rsw-tHr"-;;--' "VR VM" " -12 -V-?? A, --i-r S-'V; ? t't-i ""- '5?fe 5J-"V ifTii & ij - -x -v, - - TA '3. r4 - "W J vSvn""" ;: y-v -ste- LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCJEU. SATURDAY OCTOBER 16, 1880. I V V b i,, ! Hancastec Ittiteliigencee. SATURDAY EVENING. OCT. 16, 1880. TAe District Atterneyship. In their rejoicings ever the Indiana election, and their preparations for a big county meeting, arc the Republicans of Xancaster county willing te go before the people of the country with the responsi bility of electing te the office of district attorney their present alleged candidate for that important office ? Guilty of the "worst possible breaches of his profession al fidelity, false alike te client and court, the public would have no safety in his prosecution of the commonwealth's causes, and the bench could have no con fidence in his representations te it of the condition of cases under his control. Ilis record and character bespeak for an administration by him nothing but a prostitution of justice whenever his self interest would dictate it and his safety would permit. Upen the truthfulness and integrity of the district attorney must the public depend almost entirely for the punishment of guilty offenders and the protection of the innocent, and the highest standard of professional up rightness should be the measure of a dis trict attorney's qualifications. These Themas J. Davis does net possess. He lias net had them. If he had he has lest them ; and having lest them he has never made a respectable effort te regain them. It is a fearful responsibility the Repub licans of Lancaster county take upon themselves in proposing his election. They have declined te withdraw him or depose him, and for his candidacy the party is fully responsible audio it is fully committed. But the thousands of voters in it who have some sense of decen cy left, some regard for public interests, some feeling of shame for the degrada tion of our local administration of jus tice, must be unwilling te lend them selves te the consummation of this out rage. What it Means. The review of Gen. Grant's recent as sault upon Hancock, which we republish from an organ of the soldiers, published in New Yerk, is temperate and sensible. But since the events occurring in the West, the purpose of the Grant assault is very manifest. Immediately after Garfield's nomination it was an open secret that the Grant people entertained no hope whatever of his success, and that from his defeat they expected his party te reap a lessen that would dictate the necessity of Grant's nomination in 1881. This was unmistakably their plan of ac tion until the recent conference at Men Men eor, when Cameren and Colliding and ether stalwarts unquestionably met and made a bargain with Garfield who isjust the sort of a man te be scared into the sort of bargain they would desire. Then out comes the G rant-Fowler interview te apprise his followers what was in the wind and that he was as well assured of the succession by supporting Garfield as by maintaining the lukcwarniness in which his stalwart supporters abode. "It is well thai the bargain new stands revealed and that honest Republicans knew Unit in voting for Garfield they vote for tiie old Grant rejitur. They ac cept net only the weakness and wicked ness of their immediate candidate, but they risk all that they thought they had defeated at Chicago. Third term-isni, the. imperialism of aggregated power, and the centralization of despotic politi cal rule, are threatened as plainly new in the event of Garfield's election as in Grant's had fie been the candidate. Tui:;:i: is a gieat deal of force in the suggestion of Mr. English that in In diana in November his party will en counter net the entire Republican party of the country, but only of Indiana, which it lias often met and vanquished. Yesterday en a parlor car which passed through this city were some of the Re publican chiefs who had lieen in command of the forces out there, and a few hours later came along several car leads of negrees from the slums of eastern cities, howling themselves hearse for " Perter,'" with vivid memories of the work they had been employed te de. This incident illustrates the conglomerate influences that were arrayed against the Democracy of Indiana last Tues day. The concentration of all their efforts in a single slate, the im mense collection and disbursement of money wrung from office-helders.and the importation of repeaters, can net be re peated with like effect in November. Indiana may take care of herself te bet ter purpose, and with a hopeful contest waging in doubtful states, the certain Democratic electoral votes will be se cured. Tin: Republicans' claim et the control of the next Heuse is very untimely. They have net gained enough yet te give them this control by any means, while there are quilea number of districts in states yet te vote in which they may lese part if net all of their gains. In the state of Penn sylvania Speer is likely te beat Fisher, Mosgrove will defeat Harry "White and Curtin is sure te be elected. These three will be gams, while in the Erie, the Mer cer and the Lycoming districts arc wag ing hopeful Democratic contests. In New Yerk there are very certain te be Democratic gains, and in ether stales the party is in admirable condition te gain members without incurring losses. m m The deliverance of the Democratic leaders in Indiana has the ring of the true metal about it, and will send the warm bleed of courage coursing through the veins of loyal Democrats all ever the county. Temporarily repulsed, they are by no means cast down, knowing full well as they de the causes that have effected this unlooked-for reverse, which cannot be brought te bear in the contest next month. Indiana will be re deemed by the vigorous fight that will be kept up there until the polls close ; the Democracy of the country, tee, have already get their second breath and the outcome of November's battle will