tftrJ -? , jj v vi - .-. , -v vv-ifr vwr. ---nvi 'l v - -' - LAKCASTEB DAILY INTELLIGENCER. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20, 1880 i i. COUttT Or QUARTER 4ES3ION8. October Atjearaa Term. Tuesday JfUrnoen. Cem'th vs. Bryson Painter and Jehn Drachbar, assault and battery. Ernest Hemic! Is the name of the prosecutor ; he is a baker and resides en Middle street, this city. The evidence of the commonwealth showed that upon the 8th of June last the defendants came into Henriei' s yard; they began taking bread from bis wagon, and Henriei order ed them te go out, but they refused ; he then struck one of them with a broom. After again ordering them te go he started for an alderman's office; the two then as saulted him, beating him with stones and kicking him se badly that he was nnder medical care for fourteen days. The defense was that Henriei first started the fight by hitting Painter with a broom stick. Soen after that Painter knocked him down, but no stones were thrown. This was the last case ready for trial to day, and court adjourned until 9 a. m. in the morning. Current Business. Counsel for Isaac 31ishler, coroner, pre sence", te me court ler continuation, tne inquisition held ou the body of Dauicl K. Micssc. Themas R. Hirst waa appointed a super visor of Sadsbury township, in place of Lewis Briuten. who resigned. Wednesday Morning. The jury in the case of the cem'tU vs. Bryson Painter and Jehn Drachbar rendered a veidict of net guilty, but defendant te pay costs. Cem'lh vs. Jehn B. Erb, constable of Pequea township, forcible entry. A case could net be made out by the common wealth, and under the construction of the com t the jury rendered a verdict of net guilty. Cem'tli vs. William Madlcn, Jacob S. Spanglcr and M. Dawsen Spanglcr, violat ing' fcepulcluc. The prosecutor in the case was Dr. Diller Luther, of Reading. The defendants Iivo near Ephrata. Near that village is a piivatc burying ground, in which wcre buiied the remains of the Weaver, Martin and Miller families. In this cemetery is a vault and in it are the remains of Cenrad Weaver, the great grandfather of the prosecutor, he having died in 1810. Dr. Luther testified that from informa tion received he visited the vault at Ephra ta ; from its appearance he thought it had been tampered with, the sod having been removed. The witness described the tomb &c. 3Ii-s. Amanda Gechley testified that she faw the defendants at the tomb in July 1879 ; the Spauglcrs were in the vault wuen witness get mere, tne young man Dawsen had a skull which the said they would .take home ; they asked witness Jbr a candle te go down into the vault, it was given them hut as it was seen extinguished hhe gave them a lamp. Jacob Zerfas testified he aw the defen dants at tlie vault in 187J). He saw them working with a shot el opening it. They were net repairing the tomb but trying te get into it. Witness also saw the defen- t aiding in Sterling, Kansas. Mrs. Rath von bad been in ill health for a few weeks past, but recent letters received led her Lancaster friends te believe that she was in a fair way te recover, and the unexpect ed announcement of her death has caused mourning among a large circle of friends. Her body will be brought te Lancaster for interment, the funeral te take place from the residence of her mother, Mrs. L. C. Perter, North Shippen street, en Fri day afternoon at 4 o'clock. HIS BRIDE'S MAUSOLEUM. JDMT GOODS. The Memerial Church Erected by Penney!. ranla'a Iren King. Ameit FinUMea- a Costly Mansion for Mer Heme, but en bar Death Leveling it te the Ground The Consecration Ceremonies. Lebanon Dispatch te New Yerk San. A new church edifice, the princely gift of a Pennsylvania iron king, was conse crated in this quiet back country borough te-day. There is quite a romantic chapter of love and sorrow connected with it. The new edifice cost a very large sum of money, and it is generally known that every dollar was paid by Mr. Rebert Cele, man, one of the leading members of the "house of Cornwall," founded upon three mountains of iron ere here in Lebanon county, about 140 miles west of New Yerk. The church is in the borough proper. Cornwall, a few miles distant, is the home of the Celemaus, the richest iron family in the state. Monday, being J tne lestival of at. .Luke, was chosen for the consecration of the magnificent edifice and it was dedicated with all the rites and ceremonies of the Episcopal church. Several years age Mr. Rebert Celeman met a young lady pf very prepossessing ap pearance in a tour he made of New Eng land. She was the daughter of a respect able family of Connecticut in moderate cir cumstances. A mutual attachment fol lowed, and net long afterward the couple were married. A short time after the marriage the young bride was suddenly taken ill, and a trip ou the continent was arranged by.her husband. It was thought that tha climate of the south of Frauce, Italy, or Spain would be best for her. All that love and boundless wealth could give was furnished with a most liberal hand. The husband was compelled te re main at home by business engagements. It was confidently believed that the bride would seen be restored te geed health, and very seen after her departure the husband set about preparing a sur prise te her. He supposed that she would be abroad about a year, and he determined te erect oue of the most costly lesidenccs she had ever seen and have it all finished and furnished in time for her arrival home. She was te