Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 29, 1880, Image 3

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lower end kkaj. kiT.ite.
I"cleissi'e Salis r I'ariii Lands unci KeI
tlencex. Tlic executeis of Daniel Lcfcvcr, de-ceasr-d,
sold at -public sale, at the Railroad
hotel, Quarryville, en Thursday, October
2S. l&S't, tlic following 'iie'ieitics :
Xe. 1. Thhty-six acies, with f-tone
house, biick kitchen, large ham and all
the necessary outbuildings (known as the
Hess farm), te Daniel Hess, ler $100 per
acre. This property is situated in tins vil
lage eC Quarryville.
Xe. 2, adjoining Xe. 1, containing -10
acres of impieved land, without buildings,
te D. D. IIcsp, for $80.2") per acic.
Xe. :i. The properly known as the
" Heir farm," situated in the upper or
northern part of Quarryville, containing
15 acres, with stone dwelling, bam and
geed outbuildings, te W. J. Hess, jr., for
Xe. A. Twe quarry. Jets in the Orchard
.jisnrry for $10.25 for the two.
Xe. 5. A vacant let in Quawyville, con
taining 100 peichc..--, te D. F. L. Winner,
ler 100.50.
Xe. ('). Frame :;addler shop in Quarry
ville, te J. 15. Swinehail, for S32S.
Xe. 7. Frame dwelling house in Quar
ryville, adjoining Xe. 5, te Ames Wade,
for $700.
Xe. 8. A double two-story stone heu-e
adjoining Xe. 7 te II. II. Lei'cvcr,fer $GG0.
Xe. 9. A eue and a-half story leg house
the eldest house in Qunrrvvilic te I'enj.
Witmer for 328.
Xe. 10. A new frame with geed
let te IS. Witmer for $537.
Xe. 11. A frame house with stable and
let te Ilaivcy Kiiie.ti- for $503.
Xe. 12. A frame house, stable and .-.mall
let te I Galen Lcfcvcr for $100.
Xe. 13. A let of S acre, near Quarry
ville church, te S. II. Lefcver for $!!.
Xe. 14, 8 acres woodland, en the stale
ieud in Diiimere township, te Abrnm Eb
erly for $10 per acie.
Xe. 15, G acres woodland, in Drumeie
township near Mechanics' Greve, te 1. Ga
len Lcfcvcr at $12.50 per acre.
Xe. 10, 'J acres woediand in Dsumere,
near Mt. Hepe eli.uvh, te Men'. Witmer
per $30 per aero.
Xe. 17, AquaiiV let, for --.'11.00, te I.
Galen Lefevcr.
Ten .shares of Qtiairyviile railreist stock,
te C. M. HceS at $1 per share.
Thirty shares saii.n te same at fKK per
At private s.ife i.itely the Whitman
farm of t'elcr.iiu township, containing
118 notes, waa seltl te Isr.iel Miller, ei
iirickcmllc, for -,0'M), and Miller has
been elieieil ?) fur his baigain.
W. K. lles lia.-. sold te Mr Helhnger,
of l'enn township, a small farm in Dru
iiiiiri' township, containing 50 acies, at
$50 jer acre. .Mr. Hess has only owned
itasheit time: he bought, it for $30 per
DanitS llckinait, jr.. a sheii time age
bought the Watv.en fa:-m, near Union, for
?25'.t. H.
lias .!! It te Mill'
It has 51 acres
fei $ S-.'i'O.
iiu .;et:-:,end:;n''i:.
A " IViJiulei-Jiij; !. "
IllCi i- ! el IcspOUdCIlO
Alow days age one of our most stable
Demeciats leeeivc'i a riicular Irem Mr.
Jehn Cessna. It, was issued September 7
and was addressed te "a fiiend of the Re
publican party, and especially of its prin
ciples." lint .Mr. Cessna hitched lii.s
snule te the Viieng be.;! that, time; and in
his blind .snatch for some one who votes
through his eyes found as geed a Dem
ocrat as eer voted from his he.nt.
We have a few eye voters heic, but they
generally have a geed deal of "chalk "' in
their eyes, and would as seen vote for a
red handkerchief as nor. They ail belong
te the Republican puty, and aie of that
race thai the i'eiekeye Hl.ieksmith says
"used te h:se thiek iips but new have
them down t lobulatien m.e : that emv
had, nei-.s; that ivw aie Remans :
ihafc used te stink bul new -mvlhis sweet
a a prairie lese."
This circular sas that Mr. Cessna is
"hard up" and thai money is needed for
the Republicans te secure both branches of
the Pennsylvania Legislatiuc : that he has
received no funds by voluntary contribu
tion, and without material aid. and a geed
of it, they aie.te use the classical language
ei Mr. Micawber, ''tloered.''
It is a well established and pretty wide
ly known fact tint we Democrats in this
p.ut of tlic vincyaid, have mere money : a
gieaf deal than we actually need ;
bnt Mr. Ce.--.sna is foolish te suppose we
arc going te put our superfluity in the beat man. c live tee
near a canal for that. Wc knew what,
kind of chaps travel the "path" we de.
Nay, Mr. .lehn Cessna, the dove you
rcnt out 1 1 eni your weather-beaten old
leaky craft down here te Fairfield's
peaceful vales don't take you hack an
olive bianch, it can find nothing but a
Tin: state tield trials.
Anether Unpleasant imj.
The weather continues very unfavorable
for the field trials of the state association,
but this morning at 7:33 most of the incm
beis present left the Stevens house ami
took the cars for the practice ground, near
Mauheiiv, fully determined te inn off the
several trials if it be possible te de se. It
is te be regretted that the cold, wet
weather and the unexpected scarcity of
birds have thus far se seriously interfered
with showing off te advantage the training
of the many excellent, dogs entered for tl c
several trials.
Siiricjers' Contention.