nobly vindicate their title te the designa tion they have ever worn the unterri-fied. "While ether local politicians en Tues day night were eagerly waiting for the returns from Indiana, and noting their 1 effect upon their friends of the earth, earthy, the highly favored and rhap rhap eodical editor of the Inquirer seems te have had glimpses of the ether world, and in an editorial which we hasten te reprint, he pictures "Wade and Morten in the position of being entirely divorced from all attention te heavenly pursuits, and eagerly waiting te get the election returns. It is a beautiful picture by a beautiful artist. PERSONAL. Blaine is en bis way home te Maine, sick. The places in Pennsylvania that wcre te knew him are net likely te. Secretary Evabts's twin sons, one of whom is at Yale and the ether at Harvard, gave a dinner in New Haven en Monday, te celebrate their twenty-first birthday. "When Miss Alice Liddell the origi nal "Alice in "Wonderland" was married the ether day, she were among her erna ments a horseshoe of pearls, the gift of Prince Leepold. The following officers of the Society for the Advancement of Women were chosen for the ensuing year at Bosten yesterday : President, Julia Wakd Howe ; Vice President, Abby W. May ; Secretary, Mrs. Kate Gannett Wells; Treasurer, Mrs. Henry L. S. Walcott ; Auditors. Eliza K. Churchill, E. M. O'Connor; Directors, Sephia C. Heffman, Alice E. Fletcher, Anna C. Brackctt, Pheibe M. Kindall, Dr. Mary J. Safford, Mary A. Livermerc, Mary F. Eastman, Lita Barny - Saylcs, Ruth Denisen. MINOR TOPICS. Tins is the latest Republican paradox The less of a Republican state like Maine signifies nothing for next month, but the less of a Democratic state like Indiana sig nifies everything. It erhl. Rktl'KNs from all the counties in Indi ana except Ripley give Perter 0.834 plur ality. Ripley county gave a Democratic majority in 1870 of 225. Full returns from the Fifth congressional district give C. C. Matseu. Democrat, 881 majority. This makes the congressional delegation eight Republicans and five Democrats. Pail Jexns, after the Ben Hemme Richard had been nearly shot te pieces by the Scrapis and her consort, was hailed by the British commander through the smoke te learn if she had struck. Paul Jenes made answer, " We have net yet begun our part of the fighting !'' This seems te be the the temper of the Democrats of In diana. " Let us encourage the harmony and generous rivalry among our own industries which will revive our languishing mer chant marine, extend our commerce with foreign nations, assist our merchants, manufacturers and producers te develop our vast natural resources and increase the prosperity and happiness of our people." Gen. 1 Tan cod:' Letter of Acceptance. "A si:i)i'Lers and scrupulous care of the public credit, together with a wise and economical management of our govern mental expenditures, should be maintained, in order that labor may be lightly bur dened and that all persons may be pro tected in their i ights te the fruits of their own industry. The time has conie te en joy the substantial benefits of reconcilia tion. As one people wc have common in terests." Gen. JTdncecI.'.t Letter of Ac ceptance. Oxe thousand mere votes were cast in Columbus, Ohie, than the census shows there were male inhabitants ever the age of twenty-one years, which clearly shows that Republican repeaters get in their work te much gi cater extent in that city than was at first supposed. An estimate from official returns received fiem twenty counties shows that the Ohie Democracy polled last Tuesday 30,000 mere votes than at any previous election. Thousands of Democratic werkiugmen who w:ere bulldozed by their Republican employers te vote the Republican ticket will vole for Hancock in November. TUB XEXT CONGRESS. A Democratic Vlrw of tlie Outlook for I'm ty Control. A Washington special dispatch te the Fun says: "The Republicans at congres sional headquarters arc se elated by their recent successes that they arc claiming both houses of Congress. The Senate, they say, will be a tic, but practically Re publican through Arthur's casting vote. In order te accomplish this, however, they must, in addition te carrying the country, defeat both Randelph hi New Jersey, Eaten in Connecticut, and Wallace in Pennsylvania, which they have net yet done. They de net take into account eitliSr the probable election of Fair in Nevada, which will give the Senate te the Democrats by one majeiity if all their claims should be admitted. A liberal estimate of their chances in the Heuse fails also te carry out their claims in respect te that branch of Congress. They have new 132 members, and need fifteen mere te make a majority. They estimate for this gain as fellows : One from Oregon, six from Ohie and two from Indiana. They claim also two from Iowa, the two Green back districts. Weaver's and Gillette's. These they will probably have. In addi tion, they expect one from Tennessee, Tayler's, and two from Virginia, and they hope for one from Flerida and one from Pennsylvania, Wright's, and one from Wisconsin, Deustcr's. They are sure of none of these, however. Tayler has the same problem that he had lour years age, when he had 700 majority, and Congress man Atkins writes here that net only will Tayler be re-elected, but that 1 Ionic, the present Republican member, will prob ably be defeated. Acklcn. Senater-elect Gibsen says, will net succeed by his belt in compassing the election of a Republican. A liberal estimate gives them only a gain of ten, which" will leave them five short of a majority. On the ether hand they will probably lese the Detroit and Saginaw Newbury's and Harris's) districts, in Michigan ; White's and Fisher's in Penn sylvania, and Einstein's and Bailey's, in New Yerk, a total of eight, leaving them a net gain of two. This is lower than the estimate made by the Democratic com mittee. Uriest Was Tliere te Hear. Lancaster Weakly Inquirer. When the Spirits of Light last Tuesday night