&-.'& LAfrOASTEft DAILY lNTELLlGiOEK THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1880. Lancaster Intelligencer. THURSDAY EVENING, NOV. 11, 1880. The Flight or the Fleas. That political flea, Senater Hill, of Georgia, since the election manifests his custninstry inclination te leap wildiy about in search of a fresh political perch. The senator has been fastened down un usually long en Democratic ground, by the force of circumstances, but it would have been very surprising if he had been found disposed te withstand thebuffeting of the recent storm. He is en the jump new and is very likely te get down out side the Democratic party, along with Mahone, a free-booting politician with much mum method in his madness. Hill is troubled just new with the solid Seuth and solid North phase of our poli tics, and thinks the country is surely ruined if it continues. He proposes te amend the situation -by abolishing the Democratic party which is hated by the solid North and the Republican party which is in like disfavor with the solid Seuth. This manifestation of political wisdom he makes hi a letter te Congress man Chittenden, 1'epublican, of Brook lyn, te whom he writes te express his great regret that he has been defeated for re-election. Evident ly Mr. Hill's party ties sit light ly en him; net only because he has stomach te sympathize with a de feated Republican, but because he is se ready te whistle down the wind the party which has placed him in theen. site te represent it. It would occur te any m:iu of ordinary sense and percep tion of the fitness of things that it would be becoming- in him te hear from his constituents as te whether they have suffered a change of political views before he announces ills readiness te tomahawk their party. Mr. Hill does net seem te be troubled with any such thought of duty te his party. He feels like a free lance who is com missioned te thrust his steel into the body of a friend or fee as seemeth geed te liini. And maybe he has this right ; but hardly while he is a Democratic senator. If he would be thus free he should resign. Then he may propose what radical remedies he pleases for the political evils he see-s ; but until then he should de his work with the Democratic party and net ever its dead body. Mr. Hill, besides being a traitor, may safely b denominated a feel. The felly of asking the dishandmcnl of the Re publican pail which has just renewed its lease of power, is instantly conspicu ous, hut it i ; hardly mere se than the same suggestion as te the Democratic party, which has obtained an equal share of the popular vote, which has in every state in the Union a strong following, reaching in all the great Northern states very dose te one-half of the vote, which has failed te elect its president by the narrowest possible chance, and which holds the control of Congress. A parly se strong in the North and with such a solid held upon the Seuth is net likely te commit hari kari at the advice of such wild political leapers as Senater Hill. Ne doubt, at the commencement of another four years' term of wandering in the wilderness, if will lese many Hills and Mahones and that sort of light and mercenary trash. It is quite possible that the efforts of the Republican administra tion, if se directed, may erect a Repub lican party in the Seuth, that will find plenty of officers in men who will be easily tempted out of the Democratic party. The Republican parly had the opportunity at the close of the war te get the solid control of the Seuth, but it had net the needed sagacity. It chose ie forcibly establish itself by the aid of the carpet-bag gov ernments and th' negrees rather than by conciliating the people who held the sovereign power of the states and who were bound te exercise it as seen as their autonomy was re-established. That came in the course of a few years and then the Republican parly went out, be cause it had net shown itself friendly te the ruling people. That mistake it is tee late new te remedy, but ii is stiil in the choice of the Republi cans te use the patronage and power they have again wen ie build up their party in the Seuth ten condition in which it may threaten Democratic supremacy in some of the stales. It has a geed nucle us in Virginia, where it already has been in alliance with Mahone. There is hardly a doubt that this alliance will continue and that Mahone will act with the administration in the Senate. He can be had if his price is paid, and in the close stale of thai body he is worth any price he may ask. Senater Hill seems te be ready te aid the work in Georgia, and though he is net a free-boeter like Ma hone. the value of his vote in the Senate and his natural disposition te go off at a tangent may very possibly make him the apostle of the new dispensation. Tennessee lias already a strong Republi can body of a hundred thousand voters, and there is a chance that they may even get Maynard, their Moses, into the United States Senate. Se there is an ex cellent showing for a Republican party Seuth. There is certainly none for the disinte gration of either of the great existing parties. The sloughing off which the Democratic party will suffer in the Seuth will benefit rather than injure it. It is a great advantage te a party, as well as te the people, te have a powerful opposition te contend with in the nation, the stale, the county and the oily. "We will wel come the growth of a second party in the Seuth : and it is bound te come whether welcomed or net. The Seuth is certain te make great strides in population and industry, new that her political condi tion is settled and her people are per mitted .te give their attention te the development of her- magnificent re sources. We should be leth te lese any Democratic stale from the solid Southern band. It is a matter of the greatest congratulation te the Demo cratic party that it holds the Seuth solid, and v,e earnestly hope that it will ever be se. We would net surrender