- ill ! r .... ,.7, -i ,. -- - '-- - - - -" -- r - j-- -1 ---, '- " - . --- vi - r-:r e -'"'jt KV'ttr, rJ--"-'"ta v-'Wfca ,--.-Z"i-."r',r v:.. ., . - ..,, .. r.--i. t.: T T. - , - -. - .- i. 7- ' ' i --" - ' ' w-i" '.i..;-,?7-3",sl - -. ,i 'vvcv,-tr-' X LANCASTER ,IA1LY lNTELUBENUEK. TUESlMl NOVEMBER 2. 1880. . -.- , X. ". r T 1 - ' . T. ' .w. f . - " ". .. "J 'V lH'".J,7TH!niPfWMHaMI .iancasicr fntcUigencer TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 2, 1880. FOB PRESIDENT : GEX. WEiEDSLD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOS VICE PEESIDENT : HON. WILLLUI II. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. Tlie great principles or American lib erty are still the IcwM iuhcritaucc or tills people, aim ever should be. The right of trial by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights of persons and the rights of property nsnst be preserved. W INFIELD S. HANCOCK, Maj. Vcu.CeHid'gDcpt. La. and Texas. Stale Electoral Tichet. ixecters. rebert k. menaghav. william ii. play ford, john slevin. edwin a. pui:. jeiix m. campbell, gillies dallett, jeiix meffet, edward walden, xatjiax c.jamks, geerge filbert, JAMKS G. McSPARRAN, alfred j. martin, adam geihnger, franklin turner, patrick j. birmingham, henry k. davis, geerge a. pest, arram 31. benten, jeiix 1. linten, jeiix s. miller, jeiix e. saxtex, calvin ;.:. keh'ki:, james a. j. buchanan. Christopher mag el, Rebert m. Giishex. william jj. dunlap. harry wils-en, s.a.muel griffith, j. ress Thompson. democratic stati: TicKirr. AUDITOIt ii:ki:al. rebkrtp. decukrt. .judiciary. .n;i hi: e:' Tin: suvi:i:m:: ceuar. Gi-.ORGK A..JENKS. IICMOCXtATXC COUNTY TICKi.T. J.I. l'ea aisitnia'i. . STEINMETZ. FOK DISTIUCT ATTOIli:v. I. McMULLEN. 1'Oil mutater (1:5th h:stiuct). I It. DOUGLASS, itm assi:mhlv;(1kt iii.stiuct). ELIM G. ftXYDKU. VOIt ASSCMUIA" (2t IKbTRILTi. . c. stevensen. S. P. MURK. tint asf.kmuly (:: insTiai-rj. ii. M. :u::ni:man. II. DAVI.-s YUM IT. JACOIS M. HAENLEN. for. i-kimin ixsrii-reits. barten x. winters ben.j. miller. veir rce'i minzcTeiw. A..I..-NYDER. JOIIX FRANLISCUs. lute " Unconsidered Trilies." Yeu can tell deg weed by its bark. Mr. Zabcicskuwntsclilvuia isaaiiHtii for elfiee in Aiinneseta. A boil in the l:cttle is woithlweonyour llOhC. A sick man is considered out. of danger when the doctor discontinues his visits. As with a woman se with a lioise. His back hair is bis inane trouble. The potato resembles :m archery club be cause it sheets out ou all sides. Natutc should mend her ways. English tourists think American autumnal tints en tirely tee loud. Army reunions are managed se that the private soldiers, shall net be made pub lic. New Yeik Kepubiicaus are jrlad te see any poi tin a storm, and that is why they cling te Johnny Davenport. Any venderef cabbage may congratulate himself upon having at lived at the dignity of head salesman. A determination te lc teeiablc is an ap propriation for the improvement of the river of the life. The ignorance displaced by our butchers is simply ast uinding. Ne one in a score of them knows when a biid ceases te be a chicken and becomes a hen. "Give me the hand that will nccr de ceive me, " sings the poet, lie wants the cards stocked se as te bring the four aces into his list. " Never bon e w t reuble, ' said a husband te his wife. " Oh, let her borrow it if she can," exclaimed the next deer neighbor, 'she never returns anything, you knew." The bee cm deliver a stinging retort and vet keen its mouth shut. This is where it the advantage of the campaign era- Pan-I'resbyte- has ter. " I believe in bananas in the abstract, but net in the concrete."'' said the old gen tleman as he painfully arose from the as phalt walk. "Beware of pickpockets," was one of the decorations en the wall before the ccs of members of the recent rian council in Philadelphia The only special attraction at Niagara Falls this month is a custom eiheer who can answer:', civil mcstien in a civil man ner. He isn't there te ttay, of course. Ne pleasure is comparable te the stand ing upon the vantage gieund of truth. Bacen. Republican papcis are losing :v heap of fun. "Kings I have met" is the title of Mr. Archibald