Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 08, 1880, Image 3

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Our I'pguliir Correspondence.
The last lamp weather lias enabled the
tobacco n)cji te prepare their tobacco for
market, and some have :i ;;oed sample let
stripped, ready for the inspection of buy
cis. Xe complaints of pole-ret have yet
been Jicaid, and Halt's tobacco crop will
be well worth the attention of dealers.
3!r. 13. T. Fritz, proprietor of the hotel
in Gcorstewn, has sunk his well and put
in a new pump. The pump at the village
hotel is known by some as the "town
pump," us it stands out te the public, and
is convenient te traveleis as well as sever
al families in the village. This fall is
ih:.t time that the writer ever knew the
town pump te fail :n :i term of twenty
eight year.-. It is nv.- in geed order with
:i supply of excellent water Miliieient for
all ordinary circumstances.
Tiie f em kney te' clas rcpei ted some
time age is -yd in the neighborhood
though somewhat, milder. Had colds are
plenty, and some attribute it te the " Salt
iiivrr" breeze?, but all that suffer from the
aJilictieii aie net S.utliivcr travelers, and
ihepiebability is that a change of weather
and exposure have mere te de with colds
in eiu'if-iiiiiy than anything the.
Philip Shupc has moved into his new
'house near the CJap nickel mines, and will
no doubt supply the neighborhood with
tin-aie of a goeil (jual.iy, as well as at
tend te u'paiiing.
The Geed Temnlais of ' Jtorgelewn
iixlge are linsy prep i ring for an eutei tnin
iiieiit te be licit! in SniM'iia liall sometime
seen. This way of raising funds seems te
inci'l the ajipioitatien of the community
better than icsli-.a!.-, and Georgetown
ledge, when they try te de se. ran give a
geed evening' ciiteitainiiicnt.
Although the season is will advanced
the hum of ('0113.;;" cider mil! can still
be hcaid. and the hist cider of the season
is new being iii.ric.
It is lepeited here that the ease of slab
bing that occurred some time age bcivieen
Ib-iraii'l Minim at the M-. thedist chinch,
has been settled bcfeic the justice of the
jieace by ti:e ia. ..lent (by the-.' who wcie
the in-.tii-atiiS) ..!' Ihiitccn dollars each.
Hi i..iii'i: It-!iis.
i.'i gut ..- in it -!.. . ; !'.
(:ur Democrat.. .:i; "down in fhc mouth'
about the jep.irlt.i 4'cmiIl of the election :
and the l'cpuh!u-.ii... are either afraid it is
net a ceiicet icpiL.r are se ashamed e!
their suec.'v. thai tli.-y hi'.vc uttcicd no
bow of ;. .ei.-iii
T.,i cl.l;
aps ami capes
have leM their iv-l : v
and the daikie:;
their inioiesi. Win u tii" news of (. infield's
.lectien reac'u .1 the iey.s! town of Chestnut
i.evcl. the Democrats who wesk for Ue
publicai.s. dcinaudcd a li-e in wagis, which
a iiiiniii-cd them by their employees in
;se in- .should be elected, and get il.
What a beautiful. what a v.''-eich
of faith !
We aic beginning te tali: tobacco again,
ce!nii,.em.i:ig.ii' v.heie we ielt. oil" when
felitic.. took the deer. hiv tobacco curcl
-.i'll a;:d strip-, nifcly and weccpcc large
pi ices.
J..sL Wi i ;; ;
that wei-l:d
lie:! us in i:
1. !. Saie-c.iugiit a bass
, lit
u pounds, i cep:es may
eiiiie-, but we c..u catch
bigger lis'n.
Xe! I' n
give., us :u. att.v-
m !
ibe-mo't.e 1 eneim:-.:. ami
ali el H.- s.iemi).
rs ::re le.r.iesled and a
fi icnds im. i'eiJ te be pieseut. I be iyct nm
is 0:1 a go'( found. iliiiu lin. nci.illy, and it
should net be allewid :e 1ik':i;, of the
fair lcputatien it has gained.
The hciuni at Liberty .-"(pune is .fi
lling a"! 4isuies of the l.tte election.
Special Train.
At lO.r.O this morning a s
runnii'g as the section of
and Ciiiiage 1 v. 1st p.'.
Lancaster, having 00 I maid
jiccial iiaiu,
the Zi:igara
.ed thieugh
Cel. Thes.
A. Scott and p.ti!;,. C..!. Win. H.
bearded the li-tei :: h p.-s-cd
: 0:0 ney
this .-hy.
The ebjc: t el ihcu visit !: tour of in-.p.-ctieii
of the read se far as eiv.'structeil
ami e! ile arieus branches in Tec is and
adjacent state;. They wil! b. gene ab mt
tiiiee wick, its whii-b time they cvp'-el i
tal.. in a'l (he impr.'i.'.nt itics of Texas,
as veil as New (!: bans and oilier points in
lieui-i'sua. Jdi-s'issipji! and Aikansas ami
The pail en the tiain officers and
directors of the Pacific railroad and
they aie bound for Terca-. Besides Mr.
t:cett Slid Mr. Feld ney tiie following cn
tlen: 11 we-e en the train : Fiank S. Bend
eiic of the sc' jiivsidcnts, .'ay !e:ild.
Riis-eJI H.ige r.nd'E. II. l:kii'is, jr.. of
Xew Vrk:i'red L. Ames, of Massachu
setls : . T. Vi'ai.'eis, of ilallimere : Y. J.
Sewell. of N( w-.Ter.-( y ; B. K. .Ir.mi-en. II.
II. Ilouslen. .iam.-s i''.S'e:t, il. I. Bare-lay
'hnsicsO, Uaiid. (Jeerge i). irrumbhaar
lie! Chi-ile. il: sv.tlcrb-c, :" I'bilad.-lphb.
;.:i:itliiy ,licrli:i;; nff lie Asi iatieu.
The Lancaster C.unt Feulliy associa
tion held th'dr iv.;r.!ar nieut'tlv meeting
tiiis mern'ui', the following uu ml crs being
present :
President 1. ?s. V.'.'rfel, Str.isbur; T.
J. Ev.ins an! II. If. T.-l.u.iv. Lililz ;
'Inn ks .1. B. Lichty. F. R. Dif-
easier: .1.
:":..The see
li. m
('i La 11.
:. LeacesO
trv w.s
ei'iicreu 10 jire'nie
soem te held the see. 010 annual show el
the society from .lauu.:ry 1i te 19, leSl.
'i'he secretary reported he had pur
chased Kill jugcen and bauiam coos.
The seeictary was auiheii.ed te jirecnie
two e.mipelent pVis,e:is te act as judges
0:11 iair the t'x'tibiiieii.
Rules and icgulatiens uieruing the c. c.
hibiiieu ",v:v ad.'ii'ed. The catalogue
v.ill be issued about Deceniber 1st.
