riCvy v LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE K, TUESDAY OCTOBER 19. 1880. Lancaster intelligencer. TUESDAY EVENING. OCT. 10, 1880. 'el te lie Feared. General Mahone, of Virginia, is in "Philadelphia and is reported te say that lie is a Democrat, that lie is for General Hancock, but lie believes in fair play. General Mahone is supposed te be an important character just new, because he controls- one wing of the Democratic jarly in Virginia, which has a separate electoral ticket of its own that may be 'lected by an alliance with the Repub licans; and prominent Democrats and Republicans are said te be in consulta tion, consequently, with General Mahone, jn Philadelphia. A very remarkable case it is, surely, when a man who proclaims himself a Democrat and for General Hancock leaves it in doubt whether or no the electors he controls will vote for Han cock. If that is General Mahone's idea of " fair play " it is net ours. There is a very simple way te treat General Mahone. If he is for Hancock he must agree te unite with all ethers in Virginia who are for Hancock in the support of one electoral ticket. That is se obvious that any hesitation en his part te consent te it will be conclusive evidence of his imtrustwerthiness. If the electoral ticket new in the field can not be accepted by all the Hancock men in Virginia then another will easily be provided that will be acceptable. There is but one requisite in a Democratic elec tor, and that is universal confidence that he will cast his electoral vote for the Democratic nominees ler president and vice president. That is his sole duty. Such men can easily be provided in Vir ginia te make up its electoral body. Xe one doubts that. Gen. Mahone is suspected of a design te trade his electoral ticket. It is be lieved te be composed of men who will vote as he says ; and he wants an equiv alent for voting for Hancock. Certainly his conduct says that. He is entitled te no recompense for acting as a Democrat and a Hancock man, as he says he is ; nor will lie have any power of evil if it is, made clearly apparent that he wants any If his electoral ticket gets any consider able number of Democratic votes it will be because of its supposed support of Hancock. Certainly very few Virginia Democrats are of the kind that arc will ing te vote for Garfield if they cannot be paid for voting for Hancock. There may be a few, and for these few Gen.Ma Gen.Ma hene may dicker. Hut let Gen. Hancock or the Democratic national committee declare the electoral ticket which it con fides in te cast Virginia's electoral vote for the Democratic ticket: and where is Mahone? Alene with his trading Democrats and Republican allies; and disarmed of all power of evil. These who think Genera! Mahone an important factor in this election take counsel of -their fears rather than of their courage and sense. United cw Yerk. The Democrats of the country can hardly overestimate the importance of the result accomplished by the union yesterday of all the factional elements of the Xew Yerk Democracy in harmonious suiinert of a common local ticket. This union is all that has been needed te as sure the Democracy of the country that a vigorous and hopeful contest is te be waged for the Empire state te lead the victorious Hancock column. A careful canvass of Xew Yerk and Hroeklyn gives the Democracy S0,000 majority in the two counties which include them. This guarantees the state te Hancock by a majority larger than that by which it was carried for Tilden. All the signs of the campaign have steadily pointed te this, and the; only danger of its failure lay in such complications as might arise out of an internecine warfare in the city and the trading off consequent upon the struggle for local ellices. That danger is new happily and honorably averted. Xew Yerk state is anchored safe and sure. Xew Jersey and Connecticut are largely affected by the prevailing tone of Xew Yerk polities. Causes which in fluence that great state control its arms, and the thousands of its business men who have their residences or interests in these neighboring states largely con trol their expression of political senti ment. Moreover, every activity of the national organization will be and has been set te work in these states. The Indiana people express their live liest confidence in being able te carry it for Hancock in Xevember. Xet only is he far stronger than their local ticket was, but they make the fight at very dif ferent odds. At the congressional elec tions just held the Republicans had as many as twenty-live deputy marshalls te each precinct of the larger cities, paid five dollars a day, armed with federal authority, but really employed as Repub lican poll committeemen and paid out of the Republican campaign fund. These will net be en hand at the next election. The repeaters will lie needed at home. Indiana and Maine are alike hopeful te the Democracy. Fer Pennsylvania, Cal ifornia, Xevada and Xew Hampshire a desperate contest is te be waged. -All may be carried with preiierly directed effort. All cannot le lest without a naked surrender of advantages that we new held. It is net at all likely that any state in the Xerth carried for Tilden will be lest for Hancock and none in the Seuth can be stolen this time. "Friends we are en the home stretch' and our nag- is several lengths ahead. Wk have patiently waited for a fine burst of indignation from the Republi can papers en the cowardly assassinna assassinna tien of Democratic paraders in the streets of Wilmington by negrees armed with muskets who waylaid them at their political headquarters. We have failed te sec that our Republican-Jcontenipera-ries condemn this act of their negre al lies and join with the Ixteligexceu's demand for the unmolested right of way through the street for political parades. The failure of the Republicans of "Wil mington te condemn this cowardly as sassination and their readiness te fiud excuses for the assassins, go far te con firm the theory that these who ven tured en the bloody business had the guaranteed protection of their political