- - r -r Volume XVII-Ke. ? LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1880 Price Twe Cts. Sk XEW AWEKTJSE3TEXTS. B akuains! uakeaixs:: SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF!! Rathven & Fisher Oiler tlit-ir entire-lock el Rcady-Madc Clothing at mill be-low Cot. with a view et tii-ceulinu-itiptlif!UKAI)Y-MAIi: CI.OTIIIXO ljii.lne, ami devetinjj their attention exclusively t CUSTOM VORK. CI.OTHIXC made piemptly te order, ami attract ion in all ca-x-s guaranteed. A select line of Clelhs, Cnstimcrca, Worsteds, Coatings Suiting. Cheviot. Meltons Overceatings. Vestings, &c, alivavs en hand ami order.-, re spect nilly heliciteil. AI-e, a general line el FurnKhi'ig Heeds. RATIIVON fc FISHER -MticiiaiiC Tailors and Drainer:-, S. l'Jl X.uth Omen St., Lancaster, l'a. SI'KCIAl.. These in want el" Kcady-Made Clothing will con-nit llicir own interest ly giving them a call before purchasing eIm--where, its iheir Clothing arc mainly of their own man ii lael it re ami Mih-danlially maile. sep-ii-lmd FALL OFEI H. GERHART'S Tailoring; Eilsiit, MONDAY, (MTOKKK 1 His, 1SS0. A "emplet" Meck el Cletlis, Suitings OVERCOATINGS, : which lerclegnr.ee c.iiine: he siirpi ed. The I Largest Assortment el ENGLISH AND SCOTCH ! SUITINGS ill t hi-, city. Frices as low as the leucl -It H.GERHART'S Ne. 51 !tet!i Qaran Slretl. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING-! We have new ic.idy fur -ale an liumun-u stock el Ready-lade Sleiliflg rei: Ml and Winter, which aie Cut an.l Trimmed In the l.ate-t M le. We e.in i;ie yen a- GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In meal vailcly. maile te ei.lerat -lieit notice at the lowest prices. D. B. lesMier & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, (j.lj.,1 LANCASTER. l'A. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATINGS! Te-lay we displ.iv a lull line el the. i.ate-t Nev.'ltieii m overceatings far the Eall Season i in all the Xew Colorings, v ith "-ilk I .ic.ii.j-, l mutch; al'-oauperier iineei Heavy Weights. in Xew Dei-jns. Pur Beaver, Seal Skin. Elysian, Mentanak, Ratina and Ohincliilla Beaver. cabb's wm mm, Deuble ami Treble Jlille.1, ail the Xew Mixtures-. Tayler s EnglisltfYiiii rys, in Plain anil Fancy l!.ick-, C'euibinalinii Col Cel Col er.s,allni.ii!e uptinil triiiimeil in the highest Stvie of Ai t. SM ALI NG'S THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 X. QUEEN STREET, HAlinT.. VtltKKS. wis., p. fra-HiEY's MONUMENTAL MABBL3 WOBKS 758 Jfertn yucen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS. HKAI) ASI FOOT STOXKS, gaUdkn STATUAKY, CKMETEIIV I-OTS ENCLOSED, fee. All weilr Riiarantce.l anil eatisftictienjj in in evcrj particular. N. 11. licmeiubcr, works al the extreme end Ot NertU Queen Btreet. m3J 11 CA3IVAIGX GOOJJS. TOHTRAITS OF HANCOCK AND ENGLISH Fer sale at THIS OFFICE "CU.A;S: FLAGS! SAallESFOlil'AUADKS, TKIMMINCJS FOll MASHES, SAUDLi: CLOTHS, SIIOUI-- DKU STKAI'S, lit:LT.-5, Ac. Neckties, Entirely New Styles. NEW STYLE COLORS. UXDEItWEAli. GLOVES &c, kv. E. J. ERISMAN'S, se xehtjj jjui:n sti:j:i;t. 'tASirAicjx i:kaiei;a!:ti:i:s PREPARE FOlt THE CAMPAIGN We have Largu Chine-e Lantern-. We have Mie-lin Flags et nil .sizes. We have Streamers in nhiimlance. We have Deuble rerlrails of Candidate-, '11 ly IS Inchv. "We have Single I'estralls at ."c each. We have in steel; dillcrcm .sizes et BUNTING FLAGS. hac ugoed MipIyeI FIREWORKS. Wc have Oicck Fire. We have itailues in r-ilk ami .Metal. We take orders ami ujly all kiml- et liitipmcnt-te Cluh-. D. S. lUHSK, 17 East Kinn- Street. Iiancnster. mtvsi: vvkxishisu taunts. -jVTOTIt''. VLM & BRKNEMAK. Would ailvNe all he contemplate pulling in HFATF.K.S or making any alteration-, in theii heating ariangcmciit- to"!e -e at eik e lielnre the rti-li el Fall Trade be:n. rm: .M -! im.m '.::!.!. CI s hws am kanflffls iJlUIUiJi iUilHUiU UiM IIUK,'JU, In the ?Iai Ie! at the LOWEST PRICES. wiaa's JI:AT STOVE ST011E, 152 North Queen Street, iiW'MSTHK. l'A. revxji:itn Axn m ic.'iir;:sT.i. 5 ANS'AST'.:; ilQi LE i J 3IA N U FAriTjiJ V, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, il'."MHKtnB I.tKOitt'TiVi: Vl'eMi.. The - ii li-ciiber eenti nnes te man niacin re P.OIL.EKS AND ri'i'EA?.! ENGINES, F.irTainiii!!.