J ? 5?5i5 Vfi' ?.&& jfe'j 'JM-" -- '"'' "" 'Ctg'1' gw''vy J'Vf' "yFj-'Si-Sft - - -?-. "". "T .w,'-. j-T" mOBtOBKBt&mmmmmmmtmi -- LANCASTER DAILI INirJKIJGENGER SATtJRDAYt'dCTOBERil6. 1880. i I; h fl K BsK B Lancaster intelligencer. SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. 10, 1880. The Planet Japiter. Ne one who feels any interest in the earth's sister planets should leso the present opportunity te view Jupiter (the planet new se conspicuous in the east in the even ing,) and his system of satellites through a telescope. It will be twelve years before the earth is se near this, the chief of all the planets, again. It is net necessary te visit an observatory iu order te enjoy fine views of Jupiter. Even a geed opera glass will show one or two of his moons aud a mod ern threo inch achromatic will give prob ably a better view of the planet than the astronomers were able te obtain With their largest telescopes a hundred years age.The telescope of street exhibitors are often of excellent quality, and they will show the shadows of Jupiter's moons upon the sur face when the moons arc between him and the sun. The times of these transits, as they are called, may be obtained from the nautical almanac. Much may be done with ordinary spy-glasses. A pocket spy glasswill show the moons, and one who.;e object glass is much above an inch in diameter can, by a very simple device, be made powerful enough te show the main belt, iu a geed atmosphere. The eye-piece of an ordinary spyglass consists of two lit tle brass tubes, each containing two glasses. By separating these tubes three or four inches further than usual the magnifying power is greatly increased. This may be managed with a piece of card tubing. An optician, for a few shill ings, will make a neat brass tube that will admirably answer the purpose. Iu this way a spyglass with an objective H inch in diameter may be made te show Jupiter's equatorial belt, and the disappearance of his moons when they go into his shadow. It will also plainly show Saturn's rings : but, or course, it will net separate the two rings or reveal the mysterious gauze ring. A first-rate three or four-inch telescope, however, will de all this and much mere. Jupiter passed his nearest point te the earth en Wednesday, and we arc new be ing rapidly whirled away from him, hut he will he the most conspicuous object in the skv for a longtime te conic. LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD MAKIiET. DA1KV. Butter t ft 2225c Cup cheese, 2 cups 5c Cottage cheese, 2 pieces rc Dutch cheese 'i'i lump 8jl)c MOJITO. Annie.?! Vi pk CjJSe Bananas each '2a'c Cherries, dried, "fl t l'-c Currants, dried, 1 lb 12c Dried Apples TH it .IJJSc " readies!! qt lufilSe Fex Grapes f! qt iJ.".c Uralses $ Jpk l'Jl.ic lemons if! Uez 122l'c Oranges?) dez 50e Quinces t pk SiS-Sic VUt!iriAl!LUS. Heels 3! bunch v:""' Cabbage j?l head liglOc Carrots yt liiinch ."tg.'c Cern 1 dez 10l2c Egg Plants each .rwSe Green Cern?! dez 8Ke Green beans IKpcck 710c J.una beans 1 qt." 1012e Lettuce, head ami pl.ite 58c Unions!! J pk JUic ' 1 bunch 5t Potatoes jj jpk ll.".e " (Sweet) f JJpeck iedise Rudislics f! lmnch ' 5c Soup Reims t qt Se Salsify '& bunch !c Siuushcs each - Tomatoes yt pk l3I."ie Turnip? f! '. peck luc VOl'LTUV. Chickens t? l'air (I've) 40JT7(ic (cleaned) (WSSOe Duck"!! pair SOfettlc Geese 1 piece Wc(5$l NISCKI.I.ANIXIUS. Apple Butter ?! qt i"c tgK.4 V 'less Slfliile Heney ?1 ft -JOijiTiC Seap 1 C r'J Se sauerkraut tl qt s&l-c Ol'.AlN. Cleven-ced ?! bu- i7..S.Wi Hay t' ten $i)3i" Cern fl bu-. .Vc Oats Vbu :r.fj4()c Rye"j"l bus sIS'JQe Timethy Seced y bus I.:Qg:S.5U Wheat fl bu Lee visu. Lass p ft......... ..... ....... .loc Catli-h ft 1-JJc Eels ft ft luc A X tL 1 1 ....' Kt O XI ...... .! Jj BUt KIT .. 'L. White Ki-li ?! 11 12) Je lllue lUt. MEATS. Ueel Steak,?! It lOff-Jec " Keast (rib) ?! ft 12Dli;: (chuck) ?! ft 10fel2c " Cernell,?! ft 1012c " Dried, ! ft 2.W2-C JIelDiiatlried 2Tc Ham fl ft ;:;, lc i.hiiiI)?! ft laaaic lml ?! ft TfJI'-'c Mutten ?1 B (in;c l'erk ?! B .lilhc I'lidtlini! ft c Sau.sae ?l ft HM-Jc Sides ami llaceu ?! 7(ijl'!c Slieuldel ?! ft 7c Summer JSoleua 14u Veal ?P 2..... ..... .......... .2UlCc tin te II. It. Cochran, drugxKt i:!7 and l."'.i North Queen street Ur Mrs. Freeimn's Xcw Sutienul Dyes. Fer briKhtncs-and dui-aliilily et color ant uucqualcd. Celer lrem 2 tn 5 piiindh. 1'liee, IS rent. Tlic friend of Delicate I.adle. Warner's Sale Kidney ami Liver Cure i the remedy that will cure the many dUcnses ic cnliar te women. Headaches, ueunilKia, dis nrileieil nerve, weakness, mental shock, and kindred ailment', are cnVctually removed liv lis use. 7Vic Meltcr's Muraziiir. 