' " -g" . LANCASTER DAILY lKTldJAGiSNCEK. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1880. iLancaster intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. 3, 1880. Toe Much Telephone. Detroit Free Press. . "I guess I liaf te give up my dcleplienc already, " said an old citizcu of Gratiot avenue, as he entered tbe office of the company with a very long face. " Why, what's the matter new '."' " Oh Icfcry tings. I get dot delepheuc in mine house se as I could sphcak mit der boys in the saloon down town, and mit my relations in Springwclls, but I liaf te gif it up. I nefer haf se much dreublcs. " "Hew?" "Vhel, my pey Shen, in der saloon, he rings der bell und calls me oepund says an old frient of mine vhants te see hew she works. Det ish all right. I say, ' Hcl Hcl Ieh !' und he says, Come closer.' I gees closer und helloes again. Den he say, ' shtand a little off.' I shtands a little off und yells vunce mere, und he says. ' sphcak louder.' I yells louder. It gees dot vhay for ten minutes und den he says, 'gote Texas, you old Dutchman.' Yeu see?" "Yes." "And den meiu brudder in Springwclls he rings de pell und calls me oep und says hew I vhasdis eafnings? I says I vhas feelings like some colts, und he says, ' who vhants te buy seme goats?' I says 'colts colts colts I' und he answers, ' Oh ! coats. I thought you said goats !' Vhen I gees te ask him of he feels better, I hears a voice crying eudt, 'Vhat Dutch man's is net en dis line ?' Den somebody answers, 'I dean' knew, but I likes te punch his headt !' Yeu sec ?" "Yes." "Vhell, semeilimcs my vhife vhants te shpeakmit me vhen I am down in der saloon. She rings meiu pell und I says, Hcllew !' Nopedy speaks te me. She ring again, und I says 'hclleh !' like duu dcr ! Den der central office tells me go aheadt, und den tells me heldt en, und den tells mcin vhife dot I am gene avay. I yells out dot ish net se, und somebody says, ' Hew can I talk if dot old Dutch mans deant keep shtill !' Yeu sce ?" "Yes. " "And when I cuts in bedt at night somebody rings der pell like der house vas en fire, and vhen I slmmps up and says hello, I hear somebody saying : dean' you vhant te puy a deg?' no deer, und vhen I tell's em Kaiser, I vhants se I hear some peoples laughing, haw ! haw ! Yeu see?" "Yes." "Und se you dake it eudt, und somepedy like te shpeak me dcy come right awav te mcin saloon. haw! vhen shall Oef mcin bruddcr's hick he shall get potter, und if somebody vhants te puy me a deg he shall come vherc I can lmncli him mit a glub." MEMVAI.. CUTICURA Astonishing Cures of Itching, Scaly aud Scrofulous Humors of the Skin, Scalp and Ifloed of Children and Infants. Cittktka Uemkihe.1 are simply elegant te use. They appi-al te mothers and parents with great force. Fiem iiitauey te old age they are equally Miccsfiil, sale ami reliable. 'Cuti uka, a Medicinal Jelly, arrests ilist-usc, eats away duad skin ami llcsli, allays lullauuna lullauuna tien, itching ami irritation, seethes ami heals Skin Diseases, ami Scalp Affections with Less et Hair. It reproduce and beautifies the hair. Cuticuha Ki250L,vr.NT, the great Bleed Purifier, cleanses, purllic ami eradicates all chronic amllicrcilitary humors. Cuticuha. Medicinal Teilkt SeA.r,prcpared from Cuticuka, cleanses, seethes and heals diseased surfaces, whitens, freshens ami beautifies the skin beyond alt praNc. It is an elegantly perfumed Toilet, llatli ami Nursery sanative. Children and Infants. Cha-. Kayre liinkle, Jersey City Heights, N .!., writes: "My son, u lail et twelve years, was feuipleti'ly cured et a terrible ease et" Eczema by the Cuticura Remedies. Frem the top of his head te the soles of his feel w:ls one masset scabs. Kvery ether remedy ami physi cians had been tried in vain." Fred. Rohrer, em.. Cashier Sleck Growers" National Hank, Pueblo, Colerado, writes : 1 am se well pleaded with its clleets en my baby that 1 cannot afford te be without it in my house. It isa wonderful cuie, ami it i. beum'l te become very popular a- seen as ils virtues are known te the masse-." J. S. Weeks, esq., Town Treasurer, St, Albans, Vt., says, in a letter dated May 23: " It works te a charm en my baby's face ami head. Cured the head entirely, and has nearly cleaned the face et sores. I imve recommended it te sev eral, ami Ir. Plant has ordered it for them." Cuticuha Ukmkdius are prepared by WEEKS & POTTER, Chemists and DruggKts,:'''.' Wash ington street, liosten, and aiu ler sale bv all Druggists. Price et Cuticuha, a Medicinal Jelly, small boxes, .', cents; large boxes, $1. Cuticuha Ri-selvi:nt, the new Bleed Puritier, $1 per bottle. Cuticuha Medicinal TeiLirr Seap, 25 cents. Cuticuha Medicinal Shaviku Seap, 13 cents; in bars ler Barbers and large consumers, 50 cents. 