Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 20, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster intelligencer.
Ax y person who shall, with
tbe intent te influence or intimidate
such-elector te give his vote for any -particular
candidate or candidates at such
election, give, offer or premise te give
such elector any office, place, appoint
ment or employment, or threaten such
elector with dismissal or discharge from
any office, place, appointment or employ
ment, public or private, then held by
him, in case of his refusal txrvete for
any particular candidate or candidates
at such election, the person se offending
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and,
en conviction, be sentenced te pay a One
net exceeding five hundred dollars and
undergo an imprisonment net exceeding
two years. TJic law of Pennsylvania.
City Xewspapers' Silly Talk.
Tbe metropolitan papers are pleased te
disapprove the latest letter of General
Hancock about tbe tariff question, and
in various methods of witless expression
they ventilate their opinion that he had
better quit writing letters. A great
many people are similarly tempted often
te wish that the metropolitan editors
would quit writing editorials ; for it is
safe te say that it is the general opinion
that very often they de net write wisely ;
and yet they express themselves with se
much self-confidence and se great an air
of settling the matter in hand at once
and for all with their judgment of it,
that it is impossible te resist the convic
tion that we are feels for venturing te
disagree with them if they arc net feels
themselves. The Xew Yerk Herald,
whose weakness it is te delight te fore
see the drift of public sentiment and te
put itself at the head of it, te get the re
pute of leading it, just new is berating
tbe city Democracy for nominating for
mayor one te whom the only exception
which it takes is that he is a Catholic ;
and in a city which never had a
Catholic mayor before; which is
simply silly. But the Herald is out of
sorts ever the Indiana election, and is
hardly accountable. It scolds the na
tional Democracy like an old woman for
tbe sins et emission and commission
which lest it Indiana: and se does the
usually level-headed Xew Yerk Sun.
The latter has a special idiosyncrasy
which troubles it mightily. It is a bee
which it cannot shake out of its bonnet.
And that is the conviction that Mr.
Tilden was the man te be the Democrat
ic candidate. Net a corporal's guard of
people think with the Sun ; which only
intensifies the Sunt opinions that the
people are idiots. Indiana has greatly
upset it, tee : se much se, indeed, that
some irresponsible person has been per
mitted te say editorially in its columns
that " General Hancock is a geed man
he weighs two hundred and fifty
pounds." Certainly a journal which
speaks thus of a candidate whom it earn
estly asks the peeple te elect needs te be
put in a straight waist-coat. The opinion
thus expressed of General Hancock is
tee much at variance with the universal
estimate of his character and abilities,
and tee much opposed te that which the
Snn itself has warmly and often express
ed te make it possible that it is its real
opinion. It lias hiinply been upset
by Indiana or some ether cause that
ought te have been as insufficient te
overthrew the equipoise of a great jour
nal whose duty it is te keep a keen and
sober eye en public events and judge
them in geed temper aud with sagacity.
It is these city journals aud ethers that
condemn .Gen. Hancock's expression en
the tariff. They de net, probably, like his
declaration that talk about free-trade in
this country is '"all felly ;" and yet it em
phatically is se, as every one knows. Xe
party asks that the public revenue shall
be raised by direct taxation, or proposes
te abolish the customs. Beth party
platforms favor a " tariff for revenue,"
and se de all people except the free-traders
of whom there are a number in
the country who held te their idea in
theory but never attempt te put it
into practice. Of these are the edi
tors of the journals and the merchants
in the great seaboard cities whose
commerce would, of course, be ben
efited by free trade. These people
knew that it is " all felly " te talk about
free trade when no political party is will
ing te shoulder tbe burthen of -advocating
it, but nevertheless they de net like te hear
their favorite 'dogma thus despitefully
spoken of ; it is such precious geed doc
trine. And se it is, under certain cir
cumstances. It is excellent for commer
cial cities ; and no doubt the direct col
lection of taxis the cheapest. But there
are countervailing reasons which make
the people of this country unwilling te
sanction free trade. They -arc net ready
te admit the manufacturers of ether
countries into competitien'with our own
en equal terms, knowing that the result
would be the nipping in the bud of our
own industries.
The day will come in this country
when we will, all of us. want free trade,
and the manufacturers mere than any
body else. That day will be when our
industries are strengthened and develop
ed, our ores and fibres superabundant for
our own' use, and the market of the
world rendered necessary te us as au out
let for our goods ; just as it is te free
trade England te-day.
Se that our free trade metropolitan
newspapers, which support thecand idates
of parties that both oppose free trade,
need net be supersensitive when General
Hancock intimates that they are foolish,
and declares the tariff question one of
local interest which can best be satisfac satisfac
facterily disposed by a commission which
considers these interests. That is geed
sense. The tariff question is a question
that is looked at differently just as
commerce, agriculture or manufacture,
happens te be a controlling interest
where it is discussed.
"But everybody wants stability in the
tariff. The iron manufacturer would
rather have a small duty imposed en
foreign iron' with a guarantee that it
would net be changed for ten or twenty
years, than a high duty liable te be al
tered with every session of Congress.
The Eaten bill is an effort te secure per
manent settlement of the question and te
take it out of politics, and se the iron
men of Pennsylvania have petitioned for
the passage of the bill and they ought
net te be greatly disposed te vote for Gar
field for president, knowing that he de
feated its passage at the last session.
TfceB and New.
When Jehn Sherman was a candidate
for president, his "pastor, Rev. S. A.
Bronsen,D. D., wrote a life of him, in
tended te further tbe interests of his
nomination. It was published in Col
umbus, O., by H. W. Derby & Ce., and
bears the stamp of Sherman's own ap
proval, by the declaration in its preface
that it "was his evident wish, te be pre
sented te these who knew him net just
as he appears te these who de knew
him ;" and this life, by his spiritual ad
viser, was "corrected by himself."
