Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 06, 1880, Image 1

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ra 13 bi H Ja S5 rs P R "2 rS
a B 5a fa k? $i S & &
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Tt -.--..
Volume. XVJI-Xe. 58
Price Twe Cents.
WanamaKer I Brown.
The:.-is i:i Philadchihi.t a clothing
world. The we: id is fill! of !; jiiti;;
.mi; is unlike all iheiest
i-ir:.t. lit it-. :c:iiiii;r : una
much from another. Selling clothing
oe would r.up;e.i te he dine :ii verj
New Yerk ami Londen. !ut Philai:
one heiifc. in Philadelphia is ahead of;
Te he ahead i:i dcaliuu is
te iiivc the buvcr mere v.r-ii fetindc
cliant's safety. Tliis "iiiiaiicijih
want te deal with exact justice, Wu
profit ; and wt: v. ant you te have what hcleii's te you, viz., a lihera! nioney'.s nieney'.s nioney'.s
v.eitJi. !iir ..t: te arrive at this lesult is te mat": a price en evi'rytliinjj v.e
.seli, which ijij.- i : absolute : ttitd tetct iu huy what-you lilic. ; away and
liii'ik the h..r;niii ever, uudcenu! and traiujlMc!:, if you waul te. We find by
exncrlenert tiiat ti.i.. iibr.iv.2itv isliainil - v -
it niahcs ijii!:k ai.ii icady ilcal'm.
you buy it would t:esl ustneney every lime :
lu'ini;- had: Jhau hfaeji, what you den"! :'.':.
at first what you v. HI iike th:i beitci the uieit
Slip wjieh- i'!i;!o-ejihy e! our eealins. is it
house iu this cii or Tv'w "I'erk, or Loisde.i,
in its ;jfil" the aiu
lietist-s wJic-ii;
( xix'llent tl.ilhiu
is krjit.
none, anywiiere, that i;cL-i:
larf.-t titule the world;
'i M'( a. Te
and varic-1 ," of el-iUiia:
ui:v.l : an
i:a'0 likes te ehiH--e out of
i'iiis is the uuiniry of re.idy-in.uie
most el
bnsiiic:' i
1 ike wife
iny s'-urepean eeuntiy : nut, there
a quarter as a- ilia
e l
ljlick t Weill v ie;i
what we had in n
le-dav. Shall wi
ill" te buy
ti; Hai.?,. Sixth ami Market,
The Oolerings
The Prices are
'K Hv Vel 'Hi A IMT i i M !!t.S Mii W.K ! AST iI-
J. B. Martin & Ge,, West Kin
N'r.w epeueil ami tiie-ltntlle ii.w eeiiitniiie.'il ami rajj.-i lierceiy. iunl hile tin :.: limy hi:
-eaie lieuht in the ir.iinlsnt many pep-en a- te who will IirtlH" next rrc-iilent el the I'nileil
States, there can "k1 v.oilenht in the mint! eTany person in want of CI.O'i'11 !N(S a- te where
csin he'teuuht the cheapest ami the lieit, eilher in Iteaily-uuule or Made te Ori'er.
t'l-nln Hall, X. 12 I'ast King Stive', the ('ivai Cleihing Emporium.
The -eeenil Merv room i packeit luim t'iill with the ;rreatest varietv et UKAIl 5i.M)K
C1.UT1IIM: KOlt JII-'X, "tOI'TMS. I'.UY.-AND fill Lli: K.V, a 1 our own lii.iiintMelare. They
arc well liuele, well tiimnieil, ami the neiN are a 1 .-pe.r.eil be I ere they are niaile u in gar
)ur I'ieee t'oeiN till tile lir-t fleer te i! utiue-it capacity, ami is nicely arianeil. e ;k 10
"ive the purchaser the ail vantage el M-ein the whole xteck in a verv -hurl Miaee el time. We
are wvnarcil te make up loonier at the Mii.ile. -
price. Our stock has been benhl ter caii ami will be .-.ehl ai
iethiiu;at Centre Hall anil -:we one prelil. Call ami evauiiu
Ne. 12 EAST KL(i ST11EET,
H'.J TCHES, ,JEVI, i: r.
A new :e :.n 1 ele.;:;ut stnc":. A fall line of
Lancaster Watches,
Walthain Watches,
Columbus Watches,
in Gobi and Silver Ca-i, at the LOWEST t A-Ii ii:iCE5. i'.-autilu! wcliliii' gilts iu
Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Silverware, and French Clocks.
Arundel Spectacles,
the l)cst in the werM.
Is as complete ai any in the larger
Pins, Jewell y eiall kinit.s, Itiatiieu
eitic?. We
MON'.;i:.MM!N;ii(l l'ine.Ieweliyainl Waleti repainn
Call amliix:iiiii!e ste-lc ami !e.ive your lepairiuj; with
Zahm's (toner, Laucastr, Pa.
Oik He
1 Willcll !
i:;-. ue i!n
a !:
: in ail ll.
e siv tha
ii-I it is
i:; st:r;iis.:i)
tiiat OlIO heUSl; .-.heIlM differ
; mi simple a
matter, tit:it it ;s nicely,
much the same
way in riuiaiieipiiia.
and, curiously i'JjehIi,
Iphia is ahead ;
til the rest.
