-.., - -. m4x ?j? ; v---1-' s - "- "- : -p-cr - . , 'fHJE?-1' - - v -.- LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER WEDNESDAY- OCTOBER 27, 1880 man who had premised te protect the birds for the trials at Quarryville had net only gunned ever the grounds himEclf but had invited his friends te de the same. 3Ir. DifFencIcrffcr said he had picvieusly been ever the grounds and birds were abundant. Fer the field trials of ne::t year, Piesi dent W. A. Dumshcc, of the McKccspert game association, tcndeicd tlie society the use of this association'.', piereivcs compris ing 3,500 acres. The chair was authorized te appeiut committee te secure suitable grounds for next year. Seme discussion ensued ever opening the entries for the .stile trials te all the world. It was found this would involve a change in the constitution. The 1'res. Among the leprcsentatives of the speit ing press attending the meeting arc the following, all of whom are sending full re ports te their papers : .1. II. llenricks, of Pittsburgh Lender and Despatch; Dr. Rewc, of the Chicago 7 VcM; Samuel Dick Dick eon, of the-Philadelphia Afield and Afloat ; F. Sattcrtlr.vaite. of the New Yerk Ferest and Stream. Te Dr. Hev.c wc aie under special obli gations fermany ceuilc&ies. The association is composed of enter prising gentlemen of high position whose intelligent and liberal elTbit.s te piemntc line sportsmanship cannot fail te 1-e fraught with abundant geed icsulls. The following paitics interested in the field trials have ai lived in Lancaster and are registered at the Stevens heuse: It. T. Vandevert a-id J. W. Vandeveit, Pitts burgh ; Jehn I'eiley. Iiiutishuig : F. V.r. tv-ilcr. Hani-dung. The following aie registered at the Cooper I1011.-0 : Ilen'.imin Price, Piltsten ; E. Uei.skley. Pittsteu : Wm. rdcf'ee. Pitts burgh : J. .M. McMuiui. Pillsbuigh. t.lerlien Return i:l.in!tt. The county conimissieneis are busily engaged in arranging and fiuivauliiig te the election eili'-eis of the several distiicts the blanks for making up the returns or the approaching K-clien. The list is a feintidaljlu one. The letuin sheets are some six feet hi W ngth and contain the printed namej of one hundred and sixty lour cmdida! i'- v, he aspire te thcMilTiages of the people. Of this number no lets than one hundreil and m-Lccii arc candidates for piC.-idcuLi.il oler.to.-.s namely, twenty nine, each, f. the Dunieciatic, Ilepubii can, Uicenl.uel: ai.d Temperance pailies; four candidate-, for .-.iiprcme judge ; four for auditor general; tiiree for 1 'engress ; three for .-tate senator; eighteen ler Assem bly ; tin ee for dNuict attorney; six for piiOii inspectors; six for direc tors of the peer, and tlncc ler comity surveyor. IJcsidc. these great letuin sheets each be.ml of election efllccis is furnished with blank statements te be tilled out and tacked up immediately after the etcs shall have liecn counted; also with four different forms of affidavits te bj made by pci.vms whose right te vole is disputed ; tally books for the clerks; rcgisliy books ; copies efinsiiuc tiens te election efliccr-. ; copies of supple ment te clccthm laws; envelopes for mi- 1 nerity inspceter.s: poll beek.s ; led tape: sealing wav ; statienery: bills of election expenses, ize.. Are. With such a fermedab'.e atr.ty 01 candi dates and documents te leek after it is te be expected there will be some ii formalities and neglect of duties en the pait of inex perienced officer:;, and peihaps intentional fraud en the jiait of di.-,honest ones. It is of the greatest importance tint all election officers familiarize them-chesatence with all the raliant points of the law, most of which will l:e found in the sheriff's piocla piecla piocla matien, published in the newspapers and in the instructions furnished by the eeuntv commissioners. a r.iiwTivvt. 'hesen : li uic.ii-i.'k Portrait Eleguntl ."'ruined. This afii neon the Hancock Veteran ib ib ib sociatien of Linc.istcr received a beautiful present from Law; ence Frey, :. veteran of Ce. K, 77th T'egt. Pa. Vels., fermeily r.f Laucister. but new et Greensburg. Ye.t Ye.t mereland county, this state. The present consists of a beautifully framed portrait of Hancock, half length and life size. The frame, which is handsomely carved anil or namented, was made villi a pen-knife by Mr. Frey The top of the frame is surmounted by the American shield, and en the ether --idc of the frame, in weed of dilfeient colors, are carved representation-; of cannon-, swords and lilies with fixed b.i;, enets. On the bottom of the frame are carved eiesed b.ivenet, ; and en each corner of the frame, renting ' en leaves of pretty design, is eaivfcd the 1 well-known trefei2,thc badge of tlie Sccei'd feips. The frame is ei editable