Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 09, 1880, Image 3

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cnce or defects ; lie also urged directors
and parents te frequently visit the schools,
encourage pupils and Icaclier.s whenever
they merit praise, and censure only with
weids of wisdom.
Jlr. Shirk, of Providence, thought it well
te have the pupils understand that visits
fiem directors and ethers may at any tunc
bi c.pected, and that they .should be al
ways ready t j receive such vi.-its. It is a
sad fact that parents or directors de net
visit the schools as often as tlu-y eujdit te.
Geed teachers are always glad te receive
them and their visits almost invanamy
have a salutary effect.
Prof. Geist caid that tee uvauint visits
hy directors or ether., had a tendency te
interfere with the. studies of the school
room, especially when the teacher is en
gaged in explaining ? onie difficult problem
te the pupils.
Jlrs. Archer, of Litilx, advocated teach
ing the pupils, as far as possible, te be
easy and natural at all time?, and she
would have Them behave in the company
of visiters: in the same way as they behave
at ether times. She would net allow visi
tors te interfere with her school work.
Visitors should net knock at the deer, but
cuter, b seated, !i.-te:i te what is gein en
the same as they de in church. She was
sorry that parents did net vi.-it the school-;
mere frequently and make themselves
mere at home when the:e.
City Siipeiintcmlcnt IL K. liuehrle, said
all s Jim us are luiielited hy visitations,
when the visitors understand school work
and take an interi si in ir, but no geed and
.some harm comes fiem visits by Tem,
Dick and Harry. who knew nothing about
school matters. Ignerant criticism discs no
oed te either teacher r pupil. Tiie
scolding parent has no laziness in the
The diseussie.n was further continued by
11. S. Gates, city. Jehn A. aliicy,
alyers, an 1 1 se county superintendent.
;ai;5;" 1 he H ai.der-Sjtaii. '
Prof. Ileies. of Yerk, v.a, iulieduecd
and delivered a lecture en ventilation and
the organ.-: of breathing, describing the
construction of ti.e lungs and the chemical
changes pjediiceii in the air as it pas.-:.
i.:te and out of lit., lungs, illustrating the
subject by b:e.itl.;..g through a glass tube
into glass j.ii.s, of wlii-m was iilled
with lime v.-st'-j-ai.i! tiie ether with pure
water. Tiiejar c...;.iining t::c lime water
seen i:i cauift v.hile as mil::, I'm e.irhn:;ie
acid cximlcd from the lungs uniting with
the lime and forming caiben.iie of iimc.
Mu-sic " I'umiie Doen. ' sole by Prof.
3I:ill and "horns by ilie iu-diim.'
Scltoe !ly.jlj.r.
"Scheel Iiyi,.;i(., ihe t :-.-,. :i,id Vi-:u"
lecture bv C. II. !Jiev."i." M. 1. Xear-
. .
",i !
., The doctor
' . .... .1 .!... .
whim length
(I, .-i:iie. u tiiu s.i tiuiiuu i
of i!m
f tins human e L" :l!5,: "' "- maea-,
be:t:d .i-histtatien .'uov.-el tie i::mr- j
entstrueluie of the liwr'A'1'. near-sighted I
and far-.-'udited e.-e, and expatiated at
aenss length en the d: i:ulr: ntages whielt
the near-sh:.;.! ami far-sigt.'lcd per.vuis
labor umlcr. viewing a . they de :. H eiyects
in a dilierent iigl.t fr.mi in v
i. ich' the
normal eve vie'
be-.i. pre-
venlive for iieai"-sighte'liii; i- an avi".-
. .! ii.. :.. :il.-.
auce e. .wr-.MHi. ... uiu v;.v ..i ... .
iiuvi:u ieii-i, .u iv.i.iiii;; ;u. .1 i.' ."r.
time smalt or dc!ectt"e print, ami tne sue-
stitutien of geed ventiiatieu and proper
school fitriiilura for iiiee that arc defec
tive. ('iSv-";u-vinle:!leut P.. K. IJuehrlc read
a paper en ti:"
Imp'U't.-iucii of I'rinsary
After shewit:
Kchoel .statistics of city that a
;t majority of the jiupiU were 111 tn.
ew M'i'cnk ni: nt. ic same siaie tu
- . , . i i-
affairs .
lsiee in ine L.iu:u;,, i:: i..u i i
the gr.";lt
for lliese
teachers. It i
lnij.'eiiiiiic..; -i ii.iiii;,
schools the best of i
- net s impirtatu that the .
: ,. l...,.;,i.- ,
who reach the high
comparative!;. It
e should leave geed in-
school or the ce!ler
'uvve them in tne pn-
-im of f.(iiie:ititi i1-;
struct rsas it ts te
maries. I f
tiie e::iii . . T, .
net lime ll.c stream c.
cam. l",l1.""-. -1-"
.1..V .v. .!....- ...ll'mr.1 t..ll,.-l l.'ll '
lite unuiu::
yard, which contains hearts jpCW vvi''
celestial lire, hands that mayrava;' tj!iil
of empite, or wal.e l.
lyre. It ..;
tis net the object ei our ?clwyi ,
te educate a few geed men, but, te j
educate th.i'
great mass of tne p-'op"
te a
ghtedness he said is tarn penally paid bv . 1S !1 l'a"" "" c 5 ,lM;l,Vs ,''
I", advancing education, tati.-.iies prove treuulcsmm-. undcihu-h low sn.ub-,
i.".. JusCasa nation a Ivauees, intelieetu- '"' ",'-vi''!"'' f1?' -'"-. "i-S
:.v r.iti.M.r near-ighled j.ersens in- C r."rtl 'rcr! h"s . .';"c ,'''
"'.' Ste.tisik-; also show tl.atneae pUcttien 0 a.v, ;u,l e,
s rd'ted-h s of .-hildren is largelv the re- V' "t V- "'' ? wiiaievcr prams gte'.v
r'n-.Jihle:l school rooms, as well auteng corn ..rgrass, nt ..edges or e'se-
as from c
in ' : mall
higher level of intelhgeuc.-. s ae primary ,U1. j.,,j(i0:..,.,i iijede !;i' ag: icuJlure and ge ge ge
schoel is tin; base ofthe educational pyr.s- ; (',...., ,,l.(,,.j.:..Ve .skoatd-e int.. this branch
mid, and all instruction that fellows w (!(. 5,1,.,-. It is .-diegether practicable
dependent en this b:is If the feuuda- ) .,,,,5 t.. , i,,,-,.. : ,.fftiie bett'e m be preiit
tien is imperttct the supcrstructur:; V:,iv used for cattle fecdmg.
cannot be nerleet. H w! net).
rival lattoee in her grear. universities.
must ii rs
4 firs: rival le-r i-.t her primary senoe.s. ;
Prof. Iluehile s ideal teaener Kr a primary ;
i.inl was a voumr'wei'.iuu in ."e euu-
i,nn,.il wiili favor before Lancaster au- ..
dieiiecs. ami te-night, with the American
poet of uatuic for his theme, he wil1 net
After the ,..
v-iisappemt targe cxpcciaiiuin. mw
lecture ;:ie .uiscrese.ip.eai 'ta... -. ...
caster wil: give an exiubitien et great
!-ci1 m;..t- IWClllv or niuiitv-ie.'. t--...
....n..... ;.... f.Aiu
'lid mitro.eepes being en duty.
A liner
Jehn Sshread brought r-uita
ttii,... ln.i.ire "tjiiuire IJarr.