1:1 a higher plan..', in a mete
(1 confidence without less of tlie
We fair
clothing house says te a strange:
want, wliat lif'lnii''s te us, vi..,
s te u;. (tt course, veil like it. And
t course, y:
don't vi
tut, veu te biiii'r b.icic what
but we would ralhci' you would
!-v, we rv i' see Inat
you et
von knew in it. 1 Jus
is reaiiy
my '.vrtiiiler no etlier
ticds in ti.e s.uni: way ".
am: variety of them.
and .1 ;,:vat deal of ii ; but
iv is
lie lic.iiui related ai;evf: lia-
wen the
Mipnlv suel: a trade jreat
1 the;.' in lurn iucre :-m3 the li'.xle, hi
inaiiv things, raiiier than eni of few.
t'leat Ihitain
all Londeii a
iianes tlia
is ijei
any .-lethiii
s.'vcial l.ivge
flail :
Y.i i-!.- b.w v
; ! il.ive '.V'1 iletje you .it-rid .-eivi.'e, ei- :w.' Jiut
hid ; we we:.- M. hiking f ihi' olethc- you are ijo ije
seil tliemV
Our Goods are Carefully Selected, :
The Desisns are Artistic and New. I
are Rich and Harmonious
Extremely Reasonable.
s St,
t pix-iltle uniice ami at the hum li-.e-enulilc
a very small advance
'eitriiant -teekaml."
I'.tiy your
ivu litiiuev.
liuiiiuliicture l.'ings. Masonic Mark.-.', Society
ami any special or eihl pieces in any desired
a specialty. All work warranted.
nei' EITTEllS.
Ilei Hitters are the rurest ami IJest
Hitlers ever made.
They are compounded from Heps, Itucliu,
Marairni.-e and Dandelion. tlie eldest, best,
and me-t valuable medicines, in th world
and contain all the Lest and most curative
properties of all ether Hitters, being the great
est Uloed I'uriller. Liver Ilegnlnt or, and Life
and Health l:cstering Agent en earth. Ne dis
ease or ill health can possibly long exist where
the?e Bitters are used, se varied and perfect
an- their operations.
They give new lite and vigor te theagc.J and
infirm. Te all wliw-e employments cau'e ir
regularity of the bowels or urinary organs, or
who rcuuiri: an Appetizer, Tonic and in lid
Stimulant, these Bitters are invaluable, being
highly curative, tonic and stimulating, with
out intoxicating.
Ne matter what yenr feelings or symptoms
are. v.-iini mem-case or aiimeni is, use nep
Hitter". Don't, wait until yen are slelc, but, it
you only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitters
at once. It inay save your liie. Hundreds
have been saved by se doing. CJJ-iS.'IOOTu.S
will lie paid for a "ease thev v. ill net cure or
De net sutler yourself or let your friends sut
ler, but ii-eund urge them te ue Hep Bitters.
Itcmmnber, Hep Litters is no vile drugged,
ilrunhen net! rum, but the I'nrest and Itcst
Medicine ever made: the "Invalid's Frlcml
and Hepe," and no person erfainilv should be
without them. Try the Hitters te-d:ty.
Hep IJilrcr.s "tfaiiii'adiiriiig Company,
Itoche-jter, New Verlr, and Terente, Ontario.
Te-.lay we dispiava full line of the l.iitesl
Xevrltie-i in tlvere kii!us far tin
Eall Season,
in ::11 the Xew Ce.uriiis. with Silk Faciiu;s te
ni:tteh; :;!-. a superior tine el Heavy Weights
in New Deiins.
j Fur'Bsaver, Seal Skin. Elysian
Mentanak, Ratina and
: Ohinchilla Beaver.
in. I i'ral!!.- Mill.'d, all the .Vew Mix-
English Vtinirys,
i in t'l.iiaan 1 r.mey llaek-s, C'omhlnatieii
! or-. ul I m.vle sipauil 1riiiiii!":l in the lit.
IV." e 111,
131 X. QUKi:X STKKF.T,
I! U
310XDAY, OCTOBKR lltli, 1SS0.
, (,'empl. te Muck et
Cleths, Suitings
(auci1 c.innei l.-
'tllll'llt el
-arpa-i-ed. The
I Ae:
in T lii-s eit I'i'iees a- low us the lowest nt
Ke. 51 North Queen Street.
We liu
Stock et
new ready ler sale an Immense
ale CMiiing
Fall and Winter,
St vie.
Cut and Trimmed
e.ui ;:ivc you a
in the Latest
AS LOW AS $10.00.
In jrrcat variety, made te order at short notice,
at the lowest prices.
D. B. Hosteller & Senj
MA11KI.X. lryVKS.
758 Nertn yuceu Street, Lancaster, Va.
All work guarantcci! anil satlifactien . en
i n every particular. ' r
N. ). Ilemcmlicr, works al the cslrcme?i;atl
el North Queen wtivt.. ma(
MM ra
1 il
fwi llliirit
Hamastcr I-nfrHiirrncrr.
