Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 30, 1880, Image 2

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3Lanrastct irtitdfegencer.
Ax y person who shall, with
Ihc intent te influence or intimidate
such elector te give Jus vole for any par
ticular candidate or candidates at such
election, give, offer or premise te give
such elector any eflicc, place, appoint
ment or employment, or threaten such
elector with dismissal or discharge from
any efiiw, place, appointment or employ
ment, public or private, then held by
him, in case of his refusal te vote for
:my particular candidate or candidates
at such election, the person se offending
shall !. guilty of a misdemeanor, and.
en conviction, he sentenced te pay a fine
net exceeding live hundred dollars and
undergo an imprisonment net exceeding
t we ears.-77 law of J'cnnsiiJreinit.
Prejudice Versus ''oiniiien Sense.
I 'arty feeling will carry te Mr. Gar
lield his party vote, and would de se
were he even believed by all these who
vote for him te be as black as lie is paint
ed. Men de net think calmly and act
eoelly in the.-e times of higk political
excitement. Ne one can doubt that a
calm comparison of the two candidates
would net be te the advantage of Gar
field. Of the respectable men who
will v-le for him very many have this
consciousness, notwithstanding their
parly ferver: but. nevertheless, their de
votion te their party and their prejudice
against its opponent solidly secures
their vetcagaiust the belter man. Gen
eral Haneeck is all that the Republican
heart, judging by its loud expressions
in the past, could wish for in a presiden
tial candidate. As one of the most dis
tinguished soldiers who fought for the
Union cause, he ought te have
the warm sympathy of the Re
publicans who have ever se fiercely pro
claimed that cause te be their own. Xe
one will forget the era that is just past
when no one could get a nomination for
ellice from the Republican party who
had net bren a soldier in the civil Avar.
That was the touchstone as te a man's
fitness for the people's reward. That day
has come te an end. The Republican
party no longer admires thcseldier above
the civil ian. We have put the sincerity of
their former devotion te the test by
nominating a man for president, who de
serves well of the republic, according te
the formerly announced canons of Repub
lican belief. Th"se canons are changed
te suit changed circumstances: and
we new learn that when former
rebels support a I'liien general for
the chief magistracy the ijalt of his
service for the cause of the Union has
lest its saver and no longer entitles him
te the " loyal " vole of the country. Al
though we are. one country we are yei
hve peoples. Tlie Republican Xerth will
net take, at the hand of the Seuth,
even the warrior who conquered the.
Seuth for her, te be the president of the
united country. Se niv the Republican
leaders and se will say the mass of the
rank and iile. billowing obediently the
read marked out te them, and utterly
failing te exercise the calm geed sense
which would save them from such
felly. U' the citizen could only
depend upon himself te exercise a
cool and sound judgment in political
matters and te obey it, a democracy
would be in piacliceas beautiful and be
neficent as it is in theory. The idea is
that the people will vote without preju
dice and passion for what is their best : but that is certainly net the
practice. The ine.-.t of them are only
governed by passion and prejudice, and
if it was net ler .the conservative few
whti are sober enough te exercise geed
judgment in the midst of such scenes of
turmoil as this, there would be a very
peer show for the right ever te triumph,
unless by accident.
Fortunately -there is :iu independent
class of voters who can be appealed
te success! uu 1:1 a political cam
paign, and if is te these that we
leek le give te Hancock their voles.
They are called te his supperl in tones
that they cannot mistake. Personally
he is the best candidate, as few will
deny: and these Republicans who held
the man te be mere important than his
parly must go le him. whatever their
prejudice against the Democracy. There
is no doubt that General Hancock is
stronger than his pari. 11 was in this
belief that he was nominated. The elec
tion will prove its truth and in our judg
ment there will be general surprise at
life number of the electoral votes he will
carry. Most persons, even Democrats,
are looking only te Xew Yerk, New Jer
sey, Connecticut and Oregon, of the
Northern states, with any confidence.
They may confidently include many
ethers, among them being Pennsylvania.
Indiana, Illinois, Maine! and California,
That Hancock will be elected we con
sider le he indicated by all the signs of
the times.
W.vrrn tiii: Ki-:rriii,i,'.v.s! In
liKli-'j majority tli.lrirtit llir, Will try le
rail- nihility tiiitl j.crr.Oitx who r net tjiial-
ijuil li'J sisly liy.' fdititf iii-i htil jiinint.ll
uIujc. Let them have no such advan
tage. Arrange te arrest every fraudu
lent voter. Make a note of all suspicious
voters. Keep tally of I he vote cast dur
ing the day as nearly as you can keep the
run of it. Unless you feel pesiti vely se
cure in the. integrity and fairness of the
election ellicers IIAVK WATCHERS
1m:am-: give the election day our
efforts and your teams. Let. no Demo
crat remain at home,and change at least
one Republican vote before you rest sat
isfied. Teut district can be made te increase
its Democratic vote 10 per cent, ever
that east for Tilden. See that this at
least is done.
Every Democrat needs te make him
self an active poll committeeman from
this date until the polls close.
The time for paying t:i.e:j. naturali
zation, etc., is ever. Werk is needed.
(Jet ect the vote.
Ox the eve of the great presidential
election wc beg our friends te bend every
energy te secure the triumph of Han
cock and English and the supremacy of
constitutional government. Every (lav e
the past ten has seen a strengthening of
the Democratic line, the infusion et new
ceurage.and the execution of new move
ments looking te victory.
llepublican rascality has made no
break in the solid Seuth. Xew Yerk
will 1m ours, and Xew Jersey. The Re
publicans claim Connecticut te be doubt
ful, but all the chances are in our favor,
while Xew Hampshire, Maine and Cali
fornia, probably Indiana, Nevada and
Oregon, are in all probability lest te the
Pennsylvania is a battle-ground. The
Democratic organization is thorough and
complete. If every Democrat does his
duty next Tuesday, this state will pay
Hancock the debt under which he laid
her at Gettysburg.
