Ejggy!"2g,v'3 - -'-c LAmksrMJ)AtLY 'mTmumwEkiT m iss Lancaster fnteUfgtncec. TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 10, 1880. 1'ez.rricAZ. FOB PRESIDENT : WMTELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOB VICE PRESIDENT: WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. GEN. HON. The srcal principles of American lib crfy arc still the lavrlul inheritance or this people, and ever should be. The right of trial by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights of persons and the rights of property must be preserved. W1KF1ELD S. IIAXCOCK, Maj. Gcn.Cemd'ff I)ept. La. and Texas. State Electoral Ticket. KLKCTOH3. ROKKKT E. MOXAUHA.V. WILLIAM II. playfeud. .lOHN SLKV1X, EDWIN A. l'UK. .IOIIN M.CAMPRKLL, C2ILLIKS DALLKTT, JOHN MOFKET, KUWAUI) WAI.KKX, NATHAN i;. JAMES, CKOUCK FIL1JKUT, JAMES ;. McSPAURAN, ALFKKD.I. MAUTJN, ADAM CKRIN'UKU, FRANKLIN TIJRNKR. PATRICK J. IilUMINlSIIAM, HENUY E. DAVIS. (iKORUK A. POST. AISRAM M. JSKNTON, JOHN I'. LINTON, JOHN S. MII.LKK, JOHN'O. S ANTON. CALVIN X. IMMVKR, JAMKSA. J. liUCHAXAN. CIIRISTOI'HKR MAIiKK, ROIIKRT M. (J1ICSON, WILLIAM IS. DUNI.A1', HARRY W. WILSON, SAMUKLCUIPFITH, j. ness Thompson. IIKMOCKATIC STATE TICK El'. Al'IIIlUB OKNKIIAL. ROKKRT I'. DKCHKRT. JUDICIARY. .uuiei: ok tiii: fcuritKMi: i-euiit. e keku e a. j en ks. ih:meckatic county ticki:t. FOB COXCIRISHR. .STKINMETZ. j.i, ren niHTiucrr attehnkv. D. MeMULLEN. FOll SENATOR (Mill DlSTItlCT). J. IS. DOUGLASS. rent assi:jii:ly!(I.st district). ELIM G. SNYDEIt. Will AKSEMM.Y (2d msiiuerr). S. C. STEVENSON, S. 1. SHIRK. FOR ARSISfllLY (3d K1STUHT). II. M. UUKNKMAX. U. DAVIS YUNDT, J ACOIS M. IIAENLKN. FOR PRISON' IVArBTTOILS. ISAUTO.V N. WINTERS. JSEN'J. MILLER. FOR l-OOIl lllltKCTOKS. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN FRANCfSCUS. Our Stock or Held and Silver Coin. A carefully prciKirc'l estimate of the amount, of United States fjelel and silver coin m the ceuutry en October 1 has been made by Director of the Mint Burcliard, which will be embodied in Ins annual re port before the 1st of November, in which case the amount of coin in the United Stales at thas time will be estimated for use en the report. The estimate is based upon the respective amounts in the country en June "0,1870,and shows an increase since that date of $S:5,:)90,eO.'i in old coin, and $'.57,'MS,:ViO in silver coin. This increase is said te be from actual coinage and the net import of United States coin. The total amount estimated as iu the country Oct. 1 are $:JG0,SS1,00: geld, and $119,799,335 sil ver. Of these amounts there are $07,201, 29:5 of ,'ehl in the treasury, and $:102,G7C, 707 iu circulation or held by banks, and $72,4e4,G00 silver iu the treasury, and $77,3-11,7:15 in circulation. In addition the treasury holds $68,040,5-10 in geld bullion, and $5,557,750 iu silver bullion, which the mints are turning into coin as rapidly as their facilities will admit. This is a larger amount of specie than has ever before been in the country. The increase of geld bullion is from foreign geld during the past year. Concerning a Lawyer. A lawyer who was badgering a colored witness iu a District of Columbia court en asking him if be had net been convicted of larceny, assault and arson, receiving a negative reply iu every case, finally in quired : "Have you ever been in the pcnilci: tiary'."' " Yes, sab." Attorney unilcd complacently and re sumed : "Hew many times have you been iu the penitentiary ?" "Twice, sah." " Where ?" "In Baltimore, sah." "New long were you there the first time?" "About two hours, sah." "Hew long the second time?" asked the attorney, rather crestfallen. "An hour, sah : I went there te white wash a cell for a lawyer who had robbed his client." The attorney sat down amid the laugh ter of tlie spectators. Threc-Twciity-Xine. Washington Pest. "Yen will, of course, support the Re publican candidates this year ?" inquired an Alexandrian, yesterday, of his German Republican neighbor. "Ncin," was the laconic reply. "What-net vole for Garfield sued his interrogator. pur- " Ncin, Ncin !" was the answer, in still mere emphatic terms. " Drei-zwaiizig-ncun." Gn te II. IS. C'ecliran, 1 insist 137 and 1.7.) North Queen street ler Mrs. Freeman's Xcw National Dics. Fer bru;litiic-.ssniiil durnbility of color arc ii!ii'e;iialcd. Celer Irein 2 te 5 pounds, Price, 15 cents. Factory Facts. Clese confinement, careful attention te nil lactery work, gives the operatives pallid faces peer appetite, languid, miserable feclingH, peer Meed, inactive Hvcr,kidneys and urinary