LANCASTER MltY INTEIXIGENgM SA'lfcEMNOVEMBEll 6, 1SSG COLUMBIA JTE v?S. i i: i::':;r:.Ai:,e;'; At :. laectin-j of the Celiini.'.-'. "re com pany held last eve.i.:i;j it .va; decided te appoint a coniniiitce te confer with coun cil en the tjucstien of having- the engine put hi the shop for rctciiiv. The engine lias been in continuous :,crviee fur fourteen veins and the wear and tear of it in that time malic the repairs absolutely necessary. The ce.f of repairs will be sen-.eV,heie fix or seven hundred dollars, and the company der-;, iwt feci able te meet. tiii.. expenre. hence ihe appoint ment .:' lh: committee. Councils will meet en Piiday evening next and will probably de M.nV'thin in the matter. The yiiii sesi' ly of the E. E. Lutheran church in::', l.t t evening at 1hc rev.denc:! of Hiram Vi!.s:m. en the corner of Second and Lecn -I sit el-, and transacted what little Iiumk -- brought sip, when it wa decided te adjourn te meet en "Wednesday cvcisin next, nil':- prayer n'-vling. in the decline loom of the ehurcli. Slicriir Striae made a ekau sv. crp yes terday in the geed's of the Utter ihes.. seized by credit--;.-,. i-nd .vld at public :al fir their bent lit. The sale was aitendc i)v ther.rua' crowd of curious women an .1 iv men. at ahilifr ti'-Vcd in a of tile t).n: Slier!!' Sales. This afternoon at 2 o'clock, at thecourc-lie-.iFe, Sheriff Striiie sold by virtue of sun dry writs the foliewin; real estate : A tract of land in West Lampeter town ship, containing 13 acres en which arc erected two two-story frame dwelling houses, also a one and a-half r.tery frame dwelling heiue, hank barn raid ether im provements, a-; the property of Jeseph Lanier. Sold te I) F. Davi.., esq., for 15, with notice that the said property was net new nor ever had been owned by the said Jeseph Lanier. A tract of land in Caernarvon township, containing 20 acres, en which is erected a two story stone dwelling house and tavern stand, frame barn and ether improvements, as the the, property of Geerge AVeilcr. Sold te Jehn J. Geed, esq, for WO. The ether properties advertised te be soil were wlthdsawn. SEW AJtTEltTISElCEXZS, it .:e..lIV.u'.vij.g. mated that 8,000 wild duchs en the FiS'-miehanna liats, in Mi of the articles i.;.rc than would have bee tail Mere of the characta r'e-.ed, and the miaiiidcr then was Kt !c people and tliev .' liyt lit at upon, the" sa! tr-eine re-iter- av have an ideal:.:;: aiivuiiniriiircii.if-ci at. :i;i.:'.iict"i;!i i.s cheap, whciras the contr.; centr.; , -. is ": v e!lcn the ;:ct. iuv. v. vr. st-ih-y. :'t',r ,s tin- j:. ;. Luth .ane-iere.i, will, to-men-ov cviii'iii-.;, l.egiit a series of S"ia:en-' te you:!' mm, 10 whi:h all ai: incited 1 attend. Tise-e t-rnien.-; v. ill p:eb.;bly c .dilute a oiiple of tneuihs The subject for the initial ser mon is '' A young man vhew- jui" w; s Nuii."' Last cviiit! ,' p..j!j..-. g-)t aiie.:df in us icilin liew .Me-mm. (''.;i,;;e ('tune afld J. A. Meyer .s Iii-er-diL ri forty ciujl; : hut, Slwn tin e dtsi-1 . were, "d.-'Ov.- dit !..," :..i:..:i:ati' weed, u ''critics-.-," wingless, ri-l ;.!'! i-fei,' no., able tt ily, i.'gless and iind'le ! ,;iii..j .(...: :i:i;i ar.u'.ttd, but. tif a ;, sni.ieSi'ii-a! ;.,! .; and able lis swim for a :..,; around their necks, b. traced te u couple uf i:j e-T were talrcn the vicinitv of Havre de (I i ace. last Meu day. the iirst day of the ducking season. A number of prominent gentlemen from Xew Yerk, including Judge Oilderslceve, participated in the slaughter. The great c:;t iiumbcT of ducks killed by any one, bes was that of -Messrs. Mahan ami Dobsesi, who secured .MO : the iiighe-t number of any sneak-beat wu-i that of Capt. Tedd, who get 110. The Slats still abound with ducks, and it is said that there is no per- eeplible decrease since th11 nay liefeie the gunning season opened. SOLID SILVERWARE in all the new styles, comprising many articles specially appropriate for wedding and anniversary occasions. BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE. CLOCKS IN RICH VARIETY, including Mantel C!eck3 and Cleck Sets, Traveling Clocks, -fee. The most favorite Cleck is ' The Stem Winder." BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE. THIRD EDITH)!. SATURDAY EVENING, NOV. 6, 1880. WATCHES the best in the wfcrid, in novel finish of case and great variety of ornament. Our own guarantee gees with each Watch we sell. BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE. FOREIGN GOODS This Winter's Fancy Goods escsl and exceed all our previous importations. In every department low prices prevail. Bailey, Banks & Biddle, 12TH AND CHESTNTUT, PHILADELPHIA. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Xev. C Fer the Middle Atlantic states, cloudy and threatening weather, with .'rain ; northeast te southeast winds during the day, lower barometer and stationary or lower tern pcratnrc jyjsr tioens. CLOSE. VOTING. CeiiiiuiStuiS. Jehn .Tubi:ua, colored, was thi.-j aiter aiter aiter r.oen committed te, jail for ten days by Al-demi.'-.n ?iIc(.Viiieniy for diunlien and dis orderly conduct. Jehnsen was arrested e; Tdenday Inn, was di'-chargi-d en premts ir.g te behave !iimelf. That same evening he became wry disesdcily and was re ariestcd. hist bailed out by his fiicin1.;-.. se thai, he might net lev; ids vote. His h'jas-ing was te have tal.-en jdace yes terday, but h" failed t appear. Te day hi .:.-; senicii'-is as abevi smtcd. 