s LANCASTEKfDAlLY IKTELMGENCM. THTJKSDAY tfOVEMBElt ii, 1880 natcd and they were declared elected. On motion the institute, proceeded te nominate candidates for delegates te the ; tale convention. The following were nominated : Miss Rachel Jacksen, city ; Mis. M. U. Aic'icr, LilU.: Mr. -T. H. WiL mcr. West. Ilempliekt ; Fref. J. P. -dc-GV kev. citv : Mr. P. K. Kaehcl, Maner : Mr. 31" L. Ratten. JV.v.c.x-i: : Mr. II. W Buller, Mount Jey t- :. ,t -hip ; Prof". I. S. Geist, Marietta. There being no oppe'-ition te the above r.ominaUens,u"l were declared elected. Prof. r. A. Hac:. f Berks reunty, was introduced te the institute iii.d made it brief but felicuenr. '--picdi. Adjourned. Cel fax en I.incelii. The inifaveiabie condition of the weather iVu net. prevent the epcia hoiifce from be- . . . - . - ji.. ..4i.,.:f1. at.iUil ii" firr.vdrd hi it evenin-'. th:: ;'.t being a lecture en 'Abraham Lincoln" by Hen. Schn. ler Ce!!'a:. of Indiana. The ex-vice y: .-idi-.t i- r,t a stranger t our people, nor is his Jcctinc a new one. he having d. livercd it in this city a year r two age. As is known the piodustien is a fervid eulogy upon iiie life and ehaiacti-r of the mui derrd war president and cons';1;; -. in' large part '.' aiue-lote- and i .ci .lents its his career, a:' illustrative of f--::ir: I-lsa e of Mr. Lincoln's charaet r, many of which hav- i.ever appealed in piiiit, and the rendition of which took en new inti-.-st, by lea-onef Mr. (.elfas'sc j.-epcrsenal relit ions with i lie .subject efh's dis-ceur. c Tin: heaily sympathy "f the : udi'.iseu was plainly manifested in the (!-.- .-tU'-:Uiia witii which the h-claiv was ricjived, mil t'.e :.liunda:it ::pp!au:-e with which they frequently testified their nppr.-ciatien of .-.line v.iity incident or gle.viug tiilnite as it fell fieni t!ie If' t'lici'.i lip-1. Fren: an or.iteii-ri t-taiidiieinl Mr. Celta:; is net an alii:(ti-c j-pe.ikfr. Whiht his maimer upon tin platform i ! c .nr;; perfect !y c.i:.v am: s.-if-pnssi .s-c-d, and Ills language and r'lcto.ie of iiil'. order, his i-uui.t-i.i-tien is lauliy, aud he is .tidic: d with a tt.aiein-y te ;::n hi; words li ,; iiur, wmcn i (ni:i' t- ! hi- '.-'ncs. : en-e ei iieai big. " Xetwi hem;.'- w Mr. Celf.i the com -.! hi.; dciiiai Jeged s'-iiut.. going t.i.- romie.i .1 He wi.-hed it. te i. iivm-iiI pe. il'mii .1 ; ie.tr rank v.';-.-. Mme sketches of prominent members of Con gress of every political persuasion with whom the lecturer was thrown in contact during his occupancy of the chiefc"crk s desk for a long period of years. L"x- ice President Colfax, who was speaker of the Heuse when Mr. Lloyd was cleric, testified te the hitter's perfect familiarity with xhc theme announced as the subject of his lec ture, assuring the audience of a fine ticat and expressing his regret that an engage ment te speak elsewheie te-night would pi event him from remaining in this city te hear Mr. Llevd's lecture. A.t ,:. Lll t In in j- t- t it- '.-'. '-no. ;ea e .. ..;!!!' t US CiCi-l Iil- .1. ei.te: taming one. .!: occasion uiuiu .is M-marks te give Ike .--ti'ries of J;is :d- aiieas that havebieii '. A BBUHS COUliT liO.-1.: railing I11 Leve Vlili tnn Witness en 1:10 .Slam!. iJcattii! Ximv. During the scss-ien 01 court ycstciday, seated In one of the first of the rising scats, wa ; a middle aged man and a young look ing woman. The m:n appealed te be, as he was ;i hard-working farmer, and the lady he.sifH! him was his wife. They weic close and inleiested observers of all that was going en, net with that eager euiiesity that characterizes one of the patties in a ease, or the aiix.eus leek with a wunci-s watches devt-1 .pmeuts and nervously waits lobe called, but they sat and observed with the air of peiens who were disinter ested in what was transpiring, yet were cdmly indifferent. Xe one noticed them and they occupied their seals until court adjourned. Tlie.e is a romance connected with this couple which deserves te be re lated, net for the .sake of any moral that it teaches, but te hhew the tender nature and .sympathetic heait that is wrapped in a ru-rS'd exteiier. About five years age the farmer, being in town during cen: l wit-k. 'strulJ.'d into Use court house with 1:0 ether object in view than te pass an hour's time. lie occupied a front .seat. The lawyer was cress-examining a v. ihies-; in the case. It docs net mat ter what the c:ise was nor who the lawyer COLUMBIA NEWS. r.Cll KEGCLAE COKIiliSrONDEXCE was tl:e attKifiH:- point with the attentive t.irni? t;cmg. as it was the witness a She had lesy rippling black .pi. ve-y pretty your..; irirl. checks, bri'iit 1 W-. and hair, and .die gae her testimony with a misdivl haii"i!ig ! tlie head, show ing her tebeuniwd te such a j)l;;c-. jvt tha'i pub pci tai: the p::-ss lceent i..ide,.-t., .d tha: hi.s ! . iiih private in the ; .Jiig.'nial t hi-. la-;e ; j il with su ich Clearness an s heart with pv.rptse. tl::i- ti'.e :a:n'r s captivated. When she left the .stand and took her i nee i! ;it'.:' .-. ni.iieve 1. I e At th-.!... ..::; .'Jiilar'.' Little- li-i .. t-iauded. 77; .'-.s '' :iue " Lv. ::i institiilc. af: rc.i'i a . i'.'u 1-! (.:::.ih .' ';;:(h: :.!, ..aiiu i.,- the 1". hhitmakiT pi 1-0 .ii u en. li.un" cars 1 'l.Uleii u.iju'-t :' ;i:ii . i" th: !; .-!iil- :mm !;'.i I during an ; x i'j had b. ei: the I ;-;.:': and r, . his eyes fellow d her, and when she heu-e vi'b n-r tnead he :! !i:.- court i . caa ar w, r. I: lowed her huia-clf. lie le.-t. no time in ;;. ti.ii..; introduced ( Ihc young lady, and the kind h.-ail wlrh-h via. touelied at the distil.-.-, of :i ,i.ed-rt gill, jiassiug thieugh the i-nical !' a c;ess examination by a Iiap and t:i-l:y lawyer, se.ni wen that of -.-1 1, j. li.Vi.iU The r v. :I.;h 11 1 new i.ii'.t : w by the (). Gar: i.-e:i 1 M... ... Hit, iiin ; 1 ' live in th 11 .;f the lelii !,..;. '-.'1 ..f the in.-;, alie .hgi'he::,;-. us-tJttitc. insv.eit ii it J.-Ji inai-r. r:d th-v v.'c.i' nnuiijd. Tin ijiecr p:ii t of the com. lv en a pi-'lita'd- little f.um, Irtppy and eon touted, j i'verv '.ear, at. e-MirL tiii'.c, tlifvcomete i town, and pass ene-h.r.lfday sitting in that xv.,s ; fi out scat, and v.ith their hinds elad wai-h the pre;ic-; e: t: eas and with '"What . hali th- 1 wiiii- e chiM h.iv'.r.. 1- ,!!. ; 1 . it; - ii-. in;' lai:eu:i -e ! ..