one state of these which have been thrown into our arms by our tolerance and Re publican prescription. But we would l2 glad te see our party steadied and restrained in the presence of a Republi can opposition, knowing hew geed this is for ever' interest. The Xcvc Era proposes te enter into a crusade against the practices of illegal fee taking in court house row,en the part of some of these whom it helped into office in the name of reform. We bid it god-speed in the geed work, te the up rooting of practices that are demoral izing te the officials and oppressive te the public. At the same time we beg te re mind the JVcic Era's editor that he has thus far failed te lend his prom ised co-operation te the Ixtelli gen'CEr's attempt in this direction some years age. It will be remembered that when we charged Mayer Stauffer who had served his time and gained his ex perience in the prothenotary's office with taking illegal fees, the editor of the Xeu: Era guaranteed, if we recollect aright, that if this could be demonstra ted he would insist en the mis-taken money being refunded. Meanwhile he goaded the accused into bringing a.crim inal suit for. libel against the publishers of the Ixtelligexceji. They met it with the demand for a prompt prelimi nary investigation of all the facts and, despite the prosecutor's obstructions, enough was developed te show that our charge was well founded and could be abundantly sustained. The prosecution was sneakingly abandoned behind our backs and has never since been heard of neither has the money that was un lawfully taken. "While the Xac Era is fumigating its old friends en the illegal fee business we trust this case will net be overlooked. The fervor which certain Democratic journals show in blaming Jehn Kelly for the result in New Yerk, and their unan imity at the same time in denouncing any attempt te show that the vote of the state was fraudulent, is very remarkable indeed. If we lest New Yerk by fraud, certainly Democrats who charge that fraud en Kelly should desire te have it in quired into,and they should rejoice if the result should be te prove that Republi cans rather than Democrats were the guilty parties. Why then de they op pose investigation while they denounce Kelly ? Can it be that ihey are content with Garfield's election and find a balm for it in their hope te break down Tam many ? De they hate Kelly mere than they love their party 1J MINOR TOPICS. Tin: defeat of Judge Terry, one of the California Democratic electors, is cited as a ca: of jrectic justice sacred te the mem ory of the murdered Brederiek. Tin: New Yerk beard of trade and transportation, at a meeting yesterday, agreed te a resolution recommending the adoption of some definite constitutional method for a peaceful settlement of dis puted presidential elections, and suggest ing that the presidential tenure be limited te a single term of six years. It is understood that the object, of Jehn C. Xcw's visit te General Garfield was te see whether the appointment of General Harrison te the cabinet could be secured, se as te make Mr. Xew's way te the Senate from Indiana clear. The result has i:et transphed. It is understood that Govereor-elect Peiter will be a strong antago nist new Air the Senate. Tiik rage for " Greek" art iu Londen has decreased. Londen has-heard enough of it, and the one or or two leading beau tics who gave it encouragement have lest their enthusiasm. De Mnuricr, Labou Labeu clierc, and Yates, with their pens and pencils did much te kill the idea , and new the word "art" as used by the "a:st holies' ' has become nauseous. A Cuanc.k has been made in the gov ernor's Thanksgiving proclamation. In the last paragraph the words "Christian Commonwealth" have been altered te read "A Commonwealth of freemen". This change has been made because of animad versions made by prominent Israelites. Governer Heyt says he used the word "Christian"' in the sense of "civilized,'" and net particularly in a religious sense. Govkhnei: TesTint yesterday received the resignation of James A. Garfield as member of Congress from the Nineteenth Ohie district. The Nineteenth district at the time of Garfield's election te Cengrsss was net composed wholly of the .same ter ritory which it is new constituted, and the writ for an election te fill the vacancy will be issued for the election en Novem ber J0, and will be sent te these counties which composed the Nineteenth district at the time Garfield was elected, it being held that the territory composing that district had vested rights which cannot be abro gated by act of the General Assembly. Tin: Mexicans arc fend of dancing, but at Santa Fcthc waltz is net countenanced in geed society, and can only been teen in the low public dance houses. "At a fashionable gathering,' says a recent visi tor, " even the square dauee is conducted with great decorum. The ladies all sit en one side of the ball-room and the gen tlemen en the ether, and when the music begins the young men walk out into the middle and beckon te the young ladies whom they desire for partners. At the close of the dance the ladies return te their side .of the room and the gentlemen te their own." The national Lincoln monument associa tion, which was formed some time age, will be reorganized the coining winter. The plan of the monument is an extensive one. The main structure will be of granite in three stories, and it is intended te havc in all thirty-six colossal bronze statues. The first one, which is of Secretary Chase, has just, been -cast at the bronze foundry of Clark Mills, the sculptor. There are te be six equestrian statues of prominent generals ; ether statues of these who were distinguished in various positions during the war; commemorative and typical statues ; and the figure of President Liu Liu celn signing the cmancipation'proclama cmancipatien'proclama cmancipation'preclama tion crowns the whole. Bronze has been supplied by the government in the shape of condemned