'Vi-eiv wilii :. 1.1 The -au.nd can r.ssfilly vii'ihs. A Ji;; iaiy an ! :.. ;;ivi'n in li:.: (.-ie:iti:iii('::l:iry fi Tracin'i"" In-fil;:ti'. Ti;- I.aui'aW n:i.".-o.epu"l society will ivv-- a cenipisnir-ntaiy soiree te the teach- iscastcr ceuiitv en l .Mi. .Mm; :, en II v.. I 'iida cts mf.Hiute ei j.a i Tnes.-hiy evening next i " William Cnll'-u i'.rv: i Mime twenty or ni;: .s-'iiiii-:- en exhibitieM. after the lectuic en it." There will be compeuiid uicrf- The Ui-pisbiii'.' i'cIiev.s iiai! havi 4 ran j.aianr'a . a:: ilev. u ih:.- luer.ii: . ': i 1 1 0. V..''IC'i. : : ! aid-, el'i.w. s5::i i! is in : da;, r t'.vi-. I'ntnani I'iic! , ', t'. A., will al!-nd lb. at Yhiril and (.'la r: v : e i'lieiii." in i!ni2s;inyo!ii'irie.iriis!i, ,-1ii::i15 tl:e i!-- liicilicSiiirs ler itit ern;il !i yea can lie cmi"! of ti'veraml ajjne. :i;:n'-, SIliri:i' liioerili'i-j", janmllce, iIvm- ventng. .Vnv.aimr TJta, maler t jir au- " ec .f t?t. I'.-ier'.s Caiiiel:.' chuich. The P"egi-.iiii;n! of cv.f: ;;, will b of an in leicsling t;:i.u.i and we b no deubl She enti'i ta.iiui'iii! i !al:e. ; li' a-hpiari- : . in' )! n iii.-ii'iTtli-d. The liUii' In ids ii ii' toil! I "i I'l-if. ; 'iil luetic"' Kn-nc't !.ivc:- IMi!-,, wliicii .n:i the 54ei!i has bri'lt i ' '"",' c"-" cv.'i-y lim . I:- jour ttrui;!-! The 1 ' sn'. ::'.! . v.'i'I ' '':i-- n"' !''-" !In l:i'i, -..'ai! -l.."i' la a letter te 4 ' l li, li.-iilr-ivir- I ' ' "cil . .!. ':.! eii-i:i f.. :iii.t : will I!!' VIM riii-r. '.! li.:; lfili iicjV-i".. a vreli a- :;11 ih-eviler-. ami iiiiiurnts 1 :' !ii cr. ii'ieil aail -aetaacii, liy weaii m? oae H. 2. RHOADS & BRO. Figuring Out a majority ter JIelli Sirica la Coiilerni;.. Sax Francisce, Xev. G. The licttinff men arc greatly excited ever the closeness of the election in this state. The latest CDunt made by Republicans last night, with ellicial ictums from several cettutie-, give Garfield forty-seven majority. Anether estimate give3 TIanceek ninety six plurality. Even by the latest figures the Republicans arc quite certain of one elector, as Judge Teny, en the Democratic ticket, has been censidcrablv scratched. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! BLANKET SHAWLS ler I.a.lie-:. BLANKET SHAWLS for CUililren. BLANKET SHAWLS for S:oel t;irls. 1WISLEY. THIBET ami BUOUHE SHAWLS. SHAWLS IN QUANTITIES FAHNESTOOK'S. astj:icu j:j;e's Airj;j:Tisi:xKXT. 4 stimch bkes.' advkbtisi:mi:nt. H61H mi for astkich astuicii ASTBICH ASTt:iC5l ASTBICH ASTBICH BKOS.' I'.ItO-.' JIUOS." BKOS BKOS.' BKUS." LANCASTEi: ISAZA ML LANCASTER ItAZAAJL LANCASTKU BAZAAK, LANCASTEi: BAZAAl:. LANCA-sTEi: RAZAAIL LANCASTEi: ISAZAAl:! I'ICJUTING .MOKr.'j. UNPEKWEAi: ler Latlius. UNDEBWEAU ter Gents. UNIiEUWEAK ler Heys ami tiirN. irNDEBWEAi: at all price. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Boer te the Court Ileune. U EAbT KING STREET. 13 LAST KINt; STUEET. 13 EAST KING STUEET. 13 EAST KING THEET. 12 EAST KING STUEET. MJLLINEBV r.utern Hats aii.l NOVELTIES iJJ'HMJ.'fJ- B.mncts. NOVELTIES JHMt!:J- PiTblcsntKc. NOVELTIES JJ'HMi : Si,,t Fclr L'er"y. NOVELTIES ?"uhi'''''m w. :( v a.TiK t i?-S ti ,JllsUerl)Ies, NOVELTIES vJJJ.Iv-l.hJ. ,,0"",l an.l trim- NOVELTIES !!!'!'?! :"' " wUl1 :ui novelties Call attention te fche cernplcteneaa and variety of their stock, including Gvei'y article of every description in their line, from the low-priced te the costly. All grades of Watches and Titne-keepers. All classes of Jewelry, including- very many pretty designs in cheap goods, and a superb collection of fine Diamond Goods. Silverware in full variety, from any geed Electro-plated article te the Solid Silver Goods of great intrin sic worth. Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes, Bronzed, &c, &c. All purchasers of goods in our liise, all persons contemplat ing the purchase cf such goods, all admirers cf beautiful goods:, are respectfully invited te visit our store H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers. SPECIAL INV T A TfON . One Killed in the Stliigglc. New Yeiik, Nev. G. Benjamin Statts and Jehn Green, both colored, engaged in a desperate light en Seventh avenue and Thirteenth street. While they were struggling together, Statts drew a pistol te sheet Green. The latter seized the weapon, and during the subsequent strug" g!e Statts was shot in the heart, dying a few minutes afterwards. v . ;i-5. i;. i in. -) Ib'finun :! chinch 1 1 ct-t -. in :t b-'dv t- .1 hv ii:i;i. II. '!!. li l . : tin- only !!n t!i:it lint. rlV. ir WATT, SHA.ND & COMPANY i!i in- l.tilics l"cx:ii!iii:c i:ir et Clearing Let at lest tlr.m Auction I'lii-c-. COLORED DRESS SILKS, I !. ii" l r-V.' Ci i ien: V.i:f!l KcY. 1 . :i n :i tiC. ,M)".i ted ii. .. tl.c "ii!i:-?i t'..i i. 1 ' ,iii th. pl.t'.' , v. i!i I'l'cupv iw M'sruiiii ::: d evening. .1. IK 1J..I :... of l.eli. !;:t:; iriit. d the .-: la room i the p.. s'.efnVe, is liiaiiiii. p.;' .tp.n a tenfccliiMieiy .'tore. figAt .:'. nice-tins; of the cunj Inst, vvei-injf i! was I'l'i-tdcd ublica".'. b.ii;aii-n v.;!! p ji-.hij-rvf'.iiii'; i:.-xi. A Si.e '.! '.: ;.. i ihiinbi.t p.'cial!y for I IjO'l, Oi te-nii'r- I .Ui 4 I tl'll! v..-.:l:u.--!l.-s,t-iire.l ?. .id. ;;i!;.Ui It !:!!".; : 1:.!!, y.l ti' ..-,.-n. IV. or , v.!: us i :.n; ni.'.'v i y"l t hi ! iv 1 !'! A i.;r;-'- K-pu'sive-ii,'!:!. Tl'ttn (' 'III t'i.'.! nr K-eilv.'.l :i n! '.t.u-i. : 'r -,:. in :v v.isre :!! !r:t:t Tii.m row-of jiiMil-, tii:i! r.!linny i.u'in W'ifj.'il :!i !; i':i!!