The .secretary lvad s-.-vt'ial Jet tei.s from
diliercnt parlies, who el'er specii'l
for the exhibition.
.1. (J. (lariuan, of Leac. .!:. was eleeied
a membe;- of the sejietv.
?.:uie:Su Xfn B.
.ii;i.'.r eriv
-nenil. ni i.
A gale lrem the :-euthw."Ft en ;
night I.i?l jilaycd sa-1 havoc in ami
Marietta, uj.roeiiag irc',
fences, kc.
A building en li.e farm occupied by
Jehn -M. Staiiifer v.a unie'fe.i, a large
straw stack blown ever, a large tobacco
shed moved off its foundation about four
feet, doing considerable damage te the
tobacco in it.
A tobacco shed 0:1 I). F. llieslaad's
(.win. east of town, is reported te be blown
1. own. tilled with lob.Kl'e.
V.'m. Il.:Af.'eeN tobacco shed, in Upper
iaiieli.i. was unroofed and a stable be
longing te Ilnsiiy Fletcher biewii down.
A large tobacco ham en Sena ler J. D.
Camci en's faint was completely demol
ished. The cicp Usere-ii was saved, hav
ing duiiug the iccenl damp weath'.r been
taken down :;n.l balked.
I!ii)erV Celli t.
This morning the mayor had a number
of drunks before him. Ihmna Archey,eol Archey,eel Archey,eol
eied, and an old face iu ihc police courts,
was. sent te jail for :''.) dny.s and Julia Itciily,
a white woman, get 10 days in the same
institution. Twe eiheis, drunks, get HI
days each. 0122 get S. and two weie dis-
. - .
ISrehi: I)v:i.
This me: ning one of the wiieels of the
v.ageu usrd for hauling goods te the dye
beu.-e of the Allandalc cotton mills broke
down at the corner el Seuth Queen and
Andrew stieiis, m.d the goods had te be
ml tran-fened te another
Correct ion.
On iiienev. Pennsylvania railroad sched
ule i.-s;icd the Frederick accommodation
train is announced te leave Columbia at
12e p. 111. It should be 1:(). p. m. reach
ing Lancaster at 1:153 p. m.
W. K. Given, esq., has gene te Harris
bury te file reasons for a rehearing before
the state beard of pardons in the case of
tlie Columbia fishermen convicted of fish
ing within one-quarter of a mile of the
Columbia dam. Argument before the
paiden beard has already been made in
this same case, but unsuccessfully, and it is
te be hoped that the facts te be brought
before the beard at its present sitting will
be sufficient, and considered se by the
beard, te grant the prayers of the petition
ers. 1 he law 111 this case lias eccii satis
fied te a much greater extent than it was
in the mere impeitant case of Kcinble,
Petreil it Ce., and there is no reason why
the petitions for the release of the fisher
men should net receive due consideration
and be acted upon in a just and non-partisan
The handsome Hag presented by the
ladies te the Keystone Democratic club of
Columbia, which had been Hying in the
breeze from the club headquarters ever
since the time el presentation, was taken
iu en t-Satuiday afternoon and the licad
quaitcrs closed. Beth the Democrats and
Itepublicans hae given up politics for the
time and settled down te. mere profitable
.Miss Annie J. Evans, of P.ukesburg, Pa.,
is visiting in Columbia, the guet of Miss
Emily W. Ihoeniel.
Geerge IJ. lirenemau, of Philadelphia,
si.ent vesteulav in Columbia, visiting Al
lied C. IJruncr.
Alien Pierce, at present of Xew Yerk
city, is en a visit of several days te his
home in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K". Hess, of Har
lisbuig, Pa., spent yesterday in Columbia,
vi.siting at the residence f Mrs. iless's
The .society for the promotion of holi
ness, of the M. E. church, will meet this
evening iu the church parlors Mis. Rev.
Ilenrv Wheeler will preside.
Ice formed in places in town last
night ami was ycL
Tliuie is a change
visible this morning.
of several degrees in
Messrs. C. C.
Orriek Ricl.aids
T. C. C.itt,
ml W. II. Ibrr aie a
eonimittee 0:1 our "Our Autumn Hep,"
te be given in Company II armory en
Friday evening, November 12th, te which
invitation.; have Ixcn issued and for which
Tajler's eivheti.n has been engaged. The
bop is the lh.s! of ths sea-ou and will no
doubt, be larg'ly att ui.led and completely
The recent heavy r.iins have had their
eliei't en tiie Susquehanna at this place,
and Hie liver is new about three feet above
low water ma lk. The principal lise took
place ;,csiciday and dining last night.
The water is very muddy. This rise has
been for some time anxiously awaited by
liver pilots and raltmen generally, as a
licet of rafts have been expected te make
1 heir appearance here en the very Hist op
poi tunny presenting itself. This oppor
tunity is here and with it half a dozen
lalls made tin ir appearance at Marietta
this morning. Seme of the eldest river
pilels are here and at Marietta, and they
will take the rafis through te their desti
nations as fast as they come in. It is ex
pected that thi.j Heed will 11 eat quite a
licet of raft.s here and further down.
A mistake was made in getting up the
Pennsylvania railroad schedule going into
effect te-d ly. Tlie Pacific express cast
leave, lincastcr feity minutes later than
by the old schedule and te meet this a
e'lange of the same time" should have been
m.ide iu the leaving time of the Frederick
accommodation train east of Columbia, but
this was entirely ignored or overlooked
and ihc leaving time of the train kept as
it was. Attention has b-'cn called te the
niilakesinc3 the schedule was i.-suel and
the leaving time of the train iixed at 1:0.j
. m. forty minutes later than published
011 the new .'chedule. The piinted figures
hae been crossed out, and the new time,
al the seveial siatiens between Columbia
and Lancaster, written down.
Rev. C. S. Cicihaid, pastor of the Re Re
feinv;l church, preached a special sermon
I:x si oveuiiiiT te Putnam ciicle. Ne. 11:1,
15. 1". (II. F.) C. A.
The cmj.leyci s of the Kliawu.ce rolling
mill were paid for two weeks work yes
t inlay.
Rev. F. W. Staiey's sermon of a
scries te young men, in the E. E. Lut li
es an chinch, last evening, was listened te
by a geed sized congregation.
The public schools el Columbia arc clos
ed this week whilst the teacheis' institute
i--being held at Laneaslei. Most, of the
Columbia teachers will attend.
A tremendous wind storm, with a heavy
fail of rain, visited Columbia 011 Saturday
night jusi before midnight. The and
heavy leaves were' picked from the ground
audcairicd a eensjdcriible distance by the
wind. The trees ab -ut here are new
Tiji; ti.av:ii:im' lxsriTUTs
t Mcuibcr.s A t. irge Alten-
ilaiiui' l-xpetel.
