".- r LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER MONDAY, NOVEMBER! 1880. Lancaster fntcUcgenrer. MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 1, 1880. Aw iicrsen who shall, with the intent te influence or intiuydate such elector te give his vote for any par ticulur candidate or candidates at such election, give, offer or jiremi.se te give such elector any office, place, appoint ment or employment, or threaten such elector with dismissal or discharge from airy office, plae;, appointment or employ ment, public or private, then held by him, in case of his refusal te vote for any particular candidate or candidates at such election, the person se offending shall hi; guilty of a misdemeanor, and, en conviction, Ik; sentenced te pay a fine net exceeding live hundred dollars and undeige an imprisonment net exceeding 1 we years. 77(C law of 1'rimxijh-iin'ni. A Par! lobe Pitied. The Republican party has a jewel of a leader, but nevertheless is heartily ashamed of him. It lias been accustomed te be led by men with quite as little scru ple about the means through which they sought their ends, but they have been .iinart enough te l.xep their tracks de cently covered. Mr. Jewell has either very bad Inch or very peer fJ:ill, and he ceme.i te grief se often that it is impo?s.-J-b'enet te:-:e; that he is sadly troubled with '.t upid ity. There was .something of ill hid: in hi; misfortune with these Flerida telegrams, but it was nothing but siliines-i te see!: te crawl out of the dilemma wilh a charge that the Demo crats v. eie :- king te colonize a Demo cratic state, lint Mr. Jewell's misad venture with Ti'i'Hi is the most humili ating one he has yet had. Te b'j se easily gulled and te put himself se completely in the power of his enemies, makes their chairman a very suitable object of the aunt hem:: . of his political friends. Te the world in general Mr. Jewell exhibits hims'if in a still wer-'":i-ip::cl in treating with the publisher of what he claims te In; a forged letter of his presidential can didate and by cmaging in a written letter te Mr. Garfield that a consideration .should be given ler it, declaring that it was a grea' service- r."i:dcrel. Certainly if Mr. Jewell relied upon Mr. Garfield's declaration that the letter was se gross a forgery thai no one could mistake it for his writing, he would net have been se eager te ;.',. je,. ;. confesiien of doubt from lis publisher.. Ner, if he had been an honorable man. would he have enter ed into an arra;i!'-..:ient of any kind with the criminal'!, whom Mr. Garfield in ,strii''t d him te hunt down and punish. The I'-'ler of Mr. Jewell shows with ipiile sufii.'h'iit distinct iies-s, just what tin; b'irgaiii was; aul if there was any uncertainly about it, it would be re moved by the statement:; coming from Hart the publisher, Jewell the contract or and I'iltenheelcr the beneficiary; from which it is clear that. Diltonhec.ler was te be i warded adequately fort hi-. " gieat Ki rvice'' credited te him, after Mr. Garfield should take the presidential office ::ud In-in position te ilislribule its plunder. It will b '.,-. -ei.tlly refreshing for the people te ob crvc in hew calm and mat ter of C0111..C wav the liepublicaii chnir mau dispes of Cue federal offices in lelurn for election service:; te the parly. It. w.i.; Ihu:, they will remember, that the coii.-piralers weie rewa:dei who four yiais age :.e aside tin popular will and secured bylh'ii Sic cheating the pie-.i-deni te M i. Nnj.e. Ne one ., ill deny lh;if Mr. Jewell was quite light in h-ieviug that a great ser vice would hae been done Mr. (Airfield by the aduir den lhal. his Cfiinee lelur was a forget . Judge Ha vis, before wh'iin the investigation of this fact, hi new biking place. ;a . strongly and truly taid thai i! ii is a gen nine l'-tir it should completely d fe;.l. Mr. 'anii-pi" . pie.tid' nlial aspiration. Mr..Jw 1! was no! deceived in thcgicai thcgicai nesseflhe :.ei vi-e, nor did In, offer te buy it at loe high a price : his only dil!': cully i ; lh.it he ..ought le buy it. at all; thereby cnufc:...hig tin weakness of Iiis cause and i!;e reUcnin si of his morals. In this latter rc.spccf he gees liglif along iu company with Garfield-a noble pair of brothers. We de net Knew who new feels any :;ur confidence I hat Garfield did net write tha! letter. Hardly any Itepub lican can have se sublime a faith in a candidate whom (heir own chairman se distrusts, even if Jewell is a feel. Ami they de no! cl, much comfort from the evidence, which se farclcarlj proves that the man charged with the forgery eflhe hitler is net guilty. A crowd of witnesses swear lhal if is net his handwriting. Streng testimony declares ii te be Mr. Garfield's, notwithstanding his declaration that no one could honestly se assert who was fa miliar with it. Mr. Hewitt's honesty no one will .successfully challenge and he alone is .siilheicnl te nut Mr. Garfield te confusion in his bread assertion. And, admitting this letter te be a forgery, what amoral monster doe; Garfield ap pear '.J Xe wonder his Republican sup porters refuse te believe it. Peer lel Imvs ! hew much they have te worry them ! Xe wonder they tire mad and in their extremity seek te bulldoze these they can influence. One can readily see that any lespeclable man who is net blinded by party prejudice must he driven te the polls with n, bludgeon, bcarimrn Garfield ticket. lie could never come voluntarily with all these charges of ly-' ing, perjury, corruption and servility ringing in his cars against Garfield : and wit h the spectacle before his eyes of the lb-publican chairman buying off his ac cusers. Ven: district can be. made te increase its Democratic vote 10 per cent, ever that cast, for TilnVn. Sec that this at least is done. Jiirr I'cnn.sylvaiiia ring the old bell of lilierty te-morrow Hancock .struck it in 1ST)!. Hancock shall again slrihe it in 1SS0. Evkky Djniecral needs te make him self an active poll committee man