-. .11 (".'. 1 )( INT. i.l-!v. .li-. ..!.. :inv Ilii'.i. that tin- Pc ua 'i'u.-sihiy .: ii t !:i!ics (I;,; iTii:;-. .: ," r .. nil jiiirt. r v.'M-. ittil'MI'.l ";-iv iiciitir -!i:ii IV -;..:ii. 4 1 ". ISi'iiittiful Slimtcs, iviilly vertli$l, only K' r.l.M'h 1H.'E.S SILKS. rei.nlarbi-.UKl. ST, -gl,, l.W. !.T.".. ! I'lltt'Dlil! CLOTH SIITINUS. HI inchiw wiilLMill wool; iiiipert-rM pi i.-e AH-: our. ..:t,i. I'.LACK CASIIMEUES. Kxfi'llrnt Valiie, V.V .VI. .Vi. iS. ", S7e. 51, .s (,'OI.OUEI) CASIIMEUES. Deuble wiiltli ; new bli.uli-s l"7e : new siild'al yc. fLANNKL SUITINGS. Di'Niiiiblc Celers, Kioto $1.J).- IM.AIU IMiESS GOODS anil NOVELTIES. L:ui;L-.t Assert iiii-n! ami Leivi',1 !':iv l,A PI KS G LOVES. 2(10 dozen Heavy l.Nle Gloves itc; worth .Vie. CLOAKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKING-S, AT POPULAR PRICES. NEW YORK STORE. ASHOKK. A Slcaincr'it Mishap. I'ueviDENri;, 1J. I., Nev. 0. The steam er Rhede Island, of the Providence line- went ashore en l.ennct Point, near IJeavcr Tail, Xarragansctt Hay, this lnerninj;. 1 he ias.enj;eis and crew were all safely landed, although several of the latter were hurt. punting Hint JV(!cstri:;;:s. I.i:.nex, Xev. 0. Iii the beat race be tween Layceckand Kilcy, Laycccl; wen by several lengths. Walking match score at $ p. m. : Hewell iiiO miles, 7.1 miles ahead of I.iHlcwoed and 84 ahead of Debler. DRESS GOODS, CL,OAKS, OLOAKINGS. All)Sheiij 'fi Olllcial 3I:tjerTly. I'lTTSnuitijir, Nev. 0. The efticia! vote of Allegheny county for president gives the Garfield electors II, in I majority. ii'XciAi, : en cpus. ii.;.-; in .:; Ln'.e.; 1 b.iy !:' t;'ter. ';; Mieui'ii r. upwaitls. in -T . i. 1.1! lb.- sbin.' iicr-i'.!-.' : Wcll-iIiiv'CiC.l bio , a (f.irih-l.l ji'.-iid , of .: .'h'-.;cup.i. ih.' "Sl-Ileix" l.isi'l !"'. ! iiitcl t.'.:.'v l:c.-nl .'lii .'..-. ill-." rlan. ! liiie'jilali-il ill '!!fii-iie. -. -i.-1!. THB LARGEST AND FKTOST STOCK OP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C. I' ihe lll'SClCC i. !:.. e :: :.l!,- ...iiniltei'i irr ".vUmir l he iilinhi.: n -ly iii.ii v l' WOl.lf'l r s;ure. -M.u-.x- 'ii lilllcd 1 i eiiipiiiiy .vc. TJie 1 i.!le-.v-- -.nM i i.e c 'rijciny luin in t.ii-t. ie. hi'.v :ieu ; b.i-. : lee of the old ;v davai the r t ne 511.-51. - -hv:- :rc ceil: niaiv.- :.t r.MigciiK . . for :i b.i en " Yr :' -: thf r-ii..-a3 i if i-Veili.l.; ill (jltc iii'll. bcf; ;; t. (iiu.'-iul ie Ice . "s :.;'.;! receive ::. '.' jus 1 :.e:i Te-d.iv i mill. The liver has fallt'i! .1 imuji'.c .i iech-. .-; ei t'-e last dav or two h renll of .n tiic r:ifi -;i:iie mid lishway? The deal ! fr-nii dipthcrli ".vili real I,- '.'! this c. ::".-. ;;;;n';:K.' of hiii-iiiici! :;t 7b lint Jh-tiir! cemetery. TwcnJy-ris raembi s of t' !!. iiaw mi far signidcil their iutcniieti of -;ei:i.; t" W:''-'i'iigl.n !. ( '. with the e-im ..tit', te jiisiieti-ite i;i ."te iinii.;ui.i5 i-eve mejiie-; en the -1th ei .March. !; s e! libt, inboeklicciiiiivr has lireii ;ii riiee. th-th. Bji'ii- ie 1 1 -en liar : ml l.iv ";.-v ri:'. i lilrni! -i m' ei t!i" ; ti ei. i-. i.;;'i i -. '."- llie.i ! .Seaiviier." :!! cm-,' lb, i Warne 11 1. ill V '-. Sa':4 fJl'ZiUC. ili-..'a-f-5 : Ivi.iney ' la t'.ic city, i ie be -ecu at tla "i kv el ;-4 In ail'.i te ui.iiii. ! te Sic held rrr-rr-ru s i'ir ill-i..-Dr. Lim! .i-t;:i ii.- i.v. 1.1- Itev. 1". T. lniileV ratlM-r, ilv. te Mi ll '.-4iav even- ) ." n.'.r.ii.: ii i rt i '.Ijiy.iT, :: 11, e i;e!t' el i! ( iniiiei selineiiler. m" lln- Vil!ii''.niiiia eli!:;nrli. el il.e!-''!!. Llli'iN'AUO ItliCVMlM. :,. i 'a Tlutv nitr evemb t 1. :il tli- re-iiiem-.: et 5!r. J I.piir.ilui Giebii'L'er. "I iili'i"-vitlt-, liy tile KeV. .! 11. Marklev. Mr. Grerire I.eenai'il. of Wei-1 Willev. Street, te Mi--; 1'iiiiiiv (. llreniieaian, I 1. 1!e, l'a. Jl.'.i'l7(.S. Til"'-. S.vt pibv !. .'"ll. in r'..:.Mvi!Ir. l.eiii-, I'lnei. !n li"- ';li ji.n)f!r;i'i . 'i'i'r, .-. .t'.nl frieuiis i!' the l.miily aiit ri-;-i.elfii!! in iteil t aiteiKl liie linieral tteiii il-e ii ;v-c i!'': i -. ILiair, corner eT North a n . . M ra. bi ' -'rrr;-. f.n .-iani;iy ijleriic'ei, ;:J .1 n'eieeic. . .'. it - f rrj: :im:M t:xrs. NORBECK & MI LEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. -COX & CO.'S OLD STAND.-53 l"!.i-ieeU iinLi.l.'-all Ihu LATEST STYLES SPRINGS u.'ii :i tlm l!:.-ivster. Whitney, Sallilee. Triple, Empire ;ew Spring, Dexter nil Lillplie. anil limy v. ill iiN'u make te er.lerany wtylc a may ih tail ItiiiiN pr iiiiptly atittinicil ti. All work yii.iranteeil for one year. "OUR VORK SUSTAINS OUR VORD." (jiiccn. Duplex -ire. Ilep.iiiin.i; .erined here ami will go L v.eik- . iine.i LU. u-Jinebunua the cilieiiMit e. re'iin i mill .-l-irvel v.i.J lv tin -Jier. !)r. N. II. Y"e!li of ( Obi.;. xas m town Je-d.iy. lie i-f" at 11 :!! fe. the p-.i. A ne,w M'hrdiiie v.ili geit:t'i cifccl en the i'cnii-yiv.nir. en leu.i.iy, Xev. at ii a. m. yin"i tmin N-. i? will be due licieat IO:."!';';;. in., instead of h!:-;.'i. as at nvs" i. m. I.mievc;" arcainmi.-datien at, 1! : .! J .M:u.. lti! f JAII ii 11! l iiM-h l!.i vii: M.."l ,.; II. this ''iirl.i i.vr..MX(i. .-'i!ii l'ii i'. niir, a' il t iiinir "Ireel VOL IMCilM. riopil-Ler. Hi i!:i- ; V. i v." "il COOK !' l.tSli! in Heuse Milenii, Nertli I'linee Street. ;;:v- tn:i.:-:i:i:ATi:t lageuixkei: ! luiil Ll'.tei'iailiiileiit ihlK eveninr. i ver- iiieiiiiii;;al i'l.iiil.-e's Hetel. JOHN lii. xk w ai vi:i: tisemhxts. 