- aiel eli-.e; iiarj.e-c-i l! lllliMV Twiere, "e'.lew.s ripi -, Sbee! iron V eik. ami l:KiclcMiiitlii!ig i?c:ieiully. t"-.l:bbliir )iieniii!!vatlen(leil te. aiiKlS-lyill .iOIIX I'.KST. )VA1.L VAlT.llS, At. v ''t: Aiti: (uti isixe Tin: ni.y PERFECT Mxl cusien WuhIew Cornice ever liliiiillf.ietuivil. it i- ii ir ct inilsron inilsren inilsron Mriictien, inijle ami liamly te ailjiist anil very ehe.ip. It cuii I)" re;;ulateil te litany or nary w imlev. by means ii a thumbscrew, ami ean'be ai(Jii-teil liem one fet ielHel'eel viWi1, Theyai'e maile of x. Inch Walnut Meulding of a New I'atlern. ami we have tliciu irn eiln lillcient stylM. Come anl -ee them. c'lisrrAix teles In Wulniit, Ash atnl I'.bony, Kml-, irimj- ami lSraekct- complete. ei:i:i:h taui.x r-.y.i PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. Ol'KMNi; FAI.I. r-'l Ybi.-. Ol' WALL PAPER SHADES. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. j intxrruitr:. HEINITSH, FiNic piruxriuuiE AMI Cabinet jMaimliichirer. All in nan! e! i'ii.eer fancy C'ablacl Werk weulil ie well te call ami cMiiniitc "pi,eimen el our weik. OFFICE rUlIMTUKi: A HPiX'IAl.TY. HEIMITSH, !.-.' i:-!t '.Uv fitrect. XlAKVJJTH. ?AAiXh rei: i:vi:kvi!0!y. 11A11E CHANCE IX CARPETS, Positive sale te Kednce Sleck et 6,090 Yarfis BrisbbIs Oarpls, AT AND r.EI.OW COST. Call and satisfy ycnrseir. Al-e, Ingi-aii', Kag .mil Chain Carpetb in almost endless variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Tii;n n ti HI II II h D KZDX'ET 1'ADS. DAY'S DBT PAD! A illscevc-y which cures by the natural pre cess, ABSORPTION, all .liaises of the Kidneys, Klatliler, Ulinarj-Organ-, ami Nervous System, when nothing ele can. It is comfortable te the patient, pos itive; in its etl'ects, ami the first cure for the-c p.iinful ami much ilreailed atlectieiid. Diabetes ami Briglit's Disease, while its cures of Gravel. Drepv. Catarrh of the ISladder. Urickdust Depe.-it, rainftil Uri natiii!r, llih Colored Urine, Xerveus AVeak ness and 1'ain Jn the IJack seem mere like miracle? than caes et natural healing. Tiie price briiifis it ivithiii the reax-h el all, and It will annually save many times its cost in doctor's bills, medicines and plasters, which at best give but temporary lelief. It can be m-e.l without tear or harm, and with certainty era permanent cure. Fer sale by druggists generally, or sent by mail (lice of postage) en receipt of the price. Kcgnlar Tail. $i; Child's Pad (ler incontinence of urine in children). $1..V): Special (extra size), '5. Our book, "Hew a Life Mai Saved," giving the history of this new discovery, and a large record of most re markable cmc, sent free. AVri'.c for it. Ail drei Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. CAUTION. llwinK te the manv worthless Kidney l'ads new seeking a sale en our lobulatien, we deem it due the alllictcd te uarn them. A-k for DAY'S KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether. st-lydeedMW&r'&w eastekx agency, CU AISLES X. CRITTEXT0X, 113 I'ulteii sjt., 'civ Yerk. $500 REWARD ! OVKIl A MILLION OF PROF. GUILMETTE'S Freiicli Kiflney Pais Have already been -old in this country and in France : eveVy one of m Inch has given pertcct sati-lai-tien. an i has nerJermed cure-, every tliiiu when M-eil according te directions. We new -ay te the alllictcd anil doubting ones that we wil piy the above reward ter a single C.1M' el LAMK HACK h.it the Pad fail j te cure. Thi-Great Ucnicdy will Pe-ltivelv and l'ennunentiy cure Lum bago, l.ame llack. Sei.itica. Gravel, Diabetes, Diep-y, Uiight's Di-ea-e of the Kidneys, In continence and Wctentien et the Uiine, In In llammalieu et the Kidneys, Catarrh et the lllailder. High Colored Urine, Pain in the Hack, Side or Lein-, Nervous Weakness, mid in f.ictalldi-ordersel the itladderaud Urinary irgaus whether contracted by private di-ca-e or etherv. i-e. I.Al)Ii:-, it" you are suffering from Female Weakness Lciicnrrhre-i, or liny dlsea-e et the :. iilney, llladder, or Urinary Organ-, YOU CAN liE CURED I Wil lir.ut swallowing nan-eons medicines, by -imply weaving FBOF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH K3D3STEY PAD, which cn:i:s p.y ai'.soijptien. Ask your druggist for PKOF. GUI LMKTTE's I'UEX'CIl KIDNEY PAD, and lake no ether, it hi- lias net get it, -end S2 and you will re ceive the Tad by return mall. Fer -ale by JAMES A. MEYEU:-. Odd lollop.-, Hall, Columbia, Pa. .