XV v.
i-k of trie Cetisity 'of
.s ei tin, drew Twe
rued Who V.'erc
Diivs WHIieuf
Itlc!n:ini!!i and
Sailor-: !."'
ficvei: Feim!.
HEY. 5iK. 8iirnrs vow
And JIew
t Has ftecii t'ultiSlid by Hij
le f(i;"i"rcis In .i!cik!erl;ii!i
:.:.! .".s:i Tai Ucr.
hfiii! !.i;s IViiiniui ;'.-;ct.
On the 21st of last month the lookout en
the Au&tiian bail: I.oatidre, bound from
the West Indies te 5t.-teii, saw
floating en the waves that looked like a
wreck. As the vessci came nearer it was
seen that the Hunting object was part of a
cabin of a vessel, and that there were two
human beings npun il. A beat was sent
te the wicck-. Lalied te it were two men,
cinsciuted, with blackened, swollen lips
and blistered faces and hands. They weie
unable te speak, and one of them was in
sensible, "le did net rejeatu consciousness
till nine hours after lie was taken abroad
the Lcaiulre. He was IL MaeDeiiahl, first
mate ei tue biiilc (. eunty el l'lchinenil.
aim ins companion was nciiry iiie
casta ways we:e cued for en tlie Austrian
baik and taken te llosten, where they u w
lie in the city hospital.
The bark County of Iliciiinead was own
ed bv T. i: K. Kennev, of Halifax. On
Oete'lier :5 she iefc JVi't Jillizabpth. N, .!.,
with a carjje of coal ceufliancil by Ilalte'i
tt Watsen, of 27 Seuth street, te St. Thom Them
as, liar crew consisted of a captain, lirst
and second mates, a steward, and five ya
men. They were shipped by Williams &
Ce., of 22 Coenties slip, with the exception
of the second mate, was a brother of
the '"aptain, I. 3lacI)e::a"d, and who was
already en the bail:. The c.iptaiu and His
brother were natives of Georgetown, 1 E.
l. i lie iirst mate, li. .uacweiuiiu, was a
cousin te these, and a native of Settiis in
the same island. The stewerd was Will
iam Ihn ten of 4 Hamilton street, Xcw
Yer!:. Of the seamen. Dan'l Lewis, Henry
Latg. and Henry Vicen bearded at (i)
Menree street ; Hans Crane Ije.irded at 51
.Market street, and Albeit Larsen at 4
Greenwich street. Of the voyage and
wreck of the bark tlie fust mate has yivcti
an account te ins brother.
Donald or ('40 Hreadwav.
"We left Xew Ve-k'
the third of October, and
with the exception ei a i
crossing the Gulf Stream,
James !. Mac-
he wriUs, "en
all went well,
IiirliL luu.sli in
until tlie uiirlit
of Sunday, the lOlh, when the weatlicr,
which had been previously tine, suddenly
changed, and the wind Ktartcil te blew a
strenjr rale from theuuth-s'mtlnvcst. On
enday the wind uiedeiaird, hut it :;till
looked as if we were jjeii:j te have a hur
ricane, ler it bete al! the siyns of huiri
cancs iu that latitude. Frem iieju until
six in ihe evcnin.jj ihe wind shifted te
almost every )eint of the cemjiass. and
the sky bore ;i ihieatcuin, luiid asjieet,
the clouds varying iu color from a deep
and angry red te a heavy olive iiccn.
At S o'clock in the evening the
huriicanc hurst upon us with fear
ful fury from the noith-nerlheast.
Wv get the ship te the wind and hove te
under lower main topsail and inizzcn top
sail. At 10 o'clock the whid blew a vie
lent hurricane, anil ateriilic sea constantly
swept the deck, causing the vessel te leak
se badly that it rciuiiied all hands at the
pumps te keep her free. The hurricane
continued without change until Tuesday
morning, when the wind moderated a lit
tle, but theic was such a tremendous tea
en that we thought the ship would be tle
mtilishcd every niiuule. .Meanwhile the
pumps vcie kept constantly i;0'1"- At
neon tiie weather kid moderated a geed
deal and the sea commenced te go clown
some, se that one watch went below and
get some ret. the oilier watch keeping the
pumps going.
"At -i o'clock that afternoon the win I
and sea had gene down well. V"c get the
vessel otl'befere the wind and tried te run
her, but found that she would net steer.
trc overhauled her and found that the
rudder was gene, it having broken oil"
about three feet below the rudder head.