Since Sherman's failure of nomination
and since Garfield and Arthur were nom.
inated, that book has been withdrawn
from circulation and its publication has
been suppressed.
Why ?
It is given out by Garfield's home or
gan that if he should be elected Sherman
will be continued as his secretary of the
treasury. The Republicans claim that
such an administration would be a pro
tective tariff administration.
Let us see what Jehn Sherman and
his authorized biographer say about a
protective tariff !
His biography quotes from his speech
in the Senate, January 23, 1867, when he
said : " Every law proposing a duty en
imported goods is necessarily a restraint
en trade." It praises as " a common
sense view of the tariff" Mr. Sherman's
declaration that " new American man
factures aud productions can compete
with all for the best markets in the
world,' having been protected suffi
ciently up te that point. " Every tariff
bill is a revenue tariff. The word 'tariff'
implies revenue ;" " if for revenue, it
must incidentally protect."
We are told new that it was Conk Cenk
ling's great efforts that carried .Ohie ;
ttiat it was the bargain at Menter which
gave the Republicans success in the
West, and that in accordance with that
bargain Cenkliug and Arthur arc te con
trol the Xew Yerk civil patronage un
der the possibility of a Garfield adminis
tration. Let us see what Jehn Sherman aud his
biographer had te say about the Conk-liug-Ceinell-Arthur
crowd in the book
which has since been suppressed.
A whole chapter of the book is devo
ted te th8 Xew Yerk custom house and
te Sherman's fight against " the corrupt
use of it.'" This biography says that
under Arthur " the festering sere in the
custom house of Xew Yerk was setting
an example and stimulating deeds of
corruption ;" and that " the present ad
ministration in assailing that festering
sere required mere moral courage and of
a higher order than it did te put down
the rebellion." After a vivid descrip
tion of the evils which reigned there,
this Sherman biography declares that the
administration made every effort te se
cure Arthur's " co-operation in needed
reforms, but without success."
Arthur is running for vice president in
Ohie as well as Xew Yerk.
Se if Sherman expects te be continued
secretary of the treasury what mere nat
ural than that this biography be sup
pressed ?
We de net knew when we have wit
ncssed a mere complete upsetting than
the Republican manufacturers who
signed the petition for the Eaten bill
have had in the publication of that doc
ument. It completely takes the wind
out of their declaration against tbe
Democrats as free traders. They cannot
deny that the Eaten bill was a Demo
cratic measure and as such was passed
by a Democratic Senate, te be laid en
the shelf in the lower house through the
efforts of Garfield among the Republi
cans aided by certain free-trade Demo
crats from the commercial cities. Cer
tainly it seems clear that if the Republi
can manufacturers favor the Eaten bill
they cannot support Garfield for presi
dent because of his tariff views; and,
above all, cannot reject Hancock be
cause of the unsoundness of the Demo
cratic party en the tariff question. And
yet many of these manufacturers have
loved te talk of the tariff all through this
campaign as the one issue upon which
their Republicanism is founded. They
are sadly embarrassed at the situation ;
and can only continue te act with the
Republican party by admitting that they
de it from force of prejudice and habit,
and net because of its greater faithful
ness te their ideas en the tariff.
It should be well understood that in
Ohie the less of Democratic congressmen
at the late elections was mere largely
due te the Republican gerrymander and
redisricting of the state than te any
ether influence. The butchery of decent
proportions in forming the new districts
is said te have been something awful te
contemplate, and the Republican gerry
manders did net step te make districts
the shape of a shoe-string if they could
threw enough Republican counties into
aDemecratic district te overbalance it.
This gerrymander will easily explain
their gains while the fact that in many
cities mere votes were polled than the
census shows male adults explains the
majority en the state ticket.
The managers of the Republican
meeting procured tbe use of the county
grounds belonging tothepeorhouse farm
for their meeting te-morrow, paying
nothing for it, we understand, except the
cost of taking down and replacing fences.
This morning they sold out several hun
dred dollars worth of privileges te erect
huckster stands en the'eeunty property,
which they get the use of for a meeting
net for a speculation. This is a pretty
busiuess, indeed, that the. county farm is
te be at their service for speculation. If
it should be thrown open te Republican
politicians we should like te knew upon
what principle they erect their tell-bar
against the hucksters and pocket the pro
ceeds of their successful speculation.
United Stater Senater Edxchds was
re-elected by both branches of the Legisla
ture of .Vermont.
The letter of Prince Jebeme Napoleex
confirms the belief that he intends te come
forward mere prominently, even at the
risk of molestation from the government.
Rev. Dr. Samuel Aplam, for many
years pastor of the First Baptist church of
Newport, R. I., died in Providence en
Monday evening, aged 82 years.
Mrs. Imeceke Woodward, wife of
Jehn Woodward, embezzling cashier of
the Bosten city treasury, was arrested yes
terday en the charge of complicity in her
husband's crime.
War Correspondent Fobbes says the
only service be ever saw in the British
army, was in Ireland, "where I was
knocked off my horse with a brick." That
wasn't much of a way te learn the glori
ous trade.
Hen. Edwaud J. Ryan, chief justice of
the supreme court of Wisconsin, died
yesterday at his home in Madisen, aged 70
years. He was born in Ireland, but came
te this country in early life. He was ad
mitted te the Xew Yerk bar in 1830, aud
immediately thereafter emigrated te the
West, settling first in Illinois and then in
A. Wilhelm, esq., general manager of
the Cornwall Celeman estate, Lebanon
county, the seat of the celebrated Cornwall
iron ere hills, and who conducts the opera
tions of six furnaces, is of the opinion that
General Hancock is abetter tariff man than
General Garfield, and he has decided te
support Hancock. He docs net fear any
disturbance of business relations between
the North and Seuth. Mr. Wilhelm cm
ploys Republicans and Democrats, and
every voter in the Cornwall Celeman em
ploy can de as he pleases.
