- v;-" LANCASTER DAILY IOTEIXKifcJtfJEK. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 9, 1880. Hancaster intelligencer. TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. O, 1880. Tlie Way of the World. Fre&li Gleanings from the Ileuie and For eign Crep of Humer. Every man who runs for an office can not expect te catch it. When the shepman seizes you warmly by the hand as you enter his establish ment you readily understand what is meant by a pressure of business. The early bird catches the worm. Later in the day the leisurely sportsman gathers in the bird. A man never realizes the tiulh of the saying ' time is money " mere fully than when lie leaves his watch with a pawn broker. Comets arc wearing as long trains this season as usual. This is au inscription en a New England tombhtenc : When dear papa went up te Heaven, Wlmt greatgrief mamma endured : And yet that grlel was seltcned, for Papa lie was insured. "Byren, my son." said a literary father te his athletic son, ' U.vren never played baseball." "Xe,"' said the boy, pulling en his orange-colored shirt, " and Geerge Washington never wrote poetry." Bey (te a lady visitor): "Teacher, there's a gal ever there a winkiu' at me." Teacher ; "Well, then, don't leek at her." Bey : "But if I don't leek at her she'll wink at somebody else.' People say they shell peas when they unsliell them ; husk corn when they un liusk it ; dust furniture when they uudust it ; skin a calf when they unskiu it ; scale fishes when they uuscale them ; weed their gardens when they unweed them. Tourist : " I say boy, what's the name of that hill yonder ." " Bey : " Dunne." Tourist : " Don't knew V What ! lived here all your life and don't knew the name of it. "Bev : " Xe ; the hill was hereaferc I cent'd." "I want te see the villain w he wrote this article. Where's the proprietor of this paper V " He's out." " Where's the managing editor'." "lie's out." "Whereas the city editor?'.' " He's out.'' "Whcrels e reporter V" "He's out." "Whcrc'm IV' (Bickctty slam-bang-jam! Twe panes of glass broken.) "You're out." .Man found en sidewalk and car ried te hospital. "I have weighed the two pounds of but ter you sent us this morning," said an irate customer te a dealer in the above mentioned article, " and am surprised te find that it is short weight just three ounces. If that is your way of dealing, I must buy my butter somewhere else.' The butter merchant looked up surprised, but without declaring his innocence, re plied : "Well, that is very strange, be cause 1 put the two pounds of sugar I bought of you in the scales and gave you the full weight in butter." A young mother, in despair of ever teaching her idle little girl, aged four, her letters and' lhinkhur that perhaps the child hue v. mere than she would admit, said : "New, Katie. I won't try te teach you ie-dav. Yeu shall be mother and MEDICAL. teach nie niv letters.' trulv be mother?' said "May I really Kate. Yes :md darling rcsprnse. my "Let us begin, then," was the " 1 mi have been a very geed child te-dav, and you may have a whole holiday,"' and Katie shut rpthc book and ran oil' laughing. They were very fend of each ether and had been engaged ; but they quarreled and were tee proud te make it up. He called a few days age at her father's house te i sec the old gentleman en busi ness, of course. She was at the deer. Said he: "Ah! "Miss Blank, I believe. Is your father in?"' "Ne, sir,' she re plied. " l'a is net in at present. Did you wish te see him personally ?" "Yes," was the bluif response, feeling that she was yielding, "and very particular per sonal business."' and he turned proudly te go away. " 1 beg your pardon," she called alter him, as he struck the lower step; "but who shall 1 say called V He neer smiled again. This was tee cruel. 1YlItl!Kliit-l!. Ki-ftuc you lelu your heavy spring weik altera wnitcref relaxation, yeuY sytein needs cleansing and -treuglh"iiing te prevent an at tack of Asm', Kil ions or Spring Fever, or some oilier Sprint; sickness that will unlit you ler a reason' work. Yeu will save time, liiueh juekne.