3 OSTEON l1lii7vv" ilTKKXOOS, US i i l'riaeestrei-t, lietuieii Orane anil West Slim; Onppeie.l near Fulton Hall), a live tlol tlel tlol l:ut;elil pfeee worn a:t liieaitpin. 'l'iie liiiili r will !ii'iiiil:ililv liv reliirnln it te Ne. t: Seuth Water street. ' (nev. (Mt XKW AltV CUTIS USIEXTS. MK SAI.Il. rx - -. . . F .irefiii enler, will lie, eli! atn harain. Must lie il-ipe-i'il otte liiaUe room ter a larger one. tali fin eraihlri-v, .1. II. HAINES ,t SON. Millersvilie, l'a. iiIStilThSW: DIt. m pia'V efll:4ii, and the Frederic;.: accor.!!ii."e:iti.!i Jraui vie-i at .':. ). m. twenty-live miiintr.s later than by the pj-esrnt 'cliLdule. Tin se arc i!ic ...dy' at 'i!uiii'!,. w Slrai. .1 :iv, iv iiisiii e. :i- Verth Ihilie .irei t. a iaru- Malte-t r.ti uitliwtiiti! star en !i. lliient. A l'v:.r!. i iii i e vi '. !': its ie turn. " !til! llailr'iai! "'inm C'itv i.iiand after next ?.Ie:i.b sc'icdnli' of !;.iins rn the raihead ie.ivimr iin niiviii'a! 'Lancaster! 'i'.1!,, '.'.''.!? Ill 1 . ' 4. 11" I' ,t ' I ' i'.l.ll... 441 ill If ni! m:e '. t. . 1 lie l.'ll lwin.' are i . ri OAt.l-.K KliAtT '.UN'.:!! - O Tl;!- -A'l'J'llll.Vl )cveni ;, Nev. i., l.-?.i. :i, i t'leif v. ill 1 r v. ;". i'.l saner iir.nit. I'ljs 1-eet 1 aiel i'olate; ter lini'ii ter 'hei.iillieiw. at '. tilO WinU'rj WOi:il..'l.i.-.- lieiilen ;!eie Hele!. J.;,i Ei4-l Eintr ire-'l. lit rncr t i.ii"el'- llrewinu 'Je.'s All riv.-r-i ; ; rifiii lnneii are iteil. " ltd )i;;;i.i: sai.ic ekcanaua iieksks. On .MONDAY. NOVEMllEli S, 1SS0. will In: se'.tl at public sale, at .1. I). Dciiliiigcr's Mer riiiiiK; Heuse, 115 Nertli I'rinee street, Laiicn lereitv, l'a. the tollewliifj Live isteck: 1 Head of Heavy Draft and Driving Herse, from i te ( years old. all be as represent ed by the u'nder.-.i;jncd or no .sale. A credit of itfi days will be iven. Sale te eeiniiience at I o'clock p. m. en said dav. when attendance will be jjiven bv GEOUGEl.KOSSMAN. .M'i. llus, ,i Sex, Aucls. u.l-lltd FAXOY GOODS : :,e .(' i: the ciiaii' iv'1 ariiv i he I'aciiie. r--j4,-.'-. ihdpiii.i at I :) p. m dav expire at, ':'' ir.iin -". j. i ."leiiui .bi. for ;hi will 1 ave at 1:'J0 ::. in. instead of 1(! and ni:.!l t..iin T',4i. -J, via ("ehimhia, 10:2. i'i'-S..i.i e!'Hl:1ft: :a-.! Iii;.- v.-.-.-.l .:- p. m. i:i-:caii et u:ui, ivm i-reitenc accosniiiifd.itien at '.':!') instead of ':"'. leeeiiini, idaiien 1 of S:t!t a. in. : v. iii le.iv;. for Phila-in-ie:::l of 1:00: the istc-.d of .i:!."i : mail wc.;i, 1 :!(', i t .i- ;:!li!.I:i A tew dav s ae several ei' the f"rani:ii;i and Marshall c.illege went, uj i-. iniL".vii?ii !! a .'uuninic i estcrday :)- of their I'shl. in:;:!. ::;e( Ui an a, ple iifliN mm 1,.- i; bh:v, t nbim in the f."..'.:nn in but no' ilanereu'; v.oiie.l. the iriiiv letlll.ied Je r.-.n ba';s we'.! i)ll:e 0 iitieu. number. !' IJ. ident the nip ,,'lt :;n;l shih iiciing a iiainfni Thi-i morning aslcr wi'h iiiif i 'liAir's v:i;l . ;A5t."". ran sal::. jV. Tile Mi.-.-e'ibrr eilers al private x;.!e until November '-. nil tl'.at fine M lU'l.'llA.N' KKslDENljiC and farm kueivn as lnn)jr Viiia, situate '..iilin li.'.il a mile of tlie eily limit1-, in l.iuieaMi r ten nliip, iienlin en tin IMtihulelpliia liiinpit-e. eent. lining alienl -s ACl!i;s,'wili! line ividenee. imver-tailiiig spi'in;: - :1 v.:iter.;a I:n-jn- variety of choice trim l roc-am! grape vine, all in Hie liig!ie-.t slate of caltivaii-iii. leaking one el'th". imit di'ir ;ii...' OUilllV ic-ddi-liee-ill tlie vicinil v. AIm. thevell iviuiMi! TKLIS IIAIX l'K NIC GiillUND iiidieiniiig above and tienting en J the eile-t.ia. eentaining about 'i, ACItl.S. j If net -old I'l'ler'.' Neveiiii).-.' 0.1 the -nine . v.iii be e'ieied at jinli'iic en the preini-es Indent:, i m wliich time about 1. head id eallle. heiler- ai"l ceivs nill al-e iieseiii. AKe Hie well known MECHANIC.- HOTEL FlJOI'Ell'J'. corner of I'liini and Clir.sluiit ! I...: I'.i.-I. 1 1 . I ;1 ;i,.l4.! M; ,1 II t:l,.l ill'in. ' I eiiip.iiu" V.'i.rk--. This property, if net sold befeie e ember -';, will b.- eilercd at the Leepard Hele! en tin- c cuing et sait! day. I or turllier partirulars eiiiiiii-e of lAWUKNCK KNAPI'. It! East King 'irivi, ii'i-t- ! l.auiM-ter, l'a. riiEACK I-IKS' JNST1TUTK. BVENmG LECTURES JN I'TLTON HALL. CHINA HALL. DEI'OUATED TEA SETS. i Dl-X'OKATKD DINNKi: SKTS. DECOUATKD CliA.M ISKit SET.-. ri:ri:-A-TETr. sets, FltriT I'LATKis. OKSSKKT SET, llavilaiiiiVi bile. Geld Hand anil Decorated riiinii. Majolica, Toilet Sets. Vases. Ve. Jit A KKIiTS. n,mm New V;rk -liarkci. New Yeuk. Nev. C. Heur stnla und IV est - I ern dull and prices without decided change ; f Supertine, at i:t 85g4 ."!.": e.ti-.i de nt tlS.iftvl it; eaeice, ile, l T.ialn.i; lancy ile il il.ig(i00; round hoop OhieiflTOig.") : choir.; de lit $310ij( CO: suptii'Jiiie western f:ts."l '-; common te Keed extra, ile f 4 5."Jt 75 ; choice de ,f4 8Ug(i ."() ; choice while, wtieat de $4 "A 4!C; Siilithcrn fpiiet, uuchaiiscil : common' tair te extra ill ft yjy."! ."iii ; geed te clieii de K MgO S5. Wheat Jc lower, aailMnll; Ne. 2 IIcil cash. $1 ISii : de Nev., ?1 i;fi!l 1S : de Dec., 1 l'Jjjl l'j'tile Jan., $1 -Jl"?