:ihi1 lleiiiy 1
lie charg
1.:.,. ,,.;.!, ihiurr a heg of beer
0111 t:
1.-... it-
the deer te tne pixee "iiu 111.
nn....;...i ,0' tt- .licit-liiti" nartv.
with him, but tint Keller helped te dim
it. Keller claimed that he had intended
te pay for 1 lie beer, while his counsel ar
gued 'that, ashe a member of the
company, he was a part owner of the bed',
and :is he eeuhl net steal from himself" it
could net be a case of larceny. The case
was held under advit-cment by the aldcr
?uan. Xcrriblc Acriilci.S te a Itey.
yesterday afternoon, shortly before 4
.'-ick a terrible accident occurred ie
VTCl Slattern, a nine-vcar-eld son of e:c-
e"ry- , Jehn alattern. who resides en
i."" a,' -twret. appears that a
riuuiu v-
ing driven along Seuth
lar-'e wairen was u.
A.w.r.i sVi-eet near tn
boy's home. He
v 't. ,.l ,..,nn IllO
vageu, out was
nraae an
iid fell under tne wagon, '-'
netend i-.l
bim. His ielt arm eas
crushed from the shoulder wraa, ,i'
bLMies being broken into fragment, .no
tlesh was tern from the Umvjh in pa-.ces ey
the lame wheel. The boy's legs wen?
also badlv bruisctt, but lie ether bones
w -l .4..,.. l-.iiC
,r , T..
weie l.tMlien. lrs. vaipeni-ui f ""
11 ius attended the iniuries id til
t hev hone ie save the arm. .tic is it
as well as can be expected te-day.
m:y of youth, with t heart overflowing i ,-,' .J ' ' V t,n..ilL fi,a 0UY .UiuTshUv ! "K te ''! 'he jury, wheel with names of . -Mr. sj.ccr'o-aecic et Pert t; rape w moon hand
With levl for little ehiUIrear. with a mind ; lwn l.l been i 1r te serve.m juries for Uu. year 1SS1. , -HUneA .u ;;;
,te, .d with knowledge, vrlA an a,.te. ;. j J;tu., cut when tee g;?en or loe ri5e. ; The work is being done in the orphans' l l JtV
teach, wilh an equable temper with until- , ;,.,,,,.,,, ..., (0 atiieriH it c.iuM " t room. capv even-available, pet. leaving little
ing patience, and witn an uni.aggmg ava. 1 hzyc ,;d f; hM,.v lVf,xi,s in sugar preduc- ; " alievwavs tart.-ugh v.-aieh te walk. It it an
in the verk ill Which sue is engaged AsMiu.t and l.attcty. niin.ilable n .t..:ity of wine. Xeaa I sold
Tbf. in 'inber of members of the institute . .. , ...... ; licieu .vlnerman .McLonemy, Alouze ,-,,,ie.B it h.i- .lctnired the ace et lour years.
enreHcd ui the adjournment yestert.ay ",.,,- r.,;,. i.,.!,,,,,,.,.!.... 1 ' .
...r .... , " '"' ...... ,.
niiiMiie'.M w; ;'77: Je 110.111 --ii:iv tiie; '" -;---.iv. .-.'. - j ,'""' : y. i- (Jarrutiiers, charging linn with as-
1111111 tier, c ui'-ideralily, then v.i.-. latj.... ,....' :..,t ;r i. r.,;,. -.,.,t.l i ltd a licit i.rg.
,,..: ....-,. !.... lv.iiv ..c.r.-. v. 1.0 iiwi.i..-,., il l... .............. . ,
euremti up .-' " "" nYMv n representation of the liitlustrl 111 Kr..k....
Vallacii Brti xe-Mgbt teicstsjef the couirtv.te raise a nucleus e:' Ax.eiin.fcw.
The lecture at rnlwsi ha! beiere t,:c ,.-03(( :,r. Kngle thtut.t tiiattlie t.ppe- llli:; euuns one of Lryden s eeer
Teachers' Institute this evening, will be &UmeT ,a niav f:irm"0rs in the county nens was l.eing turned a. eund in Centre
upon "William Cullen Bryant. 'Ihe snch .Usplays, en grounds, was bqitare when the hind axle was broken in
Veturcr. Wallace Ihucc. lias already up- .,, (.; 1 drawbaclc te a successful Iiwhcci. e damage was done te the
en-due. hou.e el an " Di'.readenTer were am-emted a committee
clctV.aV. iay ami t;m ..earing came e.l last u correslonil v,uil Mr. W, ,. ,.,,., of
ni-dit. On the nigv.C oetere tne c.ccaen a j..,;;.,,!,,-,',;,. :,.id invite him te deliver a
ball was held in the engine house at wlnc.i ,ectllic b,.fer3 ll0 society at its next meet-
beer was fold, and ei?e keg was IcL ever. hy
iSlirea.t and Keller were tiie only men v.ue M,. C;(.0W. ver,llS;tcll that he had pit-
had l:evs te tne p.aee i-- - "'- senteil the bill 01 the county m reiereiice
keel. It. was claimed that turner epencu , h . f tl Yc.irs 1S7S autllS70.
s ucer was
who was
."Monthly .".leetlr.ger the Horticulturists and
Agriculturist Hs-ajs and Ulscm-siens.
Tiie following members of the Lancaster
county agricultural and horticultural
society attended the November meeting
yesterday : Messrs. .7. F. Witmcr. Para
dise : ZV. D. Kendig. Crcsswcll : Calvin
Cooper. IJird-iu-IIaud ; S. P. Eby, city ; I
F. Pi. Diflendcrffer. cilv : V. V. Griest.T
city; C. A. Gast, Jdty ; II. M.Engle.
Marietta ; Dr. C. A. Greene, city . C. F.
Hunseckcr, Manheim : I. L. Lur.di. city.';
Daniel Smcych, city ; J. II. Hers key.
The committee en mci it certificates laid
before the .society the c-vt'.licr.tes precnied
and v.-as discharged.
Crep Jtepei is.
Mr. Kendig reported the wheat crop in
Mane; fine: the cent erep large. Many
cittle would be fed in this .section. The
rainfall for the month of October was
1 :j 10 iichcs. Farmers are beginning te
lake (".own tobacco ; the. iieas arc doing
theer-ep damage in th.; houses.
Mr. Ihigle repotted the corn crop in his
section net a large one. "Winter wheat
leek much better than it did a few weeks
age. Gras has been pastured flown very
close, in coiJivquence of the shortness of
the fodder ciep. Tiie rainfall was 2 1-10
inches. The apple crop is small, the dry
stas:e!i having caused the crop le drop pie
maturely. Mr. Ilershey said the grain looked well
in Ilempfield t iwn-llip ; about an average
c:ep of corn ; some of the tobacco has
been taken down ; the ilea no doubt work
ed in the sheds : the people had cpmmcnc
cd shippln.g : there was i geed deal of it
mere or less damaged ; fair crop of apples
in this section.
Mr. Landis said that in Manheim lewn-
I ship there was a full crop of corn. The
same count 0?. saat el wnear, eats ami po
tatoes ; the tobacco crop was being dam
aged by the Ilea : some patches, however,
had been unmoleaied : the young grass
fields leek premising.
Sir. Iii:i:s'!i:kereii V.'talr.
The following p . cr en "Weed- was by Mr. (J. ltun-cci:cr :
"i have bee
1. :', i ttiij ,llliii-el !
renin: k of .ue of our agricultural jour
suiting that our farming is-ie tlefeetive
that we annual! v raise ! 000 090 tens e;
v.-irthh'ss weeds ! New I think it a very
difiVuit matter te arr"."e at a fair estimate,
of the amount of we: titles.-; plants thai
tponlaueeusly grew in our ticliis, ami tiie
figures above are enormous if t:ue.
Hut, then what is a weed'.' Richardson
it is :. plant that i ; usei.
.viii.!.. m( ".-Tt,f. rii'r. i Tin i:i tiuii'i- i;i
iuriein te crops, or unsightly, or out i
ue denominated weens. vceeiitiii1
te these delinitiena from eminent aulheis j
it is wait-.-:t maUeref doubt what e.iriMi-
lutes an 'cntitely useless weed. We wis!
suppose, however, thai any plant that
grows in cornfields in gardens ether than
the farmer and gardener plants for a crop
ate usil"ss weeds in these places and liiu-1
eer anil choice the giev.-tn
cultivate for profit.