Feilvs's lecli're. Seme day Mr. Ferbes will come across three kings and a pair of sevens. Then he will learn some thing about the resources of this country. An insignificant little barrel hoop lying upon the side walk has been known te yank a man right out of the besom of the church and hurl him into the ranks of backsliders. A man at Ilinghamlen. N. Y., wanted te have some fun with an old lady by play ing ghost. The only mistake he made was iu net finding out beforehand that falie kept a shotgun in the house. An American lawyer is new attorney general of the Sandwich Islands. If iu two years he desn't own the entire country and held the king's note for a large sum he is no credit te the American bar. Gospel Truths. Ile. tiint Is suretv for a stranjrer sJmll smart for It. But, lie that trust-t!i in Serin; IHossein f or curing Liver. Kiflney and complaints of a like tciulcncv. shall never be flisappeintetl. Price : .Wc. tiial bottle 10c. Fer sale by II. IS. Oeclinm, ilrusaNt. Vel ami 13;) North Queen street, Imca-ter, Pa. 40 AVetkluiMiien. ):;lin: yni begin your Iieivv sprinjr work :i(i-Ta win t'T'if relaxation, your system needs ;lf..iiilr) :uj1 struiillicnbi te prevent an at ta:lt t Asjf, IJIlbi'ih'ir 'jiriiiK Fever, or some ether KiitliiK s!e!n"- thai will unfit you ler u MMheii'i v.'ei k. leu v. ill s.ive time, much hicknwn arid ?j at 'ij)'iiM' If you will use one bottle e! lleji liiniK' In your family this month. Don't wait. hi;e ether column. nl-2ivdiw 1'OJt sal:. OnpiiAN's ceunx sale. On THUUSDAYjXOVEMBKn 19, 1S80. of a valuable Chester county farm of 210 ACHES Convenient te railroads, Geed building-. Sale positive. Fer particulars atldreg. s. i:. xivix, ' Administrator c. t. a. ect20-I:ml ltr.denberg, Pa. DKIYATK SALE. J. Until XOYEMUEIt 17. the twosteiy Brick lleuec, wilh kitchen attachcil, Xe. lUE:i-t Vinestreet, let extends te Church street. Ap ples, Peaches find Gnipc Vine en let, water. &c. Inquire at Xe. 13(5 Charlette street, Lan caster, Pa. oct7-eed&novl7 T70K RKM. J A Farm, one mile from the city el Lancas ter, en the Petersburg turnpike, containing about one hundred anil fiveacres : thirty acres of which is new In fall crops; privilege le put out two acres in tobacco. Enquire at Xe. 33 North Duke street or en the jiiemiscs. oct7-10ldee-J MBS. JOIIX McGBAXX. PUIILIC SALK. On THUUSDAY, NOVEMBER II, 1SS0, will be sold at public sale at the Grape hotel. North Queen street, the following described real estate te wit : A two-story brick DWELLING HOUSE anil two contiguous halt lets of ground, Xe. 41U, fin the north side et,East King street, in the ell v of Lancaster, each of said halt lets con taining in front 32 feet 'i inches, and J1. ieet in depth te a It-feet wide alley, to gether with 2 leet i; inches wide in fronton said East King street anil of that width north ward te the distance of 13 feet el the adjoining property en the northwest ler the u-,e el an alley, Possession will be given en April 1, 1PS1 Partet the purchase mene may remain en the properly ler one year. It desired. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said lav. SAMUEL SIIOCII. ilESI'.Y SlIUREKT, AUCt. O'iVtsd CVTV I'UOI'EUTV AT PDKI.1C SALE. J On MOXDAl, NOVEMBER 8. 1SSHJ, willbe sold at public sale at the Cooper Heuse. West King street, Lancaster, a valuable let of ground, situate en the north side el West Chestnut street, between Charlette and Mary street", In said city (Ne. 411), fronting en said Chestnut street 25 Ieet and extending north ward! v 2iil feet, en which is erected a new two twe two slerv hUICK DWELLIXU HOUSE, with Brick Hack Buildim; and Frame Summer Kitchen attached. There aie lour rooms en llrst lloer, live rooms en second fleer and one large plastered room "en tins third lloer. There is g:is and water up and down stairs, with bath room, water closet and ether modern improvements. There is a cel lar eleven leet deep, and dry, under the entire building, and a balcony runs the full length el the buck building. This property is located iu one el" the meat desirable neighborhoods in the city, is in geed condition, and will be sold en reasonable terms. Per.