vtV"- i- -yt- - - ?&'- ' &-& r-"' LAJSLASTEK DAILY INTELLIGENCER SATURDAY OCTOBER 23, 1880 I and confidence arc what tbey need, but if the manufacturers press the tariff issue te the forefront theirs be the responsibility cf all that ensues. In conclusion Mr. Apjjar exposed the outrage business of the Repub lican campaign sliirekers. and closed with an eloquent prediction that united 3fcw Yerk, forgetful or past factional strife, would lead the Democratic column and with Connecticut and Xew Jersey elect the Democratic candidates. Mr. Apgar spoke for au hour and three quarters and was attentively listened te, and point after point or his telling argu ment was raptueusly applauded. Though f-ufrering from severe indisposition he spoke in his usual incisive style, and his l.tpicr thrusts at Bcpublican sophisms wcie as keen as the cut of a Damascene blade. Mr. I.HgenU Speech. Mr. Chas. A. Lagen, of the Philadelphia bat-, a piemincnt young barrister of that city, native of Lancaster and son of Mr. Daniel Lagen, was introduced, and though the hour was lite his first words com mantled the attention of his audience aud he held it fixedly te the end of his speech. He pictui ed the relief afforded te Pennsyl vania in the dark hours of the rebellion, when troops hurried te her succor sent by the Democratic governors of Democratic NcwYeik and Democratic Xew Jersey. Cheer?. That was her situation te-day and thence would come her relief and the election of her favorite son. The fight has changed. It is new for Grant en the Republican side, and should Garfield be elected the inaugur.i Hen I'xeicKe.s will open net with hymn 2&, but with the 300th. The stalwarts who went down at Chicago came up at Menter. The Republican campaign for 1880 is the Republican battle for Grant in 1881. Fer this federal marshals are cm- pleyed, for this capital is set against labor, for this intimidation of voters is resorted te. Heretofore there was one day in three hundred and sixty-live when the em ployee was the equal of the employer, and thai was election day. (Applause.) The Democratic patty piopesed te see that this should continue. The Republi can paity's pretense of friendliness te the weikingmcii is as naked as it is false. Gar field denies the letter in favor of cheap Chinese labor, but his denial is net very valuable, while at the same time his congieMoual record confirms his let ter and net his vague contra diction of it. Mr. Lagen read from Gai field's congressional record te prove that lie l.ivered Chines labor m competi tion with American. Mr. Lagen continued at length in powerful denunciation of the tricks and fallacies of Republican dema gogues and closed with au eloquent appeal te Pennsylvania for Pennsylvania's favor ite son. te whom her confidence had been given in the past and by whom it had never been feifeited. It was 11:10 when Mr. Lagen closed and the court house was well-filled te tiie conclusion of his speech, the preMucc of some Democratic ladies lending inspiration te the occasion. Altogether the meeting was one of the most Mieccsil'ul and spirited of the cam paign. It be'Jes well ler the Lancaster Democracy. Let it be followed with a generil turnout. Till; KPIIKATA MEI'.TINU. Tim Democracy of the Northwest. A spirited meeting of the Democrats of Kphrata was held yesterday, the stand being elected opposite B. X. Wintcrs's hotel, which v.is the headquarters for the occasion. The Reamstown band presently put in an appearance and were seen fol lowed by the Xew Helland delegation who came with their band aud bauucis. About A p. in. the meeting was organized by S. 15. I "rich, with Mr. Jere. Mehler pre&id sidiug. Vice Presidents D. D. R. Hertz. Wm. Stjer. Dr. .1. W. Tr.ibert. Edward Xagle, M.niin Kline, Edward Dillcr, Martin Wcidlcr. Secretin ics H. X. Mehler, Dr. W. S. undt, Samuel Lewe, A. J. Killiau. Hen. lli'vsiirr Clymer. though still suffer ing from the dislocation of his shoulder by a runaw .i accident, made a stirring and eloquent spteeh. lie was followed by G. AV. Darten, of Philadelphia. The meeting adjourned for supper and was reorganized at C:-l.". W. U. Hensel then spoke for about three-quarters of an hour aud a torchlight paiade was had through the village. The evening meeting was very hugely attended and was ad dressed by liichaid Rreadhcad. esq., of East en, son of the late ex- l". S. Senater Rreadhcad, J. L. Stcinmctz, A. J. Steiiinian, Jerc. Mehler and ethers. They were listened te with interest and enthusiasm and the whole spirit of the meeting maiked the interest of the Demo cracy of that section in the success of their national, slate and local candidates. The Indiana remit has euly stiired them te fresh- effort and renewed courage. Under the lead of the Messis. Mehler, Leber, Winters, L'lich, Hcitz aud ether gallant Democrats, Ephrata and her neighbors make geed fight for the geed cause. TIJi: VKTEKANS. Cu. It Presented ultli a Flag. Last evening Ce. D, of the veteran-, Capt. Jehn M. Amweg cemmauder, ac companied by dot ichinents of the ether companies, were marched from the central hcadqua iters te the residence of Mr. Jehn A. MeGiuuK, in