"In a very peer soil few
tliev thev
weeiis spun ,
up, no matter hew well or Hi lire laud i.
i i .,. ;!.,
t,cd . .n a flclu n.,,,.,,,,,,-.,
II it is cn-
tirelv the ether way.
Wecds if left te
have their way will spring up with a rail:
luxuriance truly amazing ; 'tee much n.a-
. ntiring !illei that lieM witli v.ved.-. is a
' fact of daily observation.
, "The destruction of all -t
i paints etic i.: j." .grown ler a khii is :ii
thorough tillage. Te la'r-e a iieid .'l c vn .
ie ocifcciien.'recuires constant, work te.
., l ii. ." ..
keen the weeds down. I., is said that
of tltc large-nurseries at Ree!
Yerk, the tillage of this gteumi i; s
thorough and complete that it is a great
rarity te see a weed."
Dr. Greene recenime.ided
for discussion and paclieil
e subject
A ecus grew '.hickcnt en
hesl .soil and
i.'-.t be pre
i'.v tiie rei't
their noxious subjeet nil
vented by pulling then
when halt grown.
.S'iiiid tbe Funnels of !.ai;c.i!cr t'oeuty
l'reiiucc t!i:if eiiii Stigai'.'
Tin answer te this ouestien, referred te
lV. Englc, he mucntiy ree-'iiiu. ended ex
.wrjniCms in sugar hcet euituie. There is j
.ll,l,j.,K.(, el-, j,j :, ..jC;l,,tt.;. eeunty ,'
I iitte.i for raising the su-e
ami wilh .
i-Miv theutiht that Mitrar ceull Iiave
.!.. n.)ili. frnni serfdntm when L'rewti here
, , i. , .m.narlvreliued. Ir. Ditleti-
, .,. , f)f a Yrcstern lirm who
county J.-nr, ami even ut me jiresenL soci
ety. A discussion also ensued as te the best.
y,av te ptomete :i
wider interest 111 the
meetings of the society, .dr.
. inner
new einc-.-rs
might tiuicltcn interests 111 the meet
ings. lr. Gieenc, ?.lr. Engle and
air. Cooper approved the idea of getting
nen lre:n outside tne county te come aim
led ure before the society en the .subject
of agiieulture, and inviting all the farm
ers I, lie present. Jr. ureenu ami air.
The commissioners had paid -5100 for lS7d.
but said they would held that of 1ST!)
under advisement. 31 r. Cooper ami S. I.
Eby were voted thanks for their efforts.
The following oiicstiens were referred
for next meeting: "Can the dairy and
tobacco growing !2 successfully canicd en
en the same farm?" lleferrei'. te C. L.
Ilcalli or an Only daughter.
Our death column records Ihe decease
from brain fever of alary E., the bright
little daughter of air. and airs. K. al. Ag
new, who expired this morning after a
painful illness. In anticipation of the fata!
eiuiiiig of her ailliclien Judge and airs.
Aguew of Heaver, and Dr. and Mrs. IJrewu
el Gettysburg, the distinguished grand
parents of deceased, had arsived in Lan
caster before the termination of her illness.
Mayer's Court.
This inernimf David It. Perter, an old
drunk, was sent te jail for 30 days by the
maypr. He had only been released IV :
jail a. short lime, but he managed te gv.' a
lead 0:1 last iti'.ht. and as usual he told ihe
maver that lie litui a 100 el werK await-
iug him in Harrisburg. Twe vagrants
jycrp discharged.
... sn.- z . .. r ';.... . ...,-w. 4 ...i,. ...Ai.....,,,i 111:111 :i m 1 .1 liti" 1. 1 :i : f s til Mi". :i t I -. ii.iiri: i .in.i . i ., .i. -. i- .-
efj: i:::uci-AU coriiEsfexij:n'ce
Children and matches figured very con
spicuously yesterday afternoon, in what
might have bc-cn a serious conflagration,
but which proved te be a lire of little sig
nificance. Situated en the alley between
Lecn&t and Cherry streets, a short dis
tance "ab.ivc II. S. ilershey's coach manu
factory, is Samuel Read's stable. Here the
ehuuieu of the neighborhood arc accus
tomed t j aieOtnble te have a geed time in
pi v, ing hide-and-seek, and whatever else
a .stable is a desirable place for. Yester
day afternoon the children assembled as
usual, but varied the sport of the day
somewhat in a way that will probably cause
the cle-mig of the doers of this retreat te
them. This way, of which we hinted in
the foregoing part of this article, was sim
ply making a bonfire of the stable and its
contents, wli'-rlier accidentally or inten
tionally we knew net, but presume the
former. At any rate the lire was started
anil before discewicd had gained cousid ceusid
etabic headway, which, no doubt, scared
the ehiidien. as they made every exertion,
however unavailable, te subdue it. As
sistance came in a ohert time from the
paint shop of Greve and Henry and with a
few buckets of water the lire was extin-guishc-z.
but net until it had done some
little damage te the stable. Precautieus
will probably new be taken te prevent the
stable going up in a blaze.
Jeseph Kerner, a resident of Columbia,
and a brakeman en Columbia local freight,
was slightly squeezed between cars at
i'arrisburg yesterday afternoon, while
making a coupling. The engineer backed
hi- train a little ahead of time, and in that,
way .Jee was caught. His injury is nut
Captain D. Ihainard Case took a short
walk, by consent of his physician, yester
day afternoon. He did net ventuie from
the gieuud.s of his residence, but it was
his litftt exetcise since his accident of two
weeks age. He expects te be able te be
en ike street in a couple of days.
Company H drilled last evening for the
first time in two weeks. There was quite
a large turnout. At a business meeting
held aft. -r drill it was decided te parade en
Thanksgiving Da at 2 p. m.. when it is
expected the new overcoats will be here.
Twenty-nine members of the company
have, up te V is date, signified their inten
tion of arli.-:p,tting in the inaugural cere
monies at Washington, D. C, en Match
-s 18S1.
The Republican battalion will parade te
night. Twe prominent Democrats will be
in line one will head the precession and
the ether will carry a banner. This state
of alfair.s is the result of a wager.
Tiie large tree which for many years
h;s M!.-d in front of the 31. E. chinch, j
receiiu sneer, nas ec-eii cut uewn and
hauled away.
New sjceumi sheet, north of Poplar, has
been leveled and is new in right geed
c inditien. Ceal ashes forms the bed of
the stieet.
The tuiehcis of the Columbia public
schools, v.itii but il-v.- exceptions, will at
tend the Teacher.;' Institute at Lancaster
Heuse cleaning time i.t ag-iin here and
this will explain the despondent leeks of
many of the masculine gender te be seen
en our streets.
" oiuineia ministers nclil aneliier
of the ir weickly meetings yesterday. Tin
eemmiit'.e ajspeinted te canvass the town
.-ema time age found pictrly te de. A
L;re;:r. nitny families in town have bs-en
npplied with Ilibles
through the.
iiiiuisti'js et
,iur strtiiuentalit'.
! the
llv the
P. R. R. t'uae table the Freder-
: ick-
K-ic accommodation tram east icmaiiis Itere
1 but live
the old
..cliedula it
lieic twenlv-live niiuuLes i
if...,,,i... ....lit.. i. .i....inir.iiH .. ....
'" lu "."""s .. mi y.min-in i ii
dinner at IJlaek's hotel opjiesite the depot.
