Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 25, 1880, Image 3

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1 '-
Seme or tlie Xetcrt DegiTiiat will Take Tart
iu it.
Tbe list of cntiicsef dezs that will take
part in tisc gieattrial at Quarryvillc next
week lias net yet been published, but the
following arc some of the noted dogs that
win ceutcsu ier me several prize-.
Bclten, a celebrated black, white and
Ian Llewellyn setter that ran the trials in
England. Entered by 3tr. James Vcrner.
of Pittsburgh.
Thunder, a pure Laveriek, Butten, a
pointer and eleven ethers of lets note, en
tered by .T. J. Sncllcubsrg, New Brighten,
Dash, a native s-ettcr, winner of the
rd prize at the national field trials last
year, entered by Parmer O'Neil, Pitts
burgh. Cerneli.i, a Llewellyn setter, entered by
L. Sinister.
Rexcy, Countess, Ladyand Clara, enter
ed by I-aac Yearsley, Ceatesvillc. P.exey
and Lady were biekcn by B. C Sanborn,
who is regarded as one of the bc-tifnet
the best breaker in America.
Fleet, a. Llewellyn setter, broken by J.
II. Dew, an eminent breaker, iscnteied
by Hen. B. T Derrancc, of Willcc-baiie,
Rexey'f. Bey. bieI;e: by B. C. S.inhem,
and Leah, aic entered by'l'. A. Dill'ender-
!ll ..--t ., ' .
l'er, Lancaster.
Dr. Graham, Pilt-.burgh, cnlcis a fine
imperled LUvellyn setter, and lheie aie
dozens of ether thoieughbicddogsrnteicd
for the contest. The meeting premises te
be one of the nnsf interesting ever held in
rail or Lnlrics.
Following is said te be a fall list of the
entries received since above was put in
.vpe :
Fer AH Aged .Stakes-,'. It. SIaton.U-lle:i
III. : .1. IJ. Ilendrick ;, King Dash : Isaac
aTcarslcv. jr., l.excy. Countess and Little
Lady ; U"! Pe-jger, "Docter ; II. C. Stead
i.ian, Pat I. and Biddie ; J. J. Snellcn
burg, Butten, Thunder and Mary Luvar
ack ; L. Sheuster, jr., Cernclic ; VY. L.
McCeuucll. Lady Jivarack ; F. A. Diffen Diffen
deiflcr, Leah ; i'. Y. Seller, Dash ; L A.
livens, 3'iuerva , L. S. Brown. Da-h.
Puppv Sfcikcs- Yearsley, Liltiu
Lady;'V. A. 31. InUMi, Abbey "W.! V.
Sacgcr. ?.iaek ; J. .1. Hnullenlmrg. May
Lnvniack, Daisy. .ml Dick : (h-e. Petter,
jr., D.nt ; Edw. Oicgg, Beb; 1). Me Me
Kleyed, Dan ; Isaac Yeaisley, jr., I5es
F. A. Difieiub'iU'ei-, itexic Bey.
.NTui.scry Slakes I. II. Hendricks, Delly
TMn.en ; Win. Scag.u, Siu.nt; J. .1. Snel
lcnhurx. J'et Lavainck and T.u Lavaiack:
J. M. -Sjiecr, Count.
Association Stakes' .1. It- Sl.ijten,
Helten IIL; J. It. Ikndiieks, King Dash;
.1. L jlclnteslj, Bis : J. J. Snelleubcig,
Thunder. Butten : Isaac Ycarslcv, jr.,
P.exey ; Vf. L. JlcCenncll, E. IF. (livens.
Mines va ; L. S. Brown, D.ish.
A special train will leave this city to
morrow ineiiiing and every ether morning
dmiug the continuance e! It will
etaifc from the King street' a! 9:0r)
and returning will leave Quarryville at
t:e0 in the cvei.i.5. This is for the ac
commodation of pewns who deshe te at
tend the match, as most et them will de-1
sire te return te the city in the cvenin. A
j'.irgc number of well-known deg fancier.- I
frfli.) Pittsburgh Philadelphia and etlur
cities will attend the tritl, as well as rep j
i-esentaiives fiera the different spe: ting pa
pers. The tiial will take place u;0'i the
Montgomery ir.vf, which i a burnt Hul
Jrr.ct about a mile fiem Quanyvilh.
jiaulab cenn;-.
A ruitlicriicarinset lhe.lfsSii)'
This morning Jesse Nye. committed by '
Alderman Earr for dsunkenand diserdeih
conduct a-id disturbing the
jiroci'ssien a couple of weeks age. -:ir, fei
the th'nd time taken before Judge Patter
son ier a hen ing with a xiew te hi-discharge.
A large number of uiues-.''.s wcic eaui
incd, and the testimony was subtlaurially
the same as was given before the commit
ting magistrale. Gee. F. Miller. David
Evans. K. P. Wilsen. C.ipt. :dc?,Ielle:i. C.
II. Campbell. Jehn 1;. Heth. Frank Do De
man, Adam Pent. Parker Shay. Willis
I). Mus-cr and L. L. Snyder testified te
JTyc's eheeri-ig for iliac j?ic, waving an
American il.ig and using bitter epithets
Against the men in line, and a few of the
witnesses testified that they had te
leave their place in line te avoid coming
in collision with him : and Frank 1)
.swore that Xye struck at him. All the
witnesses believed him te have beer,
Fer the defense Nye was called and res1 i
licd that he had been a soldier in the Union
army for live years ; while Jejkiug at the
parade he was repeatedly called bv men
iu liuc " a rebel son of a bitch;" that
he was net diunk, and that he had neicr
before leen arrested for drunken and dis dis
erdeily ceaduct; that hi.-- only offense
while the irocessien was parsing was te
hurrah for Hancock and wave the dag:
that he neither sliuck nor struck at any
man in line and that he did no) take
of Capt. MeMidlcn'h here or anv
C. A. Oblendei, -Mr... Xje, A. G.Plc
and Jlichael Fleer, who were near Tye at .
the time of his alleged diteiderly conduct, j
saw him d-t nothing except wave his llag
and hurrah for Hancock. All or them j
testified te Xye" a geed reputation for ;
peace and geed order, and in this they
were corroborated by J. M. Johnsten, '
Peter Steiger. Jeseph A. Albeit, Jeseph ,
jSchmidf. Daniel Tlrewn and Piiiiip Fii
i&v. Judge Patter.-.ea semeienyth
n the sanctity of tiic -elective,
and condemned all who would inteifeic
with it e: with political demonstrations
en the stieet. lie had no doubt. Xye had
behaved badly, l.ut ,n nceunt of his gen
eral geed character, and te enable him te
vote, he weuid reduce his r-entence te 11
days, which will set him at liberty en
Thuisday ne:;i.
There as muJ.i interest felt in the dis
position of the case both by Republicans
and Democrats, and the orphans' court
room was cicwded during tha hearing.