the Third ward. A com mittee i the ladiesef the ward, with Mrs. McG. at their head, aided by Miss Ida I)er and ethers, had purchased and wcie te piesent te tee company a beau tiful stand of coleis. The presentation speech was made by Jehn A. Ceylc, esq. in a neat aud eloquent address. It was received for the Veterans ia a speech by C.ipt. .1. M. Am w eg. After the presenta tion the Veterans, pi eudly carrying their Hag and headed by the drum corps, march ed te the com t house. Mr. Apgar'sspccch was suspended for a moment as they marched up the aisle, greeted with cheer after cheer. The colors were placed con spicuously in the front of the room, and Veterans occupied the space outside the bar aud crowded in and about the jury benches. Every member of the Veteran associa tion is expected te be in one or the ether of the companies in the parade te-night. Cei-.ii of OuarlcrSeasieiiif. Cemt met tliis meining at 9 o'clock and the surety of the peacc and desertion cases were taken up. Cein'th vs. David Bletz, surety of psacc. Jeseph Bacr. the prosecutor was net pres ent, and the case was dismissed at his costs. Cein'th vs. Xew ten Bryuen and Themas J. "Witheis, Miiety of peace. Case dis. missed with county for costs. Cem'ih . William Leenard, surety of the peace The prosecutor was Jehn W. Mcut::er. He failed te be present at the time ei the calling of the case and it was dismissed at, his cost. Mr. Mentzer after ward came into court and stated that Lcenaid had agreed te pay the costs if he would net appear. The court did net change their order. Newton Bryseu aud Themas Withers, who wcie convicted of assault and battery upon II. F. Myers, were each sentenced te pay a line of $1 and costs. Themas Withers, who was convicted of assault and battery upon Amanda Myers, was sentenced te pay a line f 623 and costs. At 10 o'clock the docket was called and nine judgments were entered. Telephone Connect ten. The store of Flinu fc Bienctnan has been connected with the telephone e change. COLUMBIA NEWS. OIK REGULAR COIlfcESPONDENCE Tliu Invincible Going te Hatnbridgc Per sonal Points About the Voreugii. Captain Bert Shade's helmet company aud the Hancock Iuvincibles will go te Bainbridge this evening te paiticipate in a Democratic parade te be there given. The companies will go in the Harrisburg accommodation train, leaving here at G:20 o'clock, and will probably return en about belonging te Abram Cellins, of Marietta. The JInter-Ocean circus gave a couple of performances here yesterday. The least said about it the better. A social gathering was last evening given te the friends of Miss Anuie B. Pur ple, at the residence of her father, en the corner of Third and Chestnut streets. The evening was spent in social conversation and dancing, and was highly enjoyable te all present. Miss Hatch, of Xew Orleans, La., is visiting in Columbia, the guest of Mrs. Edwin Themas. Grafton Spaugler, of Lewer Chanccferd township, Yerk county, Pa., a fenncr pupil at the Washington institute, this place, spent yesterday in Columbia. The fare for the trip te Bainluidge to night has been fixed at 22 cents. There will be a public sale of leal estate at the Franklin house this evening. After te day the excursion tickets te Bal timore's sesqui-centcnnial are no geed. I he river is most tee higu for duck sheeting te-day and consequently we hear ue firing. A number of our young "bleeds" say they will surprise the natives in a couple of days. Steve pipe hats will de it. R. F. De Kacy, of Philadelphia, was in town this morning. Te-day is a blustery one. Last night's tain has given place te high ana cold winds. A. D. Reese has linised re-covering his peel and billiard tables and they are now new all in excellent condition. The canal season is netv nearly ever. In another month or less the beats will step running aud the canal be filled with water. The Republican helmet company last evening declined te accept Captain L. K. Fendcrsmith's resignation by an unani mous vote. There were eleven tramps arrested here and placed in the lock-up last night. To day they were taken te Lancaster by an officer. UAUKAS CORPUS. Jesse Nye's Case Again Continued. Jesse Xye, committed by Alderman Ilarr, for drunken and disorderly conduct iu intcrfeiing with the Republican parade en the leth inst., and in whose behalf a writ of habeas corpus, was taken out en the Tuesday following, and the case con tinued until te-day owing te the absence of Judge Patteisen, was this afternoon again brought from jail and taken before Judge Patterson for a hearing. T. 15. Helahan, esq., counsel for the prosecutor, asked that the case be con tinued en account of the absence of the prosecutor and witnesses, who had net been notified of the time set for the hear ing. B.F.Davis, Nye's counsel, resisted a con tinuance ; the prosecutor's counsel and the alderman had been duly notified : the defendant had been in jail eight days. and the case having been already oiice continued, he was entitled te a hearing i n'w. Alderman B.irr stated that Geerge F. Miller was the complainant ; that he was net prcscntat the hearing before him, nor at