Hen. W. D. Hill, congressman from
Ohie, who will speak iu this city for the
Democracy en Wednesday of next week,
at Christiana en Thursday evening, aud at
Oak Hill en Friday evening, was born in
Xclsen county, Virginia, October 1, 1833 ;
was educated in country schools, and was
a student at Antioch college two years ;
studied law at Springfield, Ohie, was ad
mitted te the bar in I860, aud has practised
law since ; was mayor of Springfield, Ohie;
was a member of the state Heuse of Rep
resentatives of Ohie in 1866, '67, '6S, and
'69 ; was a candidate for Congress in the
Teledo district in 1870, and was defeated ;
was appointed superintendent of insurance
by Governer Alien in 1875, and served
three years ; and was elected te the Forty Ferty
sixtlt Congress as a Democrat, receiving
16,110 votes against 12,072 votes for J. L.
Price, Republican, and 2,544 votes for W."
C. Holgate, national.
Mr. Laavhence, first comptroller of the
treasury, has decided that when a claim or
iginates in favor of a partnership firm, and
before a draft issues for its payment some
of the members die, it should issue te the
survivors described as such.
Every day it becomes plainer that this
is net a Garfield but a Grant campaign.
Even the torchlight precessions have
transparencies with laudatory mottoes
about the noble 306 who steed by Grant at
Chicago, while net a single lantern glows
in honor of Garfield's 329.
An ingenious Republican figures it out
somehow that, if the worst comes te the
worst, Garfield still will have two ma
jority in the electoral college. As the
number of the members of the college is
an odd one it does net seem very clear
hew a majority of two can be figured out,
unless they halve one of the electors.
Fer instance, it would be difficult te
figure out a majority of two in the number
Ex-Senatek Simen Cameuen in the re
treat et ins uencgai larm tens a news-
I paper reporter that Grant, will yet be pres
ident, r resu irem tue Indiana anu unto
battle-fields and exuberant ever Rcpubli
can success there, he lets the cat out of
the bag en the Menter conference and
reveals its Significance. Cenkliug, Cam Cam
eeon and Legan there bargained with Gar
field that bis election was te make way for
the Grant succession. That is the pro pre
gramme. The 306 who went down at Chi
cago came up at Menter.
Immediately after the Ohie election the
betting in New Yerk, which had been at
odds in favor of Hancock, changed, and
Garfield was the favorite by three te one.
Gradually, however, the odds were given
at less figures, and yesterday, in the peel
rooms the figures were: Garfield, $1,000;
Hancock, $750. Many thousand dollars
were wagered at these rates. On New
Yerk state the betting is $1,000 te. $700
that Hancock will carry it and even betting
that Hancock will have 10,000 majority.
Twe te one en Garfield carrying Connecti
cut was bet several times, and even money
was bet te the extent of ten thousand dol
lars, iu small lets, en New Jersey.
That able newspaper, the Bosten Pilet,
whose editor, Mr. Jehn Beyle O'Reilly, is
admittedly one of the most brilliant of our
Irish poets, orators and scholars, takes the
Grant-Fowler interview in hand and gives
it a most scathing review. All that
the cx-president said about 'Hancock, the
Pilet avers, shows that he has a grudge
against Hancock, probably for resc'ntiug
his interference when the latter was going
te New Orleans, and like a mene political
mudslinger betakes this way of letting it
out. His attack en Hancock is just such
as might be made by an office-hunting par
tisan. It lacks both dignity and decency,
and it shows that Grant did net improve
his character much by his opportunities in
the presidential office. If his nature were
net notoriously a coarse one, it would be
surprising that an ex-president and
ex-general of the army could de
scend se low as Grant has done in
this attack. The Pilet coincides with Mr.
Blaine's expressed opinion of Grants dia
tribe when the senator said "Grant has
made a mistake. Gen. Hancock's record
as soldier is beyond criticism." The Bos Bes Bos
eon newspaper is net surprised, however,
at the self-exposure Grant has made in this
recent utterance. Grant, like ether com
monplace and inferior people, has culti
vated silence in order te appear wise.. "But
it is only an outside show. Take the hal
ter off these dumb wiseacres, aud at once
they will make it plain that the animal
everyone calls a mule is in truth a mule's
The Petition te CeagrwM fa Trer of tbe
by Hundreds etTbeM Who are
Jfenr PrefcMlaff Alarm at
the Prospect or Its
The following are copies of petitions
from manufacturers of Pennsylvania in
favor of the passage of the Eaten tariff
bill, presented in the Senate of the United
States by Senators .Wallace and Cameren
during the last session :
The undersigned manufacturers of iron
in the state of Pennsylvania and employ
ing hands, respectfully represent that
they favor the speedy passage by Congress
of the bill introduced into the Senate .by
Senater Eaten, of Connecticut, and recent
ly reported back te the Senate by Senater
Bayard, of Delaware, and which is gener
ally known as the "Eaten bill," which
provides for the appointment of a tariff
commission te prepare and submit te Con
gress a bill revising the duties en imports
and foreign products. We favor the pas
sage of the "Eaten bill" for the reasons
set forth in "a letter from the Hen. Daniel
J. Merrcll, president of tbe American iron
and steel asssociatien, te. the Hen. James
A. Garfield, of the Heuse of Rep
rscntatives, which letter is as fellows.
Here fellows Mr. MerreU's letter, tbe es
sential paragraph of which is this: The
industry which I represent and the ether
organized industries of the country gener
elly desire that the tariff question should
be taken out of politics as much as pos
sible and treated upon purely business prin
ciples, and they are generally disposed te
favor Senater Eaten's bill for the appoint
ment of a civilian commission te investi
gate and report upon the whole subject be
fore any revisieu of the tariff laws is at
tempted. They de net fear but desire in
vestigation and are sure that they will be
safe from injury when the subject is
brought down out of the clouds of dogmas
and prejudices and committed te the con
sideratien of eminent men who are intelli
gently patriotic and have a real interest in
the prosperity of the country."!