Tlie t went; -ninth sesr-ien of the Teach
ers" Institute of Lancaster county began
iu the com t heu'e te-day.
At ai early hour large numbers of
teachers from the country districts put in
an appearance, and there is every indica
tien that the present session will be mere
largely attended and of a mere entertain
ing and profitable character than any that
has preceded it.
The doers of tlie com t house were opened
at 9 o'clock and the enrollment of members
al once commenced, by the committee en
enrollment, Tilessrs. Ileliinger, city, and
A. li. Stamy. of Fast Ilempficld. Up te
me hour el adjournment, at neon 294
names ha:l Dcen cnreiicu.
Tlie regular session of the institute be
gan at 2 o'clock p. m., the organization be
ing announced as follews:
President Prof. 15. F. Shaub, county
superintendent, city.
Vice President Pref.H. Iv. Duehrle, city
Mipeiiiitcr-denl, city.
Treasurer Prof. J. P. jIeC.i-key, prin
cipal of bey.s high school, city.
Secrelaiies Moses Ileliinger. citv, and
A. K. Stamy, East llemplicld.
ilell Keeptis T. C. Kaciicl. Maner,
and P. C. 1 Idler, jr , C.netega.
Mmi.eal Director Prof. V.'m. 15. Hall,
The organ u.-,ed is one of the Estey
niake,kiiK!iy leaned for the occasion bv Mi.
11. Z. Shieiner.
The cvcuiiiir entertainments will be given
in Fulton opera house. The lecture this
evening will be delivered by Gee. 11. Wcnd
ling, a leading lawerefthc bar at Ciiicage,
Illinois, and a prominent member of the
Protestant Episcopal church. His theme
this evening will be ''Ingcisellisni,"' and
as he is well acquainted with that distin
guished gentleman anil his erratic teach
ings, aud is besides one of tiie most popu
lar among western orators, a pleasant and
instinctive cntcitainmcnt may safely be
Washington IIoi-e:i:;!i X.
Regular Correspondence.
The political excitement is abated and
people are stripping tobacco.
llass fishing is ended. The liscintlic
river has improved the ducking.
TheSlar Cornet band fair was a success,
netting SeOO. Geed management, geed
order and geed display. Musically the
band is making ra pid improvement.
Net a Director.
The rcpei t that Jehn M. Slclnuan, Re
publican clcster-cleci, was ineligible for
membershij) iu the electoral college because
he was a national bank director, is given a
quietus by the fact that Mr. Stehman is
net a director et any national bank.
LADIES, we are new showing an elegant line of BLACK CASHMERES."
LADIES, we are new showing an elegant line of SILK VELVETS.
LADIES, we are new showing an elegant line of LADIES' COATS AND DOLMANS.
LADIES, we are new showing an elegant line of
Shawls, Skirts, Merine Underwear, Corsets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, Laces, Ties, &c.
LADIES, we invite special examination of every department of our store as we are confident we can offer you many bargains.
25 East King Street, . Lancaster, Pa.
I'rchbytcriau 1'asteral Installation.
The installation of Rev. E. W. Gay
lord will take place en Tuesday, Novem
ber 1ft. at the Presbyterian church, Para
dise, at 10 o'clock in the morning. Rev.
Mr. Ledwith, of Bellevuc, will act as mod
erator and preach the sermon ; Rev. C. W.
Stewart, D. I)., will deliver the charge te
the pastor, aud Rev. J. Y. Mitchell, D. D.
of Lancaster, the charge te the people.
Cltargctl it 1th AHsault aud Larceny.
James Chambcrlin was arrested on.cem
plaint of James Callahan, who charges
him with committing an assault and bat
tery en complainant and stealing from him
a seven shooter. Chambcrlin was held te
answer before Alderman McConemy 011
Heme far the Winter.
Themas Daily, of this city, who is boss
bill pester of Van Amburgb's circus, has
closed his third seaseu "with that show,
lie arrived here en Saturday and will
spend the winter here. The show winters
at Cenncrsville, Illinois.
The f uncial of Samuel Dean, colored,
who died en Friday, took place yesterday.
It was very largely attended, the colored
workingmen's society being present in a
body. The interment was made in the A,
M. E. burving ground.
Rev. IIbkuv Ar.MSsays: "I earnestly lielleve
that Hay's Kidney Tad U the only infallible
remedy in the world ter that preralent and
distressing complaint 'Rack Ache."
There ii no use in dniKgin-ryeurself te death,
and buying all the vile medicines for internal
use when you can be cured of lever and ague,
dumb ague, bilious disorders, jaundice, dys
pepsia, as well as all disorders and ailments of
Hie liwr, bleed and stomach, by wearing one
of Tret, lluiliiiette'.s French Liver Tads, which
is a sure cure very time. If your druggist
does net keep the pud, send $l.r0 in u letter te
French lxd Ce., Teledo, O., and it will be sent
you by mail. II i the only pid that U guar
anteed 10 ear.'. Reware of counterfeits. A
The queen of medicinal and toilet soaps, the
fragrant C'uticunu
1 Am Crazed With Toothache
and serve. you right for having neglected te
useSOZODONT. Had you done se your mouth
would have been healthy and your teeth
-nund. Cet the "sua.;'' pulled out and com
menu' ut once using SOZOPONT, thereby
psi'-ervlng the balanc-e of your teeth.
Prevent weakness and degeneration et the
kidney and urinary organs. Jlalt Hitters.
It i- imne-slble lern woman after a fi'.ithtiil
cei:r-e et treatment with Lydia K. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound te continue te sutler
with a weakness el the uterus. Knclesc a
Btauip te Jlrs. Lyilia K. Pinkham, AJ.1 Westein
avenue. Lynn, Mass.ler pamphlets.
Arousing Its Kcailers.
An alarm of lire :it midnight is n startling
thing, lint net half se startling te many who
hear it us would lie the sudden knowledge of
their own dangerous physical condition.
Thousands of thousands are hurrying te their
grave-, becuie-e they ure carelessly indifferent
te the insidious inroad et disease and the
means et cure. It is the mis-den or II. II.
Warner & Ce., with their Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure, te arouse men te a sense of their
danger an il t hen euro them. Memphis Appeal.
secret or perlcct liealin Is invariably
bv tlie-e who take "Sellers' Liver
It. Sel.euleninuller, ItroeUlyn, writes ; Your
Spring IHo.-sem is invaluable. I have had
scroluleus siiw en my legs ler a number et
years, and occasionally they would break out
en niv face. 1 havi: taken two bottles et
spring Itlo-seni, aceenling te directions, and
new all the sores have disappeared and my
skin is perfectly healthy.
Prices: ate., mill trial bottles 10c.
Fer sale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 1U7 and
1:21 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pu. 12
" They can net all lie," was the observation
of one while reading tin; endless testimonials
te "Dr. Lindsey's P.loed Searcher." It is in
fallible. f he Tidy Ileusewirc.
