LANCASTER DAILY !NTELIJiGEN)EUFRIDAY OCTOKEit .26. 1880. S.snraster I-ntelltgenccv. FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 29, 1880; TO ALL TECE AMERICANS. Ter the ISkTELuacxun. Chi-cr up, lirave enmpaiiien-j, our armies ad vance, Oitr general lead en, and our prance; Our battalions an- coining with llinnilcrlrfg sound, ."preatling fear :'.nt dismay in the lee all around. Tney are coining te vindicate honor ami truth, The pit-fall te till up, the rough ways te sir.cet ii ; All trawl and corruption te wccp irein our land, Thai Washington left m, te ;dorieus ami ;rrand. t, who would mil join t'ltiui in this sublime hour! Te fight ler our rights a?aint all unsafe power ; Te dethrone corrupt rings, and abuse te heal heal Te deliver us irem these who our birthright would steal. As we've learned irem tins put e the futute will be. Should Garilcld .set tool en fair liberty's tree ; lilt contact would Might It, a-t U 1:1s own name. And ciiu-c il te It nn il proud head but in -liame. Can you bea", proud Ann-iicnim. fiich a ill srrsnv? Will you give te :i knave our most preuiiiienl place? Ven will net, 1 am -uic, whiUt there-, honor and lame, In ilani-eck. te add te our eeuutrv'n geed na:i;e. ieteberi7, 1S'I. C. M. 51. r.n-tery I"act-. ,!em! eentlncinent, careful attention te all taetery work, give- the operative pallid faces peer appetite, languid, mi-erable leelingn, peer Meed, inactive liver, kidneys ami urinary lienljli -, and all the phri-lciansuiid medicines in the world cannot help them unless they get out doers or lite Hen Hitler, made et the pure-t and best remedies mid especially for Mich eases-, having abundance el health, sun thiueand resv cheeks in them. Xone need Mjtreririhey'will use them tieely. They cost but atiitie." See another column. el.VJwd&w The Pleasures el IIejic. Win ii the body isbewed witlipaiuau intense longing ler relief brings hope. This may brighten the -tillering but it docs net cure. At a time like this limy welcome is such u Iricnd as W .liner's Safe Kidney and I.iver Cure, bringing hope, health and happiness and the joys iifu renewed lite. 1 sieiucal. HOSTETTBR'S CELEBRATED SP illl ii I 6-1 WlTi Hk lUSi&uil DlllJjilU. Tii-.- s'-iuiunlntcil evidenca el nearly thirty years show that the Bitters is u certain remedy ler n-.alaiial disease, as well as Its unrest pre ventive: that it eradicates dyspepsia, consti pation, liver complaint and nervousness counteracts a tendency te gout, rheumatism, urinary and ulerine disorder-", that it imparts vigor se the leeble. and cheers the mind while it in viger.ites I he l.edv. Fer sale by all Drnggi-t- and Dealers gener ally, ol-lvdced&lyw -VTKIiV-s DEIUL1TY. J.1 Te Nervous Sullcrers The Great Euro pean Remedy Dr. .J. B. Simpsen's Specific Medicine. It is n positive euro. ler Spcnua Spcnua terrhe.i, -ciuiiml Weakness. Inipetency,nnd all disea-es resulting trem Selt-Abuse, as Mental Anxietv, Le-s of Memery, Pains in Back or Mile, aiiil di-cases, that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Specific Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets M-nt tree te all. Write for them and get lull paiticular-. Price, Specific, $1 per package, or six packages ler $5. .1. B. SIMP SOX MEDICINE COMPANY, Ne-. 104 and 10C Main Street, liultale, X. Y. Aildressall orders te II. B. COCHRAN. Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and i:ki North Queen Street, Lancaster. iiil7-lydced&wl INVESTIGATION"!" llt. GKKi'Nl" has successfully treated ever l,ijil)et 1'ieiiie-l tliliicult chronic N called) in curable cases during n nine month's practice. The most et them had been the rounds of the lending physicians et Lancaster county. DR. GKEEN'i: is ready at any time te meet a committee el the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Heuse or elsewhere te dis cuss the merits nt Oinnipathy and prove its superiority ever all ether patliics in vogue. 1 he people are greatly interested and de mand the fullest investigation. Invalids are every week ding in this county xvhese lix-cs eon li'l be kivciI. Is there any subject about which the ma-se- arc mere concerned than restoration te health, ami the prolonging of their lives; Dr. G. eriginntrd ami is new the owner or 29 Medical Pad-. He especially warns the public against thenr.merfnise.'innterleits new offered the people. Dr. Gic endues an exclusive office business. P.ttlenls xv he cannot call at his eflices must K-ixl lull deseriptinu el atllietiens. Hundreds et ileal lis- have occurred here in nine months ; only two in his practice. ( oiisiiltatieus lice. Catarrh cnicd for 50 cenis. cm.- quick ter Catarrh sent te any ad dtvss for; M eents. DR. C. A. GREENE, Se. 230 XOKTII OUEKX STKEi;T, 3MM1HVF.VS Lancaster, Pa. VTUUVIXK, OK TONIC Sl'EC'IMUA. 1 A BOON TO BOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for all diseases arising from Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence et Vicious Habits, as xvell as Irein the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic fornisef the lollexxing diseases have been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia. Sell Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Speriiiatei-rliaia, General Debility, Impotency, Premature Decay, &a It has been in use for ex-cr lerty years, and is te-day the most popular remedy for the dis eases abex-e mentioned in the WORLD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, and better than all, it is a sure, sale and ceitam cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil auiply demonstrate. Since 1S: this remedy lias alway been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold; but exving te the act that tile time ter the payment et an enormous royalty upon its manufacture has expired, it is etlered te the suffering el both sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be within the reach of all; ut which price it xvill be sent te any addicts live et further charge. Addicss DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 4C Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted m all di&cusesby mail. tv2G-;ind&w BR. SAMffiD'S LIYEB INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleqd. A Boek sent free. Dr. S ANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. for sale by all DruirgUts. olie-lycedAaltcow ASTJtICII jmO8 ADVERTISEMENT. L AXCASTER BAZAAR. A UlilKl' MKXTIOX OK WHAT ASTRICH BRO.S' 13 EAST KING STREET, OFFER PARTICULARLY CHEAP DL'RIXU THE COMIXU WEEK. OCR STOCK COMPRISES THE MOST AR TISTIC COLLECTION' OK We offer the choicest line et HATS. HATS. ever cxhibitediln thiscity. Elagantly trimmed PATTERN" HATS AXD BOXXETS, at most reasonable price. DERI5YS. DER1IYS. DbKlfli.. Ulnck Kelt Derbys C2c. .soft Kelt Derbys 7"c. lises' Derbys. bound anil trimmed with hat In, at 7ric. Our $1 Derby, en Fine Felt, trimmed with Hcavv Satin Ribbon and bound with Geed ISIaclc Satin, most profitable Hat ever bought. THE CIGARETTE HAT,7.".e. A full line of LADIES' SHAPE HATS AXD UOXXETS, in Straw, Fine Felt anil Beaver. Lnrc.Fine,Seft Jlcaver Hats, in all rolera.f 2.