LANCASTEE3)AILY INTELLIGENCER. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 10, 1880 pcricnce. The ill.striet in.stitulc here comes in and allows these yeuny teachers te meet elder one;;, te compare their methods and profit by them. In these institutes tha (ii-r:-.s3e!i efdiiicrrnt jneth.-.d.s t-hetild be fr: cly juinitd and le sous introduced. Much geed has alrcativ lc-uKed from these instil tiles, their work 'is new being done much mere methodically than formerly and llicti: mere i.ei feet methods are car ried te the several schools. These who Lave attended the county institute for ten vmrK cannot ian t uu .nin.ji-." nrJf-li il... i,....-.r:eitV flf tllC WOlk HOW Leiny d.-ne V.mpared with Hie work done Rfimc v :!.; a-e. !- vjlh the district in stitute. J.arii tc:c her who attends tiifin with a awav ii;-v i.-w te improvement may carry i'l' :.s. i'.s.teved methods and lie inbueil with ii I.- !OII.-. r I'KC .i.IV. I ,v " ' r.m.nii- i).i.' ii .tics if jjoed p; 'unary in. :-.lru'iii.ii.' I'ltchi!'-.": ;::;;;'; j cad ey rref. 11 iV. e i.:s Views n uuu. impeitnnt ; .su'dei.t. lie h.-!d that it was primarily iieecwaty te have pul-lic opinion culti vated th:.t v.ill ;:'ive us ge.d and ctlicient teachers-', aim decent. :i::d ceuifmlaVe Ir.iiidii)" lie believed there was hairier weik done in li"' unjrr.ided ant! l.eltc schools of tin unty and the puma: ics of the ity thlii in the higher .-!:oe!s. Jl sh'iul.! be rcrii'-m (.:ul that t!:e:c i . no weli-deiha' ! line ,f d'.'man'atien Ji.-twcen the prinu.v :.iiii Iiiiiiier f.choel:; eiiilthen i:c prima.-; p f I'i !! iifK.'.i. TJr iV.:a i-hildhoeil te laan- "j-' ei me tcae.'.er in me p:;iaaiy -i iiuel -lii;'.'. ik; ie u-.e nice im-thrds he.-; '-ali'iila'"!! te reach tiie mind .if the ;;.:!. V.'ith unall ehiidien t!: :'!!.-: :; Mieuid enerri'y he appealed te. The: i;; :: ....i:-g that " v.av ie li ai:h : .s'.eina.-:!' by the te.-. h:Vi' worked : ! - net ineit1 c:ii;i s ji.ait is inreiigu jus !; iji:;!i u'-vi-r Le lui.-ntle:: t-i of lit: a. children iiat tl.ev i is: tn.u thi y .-lii)'.:'. I ".; be our-: ;;.! thtir li-.--e::-. sh--u'dbc sh-iit 1 than hve l.itnnU"; ::i i'"iigt!i : Unit tin re hhiuld 1 vaiiely in the k':.-in- ; that the pupil 'V-uhl be t-:i:-:it the-e .iiii1-:::. irein tiie l.l-l. v.hich aiete bf U-c' in tin: fr.i lire. II. wutsid icavh them te w:iie;-cti; fi.-i.i . iie icry lieginni'.ig, in- i .stead of u.sing !h letters of pi int. I'ref. .-'.. a:l::iie i'u. !'.'. O. An:( .-. he.:; i- i IIV 1.1,111! Mil tllC . it-v.-.s of Prof. Ltuhilc, I'l'.. -ban! ii. h -.', iiig ujieu diieclers lie imp. I! Tain vent :1a ted com ftr: .ibbs and well iK our-, and te mpplv one iracl-ci ler lilty .;.pils. A g.:.'Jiai eh-i-ui(.:i fnilev.c'I. participated i.i ir, (,'aleb Cenner. (' Ami -s and iluc'n!.- :;: li 'd 'ei-c: -,-! Music " I-Vef. II i 'cr:.iii, 1'ief. Miaub. Prel. i.i:,-. i , aft r which V.i-I. d .si .C!.l! Uf ti-'' .C'lhili!. Ti:.: C.ddcii Rule." " - e .'il:::ui d hi- 1' '"tur Pi-.r. : -. th'.t i i !.: i'..'k from !'.' i." M-a (! i,ir. .i.ii'ii'ii wit !: ii l.-i-uic :i-:im :.:'.,-. 1 .it; ! 'n:na (uccd tin-rc- 1:1 yi-.-irid.iy afiern" :i. L, willed tMUilitiea hut v,h.;i. t ;:s- t!i -a ::i a veil fiem the .scab ' i : v.::-. i:. a feel J hcahliV !:i- thi ditie:. The Ic-luicr e-pia-ucd pi .'.! 1. . li:u:uv-l :til i:r i-Mbenic u i'i- j tr, -rri 1 the air in lv n rr.' jiirft.ti pira. Te prove ii that .ici.l ga. .jar was lie ay. tin .i.i!; i.!'" !!4ir.-.i e liej.i.- .mil it bur.i " the !ie;i.!-: g lit t . i! oetiom i: 1 brilli i.itiy, ishe'.viu g ; gas hailaJl b;-in takt.i up i'i:e '. urer then took up . i-n.try t-.'.;'i!i:i-:. apirevina tin; Minject all that had 1 and ih t: wh that if he ii ...:id iv r vied i no! bill ing, his i'. id foil ceulit ':n ; a ! h iv. .1 in chil-n- n i;n;x'i lablii si-iie.i!-;. !y i i'.id 1'ad !)K.i; te i-m; :ev p::vatc le.t.:e:s i .din.: him SiOlt a r.-i.r.'th, he would j-.-iy t :c iiiiii:i ti'.iciiersitj vr lii.iniii, and in- icfiiar ei higher guides :59. The I'-.tur.r then :-iek.' ei' ihe ventilation of .'"luiel in-ust:-, and in.s'.sicii thai eveiy:cii, id house .-heuld hava r. c. !:.;: mid r i: : should be lieatcd . bv a fii.!!.-1 in ihi: cellar, :i,)unt iiavc il.i'ing Hue-:, wi:h !! we'i c 'n-tru.:cd ve.r :v. 1:1:4.- n. Mr t'le il-.e i.:.i'.!.c-itai'an i ia v s 1 is . I i: m : draft. , air. 11a uri-d the i-a t!.( u :)!; r.i'uic a1' tt:. r and iidji.nung th--ei-: ji.-it-.-d iiy tiiem. e'f impuie ;. mi:' of keeping ; s-vh, '.il-i'i .in bt low . ) (li :iui-. 1 .i'u- i'i.-:;, ami in. opening e: ii m windev. : fieiii the t. p. : '.-. ibtiir.ta'.ii'i 0! pun: air. ! the -.: iei-.-ri r.s i.i r.'lmii : Rr. J. II. :.nb;i t of bar. :auer Jcciuieii en H:c ;!'i-h Compe-ition." lie would hav. lb. ."--ma!: chiidivn wiilei-em- i.'osiiieiis nit en vit;u fcn'jierauec, honesty cr eth.-r abstract subje.:ls 'ait en objects waieh the-.- see every ar.:l aie nieie le.-.s f.'.iii ,': ir Wliil , and tie annua: -. piau ' - !i..v.i . :i"il u!iiisi:s. !! would in1' h e ihi'in v.ii'.i' c imjii-iil.ii ; en the.-e subji" t ? impiv'iiptu. but wmiM an:i"'.:'ice tiie Mi'tjec !"i -. :-i . -i . :.:i .. weJ: or Jv.. in . .- 1 that th..' pupd :i'd h.r.i- epi' 'itunii.i t-jh..!.- ujt -euii of t: .'ts cn'-iit ctcd v iiii 1!. ler ei.lir jiujiils he v.-euid give biej.inpi.iiv.1. hi-t";-;-c.ll -r p..;:tical i.ubjce; i, iiil-l weuhi be particular thai the wilier had a correct. understaniiing of the v.eid.she mnkis i;e of in Ids cem:')s:tie:;s, but wi ui.l u. t l:lil en his givi:i, i'.i-!i'.itiu".is of every word used. Prof. Slian'e :n v .:: cd tiial nomination. for 1:: nibcis of lhe. c. ::):. "itice en perma nent, certificates wc:e U'j-.v in order. Th.' following neminati'-.UN -...ic : Pi of. J. P. McCakcv. i-itv: A. )). Ii'i-eidi-r. West Hempticid: Pruf. I. S. hist,'M:i- Llieu S. ihr. ' n, C.dum l.vA ; V. C. S.