--.and great expense if you will use one bottle el Hep Jiitters in your family this month. Don't unit. See ether column. nl-2vd&w Tim Friend of Delicate Ladies. Warner's hale Kidney ami Liver Cure is the remedy Unit will care the many discuses pe culiar le women. Headaches, neuralgia, tis tis erdered nerves, weakness, menial shoeks, and kindred ailments are ell'eelually removed by its ue. The Mether's Magazine. 4" CHIXA AXD GLASSWARE. FANCY GOODS AT CHINA HALL. di:erati:d tka skts, dkcekatkd dinxf.r skts. decorated chamkei: skts. tktk-a-tetk skts. fruit platks. dessert skts, lliivihind's White, Geld Hand and Ueenraled China, Majolica, Toilet Sets, Vases, &c. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. !.- KAST KING STREET. CARPETS. II A KG A INS FHIt kvkkykedy. RARE CHANCE IN CARPETS, Positive wile te Keduce Stock of IsC AT AX I) ISELOW COST. Call and satisly yourself. Alse, Ingrain, I and Chain CarpetsinaliuesI endic-s variety EL S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JI US1VAL .V.V Tit V2IEXTS. THE- Inter m wmm Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IX STKUMENTSin the Market. Warerooms 320 North (iieen street, Manufactory in the rear. Kraneh Ollice, 1 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agcntler Lancaster County for CHICKEKING & SOX'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments. Violins. Kanjos, Hand Instru ments, &c..ufwava en iiand. UJ-lydS&lyw OJ-UOIASSA.UC AND KETA1L. LEVAN'S FLOUR NERVOCS DEBILITY. Te Nervous Suflcrcrs The Great Eurc Scan Hcinedy Or. J. B. Simpsen's Sieciiic edicine. It is a positive cure; for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Impetency.aiid' all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety, Less of Memery, Tains in Hack or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity ana an early grave. The Specific Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get lull particulars. Price, Specific, W Ter package, or six packages for $3. J. II. alall -SOX MEDICINE COMPANY. Xes. let and 106 Main Street, KuHale, X. Y. Address alt orders te II. IS. COCHRAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 139 North Queen Street, Lancaster. ml"-lydced&wJ EKVINE, OB TONIC SPISCIITICaT A liOON TO BOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for all diseases arising trem Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence el Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic forms of the following diseases have been at tested te by the me3t Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Spermaterrhea:!, General Debility, Impotency, Premature Decay, J-cl It has been in use for ever lerty years, and is te-day Hie most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WOULD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, and better than all, it is a sure, sale and certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wll amplv demonstrate. Since lSW this remedy has always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold; but owing te the act that the time ler the payment el an enormous royally upon its manufacture has expired, it is ettered te the suffering of both sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be within the reach of all; at which price it will be sent te any address tree et further charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 46 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mail. ti;-i;md&w DBY GOODS. COAL. B. . MAKT1M, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds el LUMBER AND COAL. 3-Yard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n:t-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal et tne Hest Juality put up expreisly ler family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. JO- VAU: ISO SOUTH WATKK ST. ne2'.i-lyd PHILIP SCHUM.SON & CO. "1AL1 COAL! COAL!!! We have constantly en hand all the best grades of COAL thatare in market, which we are selling as low as any yard in the city. Call and get "ir prices befer.i buying else where. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, si7-lyd 231 NORTH WATER STREET. CO HO & WILEY. " S.W XOKTll WATER ST., Lancaster, l'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection 'With tlie Telephonic Exchange. Branch Ollice : Xe.:: NORTH DUKE ST. Ieli25-Iyd f Hi TO RBILLY & KELLER rer. GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, anil all ether kinds et Ceal. I iMannre by the car lead at Philadelphia sleck yard prices. Farmers and ethers in want, et SUPERIOR MANURE will Hud it te their advantage te call. Yard, Hnrrieliurg Pike. ) Ollice, 'Sty. East Chestnut si reet. agl"-ltd COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kind of COAL go te BTJSSEL.