-ens wishing te view the premises before the day of sale, will call ou the undersigned, residing thereon. Sale te commence at seven o'clock p. m., el sum nay, wnen conditions win iiemuiie Known bv MRS. EMMA L. SMITH, Hi:xr.Y Suuimirr, AucL ectis-td 1."XECBTK,S rUKI.fC SALE OF VAl.UA It I'.i.E CITY PROPERTY. On FRIDAY' NOVEMBER. r. 1S.-0, will be sold by public sale at the Franklin IIeuc, Lancaster city, Pa., the lollewing real estate, te wit: Ne. 1. A let of ground minting 18 feet, mere or less, en East King street, in said city, and extending 215 in depth le a 10-feel wide alley, en which iserecled a two-story BRICK HOUSE with a two-story Biick Back Buildingattacheil, Xe. ."iiil. The heue is conveniently laid out with Hydrant, Fruit Trees unci elher improve ments. Xe. 2. A let of ground fronting Si feet en East Orange streel. and extending in depth lis leet te H-leet wide private al,ey, en wincii is erected a two-story Brick IIeum, with a two story Brick Back Building attached, Xe. 417, with gas through the whole house. Hydrant, Fruit Trees and ether Improvement:". Xe. 3. A let of ground Irenling the same as Xe. 2. and tlie same depth and same kind of a house as Xe. 2, and Is numbered 41'.). Ne. 4. A let et ground Irenting If! leet en East Orange street, in said city, and extending in deptli 110 leet te a 12-Ieet wide private alley, en which is erected a two-story Brick Heuse with aone-slery Brick Back Building attached. Hydrant, Fruit Trccsand ether improvements, Xe. .122. Terms easy. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of suid lay. when conditions of sale will be made known by REV. A. P. KAUL. E.ccuter el the Estate et late Mr-. Daniel Mc- Cerl. Sam'l Ilr-ss S Sex, Ancts. ei"M2td X.EUAZ, XOTICHS. 7STATK OV JANE EW1NG, LATE OF It Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate havingbeen grunt ed te tlie undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them vitheut delay ler settlement te the undersigned, re siding in Lancaster, Pa. ELIZABETH ELLIOTT, JOSEPH WILPONG, Administrators. J. L. .sii;imi.tz, Alt'y. e2.S (ittleaw X STATE OFK. "St. "sTOWEKS IIAKCittJt J ger, late et Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto arc requested le make imme diate settlement, mill these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing In Lancaster, Pa. ALEXANDER J. HARBERGER. Executer. J. L. Stmxmctz. Attv. auij2(M'tdea Es STATE OF JOHN M. GOOD, LATH OF Lancaster City, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, nil persons Indebt ed therein are requested te nfakc immediate payment, and the.-e having claims or demands against the same, will piesent them without tlelav tee settlement le ihe undersigned. MAMUEL WOISST, W. R. Wilsex, Admlnistnder. Al terney, seiviT-fitdeatr I ST ATE Of ADOLP11 SCHMIDT, OF THE !i City of Laneaster. dee'd. Letters testa mentary en said estate ha ingbcen granleil te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto arc expected te make immediate payment,aud these having claims or demands against the same, will piesentthem without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing in the City el" Lancaster. MARGARET SCHMIDT, Executrix. Jxe. A. Cevlc. Attorney. slt-Otdeaw iSTATJ J of La K OF WILLIAM, VIESEK, LATE iincastcr city, flcceaseil. Letters tes tamentary en said estate havingbeen granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immedi ate settlement, ami these having claims or de mands against the estate of sid decedent te make known the same te the undersigned with. nit delay, residing at Xe. 527 West King street, Lancaster. Pa. PETER ALLABACII, Executer. II. F. Davis, Att'y. sen 15 utdeaw S STATE OF .JOHN TOMLIXSOX, LATE 1J of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tcs lamentaiy en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te snake immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will piesent them without delay for settlement te the undcrslgne"d. ROBERT FAULDING. ROB K RT TOM LINSON, Executeis. W. A. tt'iMesr, Attorney, scpH-GJea VHT OOOJM. ?l US IV AT. IXS 111 VT-JICXTii. TEE- Lis Orp IrmnfeptnnT, Mdillllttljlliijf Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Warerooms 30 North Queen street. Manufactory iu the tear. Branch Oilice, 15$ East King Street. Ales. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Aeentter Lancaster County for CillCIvERING .fc SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ethnSf Music, Small Instruments, Violins, Banjos,- Band Instru ments. &(... always en h mil. ll'MydSAi W : ' -THE FAVORITES' IN" : - DRESS GOODS NOW, The following are selling se fast as te indicate that they are unusually desirable: Camel's hair, 44 inches, $1 te $2.50. Billiard cloth, 44 inches, 1.50. Damasses, 44 inches, 1.25. Jersey cloth, 44 inches, 1.75. Plush suitings, 44 inches, 1.50. ' , Armures, 44 inches, 1.00. ' " Novelties, 44 inches, 0.75. Powder cloths, 44 inches, 0.75. Chndda cloths, 44 inches, 0.68. Lupin's merinees, 30 inches. 0.50 te 0.69. . . . Flannel suitings, 0.30 te 1,25. Plaids, silk and wool, 0.37i. Plaids, German, 44 inches, 0.50. Plaids, German, 32 inches, 0.15. Cashmeres, colored, 28 inches, 0.25. Cashmeres, colored, 22 inches, 0.12A. Matelasscs, 24 inches, 0.20. lSalermes, 22 inches, 0.14. Our dress goods include almost everything desirable, In many in stances xtq are very much below the market ; never above. JOHN WANAMAKER. Dress Goods occupy nine counters near Thirteenth street entrance. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets, and City Hall Square. PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES, JiSWELRT, c. ZAHM'S CORNER. A new room and elegant stock. A full line of Lancaster Watches, Waltham Watches, Columbus Watches, In Geld and Silver Cases, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Beautiful wedding gifts In Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Silverware, and French Clocks. Arundel Spectacles, the best in the world. OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT is as complete as any in the larger cities. We manufacture Rings, Masonic Marks, Society Pins. Jewelry or all kind.-. Diamond Mounting and any special or odd pieces iu uuy desired style. MONOG RAMMING and Fine Jewelry and Watch repairing a specialty. All work warranted. Call amlexaniine our stock and leave your repairing with ED W. J. ZAHM. Zalmf s Cemer, Lancaster, Pa. SliililVAL. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED TUCH BITTESS J'AfER JIAXaiXOS, St. Meets the requirements of the rational medi cal philosophy which at present prevails. It is a perleetiy pure vegetable remedy, embracing tlie three important peperties of a preventive, a tonic, and an alterative. It fertilies the body against disease, invigorates and revital izes tlie torpid stomach and liver, and effects a most salutary change in the entire system, when in a morbid condition. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gene J ally. nl-lydced&lyw "VTERV1NE, OK TONIC SPECIFICA. 1 A BOON TO BOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for all diseases arising Irem Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence et Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic forms of the lollewing diseases have been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Spcrmaterrhtna, General Debility, lmpeteney, Premature Decay, &c. It has been in u.se for ever lerty years, and is te-day Hie most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WORLD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, anil better than all, it is a sure, sale ami certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since 183B tills remedy lias always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it Is new sold ; but owing te the act that the time ler tlie payment of an enormous royalty upon Its manufacture has expired, it is ettered te the suffering of betli sexes at one dollar per package, se as te lie within the reach of all; at which price It will be sent te any add less tree et further charge. Addiess DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 40 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mail. tv2(Hind&w -ITTE AKB OPENING DAILY -NEW PATTERNS OF PAPER HANGINGS. The Designs and Colorings are beaut i till, ami we have a large stock te select from, in the lowest grade te the most expensive. DADO AND FANCY WINDOW SHADES in new colors. Plain material by the yard, in all shades and widths. Cardinal, Green, White and Bull HOLLANDS, Fixtures, Fringes, Tapes, &c. We have a let of light color Curtains, licanti ful styles, that, will be closed out at the low price of 60 cents. Thcsu areudecided bargain, as some were sold at 1.5i a pair. We have opened a fresh invoice of Extension Cornices, among which arc two new patterns. Ebony Walnut and Ash Pele, Kings, Euds, &c. Orders taksn ler Fine Mirrors. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. VKY GOODS. BLACK SILKS AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Black Silks at C5c. Black Silks at 73c. Black Silks at II. Black Silks at 1.2 . Black Silks at $1.30. Black Silks at $i B. IVST .;ri -niV-FA::1 r"i." '??J Vrlc" s"li: cupn in wear. Cashmeres, Cashmeres, Black Silks at $1M. -ii .Ti . CT" i.r. '... uls Jcicuasiimcres,iuiwoei.at-uc. r.tacK iasnmcres.au MoeI.atWc ltl-ick , all wool, at eec. Black Cashmeres. ..n Weel. nt i-m mpt c!inipr,.. .,11.1 tr. iit,.- 1-i.im.r.. ..n -. ..'"te-V' .!!" , all wool, at 1. Black Cashmeres, all woet at .25. Wc guarantee abe vegoeds' te be all wool, full width, ami best shades of black BLACK SILK VELVETS. ,BLU.?J- .U,k Vrtveta at $1.25. Black SUk Velvets at $1.50. Black Silk Velvets at i Black Silk Velvets at$i23. !!IL- mil.- V..1 .-..,, ... .ir.i .-.. n .iiiim ,ib H.m iiST x,maiMv i.:." in e ,,Pl,""ut?:,"cn1lveti te whlch we invite special examination. Colored Silk Velvets at $1.50 Navy Blue SUk civets at $1.50. Seal llrewn SilK civets at $!. Mvrtlcureen Silk Velvets -itsioe Kienz- siitwuvuiiK' ivipnJt Silk Velvets at 1.50. Sultan Silk Velvets at $1.50. BROCADE SILK VKLVlh-s.leurne T reeade Mlk Velvets ' "jen. ,ne In ,"?, ? Ilk V vets at V. Dark Green Brocade Silk Velvets at $2. Plum Brocade Silk Velvet? at 2 &.1 Brown lVr ,...! Silk Velvets at $2. VE LVETE ENS .-Black Velveteens at. Wc. Black Velveteens at r."e. Black vV Dark Green Velveteens at L Scarlet Velveteens at T3c. Dress Reeds, nnsnii i.me jiauitns.lt,!. 61.11 l.ren in tl ttLiis at ...e. In our Dress Goods Department we have an immense stock of all the New Styles , from 10c ivr vard uu te "oeils of Ladies will de us a favor by examining our stock, as we can show them many handsome Novelties in that line. " "cuic -lu.cuiuivui guuui irrv iu, m insuiu iupiu sinus, ami uu who ileal Willi us will llml such tell" t" Alse just opened an elegant line of Ladies' Coats and Delmans, which we offer at low eat piices. " ' the tinest grades. GIVLEB, BOWEES & HTJKST, 25 East King Street, Laneaster, Pa. EJlHKUISMKiZIES. S.C. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT G-UNDAKBRB. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, RuiHings, Cotten Trimmings, Kuchiugs, Black Silk Fringes, Satins. Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery. &c, call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat. Crape by the yard, Crape Veils. Linen Cellars and Cult's, call at t.'L'N DAKEU'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GXJJSTDA.KER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. itijjjiXEitr. FINEST ASSORTMENT! BEST DISPLAY OF MILLINEET GOODS IN LANCASTER CITY NOW READY AT M. A. HOUGHTON'S CHEAP STOKE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET. MiY a 00 os. JtKVGS, AC. N TOTIUE TO LADIES. INVESTIGATION ! IIt. OICEENE has successfully treated ever 1,000 of the most difficult chronic (se called) in curable cases tluring n nine month's practice. The most et them had been the rounds of the leading physicians of Lancaster county. DR. GREEN E is ready atany time te meet a committee et the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Houseer elsewhere te dis cuss the merits et Omnipathv and prove its superiority ever all ether patliies in vogue. The people are greatly Interested and de mand the fullest investigation. Invalids are every week dying in this county whose lives could be saved. Is there any subject about which the masses are mere concerned than restoration te health, and the prolonging of their lives? Dr. G. originated and is new the owner of 29 Medical Pads. He especially warns the public against the numerous counterfeits new offered the people. Dr. urecn fiecs an exclusive enicc business. Patients who cannot call at his offices must send full description et alll let ions. Hundreds of deaths have occurred here In nine months ; only two in hispractice. Consultations free. Catarrh cured for 50 cents. Cure quick for Catarrh sent te any ad dress for 50 cents. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. 2SC NORTH QUEEN STREET, SO-tldMWr&S Lancaster, Pa. Trcleusse Gleve Cleaner, ter cleaning Kid Gloves and removing Grease and Stains from Woolen or Silks, the most convenient inven tion of the kind ever before the people. Try it; it is very simple. cleansugleve in umlnute. Price ' cents. Sold by. ANDREW G. FREY, Only, at City Pharmacy, North Queen Street, Cor. Orange, Lancaster, va. . WATT, SHAND & COMPANY Call attention te their stock of LADIES,' GENTLEMEN'S and CHILDREN'S FAIL HOSIERY 41 IDIIE1. Onr purchases have never been larger nor price, mere reasonable. SPECIAL BARGAINS: TKA I'KI.KiS.t' it Ii tji. 1 rtftiASl.u ASU JillLLIlKSVll.l.K XJ ' M.U.11HIA AMI POUT DCl'OSIT i. Trains new run reiruiaii-. en iii,. ..!,, ... and Pert Deposit Railroad "0:1 tiM- i.t . time: c STATIOKS NOKTH- Wi'l. Pert Deposit Pcachholleni Sale Harber. C'eliinihi.i Stations sei-ni-wahi. Kspri-.. K.piess. a. it. i JI. (:'.' :;:.".' 7:12 !:: 7:." 5:11 s 21 .V.te Kxpres.s. A.M. Columbia al'e Harbfir.... PeachlMittem... Pic-t Dejsit.., 11:45 r. n. 12:14 l-:.lf t :.".() Kpie"". I". . ft 21 -fll!l . v. u. 7 i. ii-ii., Lr'.:l" It.". f. M I2r. " KAIMNG A: COLIDIJIIA K. K. It ARRANGEMENT OK PASSENGER TR OCTOBER 23th, ISM). NORTH WARD. I .V LEAVE. ijiiurryvillc Lancjister, King SI i in caster Columbia AllltlVK. Reading a.m. r. 7:.Vi .S:tri 7:.Vi M. I:U'. 1:10 :::st r. si. :::in ,":.M S:i 5..Vi; A. JI. e Kl 1 !:tO 15) dozen Iulies Vests and Pants at :!7K. 45 and ,V)c. !)5 dozen Gents" Shirts and Drawers at :$ and 5)c. 00 dozen all Linen Huck Towels at 1 Je., would be cheap at 17c. 2,500 yards Deuble Kehl Cashmeres. New Fall Shades, at 17c a yanl. 'sua! piif"'2."if:i yard. :e:- NEW YORK STORE, S & 10 EAST KING STREET. BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE AND LOCHEB'S EpiZOOtlC G ClllXA AX J) ULASSWAJtE. S!iakcjx:ar I'.ialwil, Te Ache en Net te Acm: lint's the iueslien. Thischeertiil eenundi urn. ye rheumatic suff erers, is by no means as difllciilt as a propo prepo sition In Euclid. Try Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil and you will llml it Just as easy net le ache as te ache. Fer sabs by II. IS. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and Vi'J North t'uycii street, Lancaster, Pa. 43 Ifew Ifupplrimx l Secured. IIapplri;"fi-tbeab'i;tic;ef pain or annoy ance, and wh'.-rever then; J-i pain there is dis cam', A pain in tb'j lower portion r the body i ndlcatc it UYirtUit tmi: U bid. 1 f there Is any oderor color or d'rpfslt In tin; urine It means disiwe and rcjulre atbmtleti at once. We have heard manyel firfrh'Nil4Kicakef the re markable power of Warner" hum Kidney and Liver Cure and nre convinced I horn is nothing se certain anil valuable ler all disorders of the jirinary system both male and female. t LAMPS! LAMPS!! CHINA HALL. Brass and Nickel Plated, Library and Hall Lamps. Large Assortment of PAHLOE LAMPS. Brass Night Lamps, ,tc All exhibited in our window. See them before purchasing. HIGH & MARTIN, ' Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. NERVOUS DEIIIL1TY. Te Nervous Sullerers The Great Eure S'an Remedy Dr. J. B. Simpsen's Specific edicinc. It is a positive cure, for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Wcukncss,Impetcncy,andal diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety. Ixiss of Memery, Pains in Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity ami an early grave. The Specific Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get full particulars. Price, Specific, $1 per package, or six packages for $5. I.B.SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY, Nes. 104 and 106 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Address all orders te H. B. COCHRAN, Dmgglst, Sele' Agent, 137 and 1.7.1 North Queen Street, Lancaster. ml7-lydeedwJ -1 AS FITTING AND PLUMBING. G 1 