j -z . :-. . vtj. - "w. pwmhbbhh I LAKCASTEEiDAILY LNTELLIGENCEKISATUEDAY OCTOBER 16, 1880 COLUMBIA NEWS. OUR KEGCLAK CORRESPONDENCE The Democratic jubilee at May town this evening will be participated in by Captain BertSladc's (helmet) cenTpany "A" of the Hancock and English battalion, who, te the number of fifty or mere, will leave here at about six o'clock. Besides the marching club there will be ether Colum bia Democrats who will go te view the precession and listen te the speaking. J. J. Given, esn.. who represents Balti mere county in the 3Iaryland state Senate, is visiting in Columbia, the guest efW. B. Given, esq. An interesting session of the teachers institute was held this morning in the high school room of the school building at Fifth and Locust streets. Mere anon. Dr. W. S. Leaman, dentist, of Dayton, Ohie, is visiting his parents in this place. W. If. Hcrr, a staunch Hancock man, who for several months past has been traveling through the Western states and who has occasionally contributed political information te the Columbia Herald, is ex pected home this evening. "The Christian's duty in relation te the ballet-box " is the subject te be discoursed at the Reformed church, Third and Cherry .streets, te morrow evening by the pastor, ltcv. C. S. Gerhard. The Vigilant and Shawnee fire compa nies leave here for Hagcrstewn, Md., en next Wednesday morning, Oct. 20. en a special train at 7 o'clock. The Vigilant company will be accompanied by the Meuntvillc band, twenty pieces, and the Shawnee company will also have music with them, the IrenviIIc uauu we are in formed. The Vigilant company and their friends who may intend te accompany them are requested te call ea Secretory Geerge W. Schrecder and secure their tickets. Miss Frank Kiendcr, who has been the guest of Miss Mattie Given for the past week, left here yesterday for her home at Ilaverstraw, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Fundi ich returned yesterday from witnessing the scsqui ccntcnnial celcbiien of the city of Balti more. Geerge C. liuhlemau, of Perth Ambey N. J., is visiting Us home in Columbia. The Republican helmet company par ticipated in last evening's parade at Wrightsvillc. Jehn Killiau died yesterday from injuries .sustained near the Cerdelia furnace by being squeezed betw ecu ero cars. The Republican battalion will this even ing go by special train te Silver Springs. The Hancock and English battalion will parade in town en Tuesday evening next. Every effort will be made te secure a large turnout. The Pennsylvania railroad company arc just about finishing their improvements at the depot. The new steps were put in place te-day. There arc a couple of stories en the firing of a revolver en the night of the Republi can parade. One story has it that a shot was lired by a wliile man in the parade and the ether that a colored looker-en standing en Second street near the Lutheran church lired the shot. Beth reports agree however, that the shot was lived in the air. It is new reported that two companies of the Democratic battalion of fifty men each will g e Maytown this evening. Tllti DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN. Twe Meeting:; :uul a Par.Kle in LniicaMer Next Week. If anybody wants te knew what the Lancaster Democracy arc going te de about it they may be assured that they propose te ''fight it out en this line'" un til November 2. On Monday evening the local campaign will be begun in earnest. Te-night the nomination for the Legislature occurs and en next Monday evening Hen. Lewis C. Cassidy, of Philadelphia, will speak in the court house. On Wednesday evening, unless further change is announced, the Democratic clubs of the city will have a parade. On Friday evening of next week, Hen. Edgar K. Apgar, of New Yerk, Ezra D. Parker, of Miillin, and Charles A. Lagen, of Philadelphia, will speak in the court house. Republican Fizzle at ISrickervillc. Wc made mention en Monday of the fact that Republican orators were in demand in Elizabeth township. It had the de sired effect. A couple of speutcrs were engaged, and en Wednesday night a high toned fizzle was held in Brickcrvillc. Mr. Celin Cameren presided, Meagre delegations were present from L'.titzand Ephrata, and the Lititz band was en hand te drown the "Hurrahs ftr Hancock " which were continually being uttered. ItniS Fishing. Pay before yesterday Judge Livingston, Sheriff and Deputy Strinc, Assemblyman Dcmutli, Deputy Collector Kberman, Dr. II. F. Ebtrman and cx-Aldcrman Helli tig er went fishing for bass at Kite's Eddy in the Susquehanna. They reached the fishing ground in the evening, but did net get te work till yesterday morning. During the day they took 202 line bass, had a pleasant time and returned te Lancaster last even