4 " .lue. ISacen, LajMirle. Iml., writes: "Hurrah lerSjirin ISIovem ' it's all yen emcked it up te be. My Dyspepsia lia all vanished, why don't you advertise i, wiiat allowance will you make il I take :- dozen bottles, se that I eeald oblige my lriends occasionally. Prices : Me., trial bottles- llc. Fer sale by It. II. Coch ran, druggist, i:i7 and UKl North Queen street, l.auc:istcr, I'a. (J Factory Farts. Clese eenlinciucnl. careful attention te all factory work, gives tlie operatives pallid I'aees loer appetite, languid, miserable feelings, peer bleed, inactive liver.kidneys and urinarv trouble, and all the physicians aud medicines In the world cannot help them unless they get eit doers or use Hep Hitters, made et tlie purest and best remedies, mid especially for such eases, having abundance el health, sun shine sunt rey clusiks in them. Nene need Miller ir t hey will use them lively. Thev cost but a trifle. See another column. ele 2wd."Lw Ml OV ltlTTEilS. IF YOU AltK A MAN weakened by the strain avoid stimulants and take OV 1IUS1NESS, of your duties HOP lilTTEUS! If you are a man eflcttcrs, telling ever your niidiii;;ht work, le restore brain aud nerve waste, take nor HITTERS l It you are young, and suffering front any indiscrct ion ordissipatieu, take nor jtiTTEits: iryeu arc marricU or single, old or young. suffering from peer health or languishing en a bed of sickness, take nor hitters! Whoever you arc. wherever you are, when ever yen feel tliat your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating, wilh wilh eut intoxicating, take ITOP HITTERS! Have j en ilipepxit, liilncy or urinnrn com- plaint, disease et tlie stomach, bowels, lilimd, liver, or nerves f Yeu will ee cured it you take HOP HITTERS! It you are simply ailing, arc weak and low spirited, try :t! Iluyit. Insist upon it. Your druggist keeps It. HOP HITTERS! It may save your life. It. has saved hundreds. HOP BITTKltS MANUFACTURING CO., Jle Chester. New Yerk and Terente, Ontario. BOOTS AND SHOES. EASY HOOTS. SHOES AND 'LASTS made en a new principle, lnsnr- ing cumiuix ler me leer. TW"k"T,C! '-asts raade te order. jDlNJld MILLER, JebI4-tfd lSJEaat King street MEZIOIOT7.H. FIBST BEFOBHED CHVtfCn.--THK usual divine services te-morrow at 10J a. m. Ne evening service. Sunday school at 1 p.m. FIRST H. E. CHCBCB. NOHTII DUKE Street. rreacliing by the pastor, ltev. S. H. C. Smith, at 10M a. m. and 7" P- m. Sab bath school at 1.45 p. m. Yeung Tceple's Prayer aieetlng at C p. a. LCTUEBAN. TO-MOBKOW AITElt AITElt AITElt noen at 2 o'clock, Kev. W. S. Perr will preach his farewell sermon in Ilethany Lu theran church, at Hillersville. MOKAVIAX KEV. C. B. SHLXTZ, l'AS l'AS ter. Ser-ices atl0cja.ni. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Annual meeting of Ladies' Tract society at 7 p. m. PKESnYTEKIAN rKEACHINC IN THE morning by the pastor. Tlie congregation is invited te the anniversary exercises of the Tract Society in the evening. PRESBYTERIAN MEMORIAL MIS3ION Chapcl, Seuth Queen Street. Preaching by Rev. Geerge Uobinsen at 7"4 p. in. Sunday school at 1 p. xn. l'xuyer meeting en Thurs day at VA P. " ST. LUKE'S REFORMED MISSION, Marietta Avenue, near West Orange street. Divine service at 10 a. m. and ly. p. m. Sun day school at 2 p. in. ltev. w.'F. Lichliter, pastor. S1 ECOND EVANGELICAL. UUURCH (Engllsli), North Mulberry street, al above Oranse. rreachimr at lOVCa. m. ami 7'-i n, in by the pastor. Kev. .1. A. Feger. Sabbath school at 2 p. iu. ST. JAMKS.--HOLY COMMUNION AT 8 ami morning service at lOJia. m. Even ing prayer al 0 p. in. ST. STEPHEN'S CHAPEL, COLLEGE Campus. Divine service te-morrow morn ing at lu o'clock. Preaching by ltev. Jehn S. Stahr. ST. PAUL'S REFORMED DIVINE SER vices at 10 a. in., and at 7 p. in. Preach ing by thu pastor. Sunday bchoel at 1 p. in. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. ltev. It. W. Hufferd, pastor. Preaching to-nien-ow at lOjSn. in. by the pater. Tlie church will be closed?!! the evening, that the congre gation may attend the Union Tract society meeting, at the Moravian church. Prayer meeting at ! a. in. Sunday school atlj p. in. SALEM CHURCH OF GOD SERVICE te-morrow morning and evening by the pastor. Rev. J.lt. Seule. Sunday school at 1 p. in. West Mission, Derwart street, Sunday school at ljjp. m. Neith Mission, Antioch, Sunday school at II a. m. Preaching at. .":30 p. in. by Mr. Geerge Martin. Seuth Mission. Reaver street, Sunday school at 1 p. in. Evening service at .1)4 o'clock. UNION BETHEL CHURCH OF GOD Preaching te-morrow liv the pater. Rev. 1. A. L. Lavcrty, at leji a. in., and at 7'i p. m, Sunday school at 111 P- ", and at the Green street "Chapel at 2 p. m. BRA1IAM LANTZ, FItOM OHIO. WILL preach at the Reformed Mennonite church. East German street, l.-mcister. en Monday evening, October ISth, at 7 o'clock. aiEMVAL. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. The accumulated evidence el nearly thirty years show that the Hitters is a certain remedy ler malarial disease, a well a it surest pre ventive; thai it eradicates dyspepsia, consti pation, liver complaint and iierveiisiie--. counteract a tendency te gout, rheumatism, urinary and uterine disorder-, that it imparts vigor te the feeble, and cheer the mind while it invigorate the body. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealer gener ally, ol-lydeed&lyw HOP HITTERS FOR Al.E AT LOCII er's Drug Stere, a East King sticet. IXYESTIG ATION ! DR. GREENE ha successfully treated ever 1,000 of the niestdiillcult chronic (e called) in curable cases during a nine month's practice. The most et them had been the rounds of the leading physician of Lancaster county. DR. GREENE i ready at any time te meet a committee el the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Heuse or elscwfierc te dis cus the merits et Oiuiiipathy and prove its superiority ever all ether patliie in vogue. The people are greatly interested and de mand the lulli'st investigation. Invalid are every week dying in thi county whose lives could be saved. Is there any subject about which the masse, are mere concerned than restoration te health, and the prolonging of their lives V Dr. G. originated and is new tin: owner of 20 Medical Pad. He especially warn the public against the numeroiisceunterleits new offered the people. Dr. Green doe an exclusive el'ice busiucs. Patient who cannot call at hi etllce must send lull dcscriplien ei alllictiens. Hundreds of death have occurred here iu nine mouth ; only two in hi practice. Consultations tree. Catarrh cured for M cents. Cine quick ler Catarrh sent leanv ad-dre-s for. V) cents. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. S3C NORTH QUEEN STREET, SU-lfdMWF&S Lancaster, Pa. NJ TERVINE, OR TONIC SPKCIKICA. A ISOON TO ROTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for all diseases arising lrem Nervous Debility,Sexual Disorders!, ever Indulgence of Vicious Ilaliits, as well as lrem the prostration et old age. Us curative preperllc in violent and chronic forms el'thc lollew mg diseases have been at tested te by the most Eminent Physician: Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, General Debility, Inipetency, Premature Decay, Ac. It ha been in use ler ever lerty years, and I te-day the most popular remedy for tlie dis eases above mentioned in the WORLD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, ami better than all, it i a sure, sate and certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon it own merit, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since ISJiU thi remedy has always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold ; but owing te the act thai the time ler tlie payment et an enormous royalty upon lis manufacture has expired, it is ellered te the suffering of both sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be within the reach of all; ut which price it will be sent te any address live et furthrr charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 5 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mail. ivic-Cnid&w DR. SANimFS LIVEE INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANPORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer sale by all Druggists. oll-lyccd&ceww MRS. C. LILLEB, LADIES' HAIltDKESSF.lt Manufacturer and Dealer In Hair Werk. Gents, wigs, iremuiiigs siraigmencu aim mauete or. der. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse, Kid Gloves and Feathers cleaned and dyed, at Xes. 225 and 227 North Queen street, four doers alKivc p. R. R. Depot, el-3md ASTJticn smys jLDrjEKTisjsMEXT. Lancaster Bazaar EVERY DAY during the coming week a brilliant display et FALL NOVELTIES will be presented in the attractive establish ment of ASTRICH BRO.'S 13 EAST KINGr ST. We shall place en exhibition the mans rich and beau ti Jul articles which we have new en baud, thus enabling Ladles, by a single prom enade through our store, te inlerni them selves as te the Latest Styles for Fall and Early Winter Wear. Especial attcntien;is called te ourassertmentof FINE MILLINERY GOODS, including Trimmed Pattern llennet. New Shapes and Celers In CHENILLE HATS, FRENCH FELT HATS. DERRIKS. Ac. NOVELTIES IN VELVETS AND SATINS. Cashmere and Variegated PLUMES, BIRDS' TIPS, &c. Elegant Styles willbe presented In LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING. II All Y WEAR, DRESS TRIMMINGS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. Please notice ! Every department will have both an attractive dlsplayandalsean especial ly attractive bargain. Call early in the week, belerc our prices and goeas arc uispescu ei. HATS Derbies at C2c HATS HATS Fine Black Derbies, with Satin HATS HATS Trimming. $1.00 HATS Fine Black Derbies, with satin Trimming. $1.00 Seft Felt Derbies $1.00 Best Ribbed Goods $1..T Cigarette Hats 7."c Cotten Caps 90c Plush Hats 4.c Straw Sailors 23c HATS Seft Felt Derbies $1.00 HATS HATS Best Ribbed Goods $1.35 HATS HATS Cigarette Hats "c HATS HATS Cotten Caps 90c HATS HATS Plush Hats 45c HATS HATS Straw Sailors 23c HATS HATS HATS SATINS Geed Black Satin. ..73c a yd SILKS SATINS First Quality Satin S1.00 SILKS SATINS ASupcrfincBIackSatin.51.20 SILKS SATIN'S All Celers of Geed Satin.'