te the me- I elunical :kiIIef Mi. Fry, and its presen tation te his old Democratic comrades ' shows Unit his heart is still in the light ( pl.iec for an undivided union and for the man who shed his bleed te perpetuate it. Mr. Ficy. sent along wth the picture the ' lollev. ing letter : C.iir.EXi-r.i uc. Oct. 2"i, 181-0. ' Te the Veteran CluU of Lancaster, li.: " Ce.mADES-Iif present ing te yen the ac companying picture of (Jcr.cril Winiield Scott Hancock, the soldier-statesman, as a slight token of my rcgasd for you, allow me te sa y that I regret that I am unable te meet you fate te faee and feci the warm grasp of your fiiendly hands. Although far from you, my thoughts and feelings are with you and the strong cords of a soldier's friendship and admiration for the here of C'eltysbuig still bind me te you with living strength. "PJeae accept this in Ike .spirit in which it is given. ami may jen have the unbound ed pleasure, as you gaze upon the manly soldier's face, of beholding the picture of the next president of the United States of America, is the earnest derire of your fiicud and brother. " Very les-pcetfuliy, ' Lawrence Fnr.Y, 'Memhei of the Gietnslmri Veteran rlnb. 77th lh-t.. Ce. K. Pa. YeK" A iireUen I.:i:.i;. The sticet lamp at the corner of Lemen and Market sticet, war. accidentally broken about two weeks age, has net been lit since that time. As Lemen s trcet at this point is nccefsaiily much blockaded en both sides with lumber, stones, meitai boxes, &c., te be used in the erection of two large tobacco waicheuscs 0:1 the side of llauingardncr'K old coal sheds, travel at this point is made dangcieus during daik nights and it is veiy 'necessary that the lamp at the nbovc-named point should be promptly 1 cpiiied ami lighted. Otherwise terieu.s accidents may occur. Wat fliers Ay-pnin'ci!. This iueiuing the feli.iwing Deinecratic electicn wateher-. were appointed by the ceuit: C'oney, Fieil 11. lir.imui ; vVesl Lampeter. T5. F. Sellers : F. 1st Cocalico, W. II. Walter; Earl, II. 11. Townsley, There are two Republican inspccteis in Ceney, West Lampeter and East ( 'oealiie. St. S!eiIiens l'alr. was again a geed attendance at St. There Stephen's church hist evening. The Entci pean band, ceiibistir.g of sixteen men, ZIr. Roberts leader, and t'enrad Iihcain, con ductor, furnished geed music for the en tertainment of sill present. A caster was chanced off aud wen by ?.Irs. Brown, of Quarryville. and a piece of muslin (50 yards) was wen by 3Iiv. Eva Kcngcrtcr. iiixls of Ileal Estate. The ical es'.atc of Margaretia II. l.dn, Fulton township, containing 127 acies, has been sold te Fir.nklin Aiiltinau. of West Hempf'eld tewmhip, :.t $12.30 per acre. COLUMBIA NEWS. OWi; KCGCLAB' CORRESPONDENCE Special Meeting cf Council Tilings About Town. A special meeting of council was held las evening. All the members were pre sent except Messrs. Smith, Filbert, Kist ler and Llewellyn. The president stated that the meeting had been called at the instance of the property committee. Mr. Mr. Glevcr, lessee under Benjamin Barr, of stoic room Ne. 3, Third street side of opera house building, asked for a reduction in his lent, stating that he had lest money and would be unable te continue. After discussing the matter council instructed the property committee te inform Mr. Glever that under the circumstances the' weic unable te grant him the relief asked for. It will be remembered that about a year age Messrs. Barr and De Annan rented their store "room for the purpose of opening a restaurant. This business did net pay and the lessees removed their stock and fixtures and asked council te relieve them of their lent. This council refused te de, and the 100m laj- idle for some months. Dining the summer Mr Glever rented the room fieni Mesis. Ban- and De Armar, opened a drug store and lias since carried en the diug business there, with results as above stated. Mi. Barr pre posed te council te pay feit j dollars and give a note with interest for balance of rent, payable en April 1, 1881, bciuir rent for four months January, Febiu.uy, Maich and April. On motion the pro posal of Mr. Bair was accptcd and the finance committee se instiuctcd. In the matter of painting the market house loot" and poitien of the opera house 100I', proposals for doing the weik were read fiem Messrs Greve fc Henry, of Columbia, whose bids ranged, neemding te mateiialte be used, from fifty te sixty-five dell.u s, or v. ith best white lead anil oil, any tint or shade de sired, for one-half cent per square feet; and fiem II. 11. Bir.ce, of Lancaster, who offered te put en the Excelsior the rate squaie of oracceidinj Mr. I5i uce. elastic reef paint at of fouity-feur cents per one hundred square feet, te the measurement