-iir:, Maner iri : aL R. .Mull. S. Shihlev. t-trasl-ur-' Prof. r.lcCaskf-v an ! Air. Feil, declined being candidates. President S'uuib air. eunccil the foliew- iug ceniiiiiitce t conduct the election A. L. Iiiber. Ceney ; II. L. Ration. Let c, ,1.1- 1: S, llm .! Sii'ikinni ! ! ne 1:0:1:- initiee was diicctcl 1, confer wi D. Pvelt relative te t!ie form of 1 Mr. J. ticket t.J be used in the election. Mr. Vyt.H suggested thai as there weie but live '--.udidatc'i named, they might be lected bv ac.l.i:::::tien. without the for fer .c.aiity e: voting by ballet. liheut detcimii:'.!! -, The 111.1t I. i:te adjeiMiicd. A"Ji:t:iim l.lisc.'ie." The iii-tuie te-r.ight bv Hen. -r 1:.' -ciiuyier ( eita::. late vie pn-sieciit. e .1 -1- ;. 1 Ftatc-. upon li.-.' "Life and Chaiactcr et Abraham Linr.di:.'' will be the leading attKicticn of this v. .u-k of lectures at Ful- ten opera Injure. The felhc. notice b a coirtcnierary is biicf and te the point. The Jcciure is w.-Il weilh hearing : " Tin Tin iecture was compact, cotnt'rcheii'-ive and bc-auiifnl. The speaker long since wen an enviable rcpu'atien as an orator, aud the lectuic last (veiling was in everyway weitiiy of his palmiest days. It was Lee fiem jtnlit jc.saud listcicd te with the me-t rcspcetfi;! attention. Many parts of il were r.i-ivcd with ap plause." 1 it:.: is th:: ceixry. ::itiIUii:g Dnniiigril 5.:,.t tCi .un: Last cvc-iing; -: e clock a two- r-1- lery brick iseusj belonging t.) and occu pied" by the widow of ilciyainin l.'tt en the Charlc.-ten read, about a mile north of Rrciier.iau".-. tavern, in Maner township, was oiscevercd te b.v en lire. When iirt seen tiie lire wa-; in the reef. The neigh l.'ors .'.uct ceded in putting it out after the reef and the en:. tents of the garret were destroyed. The balance of the properly was saved. The building was insured : !.-.-. 1 itJit.v Items. last week Harry Keile O.k- d age-.t about 13ier.r.-, of Mount .Te; 0:1 bis wav fiotuM'l.iel -.uihed into the gutter and had his lift arm broken. On r..tuitay aiteruoeu Jacob Rruucr. a eu'.ig mane.! :i'an. an employee at 1). il. ih.gii ".-- u.'l u:.inuf::c;ory,Meuut Jey. had f uir iint'.-.s cut from hid iclt hand. i:. lagiug te an alarmi.ig extent in tin: licinit.-, of Mount Jey. Rcaths are daily reports!. COLTHVIBIA NEWS. eui: kegul.yi: c::itEsieNiJi:xc: It was mere lively in Columbia List evening than wc have fccii it for sonic time. 'Pedestrians turned out strong te leek at the Kepublican parade or take a part in it, and before eight o'clock Second sticct and Locust, from Odd Fellows liall te the Franklin lieute, were jammed with people. The parade, which is generally conceded te have been a tame affair, was formed in the order appointed for previous parades and moved off a little alter eight o'clock. The route proceeded ever was a long one, taking in almost every street in town, and it was after 10 o'clock when the column was The Irenviile hand and the C'iti .:c!is" hand of this place, with tiie Vv'rights viile drum and life corps, furnished the !!;i:,ic. A biir mistake was made by . I !.. l..,U,.Kt. ti. i,,f c.r-.Mi(!mr i Tf 1 1'll") ft ft ihwu.uiuh.mi ,.Jiv....w.. ....v ..... I or iveuneMiay evening ii.i-.ii v. new 11:1; enthusiasm was certainly much greater than it is new, as in the week su'-ceediug the day mentioned the novelty has weiu eli, and ce'.i.-.t'iueutly, altheugu tiie neibC made by tin horns, rattles, bells etc., was ti!iriiie,"th.!0 was but little genuine en thusiasm dispieyed. The illuminations a!e:i:r the route of precession weie above the average. This parade, we are glad te say, is the la-t one Columbia will have and r' we trir,!, our citizens wj.1 new .settle oev.n and kl things take their ordinary course .-. that loci! 2Vjv.:i may once :u )-. its s.w ay. While the 11 -publican parade v. as form- ing ..l .TCCi'im aim ij.-ciiai, i-iieeis iasi even- ing a mall oey, wi!. was Manning m tne ini'Ulle el i;u j-trcet. ,i.t was -Miuck and l'li..'l'(.ii i.wi !i l.- : . filfrir't , wiiir. i .! I'.LIU1 .IV " k - f htavy, but net much hurt The Vi-ilanl aud K !.'.v::ee lire eompan eempan at t!iiir n.'-xt ini'vl- ics w tl'Ct " KCl: igs. We wcie sii.v. ti'im a grape vin thi- nieining a twig :" .;s v.hich new leaves this warm weather een- had formed. If tiniies the vine-, v.iil make a mistake and try te ciiine out in their .summer sit in: ler the ,-ceend time in the same ye:-.r. ;:an:uei ii., lsij.. e! liitiicssii-r. i was in town thus morning. The Pennsylvania railroad t.einpr.nv are r. pan in-; the Uiin-.s :i 'cut: :i c!eauing')i; en Frent .sheet, be- ;.vccn Locust and t'u depot. A portion of the new pavement in front ..:.. t i? t? i......t ' ... .... . . .... .. ... (, -i i leulde can preb.,')ly ias l.lileu in. 1 ne ' u traccil ! the i- ! ('Hi, neavr rani ! There weie htic number of ourceun- j , try cousins in t.wn la-l i t-:i!ie p.-eple turn out v..!' nignr. ine.-e when any thing ' - t ct; ii ' is going en. Mr. Will. Fendrieh left here vest en 1 y te atti-nii he E.i-'uian bu -in. .- e.'li.'.e at i Peughhei psie. N Y. Time wire a number of men , in tow n last niglu. Rum cau-ed the iiii- c!'n--cii',is::t's-s of a man wisens we net! ed jlingat full length en a. pavement ! Fifth and Union streets. ; The school b ..nil will i.i.,-: to-miiiew i night anil council en IVidav i.i-;ht. All . persons h.ivi.ig busiivss wi'h the bodies will take mitice. Captain Ca-e is able re he en lb: '-lieet unci; ui ire. Yvstcrdav he i k a walk en Chi--'. Unit" . face. uit . ticit and i D-day ii : iras :d his Ilis i i : t : i . :.