from this date until the polls close. Cecx.d all that heroic throng of Union soldiers that fell en the bleed-stained hills around Gettysburg rise from the graves where they new await the finanl roll call, hew many of them, reader, de you think would vote for General Hancock ? iYieie Era. All of them, probably. Gen. Meade, who commanded the Union forces dur ing that battle, and who chose Hancock te select the battlefield, was an ardent admirer of Hancock and thanked him in his own name and the name of the country for the great services he render ed at Gettysburg ; General Butterfield, Meade's chief of staff and heretofore a Republican, is for Hancock : General Sickles, who fought en Hancock's left and who lest a leg at Gettysburg, is for Hancock : Gen. Slecurn, who fought en the extreme right and hurled back Ew ell's rebel horde, is for Hancock, and se are almost every one of the great living officers and brave men who fought en that bloody field. Can it be doubted hew the heroic dead, would vote could they rise from their graves ? Tin-: time for argument is past that for action has come. Let our friends be possessed of a calm confidence. Let them be vigilant and active. All manner of devices of fraud will be, no deunt, at tempted .and a strict watch must be kept en every ballet until it is counted. Offer no ballet thai you knew te be illegal and permit new te br: p'dled by your oppon ents. Let us have a fair election, in which every citizen entitled te si vote shall cast it ; and let the best man win. There ought te be nothing but peace and quiet at the polls, for the election law is j plain : it tells who may and may net vote : and as the law says se must it be. ! Ii i:ai your electoral ticket and eem- pare every name with the list published in the I.vrr.i.ui'sicxcKU. A common device of the enemy is te substitute some I of their electors for ours, in the xpecta j tien ihat tin voter may net open his i ticket, or if lie does that he will ! fail te notice the change liecau.se of the many names en the ticket. Compare it therefore and vote ' n 'i ticket en trust : for I here is such a ! thing as political licaehcry and men ' whom wni knew as Democrats may have j been bought by the enemy te distribute a spurious ticket. lie. en the safe side. Lxamiiie every 1 name en your ballet IH'erc you cast it. ji..!M i:A"s should give special alien- tien te the contest "for J)ivri:i t Attoi: Attei: xi:v." Thousand. i of Republicans will iml ve'e for the liepuhiicau nominee T. .1. Da vi-.. He is grossly unfit for the oflie.:. An organized effort in his own party is being made te defeat him. We must keep and gel even Democratic vole for. Mr. Mi Mi;u.i..". Consent te no trading off en this ellice. We'.w EI.EITOI It ('ANIMKATi:. Tin: Democratic, national cemmitUc prep::':: te ( AttKY ew Yerk, Conncol Cenncol Conncel cuf ami New .Jersey for Haii"eck. with all the chances in favor of Maim: and Indiana, and a hopeful battle in Cali fornia, Nevada, Oregon, New Ilamp- I shire and Pennsylvania. .These, with the 1 assuicd electoral votes from the. Seutlu 'afford ccry guarantee of II wrei i;V ! election. ', KxA.iiiNi: ven: ti.m:t We have 1 positive knowledge that the Republicans j an circulating throughout the eily full 1 Democratic tickets with the exception I that tin; name of our candidate for As 1 sejiibly is emitted. Democrats of the ! city, examine your tickets carefully and ! see rhal. the name of Kmm G. Snviei: j is en it, and a!'.e- cry oilier Deunicralic. i cainlidale. ! Wrc arc going te have a local trial of ivirlue. ever vice in a smaller aiemi than the national one and with ;t geed pros pect, of success, If will take :t liie-proef diepnblic.-tn te etc for Davi-. ; half of , tin parly will spin; hiui out. " 's ,s ' ing tee much of them te swallow him I I 1 i.. tiel necessary f( urge Demecrai.S te vole te morrow, for they will surely lallbeenf. I Slit, lei, llr-iil Vete early, Se that the winking men of Hie organiza erganiza i lien may have I heir anxiety lessened hc i cause of their responsibility for the poll ! ingot' tie full vole of the district. Mi-:..' of Pennsylvania, remember Get tysburg! The savieur of thai, bloody field stands before you, and with the calm heroism that marked hi:: conduct timid theslerm of bullets I here awaits the ver dicts of the ballets te-morrow. Tin: bleed that Hancock shed afCd iysburg .'.heiild lo-nierrow ft notify a grateful soil and bear fruit in a glorious victory for the Jicre of that fateful field. I!i:wai:i: of imitations. The Repub licans an scattering broadcast every manner of spurious tickets by which te entrap unwary Democratic voters. 1'm:asi: give tin election day your efferls and your learns. Let no Demo crat remain tit home, and change, at least one liepublicaii vole before you rest sat isfied. Tin: soldier vole for Hancock will. sur prise the scheming liepublicaii dema gogues who have been se .sedulously at tempting le revive the hitler memories of the. war. Tildex had something ever a hundred majority in this city four years age, but mat s no circumsiuuci- ie wnai we etui de for Hancock. Ski: Ihat the name of Klim (J. Snyder for Assembly is en your county ticket. There tire bogus tickets out with his name left off. 1)i:me('Iat, make no trades. The opposition only offer Hiem in the expec tation of gelling the belter of them. Yetk early, but only once, and see that your Republican neighbor doesn't get in an extra ballet. Dkmutii is pledged te support Parden Mill Quay for United States senator. II axceck Gettysburg . Vete for Elim G. Snyder. Get out every vote ! A:;i still the testimony comes. That unfortunate Garfield, who swore se earnestly that his fee in the DtGelyer pavement business was net paid him with any view te secure an appropriation 7 by Congress, is new met by the testimony of A.lJ.K:rtland,en3 of the DeGelyer par ties, that Garfield was retained just for this purpose and because he was chair man of the appropriations committee. The statement is interesting as showing hew easily Garfield took te false swear ing, although confirmation is hardlv neededefthe abundant evidence show- ing his guilty complicity in this job te ? f i i rob the people. - --. dodges -- Loek out for the Republican organs Thk Republicans for lack of argument j country in the most perilous days of our are preparing a campaign canard te be ; ltwy;"tbccityef Philadelphia,by unau . . . . . t, .... ' isneus vote of councils, honored him with put out te-night. Beware el their . :i fem:il jnvitatJen .breiieU Maver Henry. te-night. They will 1m; filled with ;' la.