wafted the glad tidings en high, at the " heavenly portals they met two spectral forms peering anxiously, eager ly, out into the unfathomable depths of space, tcrrestrialwards. And when the joyous words were spoken, the one whisper ed " Ever Faithful Ohie," the ether gave reply "Redeemed Indiana," and Ben Wade and Oliver P. Morten embraced in the spirit world. Indiana. Fer the IaTKLLieEjrcEB. If it be asked by what means the elec tion was carried in Indiana, the answer is money and marshals. If the one hundred thousand office-holders contributed en an average twenty dol lars each, we have the enormous sum of two millions with which te buy voters in the state and te import them from ether states. That this was dene is scarcely questioned by any one. Marshals pro tected illegal voters at the polls. Repub licans, under instructions from unprinci pled partisan leaders, encouraged and supported such voters. Other despicable means were employed, such as false appeals te business men and bitter denunciation of the Southern pee pie. New when wc consider the wicked ness of such methods in carrying elections is it net strange that men of intelligence and professed Christian character give their support te a party which employs them? But amid the reckless reign of party spirit, we still have men whose sense of right and justice rises above it. An esteemed pastor of a large church said te me a few days age, ' I can no longer vote the Republican ticket." He felt con strained te bear testimony against a party which employed methods utterly disre garding truth, honesty, patriotism and Christian principles. New if the people in this country could divest themselves of party prejudice and give their votes accord ing te the manifest claims of truth and duty, who can doubt that the Republican party would be overwhelmingly defeated in November next. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. Mrs. Martha Cooper, a widow, drowned herself in Warwick, R. I., Thursday, te avoid removal te the poerhousc. Three thousand five hundred .square miles of timber were sold at Quebec yes terday for 8300,000, the largest sale of tim ber limits that ever took place in Canada. The water in James river is se low that the city of Richmond, Va.,. is threatened with a water famine. The two reservoirs are almost dry. Several large industries have suspended operations. While taking a girl te a dance near the town of Kane, Greene county, 111., Thurs day night, James Shirley was shot dead by Matt Munday, who also fired at the girl and then fled. At last accounts he had net been captured. A bricklayer's scaffold, containing a number et workmen, lell at bixty-scceud street and Baltimore avenue, Angera, at 10 ocleck yesterday morning Henry Smith, colored, 32 years old, of Talbot county, Md., was instantly killed, and William Cellins, of Angera, and Themas Heeper, of Media, were seriously hurt and were taken home. Belinda Cenkliug, a young woman living near Hainsvillc, js. J., was going through a field in which a Ilamblcionien horse was kept, when in some maimer she pre veked the animal and it ran at her, threw ing her te the "round and kicking her te death trampling upon her body and mang ling it shockingly. She was found in a dying condition. The horse is a valuable animal belonging te the young woman's father. Yesterday was the fifth day of the Balti mere celebration and the last or the pa rades. Yesterday's proccssiei comprised the Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias, Knights of the Gelden Eagle, American Mechanics, Hcptasephs, etc., and the dis play was very attractive. Te-day there will be a precession of steamers and tugs in the harbor. The celebration will net close finally until Tuesday evening, when there will be a grand illuiuiualieu at night in honor of the surrender of Yoik Yeik Yoik tewn. STATE ITEMS. Michael Mullen, of Baldwin township, Allegheny county, committed suicide by cutting his threat. A six-year old girl named Dunn was in stantly killed by the cars at. Jehnsen's station en the Allegheny railroad. David M. Johnsten, of Vernen, (.'raw ford county, who is insane, has strayed away from home and cannot be found. Henry Weiss, aged forty years, while at work in a coal shaft at Pittston, was in stantly killed by a fall of twenty tens of reef coal. He leaves a widow and four children. Mary Stcinbaugh and William Ciump. victims efthc railroad disaster en Satur day night, died at the Western Pennsyl vania hospital last night. These make thirty deaths up te the present time. Jehn Stimpson, sixteen years of age, ihe only son of a wealthy farmer, was fatally gored by a Jersey bull at the Stimpson farm, near Carbendalc. Stimpson was trying te put the bull into a stail, and the animal turned upon him, lacerating his face and head beyond recognition. His death was instantaneous. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. Proceedings of the Convention In Sew nik Yesterday. In the Heuse of Deputies of the P. E. convention the committee en constitution::! amendments reported en a resolution previously offered, that it was inexpedient te change the period of meeting of this convention from three te five years. The report was adopted and the commit tee discharged. The committee en prayer books having considered the memorial en the revision of the book of comities re ferred te them, reported adversely te the petition and were discharged. Rev. Dr. Buel, of North Carolina, called up the res olution which originated at a previous con vention in the Heuse of Bishops, the sub ject matter of which had been before the Episcopal church for upwards of thiiiy years. The resolution calls for the insertion in the litany after supplication " te illumin ate all bishops, priests and deacons," etc., and response thereto, supplication " that it may please Thee, O Lern of Harvest, te send forth laborers into thy harvest, ' and the response, " We beseech Thee te hear us, geed Lord." Dr. Buel made a lengthy speech in favor