We took the gear eiT the remaining part,
and let it go for fear of breaking the rud
der casing and tilling the vessel with
water. We th;n brought the vessel te the
wind again and set'the after r:ail te keep
her head te sea. We kept all hands at
the pumps until 10 o'clock iu the evening
and then let one watch go below, the ether
still keeping at the jinmiKs. There was
fine weather until Wednesday, when it
changed and became threatening. The
appearance of tlie sky was the same
as en Jleuday. and thcie was
every indication of another hurii
canc Se we heisted a signal
of distress, and get the beat icady te
abandon the vessel. We tried te construct
a temporary rudder, hoping te get the ship
into Bermuda, wiii;h, from sights taken at
neon, was net far distant. Frem neon un
til 8 o'clock that night the wind kept
shifting around continually. "We goosc geosc goesc
wingctl the lower main topsail, and pre
pared for the winsst. At 10 o'clock the
wind began te blew with great violence
from the northeast. The vessel was hove
te en the pert tack, and all hand.s weie at
the pumps te try and keep her above
water. At midnight the wind increased te
a perfect hurricane, with teri cuts of rain
and blinding lightning. The vessel labor
ed fearfully, and would net conic head te
sea, en account of having no rudder. We
took a hawser and spare anchor, together
with spare topsail yard, and put a drag
ever, which helped te bring her head te
2 sea a geed deal.
"At 7 e, clock the next morning the
vessel leek a heavy huch te leeward, and
the cargo (shifted se much as te threw the
vessci almost en her beam etuis. All hands
were then ordered te get the beat out.
We get her down off the fore house and
partly ever te leeward n'U'ii the ship took
a heavy sea ea beard, which tilled the beat
and completely tore her in pieces. Then it
was every man for himself, for it was evi
dent that the vessci could net float much
longer. "We had nothing te make a raft of.
as everything movable had been washed
from the deckg. I get a ladder which had
been en hc forward house and lashed te
it two beards which I t:et from the fore--castle.
Then, with the assistance of one
man, I get it ever the weather side, ready
as seen as the vessel showed signs of 'going
down, te drop into the watcY. I had net
long te wait, for in about ten minutes she
heeled ever, te leeward and commenced
te settle. I then let go the ladder 1
and jumped after it, and succeeded after a
hard struggle in reaching it. When I
looked back the vessel had disappeared,
having gene down stern first. All I saw
wcie four men struggling with the waves
en bits of wreckage like myself. One
man, Harry Lang, swam toward me and
get en the ladder, which kept us above
the water pictty well. In that position
we remained a few minutes?, when we saw
something large floating te windward. We
both let go the ladder and succeeded in
getting te it, and found it te be the top
hart of the forward house, with the beams
and all attached, which had been washed
off as the vessel foundered. Wc cot en
top of the house, lashed ourselves te it by
means et tuts of rope which we carried
around our bodies, and then floated away
fiem whete the vessel went down. We
saw tlie steward lashed, face upward, te
something, lie shouted te us, but wc
could render him no assistance. We were
seven days iu that position, exposed te
the burning sun by day and cold winds
by night, without either feed or drink, un
til we were picked up by the Austrian
bark Leaudre. by whose captain we were
very kindlv treated and taken te IJos IJes IJos
ten." Messrs. Ilatten & Watsen are surprised
i i:ai inc captain was net saved, tie was
a young man, net SO years old, and very
strong and active. It is likely that he
w.:.i sucked down with the vessel, and
inen stunned by the floating wreckage.
The County of Richmond '"was built at
Arichat, Neva Scotia, in 1S74, and was
considered a very staunch vessel. She
was of 410 tens burden, and was valued at
iter. Mr. Smith' Vctv.
I'uiltllei! Alter Many Vcars by Ills Election
te Congress.
Itev. J. Hyatt Smith, the newly elected
congressman from the Third district in
IJroeklyn, who defeated S. 15. Chittenden,
is a popular Dautist Dieachcr. and is pas
ter of the Lee Avenue Uaptist church, in
IJroeklyn. His church withdrew from the
Leng Island Uaptist association some
years age, as a lesult of a controversy
ever his light te baptize cenveits by
spi inkling as well as by iinmcus'en. Mr.
Smith is .10 years old, has black hair, dark I
eyes, a brunette complexion, and a clean
shaven face. He is affable in manner, and
is about a:; geed a story teller as Mr. S: S.
Cox. He gees new and then te the thea
tre, and he is se much of a mimic that he
has long had the reputation of having
once been an actor himself. This, how
ever, is net true. Mr. Smith one night
visited lloeih's theatre te pea Edwin
I'oethin "Hamlet.' Oh his way te his
seat with his daughter he encountered one
f the strictest member;-; of his church in
the same aisle.
"Oh, you sinner,"' said Mr. Smith,
prepare te be churched. I have a long
time suspected that some of my church
member were theatre-goers, and I deter
mined te find out for myself. I brought
my daughter along as a witness, and the
first one we see is yourself."'
The church member was se surprised te
meet his pastor in the theatre that at first
iic believed himself iu danger of disci-
plinc, but when henaw the minister clap
ping his hand.s and .heard him, while they
were eating Saddle Heck eystera after
waul, cnthusiuilieally praise Kdwin IJoeth,
his doubts were ail dissipated. Mr. Smith
is a gicat admirer of Jeseph .Tcfi'ei.sen. He
-ays he regards the deliberation of that
aeier s movements in mp tw Min.ic, as
he gees out from the presence of his terma
gant wife into the storm, as one of the
masterpiece:; of acting.