The careful, tidy housewife, when she is giv
ing her house Its spring cleaning, should bear
in mind that the dear inmates et her house are
mere precious than houses, and that their sys
tems need cleansing by purilylng th bleed,
regulating the stomach and bowels te prevent
and cure the diseases arising from spring ma
laria and miasma, tind she should knew that
there i? nothing that will de it se perfectly and
surely as Hep Ititteis th purest and best of
ul! medicines. Svu ether column.
.Mothers! Hunters!! Sletlicrs:::
Are you distill bed at night and broken el
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth?
It se. goat once andgctabottleefMUS. WINS
LOW'S SGO l'lIINi; SYUUP. It will relieve ths"
peer little sufferer immedisftely depend upon
it; there is no mistake about it. '1 here is neta
mother en earth who has ever used it, who will
net tell you at once that it will regulate tlie
bowels, ami give rest te tlie mother, and relief
and heaith te the child, operating like magic.
It i perfectly sate te use in all case, ami pleas
ant lelheta-te, and is this prescription et one
et the eldest and best funiHle physiciuns unil
nmt-s in tiie United stiiies. Sold everywhere
2.-1 cents a bottle. IlIT-lviI&wM.W&S ter Medicine.
Seme time since we stepped at Passuic, N. J.,
and w ere really surprised te see the amount of
Jlr. Specr's stock et Pert Crape Wine en hand
if is almost labuleus. Four store houses arc
tilled, and tiers upon tiex-s of casks, up and
down stiars, and iu some cases huge casks oc
cupy every available spot, leaving only little
alleyways through which te walk. It is an
illimitable q lantity of wine. None is sold
unless it lias acquired the age et lour years,
and the buildings 1, 2, Sand 4, urc or the llrst,
second, third and leurth years' Tintage. Our
druggists have some of the eldest of the above
wine direct from Mr. Spccr. Patterson Guar
Uan. This wine is new in demand .ter cemmu
nlen purposes. It is excellent for weakly per
sons before retiring.
This wine is endorsed by Ore. Atloe and
Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymakcr.
On Tune as -Usual.
That attack of Neuralgia that laid him up, and
which wns only a fresh visitation of an old
enemy, ilisappeared.beeuuse he took a Iriend's
advice and used Dr. Themas' Electric Oil.
Uhenmalic pain, sores, cuts, bruises, threat
and lung complaints, etc., urc invariably cou ceu
quereu by it. Fer sale by IL 11. Cochran,
druggist, 13.iand 137 North Qncen street, Lan
caster, l'a. 11
.v.i;ir Alr lUtTISIuMlCNTS.
Yeu are respectfully invited te call and sec our store and elegant stock
of goods. We arc receiving frequent importations of new and beautiful
goods from France, Italy and Switzerland, which arc put en exhibition as
seen as received.
We have an extensive stock of Diamonds, including some rare gems
of large size. We have an attractive exhibition of Oil Paintings, Musical
Bexes with various attachments, Geld and Silver Watches f(jr ladies or
gentlemen at very low prices. Keyless Clocks suitable for school room,
Teachers' Rclls, Ink Stands, Geld Pens and Helders, Paper Knives, Ther
mometers, &c. We have everything in the regular Jewelry Line, and
many articles net usually found in the jeweler's stock.
Teachers are cordially invited te employ sonic of their leisure time in
a visit te our store.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
WicKiaisiiAM llen.ii. November 4, 18S0. ly
Kcv. 1). V. -Melllt, 1. 1).. at Fert Wayne, Iml.,
.1. Hareld Wickcrslinni. of Lancaster, and 3Iiss
Jessie W. Heiili. of Fert Wayne. ltd I.kuci:. Neveinlier .", 1SS0, at tin tin
liarsenajje el St. Kteplicn's clmreli. by Rev. K.
.Meister. August F. Krueser te 3Iis Theresa
h. Leber, l'elh el" Lancaster, l'a. ltd
It Mi A T1IS.
Rumi. November 7, 1S.S0, at the residence et
her father, . I eeph R. lfeyer, Minnie A. Iteyer
Rush, wife et William.). Rush, of I'nioutewu,
Fayette county.
Itridc or but a lleetlng season,
Happy in her woman's prime.
She has gene te realms immortal
Passed irem out the realms of time.
She's net dead, lint sweetly sleeping.
In her bridal robes at re.-t ;
Cene within her Saviour's keeping
Minnie new isMvitli the blest.
Funeral en Wednesday afternoon at two
o'clock, from the residence of her parents.
West King st reet. Service.-, at the lmuse. In
terment ut Woodward Hill cemetery.
I'niontewu papers please publish.
.vji'ir aivm:ktism:3im-:xts.
Laxcistxr, Novembers, !&?().
1 club will meet at their headfiuarter.s to
morrow evening, at "V. o'clock. Uy order of
.JOHN UKCK, Secretary.
corner Seulh Duke and Cliuich street-.wi'l
18:0. All persons who have money for votes
aie requested te ileliver the same en that
evening in the church 100m.
nevS-itd COM.M1TTKK.
will be sold ut public sale en thepremises. Ne.
aiO Seuth CjiiL'un street. Lancaster city, tlie fol
lowing described real estate and por-enal
property, late of Jane Ewlng, dee'd, te wit:
A one-story Uriel: Dwelling Heuse, and Lel
or Piece of (J round thereunto belonging, situ
ated Ne. uCJ, en the wed side el" Seuth tjueeii
streut, Lancaster city. The house is iu excel
lent enlcrnnd the location de-inible for a pri
vate .resilience or business. There is also a
back building and summer house. The let
fronts en Seuth (Juecu street 32 feet 2,l inches,
and is 120 leet deep.
This property will positively be sold. Pos
session given immediately. Purehuse. nieney
payable.April 1, 1SSI, provided that purchaser
give approved security,
Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. 111.
Heir of Jane Ewing, deceased.
lluxitv siirnEirr, Auct. 11S-
In tlie matter et the ledenipt Ien or ex
change of the stock of the Slate Nermal Scheel
l'ortheSecend District of Pennsylvania, locat
ed at 31iller.sville, Lancaster county. Pa.
