Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 05, 1880, Image 3

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euis ki-gulaii cokkespendknck
In tin: Intelligencer, mere than a
month ae, wc published an aiticlc en the
cle-iin of the new fihhway, in the dam
near the middle of the river, and of the
raft chute within a few feet of this sheie
for the purpose of damming up the water
while the river was low and thus keeping
water sufficient above the dam te float
canal beats and render easy operations at
the Reading & Columbia coal chutes
which, had this net been done'weuld have
been compelled te suspend operations until
a rise in the river took place, as just be
fme cleinjj the chutes it was with great
iiflleulty operations could be carried en.
Since that time t'jc liver has risen but lit
tle and it has been found necessary te
keep the b.u tiers te the exit of
the waters in their places. The late
rains, however, have caused a lisc in the
river sufficient te warrant the tearing
away of these obstructions and the weik
was commenced this morning. It will 'be
liuished te-day and then, notwithstanding
the mjns, there will probably be a fall, but
net low enough te interfere with weik at
the coal clinics, which, by the approach
of winter, will necessarily be suspended in
a short time.
An effort is being made, by a number of
jeuiigmcn in town te get up a dancing
class and engage Pi of. Gerbcr. of Yerk, te
give lesie.w. The class, se far, numbers
eighteen. Wc have heaid nothing lately
of the class which sevcial Columbians
weic tiying te get up for Pief. McGutre,
of Lancaster.
An uneeufiimed and very tough story
come-, te us te the effect that a certain
lolling mill man, who had lest a couple of
nights' sleep abeur election time, went
home Lite one night, and, taking a chair
behind the stove, in his kitchen, fell asleep
and in his sleep, allowed his head te fall
front, his nose resting en the stove plate,
and having all the llcsh burned from it be be
feie he was awakened.
The icguLti monthly meeting of the
Columbia liic cempaiiy will take place
this evening in the engine house pailorseu
Locust stieet below Thiid.
A meeting of the Mite society of the E.
J.. Lutheran chuieh, will be held this
evening at the jesidencc of Hiram Wilsen,
en the eeinci of Second and Locust sti eels.
An invitation te be picscnt is extended te
the chinch cougieg.itieu.
SheiilV Stiiue is this meiuing selling at
public sale the goods of the Utter Bres.,
seized a couple of weeks age and ordered
te lie sold for the benclit of the crcditers.
ll was the surreptitious removal of a por
tion of these goods, after they had been
seized, that caused the an est of one of the
(inn and the sudden absence of the
The inclement weather of last evening
pievculcd the parade of the Republican
battalion, and it was postponed indefin
itely. f. .1. lilack, of Philadelphia, was visit
inn town ycstciday.
Oui stieeis at present aic in a very nuid
! i ..million. It is almost impossible te
keep shoes clean.
The Vigilant the company held its
monthly meeting last evening, but failed
le transact any impor
tance. The Shawnee liie company tiausactcdits
monthly business last evening.
The unifei in lately worn by the Dpiiie
er.itlc and Republican battalions am new
se much dead stock, and the possessors of
them aie agitated as te what shall be done
withthein. Seme will no doubt, be kept
as i dies while ethers will be thrown in
any odd cei ner. The blue shirts worn by
the Hancock Invincible are the only uni uni
eoi m or pet liens of uniforms of any signi
ficant value and wc have no doubt they
can and will be utilized. The showy uni
forms sifter the campaign are of the least
Wc had some hopes of" clear weather
early this morning, but they wei
evanescent. Itnowleolvs as if wc will
have meie rain.
A whedbairew tide is the btake of a
bet en the election that we have heard of.
It has net yet been paid.
Tl e California Excursionists.
The dinner given by Dr. Henry Car
penter te the California excursionists did
net take place at his ceuuty place, as we
stated jestei day, but at his residence en
Sr.ith tjuecn stu-ct. After the anival
of the slraugvib they were driven around
the city vi.i ting diu'cient places of intei
est. After the drive thcypaitoek of lunch
at Dr. C.upenter's county place. In the
evening at six o'clock the dinner was
held and all had an excellent time. The
names of these present weic as fellows :
air. and Mis. W. 1 Leckaid and daugh
ter. .1. I J. Ei ringer. Capt. C. F. Sargent,
of Philadelphia ; Mr. Nelan and daughter,
of IXi.vten. Ohie ; Mr. D. Wolf and daugh
ki, el Cincinnati; Mr. and Mis. Henry
It.iumg.udiu'1. Mr. and Mis. Jehn Keller,
Mr. and Mis.Samuel II. Reynolds, Dr. and
Mis. Hemy Caipenter, of this city; II. M.
Xeitli, csij , and wife, of Columbia, and
Mr-Tames Young,eMiddloton Mr. D. 11.
Jacksen ami Mr. llroeks, el San Francisce,
who vveie with the party while there, were
unable te get heie. All the stiaugeis left
fei their homes te-day.
The Amusement Season.
As the elect ion is new ever and the dium
and teieh have been laid away, our people
will have te leek somewhere ler
amusements. The season will net open
at the opera house until Saturday No
vember 1.5 when Beit Riuchart's minstrels
will appear. During the following week
v.e will have Fanny Davenport ' Deacon
Cianki-ll," Maud Grangei and Thompson's
Electiu Lights." The agent for the last
named company was in town making ar
i.iugmeuls for its appearance, te-day.
iuiating tlie Law.
lehii Cuiry and Reuben Wenrich, of
("lay tuvvuship, have been ai tested by
Censt.ille Ht'lman, en complaint of Celin
Cameion, of lJtiel:ctsilIe, en a chaigeef
gunning en the Sabbath day. They wcte
ta.ei. bL-fete "Simiic Rcideubach and gave
bail for a futther beating en Satutdsiy
at 2 o'clock, p. in. A charge of trespass
ing has also been entered against Jehn
Death el a Well Known leting Man.
