eldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere
2.1 cents a bottle. filT-lvu'&wM.W&S
Have you headache, pain in the back, coated
tongue, or dizziness? It se. take "Sellers'
Liver Pills," and be cured.
Tim scientific combination of the purest
drugs renders Dr. Browning's medicines et
the linest flavor, and are readily taken by old
or young. Children especially arc net easily
induced te take any kind of medicine, but Dr.
Browning's C. & C. Cordial, for Coughs, Colds,
Whooping Cough, etc., is se palatable that they
arc eager ler the time te come when they may
have mere. Sold by all druggists at 50 cents
per bottle. W. Champien Browning, M. D
Propiieter, 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Te Prevent WrinKIcs.
A subscriber wants te knew hew te prevent
wrinkles, the only sure remedy is " te com
mit suicide before your thirty," unless every
spring and fall you take spring Blessem
which will keep your bleed pure, and flesh
clear until at least sixtv. Prices: 50c, trial
bottles 10c. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, drug
gist, 137 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster,
Pa. 23
Wines ter Medicine.
Seme time since wc stepped at Passaic, N. J.,
and were really surprised te see the amount of
Mr. Spccr's stock et Pert Grape Wine en hand
It is almost labuleus. Four store houses are
filled, and tiers upon tiers of casks, up and
down stiars, and in some cases huge casks oc
cupy every available spot, leaving only little
alleyways tlueugh which te walk. It is an
illimitable q lantity of vAnc. Nene ij sold
unless it has acquired the age et lour years,
and the buildings 1, 2, 3 and 4, arc of the llrst,
sccend'thlrd and leurth year.-,' vintage. Our
druggists have some et the eldest of the above
wine direct from Mr. Speer. Patlerstn Guar
titan. This wine is new in demand 'for comma
nien purposes. It is excellent for weakly per
sons before retiring.
This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlce dad
Davis, umd sold by II. E. Slayinakcr.
Kurtz Staiuc. On Thursday evening, Nev.
11, at the residence of the biide's parents, by
Kcv. II. C. Shlmtle, Mr. W.B.Kurtz.ef Waynes
boro, te Miss Maine M. Stark, of this city.
Gundakek. November 10. 1SS0, in this city,
Henry Guudnkcr, in the 43d year of his age.
Funeral en Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from his late residence, Ne. 142 North Queen
street. Services at St. James Episcopal church.
1 A first-class 1' -horse power Engine and
15-horse Tubular Beiler. Apply at once at
nll-2tdli la West Orange Street.
The members of Ledge Ne. 43, F. and A.
M., arc requested te meet at their hall en Sat
urday afternoon at i o'clock, for the purpose
of attending the funeral of eurdcccascd broth
er, Henry Gnndaker. The brethren of Lam Lam
bcrten Ledge, Ne. 470, are invited te partici
pate. !
By order et the W. M.
II. S. GAB A, i
nev!0-3td Secretary.
will open for the reception et pupils WKD
NKSDAY, NOV. 17, at 4 p. in. for children, 8 p.
m. ler ladies and gentlemen. All the new
dances taught in one term Racquet, Alsatian,
Knickerbocker Racquet anil the beautiful
"Pole" Quadrille. Fer terms. Ac., apply at
Kast King street.
Music by W. Tayler and orchestra.
THURSDAY. NOT. 11. "A Visit te the To Te
semite Vallev." Dr. O. II. Tiffany, Philadel
phia. Pa.
FRIDAY, NOV. 12. Readings by Tret. Frank
Bradford, New Yerk City.
ySale et Reserved Seats will begin en
Monday, Nev. 8, at 9 a. m., atL. Fen Dersmith's
Boek Stere, Ne. 32 East King street.
Course ticket for reserved scats $1.50
Single ticket for reserved 6cats 40
Single ticket, general admission 25
Lectures will bcin at t o'clock.
Latest and greatest New Yerk success. Dra"
niatic hit of the season. Xew Yerk Herald.
MR. JOHN D. MISHLER has the honor te
played te crowded houses for six weeks at the
Fifth Avenue Theatre, New erk.
A Carefully Selected Company and Most
Superb Costumes.
PRICES, 50, Sc & 31.
Diagram at Ycekcr's Office. n!2-31d
It. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and
Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac.
Agent ter the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta
cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty,
Rcceive most careful attention.
Ne. 20 East Kin? Street, Lancaster, Fa.