knew nothing about it until the carriage should drive her te the deer LADIES! WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION OUR E OF Ladies' and Children's Merine Underwear, all Sizes and Qualities, in Scarlet and White. Infants' Saxony Weel Shirts, Hand Knit, with High Necks and Leng Sleeves. New Lines of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. New Lines of LADIES' and MISSES' FELT SKIRTS. Lines of LADIES' and MISSES SHAWLS. New Lines of LADIES COATS AND DOLMANS. TUBD EDITIM. WEDNESDAY EVKN'G, OCT. 90,1860 New HORRIBLE HOLOCAUST IN CINCINNATI. ANOTHER RAILROAD ACCIDENT. ANARCHY IN TURKEY. New Liues of BLACK THIBET and WOOL SHAWLS. Us LOWEST PRICES. Nnw Lines of BEST QUALITY BLACK CREPE VEILS. All GrIVLEE, BCWEE8 & HUEST, 28 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. pickled bam 8XG9e; baron smoked a HtJwxe ; sanae ssjc.- '- Lara steady; city kettle t sc : loose batch era 8Jc; prime steam S3 873$. Ratter arm. Inquiry for choice; Creamery extra setJSlc : geed te choice 279290 ; Bradford county anil New Yerk extra. S839c; Western reserve extra 20022a ; de geed te choice l69Bc : Rolls Arm : Western Reserve extra 2124c ; Penn'a Extra 20623c. m ' Kggs scarce and Orm; Penn'a Extra 23c; Western Extra 22c. Cheese inactive, but steady: New Yerk fall cream lSKGUXc; Western full cream 139 MJic : de fair te geed isai2c ; de half skims lOctlOJfc. rciniwaui uiui ; rciiacti IX. Whisky active at SI 12. Seeds Geed te prime -clever dell ntS73 7 SO; Timethy nominal at S3 7022 80: Flaxseed wanted, $135 bid. Steek Market. , October. A DENIAL FROM GARFIELD. News by Wire and Cable. COLUMBIA NEWS. OLU REGULAR CORUESFONDRKCE irem tne railway station, Mr. i'ewcu. a Philadelphia architect, was instructed te prepare the plans. The structure was te be in the Scottish hareuial style, and Mr. Celeman cared very little about the cost. A fine site was chosen,bread and level and elevated, with a commanding view of a long stretch of the beautiful Lebanon val- dants en Easter Monday, in 1880, they , then had iust came out of the vault. Daw- seu Sn:iniler and Albeit Lurin? were then ' ley. together. ! The Celeman estate comprises about flve Themas Jenes testified that in a eenver- '. thousand acres. In one part of it is a sat ion with Jacob S. Spanglcr, the latter i brown stable, containing some thirty thor ther thor teld him that Dawsen had taken the ' eughbrcd horses. The most valuable ani MjuH out of the vault hut he would sec n'8 re quartered in rooms having mir that it was put back ; he said they had ' rs en the walls and Brussels carpet en taken it out but Dawsen had taken it portions of the fleer. Five monstrous fur- home. " i naccs are smelting ere night aud day en Mrs. Amanda Binkley testified that she saw Dawsen Spanglcr ceme out of the vault en Easter Monday. Several ether witnesses testified that they saw a skull at Jacob Spanglcr's house in November, 1879. The defense was that Jacob S. Spanglcr, the estate.JThree hills contain an inexhau 5 tible supply of ere. These furnaces hav.u made millionaires of a dozen families or mere. Rebert Celeman is the youngest of the iron kings of the present line of owners. Interested parties and heirs are scattered in many climes, but Mr. Cele- ln o'eitenco te a premise made te his ' man remains in complete cnarge ei tne vase gi andmother.whe has relations in the tern) J ' estate. Everything is conducted in princc'y witu the etiicr deteudants went te the , ' Every employee lives en the place, vault, and when seen there they were en-1 rent fres. The cottages arc models of neat jraired at cle.uiimr un the nlace. It was B'ss, cleanliness, and convenience. A admitted that Dawsen Seamrlcr took the i church, store, Sunday school and ether ... . . ... . . . . . i i. skull te his lather's ( Jacob Snannler's ) house, but only for the purpose of making a phrenolegical examination ; it was re placed long before any prosecution was m ado. FATAL ACCIDENT. A Hustler at aeffsville Falls Down Stairs. About ene o'clock this morning Julius Eurbiciter, a Geimau aged 68 years, who was employed as hostler at the hotel of Samuel Urubakcriu Nefisville, fell down staiis and was fatally injured. Last even ing the man had been drinking with a friend and about 12 o'clock he started te bed. About one hour after that several of the beaidcrs heard a noise but did net knew what it was. This morning at C o'clock Themas Law, a boarder at the hotel, arose aud went down stairs. Upen arriving at the bottom of the stairs he found semethin lying against tne deer, lie procured a light and upon making au examination leund that the object at the bottom of the stairs was the dead body of Ehrbreiter. He was lying with his head near te the deer, and had a terriblecut upon the back of his head. It is supposed the man had gene te bed aud arose for seme purpose during the night. In going down stairs he likely fell and his head striking the edge of the deer at the bottom, he was fatally injured. When found he had nothing en but his. under clethinir. Corener Mishlcr was sent for and he immediately empaneled a jury consisting of Jehn A. Schuh, J. B. Amwake, jr., Henry Brunucr, Harry H. Hcnsel, Jacob Frankfeid aud W. H. Pennock. They viewed the remains which were examined by Drs. Bewman, Witmcr and Dillman. After hearing the evidence of the physi cians au J witnesses the jury rendered a verdict of "death from congestion of the brain, caused by an accidental fall." The body of the man was brought te this