of the adoption efthc resolution,and upon concluding his remarks the subject was referred te the committee en prayer books. The committee en canons reported ad versely te the memorial presented by the delegation from Alabama, petitioning that the canon be amended se as te establish an appellate court te which may be appealed cases of clergymen who have been tried by a diocese court for any cause arising after marriage, but this canon shall net be held te apply te an innocent party in divorce for cause of adultery or te parties once di vorced seeking te be united again. Unqualified Satisfaction. Leu istewu Democrat and Sentinel. By every editor and every lawyer, and mere particularly by these who combine both professions, the decision of the higher court is received with unqualified satisfac tion. Ne class of people should be mere free from partisanship or political bias than the judges of tne courts, and justice would lie certain te suffer should weak or wicked men clothed in the ermine be protected from honest public criticism. The rebuke meted out te the Lancaster county judge in the opinion of Judge Sharswood was de served, and its effect will be salutary. JUDGE SHARSWOOlS OPINION. The Duties it Imposes en Lawyers. Easten Free Press. The decision is a just one, and Judge Sharswood made it the occasion for impos ing a very grave responsibility en lawyers, who are sworn officers of the court. This decision will cut the combs of various judges whose elevation te the bench has given them the notion of their almost ab solute power, se that in tee many instances they become unduly puffed up by the pos session of the little brief authority, rather than impressed by the solemn character of the grave importance of their function. If the judge is partisan or corrupt, both or cither, it is the right and duty of the law yers te expose him te the people, whose votes nave elected him. The only way in which the lawyers can de this effectually is through the newspapers, and this gives the people through tne press an additional de fense against the abuse of office en the part of judges. The recognized medium between all public matters and the people te be in formed concerning them is the newspaper press. Under this decision judges can be just as freely criticised, where their con duct is open te suspicion of partisanship or corruption, as any ether public official. The notion that any peculiar exemption from accountability is connected with the office of judge is new happily exploded forever in Pennsylvania, as it has been since the ling exposures in New Yerk city, in Ncvv Yerk state. A judge differs only from any ether public official in that his office requires mero from the individual filling it and carries with its accept ance greater responsibilities. The rev erence for the office of judge is prop erly te profound among all intelli gent people who understand its rela tions te the happiness and wefare of the community, that any criticism of a judge that would tend te lower the respect of the public for the impartiality of a court of justice or destroy public confidence in the personal integrity of an incumbent, would be unfortunate and indecent if the offense complained were trivial. Public policy demands that suitors shall net go into court confident that they shall win their cases en account of the influence of their lawyers with the iudffc. en account of a dislike of the opposing lawyers by the judge, or of politics, or of any ether cause net connected with the merits efthc contre versy. It is for the welfare of all concerned that a judge shall be trusted in his high position, and rather than upset his trust, little things that offend and can be ascribed te individual peculiarities en the part efthc judges should be passed by without being made the basis et any public scandal. A public scandal that affects a presiding judjre is a public calamity. But for seri eus and repeated offenses of partisanship or corruption, a judge s office affords no mere protection than a constable's. These, Judge Sharswood and the Pennsylvania supreme court say, it is the right and duty of lawyers te expose te the people, and of course the lawyers must use the newspa pers. Wc take it that the kind of partisanship against which the supreme court inveighs, and which should be exposed te the people, includes in its features that of managing and bestewinjr the patronage of the court se as te fatten favorites and politicians and keep a particular political party in power. The offence, under the notorious name of the ' Gratz system" of appointing audi audi teis, receivers, commissioners and masters in chancery, brought some of the courts of .New erk city, a lew years age, into just, intense and damaging public contempt. Wc presume that any similar offence dis covered m development under any el our Pennsylvania judges would excite similar contempt, and tiie press would be compelled te the painful duty of holding the guilty judges up the fccern and contempt of the community and demanding their im mediate resignation. As the target of the general reprobation of the citizens of a judicial district, en grounds et partisanship sufficient te meet the utterance of the supreme court and fairly stated, anyjudge would have te answer the demand for his retirement or suffer impeachment that would secure removal by the Legislature. Thcsupicmc court has imposed a great burden en the tender and sensitive con sciences of the lawyers throughout the commonwealth, by its use of the word partisanship. This burden will only be thrown off when the records of judicial ap pointments have been examined, and the discovery made that the judicial office has net been used se as te incur blame for that kind of partisanship which should be ex posed. We believe that Judge Shar&v.oed's new principle as" te the rights and duties of lawyers is a sound one, and all geed citi zens will rejoice in and be benefitted byits general application. The rights, privileges and immunities of lawyers have long been understood ; but a definition of their duties smacks ei genuine novelty. I1ANC(:.U ON 1U TAItll'I''. A l.ctler for tim Business Peri list s ' te Rcutl. General Hancock has written a letter te cx-Govcmer Randelph, of New Jeiscy, iu regard te the interview published in the Paterseu Guardian : Govnnxen's Island, N. Y., October 12, 1SS0. My Dear Governer: I have re ceived your favor of the 11th inst. In my letter of acceptance I expressed my full sympathy with our American in dustries. 