-.,. I enl l.v GEO. W. HULL. Druira'-t, l.- W. King St., Laiicii-ter, Pa. augll-'imdeedM.W&l Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Will pe-illvely cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Iblileus Fever, Jaundice. Oy-pep-S.i ami all diseases of the Liver. Stomach and li'.oed. Price fl.r.O by mail. Send ler Pret. Guilmette's Treatie- en the Kidneys and Liver, tree by mail. Address FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. .uigll-'iauli'iidM.W&r I'.UOHS AX it bTAlIOXI'.KY. onieoi. i'.oekh. SCHOOL BOOKS M! SCHOOL SUPPLIES ler Lancaster rilj and Ce'inty, at L M. FLYMN'S S. ! WKSl' K1XO STKKET. CCMCJIU. 1tOKS BLANK BOOKS :.-n Fancy Stationary AT FOI DEESHTH'S Ne. 32 East Kinrjf St., Lancaster, Pa. augiS-'.ld SCHOOL BOOKS rep ti.c Schools of Lancaster City, HEW AND SECOND-HAND. At I In- KCiWKT IMMGI'VU tl' oc!cS!eicor JOHI BASE'S SOIS, ID aid 17 NORTH QUEE8 STREET, LAXCASTiiU. PA.. M USIVAh IX&TUUXUXTS. ..THE- Lllif Oil! Without a doubt furnish the FIXEST IX- STUUMENTSin the MarkcL Wareroeius :ii0 Nertl: (nieen .street. Manufactory in the rear, iliunch Olllce, 1 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Al-e A gen t ter Lancaster County for CHICKEKINU k, SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line el Sheet and ether Music, Mnall Instruments, Violins llanje-., Itund Instru ments, A: c. always en hand. HIHydSAlyw iioer:, axi shoes. !? Q " t5"0'i.. SIIOJUS AXI LASTS i-iii.O 1 made en a new principle, insur ing comlert for the feet. ft'i Trf'Vl Uv made te order. J5UUJ-0 MILLEU, tebll-tfd l33.East King street lanuiactery Eawasicr I-ntclltgrnrrr. MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 25, 1880. (ield ami Gilt. "Stay, Martlm, I want te liave a wert, with you." The speaker laid his hand gently but firmly en the shoulder of a tall yeuiitf ;irl who, with half averted head and down cast eye, almost let fall the shuttling grain which she carried in her apron a gift destined for her wandering lleek of chick ens. "Well,"' she responded, after a momen tary pause, and with a shade of acerbity in her tone, " what can have happened, Jehn, te justify you in springing after folks like a robber and almost frightening them into a lit '?" "I have been cre.ss, Martha, exer.se me, I certainly did net mean it ; but seeing you come ever near the .station I slipped out te give you a hurried word of warning as my assistant's illness will net r.llew me te quit the station all day. Yeu knew me for a plain-spoken boy, and, I hope, a true friend, Maitha. and will therefeie mis judge me when I say as a friend that you should net encourage the attentions of that flashy stranger who calls himself Ferdi nand Harrington. It's a name taken out of some clean romance." " And pray Jehn, what tight have you te accuse the gentleman of traveling un der a false name, or ptesetibing what re cognition I shall give him '.'" was the sharp angry retort. " Xe right beyond that of an old friend, Maitha, who would sacrifice his right arm for your sake. T have always been frank with yen, and I de net like te have the wagging tongue of rumor coupling your name with' this man's for I have seen enough of him te impress me unfavorably. He may be in earnest in his negotiations te take the Mellen farm oil' your father's hands but tlic way he struts and swaggers at the hotel bar make.-, me doubt him, as his general conversation there convinces me tbat he has no instinct of the gentle man." Jehn Gray had been looking steadfastly at his companion while he spoke and could see the bleed mount hotly te her cheek at his closing works. "I think." she retorted. "' you abuse the privilege of a friend, and de net show much gentlemanly instinct in coming te me covertly with any such stories. I will net listen te nor believe tlicin. It is a shame thus te traduce a man behind his luck. Mr. Dariiugten comes te our house en bitnincss with my lather, and, I repeat, you have no speak ill of him or demand that I shall ticat him rudely." Martha stamped her feet, passionately and in the warmth of her indignation let all the yellow corn tumble out of her apron. Jehn appeared jn.ue surprised tliait vexed at her and said : "I am sorry te have given you utt'euse. but I feel I have done only my duty. Let me tell you that that gaudy jackanapes