Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 08, 1880, Image 1

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b)t pttiftt;
Volume XVII-Xe. 59.
Price Twe Cents.
zjtr GOODS.
I nmibr & Brown,
There is in Philadelphia a clothing house which has no double iu all the
world. The world is full of clothing houses ; and it is a geed deal te say that
one is unlike all the rest.
First, in its dealing- ; and it is surprising that one house should differ
much from another. Selling clothing is se simple a matter, that it is likely,
one would suppose, te be done in very much the same way in Philadelphia,
New Yerk and Londen. lint Philadelphia is ahead ; and, curiously enough,
one house iu Philadelphia is ahead of all the rest.
Te be ahead in dealing is te deal en a higher plnne, in a moie liberal
way, te give the buyer mere well founded confidence without less of the mer
chant's .safety. This Philadelphia clothing house says te a stranger : " We
want te deal with exact justice. We want what belongs te us, viz., :i fair
profit ; and we want you te have what. belongs te you, viz., a liberal money's meney's money's
weith. Onr v..iv te arrive at this result is te mark a juice en everything we
wl!, which pi ice '. absolute ; and te let you buy what you like, go away and
think ije bargai:. ever, and come and trade back, if you want te. We find by
experience that V..'..-. liberality is harmless te us. Of course, you like it. And
it makes quick a:.d ready dealing. We don't want you te bring back what
j en buy it would ce'.-.t us money every time ; but we would rather you would
bring back than kwp. what you don't like. Se, we try te sec that you get
:itfuM what you will like the better the mere you knew of it. This is really
'he whole philosophy of our dealings." Is it any wonder that no ether clothing
house in this ci'.y, or Xcw Yerk, or Londen, deals in the same way ?
Sacend. in its goods the amount and variety of ihciu. There arc ether
houses where excellent clothing is kept, and a great deal efit ; but there is
none, anywhere, that keep-, se much. The dealing related abeve has wen the
jargest trade the world has jet seen. Te supply such a trade great quantity
tin: variety of clothing are required ; and Uic-w in turn increase the trade, be
eanec ea ci yhedy ii,;cs te c,1('esc out of '!!:'!,y tkings, rather than out of few.
This is iJSB country efieady-madc elethinij. Great lJrilain makes the
Hiobtefaisy liuroiKsuupeuntiy: batthcrxjisiietin all Londen any clothing
business a quai ter at ';rge as that of Oak Hall. New Yerk lias several large
i-lethin-'- businesses ; 1m Ji3 one nearly equal te that of Oak Hail; P.osteu
likev.itc. -
Loek back twenty ,ww '. ILive v? done you geed service, or net? Hut
that is net what we had iu mind ; we were thinlr'ng of the clothes you arc go
ing te buy te-day. Shall we sell tiicm?
u.v.c Hal:, N'Ktli and Market,
In vile ladies l -x:niinu larjje purelm-ci et Clearing Lets at less than JVnellen Prices.
i'.eautifiil Shades, really
i-i ., ir i:i:osSlhK..reiiHlsirlii-amI.7c,$l, 1.25, 1.30. 1.73.
;:;;;V;iVt CLOTH .sUITI.VUS.-lii Inches wide, all wool ; Importer s price .. ;
;;U eiVii rV,"lI.MEIlES.-Deulilc wlilth; new shades i,c; newscld.ut in-.
l-i ivvK Kj;r,-'XUS.-Uc-iruMe Celers, ic te $1.-J0
f.i'iiiV !is (.OIWiiii'l NOVKLTIK.S.-Lar-rcsl A-sertmeiitjui.l I.eive-t 1'
i um4c . e f " "' 11-;iv' U!,c UJev,,s iV-"; wertl1 Mc-
Our Goods are Carefully Selected,
The Designs are Artistic and New,
The Colorings are Rich and Harmonious
The Prices are
. B. Martin & Ce, West King St,
A new ream :;n i cletjant -teelc, A full Una of
Lancaster Watches,
Waltham Watches,
Columbus Watches,
jn Cel and Silver Ui-J?,nl the LOWEST CASH iMtrCES. Jlcautitiu wedding gifts in
Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Silverware, and French Clocks.
tlia best In the trerld.
i ., ...,- iii. liirf'cr citie. We manufacture Kings, Masonic Murks. Seciety
PinjSy eYauki .. ,C)te.iomlMeuali;unU any special or odd piece in any .'wireU
MOW.KAMMISUumu Fine Jewelry anil Wulcli wpnirtns a specialty. All work wnrruntcu.
aU and examieu our sleclc ami leave your repalnne with
Zalsiu s Cerner, Lancaster, I'a.
