-i- jj"V--, n - iH .. LANCASTER DAILY iOTGLLlGEtiCEtt. MONDAY NOVEMBER 1. 1S80. v iLancaster Intelligencer. MONDAY EVENINQ, NOV. 1, 1880; FOB PEESIDENT : OEN. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOB VICE PRESIDENT : HON. WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. The great principles or American lib erty are still the lewfal inheritance of this people, ana erer should he. The right of trial by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the cress, the freedom of speech, the nataral rights of persons and the rights of property mast be preserved. WIN FIELD S. HANCOCK, Maj. Kea.Cerad'gDept. La. and Texas. ' Stat Electoral Ticket. ELECTORS. UOISKUT E. MONAGHAN. WILLIAM II. PLATFORD. JOHN SiLEVIN. EDWIN A. PUE. JOHN M. CAMPBELL, GILLIES DALLETT, JOHN MOFFET, EDWARD WALDEX, NATHAN C. JAMES, GEORGE FILIJEUT, JAMES G. McSPARRAN, ALFRED J. MARTIN, ADAM GERINGER, FKANKLIN TURNEIL PATRICK J. BIRMINGHAM. HENRY E. DAVIS. GEORGE A. POST. AURAM M. BENTON, JOHN 1. LINTON, JOHN S. MILLER, JOHN O. SAXTON. CALVIN X. BOWER. JAMES A. J. BUCHANAN. CHRISTOPHER MAGEK. ROBERT M. GIBSON, WILLIAM B. DUNLAP, HARRY W. WILSON, SAMUEL GRIFFITH, J. ROSS THOMPSON. DEMOCRATIC STATU T1UKKT. AUDITOK OZXtltAL. ROBERT IV DECHERT. JUDICIARY. .1 DIXIE OF THE SCPBEME CO CRT. GEORGE A.JENKS. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOR CONGRESS. J. L. STE1NMETZ. FOR DISTRICT ATTORSET. d. Mcmullen. KOR8EXATOR (13tll DISTRICT). j. B. DOUGLASS. FOR ARSEMRLTrOBTMSTRK'r). ELIM G. SNYDER. FOR AR8EMIILT (2d DIrtTIUlT). S. C. STEVENSON, S. 1. SHIRK. FOR ASSKVIII.T .Id UISTItll-rJ. II. M. BRENEMAN. R. DAVIS YUNDT, J ACOB M. IIAENLEN. FOR PUISOX INSPECTORS. BARTON N. WINTERS BENJ. MILLER. FOR POOR DHUXTOIU. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN FRANC1SCUS. TO AM. I.OVAI. DEMOCRAT. Fer the Ixielmusnceiu llruvc warrieis, advance, yen will vanquNh veur iecs AIn-ady llicy tremble ami tot-i your Just blows. Thi-y dread yourappreacli, ferthcy knew they arc deemed Te be Willi the fallen ignobly entombed. Their hour lm.i eeiiu-, they will new bite the dust, Fer the manner in which they abue our great trust ; We w ill teach tliem. at length, that indulgence is o'er, A Ii-ssen thry -lieuld have been taught Ien before. Toe long have they browsed in the national stall., Toe long have tiicy triumphed in Waybill, ten's liulN ; "l'was disgrace te a nation Intelligent, grand, Te be se long dupe I by base knave-t of its laml. They weubl gi-u, torsc.eth, a new leader whose name Is branded Willi In ibery,lja-eness anil shame, And force u. te swallow hiin : oilieus pill : Enough the pure life of our country te kill Ami kill it he would its gie.it moral tone Would languid! and sink, us sure as his own; What a contrast te Hancock, the pure and the brave. Who tome- with due honor our country te save. Then advance, ceiKiuering he-ls te the vie lery sure. The geed sense of the nation new makes this secure : Let Grant, Willi dumb show, go en stumping about. Hancock marches hi. Gurlii-ld down and out. C. -If. JT, Oct. .10, 1SS0. AVei kinsmen. Before you begin your heavy spring work after a winterel relaxation, your system neeus cleansing and strengthening te prevent an at tack of Ague, Bilious or Spring Fever, or some ether Spring sickness that will unfit j-eu ler a season's work. Yeu will save time, much sickness and great espen.se if you will use one bottle et Hep Bitters in your family this month. ieirt waiu ee oiuerceiumn. nl-2wdAw Hew Happiness is Secured. Happiness is the abscuccef pain or annoy niiee, and wherever there is pain there is dis eav. A pain in the lower portion or the body liHlicatesadisoiileretsome kiud. If there is any odor or color or deposit in the urine it means disease and requires attention at once. We have heard inanyet onrinenusspeaKei inc re markable newcr of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and are convinced there is nothing se certain ami valuable Jer all disorders et tne urinary system both male and female. 