& SHULMYER'S. Quality and Weight giwranteed. orders re spectlully solicited. OPKlUE: 22 East King Street. VAHD: 01 S North l'nnec Street. augll-laprlSR l.KtiAi. :etici:s. Instate epjXne'ewin;, late of 11 Lancaster citv. deceased. Letters of ad- iiiini-iti-.itien en said estate havingbeen gnint ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto aie requested te make Immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them vitheut delay for settlement 1e the undersigned, re siding in l.anenslcr. Pa. KM.ABETII ELLIOTT, JOSEPH W1LFONG, Administrators. .1. L. Sti:imii:t., Atl'y. oiimdeaw INSTATE OF JOHXM. GOOD, LATE OF .J Lancaster City, deeea-ed. I.etti-rs el administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebt ed thereto ans requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delav for settlement te the undersigned. SAMUEL WORST, W. R. Wiisesr, Administrator. Attorney, sepqviudeaw INSTATE OFAIMH.I'H SCilMSDT.OF THE li City of Lancaster, ilee'd. Letters testa mentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto arc expected te make immediate payment.and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing in the City of Lancaster. MARGARET SCHMIDT, Executrix. .Ixe. A. Cevlk. Attorney. si Mitdeaw 1 "STATE OFviLLIAM VIESEK, LATE 2i of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immedi ate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against Hie estate of s:tid decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without, delay, residing at Xe. Tti' West King street, Lancaster. Pa. PETER ALLABACH, Executer. B. F. Davis, Att'y. sepl.", Cldeaw INSTATE OF .IOIIN TO.U1.INSON. LATE 2i of Lancaster eity, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been grant ed te tile undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requesled te make immediate pay ment, and tiiese having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned. ROBERT FAULDING. ROB ERT TOM LIXSOX, Executers. W. A. Wilsex, Attorney, sep'j-Odea JSTATE OF MAilY MULVANY, I.ATE OF J the city el Lancaster, deceased. The undersigned auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands el Jehn A. Ceyle, esq., udministraler, te and among these legally emitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1S80, at 10 o'clock a. in., iu the library room of the court house, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribu tion may attend. W. I). WEAVER. oct2C-ltdeaw Auditor. INSTATE OF NELSON TALStOT, LATEOF JLJ Honcybreok township, Chester county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are request ed te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay,residing in Honey Heney brook tewifthip, Chester county. Pa. JOHN J. TALBOT. Slipplcc P. O. B. F. Davis, Chester County, Pa. Attorney. sepi2s"ldeawA::!tw i?e. NORTH PRINCE STREET. di7-lyd A LE! ALE1 ALE! LAWRENCE KNAPP'S CELEBRATED AfcD rt'ELL KNOWN DRAUGHT ALE. is new ready for consumers, wholesale and retail. HOTKLS, IlESTAVRACTS AJfD PRIVATE FAMILIES can be supplied with this wholesome and nourishing beverage. All orders will receive punctual attention and deliverances made at s'lert notice. Call or address LAWRENCE KNAPP, Xe. 143 East King Street, ectl4-lmil Lanestcr, l'a. MIRS. C. LILLEE, LADIES' IIAIKDKESSEK Manufacturcrand Dealer in Hair Werk, Ladies and Gents' Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse, Kid Glevesand Feathers cleaned and dyed, at Nes. 225 anil 227 North Queen sticet. four doers above I. R. It. Depot. - el-Smd BLACK CASHMERES, In Large Lets, from a NEW YORK SALE, All te be sold nt less than regular prices, at FAHNESTOCK'3, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Black and Colored Silks, Satins and Velvets, all at our usual low prices. Shawls and Coats, In quantities te which we invite special atten tion. UNDERWEAR for Ladies, Gents, Beys and Girls. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. teF Season 1 Hemer, Cellaaay t Ce Our assortment for the Fall nnd Winter Season is new complete, and we have never offered se attractive a stock in all our depait ments in DRESS GOODS It is impossible te give a faint idea of the many beautiful novelties avc show this season. The ellerts of Foreign Manufactures this sea son have been very successful, both in Solid Celers and Fancies. POPULAR GOODS MODERATE PRICES. In addition te our superb stock of Fine Goods, wc have a large assortment or French and Demestic Flannel Suitings, new se much in vogue, from 35c te Sl.oe per yard. In Silks, Velvets and Plushes Our assortment excels all previous ones in Beauty and design, richness and coloring, and great variety. Particular attention has been paid te have the colorings match, se that no dilliculty is experienced iu selecting a combi nation dress that will harmonize perfectly in coloring. in our Black Goods, Lace, Handker kerchief, Embroidery, Gleve, Hosiery, Ribbon and Linen Departments a lull and most attractive leund. assortment will be We also cull attention te out DRESS MAKING Axn Ladies' Underclothing Departments. M3-All orders arc executed with promptness, and in tlic best manner. In all Departments our stock will be ieunti replete with the NEWEST AND MOST DE SIRABLE GOODS, and at prices that are as low as the lowest. 118, GOLLADY & CO., 1412 and 1414 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ect : .Imdeed DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, CLOAKINGS. HAGER & BROTHER ASTSICJZ BJtO'S ADVERTISEMENT. have new open the latest novelties In French, EngliMi ami American DRESS GOODS. FRENCH PLAIDS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUITINGS, SIDE BANDS, CASHMERE FOU LE, MOMIE CLOTHS, FLAN NEL SUITINGS, 4c, Ac. SILKS, SATIUS VELVETS. Cloaks f Cloaks! Have just received from New Yerk Import ers a line of Cloaks, Delmans and Jackets iu tha Latest Style for Ladies anil 3Ilscs. CLOAKING CLOTHS, A STRICI1 1IKOS. ASTRICH BROS.' ASTRICH BROS.' ASTRICH BROS.' ASTRICH BROS.' ASTRICH BROS.' ASTRICH BROS.' ADVEKT1SE31ENT. LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER BAZAAK, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAK. BAZAAK, BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. IS EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. IS EAST KING STREET. MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES Mitin, NOVELTIES SOVliWltS NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES MILLINERY Pattern Hats and NOVELTIES MILLINERY" Bennets.. NOVELTIES MILLINERY Derbies at Cic. MILLINERY Selt Felt Derby, MILLINERY 30c. MILLINERY Misses' Derbies, MILLINERY bound and trim MILLINERY inwl with , .3C. Cigarette Hats, (3c. Our $1.00 Derby et line felt, trimmed with heavv satin lib' een unil oeuim -u iii.iii.a MILLINERY with geed black NOVELTIES MILLINERY satin. Is the NOVELTIES MILLINERY cheapest and NOVELTIES MILLINERY most profitable NOVELTIES MILLINERY hat ever bought. NOVELTIES MILLINERY Ladies' NOVELTIES MILLINERY" Shape Hats and NOVELTIES MILLINERY" Bennets. NOVELTIES MILLINERY" in Straw, Fine NOVELTIES MILLINERY Felt and Reaver. NOVELTIES MILLINERY Large, Fine NOVELTIES MILLINERY Seft Beaver Hats, NOVELTIES MILLINERY in all colors, $2.00. NOVELTIES MILLINERY" OSTRICH anil NOVELTIES MILLINERY FANCY NOVELTIES MILLINERY FEATHERS, NOVELTIES MILLINERY In all shades and NOVELTIES MILLINERY m the most" ar- NOVELTIES MILLINERY' tistie designs millinery birds' millinery wings, millinery beaded millinery;-" breasts, millinery feather MILLINERY" BANDS NOVELTIES MILLINERY' and ethers. NOVELTIES MILLINERY RIBBONS NOVELTIES MILLINERY of .superior ;qual- NOVELTIES MILLINERY' ily, Plain ' and NOVELTIES MILLINERY Fancy, NOVELTIES MILLINERY in all shades. NOVELTIES BLACK SILKS at 7Tc. per yard. BLACK SILKS at$l.