allies. Is this the way the Republicans expect te gain a Republican state Seuth V The " Eaten bill " for the revision of the tariff which was presented by a Dem ocratic senator, approved by the Senate finance committee and passed by the Democratic Senate, and which failed te pass the Heuse because of the obstructive efforts of the Republican minority under the lead of the Republican candidate for president, presents the position taken by the Democratic party en the tariff ques tion, in which it is sustained by the manufacturing interest as appears from the petitions presented for the passage of the bill. The iron and woellen manu facturers of Pennsylvania asked for it with great unanimity. We find among the names upon the petitions the follow ing from Lancaster county : Penn iron company, Manuel McShane & Ce., Chickies iron company, Watts, Twells & Ce., Becker & Reinhold. Of course the Republicans who signed a petition asking for the adoption of the Democratic idea en the tariff de net new oppose the election of the Democratic ticket from any idea of its opposition te their views and interests in the tariff matter. Ox next Thursday the Republicans of this city propose te have a grand demon stration, and it is expected that Lancas ter will en that occasion be crowded with visitors and aroused te great excitement. It is te be hoped the managers of the affair will co-operate with -the mayor in his extra efforts te preserve geed order, and especially te avoid all partisan collis ions. On the same day the Democrats will have a demonstration at Yerk en a similar scale, and doubtless many of our Democratic citizens will go there. The throeugh preservation of the peace and geed order of the city is of mere interest te Lancaster and of mere credit te her citizens than the successful demenstra tiens of either party, and te enforce and preserve these we earnestly exhort right minded citizens of whatever political persuasion. PERSONAL. The Vermont Legislatuic will elect a U. S. senator te succeed Mr. Edmunds te morrow. There is no opposition te Mr, Edmund's rc-clcctien. According te the Bosten paper, Miss Axxie Lel'ise Cakev announces her in tentien of withdrawing from the operatic and conceit stage October 22, 1S81. Mr. Eugi:xk M. O'Nkiix has become the sole proprietor of the Pittsburgh Jh's- patch. The Dispatch is largely indebted te Mr. O'Xeill for the success which it has at taiucd. Joux Tavi.eu. the new Mermen presi dent, is an Englishman, seventy-threc years old, and was first a Methodist preacher, then editor of the Xauvoe Times and Seasons, a Mermen organ, then Mer men missionary te France, and again edi ter of a newspaper in the same interest in Xew Yerk. He had seven wives once, but has net replaced these that died. Professer Tvxn.vi.t. spends his summers in the Alps, where two Xew Haven preacher met him. When he learned their home, he uttered an exclamation of pleasure, and mentioned President Perter, of Yale college, for whom he expressed admiration and respect as a man and scholar. He added that President Perter had laid his lash en him well, referring te articles vigorously handling the position of the agnostics. General William Mahexi:, the doughty little "Readjustcr" chieftain of Virginia, who has been in Philadelphia since Sun day en business connected with the railroad interests of his state, received calls yester day from Abram S. Hewitt and General Reger A. Pryer, of Xew Yerk ; Speaker Samuel J. Randall, Governer JehnF. Hart ran ft and ethers. General Mahone stated that he is unequivocally for Hancock, that he never saw the same enthusiasm ever any presidential nominee in Virginia as that at present witnessed for the Deme cratic standard-bearer and that her elec teral vote will be east for Hancock and English next month. KisTem made no use el Iter title as Countess for advertising purposes whan in this country. Modjeska, en the con trary, was extensively announced as a Countess, though she has dropped that pretension in Londen. During Neilson's last tour here she asserted in interviews that she was the daughter of a Spanish nobleman, while the fact is that she was of the humblest English parentage. The impression seems te picvail among foreign performers that Americans are admirers of aristocracy. The latest story based en this idea is that a leading actress, new of the stage in this country, is a daughter of the Duke of Devenshire. MINOR TOPICS. By Grace, we are saved. Exited Xew Yerk will lead the Demo cratic column. Twe Newport residents made a $30,000 election bet after dinner the ether evening, but manfully put up their checks the next morning. Tiie imports into France for the nine mouths ending en the 30th of September show an increase of 2"3, 000,000 francs as compared with the same period last year. Of this increase 180,000 francs is in feed. The experts during the same period in creased 69,000,000 francs. The Ohie Stale Jaunutl, Gai field's home organ, publishes the following significant editorial paragraph : "We de net care te engage in cabinet-making at present, but we venture te remark that the financial head of the government will net be changed during Garfield's administration." STATE ITEMS. Wallace Oilman, aged 13, of Harrisburg was crushed te death last evening by a train of cars which he was attempting te beard. A servant girl in the employ of William H. Rese, living near Milferd, while going in the garden after weed was seized by a strange man, who threw her te the ground, jumped upon her, breaking two of her ribs, and is said te have stabbed her two or three times iti the chest. She was found unconscious and is believed te be lying .t the point of death. Her assailant is believed te have been a wealthy farmer, a relative of her employer, who is at enmi ty wuii nose s wue. me assailant evi-1 dently mistook the servant for Mrs. Rese. AN IKON MAN'S VIEWS. Cel. Henry McCermlclr, President of ifie Lechlel Iren Company and largely in terested la taeaxten Furnaces, Mar Mar ritberg aU Works, Harrisburg Fire Brick Company and Other tssteairre Business Kn terpriscs, Tells Why He Is Uelng te