-t I rescued nationality ; the great war minis cards,'' te be sprung when thev tliinfc ! ter cheeieil the rounded Jicre en the field . , , -. ' , of Gettyseurg? by his sympathy and coin- tee late for correction. JtmsiKK tin; great fraud et . ;- i . e. which Garfield was se conspicuous an agent. A vote for Demuth is it vote for Quay for United States senator. We can elect both Snyder and Mc.MuI Ien. Stick te them ! Last rally at the cotirt-heu.se this evening '. 4i ...... ..,. ..i r .-- A i t li. vote and a fair count v.i 1 . . carry J'ennsylvaniafer her favorite s-.n. 'ete early and stive miltce much trouble I tour poll com. THE l'AltrV ESTIMATI-. ... . . . . ,. Claiming That It Will .c-i Liinly Emi-Ii hiiln Carry l'eieisylvanla. Tiie paity figure-men liave l)ec:i busy for some days, but they are net handy 'with ,i,...;t n, ,... i. :t. ,.,..... ti. i..r.:.i.; .., State rrnmniliM! -....t cut : lil.inks f:irlv l:if.ft week te the chairman of the county com mittees asking for estimates, hat no te fast night se few returns had come in that the committee declined te make up a table by counties. The only table made for the Republicans was prepaicd by Scc cictary Quay, who figuies out :".", it"M Re-' publican majority. This estimate has been printed en a slip and privately eiiculated. Chairman Cessna claims 10,0f)f) and Secre tary Rogers says it will probably be :;(),()!)!. , The Democrats de net make any tables, but from figures furnished bv Senater I Wallace and Chairman Dill the fyi;ev.ing is made up by tin; iai.t : I:ii. Den niaj. maj. . . I.au lenie SOW l.'-li.oien Itt l.clilIi -jjm .IVi l.acl.-auunn a t I.IIZr-rill! lifl'l .. I.yreiniii . . ,'Jikii .VX .McKian 'J."i)0 Jlerei-r ..iMilllln -Jfi ..'.Meil ret: V'.V.II ..'.Mont;;ei:ieiy(i')'l .Ml Menteur i;e'i . .iNeilliaiiij.I'MlKil ..j.N'ertliiliiiii'il. l.'Oi iViO.reiiy '.Hi ..H'lltluilelptiia .. ..il'lki 11(." ..'I'ellei- ..isclmylliill. ..'"ft .Mm Miyler ..ISniiieiM't t:: (1 Sullivan 11 l:ji:SiiMiii.iaiiu:i ..!Tlnii .. Venango ..r.Vanen ll,VaMhint;l(jn i'i,') ..Wayne H.'ii . .IWrHtmen I'll l.Vn IWil Wveinin;; ... lit-1 HM Virl niMI ma. ID) 1 1JV J 0 ."'"I I'l.i-j It. I V.'.'V, M J-'!.l .VKI Jli' I i;mi "I '.V.0' a. vi This shows an apparent ! tent. cess of .-,'i.lOin the stale. Tim V0I1: el IVilliHylvaiil.'t Silire I i.t'At lieiihw ami i'usieii. I.iiieeln. liell. I -ui- ii e.Hii:ni..i:i.M;:(; vwrvi u;;i; ... Hem. Kip. 'I'em. CI. I, !..' a a. 1 1 ;e .'I'.iii'i'ii.var. iw; Ooviliier...r.ll7l iRf ! Ia I'lcsiileiit .'IKlwrj ll.'JM'.i im Ami. Cen... 'iltiTK ZtxitMi H( Coveriier...2:f'i!ii; :H7J7I iw;7 siiiCeuii..j(;77'if; wwu iw;s Ami. i;iu.:K!i7.siauti; imw i,r-Hicif;iji...::i:ct rsi-j-e , IHC.l Coviirner. ..Will.v; IKiH.V.'! .'iai. :..;) 1: r..vji n :.-::, 1: :.7i; 1: :i';i;i i: i.i.. u ''-- 1' i-.-'.i-i it ,.. 1. 1 !-Vi It ...'. :n:!';s it i::uisi: -"'jr-' l .... i-x'i 1: 7-ii i;:iii 1: S7I Ami. (ivit...,Hi'.tM v:r.rM IM7-' j;iivi!rnei-...8l77'i) a.V-'-7 IH7'.' I'lesMi'iil . . '.'I IHU :sr.i.Vsl IS7:: Tn-nmi 1 :.. 'I!M7I ills'iS IH7I I.I. Cov J77r.l." J7i"ili; ::i7.'. livi ii::e ICI'.I 1 -7r Coveiiiei-..i:iin:. :iiii7." i::jii s7ii i'i-:Hiiicui..:'tiii asms i::ih "i- .'.",K"'-SH"' ,r;i.4 "..":. "- .": ' "7 ; IH77 I reiiMinei-..i.M7l7 'JIIHIC v-J7 ...".l '.K'Ml I iN7s-;ovaiiei-...-.7i::7:ii'.ii:i'i :;7.vi si 7.1s 'i::-M 1: IK7H .sup. Court .'i-7-i.'i :iUu ....:i:i.ili; -."sja u IlTf-J:?",,"I,",i"--V?.,,,i:.l? :il::.1-.':: !?''? sir-' i'-T'7 !f h;:i 'I'leaMirer. ..".! 1 7 1. r iS()I.V: :wi'l '.7--)7 .V I !' !t Ineliiilei lii'i'i'iilmc!.- ainl luileiieiiiienl et I IncliKle! I'l'oliiliitieii vote; tin u:im fill lint Ii llckel.-i. "ui'ii'l:.).' PERSONAL. The I'.iti.ciis of Arizona have been de voting the past week te receptions hi honor of (icneral Kiii'ue.NT. Cen. Chant doesn't think it worth while loge all the wnv te Calciia te vel.". He will spend election day in Xew oil:. Mr. .fenx S. Ci.auki:, who has Ik en dangerously ill in Louden, is locewring and will seen be able le : cap pear en tie' tagc, ! General Hancock ea Friday received two geld headed canes one from I'radfeul, Pa., and the ether from Nbrwalk, Huren county, Ohie, both I he re'sulls of voting i contests at fairs. j Kx-Jev. Si'i:eii: still holds the feit :.t i Cauenehct. A Rroeklyn lawyer called en Mr. Sprague the ether day and demanded j Mrs. Kale Sprajjue's wcaihiji aiipaiel. bu! ' lie didn't get anything. Miss Eva Setiikiin, the only daughter of tin: well-known actor, has been offered an cxccllaitl theatrical engagement, but a: she is a ward of the court of chancery it. will be necessary le make application te the court befeie she can accept the en- glgCIIICIit. The widow of Gen. Ai.iumr Sii.t;v Johnsten, who fell in the battle "f Shiloh, is new living in San Francisce. She is described as " woman of higli culture, gracious presence and digni fied manners."' Seme twenty years her husband's junior, the frosts of ."$ winters have whitened her hair. Time has, how ever, dealt, kindly with her and few ladle:, of her age can beast of se much that is at tractive and winning in person. Rev. Dr. Cresby paid this eemplimunt. te the IJEitNiiAitiiT from his pulpit in Xew Yerk ysstcrday: "I cannot refrain from referring le an unholy woman of shame who lias come te this city te flaunt herself en a public stage. I hope nene will se de grade themselves as te encourage her im moralities in any way." Ulysses S. Gbaxt, jr., whesj engage ment with Miss Floed, of San Francisce, was broken off some time age, will he married iu Xew Yerk te-day te Miss Chaffee, daughter of cx.