Xew is the time te show our man
hood. Democracy means we:l ! work ! !
work ! ! ! for the next few days.
After that VICTORY !
Mi:. K. Haim'KK Ji:in:ii's. who has
accepted the sucked orange of the Re
publican nomination for city controller
in Philadelphia, is no doubt a very re
putable gentleman, but the fact that he
is constrained te apologize le the machine
managers in the same breath that he de
clares his purpose te administer the,
ellice according le law in the even t of
his election, is a striking commentary
upon Ihe Republican men and methods
of the ring-ridden (Quaker City.
Dkmeckats should give special atten
tion te the contest for Distuk r Attou Atteu
xky. Thousands of Republicans will
net vole for the Republican nominee
T. J. Davis. He is grossly unlit for the
ellice. An organized effort in his own
party is being made te defeat him. "We
must keep and get every Democratic
vote for Mr. McMui.t.kx. Consent te
no trading oil' en this office. Wkcax
klect en: Caxiiiati:.
Tin-: Democratic national committee
propose te ai:i:y Xew Yerk, Conuect Cenuect
cut and Xew Jersey for Hancock, with
all the chances in favor of Maine and
Indiana, and a hopeful battle in Cali
fernia, Nevada, Oregon, New Hamp
shire and Pennsylvania. .These, with the
assured electoral voles from the Seuth,
afford every guarantee of Hancock".-.
V. ::iu: the uenuljucans, in their ex
ultatien, are parading and spending their
money, Democrats can go te work quiet
ly, thoroughly and effectively, cut down
their majority in this county and help te
carry the stale for Hancock.
Kvr.irv close congressional ami legisla
tive district in Pennsylvania is te be
earnestly fought for and carried.
Hen. William M. Rai'suku, late a Re
publican member of the Legislature, has
joined the army of Hoppers, and declared
for Hancock in unqualified terms. The
cry is still they come. Only lluee days
left te e.capi the deluge of next Tues
day. Cel. Rei:i:i:t P. Di:nii;i:r, the gallant
candidate of Hie Pennsylvania De
mocracy for auditor general, is
making a rattling canvass. Colonel
Deehcrt wen his epaulettes by con
spicuous bravery en the field and will poll
an nstenisuing soldier velu en Tuesday.
Vete for Deehcrt.
On: esteemed Republican contemporary
the Philadelphia Press, ridicules the talk
about Chinese cheap labor, alleging that
the Chinese are forever coining, but never
come. This, the Chicago Time proves, is
a falsehood, of course. There is net a, large
city in the cenn try in which Chinaman aie
net new found. In 181$ there were but
three Chinamen in America. In 1850 the
number in California had increased te 780.
In another year that number had further
increased. It was -1018. In 1SG3 there
was 80,000. Xew there aie 1151.200. The
J'rcss doesn't keep its eye open.
Wi: learn from the West Chester V
publiean that the Chester county prison
was " handsomely decorated and brilliant
ly illuminated "' in honor of a recent Re
publican torchlight, parade in that bor
ough. Hew appropriate te the occasion !
Andct it was net necessary for the in
mates of that jail te thus proclaim their
wcll-kuewn preference for Garfield and
Arthur. But since they did it, we think
Republican fellow feeling required that the
outside portion of their party in line should
have recognized the compliment paid them
by iheir dearly beloved brethren behind
the prison bars, by loud huzzas and by
carrying their blazing torches " at a pre
sent "' as they marched by the celled
home of their unfortunate friends who
will net be at liberty in time te cast their
votes for Garfield and Arthur. Oh the
times ! Oh the manners !
Ix the case of an application te strike off
the names of certain students of St.
Charles Borromee college in Lewer
Morien township, Montgomery county, as
sessed, and upon the extra assessment
lists, Judge Ress, in a lengthy opinion,
lisniiK&nv: tin iinfit.mii Tim tif.f ism rOi
-""" ' i
ccrs, lie says, are te use their discretion in
determining upon the residence or non-
residence in the district of students offer
ing te vote, and as a guide te the election
beard he says that whilst students may
net vote because of tlmir presence at. the
college for a competent jtcried, but the
election beard will determine whether, in
each case for each case must be deter
mined by its special facts - the person pro
posing te vote has elected the college as
his place of residence, where he has been
actually present for sixty days before the
date of the coming election, if he be ether
wise competent, and where helms assumed
or intends te assume all the duties, rights
aud responsibilities of citizenship. A per
manent residence Judge Ress defines as
one where the voter means te abide and
become a eitizeu.nntil duty, business, moral
obligations, contract relation, or conveni
ence compels or induces him te elect a
new home as his place of domicile.
Geerge Hcber, a deputy sheriff, was shot
by Sylvester Merritr, at Str.rgis City. Da
kota. The killing, was in self defence.
Edisen lias lately gained twenty pounds
in weight.
The Prince of Wales and 0.vmi:i:tta aie
firm friends.
Mr. Tildex's salary is paid te Hayes at
the end of each mouth.
William Elliett, a prominent poli
tician, died last evening, at his residence,
Xe. 1303 Spruce street, Philadelphia.
Saijaii Lr.nxiiAr.nT's dresses arc te pay
duty, by order of the treasury department:
se at last the agony is ever for every one
but the actress.
The ex-Empress Cauletta has fortu
nately lest all memory of her Mexican ex
perience. In the darkness of her mind she
still retains the habits of court etiquette,
aud exacts all ccrmeninus adjuncts, even
te a guard of honor.
Count Bismaiicjc, the chan
celler's second son, greatly resembles his
father, and is said te hv.e much political
ambition. He made a political speech
lately, which is net very flatteringly com
mented upon.