Oat Hall
worth!, only fi3e.
etll's Aiyi
Extremely Reasonable.
Hep Bitters are the Purest "end Best
Bitters ever made.
They are compounded from- IIep?, Rnchu,
Mundrakc and Dandelion, tlie eldest, best,
and most valuable medicines in this world
and contain all the best and most curative
properties of all ether Hitters, being tlie great-e-t
Uloed Purifier, Liver Uegulater, and Life
anil Heallh Restoring Agent en earth. Ne dis
ease or ill health can possibly long exist where
these liitters arc used, se varied and perlect
are their operations.
They give new lite and vigor te the aged and
Inflrin. Te all whose employments cause ir
regularity of the bowels or urinary organs, or
wlie require an Appetizer, Tonic and mild
Stimulant, these Hitters are invaluable, being
highly curative, tonic and .stimulating, with
out Intoxicating.
Ne matter what your feelings or symptoms
are, what the di-case or ailment is, use Hep
Hitlers. Don't wait until von are sick, but it
you only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters
at once. It mav save your lile. Hundreds
have been saved by se doing. 5rS300-aa
will be paid for a casa they will net cure or
De net suffer yourself or let your friends f ut
ter, but use and urge thorn te use IIep Hitters.
ICcnieinber, IIep Hitters is no vile drugged,
drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best
Medicine ever made: the "Invalid's Friend
and Hepe," and no person erfamily should be
without them. Try the Bitters te-day.
Hep Bitters Maniiracluring Company,
Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario.
That acts directly en the Kidneys. Bladder
and Urinary Organs, by absorbing all humors,
every truce of disease, and forcing into the
system powerful healthful vegetable
Tonics, giving it wonderful power te cure
l'AIX IX TIIK HACK. Side Leins, Intlaui
mat ion and Bright' Disease et the Kldnevs,
ravel. Dropsy. Diabetes. Stene in the Blad
der, Inability te Uctaiu or Kxpel the Urine,
High Colored, Scanty or Painful Urinating,
Deposit. Shreds or Casts in the Urine,
and in tact any disease of these great organs.
It avoids vntircly the troubles and dangei s et
taking nauseous and poisonous medicines. It
is comfortable, safe, pleasant and reliable In
its eirects, yctpcwcrtul in it-! action. It can
be worn at all seasons, in anv climate, and is
equally geed for MAN, WOMAN OK VM1L.V.
Ask your druggist for It and accept no imi
tation or Mibstitutc, or send te u and receive
it by return mail.
ucguiar ran, if.; special ral, ler unrenie,
deep-seated, or cases of long standing, $;f ;
Children's Pad, prevention and cute et sum
mer complaint, weak kidneys and bad wet
ting, $i.5'i
Day Kidney Pad Company,
r. A S T K i: N A C K S C V,
115 F.illen St., New- Yerk.
$500 REWARD!
Have already been sold In this country and In
France : every one of which has given perlect
uitlstactien, and has performed cures every
time when UMid according te directions. We
new xiy te the utlilctud anil doubting ones
tluit,we vil pay the above rewatd ler a single
case hi
Hat the Pad fails te cure. This Great Itcmcdy
will Positively and Permanently cure Lum
bago, Lame ltiiclr. Sciatica, Gravel. Diabetes,
Drensv. Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, In
continence anil Ketentien et the Urine, In-J
tlamiuatieu of the Kidnevs, calami ei me
Bladder, Hfeii Colored Urine, Pain In the
Back, Side or Leins, Nervous Weakness, and
in fact ulldinordersef the Bladder und Urinary
Organs wnether contracted by private disease
LADIK, If you are suffering from Female
Weakness. Loncerrlioaa, or any disease et the
Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs,
Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by
6lii)ply wealing
Askvomdrnggistrer PBOF. GUILMKTTK'S
FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether.
If he has net get It, send 2 and you will re
ceive the Pad lv return mall. Fer sale by
Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbia, Pa.
Sold enlv by GEO. W. HULL.
Dniggt-t, 15 W. King St., Lancaster, Pa.
Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad.
Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb
Ague, Ague Cuke, Billiens Fever, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia and all diseases of the Liver.
Stomach anil Bleed. Price $1.."0 by mall. Send
for Pret. Uniluiette's Treaties en the Kidneys
and Liver, free by mail. Address
Teledo, Ohie,
augl 1-CmdcedM.AVa F
cnoeL BOOKS.
for Lancaster Cily and County, at
rer. tub
Schools of Lancaster City,
At the LOWEST PRICES, at the Boek Stere or
Brick'Sctand rertablc
Skertzer. Hmiiplircvjlle & Kieffer's
Freifik Kianey Fads
Eancastcr Intelligencer.