6 MEDICAL. HOSTETTBR'S CELEBRATED Meets tlie requirements of the rational medi cal philosophy which at present prevails. It Is a perfectly pure vegetable remedy, embracing the three Important pepertles era preventive, a tonic, and au alterative. It fertilics the bedv against disease, invigorates and revital izes'thi; torpid stomach and liver, and effects a most salutary change in the entire system, when lira morbid condition. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gcnci J ally. nl-lydeedAlyw CU1NA AND GLASSWARE. STOMACH BflTO LAMPS! LAMPS!! AT CHINA HALL. Br.iss and Nickel Plated, Library ana Hall Lamps. Large Assortment of PAELGE LAMPS. Brass Night Lamp?, Ac. All exhibited in our window. See them before purchasing. HIGH & MARTIN, ffe. 15 EAST KING STREET. FOR HALE. ORPHAN'S CeUKT SALE. On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1880. et a valuable Chester county farm or 210 ACRES Convenient te railroads. Geed buildings. Sale positive. Fer particulars address. S.E.NIVIN, . Administrator c. t. a. ect20-Imd Landenbcrg, l'a. PRIVATE SALE. Until NOVEMBER 17. the two-tery Brick Heuse, with kitchen attached. Ne. 113 East Vine street, let extends te Church street. Ap ples, Peaches, and Grape Vine en let, water. Ac. Inquire at Ne. 13; Charlette street, Lan caster, l'a. oct"-ced&novl7 FOB BEM. A Farm, one mile from the city et Lancas ter, en the Petersburg turnpike, containing about one hundred and five acres : thirty acres of which is new in fall crops ; privilege te put out two acres in tobacco. Enquire at Ne. 38 North Duke street or en the premises. oct7-10tdeed MRS. JOHN McGBANN. PUBLIC SALR. On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1880, will be sold at public sale at the Grape hotel. North Queen street, the following described real estate te wit : A two-story brick DWELLING HOUSE and two contiguous lialt lets of ground. Ne. 419, en the north side et East King street, in the city or Lancaster, each or said halt lets con taining In front 32 feet 2' inches, and 213 leet in depth te a 14-fect wide alley, to gether with 2 leet 0 inches wide in front en said East King street and of that width north ward te the distance of 45 feet et the adjoining property en the northwest for the use et an alley. Possession will be given en April 1, 1SSI Partofthe purchase money may remain en the property for one year, it desired. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in. et said daw SAMUEL SIIOCII. 11 EMIT SlICEERT, AUCt. . OiVtSll CMTY I'KOl'EBTV AT PUBLIC SALE. J On MONDAY , NOVEMBER 8. 1S80, will be sold at nubile sale at the Coener Heuse. West King street, Lancaster, -a valuable let of ground, situate en the north side et West Chestnut street, between Charlette and Mary streets, in said city (Ne. 441), fronting en said Chestnut street 25 leet and extending north nerth wardly 201 feet, en which is erect cil a new two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with Brick Back Building and Frame Summer Kitchen attached. There are lour rooms en llrst lloer, live rooms en second fleer and one large plastered room en the third lloer. There is gas and water up and down stairs, with bath room, water closet and ether modern improvements. There Is a cel lar eleven leet deep, anil dry, under the entire building, nml a balcony runs the full length of the back building. This property is located in enu of the most desirable neighborhoods in the city, is in geed condition, and will be sold en reasonable terms. Persons wishing te view the premises before the day or sale, will call en the undersigned, resWing thereon. Sale te commence at seven o'clock p. in., of said day, when conditions will be made known by MRS. EMMA L. SMITH, IlEXRT SllUBERT, AUCt. OCt2S-t-ll E XECUTOU'S PUBLIC SALE P VALUA- JILE CITY PROPERTY. On FRIDAY' NOVEMBER 5. ISteO, will be sold hy pulilic sale at the Franklin Heuse, Lancaster city, Pa., the following real estate, te wit: Ne. 1. A let or ground fronting IS feet, mere or less, en East King street, in said city, and extending 213 in depth te a 10-fect wide alley, en which is erected a two-story I1RICK HOUSE wlth'u two-story Brick BackBulIdinguttachcd, Ne. 5)1. The house is conveniently laid out with Hydrant, Fruit