Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 19, 1880, Image 3

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his native state and his country. Fer his
services a grateful Republican Congress
gave Hancock a vet;c of thanks, and a Re
publican Senate and executive have show
ered upon Lengstrcct a succession of lucra
tive offices !
Pennsylvania has net been swift te honor
her great sous ; she has rather kept tnem
back and assisted in elevating te high hon
ors the small fry politicians of ether states.
New she has a peerless candidate of her
own, and have we net a right te appeal te
her people te honor the man who saved
their homes from the wrath of the invader.
As a civil ruler Hancock has demon
strated his great capacity. His official
papers are model? of state-craft. He
thoroughly understands the genius of our
democratic institutions, and was the first
of our great generals when appointed
military governor, te lay down the maxim
that in time of peace tbc military is in
.subordination te the civil power. Mr.
Oassidy closed with a fine peroration that
was listened te with breathless attention,
and at the close was greeted with thun
ders of applause. Indeed during the de
livery of his address every time the name
of Hancock was mentioned it was greeted
with the most intense enthusiasm.
W. U. Hcnsel, esq., chairman of the
campaign committee said he was instruc
ted by the htatc committee te say, that
tue campaign will be prosecuted with, un
abated zeal along the line, and that we
have the most confidence assurances from
Indiana and ether contested states that the
Democratic ranksare.tliorenghly cemented
and marching en with the most pesitive
indications of victory.
3Ir. Hcnsel also announced that theie
would be another mass meeting in the court
house en Friday evening next.
The meeting gave three reusing cheers
for Hancock and the state aud local ticket?,
and was declared adjourned.
October Adjourned Term.
Monday Afternoon. In the case of the
cem'th vs. Clnislian lirackbill, charged
with assault and hattcry.thc jury rendered
a verdict of net guilty with defendants te
pay enc-tliiid :.ud Levi llabecker, the
prosecutor, twe-tluids of the costs.
Cem'th vs. Themas Withers, assault
and battery. The defendant was charged
with striking Mrs. .Amanda Myers, wife of
Isaac B. Myers, of Celcrain township.
The evidence for the prosecution showed
that en the evening of July 24 a festival
was held at Mount Eden church, in Eden
township ; Mrs. Myers was standing be
hind a tabic, where lemonade was being
sold ; the defendant came there and want
ed some wafer; he became engaged in a
dispute with Mrs. Myers and after running
under the table he struck her a violent
blew in the breast with his list. Four
witnesses testified te these facts.
The defendant admitted that he had
been di inking, but denied having hit Mrs.
Myers. Other witnesses swore that With
ers did net hit her. The jury rendered a
verdict of guilty.
Cem'th vs. Themas Withers and New
ton Hrysen, disturbing religious meeting.
Withers was the defendant in the above
case and he, in company with Bryson,
were charged with disturbing the festival
efMt. Eden church en this day. It was
charged that these men were drunk and
they made a great deal of noise ; they get
inside of mi enclosure for the sale of re
freshments and amuFed themselves by
knocking ever a backet containing lemon
ade ; when remonstrated with they began
quarreling with all who came in their way.
The defense was that the defendants
were orderly upon this occasion ; they
knocked the bucket down accidentally.
The jury rendered verdicts of net guilty,
but the defendants te pay the costs.
Cem'th vs. Themas Withers and New
ton Bryson, assault and battery. This
case grew also out of the festival ; the de
fendants were charged with assaulting
Franlclin Myers, He testified that after
the festival was ever he was carrying sev
eral buckets ever te a wagon te have them
leaded. While doing this the defendants
came up te him aud both struck him,
knocking him down.
The defense was that Myers first made
the attack en Withers, whom he hit. Bry
son did net hit Myers. The jury rendered
verdicts of cuilty.
Tuesday Morning. Intliccase of cem'th
vs. M. D. L. Moere ct al. charged with con
spiracy te preenre an elopement with Mrs.
Emma Schnader, of Ephrata, a verdict of
net guilty was taken for want of evidence.
In the case of cem'th against the same
defendant, in which he was charged with
fornication, a verdict of net guilty was
taken, as the crime alleged took place in
Schuylkill county.
Commonwealth vs. I'atil C'uiglcy, lar
ceny. In this case it was shown that two
bars of lead, weighing 80 pounds each,
were stolen from a shanty connected with
the city water works some time in April
last. The lead was traced te a house en
North Queen street. The commonwealth
were unable te convict the defendant with j
the larceny of the lead aud the jury, utider i
the instruction el the court, rendered a
verdict of net guilty.
Commonwealth vs. Lerenz Nolde and
Moses Miller, forcible entry. This case
was settled by the defendants paying costs.
Cem'th vs. Jehn Hauek and Esaias Lack
uflj burglary. The evidence for the common
wealth showed that en the night of the
28th of May Uie dwelling house of David
GrefT, who resides in Earl tewnsiiip. near
the Welsh mountains, was entered into by
thieves, who effected an entrance by
breaking in a window. The following ar
ticles were stolen : A keg of mackerel, a
let of butter, some bread aud seven gal
lons of wine, in two kegs, Constable
Bewman heard of the burglary and he set
Jehn Buzzard and Andrew Heuck te
watch for suspicious persons. These two
men watched the defendant1!, aud
they found them coming out of the
Welsh mountains with several bottles
and jugs, en the night of May 29; aftcr-
wards Constable Bewman searched both
houses. At Ilauck's house they found a
bottle of wine and some mackerel ; Hauek
admitted that he was one of the men who
entered the house, but refused te tell who
was with him ; he directed the officers te
a point in the mountain aud told him he
would find some of the goods there : the
officer made a search there aud found the
keg containing some mackerel and wine
kegs ; a search was also made at LeckufTs
house ; he denied having anything,
but upon search being made, a
bottle of wine was found. The
kegs and the wiuc were identified by Mr.
Greff. There was no evidence offered by
the defeusc,and the jury rendered ,a verdict
of guilty. Beth men were sentenced te
live ycats imprisonment.