(11. OSTRICH AN i FANCY FEATHERS in nil shades, and in the most artistic dcign. 15IUDS WIXGS. HEADED BREASTS. FEATHER 1SAXDS and ethets. MBBOXS et superior quality. Plain and Fancy. In all chades. First Ouallty Satin and Gres Grain Ribbons Xe.i, Ne. 12, Xe.lfi. 10c. Sic. 21c. All Silk Gres Grain Ribbon-. Xe.4, Xe.r., Xe.7, Xe.a, Ne. Ii, .C. iC. e. iff. iji DRE&S AXD CLOAK TRIMM1XGS. We otter the handsomest line of BLACK SILK FitlXUES at our well-known low prices. Silk and Bead Fringes from 25c. upwards i SJMnch Bend and Chenille Fringe file ! Heavy Chenille Fringe at "3c ."i inch Chenille and Grass Fringe, with tancy ; Heading, 83c. Most clcgantChenilleand.Jct Fringes at $layd. Fine Chenille and Bead Fringes at $1.10, $1.20, $1.25 per yard. A eery rich Grass Fringe, with deep Fancy Heading. $1.40 per yard. Colored Silk Fringes at OJe. per yard. BEADED PASSAMEXTER1ES. One '.el Beaded Passamenterie.s, 2 inches wide, 7."e. a yard. ie hit, i inch width, in most elaborate liatterns, at$l per yard. Tin. most exnuisite design in FsKeamenteries ' Tu,t ep0"!1; e!w",tll,s?,:,,nen, el lll.ACKamiWKpulDLBN BEADED and CROCHET BALLS. HUNGARIAN SPIKES, ORNAMENTS, &e. Trimming Tassels .1c. apiece i Elegant Cords anil Spikes at 1.23 1 Silk Girdles 7jc, l, $1.25, Sl.r0and upward. Single Hungarian Spikes. Beaded, 3, 4, 5 and inches, at 12c, 19c. 33c. 3e. apiece. , Hcavv Silk Cord 20c. per yard Hcavv Silk Cord, Beaded "Jjc. per yar.i Rich Colored Silk Girdles $125 Tael Ornament- in Elegant Patterns. BLACK TRIMMING LACKS. In French, Spanish, Chantilly and Guipure. Geed Black Trimming Silk at 75c. per yd Hcavv Black Silk $1.00 per yd 20 inch Extra Heavy Black Silk. . . .$1.25 per yd Lyens Colored Satin,Lat est feliades.flGc. per yd Extra Quality Lyens Black Satin. . .75c. per yd Lyens Black Dress fcatin. superior quality, $1 per yard, worth $1.25. Fine Black Satin" $1-20, $1-10. Jl.fcl Excelllcnt qualilv Black Velveteen at 50c. a yard, worth 75c. Brocaded Velveteen, in all Celers T.'c Colored Velveteens, silk finished c All Silk Black Velvet $1.M) per yard Fine UlaekSilk Velvet $1.25 per yanl BLACK CREPES. Extra Heavy Crepe $1.0uayard English Crepe, 5-4 $I.5 n yawl English Crepe, fi-4 $2.00 a. yard Best English Veil Crepe, extra heavy... $4 a yd KID GLOVES. OUR NEW KID GLOVE, 1 -The ALEXANDRE 3IEDAILLE D'OK, . is nesltivclv cnual te the best Gleve in the market. Every pair wan anted te give perteet satisfaction Lach pair is caictully selected and examined berore it is offered ier sale. Any lady wishing te buy a pair will de well te call en lis, as our assortment is the most com plete ever shown in thiscity. All sizes trem 5M te VA. 1st Black and White. All new fall shades inJBrewnsaiid Drabs. A line assort ment of Opera Celers and White, all of the same make. 5-Nete the price el this most excellent Kid Gleve 3 buttons OnlyiWc. ; buttons Only $1.2. A 2 button stitched back Gent-.' Kid Gleve, el superior quality (every pair war ranted), $1.25 per pair. SPECIAL BARGAINS! One let of 3 button Kid Gloves, which we have previously sold ler S8e., in colors and Operas, te be closed out for 74c. A new let et C. button Kid Gloves, in OPERA SHADES ONLY, of excellent quality, at We. a pair. Anether let of 8 button Kid Gloves, of linn quality, at $1.0!) a pair. IX LISLE THREAD AND BERLIN GLOVES. we arc prepared new te show you any style of GIOac siinanie ier laii wear. A Xew Let of Berlin Gloves. 