This memorial is signed:
Ne. Hands
Xellis, Sliriver & Ce., Pittiburgh 180
Pittsburgh Steel Castings Cenipany.PitU
hnrgh 100
l'lttsuurgu uessenicr steei company,
Pittsburgh. .. ...-.
A. French Ce., Pittsburgh 500
Wtlbur, Mctcalf & Larkin.Pittsbargh. ... 403
Chess. Smvth & Ce., Pittsburgh SS0
Wilsen. Walker & Ce.,PItttburgh 450
Jenes & Laughlin. Pittsburgh 3,000
Lockiel Rolling Mill Company, Harris-
J. &J. Wistcr, Harrisburg 45
William SIcIlvaine & Sens, Beading 1G0
Adam Johnsten ft Sens, Heading 100
Pcnn Iren Company, Lancaster. ' 325
James A. Inncss, Pert Clinten 140
15. F. Merrct. Deuglassvllle 45
lteckland Furnace Cemnanv. Douglass-
P. Lengencckcr. Jr., Xew Itlnggeld 50
Welster, Fisher ft Fex Hamburg 100
Greenwood Hening ilill Cemnanv, Ta-
maqua ISO
i.egun iron ana sisei company, regan
and Green weed 4G0
Bethlehem Iren Company, Bethlehem. . . 2,500
Lyman .Nutting, Middletown 30
Mumper & Ce., Barre Ferge 200
Chickies Iren Company, Chickies :.. 162
Watts, Twells A Ce., Marietta 150
Jehn 11. Y. Kauffman. Auburn 175
T. Uarretsen, Fettsvillc 110
A. and P. liebcrts ft Ce.. Philadelphia. ... 400
James Hoever ft Sens, Norristown 250
Temple Iren Company, Temple 200
Catasauqua Manufacturing Company,
C.ttesauqua 500
uatmer steel company, J enn gtewn l.ueu
Oliver & Ce., Easten 40
Ment our Iren and Steel Cemnanv. Dan
Stewart Iren Company, Sharen 200
Westerman Iren Company, Sharen COO
Jllt-t ll"iAJ
T. li. ft A. Lautrhun. Armstrong ceuntv
Manticl McShain ft Ce., Hempfleld 100
llellidavsbursr and Gan Iren Works.
Blair county 225
Kittiinnincr Iren Cemnanv. Kittanniu
Cambria Iren Company, Johnstown, Pa. 3,000
Keystone Iren Company, Reading 90
Lindsay & McCutcheon, Pittsburgh 375
Coleraine Iren Works. Kedliiirten. Pa,
manufacturers of pig Iren 250
Hene Iren Company, liese Point. Law
rence county. Pa 40
fepanij, Challunt ft Ce., Ktna, Pa 375
Crucible Cast Steel Company, Philadcl-
) 11 lit.
Mrs. E. L. Little. Blair, county. P
Reynolds & Ce.. Red Bank Furnace, Pa. . 300
Lucy Furnace Company, Pittsburgh 300
Kirkpatrick ft Ce., Pittiburgh. 150
Carnegie & Ce., Pittsburgh 700
Perkins ft Ce., Sharpsville.. tO
Monocacy Furnace Company, Monocacy 50
C. A. Gedchatles ft Ce., Milten 183
Willlum-, Leng & McDowell, Pittsburgh. 350
Standard Iren and Nail Cemnanv. Stan-
Greve Bres.. Danville, Pa 12
Moerclicad ft Ce.. Pittsburgh 700
Jacob Painter Sens. Pittsburgh 750
Ud&U vv
Sauconlren Company, Hellertown 300
Glamenr.m Iren Cemnanv. Lcwistewn.
M. (a Sf
Wesley llsen ft Ce., Armstrong county,
X il it,ii, J a '
II. ft It. C. Oliphant, Oliphant Furnace.. . 250
Andersen ft Ce., Pittsburgh, Pa 450
Jl id vale Steel Works. Mcctewn 450
Sheenbcrger ft Ce.. Pittsburgh 500
Fcrcersen. White ft Ce., Robcsenia CO
Vanalen & Ce., Northumberland, Pa. 140
Beycc, llawle ft Ce., Sharen, Pa 30
Middlesex Furnace Company, Mercer
cuunij j
Hussey, Wells ft Ce., Pittsburgh 150
Lehigh Iren Company, Allentown 200
Smith, Sutten ft Ce., Pittsburgh 350
Bernard Snath, Heward, Pa 175
1 1. Lloyd ft Sens Company, Pittsburgh. . . 150
S jicarman Iren Company, Sharpsville 100
Valantine ft Ce., Bcllefentc, Pa 31'0
U. S. Iren and Tin Plate Company, Pitts-
Sheenbergcr, Blair ft Ce., Pittsburgh 125
Xatienal Tube and ltOllingMills, McKecs-
Brown & Ce., PitUburgh 450
Wheeler Iren Company, Middlesex. 120
Leall'man & Ce., Apelle
Dunbar Furnace Company, Dunbar, Pa. . 700
Blair Iren and Ceal Company, Pnilndel-
Hughes ft Patterson, Philadelphia. Pa... . 150
The Wrights ville Iren Cenipany,Wright-
Husten ft Penrose Company, Ceatesvillc,
Lawrence Iren Company, NewCestle.Pa.
Bradley, Keis ft Ce., New Castle, Pa
Ment Alte lien Company, Ment Alte.Pa.
William H. Merits. Pottstown. Pa.
Philadelphia ft Beading Iren and Ceal
Cemnanv. Keadtntr. Pa...