9Q.AU mailed free en receipt of price. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH. Rapid, Radical, Permanent. Complete Treatment. for $1.00. IJcgin at the beginning. Cleanse lliu nasal passages. Keineve the morbid coats or retting and dead ti-suc. Werk 'upon these Burlaces until the living, wholesome membrane is reached, cleansed, disinfected, seethed and Med. Tnen you have attacked and removed litw "Rc-- Meanwhile, by internal adminis- thft ea ve 1"rem ti,c ''oel the poison it de - tratien a. "iy pulsation or the heart. When livers with e. vdeue1Catarrh iscenqucred, ?entUar;lcnret.:fm- --consists of enc het- SAKFOnD'sIUDICAI. Cc. "e of Cataiihiiai. tie et the Radical Cuius, one mler, all wrap wrap SeiVEJrf, and one Improved In. and Dlrec ped In one packhge, with Treatls. ' -Ask: ler tiens. and sold by all druggists for . -upletc, SAirrOHD'S RADICAL CUBE, tllC most CO.. "t III instantaneous, and economical treatmeu. medicine. . ,.,-.. ., .- General Ants.. WEKitHa ryjxxcii.. imsiun Cellins' Voltaic Electric Wasters. nheumatism, Neuralgia. Weak and Sere Lungs. Coughs and Colds, Weak Back.Stemacli and Bowels, Dyspepsia, Sheeting Pains through the Leins and Rack, Spasms or I its. and Nervous, Muscular,andSpinal Affections, relieved and cured when every ether plaster, linlmcnu lotion, and electrical appliance talis. AskTer Cellins' Velataic- Llectkic Plasteks. Only 25 cents. INVESTIGATION ! Hit. GHEENE has successfully treated ever 1 000 of the most dltllcult chronic (se called) in curable cases during a nine month's practice. The most et them had been the rounds of the leading physicians et Lancaster county. DR. GREEN Els ready at any time te meet a remmlttce et the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Houseer cl-ewhcre te dis-cu- the merits et Omnipathy and prove its superiority ever all ether patliics in vogue. The people are greatly interested and de mand the fullest Investigation. Invalids arc every week dying in this county whose lives could le wived. Is there any subject about which the irra-scs an: mere concerned than restoration te hr.t)th, and the prolonging or their lives? Dr. G. originated and Is new t he owner of 29 Medical Pads. He especially warns t lie public against the iiumcrousceiiiitericlts new offered the people. , , , Dr. Green does an exclusive eflicn business. Patients who cannot call at his offices must send full description el atllictlens. Hundreds of deaths have occurred here in nine months ; only two In his practice. Consultations free. Catarrh cured Ter 50 cents. Cure quick for Catarrh sent te any ad dress for 50 cents. DR. O. A. GREENE, Ne, S36 NORTH QUEEN STBKKT, O-ttUMWF&S Lancaster, Pa. 1 LOCUTION LESSONS IN KLOCUTIO J and Reading will be given upon reason able terms, by MRS. EMMA SLIGHTER, a. 433 West Orange strecU Classes will be formed and also private instructions given. Heur may be selected te suit pupUs. e2S-lwd EOR HAMS. ORPUAX'S COURT HAA.E. On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IK, 1880. et a valuable Chester county farm trf SW ACHES Convenient te railroads. Geed buildings. Sele positive. Fer particulars address. 8. E. JUVIN, Administrator c. U a. ect 20-itnd Landenberg, Pa. PRIVATE SALE. Until NOVEMBER 17. the two-story Brick Heuse, Willi kitchen attached. Ne. 118 East Vinestrcet, let extends te Church strceU Ap ples, Peaches, and Grape Vine en let, water, Ac. Inquire at Ne. 19$ Charlette strecU Lan caster. Pa. ocl7-cedAnovl7 TJOB KEN1. X; A Farm, one mile from the city et Lancas ter, en the Petersburg turnpike, containing about one hundred and live acres ; thirty acres of which is new in fall crops ; privilege te put out two acres in tobacco. Enquire at Xe. 38 North Duke street or en the premises. oct'-lOtdeed MBS. JOHN McGKAN'N. PUBLIC SALE. On TIIUUSDAV, NOVEMBEB 11, 1880, will be sold at public sale at the Grape hotel. North Queen street, the following described real estate te wit : A two-story brick DWELLING HOUSE and two contiguous halt lets of ground. Ne. 419, en the north side et Exst King street, in the city of Lancaster, each of said halt lets con taining in front 32 feet 1i inches, and 215 leet in depth te a 14-feet wide alley, to gether with 2 leet C Inches wide in front en said East King street and of that widtli north ward te the distance or 45 leet et the adjoining property en the northwest for the use et an alley, Possession will be given en April 1, 1881 Part or the purchase money may remain en the property for oue year, it desired. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. et said day. SAMUEL SHOCH. Hkmiy SuruEirr, Auct. e23-tsd TnOKSALE. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Tcn-roemcd, two-story and Mansard roel, Green Stone Frent Dwellings, Xes. 129 and 4:53 West Orange Street. With all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. ncluding Jenning's improved Londen water closets, marble-top washstand, improved wall ed -in range, cellar heater, perleet drainage and sewerage, deep, dry cellar, white marble base and steps, &c, &c. Let 22 by 245 feet te a 14-feet wide alley, front yard 2') feet in depth, inclesed witli ornamental iron fence. Fer terms, &c, apply te JOHN II. METZLER, aug21-W&StW N e. 8 Seuth Duke Su "11TV PKOI'EKTY AT PUBLIC SALK. j On MONDAY , NOVEMBER 8. 1880, will be sold at public sale at the Cooper Heuse, West King street, Lancaster, a valuable let of ground, situate en the north side et West Chestnut street, between Charlette and Mary streets, in said city (Ne. 441), fronting en said Chestnut street 25 leet and extending north nerth wardlv 201 feet, en which is erected a new two story llRICK DWKLLINUIIOUSE, with Brick Back Building aud Frame Summer Kitchen attached. There arc lour rooms en first tloer, live rooms en second fleer and one large plastered room en the third tloer. There is gas and water np and down stairs, witli bath room, water closet and ether modern improvements. There is a cel lar eleven leet deep, and dry, under the entire hui?ding,uml a balcony runs the full length of the back building. This property is located in one et the most desirable neighborhoods In tlie city, is in geed condition, and will be sold en reasonable terms. Persons wishing te view the premises before the day of sale, will call en the undersigned, residing thereon. Sale te commence at seven o'clock p. in., of said ciay. wnen conditions win ucmauc Known by MRS. EMMA L. SMITH, IlEMlV SUUBERT, AUCt. OCt28-tsd I7Xi:CUTOKS PUIlLiC SALEOFVALUA ll BLE CITY PROPERTY. On FRIDAY' NOYEM 1SKR 5, IStjO, will be sold by public sale at the Franklin Heuse, Lancaster city, Pa., the lollewing real estate, te wit: Ne. 1. A let or ground lrenlinglS feet, mere or less, en East King street, in said city, and extending 215 in depth te a lfi-fcct wide alley, en which is erected a two-story BRICK HOUSE ilh'n, two-story Brick BackBuihlingattuchcd, Ne. Sel. Tlie house is conveniently laid out with Hydrant, Fruit Trees ami ether improve ments. Ne. 2. A let of ground fronting 23 fest en Ea-t Orange street, and extending in depth 118 leet te S-teet wide private al,ey, en which is erected a two-story Brick Heuse, with a two story Brick Back Building attached. Ne. 447, with gas through the whole house. Hydrant, Fruit Trees and ether improvements. Ne.::. Aiotef ground trenling the same as Ne. 2, aud the same depth ami same kind of a house as Xe. 2, ami is numbered 419. Ne. 4. A let et ground lrentingilO leet en East Orange street, in said city, aud extending in depth no loci te a lz-icci wide private alley, en which is e reeled a two-story Brick Heuse with aoue-stery Brick Back Building attached. Hydrant, KruilTrcesand ether improvements, Ne. 522. Terms easy. Sale te commence at "o'clock p. in. of said l;iy, Mhcn conditions of sale will lie made known by REV. A. F. KAUL. Executer el the Estate of late Mrs. Daniel Mc- Cert. S a?i'l II Ess & Sen, Aucts. e2J-12td ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VKKY VAL UABLE REA L ESTATE. On TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 9. 1SS0, in pursuance of an enler of the Orphans' Court et Lancaster county, will be sold at nubile vendue, at the Cooper Heuse, AVcst King street, in the city of Ltimcasier, fa., me loiietving real estate, late el Philip Sclmui, deceased, viz : All that elegant three-story BRICK STORE and DWELLING HOUSE and Let or Ground, situate en the south side of West King street, between Penn Square and Prince strcet,in the city el' Lancaster, aforesaid, containing 10 feet. vy. inches in front, and extending in depth 245 lccl te a 14 leet wide public alley en which it lias a lrent et width el 04 feet yt inches. Bounded en the cast by property et Charles Gillespie ami Geerge M. Steinman, aud en the west by property et Jehn McCalla. The Stere Roem is very large and convenient w ith geed dry cellar under iU The dwelling parteflhc building isalse extensive and isnew occupied as a beat ding house. There are roomy Brick Stables en the said alley, with large entrance from West King street, capable of accommodating:! large number of horses. Alse wagon sheds and carriage houses. The whole building is drained by sewers connect ing with the main sewer In West King street, and a well et never-failing water with pump therein is in the yard. The whole premises have lately been thoroughly put in order, the lrent ami stables newly painted and are new in excellent condition. This is a very valuable property, centrally lecatcdund considered one of the best business stands of the city und wel worthy the attention of business men and cap italists generally. Possession et the store may be given imme diately if desired. Geed title and possession given en the rest or the property en April 1st. 1831. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock. r. m.. en said day. when attendance will be given and terms made knew n by. JOHN K. SCHUM, CHAS.IIOLZWORTH, , 11 ess .V Sen, Auctioneers. Administrators, c. t. a, ect23-SWThSd PUltLIV SALE OF A VALUABLE SUB URBAN PROPERTY. On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, at the Cooper Heuse, will be sold the Beautiful Suburban Property of the undersigned, containing 5 ACRES, situated en the Columbia pike, one-quarter of a mile west of Lancaster, Pa., bordering en and near te the country places respectively of Dr. J. W. Ncvin. of the Messrs. Ilagcr. el Nath. EH- iiiker, esq., una contiguous te Wheatland, j- icer the late ex-President James Buchanan, nei- sing tlie advantage of this neighbor l esje. '.cc elegant lienics of the West End ; lioetiioi. -orevfcd by its canacieus mansion and Itself In. -tbuildlngs sheltered by erna- carriage reads; cemnnnlcuUng wJnnVcfite ami means el the pike and Ras-lit lnm niciIilJl ' the live minutes waiK re yin,iwe. ,lr", aline of way ; w:m ns numasBw - " . , 1)rnn. front with city prepcities near by ; tn. 8.PP; erly while ettering tne double advanthsei country and city rarreundings. aller."3 a levclv home with a growing vaittc. ti..; ,,iir.,. iiitnina:ihorc20!iernamcntnlan.' wa'' ; wst h its frontage ei b,j icci en fruit trees, or the latter there are varieties et . apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, Ac, Jn J -.;iiMirinfr stiite. and se likewise are the v,;iti...-irm.' state, and se likewise are tlie ditlercnt varieties et grapes, currants, rasp berries, &c. The mansion or brick, with slate reef, having " southern exposure, containing 20 rooms aud halls, with their complement of closets and basements with cemented floors, plastered walls and ceilings, well light ed anil thoroughly ventilated, is a double to te to sterled Heu; with well finished attic roen. Its living rooms and bed chambers ncwl ...1......1 rv...i ........win nmn nnten beautiful) Verandahs and piazzas with appliances for ,.M,.rv:niTies. The nrincipal haU is entered f, ...,. .. nrtinn that is annroechcd from the lrent through an avenue of tall evergreen i . Amemr the modern improvement is ttUith room supplied with rain water caught from roer in a boiler iron tank or Best's map lacture. newly constructed; also a large star Reynolds' improved Inrnace that heats entire building, or its outbuildings there is a newly euiii luihiwu out", "r": w- r, , I; Stabllii't room for 2 cows, 2 horses and for pigs, ) and a roomy carriage house, immediately xu the rear et residence is a two-storied brick slate covered building, adapted lersnmmcr kitchen, and having upper room for servant. There are two wefts el excellent water, one especially distinguished for its supply that has never shown signs of diminution jluring tlie longest droughts. .... , Persons desirous of inspecting the premises may call, when a full opportunity for doing se will lreely be granted. Sale te commence promptly at 7 o'clock p. m en said day, when terms and conditions wi.lbemadeln,ewnbiujj wA(jxE!, Nnsnv Snuunrr, AucL ect 2SS& Wt&d WAVAMAKMM BKOWX. OAK HALL, PHILADELPHIA. Werth Knewing. There is a place in Philadelphia where a stranger may buy his clothes, and fare as well as if he knew the whole city by heart ; and if knows nothing about the value of cloths, or of clothes, he is as well oil' as if he were a geed judge of both. The reason is that everything te be found there is made there made and sold under a system which rarely allows mistakss te occur, and which corrects them if they de occur. Oak Hall is the place, and its practice may be summed up iu a few words. If you get thcre what you don't want te keep at the price, you return it, and get your money back. This means a great deal mere than appears en the surface. It means that you are net going te get what you will net want te keep at the price, if the merchant can help it. It means that the clothes you get thcre will be of honest cloths, honestly made ; and that they will cost you less than as geed clothes can be get for elsewhere. It means that they will