-W3v .- -f?rl .,---V,,1 "SSF5" v '5 V r- : , LANCASTER DAILY JJTIKLhi&gNCtilt. SATURDAY OCTOBER 30. 1880. J f . -. "" - .t . ,'. Vjff r -.FT,1 . 1 Hancastet fntcHiscncn. SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. 30, 1880; HANCOCK. BV IIESKY PETERSOX. Yes: .some of us remember well. The l:iys or sixty-three, Vf'ncn rang the loud alarum bell Ami sank each sound of glee ; -Ter, from Virginia's rocky side, The fee had sallied forth, And, Hushed -with victory and pride. Was inarching en the North. Ah: there was hurrying te ami Ire, And woman'.-) cheek grew white : Fer wlioceuld tell what tale of wee Might gjvet us ere the night? Unwarned, unarmed, our great Slate lay There seemed no shield te bar Our homes from rebels' angry -way And trem tlie storm of war. Then ciwc a gleam of hope : it lie w Over the land like light ; Meade's gallant men tliebej-s in blue Were, hastening te the light. !" home and altar, as they go. They think with growing wrath. And fling themselves before the tee A lien in l)i- path. Here is tin: spot," cried ilauceek then : 'This lidge beneath our feet. The Army el i'oteniac, men, 31 u-t never moie retreat. Tlie.-e heights of (Jettysburg are made A let treas te our hand ; Here will we gather, gun and blade. And save our fatherland." They loughl.nmlceii.jucrcd.long the wmid shall heed that thrilling tale; Hew Lee's bold legions back were hulled Ky Hancock's iron hail : Mew ireiu the Northland pjs.d lli-j sieim. Ami every soul in prayer Thanked Ced Invasion's lien id lerm Dai .'.cued no mere tiicair. I'.ul I.Vyneld".; glorious ilcyneliis Ic'l, And ileadc new lieth still liiv.it sehlier whom we loved se well In peaceful Luure: Hill: Kill, ll.iuectek liven! Ics; Hancock lives, 'J'e wear the laurel crew n, Ami knew that spiri: still survive-.. Which hole rebellion down. That spirit is a form et love. And net of hate and scorn ; The Lruc soul learns from heaven above Thai Leve is Ceil's .'iisl-bern. The time for strife has passed aw:-.v. The time for peace has come : And Hancock's .star, witii brilliant ray, shall guide the enlng home. l't'inj -... Noses. ( ecked up niscsiiii1 pert uud sonic nay net loe civil, sinne have none, like a bear w hen a cub. A line stately iieit. mav senietiiue hide a devil. And an angel mav beam in a snub, Cut iinscselnll kinds no mutter their shape, Ire attacked miiiiu time uilli disorder, I'alarrh caused by cold, vi il! cause their head te ache, Kill EclcclricOil v. ill seen put you in order. I'm- Kile by II. I!. I'liclir.ui, druggist, i:!7 and 1.71 Ninth l.tiiceti -dice!, Lancaster, I'a. "."I I'll; Seiy Facts. Clese cenllncmcnt, careful attention te all laetery work, gives the operatives pallid faces peer appetite, languid, miserable feelings. IMHir bliMid, inactive liver,kldiieys ami urinary troubles, and a '.I the physicians and medicines in Hi:; world cannot help them unless they gel out doers or use Hep Kilters, made et the purest and best remedies-. :.nd especially for such cases, having abundance el health, sun shine and re-y cheeks in tlieiu. Nene need suiter if I hey "w ill use them liccly. They cost bill a llille. See another column. eI.V2wd.vw The I'lcisurt-i el Hepe. iisie Tinllif. He that is siuety tern stranger shall sinarl ler it. Kilt he thal'l rusted h in Spring Klossem lereuiing Liver. Kidney and complaints el a like lendencv. shall never be disappointed. I'l ice : -Kic. tiial hollies Hie. Ter sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist. LIT and 1.71 North (Jneen street. Lancaster. I'a. 10 j:t:i.n:ievs. L .miht iLirrisT. i:ast chestnut st.- I'reaehing Io-uieitow inerniii-r and crcn- ing bv the pasinr. IJcv. Wui. Morrison. Sun day school at I', p. in. Mi:sf ::i:iei:.Mi:i tmuucii. the usual ili vine services te-morrow at lllUa. in. and 7' , p in. Sunday school at 1 p. m. J .MUST Al. K. CIIUKCI1. NOKTII DliKli street. Preaching by lh. intster, licv. s. II. ;. smith, :u l(i a. in. and 7'. p.m. sab bath school at l.t'i p. in. doling People's Pi-.tycr Meeting at t; p. in. M OK AVIAN KliV. :. It. SMIILTZ. I'AS" ter. services at WJa. in. and at 7)p. in -siind.iy sehoel at 2 p. in." 1' )Kicsi:yti:kian rKF.Ai'HiN; intiii: morning and evening, at. the usual benis, by the pastor, licv. .1. Y. Mitchell. 1. 1). I i:ksi;vti:kian mkmekial mission I'hape!. Seuth Queen Stivet. I'reaehing by the pastor, licv. .1. C. Hume, at "Ji p. in. Sunday school at KM p. in. 1'iayer meeting en Thursday at -i p. m. ST. LUKE'S ICEFOIUIKD MISSION, Marietta Avenue, near West Orange stivet. Divine service at 10u. in. and V,i p. in. Sun ilay school at 2 p. in. licv. V."F. LiehliteL. 8-f. .IAMI-.S MTANV ANI HOLY CO.M CO.M mtiuieu al l'a. m. Kvening prayer a t; p. in. 8T. l'AUI.'S KEFOKM EI DIVINIC SKK viees at WJ a. in., ami at 71 i p. in. I'reaeh ing by the pastor. Sunday scnoel at 1J p. in. 8i:ceni cvaneelicai., ciutkcii (Knglish), North Mulberry street, abee Orange. I're.ichiiig at luy. a. in. ami 7'i p. m. by the pastor, licv. .1. A. Keger. sabbath school at - p. m. ST. I'AUIS M. K C'tlltKUIt S. OUKKX ST. rn-aehing at lii'C a. in., and ufjyt n. in., by the pastor, licv. ".I. Liudeuiiilh. "l'rayer mis-ting at i;i p. in. Sunday school al'ljf p. in. OT. .lOIIN'S l.DTIIKKAN CIUIKCIC kJ Ke. It. W. Iliill'erd, pastor. I'lvachlng te- mori-ew at I'.' u. in. and Vi p. in., by thc pi-!or. l'rayer meeting at j a. in. Sunday sehoel at l-'i' p. in. Vtnien hi:tiii:i. cjiiikcii of god J Pleaching