C. Burkhart ft Ce. and Hunter ft Snrin
ger, Chambersbnrg, Pa 215
Becker ft Iteinheld, Chickies, Lancaster
county ) (XI
Reading Iren Works, Philadelphia, Pa...
William Ncal ft Sens, Bloomsburg, Pa.. .. 200
Atkins ft Brethers, Pettsvillc, Pa COB
Potts Brethers' Iren Company, Potts-
lA" V 11 f XUaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaa luU
Xevcgeld, Scheidc ft Ce.. Bristel, Pa 50
Pheenix Iren Company, Philadelphia, Pa. 2,290
Glasgow Iren Company, Glasgow, Pa 125
Etna Iren Works, Newcastle, Pa 400
Singer, Nimick & Ce., Pittsburg, Pa COO
The HeUidaysburg Iren and Nail Compa
ny, Hollidaysburg, Pa 180
A. McAllister, of Springfield Furnace,
and ethers, Reyer, Blair county. Pa 130
I. King McLanahan, HeUidaysburg, Pa. . 140
Pierce, Kelly ft Ce.. Sharpsville, Pa 50
i . u. itoenc & CO., omsiewn, ra se
Crane Iren Company, Philadelphia and
Catasauqna, Pa 500
Whitehead ft Bacen, Huntingdon, Pa.... 75
Liggett Spring and Axle Company, Alle-
srhcnv Citv. Pa 125
Moorhead, Brether ft Ce.. Pittsburgh. Pa. 300
Therndalc Iren Works, Thjrndate, Ches
ter county, Pa 80
Lcibrandt ft McDowell. Meselcm, Pa 100
Maidencrup Iren Company, Blanden, Pa 125
C. W. Ahl ft Sen, Carlisle Iren Works 300
Charges of Murder te be Brenght Against
the Railroad Employee.
In Pittsburgh yesterday the ceuntv author
ities took action in regard te the train men
found guilty by the coroner's jury of crim
inal neglect in causing the accident en tbe
Pennsylvania railroad at Twenty-eighth
street crossing, en October 0.
The proceedings are againstJehn Reuth,
conductor, William J. P. Enred, flagman,
of the first train, and engineer Hngtiey, of
the second tram, and they are held for mis
demeanor under the act of Assembly. Reuth
surrendered himself and is out en $10,000
bail. The ethers will give themselves up.
The commonwealth will probably bring
charges of murder.
Jehn Teele, nineteen years old, of Pitts Pitts
ten Junction, was run ever and terribly
mutilated while attempting te beard a
moving local train en the Lackawanna &
Bloomsburg railroad, at Kingsten, yester
day. Beth legs Mere severed from the
A Leaf Frem History. -Washington
Sunday Herald, Oct. 17, 1SS0.
la 1868 Horatie.Seymour,. of New Yerk,
&nd Francis P. Blair, of Missouri, were
tbe Democratic candidates for president
and vice president of the United States.
General Grant, then the most popular sol
dier in the country, and Schuyler Colfax,
whose character had net then been smirch
ed, were the opposing candidates. The
nomination of Mr. Seymour was net alto
gether a popular one. He encountered a
geed deal of opposition in his own party.
On Tuesday, October 13, 1868, Pennsylva
nia (then au October state), Ohie, Indi
ana and Nebraska held elections, and all
went Republican. Thereupon the oppe
sitien te Mr. Seymour culminated in the
demand for his withdrawal from the ticket.
The New Yerk World, in its issue of
October 15, in a double leaded editorial,
recommended the withdrawal of both
Seymour and Blair.
A special dispatch which we take from
our files reads as fellows :
"Philadelphia, October 13. Promi
nent Democratic politicians here are dis
cussing the withdrawal of Seymour
suDsuiunen ei unasc.
The World demanded the withdrawal of
the Democratic candidates. The disaffec
tien among the Democrats was wide
spread. The New Orleans Times, in its issue of
October 1G, 1868, said:
We would respectfully suggest te 9 the
Democracy of the land the propriety of
leaving te Governer Seymour and General
Blair the high honor of selecting their own
successors in the canvass.
A special dated St. Leuis, October 13,
The Conservatives aie heaping curses
upon the New Yerk, conveniien for net
having taken up Chase and Hancock.
On the evening of October 13 there was
a consultation at the house of Chief Jus
tice Chase, at the White Ileuse, aud at
the office of the National Intelligencer, and
en the morning of October 16 the Intelli
gencer published an article at the head of
its editorial columns demanding the with
drawal of the ticket and a substitution of
a new one.
The Republicans were delighted with
what seemed te them an irreparable breach
in tbe Democratic column, aud announced
that they would carry every state. They
claimed New Yerk by majorities ranging
all tbe way from 50,000 te 100,000.
Iu spite of this bitter quarrel within the
party, the Democrats carried New Yerk
in November by a majority of 10,000 in a
total vote of 849, 7G6, and her thirty-three
electoral votes were cast for Seymour and
Blair. New Jersey went Democratic by a
majority of 3,000. Oregon by a majority
of 1,000. Of the states that then went Re
publican, aud which wc have a splendid
chance of carrying for Hancock this year,
Connecticut gave a majority of only 3,000,
California enlv 314, and Nevada only 1,
000. The Republican majority in Indiana was
only 9,572, aud that, tee, with Mr. Colfax,
who was then one of the most popular of
our public men, net only in his own state,
but with Republicans all ever the country,
en the ticket as the candidate for the vice
New,remcmber who were the candidates.
On tbe one side was Grant, who was the
most popular soldier of the time ; the
smell of the battle field was yet scarcely
off his garments ; he was regarded as the
conqueror of the rebellion ; he was the
unanimous choice of the Republican party
and in full sympathy with their measmes
in fact, the party was completely united.