.kic SILKS SATINS Trimming Silks at 75c SILKS SATINS SILKS VELVETS Black Silk Velvet, $l.t( RIBBONS VELVETS a yard. RIBBONS VELVETS Black Velveteen at c RIBBONS VELVETS A Fine Black Velve- RIP.UONS VELVETS teenatJOc RIBBONS VELVETS Special Bargain. RIBBONS VELVETS Extra Heavy Black RIBBONS VELVETS Velveteen. RIP.BOXS VELVETS 73c., worth $1.00 RIBBONS VELVETS Silk Finished Black RIBBONS VELVETS Velvetceii.$1.00ayard. RIBBONS VELVETS Brocaded Velveteen in RIBBONS V E LVETS all colors, C3e. ltl B RONS VELVETS Silk Velvet in all the RIBBONS VELVETS new shades. RIBBONS VELVETS RIBBONS FRINGES r.KilichSilk PASSA51ENTERIES ! FRINGES Fringe,Che PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES utile and PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Bead, 25c a PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES yard. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Rich Silk PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES and Chenille PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringe, 41c. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES ElegantSllk PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES and Chenille PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringe, fiOc. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES flinch heavy PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Chenille PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringe.bread PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES bending, (iOc. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 4Uin. heavy PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Chenille and PASSAMEXTKRIES FRINGES Bead Fringe, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES COcavard. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 4K in. Fine PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Cucnillcnnd PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Grass Fringe, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES (Ilea yard. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 5 inch Che- PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES uillc&Bcad PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringe, 75c. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Mtwt elegant PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES and handsome PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringe, at SO, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES &. U3c, $1.(4). PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 1.10,, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES and upwards. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES A handsome FRINGES lincel Pas FRINGES samenlcries FRINGES inallwidtL-s. FR1NG ES Tassel Orna FRINGES mentsinSilk. FASSAMEXTERI ES PASSAMENTERIES PASSAM ENTER1ES PASSAMENTERIES PASSAM ENTERI ES PASSAMENTERI ES FRINGES Chenillcaiid PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Beads. Leeps PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Spikes. Cords PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES ami Spikes. PASSAMENTERI ES FRINGES PASSAM ENTERI ! BUTTONS JU'TTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK Exl BLACK BLACK BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS CREPES CREPES Buttens in endle variety. Black Crepe al 5ue. Pine Black Crepe at 75c. $I.(K. CREPES r.xlleavv English Ovpe, CREPES 4fer$J.tK) CREPES CREPES CORSETS Rip Gere, 2.!c. CORSETS CORSETS A Goetl Hand-made Cor- CORSETS CORSETS set,:"0c. CORSETS CORSETS We offer new a much CORSETS CORSETS better Cor.-ct than ever CORSETS CORSET.- fer4'.le. CORSETS CORSETS An excellent, geed lit- CORSETS CORsETS ting Corset for li'ic. CORSETS CORsETS Tlie Pavilion," .-penu CORSETS CORSETS Busk, for 75c. CORSETS CORSETS The "Star" Corset, ex-CORSETS CORSET.-) tra long, for 05c. CORSETS CORSETS The "Parisian." 