nude by for $1(5.11. On motion the painting of tool's was ghrn te Mr. Bruce at foity-feur cents per hundred square feet by a vole of two te one. During the discussion upon this matter Mr. Pfahler stated that by an estimate of the number of .square feet in the reef the proposal et Greve & Henry te paint the reef with oxide of 11 en was lower in pi ice, and from all that he could hear was a much bcttei article than that offered by Mr. Hriice, and moved that the contract be awarded te Greve & I Icniy. The mo tion was net seconded. The acceptance efihchid of Messrs. Gsevc & Henry te paint ioef with oxide of iron would have eefc the boieugh 6(53, just $1.11 less than the bid of Mr. lhiice. The vote en the question steed as fellows : Aye Messrs. Ilcacham, Heishcy, Jlu.. ser and AVitmer 1. Xe Mr. Pfahler. The trustees of the "old Columbia pub lie gieund c imp.iuy'' asked permission te put a eres.sing en Sixth street, at Mr. A. Ilaldcman's house. i On molien p- mission a "deed for was I granted. The telephen- i-ehaisgc asked peinds- j sien te plant pole-; through town. Ne a-- j tien was t iken. Adjourned. Iteruugh Ilnrtgct. I T..I.McGuire of Lanca.stcr,Pa., wiilepen ' a dancing school in Shu!erslial!,this place, 1 en Tuesday cveninif, November 0th. Twe or thice lessens a week will he givt-n if a la rsre class can he formed. The Frederick aecommed itlen train v. est due here at 2:43 p. m. came in forty-live minutes late yestciday afternoon. Rev. F. W. Htalcy will lectin c this eve ning in the lecture room of the E. L. Luth s'iaii church en "Pilgrim's Progress.' The Republiem Ivttalien w.l! paiade in town te-night. The efiicial eideis have net set been published for the paiade of the Hancock anil Engli.sh battalion to-meirow evening. The Pennsylvania railroad -company hive, up te this date, sold but four tickets from Columbia te thv Fredeiick fair. A gicat deal of lumber is new being shipped thieugh here en the Pennsylvania r.iihead. It mined yesleiday afternoon, eleaied in the evening, and is again cloudy to day. Mis-s 3Iame Black of Lancaster, P.i., is vhilhig in Columbia, the irr.cst of ML.s la J'ecker kfr. A rattlesi! ike, a little eve; thiity-uiue meiiiing at Henry Citiy inches long, was killed thi- I tn .stone imtii!es near the hunace. , Pherill' Hi;;.:e v.a, in ten this morn ing. 1 A couple of companies of the Hancock and English battalion will go te Mount , Jey this evening. Yfagens will be the mode of tiausportatieu, aud enough of th.-'-.u h.ive been engaged te haul one hun dred men or moie. A special train will aKe be inn. A couple efiiiuu H'siding senicwhcic en ' 10 Heading read came hereon the Fred- erick accommodation tmin at 12:05 te-day and lefr e. the (me o'clock train bound for Heading. The paity had been guifning down near the .Man land line and bairged 10'J partridges aud a decn rabbits. They get en the train at Jacob's mills near Han over, and wc presume it was near thcic they leccivcd tlseir game. They attracted no little nlU'iitien as they walked down Frent stieef. I 1'ief. It. 3s. Clark, an elocutionist, en j leitaiued nuile a large audience in Gap I hall, en 3Ienday evening, with humorous, ! pathetic and dramatic leadings and iccita 1 liens. Half the proceed.'; were given te 1 the Gap school te buy books aud prizes I for the school children. 3Ir. Clark recited a selection fiem " People. We 3Ieef." and J one of T.ihnage's lecluie.s most succcs-sful- ly imitating the leveiend gentleman in voice, gestuic and cspicssien. Politics a: c moving along biiskly. Po litical meetings are held in all directions;. 3Iany soldiers in this section of the coun try who fought under Hancock, a':d wiie have hciotefore been Itcpublic.in', intend te vote for Hancock and tlie whole Hcino Hcine erntie ticket en November 2d. On Wednesday evening, Octeher 23, two peddlers man and wife well known in this section of the ce.tntry by the names of Frank and Fannie Vincent came te the farm house of 3Iichr.ei Wise, after he had elhvd and begged of hjmte let tlicm sleep i:i the hor.ae, and as Mr. Wise has known than for some time, and believed them te be henpnt, he let them sleep in the kitch en. S.iiiiciime dining the night they get up and left, taking with thorn about fix de:!ai weith of things, including anew pair of heavy calf-skiu boeti, Xe. G. It is iuite likely they will try tD sell them. Farmers and ethers should keep an outlook f'r them. l.pitcepr.1 General S.:icd. The general convention of the Episcopal chut ch of the United States, new in ses sion in Xew Yeik, yesterday appointed the Ilev. Dr. Knight, rector of St. James, this city, a deputy te represent that church in the general synod of the church of Eng land in North America, which will meet in Montreal in June, 18315. Clothing Store Kebbed. I'elts's clothing store at Christiana was b.