the first hearing en habeas corpus, and that he had no notice se far as he knew of fit present hearing. Judge Patterson suggested that the cae would have te be continued until the prosecutor was given notice, and intimated th'at such ndtice should Iuwc been given by defendant's counsel. B. F. Davis, esq., and Gee. Xaunian, esq., declared such a proceeding te be at variance with the practice of the court. E. K. Martin, esq., counsel for the prosecu tor, was present at the time the case was first continued and was notified that the hearing would be te-day. Sir. llolehan appears te-day as his substitute. When counsel has been duly notified that is all the notice that is necessary, and it is coun sel's place te have the prosecutor here if he wants him. and te ffe en with the case whether he be here or nel. Besides, thcr c ! is a witness new present who will swear that Miller was netilied of the hearing te day. Judge Patteisen said he would continue the case uutil Monday morning at 0 o'clock sharp, because the prosecutor had net been duly notified of the hearing. Mr. Xauman insisted that if the case was continued the court should decide that in all similar cases a notice given te coun sel should net be deemed .sufficient unless netice is also given te the prosecutor in person. The practice of the court has here tofore been different and if the rule is t j he changed he wanted te knew it. The court remanded the prisoner te jail and ordered Mr. Helahan te give notice te Geerge F. Miller te be present Monday morning at 9 o'clock. ST. STKI'UISX'S r.IK. Handsome Decorations and Tine Display el 1 C.OflllK. I The fair for the benefit of St. Stephen's Lutheran church opened in the beautiful auditorium of church building coiner of Duke and Church streets, Tuesday even ing As almost everybody wanted te -ce the torchlight p ojcssien given en that evening the attcudence at the lair was net very large, but last evening there was quite a large attendance, aud the sales reached nearly one hundred dollar?. The tables arc very prettily decorated, and Iadcncd with a large stock of useful and fancy articles, embracing geld and silver watches, silverware, guns, sewing machines furniture, carpets, glass and china ware.ladies' and children's clothing, books, stationery, pictures, rugs, tidies 1 and thousands of articles of crochet and needle work and bijeuterie in endless variety. The ladies iu charge of the tables arc as fellows : Ne. 1, fancy goods, Mrs. C. Zirnmermen ; Xe. 2, confectionery, Mrs Etnil Mcistcr, wife of the pastor ; Xe. 3, fancy goods. Mrs. Catharine Riddle ; Ne. 4, staple and fancy goods, Mrs. Geerge Shuhnyer. Mrs. Sephie Oblendcr has charge of the ice cream department ; Miss Mary Rettigef the posteflicc, aud Misses Lizzie Oblcnder and Mary Wisuer of the lishjiend. Te-night a grand tiinc is expected, and vocal aud instrumental music will be add ed te the ether attractions. Ou Monday evening it is expected the Mamncrcher society will be present and sing some of their line selections. The committee of arrangements deserve much credit for their efficient labors in be half of the fair and the taste displayed in filling up the room. The following' named gentlemen constitute the committee : Henry Zimmerman, Adam Oblcnder, Geerge Wall, Jehn Ochs, Peter Miller, B. F. Adams, Wm. Wisner, Geerge Kuhl mau. C. F. Oblcnder. Lest and Found. Last night J. Hay Brown, esq., was walking in the Pennsylvania depot and he found a pocket book containing ever $109. It was just after the y:30 train had passed west and -as Mr. Brown could net find an owner he thought it belonged te some one en the train. He telegraphed te Harris burg and found that J. H. Baldwin, a pas senger en that train had lest a pocket book a description of which was tent here The pocketbook was sent te the gentle man, who resides in Pitt6burgb,this meni' LADIES! WE INVITE EXAMINATION OF OUR NEW STOCK OF SILKS, VELVETS AND DRESS GOODS. We are new prepared te offer an elegant line of above goods at prices which npen examination will be found te he as low as the lowest. GIVLEE, BO WEES & HURST'S DRY GOODS AND CARPET HOUSE, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. T Night's Parade. The route of te-uight's parade is as fel- lows : Ferm en Nei th Duke street, right rest iug en East King, down Duke te Church, te Seuth Queen, te Hager, countermarch te German, te Prince, te West King, te Mary, ceuntcrmareh te Prince, te Walnut, countermarch te Chestnut, te North Queen, te East Kinir, te Marshall, ceun tcrmaieh te Centre Square aud dismiss. The Paradise and Strasburg clubs will come te town. Beth are equipped and tlicv will participate in the parade. Mounted men who intend participating in the parade will form at Prince aud Orange streets. The members of the different ward clubs who intend parading with ether than their own clubs aud who have uni forms, will confer a favor te the officers of their respective clubs by leaving their equipments with the captains of their club that every uniform may be filled. llew Tlicv Keel at Adrian, Alien. Reed, Rcadi & .Smith, druggists, et this city, :uy that Day's