1, 2, 3 elastics, loc, 15c., 19c. a pair. The best Gleve fermaikeiing put-puses. A real Lile Gleve ler dress wear, inline shades el Slate, regular made. 2 tnll elastics, at 25c. a pair. The very finest French Pearl Lisle, 2 elastic", 31c. a pair. Dark colored, line Meilii", stocking top Gleve, at 29c. Finer quality, lancy top, 34c. Heavy all-wool CaslinicrcGlee, finest qual ity, ribbed top, 53c. Child's Merine Gloves in all sizes. The best and most comtertabic Gleve you can buy a Gleve that keeps warm and suits te be worn as a line dress Gleve in dark drabs, brown, cardinal, navy and light blue, maroon, &c., from 20c. a pair np. Infantsg Mitts, in white and colored, in large variety, trem 15c. a pair up. Child's Worsted Leggins trem 30c. a pair np. Lcggin Drawers, ler Babie-, in w hite and cardinal, $1 a pair. Ladles' Worsted Leggins, .s(.., c.e.,75c. ac cording te size. Babies' Saxony Knit Shiit-. Without sleeves 44c. With sleeves ;. The best and warmesl. Chllds Merine Undershirts and Drawer-, in all sizes and qualites. LADIES AXD GEXTS MERIXO UNDER WEAR. Yeu can buy cheaper and better at our store than any wncrc else in tins city. Ladies' Merine Vests, regular made, cuflV, Ladies' fine Merine Vests and Draw crs, 4Sc. Extra heavy, silk stitched, 75c. Fine French Cashmere, $1.00. Gent's geed Merine Shirts and Drawers, inc. Gent's Flannel Shirts and Di-aircr-i. from $1, upwards. Gent's Cleth Shirts. .C ARLET UXDERWE A l. JOUR ASSOETMEXT OF HOSIERY. is tee well known, and it would till columns te try and mention the different styiesand prices thatwc are able te show in that department. One single call will convince you that there is nothing missing from the cheapest te the best, trem the smallest te the largest. We invite everybody te visit our store with out buj-ing, se as te give yen an idea et the style et goods we keep and their prices. A full assortment et MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS at low prices. Most extraordinary bargains in Gent's Cot Cet Cot eon Socks. Full regular made Socks, 14c. a pair. One let of real British Socks, lull rcgu ular made, 19c. English Merine Socks, 25c. Balbtiggans, full regular .made, !i..e. and a great many ether bargains which are worth notice. Millinery Ironies. ASTRICH BRO.'S, 13 EAST KIXG ST. VST THE FAVORITES IN DRESS GOODS NOW. The following are selling se fast as te indicate that they are unusually desirable: Camel's hair, 44 inches, $1 te $2.30. Billiard cloth, 44 inches, l.iiO. Damasse8, 44 inches, 1.25. Jersey cloth, 44 inches, 1.75. "Plush suitings, 44 inches, l.."i0. Armures, 44 inches, 1.00. Novelties, 44 inches, 0.75. Powder cloths, 44 inches, 0.75. Chudda cloths, 44 inches, 0.68. Lupin's merinees. 3G inches, O.efl te ft.fiO. Flannel suitings, 0.50 te 1.25. Plaids, silk and wool, 0.37. Plaids, German, 44 inches, 0.30. Plaids, German, 82 inches, 0.15. Cashmeres, colored, 28 inches, 0.23. Cashmeres, colored, 22 inches, 0.12i. Matclasses, 24 inches, 0.20. ltaleruies, 22 inches. 