Tlie 3I:ssius BccO.
A Story of Chancery Lane.
X Lest, a parchment document, being an
indentiture of mortgage, dated the 17th day of
February, 1S83, and made between Henry For
tress of the tirst part anil Balph Heward and
Frederick Pollock et the second part. William
Henry Austin and Emily Austin, his wife, et
the third part, and Tliem-js Hurt and Sydney
Ferrest Dvsart of the letirth part. Messrs.
Sharpe & Floyd, solicitors, of Ne. !)3 Bedford
row, shall receive the above reward.
'r2se, 3Ir. jleipetli ; I am sorry te say
no news whatever.''
The speaker was Mr. Sliarpe, the senior
partner of the fn m of Sharpe & Floyd,
whose advertisement, as above, Lad ap
peared at intervals in the leading news
papers during nearly six months prier te
the date of our story.
Mr. Sharpe was seated in his
sanctum, te which none bnt the mere ira ira
pettant elicnts of the lirra were admitted.
On the opposite side of the table sat a
middle-aged gentlemen, whose leek of
eager anxiety and nervous haste was in
striking contrast te the placid self posses
sion of his solicitor. Mr. Morpeth's im-
patience scarcely gave him time te re
move his hat or gloves before he broke out
with the anxious question, " Well, Mr.
Sharpe, any news of the missing deed?"
and received the reply above quoted.
" But, geed heavens, my dear sir, iu
anether fortnight the case comes en for
a hearing ! What en earth is te be
''We cm apply for an adjournment, if
you like, but, of course, it is only putting
elf the evil day. Yeu knew my opinion
about the matter."
"That the deed is no longer i:i existence
I can t I wen t believe it. At any rate
let us make another trial. I would will
ingly give a thousand if it could only be
"Quite hopeless, my dear sir. Ven have
already increased the reward from 100 te
&100. If the deed was still in existence
the holder would have been only tee glad
te lestere it for a lift It part of such a re
ward. Yeu may make up your mind that
it has been destroyed, either purposely or
accidentally, I cannot say which, and I
don't like te conjecture ; but in any case,
you may rest assured that the reason it is
net produced is that it is beyond produc
tion : iu fact, that it no longer exists."
"It is all very well for you te talk in
that philosophical manner, but hew en
earth are we te try our ease without it '."'
"It will be up-hill work, 1 grant; but,
as our leader, Mr. lii-aas, told you in con-
saltatien last week, the case is by no
means hopeless. The. deed being lest,
and no copy in exigence, parole evidence
will be admissible. The diiiieulty is (and
it is no use mincing the matter), the evi
dence in question will be exclusively that
of inlercfetcd parties; and, censidcting
the very large amount that is at .stake,
that is a. point the ether side will naturally
make the most of."
'"Ne doubt they will ; that is just what
iliivcs me frantic, and you talk of it as
calmly as if'veu were discussing the tele-
r t w p'H'e i !
phene or the last new planet. I knew,
and yen knew, that my pause is just and
riht. Te think that I and my peer, dear
.:r.. 41 1 ! 1 1 i.l l
i lie. nil; it reui ul uuiiui. Miumu uiive i
te stand up in a witness box and be in- j
suited with insinuations that we are swear
ing falsely for the sake of a few thousands.
Great Ged! it makes rey bleed boil te
think of it. I feel almost inclined te say
that I will give up the whole thim; rather
than te face such a horrible ordeal."
" Kay, my dear sir," .said Mr. Sharpe,
alarmed at the thicatencd collapse ei a
premising litigation, ' that would never
de. Te give iu at this stage would be tanta
mount te an admission with most people
at any rate that you had no case all along.
Ne, no ; you inu-'.t try the fortune of war.
The first struggle will net be final in any
case. If you are beaten, of course you
will carry the case te the court of appeals,
and I knew the ether side intends te de se.
if we should be fortunate enough te get
the best of it.
"A second chapter of torture !" groan
ed Mr. Morpeth. " I really believe it will
almost kill my wife. I teil you what, Air.
Sharpe, at any rate, we will make one
mere effort. Put in the advertisement
again every day until the trial comes oil",
and make the'reward .300.
Mr. Sharpe shrugged his shoulders.
" It won't make any difference, you may
rest assured, but as the reward is net like
ly te be claimed, it doesn't matter much
whether you eiler .300 or .00.