-..'..d that ln-r put out ample autl i)uni.-itni-iii le li-0 ipit'si dren ait-n b enceiii, the play s.hat aitiiiiu- the ip.ie.ilsiu.... .sclier de with a, mother 1 uratelui I ! 11ic- ewe it I.-. te think of them. ihc t happme-;;". t.ei-i! .i L- a:i 1!:.' pUWIMlCil. es intu:l- iea.-iivr-.' j!e au put her n! or iiav v :ive; ihe teacher ili .-e, and provide:. uiliuiK r. in . hetiur .i-rus.su chi'-!i.-h H-hoels i-heu'd -l)-..!: (Jein-.an in 1, !:. w.mhl Th- la -r'.t;. U l..r th ou a in 1 ing I';i': i-d te ground, tlm oeelor ii tiie (icrnnm i ua of ....'l.li-st of J:in,-,r..i- s the pupil ihmi'd i ii.,vs-.ed with thi.'i'act lliat l":iuli-h i-. !.;;i.'.':-u- ;;i 1 .-ueia: u-"- !! tnis -eii:it,-. .; tint ii d! '. '.iVa'.ly i his a !vai:la-,'e i..-u-eiilm l'.ii'i-i-lf i- make use of it in general cenvd.-ati 1 id ae'juii- a lurlVe! ;lllew!i:.i .-' -if i;. IveT. A. 1'. i'veriv continued i:i Icetuie u'lietsj. i:i)(t:;s. l::iiii: lae.l Slci-i-.!:!. aid tlit- he. th- ad'ijitintr !ext books for the jutblic ch .ds. We have held, that there is hut onetime in the year when the question of t-xt books can h a -leil u; e, viz : The lim.i between the eld-lien of teachers and the M-lIOt'i v- !iav oil -rainma 111 ; i;u r what h- eali live re.e.-.-. l- -.:m v 1 !;- l'l-el. ih-i-,1.-Teaeiiinu',"" sii-.: lain ; dev.-iiru.-s t-r u-.pait- ;': -I-:- of it te yi.-intr pupil. '-.. I the syi-.ip iti. etic or teil.i.--!;.! he .-.r.tiem d v eel" rs net le.'.ied t .1 eireiii : . epcuia ; tt tl! heid that ihc (..ichei.) employed must h; invited t- attend the mt. li.i- called re de eide tip.m text books and that when pres ent they have a riht (. sjeak en tin ma ler lie. ere I lie ixianl, under jirepe r.-niii. it 1 his. but net a nijotte vel lrejG.sci! Itallread i:xtcu!en General Cor- Very nearly every paper in Lancaster county has had something te say, at some time within the past couple of months, of Messrs. Vr. W. Upp and Jeseph H. Black, of this place, entering into a contract with tne Pennsylvania railroad company te straighten the track from a point near Kauiihian's quarries te the switches at the lower end of the cast yard. Xe doubt the people who have read the many newspaper articles te this effect are wondering why the work is net commenc ed and hurried through with. But just here is where the "hitch " is te be found. It is true that the contractors named have been awarded the contract and expect, some time or ether, te go ahead with it ; but before work can be commenced a con tract of another sort will have te be given priority and precedence, and upon the re sult of this will be determined whether or net Messis. Upp and Black may begin their wertc. This contract of priority is the securing, br the Pennsylvania railroad company, of the right of way te make their proposed improvements. They have decided te lay their tracks en ground net yet their property. The purchase of this property is what we mean when we sny ' a contract of another sort will have te be given precedence. This contract may be entered into at any day, but we have positive information that it has net jet been consummated. Messrs. Upp and Black have made all their arrangements te go ahead. They have built, en Grubb's land below Kauff man quarries, a large bearding shanty as it is called and a stable for the horses te be used. They 'have even secured their horses and are keeping them in . the stable. The bearding shanty has been put in charge of a man new employed by the Pcnnyylvdiiiu rail road company, and some of the fixtures of the establishment as well as the necessa ries have been laid in. It new remains te be seen whether these buildings have been erected te be tern down arain or whether they will be pn e use. The matter will probably be d . .- -1, one way or the ether, before many f puss by. Infernifiti reached Columbia, this morning, of '-ursting of a cannon, last night, at ; Harber, whilst being used at a politic .altering ami the killing of two men ij the wounding of several ethc-is. Geerge C. llaldemaii, of Perth Ambey, X. .L, is visiting friends in town. The school beard will held its regular monthly meeting this evening. L. M. Williams, with Ids family, left heie this morning en a business and pica sine trip te Xe-.v Yerk city and Bosten, Mass. They will be gene several days. A meeting of the Mite society of the E. K. Lutheran church was held last even ing in the church lecture room, when com mittees were appointed te make all ar rangements for a festival for the benefit of the church, te be given in Company II armory en Thanksgiving (Thursday) even ing, Xevember 2it!i, ami the two evenings following Friday and Saturday, the 2Gtli md 27th; The meeting was largely at- thc is s taking down, with paper and pencil, what members of the church congregation would give toward making the alfair a sucees-:. The river, by icasen of the high winds blowing from the northwest, is in a troubled state te-day, but notwithstanding this several re Its passed here this morn ina;. The river is yet in geed rafting con dition. Ottite a number of Columbians wiil ire j ' le the ex-roast at Silver bptings this even- JV'i'ir AliYEltTISEXLEXTS. honest quite TO TEACHERS! Yeu are respectfully invited te call and see our store and elegant stock of goods. We are receiving frequent importations of new and beautiful goods from France, Italy and Switzerland, which arc put en exhibition as seen as received. "We have an extensive stock of Diamonds, including some rare gems of large size. We have an attractive exhibition of Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes with various attachments, Geld and Silver Watches for ladies or gentlemen at very low prices. Keyless Clocks suitable for school room, Teachers' Bells, Ink Stands, Geld Pens and Helders, Paper Knives, Ther mometers, &c. We have everything in the regular Jewelry Line, and many articles net usually found in the jeweler's stock. Teachers are cordially invited te employ some of their leisure time in a visit te our store. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. TIffiD EDITIDI. THUBSDAY EVENING, NOV. 11, 1880. JLAIZKETS. HANCOCK RETICENT HE HAS WRIT-TEN NO LETTER. And Declines te Diceuss the Situation. Assault anU Uattcry. Palmer Ilauck, David Hauck and Jacob Trestell, had a hearing before Alderman Spurrier this morning, en the charge of assault aud battery, brought by Jacob D. Warfel. They were held in bail for ceuit. 1WJLT11S. '"I.- 1 f-7 . 1 T 7 -. ."!?. . 1 . " I I I I I .' ! VI ."Mil ' .TfUlOl -I.l.l .-11.11 roil lOi 1 '1 . 1. '-.i-'--. ......... - !...,. , - 1 tcnued and the society members enter ' ''; " CV,'V!' :"ll M5iK V-1" m" lm.icct with a uoeJ will. Aiirones te th uie, e,:- , h..u;.ii. .says: , e nave , ;vckiv sav we noticed a couple of ladie u-quv. :u .v. im ...c i-an,!. .... """i , :,irradv at work this iiieniin-'-that is, mi. it..-. 111 ne j;t iiichci 1'JiiiL; tin: ineuc et .U e -.1 1! -.:; an e ey se nine a .;nn In deckling t-.vcen Samuel i t:-.ec the ominous eudeised- ; as Judge Liw. '!. the i;::u.:ctie:i cas.; b;--Krh-kb.mm and the Uci- ured en -Obje-: at .ei'.e length ei eid the haim-'iiv 'i' Vijii.-h he breiigbt nji'Hi thi el c IIO" the iiarmim tone, after stage a el;:-. :' iii'le l;.y aud girls, and plaeiiu; upon Ih- bl..e!d.i.ird bcfeie them !-. -cametiieal i: jure containing straight and cut vel lines and the tlnte pri-.nar;. color.- :n, eilev and blue aud tin sce-ind.i.y coleis- -green, purple ami The packing setters aud a couple of ma-chiiii.-is in the Pennsyh-ania railroad round heue are yet working en full time, net- ' tun school b .ar.l. .Iuis-e lliwc'l .iuet-r. lb- ' w'tiistaiuung tne wen; 01 emer employees 1 -let !' a-sei.iblv win,.'' i- a-, fol'e-vs ' '",s ee'euicut down one hour. Business is ' ' rmmediuteiv after lhe"mnu..i' eh-.-tiei'i of ' r:'1,i;i- live.,V t the round house. taelir-r.--iuea.-h dt-tii.-t of the -trte -tud -.n ominous lean 01 young men passeu b.'fe,-.' the opening of . eii-uiisg term, ihi-re shall be th? directors or e".nt rollers or knev.-lcdirc of tJui: all eue.4i4Il-. rait tlje vtrtica k pii.ie- .iir ii'.ilcil the cla - tit I in' pupils an-v. en 01 eneii the tliiee leeaud b.ieks in taiiLihi ii 10 ih i.atti dkui.tr i::n 'i'i-hed lhi -.'lc.s a:.d nan cembiuatii'ii "f in a!isc;- te ; i .1 1 cm . ica-.iiiv. blle-t.- and l-cipi i. am' :v;vii!y dbli::- j.iiiuai-' tixuu l.:e .-eeii.i;iail-amed tl.ecoieis formed by :. 1 . inn n. : ii fille-lien b drav.n : ic pri'ii.11 se.-. Jills-; Li.zii- JT.ii. lieiges :-ai.t he hardly i.ui.i go about teachi.ig a color blind: but hc-bi- Ciriieiiiei ki.cw hew he lieis.m that w: liciid tint 1 ens-t. oil diilling of the pupil in the eaiiipknientary enlers v.euiii .-e ioi iei ioi preve the lenses of the eye as te en.ib'. the ptijid lhially te distiiiuih them. Music 'ilird hi.i;'" and " Waudi r Staif." 'The l'.-e aud Abuse of Object L: . sons' formed tlie subjects of a Icclute by Prof, lluehiie. '!'he greatest, of all ob ject ks.sens were these el' the creation, when the morning stars sang tegether: the next, when the Lurd called ail the animal.-, of the world before Adam thai he might name them. Xathun taught D.-.-.-'d by a ni"st impressive object lesM.n. .el. -men and Christ taught by object kss.iiis, se did Galilee. The lecluier mentioned these thing;; heeaiisj even in this day theie are titee v.he sneer at eiiject lcseii. The use ff object lessens is. limt. of all, te , train the i.eivcplive facilities, te te.-.eh u te see, te observe, te scrutinize, le gain ; information. Objective teaciiing should ' permeate all classes net merely piimary ( classes. There are abuses, however, te be I guarded against : it is ae abuse of object teaching te have a teaehei attempt le use this method who is i-.eL qualified le d se, and theic aie some who cannot tcacli by objects. Anether abuse is te at tempt I" tea-di by use of live animal-', ! biids, ice. The Ieciurer.e--:iiibited en the stage a set of objects with which te give : instruction in form and color. They con- 1 Mslcd of balls, cubes, eylinders. cones, tri angles, u:e.. md Ieaehcas di.strict. at v. hieh meeting Lers and eo::irellers . shall se-!-!"ide npju :. series of school the different branches te be :riii'; llieensuing seli'iel term. us-jd in UvaMtb- al' lived bic'i-inge ett'"-;.-; titan en -a in three year-, fa his iijiii.ieti the judnc discti'-fcs at ccu-.-idi-rable length whether the preseucu of i.-'chers is nieii-Iy directory or mand.iteiy a'td that i;; order te make an adoption :;c :;c rerdbi.; te the aci of A-sembly, it ntu-.t i:e -lone in the ptc-encc of teaehci. ." .-.'wi.,! !,-it... thieugh town yesterday afternoon and ,,.,.,.(,,p,.r , incv appetucii te "- cnievutg tnemseives mining 01 . ,.-,,' - - - vrhieh beidrs and no ether shall be tiie ti-h'ieK (br. ing said, period JJ .vqii' til ae! the dircctei-:u-i: net Tl:-.; .";a:i V,'!i' S -ret t: Vete. A cerre-spn". '-.-nt of the Heading Ki'u' ivrite.s i. that paper n follews: ' Jr. Tobias S. Geibart was busy eleciieiicering atthelJibesen poll. He tried te get all the !eiii.ieratie votes in the township, mil sent a m-.n witii aherse and wagon te bring Samuel Iferbitte all the way from P.ownian'wiile, Lanca-ter eeunJv. Mr. llerbitte is burning charcoal up there, but highlv. Thunder and lightning accompanied the rain storm of last night. The weather cleared this morning and the day bids fair ' te be clear and pleasant. I The class recently formed for instruc tion in dancing will meet this evening at Black's hotel. Prof. Gcrbcr, of Yerk, will 1 be asked te take charge of the class and . two lessens a week will be given. The ' class numbers about eighteen. ; The Pennsylvania railroad's new sched ule is net popular with Columbians. The j m-irning newspapers get, here later than ever, when the contrary should be the c.ise. The Vigilant fire company will give a dance en Thanksgiving evening. The Wrigiitsviile iiepublieans hadaju , bilce htsL .Jiighl. II you are troubled with fever and ague, dumb ague, bllleu3 fever, jaundice, dyspepsia, or any iTisease of the liver, bleed or stomach, and wish te get well, try the new remedy. Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Ask your druggist ler It, and take no ether, and if he has net get it send $l..V in a letter te the French Pad Ce., Teledo. ., and receive one by return mall. C 3Tui: cause for the happiness et that man across the way is that he went te WILLIAM SOX&FOSTEK. 35 Last King street, Lancas ter, the ether day, and purchased one or their fineltcvcrsibie Overcoats, which they are sell ing at prices ranging from $13 te $20. He gives yen geed advi.-e when he tells you te go and uuu them. nevlO-tfd IJuv. IlE-niT Anas says: "J earnestly believe that Day'a Kidney Pud u the only innillible remedy in the world ler that prevalent and distrci-iing complaint Mine!; Ache.'" 1 1 S- wd M W.'i F& v Albright. Xev. 9.1SS0, In this city, Oeorge Albright, in the 77th year of his age. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the luneral from his late residence, Xe. 132 East Chestnut street, en Friday afternoon at two o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. itd Xesdit. In this city, en the 10th in.t., Mrs. Susan Xcsbit, widow of Charles Xesbit, aged U2 years. The relatives and friends et the family are resjiectltilly invited te attend the funeral from her late residence, Beayer street, en Fri day afternoon at -2 o'clock. 2td tJcxDAKER. Xevember 10. 1SS0, in this city, Henry U imdiikcr, in the 42d year efhis age. SJFuncral en Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from hi late residence, Xe. H2 Xerth Queen strset. Services at St. James Episcopal fliurcli. Ctd THE PERJURY CASES. IXTEUESTIXt; DKVEMJPMKNTS PKO.U-I9EU. Sew lerk UarKet. Xkw Yerk. Xev, 11. Fleur State and West ern a shade stronger with fairlv ac tive expert and jobbing trade demand : aiiperttne, at s: 0051 35: extra de at I '$.. " c'10'f e. de, ft 0 1 ft) ; tancy de JJ 9..gtCU ; round hoop Ohie $47533 : choice tte at fjl0& 00; supeninc western .:tM3 .r; comuien te geed extra de IM?tS5: choice iloftOOflbeO; choice v.-liit wheat de l 75 G &; Sentnern quiet and stcadv.mederaKMn quiry; common t iair extra "at $3 1035 05; gerni te cnoJeo de ?5 703700. Wheat Jrficl Jwerand tairly active, main ly speculative : Xe. 1 White, lee.,$i itwl -20 de Jan., il -21 ; Xe. -2 Kc.l. Xev.. $1 lH-jSl -21 ; de Dec.. 51 -21-.4'1 -2i. ; tle Jan.. $1 i;?5l -21. Cern scarcely se firm: Mixed western spot. SSiiCOc: detuture.OSittWc. Oats about steady ; Xe. 2 Pec. 4-2,VJ ; ile .Inn,. 43VCc; State 4149.c ; Western 40Cl!la Philadelphia Starltct. PiiiLADatruiA, Xevember 11. Fleur steady, moderate demand ; supertlne $-2 75fl: 50: cx tmfl 0034 50; Ohie and Indiana family 550 Sej: Peiin'a laintiv -, -r.a-.-. .-.11 . sr i.nnb TEE IRISH TROUBLES. Ths Beading Kallread. (lencral Telegraphic Sewn. A FORUEI) LETTEIt. xixr ad vi:iiTisK3tt:sTs. VTff FOK SALE CAEAP. A first-class 1' -horse power Enging and 15-hersu Tubular Heller. Applv at once at UAUSMAX & IJUl:XS'S OFFICE, iill-2tdli 10 West Orange Street. Alll(lC!llOIltS. 'Deacon Crankrtt.'' Our people may expect a very enjoyable entertainment at the opera house en Monday night, when will be pro duced heie for the lir.n time the new play et " Deacon Crankctt." by Jehn llabberten, author of "Helen's liabies." The piece has been running in Philadelphia during the cur rent week and has been received with pro nounced favor by large audiences at the new Chestnut Street opera house. The scene of the play is laid in a Xcw England village and the title character is described in a cress be twecn the ' Vicar of Wakefield " and " Unde Dan'l, the Messenger Iren. Jarvis Section." The action of the play is thoroughly domestic, anil is illuminated with the jfteady glow of genuine 1 ankee humor, graced with leuchca of pathos, mid withal pervaded by a rein of reniance. Mr. Hen Masinlcy's rendition et the j Q title role has been classed by competent an- I therity with Mr. Mac.uiley's and Mr. Pen Thompson's meat famous creations. X?OK SALE. J1 A four-horse power Caloric Engine, in geed order, will be sold at a bargain. Must be uispe'.ed otte make room ter a larger ene. Call en or address UK. J. K. HAINES & SON. n4-3tdTli5&Wi: Millersville, Pa. LUXCH. I invite my lriendsand the public in gen eral te meet this eveningat Franke's Hetel ter an extra tatter Kraut Lunch, with roasted aud fried perk. Ilarbey's celebrated lli-er and Music. Plenty of scats furnished comfortable in heated rooms ler the winter, ltd JOHN IIKSS. T)U1?LIC SALE AT THE COOPEK HOUSE, FKIDAY EVKMXls XOVEMIJEIt 12. at 7 o'clock, of a let of ground situated en the west side of College avenue, 1MI feet front and ICO leet deep. Will be sold in whole or parts te suit purchasers. Term Ten per cent, caslt. balance April 1, 1SS1. J. W. YOCUM. ' It Exec-ter of A. F. Ilcrr, dee'd. 3 ELECT OANCING SCHOOL! Metlici-3, ai a delightful sanitary measure, always order the Cuticum Mediciu-il Seap. KOREUTS' HALL. MB. AND MRS. SHANK will open for the reception et pupils WED NESDAY, XOV. 17, at 4 p. 11;. for children, S p. 111. ler ladies and gentlemen. All the new dances taught In one term Kacquct, Alsatian, Knickerbocker Hacquet and the beautiful -I'nln" Oii:nlritliv Fnr forms Ai nnnlv-nt i Am Crazed With Toelliacho i WOODWARD'S MUSIC STOl'tE. and serves you right for having neglected te j East King street. use SOZODONT. Had von done se venr mouth ! ' i i-iyer aim erciicsu-a. would have been healthy and your teeth : sound, llcl the "snajj" pulled out and com inence at once using SO.ODONT, 1 hereby preserving the h.iluuce et your teeth. uS-lwdced&vr nevlC-it I Jiult itltter.i rcguiate,purl!j",sti:iigtlien and nourish the maternal functions. lil'EVMl NOTlVKll. sampTe AOTICE It is impossible tern woman after a falthlul course of treatment with Lydla K. Pinkl.am s Vegetalilu Conipeund te continue te sulfer v.'ith a weakness et the uterus. Encle-e a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, '2-Tt Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jj-iO-lydoed.tw IteeklcsH Driving ami Uiisct. William Sehult., jr., and a young gen tleman friend, driving a black mare ina top buggy around town this afternoon, urged her te undue speed through the stiects. and in passing the soldiers' about three o'clock, turn suddenly at the north- a resident of Robeson. WhenTdr. Her- I monument bine trot within several hundred varda of i ing tee the nulls, he said he n:u-l see Ames l'.eycr east, corner the marc slippeden the 15cl lir.t. and then he would come up am! vote ! gi.m blocks and fell with great violence te the Democratic ticket. Hut air. Ilerbiiie , the pavement, upsetting the buggy, tcar- rlipped up the ii.iel: way and voted the licpubliean ticket. Tlie doctor also forget, te vote. JIe had his tie'ect, ready, and a crowd" of men came te hint lv tickets, when ihc doctor put his ticket in his ve.