William B. Spoenkii, a retired mer
chant of Bosten, died in that city yester
day, aged 74 years. It is said that hi -charities
reached $700,000, but. uelwith
standing this, and a less of $150,000 by
the great fuc of 1872, he leaves a large
property te his widow and relations.
Dr. Edwaud Skeiin, celebrated as :i
specialist in the treatment of idiocy anil
allied nervous diseases, died en Thursday
1 at his residence in New Yerk, aged 09
years. He was a native of France and re
ceived his medical education in Paris, his
teachers being Itard and Esquirel. In 1S'J7
he undertook the treatment of an idiot
boy, and in about a year after established
the first school for idiots, which was the
parent establishment of about 7"S similar
institutions new existing in civilized coun
tries. He came te this country after the
revolution of 1818, settling in Ohie. After
a visit te his native country he settled in
Xew Yerk and completed his studies as
an M. 1). in the university college in 18(51.
A Kcpublicaii Organ Declares lr the
The weekly edition of the Xeic lira
comes out te-day in the following editorial
leader urging Republicans te scratch
Davis, the Republican candidate for dis
trict attorney, and vote for McMulIen, the
Democratic candidate :
WIiyDaviaSIuiiilrt be Ileieate.l.
The constitution of Pennsylvania wisely
makes prevision against a partisan slate
judiciary. In Philadelphia both parlies,
earnestly as they arc arrayed against each
ether en general political issues, unite in
maintaining the purity, dignity and ability
of their local judiciary. Judge Ludlow, a
Democrat, was re-elected by the votes of
both parties. On next Tuesday Judge
Finlctter, a Republican, will he re-elected
by a unanimous vetc.the Democracy offer
ing no opposition. Ne Republican re
giels having voted for Judge Ludlow, and
no Democrat will regret having voted for
Judge Finlctter. Ne Republican is con
sidered less loyal te Republican principles
for having voted for Judge Ludlow, and no
Democrat will be rated less loyal te the
Democratic party for having voted for
Judge Finlctter. But the administration
of justice is and will be all the better pro
moted by having raised the purity and
efficiency of the judiciary above mere par
tisan consideration.
The office of controller of Philadelphia
is nearly allied te a judicial ellice, and Mr.
t'atlisen, tlie present ucmecratic incum
bent, has se served the taxpayers, anil his
rc-clcetieu by the aid of Republican votes
seems se well assured, that Joel Cook, the
Republican candidate, and an unexcep
tionable man, has withdrawn from the
contest. Sotrie two or three thousand
Democrats, in the interest of municipal
jobbers, who don't like Mr. Pat team's
honest methods of running his office, will
vote against him, but it is believed he will
be re-elected by the combined votes of the
honest, independent citizensandtaxpayers
of both parties.
The office of district attorney is mere
nearly allied te the judiciary in the admin
istration of justice than any ether. Every
citizen is directly or indirectly interested
in having it filled by an honest and com
petent man. That Thus. J. Davis is no
toriously unlit fpr se high a liust no iea iea
senablc man cau doubt, who read his pro
fessional record as published last week.
The only defense he has ell'ercd we print
te-day. Xe one can read it without
feeling that it still further weakens
his claims. With meie than a weeks"
time at his command since the
specific charges were first piinted
he has utterly failed te meet the
damaging facts of his record that stare
the public in the face. As we have said
elsewhere, the defeat of such a candidate
is a public duty. The election of the oppos
ing candidate, Mr. McMnllcn, whose charac
ter for jicrsenal and professional integrity is
abere su.nucien, hasbceemc a public nccetsity.
And this necessity exists only because Mr.
Davis's friends, after repeated warnings
and entreaties from the Keic Ere and many
of the most earnest and respectable Re
publicans in city aud county, have refused
te withdraw him from the ticket, that the
vacancy might be filled with an honest aud
unexceptionable Republican.
Ihe only way te make sure of saving
the Republican party from disgrace and
the cetmty from an impending calamity,
is te rote for JJarid McMnllcn. If Davis is
defeated, as we believe he will be, it can
not be done by voting a blank for district.
attorney. That would be only a half vote
agaiust him. The only objection any Re
publican can make te Mr. McMnllcn is
"a Democrat." But he is honest and
! capable ; and that he is popular among
tuesc wJie knew mm personally is at
tested by the fact that he has been elected
and re-elected a member of the Lancaster
city councils from one of the most intelli
gent Republican wards, and enjoys the re
spect and confidence of the best citizens of
all parties.
mvi,.,. .. i.inJ- rA., :.
Miss Dol,e wh() .g m)W k ;
i,m,si Tm- (i. V SmiHi met ivitli .mie ':
serious accident yesterday morning. It
seems the smoothing irons were kept en
top of a high cupboard in the kitchen.
She and h. V. Smith were liftinsthe
cupboard for the purpose of putting
some carpet under it when one of the
irons toppled ever and fell upon the head
"of Miss II., inflicting a terrible wound,
which bled profusely until the arrival of
Dr. J. B. Kehler, who attended her inju
ries. Although she did net become un
conscious from the blew, she has since
been suffering from severe pain in the
head. Xctr Helland Clarien.
Prepared Je Treve Their Truth,
riilliulclphia Times.
If he Themas J. DavisJ is an honett
man and his professional conduct is blame
less, he has been most atrociously libeled,
and he is net left in doubt as te "who will
answer any legal complaint he may make.
The. Timesispiepared te prove the substan
tial truth of the grave accusation made
agaiust him, and it challenges him te at
tempt hi men vindication where the truth
and the ichele truth can be judicially ascertained.
Tin: a: ax identified.
Just Liue illm te Get Such a Letter.