- v. il! net disligure his c-tn- A iiv'r pilot v.-itli v i--.:;;ieii la I cvuiinj, infeiineil us th. haliiv meii than one huudr'd rafts will le.ivc tiie hc.;d-v.-,iicis ei watt r and that th'-y ma. m ieseit hi 'h be .-xiiccicd here in a ciav ir i we. t hete are net in. ire than :::. or eight raft tt Muriel t: unless t'ucv nave come in vcrv r Pr.ipcities will" he cent ly. effeictl e e:l "-: , Hit r:a:ii.ii i. R.i: .1 into th; i. ab jve 1 ;; i:.tni man. lias me dwcliiu Se mil. , hu.-i! 011 Walnut, lat'dv v.-iv.icd b .- i yr VwIM.iii c iCVi ll.-O'l. : il.i 1: Charii: i!. tu.l me. t'.n t..i!-.r. h.: .-e": dd house. jy a iceni order ifihc company, Lecn: t Creve, r.itualed iiii ween She.n"s .Mills anil Rainbri'le. i-; stricken fiem the Penn .'ylv.mSa raiher.d i-enipany's roll of stations. A eenp-e. of raus ai rived :.t Wri.'.hl.s villi this morning. The little cOeied bey. named Randh-s, '.'.iie hal his I'e-'t cur off by th-j caisa' cMUjih' of week-; ,ii;e :- ii"v hoppingabeui en ci uteh"!-. The i:. R. Lather -n ".Iiii: :-) itv i.:j.'l this (..i:ig in th. lecture re. ii: - church. m ill n of 1 Jieie m 11 it much iiau e ::i since yes'cidav. ue rivei I Ti;e Drmiicrats of whea: y:--icrd:iv": R.-ri:i.i.!i E:-.'i:i wc tee s:ike in !: their eiutcd jilac. evening. s in the Republican parade s:;; I). ;$: or Caecc Albtubt t. urge Albiig'nt, the v.cll-knewn ciicr j 0. our a':..u: K.1 ( 1:. r. . county courts, died last evening ,.,.. tticwuv i-Uiat he went te W1LLIAJI !) o'clock, at his residence. -Ne. V-Vi .ssj.x & resTKIS, .": i:.i.-t Kiii-,'-trcPt, I.ancas 'h -ti'..:t strc'ei. after;, h'ngeiing ill- . v-y, the ether d-.y. a-.d purc'ia-c Ien : of their Air. Albright was attacked bv ' fine K'ver.-ibii! Overeeuls, wiiich they are sell- jiiieuuieiii.t ah ut two year-, age c.ivercd, heuevcr, Mifiiciently Je his duths in th;: court heu-e for he 10- : resume ' ",.,,v,.,..i I months, tie was taken ill again en Feb. 1(5, lSS'D. aud since, that lime he has been at the court house. 11 it At the lime of his death, Mr. Albright was in the 77th year of Iii.3 age. He was born in this city and lias a son of Geerge Albright. He was a carpenter by trade, ; aim years a-je tie carried en that business. j In l-;i he was appointed ;t tip.taif in the ; e.r.trt lien e. anil remained there until the i time of his sickness. On August 12th, ; 1S7-1, Matthias Zahm. theceurtreriei. died. i anil en August. 17th of the same year I Mr. Alie ight w.iS appointed iu his stead. Prem that time he occupied the crier's chair and acted as interpreter. Up te the ei ins ue.iiu ne 11 :ver ; a eay 11: court i.e. account e, lus i-,v;. mckiicss ter .! vcar.s. Tl:e v.ifi-i.! Mr. Albright died March 2., 1S.m. Mr. Alhiight has alvrays been a rc:-ident ui this city, and lie lived for iwciitv-si" years in theh.ui.--e where he departed 'his life. .Mr. Albright leaves four children namely. J. R. Albright, of the Farmers" bank. Geerge IL Albright, Mrs. F.milv C. Kmght, wife of Dr. II. i). Knight, and Mr.,. C. E. Ilalba.-h. wife of Jehn P. Haibach, of Ilethlehem. Mr. Albright was a 4-cnt favorite with these wliOjhad biihiiK-ss in court. Ilisman ne:s were gentle audatTable.and his knowl edge of all court matters very extended. Yeung attorneys were accustomed te con sult him relative te the details of court matters, aud even old members aflcn de pended 0:1 his excellent memory for fixing dates raid events in which they weie inter-ei-ted. He ) u ready wir, a fund of humor and an ample stoic of anecdote with which he was went te beguile th idle hours eT eemt attaches and hosts of pciseual friends. Educated iu the princi ples of Democracy as exp.juded by Jclfisr Jclfisr sen and established by Jacksen, he chin; faithfully te the party of his choice in tri umph or defeat. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran church for many years. Few men in Lancaster wcre nunc highly respected or will be mere sincerely mourned than Geerge Albright. Ui-atb of Henry IZniHlaknr. II' nry Gundaker, the well known store keeper of Ieith Queen street, died this 11101 nisig shortly before G o'clock. Mr. Gundaker was born and raised in this city, and was a son of Jehn Gundaker, who lived with him. lie was a eeachniaker by fei several years was employed by D.A. Altick. After ma:rying he started iu the millinery business in a store one deer above Flinn & Rrcneman's stand. His buainenn increased largely and he Special Ietice.--Gi?ler, Bewers & Hurst, 25 East King Street. MERCHANT TAILORING AT Ne. 25 BAST KING STRE3T. Clothing "XIaile te Order at 25 East King Street. Overcoats Made te Order at 23 East King Street. Coats, Vests and Pants JIade te Order at 23 East King Street. An elegant assortment of Overceatings, Coatings, Suitings and Paatinga, in all the latest styles te select from at 23 East ivingetrcct. - All articles of Clothing well sponged, well trimmed and well made at 23 East King Street. X one but the best of workmen employed at 23. East King Street. A geed fit and satisfaction throughout guaranteed at 23 East King Street. Prices as low as the lowest at 23 East King Street. An elegant line of Men's Merine Underwear, all sizes and qualities, at 23 East King Street. , An elegant line of ITcsiery, Handkerchiefs, Xccktics and 15ews, Suspenders and Gloves, at 23 East King Street. V.'e also eiler balance of stock of Ready-Made Clothing, consisting mostly of Coats and Overcoats, at prices that c.iunet help ut iii.