105 GO TO F. IIIEMENZ'S. Ne. iai North Quecn Blrct for and IlcslBOOTS-.VND SilOES. UK, Sign of the Hit; Shee. 105 the Cheapest 105 13C-S&WUU JOHN P. SCHAUM, Xe. 27. SOUTH QU&EN STREET, LANCASTER, PA.,' PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM 'FITTER. A Large Assortment et GAS. FIXTURES J A POSITIVE CURE FOR EPIZOO TIC AND DISTEMPER JN HORSES. PREPARED AND SOLD BY CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO. 9 CAST KINU STREET, elfl-tfd COUGH NO MORE ! USE AHERIGAN GOUGE S A Certain Cure Fer COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, And all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief of Consumptives in all stages of the Disease. Prepared and sold only at HULL'S DRUG STOKE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, BECAUSE Our Goods are Carefully Selected, The Designs are Artistic and New, The Colorings are Rich and Harmonious The Prices are Extremely Reasonable. ;ht. A.M. &U5 t):l.- Ki:e7 ll:IS ll:2 I A.M. ISO' IW. J:;n iltir r.M.i r, B:Il . M. .J:tu! aim S-MI f. 10:.- SOUTHWARD. LKAVE. Ueailiug AlUllVK. Columbia Laneaster. Lancaster, Kin tmarryville.... Trains connect at IU ailing with trains te and Irem PIdlaiielphia, Pottsville. Ilarrishurg. AI AI leutewii nnil New Yerk, ia Hound ilre'i!: Reute. At Columbia with tr.iins temid frein Yerk, Ilnnetcr, Gettysburg, Frederick and It.ilti It.ilti mere. A. M. WILSON. Supt. Sri'l if: :K ifclti IKSKSYLVAMA KAtl.KO.lll- NK1V A SCHEDULE On and alter M'Mtii AUGUST'iM.lssi, trains en the IViiiisyUaum Railroad will arrive ami leavt- Ihe l.aiic.is.' and l'liilaiielphiaileiiett) as lollews; An iv, j PhilMl'a EASTWAfiD. WE ASK YOU TO VISIT US WHEN YOU ARE IN WANT OF PAPER HANGINGS. Philadelphia Express & L(r jjlll va, Yerk Aceem. Arnxes;..... I!arr!slniig Express DillcrvillcAcf-nm. Arrlve.s, Celumbhi Aci'inn liKhl.it ion, Fredeiick Aceeni. Arrives, 1'acillc K.jires, Sunday Mail Johnstown Express, D.iy ExpresM, Ilarrishurg Accommedai'ii. I.e i e L.in 't ! VI:Ie ..v. 5rjn ' .: " s-a" ' S:4."i ' Aln " 12 a; " I:.4i ivj. J:l.O " :!:i5 " 1:41 " liril " 4:15 : 7:10 le:f IJ:0I r.M. 5:!M .".::!( it: 1.1 'i::ji WXSTWAKU. J. B. lartin & Ce, West King St VLOTUIXa. aus23-lyd LANCASTER, PA. JtOBES, BLANKETS, tCt s ION OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. Constantly en hand. lylOGmdeawS ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS I have new en lwnd the iLabemt. Bbst Iasd CutrHTAueHian of. Lined and Unllncd BUFFALO ROBES In the city. Alse LAP AND IIOKSK BLANKETS of every descrip tion. AfuBluieef . Trunks and Satehais; ' 1 QameMi Whipe, OeUars, &e. 49.Benan,K Neatly "and promptly deae.W Mg Htrt Omen 0t. SS-i'yiiMWAS1 j GAEFIELD VS. HANCOCK PALL CAMPAIGN OP 1880 New opened and the battle has commenced and rages fiercely, and while there may be some fieubt in the minds et many persons as te who will be the next President et the United States, there can be no doubt in the mind of any person iu want of CLOTHING as te uhere can Imj bought the cheapest and the best, cither in Ready-made or .Made te Order. MYERS & KATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 East King Street, the Ureal Clothing E;i:iieri:i::i. The second sterv room is packed brim full with the greatest variety of READY MADE CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, all our own manufacture. They arc well made, well trimmed, and the goods are a 1 sponged belere they are made u, in gar ments. MEN'S ALT. WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our Piece Geef Is fill the first 'fleer te Its utmost capacity, and is nicely arranged, se as te give the purchaser the advantage et seeing the whole stock In a very slant space et time. We are prepared te make up te order at the shortest possible notice and at the most reasonable price. Our stock lias been bought for cash and will be sold at a very small advance. Uuy your Clothing at Centre Hall and save one profit. Call and examine our giant stock ami save money. MYERS & RATHFON, Se. 12 EAST KKi STREET, LANCASTKK, i'ESS'A. Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne.l.vla Mt..Jey, .Mail Train Ne.'Aviu Cel'bm. Nhiara.t Chicago Express Sunday Mail, Frederick Accommixhaien. Dillerville Lfic-.il.via JlLlej llarriaburg Accommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, llitrri.sburg Express, Pittshurg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, Leal - Anne Pbiliul'ii l.'iiif'N-r l'!iiA.:f. .":'0a.m. T'Ji) " li'-.l'i " 0.1.1 !:(("' il?r, " S:tx) " Ui,e " lUVi " ili r.M ill '.'.'.'. 'i.l'i " 'i.vi"r.ji. .1:1.1 4:i)e " 7rJ" " .':: ' 7:.a " ri1 " &-JU " :::le n.:i " 11V " ili..5 it. It Cars run as tallews: l.eue Lancat.-er t P. R. Depot), at 7, :. .t.l n:.fcla.m.,aiid 'i, I. ami $?Mt. m., except i u hut unlay, when the hist car have- at :-,u i,. in. I ve Allll'.Msville (lower end) ut r. s. :m,l a. i; , ami I.:;, .land 7 p. in. ( :u. run daily en uhevc tiim- execm en .ii:i d'tv. Pacific Expiess, eiLst. fin Sunilav. hen ll:t geil, will step at Middlctewn, Kliulnthte'.vn Alt. Jey. Laudisvillc, Birii-iii-Hand, Lemuii l'lace. Cap, Christiana, Pai .'iesburg, Ceatfs ville, Oakland and Glen Lec-ii. Fast Line, west, en Sumh.y, when ll.iged, will step at Dowiiiiigtewii.Co-itesViile, i'.ukt burg, Mt.Jey. Elial)ethleivn ami llddl-lewii. Ilanoveraccemmodation west, connecting at Laiif:i-,tcr with Niagara ami Chicago Exjuess at 1 1 :')." :u m., will run through te Hanover. Picdcilck Ae"omiii(latieii. ivest.eeiniecLsat Lanctister, with Fast Line, wc t, at 'il'i r.M., and will run thretiuli te Pii-derick. I J LOCUTION. LESSONS IN ELOCUTION j and Reading will be given upon nason nasen able terms, by MRS. EMMA SLIGHTER. :u 433 West Orange street.- Classes will be formed and also private instructions given. Hours may be selected te suit pupUs. eiJ-lwd CHAS. BRIMMER, CKAYON PORTRAIT ARTIST, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAlNTIXt.', 8CD29-lmd 4 WEST KING STREET. JIAJML. WQUICS. WM. P. FBAILSY'S MONUMENTAL MABBLE VOBSS 758 Nerm frueeii Street, Lancaster, I'a. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, &c Ail work guaranteed ami satistacllen g en in every particular. N. B. Remember, werts at the extreme end et North Uueen strf-r.t. mWl MRS. O. LIIiliEK, LADIES' HA1KDKESSEK Manutactnrerand Dealer In Hair Werk, Indies and UenU' Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made np. Alse. Kid Glevcsand Feathers cleaned and dyad, at Nes. 225 and 227 North Queen street, four doers above P. R. R. Depot. el-3md OKOCEHIES "TyilOLESALE AND KETAIL. tllfV ItKA WISUS. 2Gth Popular Monthly Drawing Drawing e: tii: COM WON WEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, In the City of Loob Leob Loeb villc, en TUESDAY, NOV. 30th, 18SO These drawings occur monthly under pro pre visions et an Act el the General Assembly et Kentucky, incorporating tlie Newport Print ing ami Nun spaper Company, approved April J, is7S. -CZrTId Is a special net, and mis never been repealeii. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the lollewing decisiens: Iftt That tliuCoiuiiienwraltii lIlHtrltmtiuu Cetiiany Is legal. 'in ItitflrawiiiKMure fair.. N. 1J. The Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prics for the NOVEMBER DRAWING. 1 prize ; 3,eh 1 prize 10,1-w I' prizes $l,iXXieaeh -... ia.W JO prizes 5Wi eacli IvM UjO prics. -loe each !(),fi CXtpriZfs.VJeach 10,000 KO prizes 'JO each 1-VO KnO prizes lOcach lu,i0 prizes 300 rncii, appreximat ion prizes 'i,7C0 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,W0 J prizes lOOeacli, " " 'M! 1,'JCO prizes 1112, 1'K. Whole tickets, ?i; hair tickets, ft ; '27 ticket, 30;.v tickets. 4100. i'i.iii. in i.eiier, ei SEND BY REGIS- OFFICE ORDKIL Ordcrs of $.1 and upward, by Express, can l- hf!ntateurcx)M;nhe. It. M. iiAl;D.HAN, Courler-leurnai iiiilliillig. i.fuisvi:ie, Jiy., e .7 and 'Mi Bread ivav. New Yerk. u:;iTuTliAS& 30;.v tickets. $iw. Remit Meney or Bank D f-end by Expn-s. DON'T SI TEREt) LETTER OR POST LEVAN?S FliOUB Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. 117-lyd A'iTOllXEYS-AT-ll IV hi:nj:y a. iiilev Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 11 1'ark tiev.' NewYerk. Collections imule in ail parts et the United SUiti-a, and a general legal business transactett Iteter- iv lK-rmissleii teSteimnaii X Hensce r.l s-l . . --i,i i.JirfivTfl- 3ggaivS&S.tf6a.-. ;.. 'MM,-