Kiihcet Pad is giving the very bcstei satisfaction. One of their customer says lie would net take two hundred dollars ler one lie ha? If he could net another. There is no use in drugging yourself te death, and buying all the vile medicines for internal use when you cm be cured of tcver and ague, dumb ague, bilious disorders, Jaun dice, dyspep-ia, as well as all disorders and ailments of the liver, bleed and stomach, by wearing one et Plot. Guiluicltc's French Liver Tads, which is a sure cure every time. II your druggist docs net keep the pad, send $1.5 ) in a letter te X'rench Pad Ce., Teledo, O., and it will be sent you by mail. It is the enlv pad that is guaranteed te cure. Beware of counterfeit. a A New Ue for Cerk. The new cork fleer covering Linoleum has ingratiated itself se rapidly into public favor that it is superseding all appliances heretofore wmpleycd for a like purpose. Its most remark able feature is its "extraordinary durability ;" in this respect no ether fleer covering can compare with it. It is equally desirable for dining rooms, halls, churches, and every va riety cf building. Kept by all first-class car pet dealers. The only genuine article has " Linoleum" en the back of everv square yard e23-ltd """"" " ' -V dtligluiul -have is possible only with the ' Cuticiu.i Muring Seuf. t eli! or young, or grave or gas-, These who new let their teeth decay. With bicath we can't endure; The thought their alter Jitc will haunt. That they neglected SOZODOXT, Th.it would have kept all pure. oIS-lwdeedAw Xi-jht b eats, cough, emaciation mid decline pi evented by Mult Hitters. POLITICAL meetings. Ikeimxr.itic County Committee The Democratic County Committee Mill meet ai the Central Hcidquarteis in this city en MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, at 10 n. in. Iin- perlnnt business, te lie present. l'.t cry member Is expected W. r HENSEL, Chairman. . H. Gisiui. McMrtLuv, . FATrrisse: "creturies. (icneral Parade. There w ill be a general parade et the Deme- cnitlc club-, of the city next Saturday evening. ' urtucr arrangements will be announced hertly by Col.rerdney, Uattalien Commander Attention, Iren Workers. The Iion-Weikers who intend participating in the parade te-morrow evening will meet at Kehihig'4 hotel, corner of I'lnni and Chestnut sticct, at 7 o'clock, sharp. "The (jnnrryville i mil wiil head the delegation, l'lrst Ward. A meeting et I irst ward elub will be held at Henry Xemr.cr's s-aloen, en Saturday evening at" o'clock shai p. f-i the purpose of dHtrib nting the b i In nee of nniferiusand turning out in genenil parade. hecend Ward. Eveiy Member et the Second Ward will assemble at their hcadriuartcr. Hanging's i-nloeii,Cl:c-tnulstree1, opposite 1 It It. depot, io-nieriow evening. at7 o'clock sharp, te take part in the torchlight precession. TVm out. Turn Third Ward. ; JUixt at Central headquarters this evening at 7 o'clock -harp ler p trade. A lull turnout is . . 1 de-ircd, lenrtli Ward. The i'eui tli v.ard club u ill meet en to-iuer-row (Saturday) evening at 7 o'clock, sharp. i ler p:rade with uiilierms aud w lute gloves. j AH Democrat in the ward net uniformed are 1 iniitc.l te join. Villli Ward. The Tilth v. aid Hancock aud English club will meet at their headquarters this even ing at 7 o'clock, -h:irp, ler the purpose of receiving a flag irem the ladies of the ward, piier te joining in Hie parade. Scicnth Ward. The members et the seventh Ward Hancock and Engh-h cl uli will meet for parade at head-quarler- (Ku'ilinuii's saloon), at 7 o'clock sharp, thi- evening. Every member is de sired te be prc-ent and bring his equip meuth. nraviAJ. xetjves. ' The best remedy ter liver complaint is leiV Liver rill-." Only 2 cents per box. Sel Sel Pelrt by t.ll druggists. A Wish. 1 wieli I was a fere'gncr, Hottentet or Heathen Turk, Or else I lived in China where they used no knife or terk. Fer my health is really horrid, I'm feeling very sad, And I have get dyspepsia, and get it very bad. 1'oer fellow, insteaclet grunting, meaning and crving. Yeu belter bv far Spring Blessem be trying, l'rlccs : flOc., trial bettles;i0c. Fer sale bv II. 15. Cochran, druggist. 137 and l.T Xerth Queen street, Lancaster, ln. 23 Tumors, crysipehw. mercurial diseases, scro fula, and general debility cured by " Dr. Lind-s-ey's Bleed Searcher." The Chicago Time s-avs: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is highly endorsed by ministers, judge, physician?, surgeons, by men et literary and scholarly distinction, and by individuals iu all the walks et life. 3 fcanmel A. Hewitt. Monteray, Mich., writes that Dr. Themas1 Ecleetric Oil cannot be beat by any medicine for coughs and colds and for rheumalism, it works like a charm. It has been thoroughly tried in this place and is great demand, for sale uy 11. it. ceenrau, aruggist, 2i !