-t peckel, where li" found it the nest morn ing. The thought t!i:-:t -.truck him that "he Jbi-get te vole." Ed. S;u;:cvh ;:m: His Cases. F.uiders. who has been wanted for Jvi it-ic lime, gave himself up te the police r. 1 . " '"" !i;:s several (tayi age. jjastcvenimr tie 1 .-..vin.r ,ni.iiiiw A ... v- -, . v. as te have had a hearing before Aldci man ilair en a charge of felonious asr-ault and battel v e:i I'atriel ing the harness and throwing out both ec cupants of the vehicle. Nobody was hint aud no Pileus damage done. St. Stephen's Fair. The fair of ti.Stcphcn5 Lutheran church closed last night after a very successful run. Articles which were chanced oil' were wen by the following parties who had the most votes : Organ, Miss SaliieNerbeck ; geld watch, JehnOehs: silver watch, l redencK: Ctoes; Miss .Matrgie It roll : The Tidy Housewife. The careful, tidy housewife, when she is giv iuir her house its spring cleaning, should bear In mind that the dear inmates et her house arc mere precious than hetiacs. and that their sys tems need cleansing by purilyliig the bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te j revent and cure the diseases arN'ng from spring ma laria and miasma, and she should knew that there is nothing i hat will de it se perfectly and surely as Hep ihtteis thu purest ami best of all 'iicdieiiiCK. Seunthcr column. ni-'2nd.tw " Dr. Oakley, of Detroit, says: 'Sellers' Liver Pills" are admirably calculated, for bilious ness and lieadae!ie." Tuu scientific combination of the purest drugs renders Dr. Itrewnlng's medicines of the finest llaver, and are readily taken by old or young. Children especially are net easily induced te take any kind of medicine, but Dr. Erewuiug's C. V C. Cordial, for Coughs, Celd.', Whooping Ceugli. etc.. Is se palatable that they are eager ler the time te come when they may have mere. Sold l.y all druggists at 50 cents per bottle. W. Champien Ure-.vning, M. I)., Proprietor. 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia. nll-lwd&w lounge, 2trs. Miller ; gnu, Jacob uelf; irrei.re W.ii. Wisnri- : sniini' wn-mn. Hag.-n, whom, it u-m. Hchfuss ; dell, iliss Annie Ilaltz : essing bu- was alleged, he hid severely beaten some j !):!rl,er tools, Mr. Eisman ; dn time age. nagen did net appear again-t ; ,.t,:,n- irL.in.v Vj,gncr. md beie-igcil te and wete lived of a .ie re:-ie'.; nil uiy iricineer et tin- md " Kv.-t.- 111 the m-iie institute. Music" i ing Hyiii.i.' Dr. Shumaker lectured en "Lingu.ige." lie staled that man is the only aunnal that can touch every part of the interior of the mouth with his tongue, and hence the only one that cm aiiieuiate all seund.5. He did net aecvul the dlrinc that the eri.-in of language. was:' iac:erepivductioniieunds I the jiurpiisi. him and the e.ise was dismissed. As seen as Sanders was discharged Ofii ' cer ileli'ian arrested him en a charge of , a-ault and b.ittery. juefcrrcd by Jehn II. I Keller. This assault eecuried in August. 1 1870. but Sanders lias never been arrested j for it. lie g.ue bail for a hearing. Liltts Enterprise. .v. .stoel: remjiany. unilrr tne name et AHheu.-e, Ciissman ic Ce., has purchased about an acie of ground en the line of the railroad., cast of the station in Lititz, for ; Hets Net Vet Decided. Thoc who have made bets en the pres idential election will remember that the president, is elected by the electors and that, they have net yet voted. The presi dential election is decided when the vote of the electors is opened and declared by Congress, and net before. Correct inn. In the ebituarv notice of Geerge Al- ei ether animals, as me 111-s 01 tn geese, 1 the baa of the her;, the mew e;' the cat- ' and the bow-wow of the deg. At some, j length lie discussed the languages of an- . eient and modem times, and showed the iacilitv with which the English language ' adapted te its u-cs words and phrases e! ether language!-', thus enriching itself. The lectin er also laid great stress upon the necessity of a distinct articulation. Adjourned. Te-Xigbl'r. j.ri'turc. . llev. Dr. O. II. Till'any, who was en the pregramme i'er this evening's lecture, is .f.eieeting a plow faelerv, i bSt, in yesterday's paper a, sentence feuudrv ami maehine shop. Werk en the "- V -M lB l"!le ,u " ,UJ" "c nevei lest a (.ay en .ii-cimiii, ui iii un sickness, for 42 years" It should have structure will commence immediately, and will be pushed rapidly forward te eetnple- 1011. Constant emp'leunen! will he given il11 "i:i te V1.0 ,.""? .,f e about fifty workmen. J which resulted in his death of the ?! sickness Jlroke Open a Frcigni Car. Julius IJroetncll and Miehacl MeManus, two boys bearded an eastern bound freight train at Columbia yesterday after noon. They broke open the deer of a leaded car and entered it. The conductor of the car arrested them and bringing them te this city they were handed ever te Ofli- Deatli of a Herse. This morning a valuable" little horse be longing te Themas J Houghten, livery man, of Seuth Queen street, died at the stable. Mr. Houghten has lest several val uable horses recently. unable te appear bv rc.is-en of illness, his ! cer Kamz at me depot. Uicy were taKen '.hvsieian havin" pesilivelv forbidden him ! tthe station house aud Alderman Mc Mc te leave his room. His place will be sup- 1 I'onemy committed them for a hearing. 1:...l 1... II ... ':;..f.. T.liwil f.ii.mei-li- . l, ', T-. ,c T ""- ' , J ' Large Attraction. ! clerk of the I nitcd btates Heuse of lttp- r v , r", . . - . .,-scuta-i-.