ing. Injured by a. Fall. Jehn Bell, residing en Seuth Duke street, while drunk last night, fell en the Belgian block pavement in front of Bair Sr Sheik's bank, in Centre Square, lie injured him self se badly that lie had te be taken home en a settee. It was reported this morning that he had been struck by Bernard Brecht, but that was untrue. Brecht was the first man te run te his assistance after he fell and he assisted several ethers tak- ing him home. The ElDubctlitewn Fair. The ladies' fair for the benefit of St. Peters' church, Eli.abcthtewn, which 1ms been in progress for two weeks past, closes this evening. It has been well attended and will net a considerable sum for the benefit of the church. A number of articles were chanced off and voted for. Atneug the latter was a beautiful set of F.ucnce china ware, which was voted te Mrs. Henry Schner of this icly. A geld watch will be voted off this evening. Thieves About. ; Last night thieves broke into the cellar of J. H. Shreincr, en the Petersburg pike, about three miles fiem town, and stoic a large quantity of previsions, consisting of butter, dr cd beef, etc. The proprietor of the American Hetel Bar, Teledo, says of Prer. Guilinette's French Kid ney Pad : ' I would net take $50 if 1 could net get another, for it cured mc et kidney derange ment of several years standing." Dentist spare that teeth. Touch net the precious pit ; It served mc icll in youth, I'll net part with it yet, Though new it throbs with pain. It will subside, I'm sure, With a single application of Magnetic Toothache Cure. Fer sale at Black's drug store, 21 Chestnut street. ltd Linoleum A G.eat Discovery. Fer the benefit of these who have net al ready seen the Linoleum floercloth, we would say that it is made under a patent process, of ground cork combined with solidified ei;, pressed en te canvass by means et powerful rollers, forming an exceedingly durable sur face, en which is imprinted handsome patterns in varied styles. It is suitable ler private dwel lings, public buildings, stores, etc., and ehl by all carpel dealers. The only genuine article has the word " Linoleum" printed en the back of every square yard. elO-ltd First-class barbers use the Cuticura Medici nal Shaving Seap exclusively. Wedding Presents. It Is every day becoming mere and mere the custom te go te Bailey, Banks Kiddie's ter suitable articles for wedding presents. The variety Is se great andtne stock se large that nobody need have any difficulty in cheesing the riaht thing or in finding it at the right i price In silverware there Is everything from single articles tox:aeoraie prescniauen neis. The stock of jewelry comprises all the new and lashlablc designs and the Imported porce lains and fancy goods are the most elegant that can be made. Twelfth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. Any disease et the Uidncye.Bladder, Urinary Organs, Nervous System, or case et Lame Back, tliat cannot be cured by Day's Kidney Tad, cannot be cured by any ether treatment or remedy in existence, eil-lwd MWtF&v Catch u Tartar and when caught scrub well with SOZODONT Don't spare it. Brush for dear life. If you destroy it, all the better for you and your teeth. It will destroy the health or the mouth, its beauly, and your sweet breath. oll-lwdced&w The invalid's hope and strength beyond all ether remedied is Malt Bitters. POUT IV Al. DUELETIX. or Assembly. KUM :. SNYDER, of the Ninth ward, wil be it candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub feet te Democratic rules. td POLITICAL MEETINGS. IZstncncic Veterans Companies A and IS, of Hancock Veterans, will meet at Central headquarters Saturday evening, at V. o'clock, fully equipped, te lc- ec! vc ling from the ladies of tlie Ninth -ward. Strasburg. Sat ii ii lay evening, October 1. Cee. V. Barten B. F. Davis. V. II. Beland, .Jehn A. Ceylc. Midway. Tuesday evening, October 10. Speakers. I!. F. DavK .!. L. Sleinmets, 1. McMiillcn, W. II. Beland, V.. V. Heusel Lancaster, Monday evening, October IS. Speaker: lien. Lewis C. Cassidy, of Philadelphia. Lancaster. Friday evening, October 22. Speakers: Hen. E. K. Apgar, Chat. A. Lagen, esq., of Philadel phia, and ethers. SPECIAL NOTICES. SAMPLE NOTIUIL It is impossible ler a woman alter a I'altlilul course of treatment with Lydia K. Finkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 23$ Western liven iii. Lvnn, Maes., for pamphlets. jy2!Mydced.tw Te regulate the liver, stomach, and bowels, n.e only "Sellers' Liver Tills." Take no ether. 