Frei Valler. of Marietta, piloted a large
ttmerr rait lure'.rj'i here te-day. It is
gei'ig te the lower waters. Evidently
there '. a't unexpected detention some-alt-ie
as it was thought the rafts would
tt'.'t lively yestenl.ij' afternoon and this
Large mimi'iiie'-; of driftwood passed
i: iv.ii the riv. r ye-lerd.iy. Trees. Ioeo
lumber and all ilealing debris was seen.
A nniii'.'cr of Mr beat owners are taking
their beats fi'.m the water preparatory te
housing them for theM inter. Celd weather
is evident h anticipated.
.Mr. . '. .
I:eue me;v
:: lias get Ins r.atv lee
hall-way up. it will be
nniNiifij vriy .-00:1.
etiy i-, n spiemlid day for raitiii'.-.
Tlieiei-; but little air stirring and the
: : ve;- i ; ,i.- .jiiiet as can be.
?.!.;.. Charles Uraylcr. of Yerk, is visit
ing in te (Vn te-day.
.Mrs. K. L. Owen left heie yesterday
for her home at t'iiestmtt Hill, Philadel
phia. Filling inn Wheel.
'eaiiul sie'tcrs Ringw.tltaud If-i
Tui v
Conyngham has brought suit against
taimmittc-.l lop Court.
Jeshua llahn committed in default
of bail last night, by Alderman Spurrier,
te answer at court the charges of stealing
saws from Urban & Burger. Charles Kid
dle and Sebastian Kissk".'. Disiuirecil.
Tiie case of assault and battery brought
by Daniel Atteainp against Jehn C'enliu
and Jehn fit. Clair was dismissed by Alder
man ihirr, as the prosecutor did net ap
pear. The meat n -r.-ible r.rmctly, and Ihe only sale
sure and p.-rniuiieul cure for all diseases et
Ihe liver, bio id and stomach, including bil bil
ieu fevers, feverand ague, dumb ague, j 11111
diee, dy p.-jv.ia, .vc. is I'ref. tiuibnctle's
i'rcueli l.iver Pad ;,wliich cures byabsorptien.
A-:c your druggist ter this noted cure and
t'tlc no ether, anil if lie has net get it or wiil
net uel :t ler you. send Jl.'Ole French i'ad Ce.,
Teledo, O., and they will scud you one pe-t-paid
by return mail. 15
Cleli: .SI ringed I'ianns.
The-e in want of a standard piano will ilnd
it te thciradv.intage Iereadthcadvcrti-;enici.t
of .Schumacher & Ce.'s Held Stringed 1'ianes.
The geld strings will neither rust nor break in
changeable climate. A guarantee of five years
or longer given with each piano. Jin.. Dr.
King having received the agency .-.ells direct
lrem theniane.'actery. Each piano warranted.
An. iihcu. cats.
Jlcrt Riiu-harCn MinslrcU.TXw amiMm.-nt
sca-en in this city opens en Saturday night
with itert Uineli-iit'sminr-trel, in
which all.the el-: f tveritcs el I he city will take
part. A line pregramme ha-, been prepared
ami the company have been rehearsing for
Mtuietiine. Among the people who will ap
pear arc the follewing: Charier. Shay, S.uu
Maxwell, I Xlxderfand II. Derwart come
dians; ... llctalici.-, uanjeist ; quintet el ve-eaii-ts
eeii-Isting e! Me sis. Powell, reatz,
l-'railey. Treycr and Ueitcr; Tenipleten anil
Ceulma.. -le daiictiri:, and Geerge Myers, in-tcrJe-ul"..
The music will be ftirni-hcil by
i.eft'ui's erehcalra. 'ihe price are certainly
low cneuai: te tnable all te attend.
Mothers never fail te recommend Malt Ilit-jV-rs
us nourishing unit strcagtliening,
"Yeu arc respectfully invited te call and see our store and elegant stock
of goods. "We are receiving frequent importation? of new and beautiful
goods from Fiance, Italy and Switzerland, which are put en exhibition as
seen as received.
"We have an extensive stock of Diamonds, including some rare genu
of large size. We have an attractive exhibition of Oil Fainting j, 3IusicaI
Hexes with various attachments, Geld and Silver Watches for ladies or
gentlemen at very low prices. Keyless Clocks suitable for school room,
Teachers' Bells, Ink Stands, Geld Pens and Helders, Paper Kuives, Ther
mometers, &c. Wc have everything in the regular Jewelry Line, and
many articles net usually found in the jeweler's stock.
Teachers are cordially invited te employ some of their leisure time in
a visit te our store.
H. Z. RHOADS & BBO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
The Your.;: Men's Democratic Clu'oef tltc
Seven! It want will meet at IJtzinger's saloon
tii-mei row evening e.t TJio'eJecIt ter the pur
pose of reorganization. Other business ofitn efitn ofitn
liertarscf. 2t
. ..m Crnxccl Villi ToeUuscIio
a ei .-crvci you liltt for having neglected te
use SOZODON'T. Hal you !nuse youriuetitlt
v.eul.l have liecn healthy and your terlh
-euml. Uet the "siiri'"," pulled out and com
liit'iic'! :tl once u:n:; MIZUDONT, thereby
vne-.erviii;r the liaiau c q'. your teeth.
Siiavlnjr becomes a ItiMtry v.-lien indulged hi
daily with Cutieiira savins Seap.
:.-f) TfCJM.
... i'l.K .JTICIi:.
it i-i initie.-, ;il'.' ter a woman jtrter a fai!h!ul
eear-c et tn-itinrenl with Iylia I'.. rinUham'.s
Vegetalile Coiiipetiml te continue te inffar
v. itii :i wakness (t the. uterus. Ktiele-iQ a
stamp te .Mr-. I.ydiii K. I'inliham, i'X'l Western
liven u j. l.vnii, M.i-r... for painplilete.
'StHeiV Liver I'ilU" are ".veri;iag mere teal
geed in niui year than all oilier preprietaiy
liieilirine.a. -J", cents per box.
l Jti-eini'J Troches" are uefS with
udvaiiliigu te aileiatu Cough-, Sote Threat,
He;'.r-t.r:eM and ilrenciiiai AHVetiens. Ker
thiity years thi.'Mj Troches have been in use,
wilh annually increasing favor. Tiiey are net
liev." an. I untried, but, having been tested by
wide and constant ums ter nearly ait entire
genetutien, they have attained ivell-ineiited
rank among the IVwt:ip!oreniedie.,ef the age.
Tbe Tiireat.
' jSruwiCs J:fi:c!ir:l Trwhes"1 act directly
en the organ oft !. voice. They have an ex
traordinary i:ri" in all disorders of IhaThreat
and l.a.'yn:., r.'te.iiiig a healthy lone v. hen re
laxed, cither !n:i eeid or ever-exertion et the
voice, and piediiceiieleariiiiil SiMiin:tenii!iei-ati-jti.
.Sicakc:t Usui tS'.nuerii find the Trechcu
A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Here Threat re
(liiin's iini.iediftter.ttentie!), as neglect otten etten rc'tilt-, in some incurable lamg Dbease.
" lireiru's llreachiiU TreeJia" will altneat in
variably give tcli'-f. Iiuitatien.H are ettViud ler
sale, many et v. Inch an; injurious. The girnu
im. "J!rewi'.t J.'feuc'tiiil Troches" are sold
niil;j 'anl.Vlydv.Tn.Ti-.s
Tlinlr KiTils and Duties liy Law.
I have sullered lrem a ki hey difliculty for
the past ten years, accompanied with nervous
heasius. l'iivsieians gave me but tciniieiiiry
relief, litit alter using three and one-half bot
tles of Warner's Sale Kidney and l.iver Cure,
my nerveu spa-in werecii.'i.W.' relieved. J!y
age is 77 year.. 1 rcceiunicnd tins great ivm
edv te all sullering from nervous troubles.