A letter received in tiiis city te-day
st des that William Beyer, a young man
who graduated at Franklin and Marshall
.'ellcge in 1ST7, and who was well known
in this city,diedat his home at Hcllertewii,
Noithamptevvn county, en Wednesday, of
I j pheid; lever. Mr. Beyer was probably
24 01 2." j c us of age. He was cry popu
lar he ie and had ntanv friends.
s.iii- 1 Lstate.
On Saiu i day last, a laun containing l.V
aetes, in Sa-isbuiy township, near Andrews
Btidgc, late the estate of Themas Yeung,
deceased, w as sold te Hiram Girvin for $30
)i r act c.
Case IHMi.issed.
Bernard Bi edit, who was ehaiged by
Jehn Bell with felonious assault and bat
tot y, was te have had a hearing before
AMct man Bat r this afternoon. The pros
ecutor failed te appear and the case was
i ii
Eleven thnu-.iinl gallons of eider weic
made en Hcniy Miller's cider press near
Litilz, since the 7th of Jul'. The laigest
iuanlity made for one man was for I. G.
PfauiK," who took away 962 gallons.
Large Yield.
Geerge Garrett, farmer for llirsh & Bre.,
Manheim township, raised this year one
bunds td and ten bushels shelled coin (y
the aeic.
Swallowed Fin.
Last evening Bessie, a six year old
daughter of Cyrus McCasky, telegraph
operator, while playing accidentally swal
lowed a pin. Medical aid was summoned
at once, and no serious result is antici
pated. vCre,
At an early hour yesterday morning the
house of Mrs. Feley, in Danville, Menteur
county, and who lately resided in East Or
ange street, this city, was burned. All the
furniture, &c, was saved.
Attention is directed te the ale of valuable
city property at the Franklin house this even
ing at 7 o'clock.
-Remarkable Success.
The sciences et mcdiclnn and chemistry have
never ptoducedfee vuluablea remedy Ter the
treatment et Kidney disease as the accidental
discovery ei the vegetable contained in Dat's
Kidnet iAi It tellable character, desirable
qualities and ma-teily curative power have
deeply wen upon the confidence of the medi
cal piolessien and countless sufferers who
have used it. ul-lvveed&vr
CeuNTtitriaTKits me ever en the alett te find
Ircslt fields te vveik, but tltey never imitate a
worthless article. Prof. Guiltnette's French
Kidney Pad was brought out about ten yeats
age, and since then a host et chaps without
skill ei conscience have sought te imitate it by
many weitblcssanalrs; but a discriminating
public will held "last te that which is geed."
and the Guiliuette Pad mera than holds its
own. It cuicsull kidney diseases and succeeds
where medicine often tails. Ask your drug
gist II this Is net se F
lleaulitics the complexion by stimulating the
small bloed-ve-jf.cls Cutlcura Medicinal Seap.
Ne miner ever j et tin cw back
A mere repulsive sight,
Than teeth tjhat are decayed and black :
Or one mere pure and bright
Than t ev s of pearls, that all may vaunt
Who put their laith in SOZODONT.
A feed and a medicine are combined in the
most perfect manner in Malt HIttcis.
. 'Jta-L-l- , . CMi
It is impossible ler a woman after a faithful
ceui-se et treatment with Lydla E. PinkliamN
Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer
with a weakness et tin uterus Knclose a
stamp te Mrs. I.ydla K. Pinkham, 23J Western
avenue. Lynn, Mas.s., rer pampiuets.
"When Uc men spe.ik let the multitude
give ear." Use "hellets' I.Iver Pills." bem
by all druggists.
Wli:s ter Medicine.
Seme time slnce v e stepned at Passaic, X. J.,
and were really surprised te sec the amount of
Mr. Speet's sleck et Pett Urape w Ine en nanu
it is almost fabulous. Four store houses are
tilled, and tiers upon tiers of casks, up and
dettiistl.u-j, and in some cases huge casks oc
cupy every available spot. leaving only little
alleyways through which te walk. It is an
illimitable h intity et wine. Nene I sold
unless it his acquired the age et lour years,
ami tin- buildings 1, 2, 3 and 4. are of the first,
second, thiid and leutth ycais.1 Tilitagc. Our
diuggists have seniu et the eldest of the above
vv me direct Ireui Mr. Spcer. Pallren Uuar
(Itint. Tlii-. w me is new in demand .ter cemmu
uleii purposes. It is excellent for vv cakly poi
sons beleic retiiing.
This wine is endorsed by Irs. Atloe and
O.ivitf, and sold by II. K. felaymakcr.
My by Warner's bate Kidney
and' er Cme. V. IS. JmKcIi, Sclnut, Ala. i
"What's the matter, Jehn?" "O! a big
boil." " Well, w hy don't you take " Dr. Llnd
sej's Meed Searcher,' and be cured 7"
The Tidy lleuscwire.
The e.uerul, tidy housewife, when idle Is giv
Imr her heue its spiing cleaning, should bear
in mind that the dear inmates et her house are
meie piecieus than houses, and that their sys
tems need cleansing by pmitying the bleed,
icgulating the stomach ami bowels te prevent
and cine the diseases ai lsing from spring ma
l.uia and miasma, and she should knew that
there is nothing that will de it se peifectly and
surely as Hep Itittem the purest and best et
all medicines. Su! ether column.
.Metliers! JUetliers!! Aletliern:!!