-rs. who will deliver a lecture en- '!n-e.t L Leatpi s variety company , titled. The IIeu-j of Kcprescntatives as I " ""a '" "-" .ippcarneie a,t-.lief ilsChief l l": 1'Klll,lua. " '" ""l '?." l. nirgesi S.i-en Through the Spectacles of its Chief Clerk.'" The Icc'.m-c is said te abound in entertaining petseaal anecdotes' aud company ei the icinuin tiic Luitcu btatcs. it will contain nearly 109 people, including two full brass bauds. Quarter Sessions. The regular November term of quarter sessions court begins en Monday next, there are 110 cases'dewn for trial en the printed list, none of which are of any great importance, however. Passed Through. This morning the directors of the Penn sylvania railroad passed west through this city en a special train at 10:23. They aie en their annual tour of inspection. Xe remedy ler kidney diseases heretofore discovered can be held for one moment in com cem com parisen with Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. C. A. Harvey, . P., Washington, D. V. I! AVines ler Medicine. .Seme time since we stepped at Passaic, X..L, and fere really surprised te wee the amount of Mr. Speer's stock et Pert Grape Wine en hand it is almost labtileus. Four store houses are filled, and tiers upon tiers of casks, up and down stlars, and in some cases huge casks oc cupy every available spot, leaving only little alleyways through which te walk. It is an illimitable quantity of wine. Xone is sold unless it lias acquired the age et four years, and Hie buildings 1, 2, 3 and 4, arc of thu first, second, third and leitrth years' Tint age. Our druggists have some of the eldest of the above Wine direct from Mr. Specr. Patttrsen Guar' ilian. Thit. wine is new in demand ler commit nlen purpose. It is excellent for weakly per sons before retiring. This wine is endorsed by Dra. Atice and Davis, and sold by II. K. Slayniaker. iiel-2wdSv.- r 1 m:ah eks 1 nstitut 1:. EVENING LECTURES IN FULTON" MALL. TUUKSDAY, XOV. 11. -A Visit te the Yo Ye semite Valley." Dr. O. II. Tiiluny, Philadel phia, Pa. FKIDAY, XOV. It!. Headings by Prof. Frank ISradferd, Xew Yerk City. j(J3Sale et Iteserved beats will bep;iii en Monday, Xev. 8, at 9 a. 111.. at L. Fen Dei-smith's Heek Stere, Xe. 3-2 East Iving street. Course t lekets for reserved seats $1.50 Single ticket for reserved seats 40 Single ticket, general admission - Lectures will begin at f o'clock. nev2.4,,S,9,10,ll,12ilr. "A Tit. !YI Call special attention te the production of THE UEEAT XEW lOKK SUCCESS r.t the Opera Heuse, M0.M AY, NOYEXUEli 15, 1SS0, DEACON CRANKETT, a Xcu England Idyl, by Jehn Habberton, author of Helen's liable. MR. BEN MAGINLEY will be supported bv a select Company of Xev. 1 erk Artists, and Mr. Mishler guarantees one of the most satisfactory performances ever given in Lancaster. XO ADVAXCE IX PKICES-. 35, .10 & 75 Cents. Keserved Seats at Yecker's Otlice. nll-4td PUP.LIC SALI'.. On THCltSDAY, XOVKMlSEtt II, ISMi, will be sold at public sale at the lirape hotel. Xerth Queen street, the following described real estate te wit : A two-story brick D WELLIXC HOUSE and two contiguous half lets of ground, Xe. 4K, en tin: neitli side et East King street, in the city of Lancaster, each et .-aid halt lets con taining in front 31 feet '-! incites, ami 'Jl.' leet in depth te u 14-feet wide alley, to gether with 2 leet 0 inches wide in fre.tf en said East King street and of that width north ward te the distance of 45 feet et the adjoining property en the northwest for the use et an alley. Possession will be given en April 1, 1SS1 Part of the purchase money may remain en the property for one year, it desired. Sale te commence at 7 b'eleck p.m. et said day. SAMUEL SHOCH. llESUY SUUBEUTAllCt. O'iVtsd " Female complaints," arc the result el tin pure bleed. Use ' Lindsey's Bleed Searcher." Conglis. "Dretcn's Jiranchial 2'rcches-' are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sele Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial AU'ectiens. Fer thirty years these Troches have been in use, with annually increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained welt-merited rank among the few staple rciiiedice of the age. The Tlireat. "JfriMiiit Jirenchial Troches'' act directly en the organs of the voice. They have nn ex traordinary effect inall disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, either iron, cold or ever-exertion et the voice, and produce a clearand distinct enunci ation. Speakers and Singers ih the Treche useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh. 01 Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect often times results in-some incurable Lung Disease. "Brown's Jlrenchirtl Troches" will almost in variably give relief. Imitations arc eirercd Ter sale, many ei which are injurious. The genu ine ,,Jlrew?t's Jirenchial Troches" are sold only in boxes. tanl.Vlyd&wTu.ThAS MAMllilAUJib. KACrrsiAS C'UAltLES. On the 11th et Xovem Xevem ber, 1SS0, by th Kev. W. T. Gerhard, at lib res idence, Xe. 31 East Orange street, Mr. Aaren G.Tiiiullinaii, of East Hemptield, te Mi Fan nie li. Charlei, et Maner. ltd&w Duslap May. Xevember 10, 1SS0. ut the residence et the bride's parents, bv Itcv. Dr. Greenwald, Stephen II. JJuiilap, of Lancaster township, te Miss Clara E. May, daughter or lelin May, of Lancaster city. "VTJEW AND Itl-:SH GROCERIES AND FRUITS. Xew Foreign and Demestic Fruits. HECKEK'S SELF-llAItlXG FLOFU, FKES1I AliKOX OAT MEAL, CIIOICL COFFEES AXD TEAS:, CONFECTIONS AXD XUTS. CHOICE SYEUPS. A PULL LINE OF 00S. Your waiits can be well and cheaply sup plied at J). S. BUPiSK'S, 17 East K'.nsr Street. Lancaster. WANTED. WA.MKD.