Cyrus ltessel plead guilty te the charge
of fornication and bastcrdy with Catherine
Hoever of Providence township. Tiie
woman is the mother of twins, of which
the defendant is the father. The sentence
was made heavier than usual, therefore, as
both children must be provided for.
Died iu the I'ar Wes.t.
Jacob Gundakcr, of this city, received a
telegram te-day from Denver, Colerado,
bringing the news of the death in that city
of his daughter, Ida P. Gundakcr. Miss
Gundakcr was 18 years of age. She left
this city last March for Denver, .where she
had been living with her brother, Jacob.
She was taken with mountain fever two
weeks age and it resulted in her death.
Preparing for Political Excursions.
The great Democratic meetings at Yerk
en Thursday and at Ephrata en Friday
premise te attract many visitors. The ex
cursien rates arc fixed very low for both,
and a meeting of all proposing te go will
be held at the central headquarters this
evening te complete arrangements for the
events, jjjn
Yesterday about a baker's dozen of
tramns infested the boreuirh. calling at a
number of houses for something te cat,
and affording net a little uneasiness te
some of our people. The appearance of
the gang was decidedly unprepossessing,
end it was probably te make a counterac
tion in leek "that a man with no arms a
deformity of mature was selected te make
frequent visits te kitchen doers, in the
known ways of the tramp, for sustenance
for his mere able companions. An officer
was at length dispatched te arrest the
whole party if possible, and en the first haul
he scooped in four, who were safely landed
in the borough lock-up. The officer then
started in search of the balance of the gang
and was successful in capturing three mere,
with whom he returned te the quarters se
lected for the portion of the party in lim
bo. Here a strange sight met the eyes of
the officer. The doers of the lockup were
standing wide open aud the birds had
flown. The three new arrivals were safe
ly secured and an investigation of the
premises took place. It was found
that the escaped party had tern
the iien handle from a bucket in
their cell, with which, improvised as a
pick-lock, they slid back the belt of the
cell doerand in a few minutes were free.
The job was undoubtedly a neat one, as
in conversation with an officer this morn
ing, he said that he could net sec hew un
the sun they were able te liberate them
selves with the means at baud. The party
have net yet been recaptured, and we have
at any rate the decided satisfaction of
being rid of their presence. This makes
the second or third escape from this inse
cure lock-up lately, aud it would be well
for the borough council te sec what can
be done te make it a mere formidable bar
rier te liberty at will.
Billy Mullen's horse with an express
wagon ran away from the Reading & Col
umbia R. R. depot, across the Pennsyl
vania railroad and up Locust street, yes
terday afternoon. Nine beves of new
beets from Yerk were dumped out aud
broken open by the shock. The horse
was caught near the Franklin house. The
wagon was net injured nor was the horse.
Mr. E. S. Rumsiy is visiting at Phila
delphia te-day.
It is thought the Vigilant fire company
will take about fifty equipped members te
lingers! own, Md., te-morrow. The Shaw
nee company will take about ths same
number. The Vigilant steamer has been
thoroughly cleaned and brightened and
presents a very handsome appearance. It
will take the " plum '' at Hagcrstewn.
The Republican battalion officer. will
transact some business te-night.
Professer Bridcnbach, of Pennsylvania
college, Gettysburg, passed through here
yesterday with sixteen members of the se
nior class en a mineralogical jaunt te sev
eral of our Pennsylvania cities aud towns
where iron and ether metals are worked
up. The party will visit Philadelphia,
Trenten, Easten, Bethlehem, Allcntewn,
Catasauqiia, Wilkesbaire and ether places,
and will consume a couple of weeks
before getting back te historic Gettys
burg. The Hancock and English battalion will
parade in town te-night. It is desired
that every man possessing an equipment
turn out, or in lieu of that, that he have
his equipment represented. Hand bills
with the formation of the line aud the
route of parade have been distributed ever
town and will be a guide te all persons de
siring te illuminate.
The Republican helmet company partici
pated in the parade at Mount Jey last even
ing. A couple of the Columbia visiteis te
Mount Jey last evening .somehow
get j
their horses mixed when they were ready
te conic home ani for a time there was the
greatest consternation. On eenij aring
notes, after telegrams had been scut, it
was found that each party had each ether's
horses. The difficulty was remedied.
The party of three who were arrested
aud held last night, before their arrest
visited A. I). Itcesc's billiard hall and
wanted te play peel. Mr. Itecsc refused
them the table, as they were considerably
inebriated. They went out and en their
way down stairs broke the glebe in the
hall-way. Mr. Reese, Mr. S. S. Detwilcr
and Special Officer Henry Rodenheuscr
followed them, and were in at the arrest
nt the Susqehanna rolling mill.
The mercury took abig jump downward
last night aud this morning ice in small
quantities is the result.
The Protestant ministers of Columbia
held another of their weekly meetings yes
Officer Fisher left here at 12:25 te-day
for Lancaster with the three men arrested
last night.
Rcpublicun Fizy.le at Mlllcrsville.
Our correspondent at Millersvills scuds
us the fellow ing :
The Republicans of Millersville and sur sur
leuiuling country had a meeting and a
parade en Monday, which did net turn out
as they would have liked. They had in
vited all the clubs from the surrounding
villages, but thev did net all come. One
of the mistakes they made was that it
took them tee long te form in line, and
another that theyhad mere boys iu their line
than voters. Seme of the paradcrs car
ried clubs with red handkerchiefs tied en
them. When the paraders went past
Julius Figey's residence the marshal rode
te the rear of the column and cried out
"here is where Jeff Davis livcs,:' evident
ly forgetting that the propticter was a
soldier who bore the Union flag iu the
Union army, net the DaGelyerllag. There
were a few lights, but no person was hurt
very badly, one had his clothing tern oil"
el him, another received a beautiful pair
of black eyes. Seme of the paraders went
home cress because the kind-hearted club
of Millersvilic did net even scat thorn
nor did they give auy refreshments of any
kind ; all they get they paid for. borne
of the Nermal school students turned out,
but they did net wait te hear Galusha
A. Grew speak, for they were most frozen
and hca:t sickened of the peer turnout,
which was net mere than half as large as
they had boasted. A
A Laberer Killed and llrakeman Crippled.