-Scnater Chaffee. . of Colerado. After a time the company will take a bridal trip te Mexico. I Den. n.-.j. AilaniM iva) Allc-ciiv AriiiMi-fiiifr .. ISeavcr ItcillcirU ;(ii Jlcrks KV.e Uliiii- l'.i:tiH(ri ISiieks -Iix) KiirliT.". j.i Cuiiil.rlM l.vci l.'aiiicidii Hilten hh l.initie lis) Chester Clarien ir.(i (.leaillclil '22TM Clinten I.WI Celninttlii iri) Crawlei'il ;n in i-ti:iti:. i.:e 1 Dauphin IMiiwnre Kile son Krie Iity:lti; nam I'erevi ll( 1-mnUllii Knlten wl Cicene -JinHi lliiiitinileii. .. Iniiiana .lell'cI'MllI Im .Iiiiilulii .Till l.uncasler... Hancock am! Pennsylvania. Philadelphia Times. Xe presidential candidate' ever deserved mere from any state than General Hancock merits from Pennsylvania. He is a son of Pennsylvania ; he has honored her by his heroism" iu defense of the Union ; he made his name and his native commonwealth illustrious en the field of Gettysburg: he has been gallant in war and noble in peace, and his public and private life has chal lenged the admiration of friends and the respects of fees. As here and patriot he has called out the grateful acknowledgment of the loyal I lieon'eef the nation. A Republican Cen- gies tcndeicd him by unanimous vote, V,c he,naSe f ,t!,e republic ; the cmen League, as with one voice, came with its voluntary and sincere tribute form's "gal i lantrv and distinguished service te our te Independent hall, ' for his brilliant ser- vices m the cause of the Lnien. President ! Lincoln thanked him in the name of a j mendatien, and cvciy loyal tongue lisped tne ii:un": f.t Meifle HevnnlilK finil 1 1:111 f ' :;:, ; r. ,: 'rr; ;r' ... r.. " ;: 1 cucx twin iiean-ieii praise, v.nen inu .. i ei.iive conflict of the war was wen en j Pennsylvania's historic battle-field. Meade and Reynold.-; have passed away, leaving , their memories green in the affections of ; their countrymen, but Hancock yet lives, honored as soldier and statesman. i General Hancock was in political sym . pathy with Grant, Mcade, McClellan, ! Reynolds and many ethers who became ! distinguished in the nnny, and he ha3 net ' changed his convictions. They may be i wreinr : but thev am the convictions of i one v.he-a lntclhircncc and patriotism will ,. . . ...,,: .,.1 . ,i 41 ...... i.,..,,. ; net he questioned, and tlteyaie iienest. , if j.c.v :;,c net in harmenv with the true policy of the government, he should net ! be elect d j, resident ; but his eminent purity of character, his sincere devotion I te his country and his freedom from the qualities of the modern politician, must invoke the enthusiasm of his supporters ...,... ... - ,., V ; .e:i i.v.iu. i un: ic.-H'Ck ui inuae -f ' "t;!V:r ('l Gmficld for president, ;;' l'a;ss:0" "P'1 V1' "llue ' east the electoral vote of Pennsylvania ! 8lS!U"-t f'CH- Hancock, Lilt wllCtllCl 1.1S succes shall be rcgaided as assured, or as beyond the pale el possibility, every citi zen of the state who beasts of Gettysburg and wh prefei ; his election te the presi dency, should east his vote for Hancock to.iiieiiow. Possible, probable or even ceitain defeat should be no obstacle te tin; performance of such a duty, and it is this consideration that, will give Gen. Hancock a laiger -U; en Tuesday than has ever be be feie been cast in Pennsylvania for any can didate for president. He will largely ex ceed the vote of Tililen in Philadelphia, and his vote in the. stale will be larger than that cast for Hayes in 1870. What ever may be tin; anticipated issue of the pre-cnt st niggle, every citizen of Penn sylvania who believes that Hancock's elec tion would be wi'Il fur the nation, should (.::-! hi-; vote for him te-morrow. l'reilictii: "ijrinrv An e;:ee!!fnt woman- in the Xerth re cently prepped te pait for inederate sum, that i:, a comparatively moderate sum, with ceitain secret, information touching the re-ul! of the coming election, which in formation had been conveyed ie hci hci thieugh a series of dreams. The Itepubli e.ui oatieiiai ceuiiuitteu neglected te avail itM !l of thi: capital bargain, thereby tacit ly acknowledging its e.-.-pectatien of defeat. Perhap-;thc liepuhiicau national commit tee will take greater intcicst. iu the follow ing marvelous lelalieu which comes from a woman in tin; Seuth. Here is no dream heicaie bold, stern figures. The pro phetic Kpiiif. deals no longer with the in tangible "stall' that dreams are made of," but. with the mateiial hone and sinews of aril hnieli'. Tin: prophecy is tersely I laid down a". follews: "Garfield ! and Arthur shall net be elected.'" The title te credence of this I prophecy is in this wise established : I :!i!Il" is tin; pivotal key. Kverybedy ad- I li.'l.: tl.-.l i! Iu '..r.. fiie (iirilv..u "ft'l'l" ' " v-"' -' .....v. "-- te stand out iu hiiniing ciiiuseu against, the giay Xevember.sky en Tuesday morn ing, .Mr. Garfield would lcceive very few vel ". Kven se geed :t Reiitihlican and se ,ad a believer as (.of. Rebert Ingersoll, el in:....;. 1.1 l l...:i..i .. :.. n., llliuei ;, would jierhajis hesitate in these 1 circumstances te vote ler (arfieid. Is j Iheie any less leasen te recognize in the ! following "phenoiiieiien" a supernatural ielerfeiencc i:i the interests of parity and j truth '.' Head the prophecy llieiightlulfy : ! "Cailielil and Aithur shall net be elcclcd.' ' Xew apelv tin: malhcmatical test. Kverv leti' r in I he aiphabct has of course a spe I - , 1 1 ,t - , 1 ,:,:1 numeneal value: thus a is 1, 1) is j '?, Mid s.i en. Take the first word ! in tie iiiejihclic sentence, and having , . 1 .1 ..-.. . 1 , ' '"'" ' leicii ini; le.ij.cuiivi: liillline:. 