has been openly boasting that he is te es cort you te the concert in the town hall te-night, and that you have reason te be proud of his condescension te "one of these money-country ga!s." " " Jehn Gray, you are a slanderer, and I wish te have no further conversation with you." She turned around and :-trede angrily back ever the rambling p.ith tlii'eugu the Miruuucry. Jehn Gray was the station-master in a pretty Pennsylvania town, and had acquir ed the esteem of every resident for twenty miles around : lie had grown up among them and they knew him te be a man of sterling worth. The town was net a large or imposing one in fact a ten minutes walk from its centre in any direction brought one into the green field.-; ; but for all that, it possessed a couple of factories and was the centre of considerable trade. The railroad station steed upon the out skirts, and directly back of it was the home of MarkCeghlan, a neat, substantial house surrounded by an erehaid and grounds of generous dimensions. Hack of this again, stretched a farm of about four acres, chictly devoted te the cultivation of what the owner tetnied "kitchen truck ' and the pasturage of some rich, sleek cat tle. Further away Mark rented a large farm en a long lease. Mark was well off in niateii.il comforts, but new he was growing old and felt in clined te get rid of the larger farm if he could advantageously de se. "I have enough te leave you conifei table, Martha," he would say'.' " I have nobody ei?e te provide for or worry ever, se what's the use of being bothered any longer with se heavy a responsibility as the Mellen farm, when I cannnet piepcrlv leek after it my self." Ten days before our story opens a gor geously dressed specimen of the " male swell " species had arrived in the town, registered as Ferdinand Harrington at the leading hotel, deposited $300 in the local bank, and began te cast around him with the avowed intent of settling down thete it he could find a place te suit him. lie was a young gentleman of ample means, wearied of city life, and thought he might even try farming for the novelty of the thing. Thus he came te be directed te Mark Coghlan's Iieasc and became deeply interested in the Mellen farm. Mr. Harrington admired the location and thought it would suit him exactly, but of course must take inquiries at lcisuie, and he showed his sagacity by frequent consul tatiens with the officers of the bank. Meantime, he took a decided interest in Miss Maitha, in whom he was quick te discern the charms of a pure, unsephisti- catcd womanhood, net untinged with a spice of vanity. Hitherto the girl had re ceived without disapproval the respectful attentions of Jehn Gray, but it must be confessed that Jehn's frank face was eclipsed by that of the dashing stranger who contrived te surround himself with a certain hale of mystery and was even re ported te be a nobleman in disguise. Martha Coghlan felt flattered by his at tentions, and took feminine comfort in the fact that all the ether girls were burning with jealous' at her fortune. And it must be confessed that if Jehn Gray spoke truly of Hanington, the latter had never given Martha any serious reasons te ctcdit the talc. He was uniformly polite in high-bred fashion, sometimes appearing te glide un consciously into the most romantic sort of speeches and fascinating the simple "country girl" by his graphic, descriptions of the high sec'al circles in which he moved both in 2Tew Yerk and Europe. He did escort Maitha te the concert where they weie observed of all observers, and mere than one spectators audibly re marked te his neighbor that the wealthy "stranger chap seemed wonderfully taken with old Ceghlan'sdartar." On the day following the conceit, what was Jehn Gray's surprise te receive a visit from his imposing rival who handed in a slip of papar and said : " I want this telegram sent te New Yerk Take the price out of this bill."' The station-master, who was also acting as telegrapher, gavcVfatek the proper change, and left his fingers twitch a desire te grip Mr. Harrington's threat. Then lie proceeded te wire the dispatch, which ran as fellows : "Mr. Ilcnrj Dicks, Ne ,Blc3eker street, New Yerk." "Think the place here will suit. Send en three workmen with tools. "F. Bab.rixc.tex." Why Jehn Gray should read and