city and interred in the almshouse burying ground. The deceased had been living with Mr. Biubakcr since June. He has no v:ifc, but has one son in Washing ton, D. C, and another in Sunbury, this state. Has was a soldier during the war and was seen te have received back pen sion amounting te $1,500. The Rspub'Icsn Convention. Te-morrow the Republicans will have a great political gathering in this city, and it is expected that thousands of strangers will be present, net only from this county but from adjoining counties, from Phila delphia and ether distant points. One of the features of the day will be a grand street parade. There will of course be much excitement and exultation and hur rahing, aud perhaps some taunting and , insulting expressions made by some of the men in line. If such should be the case, we urge all geed Democrats te pass it by unnoticed, and give the Republicans no possible cause of complaint. Treat the visitors with the utmost courtesy and respect, and de net answer cheer with cheer or . gibe with gibe. Let them give full beut te their enthusiasm. There will he time enough for Democratic rejoicing after our Republican friends shall have exhausted themselves. All geed citizens of all parties will of course lend their influence and aid te the city authorities in promptly checkiug all attempts at breaches of the peace, should any be made, no matter by whom. A geed many Democrats of this city have signified their intention of going te Yeik at 10 a. m. te-morrow. They will assemble te start from the central bead quarters. OBITUARY. Death of Mrs. William S. Rathven. A telegram received by friends in this city announces the death of Mrs. Lillie Rathven, wife of Wm. R. Rathven, form crly of this city, but for a year or two past necessary wants are fully suppiad. The great farm supplies employees with wheat, corn, potatoes and vegetables at far below market price. Splendid family mansions occupy prominent places. Tally-he coach es, drawn by four-in-hands, convey the members of the Celeman family and their many visitors te the neighboring towns and railway stations. Hence the new mansion that was te be erected by Mr. Rebert Celeman as a surprise te his bride, it can readily be im ngincd; was te be semethiugj exceedingly grand. The foundations were massive and built of granite and limestone. The underground divisions were commodious and finished in the most modern style. A hard cement fleer was laid. The frames of the hay windows for the first fleer weighed several tens apiece. The super structure was te have been of marble, iron and granite. The work was proceeding splendidly and some fifty men were steadily employed. Car after car lead of material was arriving and being put in place. All efforts were made te rapidly push en the completion of the work. Every detail of fur niture and upholstery had becu decided upon, lhc gardener had received his special instructions. In fact, everything had been fully arranged looking te the rapid completion of the mansion, when a telegram same ever the sea that the young bride was very ill in Paris. Quickly fol lowed another despatch that she was dead. Every tool in the new house was dropped. The young husband, stricken with grief, was for a time net te be consoled. He ordered the workmen en the new mansion te go te the office and draw their pay, and tuaa rcmeq3 their tools ana ether prop erty. In a few days orders were given te tear down what had been put up ; te threw in the excavations, and plough the place ever. All that remained of what was te have been a palace was ordered te be ob literated. The construction of the beautiful church dedicated here te-day concludes the story. The remains of the dead bride were em balmed and brought back te America, and were then placed in a vault until the con struction of the church walls had been suf ficiently advanced te receive them. The new edifice is cruciform, US by 75 feet. The fleer is of Spanish tile from Va lencia. The woodwork is 'of oiled oak. A massive tower, twenty-four feet square rises one hundred feet in the air. The structure is of gray stone, even te the window sills. A hydraulic en gine in the basement supplies the air for the organ. The style of finish is old Eng lish, with massive granite columns. The leading Episcopal clergymen of the east ern section of the state were present at the consecration, iucludiugjM. De Wolfe Howe, bishop of this diocese, who was consecrator ; the Right Rev. Dr. Elliett, of Texas ; the Right Rev. Dr. Hare, bishop of Nebraska, I. T. ; the Rev. Dr. Oliver, of Nebraska, the Right Rev. B. Wistar Merris, missionary bishop of Ore gon, and ether distinguished clergymen from the Episcopal convention in session last week in New Yerk The Rev. Chand ler Hare is the rector of the parish. The new church has a seating capacity of about 500. It was filled te overflowing te-day by the leading citizens of this section of the state. Democrats Parading In the Rain Firemen off te Uagcrstewn Notes About Town. The very inclement weather and the forty hours devotion" at Hely Trinity Catholic church together had abadeflect for the worse in the turnout last even ing of the Hancock and English battalion of this place, but notwithstanding all counteracting influences the precession in point of numbers and in enthusiasm, as well as in-strict attention te marching and preserving geed order, was a decided suc cess. The Third ward battalion did net turn up at all, as a large number of its members