lo-inerrow bv the Hev. W. II. II. L'n'swell, et Helten, XV. Va., at lO'.j a. in., and by liev. .1. II. I'sterline et Maiiinsljurg, at VA p. in. Sunday school al ;4 p. in., and at the liiven street Chapel at 2 p. in. Ar.I. WIIKKKKS (UNIfIS) SUNDAY school, public school building, corner et Lemen and Lime streets. Sunday school Very Sunday alternoen at 14 o'clock. Cespel meeting ter children and adults every Thurs day evening at 7 o'clock. Everybody w elceine. Ouvirr isai'xist ciiui:t;ii tkmpkis ance Hall rrcachingby IJev. M. Fraync, et I'hiladelphia. Subject in the merning: " Ki'Vcr.ince in Keligieu.' jn the evening: "Christ's Advent le.ludgnient." J HIT I'KAST TIH:cONii:i:iATIONAI. j llaptist i:rclhren will held their Leve Kisi'.t en Mindiiv, Ne', cnib-r 14, al Oregon mi-cling te commence at '2 o'clock p. 111., ami the Lord's Supper at R o'clock, p. 111. itltiVK I.IJTIIKKAN. SriiCIAI. ,IUUI- J lee services in commemoration of the t.-stial el the lieloruiatieii- Sunday school (elelii-.ilieli at - p. in. M US IV. 1 1. IX.S tit VMICNTS. yrfcjrTASjfeCTi' THE- Lnier Orp ManiGtery Without. .1 doubt furnish .the FINEST IN. STKUMKNTSiii the Market. Wareiimins :fc North Queen street. Manufactory in the leir. Ibaiich Office. I. Lust King Stivet. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. AIseAgenl ler Lancaster County for ClliChKIUNC & SON'S Celebrated PI OS.- A Full LineetShec hemmu t ether Music. Small Instruments, lelins, ISanjes, Hand Instru UlulUs, Xc, always en hand. tl3-lydS41yw When the body is Lowed v ithi'.aiuau intense longing -for relief brings hope. This may brighten the sijU'cring but it does net cure. At a time like this hew welcome is such a tricud as Warner". Sale Kidney and Licr Cure, biiiigiug bop.', heal Hi and happiness and the joys e! a renewed lite. I A.STJZ1CU JtBO'S AJtrjSRTZSEXElFT. L ANCASTEK KAZAAR. A IHtlKF MEXTJOX OF WHAT ASTRICH BR0.S' 13 EAST KING STREET, OFFEi: l'AKTICULAULY CHEAP DUHIXU THE COMIXC WEEK. Ol-'lt STOCK COMPULSES THE MOS1' AU TISTIC COLLECTION' OT We offer the choicest line et HATS. HATS. -,er cNhihilcd.int his citv. Llagantlvtrlmmeil I'ATTEItX HATS AX1 ISOXXKTS, at most wsisnnalili! price-'. di:i:i:ys. deuijys. deukys. lllaek Felt Derbys 2e. Seil Felt Dei bys 7.ic. Misses' Deibvs. bound and trimmed with Satin, at 7."c. Our 1 Derby, en Fine Felt, trimmed with Heavy Satin Kibben and bound with Ceed Klack Satin, isthechcapestaiuline.sl prelilable Hal ever bought. THE CHJAUETTE HAT,".c. A full line of LADIES'.SIIAI'EHATS AXI) ItOXXETS, in Straw, Fine Felt and Heaver. Large.Fine.Seft Ken vcr Huts, in all eoler.s,.(il. OSTRICH ANI FANCY FEATIIEliS 111 all shades, and in the most artistic designs. 15IUDS' WIXCS, UEADEO HUEASTS, FEATHER IJAXDS and ethers. UIUISOXS el superior quality, 1'lain and Fancy, in all shades. Fir-tQuultlv Satin and Gres Grain Kibbons XV.y, Ne. 12, Xe. Hi, l'.le. Sic. 'ile. All SilkGreslir.iin liibhen.i. Ne. 1. Ne. .1, Ne. 7, Xe. 11, Xe. 12, :.c. fie. 7c. He 12.'. a yd. DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS. We otter the handsomest line or RLACK SILK FRIXGES at our well-known low prices. Silk ami Read Fringes from 2."e. upwards .'(incli Read and Chenille Fringe file lleavv Chenille Fringe at 7."e .llncli Chenille ami Gniss Fringe, with Fancy ; Heading, SSc. Most elegant Chenilleand.let Fringes al ?1 a j d. Fine Chenille and Read Fringes at $1.10, j-l.'i), $1.25 per yard. A vcrv rich Grass Fringe, with deep Fancy Heading. $1.10 per yard. Coleied Silk Fringes at (He. per yard. l'.EADED 1'ASSAMEXTERIES. One let Headed rassainentcries,2 inches wide, 75c. a yard. line let,2J4 inch width, in most elaborate patterns, at $1 per yard. The most exquisite design in I'ussamentci ies al $1.00 per yard. dust opened, an elegant assortment el NOVELTY RCTTONS. I'.LACK and COLORED GIRDLhS, TASSELS, HLADEDantl CROCHET HALLS. HUNGARIAN SriKES, ORNAMENTS, .c. Triinmiug Tassels 5e. apiece Elegant Cords and spikes at f I.2.1 Silk Girdles 7.":c, l, $1.25. $1.50 and upwanls. single Hungariaii Spikes. Headed, a, !, 5 and ; inches, at 12c., l'.'c. Sic, :.'M: apiece. lleavv silk Cord -.lie. per yard lleavv Silk Cord. Headed 25c. per yard Rich Colored Silk Girdles $1 25 Tassel ornaments in Elegant Patterns. I'.LACK TRIMMING LACf.s. in French, Spanish, Chautilly and Guipure. Geed Rlack Trimming Silk at 75e, per yd lleavv Rlack Silk $l.(Kipcryd 20 inch Extra Heavy Rlack silk $1.25 per yd Lveiii, Colored Sat ins, Latest shades.'.lCe. per yd Extra Qualitv l.vens Rlack Satin... 75e. iierjd Lens Rlack Drc-s Satin, superior quality. $1 per vard, worth $1.25. Fine Rlack satins'. $1 20, il.le.l.i) Excclllent mality Hlack Velveteen at 50c. a yard, w erl h 75c. I in leaded Velveteen, in all Celers 75c Colored Velveteens, silk finished Kie All Silk Hlack Velvet $1.(10 per yard Fine Rlack Silk Velvet $1.25 per yard HLACK CREI'Es. Extra Heavy Crepe $l.(H)ayaid English Crepe, 5-4 $1.15 u yard English Crepe, li-t $2.uiayard Rest English Veil Crepe, clru heavy.. .$1 a yd KID GrLOVES. Ol'R NEW KID GLOVE. -The ALEXANDRE MEDAILLK D'OR, is pesitivclv equal te the best Gleve in the market. Kvcrv pair wan-antcil te give perlcct satisfaction Laeli pair is caielully selected and examined before it is offered ter sale. Any lady wishing te buy a p-iir will de well te call en u's as our assortment is the inesi com plete ever shown in this city. All sizes from .r'. te VA. in Rlack and W bite. All new fall, shades iullrevviis and Drabs. A line assort ment el Opera Celers and White, all of the same make. ri"Netetlie price of this most excellent Kid Gleve il buttons Only'.iSe. (I buttons Only 1 ..!. A 2 button stitched back Gent,' Kid Gleve, el superior quality (every pair war ranted), $1.25 per pair. SI'ECIAL HARGAlNs! One let efi! button Kid Gleve.