sr' J.- ; - , - rA- - "L- gJ 'T aj t t-r :v -"-':.' -- il Lancaster daily ikteljigencer Wednesday November 3, isseii .! .r' THE TOTAL CITY VOTE. ! 3 CANDIDATES. CITTVOTE. 282 '218 28; 2(3 273 3tti Electors. JlErCBLICAJT 2S2, Democratic z Auditor General. femrA. Lemes Kebert I. Decbert Judge of Supreme Court. IlKMIT UP.EBJI Geerge A. Jcnks. A. IlEimSMITH .Jacob L. .Steinmctz ."... Mislrict Attorney. Thevas.I. Davis David McMullen Senater. Ajies II. Mtxij. , .funics B. Douglass Assembly. Husr.rC. Deucth Klim O. hnyder , Prison Inspectors. Caltis Caisteu , ALBERT IlAGEX , Barten N. Winters , Benjamin Miller. Peer Director. HEXBT MCSSER , Jacob G. Kblixr A.J. Snyder Jehn Krancisens County Surveyor. William It. Giuhabt 333 297 332 297 332 29; 33; 239 23J5 274 335 219291 254 ,3 '3 23Si295 27!)!338 219,291 249294 34 231 240 331 240 331 24Ci 331 240 248la-T8 219 9i 279 7'l 27&R34 2! 294 2W 33 21.1 343 231 332 YZ1 13 392 209 391 270; 391 26 '387 2G3 331 317 391 253 9"3 272 3!2 gfi 2CV I 2 fi !329 216 329 217 327 217 102 3 402 390 4 344 2I3I2G3 33? 3M 2321392, '243 263. '.,- J.Y-, 331M! 330;:O3 216394 192 321 324J429 332 392 17391 U'SU 233 393 I 333.333 33J':J 7,398 227398 335 391 3341393 17 217 3'8 397 301 3f2 301 ma 300 339 I 299 3G1 21 373 287 3J2 20: 300 293 29; 3ffi2 302 29S 298 52 3fli 8IJ!39l297i 191 639 190 633 189 636 190 6 103 661 187 636 DJtY GOODS. 319 339 317 339 317 336 321 339 23 348 319 338 637 638 192 191 636 0.8 190 2880 3011 2875 300S 2S75 2984 2870 29S0 2367 3337 2819 2993 2788 3066 2878 2873 3014 3015 2876 2873 3002 339 3001 92112869 177 291 655 363 191 320 192 320 339 339 320 320 339 A MACJNIFICBNT LINE OF SILKS, VELVETS AND DRESS GOODS! At the Very Lewest Prices. Ladies' Coats and Delmans, An Elegant line jnst opened iu all the Latest and Choicest Styles. We ask special examination of these goods befere purchasing elsewhere. Ladies' and Children's Merine Underwear, In all sizes and qualities. An elegant line of Hosiery. An elegant line of Silk Handkerchiefs. An elegant line of Corsets. An elegant line of Dress Buttens. An elegant line of Kid GleTes. LADIES, our assortment of goods in every department is new complete with all the novelties of the season. GMVLEE, BCTWEBS & HTJE8T, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. THED EDITIOff. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MOV. 3.1880. TUESDAYS BATTLE. THE SITUATION UNCHANGED. Garfield's Election Assured. KewsII Akead In Londen. Londen, Nev. 3. In the six days walk ing match the scores at 10 o'clock this morning were : Rewell, 280 miles ; Debler, 203 miles; Little Weed, 229 miles; Heward, 210 miles. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Nev. 3. Fer the Middle states, cloudy or partly cloudy weather, with southeasterly winds, and higher temperature iu the interior, and stationary or lower barometer. New England Solidly Republican. DEATHS. I by the ether of these parasites. This is a cei roberation of observations made by ethers en tbc same subject. ' 0. A fully developed larva of the " Rab bit Gadlly." donated by Mr. Kelly, jr., of the North Queen street trrecery. Mr. K. hays be found this worm located immedi ately under the skin, near the articulation of one or the front legs. These worms arc usually located iu the dorsal portion of the neck of tbc rabbit during the summer and autumn mouths, and this subject was evidently making its exit from the body of its host, picparntery te its pupation in the earth. This is doubtless cutercbra curricula or " Rabbit Ret." Horary. 1. An alphabetical list of patents and inventions from January te June, 18S0. 2. Nes. 13, 14, 15, 10 and 17, vel. 18. of Official 1'atent Office Gazette. '.'.. A list of annunciation, disclaimers, iccisiens, &c, of the patent office from lauuaiy te June, 1880. 4. The Laiicastcr Farmer for October. 1P80. 5. Tlucc catalogues and four circulars re lating le s-cientific and general litcratuic. (J. Twe envelopes containing 25 miscel laneous selections, chiefly historical and biographical. Th committee te whom was refcrre the tiibutc of respect te the late Dr. Hal:; Ionian, made a report, which was unani mously adopted and ordered te be record ed in the nrclmcs of the society. The lvsolutiens arc as fellows : Obituary. The Liuiueau .society records with re gift the death of its distinguished concs cencs concs peiidcnt, Dr. S. S. Haldeman, late of Chiipies, Lancaster county, and Hint he only sustained that i elation te this socie ty, and was net in full active membership, was entirely due te preoccupation in a field, and net te a want of