Cem t of Common I'lcas.
This meining at 10 o'clock cn:n. ,n
pleas ceuit began. Owing te the dath f
:i brother-in-law of Judge Livingston, in1
Chambeisburg, he was compelled te leave I
and Judge Patterson presided in court.
When the list, en which were 30 cases, ,
was called it was found there were but five j
uses ready for trial, the ether having j
either been continued or settled. Xe cases
were taken up this morning and ceuil ail-'
jenrned, until this afternoon.
Current TJtisincFs.
The following amendment te the charier
or Woodward Hill cemetery company was ' hreider. .jaceb iviuslcv. P.. L. Miller, --rer-akcd
for and allowed : "that thepre.srnt ' 'is Or.hgar (for.). Jehn D. Singleton,
manage: s and their successors of the ' Prank E. Sliumau. Themas Smith, Calviu j
Woedwaid lliiicemeteiy, shall have power ' M.Smith. Abm. St an (Ter. C. Rrencr, Win, i
te ceni l.irt ier and purcluue additional ' Wcavrr.
ground from time te time fur cemetery
purposes, net exceeding twenty ac:e. in
all, as they may think nreeviiy for such
cemetery, ami te icceive a conveyance or
conveyances in the en.-pnratc name of the
said " AVoedwaiil Hill Ccwtery," fvr liie
ground purchased aforesaid."
In the assigned estate of Levi GieiT, ex
ceptions te auditor's rcpeit. Judge Pat
terson delivered the opinion of the court,
evcriuling the excepliens and confirming
llelllr.K Mil! CIecd.
The i oiling mill at Tlehrci stew.i, Manuel
McShain & Ce. propricteis, was closed en
Wednesday evening last ler the purpose of
taking an account of stock and making
some neccK-v.iv lepaus. Thcic is a rumor !
also that thce will be some ch.angc in.idc
m tnc ownership el the weiks. 16 is ex
pected the mill will icsninc operations in
two or three weeks.
aizctings at BainDwclce anil Adauiitewn.
On Saturday evening a reusing Demo
cratic meeting was held at Bainbridge.
Twe club were present fiem Columbia,and
nn from" ATnrietta. Besides tllCSC th0
... ciew atiens from Elizabethtown aud
I .. . ,,-.. -
ravtewn. The
torchlight precession
was very line
one that has
and it was the first
been held in tbe
thirty years. The
villajre fe:
meeting was organized by electing Mr.
Abraham Cellins, of Marietta, president.
Speeches were made by Mr. Cellins and
Jehn A. Ceyle, esq., of "this city, and they
were listened te with the greatest atten
tion. Three bands of music were present
and there was great enthusiasm. The Ma
rietta and Columbia clubs went te the
meeting and returned te their homes again
in a canal beat, which was drawn by six
The Democrats of Adamslewn and vi
cinity held a reusing meeting at Claik's
hotel, in Adamstown, en Saturday night.
Delegates were present from a number of
places, including one from Fiitztewn,
Beiks county. Several bands furnished
the mucic. Mr. Samuel Itcgar was elected
chairman of the meeting, and it was ad
dressed by W. II. "Wilsen, and B. F. Davis,
es(is.,in Ensrilsh. and by J.G.Garman, esq.,
a feimcr Republican, who spoke iu Ger
man. All made excellent speeches, tnc
grand torchlight piocr-"--ien was the finest
display of tlie kind ever
sec1! in Ad;ms
I 'IS I'rcncuiatiejiH.
The Eighth waid battalion, counting
of three companies, had a beautiful Hag
presented te them en Saturday night bc
I ere the paiadejhy the ladies of the Eighth
waid. The presentation took place at the
residence of Capt. Jt'hn Penlz, Denvart
stiect, the presentation speech being mode
en behalf of the 1 idie.s by S. W. Shadle esq.
and the response en belnlf of the.cemp.iny
bv Bebcit B., esq.
Prier te the paiadc en Satuid.iy evening,
the Fifth ward Hancock club were pre
sciled with a ll.ig by ihe ladies of the
w.ud. Forming al their headqiui less, at
the Green Tree he'.el. and headed by StyerV
L'lneasti'rdium corps, the club marched
te the residence ei Mi.s. B. Heuwoed,
Ne. -1J50 West Oiangc street, where quite
a number of ladies iiad g.ilhered, the
hou"-e being brilliantly illuminated and
pntti'y decorated. On the arrival of the
club Jacob L. Steinmerz, esq., ap
psared, and en behalf of the ladies
presented the emblem of their patriotism
in an eloquent speech, dwelling at some
length upon the hcauiies of the American
llag, tin; thoughts and feelings it insphes,
red verv prettilv attaching a patriotic
club, inn few brief remniks replied, thank-
ing the ladies for their gift, pikI alter
rounds of applause for the Demeciatic
I.uliLS of the w.ud, the ladies instiumenUl
i iu the affair and fe.- "our old friend, Stein -
i melz,' ihe flag placed at the h'-ad of
the column, where it was afteiwaids
prendly borne through ihe parauc. lhe
flag is u beautiful bunting, 10G feet,
iii.iuiito.len a fctafi' v.ith a himUeme metal
top and heavy cord and tassel.
I'-i;b::ri! Ili'.ir.; I':.-in.
I'lancis Kilburu. the eeiut ieKittr,
km.'Wii in ceuit ciicles as ''Jr.duc' Kil
buiit and among the faculty as "Dr."
Ivilbmn, has issued a "campaign address
te lhe Union men of Lancaster county,"
urging then te vote for Garilc'd and Ar-
thtir. As Dr. Kilhuin cx)rrsses himself
m,"ie lucidly than mes ether iicpubhuan
wrileis v.e are ceiis'r.ii.ied te jirint an ex-
i tiaet from his a:i,lies (even at the risk of
making voies for Caiiiclil; j te show
! he wi iters s-tyie Dr. Kilhui n says :
"I de net deem it becoming or judicious
long peal le the prejudices of a community,
hut rather te address myself te i1' intelli
gence ; fe" fie uv.sen that the feiinsr
pree. only that the orator or writer has
no laotser arguments te present, and that
he deems his audience a pack of uuedu uuedu
eiled levelers, en wlem such, men as
Kearney decii.l for pufy and suppeit.
In the consideration of the prieciples in
v. lved and the representatives of them, ted for lhe choice of the eepie, ir,
is net jmli-ieus te conclude, solely from
our own conviction';, but, le some
degree, t cnceuiagc the advice of
seeing euiselves as ethers see us, and, fur-
tlier, te canvass, wiiueut e:.i the past
acts of, in connection with
tiicir logic en tnc eenciiciai resii-ts
Olillt le
eg set I ic
'settle it, ' asca
. a pet of coffee
sale of Ileal V.-lMv
The eecntej.s of Heni v Kcene .seid en
Fiidai the "Spi ing Greve farm
of 14"
-,n ,,r,.'
iicics t Henry Keene ir., for
acre. A farm of 141 acres at Drutnerc
Centre for 800 per ac.e te Daniel ireenc.