The investigating committee from New
Yeik, which hxs been searching in Lynn
for, several days for traces of n. L. Mercy,
have found evidence enough te prove that
such a person lived there, and net only his
identity but his connection with the Man
ufacturers' Union has been established be
yond a doubt. During' the strikes and
lockouts of 1S77-8 many of the operatives
employed te replace the strikers bearded
at the Khtland house, en Summer street,
then kept by O. T. Roberts. The register
of the house for the year 1878 has been
examined, and II. L. Meray's name ap
pears en three different pages, showing
conclusively that he was at the hotefdur hetefdur
ing that year or during the strike which
then prevailed. Mr. Roberts is new pro
prietor of the Sagamore house, Lynn, and
avers that he distinctly remembers Mercy
and states positively that he was the man
who negotiated with him (Roberts) for the
beard of the shoemakers above referred te.
This same Mercy was in the employment
of and received pay from the Manufactur
ers" Union at that time.
Following closely upon this fact comes
the discovery that Merey's wills and
mother are new residing in Ward (5, Lynn,
and have signed the proper papers te es
tablish his identity. Mercy, it appears,
was at different times during his life en
gaged in various kinds of business. He
was traveling agent for several shows and
again he appeared in the role of a sleight-of-hand
performer. The Kirkiand house
register lias been sent te the National
Democratic committee
The Glebe's Lawrence correspondent has
found in that city additional proof that
II. L. Merey is net a myth. Samuel S.
Mercy, of that city, says II. L. Mercy is
his uncle, that II. L. was born in Andover,
X. II., and is sixty years old. Seme
thirty years age II. L. Merey went te Xew
Veil:, but rcturncd.a few years afterwards
te Fishcrville, N. II.. where he was en
gaged hi mercantile business. Later he
went, te Bosten and was cmpleycd-as agent
for a commission house. lie then went te
Pennsylvania, where he was connected
with an Employers' Union. He went te
Lynn several years age. In 1877 he was
living with Geerge W. 'Merey, en Bosten
street, Lynu. Henry or II. L. Mercy was
at that time greatly interested in political
affairs and belonged te the "Employers'
Union.'' His nephew says, " I think my
uncle wrote that letter te Garfield," and
added, it was "just like him te de such a
The following affidavit furnishes addi
tional evidence of the connection of II. L.
Mercy with the Employers' Union in Lynn,
Mass., in January, 1880 :
S'.Vrc r.f Xeir Ver!;, Cit'i inn! Cuuniii of Xetr
Yerk; r.i.
Richard S. Goodwin, of the city and
county of Xew Yerk, being duly sworn,
deposes and says that he resides at Xe.
11!) Fourth avenue, in the City of Xew
Yerk. That he resided in Lynn, state of
Massaehusatls, from August 15, 1870, un
til January !."". lSsO. That he is a shoe
cutler by trade and was practising his
trade in said city of Lynn ; that there was
an organization started between the 121h
and l."jl!i of January, 1878, by the shoe
manufacturers of said city, known and
spoken of as the Manufacturers' League,
afterwards known as the Employers'
Union. That the purpose of this union
was te have their work done at such a
price as they, the manufacturers, dictated
regardless of the interests of the men cm cm
pleyed te de such work. That te the best
of this deponent's knowledge aud belief,
this organization, known as the Employ
ers' L'nien, was in existence at the time
deponent. left the eitv of Lynn,
te wit: January 15, 1380. That dur
ing deponent's residence in said city of
Lynn ami during the fourteen weeks' lock
out of the Knight of St. Crispin, said Em
ployers' I'liien had as their agent a man by
the name of ?fIerey, whose special duty it
was te go through the (arming districts te
engage men te supply the places of these
workmen who had participated in the look
out as aforesaid ; that the matter of this
man Mercy's employment was the subject
of common knowledge and conversation
among the employees of the shoe manu
fa! urers of that city ; that the interests of
tiic man Merey and these of the Employers'
Union were identicahand that the action of
the said union and tlie employment of the
said Merey was the subject of constant
discussion and comment among the mem
bers of the Knights of St.Crispin aforesaid;
that the headquarters of the said Em
ployers' l'nien was in a room in the First
national bank building en Exchange
street in said city.
(Signed) R. S. Goenwi.v.
Affirmed te before me this iwentv-
wventh day el October, 1880.
(Signed) William Sneuix.
Notary Public, Xew Yerk City and
At a meeting of the Lynn Working
men's association Wednesday evening, the
following preamble and resolutions were
adopted :, When this association was
formed a resolution was incorporated into
our platform of principles that as an asso
ciation we were opposed te the importa
tion of servile Chinese labor; and
Wficmi.. During the labor troubles of
1S77 the Employers Union then existing
delegated one of their number te visit
Xerth Adams, where Chinese labor had
been already introduced, and examine into
its workings with a view of introducing it
into this city, and
Wheraix, During the lockout of 1877-78
the Employers' Union advocated- the in
troduction of Chinese labor te take the
place of shoemakers then engaged in the
lockout : and
Whereat, We have seen published a
letter purporting te be written by General
Garfield, the nominee of the IJepubliean
party, te II. L. Mercy, Employers' Union,
Lynn. Mass.. favoring the transportation
of Chinese labor; and,
Whereas, AYe have seen published Gen
eral Garfield's denial of the letter: there
fore, lie it
Tlesehcd, That judging from the previous
intention of the Employers Union el this
city te introduce Chinese labor, and also
General Garfield's public record en the
labor question, we are convinced that the
letter is authentic, and heartily denounce
the nominee of the Republican party for
his attempt te reduce the free labor of the
United States te the level of the slave labor
er of China, and ask our brother working
men throughout, the country te express
their disapproval at the polls of such senti
ments and such a man.
ruK t;.i:i i::i.i-:.ieki:v i.ktt!:ic.