Trcesand ether improve ments. Ne. 2. A let ei ground fronting US feet en East Orange street, and extending in depth lis feet te S-ieet wide private al,ey, en which is erected a two-story Brick Heuse, with a two story Brick Back Building attached. Ne. 447, with gas through the whole house. Hydrant, Fruit Trees and ether improvements. Ne. 3. A let of ground fronting the same as Ne. 2, and the same depth and same kind of a horse as Ne. 2, ami is numbered 4111. Ne. 4. A let el ground fronting II! leet en East Orange street, in said city, and extending in depth 110 leet te a 12-Ieet wide private alley, en which is erected a two-story Brick Heuse with aone-slery Brick Rack Building attached. Hydrant, Fruit Trcesand ether improvements, Ne. 322. Terms easy. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of aid day, when conditions of side will be made known by REV. A. F. KAUL. Executer el the Estate of late Mr-. Daniel Mc- Cert. Sam'i. Hess & Sex, Aucts. e2J-12td ASSICJNHK'S SALE OP VALUAltLK REAL ESTATE. On TUESDAY, NO VEMBER, 10, lfcSO, in pursuance et an order or the Court el" Common Pleas of Lancaster County, l'a.. the undersigned assignees of Jacob Staman and wife will expose at pub lic sale In the Boieugh of Washington, Lan caster county. Pa., the iolleu ing described real estate, viV.: Ne. 1. A tract et FARM LAND, situate in the Borough of Washington, aforesaid, con taining 10 ACRES, mere or less, en which are erected a two-story Brick Heuse, Frame Bank Barn. Tobacco Sheds and ether necessary out buildings, adjoining properties et tlie M. E. church, Jehn Brush, Frank Yeung, ct al. This land is in the highest state of cultivation ami especially adapted te the raising el tobac co and market truck. It has a tine stream of water flowing through il and a never-failing spring which furnishes running water ler house and barn. This tract has a frontage of 400 reet en Water street which can be readily divided into building lets. Ne. 2. Consists et LUMBER YARD and mill property en Water street, in said borough, containing 4 ACRES, en which is erected a new STEAM SAW MILL, 50x120 feet, contain ing a CO-horse power cngine.twe Muhley sau s, circular saws, &c. The machinery is in llrst class running order. Adjoining saw mill is a large PLANING MILL, furnished with all the Improved machinery. This property is en the line or the Columbia & Pert Deposit Railroad and lias a siding from said read. It has a front age of 800 feet en the Susquehanna l i ver and a well-situated Leg Pend. The mill and yard new have a large patronage and are occupied by L. G. Scefleld. Tracts Nes. 1 and 2 will be bold separately or together. Ne. 3. A Let of Ground situate en Elbow Street in said borough. Bounded en the north by.let Ne. 4, en the east by a public read, and en the south and west by Elbow street Con taining ONE ACRE. Ne. 4. A Let et Ground, adjoining Ne. 3: bounded en the north by let Ne. 5, en the east by a public read, tm the south by let Ne. 3,and en the west by Elbow street. Containing ONE ACRE. Ne. S. A Let, of Ground, adjoining Ne. 4 : bounded en the north by tract Ne. 1, en the cast by public read, and the south by let Ne. 4, and en the west by Elbow street. Containing ONE ACRE. Lets Nes. 3, 4 and 3 will be sold icpitralcly or as a whole. Ne. C. A Let et Ground, sitnaleen Elizabeth street, and known in the plan of said borough as Ne. l!i Upen which is erected a one-story Frame Heuse. This let has a frontage et (; feet and a depth of 1G5 feet. Ne. 7. A Building Let. adjoining let Ne. 0, and known in the plan of said borough as Ne. HO. fronting 03 feet en Elizabeth street and extending In depth 103 feet. Ne. 8. A Building Let, adjoining let Ne. 7, and known in the plan et said borough as- Ne. 147. Fronting GO feet en Elizabeth street and extending in depth 103 feet. Ne. 9. A Let of Ground, situate en Water street, in said borough, en which is erected a one and a half story FRAME DWELLING and ether outbuildings. This let has a width el'.'W feet en Water street, and extends in depth 130 leet te an alley ami adjoins prepcny et JJar bara Kane and tract Ne. 2. Ne. 10. A Let or