-uie the s--;ile of the whole let in a very'fchert time. G-IVUEK, BO WEES & BLUEST, 25 East Kinct Street, Lancaster, Pa. afterwards removed te the present place, whfre he has alivavs done a lar'ie business. ( ... Gundaker wit's an enterprising and active business man and had many friends. ,. w;is a lncmher of Ledge Ne. -13. F. and A. M., and of Lancaster cemmandcry Z e. r.i, Knights Templar. lie leave a wile ! aud two ehilden a daughter and a little J .j.. Death el" .Siirhsi Ntteliit. : -,i,0 ,, vu.5f ,.,.( t. Mnct , u'in this eih. died thismerninirat her r-' . ' resilience, en JJcavcr street, m tlie au I ri'i:- nl' lin- 'i.r. Slie Tim- eKi'.iv i-':iftefl in ) tJ VIII .I.1V 113 I'llU ..I." ...l..., fcl.- ... this elty and was married in the year 1812 ; her husband has been dead for at least eO years. She was a sister of Mis. Frederick llambrigitt. and an aunt of our well known townsman, Cel. Henry A. Hambright. She also has relatives in Pittsburgh, and .she was very well known by the old citi zeuts of Lancaster. The funeral will take pl.icij n Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Uiil Net Cclobrute 'i he Republicans of Elizabeth township and it is full el 'em had made extcn :.ive preparations en last Saturday te in dulge in a regular old cantice and a gen- eral jelliiicati myi honor of Gen. Garfield's eieciieu. mu is .seeiiiee iiiiib iiiu "uu tteiu unwilling, as It rained all evening. They I icsolvedte havethu spree en the following Monday, but Rally Marks, the cow doctor, heard that New Yerk liad 'gene for Han cock.'' That settled it. "Ress" Rcist, Ivrickerville's piemier politician, believing the rumor t: be true, declared '"the thing pu eti'tiil iiiey hear mere news.'' Sule e Ileal Kstiitc. .-imiiel ilcss & Sen, auctieneeers, sold at puliliu sale, last night, at Charles TiippleV. Cooper house, for Jehn A. 'sebum and Charles Ilolztverth, adminis trator of Piiilip Sebum, deceased, the well known business stand en West King street, lately eciupied by Philip Sebum, S011& Ce., and previously by II. Z.Rheads S: ihe.. te A. N. Ireneman, .jr., for $17.--I."ii). subjccL te a dower of $1-0-12.70. CJiarscil Vlt!i Takl:iK :i V.atcli. On a di.-natch received from Salunga ic.-teiday, Chief of Police IVichier arrest ed lb r.ry Greek en a charge of stealing a watch i'lein Uen.jamin Asten, of that place. Gicek formerly resided iu this city, but has been iu the county for some time past. The watch was net found en his person, but lie ista'.d te have Oslered one ler sale :t public .-iiile ! at Landisvihe ycsterdayfinerning. Aldcr r.iday even- man A. F. Dennelly committed him in de . fault of bail fu-a hearing. Cemmitl'Ml for Larceny. L'rias Kcndig had a hearing before Al derman Spun iir, and iu default of bail was committed te pri-en te answer for the larceny of live eases of leaf tobacco, taken from tiie warehouse of R. P. Kcndig, this cilv. ' I.'SI-gC S'lllHV.'l. The funeral of Mrs. Minnie Rojer Rush, who (lied en Sunday, took place from the icsidence of the deceased's father this aftern-.en. It was very 1 irgely attended ; a large ciewd steed in front of the iiou-;:-fer a long time a. id most of them viewed tin: remains. The services were conducted by Rev. J. R. Siiumaker. and the int.-r-irr-.'iit was at Woodward Ililfccnieterv t--!:urc-h J-'air. St. Antheny's church fair monew night in Grant hall, and continue for ten nights. will open to te Ruke street, , !li:v. Hcs'.'.v AliMOsay.-: " 1 curncstly believe ' tiuit I-y- Kidney 1'ad U the only infallible in the world ler that prevalent and ili-tie -iii-rc'i'ii'l-iiut Hack Ache.' "' : iiS-vilM'iVSF&w . - T..,. ,..,... ,c,rv'u i.:mi.!ne-s i ihe m-m ingat prices ranging from .i: te $10. He fives you .geed ail vice when he tells you te go and tee them. nevlO-tfd Xvrveus itc'.iilily, weakness mid decline )ie vcn!("l liy a timely use of Malt Hitters. 1 Am Crazed With Toothache .-.nil serves you light fur ltaving neglected te use fdZODiiXT. Hal yen done se your month would have been lieallhy and your teeth J-OUIill. melice prc-eri ;el the '.-nag" pulled out and com at once using SOZODONT, thereby !-.': lhe b.iiiiii-t el your teeth. nS-lvrdceilXw Cenc: !n':it!vi al I'utici' Aekne-.vledge.s te have been iiaved with Caiictini Shaving Seap. nrxvi.i 1. xetjvvs. SAMi'Li: aetjc::. it :- im; e-.silCe ter a woman after u, faltiil'il ci.-.r.-e t treuttaent with I.ydia K. IMnI;h:im . Vvgctii'iii; (.on-pemi'l te enliiiue te siiirer with a weakness of llm uterus Kiicle-sc a stituip te Mrs. I.ydia K. I'iiikham, i! Western avenue, l.ynn, Mil-"., terpampliletc. jy29-lydeed&w t'ruil. englit the children of 11 thict te be; their l'a .steals (pastilcs.) scidds. cut.-, brui-es cured by Dr. Why biirnt ! Ibiriis TheiuiiV Kcleclrie Oil. J 'or sale by II. It. Cochran. ilniLrgi-t. l.'!7 and 1S9 Xertli Queen street, l.ancasler, l'a. 17 ihe Tidy Ileu-euile. Tin: ciireful, tidy housewife, when blie is giv-in-r her lieuse its spring cleaning, should bear in mind that the dear inmates el her house are mere precious than house., and that their sys tems need cteansin; by purifying the bleed, regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent and cure the diseases ari-iii-; from spring 111.1 hiri land mia-ma, and site .should kuexv that there is nothing ihat will de it se perfectly and surely as Hep ISitteis thu purest and btt.t et all medicine. See ether column. nl-SwiUt-.r Iteincmbcr: The only perfect proprietary medicine as a "J'.loed Searcher" is that bear ing the name of "Dr. Lindsey," and which may be had Irem druggists. C'ebincl Itlnrlbus. Cholera Merbus mnybi; encouraged bjfre ijuent desea el pickled" Salmen and undressed Cucumbers, it nmvbe increased by eating 1111 rljic plums, and nittv be cured b.v taking Dr Themus' i:eh;ctrlc Oil. Fer sale by II. U. Coch ran, druggist, i:!7 and 1"J Xertli yiieen street, Lancaster, l'a . IS Net ICxactly. Have you been much at sea? Xe. net exactly, but my brother married an admiral' daughter. Were you ever in France? Xe. net exautly, but iiiv mother'.