cannon, but whether this great work will be carried tea successful completion remains te be seen. Dn. Jenx W. Kexxiex, formerly a journalist iu the city of Brooklyn, has been engaged for the past five years iu preaching te the neglected and outcast population of New Yerk, en the public streets, in the hepitals, and wherever else he could get an audience. The results have been very satisfactory. Large crowds gathered te hear the lay preacher, and many were led te a better course of life. His success is largely due te the common sense method of his work. In his efforts te reclaim the drunkard lie seen found that something mere was necessary than the mere advice te him net te drink. If he must net take whisky he must have something else, and Dr. Kennion gives him 'geed warm coffee and nice fresh bread. These arc borne en a cart made expressly for the purpose, and are served out te all that come. The cups are net the common tin vessels, but nice porcelain -ware, and the peer creatures are delighted te drink from them. Feed and raiment are supplied te the needy and very fre quently the missionary's efforts result in securing employment for some peer out cast. PERSONA!.. Mr. McAirrncn, the new Lord Mayer of Londen, is the first Irishman that has filled the office. Brevet Brigadier General Ricn.utn S. Satteiilee, U. S. A., died last night iu New Yerk. He was nearly SO years of age. The Bosten Herald says that Wendei.t. Phillips and RenEn-r C. Wintiihep are new the only two Bosteuians left who can really be called orators and each of these has touched seventy. There arc a geed many people in Bosten who make what are called speeches, but few of them havc anything te say. Secretary Sherman'h announcement that he is a candidate for United States sen ator has caused much excitement and bit terness in Republican circles, and it is re garded as a virtual break with Garfield, who is backing Governer Fester, and a fight of extreme bitterness is likely te fol fel low, with the chances in Sherman's favor. Thirty-eight years age, when C hauler Dickexs visited St. Leuis, he became in. tercstcd in "a little woman with a baby," his fellow passengers en a Mississippi steamer. The woman's romantic history he described iu American Xele.i. The baby is new Mr. Charles R. Gakiuse:, who was recently given a Dickens reception en hi 39th birthday. Last night Mile. Bernhardt made her third appearance before an American au dience, at Beeth's theatre, and was seen for the first time here as Gilbertc, in Mcil hac and Halcvy's familiar play, " Frou Freu Frou Freu.' The theatre was crowded in al parts, and the actress was watched and listened te with the deepest attention. She scored a hit. LATEST NEWS BY MAIfl. The cpizoety iu Montreal is increasing in severity, owing te unfavorable weather. Leenard Heffner's restaurant in Ellen -borough. III., was burned en Saturday. Twe of his children perished and his wife was seriously hurt. Adams & Leenard's banking house, at Dallas, Tex., was robbed of nearly $70, 000 in cash and jewelry Tuesday morning. An attempt te blew open a safe which contained $800,000 failed. The scat of Gee. C. Cabell, .Democratic Repfcscntative-elcct from the Fifth dis trict, Yirginia, will be contested by Slov Slev all, his opponent at the election, who has begun taking affidavits for that purpose. There were ten cases of yellow fever and two deaths in Key West, from the 3d te the 8th instant. One of the victims was Rev. Mr. Gilbert, an Episcopal minister. Geerge Shacffer, of Durham, N. J., was killed yesterday by his horses becoming frightened and dashing ever an embank ment. The horses were se badly injured that they had te be shot. Jehn Oden, his wife and niece were struck by a train while trying te cress the railroad track in a wagon, near Minonk, III., en Monday. The women were in stantly killed, and Oden was se badly in jured that he died in a few hours. Matthew Reeves, a steamboat mate, was stabbed eight times by Menree Clinck, a night watchman, iu a bar-room quarrel iu Memphis, early yesterday morning. Reeves died from his wounds, and Clinck was arrested. It is feared that the propeller Zealand, with a crew of sixteen men, was lest in the recent gale en Lake Ontario. Part of her cargo and a yawl beat marked with her name, havc been found floating in the lake. During a barroom fight in Memphis, Tenn., yesterday, Mat Kceves, a steam boat mate, was stabbed eight times by Menree Clinck, a night watchman. Kceves died from the effect of his injuries and Clinck has been arrested. A man, supposed te be a drover, with considerable money, was murdered en the steamer Escort, of the New Yerk and Athens line, ncarTiveli, aud his body thrown overboard. The body has net yet been recovered. The officers arc en the track of the assassins. In Pctrelia, a fire broke out yesterday morning and destroyed Blymiller's hotel, United pipe line office, Badue's hardware store, Lewis's meat market, Argyle sav ings bank and several ether buildings, en tailing a less of $15,000. The origin is unknown. It is understood that Republicans of California demand a recount of the elec toral ballets iu that state, and also of the votes cast for General Resccrans for Cen gressman m ban k rancisee. They allege that a number of fraudulent votes were cast. On Tuesday at Tiverton Four Corners, Mass., Charles Themas (unmarried), went te Moses Grinnell's place te remove a hen house High words passed between him aud Griuncll, when the latter went into his house, brought out a guu and shot Themas through the right lung and shoul der. Themas died seen after. Grinnell, who is seventy years old, was arrested last night. The train from Madisen court house, Fla., having en beard five citizens of that county, in charge of the deputy United States marshal, arrested for alleged viola viela viola tien of the election laws, was hoarded en Tuesday night as it was leaving Madisen, by a party of masksd. men who released the prisoners aud made the