Last evening a laborer named Barney
McKccvcr was struck and instantly killed
by engine Ne. 3G0, attached te the Colum
bia accommodation train west, en the
Pennsylvania railroad just cast of Hepe's
telegraph tower, cast of Parkesburg, Ches
ter county, lie was employed by Nead &
McFadden contractors en the new line of
railway at that point. His body was taken
in charge by the foreman and the coroner
held an inquest. The second section of
the day express east had just passed that
point and McKccvcr stepped en the north
track te avoid it when the engine of the
Columbia train struck hiin, crushing his
head aud throwing him away from the
track. His place of residence is net given.
Jereme Kccch, a brakeman ou engine
Ne. 824, extra freight west, this morning
had his left arm badly crushed at the elbow
whilst coupling cars at Pomeroy station.
He was taken te Parkesbnrg where Dr.
Dickinsen attended his injuries, alter
which he was removed te his home in
Change of Schedule en Monday.
A new schedule will go into effect en the
Reading & Columbia railroad, next Mon
day. , The morning train which new leaves
King street for Quarryville at 9:45 will net
leave until 10:30. The mixed passenger
train, the time for the departure of which
ii 5:30, will leave at at 5:10. The only
change going North is in the train arriv
ing from Quarryville at 9 :20. It will leave
at 9:30.
Field Way at JfcGrMW'a Park.
The opening field day of the lately or
ganized Field club took place upon the
club grounds at McGrann's park yester
day afternoon, and was a gratifying suc
cess in every respect. The warm interest
that is felt in the enterprise was very clear
ly manifested by the unexpectedly large
attendance, and the vim which which a
large number of these present entered into
(.the sports. Upwards of sixty ladies and
gentlemen, members of the club, were in
terested spectators of or participants
in the games played, which included lawn
tennis, archery, football and quoits. The
utmost satisfaction prevailed, and all pres
ent were mere than pleased with the ad
mirable arrangement of the grounds, which
are situated just inside the entrance te the
pari.-, and are fitted up for the best conve
nience of spectators and players.
The Field club may new be said te be in
complete working order, and members can
engage the use of any game they desire
and for any time they may designate by
registering in a book provided for the pur pur
pesc'at Ban's book store in Centre square.
This rule docs net apply te Thursdays,
which hasbecn fixed as the regular weekly
Field day of the club, in which
the sport will be of a mere general char
acter. The management of the club have
in view a grand field event for Thanksgiv
ing day, of which details will be hereafter
Bast Regular correspondence.
Ou Saturday eveninjr, the 16th inst., the
Bart Hancock and English club took a
jaunt ever te "Sadsbury township where
they fell in with Sadsbury clubs, and after
parading for a while in that township
brought up at the Bed Lien hotel and had
a lively meeting among themselves. Sev
eral speeches were made by the home pol
iticians who appeared as though they had
get their breath since the Indiana elec
tion, and were going te march ou te vie
Twe deaths of old citizens, well known
te this community, occurred en the 16th'
inst. Samuel Reckcy, sr., of Bart, aud
Jesse Kurtz, el 1'araaise township.
The Hancock aud English club will
meet en Saturday evening, 23d inst., at
Nine Points without torches.
Contract for Ceal.
This morning the property committee
opened the bids for furnishing 38 tens of
coal for the mayor's office, council cham
bers, treasurer's office and station house..
The contract was awarded te James Stewart
& Sen, they hcing the lowest bidders, at
the following prices: 15 tens hard egg,
$4.47 per ten ; 15 tens soft egg, $4.47 per
ten ; 8 tens medium nut, 4.32 per ten.
II. Baumgardncr & Ce. hid $4.50 per
Ien for SO tens of hard aud egg, and $4.25
per ten for 8 tens of medium nut their
bid being only 34 cents mere than Messrs.
Stewart's for the entire thirty-eight tens
the difference being less than one cent per
Washington Horengh Items.
Tuc river is very low at present, but
bass fishing is geed ; our fishermen have
been very successful.
The funeral of Andersen Steiner took
place en Monday, and was very largely at
tended. Duck sheeting is all the rage at present.
The river is full of ducks and gunners, and
if we would estimate the number of ducks
killed by the number of shots fired we
would suppose that the market would be
oveistecked with that kind of game.
Habeas Corpus.
Jesse Xye, who was committed by Alder
man Barr for drunken and disorderly con
duct, was te have been taken linfnre .Tiidrn
Patterson this afternoon en a writ of habeas
corpus with a view te Ins release. The
writ was issued and he was brought down
tewn,luit owing te the unexpected absence
he was remanded te prison by Judge Liv
ingston and will net have a hearing until
Saturday next.
Tretting Matches.
Theie will be a large ciewd of people in
town en Thursday, and there will be two
geed trotting races at the park. A special
purse will be given te the herse that beats
2:26j, tl,e ecst tnne evcr rnade en our
track, which was by Goldsmith Maid.
Pret. Uuilmette's French Kidney Pads have
been sold in France for t lie last ten years, and
in that time has cured thousands of men nr.d
women who it ere troubled with dlscascset the
kidneys and urinary organ. Fer sale bj
Hew Thev Feel at Adrian, Mich.
Kced, Beach & Smith, druggists, of this city,
say that Day's Kidxey Pah is giving the very
bestet satisfaction. One of their customers
says he would net take two hundred dollars
for one he has if he could net another.
The Ten Vent Line.
Mr. J. C. Houghten has taken a new depart
ure in the transportation of passengers and
baggage from one part of the city te another by
the establishment of:i new and cheap line of
omnibuses, in which he proposes te convey
p.-.ssengers te any given point in the city for
the low prica et ten cents, and trunks and
baggage ler lit teen cents. The new line will
meet all arriving and departing railroad
trains. Pee his advertKcmcnt in another col
umn. The omnibuses were run out yesterday
for the firM time and are comfortable and
Kainlncs Itclere eating, pain and distress
ultcrwniil, prevented by Malt Bitten.