He touched the bell and took up the
Times, which lay epeti upon the table. A
smart young fellow entered iu answer te
the summons and he continued, handing
hun the paper :
" Here, Halliday, copy out this adver
tisement again: make the reward 500 in
stead of 300, then take it round te the ad
vertising agent and ask him te insert it in
all the dailies for a fortnight. We'll try
the experiment, at any rate, Mr. Morpeth,
but I'm afraid I can't encourage you te
hope much from the result.
" It's a forlorn hope, Mr. Sharpe, I ad
mit, bnt I won't lese even a shadow of a
chance, if I can help it. If it only brings
back the deed, I shall regard my 500 as
extremely well invested, I assure you.
Tem- Halliday was copying clerk and
messenger in the office of Messrs. Sharpe
& Floyd. He was just 22, wrote a capital
hand, had a capital appetite, and earned
eighteen shillings a week, which till lately
had sufiieed for his moderate needs.
Wc say till lately, for seme months pre
viously Tem had, in a rash moment, fallen
in love, which he found te lead him into
extravagant outlay in pomatum and neck
ties, and in various ways te constitute a
considerable tax en his modest resources.
His sweetheart was the daughter of a
worthy widow, who was the care-taker or
laundress of a certain house of chancery
iu which Messrs. Sharpe & Floyd had foim feim
crly rented offices. Hence Tem's ac
quaintance with Mrs. Moyse and her
Bessie Moyse worked as a milliner at a
shop in Regent .street, and it was an
understood thing that when Tem and she
had saved up money enough te furnish
two rooms, they were te be married ; but
as in the course of six mouths their united
savings only amounted te thirty-ihe shill
ings and sonic old ceppcis, their engage
ment appeared likely te be a long one. On
Saturday afternoon the young people were
in the habit et taking a long walk togeth
er, followed by a tea in Chancery lane, a
festive ceremony which was only marred
by the presence of Uncle Keekwidgc, an
aged relative who resided with Mrs. Moyse.
It was a family tradition that Uncle Keek
widgc had been rather a fascinating deg
in his day, bnt he was new very infirm,
net te say childish.
He was very deaf, and, as a nile, under
stood little or nothing of what was going
en around him, but every new and then
caught one half of a sentence, and invari
ably that half which the rest et the com
pany would have preferred that he should
net hear, lie had a further trying habit of
plunging irrelevantly into the conversa
tion, following up some train of thought
of his own, very often of atv uncomfortable
personal character.
The conversation which we have report
ed between Morpeth and his solicitor took
place en a Saturday. Tem Halliday copied
out the advertisement, as directed, and
duly left it with the agent. By the time
he had done this it was three o'clock, and
with a light heart he hang up his well
worn office coat, gave his hat an extra pol
ish and then started off te a centre tree in
Regent Park, where he found Bessie
Moyse already waiting for him.
After some indescribable proceeding en
the part of Tem, which caused Bessie te
exclaim, "Well, I never, sir and with se
many people looking, tee!" they: joined
arm in arm and proceeded te. hear the
band in the Zoological garden. This,
however, they did after a manner of their
own. They had discovered that the
music was equally effective (and a shilling
cheaper) from the oatside of the garden,
and, as Tem justly remarked, they did net
want te be bothered with animals, se they
promenaded up and down outside the pal
ings te the inspiring strains of the martial
music within.
The main topic of conversation, net un
naturally, was Mr. Morpeth's advertise
ment, and the young people amused them
selves by discussing hypethcticallv what
use they would make of the reward, sup
posing they were lucky enough te lind the
missing deed. Various plans were sug
gested, but it was finally suggested that
Bessie should set up a tobacconist's and
stationery business, in aid of Tem's legal
earnings. At first Tem was rather inclined
te undertake the tobacconist portion of the
business himsclf,and he had an idea that he
could serve cigars and vesuvians with con
siderable artistic finish ; but this was over
ruled by Bessie, who would net hear of
his giving up his "profession." That idea
was, therefore, abandoned, Tem justly re
marking that he" t of very much con
sequence. After a somewhat lengthy
stroll the young people made their way
back te Chancery Lane, Tem purchasing a
pint et shrimps en his way. as a contribu
tion te Mrs. Moyse's refreshment arrange
ments. They found the tabic spread,, a
pet of jam and a plate of water cresses :
shedding lustre en the festive beard, the
kettle boiling en the hob, and Mrs. Moyse ,
bustling about in the final preparations
for tea making. Uncle Keekwidgc sal, !
with his hat en. in his accustomed niac
by the lire. !