witnesses dis embark. The train was then permitted te proceed. Ne injury was sustained by any person. Sheeting a Music Teacher. Russell Dart, a prominent citizen of Buffalo, shot (probably fatally) Emil Sei fcrt, a music teacher and violinist, yester day. Seifert made love te Mr. Dart's daughter while acting as her teacher, and had been forbidden the house. Tuesday he visited the house, aud producing a carving knife threatened te kill any one who preveftcd him from seeing Miss Dart. He was ejected and premised net te re turn. At 7 o'clock yesterday morning he returned and was shot by Mr. Dart, who was arrested aud asserted that he acted in selfe defense. ELOPING WITH A XEGBU. Strange infatuation of a Wealthy Farmer's Adopted Daughter. An open wagon drew up before a Kings Kings eon (N. Y.,) furniture store en Monday afternoon, and its two occupants alighted. One was a white woman, geed looking and quite young. She was well dressed, and evidently had moved in respectable circles. Jler companion was a negre man of coal tar complexion and countenance amazingly devoid of every suspicion of intellectual brightness. The couple entered the stefe together, and when the dealer came for ward the colored man remarked : " My wife wants some furniture." "Allriaht: in a minute. Just ict me attend te this lady first," was tin mer- chant' s response. "Well, this here's her, it is, retorted the customer. The merchant was surprised, but the yenng woman promptly said that she was the negre's wife. They purchased some articles of household furniture, and left town together. Jehn Deye is one of the wealthiest farm ers iu the town of Gardiner. His farm is near the village of New Paltz, en the Wall kill Yallcy railroad. The Deye family is one of the largest in Ulster county. It is also one of the most respected and influ ential, aud Jehn Deye's reputation has ever been of the best. He has never been blessed with children of his own, and it was a genuine act of love that induced him mere tliau a dozen years age te adept an orphan niece. The wee mite of a girl took his name, and was reared as tenderly as he would have raised his own child. Every advantage that social position and cash could secure were hers and at the age of eighteen Ada Deye became an acknowl edged belle far beyond the limits of her immediate neighborhood. The negre, Jehn Wesley Sampson, was employed en Mr. Deye's farm. Wesley's duties were chief ly confined te a superintendence of the half hundred cattle ou the place. Until quite recently Ada Deye Had been receiving the address of a young farmer of New Paltz. and it was generally believed that she had premised te become his wife. Says Jehn Deye : " Rufus was a likely lad. She could have married him and had my blessing. lie is sober and industrious, and will get along all right. I would have done the square thing by them " But in October Rufus ceased te visit Ada, she representing that they had "had a little quarrel." About this time the uncle's suspicions acre aroused, and he decided upon prompt action. "Yeu will pack up your clothes and go down te New Yerk with me te-morrow," he said in a firm tone. "I am going te place you in a bearding school. She declared no opposition, but when he arose next morning it was te find that the wayward girl had tied in the night time, and with her was gene Jehn Wesley Samp son. Pursuit was made without effect. The couple went te Readout. A minister was called upon. "We want te get married, "' hastily ex plained Sampson. "Get married?'' "Yes, quick; de it up right away, fur we're in a awful hurry." "Is this your desire?" tins preacher asked the girl. " Yes," the answered. " I can't accommodate you, said the minister. " New, don't you think you are doing an ill-advised and " "New, never mind yer sermon, boss. Will ye marry us, or won't you? That's what we are a wanlin' te knew." "I will net. That girl is net of age. The marriage would be illegal." The preacher was about te attempt te persuade Miss Deye te abandon her pur pose, but before he could proceed the deer slammed in his face and the ceuple were in the street. Other ministers iu Rondout and Kingsten, in fact, nearly all in the city, were visited, with the same result. Frem Kingsten the couple went te the office of. "Squire Hecter Abecl, an old politician and justice of the peace of Mar Mar blctewn. It appears that they did net long remain iu the presence of that gen tleman, however, for as seen as the negre made known his business 'Squire Hecter ordered him out of his eilice. Sampson then went te a friend named Jim Cantinc, in the wilds of the town of Marbletown. Cantinc is a negre as black and full blooded as any that ever breathed, but his better half is white. Moreover, Mrs. Cantinc is red-haired and quick-witted. A half dozen or mere mulatto chil dren have resulted from her union with Jim Cautine, and these gathered about and applauded their mother's labors as she having declared that she would "fix things," proceeded te burn all the corks found in the Cautine mansion. Ada Deye sat down, and Mrs. Cantinc completely disguised the girl's fair face and hands by smearing them with burnt cork. Her hair was put up in a net, and thus changed in appearance. Ada Deye again started en a journey with Sampson. This time they went te the Reformed parsonage at Stene Ridge, and the Rev. Dr. Hulburt was asked te make them man and wife. Net suspecting that the girl was net a ncgress, the preacher married them. Next day Sampson took his wife te her new home in Lapala. Lapala consists of a colony of negrees, aud ail of its surround ings are low and debased. The Sampson home is a hut ; it would be a great mis nemer te call it aught else. It is little su perior te the average Lapala habitation, where scores of families havc no doers te their rude homes save a hole near the ground, through which only arc ingress and egress possible, A gentleman from New Paltz, a friend of Jehn Deye, was seen yesterday by a Sun