In the surveyors' convention at Harris
burg yesterday a committee was appointed
te consider matteis in reference te legisla
tion and land surveying and te issue, a call
for the next convention. -Thc committee
consists of Messrs. Snicdley and Dye, of
Philadelphia ; Edeburn and Fisher, of Al
legheny ; Rrubaker. of Lancaster ; Peeler,
of Oambiia ; Ilitncr, of Cumberland :
Heyer, of Neithuinberland : and Denny,
of Butler county, with Messrs. Africa and
Hilliu ex-ofiicie members.
S. Stephen's Fair.
Tlic attendance at the fair last night was
net very largf, owing iuy doubt te the wet
and disngreeable weather which prevailed.
The Lancaster quartet, consisting of Miss
Leila Bear, soprane: Miss Edith John John
seon, contralto : Mr. Drachbar, tenor, and
Mr. Mellinger, basso, sang several selec
tions with line effect. Prof. F. W. Haas
played the piano accompaniments. Seme
line pieces en the violin were also plaj'ctl.
IJey Arrested.
This morning Officers Flick and Lcutz
niretcd Hubert. Ooeheneur, a young boy,
who is charged with stealing money from
persons who attend the Northern market.
He was committed in default e( bail by
Alderman McConeiny for a heating. He
is said te have been a partner of Charles
Coul man and Frank Bender, who arc new
in jail te answer the same; charge.
Hand I'rushcit.
Tiies. Cainan, baggage master en the
Quarryville railroad, had his hand veiy
badly crushed while coupling cars at Quar
ryville yesterday morning. His injuries
were dressed by Dr. II. E. Raub, who
found it necessary te amputate one of the
lingers. Tem is a popular man aud will
be much missed en his train whilst he is
compelled te lay off.
Tees cut Oil.
Yesterday afternoon Hewell C. Se.ur, a
young man lcsiding en Seuth Quccu street
had a pai t of the great tee and second tee
of liis left feet cut off by having them
caught between a platform :iud an elevator
in which he was ascending te the fleer
above iu 2se. 2 mill.
General William Fatten has appointed
this evening as the one en which he will
make his address te-tho citizens of Colum
bia, in the iuteiest of the Democratic party
ea the tariff issue. Tiie meeting is an
nounced te be an open air one, but we are
afraid the present inclement weather will
occasion a postponement or a change of ar
rangements. General Patten is a manu
facturer and can sec the benelit or evil of
protection, and wc have no doubt that
when he gives an exposition of his views
of the question he will have plenty of at
tentive listeners.
The subject te be discussed by Itev. F.
W. Staley, of the E. E. Lutheran church
en Sunday morning, is " The Results of
Reformation." On Sunday evening his
sermon will be en Martin Luther."
Prayer meeting will be held at 0 a. m. and
0 p. m, All aie invited.
The Pennsylvania raihead excursion
tickets te the Frederick county, Md., fail
become invalid after te-day. They are
geed from October 20 te the 29, inclusive.
'ery few Columbians went te tlic fair.
Hiram Wilsen, hardware merchant of
this place, has joined the telephone ex
change. The regular meeting of the tcichers' in
stitute wdl be held te-morrow morning.
Utter Bres., of this place, dealers in
notions, etc., have been closed by the
sheriff. Their goods will be sold at public
sale en Friday morning, November 5.
Mr. J. Ihuthlew of Tepcka. Kan., is
visiting in Columbia, guest of Mr. Henry
Te-day is a harvest day for the duck
scooters about here. They (the ducks)
arc iei erled te be as thick as hops and
i'uey arc fully equalled imncmbeis by the
amateur sperlman, '.Uieare, or weic, out
in great force and the continued hang,
bang of their guns give reason te believe
that they get l ight en something. Messis.
J. A. Meyers and Geerge Crane, together,
brought down seventeen and they returned
te shore early in the day. Jehn M. Read,
who get in about 11:30 o'clock, had thir
teen all shot by himself. It is reported
heicthat two swan were shot en the river
near Mai ietteby by two men named En En
greft'and Dell, Each swan is said te have
weighed twenty pounds.
Mr. Frank Ciishuian, of Marietta, was
in town te-day.
The parade of the Hancock and English
battalion did net lake place hist evening
en account el the rain ami tin: condition
. of t lie streets. It is gcncially understood
! that no parade will new be given until
I .Monday evening next, whim both Deme
! fiats and Repuplie.uis will turnout.
I The employees of the Susquehanna re'.i
' i'.ig mill will be paid te-morrow evening.
j Sheriff St line is again in town te-day.
I Arc Iheie any moie business houses in
I ilan,e.-'.'
The condition of Mr. i asc, who was in
ijuicd .hi Wednesday in a iiinaway acci
, ei at, is te-day much improved.
i His honor Judge Livingston was in
I town thisnieiniiig.
1 Miss Masie Cooper left line at 12:25 te-
i:.y en a vis:t, ie riiii.i(l"lp!ii:i.
Free Delivery of Letters.
I Cjnii'.iaint is matlc that tlic letter car-
i liciset the Lancaster ji.i.stellicc rcl'tisa te
can j lettcr.s aildres.scd te jieiMins residing
in the Mihurhs of the eity. The Jates-t
j ciunlaiiit made te us i.s that of Mis. Jehn 1
("lay, rc-hling at filH Xerth I.inie street, I
I whose husband is an invalid in the hospi hespi
. fal in Philadelphia. M'is. Clay states that .
the letter carrier has neglected te !elie.-,
1 te her the letter. addie.sed t.ther, and
I t'.iat bcceiiiinjj imtt'Ii alarmed by icasen of , hearing lrein her Inisbaud she wen! 1
i (or sent) te the postenVo a day or two age '
' and lilted three letter:; 1'iein her husband
which the canier had failed te deliver. ,
Mr. Marhall, the pest niasterj. en being j
asked about the matter, .-ays that the law 1
does net uia3;e it for the cainers I
te deliver Icttei.-i te all pails of the city:1
, that he, as ji.tsl master, Uses the limits j
! within which the carriers shall deliver let
ters, and that he has diiected the carrier '
te deliver lettvis en Xerth Lime street
only as far north as. Tames street. lie j
says, however, that if letters, which he 1
believed te be of importance, came
te the etlice he would have them
dcliveicil even outside of the I
established limits. He says further that he j
has no knowledge that three letters ad
' dressed te Mrs. Clay, ever laid unliftcd in 1
I the Lancaster postelliee ; that Mrs. Clay's !
little boy calls every day for letteis j
I and lifts them if any theie be. 1
An old postelliee eleik, who served un
der a leiiner administration, asseit.s that
when he was in the pest office, the rule was was
te deliver letters te oil places within the
city limits, and he maintains that the lrw
makes it obligatory en the earners te de
liver mail matter ie fll places within the
city limits. Who shall decide the matter?
tiiti-gt-d With MU-aiiug .Meney.