be every way better worth your money than you cau get elsewhere for the same money. If it means anything less than these things if it means peer cloths, trim mings, cutting, sewing, or iu any way dishonest or illiberal dealing; the return of his goods will plague the merchant, injure his credit and dis sipate his trade. If it means these things if it means liberal aud honerablo dealing, valu able and trusty clothing, case and safety in getting it, Oak Hall is the place for you te go te, or te send te; and it is worth your while te knew hew you can send, if it is inconvenient te go. Write; say what your occupation is ; say what sort of use you intend te make of the clothes you want; whether for everyday wear or other wise ; what color you prefer, or what color te avoid ; say about what you want te pay ; say everything that you think may aid a stranger in cheesing for you. Yeu will get in reply samples of cloths and prices of whatever you want made from these cloths. Yeu will get also the means of having your measure taken by an unskilled person. There is only one difficulty left. Somebody has get te take the risks of the dealing ; for there are risks. Send your money along with your order. That covers the risk as te your geed faith. We risk everything else; the fit and your satisfaction every way. Our trade by mail amounts te half a million dollars a year ; there's no reason why it shouldn't amount te Jive millions. Wanamaker & Brown. Oak Hali-, Sixth and Market streets, Philadelphia. ASTXICXCBMfys ADTXXTI3EMEHT. I k STB1CU BROS. ASTR1CH BROS.' ASTRICH BROS.' ASTBICH BROS.' ASTRICH BROS.' ASTBICH BROS.' ASTRICH BROS.' ADVJEBT1SEMKNT. LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, BAZAAR, 13 EAST 13 EAST 13 EAST 13 EAST 13 EAST KING STREET. KING STREET. KING STREET. KING STREET. KING STREET. millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millivery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery millinery: millinery Pattern Hats and Bennets. Derbies at C2c. Selt Felt Derby, 50c Misses' Derbies, bound ana trim med with satin, 75c. Cigarette Hats, 65c. Our $1.00 Derby et flue felt, trimmed with heavy satin rib bon and bound with geed black satin, is the cheapest and most profitable NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES hat ever bought. Ladies' Sliape Hats and Bennets. in Straw, Fine Felt and Beaver. Large, Fine Seft Beaver Hats, in all colors, $2.00. OSTRICH and FANCY FEATHERS, in all shades and in the most ar tistic designs. BIRDS' WINGS. BEADED r. BREASTS, FJSATHEK BANDS and ethers. RIBBONS et superior "qual ity. Plain and Fancy, in all shades. MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES NOVELTIES BLACK SILKS at 75c. per yard. BLACK SILKS atSl.OOperyard. BLACK SILKS at $1.15 per yard. SPECIAL BARGAIN of BLACK SILKS at f 1.50 per yard. SATINS Lyens Colored Satin, Latest SATINS SATINS Shades, 90c, per yard. SATINS SATINS Extra Quality Lyens Black SATINS SATINS Satin. 7ic. per yard. SATINS SATINS Lyens Black Dress Satid, SATINS SATINS suneriernualltv.$1.00 per SATINS SATlNS yard, worth, $1.25. SATINS SATINS Fine Black Dress Satin, SATINS SATINS $1.20, $1.40. $1.0. SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS SATINS in all the New Shades. SATINS SATINS GARNET, SATINS SATINS MAROON, SATINS SATINS GENDARME. SATINS SATINS HELIOTROPE. &c. SATINS GOOD BLACK SILK VELVET, $1.00 per yard. FINE BLACK SILK VELVET, $1.25 per yard. SUPERB BLACK SILK VELVET, $1.50 per yard. EXCELLENT BLACK SILK VELVET, $2.00 per yard. EXTRA WIDE BLACK SILK VELVET, S2.40 per yard. VELVETEENS Geed Black VELVETEENS VELVETEENS Velveteens, VELVETEENS VELVETEENS 50c. VELVETEENS VELVETEENS A splendid VELVETEENS VELVETEENS Velveteen VELVETEENS VELVETEENS at 75c. VELVETEENS VELVETEENS HcavvSuit- VELVETEENS VELVETEENS ing Velvet- VELVETEENS VELVETEENS ecus. $1.01). VELVETEENS VELVETEENS Brocaded VELVETEENS VELVETEENS Velveteen in VELVETEENS VELVETEENS all colors, VELVETEENS VELVETEENS G5c. VELVETEENS VELVETEENS Navy Blue, VELVETEENS VELVETEENS Brown, VELVETEENS VELVETEENS Garnet VELVETEENS VELVETEENS Velveteen, VELVETEENS VELVETEENS (Me. per yd. VELVETEENS DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. FRINGES We eiler the haudsem- BUTTONS I-BINGES est line of BUTTONS FRINGES BLACK SILK BUTTONS FRINGES FRINGES BUTTONS FRINGES at our well-known BUTTONS FRINGES low prices. BUTTONS FRINGES Silkaml Bead Fringes BUTTONS FRINGES liem 25c. upwards. BUTTONS FRINGES 5'Cinch Bead and Che- BUTTONS FRINGES " iillle Fringe, (ilc. BUTTONS FRINGKS Heavy Chenille Fringe BUTTONS FRINGES at ;75c. BUTTONS FRINGES 5 inch Chenille and BUTTONS FRINGES Grass