Henry Phubcrt.anctienecr and real estat
agent. sold a public sale October 2C,at 3Iil
I.i's hotel, in Milb'rsvillc, a two-story
frame dweliing belonging te the estate of
Mary G. Eckcit. deeca'ed, situated en the
southeast side of Frent, street'. MillcrsviHe.
ie Geerge Eckcit for S1200.
On Saturday TJ. F. Howe, anelienptr.
Mild for Geerge Ilamish and J. 15. Tayler,
administrator of ITainirh, deceased,
five acres of laud witii improvements in
lhe borough of Str.i'ditiig.te Hanish
In the evening Air. Rewu sold for Hen :
A"e!f, administrator of Frederick Gciblt 3
a hellas and let at Xe. .V?-) "West King
street, te Christian Werner for ..3.j0. sub
ject te a dower of 173.
Samuel Ifcs-; & Sen. nuelie'ieei.;, sold at
private sale t'-dav for Chiistian II.
Krcitl-rr a tract of
1.111 1 containing IS, mere or Ie-, situ ited in Lancaster j
rewnship, with improvements, te Henry t
Fisher, ler $1,330.
- . ,
List of Unclaimed Lrlteis.
Following is a list of unclaimed Jcitcis
' remain. ng in the potefsice, at Lmcaster,
I for the week ciding I'.Ienday, October 23 :
Lndut' List : K.i ie Iloelinc. -di s. Fiei ie
. D. Lee. ITairiei L'Miisa 31illcr, ?tellt E'
I Xeiman. Mrs. I let tie Xclan, Ann Ilov. Ilev.
j insky, Anna Hewinskv, ?Irs. Amanda
Tavler, Annie V,'iei Y.ik 5Iarv 2ell.
1 Gent? Lint : Jehn ficek. IJ. P. Brenbar-
ger, Levi Cainpl.cll. Frank Dvkstra.
David GujiY. Jehn X. Gar.nan, Max Gar
! iih, V. Jenes, Saint ICarslake, Abm L.
Xet Se.
Oui esLoemed friend, Melilcr, of
EphirJa, writes te us te cenect the reneit
made te the Ifcic Era by some half
witted Republican among his neigh
bor that he used profane lan
guage while presiding ever the Ephrata
Democratic inceling in calling for cheers
1 for th" speaker1-. It i.s baldly worth while
. te notice such a foolish accusation. Mr.
I Mehler is tee well known and widely cs
, teemed among his neighbor? le bs hurt by
i a silly campaign lie.
J '.cib McDonald, w!
ie was cunrgcu with
slabbing Kale Eende
en Thur.'dav, was
di - chaiged by Ahlciman Spun icr
uiday evening, nstheicwas no evidence
against him. It is said that the woman
was net cut at all.
significance te its t.ns and s.xipcs and blue I dersigned members of Ce. II, 11th Keg t
held, ami in the end chiracterizin,' it as ' - t. 1'., de Hereby pledge ourselves te
Hip mvitiil.tit iln, nf -ill i-vnwii ivii,iiis nttciul the inaULUUatien of president of M.'Conemv. meshlent of lhe I the United Stales of America at Washing
p ;sed te be. picduccd ireni the Use of the j Veglev for 8330. Ne. 2, a frame dwelling
sp'cilii! te be extracted from their double- heusc situated at Xe. 517 3Ianer sfa-eet te idatnum-efprincip-cs, as presented A. pt. Guiles for $333. A property situated
m tnis campaign for the consideration. at Thiitl and Perry streets, and belonging
scverauv, ei inc Aemi ami ceuin. tnar r.T.imes T!. ATiillin was s,.bl fm-
.ij ..-3 .h i;.c:.icit
A Couple et ITlrcn Going te the Inaugura-.
Hen A ICree Ballet and lair Count
Discussed in the Pulpit
Borough Budget.
This morning at about ten o'clock a fire
alarm was sounded, and was followed by a
turn out of the fire department. The fire,
which was easily put out without the aid
of the fire department, was located in
Pleasant alley, back of Union street, near
Fourth, and had fastened itself te the
house of Uriah Heltzinger (colored).
On the return of the apparatus, the Vigi
lant carriage, in turning into Second
street from Locust, with the men drawing
it at a full run, wasjupsct. The hose was
unreeled, when it was found the only
damage sustained tras to'eue of the wheels
of the reel, a couple of the spokes of which
were broken and the iron hoop encircling
it tern from its place. The wheels of the
cariiagc were net injured, bnt 'the brass
hub facings were scratched by sliding ever
tbe stones.
About fifty members of the Hancock and
English club of this place took part iu the
parade at Bainbridge en Saturday evening.
The club left here en the Harrisburg ac
commodation train at 050 o'clock and re
tui ned by beat te Chickics. whence they
tramped te Columbia. The club was ac-
' companied by the Columbia dram corps.
mere were no services iu tnc i-resey-I
terian church yesterday morning and even
t ing by reason of the absence from town of
the pastor Kev. J. McUey. lhe congrega
tion of the church helped te fill the ether
Notwithstanding the fact that when S.
C. SwarU's ice-house burned early en the
morning of October 18th, the saw dust wa.s
well sealad with water, and has been
further soaked since then by a couple of
rain fails, the fire has net yet entirely
but ned itself out, but continues eating its
way into the hug3 pile, and occasionally
breaks into a ilamc. On Saturday the
.strong wind blowing fed it well, and en
the atternoen of that day it broke out
afresh. Feitunately it was discovered be
fore gaining much headway, and by dig-
ing Pite the piie et dust and pouring en
water it was easily quenched ; but as there
was no knowing when it might break ent
again. .Air. swnuz concluded te be en the
safe side and ti that end he employed a
man te remain up en S.ituiday night, se
that in case it did break out, prompt
treatment might be administered. We
have net heard that the man's services
were bi ought into requisition.
The following paper is circulating
imeng the members el Company II ami is
bring extensively signed: "We, the un-
ten, en the 4th el March next, whether it
e general iiancecic. ucnerai urarneui,
! General Weaver or Dew." Dcme-
j eratsand ltcpubhcans are alike signing it.
1 The employees of the Shawnee rolling
ill, which recently resumed operations.
I received their lust pay en b.atunlay even-
I Three new cats of the style known as
i "caboose" or " cabin car "' passed through
here te the cast, ever the Pennsylvania
lailread en Satuiday afternoon.
Miss Annie Mussclmaii, of Yerk, Pa., is
visiting in Columbia, the guest of Miss
Anna Patten.
I Hen. C. S. Kauflman gave his views en
the question of t.u iff in the open house en
' en Satuiday evening.