Mr. Smith is the son of a Yankee .school
master. His father's sister, while a school
mistress at Litchfield, Mass., taught
Henry Ward J'ccchcr te read. He was
born at Saratoga, X. Y., in 1821. At 10
yeais of age he became an errand boy for
a doctor in Albany, lie broke away from
this employment seen after and went te
Michigan, where he get a clerkship in a
store in Detroit. Ansen Durlingame was
then a boy in the same town, ami he and
Hyatt Smith became fast friends. The
heaits of both were filled with air castles.
They took long walks and discussed the
future. One day, carrying a llible, they
went far into the weeds, and placing their
hands upon the book, solemnly swore that
they would someday become members el i
v.engiess. Jir. liuriingame was
te Cengiess by the Republicans of the
Fifth district of Massachusetts, in 1.S54,
in 18ii. and again in 1 8.8. He subse
quently was appointed minister te China,
and then he became ambassador from
China te the United States, and brought
about tlie famous Dttrlingame treaty, un
der which the Chinese began te pour into
this country.
Z.ichnriah Chandler toek'a deep interest
in young Smith and volunteered te pay
the expenses of his education for the
ministry. Chandler was unable te keep
his premise, but Mr. Smith having deter
mined te become a preacher, returned te
Alba ivy, went back te the doctor's office
and began te study. He found a mere
remunerative position iu the Commercial
bank in Albany, and after five years of
study and work he was licensed te preach
by the Pearl Street Baptist church in Xew
Yerk in 1818. He went first te I'oughkccp I'eughkccp
sie. then te Cleveland, te llufiale, and te
Philadelphia, where his church, during the
war. was known as the "Headquarters
of the Army.'' Under the auspices of
the Christian commission lie went te
the battle fields of Gettysburg and Fred
ericksburgh te care for the Union soldiers.
Gen. Grant personally acknowledged his
s:ei vices, saying that Mr. Smith was one of
these who fought iu the battles of liberty
at home while he fought them en the bat
tie field. Mr. Smith became pastor of the
Lee Avenue Uaptist church fourteen years
age. He has enjoyed much popularity
since. A chance sermon iu opposition te
the system of prison labor attracted the at
tention of the hatters, whose trade suffered
by the system, and he became their cainii
date for state senator last fall iu the Sec
ond district, but he withdrew from the
race. The hatters put him in the field for
Congress this fall, and the Independent
Republicans and the regular Democrats
endorsed his nomination. Mr. Smith is a
conservative Republican, and will prob
ably act independently in Congress. lie is
a hard money man and a thorough patiiet.
Mr. Smith said that he was surprised at
the ungracious assaults upon him by lead
Ilcpublican newspapers, some of which
had referred te him as having "demagogic
proclivities." " Fer my character as a
man and .as a patriot," said Mr. Smith,
"and as te my being tlie furthest removed
from a demagogue in pulpit or en plat
form, I would refer te my life -long friend,
who knows me through and through the
venerable Thurlow Weed."
Mr. Smith will net icsign his pulpit, his
purpose being te secure a competent
clergyman te de his parish work while he
is in Ceugress.
The Paefccr jlcmerial Altnran:' Kercdes.
A party of Xcw Yerk gentlemen went
en Saturday last ie Mauch Chunk te at
tend the services at the consecration of the
Packer memorial altar and rercdes in St.
Mark's church. The services were con
ducted by the bishop of Pennsylvania, as-
cetse, while the Rev. Dr. Henry C. Petter,
Msieu y a uuiuucr ei cicrgy ei tne aie-
01 urace cnurcn, .etcw ienc, tienvercu a
sermon. Tlie rercdes is.crectcd by Judge
Packer's family. Judge Packer had bctl.n
r . -T t -
for forty-four years a vestryman and for
twenty-four years a warden of St. Mark's,
and was the principal contributor of its
buildinj- fund. The church "is in the
lower part of the town across the river
from Judge Packer's late residence. It
was built from designs by II. 31. Upjehn,
son el the architect el Trinity church.
Xcw Yerk. Mr. Upjehn also designed the
rercdes and altar which are built aciess
the east end of the chancel, the rercdes
rising twenty -three feet from the fleer. As
a piece of architectme, it takes rank
with the three ether notable rere rere
deies of this country, which are
these of Grace church, Trinity church
and the cathedral, in Xcw Yerk. The gon gen
cral plan of the Packer memorial is for a
rercdes of Colustenc entirely, with an
altar of highly polished statuary marble,
resting en a step of veined marble. The
top of the altar is of one slab, with the
usual line inlaid Maltese cresses of dark
Sienna marble in the centre and corners
and .surrounded with a heavy, rich mould meuld
ing. It is supported in front bv four cel
umns, the .shafts of which are of dark Si
enna marble with bases anil caps of stat
uary marble caned iu foliage. On the
front of the altar, between the columns,
are three circular panels elaborately caiv
ed. The cuit re panel contains a crown of
thorns ever a deck cre&s which is termi
nated with the symbols of our evangelists.