Are j ou dlstuibcd at night and broken el
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain et cutting teethT
It ?e. go at once an.l geta bottle of MRS. WIXS
I.OU'.Sbl.OlHIXG JsYKUP It will relieve the
peer little sullerer immeiliately depend upon
it; there is no mistake about it. There Is neta
mother en east It who has ever used it.whe will
net tell you at once that it wili-regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic
If is pri fectly safe te in all cases, anil pleas
ant te the tate, and is the prescription ei one
et the eldest and best female physicians and
nui'-es in the United Staces. held everywhere
cents a bettl" ni7-lvd&wM.W4S
5I5EUM KisHtM.fcR. On Thursday last, at the
i eidence et tlieefiicialing minister, Uev. Jehn
G. Viitehey, Mr. Jacob II. Ueliiu, orbpiing erbpiing
ville, te Miss I.lzzle M. Kissinger, et Peters
burg, Lancaster county.
. '-xum,'.j
Mc Kllioet. in this city, en the 4th inst..
fames McKlliget.
The relative-, and ft lends of the family ate
respectfully invited te attend the luncral
lieui hi late tesulcnce, Xe. 210 West Mifflin
street, en Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock. 2t
On MONDAY, XOVEM11EU 8, 1830. will
be sold at public Kile, at J. D. Denlingcr's Mer
limac Heuse, 113 Xoi th Piince street Lancas
ter i it v. Pa. the li. Mewing Livesteck:
1: Head of Heavy Draft and IMiving Horses,
fi em 4 te i; j ears old. Must all be a represent
ed bv the undersigned or no sale. A credit of
GO dnj s w ill be given.
Sale te commence nil o'clock p. m. en said
day. when attendance will be given by
Svm'i. litis & fce:, Aucts.
MONDAY. XOV. 8. "Ingersellihiii Ftem'a
Secular s,t:mdM)int." Hen. Gee It. Wend-
ling, Chicago, 111.
TUESDAY, XOV. 9. "William Cullen Bry-
anl." Wallace Hriuc, X'ew Yolk City.
WEDXESDAY. XOV. 10. " Abiaham Lin
coln." Hen. Schuyler Colfax, Seuth iiend,
THURSDAY. XOV. 11. "A Visit te the Ye-
semite Valley. " Dr. O. II. Tiffany, Phlladel
phii. Pa.
FRIDAY, XOV. 12. Readings by Prof. Frank
Rradfeiil, Xew Y'erkClty.
3"Sale of Reset veil Seats will begin en
Monday, Xev. 8, at!) a, m., atL. Fen DerMiiIth's
ltoek Slete, Xe. 22 East King street.
Course tickets for reaervcd scats $1.90
Single ticket for rt served scalp 40
Single ticket, general admission i"
Lectmes will begin at t o'clock.
nev2,4,6,8,!,10,U.12dr. ''
XOVEM 15ER S. lsO. w ill be sold by public sole
at tin- Franklin 'Heuse, Lancaster city, Pa.,
the following real estate, te wit:
Xe. 1. A let et ground treuting 18 feet, mere
or less, en East King street, in said cily, and
extending 215 ill depth te a lG-fect wide alley,
en which is erected a two-story KRICK HOUSE
Xe. MM. The lieie-e is conveniently laid ent
w ith H j drant, Fruit Trees and ether improve
ments. .
Xe. 2. A let of ground lrenting 23 feet en
East Orange btrect, and extending in depth 118
lectteS-teetwide private al,ey, en which is
elected a two steiy Brick Heuse, with a two
story Brick Back Building attached, Xe. 447,
with gas through the whole house. Hydrant,
Fruit Ticca and ether improvements.
Xe. 3. A let of ground treating the same as
Xe. 2, and Hie hame depth and same kind of a
house as Xe. 2, and is numbered 419.
Xe. 4. A let et ground flouting 1G Icet ou
East Orange street, in said city, and extending
in depth lie lcet te a 12-feet w nle private alley,
en which is elected a two-story Brick Heuse
vv ith a one-story Btick Back Building attached.
Hj draut. Fruit Trccsand ether improvements,
Xe. TiJi Terms easy.
Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in. of said
day, vvlien conditions of sale will be made
known by UEV. A. F. KAUL.
Executer el the Estate of late Mrs. Daniel JIc-
:;, lit & Ce:. At,U. QirKM
Wanaiaker & Brown,
Tltcre is iji Philadelphia a clothing house which has no double in all the
world. The world is full of clothing houses ; and it is a jjoed deal te say that
one is uulike all the rest.
First, in its dealing ; and it is surprising that one house should differ
much from auether. Selling clothing is se simple a matter, that it is likely,
one would suppose, te be donje in very much the same way in Philadelphia,
New Yetk and Londen. But Philadelphia is ahead ; and, curiously enough,
one house in Philadelphia is ahead of all the rest.
Te be ahead in dealing is te deal en a higher pteue, iu a mere liberal
way, te give the buyer mere well founded confidence without less of the mer
chant's safety. This Philadelphia clothing house says te a stranger : "We
want te deal with exact justice. We want what belongs te us, viz., a fair
preHt ; aud we want you te have what belongs te you, viz., a liberal money's
worth. Our way te ariive at this result is te matk a pi ice en everything we
sell, which price is absolute ; and te let you buy what you like, go away and
think the bargain ever, aud come and trade back, if you want te. We fmd by
experience that this liberality is harmless te us. Of course, you like it. And
it makes quick and ready dealing. We don't want you te bring back what
yen buy it would cost us money every time ; but wc would rather you would
bring back than keep, what you don't like. Se, wc try te sec that you get
at first what you will like the better the mere you knew of it. Thijp is really
the whole philosophy of our dealings." Is it any wender that ue ether clothing
house in this city, or New Yerk, or Londeu, deals in the same way '.
