. -."' - l i 5"' C ..- i- -- , LANCASTER DAILY lOTLLtGENCElt TUESDAY NOVEMBER 2, 1880. mr ELECTION. Progress or the Gre.it Contest. This morning opened bright and pleas ant, the air being just ceul enough te be bracing without being chilling. Before sunrise gieups began te gather mound the several polling places, ami by 7 o'clock all the polls were opened except these of the Third ward, where the ic was nearly hair an hour's dcLiy, owing te the ineligibility of two of the officers. t Beth parties availed themselves of Hie advice of tiic orators and newspapers te "vote early" and the votes poured m rapidly at the polling places. At no feirner election vwis se large a propeition of the entire vote polled in Ihcjoicneon. Fer the first time in the histmy of Lancas ter elections, United States deputy mas- .shals appeared at some of the polling places, aimed with '-ciedentials"' from that prince of 2 bulldozes s, SlarshalJKcms, of Philadelphia. Tipstava Jacob tlelliuger is the deputy marshal at the Seventh ward pall, and Andrew J. lilctcher at the Eighth w.ud polls. Of cenrse no luar.-lials weic needed te protect theTliirdandFeurth waid poll, they being under the control of the liupublicau ballet-box htuilcis and 1c turu tinkers, led by McileUeu and John John Jehn eon of " b'us naturalization paper" memory. The weist we have heard of them up te this willing is that they?htve succeeded in voting a few paupursand non residents, and kecpitiir out a few legal Democratic votes. Noseiieusdistuibanccs ha-.c been ic-pert'.-d npte the hour el wilting (0. p. 111.). At the Third ward poll about neon Jehn McCeid ell'eicd te vote and was objected te by reason of non-payment of tax. lie was taken inside and stated under oath that he had net paid a state or county tax within tw. years. His vote was 1 ejected, but about hejji he icturned te the pjll-i and again elleied te vote. Ilis vote was again objected te by Geerge Nor Ner beck, wheieupen'he t-eizeu Xeibeck by the threat, and Jehn W. Powell (who docs net c.en live in the Thiid waid) fitiuek Xerbcck in the mouth. Chief of Police Ucichler being called upon awe-ted McCeid. .main ... the met est el lla lirewii, and toel: him te the lockup Hq was immediately bailed en t however te the poll.' anil seen allerw.tnU ictuiiie.l te the 1 with a tax iceeipt dated te-tl.ty, Novem ber 2d, and in.it !:eil " duplicate, '' and en this receipt hi.i vote was accepted by the Republican election offices. s. Mr. Xerbcck has cnleied suit for assault and battery against both McCeid and Powell. Between 1 and 2 ..Yleck this afternoon, at the same dcSeciabJe lecalily where the above repotted lcncontie ecctiritd. t'.ieic was a fracas among the colored people it was Uieclc against Greek hed-can ier against rolling mill hand and fur a time things hukt'd squally, a-s each faction de ciaied its ability te clean eat the ether. A gi cat crowd seen gathered around the belligerents, and they wvivi scpnated be fore the-shedding of much wool, but nfttr a great many bad we.l? were spilled. The Ycdc :.t 3 f.Ylud:. Jielew will be found tiiu vote of the .-cv-eitil waid.su I 1 hi.-city up te 15 o'clock p. 111. te day, compared with the vote cast, up te the same hour for President in iS70 and for Mayer last Febaiary. : Jlaynr, isee. .."71... fica't 1""0. 4tK ...ill... ...Kl... ..."..-J.. ...r;;t.. ...ii.. ....37.. ...4i(.. J.7S . . . .r,i;e ....173 ....70.! 1 .-.te 1 ""..vri -- ....',(Si Total .1,101. COLUMBIA NEWS. ;iii iu:::ti.Ait cuKiiiM'OiDnM'i- An election for preMdent, Ircasuier ai.d iic manages s te n:u n:i' be.ml ofdi efdi ofdi luctein of tin; Columbia and -Marietta tuiiipikc fumjiiny. for the tcmi of one year, en.-.uiirj, te-k place yes-teiday all"!--110011 at the uliiue of the company, Xe. IIS I.ecul .tivet, ami 1 exulted as follew.s : PivMdent .1. f'.i'fr.hlcr. Diricteis S. ii. Dctwiiei. .1. D. CVt tiell, S. i. Steneti. Ceniad Swaitz and .lehu Fendiieh. Tieauiei Jeseph F. Cetirell. An election at the same time ami place, for a be.ml of d hectors, piesidcnt and tieaurcr of tiie Columbia and Chest uiii lliil turnpike ci.iup.ui, 1 (.-Milted in the selection of the following for the term of in year ensuing : President Heubcn Ga; ber. Directors II. ('ej)enisener. J. ('. Gather. Michael Mii-aser, Michael II. Me ire and Henry AVialer. Treasurer Jeseph F. Cettrcli. Thesegular monthly meeting of the Yig ilent l'ue company will take iilaec IhK evening 111 tiie engine house pailer.