We are new taking special orders for
nut Street, Philadelphia, Deal
ers in American and Geneva
Watches, 17kt. Geld Cases and
the most reliable Movements;
Gentlemen's, ladies' and Beys'
Watches, Chronographs, Re
peaters, Chatelaine Watches.
The lowest Prices, marked in
plain figures, from waich there
is no deviation. Orders and in
quiries by mail receive prompt
tise, free et charge, in the Iktuixiukn
Cer, who wants something te de.
de the coekiugand asssist in the gener
al housework in a small family. Wages, $10
te $le per mouth, lmiuireat this eflice.
neviO-tfd '
Baking, between lenrtcen and sixteen
years of age. Appy at corner North and Rock
land streets. 2td
Painting. Apply te Jehn Hart, foreman
et Paint Department, D. A. ALTICK ft SON'S
Carriacc Factory, Nes. 42 anil 44 West Orange
street, Lancaster, Pa. ltd
11 Ca
Call special attention te the production
Opera Heuse,
MONDAY, X0VE3IHE11 15, 18S0,
a New England Idyl, by Jehn Halibcrten,
anther of Helen's Babies.
will he supported by a select Company of New
1 erk Artists, and Mr. Mishler fjuarantces one
of the most' satisfactory performances ever
given in Lancaster.
35, SO & 75 Cents.
Reserved Seats at Ycekcr's Offlce. nll-ttd
New Foreign and Demestic Fruits.
Your warts can be wall and cheaply sup
plied at
17 Ea3t King .Street. Lancaster.
burgh, Pa. Send itamp for oataleguu
Rifles, het gum, revolvers, snt C. O. D. r
Great Less of Life by an Undergr eund .Ex
plosion in Neva Scotia.
Halifax, Xev. 12. About 6:30 this
morning an explosion of gas occurred en
the south side of Fert pit, at Stvllarter.
The explosion nearly swept across te the
ether side of the pit, killing men and
horses within reach. Almest all the men
en the north side will be saved while theso
en the south side will be lest. At least
sixty men are missing. Full particulars
net yet known. Five men have been
brought up and are likely te recover.
Probably forty arc shut up with the fallen
coal en the south side. The accident, it
is presumed, was caused by some miner
firing a shot in a forbidden part of the work
ings. Twe hundred men were in the mine at
the time of the explosion, though net all
of them were in dangerous positions. A
bulletin from the scene of disaster states
that a second explosion is apprehended.
Over the Agrarian Agitation In Ireland.
Londen, Nev. 12. The correspondent
of the Times at Reme says it is well
known in the Vatican that the Pepe is
much embarrassed about Irish affairs.
He fully understands that it is net
a question between Catholics and Prot
estants, but between the friends of order
and the anarchists. He openly disapproves
the agrarian movement and sincerely de
sires te assist the English government if
possible. He is well aware that he is only
hearing one side of the case, and he feels
that were he te break silence he might, in
seeking te de geed, produce a contrary re
sult through his imperfect kuewledgc of
Military Movements.
Londen, Nev. 12. A despatch from
Ballinrebc says the troops forming the es
cort of Boycott relief expedition were
mustered previous te starting for Boycott's
farm, crowds of people groaning aid
hooting outside the barrack gates. The
uproar in the principal street was tremen
dous. Anether Agrarian Murder.
The steward te Colonel Cooper, of Dun Dun
beden, near Multiugcr, county West Mcath,
was shot and wounded in two places by an
unknown youth.
Murdered by a Drutal Husband.
Red Bank, N. J., Nev. 12. William
V. G rover, aged 59, of this place, mar
ried -Jemima Aumack, aged 13, last
May aud the couple went te live at
Eatontown. Grevcr's abuse drove the girl
wife away last Saturday. Last night the
wife returned te the house te get her
clothes, when Grevcr shot her twice in t!.e
head. Mrs. Grevcr is dying.
Sudden Decease el a fhilaUeiphia Physician.
Philadelphia, Nev. 12. Dr. Geerge
R. Nebingcr, a well-known doctor of Phil
adelphia, was taken suddenly ill last night
while delivering a lecture at the Wagner
institute and died a few minutes after
being taken from the platform. He s;iid
he had previously taken half an ounce of
laudanum te relieve him of a temporary
attack of sickness.
News of the Afternoon Condensed.
Jehn McManus has been arrested in Chi
cago for killing Bernard Riley, in Phila
delphia, during a political dispute last De
cember. Mary Segcrsen, who was murdered by
her rejected lever in New Yerk, was
buried te-day. During the funeral ser
vices her mother fainted and lcr brother
had te be removed from the casket by
Washington, Nev. 12. Fer the Middle
states, clear or fair weather, colder nr rth
westcrly winds and rising barometer.
v 'or!i Market.