A ' J'lOM'culien CenUnrtcil for 1'iihlli:
At the conclusion of the testi
mony of Lcet, the newspaper re
porter, as printed in our telegraphic ad
vices yesterday, Mr. Bell, of the prosecu
tion, said he would like an adjournment,
as he had ether witnesses te examine who
were net present. lie expected, he said,
a witness from Lynn, Massachusetts, who
had net yet arrived, and that Mr. Payne,
his ether cxpei t witness, was lying ill and
unable te attend. This was objected te
by Mr. Breeke, and General Pryer (also
for defense) said he thought it was due te
his side te allow him te produce the proof
of the genuineness of Ihc letter. Mr.
Stoughteu shook his head, and General
Pryer continuing said: "Ah! I well knew
my friend would shake his head. It is net
the purpose of prosecution te allow us te
proceed with our evidence se that it will
let have its legitimate effect in the coun
try."' Applause.
Judge Davis 'Officers, put out these
in the rear portion of the room."
This was speedily done, aud Mr. Steuh-
ten arising said that he knew new the rea
son why the envelope had net been pre
viously produced. The stamps en it wcre
net genuine, and witnesses te prove that
fact would be called from Washington and
'from Lynn. He denied the imputation
of General Pryer, saying tlkat the prosecu
tion was honestly conducted and would be
spedily continued.
Mr. Breeke replied maintaining that if
he had proof te elfer te show the genuine
ness of the letter, no adjournment should
be granted, and he skexild be allowed te
present it. The prosecution, he continued,
could procure their witnesses by tele
graphing for them and examining them
when they arrived.
Mr. Breeke contended that the prosecu
tion was conducted for public clamor and
net for the purpose of convicting or hav
ing held for trial the defendant, who he
claimed bail waived an examination and
demanded a speedy trial, which the pros
ecution would net allow. He was ready
and anxious te disprove the charge of the
falsity of the letter, and demanded as his
right an opportunity of furnishing such
proofs without adjournment.
This was objected te by Mr. Bell and
Colonel Blis?,who stated that they thought
their witnesses would he here te-morrow.
Judge Davis then adjourned the ease until
2 o'clock, saying he would give both sides
an opportunity te present their evidence,
and if the prosecution ar net ready the
defence can proceed and give way when
the prosecution arc ready.
When court reassembled at 2 e'eWk
Abram S. Hewitt entered with Pryer and
Breeke. His presence gave rise te the re
port that he was te lake the stand as wit
ness for the defense. Hegan war. recalled
and testified that he had examined the en
velope and found erasures. Alse that the
figure en stamp was printed while the
figure 1 was net, but was a longitudinal
stroke. The stamp en the revesse also
showed evidence of erasures. On cress
examination he said he examined the en
velope at the postelliee. Breeke said he
understood the envelope was net te go out
of the possession of the court aud called
attention te the fact that it was net in the
same condition as when it was delivered.
Judge Davis said he cut off part of the
edge, but the tears in it were all there.
JehnPhin, editor et tlie American Jo'ir Je'ir
nal of Microscopy, and ether experts, who,
in answer te questions by the prosecution
said they had been summoned by Chair
man Jewell and expected te be; paid for
their services, te'stitied le their belief that
erasures had been made upon the envelope,
and the remainder of the afternoon was
taken up with the evidence of posiefiice
officials as te the time of mails, etc. The
examination was adjourned until !l this
iei:j; Ai:"JT aseKCY.
Iu-iiilrv.-u'lU)lc l'roel'oi hi
11 Is aiiiiiu'i- Clinics l'irir:iri!
!:il .W:s!:c-
The following has been issued from the
headquarters of the national Democratic
committee :
The following is an affidavit of I'lara S.
Merey, of Lynn, A!.nsa;huselt.', mother
of II. L. Merey, tifvchem General Garfield
is said te have wsitten the famous Chimvc
letter :
" I, the undersigned, Clara S. .Merey, of
the city of Lynn, county of Essex," and
commonwealth of Massachusetts, en oath
de depose and say that I have lived in
Lynn, aforesaid, from feu le fourteen years
last passed, and that my son II. L.
Merey, has visited me frequently from
time te time until within ihe past eleven
months, and (hat since T knew nothing of
his whereabouts.
"Witness my hand am! r,eal this ''i'ih A. D. 1.'S0.
Claua S. -Mi.:;;:.."
CehiiifJiurealth of MaJs.ichn.'fflt, AW.)-!
count;. .t.v. s
"Lvnn, Of tebcr !';. fssp. :
" Personally appeared before me en the :
above date, Clara S. Merey, who is te me j
personally I;iie7.n, and made oath that
above affidavit by her siib.-eribed is
' Justice of the Peace."
the affidavit is a ccrtili
Attached h the affidavit is a ccrtili
eate from the clerk of the superior court,
certifying te Tarbox's appointment as
- - ..--
anutiiki: m.At'K r,v:
l.jim V. erkiiiKStiru Kt'unuiat:' ;;ulirl.l
Ills Cliim'ttt IIitiii-iI.
At a meeting of the Lynn Werkiiigme ns"
association the following preamble and i
resolutions were adopted': j
WilKi:r..s, When this association was !
formed a resolution was incorporated. into j
our platform of principles that as an asso
ciation we are opposed te ihe importation j
et servile i. Iuncsc IsUier.