1C0 CORSETS CORSETS bone, ler 41. CORSETS CORsETS A. splendid Nur-ing Cor- CORSETS CORSETS set ler il. CORSETS CORSETS Better Corsets at J1.20. CORsETS CORSETS ;IJW ami Heward. CORSETS LADIES Special bar- UNDERGARMENTS LADIES iiiiiH iii that UN DERG A RM ENTS UNI) KRGARMENTS UNDERGARMENTS UNDERGARMENTS UNDERGARMENTS UNDERGA RM ENTS LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES line. A geed Muslin che mise ler 25c An elegantly cmbreideied Chemise, 30c. One with very rich embroi dery for 75c. Skirl, with deep embroi dery, for '.etc. UNDERGARMENTS UNDERGARMENTS UNDERGARMENTS UNDERGARMENTS UNDERGARMENTS UNDERGARMENTS UNDERGARMENTS UNDERGARMENTS LADIES .legant LA DIF.S NIghtrebe,$l.2!i. I'NDKRi; ARM I'NTS INFANTS WEAR INFANTS INFANTS Rabies' Leng Robes lrem .'fJC Ul tO$li. Rabies' Worsted Cap. Jacket, 'Merine Cleak, ShawN, Weel Ceal, Roetccs, tVc. WEAR WEAR INFANTS INFANTS INFANTS INFANTS INFANTS WEAR WEAR WEAR WEAR WEAR SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS FELT Geed, Heavy FeltSklrls al IU FELT Flannel Skirls LLT at reasonable prices. FELT The new "Calivas "Skirl FELT at $1.50. FELT SKlRTs, NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS NAPKINS TOWELS A Geed Tewel ler.lc. TOWELS A very large Fine TOWELS TercI,i;c. TOWELS A large all Linen TOWELS Tewel, 10c. TOWELS A geed Glass Tewcl.Nc. TOWELS A line Damask Linen TOWELS Tewel, 2.TC. TOWELS An extra line Tewel, ion i-.i.m Kiieueil iringe, s;c TOWELS Imported extra large TOWELS German Linen Tew- TOWELS els, .-tic. TOWELS Remnants or all Linen TOWE LS Toweling, 10c a piece. TOWELS Toweling, r.c a yard. TOWELS Russian Crush, !l.ll, i:)c TOWELS a yard. TOWELS Gliis Toweling at 12c TOWELS a yard. TOWELS Napkins. 5c a piece. TOWELS German Linen Napkin TOWELS iringed in while, TOWELS $lpcrdez. MERINO A geed heavy MERINO Undershirt for MERINO ladies, only 35c. MERINO Avcryliiicfjual MERINO ity Merine Under MERINO vests and Pant. MERINO regular made cnllVs MERINO andsheuldcrs,silk MERINO lliiished front, MERINO enly4Sc. MERINO Childs' Under- I'NDKRWKAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR MERINO shirts ami Draw MERINO crs,in all qualities MERINO and sizes. MERINO Our Men's I'll MERINO -dei-shirts and MERINO Drawers at 50c are MERINO positively the best MERINO ever sold for the MERINO price. The "Shirts MERINO are regular made MERINO Culls and Shoul Sheul MERINO ders,and nnihcd MERINO as geed as any del MERINO lar shirt. MERINO The Drawers arc MERINO military linish, MERINO with satin front, :! MERINO buttons, and well MERINO shaped. Sizes, :W MERINO te 4: inches. MERINO Infants' Knitted MERINO Shetland Shirts, MERINO without sleeves, MERINO 41c.; wilh sleeves MERINO (He. MERINO Ne deubta great MERINO Bargain. HOSIERY Te men t ion all UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR tlie HOSIERY HOSIERY Bargains we offer HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY in this department is HOSIERY hardlypessible,but we HOSIERY invite everybody te HOSIERY come and leek at our HOSIERY stock without being HOSIERY compelled te buy. It HOSIERY will be a satisfaction HOSIERY te you te knew that HOSIERY we sell the best goods HOSIERY for the least money, HOSIERY and that our assert- HOSIERY incnt is better and HOSIERY lanrcr tlian tbatef any HOSIERY heus3 In this city. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIER V HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Child's Woolen (Reves and Mitts, Leggins. Leggin Drawers, &c. 4SNOTE THIS Zephyrs in all Celers, 9c. an ounce. Yams, Shetland Weel, Saxony Yarn, Fless, &c. 7-Wc invite everybody te call and leek at our store. The liandsemest and mostattr.ie mestattr.ie tivc place of the kind in this county. ASTRICH BRO.'S, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER P LANCASTER BAZAAR. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT GUNDAKER'S. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a. Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GrTJNDJKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. DllT aoevs. LADIES' COATS. Opened this da a large stock of the above geed, te which special attention Is invited. Silk and .Cotten Yelvets FOR TRIMMING AND SKIRTS. BLACK AND COLORED SATINS FOR TRIMMING, &c. BLACK SILKS Black and Colored Cashmeres. We have all the above goods in lull supply, and te bu sold at our usual Lew Prices. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, CLOAKINGS. HAGER & BROTHER have new open the lalet nevellie in French, English and American DltESS GOODS. FRENCH PLAIDS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUITINGS, S1DERANDS, CASHMERE FOIJLE, MOMIE CLOTHS, FLAN NEL SUITINGS, Ac, &e. SILKS, SATDfS VELVETS. Cloaks! Gloats! llavejusl received from New Yerk Import Impert eisa liueef cloak, Delmiins and Jackets in Hie Latest Style for Ladies and Misses. CLOAKING CLOTHS, Black and Celers, Plain and Fancv, tu Large Assortment. j;.)-Ve iu ite examination. I'en sAi.i:. 1 PRIVATE SALE. Until NOVEMBER 17. the Iwosierv Brick Heuse, wilh kilchcu attached, Ne. its East vini'struel, let extend te Church street. Ap ples, Peaches, and Grape Vine en let, water. Ac. Iuiiiire:it Ne. Ii; Chailelte slreet, Lau casler. Pa. oct7-ced&novl7 lMUl ItKVl. V A Farm, one mile from the city of Lancas ter, en the Petersburg turnpike, containing about one hundred and tivcacres: thirty neres of which i new in fall crop; privilege te put out twi acre in tobacco. Enquire at Ne. :!S North Duke street or en the premises. ocl7-I0tdced MRS. JOHN McGRANN. 