Iev. Henry Wheeler, pastor of the 31. E.
church, last evening preached en " The
Unties el the Christian Citizen iu Kclatien j
' te the Elective Franchise." 3Ir. Wheeler ,
, took occasion ie condemn the coeicieH of
employees ; te argue in favor of fairness at '
elections; the duty of the Christian citi
zen te cast his ballet for the best man as .
distinct from partisan prejudices ; the de- I
.-iraiiiiity et tnc Christian man making his
power felt and compelling the nomination. ;
ler eiiK-c el geed men. andtlie election et
such men. He was in favor of a free press ,
and condemned the licentiousness of the i
press. The congregation was a large one. '
ievt ll'lttllCW XVi' 'l
Pvcv. F. V.. Stalcy, pastor of the E. E
Lutheran church, will preach en the "Re-
ormatien next bmidav evening. On the
fust Sunday evening of November he will
begin a seiics of sermons te young men.
C. W. Hollingwerth, administrator of
ihe estate of Chailette Peweis, deceased.
iIu at public sale at the 1 raukltn house
en Saturday evening the following
estate. :e. 1, a frame uwelling 1
pm-'u!ii..t,,'nt.. .-,; AT, . f.-ef.i-f.Tr.l
The house situated at Fifth ami Locust
slreefs, belonging te J. P. Angney, was
Harry, the three-year-old son of Wil
liam Stcplicnsen.died yesterday morning of
111 i . , . ".
U'pniucria. -'i.iiaugnier,i,iie eniy remaining
child, is sniTeiing with the same disease.
iMtr. l,h,1,l C'fl.mi . ,M!I, .n.l ..nnn .... n-Sl 1
urn a special excursion train te the Fred-
i crick county. Aid., fair en Thursday, Oc
tober 2Sth. Tickets will sell from Columbia
'at 81.50.
, The German Lat' Suuday-scheal at
tended the funerals of Shuler's children
yesterday afternoon- The children died
of diphtheria.
It is said there were- live interments
made in Columbia yesterday,
i Rev. Reger Owen, D. f., left here at
12:23 te-day, for his home at Chestnut
Hill. Philadelphia county, Pa.
is directed te the sale of real e-tate eKertheic
advertized te take place at the Cooper Heuse
this eienlng.
A Happy Clergjtnan,
11'-.. L. 1". L. Gausu, Galena, 111.: '! have been
a great suiferer from Kidney dlscase.and after
l,,.l. t.-l.l 1., ,. iViAtAi-a !i.,f 1 nr.,,1,1 Mrtt irn.
well.! eeminener-d the ii-e of D.iv'.s Kiilnpv
v.v, which has new completely cured me. I
nm strong and again leek the Very picture et
health. May alt the suffering be helped as J
Iijve been, is my earnest wish." o23-lweed&w
i .
Fer h.'iby and children what mere delicate
,.nd v, hoeiino than Cuticura Se.m.
Kut Candy
it you will, bnt be sure te use SOODONT
riuht away, in order te c irry ett'its injurious
cflccls upon the teeth. Ail candy-enters should
cury bOZODOXT with them, ir they wish te
keep their teeth sound. o2-lweed
Nutritious, restorative, quieting, stiength stiength
eningand puiityingnre Malt Eltter.
Second IVurd.
A ltu-cling et the Democracy et the .second
ward w El be held at Kansicg's saloon. East
Orange street, en Tncsilay evening, nt S o'clock,
te make arrangements te go te Mt. Jey en
Wednesday evening, October 27. Fai'c ler the
round trip only ::s ce.its. A full attendance is
requested in order le knew hew many mein-l-ei
s vdl go.
l'eurth Ward.
tlierc will be a special mcetingef the Feuith
wai-.l club tliia evening at S o'clock, hharp.
Special business.
Tuesday, October 20. Speikcis: W. E. Wil
.';i:i, J. L. Stelnrauts:, .T. A. Ceyle, II. X. Mehler.
Thnr-dny evening, October 2ti. Hen. W. I).
Hill, D. MeMullen, 35. r. Davis and ethers.
Tiiuixlay evening. October 23. W.U. Hensel,
C. r llccs. U. F. Davis. D. MuMiUlen.
OuUtlill, LUtleRritaiiiTwp.
ft iriay evening, Octobers). Hen. W. D. Hill
D.;icMuEen, Jno. A. Ceyle.
311. Jey.
Wc-lncnlav evening, October 27.
Hen. W. D.Hiil, II. M. Xeitli, W.
and ethors.
Speakers :
U. Ilcnscl
yir ahvejitisemexts.
Call attention te tba completeness and variety of their
stock, including every article of every description in their line,
from the low-priced te the costly. AH grades of Watches and
Time-keepers. All classes of Jewelry, including very many
pretty designs in cheap goods, and a superb collection of fine
Diamond Goods. Silverware in full variety, from any geed
Electro-plated article te the Solid Silver Goods of great intrin
sic worth. Oil Paintings, Musical Boxe3, Bronzes, &c, &c.
All purchasers of goods in our line, all persons contemplat
ing' the purchase of such goods, all admirers of beautiful goods,
are respectfully invited te visit our store.
H. Z. RHO ADS & BRO., Jewelers.
Headquarter Hancock and KuglHU
talien. IASCASTEn, Oft. i", 1S50.
On Wednesday evening the several Ilanceek
and English clubs et the city et Lancaster,
will meet at the Pennsylvania railroad depot
at6e clock s-liarji, wiiere they i.-Ilt take the
cars Icr Mount ,Iey te take pai t In the toreli tereli
light parade te be held there that cxening1.
U'M. .1. 1'OKDXEV,
Hcm:t U'elf, Adjutant. Colonel.
sami'm; notice.
It ii imnoslble ler a woman after a faithful
course of treatment with I.ydia E. l'inMiam s
Vesetuble Compound te continue te sutrer
with a weakness et the uterus Knclose a
stamp te Mrs. I.ydia E. I'inkham, 23J Western
avenue. T.ynn, Ma"., for pamphlets.
Thu best iL'ineily ler liver complaint is "Sel
lers' Liver rills." Only 2Ti cents pr-r box. i?jld
by all druggists.
A AVise Deacon.
' Deacon Wilder, I want you te tell me hew
you kept yourself and family e well the past
season, when all the rest of us have been sick
J se much, and have had the doctors running te
ut se lenjr."
"Bre. Tayler, the answer U ery caay. I
used Hep Bitten in time and kept my family
well and saved large doctor bills. Three dol
lars' worth et it kept us all well nnd able te
weikall the time, and I will warrant it has
cost you and mejt of the ncilibern one te two
hundred dollars apiece te keep sick the same
time. I guess you'll take my medicine hcre
alter." bee ether column. el5-2vdVw
The Chicago 'lima nivs: Vaiiicrs Safe
Kidney and Liver Cm els highly endorsed by
ministers. Judge, physicians.' surgeons, by
men et literary and scholarly distinction, and
by individuals in all the walks et life. 3
A most righteous judgment awarded Dr.