-eken open by burgkis last night and a Iirgc qualutily of .clothing was stolen. The thieves effected an entrance by prying open the s'mtlcr. with a chisel, which they sto'e from I?. Garner's wagenrnafcer shop. GENTLEMEN, VB AUK SHOWING AX ELECAXT LIXE OF COATINGS, SUITINGS, PANTINGS, All in Latest Style, and satisfaction in fit and make-up given or no sales the new styles of Xcckwear Hosiery, Suspenders, Gloves, &c. We invite GIVLEE, BO WEES & HTJEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Eighth Ward Parade. At 11 meeting et the Eighth want Hancock club held last eveniug it was decided that the club parade en Friday evening next. The vaileus companies arc requested te meet at their headquarter at Vt o'clock p.m., fullj equipped. Citizens generally are Invited te' participate, and all parlies having torches are requested te te brlnz them along Following is the route agreed unen Ferm en Maner right resting en H est King, down West King te Mulberry, te Strawberry, te Poplar, te Laurel alley, te Fremont, te Leve L-ine, te fct. Jeseph, te Strawberry, te High, te Leve Lane, te Maner, te King, te Intersection et Orange, countermarch en King, te Der wart, te Maner, te Filbert alley, te Iilgh, te head, quarters aud dismiss. Each company will meet at the cempany1 headquarters and from there 111:11 eh te formation of line, 7:30 p. m. 'i'liL- liie-it sensible remcdy.ttiid the only sule, Mine and purmanent cure ler all disease et the liver, bleed and stomach, Including bilious fevers, fever and ague, dumb ugue. Jaundice, dyspepsia, &c, i-t Prof, (jullmette's French Liver Pads, which cure by absorption. Ask jour druggist for this noted cure, and take, no ethtr, and if he has net get it or will net get it ler you, send ?1.50 te French Pud Ce., Teledo O., and they will send you one pest-paid by li-tuin mail. H A Happy Clergyman, U'jv. K. P. L. Causs, Galena, 111. : " 1 have been a great sufferer from Kidney disease, and alter being told by my doctor that I could net get well, I commenced the use of Day1 Kidney Pad, which has new completely cured me. I am strong and again leek the very picture el health. May all the suffering be helped as I have been, I my earnest wish." o2T-lweedAw Fei'ble digestion, sick headache, dlr.Iness anil t.iiutnes., cured by Malt Hitters. Kat Candy it j ou will, but be Mire te use SOZOUONT right away, in order te carry off its Injurious cHect.s upon the teeth. All candy-eaters should .airy SOZODOXT with them. If they wish te keep their tc.-th sound. e23 lwoed Clcan', whiten ami beautify the skin with Ciiiicu-.i Mc.licinal Toilet Seap. 1'OI.iTlCAL. MKKTINGS. The .Heunt Jey Excursion. The Hancock -ami English clubs of the ttll lercnt wards or the city who Intend partici pating in the parailc at Mount Jey this even iair, will meet at their lcspcctive headquarters ut GJi p. 111. Miarp. Fare for th round trip 30 cent';, which each member will pay te his cap tnlu who will procure the tickets. Train leaves at 7 o'clock. W.J. FOUDNEY, 1 Colonel. 1 Attention, Veteram. All uicnibcis of the Hancock Veteran aagoci aageci aagoci atien will meet at the ccntrul committee ! looms te-niht at C'S o'clock sharp, fully 1 equipped, te 50 te Mount .Tey. Fare for round 1 Slip SG tcnt. , Attention, Uanceck Legien and Citizens' i All members anil citizens who ilesile te ac company the several waid clnbs te Mount Jey te night will please meet at Democratic head- 1 quarters or P. It. It. depot, at C:30 p. m., sharp 1 Cit.rband will ncoempanytlir;T.nnrnter elub. Fare for 1 emul trip 26 cents. Seventh Ward. 1 .Members of the Seventh Ward Hancock and Cnglish clubs who intend Joining in the ex cur-ion te .Mount Jey this evening will meet ' a", headqnaitcrs at fi:!5 p. m., bringing torches, Are., with them. ' nPEClAZ, NOTICES. " i SAMPLE .NOTICE. 1 it ii iiiiiKv-ible ler a woman after a tulthlul 1 co ara: et ticntmeiit with I.ydia E. IMnkhain's ' Vegetable Compound Je continue te sutler , v.ith a weaknej et the uterus. Enclose a 1 stamp te Mrs. Lydla E. Plnkhain, 233 Western ' :ii'iiiie. T.ynii, Mai?., fur pamphlets. jySMydced&w 1 1 1 you want te have a geed appetite and en ' joy health, take " Dr. Llndey'i) Bloeil iearch- !'!." .Mottier-.! Mothers!! Jlletbers ! I i Aie j en disturbed at night and broken et j your red by a sick child guttering anil crying villi :'.ieeerueiatlng pain et cutting teeth? ! It -e. go at once an J get a bottle of MKS. WINS ! LOW'S SOm-IIINOSYKUl'. It will relieve the pr Utile suirereriiiimeilsatcly depend upon ,1 HiercNnoinMaUeabeutlt. There Is neta mother en 1 111 110 iiiW ever useu it, who win net tell you ai once that It will regulate the boueK, mill give rest te the mother, and relief ui.i health te Use child, operating like magic. It i- perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the ta-te, ami 1m the prescription et one et the elilcst mid best female physicians and liiir.