-. en Net ih Second stieet 3Ir. and Mis. AV. II. Mai tin, of Leaven worth, Kan., are visiting in Columbia the euestsef Jehn K. Kbeilein. The hist el tins season s meetings 01 the raite society of the E. H. Lutheran church will be held en Thuisday evening next, at the lc-idcuce of Hiram Wilsen, en the corner of Second and Lyust streets. These meetings are geneially very popular and well attended. The election up te this hour is pas-sing very quietly, but a very heavy vete is be ing polled. There weic very ncaily leO votes polled at the Second ward pulling place (Wagner's hotel) befeie it had been epenul an hour. Tliu weather is beautiful clear and calm. Columbia will te-day poll her heaviest vete and it will inn te 2,000 or theicabeut. The usual crowds arc at the polls working as the '"best weikers" enlj can. Theic is net a gieat deal of scratching, but of what theie is, Davis, for district attorney, is coining in for his shaie. The Fiist ward polls will show seuit! little scratching en Jehn D. Eshiem an for Assembly. The fight heie, en the straight, ticket, is only a question of majeiities, which one party istiyingte pull up and the ether te pull down. The parade of the Hancock and English battalion last night took in the principal streets of the- town. The companies of the battalion formed at the usual places and the line moved at about 8 o'clock. On being dismissed the line Jfermed 111 front of the residence of General Patten, en Seuth Ser-end sticet, where Gen. Pal Pal ten and II. M. Keith.cfq., made speeches. Gen. Patten confined himself te the tariff question, but Mr. Xerth took a wider field, lercibly arguing his points and creating quite a sensation among his hearers, lie spoke well and stiaight te the point, and was time and again interrupted with ap plause. The speaking continued until aften lO'e" clock. The "last grand lally " of the Demecials was a decided success. Thcpaiade was an orderly ami fine look ing one, and the demonstration en the eve of the battle will be one long te be lcincui bcicd. Tiie Citizens' band furnished the mus'x. Miss Minniec E. Caldwell, daughter of ex-Unknd States Senater Alexander Cald well, of Lcavcnweik. Kan., is visiting at Mount Jjclhcl, the lcsidencc of S. 1J. Hcise. Frank W. Hiukle, of the University of Pennsylvania, is home te vote. TheRepublicans had a meeting and lis tened te one another talking, in Odd Fel lows hall, last night. Ye-tciday was ''All Saint's Day" and as such ebsrncd by St. Paul's Episcopal, Hely Tiinity .md St. 'Petcr's Catheiii: churches. Company II did net drill last evening. The captain of the company is confined te his bed with ssverc injuries, and the lieut enants Welts elnccis; in tiie Democratic parade. D. I3ra:naid Case, esq., who was injuicd ju a runaway last Wednesday, will lese Ids V.":i:d I'isl, P-TG, lir-t SU.. Second Sv3.. Tlil.tl 41... Knit rili .r-."i . t'itUi :ii .SiMIl ."70. Seventh 4".". KiiiliSh 018 Ninth iT. vote te-day, as he is unable te leave Lis bed te go te the polling place. His con dition, however, is much improved. A very sanguine young Democrat last evening made four bets of oyster suppers for nine persons en Connecticut, Califor nia, New Yerk and Flerida going Deme cratic at te-day's clectier All Hallow Eve was again celebrated 'a&t evening by the Columbia yetrh. At this writing (12:29 o'clock) theic have been a few mere than four hundred votes nelled at the 2d waid polls, and 330 at the'lst ward. The vote is also heavy at the 3d waid. T1IK ArOSIJUKO COXFKS-slON. The Celebration eritie Reformation Jubilee at race Kvan5ellc.1I l.tnlieran Cliurcli. In commemoration of the seventh eO-year jubilee of the historic reading of the Augs burg confession in 1330, before the Im perial Diet of Germany, being the eldest distinctively Pietestant declaration new in existence as a confession ; and also in perpetuation of the fact that 500 years (six jubilees) age, the wi kings believed and sublet ibcil by members of Evangelical church, known as " Luthcians," were compiled into one book known as the Boek of Coicerd, the Lutherans of this city en Sunday last celebrated in an especial manner this gi cat jubilee of the ChlUCll. At Grace chmch, en Neitli Queen sheet, at the coiner 01 .lames slicct, the services weie appiepiiatc te the day ; and the scimens pi cached by the pastor, Rev. C. Elvin Ileupr, explained the causes and the icsults of these two gieat confessional weiLs. Iii the afternoon there was a children's service in the chinch, led by the snpeiin tendent, Mr. A. A. Ilublcy, the piemincn feature of which was tliu erection of a massive white pillar, composed of nine gieat blocks, each rcpiesentingan integral pint of the l'oekof Conceid, which was surieuudcd by suggestive tokens of the Reformation, and icstcd upon the founda tion efCluist, the Letd and the basis of llisapesties and piephcts. The seivices thiongheut weie well atteniled, the lleial , attractions were exquisite and be'intiml, :UI" Ulu collections nitett weie ueveieu 10 ! feundim; a Gcimau pioftsseinhip in Muh- ieiibL'ig college :;t .vnentewn, ra. npeciai seivii'es and sermons weic held and de livcied in all the Lutheran chinches of the Cil. Aalu Arretted. Jehn .lohnsen, colored, who was dis charged yesterday by Judges Patterson and Livingston en a wiit of hnbtaa erpits, was again am-stcd last night, in company with Iht?. Ilelzinger, also colored, by Special Officer Ellas, for diunkcn and diseidcily conduct. They gac br.il for : hearing brfeic Aldeiman Dennelly, of the Seventh waid. lined ler Tell. rfcl, saleiia keeper l Jace'i Warfel, saleim keeper. Millers i ii!lc, v.'