Lindscy for the wendcrlut cures pci formed by
his "Weed Searcher."' Sold bv all druggists.
Ladies' Wine .'spees'it 1'eit.
I'ure four years' old will net intoxicate
but possessing all the alnabl4 medicinal
properties of the Oporto giapc, from which It
made. Vscd in hospitals and by lint class
physicians as the best knew n wine, ler medical
purposes. It is a tenie and astringent. It is
net mixed with alcohol or ether liquors, but a
mild, rich ami pleasant tenie, improving the
appetite and piometing digestion ; as a durctic
j it acts bcnelleially en the kidneys and cerres
pending organs; as a suderillc, it acts upon
the skin, destroying eruptions and producing
a soft, healthy and blooming complexion.
Thcrciere, It Is extensively and bcnelleially
used by ladies, and is in general family ue as
a snre remedy ler dysentery, aad for all
nervous, weak and debilitated persons. Sold
by druggists and by A. Ppeer, at his own vin
yards. New Jersey. Advertiser.
Thiwinc is endorsed, by Un. Atlee im.l
Davis, and sold by II. Y.. Slaymakcr.
"ltrtnvn'x Bronchial TrccJtet'' ase used v.itli
advantage te alleviate Cough-", Sere Threat,
l!nnrsiiifv mid lll'niinli'.l Air.ntlrkith I'ftr
thirty yean these Troches have been in use,
with annually increasing favor. They are net
new nn-l untried, but, having been tested by
ile ami eenetant use ler nearly an entire
Kenemtien, they have attained well-merited
nmsiinig ! lev. siajiiuieineiiiesei i image,
Tlie Tiireaf,
" Biewii's Bronchial Treches'1 aei directly
en the organs et the voice. They have an ex
traordinary effect
and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone w hen re
laxed, either Irem cold e. ever-exertion et the
voice, ami pieduce a cle.irand distinct enunci
ation. ami S'liwiri Ilnd t'.ie Tieelies
A Cough, Celli, Catar.h 01 Sen; Threat re
quires immediate attention, as neglect often
times results in some Incurable, Lung Disease.
" Brown's Bronchial Troches" will almost in
varianly give relief. Imitations are eil'ercd ier
sale, many et which are injurious. The genu
ine "Brown' Ilrenchial Treciici"1 are sold
only in boxes. n'.i1."S-lyd&wTu,TIi&
IIebk Loxe. On the 21th of October, ISsH. by
the Kev. W. T. Gerhard, at his residence, Xe.
31 East Orange street, Eli X. Herr.el Maner, te
Miss Lizzie II. Leng, et Landisville. 2t
Mr9SEfAX Hir-sTAND. On ttie2Itli of Octo
ber, 18i0, by the llcv. W.T. Ccrhard, at his re si
dence, Christian M. Mussclman te Mi-s Mary
b. iliestand, betli of East Hcmpflcld. 2t
-Vi;if AWEBTlSETitrSTb.
GKAXI) l-'illl I'XDEIi tui: AVSl'ICi:s
Cerner et Seuth Duke and Church streets.
Opeudaily Irem 2 until 10 o'clock p. m.
Lunch tables are provided with delicacies et
tlie season and refreshments.
Te-night the Mamnercher will be prc2iit
and givi-sou'cel thelrcheice s.-leetiens.
will be sold at Michael's Grape Hetel, th it val
uable prepei ty Xes. 25 and 27 East Orange
street, new in occupancy et Dr. Geerge it.
Wclchans. Sale te commence, at 7 o'clock p.
m. Terms easy. JOHN" LEVEKUOOD.
II. Sncnr.RT, Auct. eiVM.W.S
And Torchlight Parade,
lei. 11
And ethers.
The Lancaster Campaign CTab-j ..HI attend
in a body.
Special train leaves Lancaster ut fi.30 p. m
Landisville, 7:10; Siluuga. 7:l". it turning
leave Mount Jey at 11 p. 1.1.
Fare for the Round Trip - - 38r.
All persons proposing te go should register
their names at once with Cel. W. .1. Feidney,
rhilip Bernard or at the Central Hcadqnarlei -.
All kinds of Heuso Painting and Uiaining
done at the t-hertcst notice and in the best pos
sible style. We have reduced our prices te
$1.73 per dav. Shep en West Charlette street,
ect 12 Caul" ALLEN" Gl'THUIE & SONS.
Mm iii: i
Manegcrs of the Lancaster and Frrltvillc
Turnpike Keail Company held en the b'tli ttav
OUTOBEK, 18S0, a dividend of 2K percent, was
declared, payable at the Banking Heuse e
Uecd '; Hendersen. Imcaster, l'a.. en and
after November 1, 1SSJ. I. CAKl'EXTEK,
e25-3td&ltw Sccrctaiy.
The members of the
Alse the VETEKAX and the members of the
several W.ltl CLUliS who desire te visit
OCTOIiEU 27, will please meet
at 7J.J o'clock, at Democratic Headquarters te
make ail required arrangements. Aspeciil
train lias been engaged te eeniev all tliesc
going te and from Mount ,Iov.
ltd Marshal.
Lailiea CitV Tract Sncietv will be held en
TUESDAY EVENING- at 7 o'clock in Tiinity
Lutheran Clianel. Tin; attieidanee of nil .lis.
tributersisdesired. liusiness et importance
and election of eltieei .
ect23-2td Secretary.
will be sold at public sale at the Crape hotel.
North Queen street, the loileulng described
real estat j te wit :
Atwo-.sterybiick DWEI.LIXG HOUSE and
two contiguous halt lets of ground, Xe. 413, en
lhe north side et East King street, in the
city of Lancaster, each of said halt lets con
taining in front SI feet 2'J inches, and
245 lett in depth te a 14-fect wide alley, to
gether with 2 lect C Inches wide in front en
said East King street and or that width north
ward te the distance of 43 feet et the adjoining
prepei ty en the northwest for the use el an
Possession will be given en April 1, 1S3I.
Part of the purchase menc v m ij- remain en
the property for one year, it desired.
Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. et said
IlCXKY SaCBKIlT, Auct. e2j-tsd
On MONDAY, OCT. 23, 18S0. will be sold
at the Cooper Heme, West King street the
tallewing valuable real estate :
Xe. 1, A two-story URICIC DWELL1XU. sit
uated en the south side of West Orange stieet,
Xe. 114, containing hall and seven rooms, gas
in the lieu-e and hydrant in the vard, house
fronts en Orange street 18 tcet 9 inches, mere
or less, let extending In depth 73 feet ." inches,
mere or Ie5s, te a 3 leet 7 inch wide common
alley, with sewerage. This property haj just
been newly litted up.