(Kl per yard. BLACK SILKS at $1.15 per yard. SPECIAL BARGAIN of BLACK SILKS at $1.51) per yard. SATINS Lyens Colored Satin. Latest SATINS SATINS Shades, '.Wc, per yard. SATINS SATINS Extra Quality Lyens Black SATINS SATINS Satin, T.'ic. per yard. SATINS SATINS Lyens Black Dress Satid, SATINS SATINS superior quality, $l,Ce per SATINS SATiNS yard, worth, $1.25. SATINS SATINS Fine Black Dress Satin, SATINS SATINS $1.20, $1.40. $1.00. SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS in all the New Shades. SATINS SATINS GARNET, SATINS SATINS MAROON, SATINS SATINS GENDARME. SATINS SATINS HELIOTROPE. &c. SATINS GOOD BLACK SILK VELVET, $1.00 per yard. FINE BLACK SILK VELVET, $1.25 per yard. SUPERB BLACK SILK VELVET, $1.50 per vard. EXCELLENT BLACK SILK VELVET, $2.00 per vard. EXTRA WIDE BLACK SILK VELVET, $2.40 per yard. VELVETEENS Geed Black elvctcens, 50c. A splendid Velveteen at 75c. Heavy Suit ing Velvet eens. $1.00. Brocaded VELVETEENS Velveteen '.! VELVETEENS VELVETEENS all colors, VELVETEENS (!5e. Navy Blue, Brown, Garnet Velveteen, 00c. per yd. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. FRINGES We eiler Hie handsein- BUTTONS FRINGES est line of BUTTONS FRINGES BLACK SILK BUTTONS FRINGES FRINGES BUTTONS FRINGES at our well-known BUTTONS FRINGES low prices. BUTTONS FRINGES Silkund Bead Fringes BUTTONS FRINGES from 25c. upwards. BUTTONS FRINGES 5'incli Bead and Che- BUTTONS FRINGES " nille Fringe, Cle. BUTTONS FIUNGRS Heavy Chenille Fringe BUTTONS FRINGES atlTSe. BUTTONS FRINGES 5 inch Chenille and BUTTONS FRINGES Grass Fringe, with BUTTONS FRINGES Fancy Heading, SSe. BUTTONS FRINGES Most elegant Chenille BUTTONS FRINGES and Jet Fringes $1.00. BUTTONS FRINGES Fine Chenille and Bead BUTTONS FRINGES Fringes at $1.10, $1.20, BUTTONS FRINGES $1.25 per yard. BUTTONS FRINGES A verv rieli Grass BUTTONS FRINGES Fringe.withdeep.fancv BUTTONS FRINGES Heading, $1.10 a vard. BUTTONS FRINGES Colored Silk Fringes ai BUTTONS FRINGES ic. per yard. BUTTONS PASSAMENTERI ES. PASSAMENTERIES. PASSAMENTERI ES. PASSAMENTERIES. PASSAMENTERIES. PASS A 51 ENTER1 ES. PASSAM ENTERI ES. PASSAMENTERIES. TASSELS Black and Colored Gir- SPIKKt TASSELS dies. Tassels, Sl'IKES TASSELS Beaded and Crochet Balls, SPIKES TASSELS Hungarian Spikes,- SPIKEa TASSELS Ornaments, i&e. SPIKES TASSELS Trimming Tassels. 5e. SPIKEs TASSELS Elegant Cords and spike.- SPIKES TASSELS at $1.25. SPIKEs TASSELS Silk Girdles, 75c. $1. $1.25, SPIKES TASSELS $1.50 anil upwards. SPIKES TASSELS Single Hungarian Spikes. SPIKES TASSELS Beaded.::, 4, 5 audi; Inches, Sl'IKEh TASSELS at 12, l'.i, .'KI, .'K'e. apieee. SPIKES TASSELb Heavy Silk Cord at 2i'e. SPIKES TASSELS per vard. SPIKES TASSELS Heavy Silk Cord, Beaded, SPIKEs VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEEN VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS EXBKOIDERIES, JtC. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT QUNDAKER'S. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufilings, Cotten Trimmings, Rnchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins. Blaek and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and.Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GTJNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cnffs, call at GU 25 DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties iu Millinery, &c., call and examine our stock, at GrUlNTDLKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. ij;r a oevs. LADIES! WE ARE NOW SHOWING AX ELEGANT LINE OF BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. LADIES, wc are new showing an elegant line of BLACK CASHMERES. LADIES, wc arc new showing an elegant line of SILK VELVETS. LADIES, we arc new showing an elegant line of LADIES' COATS AND DOLMANS. LADIES, me arc new showing an elegant line of Shawls, Skirts, Merine Underwear, Corsets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Laces, Ties, &c. LADIES, we invite special examination of every department of our store as we are confident we can efler you many bargains. GrIVLEE, BOWEBS & HUBST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. TJCA VEJLEUS' ii VI J) t. JANCASTEK AND MILLEKSVJI.LK K. K J Cars run as follews: Leave Lancntscr P. K. Depot), at 7, !, and 11:30 u-. in., and 2, 4, U and S::w p. in., exeept en Saturday, v. lien the last car leaves at !t::e p. m. Leave Millersville (lower end) at 3, S, and a. 31., and 1, :i, ft anil 7 p. in. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. CIOLUMIIIA AJfil POUT DEPOSIT K. It J Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert time Deposit Ituilread en tliu'iollewiiiy Stations Nektii-ward. Pert Dcpedlt Peachbottem Safe Harber. Columbia Stations Seuth WAKD. Express. Express. Accen. a. si. v. ar. r. si. (KB 3:53 2-.D0 7:12 4:23 .1:18 7:53 B:ll 5:21 8:25 5:l ti:20 Columbia , Safe Harber..... Peachbottem.... Pert Deposit.... Express. a. m. 11:43 V. 3B. 12:14 12:37 1:30 Kxpresa. Acceni. A.M. r.:-;e :l!) P.M. 8:03 7:43 Ar!):0'. Lei): 10 11.117 P. M. 12:23 TEADIN & COLUMBIA R. K. AKKANtSEM ENT OP PASSENGEU TItAlNS. OCTOKEK 25th, 1SS0. JUILLlSEttY FINEST ASSORTMENT! BEST DISPLAY OF MILLLNEBY GOODS IN LANCASTER CITV NOW UKADV AT M. A. HOUGHTON'S CHEAP STOKE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET. VLOTllIStl. LEAVE. Quarry villc Lancaster, Kin; St... Laneaster Columbia AIUUVE. Keadinfr NOUTHWAKD. A.M. C:43 7:55 8:05 7:53 1:03 1:10 3:20 P.M. 2:30 3:40 3:50 3:40 5.50 A.M. 7:.rO !):3I 1:I0 A.M. A.M. P.M. S:03 ;i2:0;) 0:10 P.M. 10:13 2:10 820 10:07 2:10 8:10 10:18 8:20 11:20 .... .):2 10:05) SOL-THWAUD. LEAVK. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Heading... AltUIVU. Columbia. iJinciiMter. 10:07 2:10 8:10 5:00 Lancaster, Kin-jSt 10:18 8:20 5:10 (uarryville 11:20 !):2 C:t0 Trains connect at Kcadin;- with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pottsville. HarrisburK, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Hound Uroek Ueute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and llaltl m ere. A. M. WILSON, Supt. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAJ NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY NOVEMKKUSth. 1SS0, trains en the Peniwy! vnuii. Kail read will arrive and leave tin: I.hii caMe: and Philadelphia depots as follews: GABFIELD VS. HANCOCK. FALL CAMPAIGN OF 1880 New opened and the battle lias commenced and raj-es fiercely, and while there inav be some doubt in the minds et many persons as te who will be the next President et the United States, there can be no doubt in the mind of any person in want of CLOTHING at le where Ik-si ami ine uesi, ciiner in ueaiiy-inadu or .Madu te Order. can be bntijrht the chea MYEES & KATHFON, Centre Hall, Xe. 12 East Kini Sireet, Hie iirent Clothing Emporium. i.-,,J,h?v??.c2iL8l?Xr greatest variety or HEADY .MADE CLOlllINUPOKMEN, lOUTHS, HOYS AND CHILDI.KN, all our own manufacture. They arc well made, well trimmed, and the goods are a!l sponged be te re they are made u; in ar- MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our Piece Goods 1111 the first lloer te its utmost capacity, and is nicely arrain-cd. m a Itv Bivc the purchaser the advantage el seeing the whole stock in a very short space ok time. We are prepared te make up te order at the shortest possible notice and at the most reasonable price. Our stock has been bought for cash and will be sold at a very small advance, lluy your Clothing at Centre Hall and save one profit. Call and examine our giant stock and save money MYERS & RATHFON, Ne. 12 EAST KIX STHEET, LANCASTER, PEXS'A. JUEDIVAL. - - - Eastward. Philadelphia Express Past Line, Yerk Aecem. Arrives; Harrisbtirg Express Dillerville Aecem. A rri ves, Columbia Aeeominedati'Mi. Frederick Aecem. Arrives. Pucili c Ex press, Sunday Mall Johnstown Express, Day Express, Hurrisburg Accomiiiedat'n, Leave Lanc'tei 2:10 a.m. 5:20 " 8:05 " 8:03 " 8:45 !t:10 ' 1:33 " 1:40 p.m. 2:0e " 3:05 ' 4:3". " l!:23 " Arrive PhiladV 4:15 A.X 7:40 10:U"'" 12:01 p.m. 3:1:."" 5:00 " r.sw " i:45 " 9.30 Westwaiid. TASSELS TASSELS TASSELS TASSELS TASSELS 2..C. per vard. Kicli Colored Silk Gi dies, 1 23. Tasfiel-', Ornaments, elegant patterns. hi SPIKES SPIKE; SPIKES SPIKES SPIKES' LACE LACE LACE LACE LACE LACE COUSETS CORSETS COUSETS COUSETS COUSETS COUSETS COUSETS COUSETS COUSETS COUSETS COUSETS COUSETS COUSETS TIES, COLLARS, FICHUS, RIISS, TIDIES, IIANDKEUCHll.t'S. ISlack and Celers, Plain and Assortment. Fancy, in Large 3-Ve Invite examination. MAKMIL. mjllKS. WM. P. FRAILEY'S menumentaiTmarblb "WORKS 758 Nertn -ueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES. GARDEN STATU AEY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction g en in every particular. N.B. Remember, works al the extreme end et North Queen street. m30 Ast rich's Gem Corset, CORSETS at 4!tc: positively tlie CORSETS best for t he nieucv. CORSETS Hi) Gere Ceict at 'iU CORSETS Fine Hand-Made COHSETa Corset, 