interest in its pregresMve welfare. Dr. Haldeman was tbc chairman of the committee en natural ; science iu the old Historical and Mechani cal society, which subsequently culmina ted in the Liuucsan society ; but when ' that event eccuricd his engagements , abroad precluded the possibility of his as suming active membership in it, ami hence by mutual consent his name was placed in the list of its distinguished correspondents. Few of us have had any personal inter- : course with him, but as a scientist we rc rc vcie his name a name that is dotted all J ever tins scientific literature of America ! and Km epe especially in philology, ethnology, geology, zoology aud archje "1W, and has made Locust Greve and Chiimcs Rec!: classic as the places of his birth and death. Frem his very boyhood he always was a ililigeut and persevering worker in the various fields of practical science, and pcihaps few men of his pro found attainments made less pretentien than lie did : indeed, it was no part of his character te piel'ess te be anything which he clearly was net ; hence, during his whole life he never ceased te be an ardent and un- iclaxing student. He had no loves outside of the domestic circle, save theso which , led te the scientific research, and hence his domestic character was singularly un- ostentatious and pure. His literary fame extended far beyond the boundaries of his ' native county, within whose domain he was, pei haps less known and less appre- -iated than he was abroad. Ne citizen of r int-i t fm -iti i i i (tviiii lie fiiw4- nrifnuiTi. ! tieu down te the picscnttimc, has hereto fore leceivrd a gi eater recognition than he did from tha learned institutions of the civilized world, and the fact reflects a compliment te the county, however it may be understood or appreciated. Dr. Haldeman was net unmiudful of the Liuu.'can society and en various occasions has made libera! donations te it ; and that wc were net mere benefited by the influence, of his intercourse, was perhaps due te our own want of working activity rather than te his want of werkiii" activity. Still, while he was COLUMBIA NEWS. OUIt KEGCLAR COKItESrOXDENVE Rev. Charles Winbiglcr, late pastor of the Church of Ged of this place, left here at 10:45 this morning te accept his new charge at Woestcr, Ohie. Last evening members of his congregation presented te Mr. "Winbiglcr a very handsome combina tion geld pen and pencil, and during the past week he has been the recipient of ether gifts te the value of fifty dollars or thereabout, for all of which he requests us te say, he returns his sincere thanks. Wc extend te Mr. "Winbigler the wish that he may be as popular with his new congre gation ;is with his old, knowing that if he is net the fault will net rest with him. Twe attempt were made last night te burn Ezra Smcdlcy's agricultural manu facturing establishment en Commerce street and an attempt was also made te fire the stable in the rear of David Hinkle's American house en North Frent street. Each attempt failed, as the lire was dis covered and extinguished before gaining, any considerable headway. The lire de partment was called out once but its ser vices were net required. In the lecture room of the E. E. Luth eran chuich this evening Rev. F. W. Stalcy will lecture en "Pilgrims' Pro gress." The Republican helmet company sere naded, early last evening, at the residences of E. K. Smith, Dr. F. Hinkle and S. H. Purple, each of whom were patrons of the company. Mr. Smith invited the company te partake of refreshments, aud they did justice te a bountifully spread table. The hubbub in town last night was per fectly frightful. Crowds of men were marching about the streets singing, cheer ing, blowing tin horns, beating tin caus ami improvising for the occasion every conceivable noise-making instrument they could lay hands en. It was the biggest racket we have ever witnessed and we knew it was daylight before some of the men saw their beds. Did we net knew better we would say the crowd was tem porarily crazy. Maggie, the seven-year-old daughter of William Mullen, died en Monday night of malignant diphtheria. The Pennsylvania railroad freight trains were run iu such a way yesterday as te give the men an opportunity te vote. A few; however, missed. The election here passed off very quietly. There were no disturbances at the polls. The weather remained beauti ful throughout the day and a very heavy vote was polled. The total vote of the borough en president was : Democratic 831, Republican 913. The majorities will be found in the county table. There