And Whereat, During thf labor tre-.i- .
bles of 1877 the Employer.-," l'nien then j
existing delegated one of thiir number te
visit Xhrth Adams, where Chinese labor ;
had been already introduced, ami examine '
into its workings with the view of intie.
ducingit into the city : '
And Whercae, During he lockout e!" J
1877-8 the Employers' l'nien advocated
the introduction of Chinese labor le take
the place of shoemakers then engaged in !
the lockout;
And Whereas, AYe have seen published ,
a letter purporting te be Written by Gen- '
oral Garfield, the nominee of the Rcp-eh-!
licau party, te II. L. Mercy. Rmpleycr." i
Union, Lynn, Massachusetts", favoring the '
importation of Chinese laber: l
And Whereas, AYe have seen published
General Garfield's denial of the letter:!
therefore, he it '
liiselecd. That judging from thejirevi- :
eus intention of the Employers' l'nien of
this city te introduce Chinese labor, and j
also General Garfield's public record en the l
labor question, we are convinced that, the :
lcttcr is authentic, and heartily denounce
the nominee of the Republican paity for '
'his attempt te reduce the free labor of the j
United States te the level of the slave labor j
of China, and ask our brother working 1
men throughout the- country te express J
their disapproval at the polls of such senti -
ments and such a man.
net i'ej: i.j:!i;:.'.i.
N-al De-.y i::.-jleiles tin; I,:tte!
Gen. Xeal Dew, of Maine, Prohibition
candidate for president, has sent the fol
lowing telegram, dated Portland, -Maine,
te Charles II. Ilevcy, secretary of the
national Prohibition cemmittee: 'There
is no truth whatever in the report that I
have in any way changed my relation te
the Prohibition party tr. which am
thoroughly true and loyal. I have never
swerved in the least from that line of con
duct, as the light and brst."
Xe Fusion There.
,Ata joint meeting of the Republican
state central and executive committees of
A irguua, held yesterday in Richmond
in i.tcnmer..!,- a I
contradicting as ;
epub.sean c'cc!--;
resolution was adopted
false the rumor that the 1
oral ticket in that state has been or
about te be withdrawn, and calling upon
all Republicans, whether Flinders or Read
justcrs, te vete the Garfield and Arthur
electoral ticket. The committee ?CLt a
telegram te the Republican national com
mittee requesting the recall of their agents
iu Richmond, Messrs. Levcland and Burr.
rert!ilis in a Ilnrnins I!:iiMln.
A fire occurred at Rridgewatcr, near
Rochester, Pa., yesterday, which destroyed
one frame and one brie'e dwelling. Mrs.
Hempshill. cightv years of age. who was
tee feeble te help herseif, perished in the
names. Twe little boys who were in tee
habit of carrying coal for the old lady are
also missing and are supposed te have
Sara Itrriihanit and Clara Merris In On
Theatre. The One in Bex and
i!e Other en the Stage.
Mile. Bernhardt went te see Clara Mor Mer
ris play the part of Alixe in the play of
"The Countess de Semcrive.' At" the
Park theatre, Xew Yerk, a great throng
assembled te see her. It was nearer 0
o'clock than 8 when the curtain rose en
the first act. Miss Merris is the second
person wiie appears in the play. She was
received with moderate enthusiasm.
Dressed in white muslin, and acting a part
that in this act certainly is indifferent, it
was evident that many in the house did net
recognize her. When the act was closed
Mile. Bernhardt entered. She passed along
tlie aisle te the left of the house and en
tered the box te the right, of the stage en
the ground tier. Twe. of her six managers,
Messrs. Jarrett and Schwab, accompanied
IiefrThc box was draped with the Hags of
France and America. Breathless silence
and the craning of every neck in the house
greeted the immediate entrance of the
slender aud gifted Parisienne. It was only
when she had seated herself, with much
art and pretty circumstance, that the sub
dued applause began te break forth. It
grew, until the Bernhardt, half rising,
inclined her body gracefully. The orches
tra played the "Marseillaise." It is a
singular fact that this air has always been
produced in a lugubrious manner be
fore ?iiile. Bernhardt. The performance
was especially lugubrious last night. Peo
ple were incited te make a noise both by
a wish te stamp. out the music and by the
desire le greet Mile. Bernhardt. The Pa
risian actress were a hat trimmed with
white, whose bread brim was drawn down
ou both sides of her face and fastened
under her chin. Her face was te he view
ed as if at the extremity of a funnel of
daisies. She .were a dress of black silk,
with plentiful white lace trimming about
the threat and neck.
The greeting of the French act tess had
subsided when the curtain rose en lliesec
aadaet. Miss Merris, still arrayed in her
simple dress of white muslin, was the
first character te appear. Instantly such
an enthusiasm broke forth as heretofore
there had been no intimation et. It was as
if the patriotism had get the upper hand.
This was probably the explanation of it.
Eyes were fixed' en the Hernhardt, and
hands made thunder for the popular
American. Miss Merris stepped at the
front of the stage, seemingly amazed. She
waited for the applause te subside ; it
only grew louder. She bowed te the au
dience. Th great enthusiastic noise con cen
linued. She turned with a Hushed face te
the box in which the Bernhardt sat and
twice beat in a deep courtesy. Mile. Bern
hardt rose and returned the salute as grace
fully as It was given, The applause then
reached its height, and Miss Merris, deep
ly flushed, retired for a moment, evidently
le control her feelings. "Let me pour
you some coffee " were her first words as
she returned te her place. They were
almost a humorous echo of the enthusiasm
which had stirred her beyond her self pos
session. As the play went en the acting of Miss
Merris was watched with the keenest inter
est by her celebrated visitor. The long
and wrinkled white kid gloves of the Pa
risian often met in applause of some wcll
lendeied point, and this was invariably a
signal for an outbreak ou the part of the
rest of the audience.
Wen!:; iYeiii Hen. IS:iiic:it-t.
Gen. Hancock was called upon yesterday
by Cel. James Cavanaugh of liie Sixty
ninth regiment, accompanied by Cel. I).