1 thought I spoke plainly enough te satisfy our Jersey friends rc- gaiding my tarili views, lam tee sound an American te advocate any departure fiem the general features of a policy that has been largely instiumcntal in building up our industries and keep ing Americans from the competition of the under-paid labor of Europe. If wc intend te remain honest and pay the public debt, as geed people of all par ties de, and if we mean te administer the function efthc government, then wc must raise revenue in some way or ether. With a reunited and harmonious country wc shall certainly in time pay off the public debt, but the necessity of raising money for the administration of the government will continue as long as human nature lasts. All parlies agree that the best way for us te raise reveuue is largely by the tariff. Se far as we are concerned, therefore, all talk about "free trade" is felly. But the tariff question will probably be treated with justice te all our interests and people by some such bill as Eaten's. I believe that a commission of intelligent experts, representing both the government and the American industries, will suggest the tariff measures that will relieve us of any crudi ties and inconsistencies existing in our present laws and confirm te us the system which will be judicious, just, harmonious and iucincntallypielcctivcaswcllas stable in its effect. I am. very truly yours, WixFir.LT S. Hancock. Hen. Thee. Randelph. Morristown, New Jersey. Suveit Persons Killed. A ten ible explosion occurred last even ing at the Garden City distillery compa ny's works, corner of Clybourn avenue and 3Iergan street, Chicago, killing seven persons and severely injuring four ethers. The experiment was being tried of a new steaming process. The corn was put whole into a mammoth kettle sixteen feet and steamed. Then a strong pres sure of steam was applied te force it through pipes into a mash tub. The pipe became choked up, stepping the passage of the swollen corn and instantly increased tne pressure . in the kettle. A terrific explosion followed, blowing the reef of the building clear off and killing outright or burying beneath the fallen timbers, scalding corn, and debris' ten men and one woman who happened te be in that part of the distillery. Andrew Daly, Jacob Kakaska" and a man called Sandy, whose bodies have been recovered, were killed outright. Jeseph Huseck, Mrs. Huseck, Frank Trainer and Jehn Daly, arc still buried in the ruins. Gcerge Schaffer has been taken out fatally injured about the head. The ethers injured wcre Edward Kinman, scalded and badly bruised about the head ; Henry Fisher, scalded and cut, and Henry Zumfelde, severely injured. ONE REPORTER'S PLUM. A State Official In llanger. Pittsburg Telegraph. Fer some time past there has been a steadily growing dissatisfaction among the lawyers of this end of the state with the manner in which the supreme court re porter, Mr. A. Wilsen Norris, has elected te transact his business. The burden of the complaint is that he never attends the sessions of the supreme court in this city, and that for that reason the business of his office is net properly attended te. Leading members of the bar say that this dissatisfaction has spread te the supreme bench. It is charged that Mr. .Norris rarely deigns te give the light of his presence te the sessions of the court iu any place outside of Philadel phia, where he has his residence. It ap pears that the court cannot control his ac tions unless by proceeding te extremities. In view of the attitude of the bar here and elsewhere upon this question a succinct history of the ofnee and its emoluments will net be uninteresting. The office of state reporter was created by an act of the Assembly of April 11th, 1845, and it has always been regarded as one of the most comfortable positions in the state. The governor has the absolute power of appointment, and the reporter's term of office is fixed at five years. The incumbent, under the previsions of the act, must be a member et" the bar, and is required te give a bend, with two sureties, that he will discharge his duties with cor rectness, impartiality and fidelity. He is entitled te the copyright of his reports, two volumes of which he may publish each year, and sell at the rate of $4.50 per volume. In addition he receives 50 cents for each writ of error, and a like sum for each writ of certiorari brought into the supreme court. It is estimated that the profits of his office amount te fully $10,000 yearly. The sixth section of the act creating the office of state reporter provides that the governor may at any time remove the said reporter, for incempetency, or for failing in the discharge of his official duties, en the addresses of the judges of the supreme court made te him in writing, and he shall have power te till any vacancy which may occur by death, by an appointment of a reporter te continue for the unexpired term of office, and subject te all the pro pre visions of the act, and its various supple ments. Members of the bar of this county say that when Mr. Norris was first appointed he came here regularly, and his reports gave general satisfaction. It has net been distinctly charged that his latter reports have been unsatisfactory, but the disposi tion te make such a charge has been mere strongly manifested during the present session of the supreme court here than at any previous time. It should net be un derstood that the reperter has entirely