Second, in its goods the amount and variety of them. There are ether
heusct where excellent clothing is kept, and a great deal of it ; but there is
none, anywhere, that keeps se much. The dealing related above has wen the
largest trade the world has yet seen. Te supply such a trade great quantity
and rarlcty of clothing are required ; and these in turn increase the trade, be
cause everybody likes te cheese out of inaiiy things, rather than out of few.
This is the country of ready-made clothing. Great Britain makes the
me6t of any Euiepean country ; but there is net in all Londen any clothing
business a quarter as large as that of Oak Hall. New Yetk has several large
clothing businesses ; but no one neatly equal te that of Oak Hall ; Bosten
Loek back twenty years ! Have we done you geed service, or net'.' But
that is net what we had la miud ; we weie thinking of the clothes you ate go
ing te buy te-day. Shall we sell them ?
Oak Hall, Sixth and Market,
Call attention te the completeness and variety of their
stock, including every article of every description in their line,
from the low-priced te the costly. All grades of Watches and
Time-keepers. All classes of Jewelry, including very many
pretty designs in cheap goods, and a superb collection of fine
Diamond Goods. Silverware in full variety, from any geed
Electro-plated article te the Solid Silver Goods of great intrin
sic worth. Oil Paintings, Musical Bexos, Bronzes, &c, &c.
All purchasers of goods in our line, all persons contemplat
ing the purchase of such goods, all admirers of beautiful goods,
are respeetfully invited te visit our store.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers.
Without a doubt futnteh the FINEST IN
STItUMENTMn the Market. Warcroems 320
North Queen street, Manufactory in the rear.
Branch Oltiee, 15J$ Eiu.t King Street.
Alex. McKillips, Proprietor.
Alse Agentter Lancaster County for
CIllCKEIllNG 4 SON'S Celebrated
A Full Line et Sheet anil ether Music, Small
Instruments. Violins, ttanjee, Band Instru
ments. Ac.always en hand. f l3-lyilS&l?w
Ing in the Gills' Hi'li Scheel, wishen te
obtain pupils in the vai leus tutvles of drawing
and painting. Residence Xe. 35 West Orange
street. Furs altered and repaired at the panic
place. ectaMfd
j A Masonic King with emblems engraved
en the euti-idc and the full uamu et the
owner en the inside. The Under will he lib
erally rewarded en leaving same at Zahm's
Jewelry Stere, Znhm'n Cerner. nl 3hl
1. Dauu.
. -, ! I.. -nl.l .1. .a itia.MM.4n Ha.a. 1...
gUW UrilUr, nill uv Bum Mb.. LWIIiaiHi M new w
dispened et te make room ler a larger ene.
Can en or address
n4 3tdThS&WU MUlersTillc, l'u.
ll and itending will be given upon reason
able terms, by MRS. EMMA SLIGHTER, a.
433 West Orange street. Classes will be formed
andaKe private instructions given. Hours
may be selected te suit pupils. e23-ln d
All kinds et Heuse Palutlng'and Graining
done nt the shortest notice and in tint best pos
sible style. We have reduced our prices te
$1.75 per day. Shep en Charlette street.
ectl2-3iud ALLEN GUTHRIE & SONS.
is new toady for consumers, wholesale and
Hotels, I.estai;ii.ets and Private Families
can be supplied with this wnoleseme and
neui lulling bevernge. All orders will receive
punctual attention and deliverances wade at
s'jert notice. Call or address
Ne. 143 East King Street,
ectl4-lmd Laucster, Pa.
Attorney and Counseller-at-Law
21 Park Rew, New Yerk.
Collections made in all parts of the United
States, and a general legal business transacted
Refers by permission te Steininan ft Hensee
Oat Hi
JJ. ,JO! vf - -" ' Mfc'W-
Would advise all who contemplate putting in
HEATERS or making any altei.itiens in then
heating arrangements te de se at ente before
the rush of Fall Trade latins.
In theMaiKet at the
Flii Ureneian's
152 North Queen Street,
Positive sale te Reduce Stock et
Call and satisfy yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Kag
anA Chain Carpctbinalmestendlessvaricty .at
Ne. 105 Net th Queen street for the Cheapest
105 Sign of the itr Shee. 105
nin X made en a new principle, insur
ing comfort ler the lcet.
"D.Tfc.fVr'C! Lasts made te order.
Iebl4-tfd 133. Ent King street
It you want a
Rea'O'-tnade or made te order, call at
Xe. 105 North Queen Street.
Custom Weik a Specialty. 1e2.':&W tfd
Washington, D. C, Nev. 3. Fer tlie
Middle states, cloudy and threatening
weather, with occasional light rains, possi
bly followed te-night by clearing weather
winds shifting by Saturday morning te
colder net tiiwesterly, stationary or higher
barometer in the southern part.
The Read's Finances An Injunction
Against the Receivers.
Philadelphia, Xev. 5. The Ameti
can committee appointed by the managers
of the Philadelphia & Readinir railroad
company te confer with the English
interest has been appointed as follews:
J. B. Lippincott, Eckley B. Coxe,
Moses Tayler (or a representative te be
named by him), Daniel R. Bennett, J. V.
Williamsan, II. Pratt McKeau, James H.
Rogers, Isaac Hinckley, Fredctick Fralcy,
Themas Cecht an.