111 the Iciteis which form it, add up these j iiiinhcrs. The icsiilt will be found te he j Cil. I'lecccd in this manner with the next ; wesd ''and,'' and with each successive ! wind. Xew add up the totals, and the result will be found le he :;21M "Gar field and Aiihur shall net Ik: elected," and t!,u awful "tWti" proves that they shall net be! Ijst I he liepublicaii na- I tienal committee should declare this entire j statement a "forgery,'' or something ecpially dieadful, the following table of figures is effeicd te i it-publicans for study and reflect ion : I ffitrflcM Anil Arthur Shall Net V.r Klerlnl ;-? a i a i . i:i x ii i:-- i: .- a i x n k-is ii s ir, i: -.-. .v i: 1 n - i t 'j i a i t -jii !: .-. I- : 11 s .-i ; :; l a : 21 r.-i; r i i: r. k-ih k r. I.-I2 i- I i- i Vi .ii riiii. :;:!. ;ivim: thank's. II.i'--t's l'lixhiiiialieii Aispeinlla ; Novum!! i i ... as i l:iiiK.s-;iviii-; iluy. The follev, Iitr was issued en Salurdsy by the piv sidenl. of the Ihiiti'd States of Ameiica. A I'i-e-iaiiiatliii. At no period iu their history since the Coiled Stales became a nation has this people had s. abaudaut and se universal lcasens for joy and gratitude at the favor of Almighty Ged, or been subject te se profound an eblig.it iea te give thanks for iiis loving kindness and humbly te iin iin plen: Iiis continued cue and protection. Health, wealth and prosperity throughout all our hoarders; peace, honor and friend ship with all the: world ; firm and faithful adhcn.uce by the :cat body of our popu lation ie the principles of liberty and justice which have made our greatness as a nation and le the wise institutions and strong frame of government and society which will perpetuate it for all these let the thanks of a happy and united people as with one voice ascend in devout homage te thc.Givcr of all geed. 1 thcrcfeie recommend that en Thurs day, the 25th of November next, the peo ple meet in their respective places of wor ship te make their acknowledgments te Alinig!il,y (hid for His bounties and His protection and te eiler te Him prayers for their continuance. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States te be fixed. Dene at the city of Washington this first day of November, iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty and of the independence of the United States tiie one one hundred and fifth. Ry the president : R. B. Hayes. Wm. M. Evauts, Secretary of State. LATEST NEWS BY HAIL. There were 535 births, 213 marriages and 54 1 deaths in Xcw Yerk city last week. Riots growing out of the prevailing po litical excitement have occurred in Denver, Cel., St. Leuis, and Key West, Flerida. Charles O'Neill was fatally shot in the abdomen at Cincinnati during a sticet fight. The boiler of the Atlanta (Ga.) lleuring mills exploded en Saturday, killing the en gineer and fireman. Sephia Ingicnita, who arrived in Xew Yerk from Itnlv en Snte-.flnv 1.1.-.-1- 1 1,0 III 4.ILII gas out and suffocated. '!. .;,. -1? ri. .. r.11 1 it. ...,....,. viiaiic.- ii. j. .1131.-1. il'ii uiiecr uiu wiicein of a inevi' ing railroad train, at Central Fall,-, Friday night, and was killed. ' '. UIJ A Illicit lll-'ill. .lll'l ...l l.lllUtl. Monumental cotton press. Union , Baltimore, was btnncd en Saturday night. Less. $ 10.000. besides a large quar. tity of cotton. In SusEcc county, Ya., Mattie Sharp was standing near a lire, when her clothing be ( there will be considerable trouble at the came ignited, ami hofere help could he had ' V0R en election dav. It is stated that all she was fatally burned. the iaw hil(,pi ,,'avc becn deleted of Henry JJleyer, ex-city councilman, of ! revolvers by the new-made deputy mar Wilmington, Del., disappeared about ten I shahs and sheriffs. It is said there is no days age. and his body wa-. found in the lirainiywme, yesterday morning, it 1 thought he was murdered. Three soldiers of the Xiiiciy-eventh regiment have been arretted at Halifa::, X. ri., for assaulting and outraging Lliza Davis. The woman's mouth was cut by a bayonet which had been ucd a; a gag. The Wcntwerth heu-.c, in Walpele, i .515,000 ; hotel fully insured. II.. with a livery stable attached, occupied . thc niayer icturned the fobewmg reply : byMaynaidltrV. v-a, destroyed by fire j -.Irancnter into 11.1 agreement with 11 yesterday. R. L. Ball's -hoe store and the Vm c(1 Statcs ''i'j":i1 a"l tin; shcnil et pest eflicc weie badlv dam:".vl. Less, i Cook county, wlie fiave ret used te appoint ,IM:T:"l i wheselisterest they are te-day, the comp-my net having complied with its terms. Tin; Cape Ced i-anal com pany, of Massachuaetts, will la!::: up the work as rapidly as possible. The article", of incorporation of tin. Chi cu-e uiviii- jku'k wen; :orwar.ieo re .iprmg- field en Saturday evening. The incorper- aters arc U.II. Campbell. H.V. Reams and A. T. Richmond. The corporation will have a capital stock of :iOf!,00'), divided into .shares of $100 each. The steamer Antisana, Captain Uurge.-a. from Savannah te Livenie.il. has arrived .1:..: ..i : 1 .. .-1 at ueen.'.tev.-u short of coal. She lauded the inew of the Rriti.di shiplndia, Captain -McCarthy, from Quebec, September 15. fur Liverpool, which was abaudeucd. water logged, en the :2')tii of S'.pte.mber, live hundred mih.. wsl of Fastnet Re.;!:. Leen iSe.lmeut, ,: ung woman v. lias 'din- heenreiire'-eiitinx h-:rsc-Ifas alma 11 iu ueapelis, MiMii.. by wearing tin: bifurcalcd garmvut, and who said sac was a nephew of .Mr. August, i'elmeul, of Xmv l'erk. lias had her sc-x discovered, ar.d is in c.r--tedy. Sin; became intiniat- wjfli ti;" family of .Mrs. Wai e, of i.ead City. aa' had wooed their daughl'-r Gr.icie. William Frit .eh. a German shoemaker of San Francisce, killed hi; wife Frances ka en S-iturday by cuMi.ig lu-r threa.. after derpfnite lvsLtanee en her part, in which she received a number of miner ; wounds. I b then btabbed himsi If a dozen times in the breast and stennscli, inflicting probably fatal wound ,. Dem."-ti.; tieubl-. caused the tragedy. Dining tin; temp nary aiienc; of lie; family the re-ideinv: of .Ie'.:: Dillingham, at Xew l'respc", v. as n!e:ed by burgla: ; , en Satin day. who r.ius:n:l:ed the heu-e ! from e'dlar te garret, carrying off .'ilver ware jewelry and cl-thiie. vain d . it about evidently mc! $300. The. ,,i deniy alarmed, meney.in :. i UllI of :'! en- j d touched. The pedes'. rial i contest. !.