-,,! -il; Ne. I White, Dec, $1 r Cern a shade stronger and rpiiet; MIxel westein spot. .lAJnilJi. : de la! me, 5bi& Lite. Oats linn: ' Nil. 2, Nev.. :;!c; dd"lce., 114: de f.Ian., 4JJ.e state WitHlc: Western i;i4.'ie l'iillaitclplii:t :::irl.:l. l'aiuost.riii..,Nevcml!crll. I' market dull but steady ; superilne il! 75j 51); extra j4 OOVil 50; Ohie and Indiana family t."t'0.f,n: I'enii'u t-xinily $1 50gri 50 ; St. Leuis family ut iTt"rlK .VI; jiinuesetu funilv f."i i.'ifiCt 7,"; Sir..lghr. $n O0J7O a0 ; Winter patent itViTM; Spring de $uQ$ i". itye, lieurat ." '-". Wheat active at decline; Ne. 2 r est urn Ki-il il HlAQl H)i; IVnn'a. Iteil $1 l.t.K.3111 ; Amber 5113(2114. Cern (inlet but strngly held ; yeliew at U mixed miXA'fi. Onls (juict and steadv ; Ne. I, White i0Jc.;Ne. 2 de :8;ie; At." S de :i7!i87ic: Ne. J, Mixi.-itKS'SllKi:. Rye quiet ut lijc. Previsions steady but only in Jobbing nitus perk, old. at sIj.'O; de new iid $iK5e : beet luuai it $17 50 ; Indian mess beet at f 18 50 ; bacon smoked shoulders 5.ti!c ; salt de 5Je; snnikcd hums lOivlliJe; picklei! Iiaui- syntvu. Lard steady ; city kettle at SJic : uuisti ijittcli- eis' i?4iKe: prime sleaiu :fa '. Itutter dull, aside from choice grades ; Creainerv extra 3iu; de geed te choice J.i:s 31c; JI. 0. tuut N. V. extra; Siigiiiu: Western reserve, extra. 22g,2lc; de geed te choice V,,. 2'Jc: lfelN lirin with fair dcniand forcheiei": Western lieserve extra i'ijiiic; iViiu'.i I'xtn, 22f24e Eggs scarce and linn ; l'eiin'.i Evtr.i -'(ie ; Western Extra 23c. Cheese dull am! weak : Nev.' Voik tall cream at 13,J-a.7d3,,le; Western full cream m 12.512'ic:de lair te geed at 11Q12,;; ,!. Iiuif ski"ui-WiJIiiJ.ic. l'ctreicum nominal ; refined lie. Whisky at $1.11. Seed Geed te prime clever dull a!?!'. i'iif 7H); Timethy liemiiial nt $i70j2 (): Flav-.".!' iuict at $1 ."'('bid, $1 ;i asked. HAGER & BROTHER have new open the lalesi novelties in French, L'nglU!) and American DRESS GOODS. FRENCH IM.AIDS, ilANDK'EltCHlEF.- SUITINGS.SIDE IS '.NDS, CASHMERE rOL'LE, MOMIE CLOTHS, FLAN- NKLSUITi;;Cj, &i, &r. SILKS, BATHS VELVETS. Cleitis! Cloaks! Havi'JiHl received from New Yerk Impert-! rr.s a line of Cloaks.. Delmans and .rackets iu the it st Style for Ladies and Mis-cs. j CLOAKING CLOTHS, j Illack and Celers. I'lain and Fanev. in Larue Assortment. JJH iv-Silv ri'rivtte Hut. NOVELTIES MlLI.lNKi: trie. NOVELTIES MILLINEKY our $1.00 Derbv NOVELTIF M1LLINEUV et tine felt. " NOVELTIES MILLINEUV trlmmeil with NOVELTIES MILLINEUV heavy satin lib-NOVELTIES MILLINEKV heu and bound NOVELTIES M1LLI.VE11Y with geed lilaefc NOVELTIES MILI.ISEUY salin.isthe NOVELTIES MILLINEKY cheapest and NOVELTIES M1LLINEUV meat prei'.table NOVELTIES MILLINERY hat ever l;ou.;ht. NOVELTIES MILLINERY Ladle.-,' NOVELTIES MILLINERY' Shape Hats sunt NOVELTIES mii.i,i.m.u Ilennen. NOVELTIEt. MILLINERY in Straw. Fine NOVELTIES MILLINERY Felt and Reaver. NeVELTlE.s MILLINERY lauije. Fine NOVELTIES MlLLlN'KRY Sett Reaver Huts XOVELT1KS MILLINERY in all colors $-.!?'. NOVELTIES MILLINERY OsTRSCII nut NOVELTIES MILLINERY FANCY NOV.ELTIKS MILLINERY FEATHERS. NOVELTIES MILLINERY In nil hiules ami NOVELTIES MILLINERY la the meat ar- NOVELTIES MILLINERY ti -.tie iK-.,.; -iii. N'OVELTIKS MILLINERY I'.IRDS" NOVELTIES MILLINERY WIMSS. NOVELTIES MILLINERY HEADED NOVELTIES MILLINERY RREAST.S NOVELTIES -MILLINERY rEATIIL'R NOVELTIES MILLINERY il.WIM NOVELTIES MILLINERY end ethers. NOVELTIES MILLINERY RIRRONS NOVELTIES MILLINERY ..t superior ( NOVELTIES MILLINERY itv, I'litin and NOVELTIES 3IILLINERY" " Faucv, NeVELTIKs. MILLINERY in all shades. NOVELTIES ilLALK SILKS at ie. per varil. IILACIC SILKS nt $1.01 per yard. RLACK SILKS at $1.1.1 perVaiil. M'ECI '.L RAROAIN et 1ILACK SILKe at$!.5lpvryard. SA'CINS Lyens CoIeivtlS.itin. Latent, SATINS SAT1 NS Sliude.. : V. tier yard. SATINS SATINS Extra Quality Lyens Rtaek SATIXS SATINS satin. 7. c. per yard. SATIN'S SATINS SATINS SATl.VS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SAT IX Si SATINlj SATINS SATINS Lyens IRaeii Ores Satid. SATIN'S .S!iperierii.aiit-,I..'ii pee s-ATlN'S y:ed. i. eitii, 61.21. S ATI N's Fine liiack Dre-s i-atin, SATINS sl.-;i, sj.tO. l MK .-.AT1NS t. AT INS' SATINS i:i ail II-.e -Nev.- .-hade-,. SATINS OARNET, SATINS MAROON. SATINS OEXDARM !:. SATINS HELIOTifOl'E, .Vc. ' SATIXS geed ur.ACic silk vklvh:t, Si.Cii per vud: FINE. ULACli SILL VELVET, $1.23 per yard. M'I'ERI: RLACK SILK VELVET, $t..",0 per yard. EXCELLENT RLACK SILK VELVET, 42.00 per vanl. EXTRA WIDE RLACK SILK VELVET, iZ.le per yard. V,rc invite cxaminatie: VELVETEENS l feed Ulaclc V E LV ET E ENS Vd veU en-, VELVETEENS 5',V. VELVETEENS A spiemiid. VELVETEENS elvete.-ii VELVETEENS at ,"..c. I VELVETEENS Heavy bait j VELVETEENS nig Velvet VELVETEENS ccny.Sle'. VELVETEENS Itiecad. d I VELVETEENS Velveteen i.i ELVETEENs ! VELVETEENS all colors. VELVETEEN VELVETEENS (tie. VELVETEENS Navy iil.ici. VELVETEENS. Ilreun, ! VELVETEENS (.arnct VELVETEENS Velveteen, VELVLTEEN's Mc. pi r yd. VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS '. ELVETEEXS VELVETEENS VELVETEEN'S VELVETEENS ELVETEEXS VELVETEENS ELVETEENS XELVETEENS VELVETEENS ELVETEE.Nh VELVETEENS VELVLTEENS VELVETEENS Fall ana WMeirSeasQs 1880. i DRI.SS TRIMMINltS. DRESS TRI.MMI.N'l.S. DRESS TRIM MINI!?. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DR!s TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. We eiler the haiidsnni- I1FTTONS Hemer, Gellaflay k k Our iKsOitiiicnt ter tlie Fall I Winter Season is new (vuuplete, and we have never elTercd seattmctivea stork in all our di pait mciiti. in DRESS GOODS Stock JHarKfjt. Nbw Yeiuc stocks. Stocks strong. Neyembei !'