Xe.2. A two-story 1IRICK DWELLIXG and
two-story lliick Hack lluilding, situated en
the east side el" North Maiy street. Xe. 27,
house 18 by 28 feet, back building 12 fee'. 4
inches iu width, and in depth 18 feet, contain
ing hall and seven rooms gas in the heustuiid
hydiant in the yard; also a side yard 27 lect
tient and in depth l(2 toot, mere or less, a
frontage et" 45 lcet, including the house ; a let
of choice lruit trees ami the best of grapes;
stabling en the rear of let. 20v!3 leet.
Xe. 3, Four liuilding Lets 22 by 215 leet, situ
nted en the north side of Xew street, between
Lime and Siiippen streets.
Sale te commence at 7 o'-eleck p. in., of a:iid
day. when conditions will be made known by
U bilCBUKT.uct e'l-tsd
ant te authei ity in the last will and testament
of Jehn Toinlitisen, late et Lancaster city, de
ceased, vc the undcrsigued executers therein
will expose te public Mile, at the Leoperd
hotel, hast King stieet, Lancaster city, the fol
lowing described property, late Use property
of said Jehn Touilinsen. iieceased :
Ne. 1. A two-Mery BRICK DWELLIN'C
HOUSE, Xe49 Middle street, a stone and brick
stable anil ether improvements, rnelet frentu
i thiity feet, mere or less, en Middle street, and
extends 142 leet, mere or less, ie Locust street.
Xe. 2. A two story IIRICK DWELLING
HOUSE, Xe. 210 Plum street, with a one story
brick ISackltiiildlng.and ether improvements.
The let Ireuts K leet, C inches, mere or less, ,n
Plum street, and extends 102 Iect,mere or less,
iu depth.
Xe. 3. A Ti.icl of Land containing 3 acres.
In Lancaster city en the Concstega and I51g
Spring turnpike, adjoining lands of Rebert A.
Evans and William Sales. A large part of this
tract is excellent farming landaud ihe balance
contains sand and stone quarries. There
is a well of water Willi pump en the premises.
Alse, six shares of stock of the Conesteg.i.V
, Uig Spring Valley Turnpike read company.
! bale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., i hen
attendance will be given and terms made
I known by UOI5T. FAULDIXC.
It. F. Keve. Executers.
Auctioned s. ecl20,23,25
ji A rami, one mile from the city of Lancas
ter, en the Petersburg turnpike, containing
about one bundled and live acres : thirty acres
el which is new in tall crops ; privilege te put
out two acres in teb icce. Enquire at Xe. :'S
Xerth Duke stieet or en the piemiscs.
oet7-10ldeed MUS. .fOHX McUltAXX.
a valuable Chester county farm of 210ACUES
Convenient te railroads, Geed buildings. Snle
positive. Fer particulars address.
S. 1;. XIVIX,
Admlnistiater c. t. it.
ectZI-lind Laudenbcrg, l'a.
On TUESDAY. OCTOIIElt 2'5. 1SS0. will be
old nt llse Keystene iiotel.XerthOueen street.
a valuable let of ground situated en the west
side et Xerth Queen stiect. Heming 011 Xerth
Queen street l(i feet, 7 inches, and in depth 213
leet, te It tect wide public allev, en which is
erected a two-story liltICK DWELLIXU. con
taining parlor, back ream, five bed looms and
basement kitchen.
Saalc te commence at 7 o'clock p. m.-, when
conditions will be made known by
II. S-HfBK-, Auct. ectKlltd
V STORE ROOM 1UX-I0 feet, with new
pla.c glass lient, higli ceiling, located en the
main business street and next deer te the pest
elilcc. Columbia, Lancaster ceuntv. l'a. : has
been occupied as a book tore ler the hist
sixteen years, and is one of the best stands in
the county for that business. It is a line open
ing ler any one who understands the book am I
.stationery business. Possession given imme
diately. Address
ect20-lwd Columbia, l'a.
XOVEM IJEll 5. lfiO, will be sold by public sale
at the Franklin Heuse, Lancaster citv, l'a.,
the lollewing real estate, te wit :
Xe. 1. A let of ground lrenting 13 feet, mere
or less. 0:1 East King street, in said city, and
extending 215 in depth te a lC-fcet wide alley,
en whlcliiscrcctcdatwo-stery ItltlCiv IIOUJsE
w ith a two-story Bi ick Uackliuildingatiachcd,
Xe. 501. The iieu-c is conveniently laid out
with Hydrant, Fruit Tieesand ether improve
ments. Xe. 2. A let or ground lrenting 23 feet en
East Orange s-tieel, and extending in depth 118
feet te 8-icet w ide private al,ey, en which is
erected a two-steiy llrick Heuse, with a two
story Brick Back Building attached. Xe. 417,
Willi gas through the whole house, Hydrant,
Fruit Trees and ether improvements.
Xe. 3. A let of ground fronting the same as
Xe. 2, and the ame depth and same kind of a
house as Xe. 2, and is numbered 410.
Xe. 4. A let et ground lrenting 10 lcet en
East Orange street, in said city, and extendin"
in depth HO lcet te a 12-fcet wide private alley,
en which is erected a two-story Biick Heuse
with aonc-stery Hi ick Back ISuihling attached.
Hydrant. Fruit Tictsand ether iinoroveuient iineroveuient iinoreveuient
Xo. M2. Terms ca-y.
Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of -aid
day, when conditions of sale will be made
known by BE V. A. F. KAUL.
Evccuter et the Estate of late Mn. Daniel 31 c
Sam'l Hess & Sex, Ancts. e23-12td
WanU te eee Landlords Shet Like Partridge
Loxdex, Oct. 23. llathew Harris, one
of the speakers at the land meeting at
Galway, yesteiday, asked whether it were
bsttsr that one bad man be shot or hun
dreds of families be driven from Ireland,
and said that after witnessing evictions of
farmers he had resolved that if the farmeis
shot landlords like partridges lie would
never say a word against it. His speech
was received with cheers. He then pro
ceeded te denounce an agent by name and
was mildly rebuked by the chairman of the
Tlie 'Thunderer " en 1'arnell.
The Tihic& in a leading article this morn
ing summaiized Ah-. ParnelPs argument
in his speech yesterday at Galway as
meaning that crime and outrage are justi
fied by the deterraiuitien of the govern
ment te keep the peace and refusal of
the Heuse of Lords te pass the compen
sation for disturbance in Ircl.u.d
bill, and says : ' It is im
possible te mistake thejneaning of such
argument or the purpose of the man who
uses it. The condition of Ireland and the
temper of the men who are criminally
misleading the people calls for instant at
(Jicece Net Ready for War.
Heme, Oct. 23. The Dirctle says Greece
is net disposed te take the field unless as
sured of the support of the powers. The
Greek preparations in any case cannot be
complete for several months.