( iiuu w;i.uiui ijutwu suee.i, iiucasivr. DIGITUS. &.rr. In this city, October 20, 1830, Hannah J., daughter of Jacob and Ann Papp, in the Hist year et her age. The relatives aud lileuds.ef the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, irem her parents' residence, corner of Cones Cenes toga and Beaver streets, en Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Services at St. Paul's Ji. E. church. Interment nt Lancaster cemetery. e22-2td DTtY GOODS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. Call attention te the completeness and variety of their stock, including every article of every description in their line, from the low-priced te the costly. All grades of Watches and Time-keepers. All elasses of Jewelry, including very many pretty designs in cheap goods, and a superb collection of fine Diamond Goods. Silverware in full variety, from any geed Electro-plated article te the Solid Silver Goods of great intrin sic worth. Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, &c, &c. All purchasers of goods in our line, all persons contemplat ing the purchase of such goods, all admirers of beautiful goods, are respectfully invited te visit our store. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C, In the city, is te be NORBECK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BHILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. S-COX CO.'S The Stock include alt the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, uerh as the Urewster, Whitney, Salidee Triple, Euipire 'Cress Spring, Dexter Queen, Duplex nd Elliptic, and they will also make te order any style a purchaser may desire. Kepaiiing fall kinds promptly attended te.- All work guaranteed for one year. "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR "WORD." .Vt'ff ADVERTISJiBIEXTS. MISS M. K GILL, TEACHEKOFUKAVr ing in the Girls' High Scheel, wishes te obtain pupils in the various styles of drawing and painting. Residence Xe. 35 West Orange street. Furs altcied and repaired at the same place. ect20-tfd KOPJES' HUII.DING, LOAN AND DK posit Company. The regnla.- monthly meeting will be held this (Safunl.iv) evening at 7K o'clock, in their hall, in the Inquirer building. Meney te loon. It H. W. VILLKE, ?ee'y. 1?OK SALK AX A SACKlriCK. ? A CAFFKEY TRACK SULKEY, weight 51 pound, geed as new. S. E. BAILY&CO., I Xerth Queen Street. ltd rKUSSES! TRUSSES!! TRUSSES!!! Suflcrers from Rupture will find the safest, easiest and cheapest Trusses in the world en exhibition and for sale by ANDREW G.FREY. Cor. X. Queen and Orange St?., Lane. Ia. Alse the only sure euro for PILES. Frey's Universal 1'iIoSuppesitoiy never failed. Trice SO and 75 cents a box. ATTENTION CITIZEXS. HANCOCK LEGION AND 3.'SK?5fv'"! The members of the HANCOCK LEGION net parading with their ward clubs, and 'the Citizens el Lancaster who are in favor of the election or GEXERAL WIXFIELD SCOTT HAXCOCK te the Presidency will pleae meet this (SATURDAY) evening. OCTOBER 21, at 7 o'clock sharp, at the Headquarters of the Democracy, Centre Square, and join the Demo cratic parade. Dark dress. PHILIP IJERXARD, ltd Marshal. ""OOALf COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kind ofCOALgeto RUSSEL. & SHULMYBR'S. ! Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 88 East King Street. YARD: - 018 North Pnnce Street. ' auglt-taprlSR ! SOMETHING NEW AT CHINA HALL. ie"GofflOiSB,!utewFae. Feed cooked without changing the llaver or leav leg any Metal! lc Taste. It never Burns or Scorches av Iren or Tin reis ue. 1 Housekeepers and Cooks, give tlieni a trird. Thousands of them being sold dull. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. J3 EAST KING STREET. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VERY VAI UABLE REAL ESTATE. On TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 9. 1SS0. in pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court et Lancaster county, will be sold at public vendue, at the Cooper Heuse, West King street, in the city of Lancaster, Pa., the following real estate, late of Philin Sebum, deceased, viz : -All that elegant three-story BRICK STORE and DWELLING HOUSE and Let of Ground, situate en the south side of West King street, between Penn Square and Prince street.in the city of Lancaster, aforesaid, containing 40 feet. ! inches in front, and extending in depth 215 fi.i't te ji14 feet wide Tinlille nllev en which it has a front et width et 01 feet Inches. Bounded en the east by property et cnnrles Gillespie and Geerge M. Stelnman, and en the west by property et Jehn McCalla. The Stere Roem is very large and c m venient with geed dry cellar under it. The dwelling part of the building is also extensive and isnew occupied as a bearding house. There are roomy Brick Stables en the said alley, with large entrance from West King street, capable ofaccenimodatlngalarge number or horses. Alse wagon sheds and carriage houses. The whole building is drained by tewers connect ing with the main sewer in West King street, and a well et never-failing water with pump therein is in the yard. The whole premises have lately been thoroughly put in order, the front and stables newly painted and arc new in excellent condition. This is a very valuable property, centrally located and considered one of the best business stands of the city and well worthy the attention of business men and cap italists generally. Possession et the store may be given imme diately if desired. Geed title anil possession flvcn en the rest of the property en April 1st, B31. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. in., ou said dav, when attendance will be given and terras mafle known by. JOHNE.SCHUM. CHAS.HOLZWORTH, S. Bess & Sen, Administrators, c.t. a, , Auctioneers. ect28-SWThSd .-SSaSS? seen at the Works ei OLD STAXO.-ea XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GKAMJSAUiCR KltAUT AXl PIGS FEKT Lunch this evening at the Maner Hetel, West King street, and the best of Beer en tap. ltd WILLIAM KEIIM. rpiIE KEGUI.AR MONTHLY MEETIXG OF L thcAmcricanMcchanics'BulldingaudLean Association will be held this (SATURDAY) evening at CJo'cleck, in Ceylc's Building, Xe. 38 East King street ltd WM. T. JEFFEKIES, Secretary. COUGH NO MORE ! A Certain Cure Fer COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, nd all DUciisc of the THROAT AND LUNGS. Fer the relief of Consumptive, in all stages of the Disease. Prepared aud sold only at HULL'S DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, au-2S-lyd LANCASTER. PA. tineut J. B. lartln & Ce., Cerner West Ring and Prince Streets, LANCASTER, PA. ALL GRADES OF WALL PAPERS. The Largest Line in the City. CARPETS, WDfDOW SHADES, CORNICES, ETC. WallPanar TILUD EDITION. SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. 23, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Oct. 23. Fer the Middle states, clearing weather, northwest te southwest winds, higher barometer lower temperature. BY WIRE AJS'D CABLE. News or th Altcraoen Ceadented. In Philadelphia Martin V. Chapman, charged with perjury in connection with the suicide of "Dr." Buchanan, te-day was committed iu default of $5,000 bail. The Xowtewn (Pa.) posteffico was rob bed last night. Thera wen the first race at Pimlico te day and the second was a dead heat be tween Glidelda and Grenada. The crop prospects in Russia arc ex tremely gloomy. In Petersburg, Va., Cleappas Rancy has been acquitted of nnmler. Certain tenants in England have been warned net te pay full rents en penalty of death. These Troublesome Telegram. New Yerk, Oct. 23. Judge Lawrence in the supreme court chambers this morn ing en application of attorneys for the Western Union telegraph company grant ed an order te show cause returnable en the 27th inst. why injunction should net issue te restrain the Democratic national committee from using or circulating litho graphic copies of Marshall Jewell's dis patches, which were obtained by the com mittee through the mistake of the tele graph cempauy. The original application was for an injunction which was net granted, and the affidavit en which the order was obtained was made by Nervin Green, president of the company. Verdict Against a Liquor Dealer. Northampton, -Mass., Oct. 23. Mary Harrington yesterday received a verdict of $3,400, in her suit for $10,000 against Michael McKillop, liquor dealer of IIoI IIeI IIoI yelcc, for the less of her husband who was killed in a drunken row while under the influence of liquor obtained in defend ant's saloon. : WANTED. WAISTKD .UVXIITBODY TO ADVKK tise, free of charae, in the Iktellwkn cer. who wants something te de. WANTED TWO IlIXiaG KOOM CilKLS immediately. Geed wages. Apply te or address franklin ileuie, Columbia, Pa. 2td. X7"ANTKU A 1'OSITION AS HOUSK- f t'cper by a widow lady. Geed rcler ence iven. Address Housekeeper, Ixtelli OEXt 1 Omce. e23 2td -VEIF ADVERTISEMENTS. IltE KEGULAKMONTIILYMEKTING OF the Union Buildimrand Lean Association will be held en MONDAY Evening at 7 o'clock. A. II. HALL, ltd Secretary. BARBEYS' CELEHKATfcD LAOKK BKKIt en tap and musical entertainment Tills EVENING. Lunch every morning from 0 te 12 o'clock at Hetel Frankc, ltd JOHN HESS N OTI C4: TO ISUYEKS. OUR NEW REAL ESTATE CATALOGUE Fer OCTOBER, is new ready ler FREE DISTRIBUTION. Examine it bctere buying a home. II KICK & STAUfcFJSi:, e!G-3tclS,T& WK 3 North Duke Street. ESTATE OF JANK SWING, LATK OF Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requestid te make Immediate pay ment, and the-c having claims or demands against the same, will present them vithetit delay for settlement 'te the undersigned, re siding in Lancaster, Pa. ELIZABETH ELLIOTT, JOSEPH W1LFONG, Administrators. J. L. fTiu?.MET, Att'y. o23Ctdeaw SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES Receive iiiet enicfnl attention. DESIUN& AND ESTIMATES SUKMITl'ED WITHOUT CHARGE. E. F. BOWMAN, lOfi EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. IXKCCTOIl'S PUBLIC SALKOIVAMIA li RLE CITY PROPERTY. On FRIDAY' NOVLMBEK 5, 18e0, will be sold by public sale at the Franklin Heuse, Lancaster city, Pa., the following real estate, te wit: Ne. I. A let of ground fronting IS feet, mere or less, en East King stieet. in said city, and extending 215 in depth te a 16-fcet wide alley, en which is erected a two-story BRICK HOUSE withatwo-stery Buck Back melding attached. Ne. 501. The heuc Is conveniently laid out witn liycirant, rruit trees aimeiiicr improve ments, fe. 2. A let of "round fronting 21 feet en East Orange street, and extending in depth 118 feet te 8-leet wide private al.cy, en which is erected a two-steiy Brick Heuse, with a two- story jsrick uacK iHUKIlng attached. .e. J17, with gas through the whole house. Hydrant, Fruit Trees and ether improvements. Ne. 3. A let of ground fronting the same as Xe. 2, and the same depth anil same kind of a house as Ne. 2, and is numbered 440. Ne. 4. A let et irreund trentinz Vi icct en East Orange street, iu said city, ami extending in ucpin nu icct 10 a i.