Public notice is hereby given te the follow
ing persons, their heirs, executers, adminis
trators or u-slgns, that the persons named, te
wit: Jehn l.rubaker. II. L. Detweiler, Jehn
Eshlemau, A. C. Merris, Isaac Puey and Ann
C. Witincr were original subscribers te suid
Nermal Scheel stock, which sulr.f riptiens
were made in th; years ls.i7 and 1S.13, and that
the autherlues el said institution nave net
been able te ascertain the whereabeut-, of taiil
persons. j
The said stock is 1 edceinable al par (si" per
share) in cash and is exchangeable for contri
bution shares, share ter share, at the option I
of the holder. 1
The persons name.l, their heirs, executers,
administi-.itoiMe:-assigns will please give im
mediate attention te the matter by communi
cating with
Lancaster Cilv. l'a.,
Sccietmy of the Heard of Trustees.
n;M wdeaw A Kw
PltOPEKTY. Will he sold at the Knjnk-
lin Heuse. North Queen street, en WEDNES
DAY, NOVE3U".i:U2$, 18), Ihefellewiug prop
erty :
Ne. 1. That elegant Green Stene Frent
DWELLING IIOUfeE, two-steiv, with 3Iun '
sard Uoef, both back and front buildings, sit-'
uatcd en the northeast corner el" Duke and t
James streets. Ne. 501. This property has all
the modern improvements, both in style and .
lini-di, containing vestibule, hail and 13 rooms
bath room, water closet, wash stiml' and 1
heater in the cellar, lange in the kitchen, lint '
and cold v.utcr up and down stairs. Let 3.!
Sect, mere or less, fronting en Duke street ,
.111,1 lit llTllil .tl.fll .J.blll- M1LLI 1.' ILUlf l.t.rA
or less.
Ne. 2. A Twosterv ISrick DWELLING
HOUSE, situ .toil 011 tit.' west side of North ,
Queen street, between Walnut and Lemen ,
streets, Ne. :!31, containing 22 feet, mere or
less,en North Qurcii street, and in depth west
ward 215 feet te Market, street, containing hall
and'.l rooms, het and cold water, bath room '
and water closet, range and heaters in parlor
and dining rooms, hydrant in the yard and
kitchen, .viish house, "smoke house and brick '
stable en rear of let, cistern and a variety e
truit trees in t lie yard. The beat of druiuagu .
connected with the city sewer.
Ne. 3. A Twe story Erick DWELLING
HOUSE with a Twe-story ISrick Hack Iluild- I
ing, situated en the cast side et North Queen i
struct, between Clay and New streets. Ne. 711,
containing hall and 7 rooms, hydrant in the !
yard and kitchen. Let fronts 17j feet en
North Queen street, mere or less, extending
eastward i:, mere or less, te ale feet wide
alle3 grape vines and fruit trees 111 the let,
and line shade trees in front.
'e. 4. Adjoining Ne. 3 en the ne: ill ; house
the same description as Ne. 2.
Ne. 5. A three-story lJUICK DWELLING
HOUSE, with two-story llrick Hack Iluilding,
situated On the north Mile of East James
street, between Duke and Lime etrccts, Ne.
121, containing hail and eight rooms, hydrant
in the yard and kitchen, fronts 011 James
street 1' leet, mere or less, and in depth 04
feet, mere or less.
Ne. G. A two-story 15UICK OWELLIXG
HOUSE, with 3Iansard ltoef and two-story
llrick Hack liuilding, and onc-3tery Urick
Kitchen, containing hull and nine rooms,
range, with het aud cold water up anil down
stairs, with bath and water closets; also gas
all through the house, with poitice in front,
bay window in Hie rear. This property is fin
ished iu the latest style. Let 1!) feet front, and
in deptli 120 fuel, mere or less, te a 12 feet wide
Ne. 7. The same us Ne. P. containing the
These propel ties can be seen by calling en
the undersigned or ea the premise j.
Sale te commence ut 7 o'clock p. m., of said
la, when conditions of sale will be made
known by JOHN A. ISOiUNG,
Hexuy Suur.Eivr, Auct.
.MONDAY. NOV. S. "Ingersellism Frem a
Secular Standpoint. " Hen. Cee K. Wend
ling. Chlcuge. 111.
TUESDAY, NOV. 9. "William Cnllen P.ry
ant." Wallace Ilruce, New Yerk Citv.
WEDNESDAY. NOV. 10. 'Abraham Lin
coln." Hen. Schuyler Cel fas. Seuth IScnil,
THUKSDAY, NOV. 11.-" A Visit te the Yo Ye
seinite Valley." Dr. O. II. Tiffany, Philadel
phia. Pa. ""
1'KIDAY, NOV li Headings by Prof. Frank
Ilnidferd, New Yerk City.
3Sule et Reserved Seats will begin en
-Monday, Nev. S, at !) a, m.. at L. Feil Persinith's
Heek Stere, Ne. 32 East King street.
Course tieketsfer reserved seats $1..V)
Single ticket for rcvrvcil seatH 40
Singleticket, general admission 'Jj
Lectuies will begin at 8 o'clock.
V.' On 3IOND.W, NOVEMiSEitX. ISSO.willbe
sold ut public sale ut the Cooper Heu-c. West
King street, Lancaster, u valuable let et
ground, situate en the north side et West
Chestnut street, between Charlette nntl 3Iarv
streets, in said city (Ne. 441), fronting en said
Chestnut street 2." leet and extending north nerth
wardly 201 feet, en which is erected a new two
story llUlCK DWELLING HOUSE, with llrick
Hack Ituildiug and Frame Summer Kitchen
attached. There 111 e four rooms en first
lloer, live rooms en second lloer ami
one large plastered room en the third
fleer. There is gus and water up and
down stall's, with bath room, water closet and
etner modern improvements. There is a cel
lar eleven leet deep, and dry, under the entire
building, and a balcony runs tha full length el
the back building. This property is located in
one et the most desirable neighborhoods in
the city, is in geed condition, aud will busel.l
en reasonable terms.
Persons wishing te view the premises before
the day of sale, will. call en the .undersigned,
residing thereon.
Sale te commence at seven o'clock p. in., of
said day, when conditions will be made known
Iluxav SiirncdT, Auct. ect2S-tsi
In Large Lets, from a
All le be sold tit le-s than regular prics. ut
Net Doer te the Court Heuse.
Ill ick and Colored Silks, Sal ins mid Velvets,
all at our usual low prices.
Shawls and Coats,
In quantities te which we invite special atten
tion. UNDEIiWEAU ter Ladies, Gents, Knvs
and Giils.
Next Doer te the Court Heuse.
mievsm: i-uiixisuixu aoejtx.
Would advise ull who contemplate putting in
HEATEUS or making any alterations in theii
heating arrangements te de se at ence before
the rush et Fall Trade begins.
Hteves, in ait Mm,
In the 3iarkct at the
152 North Queen Street,
Ilavilanil'8 White, Geld Band and Decera. cd
China, 3Iajelica, Toilet Sets, Vases, &c.
a rxejcxj:rs-AV-,A w ""
Attorney and Cotinseller-at-Law
Jl l'ark Itow. New Yerk.
Collections made iu all parts of the United
Stales, and 11 general legal business transacted
tteiers bv enruils-dnn in Steiiiuiun & Ubnsee
ing Li the Girls' High Scheel, wishes te
obtain pupil in the various styles of drawing
unit painting. Kesidcucc Ne. it West Orange
street. Furs altered ami repaired at th same
place. ect20-tfd
F inn & tans
1 ' Itl-li .IE?