--, which we have previeusiy sold ler i'Sc., in Celers and Operas, te be closed out for 7Ie. A new- let et libiitten Kid Gleve-, in Ol'ERA SHADES OX LY, of excellent quality, at tu. a pair. Anether let el S button Kid Gloves, of liner quaiitv, at ipl.Olia pair. IX L1SLET1IREAII AND I'.ERLIN GLOVES, we are prepared new te show you any st vie el Gle.ve feiiflable ler fall wear. A New Let ellieilill Gleve-i. 1, 2,' ii elastics. 13c., 15c, l'.ic. a piiir. The best Gleve leriiiaikeiing purpiiscs. A real Lisle Gleve for dress wear, in line shades et Slate, regular made, 2 lull elastics, at 25c. a pair. The very lincst French l'cail Lisle, 2 elastics, ."ilea pair. Dark colored, line Merine, stocking lop Gleve, at 21e. Finer quality, fancy top, iite. Heavy all-wool Caslimerc Gleve, lincl quai itv. ribbed top, Klc. Child's Merine Gloves In all sizes. The best and most comtertable Gleve von can buy a Gleve that keeps warm and suits te lie worn as a line dress Gleve in dark drabs, brown, cardinal, navy and light blue, uiaioen, &c, from 20c. a pair up. Inlantsg Mitts, in white and colored, in large variety, trem lie. a pair up. Child's Worsted Leggins from ."lile. a pair up. Lcggin Drawers, ler Rabies, in while and cardinal, $1 a pair. Ladles' Worsted Leggins, asy.. inc., "5c.. ac cording te size. Rabies' Saxony Knit Shirts. Without sleeves tie. With sleeves ii2e. The best and warmest. Cliilds Merine ITndi-rsiiirts and Drawers, in all sizes and qnalites. LADIES AND GENTS MERINO liXDEK WEAR. Yeu can buy cheaper and beiterat our store than anv whciv else in this city. Ladies' Merine Vests, regular made, cull's, Ladies' fine Merine Vests and Drawers, -l.-e. Extra heavy, silk stitched, 75c. Fine French Cashmere. $1.00. Genl'.sgoed McrineShirts and Drawers, SHe. Gent's Flannel Shirts and Drawers, from $1, upwards. Gent's Cleth Shiris. scarlet underwear. ;ei;r asseetmext of hosiery. is tee well known, and II would (ill column--, te try and mention tliediirerciit stylesand prices that we are able te show in thatdepartment. One single call will convince you that there is nothing missing lrein the cheapest te the bcsl, lremthe smallest te the largest. We invite everybody te visit our store with out buying, se as te give you an idea el the style et goods we keep anil their priecs. A lull assortment et MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS at low prices. Most extraordinary bargains in Gent's Cot Cet Cot eon Socks. Full regular made Socks, He. a pair. One iet of real liritish Socks, lull rcgu ular made, 10c. English Merine Socks, 25c. Halhrlggans, full regular 'made. !i5c, and a great many ether bargains which arc worth notice. ASTRICH BRO.'S, 13 EAST KING ST. Millinery Novelties. DRT THE FAVORITES IN DRESS GOODS NOW. The following are selling se fast as te indicate that they are unusually desirable: Camel's Lair, 44 inches, $1 te S2.e0. Billiard cloth, 44 inches, 1.50. Daniasses, 44 inches, 1.25. Jersey cloth, 44 inches, 1.75. Plush suitings, 4-1 inches. 1.50. Armurcs, 44 inches, 1.00. Novelties, 44 inches, 0.75. Powder cloths, 44 inches, 0.75. Chudda cloths, 41 inches, 0.GS. Lupin's merinees, 30 inches, 0.50 te O.CO. Flannel suitings, O.CO te 1,25. Plaids, silk and wool, 0.37V. Plaids, German, 44 inches," 0.50. Plaids, German, 32 inches, 0.15. Cashmeres, colored, 28 inches, 0.25. Cashmeres, colored, 22 inches, 0.12V. Jltitelasses, 24 inches. 0.20. lialermes, 22 inches, 0.1 1. Our dress goods include almost everything desirable, In many in stances we are very much below the market ; never above. JOHN WANAMAKER Dress Goods occupy nine counters near Thirteenth street eutrnncp. Chestnut', Thirteenth and Market streets, and City llall Square. PHILADELPHIA. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY Call, ilteulieii te their stock 01LAIHKS,' (iKXTl.KMKN'S and CIIlI.nUKX'S FALL HOSIERY AID DBWEAl Our purchases hare ncrer been larger nor prices mere reasonable. SPECIAL BARGAINS: 15) dozen Ladle-,' Vests and I'anU al S7J'. 15 and .Vje. '.l dozen (ients' Shirts and lira '.vers at :!7! ' and .V: M dozen all l.inen lluck T,evcls at li!c, would be cheap ut I7e. Vi0 yard Henble Kehl Cashmeres. New Kail shades, at 17c a yard, usual pricciV a yard. NEW YORK STORE, S & 10 EAST KING STREET. jiilj.ixj:i:y. FINEST ASSORTMENT! BEST DISPLAY OP MILLIKEEY GOODS l.N I.ANVASTIX CITY N'J JiKAIlV AT M. A. HOUGHTON'S CHEAP STOKE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Ci.UTillXtl. GrAKFJELD VS. HANCOCK. FALL OAMl'A Hi Xr OF 1880 Netr opened ami the battle ha commenced and raj;cs liereely, and bile then- may be some doubt in the minds et many p.