Piece of Ground, situate en Mill street in said borough, being 1)9 lectin width and 221 feet in dcptli ; adjoining proper tics of J. W. Miller and Benjamin Siblc. Ne. 11. A Let of Ground, situate en Penn (formerly Market) street, in said borough ; containing ONE-HALF ACRE and bounded by properties of Samuel Myers, Levi Haver stick and Jehn Hoevcn. Any person desirous el examining the loca tion of the above tracts can call at the law eflice or Win. B. Given, esq., Columbia, Pa., where a full map of the premises may be seen, or upon the undersigned in Washington Bor ough. The sale will be held en the mill property at 1 o'clock, sharp, where attendance will be given and terms made known by JOSEPH W. MILLER, Assignee of Jacob Staman ami Wife. Abraham Dellixger Auct. oct20-4tdeawM MUSICAL IXSIRVMliSrs. -THE- Lancaster Onao luicij Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Warcroems 320 North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Branch Ofllcc, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agcntfer Lancaster County for CHICKERING& SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins. Banjos, Band Instru ments, ftcaiways en hand. 113-lydS&lyw ilOTO ItlXav.' ALT'S l'tlll M0N0NGAHEIA PURE RXE. Alse OAKDALE PtlUEIlYE WHISKY. 03 per cent. Alcohol, and Hie invigorating Tonic Hair Liquid, and the -.--- Best Sugars, Cefiefe, Teas, &c, Ail nt Ne. 203 WEST KING STREET. DRY THE FAVORITES IN DRESS GOODS NOW. The following are selling se fast as te indicate that they are unusually desirable: Camel's hair, 44 inches, $1 te $2.ne. Billiard cletb, 44 inches, 1.50. Damasses, 44 inches, 1.25. Jersey cloth, 44 incites, 1.75. Plush suitines, 44 inches, 1.50. Armares, 44 inches, 1.00. Novelties, 44 inches, 0.75. Powder cloths, 44 inches, 0.75. Chudda cloths, 44 inches, 0.C8. Lupin's niexiuees, 3G inches, 0.50 te O.fiO. Flannel suitings, 0.30 te 1,25. Plaids, silk and wool, 0.37. Plaids, German, 44 inches," 0.50. Plaids, German, 32 inches, 0.15. Cashmeres, colored, 28 inches, 0.25. Cashmeres, colored, 22 inches, 0.12f. Matelasses, 24 inches, 0.20. Baleiines, 22inches, 0.14. Our dress goods include almost everything desirable, In many in stances we are very much below the market ; never above. JOHN WANAMAKER. Dress Goods occupy nine counters near Thirteenth street entrance. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets, and City Ilall Square. PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES, ZAHM'S A new room and elegant stock. A lull line of Lancaster Watches, Waltham Watches, Columbus Watches, 'lit Geld and Silver Canes, nl the l.OWKST CASH PltlCES. Beautiful wedding gifts In Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Silverware, and French Clocks. Arundel Spectacles, the best in the world. OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT is as complete ai any in the larger cities. We manufacture Kings, Masonic Marks, Society Pins, Jewelry of all kinds. Diamond Mounting ami any special or odd pieces in any desired style. MOXOGKAMMIXG and Fine Jewelry and Watch repairing a specialty. All work warranted. Call and examine our stock and leavn j'eur repairing with Zahnrs Cerner, Lancaster, la. MEDICAL. INVESTIGATION ! DR. GREENE has successfully treated ever 1,000 of the most dilllcult chronic (m called) in eurable canes during a nine month-, practice. The most et them had been the rounds of the leading physicians of Lancaster county. 1K. GKEKNK is ready at any time te meet a committee et the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Houscer elsewhere te dis cuss the merits et Omnipathyand prove its superiority ever all ether pathics in vogue. The people arc greatly interested and de mand the fullest investigation. Invalids arc every week dying in this county whose lives could be saved. Is there any subject about which the masses arc mere concerned than restoration te health, anil the prolonging of their lives? Dr. G. originated and i new the owner of 20 Medical Pads. He especially warns the public against the numerous counterfeits new ellercd the people. Dr. Green docs an exclusive eflice buslncs-:. Patients who cannot call at his efliccs must send full description et alllictiens. Hundreds of deaths have occurred here in nine months ; only two in his practice. Consultations free. Catarrh cured for 30 cents. Cure quick for Catarrh sent te any ad dress for 50 cents. DR. O. A. GREENE, Ne. 230 NORTH QUKEN STKEET. 