'I'iieinvnlli! fiuiU in '!!. I.imlev'. P.loeil
i searcher'' nature's gieat restorer. It i wen-
ilie Tidy Iloiutv.vile.
I The careful, tidy housewife, when she is giv
ing her house its pn:.g cleaning, aiietnu near
in mind that the .liar inmate ei her house are.
mere precious than house-sand that their sys
tems need cleansing by purilying the bleed,
regulating the stomach and bowel te prevail t
and cure, the disca-es arising from spring 111a
laria and i:ii:iMiia, ami site should knew that
there is nothing that will de it te perfectly and
surely as Hep l'.ittcis tha purest and best el
all nicdieinej. Sae oilier column.
; nl-2rUw
iiiiitiiim: .uetiicru:: .iiottiers:::
Are you .'.b'.nvbcd at night and. broken ct
your iv.-t V. a !!: ehl'.d sullering and crying
v-itii ihe.svrru'Siiiing pain el cutting teeth?
It -, go at or.!"- .111.1 get tlbottleef MISS. WrXS-
j L:V"n s',- e;ilN: si Ul It will relieve the
pir litlle tuier.,r iiniuedititc'y depend upon
j : : . :i . I- no mi-take about it. '1 hi ri is net a
, i.ti-tiier e. earth who h:e ever used il, vi.e will
r.'.t tfi: M at once that it will regulate. Ihe
L-e,ci-. ;...(! aive rest te the mother, and reliei
; ami ln-.i!.!-. "... '.lie c'uil'l, Oi-erating like, magic.
Ii i-- p.- 1. oily .-ale e i;-.ein !d!cae.-,'iiid pleas
ant te the la" te, a. n! i- tin: piv-erijilien el ene
el the :.k-i atid be-.: femulu pliysleians and
n..'--i-. in lire Untied S!u(i. s.'M everyw licre'
1 , e 11 1- a het!'.... !;i7-'.vd.;V M.WAS
Wlitcs ler aictiicliic.
Seme time Mtvce we ateptieit at rai.iic, X. .1.,
dl te tins amount el
and the builiiugLA Saint -i, arc of ihe lirst,
second, 1 bird an i teurth years' milage. Our
inigglit.- have em9 et the eldest of the above
winediicet irna :ir. Patterson Gvnr-
Tlii.; wine l-j n-w in demaail ler retimiu
r.ien purpart'-!, n :,eTecl!ciU for weiikly pwr
fnm before retiring.
This wine ie eiider.-e.l by lira. Atlee and
Davis, and old by II. K. slaymaker.
IliiiSTASD i:.r.n.-On the Sth of November,
lS'Hi, bv the i:ev. W..T. Gerhard, al his resi
dence," Xe. ::i Ea-d Orange street, s. X. Iiie
taud, tn Sue A. itaer, both et Landisviilc. "
in: AT i;s.
" Aoset.- thiscitv, en IhcOth Mary
i:., only chilit of Itebcit M. ami Mary E. Ag
ue w, in I lie 3d year of "net- age.
SKuneral from the residence of her parents
Xe. 5IO Xerth Duke rdrret, Thiusday aflcr aflcr
necii at ! o'clock. nD-it
Strsii. Xevcmber 7, ISSl. at the residence of
her latlier, .le-epli li. Kever, Minnie A. Keycr
Uii-,11. wile el William .1. ltu?l), of L'niontewn,
Fayette county.
Uride )" but a fleeting season,
Happv in her woman's prime.
She has geiu: te realms immortal
I'asseti lrem out the realms of time.
She's net dead, but sweetly bleeping.
In her bridal robes at ret ;
Gene wilhin her Saviour's keeping
.Minnie new is with the blest.
Funeral en Wednesday afternoon at two
o'clock, from the residence or her parents,
Ve"t King street. Serriccs al the lieu-e. In
terment at Woodward Hill cemetery.
Fniontewn papers please publish.
"I-MMl SALt; lilt KENT.
10 Tim goetl wiil and- fixtures or the well
known snapper I!ex"' saloon en Xerth Duke
street, new occupied bv Clins. Ap
ply at saloon. .. nev'J-lwd
lead the V.'c.ld.
Highest Cciiicne.ial Award.
MltS. D'.t. GEO. A. ICIXG,
n0;2ld.tltv.- - Agent ler Lancaster.
On TUESDAY, XOVEMr.Ei; Id, will be
geld at the Leepard Hetcl.a iwe-t.ry l'ltAME
DWELLING, with Frame Hack Uuliilmg. con
taining hall untl rooms, ituatvil en the south
west corner of Heaver and linger streets. Xe.
il.-l: let wilh lieu-e fronts 25 feet and in depth
loe feet te si it leet wide alley. Alse an adjoin
ing let the same size.
sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. tn. Condi
tions made known by
II. Sxiubest, -Ai'ict. nO-"tl
LiAXcastcr. Keveuiber t?, ism.
XN club will meet at. their head quarters to
morrow evening, at 7;-X o'eieclc. Uy order et
the I're.sident.
nS2td- JOnX r.LCIv, Secretary.
rjKAcui-aw institute!
TUESDAY, NOV. 9. " William Cullen Kry
ant. "' Wallace Itruce, New Yerk City.
V.'KDXESDAY. NOV. 10. ' Abraham Lin
coln." lien. Schuyler Colfax. ?euth Ucml,
TI1UKSDAT. NOV. 11. "A ViVit te tt.e Yo Ye
semite Valley." Or. O. II. TiU'.iny. Philadel
phia. 1'a.
FRIDAY. NOV. 12. i:iilingi by i'rel. Frank
I'.i-adferd. New Yerk Oitw"
B-tfalc et Jteserved Seat-, will basin e.i
Monday, Nev. S. at J a. in.. ;. I'en Dereiiiitlf d
Heek Stere, Ne. 3J Ka-,t King treet.
Course ticket-" for reserved .-cats $l.."i0
Singlcticket for lv&.-rved seats 40
Single ticket, general ail.nlsslen 'it
Lectures will begin ut S o'clock.
uniform curbstones in the city et Lancas
rittCTiOTfl. E it ordained by the Select ami
Conuuen Councils et the city et Lancaster,
that in all ea-,es where by existing ertllnances
curbstones are reiiiiv.d'tn beset by the own
ers of any lets .situated and bounded upon any
public street within Hut city of Lnrieitcr.-uch
curbstones shall beet gr.mite s-teiif, with an
upper or top edge seven inches thick, no' le--.
than twenty inches .vide nor les.j than live
leet len-r: iiml the upnerer top t;dgeand se
much of the side faWng the street in will be
e.peed above the surliict! of tiie ;:utter siiall
be dres-cd lean even and straight surface.
SccTte:.-i That in ca-e of tlelault by owners
et" property te set curbstones of inequality
ami dimensions provided ler in Section 1. the
direct Committee shall proceed te have such
curbs set as and in I'm: manner nrevitled bv
ordinances new in force, at the cost el such
owners of property.
Ordained ami enacted into a law at the City
of Lancaster, October (J. iss'i.
President Common Council,
i' Juux.stex,
Clerk Common Council.
i:e!:i:i:t a i.yaxs.
.1. K. Rarr. rivsidcr.t Sele-i Council.
Clerk Scleci Ceunrrl.
The above. Ordinaiuc, net having l:ce-.i re
turned bv the Maorte the bedv in which it
originated within tin: period specified by law,
becomes clfcctive without the .Mayer's signa
ture, according te tli't previsions e":'.-aiti law
T. L., iST!, p.2.2.
i)evO-"tl Cieri: Common Council.
rrrrr-:; rtt -v . .
?y tlse. trea 01 ctiar-e, in the iNTaixuiiw
CK!i, who wants something to'tle.
f-7"A-'TS':I A tlllll. Xt UO ISKXKKAI.