arc likewise members of Hely Trinity church and preferred attending te their church duties te parading through town with torches ou their shoulders. The battalion of the 1st aud 2d wards, however turned out a large percentage of its num ber, and despite the falling rain, held te the ranks and marched the route like vet erans. The several companies of the bat talien formed at the points designated at the appointed time aud followed the route published in Monday's Intelligencer, constantly passing before handsomely il luminated residences aud giving cheer upon cheer for the well-wishing occupants. The only visiting delegation was from Maytown, which accompanied by ' the Maytown band. The Citizens' band of this place furnished the music for the Col umbia battalion. The line was dismissed after accomplishing the route of proces preces sion en Third street near the Keystone Democratic club room. After last evening's parade Capt. Bert Slade's helmet company, of the Hancock aud English battalion was taken te Second and Locust street, and maneeuvred before a rapidly collected crowd of persons. Seme delicate and complex evolutions were exe cuted in geed time. Rev. F. W. Staley will this evening give another of his lectures en " Pilgrim's Pro gress" in the lecture room of the E. E. Lutheran church. All arc invited te at tend. The Rcpublic.ui battalion last evening decided te go te Lancaster ou Thursday, the 21st mst. The Rebin Heed archery club met last evening at the residence of Mr. Jehn Fen drich, corner of Third and Chestnut streets. Anether meeting or two and this sport will be ever for the season. Frederick Bueher is getting ready te tear out the partition, separating the rear and front portion? of his store room. The improvement will be a room-y one. The members of the Columbia fire com pany had their engine nt this morning, testing it. It was thought there was a leak somewhere, but we believe they were unsuccessful in finding it. It was our pleasure this morning te meet Mr. McMullen, the Democratic candidate for district attorney. With him we believe his opponent for the office is net remarkably strong. Mr. McMullen left here at 11:45 te go down the Pert Deposit read. The Vigilant and Shawnee fire compa nies left here en a special train at 7 o'clock this meiniug for Hagcrstewn, Md., te par ticipate in the celebration of the twenty fifth annivcisary of the Washington county agricultural and mechanical association. The Vigilant company were accompanied by the Mountville band and the Shawnee by the Ironville band. The former took with them about fifty equipped men and the latter forty or mere. Beth companies took their engines with them. The Sun engine of Lancaster will take the place of the Shawnee while the latter is at Hagcrstewn. The rain of last night te-day gives place te a clear sky. Chief Director Jehn M. Shenbcrger went te Hagcrstewn with the fire companies this morning. It is probable they will all return te-morrow or Friday. The Hancock company officers are new SEW AHTEMTISJCMENT8. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. Call attention te the completeness and variety of their stock, including every artiele of every description in their line, from the low-priced te the costly. All grades-of Watches and Time-keepers. AU classes of Jewelry, including very many pretty designs in cheap goods, and a superb collection of fine Diamond Goods. Silverware in full variety, from any geed Electro-plated article te the Solid Silver Goods of great intrin- ' sic worth. Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, &c., &c. AU purchasers of goods in our line, aU persons contemplat ing the purchase of such goods, aU admirers of beautiful goods, are respectfully invited te visit our store. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers. Disease prevented and medical bills lessened by a timely use of Malt Bitters. Or old or yeunjj, or grave or gay. These who new let their teeth decay. With breath we can't endure ; The thought their alter lite will hau nt. That they neglected SOZODOXT, That would have kept all pure. ols-lwdcedftw NEW AVVXRTISEMEliTS. MISS M. K GILL., TEACHER OFDRATv lng in the Girls' High Scheel, wiahes te obtain pupils in the various styles of drawing and painting. Residence Ne. 35 West Orange street. Furs altered and repaired at the same Place. ect20-tfd Nothing id tee geed for our baby no. even Cuticura Seap. net HMVIAZ, yOTIVJSS. SAMPLE NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman after u faithful course of treatment with Lyilia E. Pinkliani's Vcgetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. PInkbam, 233 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass.,f for pamphlets. Jy29-lydced&w Ictcre Bleed, General Debility, Scretula, Erysipelas, Pimples, Carbuncles, Unhealing Seres, and ether diseases demanding a treat ment essentially Tonic, Absorbent, Alterative, Bleed Cleansing, Bleed Making and Health lie storing, yield readily te that most perfect and elegant of medicinal preparations, Dr. Brown ing's Tonic and Alterative. Price M cents and $1. Fer sole by the proprietor, W. Champien Browning, M. D., 1117 Arch street. Philadel phia, and all Druggists and Dealers in Medi cine. eM-lwilTu.Th&S Ladles' Wine Spees's i'ert. Pure four years' old will net intoxicnte but possessing all the valuable medicinal properties of the Oporto grape, from which it made. Used in hospitals nnd by first class physicians as the best known wine ler medical purposes. It is a tonic and astringent. It is net mixed with alcohol or ether liquors, but a mild, rich and pleasant tonic, improving the appetite and promoting digestion ; as a duretie it acts beneficially en the kidneys and corres ponding organs ; as a suderific, it acts upon the skin, destroying eruptions and producing a soft, healthy nnd blooming complexion. Therefore, it is extensively and beneficially used by ladles, and is in general family -use as a sure remedy ler dysentery, and for all nervous, weak and debilitated persons. Sold by druggists and by A. Spccr, at his own vin yards, New Jersey. Advertiser. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee nnd Davis, and sold by H. E. Slaymnker. elC-2wd&w Many ladies misinterpret their sufferings. Try a box of 'Sellers' Liver Pills." Sold by all druggists. ORPHAN'S CeUKT SALE. On THUBSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1899. of a valuable Chester county farm of 240 ACUES Convenient te railroads. Geed buildings. Sale positive. Fer particulars address. S. E. NIVIX, Administrator c. t. a. ect-20-lmd Landenherg, Pa. A SERVICE OF SOMG AMD PRAYER for Children nnd Adults, will b held in the public school building, corner of Lemen and Lime streets, te-morrow evening at 7 e -ciecK. r.vcry oeuy welcome. FOR RENT. STOKE ROOM 18X40 feet, with new plate glass front, high ceiling, located en the main business street and next deer te the pest office, Columbia, Lancaster ceuntv. Pa. ; lias been occupied as a book store for the last sixteen years, and is one of the best stands in the county for that business. It is a fine open ing ter any one who understands the book and stationery business. Possession given imme diately. Address JOHN FEJfDRICH. ect20-lwd Columbia, Pa. OPENING OF THE GRAND FAIR UNDER the anspiccs of the ST. STEPHEN'S ClfCIiUH, Cor. Seuth Duke and Church Streets, en Thursday Evening, October 21st, 1880. AST" Visitors te the Ftdr will net be asked for votes or te take chances en any artlcle during their presence. COMMITTEE. el9-2d SHOCKING HOLOCAUST. FiTe Women Darned te Death la Cincinnati. CnscixaATi, O., Oct. 20, A shocking calamity in connection with a fire occurred shortly after 11 o'clock this morning. A fire broke out in the shoddy manufactory of Benjamin Hey, Second street and Broadway, in such a way as te cut off es cape from the third story, where a number of women were at work. The firemen made heroic but ineffectual attempts te rescue the women. After extinguishing the fire they succeeded in extricating the dead bodies of five women, two of whom are net yet identified. The ether three are Mrs. Daggett, aged 40 years; Mrs. S. E. Gnar, aged 50, and Mrs. Jacksen, aged 30. One of the bodies net identified is supposed te be that of Mrs. Barrett. The less by the fire is estimated at $35,000 ; in surance, 812,000. FIFTEEN PERSONS HURT. A Railroad Collision la Oble. Ciscisxati, Oct. 20. A collision en the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton railroad this morning, at Jenes station, nineteen miles north of Cincinnati, resulted in the injury of fifteen passengers none were killed outright and none are yet dead. The train known as the Sidney accommodation left Hamilton at 8:32 o'clock, two minutes late. At Schencks, a station below Hamil ten, it was detained five miuutes en account of a freight train. On reaching Jenes sta tiiin, being tee late te reach its regular meetingpeiut of au outgoing train, it was taking a side track when train Ne. 413, which had left Hamilton at 8:40, came up behind it and caught the rear car which had net yet left the main track. The engine struck the car, broke its own upper works and filled the car with escap ing j-tcam. The injured are Dr. A. C. Jenes, Cennarsville, Ind., head cut and upper body scalded ; Sarah Mahan, Knob Kneb Knob knester, Jehnsen county, Me., hands scalded; Maggie Mahan", Nichelaville, Ky., scalded ; Silas Mahan, Nicholasville, Ky., hands and face scalded. Saw Yeaa Stocks. Stocks strong. t jujl A.v.r.x.r.11. r.M 10r2J 11:30 135 fc M ErieB. B....... 44 43K MicWgaaaLls....iuU3- Michigan Cent B. ILJOiS 101U Chicago A y.W. iiV?nal? VUUWU JK db 94 X ...AW Han. 2 St. J. Cem..... 4l u i. p'ld.... 857i Teledo A Wabash..'." M Ohie ft Mississippi.... 34 au ieuia, i. a.s.Ji ei; Ontario and Western. 24J, C C tb x. C R. R...... l' New Jereev Central.. 75 Del. ft Hudsen Canal. 83 Del.. Lack, ft Western 93! Western Union TeL.JCSk H Pacific Mall S. S. Ce.. 41K Manhattan Elevated. St) Union Pacific 93 Kansas ft Texas 33 New Yerk Centrak Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland ft PitU Chicago ft Heck I Pittsburgh ft Ft. W. American U. Tel. Ce Philadelphia. Stocks dull. Pennsylvania R, It.... 59'b 39K Phll'a. ft Reading..... 17 1T Lehigh Valley 53i 33 Lehigh Navigation S4? Northern Pacific Coin 2 2S " w P'il . .... 524 PlttsTltusv'eftB...'. i&X lti Northern Central 3,'M Phil'aftErle B. R.... 17 17 16? Northern Penn'a SO Un.U-U's efN. J ISO 1K;-: 181 Uestenvlllc Pass 19 Central Trans. Ce. 87 .... 40K .... 34 .... S3 i OK, .... 9H 19K .... 74 .-... ttlVi .... 37Ji a .... Vg 136 116J 124 119 125 B8K 532S lHJi Lecal Stock and Bends. Par vul. I.anc.Clty S tier ct. Lean, due ISM).. .$lie " " 1S2... 11)0 " 1F85... 100 ' " 1KKI... 100 " " 1893... 100 " Sperct. in lerSOycnrs.. 100' Lane, und Quurryv'c R. R. bend 10 ) " " " stock 30 Lancaster and Ephrata turnpike... 23 Lanc.Eiizabetht'ii undMtddlet'n.. loe Lancaster and Fruitville turnpike. SO Lancaster and Lititz turnpike 25 Lancaster nnil Maner turnpike.... 