0.14. Our dress goods include almost everythinff desirable, In many in stances we are very much below the market ; never above. JOHN WANAMAKER. Dress Goods occupy nine counters near Thirteenth street entrance. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets, and City Hall Square. PHILADELPHIA. CLOTHING. T ARUAINS ! U AKOAINS ! ! SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF!! Eathven & Ksher Offer their entircsteek et Ready-Made Clothing at and below Cost, with a view et discontinu ing the KEADY-MADE CLOTIUXG bnshic", and devetliiff their attention exelnsix'cly te CUSTOM WORK. CLOTHING made nremntlv te order, and satisfaction in nil cases guaranteed. A select j line of Clet us, cessiincres, worsteds, coatings, Suitings. Cheviots. Meltons, Overceatings. VcstlnsH. Jfce ulwnvs en linn (I nnil orders re spectfully -solicited. Alse, ii general line et i I burnishing Goods. ( R ATHVON & FISHEH Merchant Tailors and Drapers, Ne. 101 North Queen St., Lancaster, Ta. SPECIAL. These in want of Rcauy-Miiite j Clothing -will consult their own interest by giving thorn a call before purchasing else- ! where, as their Clothing are mainly of then own manufacture nnil substantially maile. sepSD-linil FALL IH1 ESI ill: AT H. GEEHART'S il EstanMt, MONDAY, OCTOBER 11th, I860. A Complete Meck et Cleths, Suitings OVERCOATINGS. which for elegance cannot In Largest Assortment et mrpa-M-"!. Tlie ENGLISH AND SCOTCH SUITINGS In tliift city. Priees as low us Hie lerct nt H.GERH ART'S Ne. 51 North Qacn Street. CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! Wtt have new ifi.uly ter fate an Immcii-u Stock et ReaQy-Made Clothing Fen Fall and Winter, which me Cut Hiul Trimine.i In Hie Latest Style. We can give you a GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In great variety, inaile te nnlur at -liert notice at the lowest prices. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, ti-lyil LANCASTER, l'A. CHAS. BRIMMER, VJiAVOy POllTJtAJT AltVIST. SIGN AXI OKNAMENTAL 1MIXTIM.'. bei)2a-liud 4 WEST KIXG STREET. 1 0 TO RUiOWALT'S FUR M0N0XGAHELA PURE RYE. Alse OAKDALE PUKE RYE WHISKY. W per cent. Alcohol, and the InvlgoratingTenle llair Liqnld, and the Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, All at Xe. 205 WEST KIXG STKEET. MRS. C. LILLER, INDIES' HAIKDKESSEK ManufacturerandDealcrin Hajr Werk, Ladies and Gents' Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse. Kid Glevesand Feathers cleaned and dyed, at Xes. 225 and 227 Xerth Queen street four doers above 1. It. U. Depot. el-3md OOODS. JiltY OOODS. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! BLANKET SHAWLS ier Lailics! BLANKET SHAWLS for Children. BLANKET .SHAWLS for Scheel Girls. VALSLEV, THIBET nntl BKOCHE SHAWLS. SHAWLS IN QUANTITIES AT FAHNESTOCK'S. UNDEHWEAK ier Lailie. UNDEItWEAU ler Gents. CNDEKWEAU for Beys nnil Girls I'N OEIIWEAU nt all riec. FAHNESTOCK'S, ; "' te cenn . DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, CLOAKINGS. HAGER & BROTHER have new open the lateM novelties in Kruneh, English anil American D11ESS GOODS. I'itLNCH l'LAIUS, HANDKERCHIEF., SUITINGS, SIDE BANDS, CASHMEUE FOl'LE, MOMIE CLOTHS, FLAN NEL SUITINGS, Se., &r. j SILKS)SATISS VELVETS. Cloaks! Cloaks r lLiveJiisl recelvcil from New Tork Import ers a line of Cloaks, Delmans nnil Jackets In the Latc-t Style for