neglected his duties here. During the present session of the court he has been represented by a young man who has come te be known as his assistant. It is claimed that in thus committing his business te a subordinate the jHOvisien of the act which requires the reports te be made by a person learned in the law has been violated, and that thus far at least Mr. Norris has faiicd in the per formance of his duty. The demand that there shall be a change in the present sys tem of reporting the business of the su preme court may net be dismissed lightly ; for while the lawyers who arc complaining declare that they have no wish te jcpordize Mr. Norris's position, they arc determined te pursue their effort te have the reports made in the manner and by the person designated by the acts of Assembly. With the price fixed by law upon each volume of the reports the present reporter has, of course, nothing te de, save the col lection of his money. Members efthc bar, however, say that $4.50 for each book is excessive. It is estimated that the total cost of each volume te te the reporter is about $1.23. The New Yerk reports arc sent te subscribers in this state for $1.-50 per volume, it is said, while the members efthc bar within the .state arc supplied with the books at a cost of about 83 cents. It is net known that the supreme court has dctciniined te make formal complaint against Mr. Nonis, but Ihe agitation here is serious enough te give him cause for anxiety. VS:SKLS ATSl.'A. The Story el Tn e Recent Wrecks In the Juir of .Mexico. The Havana steamship Saratoga, which arrived at New Yerk yesterday, brought among her passengcis twenty-three ship wrecked sailors eleven Germans and twelve Swedes of the barks Gungncr and J. F. Maun, which were wrecked off Tenola Mexico. September 10. Among them were Capt. Williams, efthc J.F.Maun.and First Officer Lnnde, of the Gungncr. They were taken in charge by the Swedish and Gcr mah consuls of that cKy. Second Officer Thennessen, who was found at Ne. 0 Car lisle street, gave an account of the less el the hwedish bark. 1 he uungner was owned iu Pesgrand, Norway. She left that pert in June, in ballast for Ton Ten ola, Mexico, where she was te take a cargo of mahogany for Falmouth, England. She arrived at Tenola Sept. 4. The harbor of that pert does net admit vessels of a draft greater than the ilat-botteincd lighters and small craft used in the local trade, and the Gungncr had her cargo cf mahogany float ed alongside about a mile outside the har bor entrance. On Sept. 10 about one-half her lead had been en beard, when a gale sprang up. By nightfall the gale had increased te the violence of a tor nado, and it became necessary te give the bark all her cable and let go both her an chors. The cargo adrift alongside was quickly beached, and it required the utmost exertions of the crew te prevent the bark going ashore in the night. The next morn ing the wind seemed te have increased in force, and it was found that the bark was dragging both her anchors and would he stranded unless lightened. Captain Elt vedt caused the masts te be cut away, and this for a time seemed te relieve the strain upon the cables. At neon, however, the gale had net abated, and the starboard cable parted. The bark immediately began te drag the remaining anchor, and between four and six o'clock in the after noon she struck en the beach. The sea, which had been constantly breaking ever her. threatened at this time te wash all the hands from the deck and rigging. The surf was running very high, and rendered it almost certain death for any of them te reach the shore in the night. Fer nearly twelve hours the crew clung te the rig gng In the night the German bark J. F. Maun, which at the beginning of the gale lay a short distance from the Gunger, also parted her cables, and was at daylight seen by the crew of the Gunger further en shore, broadside te the sea, which was beating ever her and was driving her upon the beach. By 10 a. m. the wind abated, though the surf was still heavy, and an at tempt was made te reach the shore. This was accomplished with considerable diffi culty and. danger, although no members of either crew were lest. The Maun kept working ashore until she lay half out of the water and was badly broken in the hull by the force of the snrf. On the even ing of September 11 the wind and sea went down, leaving both vessels high and dry en the sand. The officers and crews se cured such eftheir effects as had net been washed out of the vessels with the cargoes, and abandoned them. Frem Tenola they were taken te Vera Cruz in the British ship Fibre, and thence te Havana. INDIANA. A Leader Who Never Retreats An Army Which Never Surrenders. The Democratic executive committee of Indiana have issued the following ad dress : Te the Democratic and Independent Voters of Indiana : The result of the election last Tuesday is a deep disappointment te us all. The extent of the success which the Republi can party has achieved in this state is as much a surprise te the Republicans as it is te the Democrats, and proves that the ma jority efthc Republican party were as ig norant of the means which their corrupt leaders were employing as we "were. The temporary less of our state is a calamity that time will enable us te retrieve, but the injury which our free institutions will sustain, re sulting ;from the frauds and corruption practiced by the Republican leaders te se cure their triumph, is incalculable. The causes which enabled the Republican party te succeed in the election are new plain the partial success of their scheme te Africanize our state for political pur poses, the corrupt use of money for the purpose of obtaining votes, the importa tion and use of repeaters, protected by deputy marshals, and the aid derived by them from the use of the federal ma chinery of elections under the pretence of supervising the election of members of Congress. In the presidential election we will net have te encounter these forces