. A. JI. 1' 1C:I m. r. jr. r. 51. p. m 1:10 2:01 2U3 4;.?-i u'a iy U 11114 iu; 'liii;!!lsm Frem u Hen. Gee R. H'eiid- HIGH & MAETIN, Ne. 1.1 EAST KING .STREET. T MONDAY. NO. S. :cu!iir Standpoint 1111;.'. l lucae. ill. Tl'ESDAY. NOV. a. "William Ciillen I'.rv ant. "' Wallace llrncc, New Yerk City. WEDNESDAY'. NOV. 10. ' Abraham Lin coln."' Hen. Scliuvler Colfax, Seuth Rend, lnd. 'I'liiMicmv yvi 11 ,;r.;t - iii v sem'iieVall'ev.- D. O. II. Titlany, l'hlhidcl ' nn.ler.,i;rncd, containing 5i ACRES, situated . . ' t-t.y tlm r it 111 liiu iiibn mi.--ineid(ii -l m.ln 11 111' I'l ,nt imij vi'ituiiiriiii gitwj win- iiuuii 1 in a iliiiV ! (MiVay", NOV. li-Readliursliv I'rel. Frank west of Lancaster, Fa., borderinSeii and near llradterd. New Yerk City.' ' ' '" u cenn ry pi .ces respectively of l)r. .LAV. U.S-Stile et Ri-scivcd Seats will l.e-dn en evin. of the Messrs HiiKcr et Natli Ll - UI!LIC SALi: OF A VALITAIILK SUJt ITRIIAN l'ROl'ERTY'. On TUESDAY. NOVEMRER 11. at the Cooper Heuse, will be sold the Reautifiil suburban Property of the Meney - Eric R. "R Michiiran S. & L. S, Michigan Cent. R. R..107-!;, Ie7 10 Chicago & N. W. ....ll lv.iy3 m Chicago. M .t St.! let let Han. & St. .1. Coin 40 4I " " P'ld.... ns ss Teledo .t Wabas-h.... 42 4-JJi Ohie & Mississippi "'! 33;.i St. Leuis, I. M. & S. I.'.. 4SJ4 isx OnUirieand Western. 21 21J C. C. A I. C. IS. R is5 ls-1 Xew Jersey Central.. 7i'crt 7iy8 Del. & Hudsen Canal. 7)4 S.' Del.. Lack. & Western :is I'SJ;, Western Union Tel... '.K U7i l'ticilic Mail S. S. Ce.. 47 ' ,4i Mnnliattan Elcvatcil. 2:20 .":H Hi's si v.y. Ji lit T'lwi:. He. 1. .leiiii II. Orvis, fin m, ;,: .-.en.. t. . , . , 1 . , . .,.'1111 HI VXIIll. 1 .' ".-.I IV.".".' ,.414111 "' "" l e-i.-C e.iu-lij. llil-l 1 .'.V lU'l-rp (il I l..,iiri.iT. ami As. isii.iil .1 11 tici sef tltcCnm-t r '.erii.T rjien,. i.'.Tj(. j "'!'. Iloneraiile .lOilN lMiTi.'N. 'ri'sidi-ii1,a:id Honer.ibiij W. PATTLR'-ON. Asseciiit.' Ju. II. LIV DAVID et 111 Cem I of Cen mie 11 t' nin'ferlh.M 'umtvet : le-iiav. liav- aitis un 11 that, court. w. m Lau Ufjz .'teiie;i u'f tie, worn .m.. until ':l! . m. Iiei!. n.tnicl J'.rineaii.iiil, c-inicsinau fleet from iKu'cs c.iiiuty, h.;s been isitii!. Liiiicitstcr Li iliiyaihi vc-.tepl-.i,". I'llIC '(,J1I. Einanuel V."r, of C..;er:iiu tov.n tev.n s'lip. :,i; laid itj'.en etii" la'ile a ei y Jaie anil hcnniiiul car of yellow eiji-u. The ieutli of iliccj't" im feuiiccn inches, ami it ci.titain" (!..;!ilecn lows, each tow contain ing an aveiiiri' ','&' grains, tnakiu"; l.ll.l grains i-i :i!i.. Sl.-bl tern I! earing, jiiini iJilehrist linil Geerjie Myei.s. elinvijui with ceinniittinEf an assault and I'liltcrv en c:;-Shcriff Greif. wcrejieiil ia hail for a hciriiiijlicferc Alderman TSarr en Tuesday ni'lit. Chris. Sr.wartn, who is also charged willi assault, had prcvietisly given bail for a hearing. of ilvi r and leiniuier and i.ei'eiai ,!ail De livery and Quarter si ions i.f the l'ea"e, il. and for Ihi county f ter. have is-ued tiieir pr.'ccri. loin.' diieeted, reiiiiirinjc me. anions oilier iiiius. te make pulil.e prociama preciama prociama lieu ilii'oiuiheut my I'.iiliwick, Ilia! .1 Court el Oyeraiid Terminer and a (.cmral Jail Deliv ery, also a Cem t i.f Genera! Quarter Scs-iens el'ihe Peace and .laii Delivery, will commence in the Conn Heuse, in the city of Lancaster in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en tiie THIRD JIOXD.U IN NOVEMRER (15), 10. In piirsiiaiicet which precept public notice is hereby j. ivee te tlie Mayer and Aldermen et theciiy of in t"'ic t-'.id county, ami ail the. I itstiee- 01" the Peace, Hie Corener and Constable.-, et the s.iiii city and county of Lan caster, that they helhcii uiiil there in their own proper persons, willi tiieir rolls, records and ev.iuiinaiieiis.nnd iniir.isiiinns.nnd theirether reuse. nbraiiccs, te de tliesi; things which te the:ro!Iieesai)ieilaininlheirlieh:iiftebedone; and :.lse all these wlie will prosecute against t:i- ).ri-encrs who are. e.'tlicn shall be, in the .i:.ii ei ..iid county el ! a icaslcr, :.iv te be then and there te 1.1 centeaain-t them as .shall be just. Dated at 1 aucaster the O'Jth day el October, Ism,'. T -! ACOR S. PTRINE, Sherill. iiG-2lileav,Vltw Monday, Nev. S. at 9 a. in., nt L. Fen Dersmith's Reek Siere, Ne. Si East King street. tickets for reserved seatsP tl.30 single ticket for reserved xcats 40 Sim;le ticket, general iidinissien 21 l.eciuies will bcln at S o'clock. !ov2,t,;,S,..i.le,ll.!2dr. lltPIIANS' COURT SAI.K t PARLE REA L ESTATE On TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMRER .1. ISSO. in pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court et Lancaster county, will be sold at public vendue, nt the Cooper Heuse, West King street, in the city of Lancaster, Pa., the following real estate, late of Philip Seliuni, deceased, viz : All tliat ele-rant thrce-sterv liRICK STORE and DWELLING IlOfSEand Let of Ground, situate en the south siileef West Kin? .street, between I'cnn Siuure:inil Prince the eitv of Lancaster, aforesaid, containing 40 feet. !nf indies in trout, anil extending in depth 21.1 leet tea 14 teet wide public alley en which it iias a front et width et i"4 teet 4J-inclies. Rounded en the east by property et Charles Gillespie and Geerge M. Steinmiin, and en the west by property el Jehn McCalla. The store Roem is very large iindc.nivenient wit ii geed dry cellar under it. The dwelling