Or old or young, or grave or gay.
These who new let their teeth decay.
With breath we can't endure ;
The thought their alter lite will haunt,
That they neglected SOZODONT,
That would have kept all pure.
Vaudciblll was neatly shaved
with Cnticura Shaving Soup.
Attention, Democrats.
All members of the city clubs, Veterans or
Hancock Legien, who propose te go te Yerk te
the great meeting en next Thursday, or te
Ephrata te the mass meeting of Friday, are re
quested te meet at the Central headquarters
this evening te complete arrangements.
General Parade.
There will be a general parade et the Demo
cratic clubs of the city next Saturday evening.
Further arrangements will be announced
shortly byCol.Terdncy, Battalion Commander.
Third Ward.
The Third ward Hancock and English club
will meet nt Central headquarters en Wednes
day evening at V,i o'clock, te make arrange
ments for participation in the grand Demo
cratic torchlight precession Saturday night.
Eenrtli Ward.
There will lw a rcgularmccllngef the Fourth
ward club en Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock.
A full attendance is requcsted. Business of
Fifth Ward.
The Fifth ward Hancock and English club
will meet at their headquarters. Green Tree
Hotel,en Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. A
full attendance is requested.
Sixth Wurd-Ainericus Club.
The members el the Amcricus club who de
net intend going te Yerk, -and are willing te
lean their equipments, will please leave their
names at Ban V McCully's store.
Seventh Ward.
Ihc Seventh wardllanceck nnd English club
will meet ut headquarters, B. Kublinan's
saloon, en Thursdcy evening at 7o'leck,
sharp. Business et importance requiring the
attendance et every member will be trans
act ed.
Seventh Ward.
The Yeung Men's Hancock and English club
of the Seventh ward will meet at Utzlnger's
saloon, Middle street, 011 Tuesday even
ing, at S o'clock. ISusiucss et importation
will bi transacted.
Eighth Ward.
State.l meeting et the Eighth ward Hancock
and English club this (Tuesday) evening at Vi
o'clock nt Diehl's saloon, High street.
Call attention te the completeness and variety of their
stock, including every article of every description in their line,
from the low-priced te the costly. All grades of Watches and
Time-keepers. All classes of Jewelry, including very many
pretty designs in cheap goods, and a superb collection of fine
Diamond Goods. Silverware in full variety, from any geed
Electro-plated article te the Solid Silver Goods of great intrin
sic worth. Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, &c., &c.
All purchasers of goods in our line, aU persons contemplat
ing the purchase of sueh goods, all admirers of beautiful goods,
are respectfully invited te visit our store.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers.
Leave orders at HOUGHTON'S STORK, 23 North Queen Street; KRISMAN'S HOTEL, 112
Seuth Queen Street;
10 Cents te any Part of the City for Passengers.
'Ruses will meet all trains east anu -west. Safe Horses and Accommodating Drivers.
43- 'Ruses te Hire ler Parties and Clubs at the Lewest Rates, at
It is impossible for a woman after a faitliiul
course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkhum's
Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer
witii a weakness el the uterus. Enclose a
stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Plnkham, 233 Western
avenue. Lynn, 3Ia?s.,fer pamphlets.
Imvurk Uloeo, General Debility, Screlula,
Erysipelas, Pimples, Carbuncles, Unhealing
Seres, and ether diseases demanding a treat
ment essentially Tonic, Absorbent, Alterative,
Weed Cleansing, Bleed Makingand Health Re
storing, yield readily te that most perfect and
elegant of medicinal preparations, Dr. Brown
ing's Tonic and Alterative. Price 50 cents and
$1. Fer sale by the proprietor, W. Champien
Browning, M. !., 1117 Arch Btrcet, Philadel
phia, and all Druggists and Dealers in Medi
cine. eH-lwdTu,Th&S
Weary or Lire.
Hew many a man lias jumped into the river.
When nil 'twos that nilcd him was a disorder
ed liver.
It he only had known that Spring Blessem
would save.
He never would have filled a suicide' grave.
Prices : 50c., trial bottles 10c.
Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 anil
139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 10
Bud bleed always causes trouble. It may be
a family fight, or boils, pimples, itch, tetter,
&c, ; but no mutter, "Dr. LiniKey's Bleed
Searcher" is the cure-all.
Ladies' Wine Spees's Pert.
Pure four years' old will net intoxicate
but possessing all the valuable medicinal
properties of the Oporto grape, from which it
made. Used in hospitals and by first class
physicians us the best known wine ler medical
purposes. It is n tonic and astringent. It is
net mixed with alcohol or ether liquors, but a
mild, rich and pleasant tonic, improving the
appetite und promoting digestion ; as a durctie
it acts beneficially en the kidneys and corres
ponding organs ; as a suderific, it acts upon
the skin, destroying eruptions and producing
u soft, healthy and blooming complexion.
Therefore, it Is extensively and beneficially
used by ladies, and is in general ijnilly use as
a sure remedy Jer dysentery, and for all
nervous, weak and debilitated persons. Sold
by druggists and by A. Specr, at his own vin
yurds, New Jersey. Ad certiser.
This wine is endorsed by Dig. Atlcu anil
Davis, and sold by 11. K. Slayinuker.
The remedy that will cure the many diseases
peculiar te women is Warner's Sate Kidney
and Liver Cure. Mether's Magazine.
A Wise Deacon.
Deacon Wilder, I want yen te tell mc hew
you kept yeurselt and family se well the pest
season, when all the rest of us have been sick
se much, and have had the doctors running te
uh se long."
"Bre. Tayler, the answer is very easy. I
used Hep Bitters in time and kept my family
well and saved large doctor bills. Three dol
lar.' worth et It kept us all well and able te
work all the time, and 1 will warrant it has
cost you and most of the neighbors one te two
hundred dollars apiece te keep .sick the same
time. I guess you'll take my medicine hcrc
altcr." See ether column. el-2wdw
On Time as Usual.