te the same extent as in our state elections. The corruption fund will have te be di vided among many states ; their repeaters will be at home, and these of them who were discharged from arrest of deputy marshals en straw bail will net be likely te make their appcarance in our state seen again. Wc shall have no federal marshals or federal machinery te contend against. Wc arc thoroughly united in our coun sels. Whatever our adversaries may say te the contrary is untrue. We therefore call upon yen net te relax any of your ef forts. Put new life and energy into your county and township organizations, and take all measures in your power te bring out your full strength te the polls. The same vote polled by us in October, if polled in November, will secure te us the state. The average majority against us at the late election will net exceed 4,000, and may fall below that figure. This ma jority can, and in our opinion will, be overcome in the presidential election. A change of three votes in each precinct will accomplish it. Remember, you have a leader in this contest who never sounds a retreat, and he commands an army that never surrenders. W.r. II. English, T. A. Hendkicks, J. E. McDonald, Fhanklin Landed, Wm. Fleming, J. M. Cropsey," O. O. Stealey, Executive committee. James II. Rice, Secretary. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Passed Tnreusli. Yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock a party of distinguished Republican poli ticians, recently en duty in Indiana, parsed through this city en their way te New Yerk. Among them were Jehn C. New, chairman of the Indiana state committee ; cx-Scnater S. W. Dersey, of Arkansas; Chaunccy I. Fillcy, of Missouri, and Gee. C. Gnrham. Iu response te calls upon them by a number of local politicians, they .stepped upon the platform of the car, while the train was in the depot and made brief speeches, rejoicing in the prospects of a solid North against the solid Seuth. Cameren was called for but did net respond. A party of about 200 Republican repeat ers passed through this morning, some of whom allege that they had voted as often as 20 times in Indiana and Ohie. There was ene car-lead of negre repeaters from Philadelphia and Delaware. SaloefKeal Estate. Henry Shubcrt, auctioneer and real estate agent, sold at public sale October l., at the Leepard hotel. The property bclengiuii te the estate of Henry Steigcr walt deceased situated en the cast side of Seuth Queen street, Ne. '!Co,te Gee. Hilkc, for $1,5!)(J. Hcrr and Stauffcr, real estate and insur ance agents, have sold at private sale the dwelling Ne. 28 North Lime street, belong ing H. A. Wade, of Elizabcthtewn. te Miss Ann Catherine Wiley for $4,100. Meeting at Washington. The Democratic meeting at Washington borough last evening was very large. The borough clubunifermed turned out and they wcre headed by the Prospect band of Yerk county, and the precession was a very fins one. Gee. Dccg was chosen president of the meeting, which was addressed at length by G. W. Barten, esq., of Philadelphia, and Jehn A. Ceylc, esq., of this city. In the audience there was a great many ladies who manifested much interests. Races at the Park. On Saluiday. November Cth, there will be two races for Lancaster county horses at the park. The first will be a trot for horses that have no better record than 2 :.".. Premium, $.10, $23 te first, $13 te second and $10 te third. The pacing race is open te all county horses, and the pre mium is $50, divided as in the trotting race. The entries close at the Black Herse hotel, November 4th. Thieves In Mount Jey. On Tuesday night R. T. Plummer's hotel, in Mount Jey, was robbed of a seal skin cap, blanket shawl and seme men's clothing, it is supposed by a fellow "who was selling toothpicks in town and put up at the hotel for the night. The things were thrown out of the window and car ried by an accomplice. The parties were traced te Marietta, where attempts were made te sell some efthc stolen goods. (Jrarter Sessions Court. On Monday the October term of ad journed quarter sessions court will com mence. There are GO cases down en the list for trial and among them are the fol fel fol eowing: Lewis Sewers, mnrlcr; J. Milten AUshler, violating election laws ; Win wit lich ct nl. violating fish laws. The Gunnins Scaen. A great many sportsmen from this city were out gunning yesterday and some of them returned with plenty of game, in cluding partridges and rabbits. Others did net get anything and some of them saw nothing te sheet at. Most of them say that the weather is tee warm as yet. IMtten by a Dee;. A ten-year-old girl named Margie Mc Donald, residing en Middle street, was badly bitten in the calf of the leg this morn ing by a deg. Dr. Wcsthaeffcr dressed the wound. Fourth Ward Ball. Last evening the Fourth ward Hancock club held their ball in Rethweiler's hall. The attendance was very large and the affair was a financial success. THR MIX KIOT. Jesse Nye Ceaualttea ler Drunken and Dis orderly Conduct. Last evening Jesse Nye had a hearing before Alderman Barr te answer a com plaint of assault and battery preferred by Frank Deman, and of drunkcu and disor derly conduct preferred by Geerge F. Mil ler. The complaint of assault was dis missed, there being no evidence te sustain it. In support of the charge of drunken and disorderly conduct a great number of witnesses were examined and there was a geed deal of conflicting testimony. On the part of the commonwealth David Evans, W. R. F. Wilsen. C.H. Campbell, Captain E. McMellan, W. S. Bums, Jehn L. Killingcr, Frank Deman, Adam Pentz, Parker Sbay, Geerge F. Miller, Henry Hardy, Peter Vatter, and Willis B. Musscr, swore that Nye was drunk and disorderly ; that he interferrcd with the Republican' proccssieu, en Friday night, the 8th inst. at different points along the line ; first at Seuth Queen and Vine strccts,and-again in the neighborhood of West King and Maner; that he waved a flag, and hurrahed for Hancock; that he