and re read this message himself he could never tell, but he kept studying ever it until his jealousy gave birth te a sudden impulse, and setting again te the instrument he sent oft this telegram : "Te the superintendent of police, New New Yerk citv. " There is a suspicious character here calling himself Ferdinand Barringteu. On back of his left hand is a lien's head in India ink. lie telegraphs for workmen te Ne. , Bleecker street. Is that an in telligence office, or what? De you knew the man '? If se, is he honest or an adven turer '.' Answer quickly. " Jenx Gray, Station Master.' Within an neur came the response : " Keep still and don't frighten the bird: we want him and will cage him." Wc shall net attempt te describe Jehn's tumulteus sensations, but en the whole he felt pleased. Twe days later, three rough-looking laborers arrived with their kits "bv an af ternoen train and reported te Mr. Harring ton. There came also a fussy commercial traveler who centt ived te have twenty min utes conversation in private with Jehn Gray, and then sent a dispatch te the next station saying, "Come ever in a wagon and report at 11. 11. station." On Sunday meining the quiet town was electrified te learn that a daring attempt had been made te rob the local bank, and that Mr. Ferdinand Harrington and his three "pals" were securely handcuffed in the custody of detectives from New Yerk and Philadelphia. Said one of the New Yeskers: " Wc have been a long time en the track of 'Gentleman Heb,' one of the cleverest little cracksman in the professien: and new wc have get him safe."' It wa-; a deep humiliation te Martha. Coghlan te be thus disillusioned, but it was a valuable lessen te her. and when some months afterwards she plighted herself te Jehn Gray, she said: "In the future, Jehn, I shall knew geld from gilt." Maik did net dispose of the Mellen farm, after all, and he says that Jehn Gray is the only man he ever met that could take mere bushels of wheat, out of an acre than he could himself. Why Davis Must If? KfjiTii'il. i'hh.uiclphi.t Times. The lcceut cxpesuie made in these cel umus of the professional disgrace of Mr. Themas J. Davis, a candidate for district, attorney in Lancaster, was net intended as a political or personal crusade against the man. If the nomination of such a can didate had been one of these political ac cidents which happen new and then in all parlies, it would be a matter of no great moment whether he shall be elected or de feated. With a positively faithful court and honest political surroundings, Mr. Davis could inflict no great injur' upon the county, beyond the reproach that all must feci in the choice of se unworthy a man te se responsible an office. Hut the issue involved in the nomination and election of Mr. Davis gees te the very foundation of the purity of elections and the faithful administration of justice in oue of the of most populous and upright counties of the state. The office of district attorney has already been prostituted by the subordination of justice te the interests of party or faction : it has flung the gravest reproaches upon the court, the bar and the majesty of the law, and has brought n prolific harvest of unscrupulous, despotic and corrupt rule upon an honest and in telligent people. Thcs'j serious evils exist new, and the people of Lancaster cannot afford te have them continued and strengthened. The nomination of Mr. Davis was notoriously con trolled by the same debauchery that has long disgraced the Republican primat ics of Lancaster and with profes sional dishonor made an additional factor in the contest ; and it means net only the continuance of the. abuses which have shamed the administration of justice in that county, hut the deeper disgrace of the community and the deeper popular dis trust of the tribunal te which all" leek for protection te person and property. The people of Lancaster county cannot afford te permit the election of Mr. Davis, when it must eiler a premium for profes sional dishonor, for political demoraliza tion and for the rule of unscrupulous ring stcrs. And the Republican party of Lan caster is much mere interested in his rejection than is the Democratic party, for by his election the Republicans would as sume his disgrace as their own, and give their highest sanction te