30-ttdMWPAS Lancaster, Pa. TERVOUS DEIUL1TV. JL Te Nervous Sullerers The Great Eure- Sican Kemedy Dr. .!. IS. Simpsen's Specific Icdicine. It is a positive cure, ler Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Wcakncss,Impetcncy,uiid all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety. Less of Memery, Pains in Back or Side, anil diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity anil an early grave. The Specillc Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent free te all. Write for them and get full particulars. Price, Specific, $1 per package, or six packages for $3. J.B.SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY, Nes. 10 and let Main Street, Buffalo, X. Y. Address all orders te II. B. COCHKAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and KM North Queen Street, Lancaster. mn-lydced&w -VTKRV1NK, OR TONIC SPECIFICA. ! A BOON TO BOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A IUVAL for all diseases arising from Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence et Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic forms of the following discat-es have, been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Seir Abuse, Headache, Dizziness Sexual Exhaustion, Spenuatorrhcea, General Debility, lmpetency, Premature Decay, He. It has lMicn in use for ever ierty years, and is te-day ttie most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WOULD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, and better than all, it is a sure, safe and certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since 18SH this remedy has always been sold for a much larger price than that for which It is new sold ; but owing te the act that the time ler the payment et an enormous royalty upon its manufacture has expired. It is ettered te the suffering of both sexes at one dollar per package, se its te be within the reach of all; at which price it will be sent te any address tree et further charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 46 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mail. Iv-JS-Cinil&w CAMPAIGN GOODS. T)OKTRAITS OF HANCOCK AND ENGLISH Fer sale at THIS OFF1C E. TLAGS! FLAGS ! SASHES FOR PARADES, TRIMMINGS FOR SASHES, SADDLE CLOTHS, SHOUL DER STRAPS, I5ELTS, &c. Nsckties, Entirely New Styles. NEW STYLE COLORS. UNDERWEAR, GLOVES &c, &c. E. J. ERISMAN'S, 6G NOKTU QUEUX ST11EKT. TW IS YOUR TIME. GREAT REDUCTION. Wemlerful Mark;Down et CAMPAIGN GOODS. Having done a very lively Campaign Busi ness we new propose te close out our .stock e.' Campaign Goods REGARDLESS OF COST. Flaprs, Banner!?, Streamers, Portraits, Medal. Lime Lights or Colored Hand Torches Deuble Swing and Star Torches, Torch Wick, &c. New is your time te buy cheap for the re maining parades and for the jollillcatien arte? the election. D. S. BUB3K, 17 East King Street. Lancaster. GOODS. JEWELRY, Jtc. CORNER. EDW. J.ZATTM. 1'AfER UASOISUS, r. w K ARE OPENING DAILY NI'.W PATTERNS OF PAPER HANGINGS. The Designs and Colorings are hcautilul, and we have a large stock te select from, in the lowest yr.ide te the most expensive. DADO AND FANCY "WINDOW SHADES in new colors. Plain material by the yard. In all shades and widths. Cardinal, Green, White and llutl HOLLANDS, Fixture-, Fringes, Tapes, &c. We have a let of light color Curtains, beauti ful styles, that will le closed out at the low price of 30 cents. These areadecided bargain, as.seme were sold at $1.50 a pair. We have opened a fresh, inveice of Extension Cornices, among which arc two new patterns. Ebony Walniitanil Ash Pole", liings. Ends, &c. Orders tnken ler Fine Mirrors. PHARES W.FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. DRUGS, &C. N JOTICK lit LADIES. Trclonsse Gleve Cleaner, ler cleaning Kid Gloves and removing Grease and Stains from