The tecciveis of the Philadelphi & Read
ing railroad company gave netice that they
would pay en November 0, en account, the
one-half of the interest en the July
coupons of the .genetal mortgage,
bends of the company, returning the cou
pons te the heldets stamped " half paid,''
and that they would ale pay en the same
date the entire July coupons of the gener
al meitagc deferred seiip. The auueuuca-
ment was taken exception te by the
trustees of the consolidated meitgage lean,
the Fidelity ttust insurance aud safety de
posit company, who en October 28 filed
a petition in the United States circuit court
through their counsel, Jehn C. Bullitt
and etheis. The petition concluded as fol fel fol
eows: "That an etdct be made upon the
receivers restraining them from making
any payment ou account of encum-
btnnccs en the raihead's estate,
mil and peisenal, and franchises
of the Philadelphia & Heading raUrevl
company subsequent in date and lien te the
consolidated meitgage of June l,1875,until
all payments in an ear, under the s.ii
mettgages, have baen fully p.iid ; that the
receivers be ordered and directed out of
the net profits of the Philadelphia & Read
ing tail lead company te set aiart
and appropriate the sums of money
which en the liit day of June, 1877
and annually thereafter should have te set
apait and appropriate for the puipescs to te
quired by the second covenant of the con
solidated mei tgage of June, 1871."
It is ellicially announced this afternoon
by Sir. Gewen that Sir. Bullitt has noti
fied the receivcis of the company of the
withdrawal of his objections, as far as the
payment of one-half the interest an the
July coupons is concerned.
Twe Men Kilted by a iC.iilread Collision.
Ji.itsCY City, Nev. e. At 7 o'clock
this morning a freight train en the New
Yetk, Lake Ei ie it Western raihead, went
en a switch at Pennsylvania Hern cicck
te permit a paengcr tiatn te piss. It
is alleged thu switchman had emitted te
close the switch, and consequently when
the passenger train came it crashed into
the caboose of the freight tiain, instantly
killing Daviil Quackcnbesh, engineer of
the passenger train, and Gairct Voethis,
conductor of fi eight train. The iircmau
of the passenger train received fatal inju
ries. As far as could be leai tied no passen
gers was hint. Claik Begerr, the switch
man, cannot be found by the authorities,
he having piemptly lied.
The fraudulent I'rchiilpnt Visiting tne President-elect.
Mr.Muit. O., Nev. 3. Among the call
cisa! Lavvnlield jcsterd.ty wcte Sir. and
Sits, llajcs : lien. The-.. Cane, for inany
ycirsa member of the Bi itish Pat liamcnt,
withhisMin ; IIeil Geerge C. Geiham and
Sir. Themas Donaldsen, of the national
Republican committee, aud Edwin C'evvlcs.
of the Cleveland Leader. After a pleasant
social v isit of an hour or two tea was an
nounced, after w hSeh Sir. Hayes's patty
were taken te thu depot, where they took
the fc-ain for f ', en their way te
1'ro'jabie! -liens.
Dpulin, Nev.") The state prosecutions
against the indicted membcis of the Laud
League will commence this merni.ig, when
counsel for the crown v. ill apply for an
adjournment until Jamiaiy. A yrcat in
dignation meeting will be held at Itatli
drum, county. Wicklevv, en Sunday next.
An appeal by the Land League te the peo
ple of Ireland will be published this after
noon. .Seiiter.ciMl te
Ciiicaeu, Nev. r.L Ficdeiick Kc-ter,
thclioqiteis wife tuuiderer, was sentenced
yeetciday at Danville, III., te be hanged
en January 21. lie has frequently said he
would never be hanged, and it is thought
he will try te kill himself.
fatal Collision in Ohie.
Cim'I-snvti. Nev. 5. By a collision of
two Height trains en the Slarietta & Cir
cinnati railroad, near Sloenville ycstciday.
Engineer Frank Lengshcad ami Fireman
Charles Kiick were killed and six of tlTb
crew wounded, but none fatally.
A i:-ir'ii of Terrer.
Ti.vlu:, Ireland, Nev. 5. A band of
men, numbciing 100, partly armert, trav
ersed an estate near here last night, forc
ing the tenants te swear net te pay above a
ccttaiu amount of rent.
Competing; Ter the Trophy in Londeu.
Londen, Nev. 5. At 3 o'clock this
afternoon the scores were : Rewcll, 432
miles ; Littlcwoed, -107 ; Deblcr, 381.
Deblcr was going slowly.
Hew they Voted In Arizona.
Tlxsen, Nev. 4. G. II. Oury, Demo
crat, is elected te Congress. The Legisla
ture is Republican in betlt branches by a
large mnjerity.and a majeiity or the coun
ty officers are Republican.
Large I'ircinC.inadii.
Wi.sTrei.i), Out., Nev. ". Four blocks
in the business pet t ten el the town v.cte
destieycd by lire this morning. Less,
150,000. .
fisher Re eli-cted te foajjrees.
Pnii.vuci.i'iiiA, Nev. .I. The Eigh
teenth congicssienal district official vote
gives Fisher, Rep., 703 majority.
Au Attempt at Assassination Which has
Been Kept Secret.
A St. Petersburg despatch te the Lon Len Lon
eon Timet says : "According te an article
in the St.Pctersburg Yedometi,n fourth at
tempt against the life of the Czar was made
last year, in addition te the three which
took place between April, lsiil, and April
of this year, and which became universally
known. This fourth attempt, it appears
has been kept a secret up te a very short
time age. It will be remembered
that in April, 1879, the emperor
was lired. upon iri St. Petersburg ;
that en his majesty's return from the
Crimea at the end of the year the explo
sion under the imperial train -en the SIos SIes SIos
eew railway took place, and that at the
hegitiuing of the present year the dining
room of the Winter Palace was destroyed
by au explosion of dynamite. Besides
these well-known instances, the Vedometti
states that last year, presumably during
the Czar's stay at Livadia, about three
poeds of dynamite were laid beneath the
Lozevaya-Scbastopol line of railway, net
far from the village et Alcxaudrefsk, by
means of a subterranean passage bored be
neath the railway bank from a ravine,
which effectually concealed the operation
from the guaids of passing traius. Twe
emall chambers were dug out, about twenty
feet apart, and iu each was placed a packet
of djuamite, the who! being connected
by an electric wire, which was laid
outside for sonic distance beneath the
turf in the direction of the high read.