Washington, D. C, Nev. S. Fer the
Middle Atlantic states, generally clear
weather, followed by increasing cloudiness,
winds backing te warmer southerly, with
lower barometer.
Se Say the Fatcrsen Mill Men.
P.vtkrsen N. J., Nev. 8. Iu reference
te the rumor widely circulated and pub
lished in several New Yerk dailies te the
effect that Chinese labor was being intro
duced in the silk and ether mills of this
city, it is met with an indignant denial en
the part of the manufacturers here. The
Barbour flax spinning company, who have
been represented as having already set a
number of Chinamen te work by way of
experiment, declares the statement false
in every particular. In a personal canvass
of the great mills of Patcrsen questions were
asked as fellows : " First, de you have
any Chinese labor employed?'' Second.
" Have you contemplated cnipleyingany '.!"J
llnrii, "Ue you believe there arc any
Chinese employed in any silk or ether mills
in Patcrsen?"' Fourth, "In your judg
ment ha3 such employment ever been
seriously contemplated by any ?'' The an
swer te all was a uniform and indignant
Self Destruction in New Yerk Cltj-.
Xew Yerk, Nev. 8. William Mansen,
a Scotchman, committed snicidc this neon
at his store Xe. 19 Bcckniau street, and
at neon, Jehn Sutlage. 30 years old, a na
tive of Germany, committed suicide by
sheeting himself in ihe head at Xe. 110
Suffolk street.
Mansen was a saloon-keeper. lie was
formerly major of the 70th regiment
Xew Yerk state militia of Xew Yerk. He
went through the war with that command
and was taken prisoner at Unll Run. The
deed was committed vvilh a navy revolver,
the bullet penetrating the heart. He was
married four month age te a second wife
and leaves several children by his first
Bertha Yeung, aged 23, a dressmaker,
was killed last night by a fall from the
1001 01 -..'imj iast istn street. The coro
ner's investigation shows that the girl
probably threw herself down, being des
perate from unrequited love. Tiie state
ment is made that a tobacco merchant who
had courted her in her old home at Tilus
ville, Pa., and subsequently in this city,
had net been heard of for nearly two
years. The girl took the desertion te
heart and fell seriously ill. She had pai t
ly recovered and it was thought had for fer for
getton her affliction.
Jumped the Track.
Jersey City, N. J., Xev. 8. At .six
o'clock this morning; an engine ami pait of
a coal train en the Meri is & Essex
railroad jumped tlie track at
Nineteenth and Greve streets. Jersey
City. The engineer, Peter Cavanagh,
a resident of Point Merris, who tried te
leap from the tender of his engine, was in
stantly killed, and the fireman, William
Pepping, was severely injured. The dam-J
age will amount te about :G0O. The track
was cleared at, 11 o'clock when travel was
Nihilists 0.1 Trial,
Londen, Nev. if. A dispatch from St.
Pctcrsutir'; te the D.iih Iftwi says at the
trial before the military tribunal ali the
Nihilist- prisoners acknowledged belong
ing te theiovelutioiinry paity. One named
Shcrvietfadiuitted he participated in the
preparation of the mine under the railway
at Moscow in December, 187!), and two
ethers recounted the proceedings in con
nection with the. mine oil the
A 3 inn Supposed te b W. G. Ce j it.
Potts villi:, Pa., Nev. y. While the up
train en the Philadelphia & Heading
railroad, due here at 12 o'clock, was ap
preaching Auburn station this morning, a
passenger fell from the platform and was
instantly killed. The unfortunate man
had a ticket for Fraekville, and is supposed
te be W. (. Cooper, of Reading.
Only :ui Oidinaij' Occurrence.
Londen, Nev. 8. It is new stated that
the despatch of the channel licet te li eland
is in the eidinary cecrse and net connected
with policies.
mt ...'J - JKtm
Cattle 3I:irkct.
FiiiLADELPiiiA, Novembers. Cuttle market
dull: sales 4.i(M head, l'riiii'j .V?ifl"'c:
geed 4Jif?.'c ; medium 4 iQi '; coinaieu .;',
flSHic; mixed iy.ii.iy-c.
sheep market ilull ; sales ',000 Iieaii.
l'rime Jc: geed lJ15lc; mciliuin4iye;
coiumeu :.Jl'c ; culls iS-'lje.
IIe"S 3IarKet dull : sales, s.000 head : lirlme
'X''C t fair l!JiS'5sC ; common i;gi.Ji.
New Yerk "tlurlcei.
iiw Yeiik. Ner. S. Fleur Statu ami W st
ern 11 shade stronger with tuirl- active
prices and expert unil home trade ili-mand :
Superline, tit 5 &gi -fi; extra de ut
tlKiilft Cl; choice, de, .f fct)Jf 1W : fuuey de
il 'Mip't'i rnuiii' hoej. Oilie JtTjgj : choice de
ut $.Yl(JgtS 0J; -uperline wesiern b:l'.!j) :r.
coinmen te .geed elru de itiirtlsi: clu.iee
de S4 'JOiJC .le : choice white wheat de il T.'
(yl'X; fceutlieni market llrmi (onuneii
fair te extra at J4 il !." j!); geed te c-liei.-e
de .l e?'t$tl s.1.
Wheat -JiIe better, nnd active ; Ne. -2 lied
cash, -fl iS;4 ; de Nev., ?1 I'.l; de Dcceiuber.
il-2Vyi'til JU:ile Jan., ft -SJiQl i-';:; Ne. 1
White, Dec, $1 10cl 11. S
Cern Mffiiic better and (juict: 31ixcil
western spot, .dii5SCe; ile liitiue, anpl'jyiv.
Oats iic belter: Xe. 2, Nev.. St',c;
de Dec, 41Ji: de 'Jan., 4-.'ic: State UQK'sj;;
Western 3'.JS2 !5c
I'lillauclplila .HurKei.
I'iiiladklphia, November S. Fleui uiuiket
quiet but steady; supc.itlnes'2 7."i.'5 ft: i'sira
tl 003-1511; Ohie'und Indiana lu.uilly f" :,tQj i. ;
lVnn'a family 3"i23a'."..T ; St. Leuis ti.niily
utj7ri 5(1; Mimic-Ota t.euiiy j." 'iS'-Z ".";
Straight 9u oegr. ."iO : Winter patent ?; . 7 '(;
Spring de 57 008 23.
i;ye Heur scarce at $5 TO.
Wheat higher with geed demand: Xe. 2
Western U.-.i ii 15J ; Fenn'a. Ke.l 1 13QI t.-.j: ;
Amber $11 llltK-
Cem strong and telniug upwards; vellew
ut Z6y,c; mixed fUc.
Oatsllnuur; Ne. 1, White 40c: Ne. 2 de
10c ; Ne. a de US3 ; Ne. ., 31iscd ifiM?::7e.
liyc quiet at 08c.