Jenes sew Gees te Bcsixess BEatr.AHLV.
That attack of Neuralgia that laid him up, nnd
which was only a fresh visitation of an old
enemy, disappeared.becanse he took a friend's
advice and used Dr. Themas' Electric Oil.
Bheumatic pain, sores, cuts, bruises, threat
and lung complaints, etc., arc invariably con
quered bv it. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran,
druggist, 135and 137 North Queen street, Lan
caster, Pa. 11
"Sellers' Liver Pills" are the secret te per
fect health, long Hie, and absolute happiness.
Sold by all druggists.
, '
"i?reun'a Bronchial Trcchcs" are used with
advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Tin eat,
Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer
thirty years these Troches have been in use,
with annually increasing favor. They are net
new and untried, but, having been tested by
wide and constant use for nearly an entire
generation, they have attained well-merited
rank among the few staple renicdiesef the age.
The Threat.
"Urewn's Bronchial Troches'' net directly
en the organs of the voice. They have an ex
traordinary effect inall disorders of the Threat
and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re
laxed, cither lrem cold or ever-exertion et the
voice, and produce a clear and distinct enunci
ation. Speakers and Singers find the Troches
A Cough, Celd, Catarrh 01 Sere Threat re
quires Immediate attention, as neglect oltcn eltcn
times results in some incurable Lung Disease.
"l?row'.renc7iaIZV9ciM" will almost in
variably give relief. Imitations arc offered for
sale, many et which are injurious. The genu
ine "Brown's Bronchial Troches" arc sold
only in boxes. anl5-lydSwTu,Tli&S
Kautz Kissinger. On the 0th of October,
1880, by the Bev. W. T. Gerhard, at his resi
dence, Ne. 31 East Orange street, Frank Kautz
te Miss Maria Kissinger, both et Lancaster
city. ltd&w
Uhler. On the 18th inst., at 8 a. m., Eliza
beth C, wife of David K. Uhler, and daughter
et Majer J. W. and Mary Jack.
The relatives and friends of the family are
respectfully invited te attend the funeral,
en Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from
( the residence, 218 North Duke street, without
further notice. 2td
the auspices or the
Cor. Seuth Duke and Church Streets, en
Tkursday Evening, October 21st, 1880.
& Visitors te the Fair will net be asked Ter
votes or te take chances en any article during
their presence". COM M1TTEE.
room girl or chambermaid. Best city
reference. Apply at Ne. 223 Eat Marien
Alley. ?td ,
An old established business stand and
dwelling known us Mrs. Jehn P. -Wolfs
Grocery stand, at 701 North Qneen street.
Kent reasonable. Possession immediately. Ap
ply te JOHN P. WOLF,
elG-2tdR 214 North Mulberry Street.
Twe geed races and a special purse te beut
the;fustest time ever made en this track by
Goldsmith Maid, 2:2 Fer lull particulars
see small bills. , URIAH BITZBK,
el9-2tdlt Managers.
100 Tens et ifags Wanted,
Fer which the highest price will be paid. '
The highest price paid for Woolens, Old
Paper, Beeks, Sec. Ten Beg Asserters wanted,
u w MDiii me uiguesi price win ue paid.
Cor. North tjiiecn nnd Orange Streets,
yd-tfdltl Lancaster, Pa
Will be received at the Mayer's Office up
te WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1840, at 8 p.
in., for digging out nnd filling In 275 feet, mere
erles?. of water trench en Marien street west
from Charlette. Alse, 700 feet, mere or less,
west from Prince, near the furnace, te the
property of Geerge Bees, en Leve Lane. Alse
3iO teet, mere or less. 011 Jehn street, Irem
East King te Leciibt street. Alse, 200 feet,
mere or lebs, en Charlette street, north of
Walnut street.
Trenches are te be four lout deep and two
feet wide, except Jehn street, which is te be
two and u-halt wide and live or mere feet
deep. Bids must state hew much for earth
and hew much ter rock pur cubic yard. Each
job is te be bid ler separately. Security in $150
te accompany the bids. Werk te be done under
the direction and subject te the approval and
measurement of the Superintendent et Water
Works at the time lie may direct.
ectl-2td Mayer.
run sale.
Until NOVEMBER 17. the twn-slery Brick
Heuse, Willi kitchen attached, Ne. 143 East
Vincstrcct, let extends te Church street. Ap-
Sles, Peaches, and Grape Vine en let, water,
c. Inquire at Ne. 128 Charlette utrcet, Lan
caster, Pa. oct7-eed&novl7
70K REN'l.
A Farm, one mile from the city of Lancas
ter, en the Petersburg turnpike, containing
about one hundred and five acres : thirty acres
of which is new in fall crops ; privilege te put
out two acres in tobacco. Enquire ut Ne. 33
North Duke street or en the premises.
oct7-10tdced MBS. JOHN McGBANN.
On TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1S80, will be
sold at the Keystone hotel, North Queen street,
n valuable let of ground situated en the west
side of North Queen street, flouting en North
Queen street 10 feet, 7 Inches, nnd in depth 243
lect, te 14 feet wide public alley, en which is
erected a two-story BBICK DWELLING, con
taining parlor, back room, five bed rooms and
basement kitchen.
Saale te commence nt 7 o'clock p. m., when
conditions will be made known by
II. SuciiEiiT, Anct. ectl3-lltd
On MONDAY, OCT. 23,18, will be sold
attlic Cooper Heuse, West King street the
following valuable real estate :
Ne.l, Atwo-steryBltICK DWELLING, sit
uated en the south side of West Orange street.
no. 114, containing nan anci seven rooms, gas
in the house and hydrant in the yard, house
fronts en Orange street IS lect 9 inches, mere
or less, let extending in depth 75 feet 5 Inches,
mere or less, te a 3 feet 7 inch wide common
alley, with sewerage. This property bus just
been newly fitted up.