30 Lancaster and Manheim turnpike. 23 Lancaster and Marietta turnpike. . 23 Lane, and 'ew Helland turnpike.. 100 Lnnc. and Strasburg turnpike. 25 Lane, and Susquehanna turnpike. . 300 Lane and Willow Street turnpike. 23 Farmers' Nat. Bank et Lancaster.. . 50 First Nat. Jlunker Lancaster loe Lancaster County Nut. Bunk SO Inquirer Printing Ce SO Lanc.Gea Light and Fuel Ce. stock. 23 ' " " bends. Last sale. 1100.23 105 114 113.75 120 105 103 3.23 . 47. 31 51 St 92 30.40 25 85 20 275.25 40.15 100 15S 102.10 27 IOC RIPE FOR REVOLUTION. O1 The remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar te women is Warner's Safe Kidney nnd Liver Cure. Mether's Magazine. hunting up the men who are ierk. ' sure for A Dad Mistake. Yesterday afternoon two Republicans of this city, one of whom was drunk, met a country Republican, who was also drunk, en North Queen street. They became in volved in a political discussion, aud the countryman, thinking the ethers were both Democrats, called one of them a "Rebel." Xe sooner had he haid the word than he received a smack en the mouth from the city chap which landed him sprawling en his back en the Belgian blocks. He crawled fe his feet and went away cursing the Democratic party. A Wise Deacon. " Deacon Wilder, I want you te tell me hew you kept yenrselt and family se well the past season, when all the rest of us have been sick se much, and have had the doctors running te us se long." " Bre. Tayler, the answer is very casj I used'Hep Bitters in time and kept my family well and saved large doctor bill. Three dol lar' worth et it kept us all well nnd nole te work all the time, and I will warrant it has cost you and most of the neighbors one te two hundred dollars apiece te keep sick the same time. I guess you'll take my medicine here. alter-" See ether column. el3-2wdftw RPHASS' COURT MALE. On TUESDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1880. Pursu ant te nntnenty in tne last win ana testnment of Jehn Tomlinson, late et Lancaster city, de ceased, we the undersigned executers therein will expose te public sale, at the Leoperd hotel. East King street, Lancaster city, the fol lowing described property, late the property of said Jehn Tomlinson, deceased : ' Ne. 1. A two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, Ne49 Middle street, a stone and brick stable aud ether improvements. The let fronts thirty feet, mere or less, en Middle street, and extends 142 iect, mere or less, te Lecnst street. Ne. 2. A twottery BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, Ne. 210 Plum street, with a one story brick BackBuiIding.and ether improvements. The let irents 16 feet, 6 inches, mere or less, en Plum street, and extends 102 feet.mere or less, in depth. no. 3. a x raci u uanu containing -Vi acres, in Lancaster city en the Concstegaund Hlg Spring turnpike, adjoining lands of Rebert A. Evans and William Sales. A large part of this tract is excellent farming land and the balance contains sand and stone quarries. There is u well of water with pump en the premises. Alse, six shares of stock of the Conestegaft Big Spring Valley Turnpike read ceiflpuny. Sale te commence nt 7 o'clock p. m., when attendance will be given nnd terms made known by ROBT. FAULDING. ROBT. TOMLINSON, B. F. Rewk, Executers. Auctioneers. ect20,23,25 DEMOCRATIC Anarchy and Violence in the Turkish Prev inces. Londen, Oct. 20. A despatch from Bucharest te the Times says trustworthy intelligence from the border laud between Macedonia and Albania represents that the Christians are ripe for revolution. The Bulgarians and Mussulmans are armed and assassinations en both sides are common eccurences. Anarchy reigns supreme. It is beleived that the chief purpose of the Turkish authorities in inducing Al banians te fleck te the Northern and aeumerni ren tiers is te establish troops in the interior where they can control the lawless population and crush their ideas of independence. If some steps are net taken te restore order, the population will probably be diminished by mutual extermination. POLITICAL MEETINGS. BY WIRE AND CAULK. -T .stCSESS! r-'kisv "w 5S.SerS3a2v - Police Cases. On complaint of Elizbeth Witch, Jacob Espenshade," farmer, was arraigned before Alderman Samson, of the Sixth waid, te answer for assault and battery. It appears that the Witches were peddling and 3Ir. Espcnshade asked them what they had in their wagon. He was told it was none of his business, whereupon he hinted that they had stolen some of his corn. This stirred up the anger of Mrs. Witch who made a rush for the offending farmer. She alleged that he struck her, but he denied it, and was correoarated by ether wit nesses. Case dismissed. St. Stephen's Church. The ladies' fair for the benefit of St. Stephen's Lutheran church, will commence in the church buildiug, junction of Duke, Vine and Church streets, te-morrow even ing and continue about ten days. The auditorium, which has just been frescoed by Reiugruber and otherwise beautified, has been elaborately decorated for the coming fair, which will prove unusually at tractive. The managers give notice that visitors will net be asked cither te take chances or give votes for articles for pre sentation te ethers, a practice which has of late become a great abuse and annoyance at fairs. Hud te Come te Town. This merninsr a number of Republicans attempted te raise a pole ever Fry's mill en the Columbia pike. They Vcre unable te de se and they sent Jehn Weaver te town. He paid a let of young men te go out with him and they helped te raise the pole. Prer. G nil motto's French Kidney Pads have been sold in France for the last ten .years, and in that time has cured thousands of men and women who were troubled with diseases el the kidneys and urinary organ. Fer sale by druggists. Mew Tliev Feel a Adrian, Mich. Reed, Beach & Smith, druggists, of this city, say that Day's KiDSET Pad is giving the very best or satisfaction. One of their customers says he would net take two hundred dallars for one he has if he could net another. Mothers! Mothers! 