reporter. He said that Mr. Deye was uncommunicative as te his plans ; "but," added the gentleman, " it is very plain that Jehn is all broken down by the action of Ada. He tries te hide his grief, but he fails. He fairly worshiped that girl, and of course he can't give her up te such a fate without a struggle." " Will he take any action looking te her separation from Sampson '."' " I don't knew ; but I de knew that a Deye is desperate when he gets excited." There is a story current te the effect that a Kingsten lawyer has prepared a legal document, which is te be served en the negre and his wife, making them defend ants in a civil suit, which, if decided against them, will subject them te a pecuniary penalty which their means would prevent them paying, aud open the jail as an alter native. It is also alleged, seemingly upon geed authority, that a warrant is out for Sampson's arrest, charging him with hav ing betrayed the girl. In the mean time Sampson does net icem te fear any legal proceedings. On Monday he procured an attachment for personal property belonging te his wife, left behind in the haste of their flight. He has also placed iu the hands of a lawyer for collection a claim against Jeliu Deye for 20, money which he says was placed in Deye's keeping by Ada. This 820 will be Mrs. Sampson's only dower. She has net a penny in her own right, but by her marriage she has sacrificed fully $30,000. An aged colored woman who has work ed for the Deye family for twoscerc years or mere walked all the way from Gardiner te Lapala te sec her " baby," as she affec tienately calls the recently married young woman. Finding Ada alone she pleaded earnestly with her te return te her home and give up her " scandalous shame." She told Ada that sin would be welcomed back, and dwelt long and fervently upon the wreiiij life she had entered upon. Ada cried bitterly.but protested that what was done was final ; that she should net leave Sampson, whom she loved. She asked many questieus about her nncle,and seem ed entirely broken-spirited, but rejected every overture looking te a change in her fortune. ROYAL FORTUXJU HO'TEKS. The Spanish Infantas and the Royal Ex chequer. A Paris correspondent of the Londen PjM Jfall Gasette, writes : "It was no se cret that the Bavarian aud Austrian princes te whom the Spanish infantas were offered in marriage held back because sufficiently large dowries were net te be. given with them. They are new coming forward. Queen Isabella presses a claim en the Spanish treasury for about 5.000, 000 sterling. This represents the value of a third of the estates of the crown, which she reserved for herself when she ordered her heritage te be liquidated and two thirds given te pay floating debts of a pressing nature, many of which originated in jobs of Queen Christina and the royal favorites. But the Spanish exchequer is new pretty ucarlv empty ; and, where there is nothing, the king, much less the ex-queen perd scs dreits. Where, then, is the money te come from which the imperial and royal fortune hunters scent from afar? Part of it is te tlew in from Prussia. The emperor of Ger many wants a penal settlement and a co lonial outlet for the swarming population of his empire. He has for some time been watching Morocco with wistful eye, and taking steps also te absorb it. " Ilcncc tlic support which Den Alphense met with iu exile from the Ger man government, and the social ceunte nance of Queen Isabella, and these dis tinguished members of her household new forming her entourage intime, by German ambassadors and their wives. Yapercau comprises among the bright points of Isa bella's reign "the campaign of Morrecco and its fine victories, ending iu a glorious peace," by which Spain acquired a foot hold in the shape of sonic towns and a haven of importance in that part of Africa. These towns the Emperor William is anx ious te purchase, and if he would give a geed price, the Spanish government would net ask better than te sell. The young queen wants te get her sisters-in-law married out of her sight. She wishes the eldest unmarried infanta te go te Yi enna as Archduchess Stephen, and the youngest te Bavaria. The Due de Mont Ment pensier would accept her as a daughter-in-law with a smaller dowry than the Bava rian prince requires : but he is still mis trusted, as ambitious te obtain the throne for his branch of the royal -family. In the Gazette the Infanta "isabcllc is no longer styled Princess of Asturias, but as in law she holds this title and draws the pension of 230,000". attached thereto, tin infant Mercedes is debarred from talcing it. Canovas del Castille, who prefers te reinaiu in the geed graces of the prin cess rather than te please the queen, will net take any step te dispossess the Infanta Isabella. Ou the day of the presentation of the royal babe at the Atocha there was a het dispute at the palace between the queen and her eldest sister-in-law en the subject of the title and the pension. Queen Christina wanted the baby te be taken as Princess of Asturias,te the feet of Nestsa Scnera, and said that if she was net, she should go without her mother. However when, she found that neither the Infanta Isabella, te who.