23 cents a bes. All druggists sell them. "Te Be, or Net Te lie." "Te lie, or net te be" that Is the question, whether te suffer lrem a diseased system and continuous impurities of our bleed, or te take Spring Blessem and become a welcome anil ie-pcetuble member of society. Prices: 50c, trial bottles V)c Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggNt, 1ST and l.,!i Xertli Queen street. Lan caster. Pa. 2 Ladles' Wine Speed's Pert. Pure four years' old will net intoxicate, lint possessing all the valuable medicinal properties or the Oporto grape, from which it made. Used in hospitals nnd by first class physicians as the best known wine ler medical purposes. It is a tonic and astringent. It is net mixed with alcohol or ether liquors, but a mild, rich and pleasant tenle, improving the appetite and prometingdlgt'stion ; as a durctie it acts beneficially en the kidneys and corres ponding organs; as a suderific, it acts upon the skin, destroying eruptions and producing a soft, healthy and blooming complexion. Therefore, it is extensively and beneficially iimmI by ladies, and is in general fjinily use as a sure remedy for dysentery, and for all nervous, weak and debilitated persons. Sold by druggists and by A. Spcer, at his own via yards, New Jersey. Atlrcriisrr. This wine is endorsed by lis. Alice and P.ivN, and held by II. E. Slaymaker. elO-iud&w Impi'iu: Bi.oen, General Debility. Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples. Carbuncle, t'nhcaling Seres, and oilier diseases demanding a treat ment c.vcnliallyTer.lc, Absubcnt, Alterative, I'.loed Cleansing, Bleed Makingand Health Re storing, yield readily te that most perfect and elegant of medicinal preparations, Dr. Brown ing's Tonic and Alterative. Price ."0 cents and $1. Fer sale by the proprietor, W. Champien Browning, M." D., 1117 Arch xlrccl, Philadel phia, and all Druggists and Dealers in Medi cine. el4-lwdTu,TluVS Their Bights and Duties by Law. 1 have suffered from a kidney diflleiilty for the past ten years", accompanied with nervous snasnis. Physicians gave me but temporary relief, but alter using three and one-half bot tles of Warner's Sate Kidney and Liver Cure, mv nervous spasms vrarccntirrl relieved. My age is,77 years. 1 recommend this great rem. cdy te'alfsuffering from nervous troubles. MBS. MARY UK ESK. 1-Aistun, I'll. 4 " Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher," bypurifj ing the system, f-ettens the skin and beautifies the complexion. Eve. When Eve upon the first of men, the apple pressed with specious cant. Oh what a thousand pities then, that Adam was net Adamant, But though bv his fiilse step, we were deemed, te life et endless toil, One certain comfort we can get, te cure Rheu matics Keleelrie Oil. Kersalebv H. 15. Cochran, druggist, Xes. 137 nnd i:s North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 3 Cough. "V.Veini's llrenchial Trccltcs"1 arc used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Allectiens. Fer thirty years these Troches have been In use, with annually increasing favor. They are net new nnd untried, bnt, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the fewsiaplereinediesef the age. The Threat. "llrmviCs Jirenchiul Trcehes" aet directly en the organs erthe voice. They have an ex traordinary effect in all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re liixcd, either from ceid or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a clcarand distinct enunci ation. Speakers tnd Sinners i'xml the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, as negiect often times results in some incurable Lung Disease. ' Hrewn's Jirenchiul Troches" will almost in variably give relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many et which are injurious. Tin: genu ine "JreienV JSreneliial Troches" are sold only in Imxes. anl.Vlyd&wTu.Th&S A AV:se Deacon. ' Deacon Wilder, I wantyeu te tell me hew you kept yourself and family se well the past season, when all the rest, of us have been sick se much, and have had the doctor., running te us se long." ' Bre. Tayler, the answer is very easy. I used Hep Bitters in time and kept my family well and saved large doctor bills. Three dol lars' worth et it kept ns all well and able te work all tl-.e lime, and I will warrant it has cost you and most of the neighbors one te two hundred dollars apiece te keep sick the same time. I guess you'll take my medicine here after." See ether column. el.li-2wd&w DEATHS. Sattlkii. In this city en the leth inst., C. Sattler. The relatives nnd friends of the lam lly arc respectfully invited te attend the luncral from his late residence. Ne. 110 North Queen street, en Sin ray afternoon at 2K o'clock. Inter ment at the Lancaster cemetery. 