Frovisiens iu fair jobbing ileuiaud ;
uits- perk, old, at ii..".0; de new ut SKI.'iU;
beet liams at $i7 0(J ; Indian mess bet-: ut -J1H .Vi :
bacon ameked shoulders 52J:e ; salt de 5J-ic;
smoked hamsioiec; piculed hum-. siij'j;.
Lard steady ; city kettle at SJ; : ioeti- nuici.
cis' 7Ajie ; prime steam is Gi
Butter dull, aside from choice tgiarii ;
Creamerv cxtia 2c; dogeinl :; choice '.'J,
ole; 11. C ami X. Y.. extra 2iSg2Vc; Wistei;i
icscrve extra 22g2te; de geed toclieice Viti
2i)c: I'ells finn with fair demand lorcheice:
Western IJcscrvi' extra 2JJ21e; l'enu'a Fjitru
Eggs scarce und firm; I'enn'a Extra 2:c :
Wesie::i Extra 25c.
Cheese dull and weak ; New Yerk lull
cream ut YiyjUYAilc ; Western full cream :i
1212c:ili lair te geed ut ligi'Je; de hall
I'ntrelcuiu null.; rcfincil 12c.
Whisky at$i;il.
Seeds Geed te prime clever dull at fJ OOfa
7. "ni; Timethy 110111 inul ut $i7!8-): Flax-cot
quiet at $1 :::. bid, f 1 3.1 asked.
Nkw Yerk Stocks.
Ste:k3 weak.
a. f. a. if. v. sr. p. t. r. v
10:35 11:;;) 01 j) S:C0
Meney... 2,V;:'
J;"e)i. K V,'i 44 44
Mlc li jsan s. i; 11475 114?; ii.-,i3-
Michigan Cen t R. K..lrtj K my 109
CIiiiae.M St. 1'...10S10IJS1(M
Han. .V&t...Cem 4IV 4l 4I1-?
" P'M.... fc ssij
Toleite Jfc Wabash.... 41-' 4t-'i
OI1I0& MKllppl... sr'i SVi
St. Leuis. I. 31. & S. R.. 4S ir.i
Ontario anil Western. iVi i"J
C. C. I. C. R. R Wi 1
cr Jersev Central.. 77K 7T?5
' M
Del. A Hudsen Canal. S.W S
Oel.. Lack. A Western SSJ.J PSM Oil
Western Union Tel... OS lsi isr
Pacific JIail St. S. Ce.. 47' 472 47
iinhattan Elevated
Union Pacific ?:p. e:;i' p:;
Kansas A Texas 37J?37 5s
New Aerk Central i:::-,
Adams Express us "
Illinois Central ti'j
Cleveland & Fists i;y
Chicago & Keek I i-i;
Pittsburgh .t Ft. W 1:7
American U. Tel. Ce
Stocks feveri-h.
Pennsylvania K,K.... rV, ftl' C.0;i dlH
lMdl'a. & Heading. iiX 2:'.',s 2't'. ... -X
Lehigh Vallev 3J5 M'X MK M.'.
Lehigh Navigation I ST. ."V X,'l
Northern Pacific Cem 'i' ; 2S-'J 2; 20
I'M...'.. TilK .V.if .... .Vt'
Pitts., Titusv'eA U.... lU 11U? V'.i .... IS''.
Northern Central ;si:4 Kf SO :is
Phil'u Ac Erie i: I; u:. isij C 17
Neithcrn Penn'a " ..'.'.
Ull. IL U's of N. J ?VH ls-.C lv
Hestonville Puss l:i l'.H !'i
Central Trans. Ce
101; :;ata:. "
Until NOVEM i;i:i: 17. the t wo-sfe: v F.riclc
Heuse, wilh kitel'.en attached. Ne. 14S East
Vinestrcet. let extends te Church street. Aj
ples, Peaclies. and Grape Vine en let. water.
tic. Iniiuirent Ne. 12; Charlette street. Lan
caster, Pa. oet7-ce.?& nevl7
" A rarin. one mile from the city et l.ancu.
ler, en the Petersburg turnpike." containing
about one luiudred and five acres: thirty acres
of which is new in fall crops ; privilege 10 put
out two acre in tobacco. Enquire at Ne. as
North Duke street oren tin preini-es.
ect7-10lilend 31 US. JOHN 3Ict:i:ANN.
OKl'IIAN'S fnlilU' SALE.
On TiirilSDAV. NOVE.MltKt: Is, iSSfl. el
a valuable Chesterit.iiutv farm et" 210 ACUI'.S
Convenient te railre.i.ii, tloei! buildings. Sale
positive. Fer uddrs.3.
s. i:.n;in,
Admiiiistraierc. :.:i.
ecl'Jft-iniil Ijiuili'iiticn;. Pa.
On TiirKSDAY, XlVEMI5Ei: 11, lSSll.
will be sold at publii' ..1Ie.1t tin Grape hotel.
North Queen street, tin following described
real estate te wit :
A two-story erlck DWELLING HOUSE and
two contiguous halt lets of ground. Ne. Ill), 011
the north side et East King street, iu tin
city of Lancaster, eaeli of ?uid bait lets con
taining in trout ZZ reet. 2'J inehes. and
21." feet in depth te u ll-feet wide allej-, to
gether with 2 feet ; inches wide In front en
saiil East King street ami efthat width north
ward te the distance of !." leet et the adjoining
property en the northwest for the imi of uu
Possc-siea will be given en April 1, lSil
Part et'the purchase meni'i m.iv remain 011
the jireperty for one year. lt"desired.
Fain t' eeaiinenceat 7 o'clock p. r.i.el slid
It EXKV Suveeut. And. e'iVtsd
Ten-roomed, live-stury end" 31ansard reef,
(ireen Stene Frent Dwellings,
Nes. 4.:r.u! IS! West Orange .Strcrt.
V.'i!'.ir.ll the best
iic-liiilii)g.Jenn!ng'.s improved Londen vvater-tle-els,
marble-top v.aslisland, imiueveii wail-ed-in
range, cellar heater, perfect drainage and
sewerage, deep, ilrv cellar, white 111:11 hit Ikisii
and step-, &c, Ac. Let 'JJ by -:V teeL te a I t-fcit.
wide alley, front yard 2 1 leet iu deplli, incle-i d
with ornamental iron fence.
Fer ternw, ce.,unplv.te
auiii'I-W.-iStM n fl Seuth DnkeSr.
"i'NAi't"s villa r.i:3i set: sale.
I Tin biib-cribcr ell'ers at private sale
until November '2.:, ull that tine sriU'UI'.AN
ItESIDEM!'. and farm known a Knaips
illa. situate v.ithln halt" a mile of the city
limits, in Lanc:e-t- r township, fientiug en the
I'liiluilelhla ttirupil-e. ceiitaiuiug about 5s
AGUES, with line residenee. never-failing
springs of water.'a huge vunetvorelieii e luiii
trees ami grup.; Min:s,itll in tlie Irg;-,-,; slate
of cultivation, making 0111: el'lln; mist desir-abieeeunti-v
lesidences in the vicinity.