- name was French. DI 1 von ever have llic IHicumatism ? Xe, net "exucllv. bat my father had, and he cure I it with Dr. Themas' Kclectric Oil. Fer sale by II. IS. Cechian, druggist, 137 and 1CU Xertli Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. -1 DRY GOODS. XJCtr Alt I'EUTISEaiJiXXS, TO TEACHERS! are lespcctfully iujilcd te call and see our store and elegant stock Wc are receiving frecmenr importations of new aud beautiful loll of goods, goods from France Italy and Switzerland, which are put en exhibition aa seen as received. Wc have-:m extensive stock of Diamonds, including come rare gems of large size. We have an attractive exhibition of Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes with various attachments, Geld and Silver Watches for ladies or gentlemen at very low prices. Keyless Clocks suitable for school room, Teachers' Hells, Ink Stands, Geld Pens and Helders, Paper Knives, Thermometer.--, &s. Wc have everything in the regular Jewelry Line, and many articles net usually found in the jeweler's stock. Teachers arc cordially invited te employ some of their leisure time iu a visit te our store. E. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. j. B. MARTIN & CO. DRY GOODS, CARPETS, WALL PAPERS. cmupli-te -f.tlr in all Deji.irtmciiti-. (i KXTS' FUUNISIIlXi: GOOIS. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT, Jladi of Wani-utta Mu-tin, Tliivc-I'ly All Lineu I'osein nn.l ;,'uuriinteeil te lit ; witlioul'excep witlieul'excep witlioul'excep ceptien llic !c-t, sliirl in tin city. ?Jea, tired tul:e:i ami Shirts inaile te enlec. Elegant Line of Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, &c. B. MARTIN & J. .iiet:icr): Jj.'incrs!! r.ieii:c.s::: Aivyeu.didtuilM'il at n!.';!it ami broken ej yeui rest by a sit-i. eliitil t-ntferins ami cryiiss with J tit- cxcriiui.itiiig pain et ctittinj,' teetli'.' It m. '.'' at once anil p-t a bottle efM Its. WINS I.Oir.1 m;i M JIlXl. 1- V Iti; l. Ii v. ill relieve llic piei- liltlc su::.-i-e:- iniiiifiliaii'ty flejienil upon it ; tlicre i no ir.i-tal.-e about it. 'I her. is net :, niotl.ei-en earl'i vt be !i:t- evern-cl it, who will am le!! you tit ciu-c that it will regulate the bowel , anil vivi: ivsl te the mother, ami relief ami health te tins, operating like lsi.igic. It is perfectly .-ate te n-ein allcu-i's,:iiiil )Iea. itat te the ta-tc. anil is tlie pres-eriiuien et 0:10 et t!uj elili-1 ami best fenetJi" pliys'.i ami ntrr-i-.-, in the t'liiteil :sti ci. S.)lil everyivliere flc.-nt-abnt::'. !ilT-lvil.v:u-:.i.n'tvS It isiimply marvelous hew (ttiekly censti patien, biiieti'-nc.--., anil mcu heaila'-hi' are eared bv '-Seller.-' I.iver l'iils." Xe remedy for kidney dl-cnse.s herelolere dl-cevercd can be he'd for one moment in com parison wilh Warner's Safe Kidne.v and I.iveV Ciu-e.C. .J. Jlerri'i,; .., Washington, I). C. ; Kir Medicine. Seme time since we stepped at Ias-:iic, X..I.. and were really surprised te koe the amount of Mr. Speer's stock el Fert Grape Wine en hand it is almejt labulen-5. Four store houses are tilled, and tiers upon tiers of ca-ks. up and down lUiars, and in some c-ise. huge casks oc ec cupy every uvaihiblospet. leaving, only little alleyways thinugli which te walk. It U an illimilable q iiiJlly of wine. Xnuu i sold unless it h;is iicjuired the age et lour years, and the buildings I.i. Sand 4, are of tin fust, second, third an i leurth years' Tintage. Our druggi-s have some et the eldest of the ubove wine direct from Mr. Potienen Guar dian. Tliis wine i-i new in ileinauil ,ler cemmu nlnii purpose-. It, is excellent for weakly par sons before retiring. This nine i.s ender-ed by Drs. Atlcu and Davis, :iud i'lhl y II. K. .Shiymaker. jiel-iwdJtw "JUemi's r.renrJiial Troches" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness mid Itrenehial All'cctieu-. Fer thirty yearn the-e Troches have been iu use, i with annually increuslng favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been te-ted by wide and censtsmt uae for nearly anenliie generation, they have attained well-merited 11111k among the lewstaplercuiedicief tlienge. The Tlirent. ' Uruii'u's Jlrenchinl Troches'-'1 act diivetly 011 the organ of the voice. They have an cx-li-.iiirdimiiy eilVjet in ail disorders of the Threat and Larynx, re-iering a healthy lone v iicn re laxed, cither treni co!il or ever-exertion et the voice, and prei'iieea clearand distinct enunci ation. Sjtcitf.crx (t,i(l Xinvemihul the Troches u-eful. A Cough. Celd, Catarrh 01 Sere Threat rc- I'uires immediate attention, ns neglect eltcn- ' times results in some incurable Lung Disease. ' nrewn,s llrenchlnl Troches" will almost in viiriiiiily give relief. Imitations are elt'crcd ler sale, many ei which are injurious. Tiie genu ine. " Jlrtnvn's J.'renchial Troches" are sold eiJi in boxes. siiil5-Jyd&wTti,TliAS HEATHS. Aluiugiit. Xev. !),It?e, in this city, ttcer,' Albright, in the 77th year of his age. The 1 datives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from his late residence, Xe. I'U K:it Chestnut street, en Friday afternoon at two o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. 