trouble;, and all Hie physicians and medicines In tlin world cannot help them unless they get out doers or use Hen Hitters, made e the purest and best reined lea, .nd (specially for such cases, having abundance et health, sun shine and rosy checks In them. Nene need suffer if they will use them lively. Tlieycest but a triilc. Sec another column. e!5 2wd&w Mrs. E. 11. Perkins, Cre-ek Centre, Warren Comity, X. V., writes i she has been troubled with Asthma for four years ; had te sit up night after night with it, she has taken two iHiitlt-M of Dr. Themas' Electric Oil. and is M-rfccl I y cured, alie strongly recommends it and wishes te act as agent among her neigh bors. Fer sale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist, I."7 and i: Xerth Queen street. Lancaster, Pa. 9 Hen- Happiness Is Secured. Happiness is the absence of pain or annoy ancc, and wherever there is pain there is dis case. A pain in the lower portion of the body indicatesadisorileref some kind. If there is any odor or color or deposit in the urine it means disease ami requires attention at once. We liave heard manyet our friends speak of the re markable power of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and arc convinced there Is nothing se certain and valuable ter all disorders of the urinary system betli male and female. C U. Schoutenmullcr, Rroeklyn, writes ; Yenr Spring itlossem is invaluable. I have had serotineus sores en my legs ler n number et years, and occasionally they wetut break out en my face. 1 have taken two bottles of Spring lllossem, according te elirsctiens. and new all the sores have disappetred ami my hkIii is iMtrfccUy healthy. ft flH .- a U1a ftftl 4f.kl fas4 1A lit Fer sale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, 1.17 and I 139 Ke,rtli 0,uecn street, Lancaster, Pa. 12 I ZIWICAL., HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED Tiic accumulated cvidenca of nearly thirty years show that the Hitters is a certain remedy ler malarial disease, as well as its surest pre ventive ; that it eradicates dyspepsia, consti pation, liver complaint and , nervousness-, counteracts a tendency te gout, rheumatism, urinary and uterine disorder, that it imparts vigor te the feeble, anil cheers the mind while it Invigorates the body. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally, ol-lydced&lyw fEKVINE, Oil TONIC Sl'KC'lFICA. i A 1JOON TO JJOTII SEXES. A KEMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for all diseases arising from Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits, as well its from the prostration et old age. lis curative properties in -violent and chronic tonus efthc following diseases have been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians: Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Spcrmaterrliwa, Uencral Debility, Impetcncy, Premature Decay, &c. It has been in use for ever lerty years, and is te-day the most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WOULD. It cm be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, and better tlian all, it Is a sure, Kite ami certain cure. It is no quack medicine;, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since 1SSJ this remedy lists always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold ; but owing te the act that the time for the payment et an enormous royally upon Its manufacture has expired, it is ettered te the Buffering of both sexes nt one dollar per package, se as te be within the i-cacli of all; at which price it will be sent te any address tree el further charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, .40 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. " May be consulted en all diseases by mail. 1v2i-e;ind&w Brandy as a ledicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymakcr, Agent for KeigartV Old Wine Stere, by a preininentpractising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the ISrandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of lhe.se af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine efgrcat potency in the cure of some of the destructive! diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sen! te the favorable notice et Invalids espe cially these alllictcd with that miserable ur ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which i3 nothing mere or less titan Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite and mere or less debility, will find litis simple medicine, when used prepurly, A Sovereign Remedy erall their Ills anil aches. ISc II, however strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and that is BEIUAirrS OLD HKANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II E SLAYMAKER. This ISrandy lias Meed the test for years, and has never- failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference, ever all ether ISrandies, no matter with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would sutlice te buy all the ISrandy te cure any such case or cases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can .summon num bers of witnesses one ease in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been ailliclcd with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his stomach v.etild reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly no appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers ami stale bread, and as a beverage he used Met; mini's Reet Ueer. He is a Methodist, anil then, as new, preached at limes, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly againstall kiudsofstreug drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but arter hearing et its wonderful effects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the ISrandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man.with a stomach capable of digesting anything which lic!chesc te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene lit te the doctor. A Pkactisinu Physician. H. E. SLAY3IAKEtt, AOKKT FOX Reigaifs Old Wine Stere, Established in 1783, 1XP0KTKK AND DKALKIt IM FIXE OLD DUAXDIES, SIIEiMtlES, SlU'E- UlOlt OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in ISIS, 18-J7 and 1S21,) CHAMPAGNES O EVEIIY 15UAXD, SCOTCH ALE POUTEIi, I5UOWX STOUT. Ne. UJ) KAST KING SI'.. I. A r CASTi.it. I 'A JSUOIiS JX1 HTATtOSJKISY. iciioei. i:oeks. SCHOOL BOOKS ash SCHOOL SUPPLIES for Lancaster City and County, at. L, M. FLYNN'S Nu.4 WIST KINS! STKKKT. gc: ClIOOI. HOOKS, BLANK BOOKS Fancy Stationary AT KjIT BERSMTS'S Ne. 32 East King St., Lancaster, Fa. augss-itd SCHOOL BOOKS iron the Schools of Lancaster City, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. At the LOWEST PUICES, at the Boek Stere or JOHff BMR'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., Mil BTT1 ASTRICU JIRO'S ADVERTISEMENT. Lancaster Bazaar EVEIiY DAY during the coming week a brilliant display et FALL NOVELTIES will be presented in the attractive establish ment of ASTRICH BRO.'S 13 EAST KING ST. We shall place en exhibition the many rich and bcautltul articles which. we have new en hand, thns enabling Ladles, by a single prom enade through .our store, te iiiiemi them selves as te the Latest Styles for Fall and Early Winter Wear. Especial attention's called te ourassertmcntofFINEMILLIXKRYOOODS. including Trimmed rattern ISennets. New Shapes and Celers in CHENILLE HATS, FRENCH FELT HATS. DEICItlKS. V. NOVELTIES IN VELVETS AND SATINS. Cashmere and Variegated rl'LUMES, MUDS' TIPS, c Elegant Styles wilt be presented in LA DI ES" UNDERCLOTHING. DAISY WEAK. DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY and GLOVES. Please notice ! Every department will have both an attractive display and alseau especial ly attractive bargain. Call early in the week, belere our prices and goods are disposed of. HATS Derbies at C2c HATS HATS Fine Black Derbies, Willi Satin HATS HATS Trimming. $1.00 HATS HATS Seft Felt Derbies 91.00 HATS HATS ISest Ribbed Goods $1.:S." HATS HATS Cigarette Hats '.Vs HATS HATS Cotten Caps HOC HATS HATS Plush Hats 15c HATS HATS Straw Sailors '23c HATS HATS HATS SATINS Geed Black Satin. ..73c a yd SILKS SATINS First Quality Satin $1.00 SILKS SATINS ASupcrlinel5lackSati:i.$l.'JU SILKS SATINS All Celers of Geed Satin. '.Me SILKS SATINS Trimming Silks at 75c SILKS SATINS SILKS VELVETS Black Silk Velvet, ?l.f0 UI1SISONS VELVETS n yard. RIBBONS VELVETS Black Velveteen nt -He: RIBBONS VELVETS A Fine Black Velve- RIBBONS VELVETS teen at Site RIBBONS VELVETS Special Bargain. RIBBONS VELVETS Extra Heavy Black RIBBONS VELVETS Velveteen. RIBBONS VELVETS 73c.,'iverth $I.OI RIBBONS VELVETS Silk Finished Black RIBBONS VELVETS Vclvctecn.!?t.X)a yard. RIBBONS VELVETS Brocaded Velveteen In RIBBONS VELVETS all colors, C5c RIBBONS VELVETS Si'.k.Velvet in all the RIBBONS VELVETS new shades. RIBBONS VELVETS RIBBONS FRINGES SUinchSilk PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringi!,Che PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES nillc and PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES ISead, 2Tc a PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES yard. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Ricll Sill: PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES and Chenille PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringe, 41c. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES EleganlStlk PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES andChenille PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringe, & PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 5 Inch heavy PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Chenille PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringe,bread PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES beading, 0c. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 4y,ln. heavy PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Clieuilleaiid PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Bead Fringe, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 00c. a yard. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 4M in. Fine PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Chcnillcnud PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Grass Fringe, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Olcavard. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 5 inch Che- PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES nillc & Bead PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringe, 7."c. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Most elegant PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES and handsome PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringe, at HI, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES S3, USc, $1.00. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 1.10,1.1-2,1.3.-., PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES and upwards. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES A handsome PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Hncet Pas- PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES samciileries PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES inallwidtbs. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Tassel Orna- PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES incuts iuSilk, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Chenilleand PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Beads. Loens. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Spikes, Cords PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES and Spikes. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES PASSAMENTERIES BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS BLACK BLACK BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS CREPES CREPES Billiens in endless variety. Biack Crepe at ."iOc. Fines Black Crepe at. 73c. 1.00. BLACK CREPES BLACK Exlralleavv English dene. CREPES BLACK 0 1 for Situ CREPES BLACK CREPES CORSETS Hip Gere, 2!e. CORSETS CORSETS A Geed Hand-made Cor- CORSETS CORSETS set,:;ttc. CORSETS CORSETS We eiler new a much CORSETS CORSETS better Corset, than ever CORSETS CORSETS fer4!)c. CORSETS CORSETS An excellent, geed til-CORSETS CORSETS ting Corset Ter (mc. CORSETS CORSETS The "Pavilion," Snoen CORSETS CORSETS Busk, for 75c. " CORSETS CORSETS The "Star" Corset, ex-CORSETS CORSETS tra long, for Oc. CORSETS CORSETS The "Parisian," 100 CORSETS CORSETS bones, ler $1. CORSETS CORSETS A splendid Nursing Cor- CORSETS CORSETS se;tler$i. CORSETS CORSETS Butler Corsets at $1.29, CORSETS CORSETS ;i..ri'J and upwards. CORSETS JiAlUKS Special bar- UNDERGARMENTS LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES gains in that line. A geed Muslin Che mise for 25c An elegantly embroidered Chemise. Mc. UNDEIKJAKMEXTS UNDEUGAItMENT.S UNDEIUJAItMEXTS UX DE KG A II M EXTS UNDEKUAKM EXTS 17NDEUUAKMEXTS UXDEKUA11MEXTS UXDEKti A1UI EXTS U XDEUCJ A KM EXTS UXDEUUAIIMEXTS UNDEUGAUJIEXTS UXDEIMJAIISIEXTS UXDEIUJAltMEXTS LADIES LADIES One with very ii.wir.e ricii cmiirni- LADIES dcrv for 75c. Skirt, with deep embroi dery, for !!3c. LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES Elegant UXDEIJUAIIMEXTS LADIES Xightreuc,?!.'