Lailics nnil Misc3. CLOAKING CLOTHS, Black anil Celer-, rial u ami Fniier. in Large Aertmrnt. -We Invite examination. H CAimi'A-UTKUS FliK UNDEltWKAK. Ladies' Gents' and Children's UNDERWEAR, All Sizes, tiein lit le M inches. Scarlet Underwear, Medicated Underwear, All Weel Underwear, Merine Underwear, Colored Underwear. SPECIAL. VALUE. Shirls nntl Vesli at 5tie. Etcgnnt l-ine of NEW FALL HOSIERY Neu Fall 1'attt-rns In CARPETS WALL PAPERS. J. B. Martin & Ge. iiQlitl NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT GUNDAKBR'S. LADIES, for New, Desirable aucl Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmiugs, Ruching Black Silk Pringea, Smtins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, p.l! Kinds, Corsets. Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUNDAKXR'8. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Ilat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen CeUars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, vre will open te-day all the Novelties in 3Iillinery, &e., call and examine our stock, at GMJSrDA.KER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. GENTLEMEN, WT. AUE SHOWIXU AX ELEUAXT LIXE OF COATINGS, SUITINGS, PANTINGS, All in Latest Styles, and satisfaction in fii and make-up given or no sales. DRESS SHIRTS SHIRTS he new styles of Xcckwcar Ilesiery, Suspenders. Gloves, &e. We invite examination. GIVLEE, BOWEES & HUEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. tjzj. mums' a uiuji LANCASTER AND Mll.T.KKSVlLLi: K. R Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancatser (IMJ. Depot), at 7, i), t.n-i : ll:SUa. in., anil i!, 4. 0 anil S:::e t. in., except en ! saiuruay, wucn tne last ear kuvc at, !i:.-u ji. m. Leave MiHersville (lower finl):itr S ami a. M., anil , 3, r anil 7 y m. Cars run daily en above linn: exeept en aim flay. "10HJMBIA ANI TOUT 1EIMSIT it. it j Trains new run regnhuly en tlieCeintiili: and Tort Dene-it IJailre-nl en tin lolleu l'l? nine S TATIONS XoiiTa XeiiTa WAB'I. Expi-c-.-. A. 3t. Express. i Aei-en. 1". it. I I', sr. Pert Deposit Feaclibottem.... Safe Harber..... Columbia S::3 4:is .ri:ll S:lt 7:12 5:21 0:20 STATfOjrs Seuth-' Expre-. ' Expn'. A ecem . WAKB. A. SI. i I'. SI. I A. St. Columbia., 11:15 T. II. 12:11 12:.-i7 i:30 (!:2j 7:1" 6:1' Al '.:?: r. sr. Lc!):lii 7::j.' ' 11.07 I P. M. :!.'. i 12:2" Safe Harber... Peachbottem., Pevt Deposit., w A.DINR A- COLUMBIA K. K. ARKAXCEMEXTUF l'A&bENI.KUTKAIXS. ncTOUEli svtii, isai. XdllTHWAlUL LEAVE. Quarry ville Lancaster, King !t. Ijincastcr Columbia AltniVE. Keadin A. 51. 7:.'0 11:3) J:10 SOPTIIV.'ARW. LEAVt Heading AimiVE. Columbia' C:5! .... 2:30 7:.'mi .... 3:10 8:03 1:05 3:50 7:55 l:l(i :fclu 1C:05 3:i) 5.50 Lancastc. 10:07 2:10 :10 5:0e i Lancaster, Jviajj bt 10:18 .... 8:20 5:10 Quarryvllle ii:20 U:25 :40 Trains connect at Head In k with trains te and from Pliiladeipliia. l'ettsvllle, Harrisburg, Al Al lcntewn anil New Yerk, via Ueunil llroelc itente. At Columbia with trains te anil from Yerk. Hanover. (Jetty ttj-sbniVi trederlelc and Haiti. mere. A. 31. WILSOX, bupt. PKNKSYLVAJiIA UAILltOAltKKTT SCHEDULE On anil atler SUXDAi AUGUST 23d, ISSft, trains en the I'eiinsylvatua Railroad will arrive and Ie.ive tlie I.aue.i-,tei anil Philadelphia depots as fellows : Eastward. a.jx. I f:05 12:0 U:10 P.SI. 10:15 2:10 S:20 10:07 2:10 :10 10:18 .... 