1 Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken el your runt by a sick child suffering antl crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? It se, go ut once and getabeltlc of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon It; there is no mistake about it, There is neta mother en earth who lias ever used it, who will net tell you at once tliat it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one el the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. niT-lvd&wM.WftS MEETING FRIDAY- NIGHT. "Great Bleed Tonic," for the cure of all bleed diseases." Dr. Ltndsey's Bleed Searcher." DEATHS. Fischer. In Washington, D. C. en October 18, at 4:30 p. m., Carl Einile Fischer, only child of Charles Fischer, of diphtheria, aged 3 years and 11 months. Funeral from the residence of his parents, Ne. G23 Seventh ' street, Northwest. Thursday October 21, at 3 o'clock p. m. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited te attend. JTEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Why Is It? The reason why Cehen ft Bre, el the Phila delphia One Price Stere, 5 East King street, don't advertise often is they don't have time. Because people arc telling each ether that they have se many bargains In the latest styles of men's and boys' hats, caps, gloves, shirts, underwear, knit jackets, ftc., and that is why they are selling se many goods and kept busy. ect2QA23 LUNCH TO-NIGHT. I will have a Saucr Kraut and Perk lunch TO-NIGHT nt Franke's garden. Alse Barbey's Celebrated Beer en tap. ltd JOHN HESS. TECORATE. FLAGS, STREAMERS, LANTERNS, FIRE WORKS, &C. AT ltd WEAVER'S. -I RAND TROTTING MEETING AT THE LANCASTER PABK, ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1880. Twe geed races and a special purse te beat ine -iesiesi lime ever moue en tius iracic uy Goldsmith Maid, 2:26W. Fer lull particulars see small bills. URIAH BtTZER, DAN'L LOGAN, el9-2tdR Managers. -:e: Ezra D. Parker, OP MIPPLINTOWN, PA. Hen. E. K. Apgar, OF NEW YORK, Chas. A. Lagen, OP PHDLADBLPHIA, U ill speak in the COURT HOUSE in this City On FKIDAY EVENING, OCT. 22. TINWARE, AC- 100 Tens el Rags VTanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. 9 CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. 3K CENTS PER POUND FOR WHITE RAGS. The highest price paid for Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, 4c. Ten Rag Assertcrs wanted, te wuem tne nignesi price wm ue paiu. JOHN A. SHOBBR, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, yMfdB Lancaster, Pa OTOVES. STOVES. Brick'Sct and Portable HEATERS and RANGES '.at: Shertzer, Humphreville&Itf offer's 40 EAST KING STREET. News of the Afternoon Condensed. Hight Hen. Alfred Henry Theriger, lord justice of the court of appeal of England is dead. The country residence of Chas. J. Baker, four miles from Baltimore, burned last night. Less, $30,000. Hesmer and Hanlan, the American oars men in England, are in prime condition. The Women's Christian Temperance Union met in convention at Harrisburg te-day. Jeb Smith was fatally scalded by an ex plosien in Webb's mills, near the White Heuse station, X. J., yesterday. In an engagement between a United States marshal and read agents iu New Mexico, one of the latter was killed where upon the ethers fled. There has been a hitch in the proposed France-American cable union. He Didn't Write It. Menter, Ohie, Oct. 20. General Gar field pronounces the letter which appealed in a New Yerk paper this morning in rela tion te the Chinese question a stupid forger-. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Oct. 20. Fer the Middle states, clear or fair weather, winds shifting te northwesterly, slight change in temperature and stationary or lower barometer. He Blew Ont the Gas. Pout Jebvis, Oct. 20. Michael Cernell of Bradford, Fa., who blew out the gas when going te bed last night was found dead this morning. MARKETS. GROCERIES. -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEVANT'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. di7-iyd New x erk Market. Nkw Yerk. Oct. 20. Fleur State and West ern slightly in buyers and very moderate de mand : Superfine, at S3 73Q4 15: extra de 4254 50; choice, de, $4 G04 75: fancy de. $4 803600: round hoop Ohie $4 G5500: choice de $5106 00; superfine western $3 7591 15: common te geed extra de $4 254 60 : choice de de $4 656 50 ; choice white wheat de $4 C5 i 85 ; Southern active and unchanged ; com mon te fair extra $51095 60; geed te choice de5 70700. w neat ncavy anu ;t$ic lower; xe. 2 Red ue Aiec. si it ; ue Jan $1 I8if. Tfesi- General Parade. There will be a general pumde et tlm Demo cratic clubs of the city next Saturday evening. Further arrangements will be announced shortly by Ce!. Fordney, Battalion Commander. Second Ward. A meeting of the Second Ward Hancock and English club will be held Thursday evening, at Ransing's