3!lc. COUSETS Speen Rusk, side steel, CORSETS side laced, at 73c. CORSETS UK) bone Clst at $!.). CORSETS Splendid Nursing COUSETS Corset, at if Loe. CORSETS il inc. Fey's Improved CORSETS Cel-set at $1 .25. CO US ETS SHOCLDER P.RACES at 73c. l. auics aim i.euss iiemsiitciieii I and Colored lierdereil HAND KERCHIEFS iu great variety. CHILDREN'S WORSTED HOODS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED JACKETS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED COATS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED HOOTEES, CHILDREN'S WORSTED LEGGINS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED SHIRTS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED WAISTS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED CIRCULARS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED TWILIGHTS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED SHAWLS. KID Our .". button G!evcs,in color- GLOVES KID cd, black, white and opera, GLOVES KID feriWc. Each pair warranted. GLOVES KID Geed ti button Opera Gloves, GLOVE; KID iX'c. Excellent 8 luHen,$l.(Ki. GLOVEs KID A lull line et Ladies' and GLOVEs KID Children's .Merine. Cleth GLOVE KID and Lisle Thread Gloves. GLOVEs FELT SKIRTS at 13c. FELT SKIRTS at 75c. FELT SKIRTS at $1. QUILTED SKIRTS, VELVET SKIRTS. SATIN SKIRTS, F.ALMOHAL SKIRTS. HOSIERY Our assortment, et La- HOSIERY dies'. Gents' and Chll- HOSIERY d run's Hosiery is tee HOSIERY wcll-knevn,as also our HOSIER well-known low prices. HOSIERY Ladles wishing le buv HOSIERY tall goods will de well HOSI BUY te pay us a visit. MERINO UNDERWEAR. MERINO UNDERWEAR. MERINO UNDERWEAR, Ladies' Merine Vests, regular made cull's Ladies' Fine Merine vests and Drawers. Extra heavy, silk stitched Fine French Cashmere Gents' Geed Merine Shirts and lHrawcrs.. ucnts' cietn sinrts, scarlet underwear. HEREIN ZEPHYR, !c. per eunec. ItERMN ZEPHYR. Oe. per ounce. RKRLIN ZEPHYR, Oc. per ounce. BERLIN ZEPHYR, ic. per ounce. YARNS German Yarns, FLOSS YARNS American Yarns, FLOSS YARNS Saxony Weel, FLOss YARNS Shetland Fless, FLOSS YARNS Crewel W oel. FLOSi 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STUEET. 13 EAST KING STUEET. Wav Passenger. Mail Train Ne. l.via Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'biu, Niagara & Chicago Express nuneay Jian, Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Lecal.via Mt.Jey Harrisburg Accomiiiedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, llarrisbu rg Express Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express Leave Philad'ii I2l.M. 7:30 " !):0o"' !):0e"' 8:WJ "" 12 21 " 21'iJp.M. 4:00 " 5:: " :25 " 0:10 " 11:53 " ! BROWIII&'S C. & C. CORDIAL, l Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS. HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYKESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INPLU- ' j ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC ! COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. I kit IJ!iVViV( :., .. .....!.. .. -.i- ...... '': nie V .,,i. ". I!" 7V. . .w. UI "V"" IIK u piitiriimcit, uml a tlioreuli .... " -.. s. vv.'ufi, .fi vi.iii . nullum in iitib l c-hem ne resiiiicn mere ciuincc. but el leiit- Airive ""ji.ii'ii.-it-seareii in cuciuisiry anu meiiicme, as is plainly seen by the rapidity or its aetieii Lanc'tei i.,"1.-, unparalleled ellicacy. Tlie expense in its manufacture is at least live times as an-it -w V--,e . ,...., "". " i .-v"-i, .-m. .i-i his .jui ai iiii;e.ctetiiiigiv low nricc et ..Oc. 3-sampIe bottles (for a short time only) S.lc. " ' I'.M 5:0 a.v ln:20 ' 10.2". ' llflfl I0S0 " 2 33 2:41 2:5-J " 5:45 7:2C " 7:30 " 8:30 " 11.30 ' 2.10 A. M W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Pacific Express, cast, en Sunday, when Hag gcd, will step at Middletown, Ehzabethtewii Mt. Jey. Landisvillc, Hird-iu-ilaiid, Leiuan Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesbiirg, Coates ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when Hugged, will step at Downingtown, Ceatcsville, Parkc burg.Mt. Jey, Elizabethtown and Middletown. Hanovcraccemmodation west, cenncctins at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express i .f ll'llfle ,n n-ill .nn 4li.......l. ... f .... n...... ui.Ji.wi.iii,, ...