.i, arretted and taken befere Aldcr 1 111,1:1 rFcConeniy en a charge of rfiiving ; Ihieiiiili the tell als d" the Millcrsville 1 ami Sl.1ekw.1ter Miinpiki, ami refusing te t j).iy tell. lie was lined $2 and costs. 1 rire Iii .Mount Jfy. Ycslcuhiy afternoon a iiie damaged a twe-st'jry frame liensu in Mount Jey, oc ec oc eniiicd by Klirinan Huher. The less is be tween $300 and $40D. Tlit-ic was a partial iiihurar.ee. The fninitme vra all saved. i:S:'.Si'd. The Ie w Yeil: Herald announces the i encasement of Jlr. Samuel Closes, of Xcw 1 Yei k, te Miss Hannah S.ilamen, daughter , of Simen Salamon, c.i., :,."n of Lancaster, I ik.w of Xew Yetk. Complaint is made that the sticet i.unp en Xeith Queen street between James and l-'redetick. is greatly neglected very fre quently 11. t being lit until long after dark and sometimes net being lit at all. :d liifnm :no -li-iT.tliencit 'liteneil t)V Malt JISllM'-i ;ud f.iculti ,;i bii; Ne luirrnr 1 vi-r yi t tilicnv b ie!f A mere repulsive silil. Than f sill that arc dec.ij e 1 ami black : Or 0:10 mere pure and lirialit. Than row-, of pearl", tint all may vaunt IVhn put their laitli in 'SOZODOXT. n!-lv:dceil.VT I'lir O'l'drr a:itl inflamed Iueim Shavinj; ceap i- worth it- weight in Cn:ii'u::i ;e!d. Ale you low pirilrd, 'levll-lllthc-:unuth,, and weak In the Lack? Dees walking, lilting or tlMiding c-aiHi: pain in the ;ii.tll el the Irick? It ve yen luive kidney dUease, and Pret. C.nilmetlc-ricneli Kidney Pad Js the en!" lvnietly wlsieli will cine you rapidly and periiiaueiitly and without villus yourbtemach with nau-eatinpr mc-dlfine. E ! .Si-LVJ.H. XlsTiVES. ! sajipli: etic;k. I I! K i:npn--ibli ler a woman nfler a t'lithlul I rear-.t "I treatment with I.ydi.i V.. Pinkham's I Vc'elabla Comneund te continue te xiiffer ! witli .'. v,(,:iii"3-i tt the utem-. K".e;ec a Mla'iiptri Mr-. I.ydia '.'.. Piukhtun, i! WtMeni uvcniH'. '.vim, M.i.., ler pamphlet-. .il-'l-tydeed&w Kulertiiu tllli Aiiieiigtt tliti 1'ase K.ilist. le-eph Duriinhergcr. IJieadway,.iyslie lud the niistert'inc te evclvly "-praiu h;s ankle cenlining him te hi, room and c.iusing ex liemc siiircrlng. Ill's brother " l.esee of the E. Side It. 1!. Grounds'' who always ui it In Mich c-isi:-, induceil him te try it "and he iys I Iiat the application etthe EcleclricOil half a ilez-n tiiiu-j enabled Win 10 walk round and before he had u-e.l yt or the battle he wat quite recovered. Ter. a tie by II. it. Cechian, ilrugsi-!, 137 and i:;:) North Queen t-tivct, Lan caster, Pa. 47 The secret of long life i-s te keep the liver perteetiy healthy, which i bet ncceinplilieiI by ii-sin-j only -Ve'.lei-t Liver Pills." COHgTis. "Jtt'eu ii'.i lirniirjiifl Trtchci" are uced with advantage te alleviate Cough", Pere Tin out, Ilear-encs-. and I'.re.ichial Ali'eetieiis. Ter tiiirty jcar.s tiie-cTieches have been in me, w it li annually incivasiug laver. Tl:-y are net new and untried, tint, having been tcitcd by wale and constant iim' !or nearly nu entire ;;enentieu. they l:ave attained well-merited rm!; aiaen.' the lewtap'.oie!iiedie.sef thei.ge. abp Tlirent. ' ISi'exrtCa Jireiichifil Troches'' act directly en the organs e! the voice. Tl.ey hav.-j an ex traordinary eitect in all disorder-- oi'theThreat ami Larynx, re-lering a healtliy tone when re laxed, cither Iient eeM or over-ext-rlion et' the voice, and produce a clear and distinct enunci ation. Npcnlccr ttnd Sinyers tind the Tieches u-clul. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh 01 Sere T'lueat re quires immediate attention, in ntgleet otlen etlen titnes result in -e:ne Incurable Lung Disease. " Uretrn's Jirenr7ilal Troches" will almost in v.lliaDly give j-ellet. Imitation- are ellered ler .-ale, many et which are injurious. The genu ine " V.Yei'viVr ItrumhSttl Troches' are sold only ia be-rct. '.ml.i-lydSw Tu.Thas Jacob Smilh, Ciinteil St.. Ilultale, sRf, lie has used Spring liio--etn in his tamily as :t general nicilicine for e.w et Iiiuigestitin, I!il I!il leiiAiiess. Uewel and Kiili.ey Complaints, iinil disorders aiisin-.t lieniuupuiiiiex of the bleed, lie speaks highly et its cKle.it y. Pi ice- l cents, trial bitle in cents, for talc by II. D. Cechian, ilruegisf, 137 and !".J North Queen stieet, Lancaster, Pa. 115 Dr.. 1!iiow.mke- C. & C. CeimiAL is invalu able te the consumptive. Taken with rcgu laiity and according te directions, its effects uic w'emlcrlul In acute and chronic diseases or tiie ttire.it anil lungs. Fer sale by all druggists and the proprietor, Dr. .Browning, 1117 Arch Street. PhiKdelphla. Price j3 cents. eSO-lwil&vr MAllliTAGJZS urTixx jivuUAN, Oct. -;. IseO, at life lie-fen.-cil Pulmenale. New Helland, by itcv. D. '.V. Gerluud, Henry JJentler, et Mehlerev, te Mi-s llettie E. Ilehman, eTEa-t Uuii. M-iimx Susme, Oct. til, ISSe, :.t t'le Ite f.'rniftl l'ai9ei:age. New Helland, bv Uev. I). W. Gerhard, Mim-s S. ilartin. te Wis Maiy sentiunig, both of Eail township. Wesej-s ZiatsuaaiAX.Oct. 31, 1S5S3. at the Kc Kc femifd Parsonage, New Helland, by Uev. D. W. Gerhard, Mfime N. Vt'cnger. el West Karl, township, te Miss I.ydia Zimmerman, of La-t Earl. XEW XDTXKTJSXKESTa. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. Call attention te the completeness and variety of their stock, including every article of every description in their line, from the low-priced te the costly. All grades of Watches and Time-keepers. All classes of Jewelry, including very many pretty designs in cheap soeds, and a superb collection of fine Diamond Goods. Silverware in full variety, from any geed Electro-plated article te the Solid Silver Goods of great intrin sic worth. Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, &c., &e. An purchasers of goods in our line, all persons contemplat ing the purchase of such goods, all admirers of beautiful goods, arc respectfully invited te visit our store. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers. SOLID SILVERWARE in all the new styles, comprising many articles specially appropriate for wedding and anniversary oceasions. BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE. CLOCKS IN RICH VARIETY, including Mantel Clocks and Cleck Sets, Traveling Clocks, &c. The most favorite Cleck is ' The Stem "Winder." BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE. WATCHES the best In the -world, in novel finish of case and great variety of ornament. Our own guarantee gees with each Watch we sell. BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE. FOREIGN GOODS This Winter's Fancy Goods excel and exceed all our previous importations. In every department low prices prevail. Bailey, Banks & Biddle, 12TH AND CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA. XIW AVWJtTlSiiMJiXTS. SKOAK MAKERS WASTKU t;oei WOUKMKN will be puiri Tlircu IelI;r.:- ncr Theu-anil. Xe ethers need apply -tit LEWIS SYl.VEsTEU 4 CO., TdIi.icce Keswcalin;; Warehouse, Cherry Ally, ltd DIVIDEND NOTICE. FAKMCCV XAT'l I J AS II OF I.ANCASTBR, November 1. 1SSU. The beard nfdirrcters have this day declared a dividend et lire and a-lialf per cent, for the hi;t bix months, payable en dcin.intl. EDW. ii.mtewx, nevJ-iia Cashier. rPEAUUEKS' 1NSTITUTK. EVENING LECTURES I FULTON HALL. MONDAY. NOV. 8. fcecular Standpoint, "Ingerselllsui Frem a " lien. Gee. It. Wcnd- una, Chicago. 111. TUE&DAY, .NOV. 0. "William Cullcn Bry- iint." Wallace Itrucc, New Yerk City. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 10. "Abraham Lin coln."' lien. Schuyler Colfax, Seuth Iteml, Ind. TIIUKSDAY. NOV. 11. "A Visit te the Ye- aeinite Valley." Dr. O. II. Tiffany, 1'hiladul phi.i. Pa. KIMDAY, NOV. li. i:iaUIn?sby Pre!. Frank Ilradterd, New Yerk City. Sale et ltcscrved Seats will begin 011 SI outlay, Nev. 8, at a a. m., at L. Fen Deruuiith'8 lioek Siere, Ne. 32 East King street. Course tickets for reserved seats $1.50 Single ticket for reserved, seats V single ticket, general admission Lectures wilt bculn at f o'clock. nev2,4,,S,0,10,U.12tlr. Fill ill Winter Season 1880. Our assortment ler the Full antl Winter Season is new complete, and we have never efTcied se attractive a stock in all our depart ments in DRESS GOODS It Is Inipns-lMie te give a faint idea of the many bcautltu: nevcltic we show tills season. The etlerts of Foreign Manufactures this ssa sun have lieen very Miccesj.fnl, both in Solid Coitus and Fancies. POPULAR GOODS MODERATE PRICES. !n addition te our superb stock of Kine Goods, w have a large assortment of Freneli ami lltniM-Klic FlHiniei Snitlngs, new se much in vogue, from 25c te 91.00 per yard. In Silks, Velvets and Plushes Our assortment excels ull previous enes in Itenuty and design, richness and coloring, and great variety. Particular attention has been paid te have the colorings match, se that no dilllculty is experienced in selecting a combi nation dress that will harmonize perfectly in coloring. In our Black Goods, Lace, Handker kerchief, Embroidery, Gleve, Hosiery, Ribbon and Linen Depart ments a full and most leiind. attractive assortment will be We also call attention te our DRESS MAKING AND Ladies' Underclothing Departments. KS' All orders are executed icith premptnei and in the beat manner. In a'l Departments our stock will be leund replete with the XKWEST AXD MOST E slKAllLE (JOODS, and at prices that are as low as the lowest. IM COLLADY & CO., 1412 and 1414 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. TIT ( -lAl.M'IAb. X All kinds et Heus? Palnting'and Graining done at tliu shortest notice and In the best pos sible style. We have reduced our prices te $1.73 per day. Shep en Charlette rtreet. ectl2-3ind AI.bE.V GUTHRIE A SOSS. Hemer, Celin & Ce. .JEIYJZLHY. LOUIS WEUKIC, WATCIIMAKKK. Ne.l59JNOnTil QUKEX STKEET,near IMS. It. Depot, Ijineaster, Pa. Ueld, Silver and Nlckel-cael Watched, Clmlns, Clocks, &c. Agent ter the celebrated l'autiueepic Specta cles and Eye-GIaMtcs. Kupairing a specialty, aprl-lyd SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES Kccciv uiet careful attnutieu. DKSIUNa AND KSTIMATK5 SUUM1TTED WITHOUT CUAKCK. E. F. BOWMAN, IOC EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. LARGEST ASSORTMENT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, JEWELER, Ne. SO East Kin? Slrecf, Lancaster, Pa. AVn arc new taking special nrhr for HOLIDAY GOODS. J.E.Caldwell&Ce. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. FOR BRIDAL PRESENTATIONS. A SP1.EN-DID ASSOKTMEXT IX NEW DESIGNS. Tea Services, Ferks, and Spoons, Fancy Silver, Complete Bridal Outfits. SILVER-PLATED WARES FINE CUTLERY. Our Stock in this Department is unexcelled. We guarantee superior quality at positively lowest prices. Orders and inquiries by mail will receive prompt attention. Goods by express en approval. 105 LADIfcS AND GENTS It you want a 105 GOOD PITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Keo.y-niede or mads te order, cull at F. HIEMENZ'S, Xe. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. te'JRS&Wtfd PROPOSALS FOR HEATING "rHK TWO New Public Scheel Uulldings in the ceune et erection or Eat Lime and West James streets respectively, by Steam Heating Apparatus or Wrought Iren Furnace, as may hereafter be agreed upon by the committee, will be received by them up te 12 o'clock m. et November la. The bids or none but responsi ble parties will be considered. The committee reserves the right te reject any or ull bids. Fer lurther information address or call en II.E.SI,AYJIAKEU, Chairman liulldlng Committee, e-JS-iHdTli&S Lancaster, l'a n L?1WABE Tims EDITION TUESD AT EVENING, NOV. 3,1880. A DAY OF FATE. Te-day's Great Battle. BULLETINS FROM THE FIELD Through Republican Channels. NEW YORK'S BIG VOTE. WALLING TAKES WATER. WHAT SHALL THE HARVEST BE? The following advices are through the medium of the national associated press, and vie give them for what they arc worth. The associated press is the recog nized agent of the Republican party, and is notoriously unfair in its election news. Its desperate efforts te conceal the recent Democratic victory in Maine are still fresh in the minds of the people, who will be disposed te accept its partisan reports with a pretty big grain of salt, knowing as they de that they emanate from Republi can headquarters. -Eds. Intelligencer. OVEtt THIS COUNTRY. 1'regreta of the Itattle of tli Ballet. .Walling's Wings Clipped. Xew Yekk, Oct. 2 Te day is a legal holiday, ami business is suspended. Up te neon a full vote lias been polled by both parties. Superintendent Walling's order te the police net te serve warrants for illegal voting created much excitement among the Democrats. At 10 o'clock Justice Dully, accompanied by several Democratic leaders and counsel, entered the superintendent's office, handed him forty-seven warrants, and directed liim te have them served, at the sanie time exhib iting an order of arrest for the supcrin tsndcntifhc still refused. The superin tendent stated he would have the warrants served. illegal Voting In Xew Yerk. Many arrests for illegal voting have been made. Several United States deputy mar shals were arrested for disorderly conduct. In Kings county ballets arc being received at the rate of one a minute and the Re publicans are polling a heavy vote, al though Democratic wards are holding their own. Betting en the general result is 100 te 40, and in some cases 110 te 30 that Gai field will be elected president. Even betting that Garfield carries New Yerk by from 15,000 te 20,000 majority and 2 te 1 that Grace is elected major. In TtulTale. Buffalo, N. Y. 25bv. 2. The election is quiet and but few irregularities in voting are reported. Beth parties are working hard and a full vote is being polled. CalcnlailDg en I'ldladulphla. Phii.adei.phia, Nev. 2. At 10 o'clock reports from all the city polls indicate a Garfield majority of 15,000 se far. Philadelphia. Nev. 2. Estimates made upon the result in this city claim from fifteen te thirty thousand Republican majority. The Bay State. Spiungfeld, Nev. 2. A large vote be ing polled throughout Massachusetts. In this town many Democrats vete for Robin son for Congress and his majority ever "Woodwerth will be 2,000. Very few Re publicans arc voting for Democratic or Greenbrck candidates. Wait for the Gravel Train. Banger, Me., Nev. 2. The Republicans thus far have a majority of 511 in the city, tthcrc Davis in September had a ma jerity of 141. Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Nev. 2. The indications point te a little lighter vet e than in Octo ber. In Chicago. Chicago, November. 2. Everything is quiet with prospects of a large vote. Ithede Inland. PneviDEXCE Nev. 2 The vote is coming in uncommonly full, and early at neon Garfield had 3,787, and Hancock, 1,253, Weaver 40. Aldrich and Chase, Reps., will be undecbtcdly elccied. Delaware. Wilmington, Del., Nev. 2. Consider- able excitementpre vails but no disturbance Several arrests have been made, and the police are en the alert. Quiet Italiimere. Baltimore, Nev. 2. Everything quiet. The Weather Generally Clear. New Yerk, Nev. 2. With exception of areas et light rain in Oregon, Colerado, Louisiana and Eastern Texas, the weather throughout the United States is clear or fair. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Nev. 2. Fer the Middle states clear or fair weather, northwesterly winds, becoming variable or shifting te easterly, slightly higher temperature, sta tionary or lower barometer. The Londen Walk. Londen, Nev. 23 p. in. Rewell, 210 miles ; 9 miles ahead of Debler, second. The Denver Blet. Denver, Cel., Nev. 2. The citizens are indignant ever yesterday's liet. Thirty arrests have been made. Layceclc wins the Ileat Race. Londen, Nev. 2. The beat race between Laycock and Hesmcr was wen easily by Laycock. Incendiary Fire at Carlisle. Carlisle, Oct.2 An incendiary fire has destroyed Wm. "W. Hendersen's bam near this place, with seventeen bead of live stock, all this year's crops and the farming implements. Less ever $7,000 ; no insurance. Big Flre In Backs. Quakertown, Pa., Nev. 2. The stove works of Themas Roberts, Stevenson & Ce., burned tbss morning, Less, $140,000., f. GRANT CHAFFEE. TlieKx.PrcsldeHt'sSeBaad Xametake .Har ried te the Danghter or the x x aenater front Colerado. Mr. Ulysses Simpsien Grant, jr., the youngest son and namesake)! ex-President Grant was married New Yerk city last evening te 3Iiss Fannie J. Chaffee, daugh ter of ex-Senater Jereme B. Chaffee, of Colerado. . Almest until the very hour of the wedding ceremony, the engagement was kept a family secret, and except the members of General Grant's and Senater Chaffee's families, no guests were present at the ceremony itself, which took place in the parlors of Senater Chaffee's residence. Ne. 26 West Fifty-eighth street, and was performed by the Rev. Dr. J. P. Newman. The rooms were profusely decorated with flowers and smilax. A little after 5 o'clock the bridal ceuple came and steed before Dr. Newman, who was under the arch di viding the parlors. There were no brides maids no groomsmen, but General Grant steed at the right of his son. The bride's parents were upon her left with the ether guests. The service used was a modified form of that employed in the Protestant Episcopal church, was con structed by Dr. Newman himself, and in cludes the presentation of a ring by the bridegroom. The ring employed was of chased geld, with a diamond set in below the surface, and bearing an engraved monogram. The guests, besides General Grant and Mrs. Grant, Senater Chalice and Mrs. Chaffee, were Colonel Fred. Grant and his wife, Mr. Jesse Grant and his wife, ex-Delegate from New Mexico Stephen B. Elkins and Mrs. Elkins, Mr. and Mrs. William II. Hamilton and Dr. and Mrs. Newman. Se that altogether sixteen persons were present. The bride's dress was of silk and et the palest possi ble lavender tint, and worn en trtin, of course. A long veil fell from the bride's forehead, where it was fastened by a spray of white flowers, and was draped in a graceful sweep ever the long train. Her ornaments were diamonds. The ether ladies present were evening drcs&es and jewels. At 0 o'clock a wedding dinner was scrvi-.l by Dehnunice, at which only the sixteen persons who had witnessed the marriae sat down. On Thursday the bridal n.irty will leave the city fcr Washington and be fore their return they will probably visit General Grant's home in Galena, III., and the home of the bride' a parents' ft. Colora Colera do. Upen their return te New Yerk a re ception will be announced, te which the personal friends of the two families will be invited. The engagement of Mr. Grant te Miiw Chaffee is of some three months date. He is a lawyer, in practice in New Yerk. The bride is Senater Chaffee's only daughter. She is twenty-two years of age and a blonde of a decided type and very pretty. She has spent much time in travel abroad and is an accomplished linguist. General Grant, who it was understood intended te return te Galena te vete to day, occasioned much sitriise by an nouncing his intention te sacrifice his vote. The cause of his inactivity was only made plain when, accompanied by Cole.i I Fred. Grant and the Rev. Dr. Newman, he spent an hour in the forenoon at Tiffany's selecting a gift for his son".-, bride. After the dinner General Grant drove te the Republican national hcadquaifers, where he remained for nearly two hour, conversing in a private room with sonic of the leaders of the party. He went te his hotel before 10 o'clock and retired. MAUliiyVS. l'Mladelplil.t .ifaritel. Philadblpuia, November i Fleur market and prices ilnll; superllnc tl 75 '): extra 4 00t;15O; OhieiinU liKlluna family $'50i;-r; Penn'u Umily $11235 37; St. I.ems t.uinly at $9 75 U6 5': Minni-veta family J5 i"i ()." ",:: Sirnlglu SftOOffitfjO: Winter patent $c.5ii6j;7 M ; Spring le $7 0038 25. Kye Heur H rm lit J5 50 SO 0.1. wheat quiet butstcu'ly; Ne. 2 Westsrn I.V.! $115; ivun'a. Keil $1 I8I VM ; Amber II Ugl IB. Cern steady for local use; yellow ut rIJ(Cgj."e ; mixed 51c. "" Oats ilull, unci wenk ; Ne. 1. White 40Jc:Ne. i tle Ejc; No.:tIe STic; Ne. 2, MlxetftGJCe. Kye quiet lit 9Se. Previsions sternly ; mess perk il5fl$ir ; bei'l Immg $17I750; lnlinnin.'