-cn in the United States. Sold everywhere 23 eeiiN a bettl. ril7-lyd&wM.WA8 A Wise Deacon. " Deacon Wilder, I want you te tell me hew you kept yeurselt and family se well the past -e:iseii, w lien all the rest of us have been sick .-e much, and have leul the iloeters running te r.s se long." "Ilre. Tayler, the answer is very easy. I nidi Hep Hitters in time and kept my family w ell and saved large doctor bills. Three del 'ars'woithel it kept us all well and able te weikall the time, and I will warrant it has i et you and most of the neighbors one te two hundred dollars apiece te keep sick the same time. I guc;s you'll take my medicine herc silter." See ether column. el5-2wdAw Ladies' IViue Spees'a Pert. I'll re lour years' old will net intoxicate but possessing all the valuable medicinal properties eftlie Oporto grape, from which It made. Used in hospitals and by first class phy.-ie!ans an the best known wine ler medical purposes. It is a tonic and astringent. It is net mixed with alcohol or ether liquors, but a mild, rich and pleasant tonic, improving the appetite and promoting digestion ; as a dure tic it nets beneficially en the kidneys and corres ponding organs; as a sudeilfle, it acts upon t he skin, destroying eruptions and producing a soft, healthy and- blooming complexion. Tiicrelere, it is extensively and beneficially used by ladles, and is In general family use as a miic remedy for dysentery, and for all nerveu, weak and debilitated persons. Sold by druggists and by A. Speer, at his own vln yard, Xcw Jersey. Advertiser. This wine is endorsed by Ois. Atlec and IiavN, and sold by If. E. Slnymakcr. eld-2wd&w Ask ler "Sellers' Elver Pills." Xe ethers possess half their virtue. 25 cents per box. fold by all dniEgists. AX'ir ADrEKTISEXENTS. VOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. 1 Alice Ann Itlnear having left home, all pei ens are hereby cautioned against trusting her en her father's account, harboring her or r.iairying her.as she is a miner,iind he will net be responsible ler her obligations. AAUOX KIXEAK, ltd Quarryville Postefllce. PitapesAiuS vtixl. he received at jthc Mayer's Oflice up te SATURDAY, OCTer.Elt SO, ISSO, at 4 p. m., for as much Hard Tea Ceal. Xe. 1 size, as may be required at the Citv Water Works up te April 1, 1881. The Ledl te be thoroughly screened and of geed qu.ililv : it net it will have te be tuken back at tlie expense el tlie party furnishing the same. JXO.T. MacGOXIGLE, e27-:tdV&F Mayer. DRY GOODS. -AND- OVERCOATINGS, JVi"l' ADrXJtTISEXlfTS. THE FAVORITES IN DRESS GOODS NOW. Tha following are selling se fast as te indicate that they are unusuauy aesiraDie: Camel's hair, 44 inches, Milliard cloth, 44 inches, 1.50. Damasses, 44 inches, 1.23. Jersey cloth, 44 inches, 1.73. Plush suitings, 44 inches, 1.50. Armures, 44 inches, 1.00. Novelties, 44 inches, 0.73. Powder cloths, 44 inches, 0.73. Chudda cloths, 44 inches, 0.G3. Lupin's rneriuees. 30 inches, 0.50 te 0.00. Flannel suitings, 0.30 te 1,25. Plaids, silk and wool, 0.37$. Plaids, German, 44 inches, 0.50. Plaids, German, 32 inches, 0.15. Cashmeres, colored, 28 inches, 0.25. Cashmeres, colored, 22 inches, 0.12$. Matclasscs, 24 inches, 0.20. Halermes. 22 inches, 0.14. Our dress goods include almost everything: desirable, In many in stances we are very much below the market ; never above. JOHN WANAMAKER. Dress Goods occupy nine counters near Thirteenth street entrance. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets, and City Hall Square. PHILADELPHIA. FINEST ASSORTMENT! BEST DISPLAY OP MILLINEKY GrOODS l.N LAXCASTEU CITY NOW KEADV AT M. A. HOUGHTONS CHEAP STORE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET. XHW Alt YlCKTlSKSiJiSTH. TTEADOUAUTKItS FOK UNDEUWKAlt. Ladies' Gents' and Children's UNDERWEAR, All Sizes, from bl te IWt inches. Scarlet Underwear, Medicated Underwear, All Weel Underwear, Merine Underwear, Colored Underwear. SPECIAL VALUE. Milris ami Vesi at sue. Elegant l.tne et NEW FALL HOSIERY New Fall Pattern- in I CABPBTS j ASU WALL PAPERS. J. B. lartin & Ce. rtO TO RINUWAET'S FUK NONONGAHELA PURE RYE. Alse OAKDALE PUUE BYE WIIISKT, 95 per cent. Alcohol, and the invigorating Tonic Hair Liquid, and the Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, All at Xe. 305 WEST KING STREET. CHAS. BRIMMER, CRAYON POliTIiAIT ARTIST, SIHN AN1 ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, sci29-lmd 4 WEST KIN'G STREET. VTOTICE TO nUYERS. 