Nkw Yeas. Xev. 12. Fleur blnte ami West
ern without important change in prices;
Superfine, at :t 004 :s.",: c.xiia l at
Uraffi ?."; choice, de, 54 8034 00: lasicy de
fl95iH'0; round hoop Ohie 14 73S3 : eli;: le
(R4 93: Southern firm; common te lair extra
iS 10ft5 fi5: geed te -lieir de $3 0fi7(j
Wheat prices J8Jc 1 wcr and market
heavy; Ne. 2 White, November. $1 17;
de December, 19; Ne. 2 Rd, casli,$l MM :
de December, $1 2121 21 ; de January, $1 2-
1 23s.
Cern a shade easier and moderately active :
Mixed western spot, 33&Kyc; defuiiuc, CS9
Oats about Jc lower; Ne. 2 Nev., Ki-. : de
Dec, 42: de.)an 3;43;c ; State 42330c ;
Western 40K30c
Philadelphia aiarKcl.
Philadklphia, November 12. Fleur dull,
but steadily held ; superttne $.500:j 5s): tx
tru H U0g4 SO; Ohie anil Indiana family $5 C0
C 2; Penn'a txmlly S 2335 50: St. Leuis
familv $5 732CGS0; Minnesota family 152535 75;
Straight. $aoea;50: Winter patent $0307 50;
Spring de $7 008 25.
live Heur quietat $5 37S5 SO.
Wheat opened lower and reactive, and new
firm ; Ne. 2 Western K-d SI 17; Penn'a. ICed
l 158117; Ambcr:$i 15! 17.
Cern firm for local use ; yellow 50ig3!i;c ;
mixed 5SKS 50c.
Oats quiet and steady : Je. 1. White 42c ; N.
2 de 41c ; Ne. de SOHiOc',; Ne. ' Mixed :.7K
Kye firm at OSc.
Previsions steady ; mr.h., perk old, 13 25
15.',0: dencwSlC25SlC50; beet hams 31330
19 CO; Indian m.-ss huul lit 113 30 ; bacon smok
ed shoulders 5&Gc ; salt de 5c; smoked
hams lOSlOc; pickled hams 89c.
Lard steady; city kettle 8J;3c: loc.-e
butchers' 8s4c; prime steam 75.
Butter Choice llrm and tairly active;
low grades dull; Creamery extra 32c;
de geed te choice 2Ug31c; H. C. and N.Jk. ex
tr.i2i;S29c; Western reserve extra 22S21e;
de geed te choice leg 20c; Rolls choice flrni
Penn'a Fstra 20323c: Western Kcserve extra
E?j3 firm and wanted: Penn'a Ex!r.i 27c:
w t stern Extra 23-JCc.
Cheese dull but weak; New Yerk full
eamat KQlc; Western full cream :il
1213c: de tair to-geed at IKSlic; de half
skim lOUlOCc.
I'ctrelcum'duil ; rcllned 1-c.
Whisky scarce at $1 11.
Seeds Geed te prime clever dull .itCJtffiS
. e0: liuiethy nominal ut ?2 702S0: Flaxseed
unlet at jsi 85.
Stock .-Uarbct.
Nkw Yeiut Stocks.
Stocks weak.
A. ST. A. ST. P. M. 1. it.
K':t0 11:20 1:1 i-j)
Meney .... Sffil ....
Erie K. K
Michigan . ft L.S....114 1134 lt4.'5 ....
Michigan Cent. K. U..Uk 1014 1( ' ....
Chit-age & W 113!? H2V 113
Chicago. JI & St. P...10.-;'- 102-rt 102?; ....
Han. ft St. . J. Coin..
40J.C 40 40
S77? 177'
" P'ld.... ST'.' S7?.' SS
Teledo . !!.' .111 ill'
Ohie ft Mississippi.... S.1 3.-(-; 33f
St. Leuis, I. M.ftS.H.. 4S: i7il A7)l ....
Ontario and Western. 2t 2.V; 2.Vi
O. C. ft I. C. R. i: 11 IIM4 2--V; ....
New Jersey Central.. 77 7tf Try. ....
Del. & Hudsen Canal. S SS " sS " ....
Del.. Lack. ft Western t)SJ8 'JTJf
Western Union Tel... 9ii 'IT' 975 ....
Pacillc Mail S. S. Ce.. 47J5 17 47
Manhattan Elevated
Union Pacillc 9I? 01K Wit ....