-e guardianship the king ewes his prolonged tenure of the crown, nor the head of the cabinet would yield, she came down and appeared iu the large precession with tier daughter in her arms. The Infanta Isabella would form ally resign the dignity, which it appeared was net conferred en her pending the bach elorhood of the king or the childlessness of future wives, but absolutely, if given a sufficient compensation, which would en able her te marry abroad in a manner suitable te her rank. Queen Isabella has been te Leurdcs te thank the Yirgin for all that she has done for her, and te im plore her te aid her in pushing her claim for the 5,000,000 sterling, which would enable her te settle the infantas, and the king te buy up his sister's right, ie the ti tle and the pension which he granted her before he thought of taking a wife. STATB ITEMS. Charles O'Nicil, a laborer, was killed by falling down a railroad embankment at Catasauqua, yesterday. The Philadelphia county Democratic committee of administration adopted a resolution last evening calling upon the peace commission te meet promptly, te fin ish its labors. The barkentine Samuel Welsh, which arrived at Philadelphia, from Galway, Ire land, en Tuesday night, made the passage in 17 days. This is said te be the shortest time en record between the two pert: The five vear old son of Jehn Glace, of! Willianisperf, was killed yesterday by be ing caught in a canal bridge as it was being closed after a beat had passed through, lie attempted te jump en the bridge but missed it. At a meeting of the national lamj chim ney association in Pittsburgh it was unan imously resolved that all the factories in the United States should step the produc tion of such chimneys four weeks prier te the 10th of January next. Ellen McCaffrey, eight years old. re siding at Ne. lGO'i North Frent street Philadelphia, was shockingly burned bv the ignition her clothing at a steve and was taken te St.Mary's hospital, where she died this morning from the ell'ects of her injuries. William J. Boyd, a colored chiid, six teen months old, was burned te death yes terday morning at the residence of his parents, Ne. '13."i'l Warren street, Philadel phia. At the time the only persons in the house, were the child and another little fellow, a playmate. While playing, the deceased get tee close te the stove and his clothing took lire. The cries of the ether child attracted some of the neighbors, but. when they get into the room the little fel low was enveloped in flames, and was re badly burned that he died in a few min utes. HK.IVV KOUBEKl' IN A HOTEL. A Country merchant Hebbcd et .ST, OOO. New Yerk detectives have been for sev eral days past engaged in looking for an expert hotel thief, who en Thursday morn ing last reblJbd a guest in the United States hotel, in Fulton street, of United States bends money and jewelry, valued iu all at $7,000. The name of the guest who was robbed was withheld both by the police authorities and the proprietor of the hotel, but he is said te be a country merchant. lie retired te rest en Wednesday night, and when he arose en Thursday morn ing he discovered that an expert thief had entered the room and carried oil' United States coupon bends valued at 6",000, his geld wateii chain, several arti cles of jewelry, and money amounting in value te $1,000. It was ascertained that a stranger had hired a room in the hotel en the r-amc fleer with the room occupied by the merchant en Tuesday, and nothing had been seen of this man since Wednesday night. The belt, en the deer of the room entered by the thief had been tampered with during the day. preceding the robbery. The screws had been taken out, and the holes through which they passed enlarged. The screws were then dipped in water and were replaced, se that they would appear te be all right, but a slight pressure, after the weed had dried, would be sufficient te remove them. After the merchant had fallen asleep, it was an easy task for the tli ict te turn the key, which had been left in the lock, with a pair of nippers, and the deer being un locked iu this way, a slight push removed the nosing of the belt from its place, and the deer was open. Ne clue te the thief or the stolen preparty has been obtained by the police. Abandoned Iulaut. At an early hour yesterday morning Cbarlcs Miles, residing en Clifteir place. Jersey City Hcights,breught te the Fourth precinct police station a male eh ilikj about two months old, which he had found en his doorstep. A .young -and prepossessing woman, neatly attired in black, at 10 o'clock last night handed her infant, scarcely a month old, te a little girl at the corner of Bergen street und Seuth Orange avenue, Newark, witu instructions te mind the little ene while she entered a store, return, and the infant was headquarters. She did net sent te police Leve aud Murder A terrible murder was committed at Ne. 67 Lewis street, New Yerk, last evening. Andrew J. Gillen sought the hand of Mary Scgcrsen in marriage, but the brother of the sirl opposed the match. Gillen called en Miss Segersen, but she told him te leave the house. He asked for a glass of water, and when the girl returned with it he caressed her and said, "Mary, I love you ;" at the same moment he drew a re volver and shot her through the head, kill ing her instautly. The murderer immedi ately disappeared, and it is thought threw himself into the East river. Ohie and Indiana. The official vote of Ohie gives Garfield 31,177 plurality and 20,103 majority. Returns from all the counties in Indiana liave been leeeived. Garfield's plurality is G.510, LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. TE:s::i:;r.n ACCIDENT 1SOK. AT SAVE II Alt- Twe .llfii Stilled and n Third and Twe Women Injured. Last evening a terrible accident occurred at Sate Harber, in which two men were killed and several persons were badly in jured. The citizens of that place aie the owners of a three pound cannon, which was manufactured at that place years age. It was made of wrought iron and was the same kind of a gun as the ene which is owned by the Democracy of this city, the latter having been made there also. Last evening the Republicans of the village de termined te celebrate their victory by fir ing off the gun, which was taken te a point ou the common, between the hotels and rolling mill. It was iu charge of Eiias Funk, who superintended the leading and firing. Five shots were fired without ac cident, and when the gun was being load lead ed for the sixth time, the small bag con taining the powder burst. It was thou agreed te put iu another lead, with out removing the first. This was done and the gun' was touched oft. When it was discharged it burst and pieces of it were thrown iu dilie.vnt directions. Jeseph Tayler and Jehn Aument, two men, were standing together in the read about thirty yaids from the gun when it exploded. A piece of the gun about three feet long struck both of, them at the same time, crushing their heads. Tayler died in a few minutes and Aliment lived until half past one this morning, when he breathed his last. Mrs Themas Crew was standing a few feet behind the men and r.he was struck bvthe same niece and had ene of her legs broken. Funk, the gunner, had his right :cg se baitly crushed by being struck by another piece of the gun that the limb nad te be amputated above the knee. Mrs. Elniiie, was severely, but net seriously injured. Drs. GatcncII, Davis, Cliinrer. Mewcrv and Ritter were sent for immediately after the accident and they did all in their power te alleviate the suffer ings ei the wounded aud uying. Tayler was a man about '18 year.