-r-nns as te who will bethe next "I'lviddcnt et the United Stales, thereean be uodeubl in the mind el anv person in waul et CI.OTI11MU as te where can be bought the cheapest and the be-t, either in lieady-iuah-er .Made te Order. MYEKS k !t,TRF()N, Centre llall, Ne. 12 East Kim; Street, the Ureal Cietliisigr Einiieritiin. The second slerv room is packed brim lull with the fjreutcst variety et KEAUV JIADK CLOTIIIXCi FOli MKX, YOIITUS, iui S AND (II I LliiiK.V, all our own manufacture. They aiv well made, well Irimmetl, and the jjuiil- are a'l r-penjjed belere liter an; made up in garments. MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our I'ieceCoeds 1111 the liit Heur te il-, ulmet capacity, and is nicely arranged, seas te jive the purchaser the advantage el sc-in the v. huh- stock in a very short space et lime. We aiu prepared te make up te order al the sherleM piiLiile notice and at t lie most reasonable price. Out-sleck has been bought lerea-h and will beheld at a very small advance, liny your Clothing at Centre llall ami save one profit. Call and examine our giant stock and save money. MYERS & Ne. 12 EAST K1NU HTKKET, HATCH l.S. ZAHM'S A new room and elegant sleck. A lull line id Lancaster Watches, Waltham Watches, Columbus Watches, in tieldaml Siilver Cases, al the I.OVt lT ;.sll-l'l:U:K.S. licaulilul wedding K'f's in Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Silverware, and French Clocks. Arundel Spectacles, the. best in Hie world. OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT is as complete as any in the larger cities. We maniilaciure Kings, Masonic .Marks, Society 1'ins, .lewclry of all kinds. Diamond Meuiiiiu-.'und :mv six-eial or eild pieces In anv desired style. " MOSOdKAMMINt; and Kine.leielrvand .U.-li repairing a. specl.dl v. All work warranted. Call and evamiiiu our iteck and leave your icp.iiuu' v. illi Zulini's Cemer, Lanrasier, I'a. trixjis Axjt S. CLAY MILLER "pESPECTPULLY calls the attention of hid friends as well as " the public in general te Ins Supeiier Stock of Old Whiskies; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gitghenheimer, Hannissville, Overhelt and Gaft's Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, which he has recently bought from first hand3 for Cash, and will sell from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Penn Square. JtOBES, BLAXKJSTS, 6. CJIGN OK TIIK 1IUFFAL.O 1IKAII. 110BES! ROBES!! j BLANKETS! BLANKETS l hare new en hand the I.aiuikst, Uest and j C'HKAriMT Assortment of Lined and Un lined I KU KKAI.O UOKKS in the city. Alse LAI ' ANI IIOKSK IMANKKTS et ;vei-y de.-ierip- j lien. A lull line of Trunks and Satchels, I Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 49ICepairing neatly and promptly dene.l A. MILEY, IOH North Qwftt SI., iMHCHslrr. a-I vdMWAS - , G TO KINQWALT'S I'Oi: M0N0NGAHKLA PUltK ItYK. AlseOiUvDALK PURE ItYK WHISKY, ;r. p-r cent. Alcohol, and Ihe inviijeratinTr.iiic ll.ur . Liquid, and the I Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, All at Xe. 205 WEST K1XG STREET. OOOBS. RATHFON, LANCASTER, I'ENN'A. !i:iYi:itK .rr. CORNER. EDW. J. ZAHM. i.ioiiej:s. iUfKXlt'UKK. HBINITSH, fink FiiimrruRE AMI Calnnet Maimliictiirer. All in want of Finn or Fancy Cabinet Werk Would de well te call and examine specimens et our work. OFI'ICi: FIJKMTURE A SPECIALTY. HEIHITSH, !? Fast KIliK Street. - NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT (HJNDAKER'S. LADIES, for Nuy. Desirable .tnd Cheap Embroideries, Ruffiiugs, Cotten Trimmings, Rucliiugs, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black anl Colored. Silks. Bnttftii-?, ai! Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, Kill at GUNDAEER'S. ForaGeodaudCheapCraiMsBouuctorllat. Crapa by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellar.-, and CiuTs, call at JUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will eimmi te-d.iy all tlsu Latest Noveltie.s in Millinery, &c, eall and examine ettr stock, at 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. j'ej: sam;. OKl'IIAX'S C'uUIiT SAJ.I:. en Tiit'i:siAY, xevi:mi:ei: is, i?s et a valuable Chester count v farm et itu ACIJES Cenrcnient te l-ailread-, Ceed buildia--. Sale pt)Ilire. Fer particulars uddres. S. 1.. M IX, Administrator c. t. a. ectiJ-iuid l.amlc:ibenr, I'a. tjijksam;. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-roomed, two-story and Hansard root, (iiven SIehp Frent IHiHgs, Xe. 12.1 and CIS WV.-1 tlr.me SJrcrt. Wit hall the best MODERN IMPROVEKEHTS, ncliidin;.Ieunu-:'s improved Londen waler waler cle.ets, marhle-tep waslitand, iiupreriHl wall-ed-in l-aiifje, cellar heater, perlcct drainage and sewei-.ie, deep, dry cellar, whiti nun Id- ba-e and steps &c., Ac. Let '."i bv !!." let te a I Meet wide alley, trout yard -J Meet in depth, inele-fd with ornamental iron lence. Fer term-, ,S.c.,:ippJr te ..eiix ii. mi:t.i.i:i:, aujr2i-VSlfd n.!l Seuth HukeS:. Okfhaxs' i:em:r sau: of vkuyvai rAI'.I.K UKAIi KSTATE. On TUKSHAY KVEMXU, X0VI:MI:KU'.M5. ill juii-Mtance of an orilcrel" the Orphaus' Court et bane.tcr county, will be sold at public vendue, at the Cooper Heuse, West Kin-jrstrcct, in ti:e city of Lancaster, I'a.. the following real estate, late of l'hilipSchuui, deceased, v. : All that elcant three-sterr i'.ltlCIC STOili: and DIVKM.iXti IIOl'SK and Let of tireund, situate en the south side of Wet King street, between l'enn Stiiiaivauil 1'riuce street, in the city of I.ancaster,al"eresaid. centaininu in li-ct. !ij inches in Iren!, and e-jtcmlin in depth '-'Il feet tea II leet wide public alley en whicli it lias a front et width et ;i feet i'C inches. Hounded en the east, by pieperty et Chailes Uillespie and (b-er;e .M.'Steiuuiau, anil en the west by property et Jehn McLaila. The Stere fcoefu is v-ry lance and c u eiiient with geed dry cellar iinfler il. The wUvellinn part of the building N:i!-oc.tcuMve and lsiiew occupied as a beanliu house. 