- lie: eham pieic-hip of t !ie weild began this morion" merion" morien" iu Louden. .Si:: eempi tileis--naniel.", Littlcwoed. IVgr.im, ISrewu, II iweli. Deblcr. and Hew.nd,--wi re; slarli-d at 1 o'clock by Sir Jehn As' Icy, en one of the best track., ever laid in Agricultural Half. The score at '', e'chek was a ; fellow..: Littliw'oeil, K! miles; Tcgrani, 10 miles: Itrewn, III miles: Rewel!. 10 miles; Deblcr, 15 mile. ; J'ew.ird. bl'miks. Tin; :.;.vr Title: l ;: ':ii.m:.; .1 Harry Zrl-y Alli-mjils t It-.iv i'-i.iii.i ihii Ie -.ei.iiie liW Hener, reilsvlllnfjlirinic'c. Last night at ll.e lien: ;wii'ii churchyard.-; yawn"' a brother of tin; coil. ir of the Schuylkill Il jmiUfii,i di.-iurbed the peaceful i epo-e of a t ype compositor em ployed en the f'hrenirlf. and left liie fol lowing h'llcr i.i which was encie.-ed a Democratic count v ticket wheal .1. H.urv had received as ;-. compliment from a mem- her of the; Fourth di.stii--l. committee who was authorized te give it te him. Fer bold faced hnpudene: tin; di.-graceful preposition cmhedice! in tha letter I-c.-.N j anything we have ever .ven in politics. I! proves that, Iv!i(.r Zer'-ey is ignorant of' the confidential relations which exNt in :dl j well-regulated pihil.hig cslabli; hmenis a: d i shew.1; te what h.irc u-:;s .Mr. Sigfrh-d';-. j organ boy will pre, lilut- his pe.Mli.iu in I order te !i an :u-t, of counterfeiting. j orri'-i:er Tiie-iiii'i i.kii.i, i:i;im;i;!.ii'ax." I'l-iiirlifl II''.,'.; rflhr ('.iin!;;. ('ii'flut ,.i tjlrw-eitl. .i. ii. .i.ki.i.) , '.ni:i.r Mni ru.jirii or. f'nlililciiliitl. Mi:;r.v.'vu.i.v., Ii. IS.V. Dhai: : 1 must have: two words of county as like the heading te th ; Deme-rath: ticket enclosed. Can you ge t l!ie two wei I out of the case and let me have them'.' 1 v.i. I pay you, , forth:- Ireub'-. (ict it if at.al! possible. The IVm n:.its have ceiintei'feilcel our tickets and new we must de the same. Your old fiie ml, .1. II. ::r.t:i.KT. leave it at the store te-morrow n m:i. !). me the favor Icusr. Thus we; expose the attempt, te bribe an employee te steal from his employer". Then: is"no Merey or I'cllihoever busi ness abei'st. this letter of Zerbi'V:-. The document i.-. genuine. Weaie net having it steieetypeel for publication, nor have we sent for F.xpcrt II. inch te prove its gen uineni'ss. Zeibey won't elise-Iaim it. It. is his handiwork from top te bottom, ami any reader ma j.;; : c and compare it with any ether p. .!u ; .:i of the biil!i;t. le their heart's ceiilea!. en ani)H'".ieii. STATK ITliilS. Tin; dead body of Anlhenv Walsh a young man. .vas found en I'm: Lehiirh Val- ley i-aiiread at .Milan, near Pittston He was run ever while walking en the track. David A. Wells, ::-mcmb"r eflhe Penn sylvania Legislature, and a leading Demo cratic politician of Pike .-..inty, died c terday in .Milfenl. A mass meeting of Philadelphia work werk ingmen cm Satunlay listened te ad:hr..-.es urging the re election of Iiebert E. Patti son, city controller, and adopted i (-solutions denouncing the importation of Chi nese labor, and the use of money at elec tions, and calling upon the friends te re ject only geed ami tiied men for ellice. joe;l Xcius ir.ini CiJiiiiccticuJ. AH indications point te a complete Democratic victory in Connecticut next Tuesday. New Haven will give Hancock ;j,000 majority and the state ret !e-s than 5,000, The Democrats have been making a splendid canvas':. .Volunteer committee" arc organized all ever the state te work for Hancock in avuvy town. The Demo cratic state ticket in;.i'tii behind-Han' cock's vote, but it will be elected by :,0!'.e majeiity. Democrat- will gain one if net two congressmen, and hava an even chancu en the Legislature. THE CHINESE LAKOKLirrTEi:. A Man "W.'ie Says he Sitr -llerey Kecelv it, anil Saw the Letter of tiencial GrtTfictd 10 Which It was an Answer. A letter was received by the national committee en Saturday evening from a man who says that he was employed with II. L.Mercy by the Employers' Union and saw the letter that 3Ierey wrete te Mr. Gai field and was present when Mr. Merey received the icply from Mr. Garfield and read the letter. He says that the letter en the Chinese question published is the let ter wlncli .Merey received from Garfield and 1 " --. -., .... ,.... ' opened in his presence. If the man can be brought te Xew Yerk he will be there te- f day ..- ... .v.. .... ... ..... iri. i.tif; t,i. If net, his affidavit will be there. -1 ht'rer,s al0 .anthcr Mey (net II. L ) I rfm J'?na who ,s pcctcd te testify te- I , nay Till' KKrUIIMCAN l'LOX IX CIHCAC'O. Kiut tu ln Or;ntzcl in ltcmecratic VVaril and Veter Arretted by Wholesale. Ill i',l."rte ... . !h 5j f..iwi.l mrr !. I doubt that the Republicans intend te rc- I t'li'il i te rrt tf ii tlm nniiiniiiti ii"itiTu ln wholeale arrests se that a full vote cannot be polled. Se great is the excitement that a row might easily be provoked at the polls." Mayer Hflnisen has received a wild preposition from United States Mar shal Ilildrup regarding t.ic regulations for tin; order of voting next luesday, tewhicfi I any Democratic deputies, but have ap- 1 .w.;.v.r..l l.l.i .11 - tl.A .Kn.flr... ..I t I . .. e.tpectcd te work en election dav. Resides I knew of no ar.theiity by which United States deputy maishals or deputy sheriffs can iuteilere with the formation of the lines el voters. The preservation of the lifrann ill 11 in eitv of" China". dnvelvps iir;ii 'V -:.-- .--.-....., i me. 1 have sutlicicnt torce te de this duty, , ami ask no assistance from any but my j own eiTiecrs. f will preserve the peace en j Tuesday nest "' .-- ' Why l Shall Vr Aj;aiint (luriieiit. , Vcw Verk Slin ! 1- Because he aided and abetted the putting in of a fraudulent picsidcnl. 2. Advec.itud the Dc Colyer bill for a fci;. '.'