The right hand panel contains the Chi
Khe monogram, and etch panel is enriched
with delicate carvings of grapes, wheat
and leaves. On the face of the super-altar,
in three sunken panels incased iu uioiiu' uieiiu'
ings, is cut the sauctuy, " IIelv, Ilelv,
The rercdes proper is elaborately worked
in the middle pointed style of architecture,
ami in general arrangnieent is conipe.seii
vertically of three bays divided by heavy
buttresses. The again divided
horizontally at the level tf the super-a'tar
by a line el inscription, be-'ew which en the
side bays aie three enriched p.iuels con
tabling deeply carved bunches of wheat
grapes, passion flowers and lilic and :
part of the inscription iu raided ribbon
work. Above the line of inscription and
forming the principal feattties of the stiuc
tuie aie thice groups of ligure.s carved in
high relief and about lhree-ju:ittc:s life
size. The centre and most pietiiiucut
group, rising above the altar, contains ele
ven ligure.s aim represents tiie Ascension.
On each side of this main group are lesser
groups in panels with a flat arch ever them.
The right hand group represents the ap
pearance of Chi ht te Mary Magdalene en
the morning of the resurrection. Tiie lyt
hand group represents His appearance te
His disciples en the .same day al evening.
Iu t.u main gable above t lis cent nil
group, in a diapered niche, is a sitting
figure et "Our Lord in Maicstv."
left hand holds a glebe surmounted
by a
cress; His right hand is stretched out
the act of blessing. The base of the niche
is supported by an angei corbel. JMew
the majesty, iu two spantiiuls, are angels
in adoiatien swiniximr censers, and above
the figures in the upper . spandrel el' the
gable is a group of seraphims, introduced
in illustration of the phrase of the Te
Deiim, " Te thee eherubinis antl sc-ra-pliims
continually de cry."
On the faces of the four butiiescK are
columns from the fleer te the level of the
super-altar, trrminatinir in rich foliated
i capitals. On these, and under elaborate
I It- iri.lllfrlit 'i.wl rr.i..T...l .... 1 1 . .".,. e.ww.T.;. r, . I
. Hllll.lll. .iiri llILH t.lll'il. ti 'i. iVUlLli
with :
ininial heads, stand figutes of t!:
four evangelists, each holding a:i open
book as if leading. These iiguies are
mete than forty inches high liunning
from buttress, ever tlie upper linu of the
dedicatory inscription, en each side of the
main group, is a hcatiful cornice, richly
carved with representations of wheat,
wine and fruit, and capped with a row of
battlements. The butlrc.ise.s nut up and
aie gabled at the top. and terminate in
creckctcd pinnacle. These support four
angels playing upon the bell, tiie lyre and
cymbals. These angels are neatly four feet
high. The steep central gable is finished
with a cornice of richlv carved leaf work,
surmounted by a plain ciess resting en a
foliated base.
The inscription, iarvcl in ancient Gothic
raised lettcis. is ariamird in sections
along the cornice ever the sidt: bays en
the line of the super-altar, and in the
panels below th:
Miber-allar en each side
as fellows :
Te the xlerv el ;ed an.! ia
Iiefccr, "Itiirn December
let ninry
! Asa
-May 17. I -177.
The ilerede- i and by his
was erceb'il ! surviving cliiliiiv.i
by his u lie, , .darv 1!., I.'ebcit a
Saraa Y. Packer.
antl Ibtrrv V.
Mrs. iJanjlietn. earner I'ralt am! Ureiidway,
ha liven a suSletvr ler li years through Klica-uiati-iu,
ami has tried every remedy she could
hear of, lint leeeivc.l no heV.elit. uiitil recom
mended !e try the Eelcetrie Oil, she says -he
cannot c.prc-s tiie sali-facUeli -hi; feels at
having her pain entirely removed and her
I'licnmatism cured. Fer sale by if. It. Coeh
ran. druggist, 1.17 and ISO North '(iiieen street,
Lancaster. 7
I Tim 31elmir!il!y l:i!te.
Hamlet Prince', of Denmark, would net hac
1 been nnlihcii. tiie "Mclanciielly Dane'' if he
1 had known Dyspepsia was ail thitail'-d him.
ami that ail in: needed was ; Mipply et ."-piie
Klo-seui. u sine cure ler Dv.-pcpiu. ISilieti-.-nes.
Indigestion ami ollierili-.cise.sef tlial 1I0-.-eiiptien.
l'rice: .".lie., trial bottles 10 cents.
Fer sub: bv II. It. (.'delimit, ilrnggi-t. 1.17 ami
I.l'.l North I'aecn street, Lancaster, I'a. s
c'.i.w.jjf.w noeiju.
Fer sale at
LC.-j! I'i.ACS!
s.sin:- fe:j ..' a :e
nti.M.v.iM.s, 1 01:
SsA-iiiE'', SADDLi:
iw'i: sTiiAi'
I'.KLTS. Ac.
Neckties, Entirely
UNDKItWCAI?, (iLOVE-8 &c, &e.
Wenilcrful Jhirk Down et
Having done a very lively Campaign IJusi
ness we new prope-o te close mil ear stock el
Campaign Oee;I.-
Flags, lJanner.J, Streamers, l'ertrait. Medal-.
Lime Liglits or Colored Hand Torches,
Deuble -Swing 11111! Star Tercnc3,
Torch U'iek, Ac.