?; housework, (.ioedwngcspaiil. Apptyat
ltd Xe. 1":1 Xerth Queen Street.
u.arrietl man, employment as single or
deuble entry book-keeper. "Net afraid of work.
Sal arv required moderate. Addre.-s,
"J. IJ." .;! l'ulten Street, Lancaster, fa.
SlOVSIi I'CKX'.'UifZG coevs.
Would atlvi.-e ail wiiec;iitciiip!,itii i;i!iiig in
UKATKKa or making any alteration in Ihe'ti
heating arram-esncnls te de :e at niitu beierts
the null e:' 1'all Trade begins.
TIIE .MtleT KKLIAltL'.'.
mm, mm m mm
In the Market at the
152 North Queen Steeet,
;u;. of Tin: uurt'Ai.e 11 kau.
HOBES! keijesi:
I have new en liaud ihe f.Mvisav. Ilrar ash
CtuiAl'Ksr AssesrrMKivr of Line.! ae.d L'uliiit-d
AXD HOUSE J1LAXK :! of ..... rv demo
tion. A full line et
Trunks and Satohels,
Harness, V7hip3. Cellars, S:c.
Au'itepr.iring neatly an.: promptly. dent'.-Si
ws ::;, c':.-'-.
-l Ml M WAS
mis vie i. i.a xi:e US.
X corner Seuth Duke and Church s-trcet-Avill
cle-e en WEDNESDAY EVENING. N()i . 10,
15s0. All pei-sens who have money for -.ok-.
arc rcqticsicd te :e'.ivtr the si-.n.e en that
evening in the chnrc".; meii.
neTS-jtd cemmitte; .
Missm. !:. gill, 'ii:Aitni::t or i!:.iiv
ing in li:e t.irl," II'U'li Scheai. wi-hes te
el.tain piip.ln in I he vaiieus styles el drawiig
and painting, liceidence Xe.::.". We-t Orange
street. Fur.-, altered anil repaired "at tiiu suite
place. ectiO-lld
.i!aiciiriox.i.:-.ssexs ix la.ouime.N
and Kcadiiii! will be 'iven uponjnasen-
able terms, by MUS
EMJ1A Sl.lCIITEi:. at
4U.'! Wet Orange, street. Classes wilt be formed
amlal-e private in-irucueu given, iienrs
tuny be s.leeicd te suit pupils. ett'-lwd
JL All kinds et. liens Painting and Graining
tleneat thusluirlest notice ami in thubestpo-.-iblefctvle.
We havu reduced our piicc te
$1.75 per day. Shep en Charlette stf-ct.
ncthMtnil AI.LEX GUTHRIE ,'c SONS.
j Wncr.CAS, Tl-.e Honorable dOIIX ii. LIV
INGSTON", l'lcrddcrit, and llonerablu DAVID
W. l'ATTEKSOX. A-,-eciate Judge el the
Court of Conimenl'lcas.inanilfor the county of
Lancaster, and As.-istant Justicesef tiieCeurts
et" Oyer anil Terminer and General Jail De
livery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in
ami or the county of Lancaster, have issued
their precept, te uie directed, requiring me,
among ether things, te make public proclama
tion throtutheut my bailiwick, that a Court et
Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail Deliv
ery, al-e a Court or General Quarter Sessions
ef'thc l'cace ami Jail Delivery, will commence"
in the Court Heu-e. in the city of Lancaster in
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en the
In pursuance ei wiiicn precepi pueiie i.eucu
is hereby itiven te tile Mayer and Aldermen et
the city br Lancaster, in the said county, and
all the Justices or the Peace, the Corener and
Constables, of the said city and county of Latt-cu.-ter,
that they be then and there in their own
proper person, with t hell' rolls, records ami
examination, and inquisitions, and their ether
remembrances, te tle the-e things which te
thcirellicesappertain in their behalf tobetlenc :
antl also nil these "who will prosecute against
the prisoners who are. O' then shall be, in the
jail of said county of I.aaea-ter. are te be then
anil there te prosecute against them :u shall be
Dated at Lancaster the Seth day or October,
Fill I
t" -
Washington, D. C., Nev. 9. Fer the
Middle states, variable shifting te easterly
winds, partly cloudy weather, and occa
sional light rain?, with higher tempera
ture and stationary or lower barometer.
r. & k.
TtieUalf Interest Coupens Tim Company's
Ceal Lands.
PmLADELmi.v, Xev. 9. The payment
of half interest en coupons ofthe genera
mortgage lean of the Philadelphia and
Reading railroad began te-day, objections
thereto having been withdrawn by con
solidated mortgage bondholders.
The report upon the value of the coal
lands of the Reading company has been
.TnWI nn.l .,cn,1 ., l. i
completed and passed upon by the re-
ceivers, nuc it is statcu at t lie company s
." A t . -,i i , , ,. ,n.
eliicc that it will net be made public. The
receivers new have in their possession a
detailed statement of assets of both the
railroad and coal and iron companies, but
their disposition of the estimates of the
appraisers will net be announced until a
definite plan of futiuc policy had been de
cided upon.
Continuation of the Testimony.
Nmv Ybnic, Nev. 9. The trial of Keu
va:d Piulp, for libelling Gen. Gariicld, continued te-day. Detective LiiuTsey
testified that he saw Henry L. alerey en
the train between Lewell and Lynn last
February, and that Mercy then showed
him the Chinese letter. Witness was
severely cress-examined and admitted that
he was introduced te Jlerey by means of a
letter which was itself a forgery. He was
then cress-examined about certain mine
in Maryland, particularly the Elkhart
mine, in which he said lie had recently
been walking iireuiul. air. Blisa then
showed him that the Kikbarfc mine has
been (leaded for fifteen yearn and was
only pumped out Utis spring.
th:: ;.i mil a:ui:di:i:e:m.
Twe Shall b Taken ami tlie Other i-tin.
Wasiiixutex, D. C, Nev. !). In ihe
case of the Ilirth nntrderers, for whom
counsel had appealed te Mr. Hayes for
eomnintatiett of sentence te imprisonment
for life, Hayes has decided that Bedford
and Quecnan shall be hanged en the 19th
inst. and that the sentence of Sandy I'eini
shall be commuted te imprisonment for
kh.l;-:s and Tintevvx ixte a ivhi.l.
The r. gie Death efn French Canadian Bey.
I)e i;::, N. II., Nev. 0. The body of a
French Canadian boy named Truro, who
mysteriously disappeared from Great Falls
last Thursday morning, was found in a
well en Saturday. A pesi merls.n exami
nation was held and the doctor's opinion
is that the boy wan killed before the body
was thrown into the well.
Jrytativ City, N. .1., Nev. t). Fiank
DeFeres't, age 22, an employee !' the
Pennsylvania railroad ferry company en
the beat J. J3. Darcy, while outside ihe
beat cleaning windows, en the 10:0 trip
from New Yerk, fell overbern! anil was
drowned. As he was a geed swimmer, it
is thought he was struck by the paddle
CALl)l!.M.l. 1'achece Suvcshis Bacen.
Sax Fisaxcisce, Nev. 0. Official returns
from all the counties iu the Fourth con cen con
"'.cssienn! district except Tulare, Mariposa
ami Tngew, which are full but net official,
give Pacheco, Bepubliean, one hundrsd
and lifty-three majority. Hi.s election is
considered settled.
Iiiip.-isc.icit in Ice.
BccitA:ir.r.T, Nev. 0. The river Velga
is frozen and many grain-laden vessels are
c night iu the ice. The harvest has been
s.itiheit that the detention of the vessels
will be seriously felt. The early approach
of winter has also prevented the comple
tion of sewing in the south of Ttus.ia.
The War en the Jesuit.
Paki, Nev 0. The siege of the Abbey
of the Picmentre fathers, at Mairseillcs
has been rabed by the monk neglecting te
guard the deer by which they communi
cated with friends without. The monk
left the abbey with ninny friends.