.".!. UNDEKU AIJM EXTS INFANTS WEAU WEAU INFANTS INFANTS INFANTS INFANTS INFANTS liabics' Leng Helies lrem 3!H? up te$i. Dabies' Worsted Caps. Jackets, Merine Cloaks, Shawls, Weel Ceat", lloetecs, &c. WEAK WEAK WEAU WKAU INFANTS INFANTS WEAU WEAU SKI UTS S1UUTS SKIRTS SKIRTS FELT Geed, Heavy Fell Skirts at !." FELT Flannel Skirts KELT FELT FELT FELT it reasonable nrices. The new "Canvass "Skirt at $1.50. SKIRTS SKI UTS NAPKINS NAPKIN'S NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKIN'S NAPKIN'S NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKIN'S NAPKINS NAPKIN'S NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS TOWELS A Geed Tewel ler Tic. TOWE LS A very large Fine TOWELS TeVcl,". TOWELS A large all Linen TOWELS Tewel, 10c. TOWELS A goeel GIasTeve-l,lle. TOWELS A line Damask Linen TOWELS Tewel, 25c. TOWELS An extra line Tewel, TOWELS knotted fringe. Sic TOWELS Imnertcd extra larsre TOWELS German Linen Tew- TOWEI.S els, 38c. TOWELS liemmintsefall Linen TOWELS Toweling, 10c a piece. TOW E LS Toweling, 5c a yard. TOWELS Russian Crash, , 11,'iSc TOWELS avard. TOWELS Glass Toweling at 12c TOWELS a yard. j(iVJ!i.i -Nankins, ;e a mere NAPKIN'S TOWELS German Linen Napkins NAPKIN'S TOWELS fringed in white, NAPKIN'S TOWELS $lperde;:. NAPKIN'S MKKIMI A geed httlW IT.VDKUWIOAU MEUINO Undershirt for MEUIXO ladies, only :rc. MEUINO Avery liiicunl iMEfllN'O ily SierinoUmler SierineUmler MEUINO vests and Pants. MEUINO regular made cull's MEUINO andsheiildcrs,sitk MEUIXO linished front, MEUINO enly4Sc. MEUINO Cliilds' Undcr MEUIN'O shirts and Draw MEUIN'O crs,iu all epialitics MEUINO and size's. MKUINO Our Men's Un- I'NDKUWKAU UN'DKUWKAU UNDKUWKAK UNDKUU'KAU UNOKUU'KAU UXIIKinVKAIl UNDKItWKAIt UNDEUWKAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU IINDKUWKAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUUKAlt UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU .MEUIXO dcrshirts and MKitixe Di-awcrsat Me are MEUIXO pesitivclvthebest MEUIXO ever sold for the MEUIXO price. The Shirts MEUIXO arc regular made MEUINO Cnffs and Shoul Sheul MEUINO ders.and finished MEUIXO as geed as any do! de! MEUINO lar shirt. MEUIXO The Drawer are MEUINO military finish. MEUIXO with satin front, :J MEUINO buttons, and well U-MiKliU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUWKAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUWKAU UNDKUWKAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUWKAU UNDKUU'KAU UNDKUWKAU I'NDKUWKAU MEUINO shaped. Sizes, :l MEUIXO te l:; inches. MEUIXO Infants' Knitted MEUINO Shetland Shirts, MEUINO without sleeves! MEUINO 41c; with sleeves MEUIXO ISc. MEUINO Nodeiibtagrcat MEUINO Bargain. IIOSIEUY Te mention all me UOSIKUY utjsir-ui liaigains we offer HOSIEUV in this department is IIOSIEUY hardly pessiblc,but we IIOSIEUY invite everybody 1e IIOSIEUY come and leek at our IIOSIEUY stock without being IIOSIEUY compelled te buy. It IIOSIEUY will be a satisfaction IIOSIEUY te you te knew that IIOSIEUY wc sell the best goods IIOSIEUY for the least mencv, IIOSIEUY and that our assort assert HOSIEUY ment is batter and IIOSIKUY UOSIKUY IIOSIKUY UOSIKUY IIOSIKUY IIOSIKUY HOSIKUv IIOSIKUY IIOSIKUY IIOSIKUY IIOSIKUY IIOSIKUY IIOSIKUY IIOSIEUY tiusiKUY Ianrcr than thatef any IIOSIEUY honse in this city. JIOSIKUY Child's Woolen (Jleves and Mitts. Legclns Lcggin Drawers, &c. J6S-XOTE THIS Zephyrs In all Celers, !c. an ounce. Yarns, Shetland Weel, Saxony Yarn, Fless, Ac. S-We invite everybody te call and leek at our store. The handsomest and most attrac tive place of the kind in this county. ASTRICH BRO.'S, 13 KAST KING STUKKT, LANCASTKU, IiANCASTEU DAZAAK. 1A. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT GIJNDAKBR'S. LADIES, for .New, DesiraMc and Clieap'Enibreitleries, RuQIings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruch'uigs, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Clack and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at OLTNDAKEB'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils. Linen Cellars and Cutis, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, wc will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GUJNIJKER'S, i42 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. SILK VELVETS. SILK SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! n I J lack and Celers. Wc are offering splendid value in these goods. Cleth Suitings in all the New Shades. Skirts ami Shawls, an immense stock, all new. Ladies' and Children's Hosiery in line assortment. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, Elegant Assortment, in all sizes. Infant's elegant assortment in all the latest styles. GIVLEE, BOWEES & HUBST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. .JEnjlLliY. IOUIS AVEltKK, J WATCHMAKKIl. Ne.ir,0NOUTII QUEEN STItEET.near l'.ll. H. Depot, Lancaster, l'a. Celd, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, &e. Agent ler the celebrated Pantaseepic Specta cles and Kye-U lasses. Repairing a specialty, apii-lyd Complete Bridal Outfits In Silver and Silver- Plated Ware, at Reason -able Prices. Tea Sets, Soup Tureens, Ice Pitchers, Cake Baskets, Coffee Spoons, Knives, Perks, Spoons, Casters, &c., &c. AUGUSTUS RHOADS, JEWELER, Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, l'a. SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES Uecclve most careful attention. DES1CXS AND ESTIMATES SUBMITTED WITHOUT CIIAIKJE. E. F. BOWMAN, im EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. Perfection iu the quality of Dia monds cannot be attained except by theso who have had a long ex ex ex pDrionce in selacting and dealing in the finest stones. This oxperienco Bailey, Banks & Biddle have had for nearly half a century. The Diamonds selected for the present season's business have been chosen with great care and are un questionably the whitest and the most brilliant te be had. They range in size from the small est te the largest, affording overy purchaser an opportunity of being suited both as te size and as te price. The prices will be found lower than theso of any ether Diamond Dealers. & IKWKI.KUS, SII.VKUHM1TI1S, IMl'OUTKUS, 12TII AND CHESTNUT STS., PHUiADELPHIA. scp3N.1mdT,T&S XreTICK TO KUYEItS. OUUNKW REAL ESTATE CATALOGUE Fer OCTODKU. is new ready for FREE DISTRIBUTION. Kxauiiuc it before buying a home. IIIU'.K & STAUI' fi;i:, Olwns,T& Wit .". North Duke Street. UE! Al.i: AI-K! IAIVUKNCK KNAI'P'S cki.kkuatkd and WKI.K KNOWN DUAUtJIITAI.K. is new ready for consumers, wholesale and retail. IIetki-s Uk&taukaxts ajje 1'uivatk Famimus can be; supplieil with thin wholesome anil nourishing bevenige;. All orders will receive punciiedattentien and deliverances made at s'lerfc notice. Call or address IAWKKNCK KNAl'l', Ne. 113 Kast King Street, ectll-lmd Imcster, la. G TO KIMOWAI.T'3 Full M0N0NGAHELA PURE RYE. Alse OAKDAL.K PUKE UYK WHISKY. 85 per cent. Alcohol, ami the invigorating Tonic Hair Liquid, and the Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c., All at Ne. SM WKST KINO STKKKT. "vrericK. " - JA In the Court of Common Picas ter the. Venniir of Lancaster : Netice Is hereby given that an Application will be made te said Court 011 MONDAY. OC TOItKUtS. lsse. at 10 o'clock, a. 111. for tlw. .,. Ipreval era certain Amendment te ilie Charter of the Woodward Hill Ccmeten-ef the Citvef i-ancaster, as set forth In lite Petition for the allewanci; et said amendiiicnt lilctl in said :eirt. A: .1. KI1KUM'. ect l,.),I(, Solicitor. EXBRMDERLES, CC. mix oeoiis. .' aim? .stair ALL SHADES IN PLAIN AND BROCADE. Saxony Weel Shirts, I land-Knit, with hi "Wc invite examination. jutr lew Fall Cms m Dress Ms ! WATT, SHAND & COMPANY have received a large; inveic; ref CLOAKS AND tcntien. DRESS New Fall Shades in all Weel Cashmeres, Memic Cleths, Shooda Cleths and Flannel Suit ings. .Iiistepeucd an Elegant Line of French and English Plaids and Novelties for combi nation suits. Special Value iu Black Cashmeres, Black and Colored Silks, Black and Colored Velvets, Trimming Silks, Brocaded Silks and Velvets. I'.laek and Colored Satins inJrcat Variety, at the NEW YORK STORE. WATCHES, ZAHM'S A new room and elegant stock. A full line of Lancaster Watches, Waltham Watches, Columbus Watches, in Geld and Silver Caes, at tlie LOWEST CASH PU1CES. RcautifiU wcelding gifts in Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Silverware, and French Clocks. Arundel Spectacles, the liert in the; wnild. OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT is as complete as any in the larger cities. W manufacture Kings, Masonic Marks, Society rins, Jewelry et all kinds. Diamond Mounting and any special or idd pieces in any desired style. MOXOCUAMMIX'C and Fine Jewelry and Watch repairing a specialty. All work warranted. Call and examine oitrsleckaud brave yeiirrcpuiriug witli Ziiluii's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. CLOTJUINU. GAKFIELD "VS. HANCOCK. FALL CAMPAIGN OF 1880 New ejMiiied and the battle has commenced and rages fiercely, and while there may bt? some doubt in the niindset many persons as te who will bu the ne:ct President et the United States, there can be no doubt in the mind of any person in want or CLOTHING as te where can be bought the cheapest and the best, cither iu Bcady-made or Made te Order. MYERS & 11ATHFON, Centre Hull, Xe. 12 East Kins Street, the Great Clothing Emporium. The second story room is packeil brim full with the greatest variety of KEADY MADE t,i.ijiiH.ufui.jir..i, liiuiHs, i.uis j.mi are well made, well trimmed, and the goods meuis. MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our Piece Heeds fill tlie first fleer te its utmost capacity, and is nicely arranged, se as te give the purchaser the advantage et seeing the whole stock in a very short space et time. We are prepared te make up te order at the; shortest possible notice and at the most reasonable price;. Our stock lias been bought for cash and will be sold at a very small advance. IJuy your Clothing at Centre Hall ami save one profit. Call and examine our giant stock and save money. MYERS & RATHFON, Ne. 12 EAST KING STREET, tun' nit a niMea. 