When the imperial train passed by this
spot the guard new remembers that he
noticed a caniaigc with' three horses going
along the high read, that it stepped for a
second or two audthen was driven away
at a gteat speed. It is supposed that the
electiic battery was in this carriage. The
miscreants appear, however, have over
reached themselves by their own skill, for
no explosion took place there, and by the
subsequent investigations cariied out by
the supreme executive commission, it was
found that the wire, in being forced under
the turf, had in one place been cut or
broken, no doubt unknown te the perpe
trators, of the scheme. Your read
ers will recollect that when the
emperor journeyed te Livadia this year it
was confidently lepei ted that another mine
li...l laisen rlieeravnipil in tiniR llllllei till!
r .(,. .,... uaua,w V. .... .-- a-
Sebastopol railway. Judging by the Vcde-
mesttis account, it would seem mat me
mine was laid down during the Czai's
previous residence at Livadia last year, and
the attempt remained unknown until just
before his majesty's last departure for the
south, when, thanks te the minute exami
nation of the line, it was ditcjvete 1 and re
moved. The Vedomeit i remarks that the
Russian people have another providential
escaj e ef-thc Czar for which te thank the
The 31.irri.ise e tne Lute Judge Packer's
Iii Slauch Chunk last evening Sliss Fan
,; T.ifl-er Slfinr. a ilail"llter of Sir. C. O.
Skcer, of Liudcrmau, Skccr & Ce., of New
Yetk, aud a gr.uuiuauguier 01 tne tare
Judste Asa Packer, was married te Sir. Win.
R. Butler, of Slauch Chttuk, at St. Slark's
Episcopal church. The wedding wasau
extremely large one. Between four and live
hundred invitations were issued. The bridal
party entered the church at a few moments
before 8 o'clock. Twe large baskets of
daisies placed within the chancel and an
urn containing a quantity el" the same sim
ple llewcts were the only Heral dceora dceera dceora
riens. The pietty little chuieh, has, how
ever, recently received a permaueut orna
mentation at the bauds of the family from
which the bride is descended, in a splendid
maible reicdes, erected by Sirs. Asa
Packer te the memory of bet husband and
which was but a week age dedicated.
The bride wete a bunch of daisies at her
waist. Her dress was of white satin hang
ing in wide folds at the side aud ptefuscly
trimmed in fient with point lace. It was
cut high iu the neck, a breech of diamonds
holding it together at the threat. The
bridal wreath was composed of orange
blossoms intertwined with lam el leaves.
Six ushers followed by six biidcsmaids
preceded the bride, who leantd upon the
arm of her father. The gioem having
upon his arm the bride's mother, Walked
immediately behind. Them was no attempt
at unison in the costumes of the brides-,
maids beyond au avoidance of colets. One
e.' two el the young ladies wete white
liguied silks ; the ethers weic dressed in
liguies or brocade satin. All had bunches
el llewcts at their waists, and in each
bunch there was at least one daisy. The
bridcsa.aiJs wtreSIisses Faruie and Lizzie
Butler, sister of the groom'; Sliss Hattie
Polk, Sliss J. V. Babcock, Sliss Annie
llartmati and Sliss alary btmpsen. ine
ushers were SIcssis. L. B. Bjtber, F. L.
Clctc, William Cullcn Slums, Charles A.
Blakslee, Hairy A. Butler, (a biether of
the gioem) and Robt. P. Lindeiman. The
wedding mareh was chosen ft out
"Lehcngiin." Rev. SIuicus A Telinan,
the lector of St. Slaik's peifeinied the
ceremony, assisted by the Rev. Saiul.
Shirks, et Huren, O., a venerable cleigy
mait, who, 52 j cats age, perfeimcd a sim
ilar ellicc ferjudge Asa Packer anil his
bride. A leccptieu at the lesidenc-j of Sir.
Skeer, en Bteadvvay, followed the chuieh
services. The house, which is one of
unusual dimensions, was etewded te an
uncomfei table degree. There was a pto pte pto
fusieit of llevveias smilax and eveigteeus
were twined areuud the barriers, a
horse shoe of led and white hung
just within the hall deer, aud the veung
couple steed te receive the congratulations
of their friends beneath an etioiineus fra
grant wedding bell. Supper was contin
uously seivcd by Pinaid.
Hanging Head Frem a Tree.
Yesterday morning two boys while gun
nig iu a swamp at Tinning square, town
of Hempstead, L. I., found the body of u
man hanging by the neck fient the limb
of a tree. The body is that of a man of
small statin (Fwith sandy hair, and dressed
in daik clothing. The body had evidently
been hanging, when found, ler a longtime.
It was suspended by two pocket liandkct
chiefs tied together.
KIUN1.Y AJilt Liri:u VVKE.
Kidney a Liw
A Positive Remedy for ALL Kid
ney, Liver and Urinary Troubles of
both Male and Female.
"It saved my life." J?. Ii. Lakcly, Sclma,
"It is the remedy that will cure the many
diseases peculiar te women." Mether's Mayt
zuie. " It has pes-cd severe tests and wen endorse
ments trout some or the highest medical talent
in the country." Xew Yerk World,
"Ne remedy heretofore discovered can 1
held for one moment in comparison with it."