parlefthchu'iiding isalse extensive and is new occupied its a beatiling house. There are roomy Riick Stables en the said alley, with large entrance from West King street, capable of accommodating a large nnuiber of horses. Alse wagon sheds mill carriage houses. The whole building is drained by tewcw connect ing with the main sewer in West King street, and a well et never-failing water with pump therein is in the yard. Tlie whole premises have lately been thoroughly put in ertler, the front and stables newly painted and are new iu excellent condition. This is a very valuable property, centrally lecatedand considered one of the best business stands of the city and wel worthy the attention of business men and cap italists generally. Possession et the store may be'glvcn Imme diately if desired. Geed tltie and possession given en the rest of the property en April 1st. 1SS1. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. m., en said dav. when will be given und terms made known by. .IOHN E. SCIIITM, C1IAS.HOLZWORTH, S. Hess & Sev, Administrators, c. t. a. Auctioneers. ectiSJ-SWTliSd maker, esq., and contiguous te U iicatlaml hoineef the late ex-President. lames Riichanun Possessing Hie advantage of this neighbor hood te these elegant homes of the West End ; and itself improved by its capacious mansion and suitable outbuildings sheltered by orna mental trees, shrubs and Climbing vines, mni surrounded by lawns laid out in paths and carriage reads;communicating with t he city by incuts ei the pike and gas-lit pavements and the live minutes walk te City Passenger Rail way ; with its frontage of t7. feet en aline of front wi'ii city properties nearby; this prop erty wiiilc offering tlie double advantages of country and city surroundings, atlerds a lovely home with a growing value. The place contains above 20.leriianiental and fruit trees. Of the latter there are varieties et apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries. Arc, in fruit-bearing state, and se likewise arc the ditlerent varieties et grapes, currants, rasp berries, Ac. The mansion of brick, with slate reef, having a southern exposure, containing 20 rooms and halls, with their cemplement of closets, and bascuicnls with ceiucutcil floors plastered wall and ceilings, well light ed and thoroughly ventilated, is'a double two storied Heuse with well linishcd attic rooms. Its living rooms and bed chambers newly painted and papered, open out en beau til id verandahs and piazzas with appliances for conservatories. The principal hall is entered lrem a portico that is approached from the lreat through an avenue of tall evergreen trees. Among the modern .improvements is a bath room supplied with ruin water caught from reef in a boiler iron tank of I id-it's manu facture, newly constructed ; also a large size Reynolds' improved furnace that heats entire building. Ol its.eutbuildings there is a newly built tobacco fched, a shed for wagons, &c. Stablim; room for 2 cows, 2 horses and for pigs, and a roomy carriage house. Immediately iu the rear et residence is a two-storied brick slate covered building, adapted-for summer kitchen, anil having upper room ler servant. There are two wells of excellent water, one especially distinguished ferits supply that has never uhewn signs of diminution during the longest droughts. Persons desirous of inspecting the premises may call, when a full opportunity for doing se will freely be granted. Sale te commence promptly at 7 o'clock p. m. en said day, when terms and conditions will be made known bv ..L II II. WAGNKR, llEsr.v Snur.Eirr, Atict. ect 2is& Wtsd Union Pacilic. Kansas & Texas New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland A Pitts.... Chicago & Reck I Pittsburgh & Ft. W... American U.Tel. Ce. Philadelphia. Stocks unsettled. Pennsylvania R, IL... Phil'a. A Reading Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation... Northern Pacilic Cem " " l"rt . Pitts., Tit usv'c& IL... Northern Cential Phil'a & Erie IS. IS.... Northern Penn'a Un. IS. R's of N. .1 Hestenville Pass Central Trans. Ce... . :i7'J i.;i;s ilr'i 121 121 127 Bl'-i il'-4' W-A a; ay;, 27 -"IJ 5IJ4 5I .... .ii; 4 20 2.1 .... .12' RI .... lfi HiJ W, .!. .-UIh 17 17 n;,'4 .... XI .1.5 .... is:; is: It h impos-ihte te give a faint idea el tin. many beautiful neycllie-i we show this seaen. The eileris of Foreign Manufactures this sen sen sen have been very suece-i-tnl. b.ith in Solid Celers and Fancies. POPULAR GOODS MODERATE PRICES. In adilitien te our iiipcrh .sleck of Fine Goods, we have a !aie asertmen; of IVcucli linil Demestic Flannel Suitings, niy s; mm h ill vnine, lrem "rc ie s.l.!i:) jier ynnl. In Silks, Velvets and Plushes Our assortment evcels all previous ones In Reality and design, richness and coloring, and great variety. Particular attention has been paid te have the colorings match, se that no ditlleultv is experienced in FelceliiigaVonibi FelceliiigaVenibi FelceliiigaVonibi iialteu divs- that will lmrinui:.-i. perfectly ir coloring. Iu our Black Goods, Lace, Handker kerchief, Embroidery, Gleve," Hosiery, Ribbon and Linen Departments ilCTTON.S RCTTOXS ill'TTONS RUTTONS Ill'TTONS RITTON.s RI'lTONs, j::'ttens RFTTONS Ill'TTONS ISI'TTONS I'.l TTONS RI TTONS Rl'TTONsj RI'TTONa RFTTONS a lull and most attrae ieiuiil. ie a-serlment will be V'4- ii!-n c:iil ; ttentien te mil DRESS MAKING wn Ladies1 Underclothing Departments. iiAil nrtlerx ttrr (VVMi"i il in IJic best hiftiinri: i. itft i..