Alse the well known TEI.L'm IIAI.N t'I'WIO
GEOlXNDSailjeiuiug ubeu and treuting or
the I'euestOL'.'i. eeiituliiing about ::, A CUE.
If net. sold belere November '.:: the s.11111;
will lM-elfered ut put.Jie sale en the pieiiii-e-.
ut which tit tbeul Uheuil et cattle, hellers
and cows, will :iNe be sold.
ANe tin 'veil known .Mi: IIAN'IO HOTEL
IM'OI'Ein'l , corner or Hum and Chestnut
streets, ',u:ir the Luiii .ister Uunitlaeturing
Conip.iny'e Works. Tlii- propel tv, if net sold
Iieleie Nevenilii-r il, will be eflered ut tin
Leepard Hetel 011 t!i" i leiiinget day,
i erltirt'ier parlieiilars eiiijiiire of
lawi:i-ni;k kxaim.
li: East King Street,
i.C-Js.l Ijiiii .ister, l'a.
i:EL !.sT.Ti:.-i!ii TI'ESDAY, XO-VEMUi-.lJ,
1.'!, Ivv, in pur-Miuiii-i; .! an. order
of the Ceurl of Ce'iuaiii i'leas el Lancaster
Comity. I'.t. the under. ineil a ienics
of .J.ieeti and wile w ill expose ut ptili ptili
licsale in I hi: Iloieugh et Washington. Lan
caster county, l'a., the following dc-ciibeil
real estate, viz:
Ne. I. A tract of FAEM LAND, situate in
the lloi-er.gii of Wusl.iiigien, ulerisaiil, oa ea
t. lining Ul A(.'llI-. n; or le-s. ei wliic'i are
erccteda tv. e-story llrick IJeii-c. I'rs.ine Jiunk
llarn. Tobacco Sheds and ether i:ccc-.ury ont ent
buii lingsT adjoining pK.i.crtics e! the 31. E.
chinch, Jehn llre.sli, Frank Yeung. i:t ul.
This land is in the lughe-it slate et eiiltivatieii
urn! cs.ffiully te the raising el tobac
co ami market iruc. it h:e. :i liur sin am et
waii r flowing ihien-'li i! am! a i.i ver-t.iiling
spring i hicli lurni-lu-s running v.aier jer
house and barn. 'I !;.-tiacL has a frontage of
tee leet en Water --licet which l-.:i b: rcadily
ili!ilcd luff, b.iildiag lets
Ne. 2. Consists et Li 31IIEI: YAIM) and mill
property en Water street, 111 said borough,
containing I AC!!.'.. en uliicli N elected :i
new TEA."I SAW 3iiLL.:;.;vl-t l-et. contain
ing u:o-lier-; pov.-ei-cngine.lie liiihley s-iws,
circular sawn. Ac The machinery is iu lirst
elass running order. Adjoining siw millisa
large l'LAXl.NG 31 ILL. iiirnishud withull ti.:
iuilireved machinery Tins prep.-ity iseu the
line of the Columbia R l'ert Deposit i'ailread
and has a siding 110:11 said read. It has a front frent
aire el Sje leet e'n the Mlfiuehalina liver and a
v.eil-situafed Leg l'end. The mill and yard
new haveal.irgi: patronage ami aie occupied
by L. G. Scetleld. Tnset- Xis. 1 and 2 will be
eM -eparulely or together.
Ne..". A Le't ul t.ieiind situate en IMlew
street in said borough. Hounded en th imrlli
by tot 3,'e. 1. en tile cu-t by a public read, ami
011 the seuthuud v.cjl by Elbow sticct. Con
taining ONE AC It!..
Ne. . A Let d Ground, adjoining Ne.::;
bounded en tin north by let Xe. .", 011 the ca-,1.
bya public read, en theseutii by let Ne.:'.uml
en the wi-.t by Elbow stiecl. Containing ONE
Ne..". A Let of Ground, adjoining Xe. t:
bounded en tin- north by tract -Ne. I. en the
east by public read, and theseutii by let Xe.;!,
and en tin wi .st lv Elbow street. Containing'
Lets Nes. :;, t ami ." will bciei.l separately or
as n whole.
Sc.i: A Let et (inuiid, sltuateeti ilizabeth
street, ami known in theptuu et said borough
a Xe. II"). I'pen which is erected a ouc-.-tery
Frame lleusi; '! 1.1s let h:n a frontage et n;
leet and a depth el M' leet.
Ne. 7. A i'ltihliug Let. udieining let Ne. C,
anil known 1:1 the plan of said borough :vs Ne.
IU. c routing IK! lc-t en Elizabeth street and
extending in depth 1. leet.
Ne. 8. A liuilding Let, adjoining let Xe. 7.
und known lis the piano! sal. 1 bnieiigli : Ne.
117. Flouting IV. feet 011 Elizabeth stre.el and
cxlc nitiug in depth Pi.", feet.
Ne. y. a Let of Ground, situate en Water
street, iu said boteugh. en which is erccteda
one and 11 hail story KIIA'lE DWEL LING und
ether outbuildings. This let has ;. width if:h
feet en Water street, and extend-, in depth !."')
feet te an alley ami adjoins piepeity of Dar
bara. Kuiii: and tract Xe. 2.
Ne. 10. A Let or l'icct of Ground, situate 0:1
31111 sticct in said borough, being 'M lectin
width und 221 feet in depth : adjoining pioper pieper pioper
ticsef .1. W. 3Hller and ilunjumin sible.
Ne. 11. A Let of Ground, situate en I'cnu
(formerly 3Iurket) street. In suiil borough;
intaliiiiig ONE-HALF ACUE and bounded
By lirtiperiies of Samuel 3Iycrs, Levi Haver
slick und Jehn iioeveii.
Any per.-en d-sireus el cxa:nining the. loci-
11011 01 ii:e aneve iracis can .an in inu 11111
etilce of Wm. il. Given, esq.. Celuiiibia, l'a.,
where u full map et the premises may be seen,
or upon the undersigned in Washington lior lier lior
e'.ixh. The sale will be held en the mill property at
1 o'clock, sharp, where ultenduncu will be
given und terms made known by
JOShl'It W. 31ILLE1:,
Assignee of Jacob Stamuu and Wife.
Ai-uauax DtLLixdi-a Auct. oeti'(4tdeawil
All kinds of llcus- Fainting and Graining
done at the shortest i.otieeund 111 lhabest pos pes
siblu style. We have reduced our price te
31.75 per day. shop en Charlette street.
ectl2-:;md ALLEN GUTIUUK & SONS,