. Toek a bribe for his iufiucuee in Con Cen giess. !. Favored bills for the benefit of uiiqucs. 5. Ojipesed all bills te restore American ships and the freighting business, thus hilling American .ship-building. 0. Advocated the immigiatieu anil the employment of Chinese labor in opposi tion te our own laboring people. 7. Advocated the centralization of capi tal against the interests of the masse.-:. 8. Advocated high tariff en tin; necessa ries of life, but net for manufacturers, and rt the same, time beenmn a member of a ficc trade club. '). Ileeau.-e his character ii net fair, like Hancock'... .Iai:s Ai.nnienr, 109th Street and Third Avenue. f!u: i:i ;e.:.ncai:.iri",li.'il forllle-jal Veiling. A sensation was eieatcd in" Cleveland Milur.iay, the an est prominent by the issue of warrants for f-ir illegal voting of two men in society and business circles. who is i'. u. i.nadwiui;, wlie marricil a , daughter el" If. K. Winslow, a large vessel owner, last Fcbi nary, ami settled here. Tin; cither is E. M. Grant, who was a can didate for the Senate in Clarien county, 'Pa., two year; age, but who moved his faniiiy there last May, being new secretary of tie; Cnmible steel company. J5etii eiiel the li-pueiican ti.:':ct at tin; Octo ber el'Ttien. Grant, was arrested, but Chadwick has net yet been found. A r;ni ItepubH'.-aii Uulr.iii in riei-lela. Tin.- Cubau-.'viiieiicau Deniecratie: pro-cej-.ioit heiil iu Ivc-y West, Fla., Saturday night, was the largest ever known in this put of Flerida. While the precession was parsing an unlightt-d portion of the .-.tieel it, was assaulted with slicks and stene-r; thiewn by :; gang of liepuhiicau negrees, and twenty men and one woman wera injured. The attack was net re-s-juleei. but a number of the lielers weie arre.-ted ami will be severely dealt with. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Tin: Tobacco JWurKct. try ht tic has been done in tobacco i thin city or county during the psst week, j A few small lets have been sold, the whe.c net aggregating mere than a hundred jcte;. Tiie political irceitennnit is no doubt I he cause of (he scant trade, and it is net believed then; will !s a general revival un til after the final result of of the election is known and the: public: again sett led down ie "bu-.i::c.-s." Dating the late wet spell a considerable e-uantity of the early harvested tobacco was taken from p lies for stripping, but it was fi.uud that much of the crop which was cut Iater is net yet sulficently cured for stripping. That which has been taken clown, si! fir as w have learne'd. is in a s-atisfactery ceiidilii.a ami premises te turn out well. Following are the sales of seed leaf to bacco repm ted by .!. S. Oaiis'sSeii & Ce.. tobacco brokers, Xes. 81 and fir, AVall street New Verk, for the week ending November 1, 1SS0 : LOOT cases iy?!) Pcnnsvlvania, asserted lets, 12 te 21c. ; wrappers, 18 te -10c. ; 00 ca : 1ST!) New Fuglauil, wrappers, 14 te 15c. ; ::00 cases 1873 state, It te 14c. ; 250 cases 1870 Ohie, 0J te l.'lc. ; 275 cases 1878 Ohie. -lj te 12c.; 100 cases sundries, 111 e I He Total, 2,225 cases. Kclor-u.itleu Day. Ill the Lutheran and some ether Protest ant churches yesterday; the services had a special rjferf n;cte thclicf raiatien inaugu rated by Martin Luther who en October el in the year 1517, fixed his memorable 1)5 theses en the church deer at Wittenberg. Tn Trinity church Rev. F.. Reed assist ant, pastor prraclual from Psalm 00, '1th vci-se. In the afternoon Rev. Dr. Gicen wald pastor add; cssed the Sunday school, and iu the cveniiig preached an excellent si rmen. In St. Jehn's church Rev. R."W. Hufferd prcadicd morning and evening but made no especial allusion ie the Reformation. In the Moravian chuich, Rev. C. Ii. Shulia preaehed his farewell .sermons, morning and evening. In the afternoon there was a largely attended' love feast. Iiev. Shultz removes te liethlehcm, hav ing leccived a call from the church at that place. I.'ul nl t'nutalaic.I Lvltrrs. Following is a list of unclaimed leltci.-. remaining in the pusteiiice, at Lancaster, for the week eliding .Monday, November Ladus? Lht: Emma Benedict, Mary A. Brown, M'ary Floed. 3Irs. A. C. Henry, Airs. Jennings, Mrs. Maggie Jehnsen, Lettie Jehnsen, Lizzie Kreider, Lydia Lehman (2), Aliee Maybcrry, T. S. Miller, Nellie Myers. Marv Sulicnl;crger. M.irv Walk, Mrs. C. C; Witmcr. CenW List ; B.isr.etfc f; Ce., Jehn A. Blake, .Tames Dcniclt, Gethatt Deinglcr (for.). Jonas F.by, Isaac Gallaway. Antlio Antlie ny Hailigan, J. Ifc-isr, L. I J. Ja.cob.sen. G. W. Mreegcr, Henry M. McLaughlin. I). M. Owen (for.), William Pryer. Rev-. Fayette lieyce. Chas Shulzc, Jehn Spcidle (for.'). Willi. Sti-Jthmana (for.), R. D. G. Weis-ter. THE 5. A. K. "Thes It"Veikcr" Again at Werk. About two months age tiie I.NTEM.r.EX cui: published a statement te the effect that the inspector of the order of the O. A. R. in this state had paid a visit te Geerge II. Themas pest 84, this city, and referring te the manifest desire of some of the " best ' workers " te pervert it te partisan purposes, cautioned them against attempting te carry out such intention as hostile te the spirit of the organization ; and added that if it came down te a strict test of preference, Gen. Hancock would be found te have a majority of the xn-sts iu his favor.- These warnings of the state inspector seemed for a time te have a restraining in fluence en the Hadical oflicc-helding cle ment of Pest 84, and they resolved te taboo politics iu their meetings. It ap pears, however, that they have again adopted their old tactics. The Ac iff Era of Saturday says in its local depaitmcnt : " Captain James Cress reached Lauc.istcr from Washington, a couple of davs age. and at the regular meeting of Geerge II. Themas pest, Xe. 81, G. A. Ii., held en Friday eveuing. addressed his comrades briefly, urging them te earnestness "m the light, and giving them words of great cheer and encouragement. Captain Cress leeks hale, as usual, and is very sanguine of the success of the liepublicaii party en Tuesday. In this respect he is like Re publicans everywhere, in this contest ; sanguine, for geed and substantial rea sons." The " geed and substantial reasons" which induce Captain Cress te attempt te prostitute the machinery of a non-partisan organisatien te the exigencies of the Re publican party, are the leaves and fishes of which he has se long been a recipient, and in this respect he differs net a whit from the "best workers" in this city. Ii it te be wondered at, therefore, that many of the bravest and most reputable soldiers of this city held themselves! aloof from an organization that is used as a mere political machine. Till: MA1NK CII.INCI.'