-iect wine private auey, en which is erected a two-story Brick Heuse with a one-story Brick Back Building attached. Hydrant, Fruit Treesand ether improvements, Ne. 522. Terms easy. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in. of Mild day, when conditions of sale will be made known by REV. A. F. KAUL. Executer et the E"tatcef late Mrs. Daniel Mc- Cert. Saii'l Hess & fcn.v, Auct. e23-12td SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! BLANKET SHAWLS for Ladies. BLANKET SHAWLS for Children. BLANKET SHAWLS for Scheel Girls. PAISLEY, THIBET anil BROCHE SHAWLS. 5SHAWLS IN QUANTITIES AT . PAHNBSTOOK'S. Headquarters for UMerwear. UNDERWEAR Jer Ladles. UNDERWEAIt for Gents. UNDERWEAR for Beys and Gill. UNDERWEAR at all prices. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Boer te the Court Heuse. INSTATE OF K. B. STOWEKS HARMEK J ger, late et Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make imme diate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in Lancaster, Pa. ALEXANDER J HARIJERGEK. Executer. J. L, Steismrw, Attv. an320tdea MAMKETS. rmiadeipius market. I'HiLADStrHi. October S3. Fleur dull ami weaker; supernne I3us?,5i0; extra! 09$ 440; Ohie and Indiana family $530tS00; Penn'a Umily $. 1235 37: St. Leut family at t6 0036 50: Minnesota family 3 003$ 00; Strttght. $6 25SC75; patent 'in-l high grade te ieK Rye flour scarce at isee. Wheat quiet and easier; Ne. 1 Western Red tl 126113; Pcun'j. Red l 123113; Amber $1 131 13. Cern dull for local use; yellow nt3S35Uc; mixed 54c. Oats quiet and easier ; Ne. I, White 41c ; Ne. 2 de 40c; Ne. 3 de 33c; Ne. S, Mixed 8c. Kye firm at 93c. Previsions steady, with jobbing tradoenly ; mess perk and beef bams $1G !;&; Indian mess beet at 118 50: smoked hams lljtlSe; pickled hamt 8i?9c; bacon smoked shoul ders 6c ; salt de 5kc. Lard easier; city kettle at8J3ci loose butchers' SJc: priui0 9teatn gc. Butter choice Arm and fairly active; ether grades market dull : Creamery extra 31832c: geed te choice S5ft30e; Bradford county and New Tork extra. 'JtifrSte: Western reserve extra 20!c ; de geed te choice Iftgaec : Rolls firm; Western Beicrve extra :it23e; Penn'a Fxtra SZ21c. Eggs scarce and linn; Penn'a Extra 23c; Western Extra 22c. UhecsedulLaside from choice : New Tork full cream' 13Klc; Western full cream 12K0 13Uc : de lair te geed 11312c ; ile half skims 10i10c. Petroleum dull : rctlucd 12c. Whisky dull at $112. Seeds Geed te prime clever dull nt$t73& 750; Timethy nominal at $2702M: Flaxseed wanted, $1 33 bid. Mew VerK MarKei. Nkw Vekk, Oct.23. Fleur State and West ern quiet and prices scarcely st firm ; Superfine, at $3 S0.J4 'J.": extra de at f4254 50; choice, de. H 53f?4 75: fancy de. 14 80S600: round hoop Ohie! 7385 00: choice ue eiut uu; supernne western .. a jji u; common te sroedexlra de fl23HU; choice de de 4 C5gG 50 ; clwicc white wheat de $4 G" 6185; Southern quiet and heavy; com mon te fair extra 5 00j5 53; geed te choice de T C0g7 00. Wheat about Jc lower aud trade moderate ; Ne. 1 White, Dee., I Ifi : Ne. 2 Red. Oct. $lJ5i ;doNev..lltia!I ltiC: ; de Dec ., 17 1 17f;deJan..$llS. Cern a shade easier and mi let : Mixed wwt em 8pnt,54A(f(53Jc;ile tumre,53Mfr5tc. Oats unchaiiKOit; Ne. 2 Oct. autf Nev. 39e ; duDcc.3!i3!(c; State 3!J43e ; Western. SSmoe MtecWJUarKer. October 23. Nxw Yerk Stocks. Stocks strong and higher. A. Sf. A. si. r. M. V. SI. P. St r. si. r. si. 1:00 2:23 iiii .... 10:23 llri". 1:00 2:23 3:l0 ErieR. IC. 41 43, Michigan S. A L.S....lU?i lit 113'; 114 mil 103 .... 115-;. 10! 103J2 42li 41 ;! ; ixA -H.J MlchigantCent. it. IL.iaVi 104 'r Chicago AN. W Chicago, M ft St. P.. Han. & St. J. Cem.... " " P'id... Teledo & Wabaslr.. Ohie & Mlssts-ipni. . AWiZ .101 JlJ-Ji 10JIS N 417 TV-' 51S 2IJ1 1'J 42 ail ..;., .. St. Leuis, I. M. & S. R.. 51; untarteana western. 'Hii V. C. A I. C. R. i: V. New Jersey Central.. 71FJ4 Del. A HuiHenCaual. S.V, Del..lick..t Western 'M'i 21U 7.'i fftt .Vi 'JTl ; Western Union Tel...l02,' 101i 101? 101i Pacific Midi S. S. Ce.. 4i?i 45J 45)2 l5J5 Aiannattan r.ievutca. ;i 33J 3S SS SB Union Pacitlc Kansas & Texas New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland A Pitts Chicago & Reck I Pittsburgh A Ft. W... American U. Tel. Ce. 3.'i 33 " li 37A ... 131$ ... 117 ... 115 ... 125 ... 122 ... V3 PUILADKLI-HIA. Stocks strong. Pennsylvania R, It.... 5,'4 59& 5UJ 50JJ WJ Phil'a. A Reading..... l'.; 1K 20 2i 20$ Lehlgli Valley I G2J' 5.1 53 53Ji LehiKh Navii:atien... 34 34 TA teli 35 Northern Pacific Cmn 21 2! 2a 2 29 " " P'd caii 64 .... 84V Pitts.. Titus v'c A li.... W'i li-. li'.Ji 17 172 Northern Central 3.5i 37 Phil'aAErie R. R.... l7Ji 17J 10JS .... 10J Northern Penn'a W1, 50Ji Un. U. R's of N.J J 1824 .... 