Lena Bullant. a German girl, was ar
icstcd last night by Chief of Peliee Deich
ler, en a charge of stealing money from
William Visner, butcher, of Seuth Queen
street. Ihe girl has been living as a no ne
mestic in Mr. Wisner's house for some
time past. About two weeks age $75 was
stolen and the girl was suspected. Last
night she managed te get her trunk out of
(he house without the knowledge of the
family. She had it taken te the Pennsyl
vania depot, wheie she went herself.
About V2 o'clock last iii-Ix- Chief Dcieh
tler went there and anesled her. He found
ever $90 in her possession ; she had $-12
in paper money ; 12 silvcv del'ars ; $:V2.50
in halves and quarters : $1.10 in 5, 10 and 8
cent pieces. Mr. Yfisucr has several old
paper 5 cent pieces and quarters in his
money and these, or ones like them, were
found en the gill. She denies that she
stele the money. Alderman A. F. Don Den
clly of the Seventh waid committed her in
default,, of bail for hearing en Monday.
She has net been in the country very long
and it is- believed that she was starting te
return home when she was arrested last
Tobacco Men fei It.-iiieek.
Last evening the cigarmakcrs and to
bacco packers of the city supporting Gen
eial Hancock met at the central headquar
ters for the purpose of arranging for a
parade. The attendance was large and the
enthusiasm among the manipulators of
the "weed" was very marked. Philip
Bernard was che-sen president. Jehn S.
Beck vice president, A. I. Trust secrc
taiy. ajid James G. Gill treasurer : Adam
J. Saner marshal. Lee Jacobs, B. F. Me
dic, Chas. D. Smith, Milten Weidler, A.
L. Pyle auK
It was resolved te make a short parade en
next Monday evening and the precession
will dismiss in time te attend the last grand
Democratic rally te be held at the con it
house. The feeling among all present was
red-het and the cigar manufacturers, strip
pers and ether representatives of the to
bacco interest will undoubtedly make a
tine showing in the parade and at the polls.
Sudden Death.
James Wilhclm. who has been afilictcd
with dropsy and has for some time been
at the Lancaster hospital for treatment,
ate a hearty bicakfast this morning and iu
walking away from the table dropped ever
dead, life being extinct when he was picked
np by these who saw him fall. He was
about 45 years of age, a widower, and was
born and had always lived in this city.
He was a carpenter by trade.
JThe coroner held an inquest en the bed v
and the jury rendered a verdict of death
from heart disease.
Hiram Kccnc, seu of Samuel M. Keeue,
residing near Quarryville, met with an
accident whilst he was going te the Repub
lican parade in Strasburg en Wednesday
night, nis horse shied at a pile of stones
just outside the borough limits, upset the
wagon, breaking te pieces. The occupants
escaped with a few bruises but the buggy,
which was a new one, is worth nothing
Sale of Ileal Estate.
Henry Shubert, auctioneer and real es
tate agent, sold at private sale, October 28,
the property belonging te Dr. Jehn
Lcvergoed, situated en the north side of
.cast urangc street. Detwecn rneriu uem
and Duke street, Nes. 25 and 27, te A. B.
Sheaffer for $5,000.
l'arade Postponed.
On account of the unfavorable state of
the weather and the muddy condition of
tlic streets the parade of the Eighth ward
Hancock club has been indefinitely post
poned. In Court.
In the case of Simen P. Eaby, executer
of Elizabeth Heeps vs. William Heeps,
the jury was charged this morning and
they then rctiied. A verdict has net yet
been rendered.
Kail Till Evening.
Tills evening tlic Lancaster tiler dub Kill
lie!l their llrst ball in the hall et the Humane
engiiifi house, en West Kinx street. A tine
time N expected.
If you are trouble.: with lever and ague,
dumb affile, bilious fever, jaundice, dyspepsia,
eruny di-eaacef the liver, bleed or stomach,
and wish te get well, try the new remedy,
l'ref. Guiliiiette's French Liver l'ad. Ask
your druggist ler it, and take no ether, and if
he has net get it bend $1.50 in a letter te the
French I'ad Ce., Teledo, O., and receive one by
return mail. V
A Happy Clergyman,
i.'ev. i:. i L. tiauss, Galena, 111. : "I have been
a great sullerer from Kidney disease, and after
bein;j le!d by niy doctors that I could net get
well, I commenced the use of Day's Kidney
I'ad, which lia-s new completely cured ine. I
am strong and again leek the Very picture et
health. May all the suffering be helped as I
have been, Is my earnest wish." olVlweed&w
Ce-.i-umptive-i gam In llcsh, htrcngth
spirits under a dully use et Malt llitter.s.
K;it Candy .
if you will, but be sure te use. SOZODONT
1 ight away, in order te carry etf its injurious
ellects upon the teeth. All candy-caters should
eai-i-y SO.ODONT with tlicm. If they wish te
ki-ep their teeth sound. o2.Vlweed
:inl Willi delicious flower odors ami
balsams Cuticura Seap.
Ninth Ward.
The regular staled meeting of the Ninth
ward Hancock unit English club, will beheld
at their club room, ever Arneld Haas' saloon,
N01 Ih Queen street, en Friday evening, Octo
ber iMth, at 7 o'clock. Every member H de
sired te be present.
Sixth Wui-d-AiiM'iicusi Club
v. ill held a special meeting this evening at 1A
o'clock. HitsincAs of vast importance demand
ing the attendance of every member will be
Tni-dilluhl parade and meeting. Saturday
evening, October :W. Speakers: V. II. Given
and W. If. IIcn-el.
in the court house en Monday evening, No
vember! .