.s bee! hi itt.li; 8iuekcil hams lOJSIOjJc; piekleil hams 8J.J0e; bacon smoked shoulders 5-43(e : wilt le 5J,Jc. Lardnrin; city kettle ut iiJj : leo,i lee,i butclier'7c; prtmu steam 48 50. Cutter firm, with soed demand ter Cheice: Creamery extru-'il432c: de geed te choice '(! 20c; B.C. and N. V. extra ta&Uci Western reserve extra 2If?25e; de -reed te choice l'tg 2Kr; ItelN linn with fair demand for clinic-:: Western Heserve extra 222le; Pcnn'a l-'xtrn. 2123c Eggs scarce and linn: Pcnn'a .Extra Sic: Western Extra 21c. Cheese dull and weak ; New Yerk lull cream at UlifijVle ; Western full ereau. :il 12'15c :de lair togeod lll2c; de half d!;iin lOwlOKc. Petroleum dull ; refined 12c. Whisky utfl.li. Seed Geed te prime clever dull :itW50y 750; Timethy nominal at 2 7!32i: Flax-ct: i at i At. Stuck Market. Novembers a. it. r. it. r. m. r. si. r. m 10:40 12:.5 1:1 J i-ji) 3:. l'lllLADKLPlIEl. 3tecls strong. Pennsylvania U, It.... Phll'a. & Beading..... Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation... Northern 1'acitlc Cem l"d . PiMS.,TitU9V'cft 11.... Northern Centrnl Phll'a Jt Erie R. IC... Northern Penn'a Un. U. It's of N.J Ilcstenvilie Pans Central Train. Ce..... 11 :nyt 5.-J VTAXTED. AirA IT tlsc, free of charge, In tliu Ij.TEr.Linu. ckr, who wants semelliiiiir te de. If rANTUD PLAIN SEWING AT NO. It-! Y Filbert stieet. The undersigned w 111 go out nursing or working bj' the daj-. MRS. S. U'OI.r. 2td 1K Filbert Street. n e ii's i: jrvnxts it rxu tietws. VTOTICE. YUM & BRE8E3UIW Would udvlac all who contemplate putting in HEATERS or making any alterations in thcii heating arrangements te de se at enc-e Ih-Ieic the ruth of Pall Trade beaim. THE MOST RELIABLE In the Market at the LOWEST PRICES. GREAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. TUV TIIE BLATC1ILE PUMP Ker Cisterns or Wells of any depth, 1'I.AJX, IROX, 3'ORCJCZAIX OX COl'l'HJ: LlXElt. Brands, AC, G. XIX. GG, G Ne. 1, B. 311, B Ne. Fersalcby the IlnrdwarcTrade, Country Stores, Pump Makers, etc. See that the Piunp you buy 1 steadied O. Ql BLATOHLEY, Manufacturer, SOS Markett., Phliadclphia.P.i mi-emw Flu & BMuian's ASTRIC1I nitOS AlVHKTIS123t:yT. 1 STK1CH 1SKOS.' AUVEKT13EMENT. AS-TUICH RltO?.' A5TIUU11 i; A-.TUICH P. ASTKICH li ASTKICII BIS.O-.- I.ANCA--TKI: IJ.Z: 13 EAiT KIN STIIEET. 13 EAST KIMJ STREET. 13 EAST K1XG STUEKT. 13 EAST KINtt i-TISKET. 13 EAST K1NU iTUEET. JIILMXKKY IMiiern I lata and NOVKITTIKS 'HvS!.CX . "nnnets. NOVELTIES S;!!.btV PerbleiatOie. NOVELTIES il-Hbfe!si. 0,t F, herhy, NOVELTIES MHJ.1NGIIY Rc. NmVEI.TIF MILLINEK! Missed Derl.tpa Vfll'triTtva JIHbfehi b0H"'1 n't trim- NOVELTIES If IHdE!:J- H,"a I.1'11 -ittit, NOVELTIES UILLINEK 70c. NOVELTIES wi Hv-Lii' ci3ar4:.tt0 U;lts. NOVELTIES MILLINEKY iBe. NOVELTIES MILLINEKY Our $1.03 cr!v XOVKLTIUS MILLINEUY et Hue felt. NOVELTIES MII.LINEUV trimmed with NOVELTIES MILLl.VEia heavy satin lib-WeVELTIES .MILLINEKV len and bound NOVELTIES MILLINEUY with geed Mack NOVELTIES MILLINEUY .satin, is the NOVELTIES MILLINEUY cheapest ami NOVELTIES MILLINEUY meit profitable NOVELTIES MILLINEUY hat ever beu -lit. NOVELTIES MILLINEUY Ladies' NOVELTIES MILLINERY Shape Hats anil NOVELTIES MILLINEUY Iteiinet-. NOVELTIES MILLINEUY til Sluivr, Fine NOVELTIES MILLINEUY" Felt and Beaver. NOVELTIES MILLINEKY Large, Fine NOVELTIES MILLIVKUY SertUe.ivci-U.it... NOVELTIES MILLINEUY In till color. $i.i.l. NOVELTIES MILLINEUY OsTUlCIIanit NOVELTIES MILLINEKY FANCY NOVELTIES MILLINEUY FEATHEUS. NOVELTIES MILLINEUY In all Mi-idei and NOVELTIES MILLlNEItY' in the most :;r- XOVELTIils MILLINEUY tiitic dec'ii. NOVELTIES MILLIVEUY I'.IUDS' NOVELTIES MILLINEUY WlXtJS. NOVELTIES. MILLINEUY IIEADi:i NOVELTIES MILLINEKY- BKUASIV. NOVELTIES .uii.l.l.t,lCl l hATJILIv NOVELTIES JtlLLtNEUY IJAXtl-. NOVELTIES MILLINEUY niul etlu-r. NOVELTIES MILLINEKY lni:e.V NOVELTIES 3II1.I.INEKY nl'Mipeiier qu.il- NOVELTIES MILLINEUY itv, 1-I.iin an. I NtA'ELTlES MILLINEUY F.iucr. NOVELTIES MILLINEUY In all fchlide. NOVELTIES BLACK SILKS at 7."c. per var.l. BLACK SILKS at ?!.") pervaril. BLACK .SILKS at $1.15 perVaid. SPECIAL P.AI.T.Al.N of BLACK SILKS at gl..i per yard. SATINS Lyens Colored 4-.jt in. Latest SATING SATINS Mia'U,3,tHe,pervard. SATINS SATINS Extra Quality Lyens Black SATIN. SATINS s?atin.7 e. pcrvard. SATINS SATINS Lyens Black lv-s suhi, SATINS SATINS sii;ierini-iu.;litv,fI,KI per SATINS SATiNS viiril, worth, fl.i". SATIN'S SATINS Fine' Black lre, 'jtin, SATINS ATls -Jl.'Jl. SIO.vl.UI. J.AT1XS SATINS SATINs SATINS SATINS in all Iho New Shades. SATIXs satins .ai:m:t, satins satins makikin, sai1ns SATINS iJCSItAUJIi:. SATINS SATIXS SiKL!uTi:i)Pi:..tc. sATIXS HOOD BLACK SILK VELVET, ?I.rtlier v.ird. FINE BLACK M'LK VELVET, ijl.i'inervaid. .M'l'EUB BLACK slLK VELVET. l..rJ) per :ml. EXCELLENT BLACK slLK VELVET, t2W per vanl. ESTKA WIDE BLACK SILK VELVET, 42 4.1 per yard. VELVETEENS Ceed Black VELVETEENS VeUettens, VELVETEEN'S .Ve. VELVETEENS A -plendid VELVETEENS Velveteen VELVETEENS at 7-Je. VELVKTEr.XS Heavy Suit- VELVETEEXs in Velvet- ELVETELN VKLVETEEXS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETIIEXs VELVETEENS VELVh'il.EN.T vi:lm:tllns velveteens velveteens velveteens velveteens elvet11ens VEL r.TEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEEN-s ". ELVETEENS eens.tnu VELVETEENS Biecahd VELVETEENS Velveteen in V VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS ill !ei.