. An I'.iu et-rasli' lntliilc In ttie 1'iiie Tii .State. I'reni a priviitc Iitlfr rr-ci-ivcil lei tliti citj. c!ate;il Aiilnirn, Elaine, October '-"J. "Gen. Plaistcil was here last evening and we had a big rally in City hall, L3 wis wis ten. Iu private conversation afterwards he said that we should carry the slate. He has been 11 ever the state since the September election and in seven counties since the Indiana defeat. He also says that there arc 1,500 te 2,000 straight backed Democrats who did net vete: for him iu September did net vote at all who will all vote next week. Alse some 1,200 te 1,500 fishermen wlie were away en their vessels iu September and are new home te vote, and most all of these are Demeciats. Besides all taese there is the almost solid French vote, who are new all for Hancock, owing te Blaine's dispatch te Jewell about the ignorant, cheating Fieuchmi-u in the Madawaska settlements. Fer instance, we have in Lewiston some 30 te 40 Fiench voters', all led by a Docter Mai telle, wlie has been a radical Republican, but last night te the surprise of everybody he hail strung across the front of his drug steie a big transpa rency, reading, The French Vele Soliel for Hancock Blaine did it.' "This is a s.ul thing for these Repuhlcans who paid for the naturalization (, these very Frenchman our Fiench all come from Canada. Ytfu lack funds, however, te bring home our ab.-ent voters and get our vole out. There being no fimels new in our lrca::ury save what wa Maim: Demo crats raise among oursclve-, anil as we have very few rich Democrat.-, and we did our best for the September election, it I makes us very sheiL new. I'laisteel said iu Iiis speech that he knew Blaine hail given up the state ; anyway Blaine isdeing no work publicly." Hancock r.li'ciiti:;. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held at Klixahcthtewu, Frid ly evening Oc tober 2Dth. The meeting war. trailed te order by II. F. Shiillz, when the following officers weie elected : President S. It. Hackenburger. Vice Presidents Colonel II. M. Brcmic man, Kmauel Hell'uian, Gee. W. Wermlcy, jr., David Mctzlcr, Jacob Keb, Jehn Nan man, Win. II. DiHenbach, Geerge Gardner, James Lynch. Seoietaries Addison hby. Jeseph II. Dehncr, AVm. A. Lairde, .1. li. Shult::, W. Wermiey. J. V. Leng. Owing te the inclemency of the weather the meeting was held in Hurst's hall, which was beautifully and appropriately decor ated. Vecal music was furnished by thir teen ladies representing the thirteen orig inal states, and one, the, "Goddess Of Lib erty," all thessed in white. Tim Elizabeth town band was iu attcndadei; and fur nished excellent music. The audience was ably ami elecptcntly addies.Mcl by Hen. J. L. Steiniuet;:, S. W. Shadle, and W. II. Reland, escjs. The closest attention and best order prevailed the entiie evening. An llunest Contention. The Acc Era en Saturday published an extract from Sepiiit: Then's diary, in an swer te tin; question "Is it wrong te vote'.'" The squire ('notes scripture te show that. " it is important te vote at election:, and thus with patriotic dibits bring the management of our country under the right men." The squire concludes his opinion with the remark : ' 'An honest confession is geed for the soul.' I hereby acknowledge that I de net knew mere about tin: lequisite capa bility of our candidates than the blind ma:i knows about the constellatiens.hcncc I call before the second day of November, 18S0, en my friend, A. ilur Smith, who is per sonally acquainted with them, and there fore able le judge of their competency, and iu geed faith I request him te put me en the right track, se that I may give my aid te the perpetuation of the Union and the prosperity of our beloved ceuncry." New wc understand the reason why Francis Killbuin and Hen. A. Herr Smitii each issued an " address" for the enlight enment of the faithful, all of whom cannot of course make it convenient te call en these distinguished gentlemen and he put upon " the light track," te vote for bribery and Chinese cheap labor. C'eiiimlttrel and i;icliari;erl. Jehn Jehnsen, a colored hed carrier, who has been drunk for several days past, was arrested by Officer Lentz and this morning was taken before Alderman Mc Conomy te answer the charge of drunken anil disorderly conduct. Harriet John John Jehn eon, the wife of Jehn, was the complain ant, ue icstiuc'.i tnat .101111 iiad ceme home and abused her en Saturday. The alderman committed Jehn te prison feri) days. Tem Davis was counsel for Jehnsen, and, thinking that he needed his vote, lie immediately get out a writ of habeas corpus. Jehnsen was taken Iicferc Judges Livingston and Patterson at 11 o'clock and thev discharged him. Mayer' Court. Mayer MacGeuigleliad thirteen custom ers this morning, including vagrants and drunken and disorderly persons. Concur ring iu Judge Patterson's exalted idea of the sanctity of the "franchise." the mayor discharged all his prisoners se that they maybe able te vote ii" they are entitled te votes. . Sale eflteal KIr..c. On Saturday IS. F. Rewe, auctioneer, sold for Hen. Jehn Strohm, administrator and trustee for heirs of Jehn Bassler, de ceased, a farm in Uilen tewnslnp contain ing 142 acres and 2'J perches, '.with im provements, te Aaren "Wails, for $10 per acre.