What is the Use in going
health when "Dr. LliuNev"
Ie the seaside ler
Meed Searcher '
is what you need?
Thei-.-jmis are new feeling the cllects of this
depressing weather, and experience a !e?s el
appetite, less et red bleed, have become pale,
anil are very languid. Wc advise them te re
snrl immediately te the great llloed 1'iirilier,
I'.loed Km icher, and Perfect Health tlivcr, Dr.
!Smv. ningV Tonic and Alterative, l'rlce .10
cents ami f I. Fer sale by its author and sole
Proprietor, V. Champien ISrewnlng, M. I).,
1117 Arrh Street, Philadelphia, and all Drug
gists. This. Fiteham, Uradterd. Pa., writes: I en
close money ter Spring lllossem, as I said I
would it it cured inc. Sly Dyspepsia has van
ished m ith all its symptoms. Many thanks. I
shall never Ins itheut it in the house. Prices:
.0c. trial bottles Wc. Fer sale by 11. 15. Coch Cech
mn, druggist, 1.17 and 1:3) North Queen sired.
Lancaster, l'a. Si
Moment! -Moment!! Mothers.'!!
V'cyeu disturbed at night and broken ei
your ret by aside eblld sintering and crying
with !hee.crudating pain et catting teeth?
It .se, go at once and getabet tie of MRS. WINS
LOW" '! hOOl'IlINO SjYUUIV It will relieve the
peer little sullerer immediately depend upon
it ; I hove is no mistake about it. There is net a
met her en earth who has ever used it, who will
net tell you at once that It will regulate the
bowels, ami give rest le the mother, and relief
ami health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perleetly sale te leein nil cases, and pleas
ant le the ta-te, and is tint prescription et one
et tlic eldest and best female physicians and
nur-c.s in the. United Staics. Sold everywhere
25 cents a bottle. M17-lyd&wM.W&S
Fire! Fire! Fire!
The man who tried te build a fire with wet
weed, acts in a dump fuel-ish manner, and is
is bad as a man iv! using te take Spring Itlos Itles Itlos
sem when his luce is covered with pimples and
he's still'critig trem Indigestion, llllieusness
and Dyspepsia. Prices: Ale., trial bottles 10c.
J 'or sale by II. U. Cochran, druggist. 137 and
l:;ji North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 31
If you are bilious you will flint positive rc
liefby using " Sellers' Liver Pills." Sold by
A .Modern I'eet,
What is modern poets fate.
te rite his
thoughts upon a slate,
The ciitic spits en what is done,
ivc it n
wipe and nil is gene.
Like l'heumatism from our bodies ily,
When Themas' Eclectric Oil wc try.
Fer sale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and
.".'.i N 01 1 h Q 11 ecu st 11 et, Lrn en ster. Pa. :t"i
Ladies' Wine Spces's l'eit.
Fine lour years' old will net intoxicate
but possessing all the valuable medicinal
properties of the Oporto grape, from which it
made. Used in hospitals and by llrst chws
physicians as the best known wine ler medical
purposes. It is a tonic and astringent. It is
net mixed with alcohol or ether liquors, but a
mild, rich and pleasant tonic, improving the
appetite and promoting digestion ; as 11 duretie
it acls beneliel.illy en the kidneys and corres
pond ing organs; as a suderillc, it acts upon
the skin, destroying eruptions and producing
a soft, healthy and blooming complexion.
Thcrelere, it is extensively and beneficially
lucd by ladies, and is in general nimily use as
a sure remedy Jer dysentery, and for all
nervous, weak and debilitated persons. Sold
by druggists and by A. Speer. at his own vin
yanls, New .lersey. Advertiser.
This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and
Davi-, and sold by II. E. Slaymnker.
"Sever, no Never.
An exchange says Ulysses S.Grant will never
be emperor, but will always stand high In the
heaits of his countrymen, occupying the posi
tion that Spring lllossem holds, in curing sick
Headache, llllieusness, Indigestion, etf.
Prices: r.0c , trial bottles 10c. Fer sale by II.
15. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 133 North Queen
street, Lancaster, Pa. 36
A Wise Deacon.
' Deacon Wilder, I want yen te tell nic hew
you kept yourself and family ae well the pnst
season, when all the rest of us have been sick
se much, and have had the doctors running te
us se long."
"Itro. Tayler, the answer is very easy. I
used Hep Hitters in time and kept my lamlly
well and saved large doctor bills. Three dol
lars' worth et it kept us all well and able te
work all the time, and I will warrant it has
cost you and most of the neighbors one te two
hundred dollars apiece te keep sick the same
time. I gncis you'll take my medicine here
after." See ether column. el.V2wd.Sw
IIeiktzss 1.EIB31.EV. On the 28th of October,
18HJ, by the Kev. W. T. Gerhard, at his resi
dence. Ne. 31 East Orange street, M. Mathiae
Heiutzcn te Mis Annie Lcibsk-y, both of this
city. ltd&w
Call attention te the completeness and variety of their
stock, including every article of every description in their line,
from the le-w-priced te the costly. All grades of Watches and
Time-keepsrs. All classes of Jewelry, including very many
pretty designs in cheap goods, and a superb collection of fine
Diamond Goods. Silverware in full variety, from any geed
Electro-plated article te the Solid Silver Goods of great intrin
sic worth. Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, &c, &c.
All purchasers of goods in our line, all persons contemplat
ing the purchase of such goods, all admirers of beautiful goods,
are respectfully invited te visit our store.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers.
Call attention te their tedc of LADIES,' GENTLEMEN'S and CHILDREN'S
Our purchase- have never been larger nor prices mere reasonable.
13) dozen Ladies' Vests and l'ants at STJ-J. 15 and jOc.
'M dozen tienta" Shirts and Dra-reM at 37 and 51c.
50 dozen all Linen Hack Towels at l;He., would be cheap at 17c.