was little or no cutting en the state, judiciary or county ticket except en district attor ney, en which the vote steed as fellows : First ward, McMullen 315, Davis 273 ; Second ward, McMullen 264, Davis 318 ; Third ward, McMullen 310, Davis 238. Total, McMullen 889, Davis 829 Mc51ul lcu's majority 60. Black had 11 votes and thcGrccnback-Natienal ticket 1 in the town. Officers Elected. The following gentlemen were elected as officers of the Lancaster and Lititz turnpike company, en Monday at Lititz Springs hotel : President Henry G. Leng. Managers Jacob M. Leng, Emanuel P. Keller, Adam S. Keller, Benjamin Leng, ir., Jehn N. Eby, A. W. Shober. H. H.Tshudy. Treasurer M. T. itucbencr. Flear. In tills city, en tha 2U of November, llurDara, wire or rrancu iicar, agen m yeara, 4 months and 22 days. Tlie relatives and friends cf the .family are respectfully invited le attend the funeral from her late residence. Ne. 750 Hlgn street, en Thursday afternoon, at 2J o'clock. Interment at Zlen cemetery. Gcslet. In .this cltv, November t, 1880, Jacob Gusley, in the C'Jlh year et bis age. Tim relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te ittend the funeral from his late residence, 2IG Shlppen street, en Friday nrternoen, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lan caster cemetery. 2td llnoeLEV. On the 2d Inst., Jeseph Brogley, n;jed 71 years. The relatives and friends of the family are i-CMpectiiiUy invited te attend the funeral en Friday morning, nt 8 o'clock, from bis late res idence, 405 East King street. High mass at St. Antheny's church. Interment at St. Jeseph cemetery. 2td Hahk. In this cltv. Nev. 2, 1890, Jehn, son of Philip and Sablna HaUn. aged Ti years, 11 months and 29 days. Ills relatives and friei.d are respectfully in vited te attend the funeral irem the residence of bis parents. Ne. TO, Seuth Queen street, en Friday morning nt 9 o'clock. High mess at St. St. Jeseph's church. Obitunry. laceb GusIcy,ene of the eldest aud best known bricklayer of this city, died yester day at his rcsidcnce,Ne.21G Shippen street, agsd 69 years. He had built or assisted in building mere of the principal build- living we Feltai. cn'cii cling influence which ! 1in?s,in this city perhaps than any ether might bring us in rapport with him when occasion required : but new that he has passed from earth wc feci that that circle has been broken, and therefore we cannot but regret the less which wc, in common with his family, his friends and the cause of science, have sustained by his unher alded departure. The example of Dr. Haldeman, as an industrious student of the Boek of Nature, was one certainly worthvef the imitation of young men who are imbued with a love for scientific investigation, for although he was the graduate of a college, yet his achievements were mainly due te his in flexible perseverance, and his striking out into eiiginal and and unexplored chan nels ; aud it could be said of him with es pecial emphasis that he literally " died in harness." j Wc knew. tee. that his light was "never ' hidden under a bushel," and that he was j always ready and willing te impart in- fei miliar te him te any cere application te him. Feeling that it may be a long time be fore the vacuum caused by his death will be tilled in the county which he adorned asa scientist and citizen, wc place these sentiments en record as the sense of the Linmrau society in its relations te a dis tinguished and departed correspondent. Bills reported and ordered te be paid. After a prolonged "talk" under the rule of "scientific gossip," which was generally participated in, the society adjourned te meet en the last Saturdav "in November, 27th hist. bricklayer in the citv. His funeral will take place euFriday afternoon at 1 o'clock, interment at Lancaster cemetery. Hand Squeezed. A. K. Manlcy, freight conductor en night freight between Reading and Lan caster, had his right baud badly squeezed by its being caught between the dead weeds of cars while coupling. A Sign Beard. The boom of the "businessmen" didirt work well in this city. The Democratic majority for president was trebled, aud Harry Dcmuth, the only " business man" en the Republican ticket, was badly elc-fcatcd. ltim Over. A little boy whose name is net given, while playing en Maner street was ran ever by a buggy in which three men weie niatien upon such subjects as were fa-1 driving and badly bruised about the liar le him te any one wliD made a siu-' body and legs. Delicate leiuales iind JIalt Bitters nourish ins, strengthening and purifying. The "Scattering" Vetes. The