On the ether side was Seymour, against
whose personal integrity net a word could
be truthfully uttered, but whose political
character was denounced from every Re
publican stump. He was called a copper cepper
haad : he was denounced as one who had
incited te riot and had urged en the mob
te a resistance of the lawful authority of
the United States, and he had te contend
with disseusien and disaffection in his own
party. In spite of is all New Yerk and
New Jersey voted for him.
We have iu General Hancock a candidate
whose name and fame are untarnished a
man whose personal character has never
been questioned, any mere than his bra
very as a soldier, and his devotion te the
cause of his country. He is opposed by a
man who, as his own friend Halstcadsaid,
"has no record te run en," aud who has
had te be defended and whitewashed ever
siuce the day he was nominated. Can any
one doubt what New Yerk will de under
the circumstances? Seymour carried the
state in 1868 with every unfavorable polit
ical clement warring against hiin. Han
cock will carry it this year because all the
conditions are favorable, and New Jersey
and Connecticut will, we believe, march
hand in hand with New Yerk.
There is everything te encourage us.
The District Atterneyship.
New Era.
The Republicans of Lancaster county
are rapidly approaching the hour when
they must meet a question involving inter
ests which deeply concern net only the
honor of their party aud that of the great
county for whose government that party is
responsible, but also thu direct personal
interests of all who are concerned in the
administration of justice in our criminal
courts. It is a fact which no well inform
ed person disputes, a fact known te cvqry
member of the bar, that the Republican
nominee for the very important office
of district attorney is legally disquali
fied for the position, and that if elected
he could net enter upon the dis
charge of the duties of the office Re
garding this as of greater moment than
any merely political question, the New
Era early called the attention of the bar te
the subject as one which the honor of its
members demanded should be investigated.
The bar, through the head of its only or
ganization, has decided that it has no au
thority under its charter aud by-laws te
protect itself from professional disgrace by
taking any special action in the premises.
This decision remands the question te the
people of the county for their action. It
throws a fearful responsibility upon the
Republican party.
As we said three weeks age, " Mr. Davis
must clear himself of the serious charges
involving his fitness, net only morally, but
legally, for the office of district attorney,
or retire or be retired from the ticket. If
his 'record' is published as wc are as
sured it will be by the friends of the op
posing candidates, no exponent of Repub
lican principles can afford te defend or
justify it ; and the Republican party.
strong as it is in this county, cannot afford
te elect at district attorney a man tchem the
court weiddle obliged te disbar, aud thus
legally disqualify from discharging the
duties for which he was elected, whenever
any person saw proper te present the facts
in legal form, no matter by what metive
"There is a quiet way in which this
grave question can be settled without fur
ther public scaudal or personal acrimony.
Because we had hoped it would be dis
posed of in that way has induced us te
keep silence for ever two months since
first referring te it iu a very general way.
But we new enter our pretest as a Repub
lican journalist against being forced te de
fend that which we knew te be indefensi
ble, or te keep silence about that which
will be sp6ken by ethers from the house
Since the article from which the fore
going is extracted was printed the cvidence
of Mr. Davjs's unfitness for the office has
become cumulative ; and if he remains en
the ticket it will certainly be given te the
public. And with that cvidence of pro
fessional and moral turpitude iu his hand,
no Republican who has any regard for his
responsibilities as a citizen, who has any
respect for himself as a voter in a party
which claims te be a party of reform, or
t who desire te preveBt.the prostitution of
iue uacuiacry ui justice, can vote 1 or me
Republican candidate for district attorney
and ever hope te justify the act te his
own conscience or te his honest neigh
bors. It seems te us there ought te he seme
power in the party that could be evoked
te prevent the impending disgrace before
it is tee late.
Charge Against an iron Company " Vete
for Garfield or Be Discharged."
The Alteena Sun contains a long story
of the tactics adopted ',by the Cambria
iron company, the great corporation that
controls most of the manufacturing indus
tries of Blair and Cambia conntics.ef which
ex-Congressman D.J. Merrell is a controll
ing spirit, te induce the Democratic em
ployees te forsake their party and vote for
Garfield for president, Campbell for .Cen
gress and Beggs for senator. The plan
adopted, the Sun says, seems te be one of
compulsion and coercion, coupled with the
rl,r?i iF lnaB nf cif,i.isin tn firl, man
lie fay5 te obey the behests of the cer
poratieu. At HeUidaysburg, iu the stores
of the company, particularly de the men
stand in awe of the superintendents and
bosses, and they go se far, it is alleged,
as te place in the men's prevision
baskets Republican documents relating te
tariff and free trade, te which is attached
the injunction " Vete for Garfield or be
discharged." In ether instances the little
daughters of the workingmen who visit
the stores with orders are asked what the
politics of their fathers are and if they say
that their fathers intend te vote for Han
cock they are instructed te inform them
that unless they vote for Garfield
"there will net be much work for
them with this company. " Mr.
MerreU's stere in HeUidaysburg is
the headquarters from whence these bull
dozing orders emanate, aud there aie
manufactured Republican transparencies
and Republican club uniforms are bought
and issued, the clerks being instructed te
see that every employee calls at this place
and gets a uniform. Several men who
have joined Democratic clubs have been
forced te connect themselves with Repub
lican organizations that they may keep
their places, which they are compelled te
de in order te keep their families from
starving. Workmen constantly have pos pes
ters thrust under their noses, and they are
at all times reminded that if they refuse
te vote for Garfield their services will be
dispensed with. The business has
gene te such lengths that Demo
crats are refused money te purchase
railway tickets te attend the demon
strations of their party, while such is net
the case when Republicans apply. About
a month age the company lowered the
wagC3 of the men te one dollar per day,
and as a "blind" argument at the same
time reduced the price of flour te $1.40 per
sack. Soen after the price of flour was
advanced te $1.50 per sack, while wages
remain as at the reduction. The greatest
indignation prevails at the action of the
company as the facts come out. Recorder
Grecvy, the member of the Democratic
state central committee here, is investigat
ing the matter, and if there is sufficient
evidence of intimidation and coercion pro
ceedings will likely be instituted under the
act of Congress aud an example made of
the men who violate the statutes.