1'iiere are roomy Itrick Mabhii en the said alley, with large entrance trem We.a Kin;j sticet. npable of accommedatini;a lare jininber of horses-. Alse waj;en sheds and carriage houses. The whole building is drained by s-ewers .oniiect .eniiect inir with the main sewer in "Wi si liimj street, and a vellnt ni-ver-f.iiliu water with pump therein is in the ymil. 'I he whole prciuNc have lately been thoreulily put in elder, the Irent and stables newly paiiiti il and are new in excellent condition. This is a very valuable property, c-'iilrullj located and considered one et" the best business stands el I he city and . el worthy the attention of business inch and cap itulists generally. Possession et tlieslere may be given imiue diately if di-siicd. flood I if it- and possession given'en the rest of the prepcrtr en April Kt. ISSI. Sab- le commence at 7 o'clock, p. m.. en said day. when attendance will be ;;iveii and term made knew n l . JOHN i:. SCIHJil, ChAS.Iitl.VOi:TH, Ailiiiinislraters, c. l.a, eetS,-SWT'li- S. Ili'.ss X Sex. Auctioneer-. 1jUCI.lt'. SAI.i: OF A .'M.Ai:i.K SUM- I I ItKAN I'KOl'UHTY. On 'ri'Kl)Al, , XOVK.MKKK ;. at the Cooper Heuse, will be ' sold the Kcauiilul Miburban rrepcrty of the ( undersigned, containing .V f ACIIKs. situated i en tlie Columbia pike. eiii--iuurlcr of a mile west of baiicj.stcr, I'a., iisir.leringen and near te the country pi hi'- ie-ectivel of Dr.. I. Y. Xevin. el tlfe .Messrs. linger, et Nath. KU- ' maker, cm;., and contiguous te Wheatland, lieine el iiieiali-ex-rresiiieiii.ianics i.iicuauaii. i I'essi-ssiii-r the advantage et this neighbor liiwil le these elegant home-, of the West Knd and itscll iiimrevdl i" lis eap-ieieiis mansion .i :i.n :.,. ,,., ,i ,.,-n ....,,..!..,..: ;..,,,-!. .i s..:t..!.i..,..i!i,i-i!ii'i:i.'s siii-lien-il i'iv 01111 incnl'al ti'ces, shrubs and cKmbing iif.-s. an.: ........ .,-,,.i... i i- i,,,!, i.ii.i ..,.t !i. in:h.. .in. I carriage reicN: eeni in indenting with the city bv nie.iiisei the pike and gas-lit p-i-emeuts and the live minutes wall: le City I'.is.cnger l.'ail way ; with its tientage el"s7:l feel en aline et front viii city properties nearby: ihis piep erlv while etfi-r.r.g me double adxaiilages el reiinlry and i-ity siiireundings. .illerds u levelr home with a gloving value. The place contains above an ornamental am! fruit trees, of the latter 1 herein e varieties apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, Ac, in fruit-hearing stale, and se likewise an- the dillcrent varieties el giapes, ctirrant, l-.isii-berrics, ,'c. The mansion ni'lii it k, w itb slate reef, having a southern exposure, centaiuiiig SI rooms and halls, with llieir eemiIemeiit of closets, and basement- with ceiiieuteil lloer::, jilaslcrcd wall and ceiling-, well light ed and thoroughly ventilated, is u double tw tw stericd Heiie with well tinidied aliie rooms. Its living rooms and bed chambers iievvly paintcd and paiiered. open out en bcautitiil verandahs and pia.zas vvilh aj'pliauees ler conservaleries. The inncip.il ball is enter.-.' from a uortiee that is ai-nreuchcil lrein tlie front through an avenue of tall evergreen Hit's. Among i ne iiieucrii lmpnivcincni. :s ab.ith room supplied with rain water caught from reef in a boiler irui-gur.k of KiMS munu tacture. newly censtriiclcd ;'al-e a huge si.e KevnehN' imprevcil Itirnacii that lieat-. enliie building. Ol lis outbuildings there is a newly built tobacco shed, a shed for wagons. ,e. Stablinj room ter -2cev.-. '2 horses and for pig-, and a roomy carriage house. Immediately in the rear of residence is a two storied bite', slate covered building, adapted lersiimt.it r kitchen, and having upper room ier-ur.nt. There are two wells et evccllciit water, one cspeciallv distinguished lerits supply that has never shown signs el diminution .lining lite longest droughts. l'ersens desirous of inspecting the premises may call, when a lull opi-.eiluiiity fordeing se will lively be granted. Sale te commence promptly at 7 o'clock p. in. en said day, when terms and conditions will be made known bv .1. II. K. WAt.NKII. IIbxi.v iii-i:i:irr. Auct. e.-t ils.VW t -.1 feuxih:i:s .i.v mavhisistx. ANCASTEK BOILER iHANUFAri'OiJY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OlTOSlTKTtlK I.OCO-.I.HIXi: H'nIWS. The subscriber i en tin lies te man u tact me BOILERS ATS' l STEAM KNC1NKS. Fer Tannin:; and etht i purposes Furnace Tv.'iers, i::lIews I'ipcs. Shecl-iieti We: :, and i;i.icl..sinitliin'. g-uertiliy. SJnbblngpieiiiptlv attended te. auglS-lydl JOHN KI..ST. ENUIXKS AND 3IArilINKKV Olidl Kinds, icpaii, da! slieil Netice. IRON AND BKASS mwm AI PATTBRHL .maim: te ei:in:i;. BRASS 1WXKS, i:".a.(! nixes. aumii r.i.iv.s Otall Si.t.". All Ivimls of lHIASS AND 1IIN VAI.VI.S AND KKKUsl'KiOTS III.i'MIIi.D Jin- Feuiidrv and .Machine Shoji reu-et V D. Sprceher X Sen's Seed Stere. I. rant and Chri-tian stiects. JCS. H. TITJBER. al7-."UidS OHAS. BRIMMER, ci:a i'e.y i'iim:.ir AimsT. SIUN AM) OKNAUKXTAL PAWiM.'. sct'20 Inn) i vit i;n: -tiiki.i'. MRS. ( I ? I 5? 1? fJi J-J iJ a - Ji - . laijies' :!Aii:i::i-.s.si-.i: Alan il tail nrciaiid Dealeriu llaii'U erk, Lad.ej and lienls' Wigs. Combings 'traightencd and madete order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse. Kid lilevcsand Featheiscleancdand dyed, at Xes. 22.1 and -227 North fjuccn street four doers above 1. JI. K. Depot. el-3iml 3CBKOID:stS, S C. JTOH SAJZE Ott JtKST. A Farm, one mile from the city of I.aneas- , ter. en the l'etcrsburg turnpike, containing j about one hundred and live-acres : thirlr acres of which is new in fall crops ; privilege te put out two acres in tobacco. Km-nire at Xe. :'kS ertli nuke street or en the premises. i.et7-lmlced 31 IIS. JOHX 3lc;iIAXX. 