ran into the line of narade and jostled the men, applying te them the most offensive epithets ; that he evidently wanted te raise a disturbance. Capt. Mc Mcllen testified that some one caught his herse by the head and tried te step the parade, and David Evans testified that the man who did se was Nye. Fer the defense, Jesse Nye was called and swore that he committed none of the offenses charged against him, except that be waved his flag and hurrahed for Han cock ; he denied that he was drunk, but admitted that he had been drinking. C. A. Oblendcr, Jehn Herzeg, Jehn Kurtz, Mrs. Ann 31. Sheid, Mrs. H. Swenk, Samuel Musselman, Jehn Frick, narry Shantz, all testified te Nye's geed charac ter, and that they saw him hurrahing for Hancock, but did net see him in any way interfere with the line of parade, and from their positions they thought they would have seen him had he done se ; he was noisy, but from his action and appcarance they would net be willing te swear that he was drunk. There was much hurrahing and bad language used both by men en the sidewalk and men in line. J. L. Stcinmctz, esq., represented Mr. Nye and Ed. K. Martin, esq., the prosecu tion, both of whom made able speeches. Alderman Barr said the case of drunken and disorderly conduct had been made out. Nye's conduct was such as might have led te a disastrous fight,and as a deserved pun ishment and warning te ethers he would punish him te the full extent efthc law 30 days confinement at hard labor in the Lancaster county prison. The cases of several 0111618 accused of in terfering with the Republican precession will lie heard en Monday evening. UNDAVNTEI DEMOCRATS. Rail) ins nt "LHnz In Geed Ferce and tioetl Spirits. The Democracy of Litilz and vicinity held a geed meeting at the Lititz Springs hotel last evening. The Manheim club upon their arrival were escorted through the village and made a fine show. There wcre individuals and delegations present from all the country around about and, by the time the meeting organized the assem blage was large and enthusiastic. Among all the Democrats there was but ene opin ion, that as the adverse result in Maine stirred the Republicans te fresh and suc cessful exertions, se the Indiana election would euly arouse the Democracy of the Union te the necessity of earnest work te elect their candidate, whose success is well assured in this event, since New Yerk, New Jersey and Connecticut are altogether safe for him, and " that settles it." The meeting was organized with the fol lowing officers : President Isaac F. Bembcrgcr. Vice Presidents Dr. I. II. Shank, Hiram Kline. Chas. R. Kryder, Benj. Workman, Michael Bair, Samuel Bembcrgcr, Jesse Panucpackcr, sr., Jnsiah Suavely, Jehn Bender. Secretaries II. C. Hull, L. B. Studcn Studcn reth, Chas. Hackma'i, Milten Hallachcr, F. B. Buch. D. McMulIen and B. F. Davis, csqs., addressed the audience forcibly and at length en the issues of the day. They were attentively listened te and warmly applauded The Field Club. On Monday afternoon the formal open ing games of the Field club will take place at McG rami's park, where for several weeks past a force of twenty-five workmen have been engaged in putting into proper condition the space secured by the club for its sports. The grounds have been thor oughly fitted up and supplied with a full equipment of out-deer games, and the club management anticipate a successful field day. The Harrisburg club has been invited te participate in the exercises and is expected te be represented en the occa sion. It is particularly dcsirctl that these persons who have net yet responded te the invitation te connect with the club shall give the matter their early attention, and a full turnout of the club membership is looked for en Monday. Mrs. Reller's Death. Mrs. Buller, who was killed by the cars at Scheck's Mil Is yesterday, was the wife of Geerge Buller and was 65 years of age. The body was horribly mangled, the head crushed te pieccs,and parts of the deceased were scattered along the track. Deputy Corener J. R. Windelpb was summoned te the scene of the accident, and after swearing in the requisite number of jurors, a verdict was rendered "that the deceased came te her death by being run ever by the cars." In Town. Rev. Geerge Robinson, former pastor of the Presbyterian church of this city, and new chaplain in the United States army, stationed at Fert Buferd, is in town, spend ing his vacation, the tniest of Dr. Elder. Te Rev. Robinson mere than any ether single individual the establishment of the mission chapel is due, and his many friends will no doubt turn out in force te receive him at the chapel te-morrow evening at 7:15 when he will occupy the pulpit for Mr. Humes, the pastor. Large Meeting at ISewinansville. . A large and enthusiastic Democratic meeting was held at Bowmansville last evening. There was an immense torch light precession and people were present from all parts in the northern end of the county. A large number from Berks county, including many horsemen were there. W. R. Wilsen and W. II. Reland, csqs., of this city, and n. N. Mehlcr, esq., of Ephrata, made stirring speeches and J. G. Garman, esq., of Rcamstewn, addressed the meeting in German. There was plenty of music and great enthusiasm. Lancaster Prize Dantanis. At the Burlington county fair, Mtllelly, N. J., Lancaster was represented among the exhibits by six pens of Chas E. Leng's fine bantam fowls. They returned te-day in geed condition, and Sir. Leng has been advised by the superintendent of the poul try department that he has been awarded with strong competition five first class pre miums, yielding quite a handsome sum iu cash. m Hancock Apples. Israel Kern, of Caernarvon, sends us some specimen apples the bloom and beau ty of which have net been marred by the early Indiana frosts. The apple crop of this year is unusaliy fine, and we have seen many geed specimens of this greatest of American fruits, but Mr. Kern's sam ples " take the rag off the bash."