1)i;i:lic salk. On TUESDAY, OCTORER M, 1SS0, will be sold at the Keystone Hetel. North Oueeu street, a valuable let ofgreiindsituateil en the west side of North Queen slreet, fronting en North Queen street l feet, 7 inches, and iu depth 215 Icet, te 14 lect wide public allev, en which is elected a two-story IIRICK DWELLING, con taining parlor, back room, live bed rooms and basement kitchen. haale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., when condition will be made known by RERECCA FETTFIiLY, II. Siii'ituirr, Auet. ectl.I-lltd TIOKSAI.K. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-roomed, two-story and Mansard root, (ireen Stene Frent Dwellings, Ne. 1211 and iii West Orange Street. Willi all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. ncluding Jenning's improved Londen water closets, marble-top washstand, improved wall-cd-ln range, cellar heater, pcrlect drainage and sewerage, deep, dry cellar, white marble base and rtvis, S.C., Ac. Let 22 by 245 feet te a 14-feet wide alley, fient yard 2 ) feet in depth, inclesed with ornamental iron fence. Fer terms, &e.,applv te JOHN II. MET.LER, ang21-W&Sll'il Ne. 9 Seuth Duke St. 11CI5L1C SALK. On MONDAY, OCT. 25.180, will be sold at the Cooper Heuse, West King street the following valuable real estate : Ne. 1, Atwo-steryRRICIC DWELLING, sit uated en the south side of West Orange street. Ne. 114, containing hall and seven rooms, gas in the house and hydrant in the yard, house fronts en Orange street 18 icet ! inches, mere or less, let extending In depth 75 feet 5 inches, mere or less, te a 3 feet 7 inch wide common alley, wilh sewerage. This property has just been newly litted up. Ne. 2. A two-story RRICK DWELLING and two-story Rrick Rack Rullding, situated en the east side of North Mary street. Ne. 27. Heuse IS by 28 feet, back building 12 feci 4 inches in width, and in depth IS feet, contain ing hall and seven rooms gits in the house and hydrant iu tlie yard; also a side yard 27 feet front and in dcptli 102 Icet, mere cr less, a frontage of 45 lect, including the house ; a let of choice fruit trees and the best of grapes : stabling en the rear of let, 20x43 leet. Ne. 3, Five Kuilding Let 22 by 215 teet, s itu ated en tin; north side of New street, between Lime and Shippcn streets. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., of said day. when conditions will be made known by JOHN HULL. I .!'::: i elf-tsd MAJtBLs, WORKS. "wm. p. fbahjEys MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 7S8 Nertn yucen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES. GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, fte. All work guaranteed and satisfaction gi en In every particular. N. R. Remember, works td the extreme end et North Queen street- m30 loch- TriDNEY. UKT KOIt SALE AT JV era' Drug Stere, 9 East King street. JSMBJtOLDJUtLES, AC. WATCHES, H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. Call attention te the completeness and variety of their stock, including every article of every description in their line, from the low-priced te the costly. All grades of Watches and Time-keepers. All classes of Jewelry, including very many pretty designs in cheap goods, and a superb collection of fine Diamond Goods. Silverware in full variety, from any geed Electro-plated article te the Solid Silver Goods of great intrin sic worth. Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, &c., &c. All purchasers of goods in our line, all persons contemplat ing the purchase of such goods, all admirers of beautiful goods, are respectfully invited te visit our store. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers. ZAHM'S A new room and elegant stock. A lull line of Lancaster Watches, Waltham in Geld and Sliver Case, at the LOWEST Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Arundel the bet in the weild. OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT teas complete as any in the larger cities. We manufacture Rings, Masonic Marks, Society Pins, Jewelry el all kinds. Diamond .Mounting and any special or odd pieces iu any desired style. MONOG RAMMING anil Fine Jewelry aiid Watch repairing a specialty. All work warranted. Call and examine our stock and leave your repairing with Znlnii's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. CLeiursa. GARFIELD VS. HANCOCK. PALL, CAMPAIGN OF 1880 New opened and tiic battle lias commenced anil rages fiercely, and while there may be some doubt in the mind et manv persons as te who will be the next President et the United State, there can be no doubt in the mind or any person in want of CLOTHING u te where can be bought the cheapest and the. best, either in Ready-made or Made te Order. MYERS & RATHFON, Centre Hall, e. 12 East Kin? Street, the (Jreat Clothing Emporium. The second stnrvrnem i ivicfceil