-ei,:jtrr.;) SEBI yjitr Ajrj:t:Tisj:.vjjxrt. COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all oilier kin d ofCOALtfOte RUSSBL & SHULBiYER'3. Quality und Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICK: S3 Knit Kliit; Street. YARD: liiK Nertli l'rime Street. augll-tuprlSIS (AS FITTING AND rLU.IIISlNti. JOHN P. SCEAUM,- Xe. 27 SOUTH QUEEX STUEET, LANCASTER, PA., PJDMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. A Large Assortment et GAS FIXTURES Constantly en hand. jylO-CmdeawS In all Department-our stock will lie leuim replete with the NKH'UST AND MOST DK SlRARI.K (;OODS, and at pliers that are a low as the lowest. HE, GOLLADY & CO., 1412 and 1414 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Oct 3 .'luidced 311SVEI.1.AXEO U.S. ATlSSiM. K. tilLI. 1VL lug iu the TKACIIKK OF 1IRA1V- Oil-Is.' High Scheel, wisliex te ehtain pupilb in tlm varieiw Myls of drawing ami painting. Rcaidence Ne. :!5 Wc-jt Oi-.ingi; street. Fin altered and repaired at t!in same place. ect'JOtfd PAINTING. All kinds et Heuse Painting and draining done at tlm shortest notice and in the best pos pes sihlc style. We have reduced our pritei te il.7.i ncrjlay. Shep en Charlette street, eetlishiid ALLEN OLTIIRIK & SON?. FRINUF.s, flSINOLs oliineet FRINOKS I'.LACK SILL j 1 ih.m.iv-s nu.Mii.8 r iii-i. i.n .t. our y.eii-Miiewu FRINOK-i liev j'.ricis. FIMNOKS Mlkand Read Fringes FRINO KS ttemiTic. upivard.i. FRINOFS .I': inch Read and Chi IRIN.'i:s " nille Fringe, (de. FR1NOH Il.awCheiiille l"iiii; FRiNOK.i at.;.-,e. FRINttKs ." inch Chenille and FRINOKS Cm-, I riligc, with FRINOF.S Fancy Heading, Vc. FRINO !- Most eiegant Chenille FRINliLs ami Jet Fringes &I.WI. FRINOLS Kim; Chenille and Read RF'ITO.V- I FI.'INOKS Fringes ut ifLIU, $!.;?', Rl'TTON. ! FRIXORS Sl.i-. per Mild. RFTTONS FRINOKS A verv rich Oi-.isj Ill'TTONS FRINO LS Fiiiige,v.ithi.ep,f.incy RI'TTONS- mu.m.i-.i iicauuig, a y.ini in i,v)s FISINCF.-i Celer.-d i-ii!; Fringes at FRINtiL.s. (I.e. per yard. I'A's-sAMF.NTR.tlLS. iw-sam kntkri ks. i'ssami:ntkrii:s. fASsAMMNTLISILS. l'At-MLTi-:RII. lASsA.MF..Ti;iCII.S. t'ASSAMKNTKRll-.S. rASSAMKNTKIIIES. TASSj;i.i :iac!c and Colored .ir- M'llCL TASsLLS dies. Tassels. SI'lhKS TAM-;Ls R.-ail -dau.l t, rechet RuIN, SI'IKHS TAi-SKI liiiag.irian Spike-., SI1K1 TASlsLLs Oiiiiiuieiits. ir. SI'IKK.-. TASs,-;i,S '!":iii.ii.i:i:,' Tas-t-N, ."".e. Si'IlvKs TAsSKLS Me. :.ut aini Spikes .-sFIKt.S TAsSKi.s nt -tl.St. SFIKliS TAS"Kl.s Ilk t.if.ll.s, T.'.c. -i., SIM K F.S TASSr.l.s; .s-l..-,l r.ini iiiv.:iri.r. SI'IRK.- TAS-Kl.s .single Huii irii.n Spikes. sPIK Ks TASSRLs RiMtleil,::. !,.' audi: inch's, St'IKKs TASsF.L-i al li, I ', li.";, S.MICKS TASsLL-1 Heavy silk Lmd al -ric. Sl'IKKs TASSKLS p-ryaid. SlMKlv- TASSKI.S Hi.i'.y Silk Cord, R.a.le.., SIMKKs TAsSKLs. J.-.c. per; aid. SIMKKS TASSKLS Rich Coiere.l siik slMKl TA.sSKLs (R.-si. ,! 1G. SIMKKs TASSKLS T11- fls Ori.ainciil.s. in SFIKF.S TASSKLS el guilt pattern-. SI'IKES LA( K TIF.S LACK COLLAR'S, LACK lICHUs, lac:: rirs. LACK TIDiKS. LACK HANDKLRCIIILFS. CORsKTS'i Oem Cor,et, CORsKT.-. CORSKTS at !'.'(.: positively the CORSKTs CORsKTS hest. for the money. CORSKT.-s CORsK'fs lim Oer.. Corset nl-i:e. CORSKTa CORsKT 'Fine Hand-Made CORSKTs, CORSKT.-. Cei-it,::!)c. CORsLTs CORsiKTs Speen Rnsk.siili; steel, ClllJsKT.- CORs-KT.-i siihj hieci:, :.t ".e. CORSKTs CORSKTS III') lame Cer-etut SI.'jO. CORSZTs CORSKTS Splcnili'l Nursing CORSKTs CORfchTs Ceiset.atflXO. L"ORsKTS CORSKTS Mi.i". Fey's Improved CORSKTs cersi;ts Cer.-ctatii.r. cersktt SlIOLLDKR RRACIIS ali.'.c. Ladies ami Ocn.s-.' llcnistitclicd and Colored Rerdetcd IIAND-KKRCIIIKl-'s iu gnat viiricty. CHILDRKX'S WORsTKO HOODS, CHILDRKX'S WOR.-Thl .rACKLTS, CHILDRLN'S WORSTKD COATS, CHILDRKN'S WORsTKD ROOTKKS, CHILDRKX'S WORsTKD LKOOIXS, CHILDRKX'S WORsTKD SHIRTS. CHILDRKN'S WORsTKD V.'AIsTS, CHILDRKX'S WORsTKi CIRCULARS, ClULDRKN'-i WORsTKD TWILIOHTb, CHILDiSK.V.s WORsTKD sllAWLS. KID OurSliutteii (ilevi.Iii color- M)VI KID ed. Muck, whit- and epcrit, OI.OVL- KID ferlce. pair v.arrnutud. OLOVI KIll Heed C button Opeia Oievcs. OLOVK- KID )c. Kxccllent H biittm.51.(.:i. OI.OVl-.s KID A lull line et Ladies' ami OLOVK KID Children's Merine. Cleth OLOVK KID and Lisie Thread Gleve lll.OVK- FKLT SKIRTSat l.:c. FKLT SKIRTS at 7.:e. FKLT SKIRTSat:?!. St;iLTKDSKIRT.s, VKLVKT SKIRTS, .-ATIX SKIRTS. RALMORAL SKIRTs. HOsIKRV Oiira-serlinent. et La- HOsILR"! IIOSIKRV dies". Cents' ami Chi!- lll)s!i:::1 HOsIKRV dren's Hosiery ii tee IIOSI Kill IIOSIKRV v.-cII-kiiewii,:is:iisrmir HOslKRt IIOalKISn well-known low-prices. HOSIKRV IIOSIKRV Ludic-t wishing te bnv HOsIKRV HOSIKRY lull goods will de wel! HOSlKlfi IIOSIKRV te pay 114 a, visit. HOSIKR1 M KRINO L'NDKRWILML MKR1NO rXIi:iSWKAR. M KRINO ITX DKRWKAR, I.adic- Merine Vest's, regular made cuffe...".. Ijulles 1'ine ilerine V(.-jt-aiiil Drawci-a....fSc Kxtni heavy, Hilk stllchcd 7'x. Fine French Cashmere !. Cents' Heed McrliieShirti ami Drawers,... ..10e Gents' Cleth Shirts, Scarlet Underwear. RKRLIN ZKI'IIVR, Sc. per ounce. RKISt.lN ZKI'IIVR, He. per ounce. RKRI.I.V ZKI'IIVR, lie. pet- ounce. JIKRLIN ZKI'IIVR, lc. per ounce. YARNS German Yarns. FLOSS YARNS American Yarns, FLOS; YARNS S.ixeny Weel. FLOS; YARNS r. Shetland Fleaat FLOSS - YARXS ' Cruwei U oel. ;FL03-. U LAST KING STREET, l:: EAST ICING iTISKKT. 18 EAST KJNG ffllSEKT, 1