Woolen or Silks, the most convenient inven tion of the kind ever before the people. Try it; it is very simple, cleans a glove in amlnute. Price -i", cents. Sold bv. ANDREW G. FREY, Only, at City Pharmacy, North tjueen Street, Cor. Orange, Lancaster, Pa. LOOKER'S 1 A POSITIVE CURE FOR EPIZOO TIC AND DISTEMPER IN HORSES. PUEPAREO AND SOLD I1Y CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO. 9 EAST KINU STRfcKT. OlfMftl COUGH NO MORE ! USE A Certain Cure Fer COOGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, And all Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fortherelicref Consumptives in nil stages of the Disease. Prepared ami old only at HULL'S DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, augSS-lYCl LANCASTER, PA. POM'S 111 ROBES, BLANKETS, AC. OIGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS I have new en hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Asscrtmkkt of Lined and Unlincd BUW'ALO KOISES In tlie city. Alse LAP AND HOUSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 48Itepa!ring neatly and promptly denc.-a A. MILEY, lOS North Qnvn St., Lancaster. 23-lydMW&S BLACK SILKS AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Black Silks at 65e. Black Silks at 75c. Black Silks at $1. Black Silka at $1.25. Black Silks at $1.50. Black Silks at $2. Black Silks at $150. We guarantee above geed te be et best quality and te give perfect satisfaction in wear. ULACK CASUMEBES.-Black Cashmeres, all wool at 43c. Black Chashmeres, all wool, at 50e. P.lack Cashmeres, all wool, at Ke. Black Cashmeres, all wool, nt COe Black Cashmeres, all wool, at Sc. Black Cashmeres, all wool, at 75e. Black Cashmeres, all wool, at 87c. Black Cashmeres, all wool, at f 1. Illack Cashmeres all wool at 51.23. We guarantee above goods te be all wool, full width, and lest shades of Mack , ,B!?.ck S.ll,k Velvets at si 23. Black Silk Velvets at $1.30. Black Silk Velvets at Si Black Silk Velvets at2.23. Black Silk Velvets at $ZM Black SilkAelvctsatSi.e. W e are offering estra inducements in Velvets, te which we invite special examination. Colored Silk Velvets at lI,-,?)V?av7BI,i.CeS.nlCeVflvct?.?lt?lr?' Seil,ewn.?i,w.yI.et4at.-$Uv ptle Green Silk Velvets at $1.50. Bronze Silk Velvets at $i Garnet Silk A elvcts at 1.5J. Sultan silk elvets at $I.ei). UKOCAD t sILh. EL ETS. Gurnet Brocade Silk Velvets $i Uendannes Brocade Silk Vel I;!9, ,'. DariF,G.ll:r.SSiJ.,IeJi.lky.?lv.et?.a,t$- l'lni Brocade SllkVclvctrat. Seal Brown Brocade Silk Velvet at 2. Black Brocade SUk -V elvets at $2. KL fcTELNs.-IJlack elvetccns at 50e. Black clveteens at CSc. Black Velveteens at l. Seal Brown Velveteens at 75t Dark Green elvcteens at $1. fcearlct elveteens at 7jc. Dress Goods. Dress Goods. in our uress uoeus uepartmein we nave an immense stocKei an me ew styles, from 10c. per yard up te coed of the llnest tirade, .adles will de us a favor by examining our stock, as we can show them many liandsonie Novelties in that line We have marked all our goods verv low, te Insure rapid sales, and nil who deal with us will tlnd such te be the ease Alse Jut opened an elegant line of Ladies' Coats and Delmans, which we offer at lowest price. G-IVLEK, BOWEKS & HTJEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT G-UNDAKBR'S. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Etnbroiderics, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Kucbings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid aud Lisle Thread Gloves, nesicry, &c, call at GUNDAKER'3. Fer a Geed aud Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cnfls, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Noveltics in Millinery, Ac, call and examine our stock, at aUNDAXER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. aitLLIXERY. FINEST ASSORTMENT! BEST DISPLAY OF MILLINEET GOODS IX LANCASTER CITV NOW KLADV AT M. A. HOUGHTON'S CHEAP STORE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET. DRY WATT, SHAND & COMPANY Call attention te their (deck of LADIES,' GENTLEMEN'S and CHILDREN'S FILL 1 ffiET Oi:i-purchase-; have never eccn larger nor prices inoie rca-enaMe. SPECIAL BARGAINS: 15) dozen Ladle-.' Vests and P.uits at :J75. l and .V)c. PS dozen Gents' Shirts and Dra-vers at Ztf, and 5,e. SJ dozen all Linen IIucIc Towels at iMX., would bu c'jiMp at 17c. J,.100 yards Deuble Feld Cashmere. New Fall Shades, at 17c a raid, usual prieeiV a yard. NEW YORK STORE, S & 1 0 EAST rr. tgjr tttxt BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE AND ft BECAUSE WE ASK YOU TO VISIT l'.