Ne. 2. A two-story BRICK DWELLING and
two-story Brick Back Building, situated en
the east side of North Maty street. Ne. 27,
house 18 by 28 feet, back building 12 feci 4
Inches in width, and 111 depth 18 feet, contain
ing hall and seven rooms gas in the house and
hydrant in the yard ; also a side yard 27 feet
front and in depth Wi feet, mere cr less, a
frontage of 45 lect, including the house ; a let
of choice fruit trees und the best of grapes ;
stabling en the rear of let, 20x13 leet.
Ne. 3, Five Building Lets 22 by 2ir tect, situ
nted en the north side of New street, between
Lime and Shippen streets.
Sele te commence at 7 o'clock p. m.. of said
day. when conditions will be made known by
II SiiCDEaT.uct e'J-tsd
public sale of valuable real
Estate. en wednesday,octebi.r
20th, 1880, will be sold at public sale at the pub
lic house or A. D. Gygcr, known as the Green
Tree hotel, en the Lancaster and Beaver Val
ley turnpike, near the terminus et said read,
tbc lollewing valuable farm te wit :
A tract of land situate in Providence town tewn
slisp, Lancaster county. Pa., about 1 miles
from Green Tree Hetel, nnd 2 miles from New
Providence, en the read leading from Green'
Tree Hetel te Buck and New Providence,
known as the Winters Farm, containing 102
ACBES nnd 40 PERCHES or geed land In a
high state or cultivation, en which are erected
with a one-story Back Building attached,
a lnrgc Frame Bank Barn, Wagen
Shed, Cern Cribs, Tobacco Heuse, Heg
Pen and ether necessary outbuildings.
Twe wells of geed water, with pumps therein,
one convenient te the house nnd the ether con
venient te the barn. There arc also several
never-falling springs en the place.' The fields
nrc conveniently Yuid out and under geed
fences, most of which have been made during
the last three years. A stream of water runs
through the farm, te which the cattle in a
number or fields liave access. The land has
been limed during the last lew years and also
wcll-manrrcd, a large amount or manure
having been brought from Lancaster
and put en the farm. About ten
acres of this land has just been
thoroughly ditched nnd d mined, which will
make excellent meadows. The farm is located
in a geed neighborhood, convenient te
churches, schools, mlllsand stores, nnd Is only
three-fourths of a mile from thcLnncasterand
Quarryville Bailread. A thriving orchard et
young fruit trees Is en the farm. About 20
ACRES of this farm is well set with chestnut
and ether timber. The farm has been greatly
improved throughout during the last three
years, and a portion of the land is well adapted
te the cultivation of tobacco, and has grown
as fine crops or tobacco as any raised in Provi
dence township during the last few years.
The above property adjoins lands or Jehn
Gerhart, Edwin Asten, Albert Smith or Jehn
Persons wishing te view the property can de
ee by calling en Frederick Bewers, residing
thereon, or en the undersigned, residing at
Lancaster, in person or by letter.
Sale te commence at 1 o'clock P. M. en said
day, when conditions or sole will be made
known en day et sale by F. SHRODER.
S. Hess ft Sex, Auct'3. ect 10-3td
19, 1880.
General Telegraphic New.
Air. Edwardy Defending His Character With
tne ristel.
Hcntsville, Ala., Oct. 19. An alter
cation occurred here yesterday between
Assistant United States District Attorney
L. W. Day and "Win. Edwardy, in which
the latter fired three shots ineffectually.
The affair originated in the publication of
an editorial reflecting en Edwardy's wifv,
the object being te break down Edwardy's
character en account of his exposure of the
Greenback-Republican alliance in this
state. Beth parties were arrested and put
under bends, but the affair is net consider
ed as at an end.
Bloody Werk with the Knife.
Galveston, Tex., Oct. 19. A special
from Qrapeland says in a cutting affray at
Augusta, Saturday night Jack Bishop
stabbed Jake and Pe'rrick, the former
fatally. ' William McMellan was also seri
ously wounded while interfering in Per
rick's behalf. Bishop escaped.
Firing Buildings In Berks County.
Reading, Pa. Oct. 19. At nine o'clock
this morning a tramp who was refused
something te eat en the farm of G. S. 3Ieury
one mile from Tuckerton, set fire te the
barn and it was destroyed together with
its contents. Three mules and all the cat
tle also perished in the flames. The dwel
ling caught fire and was partally damaged.
Less, $10,000.- The citizens arc in pursuit
of the incendiary.
Protecting the Ballet Bex In New erk.
New Yerk, Oct. 19. The pelice beard
this morning adopted resolutions instruct
ing Superintendent Willing and police cap
tains te make diligent search for all per
sons who have arrived or may arrive in
this city for the purpose of illegal registra
tion and voting. They were also notified
te make reports in all
order that warrants
promptly obtained.
suspected cisjs,
of arrest may
The Irish Disturbances.
Londen, Oct. 19. Mr. Healey, Mr.
Parnell's secretary, epeaking at a land
meeting at Bantry, County Cerk, de
clared there were as many evidences cf
cruelty and injustice ou the estate of Mr.
Hutchins (who with his driver was shot at
near Skibberccn aud the latter killed) as
en that of the greatest tyrant in Ireland
l'imllce Races.
Md., Oct. 19.-
race :
Flera, first ; Creedmoor, second ;
Second race : Granadn, first ; Oiler,
second ; Fcrnjliffe, third.
Prince Jet sine Grewing Beld.
Londen, Oct. 19. A dispatch from
Paris te the Times says : " The letter of
Prince Jereme Napeleon confirms the be
lief that he intends te come forward me:e
prominently even at the risk of molesta
tion from the government."
All the rates 0:1 the Alten, Wabash and
Northwestern, Burlington & Beck Island
reads arc very materially reduced te-day,
the greatest reduction being in the fare
from Chcnea te Chicago, by the Alten and
Wabash reads, which has been fixed at 5
cents, the regular fare being $3.03. Out
going trains en the warring reads arc se
crowded that they have te be run in sec
Impending War A Freight Agent's Itas
ca.lty. CiHCAC.e, Oct. 19. The Tribune predicts
that the railroad wnr will become general
in the morning.