Vete for Han cock. The following correspondence between Mr. B. F. Meyers, of the Harrisburg Patriot, and Cel. Henry McCerniick is published. Mr. McCormick's views as a representative business man, concerning the Business Peril which dishonest alarm ists are harping en in event of the elec tion of Gen. Hancock and Democratic suc cess, put a very effectual quietus en that desperate campaign device of unscrupulous Republican politicians. Cel. McCormick is president of the Lechicl iron company, is largely interested in the Pax ten fur naces, Harrisburg nail works, Harrisburg fire brick company and ether extensive business enterprises, and his opinions will carry with them great weight that thoughtful workingmen and business men and voters in all walks of life will care fully consider before they allow them selves te be carried off then- feet by any foolish panic, such as the Republican man agers arc endeavoring te create. Harkisburg, October 10, 1880. Cel. Henry McCormick Dear Sin : Knewing you te be largely interested in the iron business, and at the same time te favor the election of General Hancock te the presidency, I infer that you de net appre hend that any bad effects upon the busi ness interests of the country will result from the success of the Democratic party. If se would you be kind enough te state your reasons for your belief? By se doing you would oblige, Yours respectfully, B. F. Meyers. Harriskukg, October 18. 1880. B. F. Meyers, esq Dear Sir : Yours of 18th iust. is received. Yeu are right in your inference that I de net think business in terests will be in any way imperiled by the election of General Hancock. The ef forts te create a panic in business circles are mainly based upon alleged danger te industrial interests dependent mere or less upon the tariff. Xew if the presidential election has any bearing at all upon the question I infinite ly prefer Hancock, born and bred in the valley of the Schuylkill amid mines and furnaces in a community where all par ties are a unit en the tariff question and whose only published utterances en the subject should be entirely satisfactory te Pcnnsylvanians, te Garfield a member of that famous free trade club, " The Cob den ;' whose tariffrccerd was se odious te Pennsylvania Republican members of Con gress that they belted his nomination in caucus for speaker of the Heuse and who is supported as a champion of revenue reform by the great free trade organs of Xew Yerk aud Chicago. But we are referred te party platforms they are only traps " set te catch gudgeons ;" they are only framed te be misunderstood. When has the dominant party regarded them in leg islation ? Fer example I may here refer te a highly polished plank that has served in mere than one Republican national plat form I mean that of "civil service re form," se much preached and se little practised by the party. But the real power of regulating the tariff devolves upon Congress. The present Congress is Demo cratic in both branches and why has net the threatened ruin already paralyzed our industries.1 If the country can survive and thrive under a Democratic Congress two years why net longer? A presidential veto has no power te prevent the passage of any measure through Congress and wc have a right te suppose that if the Democratic party as such united upon any modification of the tariff they would have adopted one. But the fact is it is generally conceded except for campaign purposes that the tariff is no longer a party question and it is almost sure during the present Congress te be submitted te the hands of a commission of experts for the preparation of a measure that will be just te all interests. This will be done by common consent of men of all parties after election. Fer the above leasens I have no fear that Democratic success in Xevember need disturb the equanimity of the most ardent protection ist. Again, the Republican party pretend te claim credit for the present general prosperity of the country. Is net the leg islative branch of the government Demo cratic ? Surely it is mere powerful for geed or ill te the public credit aud welfare than the executive department, and it is in a great measure responsible for improved credit and enforced for improved credit and enforced economy. The Republican administration deserves no credit for resumption of specie pay ments. It was merely done in ebedience te a law passed years before and against the pretest of the most powerful wing of the party. A happy conjunction of accidents (ever which party would scarcely claim control) rendered resumption a success and has thus far enabled us te continue them. Foreign war wasting the grain fields of Europe, our bountiful crops and improve ments iu transportation, have brought geld here in abundance and made it easy for u te pay in specie. Knewing well thccon thccen scrvative character and tendencies orxtca erxtca eral Hancock I feel confident that the in terests of labor, capital aud the whole ic Unitcd States would be subserved by Ids election te the presidency. Yours respectfully, IIexry McCormick. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. Five steamers have been ordered te -be built en the Clyde for the new French com pany te trade with the United States. The Buffalo, Cleveland & Chicago rail way company has been chartered in Ohie, with a capital of six million and a half. Geerc Pcrvis, an Englishman, thirty years of age, a butcher by occupation, at Hobekcn, committed suicide yesterday morning by cutting his threat. He had been out of work for some time and had been living in his brothers family. Elfreda Partridge, Carrie Hichborn, Emma Berry and Fred Patterson were drowned by a beat upsetting in the har bor at Stockton, Me., yesterday. The bodies of the girls were recovered. At Buena Vista, near Huntington, Tenn., yesterday, Dr. Sebc Jehnsen, his two sons and a man named Steele, attack ed t.wn mpti nfimprl Onwnc et,l ,, Km..... r. the latter s residence. All the "" " -"nv..in.uuiiu.ii HI party ! were weuuded, Owens and one efj John John Jehn eon's sons mortally. The cause was an old feud. The