1)Ui:i.ic sai.p.. On TIiritSDAY, XOVKMltKU II, 1SS0, will be sold at public sale at the tSmpi hotel. Xerllt ljuceii street, the foilewinjj tlcscribed real -.tatete wit : A two-story brick HWKI.EIXC HOUSE and two contiguous halt lets of ground. Xe. II'., en the north side et '.:wl King street, in the citj of I.an'stcr, each et said halt lets con taining in front :U leet -J' inches, ami 2l." leet in dentil te a It-feet wide allc-. le- I gclher with "I leet l inclu-s wide in front en suiu i.ast i-.ing street ami et itiai wiittii norm nerm v.aiil te the distance of !." tcet et the adjoining property en the northwest ler the u-e d an alley. Possession will Ik given en April I, lis l'arlef the purchase money may icmaiii en the properly for one year, it desired. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. et said day. SAMUKI.SIIOCII. llnxr.vSnt'uuf.r, Attct. e-r-t.-d JXVI'.tUITOK'S l'dl'.MC SAI.II OF VA1.UA 'j KIX CITY I'UOFKUTY. On KIM HAY XOVK3I l'.KK :, ISMi, will be sold by public sale at the Franklin Heuse, Lancaster city, I'a., tlie lollewing real estate, te wit : Xe. I. A let of ground fronting IS feet, mere or less, en East King street, in said city, and cx'teniling-1.1 in depth lea Hi-fcct wide alley, en which iscrcclcda two-story KIII'JK HOUSE with a two sterr Krick Kaek Kiiildiiigattaclicd, Ne. ."iiil. The house is ceuveuieutly laid out with Hydrant, Fruit Trcesand ether improve impreve incuts." Nii.i. A let el" ground irenting -2.: leet en Hast Orange street, and extending in depth IIS feet teS-leel wide private al,ey, en which is erected a two-story Krick Heuse, with a two story Krick Hack Kuildiug attached, Xe. 117, witli gas through the whole house. Hydrant. Fruit Trees and ether improvement-. Xe. . A let of ground treiiting the same as Ne. '2, anil the same depth and same l.iml of a house as Ne. -2, and is numbered H'.l. Ne. t. A let et ground Irenling I" teet en East Orange street, in said city, ami cxtciiUing in depth Hit tcet te a IS-leel wide private allej, en which is erected a two-story Krick Heiis,. w dh a one-story Krick Kack Kuililingutluchcd. Ilydiiint, Fruit Trccsanilotlicriinpreveinciits, Ne. ?&. Terins easy. Sale le commence at 7 o'clock p. in. of-.i, day, when conditions of sale will b?. made known bv IIF.V. A. F. KAUI,. Kxeculorel the INtalc of late 31 rs. Kaniel 31c- Cert. S m'i. Iluss & Se:.-, Aucts. e2'M'2td UT On JKIXHAl, XOVE.MKEItrt. IS.w,w ill be sold al public sale at th.'Coeiicr Heuse. West King street. Lam-aster, a xaluable let of ground, situate en the north 'UUt et West Chestnut street, between Charlette and 31ai streets, in ;aid oily (Ne. -HI), lreiiting en said Chestnut street i" teet and extending- north nerth wardly -! feet, en which is erected a new Iwo story CHICK IHVKI.I.I.NIi IIOUSK, with Krick Kack Kuildiug and Frame Summer Kitchen allaehed. Then ale lour looms en til's! fleer, live rooms en seceuif Doer and one large plaslcicd room en the third lloer. Theie is ins and water up and j dew it stairs, w ilh balh loom, water closet and oilier nieiiurn iiiioreveiiieiiis. nere is a -ei larelexen tci'J (ieeii. ami tr.w iiniler iiieciuue ' buihlinir,:ind a balcony ruin t he full length el Ihe back building. This property is located in I one el the most desirable ucighbei heeds lu Ihe city, is in geed condition, and will be sold en reasonable terms. l'ersens wishing te view the pivmi-es hcfeic the day of sale, w ill call en Ihe undersigned, u-siding thereon. Pale te commence at seven e clock p. m., et said .lav, when conditions will be made knew u , bv 31 IIS. KM.'.! A I..S3IITH. ! Eli :.: siiniKar, Autt. ectiS-lsd SAI.i:. Pursuant te the direction of the las w ill and testament of Frederick . Coon Ceon Coen lev, deeea-ed. tin iiiidersigncil executer will ' expose le public sale, en SATFKDAY EVEN" ! INiJ, NO E.MISEK, I::, lSsi,at the :nipe Held, .North (jneen street, in tlie city or Lancaster, ' the following described real estate of the tcs- i tutor, in the. Ninth ward efthecily: Ne. I. The .Mansion Property at the X. K. corner el" James and Charlet'tc street, with ground attached. Irenling .12 lcc inch en James street, ami extruding northward along the cast side of Charlette sjreet 2:r2 feet te a II sect wide alley, with a commodious two-slery i IJIUC.'K DWEb .Mi iiei'MK. -2 feet , lnclics bv "27 leet : inches, unil two-sterv Stable I hereon erected, seven building lets cnstwaMet the JIaiisien Fiviperly; each fronting a; leet, and one let et .. tcet fronton tlie nnrtli sid.-et James street, and a depthel Ztil leet te a It-ti-ct I wide alb y. I Xiiie Iniiidiiig lolsen the cast side et Cliar ' lettc street between the stated II feet wide t alley and Frederick si icct, each witli a front or ' w iil'lh et -.'.1 teet. 10 inches, en Charlette stn el. and a depth et -2i:; Icel te a parallel public II loot alley en the cast. On the plan nt lets a. marked," 12 and I::, is a small neat biici: dwell iug house. Three building lolsadjeiuiugand neil liu aid of Frederick street, en the cast, side et Char lotto street, each with a trout et -2i feet, I inches, and depth el -2ii:! Icel, le a II fi.et w hie public alley. A piece el ground having an area el l.'tii siu:ue )crehi:'s, adjoining and northward of the lets hist described, lreiiting nil feet en the cast side el" Chailette street, and exteniiing I eastward te tin; rennsyivania railroad en which il bounds about l-71W't. A piece of ground ceiitaniing ."'