-:, lie kept the confectionery store in the village and leaves a wife and two children. Aument was unmarried and 20 yearn of ajre. He was a son of Aument. Funk is a married man about '10 years of age, and has a wife and four children. Mrs. Crew has a husband living and is the mother of seven children. j The accident was undoubtedly caused by the double charge of powder, which was placed iu the gun, and it is. said that these who had charge et the cun were warned in regard te the danger. Dr. Chuucr. deputy coroner, lictil an in quest en ths remains of the deceased and a verdict of "accidental death "was ren dered. At last account.". Funk was doing very well. J!i- injuries are net fatal, was employed in the rolling mill. . He An OiiI Sliue. There is en exhibition in 1 he window of Messrs. Shaub & Bro'sshee store .n his terical curiosity. It consists of a slipper, which was once worn by the Duke of Ar Ar teis, for whom it was made prier te the great French Revolution of 1798. who was a brother of the unfortunate King Leuis XVI, of France, and who subsequently, in ISM, became Icing himself. The slific. which is very finely finished and durable, though extremely light in the sole, is the property of Dr. C. A. Lecher, of this city, te whom it descended from his grandfather. The de ceased French r.evcreign, who were this relic of royalty, bail a geed-sized feet, long though slender, and with well-arched in step, judging from the shape of the slip per which runs te a poi nt at the tei, but the heel of which is low and bread. The measuring stick with which the size of the feet was taken is exhibited along with the slipper, which bears distinct evidences of usage. Held Ter Court. Henry Grce.k. who was arrested by Chief of Police Dcichlcr en the charge of stealing a wateh from Benjamin Asten, of Sahinga, had a hearing this morning before Alderman Dennelly, of the Seventh ward, and was committed te prison iu default of bail, for trial at court. The evidence showed that en Tuesday while Mr. Asten and family were away from their heu?c Greek was seen crawling in ene of the windows'. Later in the day he offered te sell a watch, answering the description of the stolen one, at Lamlisvilie and ether places en the pike. Hales or Ileal J'istate. The Whitman farm of 118 acres in Colo Celo Cole rain township was recently sold at private sale te Israel Miller, of Briekcrvillc, for ss.oeo. W. P. J less has sold te Mr. Hellingcr, ei Pcnn township, a farm of 50 acres in Dru Dru meie township, for $50 an acre. Mr. Hess had recently purchased the property at $30 an acre. Abram Roup, administrator of the es tate of Themas Yeung, deceased, has sold the farm of 100 acres, near Andrews' Bridge. Colerain township, te a citizen of Eden township, for $50 per acre. ;sjcl Ulcelliijj. There will be gospel meeting for chil dren and adults in the public school build ing, corner of Lemen and Lime streets, this evening at 7 o'clock. Miss Lefevre, a missionary lately returned from Iliu Iliu Iliu doestan, will be present and exhibit a number of gods and ether curiosities used in heathen worship. .Matrimonial. Mr. Harrison Parkman, of Philadelphia, and Miss Lillie At tick, of Bryn Mawr, were married at the latter place by Rev. Addison Henry, en Tuesday. The groom is well-known here and Mr. Charles L. Schaefier, of this city, acted as best man. and Miss Nellie Attick as bridesmaid. Mere Itur.m. T!. T '.: :i i i..;i.i ajiv ie.uuii luiiruau company art) uuiiu- ing an addition te their freight warehouse at the upper depot, this city, as they have j net sufficient room at present. 1 THE INSTITUTE. OUR ANNUAL TEACHERS' CONVENTION- Discipline in tlte Scheel Kcmr.s Jlirls i!u Ulgule CoiiceriiliiKCemin.blllo!. Lec ture by ex-Vice l'rrsideiit CeITax. "Wednesday Afternoon. Music, The Bird's Seng," ' Ave Sanetissma." The court room was mere crowded than at any time previous during the institute. A. R. Stcmy, of Rohrcrstewn. icad a paper en " Scheel Discipline." Describ ing the many obstacles iu the path of the teacher, he encouraged them by declaring that if they brought patience, wisdom, judgment, firmness, amiability, courage, gentleness, moral force and geed example into the work ; bestowed praise and blame with justice and discrimination : bestowed rewards and punishment with impartiality, and above all, held the pupils under a firm out mild subordination, a sullicieut degree of discipline could be attained and upheld even among the most umuly schools. Prof. Shaub and Prof, -Vines diseus.