Xoble Rewan of Pleasant Bayou. Texas,
who served in the Nutty-seventh Xew
Yerk regiment during the war. His brother
L. II. Rewan, and Mr. W. L. Brown com
pleted the party. At a remark by Cel:
Cavanangh, of many
Republican manufacturers in coercing the
votes of their employees. Gen Hancock
said he had yet te learn of any
! Democratic, independent or ether
I manufacturer desirieus of changing the
; present administration of the gev-
! eminent, having pursued that course.
' ''The coercion of votes," he continued.
"affects the manhood of the people, and
I would wish no coerced votes cast for me.
If employed men have net the courage te
resist interference with their freedom at
Ihe h.tliet box, it will net be long before
they will be driven te the polls, il any
polls should then exist. The ballet box
should be guarded, and the greater the
danger the stronger should be the guards.
Liberty is a priceless treasure, gained only
through great trials, and if once lest it can
only ee regained by trials still greater.
The purity of the ballet box is the only
sal'cguard of liberty, and when once se
cured it. should be the duty of every voter
t ) use ids best elferls te preserve that
Jeseph 15. Dixen, late editor of
Hemer u. .) uepuhiican, was run ever
and killed en the railroad at Syracuse.
According te the Tribune the recent
hurricane en the lakes caused a less of
."i(0,00f in property, and 1)1 human lives.
The dieught in southwestern Yirginia,
was broken yesterday by a heavy and con cen
uiiis rain.
Mrs Augusta Schuler, aged 10 years,
died at Addison, Illinois, en Thursday, of
hydrophobia. She was bitten ten mouths
Mrs. ICiiby died at Robertsonville, near
Franklin, Ivy., ou Thursday, of hydropho
bia. She was bitten by a bull pup last
The schooner F.dward Parke capsized
e:i Humboldt Bar, California, en Thursday
evening, and a sailor and a passenger were
;v boiler in Robertsen's paper mill, at
Hinsdale, X. IL, burst yesterday merniii",
hHiiiij: one man and inhirin'r several
I ethers. The less in property is $20,000.
, . Mark Hyuian, Vi years of aire, being
i 'earful of ;i whipping by his. father, swal
! lowed corrosive sublimate, in Riverhcad,
I L. I., en Thursday night, and is net ex
! pected te recover.
! TK..1. V.-n'l.n- ...,.1 f IT
i i;iiv hiuuui .oie ...mii-.- eiit.Mii were
shot, the former fatally, near Warrciiten,
Ohie, last Monday, by Miner Cellier, Xe
cause for the.drcd is reported. Cellier is
at large.
Jean Baptiste Xarbennehas been arrest-
i ed at Lachutc, Quebec, for having iniir
; tiered his brother Alexis, live years age.
' The prisoner confessed the crime, saying
he was urged te its commission by his
step-mother, in order that they might get
the brother's money.
Joins Hadlv-y and Albeit Rray, working i
in tee bayrevdlc, X. J., clay pits, were
nu.-1Ci nye yesterday by the caving in of i
.,a cmlankmcnti It is M;j the Clay Pit
company had been notified of the preb-
the cavin" in of i
fibilitAwir supIi n ilisnstcr. but ; took tin r.rr- i
ItnTi'.' l'ifi ttn.-Ml I.Oiltne Ol TI1A nwilt- I
cautions a'rahist it I
Twe palsengcr 'trains ran into each I
n I'M- :it IWirr'eUKtnun. !!K inties wet. n
v . ,..7 .,4 j
Pittsburgh. Beth trains were traveling i
eight miles per hour. The engines, ten
ders and baggage cars of both trains were
bully wrecked. .Ahchacl Lancgan. Tiies.
v........... .... ...... ........ w.ii.mii-iiaiii, mrcu :
,,.,,:. .,,1,0.., r,,i tv.1... n : 1 .1
young mm, tramps, were stealing a ride
en train Xe. 0 and were instantbkillcd.
They were mangled fearfully. J. Render-,
son firemtn. en the same train, was also i
.-en, iiremrn. en tne same tram, was also
killed, and Engineers Garvev and Thomp-1
son were both badly hurt, "but will live.
The accident resulted from the train men
miBiinnWcfnml-vr, ninrc I I
, .-.....-.- V.HV..
Men of" .Pennsylvania, vetcis of the
Keystone state, will you forget the gallant
soldier who saved the state in 1803? We
believe you will net be se ungrateful, but
that en the contrary you will voice the real
sentiment of the state by giving your
votes te Gen. llancoek.
General Hancock, the son and defender
of Pennsylvania, was. publicly b'irned ii
fJpOU l.v tl0 Republicans of the town of
Lacyville. Wyoming county, en the night
of the 15th instant. Soldiers of Pe7m
svlvania, what de you think of such a
dastardly act ,
Twe laborers, who were moving iron
beams upon the second fleer of the new
depot of the elevated railroad at Six
teenth and Filbert street. Philadelphia,
fell te the ground yesterday morning
about ten o'clock. Samuel Erskine, re
siding at Thirty-seventh and Story streets.
West Philadelphia, struck upon his head
en a brick pile ami received injuries which
caused his death in about au hour. The
ether man was taken te the hospital.
After Cbittenilcn's S.'.OOO.
Te the Killter or the Times.
I have heard that tlie Hen. S. II. Chit
tenden, of Xew Yerk, has offered a reward
of $5,000 for information that will lead
le the arrest and conviction of the writer
of the Garfield "Chinese' letter. Please
say in your daily Timex if such a reward is
benaiide. as we think we have the man in
our town.
Very respectfully,
D. K. McDo.wi.e.
Mkntei:, O., October 27. 1SS0.
C'luse or the .llcelins Award of Tribes.
Through a dreary, drizzling, chilling
rain, the field trials of the State Field
Trials association were resumed yesterday,
en the samegreuads. near Manheim, en
which the trials of Wednesday were had.