1 OUB NEW REAL ESTATE CATALOGUE Fer OCTOBER. Is new ready ter FREE DISTRIBUTION. Examine it before buying a home. HEBB & STAUl'FEIf, lfiJ5tas,T& Wit 3 Xerth Duke Street. . DRESS SHIRTS best quality and perfect fit. AH examination. $1 te 82..10. eOLITIVAI. I ATTKNTION, Cigar Makers and Tobacco Packers ThcCIUAK MAK1K and TOUACCO PACK EKS connected witli the several Factories and Tobacco Warehouses of the City, anil who are In favor of the election ot'enrstandard benrer, GEN. W. S. HANCOCK, te the Presidency of the United States will please meet at Democratic Headquarters en THURSDAY KYENINtf, (MIT. 28, 1 at 3 o'clock, and make arrangement for u 1 rarndc. Veme one ! Come alt ! ' And Torchlight Parade, IN MOUNT JOY, Wednesday Mi, Oct. 27. TO ItE ADnRESSEO BV HON. W. D. HILL, OF OHIO, And ethers. The Lancaster Campaign Clubs will attend in a body. Special train leaves Lancaster at 7:00 p. m.. Laiidlsvlllc, 7:10; Salungu, 7:15. Returning leave Mount Jey nt 11 p. in. fare Ter the Round Trip 8Ge. IIOVSE FURyiSHJXa GOODS. VTOTICE. FLIM & BRBNBMAIf. Would advise all who contemplate putting In HEATERS or making any alterations in tfieil heating arrangements te de se nt once before the mMi of Fall Trade begins. THE MOST RELIABLE Steves, Heaters ai Ranges, In the Market atth LOWEST PRICES. Flu & Breeemans GREAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. Democratic Meeting GRAND FAIR UNDER THE AUSPICES OF ST. STEPHEN'S OHUROH, Cerner et Seuth Duke and Church streets. Open dally from 6 until 10 o'clock p. m. Lunch tables arc provided with delicacies of the season and refreshments. Te-night the Citizens Rand will be present aud jjlvoseinc of their choice selections. fa25-2td TILED EDITION. WEDNESDAY EVEN'G, OCT. 27, 1880. THE CHINESE LETTER. Republicans Fulfil Their Threat. KENWARD PHILP ARRESTED. "Truth" Sticks te it and Says the Letter is Genuine. GR.-.AT F1RK IN UKOOKLY.. Miscellaneous News THE GARFIKLU LETTER. Arrest of a Journalist en a charge et for gery. New Yerk, Oct.37. Kenward Philp, a journalist, was arrested in Brooklyn to day en a charge of forgery in connection with the Garfield Chincse Ietter.He will be arraigned in the supreme court this after noon. His counsel has already applied for his discharge en habeas corpus. Anether report states that the arrest was made en a charge of ceunterfeitimr postefnee dies, upon a wan-ant granted in federal courts. Philp was arrested in the lobby of the Park theatre, Brooklyn, while in conver sation with ex-Sheriff Daggett, the Repub can leader of Kings county, and ether gen tlemen. The arrest was made by Detective Stewart, of New Yerk, ttpeu a warraut is sued by Judge Neah Davis, presiding jun tice of the supreme court, which chargte the prisoner with malicious libel. .Mr. Philp and the officer, accompanied by William Vedder, came headquarters in this brief detentieu here he ever te police city. After a was taken te the supreme court. Judge Davis being tem perarily abscnt,he was detained in the dis trict attorney's office. He will be arraign ed before Judge Davis later in the day. Philp is new before the supreme court. Truth te-day devotes its columns almost entirely te proving the letter genuine. It publishes fac similes of Gen. Garfield's signature which show a perfect resem blance te the one in the Merey letter. It also publishes fnc simils of stamps and postmarks upon letters of the same date of Garfield's cheap Chi nese production which are exact representations of the 0110 en the latter envelope and refute the allegations of the Washington postmaster, who says that the stamp and postmark en the Merey en velope were net in use at the time the let ter was written. The newspaper says that this issue was get out in spite of the most tremendous obstacles cast in the way by Jehn I. Davenport and ether hench men of the Republican party in Xcw Yerk. DUVUUKINU fLAMIA Terrible Conflagration In Hands Out of Kreuklju -1.0CO Werk. New YenK, Oct. 21 The Ausenia clock company's factory, Seventh avenue and Twelfth street, Brooklyn, which cost half a million dollars te build, was totally de stroyed by fire at two o'clock this morn ing, with a large quantity of machinery and stock. The company manufactured its own gas en the premises, and it is net known whether the fire originated from an explosion in the retort, or whether it was of incendiary origin. The total le-s wil be about 87i0,O0O. The disaster throws about 0110 thousand hands out of work. tul UM) LUUUt-:. Calling en Irishmen te ICcbDit presslen. llrillnli Op- Dublin, Oct. 27. At the weekly meet ing of the Land league yesterday a reporter of the Ulster Gazette was ordered te with draw. The Gazette is a Conservative jour nal. Letters were read from Justin Mc Carthy and Frank Hugh O'DennelJ, both members of Parliament, expressing a