On Mrs. Moyse's first taking po&cssieii, i
some years before, of the housekeeper's J
apartment in Bedford row, Uncle Keck-
widgc had complained of a draught, and j
had put en his hat as a xrotectien'. As the
rest of the family did net perceive any j
draught, and falsely ventured te questien:
its existence, Uncle Keekwidgc, who could
never brook contradiction, became firmly '
convinced that there was a very severe !
draught indeed, and had continued te wear
hjs hat indoors as '.veil as out ever since.
He had never looked with a very favorable ,
eye en Tem IFalliday, and had occasioned j
Ilessic considerable embarrassment: by nt-.
tering aloud private reductions te his pre- I
jtidice. On the present occasion the first
greetings were S3areelv ever when Uncle
Keekwidgc, who had been eying Tem
ever in a critical manner, remarked te
himself, but quite audibly : ."'The idea of
a girl like our Bess taking up with such a
pair of trousers as that ! Lord, I believe
the woman will have anything new-a-days,'
p. remark vrhich caused Tem, though "net
naturally bashful, te tuck his legs hastily
under tlie chair, and Bessie te leek het
and uncomfortable, Mrs. Moyse making as
much clatter as possible with the teacups,
and endeavoring te inake believe that no
body heard the conversation, while Uncle
"Keekwidgc continued te munch bis bread
and butter in profound unconsciousness of
having said anything at all offensive.
"Yeu mustn't take any notice of uncle,
mm." saul Bessie,
is. It's only his fun.
Yeu knew what he
He's alwavs taking
euc oil.
needn't take oil" mv trousers,
though," said Tem, and then finding tifat
he had (quite unintentionally) made a
kind of joke, he tried hard te leek as if he
had said it en purpose.
"Themas !" said Bessie, pretending te
be dreadfully shocked. "Themas, lam
perfectly ashamed of you. It would
serve yen right net te Ir.t you have any
" Forgive me this once," said Tem ;
"I'll never de se anymore. I wonder
whether the old buffer would like a shrimp.
Try a monster of tlie deep. Mr. Keek
widgc," lie continued, putting a spoonful
en the old man's plate. "And I shouldn't
break my heart if one of 'cm get cross cress
ways and choked you, you old image !' he
added iu a lower tone.
"Fer shame, sir !' cried Bessie; "a
peer, harmless old man like that, and you
want te choke him !"
" Why couldn't he leave my trousers
alone, then?" said Tem, still by no means
His Uncle Kcckwidge, wiie had been
looking about uneasily, as if in search of
something, pulled a large black pin out of
his necktie and began digging vigorously
ata shrimp, though apparently without
satisfactory result.
"Ne, uncle," said Mrs. Moyse, taking
the pin away from him ; " net like that.
You're thinking of wrinkles ; these arc
shrimps." We arc grieved te confess that
the geed lady pronounced the word as
" s'rimps.")
"Then what did he ray they wcie
wrinkles for?" said Uncle Keekwidgc,
mnch aggrieved.
" I didn't," said Tens, indignantly. "I
never said anything of the sort."
"Yeung man," replied Uncle Keek
widgc, with dignity, "you said distinctly
wrinkles; I noticed it 'particular. I'm
very partial te wrinkles, but shrimps ain't
no account."
"Come, uncle,' said Bessie, "you
knew the last time Tem brought wrinkles
yen said you preferred shrimps."
" Wc ain't had wrinkles," resumed the
old man, quite ignorant of his niece's re
mark, " net since that day when wc found
the earwig in my Sunday hat. And then
they was in a pie !"
"Ne, no uncle," said Mrs. Moyse,
laughing ; " that wasji t
was eels."
wrinkles ; that
"I dunne about that," said Uncle Keek
widgc, "but I knew yen pick 'cm out
with a pin. With a pin !" he repeated at
intervals, like an echo, fainter and fainter
each time. " With a pin '." and then
again relapsed into silence.
By the way of changing the subject
Tem' began te tell Mrs. Moyse hew the
ease of Davis vs. Morpeth was expected te
come off en Wednesday week, and hew
the most important title deed was mys
teriously missing, and Mr. Morpeth had
offered a reward of live hundred pounds te
anyone who would restore it.
Uncle Keekwidgc brightened up sud-.
denly at the word "reward."
"I knew," he said, nodding his head
sagely, "I sec thebiil myself at the baker's
round the corner. A terrier deg. witli one
eye, answers te the name e' Beb. Ten
shiliin' reward."
"Ne, no, uncle, ' saiu Bessie ; " that is
net the reward we were talking about.
Tem was "telling us about a paper that was
lest, and the gentleman offers a heap of
money te get it back again. Five hundred
golden pounds ! Only think of that !"