2,500 yardH Deuble Feld Cashmeres. New Fall Shadea, at 17c a yard, usual priceiica varil.
F. & A. II. Landis. Applv te
3 North Duke htrect.
New Public Scheel lSuildlhg) in the
course of erection en East Lime and West
James streets respectively, by Steam Heating
Apparatus or Wrought Iren "Furnace, as may
heieatlerlm agreed upon by the committee,
will be received by them up te 12 o'clock
Ne umber 1(. The bills et none but responsi
ble parties will be considered. The commit ti e
reserves the right te lejcct any or all bids. Fer
lurthcr information address or call en
Chairman Iluilding Committee
e23-2tdTliA:S Lancaster, Pa.
Wonderful Mark Down el
Having done a very lively Campaign I'lisl
ness we new propose te close out our stock of
Campaign Goods
Fla:re, llanners, Streamers, Portraits, Medals,
Lime Lights or Colored Hand Teiehes,
Deuble Suing and Star Torches,
Torch Wick, &e.
New is your Ihne te buy cheap for the re
maining parade, and for the jollifk-atiennttcr
the election.
D. S. BUKftK,
17 Bast Kins Street. Lancaster.
Cigar Makers and Tobacco Packers !
Please meet at Democratic llcadiiiarleis,
Centre Square, en
at 7 o'clock sharp, with Torches, and join In
the Parade, and 1 hence te .Mass Meeting in the
Court Heuse. Respectfully yours,
President Philip ncrnard.
Vice President .lehn S. Heek.
Treasurer .James D. Gill.
Secretary Adam It. 'frost.
Marshal Adam J. Saner.
Aids Lee Jacobs. 15. F. McUue, Chas. i.
Smith, Milten Wcidier, Al. Pyle.
Committee .Jacob L. Frey, .James II. Frey,
Merris Gershcl, Ueland H. llrubaker, Hurt Icy
McGuire, Jeseph Hrudcl, Peter Allabaeh, tice
31. Berger, Jehn Shindie. Chas. F. Smith, I. D.
Springer, Edward F. Powell, Jehn Henkd, A.
N. Zcll, Petet Landau,.Iehn A.McUinnis, Chas.
D. Smith, Jes. A.Alliert, James Pranglcv.Wm.
Pentz, U.K. Sclmader, Philip Uergcsser, Rebert
Kulnis, Frank Sheid. e2 3td
iron saze eh ukxi.
Until NOVEMl'.EIi 17, the two story ISrick
Heuse, Willi kitchen attached. Ne. US East
Vineslrect, let extends te Church street. Ap
ples, Peaches, and Grape Vine en let, water,
Ac. Inquire at Ne. 12(! Charlette street, Lan
caster. Pa. oet7-cod"iiiovl7
17OU KEVl.
; A Farm, one mile from the city of Lancas
ter, en the Petersburg turnpike, containing
about one hundred and llveaeres : thirty acres
of which U new in fall crops ; privilege te pnt
out two acres in tobacco. Enquire at Ne. ."S
North Duke street or 011 the premises.
oct7-10tdced MUS. JOHN McGKANN.
J On MONDA1 , NOVEM11EIC 8. 18si, w ill be
sold at public sale at the Cooper Heuse, West
King street, Lancistcr, a valuable let of
ground, situate en the north side et West
Chestnut street, between Charlette and Mury
streets, in said city (Ne. 411), fronting en said
Chestnut street 25 tect and extending north nerth
wardlv 2)1 feet, en which is erected n new two
story itltlCK DWELLING HOUSE, with llriek
Unck Huildliig and Frame Summer Kitchen
attached. There arc four rooms en llrst
fleer, five rooms en second fleer and'
one large plastered room en the third
fleer. There is uas and water up and
down stairs, with bath room, water closet and
ether modern improvements. There is a cel
lar eleven lect deep, and dry, under the entire
building,uud a balcony runs the full length of
the back building. Tills property is located In
0110 of the most desirable neighborhoods in
the city, is in geed condition, and will be sold
en reasonable terms.
Persons wishing te view the premises before
the day of sale, will call en the undersigned,
residing thereon.
Sale te commence at seven o'clock p. m., of
said day, when conditions will lie made known
Hksry SHi'i'iarr, Auc ectiS-tsd
f T tl:
lse. tree of charst-. in the Intelliebs
who wants something te de.
1 T 16 yeais old, te distribute circular.
Apply te DK. C. A. GKEENE,
e2J-2td -S North Queeu strict.
of the Lancaster and Frultville Turnpike
lCeuil Ceinpiny will be held en MONDAY
NOVEMBER 1,1S8U, ut the Oflicc et the Secre
tary, (Jl North Duke street, Lancaster. Pa., be
tween the hours of 2 ami 4 p. in., ler the dec
tien of officers ler the ensuing vear.
oetll-M&Thtnevl Secretary.
the Mayer's Oflice up te SATURDAY,
OCTOISER 30, 1S80, at 4 p. m.. for as much Hani
Pea Ceal, Ne. 1 size, as may be required at the
City Water Works up te April 1, 18S1. The
Ceal te be thoroughly screened and of geed
quality; if net it will'iiavu te be taken back at
the expense et the party furnishing the same.
e27-2tdW&F Mayer.
All kinds et Heuse Painting and Graining
done at the shortest notice and in the best pos
sible style. We have reduced enr prices te
lf&&Zn j -v i.-v j .i -
- 1SW-,..J. . .V . T
X.-Z-3fE -N.5rf" s m- - .
- -C
91.79 per uay
Shep en Charlette street.
a valuable Chester county farm of 240 ACRES
Convenient te railroads, Geed buildings. Sale
positive. Fer particulars address.
Administrator c. t. u.
ecfjaiind Landenbcrg, Pa.
w ill be sold at public sale at the Grape hotel.