Prohibition candidates polled "the following vote in this city : Iu the First ward, 1, ( for district attorney, James Black, esq., polled 11 ) ; Third ward, 1 ( Black, 3 ) ; Fifth ward, 3 ( Black, 6 ) ; Sixth ward, 3 (Black, 9 ) ; Eighth waul, 1 (Black, 2 ) ; Ninth ward, Black, 4. The Greenback candidates polled the following vote : In the First ward, 1 (Jehn Evans, for Assembly, C ) ; Fifth ward, 1 ehn Evans, 3 ; Seventh ward, 2 ; Eighth waid, 10 (Jehn Evans, 7) ; Ninth ward, 2. l'oTtce Mutters. Although there was much drunkenness and disorderly conduct yesterday and last night, the constables and committing mag istrates were lenient and nearly all the de fendants were discharged. The mayor commuted a fewdiunken tramps. Ne mirror ever yet tnrcw back A meic repulsive sight. Thau teeth that arc decayed and black; Or one mere pure and bright Than rows of pearl?, that all may vaunt Who put their faith in SOZODONT. nl-lwdeeJSw A natural bcautiller and restorer of the com plexion Cnlicura Medicinal Seap. Ne Mere Nauseous Drugs. Fer nauseous drugs, no use there seen will be. Fer Salts, Magnesia, Senna no pretence. Dispensing Chemists, all men will agree, Te view, as things witn which they may dis pense. Hut when Dyspepsia assails, then U the time te try, Spring Illoskeui's virtue as a remedy. rnccs: mjc, trial Dettles luc. ami U Fer sale by II. B. Cocran, drusgist, 137 13) North Queen street, Lancauter,' I'a. A lady in East Liberty, l'a., whose lace was covered with sores, was cured by using eue bottle of " Dr. I.iiidbey'g Bleed Searcher." Over the Hills te the Hene Yard. Stkaieut te the Bene Yakd people go who neglect tee long the danger signal of approach ing consumption, a hacking cough. But with Dr. Themas' KcIeclricOil ler a safeguard the peril is averted. It is superlatively fine rem edy also lerrheiinintisiii, piles, soreness, hurts, Ac. Fer sale by 1 1. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 aud 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. 10 tfl'EVJAL SOTIVEb. SAMPLE NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman after a faithful course et treatment with Lydia . Plnklmm's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus Enclose a tamp te Mrs. Lydia K. Pinkham, 233 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Jy29-lydcedw Bclcctrle Oil! Amongst the Hase Balists. Jeseph Durrinberger, Broadway, says he bad the niMbrt'inc te severely sprain fils ankle cenllning him te his room and causing ex treme sutferlng, bis brother " Lessee of the E. Side B. B. Grounds" who always uses it in such case-, induced him te try it and he Navs that the application et the Eclectric Oil hair a dozen times enabled him te walk round and betere he had used of the bottle lie was quite recovered. Fer' sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1.19 North Queen street, Lan exster, l'a. 47 The secret of long life is te keep the liver perfectly healthy, which is best accomplished by using only "Sellers Liver Fills." CeugTlS. ' Drewn' Drenrhial Treche" are used with advuntage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer thirty years these Troches have been in use, with annually increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide mill constant use for nearly an entire, generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Tim Tlireat. "Drewn' Drenchial Troches" act directly en the organs of the voice. Tl.ey have an ex traordinary effect in ail disorders of the Tlireat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone, when re laxed, cither lrem co.'d or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a clear and distinct enunci ation. Speakers and Singers find the Troches useful. A Cough, CeKI, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re ijuires immediate attention, us neglect often times results in some incurable Lung Disease. ' Drewn' s Drenchial Treche" will almost in variably give relief. Imitations arc offered for .-ale, many et which are injurious. The genu ine "Drawn' Drenchial Treche" are sold only in boxes. aul5-lyd&wTu,TliftS Jacob Smith, Clinten St., Buffalo, says, he has used Spring lilossem iu ids family as a general medicine for ceses of Indigestion, Bil iousness, Bewel and Kidney Complaints, and disorders ari-ing from unpurftiesef the bleed, be speaks highly of its efficacy. Prices: 50 cents, trial bottles 10 cents. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen btrcct, Lancaster, l'a. 46 Dn. Browmse' C. & C. Cordial is invalu able tot he consumptive. Taken with regu larity and according te directions, its effects ure wenderlul in acute and chronic diseases of the threat and lungs. Fer sale by all druggists and the proprietor, Dr. Browning, 1117 Arch Street, rhiludelphia. Trice 50 cents. e30-lwd&w Remarkable Success. The sciences et medicine and chemistry have never produced se valuable- a remedy for the treatment et Kidney disease as the accidental discovery of the vegetable contained in Day's Kidset 1'ad Its reliable character, desirable qualities and mas'erly curative power have deeply wen upon the confidence of the medi cal profession and countless sufferers who have used it. nl-lweed&w T he Tidy Housewife. The careful, tidy housewife, when she Is giv ing her house its spring cleaning, should bear in mind that the dear inmates et her house are mere pi ecieus than houses, and that their sys tems need cleansing by purifying tha bleed, regulating the stomach ami bowels te prevent and cure the diseases arising from spring ma laria and miasma, and she should knew that there is nothing iliat will de it se perfectly and surely as Hep Bittern the purest and best of all medicines. See ether column. nl-2wd&w Mathers! Mothers! ! Mether:!: Are you disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth? It se, go at once and gcta bottle of MK9. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYBUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, anil is the prescription et one of the eldest and best fenvde physicians and muses in the United States. Sold everywhere i". rent a ltettl". ril7-lvd&wM.WS Wines ler Medicine. Seme time since we stepped at Pussnie, N. J., and were really surprised te see the amount of Mr. Specr's stock el Pert Grape Wine en hand it is almost labuleus. Four store houses arc filled, and tiers upon tiers of casks, up and down stiars, and in some cases huge casks oc cupy every available spot, leaving only Utile alleyways through which te walk. It is an illimitable quantity of wine. Nene Is sold unless it lias acquired the age et tour years, and the buildings 1, 2, 3 and 4, arc of the first, second, third and fourth years' vintage. Our druggists have some of the eldest of the above wine direct from 3lr. Speer. Patterson Guar dian. This wine is new in demand .ler ceinmu nien purposes. It is excellent for weakly per tens before retiring. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. E. Sluymaker. nel-2wd&w ..J , UT WANTED. w ANIliU A GOOD GIRL TO DO GEN- cral housework. Annlv nt ltd 44SOUTUliJttl'NCESTBEET. WANTKD A GIRL TO GO TO PH1XA PH1XA PH1XA delphiatode general housework. Ap ply at Ne. J13 North Mulberry street. ltl HEW AVrEKTWEMEXTii. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. Call attention te the completeness and variety of their stock, including every article of every description in their line, from the low-priced te the costly. All grades of "Watches and Time-keepers. All classes of Jewelry, including; very many pretty designs in cheap goods, and a superb collection of fine Diamond Goods. Silverware in full variety, from any geed Electro-plated article te the Solid Silver Goods of great intrin sic worth. Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, Sec., &c. All purchasers of goods in our line, all persons contemplat ing the purchase of such goods, all admirers of beautiful goods, are respectfully invited te visit our store. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers. SOLID SILVERWARE in all the new styles, comprising many articles specially appropriate for wedding: and anniversary occasions. BAILEY, BANKS & BDDDLE. CLOCKS IN RICH VARIETY, including Mantel Clocks and Cleck Sets, Traveling Clocks, &c. The most favorite Cleck is " The Stem Winder." BAILEY, BANKS & BLDDLE. WATCHES the best in the world, in novel finish of case and great variety of ornament. Our own guarantee gees with each Watch we sell. BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE. FOREIGN GOODS This Winter's Fancy Goods excel and exceed all our previous importations. In every department low prices prevail. Bailey, Banks & Biddle, 12TH AND CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA. DJtY GOODS. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! BLANKET SHAWLS ler Ladies. BLANKET SHAWLS for Children. BLANKET SHAWLS for Scheel Girls. PAISLEY, THIBET and It ROCHE SHAWLS. SHAWLS IN QUANTITIES FAHNESTOOK'S. EMU altera for lien. UNDERWEAR for Ladies. UNDERWEAR for Gents. UNDERWEAR for Heys and Girls. UNDERWEAR at nil prices. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, CLOAKINGS. HAGER & BROTHER Fall anil Winter Season 1880. Hemer, Golladay & Ce. Our assortment for the Fall mid Winter Sriisen is new complete, and we have never offered se attractive a stock In all our dspurt mente in DRESS GOODS It is imposaible te pive a faint Idea of the many hcautllnl novelties we show this season. The ctterts of Foreign Manufactures this sea soa sea sen have been very Mieceful, both in Solid Celers and Fancies. POPULAR GOODS MODERATE PRICES. Iu addition te our tmnerb stock of Finn Goods, we have a lrs assortment of French mid Ueiuentlc Flnnuci SuiMiik, new se much in vogue, from 25c te S1.00 per yard. In Silks, Velvets and Plushes Our assortment excels all previous ones In Reauty and design, richness and coloring, and great variety, l'urticuliir attention has been paid te have the colorings match, se that no difficulty is experienced lu selecting a combi nation dress that will harmonize perfectly in coloring. In our hare new open the latest novelties in French, English and American DRESS GOODS. FRENCH PLAIDS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUITINGS, SIDE BANDS, CASH MERE FOULE, MOMIE CLOTHS, FLAN NEL SUITINGS, Ac, &c. SLLKS, SATDfS VELVETS. Cloaks! Gloats! Have Just received from New Yerk Import ers a line of Cloaks, Delmans and Jackets In tha Latest Style for Ladies and Misses. CLOAKING CLOTHS, Black and Celer, Plain aud Fanev, in Large Assei'tinvnt. SVe invite examination. Black Goods, Lace, Handker ; kerchief, Embroidery, Gleve, Hosiery, xuddeu ana Linen Departments a lull ami most att motive assortment will be found. We nlfee call attention te out DRESS MAKING AND Ladies1 Underclothing Departments. K3"AU order are executed with promptness and in th best manner. In all Departments our stock will be found replete with the. NEWEST AND MOST DE SIRABLE GOODS, and at prices that ars as low as the lowest. HOMER, COLLADY & CO., 1412 and 1414 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. DIVIDEND NOTICE. FAimras' NatI. Bask of Laxcastkr, November 1. 1890. The beard of directors have this day declared a dividend et five and a-balf per cant, for tha last six months, payable en demand. EDW. II. BROWN. UOV2-2W Cashier. I AlNTiaU. X All kinds of Heuse Faintin'and Graining done ntthuxlierUst notice and in the best pos sible style. We have reduced our prices te 1.7."i per day. simp en Charlette ntrect. ecU2-.tmd ALLEN GUTHRIE & SONS. DEMOCRATIC GOVJSRNOB IN NEW JERSEY. New Yerk Mayoralty in Doubt. FACTS AND EIGUMES. PENNSYLVANIA. Democratic Legislative Gala la Berks. Reading, Pa., Ner. 3. Berks county representatives : 1st district McFarLuidi Democrat, S05 majority, Wagner, Demo crat, 148 majority. This is a Democratic gain of one member of Assembly. Tbe Tet la Schuylkill. POTTSTILLE, Pa., Nev. 3. All but two districts in Schuylkill county give Brumm, Fusionist candidate for Congress, ever a thousand majority. In the lirst leg islative district Higgins, Dem., has nearly 200 majority. Second dis trict, Welsh, Fusionist, is elected ; Third district, Sehicher, Dera., is elected ; Fourth district, Beland, Dera.7 Steers and Edwards, Rep., are elected. Kcefere, Rep., has nearly 200 majority for state Senate. The county ticket has been carried by the Fusionists. Democratic Gala In Tleca. WELLSBORO,Pa.,Nev. 3. Tiega ceunty: Garfield, 2,800 plurality ; Lemen, Rep., for auditor general, 2,800 plurality; Greene, Rep., for supreme judge, 2,800 plurality. Congress, 16th district, R. J. C. Walker, Rep., 2,000 majority in the ceuuty. State Senate, 25th district, L. Emery, Rep., 3,500 majority. Represen tatives, J. B. Hilcs, Rep., 2,000 plurality, Charles Tuhbs, Rep., 2,000 plurality. The Eighteenth District. Middleuure, Pa., Oct. 3. The official majority of Snyder county for .Garfield is 540. Fer Congress (Eighteenth district) Fisher, Rep., 539 majority in the county. Hancock Gains In Sullivan. Dusuere, Pa., Nev. 3. Suilivan coun ty gives every Democrat en the ticket a majority of from 500 for Hancock te 300 for A ckley for representative ; Democratic gain of 150. Wayne County. Hexebdalk, Pa., Net. 3. Wayne county, Hancock, 300 majority, a Demo cratic less en 1876 ; Congress, C. C. .Tad win (Rep.), 750 majority in the county ; Representatives, Slillham (Rep.), 100 ma jority ; Underwood (Rep.) probably small majority. MASSACHUSETTS. Fourth Congressional District In Doubt. Bosten, Nev. 3. With twenty-eight towns te hear from the returns up te 8 o'clock this morning give Gen. Garfield a plurality et 49,107. The Republicans carry every congressional district in the state except the Fourth district and that is in doubt. DELAWARE. The