2td XE IF A D J'EB TISE3IEXTS. OAUKR KKAUT LUNCH THIS EVENING J at the Washington Heuse, .erth Queen street, ltd Wackcr's celebrated beer lresh en tap. UAPT. J. A. SCHUU "VJ-OTICK -TO BUYKBS. - OUR NEW REAL ESTATE CATALOGUE Fer OCTOBER, is new ready for FREE DISTRIBUTION. Examine it before buying a home. BERR & STAUlrFEK, el(:-3tdS,T&WR 3 North Duke Street. SILK VELVETS. SILK In Black and Celers. We are offering splendid value in these goods. Cleth Suitings in all the New Shades, an immense stock, all new. Ladies' and Children's Hosiery in fine assortment. LADIES! AND CHILDREN'S underwear, Elegant Assortment, in all sizes. Infant's elegant assortment in all the latest styles. GrIVLEE, BO WEES & HTJKST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ATOUNG MAN OF GOOD ABILITIES wishes te study under some Reed lawyer. Address M. S. MOORE, ltd Scheck's Mills. Lancaster county, Fa. "1i:ANl SAUfc.lt KUAVT LUVH THIS vjr (Saturday) evening at Michael Snyder's aaloen. en Maner street. Lunch every Satur day night. It G BOUND HOG AND 8AUEK KUAVT Lunch this evening at the Maner Hetel, West Kin:; street. Milwaukee Beer en tap. It WM. KLHM, Prep. DAUEE KRAUT LUNC Id THIS SATURDAY O evening at Henry Nclmer's Saleen corner Orange and Waterssrects. Best of beer en tap ltd HENRY NElMER. 1)i:tkkcline,vktkbinartsurgeen. All diseases of horses and cattle promptly attended te. Ollice at CLINK'S BILLIARD HALL, Nes. 57 and 59 North Queen street. Alse Clitic's Heet" Ointment inr sale. ltd DEMOCRATIC MEETING Hen. Lewis C. Cassidy, OP PHILADELPHIA, Will speak m the Court Heuse in this City MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 18. Democratic City Campaign Committee. public salk of valuable real estate. en Wednesday, October 20th, 1SS0, will be sold at public sale at the pub lic house of A. I). Gyger, known as the Green Tree hotel, en the Lancaster nnd Beaver Val ley turnpike, near the terminus et said read, the lollewing valuable farm te wit : A tract eflnnd situate In Providence town tewn shsp, Lancaster county. Pa., about xt miles from Green Tree Hetel, and 2 miles lrem New Providence, en the read leading from Green Tree Hetel te Buck and Sevr Providence, known as the Winters Farm, containing 102 ACRES and 40 PERCHES of geed land in a high state of cultivation, en which are erected a two-story STONE DWELLING HOUSE, with a one-story Back Building attached, a large Frame Bank Barn, Wagen Shed, Cern Cribs, Tobacco Heuse, Heg Pen and ether necessary outbuildings. Twe wells of geed water, with pumps therein, one-convenient te the house and the ether con venient te the barn. There are also several never-failing springs en Hie place. The fields arc conveniently laid out. and under geed fences, most of which have been made during the last three years. A stream of water runs through the farm, te which the cattle in n number or fields have access. The land has been limed during the last lew years and also well-maurred, u large amount of manure having been brought from Lancaster and put en the farm. About ten acres of this land has just been thoroughly ditched and drained, which will make excellent meadows. The farm is located in a geed neighborhood, convenient te churches, schools, mlllsnud stores, and is only threc-fourthsef a mile from the Lancaster ami Quarryvillc Railroad. A thriving orchard of voting fruit, trees is en the farm. About 20 ACRES of this furm is well set with chestnut and ether timber. The farm has been greatly improved throughout during the last three years, and a portion of the land is well adapted te the cultivation of tobacco, and lias grown us line crops or tobacceas any raised in l'revi- dencc township during the last lew years. The above property adjoins lands of Jehn Gcrltart, Edwin Asten, Albert Smith of Jehn Buch. Persons wishing te view the property cande se by calling en Frederick Bewers, residing thereon, or en the undersigned, residing at Lancaster, in person or by letter. Sale te commence all o'clock P. M. en said day, when conditions of sale will be made known en day et sale by . SHRODER. S. iikss v sex, AllCtV ect 10-3td Perfection iu the quality of Dia monds cannot be attained except by these who have had a lone ex perience in selecting and dealing in the finest stones. This oxperience Bailey, Banks & Biddle have had for nearly half a century. The Diamonds selected for the present season's business have been chosen with great care and are un questionably the whitest and the most brilliant te be had. They range in size from the small est te the largest, affording every purchaser an opportunity of being suited both as te size and as te price. The prices will be found lower than thes9 of any ether Diamond Dealers. , BAILEY, BASKS & BULB, IEWELERS, SILVERSMITHS, IMPORTERS, 12T1I AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. icp20-3mdM,WAF COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kind of COAL go te RUSSEL. & SHTJLMYER'S. Quality anil Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 22 East King Street. YARD: G18 North Prince Street. augl4-taprlSR Mr GOODS. ALL SHADES IN PLAIN AND BROCADE. Saxony Weel Shirts, Hand-Knit, with high We invite examination. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. if Fall Cloaks and Dress (feeds ! WATT, SHAND & COMPANY have received a large Invoice of CLOAKS AND irgc Invoice or CLOAKS AND DRESS tentien. New Fall Shades in all Weel Cashmeres, Morale Cleths, Shooda Cleths and Flannel Suit ings. Just opened an Elegant Line of French and English Plaids and Novelties for combi nation suits. Special Value in Black Cashmeres, Black and Colored Silks, Black and Colored Velvets, Trimming Silks, Brocaded Silks and Velvets. niack and Colored Satins In Great Variety, at the NEW YORK STORE. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C, In the city, is te lie seen at the Works et NORBEOK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. 49-COX & CO.'S The Stock includes all the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, uch as the Brewster, Whitney, Salidec Triple, Empire JCress Spring, Dexter Queen, Duplex ml Elliptic, and they will also make te order any style a purchaser may desire. Kepairing fall kinds promptly attended te. All work guaranteed for one year. " OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD." XEn ADVERTISEMENTS. SACKll KKAUT LCNCI1 THIS EVENING at the Fulton Opera Heuse Saleen. JOHN SPANGLEK, ltd Proprietor. SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES IJeceive most careful attention. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES SUBMITTED WITHOUT CHAKUE. B. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. STYLES ! New Styles of CARPETS. New Styles of WALL PAPER. New Styles of DECORATIONS. New Styles of OIL CLOTHS, New Styles of WINDOW SHADES. New Styles of QUEENSWARE. New Styles of DECORATED WARE. New Styles of FINE LAMPS. New Styles of GLASSWARE. New Styles of CORNICES. New Styles of CURTAIN POLES. An Elegant Stock in all Department. J. B. MARTIN 4 CO, Cemer West King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER, PA. r AS FITTING AND PLUMBING. JOHN P. SOHAUM, Ne. 27 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. A Large Assortment el GAS FIXTURES Constantly en hand. jyiO-CmdeawS VELVETS. Skirts and Shawls, neck and leu sleeves, Dress Buttens, an DOLMANS at prices that m GOODS. DOLMANS at prices that must commend at OLD STAND.- AJEir ADVERTISEMENTS. SAUKIt KKAUT LUNCH. SAUK1C KKAUT Lunch thli (SATURDAY) evening, OCT. 10. 18S0. at the Gelden Herse Hetel. Ne. 144 East King street. Dcrgncr t Engle's ISrewingCe.'s Lager en tap. A generous public is respect fully invited. t'B. WOEHIILK. ltd ATOTICE T LANCASTER M.IN.NEIt- ll CHOU. Thc members of the Lancaster Mamnercher are requested te meet, at their hall en Sunday afternoon, at !. o'clock, for the purpose of attending the inneral el our late charter member Charles Sattlcr. J5y order et the President. 1 td CII A S. PETE itS, Sec'y. NOTICE. The members of Mctamera Tribe Ne. 2, I. O K. JL, arc requested te meet at their Wig wam, Fulton Opera Heuse, en Sunday after noon, tit y o'clock sharp.fer the purpose et at tending Hie ltincr.il of our late brother, Charles Sattlcr.Tlic members of E-sha-ke-ncc, Kcd Jacket Can-as sa-Ie-go Tribes and St. Tammany Degree Council nrc respectfully in vited te attend. By order et Sachem. CHRISTIAN HALLEK. Attest L J. M. KuarPF, C. el It. fltil PUBLIC SALK OF CANADA MORSES. On MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1880. will be sold at public sale at J. 1), Denlingcr's Merri mac Heuse, 115 North Prince street, Lancaster city. Pa., the following Live Stock : IB head of HEAVY DBAVT and DRIVING HORSES, from 4 teCyeais old. Must all be as repre senale by tnc undersigned or no sale. A credit of sixty days will bu given. Sale te commence nt 1 o'clock p. in., en said day, when attendance wiU be given by GEORGE GROSSMAN. S. Hess & Sex, Auct. ectl.i&lrt PUBLIC SALE. On MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1S80, at the popular restaurant In the P. R. R. Depot, a large variety et Restaurant Fixtures, consist ing of Tables. Chairs. Screens. Mirrors. Pic tures, Cleck, Steves and Heater, Cupboards, Refrigerator, one Splendid Geng, Tin, Glass and Qnccnsware, Knives and Ferks. Bettlctl Catsup, and many articles net named. Sale te commence nt 0 o'clock a. m. OWEN HOPPLE, 11. SilFltERT. Anct. eU-"l(IR PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE SUB URBAN PROPERTY. On TUESDAY', NOVEMBER 9, at the Cooper Heuse, will be sold the Beautiful Suburban Property of the undersigned, containing 5J4 ACRES, situated en the Columbia pike, one-quarter of a mile west of Lancaster, Pa., bordering en and near te the country places respectively of Dr. J. W. Nevin. of the Messrs. linger, et Nath. Ell maker, esq., and