saloon. Chestnut street, opposite P. R R. depot. Every member is requested te be present, us business of importance wiU be transacted and -arrangements completed for the parade en Saturday night next. Third Ward. The Third want Hancock und English club will meet nt Central headquarters ou Wednes day evening at 7 o'clock, te make arrange ments for participation in the grand Deme cratic torchlight precession Saturday night. Fourth Ward. A meeting of the above ward club will be held at Rethwellcr's hall this evening. All these who intend going te Yerk will hand in their names. Tbose net going will please give their equipments te members who propose going. Atteutlen, American cinb! Special meeting of t'.ie Sixth ward Amcrtcus Club ftisereniijat'Ko.cIeckat the Uchiller house. All persons, member? of this and ether clubs, who intend going te Yerk, must hand in their names te the secretary of tlds club to night se that special rates may be had. These net going will lean their equipments te these who Intend going, us it is the desire of the committee te have uniform equipment?. Serenth Ward. The Yeung Men's Hancock und English club of the Seventh ward will meet at Utzlnger's saloon. Middle street, en Tuesday even ing, at 8 o'clock. Iltislncs et importance will be transacted. The Veteran Will meet this evening ler the transaction el impertent business. All Veterans who have net as yet received their equipments will re ceive the same at the Central headquarters en Friday evening. Ce. A. The members el Ce. A Huncuck Veterans arc requested te meet at Central headquarters this evening at " o'clecft te escort Ce. C te the Fifth wa rd te receive a Hug. Attention Campaisn Committee. The Democratic City Campaign Committee, the staff officers and aids will meet this Wed ncsday evening at 8 o'clock ut Ccntrcl Head quarters te make arrangements for tin; torch light parade en Saturday, Oct. 23d. Wji. .1. Ferdset, Cel. Himrv Wdtr, Adj. EOR SALE. PRIVATE SALE. Until NOVEMBER 17. the two-story Brick Heuse, with kitchen attached. Ne. 148 East Vlncstrcet, let extends te Church street. Ap ples, Peaches, and Grape Vine en let, water. c. Inquire at Ne. 12(5 Charlette street, Lan caster, Pa. oct7-eedAnovl7 I70R REM. ? A Farm,one mile from the city of Lancas ter, en the Petersburg turnpike, containing about one hundred and Ave acres : thirty acres of which is new in full crops ; privilege te put out two acres in tobacco. Enquire ut Ne. 38 North Duke street or ou the premises. OCtT-lOtdced MRS. "JOHN McGRANN. PUBLIC SALE. On TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25. 1680. willlc sold at the Keystone hotel.Nerth Queen street, a valuable let of ground situated en the west side of North Queen street, fientlng en North Queen street 16 feet, 7 inches, ami iu depth 245 ieet, te 14 feet wide public alley, en which Is erected a two-story BRICK DWELLING, con taining parlor, back room, live bed rooms and basement kitchen. Saale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when conditions will be made known by REBECCA FETTFRLY, Ji. Sucbebt, Auct. ectl3-lltd Nev..ll5Kl 10: em spot.ft5xQ55c;de future, SS)Xc Oats J42icleWer ; Ne. 2 Oct. and Nev. .tjk TlaA 'MASS iCTSj a C4., IIUAIIFa . de Dec. 39J165ic ; 38150 State 4045e ; .39c: Western. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, October 20. Fleur dull, but held; superfine $3 0083 50; extra $4 00$) 4 50 ; Ohie ami Indiana family $5 506 00 ; Penn'a family de $5255 50; St. Leuis lamlly at $6 0036 25; Minnesota family $5 2526 00: Strut ght $6jj6 75 ; patent and high grades $6 75 fB a. Rye Heur firm at $5 50. Whi heat weak and lower. : Ne. 2 Western Red $1 12 ; Fa. ueu $1 121 13 ; Amber $l 121 13. Cern steady for local lrade; yellow 55)f SSGc.; mixed 54a55c Oats steady; Ne. 1. White 441 Je: Ne., 2 de 4040c ; Ne. 3 de 3!33c ; Ne. 2, Mixed' J8 38Kc. Bye scarce at OSc perk $1650; beet hams $1600017 00; Indian mess bee! at $18 50; smoked hams 11012c; PUBLIC SALE. On MONDAY, OCT. 25. 1830, will be sold at the Cooper Heuse, West King street the following valuable real estate : Ne.l, Atwo-stery BRICK DWELLING, sit uated ou the south side of West Orange street. Ne. 114, containing hall and seven rooms, gas in tbe house and hydrant in the yard, hoase fronts en Orange street 18 feet 9 Inches, mere or less, let extending In deptli 75 feet 5 inches, mere or less, te a 3 feet 7 inch wide common alley, with sewerage. This property has Just been newly fitted up. Ne. 2. A twotery BRICK DWELLING and two-story Brick Beck Building, situated en the east side of North Mary street. Ne. 27. beuse 18 by 28 feet, back building 12 fee. 4 inches in width, and in depth 18 feet,-containing hall and seven rooms gas in the house and hydrant in the yard; also a side yard 27 feet front and In deptli 102 feet, mere cr less, a frontage of 45 feet. Including the house ; a let of choice fruit trees and the best of grapes ; stabling en the rear of let. 20x13 feet. Ne. 3, Five Building Leta 22 by 215 feet, situ atcd en the north side of New street, between Lime and Shippen streets. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., of said day. when conditions will be made known by JOHN HULL. H SacBBOT.uet e'J-tsd WANTED. WANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADYKR tlse, free of charge. In the Iaraxiiexa U4. who want something toae. WANTED. A FIRST-CLAHS BREAD and Cake Baker. One who is capable or running a large bakery. Apply immediately at Ne. 169 Locust street, Colombia. ltd -