2td Acn-ew. In this city, en the full List., Mary i:., only child of ltebcit 31. and ilary it-Ay-ncw, iu the 3d year of her age. The rchitiTcs and fiicnds of the family arc respcctlnlly invited te attend the funeral from the resilience of Iter parents, Xe. CO'J Xertli Duke fctrect, en Thursdav afternoon at 2J o'clock. nO-21 XEir.iT. In this city, en the 10th Inst., Mrs. Sukui Xcsbit, widow of Charlej Xesbit, aged 02 years. The relatives and friends et the family arc respcctlnlly invited te attend the funeral from her late residence, ltcaycr street, en Fri day afternoon at 2 o'clock. "ltd tiUNPAKEii. November 10. IfSa, In this city, Henry Gundaker, in the 4'Jil year of his age. Funeral en Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late residence, Xe. 142 North Queen .trcct. 3ta y IJEAT WESTKKX UN WOKKS, l'itts It burgh. I'u. Send stamp for catalogue iituleguc O. I), fe nes, shot guns, leveivcrs, sent (, nomination. CO. A'AMr AJ) I'JIKTISUMJCX'J'S. VHTICE. i TI he members of Ledge Xe. :. P. and A. .11., are requested te meet at tlicir null en ?at-m-ilay afternoon at lo'cleclr, for the piirpe-e of atleudiiiK the funcRiI of niiidi'Cc:i?ed broth er, Henry Itnndakci. The brethren of Jnin Jnin berten J.eilgi', Xe. 17.5, are invited te partici- 'ityorderef the V. M. H. 8. CAISA, nevl0-3td hecretary. QKtltCT IAXCIXG SC'IIOOI. ! KOIJKIiTS' HALL, will open for the reception et pupils WED XKSDAV , XOV. 17, a 4 . m. for children, Sp. in. ler ludie-t and j;entlciuen. All the new dances taught in one term Itacfpiet, Alsatian. Knickerbocker Itaequpt and tins bcautitul "I'ole" Qaadrille. Fer tonus. ic., nitplv at. IVOODIVAI1D-.S MUSIC STeftK. Fust King street. Music bv W. Tavieranil orchestra. nevIO-ltd 1 JIANOA SCIIOMAKEIl & CO.'S GOLD-STRINGED PIANOS lead the World. Highest Centennial Award. MitS. DK. GKO. A. KIXG, nOtd.ltw Agent ler Laaca-tcr. PUF.I.IO Oa TFKSDAY, XOVFMKLU lit, will be sold at the Leepard lletel.a two-story FUAMK DIVKLLIXO, with Frame ISuck Kuililmg, con cen tainir.g hall and 10re.-ims,sit tutted 011 the Mouth Meuth corner of l.eaveriinil linger streets. Xe. Oft! : let with house fronts i'i feet and in depth UK) loot te a 11 teet wide alley. Alse an adjoin ing let the same size. alc te coiiimenee ut 7 o'clock p. 111. Condi tions made known by ELLKX 1JOWMAX. II. Shcbi::t. Allet. nS-7td T 'EAlUUa' lNSTlTKTi:. EVENING LECTURES IK FUI.TON HALL. WEDXKSDAY. XOV. 10. "Abraham Lin coln," Hen. Schuyler Colfax, Seuth I'cnd, lud. THURSDAY. .XOV. 11. "A Visit te the To Te To semite Valley." Ir. O. II. Ti!I-ny, l'hiladcl- FKIDAY XOV. 12. Readings by I'ret. Frank Itradferd, Xcw Yerk City. 3"Sale et Itcscrvcil Scat-j will begin en Monday, Xet. 8, at 9 a, 111., ut L. Feil Duiainith's ltoek Stere, Xe. 32 East King struct. Course tickets for re-icrved scats $I..V Single tickut ler iv8erved seats 4D Single ticket, gencriil nilniissien i Lectures will begin at S o'clock. !iev-.4,C,,lM0,11.12ilr. llfAKTKU. KVKUVllODY T ADVKlt- Tt ti.-c, free of charge, in thu Intkllieen ckh. who wants seuicthiii': te de. ' -X7-AXTE1. A WOMAN UOM1-KTKXT TO t de the coekingandiisssist in the gener al nousewerK 111 a small latiiuy. age.s, sin te $I." per month, liuiuireat this cilice. nevliMfd Y AXTKO A STOUT HOY TO LKAKX Uaking, Apply at L. GOOS & SON, Xe. 101 Middle street. ltd r,i:! ALE! AL.E! L.VWKF.XCE KNAPP'S CELKIJUATEI) AT.D 1VELL KNOWN DUAL'GHTALE. is new rady for censumyry, wholesale and retail. HOTHLS, I1ESTACH.IXT3 AND PRIVATE FAJIILICS can be supplied with thH wliolcsemo and nourishing beverage. All orders will receive punctual attention and deliverances uiudu at short notice. Call or address LAWKEXCE KNAPP, Xe. 143 East KiugStrcut, ectl4-lmd Lancstcr, l'a. -tK7-UOI,SAL.E AM) KtTAIL. SEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 237 NORTH PRINCE STREET. tll7-lyii SIjES. C. LILLEB, LADIES' JIAIHDItESSni: jianu'.UcturcraiidDcaleriti Hair Werk, Ladies and Gents' Wigs. Combing-; fctraiglitcned and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse. Kid Gleve.sand Feathers cleaned and dyed, at X03.2A5 and 227 North Queen street four doers above P. It. K. Depot. el-3md THIRD EDITIOI. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. 10, 1880. 1VEAT1IEK INDICATIONS. Washington-, Nev. 10. Fer the Middle states, cloudy aud threatening weather with rain, brisk southeasterly winds, de cidedly lower barometer, stationary or higher tcnlperature. TnjJ NEWYOKK FRAUDS. A Pretest from a Candidnte ler Cengres. New Yeke, Nev. 10. The canvassers of the vote of New Yerk county te-day re ceived a pretest from Nicholas Muller against the vote for Benjamin "Weed for Congress in the Fifth district en the ground of fraud and illegally endorsed bal bal eots. KY WIRE. Artci-noen Telegrams Condensed. The Paris Republican newspapers affect te regard yesterday's cabinet crisis as due te a deplorable misunderstanding, and urge the ministers te retain their port folios. It is expected a new ministry will be formed at once. Earthquake in Southern Austria yester day caused the destruction of 200 houses and two churches ; the cathedral was badly damaged, as wcre also the palace and country seat of the cardinal arch bishop. Disturbances are feared at Fourceing, France, between the Catholic clubs and the authorities, charged with the execu tion of the religious decrees. Philip aud Geerge Scltenrich, Geerge Evans and James Alahen have been arrest ed en a charge of stealing between 10,0G0 and $13,000 worth of jewelry from the res idence el Charles Jehnsen, Baltimore. Jehn Berkley, colored, of Bloemtield, Ky., was fired upon by unknown parties aud his heart literally tern out. The eh. jeet of the murder was robbery. CIIAKGKD W1TU rOIH'EKY. The Latest Phase el the riilln-GarflcId Case. New Yeni:, Nev. 10. Police Justice Morgan this morning examined Samuel S S Merey aud Rebert Lindsey arrested for alleged perjury in connection with the Philp-Gaificld case. The room was cleared of spectators.Liiidseytcstilicdhisicalname was O'Brien. Lindsey made a statement which will be laid before the grand jury but which is new kept secret. Merey was also examined and made a statement 'which it is said i.