-.EVEKVBOUV TO ADVElt tlse, free of charge, in tlie Intulliecn cer, who wants something te de. AXTK1L A WOMAS COMPKTENT TO de the coeklngantl asssist in the gener al housework in a small family. Wages, JI0 te $15 per month, luquireitt this eflice. nevlO-tfd nfAXTED AT SYLVKSTKK'S TOIIACCO y Ite-swcating Works, Cherry alley, a person who has had experience in that busi ness and willing te make himseit generally useful in the warehouse. Alse, several geed cigar makers. ltd1 VAJtPEXS. pAKGAIXS FOK KVKUYBODY. RAKE CHANGE IN CARPETS, Positive sale te Ucduce Stock et 6,000 Yards Brussels Garnets, AT AXD BELOW COST. Call and satlsly yourself. Alse, Ingrair, Bag and ClialiiCarpetsinalinestcndlcss variety .ut H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LAXCASTEK, PA. Gen. Hancock lilsclnlms Certain Sentiments Attributed te linn unci Says lie Can Can net Discuss tlie Presidential Question Without In delicacy. New Yerk, Xev. 11. In an interview with Gen. Hancock at Governer's Island by an associated prCss reporter this morn ing the "cncral dented that the letter purporting- te have been written by him te an army officer at Washington touching the New Yerk vote, was written by him, and said that he was one of the few persons vlve could net dis cuss the presidential election at preset without indelicacy. He also said if there was a letter in existonce from him pur porting te be of that tenor, let it be produced. si:m-cenyicti:d. family ie ,.a(leJ: Minnesota family SS&lft.l 73; Straight $J OOit; .-() : Winter patent stC'i-'MTirsw Springde$700ff$;w. ' uye Heur at jj iwi . .,0. Wheat strong and higher: Xe. 2 Wetern Ited 1 17; Penn'a. Ked St li;gU7; ; Amber Jilb'jjlir. Cern lirm, with geed inquirr ; yellow 3S'.0 5Cc: mixed 2$Qi$ic. Outs steady, Willi" fair demand : Xe. 1. White 4Ce: Xe. 2 He -lie; Xe. 3 de S94hlu; Xe.l! Mixed :7fi:7J.e. ltye steady at 9c?c. Previsions steady; hilss perk old. i 15 IS'45 l.".": denew, Stlia!(:."0; beet hams $iS."HJQ' 1DW: Indian m.-.-s beet at !S ."; bacon smok ed sl-.eulders .rr.,ii?i;e : salt de flic; smoked I'.atnslOfiliiV.c: pielcled liams Sff'A-. Lard steady: city kettle sr;gOe : loose butchers' Se; prime steam iS l.r. nutter Choice wanted ; Creamery extra 32e; dogeod te eiieiee -JUiJulc: 15 C and X. Y. ex tra itiJ'-iOc ; Western leservi- extra 2-j22le; de geed te choice iiljjilV: Kells choice linn: Peiin'a Kstrti -ilgitc; Western Steit-rve extra SOfi-Jle. Egs scarce and firm; r.-nn'a Extra 27c WfMeiii Extra iV. Cheese dull but wea ; Xew Yerk lull cream at i::)xl."r'4e: Wi-ileru full creaii at Vll'.Q13c: de lair le geed at 5112e; de hair skiuwlOlO'.fc. IVtreleum 'duil : retiiietl lie. Wlti-ky setirceat it 11. Seed- Geed te prime clever dull at 1; .V.),"5 7 Mi; Timethv nominal at i7U5;-Si: l'Ia-ee 1 liiii-t at $1 . .Stecl: market. Xt:v Yer.x Stecus. Stocks strong. Perjury lit the Miitcy Letter Tilil. New Yekk, Xev. 11. Samuel S. Jlerey and James O'Biien, who yesterday con fessed te perjury in the Chinese letter case, were again taken te the district at torney's eilice this morning. Several 111cm beis of the ilerey family from lasaehu setts swore that there was no such man as ILL. Merey, aiidsevcr.il witnesses from Cumberland, 3Id., were present. The confessions of both men were formally signed and the evidence was laid before the grand jury. Other arrest.'; arc expected during the day. After the confessions had been signed by the two men, they were committed in default of $5,000 bail each. O'Ui-irn was taken back te the Tombs and Merey's friends started out te leek for bail. The confessions, it is said, will be made public late this afternoon. Indictments against the prisoners will be found te-day. The reasons why the confessions are held back, it is said, arc because they implicate cer tain persons who arc net yet under arrest. SHOTGUN POLICY. The Irish Agit.itlen Grewing Ap.iee. Londen', Xev. 11. A telegram from I'allina represents that great excitement prevailed titers in consequence of a report that fifty Orangemen would pass through that place for Ilagcett's farm. Firearms weic issued and carried by bauds of men te oppose the passage of the Orangemen. A meeting was hastily called at which leaded revolvers were produced and most violent language against the government was used. Information that Piclends Trouble. Losdex, Xev. 11. The Time this morning says : " We believe the Irish ex ecutives are in possession of ample and in disputable proof that net alone a spirit of lawlessness, but its organized forces and systematic methods are spreading from county te county." The Manchstcr Guardian says it is un derstood the Mr. Ferster, chief secretary for Ireland, pi csentcd in yesterday's cabinet council evidence as te the state of affairs in Ireland which might excite alarm if the government were net thoroughly provided for any contingency. It is believed how ever, that Sir. Ferster is c nifideiit that the premise of just legislation and the firm maintenance of order will enable the winter te pass without any coercive measures." Tui: KIIADIXti. Mectlnuet the American Committee. Piiii.Aur.i.PHiA, Xev. 11. A full meet, ing of the American committee, appointed te consider the affairs of the Philadelphia & Heading railroad company, was held to day at the efiice of the company. Mr. J. B. Lippiucett was chosen chairmitn and J. Y. Humphreys secretary. Mr. Themas Wilde Powell appeared before the committee, and after a statement made by him it was unmistakably decided that in view of the forward state of pres ent financial negotiations by receivers and managers it was unnecessary for the com mittee at tlie time te take any action. The committee, therefore, adjourned te meet at the call of the chairman. Mr. Gewen was net piesent. Wl-LVTIIKIt INDICATIONS. W.piiix(;tex. Xev. 11. Fer the Middle states, clear or partly cloudy weather, pre ceded in the northern part by occasional rain, southwest te northwest winds, lower temperature, rapidly rising, preceded in the northern part by stationary or lower barometer. lire in Chicago. ' Cihcaoe, Xev. 11. A flic broke out at 11 o'clock last night in the large fivc fivc stery building en Randelph street, near Fifth avenue, adjoining the Briggs house, and occupied by Summers, Clark & Ce., picture frame manufacturers. The less is estimated at $90,000. ' In Self Deleuse." Bum.iXGTOX, Iowa, Nev. 11. " Tip " Lundregan,'a railroad employee, was killed by Rese Clairmont, a courtesan of this cily, last night. Miss Clairmont, who has surrendered herself te the police, claims te have shot him in self defense. Meney , Erie 11. It....... ...... Michigan . .ft L. S..., Michiimu Cent. It. I:., Chicago & X. W Chicago, M & St. P.. Man. Sr St.. I. Cem " .P'l.l.... Teledo & Waba-li.... OI1I0& MR-i-Mppi. .. St. Leuis, I. M.