New Is jour time te buy cheap for the re
muiniug parade-, ami ler the Jellili catien after
the election.
17 Ea3t Kini? Street. Lancaster.
Meet the requirement nf tlie vat limit! ini ili
eal phiio-ephy which at present prevail;'. It ii
a perleetlv pure veet-ible remudv. eiiihtaeinj;
the tlir-i- inmertaut pepcrtic-t et a preventive,
:i ionic, ami ail alterative. It f.'irlitie tI:e
body against liisvuse. invigorates ami revita
izes The torpid ntemueh ami liver, and tlVcla
me-it j-.tlittary change in the entire fvstciu,
when in a morbid eomlitieu.
liril by ail Prnyyists ami ie:;Ier-i sjeiier",
ally. iiMvdciHl.Vtyw
".slenishitiar Cures of Efrh'ug',
Heref;i!e;is JiuKiers et he Stan, S'culp
a::t" "'iec-il of '"l'lYi; vn and "iiTanii.
Cirun: i::.i::iui-; a:v -imply elejran! te
u-e. They appeal le nmiliei'-i am! p iirr.t- with
tfre.ii force, l-'ituu infancy te old aire Ihev are
cipi.illy Micce-.-fii!. will- "inn! ri-iiahlc. Vir:
ft'Kx.a Medicinal .felly. aniMs di-e.t-e. tats
:i'-wi.v dead shin aid "lit sh, allays i:ii!:tiuia:i
tiini, itcliii!!;.iul ii'Wt.itinn, soeilie. ami heals
s,'i!it r.isea.-e-i, amLSe:s!p Alice. ions wiih l.e-s
et Hair, tr lvpie.luc t-saal heaatities tlie hair.
I'rncrr.v ihHiiLvtsr, thefrrei
Iie;:reat liliaul l'liiilier,
ei-ailieules all chien'e
el' imrillL!. am.
and hereditary Imaters. (.'iriiiav .Ukiucinal
ToiurrSeie.prepaivd Irein t'rnei It , clean.-c,
seethe-, ami heals tINeased Mirl.tees, wliilen-,
Irc-'ieiis anil beautifies the Iicveml all
pr.iiie. It is a:t eleantiy pertained Toilet,
lta'.'t ami Nur-.-rv sanative.
'iiilt!ri'i asKs irtntiii.-;.
( Kay re Ilinl.le, .icr-ey City Heights, .
J . v. riles: "My son, a tail of 'l u t:I e years
was completely euro.! et a terrible t-.Uu of
Lezema by the Ciiiieiuu tteiin ilie-. Frem tiie
top et h'.s head te the sole-, of his lit w:n one
mass; of scabs, livery etherreniedi'aml phvsi
1 ian- liiid been tried in vain."'
Fred. I'ehrcr. c-i., C.ishier iui'l; tirewci'V
National Haul.', i'e.ebie, (Vloi-ade. writes: " I
mi! se well piea-cil v. itli iis cfTeets 0:1 my ba!y
that I eantiet all'erd te be without, it in my
heu.-e. If i a wonderful fir.v. am! it i-. bound
te become very pripti!ara-i s'm,i :.s iu virtues
are knetvii te tl.c ni.:sCs."
IB-I. S..Vt'eei:-, esii..Tewii Te.tsuri',M. .'.ilimw.
t 1., si' s. 1:1 ;i ii;;icr uateit .tt:iy -: il -.vei'ks
ten charm 011 my baby's face and hem!. Cured
the head entirely, and" h:u nearly cleaned the
l;i"p' ul fir. I 'have recommended il le sev
cial, and Dr. i' has ordered it fur ti.cin."
Citutiia ItK-.iKliliisaie prepatcd !v WKKI'S
V I'.H'TLi:, Ch.'iiii-t-aui! !rugKist.s",:MV:wli !rugKist.s",:MV:wli
ingteu stn.'l. Cosleii. and are !or. sale by all
Drnggis's. Price et Ci-ric i;r.., a. .Medicinal
Jelly, sin.i!! b', .",( cents; large boxes. $1.
(': i:iti:a I1"Sei.ent. the new illoed i'nrilier.
s! per beltic. Ci'tuiKA .Mi:iieiN'.r. TeiLirr
AP, '.'." CCIits.rUTK"fK. .MiamiXAi. SlIAVlXO
i-e.u 1.1 cents; in I'ars ler Itat-bfiv. and large
een-nuier.s, .10 ce'ils.
ir..! II I'lttitnlfrrc nn renin of jirlrt.;
Rapid, Radical, Perinanent.
Oomplete Treatment.
" for $1.00.
IS'-ir? ii it! the beginning. li'tn-e the n:e-al
l'a ages, itcineve the iner'ni-l eoaisel retting
am! il.'.it! ;I sue. Win! upon thc-e surtajc-,
until the living, wiielt" nine tiiemlirane i
reaelicd, cieaie.ed, di-i:i!reicd, mieiIici! and
healed. Tin 11 you haveattuel.e ! audlcmevi-d
tie cause. .tUauv. ..i'e, by internal i.lmli.i
t ration, tiri', e lium the bleed the pet 0:1 if de
livi'iv ilh every pit!-:t!!iiii of. Hie iieart. Wheti
ad this is hiithl'ii!!;. ilnni.('::tarr!i isi eiKp.eri'ii,
vni! ate cured.