cotton fire en the Xerth Commer cial wharf in Charleston, S. C, continued burning yesterday, but was under control. The fire in the held of the steamer Bai Bai rewdale was burning fiercely, and it was feared liercarge of 3, COO bales of cotton would be totally destroyed, A new fhc broke out in the held of the Bedford, but it was extinguished in about two hours. The total damage en wharf and in vessels is new estimated at $586,000 A serious disaster occurred ou the Shen andoah Valley railroad at East Liberty, Page county, Va., en Saturday last, at half ie.ai. M ii. in., iub enure tresue werie ei a bridge 1,2C0 feet long and 94 feet high go ge ing down. with a crash in one promiscuous ruin, instnntly killing Walker Jenes, of Barbeursville, Orange county, Va., and iu juring seriously Stewart Bawceck, of Mc Gahcysville, Rockingham county. Va Less, $10,000 te. 812,000. HARMON? COMPLETE. HIVING HALL AND KELLY JOIN HANDS. William It. Grace Selected for Mayer et New Yerk by Beth Wings or the democracy Tammany Allowed te Select the Register. A Genu ine Leve Feast. Special Dispatch te the Times. Harmony has been restored in New Yerk. Tammany and Irving ball have clasped hands. When the Tammany con ference opened yesterday a discussion of the candidates for mayor offered by Irving hall was at once begun. Ex-Alderman Henry D. Purroy, ex-Alderman Jehn Rcilly, Police Commissioner Nichols, Fire Commissioner German and ethers spoke in favor of William R. Grace, and General Frank B. Spinola and ethers advocated the claims of FrankliuEdsen. Other mem bers of the committee thought that Tam many should name the candidate. After the discussion had closed the committee deter mined te concede the nomination for mayor te Irving hall, and te select from the cendidatcs named by that organization for that office William R. Grace. A writ ten papcr'centaining Tammany's views and selection was then read by Mr. Purroy and adopted. The joint conference assembled at 5 p. m. in the Monument house. Jehn Kelly occepicd the chair, and Themas Cestigau and Edward D. Gale were secre taries. Ex-Alderman Henry D. Purroy, from the Tammany hall committee, read a response te the Irving hall proposal. It recites that tlie conference has been four weeks in session ; that the meetings have been marked as a whole by a commend able spirit of conciliation and a genuine willingness te secrifice miner and inciden tal questions for the success of the Demo cratic cause,and these repeated conferences have .strengthened the sentiment of har mony and geed-will and have virtually cemented the Democracy into an indivisable body. It adds : Gentleman ev the Cemmittee: Yeu have presented te our consideration the names of twelve well-known and re spected citizens, assuring us that any one of the number wc might select would be acceptable te you and receive your hparty support for mayor. At your suggestion we presented the names of twelve distin guished gentlemen, asking you te select any one of the number as the Democratic candidate for mayor. But notwithstand ing the unexceptionable character of these eminent men you still adhered te your original position, and at your last meeting resolved that, while net declining te make a selection from the list of Tammany hall, you respectfully urge the adoption of one el the selections made by Irving Hall. The Tammauy committee feel that fiuther insistaucs upon a preroga tive which though founded in right, is net of vital importance, would be injurious te the great and sacred interests wc all have at heart. But two weeks remain before the election. The great issues and exciting duties of the presidential contest press upon us with in creasing urgency every day. The Democ racy of this city and the whele state, im patient of further delay, demand immedi ate and united action. Here, in the com mercial capital of the commonwealth, the success of the Democratic party in the country requires that the Democracy of this city shall ccase te remember past dif ferences, close up their ranks and set an example of harmony, enthusiasm and vic vic vic toiieus effort that shall be felt in every state in the Union. The time for confer ence has ended ; the hour for action has arrived. Wc therefore accept your offer in the spiiit in which it was made, and with no purpose of reflecting upon the abilities, the merits or the char acter of any of the gentlemen you have named, wc have unanimously selected Wm. R. Grace as the Democratic candi date for mayor of the city of New Yerk. It is needless for us te dwell upon his peculiar qualifications and eminent fitness for the office. Leng identified with the business aud commerce of this city as an active merchant, he thoroughly under stands the vital interests and wauts of the metropolis and will lend his energies te increase its prosperity. A man of large intelligence and knowledge of affairs, of sterling integrity and high personal worth, of independence of mind and dignity of character, he represents in an eminent degree that mercantile and business class whose energy and eutcrpriss and intelliceiice aiid virtue have made New Yerk the capitol of the New World. A life-long Democrat, from senti ment and sympathy with the masses as well from natural conviction, he has never been actively connected with any faction, and te-day fitly and fairly represents the reunited Democracy of the metropolis, and wc feel assured that his nomination will be heartily adopted and made unanimous by our people ; that it will assure the mer chants aud business men of all parties that the Democracy want and mean te secure the best possible government in this city, aud that it will be ratified by his triumph ant election en the 2d day of Xevember ; and wc believe in the person of William R. Grace New Yerk will have a mayor worthy of the metropolis, devoted te its best in terests, faithful te his great trust, and honored by every citizen. Very respect fully submitted. Jehn Kelly, Chairman Tammany Committee. A Response Frem Irving Hall. Maurice J. Power, of the Irving hall com mittee, offered the following : " We, the members