The Liter-Ocean says that D. R.'Kcd
dill, local freight agent of the .Michigan
Southern railroad, has left town with a
shortage in his accounts of $50,000, which
arc switching fees collected but net paid
In Hiding.
Denver, Cel., Oct. 19. A despatch
received here te-day, says Agent Berry
has net been arrested, but is secreted by
the Indians or United States troops.
Fire in Carlisle.
Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 19. A. W. Wal
ker's tin aud stove store and Skerrett's
residence, en Main street, were burned
early this morning. Less, $0,000. The
buildings were insured, but there was no
insurance en their contents. The cause of
the fire is unknown.
Washington, D. C, Oct. 19. Fer the
Middle states, clear or fair weather, vari
able winds, mostly northerly during the
day, higher temperature, stationary or
lower barometer.
Celd Weather In Virginia.
- Danville, Va., Oct. 19. There was a
very heavy frost in this region last night,
and in some localities thin ice formed.
. T V tise, tree of charge, in the Istkllieis
CSr. who wants something te de.
and Publishing Company want a few in
telligent boys te learn the printing business.
Inquire cither in person or by letter, nt their
office 53 and 55 North Queen street, Lancaster.
Pa. ect 7-3tdeewft2tw
Manufucturcrand Dealer in najr Werk, Ladies:
and Gents' Wigs. Combings straightened and
made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made
up. Alse. Kid Glevesand Feathers cleaned and
dyed, at Ne. 225 and 227 North Queen street,
fourdeors above P. R. R. Depot. el-3md
Mew Yerk Market.
Nw Yerk. Oct.!!). Fleur State and West
ern quiet and prices without decided change ;
Snpernnc, at $5 75gi 15; extra de ties
ScnAnAC!i.,ce',0' 60CJ4 73: fancy dp.
& k QL JSna heP ou, e5 ' choice
ut 5iagG 00; superfine western :753l 15;
common te geed extra de W 239 GO ; choice
iS i 63g6 50 ; choice white wheat de W 65
r e , evuiuciu ucute ana uncnangeu : com cem com
Se0ro87a)ertra 5103560; 8oatecho,ce
iStthsZffil10 Iener: Xe-l Wh"
Oct.. l 14fll 15 ; 2 Red Oct.. l 17 ; de Nev..
l lG5ill7; deHee.$l lSgiMJS. ,0i,er-
Cern heavy and Xe lower; Mixed west
ern spot. 55J53c ; de future. .WJigSSUc
Oats a shade lower; State 40043c "; Western.
Philadelphia Market.
FaiLADxtruiA, October 19. Fleur steady but
?nlet ??Perflne 13 0033 50: extra rf oea
4 50; Ohie and Indiana family 5 sags 25;
&e5?,3i5my4?.$5235SO:8t LeitfTnunily
at 16 00tC 50: Mlnnranfn rnmlltr l m mi.
JFnt 9G6 ; P8'051' Mt Wh grades $6 75
Bye flour firm at 9550.
Wheat dull and lower, ; Ne. 2 Western Red
91 14Jf ; Pa. Red 91 1:131 j& Amberll 141 isT
Cem steady for local lrade; yellow 55VtfWc ;
mixed 54355e.
Oats steady : Ne. 1. White 41012c : Ne. 2 de
4040Jc;Ne.3 de3983Jic; Ne. 2, Mixed 38
Uye scarce nt 07093c.
Previsions steady, jobbing demand : mess
perk 91650; beet Hams 1(JU)I70U; Indian
mess beet at 9IS50: smoked hams llf12e;
pickled hams SJ39c; bacon smoked shoul
ders eigfrjic; altde55;c.
Lara steady; city kettle at 9J c : loose butch
ers' Sc; prime steam $8 87J.
Butter firmer, inquiry for choice ; Creamery
extra S0331c: geed te cheice;2729c ; Bradford
county and New Yerk extra. 2SQ28e: Western
reserve extra 20322c ; de geed te choice l320c :
Bells linn: Western Bcserve extra 21324c:
Penn'a Fxtra 203230.
Eggs scarce and firm; Penn'a Extra 23c;
Western Extra 22c.
Cheese dull, but unchanged: New Yerk full
cream 13M3i3?ic; Western full cream l.Tf
13c:ile fair te geed 123120; de. half skims
Petroleum quiet : refined UXc.
Whisky active nt 91 12.
Seet Geed te prime; clever dull atfTOOg)
750; Timethy jobbing at 92 7032 :M:
wanted. $1 : bid.
Cuttle .Market.
Slexn.w, Oct. 11. The receipts of beeves
at the West Philadelphia yard for past week
were 3,400 head; North Philadelphia yard.
COO head. Total, 4,000 head.
Beeves were rather inactive ter the past
week, and prices e! all grades declined c per
pound. The arrivals exceeded these et last
week 040 head. We quote Extra at 5:ysc ;
geed, 4;JiJ3c: medium. 4!4Xc: common.
34c; bulls and cows. .'J2:ic; veal calves, nt
OSGJc: Fresh cows. te ?!." per head :
110 Begcr Maynes, Western Va. and Western,
gross. 4U5c.
CA Owen Smith, West Va.. account or .las.
Sawdon : 30 de., E. L. Nixen: 1! de.. J.
W. F!nd!uy;3l de., F. Bell, gross, 4J
225 K. S. & B. F. McFlllcn, Western, gross. 40
223 A. J. Christy, Western and We.-t Va.,
gross, yMV,n.
170 Ulman & Lehman Bres.. W. Va., account
of Lchmuinn Bres.; 1.1 Lancaster co.; de.
Western, account of Levi Scnscnlg; 20
de.. J. F. badler .t Ce.; 49 de., I J. Heme ;
20 S. Ohie, account of Jehn McAPile,
gross, :y3J4c
17 Jus. Clcmsen, Western, account of Justice
Dunn, 43-;c.;30 Chester -e., fed by.l.
W. Vanlcer, average weight, l,5fil pounds
sold te Beracl ; finest seen forseme time.
11 Dennis Smyth West Va., account of S. O.
Caster; 13 Ohie, account nt .1. A J. A.