-; a full confession, but it is te be kept secret. MA j: outs. Sew l'nrkftl-irkfi. Num. '. e.:z. Nev. 10. Fiem- State .mil W.-,l-crn a shade stronger with fair!- ac tive (.sport and jobbing tniie demand : Supcriini', at j:: 'MQl :.: extra de at itDUK 73; choice, de, SI Seffit 01: r::uiv de ft 'J.-.rji;-y ; round hoop Ohie$17.5 : choice de ut ?. 10i3'i 00 ; supcrline wester:' i.IDOW. 5": eoiumen te geed extra de ftO'J(JI5; eheici de ti OOfJB .r.O ; choice white wheat de $1 7.' (r51'j.-; Southern scarce and firm, moderate in quiry ; common te lair extra at $5 ('.);.- 33; geed te choice de id m$ 00. Wheat without decided change and bdrly active ; Xe. 1 White, Hpet, iI Irt-f: de Di-i n 1'J.M ; Ne. 2 lied, Nev.. SI SJ!4.3t .ll: ; de Dec, ?I 21J 1 2I?i : de Jan., 1 SK11 i-. Cern a .ilia te stronger : Mixed ivc-tcru snot, S5I; de future, M.WS. Oats about steadv ; Xo.SNer., -tlJic : Statu IIS He: Wctwrn -,'JKteKc i'liltadelplita. taarKct. ii!ii.DKi.riiiA, November III. Fleur linn, slightlv better trade; .-upertinu t-2"Ti:i r,0;i:x tra4litS4 5U; Ohie ami Indiana Iiuniiv fSCOffl a 'i; Penn'ii t-tmilv $' U3i?.- 5 ; Hi. Leuis family 5 ?G u'.l ; 3Iinnrsela r:tiiiiIy$r.2Va.-i 73; SiiMigh .;Wfirt30; Winter patent $i;c.i;se; Spring de 7W)S 3M. Itye Heur lirtuat ..ri0. Wheat tirmly active and higher; Xe. 2 Wc-tcvn Ueil il V; Penn'a. Ked $1 K.iiJI 1C; Auibcr$l ir.31 V.y,. Cern higher with ligct supply ; yellow f.'-S SSJiCc; mixed 37J,f7.-.Sc. eals ftcadv ler be.t grades; Xe. 1, Wiiitc 4.'c; Xe. 2de4tc: Ne.. a de SaSIOc; Ne. 2. Jlixei! :.7c. Kye firm at ll'-c. Previsions firm but quid; mips pert.-, new, at de old, a.,$ii;i:ean;.-.ii; beet Hams at 3l7 30 ; Indian 111.fA.bcct at fl 30 ; bacon smoked -.hindiler.- 5J.;iie ; mill de 3',(c; smoked Irim-lC'ilOJie: pickled hum- Sjrr.(..'.ii. . l.ard li rm ; city s.cttlu at f-JIlc : loe-i-I.uleiie:-'.'.:; prime vtvam 18 73. Iliitter Choice jiriccs lirm and wanted ; Creamerv cxti-.i ::Jc: (In geed te choice -w ilex IS. C. and X. Y. cxli-a itiq-iae ; Western reserve extra 22S'2lc; de geed te choice liiii. 2'ie: Keili .-tcady with fair demand lorcheice: Western Ileaerve extra 'iafjile; Penn'a I'stru 202c Eggs scarce and linn; Penn'a Extra 23c; Western Extra 23e. Ciicee dull but steady; Xew Teil; lull cream at l.'Srei.'I-.'je; Weslern lull eivuii. al 12I3e: de lair te geed at ll12e; de halt s'cim-lrei0'.c. Petroleum uemiiuil : refined iJe. Whi-!:y scarce at $1 II. Seed- Geed te prime clever dull :Hytl. ? 73i; Timethy nominal at ilW-iH: Kiax.-iiid quiet at il s:t. Stock. II arket. . Xew Yerk Stocks. .Steclr.-s weak. Xevcu iber I'l. a. m. r. m. v. sr. 10:-. 1: 0 2:0) ErlelC. K 42 4iyH il Michigan S. A I.. S....1I4 li: HIV, Michiuiiu Cent. It. lL.IHi 107 IDS r . ji. l. :.i 2:15 3::,0 .... IDS' .... 112- '."..' '? .... IS .... TV.i .... S.-!, .... 'J'i 1 Chicago &N. W 112-y 112 112 Chicago, yi .t st. p. k wiy. wzy nan. si. J. win " P'Sd... Teledo & Wabash.... Ohie & Mi--is-appi. .. St. Leuis, 1. M.. " Ontario and We-tern. c. c. &i. c. k. 1: .New Jcr-ev L'eiilral.. K S7 2-Vi .il.'i i7?" 7 Del. .Vllud-en Canal. S-! Del.. Lack. & Wc.-tern V, Western Union Tel... '.7 i;j PacillcMall S. S. Ce.. Wn 43 Manhattan Elevated Union Pacific. -. '.yVA Kansas & Tcxa U7 Xcw Yerk Central Adams Ex pre. 1 Illinois Central Cleveland .t Pitt- Chicago & UecI: I Pitt.-burgh .t Ft. W American U. Tel. Ce .... PlIILADKLl'HIA. . Stocks steady. Pennsylvania It, K.... (MJi Phil'i!."& Heading..... 'SVh Lehigh Valley 33 Lehigh Navigation Northern Pacific Cem 2i!. P'd . SI Pitts., Titus v'c & It.... icy. Northern Central 3ti)i PhiraA Erie It. It m I 121 1-27 m w. ,rtvil sr.jj- 54' ::ij; 2814 3.: 3 17 lS2'i iiH 'i)Ji 211 3:; 20 nv 3 Northern Penn'a Un. It. It's of N. .1 1MJJ Hcstenville Pass 1U Centnil Trans. i;e.. Lecal stocks ami ISenit. rar val. $110 . 100 . 100 . ion . 100 . KiO . 101 . 30 Last hab: JK.0.-2.-. 105 HI U--.7.'. 1-20 105 103 3.2.-I 47.-.'5 51 SI m J2 30.16 25 85 20 27.-.25 40.15 10-1 155 LaiicCity C per et. Lean, due P). . .5 " " " 1S.-2. .. lS3... " " 1I5... " 5 per ct. iu 1 or 30 yeius. . Lanc.and Quarrvv'e 1J. K.bend.... " stock.... Lanca-lcrand Ephrata turnpike... Lane , Eiizabctiit'n anitMidillct'n.. Lancaster and Fruitville turiipikc. Lancaster and Lititz turnpike Lancaster and Maner turnpike.... Lancaster and Manhcim turiiikw. Uinca.-teianil Marietta turnpike. Lane. an. I New Helland turnpike.. Lane, and Strasburg turnpike Lane, and Susquehanna turnpike.. Lane, and Willow Street turnpike. Farmers' Nat. Hank et Lancuitcr... First Nat. Itankef Lancaster Lancaster County Nut. ISanlc Inquirer Printing Ce Lanc.Oai Light and Fuel Ce. stock. bends. 100 .VI loe St VMt 23 30 30 30 25 IW WTAXWU A UtUV ABOUT 35 YKAIW et age in a business requiring consider able travel : must net have any incumbrance.-, and bu tillable, of pleasing appearance and easy talker. Address, s.tatlng age. place et present and past residences, trade if any, r what ihe litw done in the pest, 1IOX 1,014. PHILADELPHIA. PA. ect27-2tw A.ST111CU r.KO'S JLVrjCKTISEJlJMT. A ST1HC11 KKOS.' AllVKKTISKMKNT. fin-; LADIES' VOTE If it were cast for thi mmplnnlj n-hnliv,. U-specialty wen thtr favor and patrenuge. tiuin. juuging uyiiietiiuiy overturn- crowd of customers, be given In overwhelming ma jority te the popular house of ASTRICH BRO.S' IS EAST KING STUHET. 