1ft! Hestenville Pass 19J 19J4 Central Trans. Ce. Leral Mecks and Bends. Par val. Lane.City 0 per et. Lean, due 1SI.. .Hm " " 1SH2... 100 " l.S.. . 10O " " 1VJ0... 1( " " 1835... 10O " 5 per ct. In 1 or SO ycarj" 11)0 Lane. and fjunrry v'e R. R.bend.... 10) ' " " stock.... M Lancaster and Ephrata turnpike... 25 IincElizabetht'n nndMiddlet'n.. K Lancaster and Fruitville turnpike. 50 Lancaster and Lit itz turnpike 25 Lancaster anil Maner turnpike.... 50 Lancaster and Manheiui turnpike. 25 Lancaster and Marietta turnpiki:.. 25 Lane. an.I New Helland turnpike., loe Lane, and Strasburg turnpike 25 Lane. andSiiseuchanua turnpike.. 3x Lane, and Willow Street turnpike. 25 Farmers' Nat. Hank et lainciLster... 50 First Nat. Bank of Lancaster lixi Lancaster County Nat. Bank 50 Iniitiirer Printing Ce .Ml Lanc.Glu Light and Fuel Ce. stock. 25 " " bends. Last sale. $100.25 105 114 H8.t: 120 103 11-3 3.'25 47.13 51 51 5t ttt 30.40 25 85 20 275.25 10.15 100 150 102.10 27 kV: PUBLIC SALE OFMULKS. On 5IONDAY. OCTOBER 25. will be Held at the Merriniae, North Prince street. 21 head et ftrst-elas Yeung KENTUCKY MULES. A credit of 1?) days. Fer particulars n-e M R. Witwer. Sale at 1 o'clock. e22-2td JOSEPH A. WOODRURN. ;UR KENT. plate kUiss front. Iiiirh eeilin;.'. located 011 the main business street and next deer te the pest etlice. Columbia, Lancaster county. Pa. : has been occupied as a book store ter tins lasl hixteen yiars, and isoncet tiie best stands iu the comity for that business, it is a line open ing ter any one u he understands the book and stationery business. Possession given imme diately. Address JOHN FENDRIt'H. ect20-lud Columbia, Pa. "POK SALK. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-roomed, two-story and Mansard root, Green Stene Frent Dwellings, Nes. 121) and 433 West Orange Stieet. With all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, ucludlng Jenning'a improved Londen water closets, marble-top washstand, improved wall-ed-Iu range, cellar heater, perfect drainage and sewerage, deep, dry cellar, white marble base and steps, &c, Ac. Let 22 by J45 feet te a Il-feet wide alley, front yard 2 ) feet iu depth, inclesed with ornamental iron lencc. Fer terms, Ac, apply te JOHN II. METZLER, aug21-WAStld Ne.O Seuth Duke St. TIl'HUC WALK OF A VALUA1ILK 8UII- I Uli RAN PROPERTY. On TUESDAY. NOVEMltER a. at the Coencr Heue. will be bold the Beautiful Suburban Property of the undersigned, containing 5 AC It Kb. situated ou the Columbia pike, en-juarter ofamile west of Lancaster, Pa., bordering en mid near te the country plccs respectively of Dr. J. W. Ncvin. of the 3Iesr.s. Hager, et Nittli. Ell makcr, esq., anil contiguous te Wheatland, homeef the late ex-President James Buchanan. Possessing the advantage of thii, neighbor hood te these elegant homes of thu West End ; anil itself improved ly its caiiacieus mansion and suitable outbuildings sheltered by orna mental trees, shrubs and climbing vinen, and surrounded by lawns laid out in paths and carriage read"; communicating with the city by means et the pike anil gas-lit liavements and the live minutes walk te City Passenger Rail way : with its frontage of e7! feet en a line of front wi'ii city pieperties near by ; Jtlils prop erty wiille etfering llie double advantages of country and city MirreundingH. allenls a lovely home with a growing value. The place contains above i ornamental and fruit trees. Of the latter there are varieties et anples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, Ac, in fruit-bearing state, anil se likewise are the dlllcrcnt varieties et grapes, currants, rasp berries, Ac. The mansion of brick, with slate reef, having a southern exposure, containing 20 rooms and halls, with tiieir complement of closets, and basements with cemented lloers, plastered wall and ceilings, well light ed and thoroughly ventilated, is a double two .storied Heuse witli well llnished attic rooms. Its living rooms and bed chambers newly painted and papered, open out en beautiful verandahs and piazzas with appliances for conservatories. The priucipal hall is entered from a portico that is approached from the front through an avenue of tall evergreen trees. Among the modern improvements is a bath room supplied with rain water caught from reef in a boiler iron tank of Best's manu facture, newly constructed ; also a large size Reynolds' improved tnrnace that heats entire building. Of its outbuildings there is a newly built tobacco shed, a shed for wagons, Ac. Stabling room for 2 cows, 2 horses and for pigs, and a roomy carriage house. Immediately in the rear et residence U a two storied brick slate covered building, adapted ler summer kitchen, and having upper room for servant. There are two wells et excellent water, one especially distinguished ferits supply that has never shown signs or diminution during the longest droughts. Persons desirous of inspecting the premises may call, when a full opportunity for doing se will Ircely be granted. Sale te commence promptly at 7 o'clock p. m. en said day, when terms and conditions will be made known bv J. H B. WAGNES, Hrenr Skveckt, Auct. ect US Wtd