Fringe, with BUTTONS FRINGES Fancv Heading, Kfe. BUTTONS FRINGES Most elegant Chenille BUTTONS FRINGES and Jet Fringes $1.00. BUTTONS FR1NGKS Fine Chenille ami Bead BUTTONS FRINGES Fringes at $1.10, $1.20, BUTTONS FRINGES $1.25 per yard. BUTTONS FRINGES A very rich Grass BUTTONS FRING KS Friiige.with dcep.tancy BUTTONS FRINGES Heading, $1.40 a yard. BUTTONS FRINGES Colored Silk Fringes at BUTTONS FRINGES (lie. per yard. BUTTONS PASSAMENTERIES. PASSAMENTERIES. PASSAMENTERIES. PASSAMENTERIES. PASSAMENTERIES. PASSAMENTERIES. PASSAMENTERIES. PASS AM EN TERI ES. TASSELs Black and Colored Gir- SPIKES TASSELS dies. Tassels, SPIKES TASSELS Beaded ami Creclu-t Balls, SPIKES TASSELS Hungarian Spikes," SPIKEs TASSELS Ornaments, jAc. SPlKEfe TASSELS Trimming Tassels, Sir. SPIKES TASSELS Elegant Cords and spiki". SPIKES TASSELS at $1.25. SPIKES TASSELS Silk Girdles, 75c.. $1. $1.25, SI'I K KS TASSELS $1.50 and upwards. SPIKES TASSELS Single Hungarian Spikes. SPIKES TASSELS Beadcd.3, 4, 5 and (Pinches, SPIKES TASSE LS at 12, 111, :.!, CSK.-. apiece. S PI K ES TASSELs Heavy Silk Cord at 20c. SPIKES TASSELS per yard. SPIKES TASSELS HeavySilk Cord, Beaded, SPIKES TASSELS 25c. per vard. SPIKES TASSELS Rich Colored Silk Gir- SPIKES TASSELS dies. $125. SPIKES TASSELS T:iscN, Ornaments, in SPIKES TASSELS elegant patterns. SPIKES LACE TIES, LACE COLLARS, LACE FICHUS, LACE RIBS, LACE TIDIES, LACE HANDKERCIIIEI'S. CORSETS Astrich's Gem Corset, CORSETS CORSETS at 4!c: positively the CORSETS CORSETS best for the ineiiev. CORSETS CORSETS Hiptiou-Cersfl at 2,!e. CORSETS CORSETS Fine. Huml-Mude CORSETS CORSETS Corset,. -Hie. CORSETS CORSETS Speen Busk, Hide steel. CORSETS CORSETS side lucid, al 75c. CORSETS CORSETS Km bone Corset at f 1.00. CORSETS CORSETS Splendid Nursing CORSETS CORSETS Corset. al.$ 1.00. CORSETS CORSETS Mine. I'e'm Improved CORSETS CORSETS Cerscl ut $1.25. CORSETS SHOULDER P.RACES at 75c. Ladies' und Ccnss' Hemstitched and Celeud Bordered HAND KERCHIEFS iu great variety. CHILDREN'S WORSTED HOODS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED JACKETS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED COATS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED BOOTEES, CHILDREN'S WORSTED LEGGINS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED SHIRTS. CHILDREN'S WORSTED WAISTS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED CIRCULARS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED TWILIGHTS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED SHAWLS. KID Our :t button G!eves,in color- GLOVES KID i-d, black, white and opera, GLOVES: KID for 98c. Each pair warranted. GLOVES KID Geed 0 button Opera Gloves, GLOVES KID (Wc. Excellent 8 bntten,$1.00. GLOVES KID A lull line et Ladles' and GLOVES KID Children's Merine, Cleth GLOVES KID and Lisle Thread. GLOVES FELT SKIRTS at 45c. FELT SKIRTS at 75c. FELT SKIRTS at $1. OUILTED SKIRTS, VELVET SKIRTS, SATIN SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS. HOSIERY Our assortment et La- HOSIERS HOSIERY dies'. Gents' and Chli- HOSIERY HOSIERY dren's Hosiery is tee HOSIERY HOSIERY weI!-known,asalse:our HOSIER HOSIERY well-knownlewpriccs. HOSIERY HOSIERY Ladies wishing te bnv HOSIERY HOSIERY lall goods will de well HOSIERY HOSIERY' te pay us a visit. HOSIER! MERINO UNDERWEAR. MERINO UNDERWEAR. MERINO UNDERWEAR, Ladies' Merine Vests, regular made cuns...3rr Ladies' Fine Merine Vests and Drawers.... 48e Extra heavy, silk stitched-, 75c Fine French Caslunerc $I.a Gents' Goen Mcrine;snirts anu iirawers, from $1.00 upwards. Gents' Cleth Shirts, Scarlet Underwear. BERLIN ZEPHYR, 9c. per ounce. BERLIN ZEPHYR, c. per ounce. BERLIN ZEPHY'R, tie. per ounce. BERLIN ZEPHYR, 9c. per ounce. Y'ARNS German Y'arns, FLOSS YARNS American Y'arns, FLOSS YARNS Saxony Weel, FLOSS YARNS Shetland Fless, FLOSS Y'ARNS Crewel Weel. FLOSfc 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT GUNDAKBR'S. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at OUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. JEWELRY. LOUIS WEBEK, WATCHMAKER. Ne. 159H NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. R. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, SUver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ter the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta cles and Eye-G lasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES Receive most careful attention. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES SUBMITTED WITHOUT CHARGE. B. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, JEWELER, Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. We arc new taking special orders ter HOLIDAY GOODS. JJ.Caluwell&Ce. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. FOR BRIDAL PRESENTATIONS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT IN NEW DESIGNS. Tea Services, Perks, and Spoons, Fancy Silver, Complete Bridal Outfits. SILVER-PLATED WARES FINE CUTLERY. Our Stock in this Department is unexcelled. We guarantee superior quality at positively lowest prices. Orders and inquiries by mail will roceive prompt attention. Goods by express en approval. f llOVSK J-'ITRXISIUXU HOWS. -vreTicE. YUM & BRENEMAN. Weulil uilvi.-e all who contemplate putting iu HEATERS or making any alterations in tlieit lieatiiiKarniiijjcnients totleboat once before tlie rtili of fall Trade begins. THE MOST RELIABLE i In tlie Market at tlie LOWEST PRICES. Flii & Breiiemau's GREAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. CHXS A. AJfl GLASSWARE. LAMPS! LAMPS!! AT CHINA HALL. Bnixs ami Nickel Platcil, Library ami Hall Lam pH. Large Assortment of PAHLOR LAMPS. Bras Nielli Lampi, Ac. All exhibited in our window. See them before purchasing. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. nOTO KINGWALT'S FOR MONONGAHELA PURE RYE. Alse OAKDALE PURE RYE WHISKY. 05 per cent. Alcohol, anil the Invigorating Tonic Ilair Liquid, and the Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, All at Ne. 205 WEST KING STREET. 105 GO TO b HIEMENZ'S, 105 Ne. 105 North Queen street for the Cheapest and Best BOOTS AND SHOES. I0S Slgnef the Big Shee. 105 jK-S&Wtfd SOD SILVERWARE! mm KMBMOIDKtUXS, C. PAfJER HASQ1SUS, Sc. T1TE AKE OPENING DAILY NEW PATTERNS OF PAPER HANGINGS. The Designs and Colorings are beautiful, aud we have a large stock te select from, in the lowest grade te the most expensive. DADO AND FANCY WINDOW SHADES in new colors. Plain material by the yard, in all shades and widths. Cardinal, Urecn, White and ButI HOLLANDS, Fixtures, Fringes, Tapes, Ac. We have a let of light color Curtains, beauti ful styles, that will be closed out ut the low price of 50 cents. Thcse arcadecided bargain, as some were sold at $1.50 a pair. We have opened a fresh luveicu of Extension Cornices, among which are two new patterns. Ebony Walnut and Ash Peles Kings, Ends, Ac. Orders taken ler Fine Mirrors. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. DRVOS, JtC. 1ST TOTICE TO LADIES. Treteus.se Gleve Cleaner, ter cleanlmr Kid Gloves and rcmevintr Urease and Stains Irem Woolen or Silks, the most convenient inven tien et tne Kinu ever oeiere me people, xry it ; it is very simpic.cieansugtevein aminuie, Price i cents. Sold bv. ANDREW G. FREY, Only, at City Pharmacy, North Queen Street, Cor. Orange, Lancaster, Pa. LOOKER'S Epizootic C18 el Pei iters, A POSITIVE CURE FOR EPIZOO TIC AND DISTEMPER IN HOUSES. PREPARED AND SOLD BY CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO. 9 KAST KINU STREET. eK.-tfd COUGH NO MORE ! UBE- AMERICAN COUGH S V. A Certain Cure Fer COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, And all Disease of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief of Consumptives in ull stages of the Iiseaj.c. Prepared and sold only at HULLS DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, augSS-lyil LANCASTER. PA. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. THE Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Warerooms X!0 North Queen street, Manufactory in the rear. Branch Olllce, 15J East King Street. Alex. McKUlips, Proprietor. Alse Agentier Lancaster County for CIIICKEEINU& SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet ami ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins. Banjos, Band Instru ments, Ac. always en hand. t l.'HydSA 1 j w CHAS. BRIMMER, CBAYOX PORTRAIT ARTIST, SltiX AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, neriSMmd 4 WEST KING STREET. MRS. C. L.ILL.ER, LADIES' UAIKDKESSEK Manufacturcrand Dealer In Hair Werk, Ladies and Gents' Wigs. Combings straightened and madete order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse. Kid Glevesantl Feathers cleaned and dyed, at Nes. 225 and 227 North Queen street, four doers above P. R. R. Depot. el-3md OIGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS I have new en band the Larukst, Bkhtand CiiBArEST AsBeimtBCT of Lined and Unlincd BUFFALO ROBES in the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS or every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. a-Repalring neatly and promptly den e.a A. MILEY, . lOS North Qneen St., Lancaster. 25-1 yd M WAS 105 LADIES AND OENTS II you want a 105 GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Kcey-inadc or made te order, call at F. HIEMENZ'S, .iu. ma itunii iutrcii eirceu i Custom Werk a Specialty. 