of the Democratic organization of the city and county of New Yerk, heartily concur in the response made by the Tammany hall delegation, ac cepting as the candidate of the united Dc- inrcracy for mayor, Wm. R, Grace, one of the nominees presented by our organiza tion for the consideration of Tammany hall." This resolution was adopted by the Ir ving hall committee, Thereupon Colonel William Roberts, of the Tammany com mittee, moved that, as Irving hall had named the candidate for mayor, Tammany be permitted te make its choice of the ether offices that were te be filled. The motion was carried, and the Tammany committee selected the office of register. The conference then took a recess until 0 p. m. On reassembling it was decided without controversy that Tammany should name the recorder and register and Irving hall the chief judge of the supreme court. The marine judgeship was given te the Hermans. An Address from the State Committee. The Democratic state committee has issued an address te the Democracy of New T 1 ! ... . .. . .. "eneuncing me means ey wiucn tney allege the Republicans carried Indiana: asking whether the incumbent president can levy upon officers appointed by him, and paid by all, an unlawful tax, se large as te buy the succession for a candidate of his choice; declaring that the Democracy seek te bring the executive into co-operation with the legislative department of the federal gevernment: te lighten the public burdens by reduced taxation; encourage manufacturing industry by a tariff ad justed te the interests of all ; stimulate ag riculture by cheap transportation in ships carrying the American flag ; secure equal protection at home and abroad te all citi zens, whether native or foreign-born ; en force rigid accountability in public officers and examination of their accounts by ether than these who made them. In conclusion the address says: "Let vig ilance at every poll guard the ballet-box against bribery. Let every Democratic vote be cast. Let every Dcmearat strive te be first in the cause of reunion and reform." .THE STOBM OUT WEST. Snow Drifts Frem Five te Seven Feet Deep Wrecks en the Lakes. The snow and, wind storm which visited the West'en Friday and Saturday, although net se severe in Iowa as at many ether points, was something unusual this season. The snow fell throughout Friday night, -melting as it descended. It has been very cold since with a raw, northwestern gale, and the reads are frozen solid and very rough, bearing up heavy vehicles. At Pacific Junction a large brick round house about completed there by the Burlington & Missouri rail road company was demolished by the Friday night storm. On Saturday a train en the Maple Valley branch of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad was blockaded by snowdrifts, reported te be from five te seven feet deep. At Missouri Valley, the walls of a new two-story brick building were twisted and warped from five te seven inches out of line and the building required bracing te support it. All along the Sioux City rail road from that point te Sioux City snow fell continuously en Friday night aud Sat urday, mcltiug almost as fast as is fell. On Saturday night the sheet of. ice and snow was reported three or four inches thick. Trains from St. Paul and Yankton due Saturday have net arrived. About four feet of snow has fallen in Northwestern Ontario. It is reported that passenger trains west of Rochester, N. Y., were blocked yesterday by snow and ice. The mere serious marine disasters rcport rcpert rcport cd'en the lakes are the less of the barge Florence Lcste, with probably all en be.iid ; the foundering of a fishing beat, containing three men; the wreck of an un known vessel at Foscaro, Mich., with all en beard, and the prebable less of the steamer Alpena, with GO or 70 persons en beard. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. A Distressing HenilciUe. A most lamentable occurrence took place at Dundalc Mills, near Bel Air, Md., last Saturday afternoon. Franklin Whitaker, jr., about 23 years of age, a son of the owner of the mills, has for some time past been insane and at times was uncontroll able, Iu order that he might be cared for properly, he was kept in confinement at home. Last Saturday afternoon, about e o'clock, he escaped from the room in which he had been confined, and obtaining pos session of a leaded gun and a sword started off. Themas Walter, a young man em ployed in the mill, followed him for the purpose of getting him hack te the house, when he turned, raised the gun and dis charged the contents in Mr. Walter's breast, causing almost instant death. Whitaker then started te walk te Bel .Air, a distance of three miles. At the tell gate he was met by Jtidge Bar Bar eon, in a buggy, te whom he calmly stated that he had killed a man and wanted te surrender himself te the authorities. Judge Barten brought him te the town, where he told the same story. His unfor tunate state of mind was well known and he was net believed at 5 first, but as a mat ter of precaution Deputy Sheriff Carman locked him up in jail. The dreadful news was aoen corroborated. Themas Walter, the young man killed, was about citrhteen years of ase, and was a son of Mr. A. S. Walter, a highly respect able farmer, living near the Hickory. He was an industrious and estimable young man, and was employed by his brother, Jeseph Walter, the miller at Dundalc. Franklin Whitaker, sr., the father of young Whitaker, is a widely known and highly esteemed citizen of the county, and the blew has fallen with crushing force upon him and his family, as well as upon the family of young Walter. The deepest sympathy is felt by the entire community for both families thus suddenly over whelmed with grief and sorrow. The murdered in en was a brother of Jehn W. Walter esq., of Yerk. l'eaiitiful .Memerial Window. The recent changes iu St. James Epis copal church made it necessary te remove the Miss Markec memorial window from its former position te the second space in the lower tier of windows en the north aisle of the church, where it has the ad vantage of