13 EAST KING STUKET. !.'! EAST KING STUEET. 13 EAST KINS STUEET. IS EAST KING STIIEET. We dclre te call particular attention te the following special bargains eifcr.-d new: HATS ANIl AND MILLIKEKY. In the various divi-ie::.s of our IlatH and Mil linery ilcp-irtmcnt we are displaying all the novelties of the .-ea-en. in every possible vari ation et style, et qtiulilie.-tesali-IV the most fastidious, and :a pries which uh.-,e!iilc!y ci impel imrchase. Just opened, 100 dozen of FINE TUiJIMED Di:i:i;ii-. fine ti:i.m'm:ii Di:i:i5ii:.s, I'lNi: TIIIJIMBU DKUIHES FIFTY CENTS, FIFTY CKXT, FIFTY CENTS, Satin Tritmncd Derby, rally trimmed with satin, $l.oe. Seft. Fell Derhicsat .Wc. Ladies' Kelt Shapes. 2.V. Me-cow Heaver Hats, 31'c. CigaretUIIatstir.i. FIXE PLUSH I'.EAVEi: HATS, in black, brown, garnet, navy blur, uivrtle green and ail shades e!' drab; allot the lined, qualilv, for TIIltEE llOLLAKS, TIHMMED HATS AXD IIOSXETS in great variety at reasonable pi-ice-.. KK ATM KItS. KEATHEUS. FEATIIEKS. OSTItlCH PLUMES, iu black white and colored, OsTKlCH TIPS, In evcrvpe ibleshaite. lSIUDS' W1XGS, IJUEASTS, FEATIIEI: i;AXDS and KAXCY FEATHEUS in various .-ttvlc-s. TltIM.MI.VG SILKS and SATIXS. A SPECIAL i: AUG .UN IX HEAVY ilitl.:-.- ISLACK SILK. at$I..Vi)i:rv:inl. We -.11 excellent ISLACK TKIMMIXG SATIN ler $1.00 per van I. GOOD ISLACK MLIC VELVET, at 31.01 per yard. AX EXCELLENT ISLACK SILK -VELVET at fL.Ti per yard. GOOD ISLACK VELVETEEN at.Wc. per yanl. EM ISOSSEU V ELVETEEXS 11 bhi'-k, brown, navy, garnet, myrtte, at 05c. per vard. COLOI1ED VELVETEENS at COc. PLUHES Iu all the new shades. DUESS TI1IM MINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRES.S TRIMMINGS. ISLACK SILK iitlXGES from 23c. upward. We.scilanclcgnt Jet and Chenille Fringe for 75c. a yard : .siild else where for $1. OurlSIack Silk Fringes, .-old at tlyrryard, are the greatest bargains ever elTercil. We have en hand the me-t elegant line of Fine .let and ChcniUe Fringes from :ft upward mid ell'ct a special inducement in a Fringe which we sell at -$ ; worth $2.30. Our line of PASSAM EXTERIES PASSAMENTERIES PASSAM EXTERIES cuinet bet'enipcted with by any house in tint city, cither in variety! f .style nor in choice or patterns, Wc exhibit the most iaberale designs of PAsSAMENTERlEa at our v.ell known low price.-. NOVELTIES IN CH EN I LLE A X I) .1 ET TASS1. t.s. HEADED HUNGARIAN Sl'IKEe, JSEADED 1SALI-S HEADED PEARS the latest novelty. ISEADED TRIMMING CORD, " COLORED SILK TASSELS AND GIRDLES, in all the new -hade. . ORNAMENTS, LOOPS. JET DROPS and RON TONS, in cndles.-. variety. Our ::-rrtiiiciit in DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS i- the me-t complete, and wc are new able te suit everv.-iugie purehaser. WE" L'A LI. ATTENTION TO OUR KID GLOVES. A Six Uutten Geed Kid Gleve, iu black, ami white, all new tall shades, and most cle gant opera and cv-iiing shades, ter N I X ET V-E I G I IT C E X TS. The bc-1 Gleve ever etfered ter the pricr. trtt'i! eiler te take back every pair that tears or rip.s when put en, ami furnish a new pair instead. Six Uutten. or t lie Mime finality, fer$I.CX es-GREAT hargainstiiis wki;k.-w Kid Gloves Jer l.-Je ;0 dez. cight-buien Kid Gloves, 10Te quality. il.i-:iap.iii-. We will sell Tills WEEK. 200 dez. LADIEs' FIXE MERINO GLOVES, in all the new fall shades, with ribbed top-i. extra long. at the asteni-hiiig prict; of TlVKXTl -Fl VE CENTS a pair. Tins is the bigge-t bargain we ever etleied. READ THIS! 50 dez. Ladii:,' Fine All-Linen Hemstitched 1 1 A X DI ' E RCII I E FS at 12'!Cr. apiece. AXOTHEE GREAT ISARGAIX! 10 dez. Ladies' Solid Colored MER1XO HOsi:. lliiuheil, line quality geed, ler 18c. a pair. (These Stockings would he cheap ut3uc.) An extra geed, till regular made, trine Cot Cet Cot eon Hese, ler Ladies, in cardinal, navy, brown. gendarme, garnet, at :.2c. a pair. an extra long Ficnch goods, and cost .Wc. a pair any ether time. Anether let fifla'.l regular made Ralbriggans at 25c. a pair. 25 dez. Ladic-' Heavy Klecce Lined Ilesc.full regular made, double nccUuud Iecs, for 2.'iC.a Full regular made Ribbed Merine Hese, in white and enlercd, fe-'23e. upair. A real Knitted Stocking, all wool, ladies' kize, iu dark cardinal, at 4.c. a pair. Child'.s si.e trem 2jc. up. IX MERIX.O UNDERWEAU. we etrer this week the following : A heuvv Ladies' Merine UiulervfBt,33c. An extra line .Merine Cndervc-t, .-nk stitch ed, regular culls and shoulders, 4 -e. apiece. Child's L'lidcrvcbts and Pants, in all sizes and qualities. UNION SUITS, UNION" SUITs, UNION SUITs, GENT.V MERINO UNDERWEAR. NOTE OUR PRICES : All excellent 30c. Shirt ter 40c. Drawers te match. Seventy-live cent Shirt and Drawers at 5ec. each. Finest goods at 75c. each. Scar'ct Medicated All Weel Shirt and Drawers at $1.23 each. tar Come and leek at them. -3 THREE GREAT I5ARGAIXS IS GENTS' SOCKS. Heavy Ribbed Leng Weel Socks ISc.a pair Regular Made. Fine Merine socks. ...23c. a pair Real ISritisliSecks I'.lc.apair Just received, a let or fifty dozen extra large size. HEAVY GERMAN LINEN TOWELS, iined.iidi.y Dumu-lc. with knotted fulnge, ler ONLY T WEN TY-FIVK CENTS. A rarccliuuce, which ought net te be mii-cd. TIIE PLACE FOR UARGA1XS Is THE LANCASTER J5AZAAR, LANCASTER RAZ.tAR, L.ANCASTE1: ISAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. 13 EAST KING .STREET, LAXCASTER, PA.