" Five hundred pounds for finding a ter
rier deg !" replied Uncle Kcckwidge. " It
ain't likely. Xet if he was ever such a
stunner for rats !"
" I didn't say anything about terrier
dogs, Mi-. Keekwidgc," exclaimed Tem.
"I said a deed, Mr. Morpeth's deed."
'"Yeu distinctly said a terrier deg, with
one eve." said Uncle KeclrwuVn "md ns
for your saying you'll
alter it. Xer it ain't t
, , -..-.. - ..-.. ,,v
be d d, that don't
manners, either.77
" I never said anything of the kind !"
shouted Tem. " I said it was a deed that"
was lest a parchment document."
"I said all along it was a deg you
meant," said the old man, only catching
the last word of the sentence. " A terrier
deg, answers te the name of Beb ! Weil,
yen ain't found him, have you ?"
Mrs. Moyse and her daughter were se
tickled with the old man's mistake and
Tem's increasing indignation, that it was
some time before their laughter would
permit them te explain te Uncle Keek
widgc that it was a -valuable naner and net
a deg that was lest.
"Then why did he come a telling us
stories about terrier dogs? I don't believe
there hain't been he deg lest at all, these
new. And he may put that in his pipe
and smoke it !"'
Tem was beginning te get really angry,
but Bessie pacified him by squeezing his
hand under the table and whispering :
" Ler, you don't mind uncle, Tem dear.
Yeu knew he's quite deaf and foolish. He
doesn't knew half he says.
" I don't think much of the ether hair,
whichever it may be," said Tem," deitbt-
lully. lie s never particularly amiable ;
but this evening he does seem te have his
knife into me uncommon."
"Nevermind, dear," replied Bessie."'
" we don't take any notice of what he
says, and you mus'n't either. Have a lit
tle of mother's home-made raspberry jam.
and think no mere about it. This is the
fust pet of last year's making, brought
out expressly in honor of you."
" Thank you ma'am ; since you're se
pressing I don't mind if I de," said Tem,
and proceeded te help himself.
But scarcely had he taken a mouthful,
when he grew suddenly pale his lower jaw
dropped, and he remained gazing fixedly
at the jam pet as if spell-bound.
" (.'loedness graeieus, Tem!'" said Bes
sie ; "whatever is the matter? Are you
ill '.'
. "O.-.ntsav it's a black beetle,' said
Mrs. Moyse, peering anxiously into the
jam pet.
But there was nothing there te cause
Tem's emotion.
"Ne, don't, it's nothing; I shall he all
right directly," gasped Tem. " It's it'u
the live hundicd peunde,"
Mrs. Moyse and Bessie looked at him as
if he lt.:i taken leave of his senses.
Uncle Keekwidgc murmured incoher
ently :
Five handled terrier dogs with
eye, answering te the name ei'
relapsed into vacancy.
But Tem did net long cetilinue in his
momentary condition of bewilderment.
He pulled out the rough draft of the ad
vertisement, which was still in his pocket,
and began te compare the names of the
parties te the deed, as there mentioned,
with the piece of parchment which had
covered the jam pet and which new lay
! upside down upon the table :
"Halph Heward anil frecleiiak Pol
lock, Themas 15m t and Sidney Ferrest
Dysavt, William Henry Austin. Yes. the
very names ! Mrs. Moyse, I've found the
missing deed, or at least a piece of it ; and
new, if you can trace the rest, our for
tune's made."
" Yeu don't mean that dirty old piece of
sheepskin that lay about here for ever se
long, and that I took te cover my jam
pets? Geed gracious I7
"Mrs. Moyse, that dirty old piece of
parchment is worth 500. But where's
tiic icst of it? Fer heaven's sake don't
say it's destroyed !"'
"It's all up" at any rale," said Mrs;.
Moyse. Hinging open her cupboard, "Tlieie
is two dozen pets theie, and they've each
get a piece el it. that pet was the Inst
we've opened. And I rather think'
rummaging in the cupboard "yes, here it
is ! I rather think this is all tiic rest of
It was an anxious moment. The muti
lated parchment was spread out, the pets
uncovered, and the circular fragments re
stored though with some difficulty, each
of its proper place. At last the task was
finished. A few of the whereases and pro
vided alses were slightly stick, but net
the: smallest part was missing.
Mrs. Moyse's possession of the deed was
very easily accounted for. When Messrs.