North Queen street, the following described
real estate te wit :
A two-story brick DWELLING HOUSE and
two contiguous halt lets or ground. Ne. 419, en
the north side et East King street, in the
city of Lancaster, each of said hail lets con
taining iu front fc! feet 2' inches, and
215 lect in depth te u 14-feet wide alley, to
gether witli 2 leet 6 inches wide in front en
said East King street ami of that width north
ward te the distance of 15 feet et the adjoining
property en the northwest for the use et an
Possession will be given en April 1, 1SS1
Part of the purchase mono v may remain en
the property for one year, it desired.
Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. et said
HENr.vSurucr.r, Auct. e23-tsd
NOVEM HER 5, 18S0, will be sold by public sale
at the Franklin Heuse, Lancaster eity, Pa.,
the following real estate, te wit:.
Ne. 1. A let of ground fronting IS feet, mere
or less, en East King street, in said city, and
extending 2I. in depth ten l(5-feet wide allev,
en whlcliiscrcclcdntwo-slery HRI'JK HOUSE
with'u two-story Biick Hack Huihlinguttnchcd,
Ne. 501. The house is conveniently laid out
with Hjdrant, Fruit Treesand ether improve
ments. Ne. 2. A let of ground fronting 23 feet en
East Orange street, and extending in depth IIS
feet te 8-feet wide private al.ev. en which is
erected a two-steiy ISriek Heuse, with a two
story llriek Hack Building attached. Ne. 447,
with gas through the whole house, Hydrent,
Fruit Trees and ether improvements.
Ne. 3. A let of ground fronting the same as
Ne. 2, and the same depth and same kind of a
house us Ne. 2, and is numbered 44'J.
Ne. 4. A let et ground fronting lfi lect en
East Orange st reet, in said city, and extending
in depth Hit leet te a 12-feet wide prlvute alley,
en which is erected a two-story Brick Heuse
with a one-story Brick Back Building attached.
Hydrant, FruitTrcesaiid ether Improvements,
Ne. 522. -Terms easy.
Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said
day, when conditions of sale will be made
known by REV. A. F. KAUL.
Executer el the Estate of latn Mrs. Daniel Mc-
Sam'l Hkss .1 Sex, Anets. eM2td
SALE. Pursuant te the direction of the
last will and testament of Frederick W. Coon Ceon Coen
ley, deceased, the undersigned executer will
expose te public sale, en SATURDAY EVEN
ING, NOVEMRER, 13, 1830, at the Grape Hetel,
North Queen street, in the city of Lancaster,
the following described real estate of the tes
tator, in the N'intli ward of the city:
Ne. 1. The Mansion Property at the N. E.
corner of James and Charlette street, with
ground attached, fronting 52 feet I inch en
Tames street, and extending northward along
t he east side of Charlette street 232 feet te a 14
scct wide allev, witli a commodious two-story
ItRICK DWELLING HOUSE. 2-1 feet 7 inches
by 27 feet 9 inches, and two-story Stable thereon
erected. Seven building lets eastward et the
Mansion Property ; each fronting 2ti feet, and
one let of 27 feet front en the north side of
James street, and a depth et 252 feet te a 14-leet
wide alley.
Nine building lets en the castsideef Char Char
eotte street between the stated 14 feet wide
alley and Frederick street, each with a front or
width of i5 feet, 10 indies, en Charlette street,
and a. depth of 2(3 feet te a parallel public 14
loot alley en tue east, en 1 ne plan 01 leisns
markcd,12anill:, is n small neat brick dwell
ing house.
Three building lotsadjelningand northward
01 recieriCK sircei, en me cast sine 01 uuar uuar
lette street, each with a front of 2t feet, 4
inches, and depth of 2K3 feet, te a 14 feet wide
public alley.
A piece of ground having nn area or 13rt
square perches, adjoining and northward of
the lets last described, fronting 161 feet en the
Cast side of Charlette street, and extending
eastward te tha Pennsylvania railroad en
which it bounds about 187 feet.
A piece of ground containing S!l square
perches, with a frontage' en the east side et
Charlette street of 108 feet and bounded by the
Pennsylvania Railroad for 153 feet and the
Lancaster and Harrisburg' Turnpike read ter
21! feet, having thereon erected 11 substantial
Brick Tobacco Warehouse, 124 leet long by 45
feet wide, and 11 convenient siding for the use
et the premises, connecting the main track of
the Pennsylvania Railroad.
A lotet ground en the west side et Charlette
street, at the corner et Coonley and Frederick
streets. et a width et 39 loot 4 inches, and in
depth 238 feet te a 20 feet wide alley.
A let of ground, en the northwest corner of
Charlette and Frederick streets, with 11 width
of 27 leet en the west side of charlotte street,
and a deptli along Frederick street of 238 tect
te a 20-feet wide alley.
Ten adjoining lets northward of the one last
described, en the west side et Charlette street,
each witli a width of 23 feet and a depth of 23S
lett te 11 20-feet wide alley.
A let el creund. en the cast side el Marv
street at the corner of Coonley and Frederick
streets, of a width of 39 feet, 4 inches, and
depth el 233 lect te a BMcct wide alley.
A let of ground ut the northeast corner et
Frederick and Mary streets, with a width of 27
feet en Mary street and a depth along Freder
ick street et 238 lect te n 20-feet wide alley.
Ten adjeinim; lets northward of the last de
scribed let, en the east sldce'f Mary street, each
with a width of 26 Tect and a depth of 238 feet te
a 20-fect wide alley. .
Apieca of ground bounded by Charlette and
Mary streels and the Lancaster and Harris
burg Turnpike read, containing 4K Acres and
22 Perches, with a One-story Erick Dwelling
Heuse thereon erected, with u frontage en
Charlette street at 217 feet, en Mary street Ct3
leet and en the Turnpike read C5I leet.
And en the south side of James street, east
of Charlette street, three separate properties,
all having a depth of 61 leet 4J Inches te the
line ofprepcrtv of Jehn Fex. deceased, via.:
Heuse he. 350, having a front et 10 feet 5
inches, is a two-story ISrick Dwelling with
llriek Back Building.
' Heuse Ne. 318, having a lrent et 21 lect yt
inches, is n two-story Brick Dwelling with
Brick Back Building.