de sire te join the league. A resolution was passed reciting "that in view efthe prose cutions of the league wc call en the Irish race throughout the world te answer the coercive measures by resolute erganiza tien, and we request Mr. Davitt te remain in America for the purpose of directing the great responsive movement among the Irish people in the United States." THE KIOT IIIEE BRIliKKS. Nelle Presequi In LelsciiriiiR Case. HARRtsnuue, Pa., Oct. 27. A nelle presequi has been entered and entertained by the court in the case of Alexander W. Leisenring of Mauch Chunk, charged with corrupt solicitation of members efthe Legislature in the matter of the riot losses bill. The cases of McCnne, Leng aud Smith aie yet te lie settled. The dis trict attorney says he will subpemn the witnesses in these cases in a few days, but he doubts if they will come te time in So Se vemher or any ether session of com t. 3IEKKY LABOKKKS. A Cmivlvlal Crowd TaKe Town. PofMcMeii of a St. Jehn, X li., Oct. 27. A crowd of labereis employed en the Grand Southern railread, part of which has just been laid te Lepieaux, get into a cenviviil mood and proceeded te take the village by storm te-day. They assembled te the number of one bundled and held undis puted sway in the place forhenrs. During their drunken melee a house he longing te W. H. Reynolds was set en fire. THAT DEMOKAUZEU CA 111 NET. A Fragment of It Discovered in Vt'ash- Ingteu. "WASHiSGTey. D. C, Oct. 27. Sect clary Schurz returned te Washington last night and resumed charge of the interior de partment this morning. W1MTE1C IN EARNEST. Snow Falling Throughout Canada. Terente, Ont., Oct. 27. Snow and rain are falling in the province of Quebec and elsewhere in Canada. The weather is cloudy and unsettled. Storm signals con cen con tinne up at ports en Lakes Erie and Onta rio and at Father Point. tflLLIONSOFaiOMsr. Bends for the Sinklaj Fund. Washixgten, D. C. Oct. 27. Asst U. S. Treasurer Hillhouse was today in structed te pnrchsse 82,500,000 U. S.bends for th3 sinking fund. WKATIIEK INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Oct. 27. Fer the Middle states, cloudy or partly cloudy weather, northwest te northeast winds, higher barometer and stationary or lower temperature. THE POLE'S PBOTEST Against the French Religions Decrees. Paris, Oct. 27. The Jfende says the Pepe has written te the archbishop et Paris, deploring the decrees against the religious communities and their applica tien. KOiiURT TUDKVJL. The Famous Celt Net Sel-. Londen, Oct. 27. The colt Rebert the Devil was offered for sale te-day at the reserve price of 12,G00, but thcre was no bidder. jiai;ki:ts. I'Mladelptila lilnrat-i. I'niL.vuuLvniA, October 27. Fleur dull but bteudy; superfinu is ulffJSJ; extra 4 iK)s 4 50; Ohie and Indiana Mmilv $5 O0.?5 50"; Penn'a I-uiiily $-.123537; St.'LeuN family at $J7.- U& 53: Minnesota fainilv .' ee.ii; tx; Straight $5 003Jr.d; patent and" hii!i guiles $C.T0. Kve Heur firm at .l ."). heat higher with i;oe demand ; Xe. 2 West ern Ktd$i 14: I'enn'a. Keit fi ligi it; Amber i IJ1 It. Tern steady, w ith taii'dem.ihd ; yellow ei)iQ iic;iiiieil &i5l)i. Outs dull, unchanged: Xe. I, White -tiVSIle : Xe. ' do4ec; Xii.oileiWi'; .Ne.., MKiC.7 S7"-.e. itye ueuree ut tsgfl. rrovNIena uiet ; nif - perk lliliplf. ." : beef h.lln.-i$Uit:e21l)ji); liiill.ni m.s-. beet at SIS.; smoked hams lljili: pickled Irmw SJ-.-Ctiae; baeen smoked sheuide ttgrAje ; salt de.V Lard dull : city kettle at .' ,$?: loeso liutelien. 80: prune steam S4i. ISutter Choice wanted: ether gl.liles dull ; Creamery extra :le:digid te choice 'ijff.l'ic; llradlnrd cenuiy.aiid Xew i erlc e.xlra Sj'iSc; Western reserve' extra "Jlit-'c: de geiwl te choice MS 2 )c: ItelN tirm: Wi stern I"eerv extl-.i 228-'c; l'eim'a F'ltrii'Jlfli.e. Eggs linn en seaicity: l'enu'a r.tfM'.TJ&ile; Wi".ieni Etni'JfgwC. C!i'ec dull, but el.eicv steailv : Xew Yerk tutt cic.iui l.yl:yje; We-tern" lullrream at 12KliP: de talrte :reiil llftl.:.': de halt skims luI0c IVtreleum ilull : ludned lie. Whisky active at $1 11. Seed's Geed te prime clever .mil at firiOJJ 7 .k) ; Timethv nominal nt iTl'S-": Fl.i-.ee I llrm.fl :rbl.i. Jleiv lerl: .Itiirltet. Xew er.ii.Oet.ii:. rieiir St.iti' mil Western steady; tne.'emte l.ii.sineM iur expert titulu; Supeiline, at $S SOjJI '.'"i; eMra de at $4'iTj'5l JW; clinic", d, t4 5".j?17; fancy de $1 NJiJIIfH) : round hee Ohie ft 7t ; eliniee de at $5 lOftt INI; siipei line western .:SDgl 'J5: coiiiineit te geed extia de f lil?)! 7i; clieite de $1 7jf?t; .".() ; eheiee white '.vl'.eatde ft l!5 t;Jts.": bout hein quiet ; common te fair ex tra $4 ;))fl)' M: i;emI te elieh 1- de i ,Vi; 7j. Wheat iJic better, nhil ineiteratelv active ; Xe. Ken. Oet., ?! MJ ; de Dee.,.fl IS'C; de Jan., Sl'JuSIiW1. ja Cern (Miiet and without impnitaiit eh.iuge; medenitu trade: Mi.xetl ueitern spot, Tm SfiKc; de lutiire. 