Franks; 17 Mil., account et W. A, Hop Hep
kins; 5 mixed. 4cc.
ISO Jehn Mc.Vrdle, S. Ohie, SJitfc; 45 West Va.,
gross, 4JJ3c.
S. Daniel Murphy, West Va., account or C.
Pest, ytc: 43 de., account of T. Evans,
3MQ4Jc.; 18 Lan. co., account or J.
Mlirtzer, lc; 25 Ohie, gross, 5c,
318 Lewcnsteln tc Adler. Western Pn. and
West Vn., gross, 3j5J;c.
215 G. Schamberg A Ce., Vcs1
Western and West
rn.. gross, m-viP.
22 F. Scheelz, Western V.i., gross, 45e.
21 II. Chain, jr., West Va.. 011 account or Jus
tice Dunn. 30 West Va., own account;
22 de., account of J. It. Kuudull. gross,
41 Daniel Smyth & Bre., West Vn., account
of J. Stewart; CI Deer Creek, account or
W, O. Hughes; 21 West Vu.. account erM.
Piggott; 18 Ohie, account et Chris Scltz,
gross, 4J.rJc.
70 L. Hern, West Va. und Pa., gross, 3.;J4i
103 Bachmnn & Levi, West Va., account et
Findlay. Davidsen X Ce.; 37 de., Bcyuelds
X Findlay; IS de., E. C. Merris, gross,
20 Abe Osthcim, West Va., gross, 4c.
115 Schamberg X Paul, West Va., gross. I5J.
33 P. Hathaway, Chester co.. gres, VSJc.
rji jji. Jevi, a., gross, ..jswjjsc
72 James Anil, Western, gross, 4JgjKc.
75 James Eustace, West Va., gres.s, 3tf$5e.
270 J. F. Sadler X Ce., Western and West Vu.,
gross, 4ffl5.
Shce)i and iambs wen: inactive and prices
were rather lower than last week, tint arrivals
being in excess or any week ler .sometime
back. We quote Extu. at 5Jc ; geed, 4J
5c. : medium, 4tf-He. ; common, l4Vic. ;
culls, 2;s3c. ; sleck i-wi-s, $i.753.25 ; West
ern Penna., Lambs, 4,ifjiic; Chester county
de 5Gc.
Arrivals at West Philadelphia yards, C.00O
head ; ether yards. 7,WK head. Total. 13,Wi
head. Samuel Slewirrt sold K!3 head el dressed
sheep at C8c.
Hogs were moderately Inactive ffnd prices
were unchanged. We iiuele geed ut 7;Kc;
Mixed 77J4c Arrivals at all yards ,5M)
Stock market.
October 19.
Nkw Yerk Stocks.
Stocks strong and higher.
A. M. A. M. 1'. M.
10:20 11:15 is
JUOIlCj "fyO
Erie B. K 43 43 43
Michigan a. & L. S.. ..1 12'4 1 13 1 iH
Mlchigun Cent. It. IL.103; 103 W.VL
Chicago X N. W 112'i U3Jii 113
'. M. 1 SI
2:25 3:00
Chicago, M SSt. P... Wn '& 077i
Han. .V St. J. Cem....
" " P'ld...
Teledo X Wabash...
Ohie ft Mississippi. .
St. Leuis. I. M. ft S. it.
Ontario and Western. 21
C. C. ft I. C. R. II l'JJS
New Jersey Central.. .4
Del. ft Hud.seii Canal. 8l'i
Del.. Lack, ft Western l
Western Union Tel...lU
Pacific Mail S.S. Ce.. 4.
Manhattan Elevated. 3
Union Pacific ftiVS
Kansas ft Texas 3!
New Yerk Central
Adams Express
Illinois Central
Cleveland ft Pitts
Chicago ft Reck I
Pittsburgh ft Ft. W
American U. Tel. Ce. ...
Stocks steady.
15 4
wi sy,
92J5 .
iyx -x;v
.... ifn
.... 125
Pennsylvania R,'R..,
Phll'a. ft Reading...
Lehigh Valley
Lchtxh Navigation.
Northern Pacific Cem 21
" P'd
Pitts., Titusv'e ft B..
Northern Central . . . .
Phil'aftErlc R. R...
Northern Penn'a....
Un. R.R'.s efN. J....
Hcstenvillc Pass
Central Trans. Ce...
Lecal Stocks and Bends.
.. 100
. 100
. 100
Lanc.City 8 per ct. Lean, due 1&S0.
" " 182.
' " 1885.
5 nr-r ct. in 1 or 30 years. . 100
Lane, und Qimrryv'e R. It. bend 1IM
" " stock 50
Lancaster and Ephrata turnpike... 25
Lanc,Eiizubetlit'ii andMlddlet'n.. WO
Lancaster anil Fruitvillc turnpike. SO
Lancaster und Lititx turnpike 25
Lancaster aud Maner turnpike.... 50
Lancaster and Man helm turnpike. 25
Lancaster and Marietta turnpike.. 25
Lane, and New Helland turnpike., lue
Lane, and fetrasburg turnpike 25
Lane, and Susquehanna turnpike.. 3ue
Lane, and Willow Street turnpike. 25
Fanners Nat. Bank et Lancaster.. . 50
First Nat. Bank or Lancaster 1W)
Lancaster County Nat. Bank 50
Inquirer Printing Ce 50
Lanc.Ga? Light and Fuel Ce. stock. 25
" " ' bends.
The annual meeting et the stockholder
of thcLnncasterand Wllliamstewn Turqpike
Read Company for the purpose et electing
officers for the ensuing year, will be held ut
Finney's hotel, North Queen street, In the city
of Lancaster, en MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1,
1830. between the hours or 11 and 12 o'clock.
ect7-3tdcaw J. 31. LONG, Sect.
left at Ne. 35 Ciarlette irtrcvL,
Herse Hetel, 4 Mind V North tjiiccii street, will
ccivc promp'.iiiiciilien. Hills made eiilaml
ended te wiihuutyiddltieiml cost. e27-ly