Heuse Ne. 34C, having a lrent of 20 feet, is a
two-story Biick Dwelling with Brick Back
Between the houses 350 and 318 there Is a
common alley 2 feet, U incites wide, leading
southward trem James street for a distance or
23 leet, and en the cast boundary or Ne. 31C
Is acommen alley! feet wide lendlngseutliward
te line of property of Jehn Fex, deceased, ac
cording te the title papers.
All these properties arc situated in an Im
proving portion of the city and worthy the
consideration of purchasers.
The 45 building lets arc or suitable dimen
sions and of eligible location as regards grade
anu drainage.
A plot of the premises can be seen by these
disposed te purchase and all needful informa
tion obtained upon application te the under
signed. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. re., when
conditions will be mad known.
Executer of F. W. Coonley, deceased.
Fer Libeling Controller Pattison,
Arrested for Illegal Registration.
The FatneusEnvelnpe Produced. Testimony
nciuuucan r-xpens. '
New Yerk, Oct. 29. The examination
of Kcuward Philp, charged with a crimi
nal libel upon General Garfield, was re
sumed before Judge Davis in the supreme
court this morning. There was a large
uih spectators present. I lie envelop?
in which the Mercy letter was contained
was handed te Judge Davis, and en mo
tion of counsel, Mr. Hart was declared
purged of contempt.
Albert D. Southworth. cxnert in hand
writing of fifteen years experience, swore
he thought the handwriting in the Merey
and exhibits marked " A te K " (exhibits
en which the warrant was obtained) was
the same.
"Win. E. Hagan, of Troy.anethcrexpcit,
swore he believed the writing in the Merey
letter was the work of a person imitating
another's hand. He was shown the enve
lope and swore there had been an erasure
en the date en the stamp.
Allen aT. Leet, newspaper reporter, tes
tified that he was familiar with Philp's
writing. Exhibits "A te K" were, he
believed, iu Philp's handwriting ; believ
ed th? lithographic copy of the Merey let
ter was in Philp's handwriting : Philp
alwajs had the habit of spellinir such
words as
of " ics.'
"companies'' with
Stngerlyef (lie I'lilladnlplda Kei-rl Arrested
for Libel.
Philadei.phia, Oct. 29. Warrants were
issued te-day for the arrest of William M.
Singcrly, proprietor of the Philadelphia
Jleceril, and "Nathan II. Jarman, a
coal dealer, charging them with libel in
connection with the publication or charge
of malfeasance in office against f'ity Con
troller Pattison.
The Ol.l Here
11 Ruptiblicaii
San FiuNfwe, Oct. 2!). Gen. Rosc-
cran. in an interview with a CM reporter,
indignantly denied that there was any
foundation whatever for the report that he
sent East the letter written te him by Gen.
Garfield in 180.1 and from which it is
claimed that the signature te the alleged
Merey letter was copied. The general was
very lnneh excited during the interview.
He denounced all parties connected with
the charge of complicity in unmeasured
A Nephew of Kx-Presldent Grnnt anil n Fed
eral Officeholder Arrtwted for Illegal
New Yerk, Oct. 29. Milten C. Dent,
aged 28, of Washington was arraigned of
the Tombs te-day charged with illegal re
gistration in this city. It was stated in
court that the accused is a nephew of
Mrs. General Grant. He said that
he occupied a position iu the pension
bureau in Washington, te which city he
removed in 1873 from New Yerk; that
after being advised of his rights iu Wash
ington as a government employee he re
quested a friend in New Yerk te procure
a room for him with the object of coming
en te the city with his wife and voting
here. He obtained rooms at 80 Marien
street, but by advice received at t he bin ea u
of election he hired a room at 09 Second
street, which he intended te rent from
October 23 te Nevemlier 4.
The complainant, Jehn iieniiingham,
said he was prepared te prove that the ac
cused never occupied the room at 09 Sec
ond street a single day, and that he was
detected in the act of registering iu places
ether than that mentioned in the com
Justice DulTy questioned Mr. Dent
en this point, at the same time in
forming him of his right te answer
or net as he thought proper. Under the
circumstances he declined te answer. His
bail was fixed at $e00, aud Justice Duffy
remanded him until he could procure a
Fire In Baltimore.
Baltimore, Oct. 29. A fire eccured
in the three-story brick building at Hew
ard and Lexington streets, occupied by
three different firms. The city authori
ties this morning estimate the less at $25,
000, but tjie several proprietors estimate
their less at double that amount.
Wasuisoten, D. C, Oct. 29. Fer the
Middle staten, cloudy and threatening
weather with rain, northeasterly winds,
generally higher temperature and lower
Ne Change in Price of Ceal.
Philadelphia, Oct. 20. At a meeting
of the Lehigh & Schuylkill coal exchanges
this afternoon it was decided te make no
change in prices during November. As
Monday and Tuesday will be holidays at
the mines, no suspension will be ordered.
Fatal Accident in tne Philadelphia "L."
Philadelphia, Oct. 23. Twe men em
ployed en the elevated railroad fell from
the track te the street below at Sixteenth
and Filbert tin's mertiing. One of them
named Samuel Eriskine died in a short
time, and the ether was badly injured.
New Yerk .llarkei.
Nkw Yttiur. Fleur Slatn anil We.
em market and prices steady, with
moderate expert and jobbing trade iuqnirr:
'.''M- . 23: extra ,li at
-&'.," choice, de, 5T.fv4 73; fancy de
MlftOOO : round hoop Ohie 4 70 ; choice le
at J5 10S 03: snpertine western ilSOiJt 25
common te geed extra de $t ilgit 70 : cliolce
deM teinbM; choice wliiu wheat de $1 Ci
CH&; Suithera ituiet : common te fair cx
tra$t 905.'i0: gend te clieie !..; XijTi; 73.
Wheat dull and scared v seilrm:
". -nc". Kisli. ?t l.'.-rsi I I.VJ: de Nev..
no lec.,l isxj; ,ie Jan.,
Cern a shade
lirmer: Jlixetl rcuati-ti sum
de future. SlvT.vac.
ais streng: Ne Vnv :?.,.. .i 11,,
40e; State as341c -Western. a7fi!4le
Philadelphia Jtarkci.