-ed the subject briefly and 3L-s. Archer gave her views at some Iengt ii. She aid no set inlcs of discipline could be prescribed be cause no two pupils, no two schools, no two teachers, are alike. The teacher matt have an inborn intuition ei" the character of the pupils, and treat them accordingly. The proper method of disciplining one may I be improper for another, it is found that these children who arc wer-bred at home, who are taught obedience and respect for their parents, cause but little trouble in school. The trouble conies from J host" children who arc cither neglected or petted and spoiled by their parents. Where parents can be induced te co-operate with teachers, difficulties in discipline can be easily overcome. When they will net co operate but upheld their disobedient child in his insubordination aud unruly conduct, the pupil should be removed from the school te prevent him fieni demoralizing ethers. Whether the parents de or de net co-operate 'with the teacher, the latter must go into the school resolved ieb mas ter or mistress of it. Mr. Hart, of Caernarvon, had some years age been placed, in charge of a school, iu which ther." were big boys who were determined te havc their own way, both inside and outside the schoolroom, lie had subdued their mis- behavior by depriving them of tin usual recess, whenever they misbehaved iu the play ground. IiK.i':: i-irix. " What shall be done with girl aged from 12 te !(' years who will peisit in giggling?" This question was referred for answer te Mr. Zechcr, of IVquca. II.' said that his plan was te remove the gig glcr from her scat and place htr in some ether part of the school room, and keep her there all day. Ii she went back te her seat next morning without permission he again removed her. If en the ether hand she seemed te be repentant and premised better behavior, he 'made a contract" with her, restoring her te her seat en con dition that she diil net again offend. Mrs. Archer, of Lit it z, s-aid heriliscipliue in such cases was te put the offender te work at the blackboard, ivir,! her a task te accomplish in a given time. .Mr. Ivrehler, of West llemplielii, thought if there occurred something that provoked the giggling, the .better way was te giggle along with the girls and have it out. It it luccurreii tee elten he would umj such means as present'd thcmsulvi's at the time te .suppress it. The discipline effect ive with ene pupil will net de ter all. He had cured a giggling boy once by catching him by the nape of this neck and the seat ofthe breeches and chucking him under a bench ; but this heieic kind of treat ment wouldn't de for girls. A Dutchman who was supposed te be dying with ty pheid fever ate a mess of sour I: rout and get well, the doctor applied the same rem edy te an Englishman and killed him. Prof. Shaub suggested that teachers and dirccleis or the rural distticls should agree upon inlcs for the government of their scnoels substantially ofthe cliiuac ter of the:-e in force in the city and larger boroughs. These rules prescribe the con ilittens in which pupils enter the schools, may remain in them or be suspended or expelled from them. They define also the duties and powers of the teacher. The adoption and enforcement of similar lilies in the country districts would pi event much annoyance te teachers and ni:-ui: dcrstanding en the part of parents. Oucstiieis and Ansi.irs. Dr. Shumakcr answered the question, ' What would you de with pupils who leave school and go home at rccc-s '.'' by saying that he would deprive them of twice as much time as they hud lns-t in this way, by keeping them in during. following recesses. Te the qmstieu: "What would you de with pupils, eight or ten years old. who persist in neglecting their lessens '.'"' he said he would make a record ofthe missed lessens ami after tiie neglect had continued for some time he would in form the pupil that such neglect or refusal te study must cease, that one mere trial would be given, and if it was net improv ed the bad record would be sent te the parents or directors. Prof. Shaub made an appeal te directors te protect teachers fiem Jhe insults thrown upon them by ignorant and vicious parents. He had seen a numberei letters some of them wiitten by women and addressed te respectable teachers contain ing the most insulting a$id vulgarepithets. He suggested the adoption of a rule by school beards that if any parent or guar dian shall insult the teacher in the school room or send te 1 he teacher an insulting letter, the children of such patent or the wards of such guaidian shall leithwitlt forfeit their right te seats iu the school. Mr. Patteu hoped dirccteis would give mere attention toseheol matters generally. A few words from directors te parents or children often have a meet beneficial ef fect. Music "The Wander-Staff," "Mill May." Lecture en :rau:i:i:ir. Pief. A. R. Rycrly, of the Millcrsvillc normal school, lectured en grammar, ex pounding his methods of treating renie of the many difficult prats of that science. Lecture en c:oiiiiUieii. Dr. Shnmnker continued his lecture en compesrnoit. He recommended teachcis te tell short, stories te the pupils, and have them write down as much of the story as they can remember. At first they will, pcrhap-, only remember a .smail part of it. but by practice ihey will seen be able te reproduce it almost entire. Encourage them te write letters. Te describe picnics or parties they have attended. Iu giving mere advanced pupils subjects for compo sition, de net choe.-.e tho.-.e that are merely abstract as "heuestv'' but let the sub ject be " honesty among merchants." or " honesty in politics." This will give them a better field for thought. Prof, lleiges made a short speech en vi brations, or pulsations. He stated that the human car can distinguish net mere than sixteen distinct sounds or pulsations per second ; whenever the number becomes greater than sixteen, the car receives them as ene continuous sound. He de scribed a little instrument made by him and named a sonegraph, or sound-writer, whereby pictures of sound could he thrown upon a screen much the same as pictures of mere tangible objects arc thrown upon the screen by the stercopticen. He prem ised te say mere about it m the morning and te show hew all the colors ofthe rain bow are produced by inconceivably rapid vibrations. t'liiiiini'tccsCheicii. On motion the secretary was directed te cast the vote of the institute for a commit tee en permanent certificates. He voted forthe live candidates heretofore r.enii-