political dis honesty. The Republicans are entitled te the district attorney in Lancaster, and they should compel the prompt retirement of Mr. Davis for a man they can elect without the blush of shame for their act. They should promptly and sternly call District Attorney Eshlcman te account and compel him as chairman of the county committee te lcmcdy this wrong te the party and te acquit himself of the mere than suspicion of hoping te profit by the election and disqualilication'ef Mr. Davis. The honest Republicans of Lancaster can de this if they speak in the tone of com mand that becomes the masters te their servants, and they should net stand en the order of their doing it, but de it at once. Before the exposure made in these col umns, the Lancaster 2Tew Era, the most widely read Republican organ in the county, thus pictured Mr. Davis : " With the evidence of his professional and moral turpitude in his hand, no Re publican who has any regard for his ic ic spensibilitics as a citizen, who has any re spect for himself as a voter in a party which claims te be a paity of reform, or who desires te prevent the prostitution of the machinery of justice, can vote for the Republican candidate for district attorney and ever hope te justify the act te his own conscience or te his honest neighbors." With these facts staring the Republi cans of Lancaster in the face, they are called upon te act promptly te save them selves from the defeat of their candidate, or from a success that would be vastly mere disgraceful than defeat. Let them make exhaustive c libit te secure the re tirement of Mr. "Davis, and if that shall be refused by Mr. Davis and his associates, who are responsible for his fraudulent nomination, every honest Republican should cast his vote for the Democratic candidate. Under such circumstances, the election of a confessedly competent manlike Mr. McMullcn would be in no sense a Democratic victory, but-n victory for the integrity of the Republicanism of the Old Guard. TIXn-AJtJi, AC- S' TOVES. STOVES. IJrick'Sct and l'ertuble HEATERS and RANGES - at : SiieWzer, Hmnphrerillc & Kicffer's 40 KAST KING STKKKT. Gt KAIX SJLMSCULATIOK r In lanje or small amounts. $25 or $2.G80 Write W. T. SOULE & CO., Commission Mer chants, ISO La Salle street, Chicago, 111., for cir ulan. mfcs-iyU JTEJUCAZ. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OP LYNN, MASS., it Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness stored by the use of Re- LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer AH Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, con sists et Vegetable l'reperties that arc harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial t he merit-, of thN compound will be recejjnired, as relict is immediate; ami when its u-cis con tinued, in ninety-nine cases in u hundred, a permanent cure is effected, as thousands will testily. On account of its proven merits, it is te-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of tailing of the uterus, I,eucerrhn?a, irrcgularaml pain t nl Menstruation, all Ovarian Trouble-, In flammation and Ulceration, Flooding, all IHs placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the Change or Lite. In tact it has proved te be the sivateat and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and "jve.s new lite and vlirer. It removes faintness. flatulency, destroys all cr.ivlns; ter stimulants, and relieves weakness efthe stomach. It cures Ifleatln, Headaches, Xerveus Frus tration, General Hebllily. Sleeplessness, De pression and Indigestion", That Iceltngel'bcar-in-j down, c".iusIiik pain, weight and backache. Is always permanently cured by its ue. It will at all times, ami under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney complaints of either -ex I his Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable 'Compound isjprcpared at '?". and 255 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass, l'rice-fl. .Six bottles ter $.1. Sent by mail in the form of pills, also in the form of lozenges, en receipt et price, l per box, for either. Mrs. 1'IXKliAM freely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send ter pamphlet. Addre-x jis above. Mention this paper. Xe ftunllv should be without LYIHA K. I'lXKIl lll'SUVEi: FILLS. They cure Con stipation, llilieusiicss ami Terpiiii'y e the Liver. . eenis per nex. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., General Agent, riiiladelphia. Fer sale by C. A. mill Cw. W. Hull. Leelier, '. Kast King street, 15 West King street. yio-ivdced&w JEirELHY. JOUISIVKKKK, i WATCHMAKKU. X0.I.V.1JSXOUTII (JUKI'S STUKKT.ncar l It. K. Depot, Lancaster, l'a. Geld, silver and Xiekel-cascd Watches, Chains, Clocks, &i: Agent for the celebrated l'antascepic Specta cles ami Kye-Glasae. Itepalrlng a specialty, aprl-lj-d SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES ISi'ceive ine-t careful attention. DKSIGXS AXD LsriMATLS sUl'MI'l'THD WITHOUT CflAKl't.'. B. F. BOWMAN, 10B KAST KINO ST5JKOT, LANCASTKU.1'A. Complote Bridal Outfits In Silver and Sllvev- Fiated Ware, at Reason able Prices. Tsa Sets, Soup Tureens, Ice Pitchers, Cake Baskets, Coffee Spoons, Knives, Ferks, Specng, Casters, &c, &c. AUGUSTUS RH0ADS, JEWELER, X". 20 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. J.E.Caldwell&Ce. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. IMl'OUTi:i:3 OF DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, Purchasers who desire te pro cure gems of unexceptionable quality and real value at lowest importer's prices, will consult their best interests by calling en us. Special attention is directed te the maffniflcent assortment im ported for this season's sales. epJ2i7r.ice:iM, w&r tie Discovery CLOTllIXU.. Timely Advice en Fall Clethes. Yeu are thinking of your clothing for full; what.it shall he: hew ami where you shall jct it. Cemi: and Sfi: Ud. Come atnl sec us, or iliep us a Hue, j-ayiug what you want, as near as you can. If you are here, yen can see for yourself a great variety of things, try en what you like, ami go home with the old clothes in a bundle. That is very easy ; anil nothing can be mere satisfactory. Net a Stuanek 1i.ack. It isn't as if you were going te a strange place. The chances are you've been here before, anil knew something of our ways. Perhaps your neighbor has been here ; anil has telil you it was a geed place te go te. Perhaps you've only read that we sell a geed many clothes, and say te people who buy them : liriug them back if you don't find them every way te your liking. New this is really why wc arc net strangers te anybody; because we deal with everybody as with a neigh bor; and expect him te come right back if he has cause of complaint. If you Don't Cemk. But, suppose you don't come. Hew are we going te sell you just what you want te buy, without your seeing things beforehand '.' Try ; write ; say about hew much you want te pay for a business suit, dicss suit, overcoat, or whatever you want ; say what your occupation is ; say anything that has any hearing en what we engh te send yen. Tt will net take us two minutes te guess what you want ; if we don't nucss right, that's our less, net yours. IIavi: Yeiu Own Way ! Perhaps you want your clothing made te j our measure. Did you sus- peel that we make te measure a half million dollars worth of cletliing every year for people we never saw and never expect te see? Yeu may lie very certain that wc have a way of do ing such work without much risk of a misfit ; for a misfit, you knew, comes right back te us. We arc pretty care ful about making blunders when we've get them all te make geed. Om: Way : Our way of doing business is te make the buyer welcome, at the out set, te all the advantage and all the. guarantee he can ask for. "$fc WANAMAKBR & BROWN. Oak Hai.i., Sixth and Market stiects. Philadelphia, P:i. CHINA AXU HASSWAltE. SOMETHING NEW AT CHINA HALL. Tbe " Common Sense " Stew Pan. Feed cooked without changing the flavor or leaving any Metallic Taste. It never Itiirns or Score-he ai Iren or Tin l'ets de. Housekeepers ami Coek.a, give them a trlhl. Thousand-, of them heingsehl dully. HIGH & MARTIN, XO.J5EAST KIXG STKEKT. JtOBES, BLANKETS, St. S ICN OF THE BUFFALO HKAV. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLA.NKETS 1 tiavc new en hand the Lakhest, Uest aid Cheapest Assenmnnrr of Lined and Unllned UUFFALO KOBES In the city. Alse LAI AXI) HOUSE BLAXKETS of every descrip tion. A full line or Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, Sec. jJ-Hepalring neatly and promptly dnncfil - .A. MILEY," 10S North tjtiMM St., Lmncattcr. lZ- yuMW4S