Blue Hen's Chickens O.K. Wilmington, Del., Nev. 3. Returns from all the election districts in the state except two in Kent county the majorities of which are estimated upon the vote at the election last September show a Democratic majority of 1,045. Twe-thirds of the Legislattue is Demo cratic, insuring the return of Bayard te the Senate. The Republicans elect their whole ticket in New Castle county by a majority of about 100. NEW YORK. Clese Nicking en the Mayoralty. New Yerk, Nev. 3. The latest returns show the vote en the mayoralty te be as fellows : Grace, Democrat, 98,051, Dowd, Republican, 96.748. Grace's majority 1,303. Fifteen election districts are yet te be heard from. NEW JERSEY. The Legislature Very Clese. Trenten, Nev. 3. The Legislature is likely te be very close en joint ballet, with the probabilities that the Republicans will have three majority. Ludlow .Elected Governer The Legislature Republican. Trenten, N. J., Oct. 3. Beth parties agree that Ludlow, Democrat, is elected governor by from 600 te 1,200 majority. The Republicans have nine majority in the Senate and eight in the Heuse. The Congressional delegation is the same as last year. CONNECTICUT. The Slate for Garfield Congressional Dele gatien unchanged. Hartferd, Conn. Nev. 3. With five towns te hear from, this state gives Gar field pluralty 2867. Fer Governer Bigelow (Rep) has 672 plurality. Fer Congress ; Buck (Rep) in the First district has 1098 plurality; Phelps (Dem) Second district 1984 plurality ; Wait (Rep) Third district 2665 plurality; Miles (Rep) Fourth district 677 plurality. TENNESSEE. Haneeck Carries the State Governorship in Doubt. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 3, 3:40, a. m. Hancock's majority in the state will be a slight falling off from the Tilden vote of 1776. The governor is still in doubt and will net be decided te night. OREGON. Claimed by the Republicans. Portland, Oregon, Nev. 3. At Repub lican headquarters the state is claimed for Garfield by from 500 te 1,000. VIRGINIA. The Regular Democracy Victorious. Staunton, Va., Nev. 3. Allen, Regular Democrat, ij probably elected te Congress in 17th district ever PauI,Readjustcr. NfW ENGLAND. Solidly Republican. Garfield carries the New England states by the following majorities : Maine, 247 ; New Hampshire, 2,500 ; Vermont, 27,000 ; Massachusetts, 50,000 ; Rhede Island, 8,000 ; Connecticut, 3,000. MAJUCETS. Mew Yerk Market. Niw Yerk. Nev. 3. Fleur State and Wst ern market quiet and ste:idy, with, moderate expert ami Jobbing trade inquiry: Superfine, at ! S5jj4 : extra ue at Ki54 GO; choice, de, ft t4 7S: fancy du $4806D; round hoop Ohie $4 705 : choice de at IS 10t 00 ; superfine western t&3 25; common te geed extra de It 454 73 : cheica de 9t 8066 SO ; choice white wheat de $4 Q4 85; Southern Ann and unchanged: com mon te fair extra $4 9035 50; geed te cheica deSS 556685. Wheat a shade stronger anil fairly actlve Ne. 1 White, Nev.. 31 16I 16 : Ne. 2 Red. Nev.. at $1 lei 19: de Dec., at 11 'SA(jr isujs: ue juii.. ui si iirjeii Cern ic better and quiet ; Mixed west :nt spet.Mui5tc; de future. .WifWc. Oaueteady: Ne. 2. Nev.. SJtfc ; State 38? 44e;AVe-tein.37KffiUc rniladelphla Market. and MOO Peniru Umily $.10035 37; St. Leuis famiiy at f.37 ft 50: Minnesota fimily ." 2595 75: Straight SUOO&RM): Winter patent f .W7 50 ; Spring de$7008 25. Kye flour flnu at $5 Mgr.oe. Wheat quiet bnt Arm : Ne. 2 Western Ket SI 15; l'enn'a. ltcd il 1I1 10; Amber i 1491 1C. Cern dull but firm : yellow at Si Q53c ; nilxe.t Sic. Oat dull, and ireak : .Ne. 1. Will te 40K;Jfe. de 3yj;c; Ne.:: de 37ffi"7;c; Ne. 2, Mixed rcjie. Kye dull at 95c. Previsions quiet; intss perk 41550310: bent hams $17 1750; Indian m." beet at $1S50; smoked hams mWAe; pickled ham- SJjtl'Jc; bacon smoked shoulders SQfts : salt de 5Jc. Lard linn : city kettle at sii'Je : Iihhe butchers' 7,:Jc; prime steam fSSHQSlU. Butter firm, with ceed demand ler Cheice: Crcamerv extra 3132e: de geed te choice 2S0 30c; B.C. and N. Y. extra 23Q2te: Western reserve extra 212?c; de hk1 le choice Uig 20c: ItelN Ann with fair demand for cheice: Western Bcscrvi cxtr.i 23321c; l'enn'a Kxtru. 22f?23c Eggs scarce nnd tlrni: l'enn'a Extra 23c Western Kxtra2lc. Cheese dull and weak ; New Yerk full cream at 12J4SI3c; Western full enrim :iu 12Kl3c;de fairtogeod HQI'-'c; di ii:iird:iiu Petroleum dull ; refined 12c. Whisky at $1.11. Seeds Geed te prime clever dull ati50t 750: Timethy nominal at !70?g'J: Flaxkewt at $1 35. Stock marker. Nxw Yerk Stocks. Stocks (.treng. Novembers. a. m. r. m. r. m. r. m. r. x. 10:35 11:0(1 1:40 2TJI 3:10 ... 