C. A. Harvey, It. I)., Wushi,ujten,D. V.
This Great Natural Kcinctly is for Sale
by Druggists in all Paris or the World.
iwir .-
Warner's Safe
MAittii: is.
VIUhMtelphta aiarkct.
l'RlLADRl.niA,Xoveni.H'r5. Heur market
dull but steady ; supcrtliic ! TJdll .'"0: extra
0084 M ; Ohie :m I Indiana family ." W&; i.;
l'enu'a family $ IJ8" .TO ; St. Leuis tiimily
at 33tf 30; Minn-'eta familv ." MS5 7..
Strain. $.;((?; .',0: Winter patent ftiaMpTOe;
Spring de 7 us i.
Kye flour at $5 50.
Wheat dull ami lower; Ne. 1 Western Keif
$1 15i; renn'a. Keil $1 UQl 11; Amber
Cern Ann but quiet; yellow at 3.1CK; mixed
OaU dull, and weak : Ne. 1. White
40e ; Ne. 2 de Sic ; Ne. 3 de I'.TG I7e ; Ne.
2, Mixed JCKc.
Kye steady at .kOf
Previsions iuiet out ttedy : miss perk ii; ai;
beet hams 17 SO ; Indian in.1 beet at IS.K:
bacon smoked shoulders 5,'4i!c : salt de .Vc;
smoked hamslltfillec: pickled ham-. s'i'.H:.
Lard Una: city kettle at 7c : loe-e butch
ers' T'-Je; prime steam f.S t!i
Butter choice wanted, ether grade- wanted;
Creainerv etru Sic ; de geed te choice iip
31c; 15. C. and N. . extra 'J7SJDe: Western
reserve extra i!S2le; de god te choice l'lji
21c: l!ell- firm with fair demand ier cheice:
Western Iteserve extra 2S:3c; Tena'a I'lr.i
Kgtta scarce and firm: Penn'a Kxtr.i i"cQ
At;: XV i-stern Kilf.i ilgi'-c.
UIiccm dull ifnd weak ; New "erk lull
cream at liJC?13e; Wi-xtem full creati. at
12Ji1.5c ;de lair tegmid ligi-'c; di hall -.Kim-.
I'etrelenm dull : leliiicd lie.
Whiky at $i:il.
Seed Geed te jintue clever dull ntfitiK)?y
7 DO : Timethy nominal at $.,705.:': r'i.ixce.i
at f 1 3."..
Mew Xerk IHaraet.
New 011K. Nev. 5. FIeiii Mate ji m I West
em market and niice-Hi:litlvinliiijci-' t.lver
with vrrv moderate epiu 1 and home trade
common te geed extra de jt0"ijl71; cIiemi
de t S0i?; .111 ; choice v tiitf w de -f I 71
tfJ4'X; &eutliern stiady: loiiiinen te t.ur
extra at 11 !3S 5t); geed te choice de 4153
Wheat 'iSJ.VCe lower, l.nrly .ittive : Ne. i Wed
cash, ii l3,;le Nev.. $1 1I31 l's ; de Hee.,
fl lt81 Vjy. ; de Jan, Si fli'-gi 21' ; ' 1
wiute, Nev.. nmy2. .
Coin a bli-ide tieii.;i.r and ijniet : Mixed
western s)ei,.vg.rKe: ie miiiie. .vr.J'.
Oil- Hi 111: Ne. -.', Nev.. .!''..!;: de Pec,
40Ji: de.Ian.. llija; M.ile ''ili:c; Ucslctn
Htix-k itinrker.
New Yerk Stoeuh.
htecks veak.
Nev ember 5.
A. M. A. M. V. M. r. M. P. M 11:15 U:V. i.11 3 u
Meney -'A'-'.'i----
Liie It. I. ...... 4.i I. ., .... .... ....
Michigan. & I.. s 1I3J IHJ
Mieliigan t'cnl. K. U..I07 li)l
Chicago & X. W "'" ,,,7
Chicago. 31 .1 M. l'...lal lf."H
Han. A M.J. Cem II til-',
" P'ld.... S7 S7
Teledo Jfc Wabash I.!7,. 4.:;,
Ohie.t Misf.isMipi. .. J.V, .".'
br. Leuis, I. 31. 4 S. U.. 47K It.'t
Ontario and We-tei 11. 21". 21".
C. C. A I. C. IS. 1: lA lv,4
New Jcr-cv Central.. Tl7., "'
Hel. & Hiul-eiiC.inal. .s7 N.'
Del.. Lack. Western WW '.it.,',.
Western Union Tel... ".'; '.
Pacilic Jlail S. e. Ce.. I'vv U.
allanhattau Klevateil
ITninii l'aeillc '-', U2
Kansas A TexiiK 37' Jv"
New eik Centnil WS
Adams Express 1W
Illinois Central IU!
Cleveland & 1'itU 1-'!
Chicago & Heck I I'-Si'i
l'itlbiiigh&Ff. W 12l'
American U.Tel. Ce .
Stocks steady.
IVniisylvania IS, IS.... i-Oj; m.
l' lSeading..... 2,1 'iiy.
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation... 35 ""
Neltlieiiil'aeilieCiini 'l H
" " I'M . .i 52
Pitts,, Titusv'e& li It-',i
Nei'llierii Cent 1 al i-i
IMiil'a Krle IS. IS
Northern Penn'a
Un. IS. It's efN..I
Hcstenvilh: Paws
Central Traiw. Ce
Lecal Meck and Hendn.
film 2',
I J 1
Lane.CltVl! per et. Lean, due IMi . .