SiKt)i:is It u;'.!. Criit: .-ensisls el" one hot het
tie et the it miicai. 1 1. 1:1:, one !ie of Cataihuiai., ami one iini'.-.eved inhaler, all wi-.tji-pi!l
in emi: i.tckhge, with Treatise and Ifirce Ifirce
liens. ami seld by a'! drugget!-, fm-si. A-!j Inr
"sani'eius i;.nivi. n '::. lie; most cnmiilc'e,
iii-,ttulam:ei:s, and Irealmenl. in
tJcncra! Aits.. V.'EKU.S & I'OTTK!:. ito-ten.
Cellins' VnllaJi; Kk-clrJe PJusUts.
iti eiimatisiu. Neuralgia. V.'eai; -iml Stne
Lungs. Cengl:- ar.dOd Is. Wialc l:;if';,stmiae!t
and limvi'l". Dysj,.,viii, I:'eniing Fains
through the I.'ilns nd It.ielv, s,,,,,,!!,, (li- Fits.
and XiTVt'iv, Iiisen;'ir.nni!s,:ii:il ffcetinns,
relieved a.nd ear i wlien 1 very etlier phtsier,
liniment, let ion. ale! eh clrit-al appliance tails.
Ask for ce;.i.i.i' or. -vn I'lia tiiic i'l.Asmes.
(inlvi. ecu.-.
je i'sr t
!)it. (IKEilN!. ha- .saecir-slully tn-atcd ever
l.'tMel' the 1110-; liliieali elireuie 'secallcd) In -eii:-.ib!e
p.iri durin- a i.iii!- n;:itt!:.s praetiee.
The most et iliein had b- en Hie leiiuds of the
leading piiy-iciaiis et Le.ieasP r eeimly.
DIL I!I!KI.NK is n ad;.- a! any I line le meet "a
ce.iniiiittee e! the Lancaster t.'euiity ."iledieal
Society at tin: Opera Hmi-eerel-eMlieri! te di
eu-s the merits e; Oumip.ttliy and prove its
siipcllnrity ever all ether pathies in Vogue.
The pee'plf: are greatiV iuteiestcd am! de
mand the 'lidlest investigation. Invalids are
every wec'i dying in this county wlm-e lives
e ni!i"l be saved. Is Hjeri! any subject about
wliieii the ina--es :in; nien: concerned than
restoration le health, and tin; prolonging of
their lives'.'
Dr. (L original ii and i-. tieiv theev. neref 'J!)
7.1 ii ! if. 1 1 Pads, lie especially warns Ihe public
against Iheiii.iiieriiu-iceaniei teils new eifeicd
tlie. people.
Dr. tfreeiietlei-s an eclu-iye efiiee !i:iiies.s.
Palieiit' w he c:iiiuet call at his elliees must
eiil lull ileerlptien el al'dietiens. Iliiudred.s
of deaths have occurred herein nine mouths ;
only two iu lilsptaetice.
Consultations lice Cat'trili cured for .".'.
cents, t.'nri: iiiic!c ler Catarrh sent leany ad-dre--1
for.",0 cents. Sinn! Inr 1 pajjej pamphlet .
Ne. xr.r. nkt:i e::k;:n sn:i-:::T.
:-tfd".lV,'F;;s. Lancaster, IV..
di-eit-esari.- big Irem N:rveus Debii'tv.ual
Di-enlcrs, ever Indiilgeneeet Vicious Habits,
as well a-i from the prostration et old age. its
curative properties In violent and ciiienli:
fornisef the lolleuiiigdi-eiLses hae been at
tested te by the most eminent I'iiysicians:
I)ys):j-in, t-elf Abuse. Hi.-adaehe. Diicziiiiw-,
Sexual E!iai's',ieu, M:riti:iteri'ha;a, Cenerai
Debility, Inipeteitey, I'reinuturb Decay, tin.
It has ln-eti iu u-e for ever lerty years, and
is te-day fin: most popular remedy for the ills
eases above mentioned in the Vi'lilil,!), It ism
be usctl without regard te diet, is ilea.-:tiit in
taste, ami better tiinn all, it is a Mire, ."ale. ami
certain cure. It is no iiuaeJc medicine, but
stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil
amply demonstrate, i-.iii'.e l3 tills
has always been sold tern much larger price
tlian that for which it is new sold ; but owing
te the act that the time ter the payment et
an enormous royalty upon its, man 11 tact are has is ettered te the. sulfeiiiig et both
sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be
within the reach efall; ai which price. It will
beeentteaiiynddicss tree el limber charge.
45 Spruce Street, Vbliadelpliia.
May be consulted en all diseases by mail.
In large or small amount.-'. J-JS or 20.()0i)
Write W.T.SOULE& CO.. Cnuitni.-sien Mer
chants, 131 La Salle street, Chit age. 111., tereir
ulara. niiM-iyU "