50W ... W2 Jh" - ... 4k - - ... 37 372 .. 51 .- 252 -10 vnu 90)2 - 48 40 Alenev Erielt. 1C 45J;C 45 Michigan . ft I.. S....118' ll)i Michigan Cent. It. K.-lleiJ 100M Chicago & N. W 110'i HSi Chicago, M, St. r..10(V 10C.J, Ilan. St. . 1. com.. Teledo Wabash. Ohie & Misstainid, St. Leuis, I. M. &S. It.. 5254 Ontario and Western. 25 C. C. ft I. C. K. R Vi New Jersey Central.. 7W.i Del. ft Hudsen Canal. H7! Del.. iJiek.A Weatrritlei-g Western Union Tel.. .1111 Pacific Mail S. S. Ce. Manhattan Elevated Union Pacific Kansas'" Texas New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland ft Pitts Chicago ft Iteck I Pittsburgh ft Ft. W... American U. Tel. Ce PntLADKLrlUA. Stocks strong. Pennsylvania It, It.... Phll'a. ft Heading..... Lehigh Vallc3- Lehigh Navigation... Northern Pacific Cem ' P'd . Pitts., Tltusv'e&B.... Northern Central Phil'aft brie It. II.... Northern l'enn'a Un.K. It's of N.J Ilestenville Pass Central Trans. Ce..... 3.V.J 5I 1 3I. 93 2VB .... .... 137!4 ' .... I1MJA 125 .... 1-lJ.j fi2',S 2Ji 55 35 30 51 171 C 17Vi ,3 Lecal stocks and Ueiitfs. Lanc.Clty C per :t. Lean, due Km.. " " !'.!.. " ISRs" " " 1MX.. " ' IMfi.. " ." per ct. in ler :til years. Lane, and Quarry v'c it. it. bend... ' " stock... Lancaster and Ephrata turnpike.. LancEilzabetht'ii amOIiddlet'ii. Lancaster and Frultvillc turnpike Lancaster anil I.1III7. turnpike l.-mriisteriind Maner turnpike... Lancaster and Manheim turnpike. Unit-aster ami Marietta lurnpuce. Lane, and New Helland turnpike. Lane, anil Mnislnirg turnpike Iiuc. and Susquehanna turnpike. Lane, and Willow Street turnpike Farmers' Nat. Banket Lancaster.. First Nat. Itankef Lancaster Lancaster County Nat. ISanlc Ineiilrer Printing Ce Lanc.tiiM Light and Fuel Ce. stock. ' " bends. Par Last. val. sale, .film $00.2'i . 100 105 . UK) 111 . ICO UX.Vi . 10O 1211 . KM 105 . llf) 13 . BO 3.2S . 25 I7.? . 100 51 !. .VI 51 . 25 5fi . 50 92 !. 25 30.10 . 25 25 .. ICO 85 . 25 20 . ail 275.2 :. 25 40.I5J . .VI 100 .. lllO VA . 50 102.11 ,. 50 27 IOC KNOW THYSELF. 0000000000000 The untold miseries that rc rc e e suit from indiscretion illicitly e e lire may be alleviated ami e e ciued. These who doubt tlii e e assertion should purchase the e e new medical work published e e bythePKABODYMEDICAIi e e INSTITUTE, Bosten, enti- e O tied. THE SCIKNCi; OF e e 1.1 FK; or, SELF-PKKSKK- oeooooooooooo VATION. Exhausted vital, ity, nervous and physical debility, or vital ity impaired by the errorsef yonth,ertoiclos application tebusincss, may lie restored and manhood regained. .... Twe hundredth edition, revised and enlarg ed, just published. It is a standard work, the best in the English language, writ ten by a physician of great experience, ti whom was awarded 11 geld and jeweled medal by the Londen Medical Association. It con tains beautiful and very expensive engravings. n.. I 1 ..1 ......... .nit.... t It.ltl TJI V!ltltlllllt nrcscriptionslerallformsofprevailingdiseasc, :. i. nr... ...... ..... f ..vti.iiuivi.Mlnl hllft. ccssful practice, cither one et which Is worth ten times the price of the book. Bound in French cloth ; price only $1, sent by mail, pest IMi'e Londen iAtncet says. "NopcrsOHslieuM lie without tills valuable book. The author 1 1 a noble benefactor." The Trtoreiesays: Tlieautlier has had un precedented success in dealing with nervoiii nerveiii ncss et all kinds and its affect ions, whether due te pernicious habits or inherited. He Is : Ncrve-speclallst, and therefore knows whereof he writes with such power and ability. An illustrated sample sent te all en receipt of cents for postage. The author refers, by permission, te Hen. P. A. H1SSELL-, M. D., president or the National Medical Association. ..... Address Dr. W. II. PAItKEK. Ne URATj 4 Bullfinch street. Bosten, Mass. uiJflu the author may be consulted 011 all .. diseases requiringskillandexperi-'paYy PI U a. c24-lywj miuJJUi. $5,000,000. The American Shee Tip Company WARHAXT TnEIR A. S. T. Ce. BLACK TIP, Tliat is new se extensively worn en CHILDREN'S SHOES TO WEAU AS LONG AS THE METAL, Which was Introduced by them, and by whicll the above amount has been saved te parent annually. This Black Tip will save still mere, as besides being worn en the coarser grades i. is worn en line nnd costly shoes wuere the Metal Tip en account el its leeks would net b UThey all have our Trade MaHc A. S. T. in, stamped en front of Tip. 1 Parents should ask for Shoes With this BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP en them when purchasing rer their children. scpS-lyweeMf l 21