The First Annual Meeting of the Association
of the United State?.
The gentlemen of the association of the
charcoal iron workers iu the United States
met in the Y. M, C. A. hall Harrisburg
last evening at 7:43 o'clock. Colenei
Geerge P. Wiestling, of Ment Alte, pre
sided. Mayer Patterson extended a cor
dial welcome te the gentlemen of the as
sociation te tbe city. Colonel Geerge P.
Wiestling responded in behalf of thebedy,
after which he presented an intciesting
paper en the subject of the " Importance
of giving timely attention te the growth
of woodland for the manufacture of char
coal for metallurgical purposes." The
above subject was well considered,
and William T. Hildrup, of Harrisburg,
Mr. Milnes, of Virginia, and Mr. Jehn
Burkenbinc, of Philadelphia, presented
their views en the subject. The committee
en nomination of officers reported the fol
lowing names : Fer president Colonel
Geerge B Wiestling, of Mount Alte ; vice
president, Hen. Willard Warner, of Ala
bama ; managers, Oliver W. Davis, ?Iaine;
Charles Blair, Connecticut ; Cyrus Butler,
New Yerk ; J. C. Fuller, A.- G. Curtiu,
jr., and Rebert Valentine, Pennsylvania ;
Geerge G.;Lobdell, Delaware ; C. E. Boffin.
Maryland ; William Milucs, jr.. Virgiuia ;
Alfred C. Tyler. Alabama; Charles Camp
bell, Ohie ; E. Peckham, Maryland ; O. J.
G. Meyer, Wisconsin ; H. A. Burt, 3Iichi
gan ; Seymour Bremwcll, Minnesota, and
E. W. Crichter, Oregon. These gentle
men were elected by acclamation.
Mr. Burkenbinc, secretary of the associ
ation, read an interesting paper en the
subject of "Fuel." Mr. .Charles Blair, of
Connecticut, Cel. Wiestling, of Pennsyl
vania, and Mr. Davis, of Maine, presented
in a few words their thoughts en Ibis sub
ject. The meeting then adjourned te a ban
quet in the Lechiel hotel.
Net One Survivor et the Disaster.
The shore north of Grand Haven, Mich.,
is strewn with evidences of the wreck of
the Alpena, and it is generally believed
that no ene has survived the wreck. Ad
vices received at Chicago state that several
captains report having seen wreckage from
the Alpena.
The steamer Alpena is believed te have
been wrecked off Montague, Michigan, in
the storm of Saturday night. Telegraphic
information is te the effect that she has
nndeubtedly gene down with all en beard.
It is supposed that she had en beard be
tween sixty and seventy persons, includ
ing her crew. The steamer Alpena was
built in 1856 at Marine Gity, te rcpl.icc
the Scabird, which had been lest by
fire. She was 634 tens burden, was
rated A 2. Her officers were : Captain,
N. W. Napier ; first officer, . J. II.
Kelly ; engineer. R. PoIIen ; clerk, A. E.
Hayncs, and Steward, W. Shepherd. The
Alpena carried a crew of about thirty,
mostly deck hands. She has heretofore
borne an excellent reputation for staunch
ness, and was a favorite, with persons who
enjoyed lake trips. The vessel has passed
through seme of the worst storms en the
lake. Her hull was built en Lake Huren,
her engine and belter at New. Yerk. Her
value was about $75,000. Her dimensions
were : Length, 175 feet ; beam, 33 feet ;
held, 12 feet. She was thereughly over
hauled a year age and was considered as
geed as new. Her capacity was 500 tens.
Captain Napier has been sailing en the
lakes for ever fifty years, and was regard
ed as one of the most careful officers in the
West. His family resides in St. Jeseph,
Completing the Ticket n New Yerk.
In New Yerk the Democrats were in
high feather yesterday. 3Iuch geed fccl
iughas resulted from the union of Tam
many and Irving halls and this was in
creased te-day when the nominations were
formally made aud harmoniously ratified
by both parties. The ticket as completed
is as fellows : William R. Grace for
mayor; Aug. T. Dochartyfer register;
Frederick Smyth for recorder; Charles
H. Traax for justice of the superior court,
and William Saurer, James J. Slevin and
Bernard Kennedy for aldcrmen-at-Iargc.
The conference committees of the two or
ganizations were authorized te nominate
a candidate for marine court instiVe anil
one aldcrman-at-iarge, the understanding
befog that these two officers should be
given te the German Democratic organi
zations. The nominations generally give
Byrau Blake this morning murdered Ids
mother, sister and stepfather with a knife
and then hanged himself in Wheelock Vt.
Cauac, iusauity.
An old colored woman in Uarwoed,
Texas, gave strychnine te thrce patients
iu mistake for quinine en Monday. Twe
of them died in a few hours and the third
is believed te be past recovery.
The offices of the district and county
clerks at Burnett, Texas, has been de
stroyed, with all the records, by au incen
diary fire. Indicted cattle thieves are sus
pected. Susannah Kcstter, 22 years old, a New
Yerk servant, was arrested yesterday,
charged with having caused the death of
her newly -born child. She was locked up
te await the action et the Corener.
Much of the cotton in Texas has been
lest, ewinc te scarcity of pickers. One
dollar per hundred pounds has been
offered, and iu several instances, it is
said, pickeis have been offered half the
News has been received in Galveston of
the desti action ofVrcterio's band in Mexi
co. The baud was overtaken iu the Les
Castilio mountains en the 14th inst. and
totally defeated next day, Victorie, fifty
of his warriors and eighteen women and
children lieint; killed. The Mexicans lust
only three killed.