- WHEN YOU ARE IN WANT OF PAPER HANGINGS. J. B. Martin & CLOTHING. GAEFIELD VS. HANCOCK PALL CAMPAIGN OF 1880 New opened and the. lattlc has commenced and rages fiercely, and while there may be some doubt In the minds etmanv persons as te who will be the next President et the United States, there can be no doubt in the mind of an v person in want of CLOTHING an te where can be bought the cheapest anil the bst, cither in Ready-made erlade te Order. MYERS & EATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 East Kins Street, the Great Clothing Emporium. The second story room If packed brim full with the greatest variety of ItEADY MADE CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTHS, ROYS ANI) CHILDREN, ail our own manufacture. They are well made, well tiinimed, and the goods are a!l sponged belerc-they ure made up In gar ments. MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our Piece Goods till the first lloer te its utmost capacity, and is nicely arranged, &e as te give the purchaser the advantage et seeing the whole stock in a very short space et time. Wc arc prepared te make up te order at the shortest pe-ib!i: notice and at the most reasonable price. Our stock lias been bought for cash aud will he sold at a very small advance. Buy your Clothing at Centre lLill and save one profit. Cal I and examine our giant stock and save money. MYERS & RATHFON, Xe. 12 EAST KLNU STREET, ELOCUTION LKSSONS IN ELOCUTION and Heading will be given upon reason able termn.by IKS. EMMA SLIGHTER, a; 433 West Orange btrcet. Classes will be formed and also private instructions given. Ileui-i may be selected te suit pupils. e2S-l wd CHAS. BRIMMER, CRAYON POliTIiAlT AliTIST, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, scnI91m:l 4 WEST KING JJTKEET. MES. C. LILLEE, LADIES' IIAIKDKESSEK , Manufacturcrand Dealer in Hair Werk, I.adiss and Gents' Wig4. Combing-s sti-aightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds ninde up. Alse. Kid Gleve;and Feathers cleaned and dyed, nt Nes. 225 and 227 ?ertIi tjuccn sticct. fourdeors above P. R. K. Depot. el-3md DRT GOODS. BLACK SILK VELVETS. EXIIROIDERIES, SC. GOODS. 11 IDERIEAR. KING STREET. Our Goods' are Carefully Selected, The Designs are Artistic and New, The Colorings are Rich and Harmonious The Prices are Extremely Reasonable. Ce, West King St. LANCASTER, PE5.VA. JUARBLa. works. .1. . - WE P. PRALL.EYS MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 3R Nerm ijucen Street, Lancaster, Fa. MONIOIKNTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GAUDEN STATUAKY, CEMETEKY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. Allwei-Jr guaranteed and satisfaction gi en in every jru-ticular. N. it. Itcmcmber.wertsa'.tne extreme ena et Ninth Qiiec-n trp. niW) GROCERIES. C rilO LCSALK AND KLTAIL. LEVANT'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. di7-lyd TRAVELERS' GUIDE LANCASTER AND 31IL.I.KRSV1I.I.K.K.K Cars run: as fellows : Leave Lancatser l'.i:. Depot), ut 7, 9, an.l 11:31) a. m., and 2, 4, t und &$) p. iu., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at lha) p. m. Leave Millcrsvillc (lower end) at 5, , and a. St., and 1, 3, 5 und 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. CIOLUMIUA ANI l'UKT DEPOSIT K. K ) Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit llailread en the tollewhiL-time: Stations Nektu- Express. Exprcs.s.1 Aeeeu. VTilffl. A.M. Y. M. r.M. Pert Deposit C:3T z-XX, iw Pcachbotteui 7:12 4:St 3:18 Safe Harber. 7:55 8:11 5:21 Columbia.. 8:23 5:40 (!:2U Statiems SenTn-Exprcs9.Exprcs9. Accem. WARD. A. 21. 1-. II. I A.M. Columbia Safe IlarlKtr. Pcachbotteui.. . . Pert Deposit 11:45 r.st. 12:14 1S57 !:2i) :l'i P.M. 8:." 