25th Popular Monthly Drawing or Tin: COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macaulcy's Theatre, in the City or Louis ville, en SATURDAY, OCT. SOth, 1380. TIIKSK DUAWINCS, AUTIIOUIKD IfY TIIK IjKCISI.ATUKK OF 1S7S AND SUS TAINKD 15YTIIK COURTS OF KKNTUCKY, occur ri'gnlarly en the IjAST DAY OFKVKUY MONTH, Siindnys and Fridays excepted, for the period of FIVE YKAUs. The United States Circuit Court en MurcliSl. reaidcrcd the; lelinwing decisiens: 1st That tlie Commonwealth Distribution Company Is legal. 2(1 Its draw lugs are fair.. N. 11. Tills Company lias new en hand a large reserve fund. Stead Ihclistefpi-ixcs for the OCTOISKU DUAWINU. i prize. ..,...,.... l()tK'0 l prize ---,.......,........ ii,0G0 10 prizes $I,0U0eacl 10,000 'JO prizes SOU each iimioe 100 prizes, $100 each 10,000 .ui'lii is.es iMe:u.-n iO.OUO (X!0 prizes 'JOcaeh Vlfm H0O prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes :0 each, appre vimat ion prizes 2,700 J prizes "JOO each, " 1 soe !i prizes 100 each, " " yoe l,DO) prizes $112, tCO Whole tickets, $2; halt tickets, $1; 27 tickets 50; 53 tickets, $100. Uemit by Meney iuKcttcr. by Dank Draft or Express te It. M. ItOAlIDMAN, Couricr.tonr Ceuricr.tonr Couricr.tenr nal Duildiiig, I-eulsville, ICy or a)7 and S03 Breadwav. New Yerk. uiSlTuTh&S&w T1NWAUE, AC- OTOVES. STOVES. IJrick-Sct and Portable HEATERS and RANGES , . ,t- ' Slierizcr, Huniplircvillee'c EictTcr's 40 EAST KINC STUKKT. TAINTIN. X All kinds of lleusa 'aiiitiiignml Cniinintr done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. We; have reduced our prices te 91.73 per day. Shep en West Charlette; stre-el. ectl2:imd ALLK.V CUTIfKIK & SO.NS. VELVETS. l neck and long sleeves, Dress Ritttens, an noens. DOLMANS at prices that must commend at- GOODS. .tEWELUX, At. CORNER. ED W. J. ZAHM, ejiiii,uur.... nil our own manufacture. They arc all sponged before they are made up in gar- LANCASTER, PEJIJi'A. I- KJliNEY AND I.IVEU CUKE. Kidney i Liver CURE. $1.25 PER BOTTLE. A Positive Remedy for ALL Kid ney, Liver and Urinary Troubles of both Male and Female. READ THEBECORD: Ala- Sa my JSL B' LakelV' Sclm, "It Is the remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar te women." Mether's iluau- zinc. "It has passed severe tests anil wen onderar- liients from some or the highest medical talent in the country." Xew Yerk World, 1 .. 4(;,"c"y nercioierc oiscevercii can uc nclil for one moment in comparison witli It." C. A. Jlarvey, D. ., II'Aihei,. C. This Great Xulnral Remcdj is for Sale Jjj Druggists iu all Farts of the World. TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. H. H. WABNER & CO., ROeUSTR, N. Y. iuig9-Tu,Th&S(I&i ROOTS ANIi S1IOE8. EASY SSS&SSSSSiiSSSi ing comrert for the feet. DAATC Lasts made te order. iyJJ.VD MILLER, tcl14-tfd 133 East Kins utrcct 105 IaAUIES and OENTS It yen want a 105 GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, KeaT.y-made or made te order, call at P. HLEMENZ'S, . Ne. 105 North Queen Street. C ustem erk a Specialty.. e2CSA Wtfd Warner s Safe TRATEUZHS UVllte LANCASTKK AND MH.tKKSVII.tK U.B t Cars run as fellows : .Leave Lancatser P. "IS. Dcnetl at 7 nn.l 11:30 a. in., and 2, 4, e and 8Vii cieent en Saturday, when the last car leave? at ih30 m Uaxe kuicrsYille (lower eSdmiVand a. M and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. ' ana Cars run dally en abeTO tlme except en Sun (WLCMBIA AStt PORT DKPOSIT It K y, Trata?"0 rnn ularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit KaUroed en Uie Wlewhiit time : " TATIOK3 Necth Express. Express. Acceu. WABn. a.k. r. m. r.ji. Pert Deposit, 6:35 3M 0f Pcachbottem..... 7:12 4:24 3:18 Safe Harber. 7:59 5:0G 3;0G Columbia- StO 5:33 6:20 Stations Seuth- Express. Kxpress. Accem WABD. A.H. r.M. " A.St. Columbia. 11W3 6-JO tIm Safe Harber. 11:23 6:l ArU-.OG r. 11. r. . Lej:4e Pcachbottem..... I'i07 7UK 11.07 PertDeiwslt 12:45 8:05 1&25 PKSNSYLVAMA lLVILKOAl NKW SCHEDULE On ami after SUNDAY AUGUST SM, 1, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the Iiucaster and Philadcliihta depots as follews: Eastward. Leave 1 Arrlv Lane'tcr Philael'a Philadelphia Express, Kast Line, Yerk Accem. Arrives; Ilnrrisbiirt; Kxpress DillervilleAceein. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, Day Express, llarrisburg Aceeininexlat'n, 2:10 a.m. 5s5) " S.M " 8:0T. " 8:45 " SfclO " 12:55 " law v.M. 2aT0 " 3:05 " 4:4.1 " 6:25 " 4:15 a.: 7:40 " lt:lu"" lie'fr.M. 3:15"" 5ax 5i " 6:15 J-JSl Arrive; Lane'ter Mll.i.)i. 10:10 ' 10:15 11:05 " 10-0 " 2:10 r.M. 2:15 ' 2:50 5:15 " 7rA' " 70 " 8:50 ' U..M " 2. 10 A.M WK3TWARD. Leaves Philad'n I2i A M. 7:: '' !l:0l)""" 8:00 " n-M " 4rfW " 5:31) " 6ri" " 0:10 " ll-Jia " av I Mail Train e.l,vla Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, Niagara & Chicago Express Sunday Mall, fast Line............. .. Frederick Accommetlntion, Dillervilie Lecal.viaMt..! ey Harris!) 11 ry AccemuicMlat'n, Columbia Accommexlatien, Harrisbunr Express, Pittsburj; Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Kxpress, Pacific Kxpress. east, en Sunday, when ila gcd, will step at Mlddlctewii, Klizabetlitewn. Mt. Jey, Landisvillc, Itird-in-ltauel, Lciiian Place, tiap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Ce:itcs villc, Oakland and (J len Lech. Fast Line, Avet, en Suntlay, when nagged, will stopatDewniiiKtown,C(KitesvilIe. I'arkcs I'arkcs I'arkcs burg,Mt.Joy,Klizabethtewii and Middletewu. Hanover accommodation west, cenncctiii" at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Kxpress at 11:05 a. in., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west.e-euueclsat Lancaster, with Fast Line, weM, at 2:10 r m ami will run through te Frederick. " w ::adine x-culusiuia r.k. AUUANtSKMKNTOF PASrtKN'tJKUTUAINS. MAY IOtii, ISSO. XOUTHWAUD. LEAVK. (juarryville Lancaster, Kiny I:incaster Columbia AltKIVIU Ueading a.m. r.M. r.M. Jj:15 .... 2SJ5 7:55 .... 3: let 8:05 l:iie 3-M 7:55 1:05 3:te 10:05 3:20 5.50 St... SOUTHWAUD. LK.VVE. Ucaeliug AIUEIVK. Columbia Lancaster. Iiucastcr, King St. Oiiarryville A.M. A.M. I'.Tt. r.K. 1:M 11:55 0:10 ... J-.I0 ilti 8:20 OSS: 2:05 8:10 5r.l 0:45 8:20 5:30 1030 .... 0rr 7:00 Trains connect at Reading with trains te anil ireni i-miaiiclpina, retlsville, Ilarrisburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Hound Jtroek Iteute. At Columbia with tralnn te and from Yerk, Haiieyer, ISetlysburg, Frederick and ihilti ihilti mere. A. 31. AV1LSON. SupU house t'uitxisuimt u 00 its. VTOTICK. FLlii & BRENMAN. W011M advise all who centemplate: putting in II KATKUS or making any alterations in theii healing arrangements te de se nt euc-i; before) the nish of Fall Trade begins. TIIK MOST UKLIAl'.LK Stores, Heaters anil Rates, In the Market at the LOWEST PRICES. Flii & Breeetfs GREAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER PA. COAL. B. i:. MAKTlN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds or LUMIIKU AND COAL. 4SYard: Se. 420 North Water and l'rince streets above Lemen. Ijincuster. n.'Myd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of tne Itcst CJeiallly put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. .S- VAKD 1T.O SOUTH WATKP. ST. neivii'd PHILIP SCHUM.SON X CO. -tOAL! :OAI,I COAL!!! Wc have constantly en hand all the best grades of COAL that arc in market, which we j.-re sellingas low as any yard in the city. Call and i;etMr prices before buying cNe whfere. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON. s27-lyt SM NORTH WATER STREET. COtfO & WILEY, :t.W XOUTII 'ATER ST., Zaueantcr, JHa., Wholesale a."H' i'lail Dealers in LUMBER ilND GOAL. Connection AY I If 1 tlie TcltU!i.'nic Kxctang. Ilranch Olitce : Ne.3NOIlTi'f PUKKST. ieb2lyd "1I TO REILLY & KELLER ren GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, and all ether kinds of Ceal. (Juality and ciuantlty guaranteed. Manure by the car lead at Philadelphia stock yard prices. Yard, Harrliburg Pike-. Office, 2 East Chestnut street. auglT-trd "COAL! COAL! Fer goeel, clean Family anil ofCOALgeto all ether kind RUSSET, & SHUrJcIYER'S. (Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 23 1 Kast KinS Street. YAKO: I.1K le.rtli 1'rtucc Street. augll-taprlSR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. THE Lancaster Organ lanufactery Withent a denbt furnish tlie FINEST IX STKUMKNTSin the Market. Warcroenis 320 North Queen street. 31annfactnry in the rear- I Ilranch OfUce, 15J j East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. ANe Agent f or Iancastcr County for CHICK KUI.SU ft SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments. Violins. ISanjes, Ifanel Instru ments. Ac.always en hand. tl3-lydSftlyw A.M. 0:311