" Iv-J. ..
" " IS5...
" " . l-'HI...
" " 1HH ..
" .1 per ct. ill I erSljiius..
Lane. and Qiiairjv'c IS. IS.Iieud
. " sleek....
Lanctster and Kphi.ita turnpike...
Lanc.Kiiii.ibetlit'n aml.Middli t'n..
Lancaster and Kiuitville tuinpike.
Ltncasterand LitiU. Iiinipike
Lancaster and .Maner tuinpike....
Laneaslerand Manlieiiii InnipiLe.
Lancaster amf M.uietta turnpike.,
lame. an.l New Hell.uid tuiiipiki'..
Line, and Mnisliiug tuinpike
I.ane. andiisiieli 11m. 1 tiuii)iU'..
Lane, and Willow Mreel liiinptl.e.
Farmers Nat. IS.mket LaiKaMii...
First Nat. I'.ankel laun aster
!.ncastcr County ISatik
Inqtilier Piiiitiiig "e
Lauc.Ca-. Light and I'nel Ce. stock.
' bends.
I '51
: 10
I(r2 !
1?&TXKr.w i.v.'iNt:. i.vrs: i
!i Lancaster cilv. dei-eisisl. I etlers et ad ad
niinistiatieii oil sod est lie ii t lugheeu r.'ut
ed te tlie underpinned, all per-ens iinlehtiiL
fll.. ....!.. .at a. lt.lllll.htl fl tf I 111!! !. ltllllM dl.ltC I.IV-
iiient, and the-e hiving il.iims or demand 1
against tlie s one. will pnseiit Hum v itheuC
delay ler settlement te the uiideixigiied. le
sidlugin Lan islcr. I'.t. i.llhvit,
jesi.i'ii wilfems,
J. L. - iMihT, Att'y. "-! i.tdeaiur
1.vtati: en:. i;.iewm:s hai:ki:ic.
ll ger, l.ite el I.-tueiti-r clv. dei.i-ti.
Lvtleis ti "ii - ud dale li.ivhr;
been giaiitetl te III.- imileii,;ni d, !! person 1
null I. led then te .uc li sit ii li ueike
.lt.t..h..ttt tit Mini lllfll l.iVllt!f fllll'l-lfl
leiiiaiiiUagaiiust 1l.eM will p.c. nt t!i 111
without ill lay iur s, iiieiueui n n.i; uih.ui
bigned, iisldmglii I. m-i-lei. Pa.
all.anhi:i:j. HAisi.Ki:t'i:i5.
ili color.
J. L. S.TKINMI r. Altv. auJtMdea
17-5TA1KOI' .I4MIN V. .!, i..1V. OI
Ii Lancaster City, h... fid. Li tle-s et
adnnnidiatieii m -aid -.tat hiving been
"Rintid tiitheiMidersi!u"d.allp 1 oiisindetil eiisindetil
ed thereto .lie reijiiesH ! te muM-i'iuin di.llu
pav meiit. and tlse-e ll iv lug lai'iis o'-ilemaieU
tciinst the -.line, will pie eat Hem uilhuut
delay ter -tttleuici.t W th iin;! !; w
-. . a 1 i.i. i,ii.-ji,
W. IS. Wii..i. Admiiu-ti-ater.
AileMny, - p iH-.deavr
i'srATi:ei Auej.pii M'iMiior.eniiiJ
J Clly r L.un-1-ti-r. deeM. I.etlei-. !-.-
uientary en said estate h..viiigbceii g ted t
the uiider-igiied, all 1 "lis indebti dlherele
ait cxiicctid te in ike iiiiuicili ite p lyin- nl,ainl
these liiviug il.imiser demamls against 111 1
-ame, will pie-ent Hm-iii -vlthniit del iv ler- l
tleiiiftil te the uiideis-jned, icsiding iu th-i
City of Laiiie.isler.
J:.e. A.COVLK. Atleiuev. -II';tde.w
ll or Lancaster city, ileeca-ed. !. tt-w ti-s-tament.iry
en -aid estat" Ii iv ing been granted
te this undersign d, all pei-eiw iudibtdt
said decedent ale requested te ma!." rutin ir
ate settlement, and these hav mg el inns or de
mands against the e-tate r mkI 1I1 dent t
make known thu Kime te t!i" iiiiileialgiii .1
without dU.iy. 1. siding :.t Ne. .-- est lvlir;
stieet, Ijineaster. Pa. .,,..
Pl.TKIS ALL.MIACH. Kx euter.
II. F. Havis. Att'y. i,epl5iitde.ivv-
el Luiica-ter.lty, ! ie.i-ed. Letter, tus
Umenl.iiv en said cdate h iviiigbu-n gnnit
ed te the inid-rsign, d. all per-ens nnlebtctl
then te ai" ieiucsted te inum-di it" liaj'
ineut and tlie-e li.tving claims or demamW
ai'.iinst tlie s une, will jiie-eiit them without
'OTerW "''MtiA.
W. A. Wilsev, Atteni-y. w-jAftlM
Only Vegetable Compound that
acts directly upon the Liver, and
cures Liver Complaints, Jaun
dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces
tiveness, Headache. It assists di
gestion, strengthens the system,
regulates the towels, purifies the
bleed. A. Boek sent free. Dr.
S ANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y.
fur sUe by pi! Hruggi-t-.
. oll-lycu'lA:iltt.evv
lmiulry: siipcrnne. ..,sjii .k; fira "
tM4 70; elii.iee, de, l 7"l"; t.mcy de
fl tWgilOO; round hoop Ohie JITliffStd'OHf de
at " li)J2i; en : suncrlinc ivestein f:.s."...: 21 ;