54SSfie. O.itsashade llrnier: Ne. iNev.:J3Jtle-tln Her. :V.t)Ae; State J'lQllc Wi stein. 37.T:ile stock. ii urKPt. October 27. Naw YuliK SriK ks. Stocks sternly. A. M. A. M. I, .'t. l M. I M 11:'.M l:y i;H it.". 3- ill U 1 11 j "ii Erie U. 11 H-fj 11 .Michigan S. A L.H....1HJ; lir " Michigan Cent. U. K..1074J WH'4 Chicago .t X. V IP. I UPi 11.1'm Chlcuge, M,M. P.. l:it 1UVS l''Vs Han. St..l.Ceni 41 4Jj " " P'fd.... a.Vi &m Teledo .t Wabash.... 41 i''a WI Ohie & Mississippi. .. W, 'M 3.VJ st. Leuis, i. ai. x. s. i: ziy. :: s- Ontario and Wctern. 21", 2 C. C. & I. C. R. R I''J yew Jersey Central.. 77 1VA Tii Del. & Hudsen Canal. N' s. S7'i Del.. Icicle. We-tern W. 97X 97K Weetcrn'Uninii Tel...l(i2'f, 10! lir.'4 Pacific Mull S.S. Ce.. -y. 47y. 1 Manhattan ElcAated. :.7 :'7'. :s Unlcn Pticifie i 'UX iV,U Kansas & Texas :ts, .-s-? ssj New Yerk Centra! l:5 Adams Express lis' Illinois Central ll.'JJ Cleveland & Pitt lil Chicnge & Reek 1 122 Pittsburgh A Ft. W Pit American U. Tel. Ce 1'lllLADKt.PllIA. Stocks unsettled. Pennsylvania R, R.. r.ri',i :'.)' J') Pliil'a. A Reading..... 2l;i 2!; 2I) Lehigh Valley Ki'. V;',J W7-, Lehigh NhVlKutieii... ::i'J ."-. SlJi Northern Pacific Cem '."Jj; -"fl " " I'M . . fi.SS IX Fltts.,Titusvc& 1!...". V,i Vt "'.'. '.".' Northern Cential Phil'a A Erie R. R Vn lV,i Northern Penn'ii un. r. it's er.v. j wiy. iiy. Hcstenville. Pa, V.ty. l'.'J-i Central Trims. Ce j-ei: sai.i:. e" kpiian's c'nubt nai.e. On TIIITRSDAY, NeVEMI'.ER in. IS.sa. el a vajnabln Che-,ter reiiuty r.iriu r 2l) ACRES Cenvenienl te railroads, ('eml Iiulliliiig". Sale nesitivi'. Fur iiarlieuiiiis :nlilies. s. i:. mvix. Administrator e. t. n. nctSU-lnid Landeiiberg, P.i. PU1K Or LIC SALE. enWEiiXMii.'.i. :,ovemri:rie. ist. will Dcseiilut .'lieiniei's ii!:ipe ;ii)i"l,tn it val uable piepeily Xex. 2." mid 27 i'a'-i Orange stieet, nmv in eeeiip-mey et Mr. iicetgc R. Welchans. Sale t eenitiieiiee at 7 o'clock p. in. Term-easy. .le;i.V l.EVERCOOl. H.Siiir.niiT, Antt. eiVJI.W.S A1 uctien hai.;:. U III be sold lv nulillc anit.'nial the iiliiu- inir mill Diepcitv in Plum stieet. at 10 o'clock enTHLRSIAY iiinruiugnccr, the 2Slh lust., the following urtlcle, t wit: one Planing Machine, iluuuixcl by nrc Tin: Irons eoiu eeiu eoiu pleteof a Turning Lail.e. A large let of S.isli Factory ISits. A large ii:i'ititv et Charied Lumber. Tin Reefing, Ruck, stone. Ac. ect2'-2lil F. MliRODER. TUL'ISLIO .SALE. J On TIirRfeOAi, XO LMRER II. IlWI. win DL'seniat puiiiic-aieai ii:e iirapi: netei. North Queen .street, the tolle-.i in;; ileicriljed real estate te wit : A f.vo-lery iniek OVEI.LINt; HOUSE and two contiguous hall lets of lenml, Xe. 4ia, en the north siile e! K:l-,1 Kin street, in the cltvef Lancaster, eaeh of said halt lets con cen tuftiing In front "i feet 2"- Inches, and 21.1 feet in depth te a !l-fcct wide alley, to gether with 2 feet C inches wide In fronton wild East King street and of that width north ward te the distance of 1.1 leet et the ailjninin;; property en the northwest f'-r the iim: et uu alley, lo-f.csden will 1" ;jiveii en April 1, ld Part of the purcl;.iie nienej in iv leui.iiii en the property for one year, it dcniicd. Snli' te eeniinciiee at 7 ' lock p. m. et i:iid day. SAMOELMIOCIi. llEMiv i'mruiiiiT, Aitct. 02.VI1.1 WANTED. WAKTEO. EVEKYRODY TO yUVEt:-ti-e, riee (i rliarK'-, 5n the Istelliek cw.'.. wlif w.iiibf HemetliiUK te de. Xir"ANTi:i. A SITUATION J.N A ilOTEI. t as dining loom girl or as'I-tanl cook. Apply at l(i. strawberry stieet. It WANTED A 1IALY (J1WWX C.lllL. Tt aslt in a Miu'l! family. Apply at once at"55 North Queen street. ltd WANTED A 3IIDDLi:-A:.D V"0'Irt-" wants li situation te de ho.ieuerk "iicii as eoe'cin. wa-hinir. Ironing. Are. Applv at UK NORTH MULRERRY M'ltEET. MKS. V. LILLEIi, LADIES' IIAIKDICESSEK Manutacturerandlealer!n Hair Werk, Ladies and Cents' Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of nil kinds made np. Alse. Kid Olevcsnnd Feathers eleancd anil dyed, at yes. 2J3 ami 227 North Queen street, foui'deors above P. R. R. Depot. el-Smil A le: Ai.i:t ale: LAWRENCE KNAVP'S CELEBRATED AND WELL KNOWN DRAUGHT ALE. is new ready for ceninmers, wholesale and ictail. Hotels, RESTArn.-.sT.s asd Piuvatk h amiux can be supplied with thi3 wiiolcseino and nourishing beverage. All orders u 111 receive punctual attention and deliverances made at s'jert notice. Cll or addreas LAWRENCE KXAI'P, Ne. IU East Ring Street, ectM-lmd Ijincster, Pu. GBAJLM VPECULATlOn " In large or small anieuiits. S23 or 5C9.00O tVritc W. T. SOULE & CO.. Commission Jlcr cliant9.1.1 La Salle street, Chicago, HI.. Ter cir ular. in2-urt &i ?-