The first brace of dogs put down for the
All Ages stakes were 3Ir. Slay ten s Rolion
and Mr. Yearsley's Little Lady. In the first
field Helten found a brace of birds which
he ihishcd. One of them was marked down
in the weeds net far oil and Helten point
edit. Little Lady was called up te back
him, but refused te de se. passing between
the gmrnnd the deg. The gun was or
dered te kill, and Helten retrieved the
bird and was awarded the heat.
Mr. Brown's Dash, who had wen a heal,
and May Lavarack, who had drawn n
"bye" (which is equivalent te a heat),
were next, put down, Dash flushed a
bird and the dogs were sent into the thick
cts, where the birds had gene. Dash made
a second Hush, presumably of the same
birds. In the same thicket he pointed
a bird, but when the gun went up te kill.
Dash jumped in and caught the fehird.
Dash found another bird en the hill, but
pointed unsteadily. May Lavarack passed
him and made a Hush, the birds passing
out of sight. As the dogs had new been
en for about four hours, birds very scarce
and tiie weather very unfavorable, the
judges called up the owners and asked
them whether they were willing te abide
the decision of the judges without further
continuing the heat. Answering affirma
tively, the heat was awarded te May Lav
arack. Mr. Sacger's Docter and Mr. Snellen
berg's Thunder, each of whom had wen a
heat in the All Ages stakes, were next
put down, and hunted until dark, hut put
nothing up, and they were called m.
Mr. Slayton, the secretary of the asso
ciation, then offered the following resolu
tion :
' That the first pri.e, $100, in the Al!
Ages stake, he equally divided amongthese
dogs which, by virtue of their positions,
are entitled te compete for the first prize
and that the second and third prizes he
equally divided among these dogs remain
ing in the stalls.
The resolution was unanimously adept
Under this resolution Mr. SneIIcnberg'.-
Thunder, Butten and May Lavarack, Mr.
Saegcr's Docter and Mr. Slayton's Belten
wcre each awarded $20.
The second and third prizes were di
vided among the following named dogs,
each of which was awarded $10.7" : Mr.
Stcahman's Pat and Biddy. Mr. Brown's
Dash, Mr. Yearsley's Countess, Rexeyand
Little Ladyand Mr. llenricks' King Dash.
The withdrawals from the stake for
All Ages were as fellows : Mr. Seller's
Dash, and Mr. MeCennell's Lady Lava
Mr. Shusler's Cernelia, 'Mr. Giveifs
Minerva, and Mr. Ditfciiderlier's Leah
were absent.
The members of the association returned
te the (Stevens house, this city, at half
past 8 o'clock, and Micro made the follow
ing divisions of the Puppy stakes, it being
impossible te run oil the trials :
Mr. Yearsley's Bess, Little Lady and
Mack; Mr. Snellcnberg's Dick, Daisy and
Mary Lavarack : Mr. McCeniicH's Lad
Lavarack, and Mr. Dilfendcrlfer's Rexy
Hey, each St).
Abbey AV., Dart, Reb and Xcd, entered
for the Puppy stakes, wcre absent.
The Nursery stakes were divided among
the following named dogs, each of which
were awarded $2"i.."ift : Mr. I Icnricks's
Delly Edwin, Mr. Saeger's Smart, Mr.
Snellcnberg's Pet Lavarack and Sue Lava
Thus ended a rather unprofitable and un
pleasant meeting of the association the
chief drawbacks being the exceptionally
bad weather and the unexpected scareitj
of birds. This morning ncaily all the gen
tlemen of the association, with their dogs,
left Lancaster for their homes. In dis
missing the meeting we anain take ecc-.i
sien te return thanks te Dr. Rewe, of the
Chicago Field, I. R. Slayton, Pittsburgh,
the secretary of the association, and Mr
F. Sattcrthwait. of the Xew Yerk Feres
and Stream, ftirmany courtesies extended
and valuh'u information furnished.
An iu-li:ilt ami i'crnlinr Ilelitlny in Win. I,
Yeung Atiicricsi .New J-iurcH.
That peculiar holiday or observance "AU
Hellew E'en "or "'Hellew Kve" :evfc
boys term it, occurs te-morrow. Hew it
ever became au occasion for a rampant
spirit of mischief is net known. In Scot
land the custdm at one time was for the
better classes te leave feed in exposed
places for the peer iwop'e who were at lib
erty te take it after night-fall without fear
or molestation. The cry was " Haul all
in.'' The occasion as is well known was
formerly one of a religious observance, it
being the eve of AH Saints day, observed
by the Catholic and one or two ether de
nominations, but it has degenerated sadly
in America, and is only used for the work
ing of mischief by the small boy and his
elder brother.
llearinc; anu uril.
Geerge Utter, of Columbia, had a hear-
inX before Alderman McConemy this
e '
morning, en a charge of concealing goods
Daniel Mayer, of Philadelphia. The al-
IV tltillclliU 1115 Ult;illtUJ3. UII U.J1.IOJ.I.II Ul
dcrman returned the case te court, and in
'1'" "j"'1 the defendant was com-
-- v
After the man was committed A. J.
Kauffmau, esq., his counsel, stated that
he would take out a writ and have the
j man taken te court, where the case would
he reheard. The man was taken into
,.,. Tlf ,, na .,i.i ,. : .:i
""-"-""- u,.,'"'
Hiursday, when the case will be reheard.
,lnArnlulni. ,11 s!nr'aln w n,..:,
e, Mmulir 411 Siin
n -."'" IrfhL tl
Li2V 1-
fe00 "Tf"
-'- -v...M .a... J J . Allf III
, will be ordained
church, by the Right
T !:..? TT ' ..." .
- V "we, MTvicu commencing at
10 a. m.