Prospects el a Peaceful Settlement.
St. PETnnsBt'P.e, Oct. 23. The Ayence
Itussc says : "In consequence te the sul
tan's concessions relative te Dulcigiie a
peaceful settlement of the Eastern afTaiis
may be expected. Greece will best ob
tain ? f-.eiiiealien settlement of her claims
by n:e ieralien and discretion."
1 1-e (aaribiildlV ielng ISacI;.
Loxdex, Oct. 23. A despatch from
Reme te the TVmfssays the Libcrhi IiuUnna
announces thst Gcu. Garibaldi and his son,
Alenatti, have withdrawn their resignations
as membcis of the Italian Chamber of
Washington-, D. C., Oct. 23. Fer the
Middle states, generally clear weather,
followed te-night by increasing cleitdines;
winds shifting by te-night te warmer
southeasterly, with falling baiemctcr.
Dead lledy I'euntl.
Xew Yek, Oct. 23. Sheitly after mid
night the police found a dead body of an
unknown man lying in the area at 109
Broeme street. His skull
An investigation has been
was fracttued.
Wnnts te Kew Trickctt.
Londen, Oct. 23. The Spertsinitu this
morning says Themas Blackman, of Dul
urch, has posted the sum of 109 for a
match with F.dwasd Trickctt, of Sydney,
ever the Thames com se, for A-'30O aside.
Blackmail te icceive 300
Trickett's an wer has net
yards shut,
yet bfcn rc-
Tcirible Still'criiig.
Lo.veo.'C, Oct. e3. The correspondent
of the Manchester Gmtrdiitn at Constanti
nople says the fund for the leliefefthe
Bataum refugees, at Ismidt, is exhausted.
The sccictary of the Biitish embassy :e
ports that all the childicii aie dead and
the women aie new dying, and that the
men arc certain te succumb.
Light 011 the Credit MeblllerlJusInefes.
Fiem .he Xew Yerk snn, September SStli.
Sib : Your questions are entitled te a
candid answer. I will set down their sub
stance and ive my leply te each one in
the eider you put them.
First. Did I mean in my letter te 3Ir.
Hlaiuc that General Gai field acknowledged
the icceipt of stock and dividends from
Oakcs Ames '.' Unquestionably he agreed
te take the stock and did receive dividends
upon it. The letter plainly implies that
he had net concealed or tried te conceal
the fact from me. But his admission
wa.s coupled with a statement which showed
him te be guiltless.
Second. Did he declare te me he
would go before the Poland cjmmittee and
testify truly that he had taken the stock ?
I had no previous conversation with him
about his testimony before the Poland
committee and I did net knew what it
would be until I heard it deliveied.
Third. Did J advice and urge him le
tell the truth ? Xe, certainly net. Such
advice and urgency would have been a
most outrageous insult which I could net
offer te any gentleman efhis charactci.
Feuith. Did he agiee te adept the line
of defense snggested tome ? Yeu seem te
think that I was his counsel. I was net,
but as his friend and a believer iu his per
fect innocence, I was extremely anxious
that he should get safely out of his unfor
tunate business. After it began te be dis
cussed in the newspapers and be fore the
committee was appointed I besought him
te make no statement for the publie eye
which would be inconsistent with what he
said te me. Lest I13 might forget it or
mhs the important points of it I tcpeatcd
the substance of :t somewhat carefully.
He did net reply and I learned seen after
waid that he had authorized a total and
flat contradiction. Simultaneously the
ether members of Congress who arc impli
cated made separate statements of the
same kind, assuring the public that they
never had taken or owned any of the stock
at all or received any dividend upon it.
Fifth. Why, according te my understand
ing of the fact, did Garfield adept a defensn
se contrary te that he had agreed en. I
have already said he made no statement
about it. His reason for abandoning the
true ground of his defense was doubtless
the necessity he felt himself under of mak
ing common cause with hi3 political friends
for whom there was no lefngc except in a
fundamental falschoeod.
I am, with great respect, yeu: a etc.,
j. S. Buck.
Mew Xerk.MarKet.
Xjsw Yerk, Oct.23. Fleur State and West
ern moderate home trade and expert innuirv
ittEci?nc: "' , :f 3 25 extra de at
S$)" choice, de, SI 534 73: lancvrte.
fi!.MJsSna ll0P Ohiejl Toge 00: choice
ae 5l0i(. 00; snpcrtlRO western StSi-'Sl 23:
common u geed extra de $42321(3: choice
il. Ji? 9lc ,,,S,6 co choice wlilte wheat de 4 03
S4 85; Southern quiet and heavy; ceni-
JiPIk-i"1"1 G5G3 30; geed te choice
de J5 5e7 75.
wheat sr
lower ;
n isk.
iring nominal : i?e.i iflii'.
: ivhite llrm.but nnlet? Xn wifit!.
SI 1C: Xe. 2 HiHLller t n: . ,i v
IfiK : de Dec. si inffii itj?- ,"r....
-- - "y- -, -.- v..,...
Cern a shade better and qnict : Mixed west
irn 9pot,R4ij.VJc:de tntiire.saUftStTc.
Oats linc!iaui?(..! ? Xn. ' IW .....i -7.. .
Dee. 3".)' fe : si.ite Ks'Siii- 'i.uie,' '-.-
T -..- , Jtf -w , -i-I iFJlf
1'nuadetphla Alarkci.
1'HitADaLrniA, October 23. Fleur dull
WS583MC ' "'" mSHRtlMMM
Uye flour scarce at fiZd.
wheat dulland easier: Ne. 2 Western Rett
til is.
Lern dun but atcadv ; yellow at ."Oc; mixed
Oats dull ; Xe. I. White 41c: Xe. 2 de4Cc;
Ne.;j de 3SiSS$Xvi Se.'J, MiuU:.?:S7)A:.
Kye scarce .it 'JiQfl.
Previsions quiet ; mtss perk iIC!i: 53 ; beef
hams $!fi 00(2 105J: Indian mess beet at I3iW);
smoked hams lifti-jc; pickled ham- sjgc-'
bacon smoked slinDlders iSi.ic: salt deSKc.
Laid quiet; el:y kettle alJi9s: loose
uuieiieia'SJc: priine steam 8e.
liuttcr steady, with fair ti-.ide In create ;
choice dull ; low grades very tluil ; Creamery
extra ale ;Ie geed lo.eheice 2SRac: ISrutlferd
ceunty.and Xew Yevk extra '-'5g'JSe ; WeMcni
reserve extm 20g22e : de geed te choice H'-Q19e:
Kells fflrm: Western Ilejerve extra 21Sr23c:
I'enn'a Fxtr.i22tc.
E(.'gs llrm en .scarcity : renn'a Extra 23g24c:
IVesiern Etia22giSc.