Philadelphia. October . Fleur market
filiet,liut steady; superflnej::iV)i2)3.Vl: extra.
4H04.0; Ohieani! Indiana raiuily Se 50JW 23 :
Peiin'.-t uniily $1 5i ; St. Leuis tamlly
at $.. ,,'f till .V): Minnesota family jr, r.ftj 75
Slr.iighf $u iiOSfi.H); patent and high grades,
Ryu lleur. scarce at $." ,'i0gi Ci
" heat steady with fair demand : Ne. 2 West
ern Red jl u; Pena'iu Red $1121!4; Amber
1 1231 II.
Cem steady ; yellow at ai'&MC ; mixed SJ'
Oats tlrm, with lair demand: Ne. 1. White
lie: Ne. 2 de4H;?ki'.c; No.Ude .WS.-WUe: Ne.
2. Mixed -GJ,,'j-J37e.
Rye scarce and Hrm at 9S3$L
Previsions steady ; 111. i.s perk litjn:2.1 ; bcef
lianw ?17t'0: Indian mess beet al IS50;
smoked hams Il,t'ii'c; pickled ham SK9c;
bacon smeketl shoulders Ogia .e ; salt d. .Vft.
Lard linn ; city kettle iiisc: Icie butcli
ers'Sc; prime steam j85t.
Hntter Choice fair and wanted ; Creamery
extra ."Ic; de geed te choice 23i.-.Ki; llr.ullent
county tiuiTNcwAerkexttti S3g2?e: Western
reserve extra de goe.l te choice H.fl)
2:ic: Rolls nrm with fair ilemand l'orcheice;
Western I'.c-icive extra 22J?2e; Pciin'a Fstr.i
Eggs scarce and higher: Peun'a Eitra 210
25c: tVt-stern Extia 24jT2li.
Cheese dull, and b.uelv steady: New Yerk
full cream KIjlc; Western lullcreaiu at
12Mloc;de lair te goe.l ll12c;de half skims
Petroleum nominal : relined Ue.
Whiiky active at f 1 11.
Seed (Jeed te prime clever ihill at$5.JJ
750; Timethy nominal al 5i7J2i: Flavscci
u .mte.I at $!':'.'.
SIecIc .Uararr.
11c toiler 2 '.
New Yena Stocks.
Slecks strenir.
. if. i. it. v. m. r. m. r
l:2.". 12:45 l:ii 2:15 :
KrieU. R It.-. ;'
Michigan s. L. s....lli;j: II5JH
Michigan Cent. R. l:..IW)C lIV.i-.'
Chicaise&N. W 115!. in
Chicago, 31 & St. P. lli:.--s lK'.y.
Hun. St.. I. Cem !:; 4J'h
" " l"ld.... s'.i' si)'''
Teledo & Wabash"."" 13 r.J
Ohie A Mississippi. .. ;k ay-
St. Leuis. I. M.&s: R 5IC. 5lj
Ontario and Western. 2 f; 2!,',
C. C. A I. C R. R 19 IS'i
s"i :
i.: "
New Jersey Central.. 7S!i 77;'j 7JK ..
Del. & Hudsen C.mal. S7,'.: S7JJ s;2 ..
Del.. l.ack..fc Western 9S " 9H
Western Union Tel...lH27M lupi Ul!iC ..
Pacillc Mail S. S. Ce.. IV,S Vr) ...'. ..
Manhattan l-:icaletl. ::7'( 371; 37J. ..
Union Pacific 2'.'. 92'M
Kansas & Texas :; C 39 ..
New Yerk Central 137
Adams Express IIS
Illinois Central "7; ..
Cleveland & Pitts 121
Chicago Reck 1 1215, ..
Pittsburgh A. Ft. W I2I ..
American U. Tel. Ce
Stocks unsettled.
Pennsylvania"!', I:.... HI
PhU'a.& Reading..... .M'i
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation... :"u
Northern Pacific: Coin 2i;4
Fills., TitllsvVA I!
Northern Cential
Phil'a.t Erie R. R
53 -4
Northern Pcnn'a 52.-:
Un. R. It's of N. J is; "
Hestenvlllc Pass ll!
Central Trans. Ce H
i 'j
l.nrai Mecks and limit's.
4il. 15
102. IK
Lane.Cltv '. per ct. Lean, du: ISsii
' sS5...
" ' !" ..
" r. per d. in I or 30 years..
Lauc. ami ji;arrvv'c l:. R. hiuiil
" "" " stock
Lancaster and EphrataturnmKe...
LauR.Eiixabctht.'u and Middlet'n..
Iincnsteraiid Fruitville turnpike.
Lancaster and Litit turnpike
Lancaster ami Maner turnpike
Lancaster and Maiihcim turnpike.
Lancaster and Marietta turnpike..
Lane. au.l New Helland turnpike..
Lane, and strasburg turnpike
Ijuic. aiidSusiiielianua turnpike..
Lane, and Willow Sticet turnpike.
Farmers Nat. Raukel Lancaster..
First Nat. ISstukef Lancaster
Lancaster County Nut. ISauk
Inquirer Piintiiig Ce
Lnuc.ilas Light and Fuel Ce. stock.
" bends.
liiuccerd.iure with tin Tim! Honored Cus
tom el the Democracy of t lii .city te held their
en the night Infere the election there will ben
el the Lancaster City Democracy in the
t Ml 1.
Veteran A-sr.oi-tlie!i will
attend in u
house runsisiiixii mm us.
Would advise all who conteinptate putting in
HEATERS or making any alterations in theii
heating ari-atmenients te de se al once l;'ero
the lush nt Fall Trade begins.
In the Market at the
152 North Queen Street,
and Readins will be -lvcn upon reason
able terms, by MIM. EMMA .M.ICHTER, at
4S! West Or.injfn btrccL Clas-es will be binned
andalse piivate iu-di notions siven. Hours
may be v lec:cd te .suit pupil-. eiS-lwU
DemecratiG Heeling.
i rai
Flii l Breneians