Sharpe & Floed had removed from Chan
cery lane a quantity of old papers, which
were regarded as out of date and useless,
had been swept in a corner for the dust
man. The deed in question had. by some
accident get among them, and .Mrs. Moyse
observing that it was parchment, and be
ing a careful housekeeper, picked it up
and laid it aside for the purpose for which
she afterward used it.
These particulars were communicated te
Tem while Bessie brushed his hat ami
generally get him ready (for excitement
had made him quite helpless) te go off te
Mr. SharpO's private house at once te claim
the reward. Everybody appeared te have
a vague kind of impression that it was all
a dream, and that they had better sacure
the reward before they woke up. With
the deed carefully wrapped in papcr,"and
in the breast pocket of his carefully but
toned coat, Tem hurried te Mr. Sharpe" s,
and, het and panting, began te teli his
steiy. Ne sooner had Mr. Sharpe compre
hended the main fact that the deed was
found and assured himself of its identity
than he stepped Tem short in his narra
tive. "That'll de for the present," said he;
"you shall tell mc the rest as we go te
Mr. Morpeth's."
A hansom was called, and the pair were
quickly at Mr. Morpeth's house.
"Is your master in?" inquired Mr.
" Yes, r-ir," said the footman : "but he
is just "etting down te dinner."
"I lmist sec hira notwithstanding,"
said Mr. Sharpe. " Kindly take him my
card : tell him my business is urgent.'
Tlunnan complied, and a moment later
Mr. Morpeth threw open the dining room
"Walk in, Mr. Sharpe. Ah ! you have
geed news ! I see it iu your face ! The
deed is found?"
"Yes, sir ; lam happy te say it is and I
congratulate you with all my heart, and
yen, tee, my dear Mr:s. Morpeth," ad
dressing a fair-faced, gentle-looking lady,
who was seated at the h'jad of the table.
"It is really found at last, is it?" she
said. "Oh, what a lclicE! Then there
will be no need for me te appear in that
dreadful court?"
" Net the slightest need ; indeed, I may
almost say that the finding of the deed
puts an end te the suit. The plaintiffs
haven't a leg te stand upon."
"But where, when, hew was it found
inquired Mr. Morpeth.
Here is tlie fertuuate finder. He had
better tell his own story," said Mr. Sharpe;
"for as seen as I realized that the deed was
actually found, I brought him here at once,
and I scarcely knew the particulars myself"
Tem told his story and produced the
deed, receiving the heartiest commenda
tions for his intelligence and acnteness.
" Excuse me one moment," said Mr.
Morpeth; and, leaving the room, he re
turned with a check, still wet, reqnestin"
Messrs. Coutts& Ce. te pay Themas Halli
day or order the sum of 500.
"And new, my friends," he said, "sit
down and join us at dinner, which you
have se agreeably interrupted. Fer my
own part I feel mere inclined te enjoy mv
dinncr than I have for a twelvemonth" past,
though I am afraid the soup will get
cold. Sit down. Sharpe. Will ycu sit
there, 3Ir. Halliday, and make yourself at
Tem blushed and stammered.
"I thank you kindiy, sir, but, if you re
member, I've partaken of tea and shrimps
already, sir. And, and if yen'll kindly ex
cuse me, I think there's some one might
feel hurt ; I mean the truth is, my young
lady is waiting for me and I feel se proud
and happy with this piece of paper that 1
sha n't believe its ical until I've shown it te
Bcsric Ged bless her?"
"Amen, my lad ; and if you or siie need
a friend, you shall find one in me."
"And in me, tee,"' said Mrs. Morpeth.
"And tell your Bessie I shall come and
make her acquaintance very seen."
Tem and Be,s:e were married a few
months later, Mr. and'Mts. Morpeth both
insisting en being present at the ceremony.
They had made a great pet of Bessie, and
given substantial aid te the young people
in commencing housekeeping, quite apart
from the 500 earned by Tem iu connec
tion with the missing deed.
Uncle Keekwidgc gave the bride away,
anil has gradually become quiie reconciled
te Tem, whom he regards as a mm of un
limited wealth, acquired such is still his
Mrni conviction by his having found and
icsturcd te its lawful owner a one eyed
terrier answering te the name of Beb.
.Mrs. E. 11. 1'erkiiu, t'ivck Centre. Vrr.n
County, X. V., writes : sin: 1ms bivn troubled
with Asthma ler loin- years: U:d te .sit ii
nfciit after u'xht with it", .-he lias taken two
bottles of Dr. Thenist-" EiYclric Oil and is
lierteclly cured, she strongly receinnfends it
und wishes te act a u-eiit ::iiujn;: her neigh
bers. Fer sale by II. K. Cochran, druggist, 1.17
and :.J'J North Queen street. I.:;nc:ister, l'a. !l
YVrnry of Life.