brim full villi tin jrreatest varictv of READ1 CLOTHING FOR MKN, YOUTHS, ROYS AND are well made, well trimmed, and the goods ineiiis. MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our Piece Goods till the iirst. fleer te its utmost capacity, and is nicely arranged, se as te give tlie purchaser tlie advantage et seeing tlie whole stock In a very short space et time. We are prepared te make up te order at thu slfertest possible netice and at the most reasonable price, our stock ha been bought for cash and will be sold af a very small advance. Buy your Clothing ut Centre Hall and save one prelit. Call and examine our giant stock and save money. MYERS & RATHFON, Xe. 12 EAST K1XU STREET, LANCASTER, PEX5A. WJSES AXV JAiiUOllS. S. CLAY MILLJBR RESPECTFULLY calls the attention of his friends as well as the public in general te his Superior Stock of Old "Whiskies ; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gughenheimer, Hannissville, Overhqlt and Gaft's Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, which he has recently bought from first hands for Cash, and will sell from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Perm Square. UMh'T JtKA WJNUS. 25th Popular Monthly Drawing COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At M'icauley's Theatre, In the Cityel Louis ville, en SATURDAY, OCT. 30th, 1880. THESE DRAWINGS, AUTHORIZED IIY THE LEGISLATURE OF 1S78 AND SUS TAINED IIY THE COURTS OF KENTUCKY, occur regularly en the LAST WAY OF EVERY MONTH, Sundays and Fridavs excepted, Ter the period of FIVE YEARS. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Wlslrilmtiun Company Is legal. 2d Its drawings are fiiir.. N. R. This Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Read tliO list of prizes for the OCTORER DRAWING. ' lrl0 aa - s s c . aMlfULU 1 prize.. . 10,010 . 5.000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10.010 10 prizes $1,000 each 20 prizes 500 each 100 prizes. $100 each 200 prizes 50 each .000 prizes 20 each 1000 prizes lOeach 9 prizes :ine each, approximation prizes' 9 prizes 200 each, " " 9 prizes 100 each, " " 12,0U lo.eeo 2,700 1,800 tiue l,'.if0 prizes $112,400 Whole ticket.. $2; hall tickets. $1; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets, $1M). Remit by Meney iul.cltcr, bv Rank Draft or Express te It. ill. JtOAItD.IIA'N, Courier-Journal Riiilding, Louisville, Ity., or :V7 and 309 Rreailwav. New Yerk. iu3lTuTlutS&w CHINA AS1 OLASSUAlti;. T AMPS! LAMPS! AT CHINA HALL. BRASS NIGHT LAMPS, GLASS HAND ana STAND LAMPS, FANCY PARLOll LAMPS, NICKEL PLATED SAFETY LAMPS NICKEL PLATED LIBRARY LAMPS, I XX1UIV.Ij 1-IjAIe.U IIAIjIj LiAMI'S. NEW STYLE PARLOR LAMPS, At prices te suit everybody, at HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. J5 EAST KING STREET. TINWARE, .EC- OTOVES. STOVES. Rrick'Sctand Portable HEATERS and RANGES Sheilzer, Humph re ville&KielTer's JEWELRY, Ce. CORNER. Watches, Columbus Watches, CASH PRICES. Beautiful wedding gifts in Silverware, and French Clocks. Spectacles, EDW. J. ZAHM. greatest variety of READY MADE CHILDREN, all our own manufacture. Thes' are a'l sponged before they are made up in gar- KUtlfEX Alflt ItlVKK. CVRE. Warner's Me Htoy ter CURE. $1.25 PER iBOTTLE. A Positive Remedy for ALT Kid ney, Liver and Urina ry Troubles of both Male and Female, BEAD THEREOORD: "It saved my life." E. B. Lai:ely, Stlma, Ala "It is the remedy that will curt) the many diseases peculiar te women." Mothr' Maga zine. "It has passed severe testa and wen endorse ments from some of the highest medlcaj talent in me country." New Yerk World, "Ne remedy heretofore discovered can be held for one moment in comparison with it." C. A. Jlarvcy, D. J)., Washington, V. C. This Great Natnral Remedy la for Sale by Druggists in all Paris of the Werld. TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHEB. H. H. WABNER & CO., KOCHKSTKR, N. Y. augn-Tu.TIi&Sd&w JtURNITURE. HBINITSH, FINE FURNITURE Ajn Cabinet Manufacturer. All in want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk would de well te call and examine specimens et our work. OFFICE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. HEINITSH, 15 East King Street. TRY LOCHER'S SYR-?P. RENOWNED COUGH TM X FEZEXS' O VIDE LANCASTER AND MILLK1MVJIO.E K. K Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancatscr (P. "R. Depot), at 7. 9. an.l 118 a. nu, and 2, , and aaupaTranpt SatHruay. whenthe last cap leavcsat ft30 p. m. STe Mmerevllle (lower end) at 5, 8, ami a. M and 1,3, 3 and 7 p.m. ' Can run dally en above tltne except en Sun day. COLUMBIA ASD FORT DEPOSIT R. R "O Trains new ran regularly en the Columbia and Fert Deposit Railroad en the foUewlna tune: " TATIOS8 KOBTH ' WABn. Express. Express." Acceia A.M. r.3t. r.K. Pert Deposit.. Pcachbottem Safe Harber.... Columbia... 63 7:12 80 30 4:24 5:06 53 20 MS 6:30 St atieks Seuth- Express. Express.