( liuilltgll l, J.1II( 171. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, wc-t. at 2-35 r. ?i.. and will run tltreiiiili te Frederick. dMydcew&w -FOR SALE 1SY THE PUOPHIETOU AND ALL DRUGGIST: VAMPAIUN UOOHS. Y .AGS! FLAGS! vmrr jj:a inxas. K1DXEY AXD LIVER VUltE. Warner's Safe Kiflney s Liver CURE. HOSIERS HOSIER) HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY ..43c ..75c fl.ft 50C $1.25 PER BOTTLE. A Positive Remedy for ALL Kid ney, Liver and Urinary Troubles of both Male and Female. READ THERECORD: "It saved my life." E. It. Lately, Nelma, Ala' "It li the remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar te women." Mether's Maga zine. "It has passed severe tests and wen endorse ments from some of the highest medical talent in inc country." Aero l one worm. "Ne remedy heretofore discovered can be held for one moment in comparison with it." C. A. Harvey, I). D., Washington, D. C. This (Jrcat Natural Remedy is for Sale by Druggists in all I'aris of the World. TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. H. H. WARNER & CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. augy-Tu.Th&Sdfcw .1 TTOltXEXS-A T-LA IF UENKY A. KILKY Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Rew. New Y'erk. Collections made in all narts of inn United Slates, and a general legal business transacted I RcftM! lit- nftrm!aulnn t.fi StAlnninn A tttmar.c ' SASHES FOR PARADES, TRIMMINGS FOR SASHES, SADDLE CLOTHS, SHOUL DER STRAPS, KELTS, Ac. Neckties, Entirely New Styles. NEW STYLE COLORS. UNDERWEAR, GLOVES &c, &c. E. J. ERISMAN'S, 86 NORTH UDKKN STKEET. "V'W IS YOVK TIME. GREAT REDUCTION. Wenderrul Murk Down r.t CAMPAIGN GOODS. Having done a very lively Campaign Rnsl uess we new propose te close out our .tock of Campaign Goods REGARDLESS OF COST. s. lags, Lanncrs, Streamers, Portraits, Medals, Lime Lights or Colored Hand Torches, Deuble Swing and Star Torches, Torch Wick, Ac. New is your time te luy cheap for the re iiiaining parades, and for the jolllllcatlen artel the election. D. S. BURSK, 17 East Kins- Street. Lancaster. 26th Penuiar Monthly Drawing? or Tin: COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At MacauleyS Theatre, in the City of Leuis ville, en TUESDAY, NOV. 30th, 1880. monthly unit These drawings eecu T pre visions el an Act et the General As.s'uii,)vnt Kentucky, incorporating the Newport Print !n2nu" Newspaper Company, approved April ij-Tliis is a special act, auil has never been repealed. The United States Circuit Court en March SI rendered the tollewiug decisiens: 1st That the CuiuuinuwealtU Dlstriliiitlnu Company Is legal. 21 Its drawings are fair.. N. K. The Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list or prizes for the . NOVEMKER DRAWING. ' 1 prize .10100 I prize , l,(m 1 prize 5.jih ItJ prizes $1 ,000 each V,1i JiJprizcs;VK)c-acli io,eeo 100 prizes, iieu each lo.wfe 200 prizcsS) cacli lo,eou Ml prizes 20 each 12,Wie 1000 prizes lOeach 10,(e 9 prizes Si) each, upproj-iumiien prizes 2,700. 9 prizes 200 each, " i gee 9 prizes 100 each, " goei HOOTS AXD' SUOES. Ti1 A TV '---- SHOES AND LASTS Xj lijl made en a new principle, lnsur- BOOTS tebll-tfd ing comfort for the feet. Lasts made te order. MILLER; lXl.East King street 1 0 TO ItlNUU'ALT'S Pell M0N0NGAHELA PURE RYE. Alse OAIvDALE PUKE KYE YVIIISKY", 5pcr cent. Alcohol, and the iuvl50rating,Tenic Hair Liquid, and the Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, All r.t Ne. 205 WEST KING STREET. Ij.jMj jinxtji-. -, '1I2L40& '.Vhole tickets, U; half tickets, $1 ; 27 ticketn $.71 ; M tickets, $100. Remit Meney or Rank Draft iu Letter, ei send by Express. DON'T SEND I5Y' REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER Orders of $5 and upwanl. by Express, enn lie sent nt our expense. K. .11. UOAUDMAM. Cnurier-leiirnul liuilding, Lenlftville, Ky., or 307 and :m Rreudwav. New Yerk. iJlTuTh&S&W FOVXDEKSAXD MACHINISTS. T ANCASTER J BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Ori'OSlTU-JlIK Locemotivk YVekss. The subscriber continues te manufacture-, BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning anrt ether purposes ?'iirnace Twicre, Uellews Plpst Sheet-Iren Werk, and Rlacksmithing generally -Jobbing prempuy attendca te. luglWydJ JOHN BESTi