choice light. ;Thc erigieal win dow piece, " Christ Blessing Little Chil dren," which was made by AVales, of Newcastlc-eii-Tyne, under the direction of Rev. E. S. Watsen, has been filled out very handsomely by Messrs. Aikins & Geed win, of Philadelphia. Iu the suggestive character of the design and in its rich color effects the window pleases at a glance, and the eye returns te it again aim again with pleasure. Hie bestenect, perhaps, is had from the Orange street pavement, looking through the open ven tilator, which cuts oft tue lower part, showing only the upper two-thirds of the window. The changes made in it were completed last week, se that it took its place again in the church en Sunday, Oc tober 17, 18S0 ou the fiftieth anniversary of Miss Markec's birth, " October 17, 1830." The inscription tablet gives the dates of birth and death, with the truthful legend, "'A Christian teacher faithful unto death." List or Unclaimed Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the posteflice, at Lancaster, for the week ending Monday, October 18 : Ladies' List : Mrs. Samuel Barber, Mrs. C. II. Darlington, Mrs. Mary Eckmau, Barbara Funk, Alice Gambcr, 5lary Gam ber, Mrs. Anucy Hennery, Mrs. E. John John Jehn eon, Annie 1. Kiehl, Mary Kirkwood, Mary Leibhart, Mrs. Magsie A. Murr, Lucy Nelsen, Mrs. Mary C. Shcnk, Christie Smith, Jennie Wilsen, Lizzie Woltz. Gents' List : J. B. Clumb, Dr. Everhart, Geerge Firth, II. C. Fahs, Master Harvey Fendcrsmith, Jesse Harncr, Martin Hard ing, Elmer E. Kiliiau. NealiKeescy, Jacob F. Klous, A. P. Lutz, Samuel Levcring (2),B. Miller, Mycis & Cress, Geerge Mus sclmau, S. Pragheimer, Christian Peiffcr, William Peters, Ames K. Reub, Lewis Ranncls, Michael Shrcincr, Rebert Sheurn- tien, Lewis G. Smith. Themas ri nemas. Jonathan Waters, Bachman Wetmcr, J. Shepherd Wolf, Jehn II. Yeung. Lancaster Mlcrescapists in J'hihulclplilu. At the annual microssrep'c il soiree of the Biological and Microscepical Section of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, en Friday evening last, wc find mention made of our Lancaster society along with ethers named. The gentlemen who repre sented the Lancaster 3Iicroscepical society were Dr. J. W. Crunibaugh, Chas. A. Lecher, druggist, Edw. W. McC.iskey and Dr. J. II. Rile. The exhibition was a grand affair, between one and two hundred of the best instruments ''en duty," some of them among the finest in the world. It was crowded for two hours with the best people in Philadelphia. This wa the fif teenth annual exhibition given by this sec tion of the academy. The Electing at Midway. There will be a larcc mass mcctimref the Democracy of the eastern end of Lancas ter county, at M. V. B. Wcidler's hotel, Midway, near Bareville, en the New Hol Hel land turnpike, en Wednesday evening of this week. Gee. W. Barten," of Philadel phia, W. U. Heuscl, of this city, and ether speakers will address the meeting. Sale of Real Estate. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold yes terday at public sale attheMcrrimac house Lancaster, for Geerge Gressman, 7 head of Canada hei05 at an average et $138 per head. . THE LOCAL CAMPAIGN. CASsIDT ATTME court house. All Enthusiastic Meeting and a Ringing speecB. The court house was packed te its utmost seating capacity and the main and side aisles were thronged last night in at tendance upon the Democratic meeting convened te bear Hen. Lewis C. Cassidy, of Philadelphia, speak in behalf of the Democratic cause. Mr. Cassidy was es corted te the court house from the train by a detachment of the Hancock Legien, aud his entrance evoked long-continued applause. After being introduced by Chairman Hensel the speaker began his address which lasted ever an hour and was listened te with closest attention. He said he brought te the Democratic party of Lancaster the bsst of geed cheer from every part of the land. At every point the army is organized and ready for the charge and the victory. He said also that he had received a telegram from Jehn Kelly, of New Yerk, who desired him te say that the Democracy of that city are entirely united and will present a solid .front te the enemy, and that New Yerk will surely maintain her place at the head of the Democratic column. It has net infrequently been the fate of great generals te suffer defeat at the hands of inefficient corps commanders, but the white plume of the great commander who planned the battle and wen the field at Gettysburg, never yet went down before the assaults of the enemy, and will net in the approaching contest. With Hancock there is no such word as fail. Te the Republicans present Mr. Cassidy said he wished te ask them if they did net see there had been a change of front en the Republican side since Conkling and Cameren and Legan met Garfield at his home at Menter recently ? Is it net apparent that the result of that visit was an agreement te re-establish the Grant regime iu 1884? These men despised Gar field, and should he be elected, they will get control of the several departments aud rule the government. De they net beast of the 306 votes they held solidly for Grant at Chicago, and has net every movement made by them from that time te this show that their one great aim is that the third term shall yet be perpetrated ? Carl Schurz, in his recent speeches, says that the Democrats want a change merely for the sake of change. This is net true : we want a change that wc may get back te honest government. Grant inaugurated a system of fraud upon the people that made his administration a stench in their nostrils. Begin with his attorney gen eral, Landaulet Williams, whose pecula tions and corruptions were se unblushing ; with government money he supplied his private wants and used public property and public officials for his private conveni ence. His secretary of the navy carried oft whole navies, wasted enormous sums of government material, and was se deeply implicated in the Secer swindle that his name has geno into history as "Secer Robeson ;" and though his offences were known te all they were attempted te be covered up aud an investigation of them