Kansas ft Texas U-J 3i 4e
New Yerk Central . ....137
Adams Express ll'J
Illinois Central IIS ....
Cleveland ft Pitts 123
Chicago ft Heck 1 120 ....
Pittsburgh ft Ft. W. 123
American U. Tel. Ce
Stocks strong.
Pennsylvania!:, It.... G0' C053 f.0 ....
I'hil'a. ft Heading..... 21; 24' :, 2ly ....
Lehigh Valley ." 31' re ....
Lehigh Navigation... Sl) 3t.J 3lf ....
Northern Paeilic Cem
I'M . 5.1
s a".'t
Pitts.,Titusv'e& H.... lfiJ IC'5
Nert hern Cent nil 2: 3
l'hiru & Erie K. It '. 17
Northern Peiin'a
Un. 15. UV of N. J
Hestenville 1'ass
Central Trans, t'e
Tim geed will and fixtures of the well
known " Summer Hex" saloon en North Duke
street, new occupied by Cluw. Lawr.mtv. Ap
ply at saloon. nev'J-lwil
Until NOVEMHEU 17. the two-stei y P.rk-k
Heuse, with kitchen attached. Ne.. IIS Kast
Vinestrect, let extemU te Church street. Aji
ples, I'l-acht-s, and O rape Vine oil let, water.
fte. lmiuireat Ne. 12U Charlette stieet, Lan
caster. Pa. oct7-eedftnovl7
1 A Farm, one mile from the city et l-anc:i-ter.
en the Petersburg turnpike, containing
about one hundred and 11 veneres: thirty acres
of which is new in fall crops; privilege te put
out two acres in tell icee. Enquire at Ne. SS
North Duke street or en tin premises.
oct7-10tdeeil MKS. JOHN MtUHA N N
a valuable Chester county f.lnn or 2l:iACUICS
Convenient te railroads, JJoed buildings. Sate
positive. Fer particulars add re.
S. H. N1VIN,
Administrator c. t. a.
ect20-lmd Lniidriilicrg. Pa.
J. On TUESDAY. NOVKMKKK 1(T, will be
Keldattlu: Leepard Hetel.a tivo-stery FUAME
DWELLING, with Frame Hack Huilding. con
taining hall and 10roems,dtuatcd en the south
west corner of Heaver and linger streets. Ne.
t?h! : let with heu.-e fronts 25 feet and in depth
100 feet te a 14 leet wide alley. Alse an adjoin
ing let the same size.
Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in. Condi
tions made known by
If. Sucbebt. Ancr. n'J-7td
JV The subscriber etl'ers at private stili
until November ?n all that line SUHUUHAN
RESIDENCE and rami known as Knupp-s
Villa, situate within half a mile of the city
limits, in Imcastcr tewnshin. fronting 011 the
Philadelphia turiipl'.-e. ceiil.nning about 2S
ACRES, with thus residence, never-failing
springs et water.'n large variety ofeheice lruU
trees anil grape vine, all in the highest statu
et cultivation, making one of the most deslr deslr
ablcfenntry residences in the vicinity.
Alse the well known TELL'S 1IAIN PICNIC
U-UOUND3 adjoining above and fronting en
the Conestoga. containing about U,'rJ ACRES.
If net sold before November S3 the same
will be eirered at public sale en the premises
at which tiuic about 12 head et cattle, hellers
and cows will also he sold.
Alse the well known MECHANICS HOTEL
PROPERTY, corner of Plum and Chestnut
streets, near tlie Lancaster Manufacturing
Company's Werk. This property, if net sold
beleie November 21, will be ettered at the
Lrepitrd Hetel en the 'veiling et said day.
Fer further particulars enquire of
113 East King Street,
itG-tsd Lancaster, Pa.
SALE. Pursuant te the dircc. ion of the
last, w ill and testament of Frederick W. Coon Ceon Coen
ley, deceased, the undersigned i:eeutei- will
expose te public sale, en SATURDAY EVEN
IN, NOVEMHEU, 13. ISsO.nt thu Crape Hetel,
North Queen street, in the city of Lancaster,
the following described real c, late of the tes
tator, in the Ninth ward of the city:
Ne. 1. The Mansion Property at the N. E.
corner of James and Chat lotto street, with
ground attached, fronting 32 IVet I iiu:h 011
James street, ami extending northward along
the eat side ofCharleltu .stiet-t 232 feet te a It--cet
wide alliv, with a commodious two-story
IHCICK DWEI.LINC HOUSE. 21 feet 7 inches
by 27 feet 9 luetics, and two-story Stablct hereon
erected. Seven building lets eastward et the
Mansion Prenrrty; each fronting 21; feet, and
one let of 27 feet fronton the north side of
James street, mid a dcpthel 232 feet te a 1 t-teet
wide alley.