.I sipiaie pciciics, with a tientage en the cast side el ! Charlette street eflOS feet and bounded by the I I'ennsylvaiiia Kailrnad for I .is leet and the Lanci.steraml Ilarrisburg Turnpike read ler ' 2.1 b'et. having theieen erected a substantial i' Kilck Tobacco Warehouse, 1-21 leet long by IS l feet wide, and a convenient siding for the iis; et the premises, connecting the main track el ' Ihe I'eiin-ylvania Knilread. A iet of ground en the west side et Chariet!.- street. at thecorneret Coonley and Frederick streefs.ef a width of ::: teet"- inches. am! in depth i"-' Icct te :i'2U feet wide tiller. A 101 et grouuii,eu ine uertuwcsi corner et ! Charlettcand Fiederick streets, witli a width et -27 icel en 1 he west side et charlotte street, j and a depth along Frederick street of 2::s feet te a '20-l'ect wide alley. Ten adjoining lets neithward of flu-one la-t described, en tlie west side et CharlrTtte stn-i-l. i-:ii ii v. n ii :i u un ii in .it iri-i. :iiiii -i in-ni n --- ett lea '211 leet wide alley A lolet gieiiud, en the east side el .Mart" street al the corner of Coeulcy and Frc.Ieiici: streets, et a width el ::.) leet, 4 inches, and depth el 2.1s leet tint '-"l-fcet widealley. A let of ground at the northeast corner el Kiederickaiid 3Iary streets, with a width id -2i icei en Jiary stiecianil at.epiu along Freder ick street et '2.W feel tea'2i)-feet wide alley. I Ten adjoining lets northward of the lat de scribed let. en the cast ideet Marvstreet.cacb J v. itb a width of 2i feet and a depthefitf feet te a'2it-l'ect widealley. Apiece, of ground bounded by ( hailelli-aud .Mary strecis ami the Lancaster and Harris hurgTurnpike read, containing t'j Acres ami , 22 I'eiclics, with a one-sterr Krick Dwelling t Heuse thereon erected, with a trentage en i Chailettestrcct at -2171'eet, en .Marv street M".'. ! leet and en the Tiirnpikt; lead nil "teet. " j And en the south side of James street, cisf j of Charlette street, three separate properties, all having a depth of lit feet y. Inches te the ( line improperly of Jehn Fex, deceased, viz.: i Heuse .mi. :s.7, having a irent et li; fret.1 inclu-. is a two-story Krick Dwelling withl Krick Kack Kuildiug." ' lletlsi; Ne. el!, having a Irent el '21 leet W. , inches, is a two-story Kriel. Dwelling wittT , nriii.- i;ack itiilldfng. Ileitsi: Xe. ::4i;. having a liontel 20 leet. is a ! two-story Krick Dwelling with Krick Kack liltllUlllg. Kctwcen Ihe houses .1V and SIH there Is a common alley '2 feet, ! inclie4 wide, leading southward trem James street for a distance of '21 Icct, and en the cast boundary of Xe. ::ii: isucoiuiueu alley! feet wide leadingseiitli-.vard te line of prejierty of Jehn Fex, deceased, ac cording te the title papers. All these properties are situated in an im proving pottien of the city and worthy the coiiNirtrrutien et purchasers. ) The 1.1 building lets an: of .suitable dimcii dimcii sieusaml of eligible location as n gards grade ami drainage. j A plot el" the premises can be seen by these ! disposed le purchase and all nee.lliil Inferma- I tien obtained upon application te the under- I signed. I Side te commence at i e clock p. m., witc-ii conditions will be made known. CHAS. 31. HOWELL, Executer of F. W.-Coenlcy, dcccasc.I. t23-GUIl'ftS ' 1DISIVATKSAI.E. -m- .iXT.iwi'i- xr. -,., ,..-.-.. ..... , i I. Fntil XOVKMISEi: 17. the two-story Urick i Ii c-xm ruV-w ViTw ':"" ,w " Heuse, with kitchen attached, Xe. IIS East f S"tS r"rit n,..,.,n . - ., Vinestreet, Iet extcmls te Church street. Ap- ii-aV- in and 4 J-."---.i S .'.. " . i! ' iIi-s iiip1iii imi i:i-m.. fin., mi i.t -it,-r '-'"l-ui., aim ., 4. i. and s:.iO p. in except en v,. ',,m -S.:-i v i-v j-ueviAV." tr.7.t I In -tnr.iay. xvlicn the last car IcartM i-t ii,.w I c-sler e C n t"vwl vnVi-' iMUW Mlllcwvlllc (lower ..!.!) nt S. :;. a,., i castct. la. oct.-eeK"tnoM.- !t. M.. and I. ::. 5 and 7 P.m. 17U KEX1. 1 TjtA.rjcr.Ei:s' guijh: Cars run il.iilven above time exeeut en sum .law CtOI.UiUIHA ASH I'OKT Ui:iUSlT K. I. Trains new run regularly en tlieCelniu! i and I'ert Deposit l!:ii!reail en the tollewi, time: SrATIOs Xeirru- Express. Express.! Ae.-e WAltn. A.M. V.3I. v. II I'ert Deposit :r5 3-3.1 ' -2.in Fcachbottem ' 7:12 4:'2S ! ;i:is safe Harber. ' ":.V S:II ! 5-2! Columbia , S:2" 5:ti ; ti.'2ti Stations south-' Kxpress.j Kspn-.-. Afceif WAIltt. A.M. j 31. j A.M. Columbia UTir I t'.r2U I 7:1". r. 3i. H:f tAri):t': Safe Harber. 12:11 V. St. iI.ell-.M Fcachbottem 12-T-7 7:::2 ( U-". i r. m. Fert Deposit i:.!u .s':t'.1 t liii "pKAPINC X COl.U.MHIA II. II. AKIt WUKMKNTOF FAsSKNCEU TKA1N.-. OCTOKKK 2-.ru, ISmi. XOKTIIWAIID. i.uavi:. A.M.. I. St. 1. M. A.M. a.m., i st. e. :i. l'.:l.l -2"M 7:.V :t:t(i s.iVi i:iir. :;-."i(i 7:.Vi l:ln :::lu l(l:ti." :'.:-2i .V.0 ijuurryville. i;:i:-i iiVM ;-;e Lancaster, Kings! 7:.W :::tu '..:: lincastcr S.tV, :(ir. s-M !l:li Celumliia Aiaavi:. Heading SOUTHWAIID. LllAVK. t ileadiiig ! akuivi:. CM. 4'elumbia Iincaster. Lancaster, King st... tjuurryville r... r.:h i".:ti Trains connect at Heading with trains found from I'hiladelphia. 