8:20 11:20 .... U:25 Leave Arrive Lane'tei IMiilaiPa 2:10 a.m. 1:15 5:20 " 7:10 8 00 " 8:05 " 10:10 S:15 ' t:10 " 12.l iw. 1255 1:10 l-.ii. 3.15"" 2:CO ' 5:oe ' 3:'15 " 5:l " 4:45 " (:I5 " firs " 'J:::e ' Leiiv'i Arrive i'lilli't'i'a J.-me'ti-i 12::i0.-..M. 5:10. -,.-11 7 30 " HfclO. ' 10:15 ' P:iJ0 ' 11:115 8:0i) " 11R50 " !l:Mi " 2:10 i-.m 2:15 ' 2:50 2:a p.m. 5:15 4:00 " 7:2c ' 5:30 " 7:30 ' 0:25 " 8:50 " 0:1(1 " Il.:) " il:55 " 2.1(1 a. -i Philadelphia Express,. Fast Line, Yerk Accen. Arrii es; Harrlsbunr Exurew.... DillcrvilleAcceni. Arrives", Columbia Accommodation Frederick Accem. Arrive Pacific Express, Snmlay 3I:til, Johnstown Espicss, Day Express, Harrisburjr Aecoimnedat'n Westward. Way Passenger, Mall Train Xe.l.via 31 1.. Jey, JIailTrjinXe.2,via Cel'M.i. Niagara & Chicago Exp res Sunday Mail, Fast Line, Frederick Accommodation, Dillcrville 3It..Jey Harrisburg Accommeilal'n. Columbia Accommodation. Harrisburg Express Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, Pacific Expi-ess. east, en Sunday, when tl.ii; Scd, will step at Sliddletevn, Elialiethteun It. Jey, Iindisville, JSird-in-Haml, Leiu.iu Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Ceatt ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when tinned, will step atDowningtewn.Coatesville. i'urkes-btirg,31t.Joy,Elizabetlitewuauil3liddli-town. Hanoveraccenimoilation wet, connecting nt Lancaster with Xiagai-.i and Chicago Express at 11:05 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 s x., and will run through te Frederick. -TtrE .1KB OltXIXO DA1LY XEW I'ATTEKXS OF PAPER HANGINGS. The Designs and Colorings are. bcautittil, ainl we have a large tec!c te select from, in tlie lowest grade te the nir.t expensive. DADO AND FANCY WINDOW SHADES in new colors. lMain by th.- yittd, In all shades and widths. Cardinal, Green, White and Hurt HOLLANDS, Fixtures, Fringes Tapes &c. We have u let of light color CiiUaiiti, banti- i fnl styles, that will be closed out at the low , price of Mcent-f. Thcearcndecldi'd bargain. ns some weic peld nt $l,r')n pair. We have opened a freili invoice of Extension Cornices, among which are two new patterns Elieiiv Walnnt and Ash Tele , I lugs Ends &c. Orders t.ik'-n ter Fine "Wlrrers. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. JUAItBL. lrQltKS. j.h ' ' ' T mp- WM. P. FRATIiEY'S MONUMENTAL. MARBLE WORKS , 758 Nertn ijucen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MOXl'MEXTS, HEAD AXD FOOT fcTOXES, gai:dex statuai:y, cemetery lets exclesed.&c. All work guaranteed and satisfaction g en in eVCrV riarUCUlar. . j X. It. Remember, werka al the extreme end et ertu Qncen st-eet. m3n EXBROrDXKJ-ES, JtC. JJIY OOODS. -AND- OVEEOOATINGS, MILLlSXltr. FINEST ASSORTMENT! BEST DISPLAY OP MILLINEET GOODS IX LANCASTEU CITY XOW UEADY AT A. HOUGHTON'S CHEAP STOKE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET. M. WATCHES, ZAHM'S A new room and elegant stock. A full line of Lancaster Watches, Waltham Watches, Columbus Watches, in Ueldanit Sliver Ca-ts, nt the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Beautiful wedding gifts in Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Silverware, and French Clocks. Arundel Spectacles, t!i-lif-5t In the world. OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT Has complete as any in the larger cities. We style a ...a, . t rj . 