- Accem- WAKB. A.X. T.X. I A.M. Columbia. RM3 &20 We" Safe Harber- lira 6:19 Ar9Jt p" if- P. v. 169:40 Pcachbottem 107 7:3!! 1L07 r.v. Pert Deposit 12:15 8:05 12:25 R EAD1XG & COLUMBIA It. K. ARRANGEMENT OV PASSENGER TRAINS. MAY lOru, IS). NORTHWARD. LEAVE. Quarryville Lancaster, King St... Lancaster Columbia. ARRIVE. Reading A.M. VrJO 930 SOUTHWARD. LEAVE. Reading ARRIVE. Columbia Lancaster. A.M. P.M. P.M. C: .... S3 7:55 .... 3:) 8:05 1:00 3:50 7:53 1:05 3:10 10:05 3:20 5.50 P.M. 5:20 520 Lancaster. King St euarryviiic Trains connect at Heading witn trains te ami from Philadelphia, Petuville, Harrisburg. AI AI lentewn and .New Yerk, via Round Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Haneer, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Supt, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY AUGUST 23d, 13S0, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the line.istur and Philadelphia depots as lollews: Eastward. Leave Arrive Philad'a Lanc'ter Philadelphia Express fust Line. Yerk Accem. Arrives;... Harrisburg Express 4:15 a.m 7:10 " lO-.W" l2:6ip.M. 3:15"" 5:00 5:30 " i;:45 ' 9S0 " Dillerville Accem. Arrives' Columbia Accommodation. Frederick Accem. Arrives, l'acinc Express, Sunday Mail, , Johnstown Express, Day Express , Harrisburg Aceomiuetlat'n, Westward. A.M. A.M. r.X. 7:30 11:55 C:10 P.M. IhtO 2:05 8:20 !h33 2:05 8:10 9:15 .... 8 10-J0 .... 9ri3 2:10 a.m. 5:20 " 8.0J " 8:u5 " 8:45 " 9:111 " 12:55 " 10 P.M. 2:00 " 3:iO " 4:4- " CSJ5 " Leave Arrive 'Philad'a Lane'ler ISSJOa.m. 5:f0..M. 7:30 " he 10 " 10:15 " 9:00 '- 11:05 " 8:00 ' 10:50 " 11S0 " 2:10 p.m. 2:15 ' '.'.'.'. '50 " 2i!t"p.M. 5: " 4:00 " 7rA" " 5:30 " 7-W " firi5 " 8:50 " 9:10 " 11.30 " 115 " 2.40 A.K Way Passenger, Mail Tniin Ne. l,v iu M t..l ey. Mail Train Ne. 2,via Cel'bia, Niagara t Chicago Express Sunday Mail, x ast Line, .... Frederick Accommedatinn, Dillerville Lecal.via Mt. Jey Harrisburg Accommodate, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, when flag getl, will step at Middletown, Elizabethtown Mt, Jey, Landlsville, Rinl-in-Haiid, Leman Place, Gap, Christiana, Pnrkesburg, Ceatca ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step atDowningtewn.Coatesville. Purkes bnrg, Mt. Jey, Elizabethtown and Middletown. Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:05 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster,s-with Fast Line, wet, at 2:10 p. M., and will run through te Frederick. COAL. B. B. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all klmls of LUMRER AND COAL. 4Sr-Yard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen, Lancaster. n3-yd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal et tne Itcst Quality put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. S- YARD ISO SOUTH TVATKK ST. ne-iMyd PHILIP SCIIUM.SON A CO. cr ,I.t COAL! COAL!!! We have constantly en hand all the licst grades of COAL that tire in market, which we are selling as low as any yard in the city. Call and get '"ir prices before buying else where. M. 27-lyd F. STEIGERWALT & SON, 234 NORTH WATER STREET. C0H0 & WILEY, ,1.7 NOKTH WATER ST., Lancaster, I'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Rranch Olllcc : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. feli2S-lyd nilTO REILLY & KELLER FOR GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, and all ether kinds of Ceal. Quality and quantity guaranteed. Manure by the car lead at Philadelphia stock yard prices. Yard, Harrisburg Pike. j Olliec, 20 Exst Chestnut street. augl7-tfd T UMMKK AND COAL KT TELEPHONE J The undersigned are new prepared le re ceive orders for Ceal, Lumber, Sash, Deers, Blinds, &c, by Telephone. Slop in at the Exchange and de your own ordering free of charge. G. SENER SONS. S. E Cor. Prince aud Walnut Slreet. J19-tfdSJ CAKVETS. TVARGAINS FOIt EVEKYItODV. BARE CHAN(!E IN CARPETS, Positive sale te Reduce Stock et 6,000 Yams Brussels Carpets, AT AND RELOW COST. Call and satisfy yeurseir. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carrxs In almost enilless variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET ffAT.T.J 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. m USICAL INSTR VMEXTS. THE Lancaster Oti? WitllOUt a llnilllt. fnrnl.li Miry '. ICIWCT TV. tu areroems 339 STRUMENTSin the Market. Nerlli n..e,. ;,;; ,-:r:.7":l,. iue rear. Rranch Offlcc, 15i East King Street. Alex. McKilJips, Proprietor. Alse Agent ter Lancaster County for CHICKEKING ft SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins. Banjos, Band Instrn. ments, Ac.always en hand. t!3-lydS&lyw ATTORNEXS-AT-LA W HENRY A.RILKT Attorney and Counscller-at-Law a rark Rew, New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United States, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by partnlssinn te Steinman ft Hesse :0D 0 EAST KING STREET.