prevented. Then there were the great whisky frands, through which millions were lest te the govern ment ; and when public clamor finally compelled an investigation and the prose cution of the leaders of the whisky ring the offenders were found at the very por tals of the White Heuse, the president's private secretary, Babcock, being one of them. The doings of Bess Shepherd and the District of Columbia ring, and the safe robbery, and ether villainies were ad verted te by the speaker te show that fraud existed in every department under Grant and spread te all parts of the country, de moralizing and debauching the people, and making possible the great fraud the theft of the presidency which seen after wards followed. The connection of Sher man and Garfield with this great fraud was graphically described, together with the rewards paid by Hayes te the perjured thieves who aided in the accomplishment of the crime. The frauds inaugurated under Grant were carried into Hayes's ad ministration, and would be continued under Garfield should he succeed te the presidency. Mr. Cassidy said he had never believed for one moment that Garfield had a chance of an election, and did net believe it new. The American people are intelligent and heucst and cannot forget the great fraud and will never put into the presidency the one man who mere than any ether aided the consummation of that fraud. James A. Garfield, bavins been sent Seuth by Grant as a visiting statesman te manu facture fraudulent cvidence,returns North and then becomes a nicmbe of the elec toral commission, thus acting as attorney, witness, jury and judge in the case. Gar field's only defence for hisactien was, "we had the cards in our own hands why should wc net play them; you would have done the same." Referring te the declination by Mr. Tilden of the Democratic nomination at Cincinnati en account of advancing years and ill health, Mr. Cassidy said some of tlic iiepubheans claimed that the question of the great fraud did net come up in the present campaign. He reminded them that they had themselves put it in the fight by nominating as their candidate the one man, who mere than any ether secured the consummation of the fraud. Mr. Cassidy next discussed the business' scare that the Republican leaders attempt ed te inaugurate, and called upon his hearers te remember that the great busi ness panic of 1873 occurred under Grant's administration and while the same tariff for which they new clamor se loud ly was in operation ; Republicans and the tariff had failed te prevent the panic or re store prosperity, and it was net until the Democratic party came into both houses of Congress, and commenced the work of economy and reform, that the country again began te prosper. Secretary Sherman could net even float his 4 per cent bends until the Democrats came into power. It is all nonsense te talk about danger te bus iness ou account of Democratic ascendency. The Democracy are conservative and law abiding. They even submitted te the great fraud of 1876 rather than unsettle the prosperity of the country, trusting te time and the patriotism of the people te right the wrong. History fails te show a like case of forbearance. Had such an outrage been attempted in France the streets of Paris would have run with oceans of bleed ; or had it been attempted in England, an other crowned head would have been taken off as was the case with Charles I. And yet the Republicans say the Democracy is net te be trusted the Democracy, the party of the people, whose every act of leg islation has tended te secure the rights of the people against the encreuchments of capital in the hands of great corporation, and ether favored classes. But they say if we come into power we will break up the national bank system and disturb the hnancs. 11ns is net true ; leek at the Democratic platform : it pre vides for a currency of geld and silver and paper convertible into geld. The Demo cratic party has always been for hard money from the days of Jacksen te the present time. It was the Republican party- that debased the currency and caused widespread desolation in con consequence of its depreciation. But they answer we are new" in league with the Greenbackcrs. Loek at Indiana and Alabama, where the Republicans them selves coalesced with that party ; leek at Schuylkill county, in this state, where the Republicans and Grccnbackers are in full communion and supporting a single ticket, and se it is wherever they can gain votes by forming such alliance. 3Ir. Cassidy next took up the Republi can cry of tariff, and referred te the man ner in which employers go te their men, and tell them that this a bread and butter " campaign ; that if Hancock is elected their shops and factories will be closed and the men thrown out of employment, be cause the Democrats will adept free trade doctrines and foreign goods will drive American goods out of the markets. New leek at Garfield's record en this nnestinn Because of his free trade votes in Congress he was elected an honorary member el the Cobden club, a free trade club, te which none but free-traders are ever elected, and what is the answer the Republicans make? They say his election was only a compliment paid him by the club. What? Compliment their enemies; take te their besom the man that is injuring them ! If it was a mere compliment paid te Garfield why don't Garfield produce the correspondence between the club and himself? Hancock never fails te produce a letter when called upon te de se. Garfield's failure te pro duce the letters is evidence against him, but there is still stronger evidence of his sympathies with the free traders; his votes in Congress have ever been ou the side of free trade and against protection. Se well is this known that when he was proposed as candidate for speaker of the Heuso Wm. D. Kellcy, the father of the protectionists of this state, refused te go into the Republican caucus that nominated him and refused te vote for Jrim when nominated. Kelley and Russell Errett and J. W. Killinger, the most prominent pro tectionists in Congress, signed a