7:45 Aitkin; I Let): It) 1 11.07 P.M. ! 12:25 TKADING X- COLU.1II1IA IS. It. AKRANGEMENT OFPASSENUEK TRAIN'S. OCTOltEU 25TU, l&e. NOnTHYV"AKD. LEAVE. A.a.'P.SI. P.M. A.M. A.M.'P.M. P.M. 6:15 .... 'XV) 7:55 3:40 8:05 1:05 3:50 7:55 1:10 3:10 10:05 3:20 5.50 tjunrryvillc ftl5 30 7:Mi Lancaster, Jvlng st 7:55 .... 3:4) IhXi Lancaster 8:05 1:05 3:50 lhll Columbia ARRIVE. Heading SOUTHWARD. LEAVE. Reading ARRIVE. Columbia Lancaster....... Lancaster, King St... (Juarryville A.M. A.M. P.M. 8:05 .I2-.OI 0:10 P.M. 10:15 2:10 8:20 10:07 2:10 8:10 10:18 8:20 11:20 .... 9:25 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and Irem Philadelphia, Pettsvillc, llarriwburtr, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Hound isroek Reute. At Columbia with truing te and from Yerk, llane vor, Gettvsburtf, Frederick nnd Balti more. A. St. WILSON. Supt. Itjexnsylvama KA - 1 X SCHEDULE On and K AI LRUAU- SKW after SUNDAY AUGUST Shi, 180, trains en the Pennsylvania iuuireaii win arrive aim leave me i.ancaier and Philadelphia depots as follews: EastwaTid. Arrivu Phllad'a 4:l.r a.m 7:40 10:ld"" lie'fV.. 3:15" 5:00 " 5:3) " 0:45 " IflO " Philadelphia Express,... Fast Line, Y'erk Accem. Arrive.";.. Ilarrlsburg ExnrtMM Dlllervillc Accem. Arrive, cei u in ma Accem met lat ion, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mail. Johnstown Express, Day Express, Harrisburg Accommedut'n, WESTWARD. Lt-avt: I Arrlv- I'Piiilad'alLunc'ter Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne.l.via Mt.Jey, MallTruinNe.2,via Cel'bia, Niagara ft Chicago Express Sunday JJail, Frederick Accommodation, Dillcrvillu LocaI.via.Mt.Jey Ilarrlsburg Accommodate, Columbia Accommodation, Ilarrlsburg Express, Pittsburg Express Cincinnati Express Pacific Express, l-iJ i 7.30 wait' 8:00 11:50 .":( 0 a.m liitlll " 10:15 " 11:05 " 10-.50 " 2:10 r.u. 15 " 230 " 5:15 " 7sr - 7:30 8:50 IL30 " 2.40 A.M 30 4:00 5:30 6:25 9:10 11:55 Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, when flag Sed, will step ut Mlddletewn, Elizubethtewu It. Jey, Lanillsville, liiriMn-Hniid, Lcinan Place, Gap, Christiana, Purkesburg, CeuU-k vlllc, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at I)owningtewn,Coatesville, Parfces bnrg.Mt. Jey, Elizubcthtewn und Middli-tewn. Hanover accommodation went, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:05 a. in., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, wt-st.reiincctaat Lancaster, with Fast Line, wc-.t, at 10 i jr., and will run through te Frederick. GIFT DRAWINGS. 26th Popular Monthly Drawing- Off THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, In the City of Loulsi Leulsi vlllc, en TUESDAY, NOV. SOth, 1880. These drawings occur monthly under pro pre visions et an Act et the General Assembly of Kcntuckv. Incorporating the Newport Print ing and Newspaper Company, approved. April 9, 1878. 43ThIs la a upcclal act, and has never been repealed. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following decisiens: . 1st That the Commonwealth, Distribution Company lit legal. 2d Its draw ingtt are fair.. N. B. The Company lias new en hand ft large reserve fund. Head the list or prizes for the NOVEMBER DRAWING. I prize $ 30,000 1 prize 10,000 1 prize 5,000 10 prizes $l,000each 10,000 20 prizes 500 each 10,000 100 prizes. 1100 each 10,000 200 prizes 50 each 10,000 600 prizes 20 each 12,000 loeo prizes lecach 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " 800 1360 prizes $112;40C Whole ticket, $2; half tickets, $1; 27 tickets f50 ; 55 tickets, $100. . Remit Meney or Bank Draft In Letter, et send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of 5 and upward, by Express, can W sent at our expense. K " teOAKDMAJ. Courier-Journal Building, Lenlnvllle, Ky.,ei 307 and 309 Breadwav. New Yerk. nUlTuTh4SAw A TTORNEXS-A t-la w UKNKY A. KILKT Attorney andCounseller-at-Law 21 Park Rew, New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United Slate, and a general leg-.U business transacted Kcfrtr by perinUsinn te Stclnxnen & Hensee Leave Lunc'lei 2:10 a.m. 5:20 8.0!) " 8:(Ci " 8:15 9:10 " ISA- " l:i;0 r.M. 2:00 ' :B " :4 " i:25 " P.M. 5:00 5:10 0:40 L