contiguous te Wheatland, homcef t he late cx-Prcsidcnt James Buchanan. Possessing the ndvantage of this neighbor hood te these elegant homes of the West End ; and itself improved by its capacious mansion and suitable outbuildings sheltered by orna mental trees, shrubs and climbing vines, and surrounded by lawns laid out in paths and carriage reads; communicating with the city by means et the pike and gas-lit pavements and the live minutes walk te City Passenger Rail way; with its frontage of ST'J feet en aline of front with city properties nearby; this prop erty while offering tne double advantages of country and city surroundings, atlerds a lovely heflic with a growing value'. The place contains above '."Ot ornament ill and fruit trees. Of the latter there are varieties et apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, &c, in fruit-bearing state, and se likewise nrc the ditlcrcnt varieties et grapes, currants, rasp berries, &c. The mansion of brick, with slate reef, having a southern exposure, containing 20 rooms and halls, with their complement of closets, and basements with cemented floors, plastered wall and ceilings, well light ed and thoroughly ventilated, is a double two storied Heuse with well llnislicd uttic rooms. Its living rooms and bed chambers newly painted and papered, open out en beautiful verandahs and piazzas with appliances for conservatories. The principal hall is entered from a portico that is approached from the front through nn avenue of tall evergreen trees. Among the modern improvements Is a bath room supplied with rain wnter caught from reef in a boiler iron tank of Best's manu facture, newly constructed ; also a large size Reynolds' improved tnrnacc that heats entire building. Of its outbuildings there is a newly built tobacco shed, a shed for wagons, Ac. Stablimjroem forScews, 2horsesandfer pigs, nnd a roomy carriage house. Immediately in the rear of residence is a two-storied brick slate covered building, adapted ter summer kitchen, and having upper room for servant. There are two wells of excellent water, one especially distinguished for its supply that has never shown signs of diminution during the longest droughts. Persons desirous of inspecting the premises may call, when a full opportunity for doing se will treely be granted. Sale te commence promptly at" o'clock p. m. en said day, when terms nnd conditions will be made known by J. II. P.. WAGNER, IIeskt SitCBEitr, Auct. ltd WANTED. ITrAMTED. EVERYBODY TO ADVE1C YT tlse, free of charge, in the Iirraxiara CKt, who wants something te de. WANTK1J-A MIDDLE AOED MAN wants a situation at Coepcrlng.in a store, warehouse, or anything at which he can make himself useful. Apply at ltd 54 East Vine street. WANTED A COMPETENT YOUNG GIRL te de general housework. Apply at once te F. WEBER, Hd tan East King street. THIBD EDITION. SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. 18, 1880. BY WIRE Al CM BOTH SIDES OF THE BRINE. A BOARDER'S STRANGE FREAK. STORMS IN THE NORTHWEST. TURKEY'S TROUBLES. BERNHARDT BOUND FOR AMERICA. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING. A HOT TEMPERED BOARDKR. He Sheets the Hall Bey Who Brings flint a Itait llreakEast. Albany, K Y., Oct. 16. A ball boy at tbe American betel, named Burt, was sbet tins morning and is net expected te live. He says be was sbet by ene Jebn Lyens, of New Yerk, wbe complained of tbe break fast tbe boy brought te bis room. Mrs. Lyens says the boy was handling a pistol belonging te her husband and shot himself. Lyens ran away and the police arc looking for him. TURKEY. Murder of an Austrian Dragoman. Constantinople, Oct.16. An Austrian dragoman has been assassinated at Prcsi end, Albania. Baren Celicc, the Austrian ambassador hcrr,has consequently declared that be will bold the Perte responsible for the safety of the Austrian ceusulatth.it place. Dulcigne's Approaching surrender. Cettixje, Oct. 10. The commanders of the international squadron have been requested te delegate an officer en behalf of each power te be present at the surren der of Dttlcigne. FATALLY HURT. Accident at tne New Public Uuildings In Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Oct. 15. About eleven o'clock this morning a heavy wire cable used in heisting stone te the upper stories of the new city hall, Bread and Market streets, and attached te the steam wind lass stranded, and the heavy lead of marble fell te the ground. The engineer, Geerge Lcc, was iu the car en the elevated rails at the time, and he was se badly injured that he will die. One le was cut off and the ether was se riously lacerated. The accident caused great excitement and large crowds gathcr cred about the structure. ISank Rebber Captured. New Yerk, Oct. 10. Geerge Linn was brought