Nine building let en thn cast side of Char Char
eotte strc-t between the stated 11 feet wide
alley and Frederick street, aeh withu front or
widtii et :.r feet. Ill inches, en Charlette street,
and a depth et 2B feet te a parallel public It
feet alley en the east. n the plan et lets lit
marked, 12 and 13, is a small neat brick duell
ing heue.
Three buildiiiglr.tsadjeiiiingand nerthwaid
of Frederick street, 011 the east s de et" Char Char
eotte street, each villi n trout et 2; fi:et. 4
inches, and depth el 233 feet, te a 11 fectwide
public alley.
A piece of ground having an area of 130
square perche, adjoining and northward of
the lets last described, trepting 101 feet en the
cast side of Charlette & i-it, and ("ctciu.lng
eastward te the Pennsylvania railroad en
which it bounds about 11:7 feet.
A piece of ground tintaiiilng '9 square
perche, with a treiihige en the east side of
Charlette stieet et" 10 feet and bounded by the
Pennsylvania Riiihvad for 13s feet and the
Lancaster and Harrisburg Turnpike read ter
20 feet, having thereon erected a substantial
Hiick Tobacco Warehouse. 121 feet long by 41
feet w ide, and a convenient siding for the usa
of the premises, connecting the main track of
the Railroad.
A lotel ground 011 the west side et Charletle
street, at the corner et Coonley and Frederick a width of 3!) teet4 inches, and in
depth 23S feet te a 20 lectwidc alley.
A let of ground, en the northwest corner of
Charlette and Frtderiek streets, with a width
of27feetenthe west side or charlotte street,
aud a depth along Frederick street of 23S feet
te a 20-fect wide alley.
Ten adjoining lets northward or the one last
de-crbeil, en the west side et Charlette street,
each with a width of 2 feet and a depth of 5BW
left te a 20-fcct wide alley.
A let of ground, en the cast side et Mary
street at the corner of Coonley and Frederick
streets, of a width or 39 feet, 4 inches, and
depth of 133 feet te a 2l'cet wideallcy.
A let of ground at the northeast corner et
Frederick and Mary streets, with a width of 27
reet en Mary .streetand a depth along Freder
ick str. ct el z;S feet te a 2-Ieet wide alley.
Ten adjoining lets northward of the last de
scribed let, en the cast sldeef Marystreet. each
with a width or 26 feet and a depth of 23) leet te
a 20-fect wide alley.
Apiea of ground bounded by Charlette and
Mary streets and the Lancaster and Harris
burgTiirnpike read, containing 4 Acre and
22 Perches, with a One-steiy IJritlc Dwelling
Heuse thereon erected, with a frontage en
Charlette street at 217 feet, en Mary street GIZ)$
lect and en the Turnpike read C51 leet.
And en the south side or James street, cast
or Charlette street, three fcepan.te properties,
all having a depth or t feet 42 Inches te the
line or property or Jehn Fex. deceased, viz.:
Ilou.-e -e. 350, having a front et 18 feet 5
inches, is a two-story Hrick Dwelling with
Hrick Hack Huilding.
Heuse Ne. 31?, having a front et 21 lcct4J
inches, is a two-story Hrick Dwelling with
Hrick Hack Huilding.
Heuse Ne. 310, having a lrent or 20 feet, is a
two-story Htick Dwelling with Hrick Hack
Between the houses 330 and 318 there 13 a
common alley 2 feet, 9 inches wide, leading
southwarrt-lrem James street for a distance et
25 leet, and en the cast boundary or Ne. 346
isaeoiiimen allcyl feet wide leadingseiithward
te line of property or Jehn Fex, deceased, ac
cording te the title papers.
All these properties arc situated in an im
proving portion or the city and worthy the
consideration et purchasers.
The 45 building lets are or suitable dlmcn dlmcn
siensand or eligible location a regards grada
ami drainage.
A plot of the premises can be seen by these
disposed tepurchttsaiimlall needful informa
tion obtained upon application te tae under
signed. &alc te commence at 7 o'clock p. ia., whun
auditions will bu ma'du kueu n.
chas. m. iie'.v::rr..
Executer of F. W. Coealay, itctasd.
122-CtdFftS .