Hew iiiauya man hssjiunpwl tnle the river.
When all 'twas that ailed him wa-j :i diien'er
oil liver,
I! he only had known that Sering !SIo-sem
would save.
Hf neves- would have tilled n suicide grave,
l'rlees : .We.. .trial bottles JCe.
Fer sal? Iv II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 17 and
ZU North (juecn street, Lancaster, I'a. K)
31 Jilt tV At,.
Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham,
t-.tsiJiic CcjiirpeaiMl t lie ftivier
Health, Hepo and Happiness
stored by the vze of
Vegetable Compeuiidj
The Pesiti-70 Cure Fer
Ail Female Complaints.
This prejMirutlen, as ;t-i nnmi: signifies, ren
sists et Vegetable I'rnpi-rties that are harmless
te the unci delicate invalid. 1'ixm one trig;
t lie merits of this compound will be recognize! I,
its relict is iiiiiiiedi iii;;aud lviicu its um:1" con
tinued, in ninety-nine cases in a liuiiiiii il.:t
permanent cure is eirceted, as thousands will
testify, en account of its proven i-
I'wiiiy reciiiiiiueiiiled and )ire-.ei'il)ed by the
best p!iy-ii-ia:i-. in the country.
It will cure entirely tliewursl form or hilling
of the litems, I.eiicnriliiua, irreiilai-i'.nd pain
Inl Meiistruai ion. ail Ovarian Trouble-, In In
llaiiiiuiilien ami dec rathm, l-'i-'iei lilies, all IN-platciut-iitsuiid
the cin-ct:e:it spina!
and N especially ad. .pied te the C'laii.c
of Lite.
In tact i: has proved te lie tin; ve.ite-jr. and
be-f remedy thai has ever been discovered. It.
permeates every portion of the . system, and
cives new i:!e and ttenr. It leiueves laintnes.j,
flatulency, destroys all eravinir ter stimulant-.,
and relieves w:nl:iics-: the stomach.
It cures Illnaiin;'-. Ilead.n he.-, Nervous !'io.---tratieu,
Ijencnii Debility, steepte.ssiie-s. He
pres.iitui and indlcs-Uini! Thai Iieline! bear
liifj down, causing pain, -.veitil and backache.
I- always jicinianently cuied by its il.-e. It
will at :ill time, and undent!! i treuui-l.tnces.
act in harmony with the I.r.v that governs the
f:ui:t!e system.
!:": Kidney complaint" of either a-t this
Compound i.- iinsiii-p.isscd.
Lydia E. PinkhamV Vegetable Compound
is, prepared at -ISI ami i"J Western Avenue,
I.ynn, ."liass. Pi ice!. Six bottles teri.". Sent
by mail in the ierni t pills. a!- in the form of
lezeiifjcs. en receipt i! price, s per box, ter
either. Mis. PINKIIAM Meely answers :t!i let
ters el'inipiiry. Send ler pamphlet. Address
as above. Mention tfiis )'yi")-.
Xe family should lie without I.VIA K.
lMNKIIAJl'S !.IVi;i: 1'll.l.S. They cure Con
stipation. iiiJiiius-iu-M ami Terpldi y at the
l.iver. Slcciits. per b'
Johnsten, Uuiieway & Ce.,
("eneral Agents-, Philadelphia.
Fer sale by C. . I.ii'-licr. ; Kast Kinjj stuet.
and Cee. W. Unit, !." V.'c-t Kiuj;. street.
1 't
J' ""f 'Jiff f V
Cabinet MiiiMikcturei-.
All ill want et Ki:u: or Taney Cabinet Werk
won't, de well te call and examine specimens
et our verlc.
teJKast Ulns Street.
riiN O
1 tii'.ve new en hand tlie Lai::; car, i:k;t asci
CttEAl'KST AeseltTJilWT of billed Itlll! Uiiliiicd
llUl'l'AI.O KOItKS In the c!tv. A!-e LAI'
AND HOilSK ltLANKKT.- et evtry ilc-crip-tien.
A full line of
Trunk3 &n& Satchels,
Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c.
S-Ilcpairin? neatly and promptly dei:e.-&
JOS Xnrth tjw' : .'.'., lxiucuxt.T.
1ItAl f.l'KCt'LAj:N
JT In lan;e or small amounts. $i or fi'
Write W.T.SOULK& CO.. Ci'iumi ion Mer
haiit,l'M La Salle street, Chi' ute. !!!.. torcli tercli
ulars. lutK-iyil