&S.I:.. Ontario ami We-tern. c. c. i.:c. 1:. u .New .ler-ev Centra:.. Del. & Iliid-euCauai. Pel.. uiek.& Western Western Union Tel... l'acilicMail S. S. Ce.. Manhattan Eh-vate.l. Union Pacini- Kansas &. Texas Xew Yerk Genlrnl Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland & Pitts Chicago & ICeck I Pittsburgh & r't. W... Amerieau U. Tel. Ce PlUI.AOKLl'IlIA. Stocks unsettled. Pennsylvania II, It.... rhil'a.& Heading I.ehi-'li Vall.-v I.ehigh .avi;;:ltiiii... Northern l'a-jitiu Cem PM . Pitts.,Titusv'e& l:.... Xert hern Cen 1 1 al Phit'aAs Erie It. i:.. Northern Penu'a Un. IL IPs etX. .1 ilestenville Pass Central Trans. Ce .v. m. . ltkie ias ' ii-.".: iie'T sT'-h I.' -it3; 7i.' v.'Or r, '.7;s tVa November II. A. M. 1 SI. l M. l M 1 usa i:-ji 2:-j) ;:.-.() 4i?i v.: 1.: Ml'; 111 i .... 1H7J.1 1W. I0S:, 11:; " 11:: us'., .... in:;.-; iic.;H- iij.; .... sai sahi 7 .... s;-; j-i s7.c .... Mji ii-1. .... ;l2 :-2-! :'-''bi IT -J7;.j 47? .... Il' !5J" !' Til-; .'xrt TTv1; Ss.V s.l . ss ii -v. -v.s .... US tlSJ-f '.W ''A s-ili '-'' 17 I7i 17 '.ii'-; . . i. . I ISM - Ifi . i-r . i-:e . us: lIU m rv.; i:f.;.i r.Vi i-)t r.jH iVft te'; iv:. i". ri!i ::i :::i!h 17' J . . .'--T 0.1 :u;s -m;; sijs si'-i 2SJt 'i IE) mi.! .vi'.' a: j;''"5 i9S i?i H 'VH WA WA 17 .... V.-i W-X .... V.W6 W.7A lsj, 1SK 1 Lecal Stoclef It ml Jtenils. I'ar val. Laiu.CifV 'i tier et. Lean. due f-S-'.i...lli) " " ' " !SS-... lilt) " iss;... sti) l-'.IO... ltf.1 " " ISirt... ' .1 per 1 1. !n 1 or 3') yearn.. I.ane. ami Quarry v'c It. It. bend " ' " stock l.aiica--ler and Kplu-at-i titrnnihe... I.ane , iCiizahcthrii and Miildlet':i.. I.aiieasterainl Kruitvilii; turnpike. Lineastt-rau'l I.itil. turnpike Lancaster and Maner tiirupile- LaiK-a-teraiid Mnnhcim liirniiine. L'lucasterand Marietta tur..iikL-.. Lane. an. I Xev.- Helland luriipitcc.. I.ane. and .-trasburg tiirnpl!;e Line. anilSiiiU!-h:inna turnpike.. Lane, and Willow Stieet turnpike. Farmers' Nat. Hank of l.auc:t.-,ti r... Kirst Nat. Hank of Lancaster Ltneasti-r Ceiinly Nat. Cank Iniuirer Printing Ce Lane.Ua-) Light and r'ud Ce. stock. " Ijeii'Ih. 100 1IH) 100 .'ill 1 HO till :.n n) M loe r.i'n :;i-. a: isiV" i'J'5 Last sale tiuu.-ri nr. 111 1 ih.t: 13) ur uia s.-r t7.-.'.-. .11 r.t :: ui .ti ii & .'i) -TTir. te. 1:. UK) u; lliil" 27 10U HI.tWLLAXlMVS. Miss m. j:. jill. t:acu kk or maw. ing in thet.Ii -I-' High Scheel, widies te obtain pupils in tin; vai ions styles et drawing ami painting, iluaiiliuicu Ne.ar West Onuigu street, l'tiisa'ter-d and repaired al tlu same place. ei-129-na 3.INTIX(i. All kinds of lieusr; Painting and Crail.ing done at tlie shortest notice and in lliebi-st pos sible style. We have reduced our prices te $1.73 per duv. shop 011 Chiirlolte street. eetl2-:;nef ALLKX Ut'TiliriK .-c SONS. VTOTICK. il The mem hers of Lcde Xe. VZ, 1". iind A. M.. are 1 ctpuMed te meet at their hall en Sat urday afternoon at !) o'clock, for tin- purpose of attending the luneral of eurdeccuti-d broth er, Henry (iundaki-r. The bretlirt-n of Lain Lain berten Lede. Xe. I71I, are invited le partici pate. i;y order of the W. M. ii.s. ;.ut., nevi()-::td Secretary. MRS. C. LILLEli, I.AUILS' JlAIKIHtLSSKi: Manufaetiin-rand Dealerin Hair Werk, Ladies and Cents' Wigs Combings btr.ilglitenvd and uiatlete order.' Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse. Kid (llevesaud Peat hers cleaned anil dyi-il. at Xes.-iil and i!-.'7 North (.lueeu street, fouriteorsaliove P. It. It. Depot. el-.lmd 835,000 Libel Suit. Denvlh, Xev. 11. R. L. Hirshberg has instituted a libel suit against the Recky Mountain 2Ceie$ for $25,000 damages. GRKAT IVESTEnX GUN WORKS, Pitts burgh. Pa. Send ttam for catalogue Ititlcs, shot guns, revolvers sent C. O. I), re .vnuiinatien. A1.K! AS.K! LAWUKNCU HNAPi'SCKLKIMtATKDAU iVLLL KNOWN DKACUUT ALL. is new ready for eensuniers, wlielesaleanil .etail. IiOTKLS iSESTAfKANT.-) AXD l'CIVATB tAILtC4 can be supplied v.ith Hits wiiolesemi: ami nourishing beverage. All orders will receivn punctual attention and deliverance.-, made at s'lert notice. Call or address LAWSIKNCK KXAPP, Ne. MU Iasl King Street, cctlMuut iiucster. Pa.. A- ter. S OUU1.NA.NCK PROVIDING IOK unilerui curbstones in the city et Laneas- ScctiekI. He it ordained by the Select and Common Council.-, et the city et Lancaster, that in all cases where by cxlstlmr ordinances curbstones are reuiri'd'te beset by the own ers of any lets situated and hounded upon uny puhlic street v.itliin the city of Lancustersiieh curbstones shall be et granite st-me, with an upper or lop edge seven inches thick, net lcs than twenty inches .tide nor less than five leet leng: and the upper or top edge and se much of tin: side facing the street as will be exposed abe'i- the surface of the gutter shall be dri-s-ed te an even and straight surface. SECTiex'i That in c.iie of default by owners of property te set curlBtei.es el" tha quality and dimensions provided for in Section I, the Street Committee shall proceed te have stteli curbs bet as and in the manner provided by ordinances new in force, ut the cost et siteii owners of property. Ordained and enacted into a law at the City enUtiicaster, October . I.-.-0. JOHN LEVKRHOOI). President Common Council. llEr.r.r.:rr JoaxsTeN, Clerk Common Council. KOllKItT A. KVAXS. J. K. Ii.r.n. President Select Council. Clerk Select Council. The above Ordinance, net having been re turned by the Mayorte tlie body-in which it originated within tin: period specltled by law, becomes eirective without the .Mayer's signa ture, according te the previsions of said law P. L., IS7l,p.2U. IIEItltKItT JOI1X.STOX. nOv9-3td Clerk Common Council. 1'STATK OF NELSON TALP.OT, LATEOr li Honeybrook township. Chester county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estaP: having been grunted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are request ed te make Immediate scttiement.und tiiesO having claims erdeinandsugainst the estate et said decedent, t inaKe known the same te thu undesigned without delay,resii!iag in Honey Heney brook township, Chester county. Pa. 14.1 . x.il.li4. 11. K. Davis, Attorney . Sunplee P. e. Clicster County, Pa. !cp!-Ctdeaw&2ttr