126SAWtfd J Lancaster On Mactery TRArELERS' OVIitE LANCASTER AND MILLEKSV1LLE It. K Cars run as fellows : V.J?lve lJncr ;P.lL Depot), at 7, 9, an.l ll:e0a.m..and 4. 4. 6 and S-JW p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9:30 p. m. Leave MUlersville (lower end) at 5, 8, and a. M.. and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. ui. Cars run dally en above time except en Sun day. CIOLVMIIIA AND PORT DEPOSIT U. K j Trains new run regularly en the Celuiuluit and Pert Deposit Railroad en the fellow inj; time: Statieks North- Express. Express. Acceu. waii. a.m. r. m. r. . Pert Deposit. 6:35 S:S5 2:00 Peachbottein 7:12 4:2 3:1s Safe Harber. 7:55 5:11 5:21 Columbia 8:25 5:10 6:20 Stations Seuth- Express. Express. Acceni. WARD. A.M. r. M. A.M. Columbia. 11:45 6:20 7:45 r. m. 6:4 AiikOS Safe Harber. 12:14 r. m. Le40 Peachltottein 12:37 7:32 11.07 P.M. Pert Deposit 1:30 S:05 125 TJEADING Jfc COLUMBIA R. R. ARRANGEMENT OFPASSENGER TRAINS. OCTOBER 2&TI!,1S!. NORTHWARD. LXAVB. (juarryville Lancaster, King St... Lancaster Columbia ARRIVK. A.M. 6:45 7:55 815 7:55 r.M. . x. A.M. b30 7uMI 9:311 9:40 3:40 3:50 1:05 1:10 3:U) 5.50 Reading... 10:05 3:20 SOUTHWARD. LKAVX. Reading A11R1VK. Columbia , Lancaster. Lancaster, King St Quarry ville a.m. a.m. r.M. 8:05 ;i2:U) 6:10 r.M. 10:15 2:10 8:20 10:07 2:10 8:10 10:18 8:20 11:20 .... 9:25 5:1X1 5:10 6:40 Trains connect at Reading with trains te ami irem Philadelphia, Pottsville, llarrisburg, Al Al Icutewn and Sun- Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia witli trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY. AUGUST 23d, 1880, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive- and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia depots as follews: Kamtwaki I keave Arrive 'AOTWAltp' Lauc'tcr Phllad'a Philadelphia Express 2:10 a.m. 1:15 a. m Fast Line, 5:20 " 7:H YorkAcceiu. Arrives; 8.00 " .... llarrisburg Express 8:05 ' 10:10 " Dillerville Acceni. Arrive, 8:45 ' Columbia Accoiiiiiiedutiuit, 9:10 " 1-:01 r.M. Frederick Acceni. Arrives, I2.55 " .... Pacific Ex pre law r.M. 3:15 " Sunday Mail, 2:00 ' 5:1)0 Johnsten ii E press, 3:05 " 5:30 " Day Express, 4:4" " 6:15 ' llarrisburg Acciunmedal'ii, 6:2T " '-:'M " ie0..7T.,r. Leave Arrive Westward. Phllad'a Lane't.r Way Passenger, I2:a.m. MOa.m Mail Train Ne. I, vi:iMt..lev, 7:30 licie ' Mail Train Ne. 2,viaCel'bia I0-.15 " Niagara Chicago Express 9:00 '- 11:05 " Sunday Mail 8:00 " UfcSO " Fast Line, 11:50 " 2:10 r.M Frederick Accommodation, .... 2:15 Dillerville I.ocal.vi:iMt..ley .... 2d " llarrisburg Accoiumedut'ii, 2:30 r.M. 5:45 " Columbia Accommodation, 4:00 " 7:24. " llarrisburg Express, 5:30 " 7:30 " PittsburgExpre 6:25 " 8:50 " Cincinnati Expre-s 9:10 " 11.30 " Pacific Express 1155 " 2.10 A.N Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, when flag Sed, will step at Middle town, Elizabcthtewn It. Jey, Laudisvllle, Bird-in-Hand, Lemaii Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coates vlllc, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downingtown, Ceatesvilie, Parkes burg, Bit. Jey, Elizaliethtewn and Mlddletewn. Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara anil Chicago Express at 11:05 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, went, at 2:10 r. m., aud will run through te Frederick. HOOKS ANU STATIONERY. OCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS Asm SCHOOL SUPPLIES for 1-aneastur City and County, at L. M. FLYNN'S Ne. V WEST KINU STREET. SCHOOL BOOKS Schools of li'incastcr City, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. At tlie L 'WEST PRICES, at the Boek Stere et JOM BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA.. VARVETS. T ARC A INS FOR EVERYBODY. RARE CHANCE IN CARPETS, Positive sale te Reduce Stock et 6,000 Yards Brussels DM, AT AND BELOW COST. Call and nattily ycurself. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpetsinalmestendless variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET rTAT.T. 303 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. ALE! ALE! ALE! LAWRENCE KNAPP'S CELEBRATED AfcD VELL KNOWN DRAUGHT ALE. is new ready for consumers, wholesale and retail. Hotels, Kestauuaxts a-xd Private Families can be supplied with this wnolcsemo ami nourishing beverage. All orders will receive punctual attention and deliverances made at s'jert notice. Call or address LAWRENCE KNAPP, Ne. 143 East JRhg Street, ectll-luid Lancstcr. Pa. S ROOTS ANIt SHOES. ? k CV BOOTS, SHOES AND LASTS Hl-A O 1 made en a new principle, insnr- ing comfort for the feet. I)1V I 'C Lusts made te order. icDM-tfd 133JEaatKlBg street u -a i-4