111 nil nimn, iinuiuiiu 4lllllIJIliny 3IOXOUKAM31IXUand Fine Jewelry ami Watch repairing a special tv. All work warranted. Call and examine our stock and leave your repairing with Znlun's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. CLOTUIXa. GAERIELD VS. HANCOCK. FALL CAMPAIGN OF 1880 Xcw opened and the battle has commenced and rage fiercely, and while there mar be some doubt in the minds el many persons as te who will be the next .'resident et the United States, there can be no doubt in the mind of any person in want of CLOTHING us te where can be lienlit the cheapest and the best, cither in Itcady-made or Made te Order. MYERS & EATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 East King Street, the Ureat CletkiB? Eaiperiaai. The second story room Is packed brim full with the greatest variety of UEADY MADE CLOTIUXG FOR MUX, YOUTHS, HOYS AXD CHILDUEX, all our own minnSeturef They are well made, well trimmed, and the goods n re n'l sponged before they urn made tin in car ments. J in MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our Piece Goods fill the first fleer te its utmost capacity, and U nicely arranged. s as te give the purchaser the ud vantage et seeing the whole stock in a very short space et time. We are prepared te make up te order at the shortest possible notice ami at the most reasonable in it e. yuraiwitji.n iH-eu neuirni. ier casn anil win wsni nti Clothing at Centre Hall and save one profit. MYERS & Ne. 12 EAST KIK STREET, FOUXliERSAA'D MACHINISTS. I AXCASTEK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrrOfllTBTHB LOCOMGTIVK WOBXS. Tlie subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND tiTEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes Furnace Twiers, Itellews Pipes, Sheet-Iren Werk, and illucksmlthing generally. 49-Jobbing piemptly attended te. auglS-lyd JOHX BEST. ROBES, BLANKETS, AC. OIGX OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROP.E5! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS 1 have new en hand the Larerst. Uest ame Cheapest Assektmest of Lined and Unlined ISUFFALO KOBES in the city. Alse LAP AXD HOUSE I5LAXKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &e. C-Ki;)uiring neatly and promptly dene.V A. MILEY, JOS North Queen St., Lanemtttr. 23-i viisiwas GROCERIES. TTT'BOl.eSAI.K AJID KKTAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. 117-lyd 1 KAir SiftCUL.AllU W In Innntm-inell nmm.ntn tOfnrfAmn. JT In large or small amounts. Write W. X. SOULE t CO.. Commission. Aer- chants, 130 Ijx Salle street, Chicago, HI., for dr ulars. m28-iyd best quality and perfect Ht. AH JEWELRY, e. CORNER manufacture Kings, Masonie Marks, Heeiety ; ami any speclal or odd pieces in any desired 1 EDW. J. flATTM vtw atnnll alvn..A lti. wi. Call and examine our giant stock and save money. RATHFON, LANCASTER, PE.YVA. MURNITVME. HBINITSH, FISTE FURNITURE Aim Cabinet Manufacturer. All In want or Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk would de well te call and examine specimens et our work. OFFICE FUKMTIJU2 A SPECIALTY. HEINITSH, 1RX Kut Kins Htrect. CAJWAMN OOODS. -pOKTKAITS OF nANCOCK AND Fer sale nt ENGLISH THIS OFFICE. ILACiM! FLAGS! SASHES FOR l'AUAUES, TR1MA1IXGS FOR SASKES, SADDLE CLOTHS, SHOUL DER STRAPS, BELTS, ftc. Neckties, Entirely New Styles. NEW STYLE COLORS. UNDERWEAR, GLOVES Ac, &e. K J. ERISMAN'S, SS NORTH QUEEN STKEXT. ;