(luiet nt Cabut.
Loxnnx.Nev. 0 The Times this morning
says news.has i cached the India office that
up te the 2 Jth of October all was quiet at
Cubit!. The above dispatch seems te
discredit the existance of anarchy in Cabul
a rumor of which reached Louden October
inauguration of the Lord 3Iyiir.
Loxnex, Nev. 9. The inauguration of
the Lord Mayer of Londen will take place
te-day. The ionic of the Lead Mayer's
;he- is prefu.-.ely decorated with Hags.
The wea'lu r is Hue but cold.
Death el an Iliniuent Spanish St.!tcm.ui.
Londen, Nev. 0. The death is announ
ced of Den Jese Maria Orcnsi, Maiqu's of
Albania, the Spanish statesman, demo
crat, and advocate of tiie abolition of
slavery iu the colenics. lie was :igei
about eighty years.
.James alcVe) 'a Death.
Pout Jeuvis, N. Y., Nev. !). James
McVey, of Brooklyn, fell fiem an emi
grant train near Hancock, N. Y., last
night and was picked up dead, with one
arm and both legs cut oil".
Fire in Sew Yerk.
New Yep.k, Nev. 9. Buildings Nes
313 te 323 East Twenty-second stieet, ec
cupicd by manufacturing firms, were
damaged by lire this morning te the
extent of jO.OOO ; partially insured.
Jew Coming te America.
Loxden, Ney 9. A despatch from Ber
lin says three thousand Jews have left
lienmania for America by the waj of IJr-.-mcu.
Liabilities JCIiO.OOO.
Londen, Nev. 9. D. It. Cl.arle-, of
Harrow, has failed. Liabilities, G'J,0-.)0.
Several Liverpool lirm3 arc involved.
rieetcrt Mayer of Liverpool.
LivcnreiM.. Nev. 9. "Win. Forwood, of
the firm of Leach, Harrison & Forwood,
has been elected mayor of Liverpool.
Arraigned In tbe Tombs ter Drr.iiV.cuncs;!.
Xnw Yerk, Nev. 9. Among the prise -ners
arraigned for intoxications at the
Tombs te-day was Patrick A. Gallagher,
one of survivors of the Custer massacre.
His residence was given as Dead weed,
Dakota. In consideration of his antecedents
Justice Patterson committed htm tempor
arily. Cengrcssman-ctcct Han's FinraUly.
IlARitismine, Pa., Xev. 9. The return
judges of the 1-ith congressional district
(Dauphin, Lebanon and Northumberland
counties) met heie le-d.ty and computed
the returns. Tin: plurality of S. F. B.irr,
Republican, is cc. titled te as 2.519.
i'tiilntieiphia ?tarkrt.
rniLAPELrniA, XevcmberP. Fleur market
tirm "but quiet: superttne 52735:; se : extra
M i?4 50; Ohie ami Imliniia tiimilv S03tii:
ivnti'a lenity $vr.f?.- : st. Leuu runny
-J' 'i ,'". .", ','"I,::"!l i;lll"'v ; i" ;;
S'V'igli' siW.Tfi.V): Winter isi't-at Si:27:e;
spring de 7 (K)g)3 2.'..
itve Heur linn at ?."."!).
Wheat strong and advancing: Xe. 2
West-.m Ile.1 il IC'; Pcutrju i.'e.t SI r?t M;
AmberJl Italic. '
Cem Iwld higher but quiet; yellow at .Ve:
mixed Me.
a(i higher and fairlv active; Xe. 1. Whilee
l.?LVi.c: Ne. 2 d.4lGiIc; Ne.. S de S.V;
V'.i Uixt'd ::7R37"c.
5:ye linn at i's'c.
Prevision linn but qub.t ; mrsi perlc,
new, nt $irt''r'l...'iU: de old, nt Sliire.Tdi; .-a);
beet Hams at $17 W; Indian m..s bci atISSH ;
b icon rnekei! heuIiters ."'.igfie ; salt de .V ."c;
luueIicI bants in.le;.c: iiiculed inm, s-.7c.
Lard lirm: city Kettle nt S"f Qjj : "most
butchers' Sc; priine steam S 7.".
Itutter dull. :r.Me from choice gi-ades :
Creamerv cxtia .'lie: de geed te choice 23 Q
.lie: B.C. an i .V. . extra -JftiJ-JJa: Western
n-vrvi' e.vtr.t iiiU-: de troed te chelee li'.ii.
ine: Uells Urn i with fair demand ferehnice:
Western tteserve eftra ii'fi'il ; IV-na'a t-'stra
Kggs setire.'" and Arm; I'ent.'u Extra tMe ;
Weiern Extra "...
Cheese dull but strn ly : New Yerk lull
eieam at peJMc: ". . ..'u full cream a,
li,':.0I3e: de lair I.. ;;.... at U.jil'.V; de half
IVtreleum'dull : iciiued I-'e.
Whisky utrjl II.
.seed l.'oed te prinii' clever dull a I f; .";?,,
7 .";: Tiinethv nominal at $n.l-l&): Flax-eci
lui.-t at $1 3-J bid. il Zi asked.
.":iv Yertt ,'.t::rK'l.
N'lav Yers. Nev. 0. ."'our Mate lAft-
ern a shade, stronger with f.iirl ac
tive expert and lobbing tr.tie demand:
Snperllne. ar 5:! :.,?! :;.".: et.:i de at
ilWtU -:; choice, de, rl ,15,I; tancv de
TtOV'tiKO; round hoop Ohie il7."fj" : cl-.eiie le
at t" iut;i! t!0; siiperl'.ue wdcrn f::'.i!)et .";
c.xamen te geed extra ! l WTH S5; cimiee
ii.'il tWtiiJ.-0: cheien whit.- wheal de 1 7.
iijUXt; aetithiiru rpiiut and firm, miilentte in
(ui.y; common 10 l.iir extra at JjtM?.". .":
g.-lil te fiioite de ir, &'?t.- 71).
Wheat (rtjebi.tter a'ud active speculative
cusine-ts: Ne. I While, Nev.. $1 17Ji : de Dec.
il iaT.l lav : Ne. ited. N..V..$l l:.(l l!Vif ; ihi
iii'c.,I U.V"! -I : le.ian..i -i-i.'iitii-i.;.
ICern scarcely se lirm: Mixen we-lrn .;i.t,
.ulS.VJ.'.c: de lutitre, .TJi-fi'V.
! .Oats JiQJCc better, active: No.SNev.. IP.'e
de Dec. ti!;,: de Jan., I3c; Statu -li&!&;
SIesijay, Nev. S. The receipts of bcevei
ut the West Philadelphia yard ler past week
were 3,.')fi:e head; North Philadelphia yard,
7iHi head. Total, 1,2.x) head. Previous week
3..V- head.
Ileef cattle were in fair demand this week,
and price; weie lather llrmer. We itete
llxtKi at S; id :?.; gnl. 4.'frP.".c; mcdiuni
'.' 6l l.,'e ; common. '&tf$V,ifi; btrlis and cows,
:3e; calve.; ."i'lje. I- resh cows, SI";te t?fi pvr
head :
Vr) Itege.r ?,Iaynes, '.Vestern.grn;-.), irt.V'ic.
,tr. Owi'.i Smith. Wc-t Va.. account et A.
Caperteu: IS de.. II. C. Vaiimetic: 1.5 de.,
Je-;. aiinii.'tn-: .13 de., Jes. Sawdon, jr.;
17 de. S. II. bliver: is de. .1. W. Uaila.
bau-h: 12 1 te., W. :. Tew..'
Cei i:. r. & It. 1. Mel'i'.lsii, AVest Va., gre-,s, -Ifif
i7.: '.'SiJ. CIirlsAy. West Va.. ;:-e-;-:,3.!.i'ff?.1J'c.