1'etlsville. Il.irrisburg, Al Al lentewu ami New ei'k, vi.t Keiiud Kreek Heute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, llane-cr, l.'eltysliiirg, Frederick and I'.atli mere. A. 31. W1I.SOX. supt. I)KNNSVI.VANI A ItAlUlOAD-NCIV 1 SCIIKDUbK On and alter sUXll.VY. AUltUs'l'iM, IS-l, li-.iltiseii tlie 1'ciiiisylvauia Itailie.id will arrive and leave the t.rme.i tier and I'hilatlelphia depots :;- lollew k: Eartwakii. I'hiladelphia E.xpu-ss Fast l.iue............. ........ Yerk Accen. Arrives;.... Harri.-burg Express Dilic rvillc Accem. Arrives, Columbia Aceomuie.lalion, Frederick Accem. Ariives. I 'uci lie K press, Sunday Mail Johnstown Kxpi -.--, Day K.xprc.-.s, Ilarrisburg Accoiniiieitai'ii. A.M. A.M., l'.M. S:u."i liiw G:lu CM. H:l." -2:li -':-2 lii:l7 2:lu S:lli lu: is srji Ilr2ti .... '..ii i.c.it c- Arrive liaiie'lt-i I'liilad'a '2:1(1 a. vi. 4;I."i.v.m r.r2ti " 7:10 " S.ttl s:n." lit.ht :!". ' '.Clll " 12 til r. vi. 1221.1 " l:l. c.M. S:l.1 " 2:iKl r-.mi ::l.. ' .1:Ji 1:11 ' nil " ;:i1 '.':; " J Leave Arrive I'hil.id'.i Ijiii,-'ii I'2:.'SIa.m. .":l .v. vi :ut " iicin 10.1.1 ' M.-" lilt". s-.co lotre ll:.'m ilii c m 2:1.1 " i.K " 2..S i- m. 5:t.1 " I:(H1 ' 7r2i- .VJlli " 7::' " :2Ti " 8-511 ' !:ln " I1J IIA1 " 2.IOA.M WlffiTWAItO. Way I'assenger, Mail Train Xe. I, via Ml. Jey, Mail Train Ne.vr.via Cel'bia, Xiagar.iA: Chicago Kxpn-ss Sunday Alail, Fast bine, Frederick Aeeeiiiniiidatii.il, Dillcrville l.ocul.via.Mt.Jey Harrishurg Accomiiiedat'ii, Columbia Accoiumeilation. Ilarrisburg Express, Fittshurg Kxpri-ss Cincinnati Exprc-s, I'.icille Express,...-. l'acitie Express, i-est. en Sunday, when t!a ged, will step at Aliddletewn, Eli.tbcthtewn Alt. Jey, Lumlisville, Kird-iii-II.-iud, Lcmau Fiace, Cap, Christiana, l'arkcsburg, Coates VI lie, Oakland and lileu Lech. Fast. Line, west, en Sunday, when llagged. Will step at Dowiiiiigtewu.Coalesville, 1'aikes bui-g.Slt.Jey, Klial.'tiitewn mid Middlciewn. IlanoveracceniiiKMlatioii west, connecting at laiiiistsler witli XiagaRiaud Chicago Kxprcss at I I:i-1 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Fredeliek Aecoiumetlat ion, west. con uei-tsal Lincaster. with Fast Line, tvust.ut '2:10 e. x.. t ami will run tlK-eugh te Frederick. aminvAL. INVESTIGATION ! 1K. (IIIEENK has successfully treated ever LUiKlofihemestdifliciill chronic (no called) in curable c.ises during a nine mouth's practice. Tin-ine.-t of them had been the rounds of the leading physicians el Lancaster county. DIC. liUEENE is ready at any time te mccta ceiniiiittec et tlie Lancaster County Aledical Society at the 0wra Houseer elsewhere te di, cuss the merits et Omnipathyaml prove Its superiority ever all ether pathlcs in v egue. The people are greatly interested amide maud the lulli-st investigation. Invalids are i-vi-ry week dying in this county tvhestt livi-s could In- s-ivcd. Is there any .subject abe.il which tin: masse- are mere concerned than restoration te health, ami the prolonging el their lives? Dr. C original d and is new the owner et '2a .Medical I'ud-i. He especially warns the public against theiiumeroiiseeunlet-leits new offered the people. Dr. it recti does an exclusive etllee business Patients who cannot call at his offices must send lull description of nllliclieus. Hundreds of deaths have occurred here in nine mouths only two in his practice Consultations tree. Catarrh cured for cents. Cure (-nick ler I'alarrh sent te anv ad diess for .10 cents. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. ::3 NORTH OIJKEN STKEET. .lOttdMWF&s Lancaster, Fa. XTF.KVINK, OK TONIC Sl'KClFICA. 1 A KOOX TO KOTH SEXES. A KKMEDY WITHOUT A KIVAL for all diseases arising trem Xcrveus Debllity.Scxua! Disorders, ever Indulgence et Vicious Habits as wcif as trem tlie prostration et old age. It i curative nrencrtlcs in violent unit chronic forms of tlie tollew iug diseases hare been at- tested te by the most Eminent I'hvsiciaiis - Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache, Dizziness . Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, Cenerai iiimiiiii t in ntiiiMiiM- - Debility. Iiiiiiefct-icy. Freuiatiiris Decav. Ac. i. jias eeeii in use iiiiiivuiHii'iy years, anil Is te-day the most popular remedy fertius dis eases above mentioned in the WOULD. It em be Used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, and better than all, It is a "lire, safe and certain cure. It is no ii:i.'k medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since K!.; this ruined v lui.s always been sold tern much larger price than that for which it is new sold ; but owing le the ad that the time for the payment et an enormous loyalty upon its manufacture ha expin-d, it is elleied te the sulicring of licit 1 1 sexes at one dollar per juckage, se as te b witliin the reach of all; al which price it will Lefieiit teany addiess tree et lurth.-r charge. DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, UlSpruceStrecl, I'hiladelphia. .May In-consulted en all discitscs by niail. y2in;iiul&v; yiAKHL,,. WUUKS. WM. P. PRAHiEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nertn ijueeu Street, Lancaster, I'a. MOXU3IENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONF..S, UAUUEX STATUAUY, CE3IETEIIY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac All work guaranteed ami satisfaction g -n in every particular. N. K. ICcniciubcr, works tii the extreme cnil of North Quc n sirts't m.Ki UltOVEKlES. tiriIOI,KSALK AND KKTAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. ilVMyd "i