Cheese dull : -New Yerk full cream 13V
lj.'ic; Western full .'cream 12-tIS!c; de fair
te geed HJBI2e: dohairskinisic'iec.
Petroleum dull : red tied 12c.
Whisky dull at?Ili,
Seeds tloed te prliee clever dull at$.;73A)
7 .; Timethy nominal at 5i7iCi2): Kiaxseea
wanted, $1 33 bid.
Cattle Market.
I'liiLADEtrniA, Ocieber 21. Cattle market
tair: .lles :j.ime Prime -VJJJe;
SJoed 4,, medium -I'-iSlc: common 3
tf !e : m I xed 2Jft::jc.
Sheep market f.ifrly active: rctviptj ll.ime
head. Prime ,1c: ''"'I VZ&t; ; 'medium i'A
i?l!e; common 4i!21'4e.
Ilegt, l.iirly aetivj; icceipts 7,-r0O
head ; priiuu 7ic ; goed7'e; medium 71 ft"
cemuien Ii'.' " "
Stock. llnrUct.
Xkw Yeitx Sroercs.
Stecfcs. strong.
A. If. A. m. i. a.
HrJJ 12.2) Wj
'iii-j (.'
Erie U. K - 4.P i".) Viy.
.Michigan f.. l.....AU,i Va IHK
Michigan Cent. K. i:..I0.V,s lt3Vn Iir.'i
Chicago & y. w n.-ii u.-i :A
Chicago, M Jtbt. T. .in::;; lay 10;4
. v. r. si
L23 ::::
nan. A-St. .i.Ceiii II II V
.. .. ...a., e-, . , i -' .
X 1. 1.. . .
Teledo A Wabash.... 12 "
oiiie& Mississippi. .. :!5J.
53 J
:m. Leuis, i. .ii. ,; ;. ;.. :,i
Ontario ami Western. 2SJ.
C. C. & I. C. It. K l'.t2
Xew Jersey Central.. V',i
Del. & Hudsen Canal, my. e: SHi
Del.. l.aek.. t Western 'JL'i 91J4 01 J
Western Union Tel...l011i lt)j Wl)C
1'acilicMall S. S. Ce.. :ry xy.
Jlanliettaii Eh'iati-it. :& S$y. 38
I'uleu 1'acillc 02 1IIJ2 Ol"
Kansas A Texas.
v a;
New Yerk Central
Adams Expiess
Illinois Cential
Cleveland & Pitts....
Chicago & IJeek I
Pittsbuigh A Ft. W...
American U. Tel. Ce
Hecks strong.
rennsylvani.i It, It....
i'hil'a. & Heading
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation ..
Northern I'aci'ic Cem
Nerinern Cential
I'hil'a & Erie K. I'....
Xeithcrn lVnn'a....
Un K. It's et X.J
Ilestenville Pus-
r.'ntral Trait-. Ce
.. i::i.i
.. 117
.. 11 1
.. 12".
-- 122!
.. lit
... 17
. . . v j
Leral ."stocks and liunitK.
. I no
. !W
. itw
. Hift
. 5:
Las l
::d. ii
102 le
Liiiie.Lilv ' rcr et. Lean, due Jhs'i)..
" " " ISs-.'..
" l1-!)..
" " 1ST...
" IS ncr 1 1. iu 1 or ."() j ears.
Lane, and (juarryvV It. It. bend...
" " " stock...
Lancaster and Eplirnta turnpike... 23
l-.ine , Kli.itb.'tht'ii and.MIddlet'n.. He
Lancaster and Frnilville turnpike, in
Lancaster and l.ltilz turnpike 23
Lancaster and Maner turnpike.... tt)
Lancasterimd Mniiheim turnpike. 23
Lancaster and Maiietla tunipike.. 2n
Lane, and New Helland turnpike., lhe
Lane, and strasbuig tunipike 2a
Lane, and Siisfuehaniei turnpike.. a
Lane, and Willow Stieet tunipike. 23
r'ariin-is Xat. I5.ini: it I.iinrati r... ."J
I-'irst N'at. E.inkef I.mie.i'iter leu
Lincasti-r County Xat. Tank SO
Infinirer I'linling Ce W) 27
Lanc.Cai Light ami Fuel Ce. stock, til
bends. 100
tirATi:i.- i:vkkvi:ei)v
Ill ADVKlt-
TT tlse tint et char:;! , Iu t!i- Ikt&lt.iek.n
(in, who wants something te de.
erk. Ap
Itd f f girl te assist in geneial hea..
ply at Ve. 27 Last ficrmuu -tr."jt.
3Ianuf.icturcr.'ind Dealer in Hair Werk, Ladies
and Cents' Wigs Combings straightened and
niadetoeider. Hair .lewelryel all Kinds made
up. AIhe. Kill (ilevi-saml 1'iatheis cleaned and
dyed, at Xe . 223 and 227 North (jiiccn stieet,
fmirdnerri 'iheve I. It It. Depot. el-Smd
riCi: TO KUYEltS.
Fe.-OCTOBER. i new ready ler
I.ii::il.i.. it before buying n home.
iieicic & STAiirii:i:,
elH-St-ls-.T&U K Xerth Duke Street.
iMEEiixt; or tiiemtol-kheluers'
el tlie LancastcrandFruitvMIeTurnnikis
i.eau ienipiuy win no m-m en jiu.nuai
XOVEM i:i:it 1. lb, nt the Ottlce el the been
tary. CI Xerth Duke street, Lanea-tcr. l'a., be
tween the hours et 2 and 4 p. 111., ter the cle."
lien of ellieers ler the ensulngvear.
octll-31AThtnevl .Secretary.
X The annual mtr.tlng et the stockholders
of the Lancaster and Wiliiamslewn Turnpike
Reid Company for the purpose of electing
edlrers ter the 'nsuing year, will be held at
Finney's hotel, North Queen stieet. In tlie citv
et" Lancaster, en .MONDAY, XOVEMI'.EK i,
lis?), between lhe hour-, of 11 and 12 o'clock.
oct7s5tde-iw J. 31. LOXC, Sect.
The American Sliea Tip Company Timii:
A. S. T. Ce.
That is new se, extensively worn en
Which was introduced by tlicm. and by which
the above amount been saved te parents
annually. This 111 ick Tip will save sflll mere.
in besides being .ern en the ce.irscr grades it
is worn en fine and ce-dlv shoes where the
Metal Tip en account et its leeks would net be
They all have our Trade 3!ark A. S. T. e.
stamped en front of Tip.
I'aicnfcj should, lisle for Shee with this
en them when purchasing for their children.
T bnrgh. l'a. S'ind stamp ter catalogue
Ulfics. -het smus, revolvers, sent C. O. D,
V), Ki; 5-1,',
Z& ry a:4
?.iyH :m4 siJ
sn setf :V
r.ii sik riv:
171 17i 15