Themas Cunningham, a foreman in
Roeblin'scesdage works at Bay way, N.
J., was caught in the belting of the ma
chinery and flushed in a horrible manner
before the machinery could be stepped.
Death almost immediately ensued. Cun
ningham was a man of family and lived
at Bergen.
On account of a disagreement with the
f.iculty ever studies the senior class at
Madisen University, at Hamilton; re
quested letters of dismissal. President
Uodge refused te receive the application
aud each of the twenty members of the
class sent an application te him by mail.
The president has left the town.
Albeit Kinsley, Harry W. Burnham,
Geerge Cam pbell, Charles S. Jeslyn, Wil
liam A. lliilds and ethers have filed arti
cles of association te be known as the
Oneida Community (limited. This is a
reorganization of the association long un
favorably known by the same name, with
their marital relations changed.
.Ilfctln i:t I lie I.nciil Society.
The meeting of the Lancaster 3Iicro 3Iicre 3Iicro
scepical society last cvenim; was called te
order by the president, Dr. J. W.Crurabaugh
A paper by Dr. Lechcr was then read by
Mr. Duncan. The paper treated about
" The Microscope in Geology" in a very
able manner, ami greatly interested the
audience. The "scopes" were then put
in readiness by the different members, and
the president announced that the instru
ments were ready for inspection. The au
dience accordingly passed around in regu
lar order anil were very much delighted
with the exhibit.
Among the objects shown wc can euly
mention a iw, viz : Crystallizatiens, by
Dr. Ciumbaiih ; chrip des fleur, byC.
Brinteu : pollen grains, by Dr. M. L. Ilerr;
spere-e.iM". of fern, by W. P. King ; rust
en bramble. b J. W. Sidle ; wing of
dragen-ily, by .1. C. Burrewcs ; eye of
mesquite, by J. P. McCaskey; scale of
black bass, by C. E. Houpt ; feet of honey
bce, by C Warner; feet of beetle, byE.
W. McCaskey ; shell of snail, by J. M.
Davidsen ; polariscepc objects, by Cbas.
Wall ; section of blackberry stem, by Dr.
Lechcr; spines of star fish, by Grant Car
penter. Tiwre were quite a number of
persons present, and a very enjoyable
evening was spent by all.
Moravian Conference.
The Second district conference of the
Meiavian church met yesterday in Hely
Trinity church. Nineteenth and Oxford
streets. Philadelphia. The churches in
this city, Ennuis, Lancaster, Maryland and
New Jersey are embraced in the confer
ence. Bishop Edmund dc Schwcinitz was
elected e'aiiman and Rev. Charles Naglc,
of Lititz, secretary. The hours of meet
ing wtte fixed at J) a. m. and 2 p. in.
Rev. Uha'Ies NaIe, of Lititz church,
stated that politics and religion will net
mix. ai.d timing these times of political
excitement the church services arc net well
It. was announced that Messrs. Moere,
of Lancaster, and Jacobsen of Philadel
phia, members of the district church ex
tension beard, had resigned, and Messrs.
Urickcustciu and Shawc had been chosen
te fill the vacancies. In the evening re
union service was held in the First church.
hale of Real tl:te.
Samuel Kess & Sen, auctioneers, sold
yesterday at public sale en the premises
in Maner township, this county, for David
F. Jehn, Christiau F. Biuklcy and Henry
F. Binkley, administrators of Zephaniah
Biuklcy, deceased, Ne. 1, a tract of land
containing 40 acres and 145 perches, with
improvements, te Isaac B. Kccperts, for
125 per acre ; Ne. 2, a tract of land with
improvements, containing 07 acres and 136
perches. t. Henry F. Binkley for 8140 per
acre; .N', :j, a tract of land containing
three acres and 21 perches, with improve
ments, te Henry F. Binkley, for 8432. Tbe
whole amounting te $15,011.29.
Thu f :n in of Samuel Ewiug, of Drumere
township, Lancaster county, containing 145
acres, se!d by the assignees en the 14th
inst., te .Samuel Harbison, of Drumere
township,at $50.74 per acre, an advance of
about $$ per acre ever last year's sale,
when it wa afterwards withdrawn.
iCitnsiway tlirlw.
Oil Sunday evening two young daughters
of Michael Haas residing near White Oak,
Peim township, left their homes. Tbe old eld
est is net mere than 12 or 14 years and the
youngest about 10 years of age. They
walked all nibt and reached Lancaster in
the morning. After wandering about the
streets some time they were taken charge
of by Mi.-.Oanln-r.rcsidingonEastLemen
stieet, near the Fulton cotton mills. She
cared for them until this morning, when
she turned them ever teOfficcr Flick, who
having learned that they had an aunt, 3IrF.
Shenfl'e-, living en Maner street, took
the children there, where for the present
they remain. They left home en account
of some real or fancied grievance, and will
be returned t' their father this evening or
Shortening tlie
Pennsylvania Railreal mt
The Xert A American, in an article relat
ing te the improvements made by the
Pennsylvania railroad in straightening the
line, states : "The next attack en the main
line will be made at Lancaster, where it is
intended te build four miles of new track.
This will shorten the main line fully half
te three-quartets of a mile, and will bring
the Lancaster station half a mile further
from the centre of the town. The present
station will .li!l be used for local trains,
but the through trains will all run by the
enfeeff, thus saving both time, curves and
Killing Jr All tlie Came at Once.
Wm. Behm and Frank Curtis, of Read
ing, spcit Friday aud Saturday en a hunt
ing expedition in Lancaster county, having
deuble-barreled guns -and trained dogs.
They returned te Reading en Saturday
evening with eighty-two partridges, three
wild pweeu", three woodcock ana an .En
glish snipe.