before Justice Patterson te-day by Detective Pinker ten, charged with al leged complicity in a bank burglary at Middlctewn, Conn, lie was removed te await a requisition from the governor of the state, having refused te return. He manifested the greatest reluctance te going te Connecticut, and struggled desperately te get away from the detective en the street. Huyes In Asteria. San Fkancisce, Oct. 15. A dispatch from Asteria says the Hayes party left Ealama en the steamer Wide West early this morning and reached Asteria in the foicueon. Several hundred people greeted Mr. Hayes en his arrival, and the party were driven te Uie Occident hotel. An address of welcome was made and was fel lowed by speeches from the visiting party. In the evening they were entertained at a dinner. BKISNUAItDT. The Famous French Actrees Sails for the United States. Havre, Oct. 1C Mile. Bernhardt and her company sailed for New Yerk from this pert this morning. Mile. Bernhardt, her son, a lady companion, three attendants, Mr. Henry .Tarrctt, M. Angele and Mile. Marie Colembicr sailed by the Ameriquc. The steamship Wielan which left almost simultaneously brings the company. Mile. Jeanne Bernhardt is te sail en Saturday next. VIOLENT WINDS. The Northwest Mwcpt by a Hurricane. Chicago, Oct. 10. A wind storm ap preaching a hurricane is prevailing all ever the Northwest. This morning the telegraph company report their wires down in every direction. Telegraphic com munication with the Pacific coast has been interrupted for nearly a week. Mermen Missionaries. St. Leuis, Oct. 1G. Seventeen elders ar rived here yesterday from Utah aud left for Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Missis sippi, North Carolina aud Virginia, whither they go te make converts te the Mortneu faith and secure Mermen emigrants te Colerado. WEATIIEIS INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Oct. 10. Fer- the Middle states, threatening weather and rain, southeast te southwest winds, fall ing barometer and rising temperature, fol lowed by lower temperature and winds shifting te westerly by Sunday morning. Grant's Jewell. Hartferd, Oct. 1C Gen. Grant and party arrived here te-day. Among the many distinguished gentlemen who par ticipated in his reception was ex-Governer Jewell, whom Grant removed from his cabinet witfceut preiTcring any explana tion. The city is gay with decoration. .Monks Expelled from France. Paris, Oct. 1G. Four Italian monk s of an establishment iu the Rue Meuccaux have been ordered te quit France in 24 hours. The Carmelites were expelled to day from their establishment at Agin. The police were obliged te force the doers. Discovery of a Cave. Galveston, Texas Oct. 16 A 23-inch strata cave has been discovered en the line of the Texas Pacific railroad, west of Pale Pinte, In the canon of San Antonie. Dever, N. J., Visited by Flames. Dever, N. J., Oct. 1C. A conflagration has occurred in the business portion of Dever, by which nearly a block of stores and dwellings were consumed. The less is ever 8e0,0U0. I MARKETS. ew Xerfc Market. Nxw Yemc. Oct. 15. FleurState and West era less active and price without decided change ;Snpcrflnc, at SST5SI 15; extra de 4 33 64 5u: choice, de. ft 0)64 73: tanevde SOgGOO: round hoop Ohie aasoefSSS de & lOSt, 00 ; snperflne western t 738 I 15 : common te jroed extra de M 2584 00 ; chelee de Jj? C50 50 ; choice white wheat de H 65 $4 S3 ; Southern steady and unchanged : com lii-61 W85ar geed tocnelce Wheat heavy and prices jiie lewer: Ne. i White, Oct. $l lej.aSi i7:?e. 2Keu Vje 1 l118;deDec.niSKsn? OT'' Cern fairly active ; Mixtxi western snot. 55ii53?ic:: de future, 55?i&fic OaU scarcely se Arm ; State 40Q45c ; West- PtLlladelptila Market. FaiLAswraiA. October . 1C Fleur market "; superfine 3 0033 30; extra SJ 73 4 IS ; Ohie and Indiana family 5 50S6 25; P.en,.n 2.!mr i S : St. Loefa tamUy at JSOprfG ,3; Minnesota family $i 2386 08; StrHfgbt $tfgc 40 ; patent and high grades fC 90 tiS'et. Rye flour firmer at $3 se., Wheat quieter and lewer; Ne. 2 Western Red nt 1 16,'S ; Pa. Red at f 1 lCfi 1 17 ; Amber $1 ltg'l 17. corn steady ; steamer, nonehcre ; yellow 5SK QM ; mixed M'QSSc. Oats steady; Ne. 1, White 42c; Ne. 2 de 400 49c:; Ne. 3 le .TaJic ; Ne. 2, Mixed S838Jic. Bye firm at 95c. Previsions in Arm jobbing trade; qui perk $10 SO; beef hums $1( e0$l7 0U; In dian mess bee I at $18 SO : smoked bams lla 12a; pickled hams SK39e ; bacon smoked shoulders Ctagcc ; salt de 5Kc. Lard market lirm ; cily'jcettle at94e: Ioe-ji! butcners'SJc; prime steam J9 00. Butter sluggish, weak; Creamery extra 30c: de geed te choice 2729c: Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 23823c; Western reserve extra 2eg22e ; de geed te choice 10fl20c : Rolls quiet: Western Reserve extra 21623a : l'enn'u Kxtm 20ft22c. Eggs linn; Pcnn'a Extra 22c; Western Ex. 21c. Cheese dull, but steady; New Yerk full cream 13.ji:c ; Western lull cream 130 13!ic:de fair te geed 12gl2Kc; de half skims WivlOc. Petroleum quiet ; rcflncd Ilc. Whisky uctive at $1 12. Seeds Geed te prime clever dull at $7 00 7. .0; Timethy jobbing at $I732S'i: Flaxseed wanted. IS5 bid. Stock Market October 18. New Yerk Stocks. Stocks Irregularjbut lirm. A. M. A. St. P. M. P. M. 10:30 llri) 12r20 1:23 r.x 3:C0 Krieu. k lUi 44 Al 44; iHicui; Michl; v...t.u0, tfb , . ,, .. ....lit), j vmiaKir, .ill Iftei. .... i4 Hau. & St.. I. Cem 40 " " P'Id.... &IK Teledo & Wabash.... 