IIS lima. 1 & Lehman Itron., U . Va., account
l' IVppcr, iic; it. West
( nt 0. Lcliinmuu l!re-.: I'ic; 02 Ohie,
account of Ed w. Yeliu, V. 2-1 'e.; X) Ohie,
account of Jehn McAnIlc..VJ,c.: it; Yerk
county, Jehn ;;t;-!v.;'.v:Wcdteiii,
ii' count of. In. White, ure-s, ijf,r.
!i Ja-. C!cm-en, Wci-tein l'a.. account or J.
J. Iienley : I "J Lancaster county, account
of Levi Scnsen!:, gres-, In.le.
."I Pt-ntiis Smylh. We-deni, l'a., aeenunt of
James White; 17 de., itreivu ft llre : 2i
West Va., account or S. II. Shiver; S de.,
J. W. I.'adabaugh: 1) Yerk ceuntv, ac
count et Jcu Leathery, gre,. :,.".' je.
2ft .Jehn McArdle. Wesloni.gre... I. "(."' e.
113 Daniel .Murphy. '.Visirni and 'WeMern
I'en-.'a, gres-.-ia-V-t''.
:yi-! Leucn-iei.i & Adlcr, Wc.-tern IViiu'a..
iri . Schambcrg ,'i Ce.. Wcitcin I'.t . gre-i,
".s I. M'l.eelz, V.'c .'rrn ami '.Ve-t V ,., '!.-.
St) II. Cham, jr.. V, . ' .:.: .".C .Ve.-tcrii I'enn'a,
t::fi-, ! l''4e.
S3 Daniel .-siiix'tii ."' i'.ie.. V.'i-.ti.rn i'.-mi'ti,
account lit" Joint V.'i .1;: SI de.. Win. .11 c-
Mi.Uie; .") U'e-I Y.i., aiveiint of C!c i.s X.
(,'enway; .") .Ilav;. laud, account of W. O.
Hughes, me". :a.t.1J,e.
) L. Hern, W-t Va. and Di.-l-.gre.-.S'.rr.ji'rr
1U5 & Levi, U.-t. V.i.. aceerinl i.t
I-'imllay, D.ivi.U.ii & C.;22de., it. Dai iil-
en ."c Ce.; 30 de., l Carret hers, gre,-;, :y4
Zi Ab.-Osthfim. West Va.. cre-.
:.D Win. Sales, We-t-Va.. gre-i. I.V c.
It". M. Levi, W.'it Va.,gre-,s, lQ.i;c.
12) .-.:!ainberg.; Paul. iVe-t V.i..
.'(. James Hushier, Wi stern au I WYit' a,,
ginvH. r,ri,'.
l-ial .1 out-. Anil, IV. lei 11, gle.-:, !j.,'.'.1e.
2 P. I!.ithaway,Clnlei-ietiiity. g'nVs, iffl'e.
.-i-.eip a.i'l l.m.b-. The reei-iptM were: U'c-t
I'hilale.i'hia varus l.iifn) heae ; oilier yaids
.I.IM' lieai. Total ler the v.eek l),i Hi lii-.-d. Prc-vie.i.-i :v'.'i head. This markel was nidi
and without any m,.t rial change treui 0111-la-t
report. Wo'tueto Kxtra at .'.:; geed. IK
ftl',e: mediuui, il;HK couimeu. ."K'I'e;
culls, 2jt..'yc. ; Meck fives .'.."' '..:.; West
ern rem. a.. Lamb-, l4"i-j : Chetcr county
110 ..;i'.i,c.
Saiiiut.l Mcwart -eId (;iriIit-:.d et sheep
at i:f!ic.
Heg' The receipts were: All vards 8.W.-U
head. Previeu-t wiel: 7.M1 head. 'l"ln- ma.'la:t
during thew ce k v.crc dull, and piifi:-,dee;int:it
!p- per pound. We (jiieie cvtr.t at tliij7c ;
lair, 'i.'-i'i'iY.c.: common ijfj'Je.
Sleck r.iarlcGt.
New Yer.ic .-fe; n-.
Stocks weak.
November Tl.
A. ?r. a. ?'.. a. M. r. 71. 1-. si
IO::0 l:.V. ll:l' l:M i:te
.Meney , iy.'e.v.y,
Uriel:, it ::;", ;; i::'i .y ....
Michigan S..V. L. ......II.VJ 1!.".' l!.". 11.-. ....
.Micliigau Cent. It. ICH.'.' ic.). 'j:' It!);.; ....
Chicago & N. W II.T, III' U'.lf. I!3
Chicago, m .'est. s p.!,1: iij, mi;.: pej-; ....
Ilan. .VSt.J. Ce-u... 4I' t!J. -11 11),
' I":d.... mi s:i swt,; ss:
.'"oltde ,'i ... Ail.: !J.' il 12!.; ....
ohie.t Mi--.i-.ippi. .. ca .v; s.-.'.; a.-,', ...
St. Leuis, I. M.AS.It.. 4s !: is
Outari'.:.!ii"t Ue-ler::. 27;.; 2.;.'7 2'.',, "
u. (;. a i. c. il 1: is-,! i.-? l-' is;i ....
New .ler-i y ceiilivl.. 0-1 .d ; u
Del. ; lliiu-en canal. ry. se v-t
Del.. i.:tfk-..: We-tirn '.".i
Wcstein I'ltiei. Tel... tl--;4
Pacille Mail S. S. Ce.. 47
Manhattan Llevated
I'lilen Pacilic .)!
Kan-as .tTcxa- 3J,!j
.New Yerk Cent ml
Adam-1 Kxpiv--i
Illinois Central
Cl.-.vland .c Pitts
Chicago A- Iteck I
I'itlsbiirgli fc ft. W
American 17. Tel. Ce
i$ m Ui
17 47 t''
m ,11 1-
.... II!)
.... 12V, ....
.... IJIji ....
Stocks .steady.
I'ennsylvani.t it, IL.
Phil';... & Heading...
!?; 21;i $
-" -vi -'- "' -''
i." 53 5". 51
Lehigh Valley. .M;vigaiien... utj ;! sA
Notthernl'acilicCem .... 2a 'js; gs;4 )
I'M 3.:;; 3t n svA
l'Itts.,Titusv'& I! lev; prj ;y. r,y
Northern Cenfa! 3v; ZV. :;-? vjX :2)
I'liil'a & Krie It. it 1,'A Yi'A .... WA
Northern I'enn'a I.
un. 1:. it's of n. J is' u--' ivix .... uiy;
llc-itenvilh: I'as- I'J l'Ji - 1
Central Trans. Ce ....
1,statk or anii::j:v r. .McNUiL.
Ii lateef Coli.niinte'.vnahip. deceased. Let
tcr of administration 011 saitl cstali; having
been gi-ant.-tl te the undersigned, all persons
indebted thereto are rcfiuci.tcd te make imme
diate settlement, ami these having claim.s or
demands tigjiust the same, it ill pre.-eiit them
wil heut delay ter Mttlciuent te the uudciilgn
viL resulting fn taiid tewiiMnp.
Colci-ain l O,
(."iIMtv.' A ta.iniitrater.
i rsTATi: of 7..i:b s'i-kawiiissijue.
Hi late of WaM.ingten 1oreugli, dccc;u.ed.
Letters tc.-tainentary en said ustati; having
been gran led te the umlcr.-ignid, till pur-ens
iudcbtel te vjii 1 decedent at" n.'.iu..ied te
make iruiiicdi tie -(.lllu.i.t lit. and leti having
claims erdiii amis against Ihe e-tate et" -alii
decedent te make kinwn the satu i te the un
deisigneil without delay, lcsidiug in Maner
township. GWKCK S. ilANN,
Washington. 1. ..
ectG-Ctw Lane-aster County, l'a.