-, u.e. N.ivy Blue, Bieivn, (urnet Velveteen, Cue. per yd. VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VELVETEENS nuEss ti:uimin;. DUESS TKIMMINt.'s. DUE.-S TIMMMINC.S. UUESS TUIMMINCS. UUE-S TUlMMlNCtS. OUEs TU1.MMIN;.. J)Ul.ss 'ilCIMMlMis. DKEsS TUIMMINCS. We eiler the haiidsem- est linunf ISLACK SILK r KINOES at our v.ci'-kiiewii low pi ices. Sil!:aud Bead I'riiiKCi F BINGES rBlNCJEs FUINtiES FUINCES FBlNuES FUINCES itrrrexi BfTTONS BI'TreNS BCTTONS BUTteXS BL'TTOXs ItL'TlONS FBIXCJES FKIXCES treui c. upuuriL-' BUT IONS FRINGES :,yt inch Bead ami Che- BUTTONS FRINGE? nillf Kiinui', die. ittMTONn FBINUrS Heavy Cheiiille lilnse BUTTONS FRINGES at.T.'.c. BUTTONS FRINGES 5 inch Clicnilh: ami BI'TTONs FRINGES Gra-s I'linw, v.ltli BI'TJOXS FRINGES FuucvHcadimr.s-ir. Bl'TTONs FU1NGKS 31e,t elegant Llienil!i: BI'TTeNS FRINGES and Jet Fringe-, $I.M. BCi't'eNs FRINGES FiliisClK-nillcaiiil Biiid ItCTTeNS FUINGEs FliiiKi'iat SI. ID, -jl.'.v, BI'Tl'ON. FUINGES l.rperaiil. BUTTONS FRINGES A veiy rieli llt-.i-s BCTIONs FRINGES Fringe, wit :iili'-p,l.tiii-y BUTTONS r ui.-sur.s lieainn. 91.1.1 a v.u.l UUTTOXS FRINGEs colon-il.-ilk Fiiiige.-iat BL'TTOXs FRINGES fi-'c. p-r yard. BUTTON'S PASSAMENTEKIKS. PAas AM ENTEia Es. PAS-AMETEt;iE-. PASSAMENTEUIES. PAssaM LNTERI l. PASSAMEN'IEUILS. PASSAM ENTEUIES. PASSAil ENTEKIES. TASSIILs Black and roleieil Gi:- Sl'lEE TASSLI.S ille-, Ta-.-el-, SI'lKhS TAssELs Beadeilaml i;i-echet Ballp, SPIKES TASSELS liuiiusiutispikfv, SPIKE? TASSELS Or11a11.e11l.s1.te. ' MMKES T ASS ELS TrininiiuTiUM-N, 5c. I'IKi:. TASSELS Elegant CunUaiul Sp:ke-t SPIKES TASSELS at l.25. SPIKES TASSELS MtlcGirdlci, 7..c..l. il.i., Si'IKES TASaELs fl..Vand uiiv.aids. SPIKES TASIjl Single IliuiKiiiian Spir.e. SPIKEs. lAssi.i.s ue.iiii (i. .,, i,.aiiiii.liieii TAsfeELS ut ii I'.K ::, .:- c. apiece. TAssEE-i Ib-av. Silt; Cen I at -Jiie. TASSELS p"i'.ail. sriKEs SPIKEs .'.PIKEs SPIKES .SPIKES SPIKES SPIKEs SPIKES tassels Heavy Sill: Cord. Uiaucci. TASSELS i-.-ic. per vard. TAS.iELS S:icii Colored silk (.ir TASSKLS dle-..$I2i. TASSELS Tii-kijI-, Ontuiiicnt-, in TASSELS elegant pattern-. LACE TIES, LACE COLLARS, LACE FICHU.-, LACE BIBS LA( E '1 HUES. LACE llAMJKERCIlII.i- COI.'SETS Atilch's Gem Cerc:. CORSET.- at Itic.: positively tin: CORsETS be-t leilhe menev. CORSETS IIipfiirfCeletul Sir. COBSET Fini- ti.inil-Madu CORSETs Cor-ct. :.:)e. CORSET CORSETs CiiRsET CORSETs CUli-ETs CORsETS CORSETS -jkiiiii Bu-9k,iiii.'.lci'l, cei.sr.rs s:ec luceti, at ;s. CORSETs I0 bone Cer--t at Jl.i'i. CORSKT-- sph-iidid Nurslii; CORsLT." Cer-i-t. at.-fl.yn. CORSETS Mine. I'ey luipievc I CORsETs CO.tsr.TS ueM't ai Jl.'i. CORsETz SIIOULHEI1 BRACES ntTVr. I.adi& and (.ens-.' ll-ii:;-t!l:!iril and Coieieil Jterdeied HAND KERCHIEFS in grvat variety. CHILDREN'S WORSTED HOODS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED JACKE'I-.. CHILDREN'S WORSTED COATS. CHILDREN'S WORSTED BOOTEE-. CHILDREN'S WORSTED LEGGINS, CHILDREN.-) WORSTED SHIRTS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED WAIsTS, CHILDREN'S WORSTED CIRCULARS. CHILDREN'S WORSTED TWIl.lC.UTs. CHILDREN'S WORs'lED SHAWLs. KID OurS button Giove,in color- GLOVE KID Ml, Mack, white and e.cia. GI.OVI KID ferU3e. Each pair win-.nitul. iM.OVE. KID Geed It button Opera Gloves GI.OVEs KID r-x.: Excellent & biitten,?l.y:. OLO l KID A lull line et LntliiM' and ul.eVKs KID Clilldn-n's Merine, Cleth GLOVE KID and LKlc Tlucui. GLOVK FELT SKIRTS at I.".-. FELT SKIRTS at 7C. FELT -KlLTsntSt. QUILTED SKIRT?, ELVET SKIRTs, SATIN SKIRTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS. HOSIEUV Oura-iertmeiif et La- HOSIER' HOSIERV ilii-fe'. Gents' and CMI- JIe.-lLin HOSIERY dren'H Ileilery i-, tee U()e!i:i:l HOSIERY wcll-kuo(-n,:isaIseotir He-IEUY HOalEUr Vk-ell-knovrulewxiricu-. He-IER'. HOSIERY Ladies HUhiu 10 buy 110-lKltl HOSIEUY l.ill:;oeils will de well HO-IEUY HOSIERY te pay u a visit. HOslERi merino underwi:ai:. m ebine underwear, merino underwear, Ladies' Merine Vests regular ma-lc cuil. ...".. Ladies' Fine Merine Ve-ts and Dr.iue....4-t Extra heavy, silk stitched 7-lc Fine French Cashmere t.i GentV Geed Merine'sliiittaiiil JUrauers, fiem SI.0O iipivanN. Gents" Clelii Shins, fccarlet Underwear. BERLIN ZEPHYR, tic. per ounce. BERLIN ZEPHYR, tic. per ounce. BERLIN ZEPHYR, &c. per ounce. BERLIN ZEPHYR, Je. per ounce. LANCASTER RA7.AAK. KOS.' LAXOASTEI! 1:a'ai?' KOS.' I.ANCASTKIl ltAZ.V.VltI liO. LANRASTEI! 1I YARNS German Yarni. FLOSS YARNS American Yarns, I Less YARNS Saxony Weel, FLO-- YARNS Shetland Fie-s FLess YARNS Crewel W oel. JI'LOsi 13 EAST KING STREET. .1.1 EAST KING STREET. IX EAST KING STREET, , JJ