pretest against him, denouncing him as a free trader, and refused te vete for him even after his party nominated him. Again, there was an effort made te re model the present tariff; the protection ists in Congress wanted te take off the duties en tea, coffee, salt and ether com mon necessaries of life and advance the duties en manufactured articles of various kinds. Garfield voted against the proposi preposi tion, and thus te compel the people te pay a tax for all of these necessaries te go into their mouths. He also voted te reduce the duty ou foreign coal and take off the duty en foreign iron, se that it could come in competition with that manufactured in Lancaster, Berks and ether parts of Penn sylvania. Mr. Cassidy next compared the tariff planks in the Democratic and Republican platforms of 1872, 1876 and 1880, showing that they were all essentially the same and favored a tariff: for revenue, which must necessarily afford incidental protection te American manufacturers. lie quoted at some length from the New Yerk Times, the New Yerk Evening Pest and ether free trade Republican organs appealing te Repub lican speakers te step cheating the people by pretenses that the Republican party is a protection party, whereas it is for free trade. Carl Schurz, who is new en the stump for Garfield, is an avowed free trader, as arc hosts of ether prominent Republicans in and out of Congress. The present tariff is kept iu force, net by the Republicans, but by Democrats in the Heuse and Senate. When the present rates of duty en iron were being consider ed the Pittsburgh iron masters made the duties, and Fernande Weed and Samuel J. Randall, Democrats, put them through Congress in their present shape. Before the Republicans talk of tariff and claim te be its pecular champions, let them name a Pennsylvania Democratic congressmen within the past twenty years that has net voted for it. Mr. Cassidy turned his attention te the matter of " bulldozing" white men, which is new a favorite plan among Re publican employers. Their order te their men is "vote this ticket or get out!" The peer man may feel like resenting the insult, but when lie thinks of his wife and his little ones dependent en him, he sub mits te the degradation, with a feeling that true manhood has been crushed out of him. There arc, however, thanks te the Democratic party, laws that will reach and punish the employer who thus exercise a tyrannical rule ever his men. There is an act of Congress that makes it unlawful and punishable by fine and imprisonment te attempt te coerce a voter, and he knew there was at least one United States judge Judge Butler, of Philadelphia who would net fail te enforce the law and pro tect a free ballet, if a case were brought before him. The laws of Pennsylvania also make it an indictable offense te at tempt te intimidate or coerce a voter, and perhaps there are judges in this county who will mete out judgment te these who attempt it. The solid Seuth was 3Ir. Cassidy's next theme. He said that while the Republi cans professed te believe there was great danger te be apprehended from a solid Seuth they are quite willing te have a solid North, and are working vigorously te secure it. Mr. Cassidy. declared that since the carpet-baggers had been withdrawn from the Seuth, peace and prosperity have resumed their sway, and that there lias net been a case of eutrage or disorder that has net been mere than equalled in Pennsylvania. There has net been iu the whole Seuth, from Masen ami Dixen's line te the Gulf and the Rie Grande as disreputable an act as was perpetrated in Philadelphia within the past few days. Mr. Cassidy narrated the particulars of the murderous assault ou a Democratic landlord who liad illum inated his house in compliment te the Re publicans who were parading. The heuse was gutted and the proprietor was almost killed for no ether reason than that some one near the house had hurrahed for Han cock. Mr. Cassidy also referred te the murderous attack upon a Democratic pro pre cession in Wilmington te show Republican contempt for free thought, free speech and a free ballet. As te Republican consideration of the negre, there was nothing in it ; the ncsrre is of no account te them except se far as they can control and use his vote. In Philadelphia, where colored men are num erous, what has the Republican party, which Js iu power there, done for them ? What ellices have been given them ? They have been allowed te clean the spittoons, three or four of them have been appointed janitors and one or two clerks, and that is all. He could tell these Republicans, who falsely profess te champion the cause of the negre, that the cliairman of the Dem ecratic campaign committee of Philadel phia has in his own employ a greater number of colored men than this. Anether cry of the Republican mana gers is "loyalty." They say we must stand by the government and stand by the soldiers who saved it. Well, what have the Republicans done in this direction? When they want a United States senator in Maine they take Maj. Gen. .lames (J. Blaine; in Massachusetts they take Gen erals Dawes and Hear. Ge te New Yerk you find them rallying around that rcat soldier. General Arthur, who was for a time in the quarter-master's department. Fer governor they take General Cernell, and for United senator that magnificent seldiar, Conkling, who was only kept from going te the front for fear of having spoiled his pretty face and beautiful figure ! Ne ; leek where you will j'eu find that Republican consideration of the sol dier is a sham, and that the politicians, net the soldiers, secure promotion. Mr. Cassidy concluded his address by an eloquent tribute te Hancock both as a ci vilian and a soldier. His was the white plume that never went down in defeat. At Williamsburg his superb fighting saved the field ; at Gettysburg he met and de feated the hosts of Lengstrcet, who were fighting him. Yeu Republicans may if you will fellow the standard of Lengstie?t, but we Democrats will rally around the white-plumed here, who upon the bloody field of Gettysburg shed his bleed te save