30 Ohie Mississippi.... :V.i St. Leuis, I. M.S. i:.. Siii Ontario and Western. 22Ji C. C. I. C. It. R 1'j New Jersey Centra!.. 7."r? Del. & Hudsen Canal. 83!i esn 40 63K SS?HJ .a!i 52 SI 19 s-Vi 40 83J 39JJ Wi 52',i 2W SWi 85 39 33 52 23'i 19 sy. 8i& DcI..iAck.& Western 'JBVi ,1 . T.. f...., I..1I? x;k. i;ii:iii sy u. '& '- .... tern Union Tel...ltttU luajtf 10 10H6 .... lie Mall 3.S. Ce.. i::i4 i v j .... hn(nn Vhivitnil 'M'Jy' WAS liM-T lit J.I Si. 2 5' Pacific Manhattan Elevated. 3 3tVi SiHi 38 Union Pacific 91,'j, 'Jl?i 91H 9 Kansas & Texas 37 :7J5 375 37Ji NnwYerkCentr.il ISlS .... w8 Aiiams .express Illinois Central Cleveland & Pitts Chicago & Reck I Pittsburgh & Ft. W... American U. Tel. Ce. PlIlLADKLVIIIA. H gan Cent. IS. i:..iiuj wiVi 103 lei '-; -7 .... 4 " .... .... .... 11'1''M .... .... .i. .... .... 11!) .... 4 a... ...a .... aa aa.a a.a ca ea fiejf ran 17 17J Vii 17 KHj: BS-Ji 51 3SK "djft -MJU .... Sfg 29 29Vi 29 29 03 .WS .... SlJi lgj; ic ir. ir. ly& 374 17 9 V,'A 17i V ... . tmr ..a. ...a m t9 viy. .... luji 19 Stocks strong. Pennsylvania IS, It... Phll'a. & lScadiug.... Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation.. COJ. 33 Northern Paeitic Cem !j: " " P'll . S3j5 Pitts., Tltusv'e& B..." 1 Northern Cential Phll'a .t Erie R.IC... IC.Jf Northern Penn'a Un.lt. It's or N.J Hestonville Puss Central Trans. Ce. XE W AD VERTISEMEXTS. JOft KK3T. . Ail old established business stand anil dwelling known as Mrs. Jehn P. Wolf's Grocery Mund. nt. 701 North Queen street. Kent reasonable. PosMt'salen iinmediatalT. Ap ply te JOHN P. WOLF, el-2td R 214 North Mulberry Street. LOOKER'S A POSITIVE CURE F0K EPIZOO TIC AND DISTEMPER IN HORSES. PREPARED and sold by CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO. HAST KIM1 STKKKT. eltMfd POLITICAL. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION. The Democratic voters et this city arc re quested te a-wemble at their u-u:il voting places at primary elections en SATURDAY EVJ3H.W, lci. 1, 1880, FROM 0 TO 8 O'CLOL'K.iiiiiltnvntcferniu: nominee for A-.cmbly lrem said District. The withdrawal of thenamcef Mr. WM.Mc COMSEY leaves the only name te be voted upon, as reported te this committee, that of ELLM G. SNYDER. In the Eighth ward the election will be held at the saloon of Henry Reher, en Strawberry street, between .1 ami 8 p. in The Judges of the elections will meet at the Central Headquarters nt ! p. in. te tabu late the vote and declare the nominee. W. V. IIEXSEL, Chairman Campaign Committee. J se. K. Metzgsr, Sect. MIS VELLAXEO US. PAINTING. All kinds onions Pnintingnnd draining done at thn shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. Wi have ri'dnccd our prices te $i.7. per nay. biiopeu wrsc unurioiie street. eetl ::md ALIif.:i iU iUTHRIE & SONS. dz.tt ISI.WAKD. 3)JUU J!" virtue or the authority vested in nic by resolution of Councils February i, 1874, I hereby ener a reward of $.";0 for the arrest and conviction of the pen-en or persons who tired the building nt the corner of Plum xtreet anit Marlen alley en the evening of October 10, 18S0. JOHN T. MacGONIULE, ectl.T-Ild Mayer. PROPOSALS WILL IIEKECEIVEDUPTO OCTOBER 18, at 8 p. m., ler the following Ceal, for ue at Station Heuse. City Treasurer's and Mayer's Offices ; 15 tens of Hard Egg Ceal, 15 tens of Seft Egg Ceal, and 8 tens of .Medium Nut Ceal. Proposals te be directed ''City Property Committee.'' Mayer's Office. OEOROE W. ZECHEK. el5-2td Chairman Committee. -lO TO RINGWALT'S Full M0N0NGAHELA PURE RYE. Alse OAKDALE PURE RYE WHISKY, 03 per cent. Alcohol, and the Invigorating Tonic I lair Liquid, and the Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, AH at Ne. 2U3 WEST KING STJSEET. LE! ALE! ALKt LAWRENCE KNAPP'S CELEBRATED AND WELL KNOWN DRAUGHT ALE. Is new ready for consumers, wholesale and retail. Hotels, Rx3Tacraxt3 asd Piuvate Families can be supplied with this wuoicseinc - anu nourishing butferagc. All orders will receive punctual attention nnd deliverances made at aliert notice. Call or address LAWRENCE KNAPP, Ne. 13 East King Street, cct!4-lmd - Lauester, Pa, Emoeuc Cere ai ' .1 2s-siJ .t ,-':a"''"-